Dynamite – July 10, 2024: When They Do Their Thing

Date: July 10, 2024
Location: Calgary Stampede Grounds, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Commentators: Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, Nigel McGuinness

It’s a big night here as we have the Owen Hart Foundation tournament finals for both the men and the women, which will give us two major All In matches. Other than that, Chris Jericho is facing Samoa Joe in a street fight. Finally, we have two weeks to go before Blood & Guts and the match could use some more build. Let’s get to it.

Here is Collision if you need a recap.

We open with a recap of MJF’s explanation for turning on Daniel Garcia last week. Basically he doesn’t like that the fans turned their backs on him and is going to hurt everyone the fans love. That fits him well and makes sense.

Here is Will Ospreay, looking rather serious, for a chat. Ospreay has heard rumors about MJF being insecure and now that someone like Daniel Garcia came up on MJF’s popularity, MJF snapped. Garcia is at home with no feeling in his arms and there is no idea when he’ll be back in the ring. MJF blamed his ADD but Ospreay has ADHD and it doesn’t give him an excuse to be horrible.

There are a few reasons MJF isn’t happy, like the Bidding War Of 2024 didn’t go MJF’s way because Tony Khan didn’t want to spend money on someone who buried the promotion. Ospreay says he has more talent than MJF could ever have and says some people are going to cheer for MJF anyway. That’s cool with Ospreay, because the Level Of The Devil is ground floor while Ospreay is on the top of the skyscraper.

The challenge is on for a fight so MJF’s music plays but he pops up on screen, sitting in a chair instead. MJF has beaten all of these favorites before, so why should Ospreay be any different? Ospreay is a flavor of the month while MJF is the flavor of the millennium. MJF is irreplaceable but Ospreay is a dime a dozen. If you get in the ring with MJF, you will be exposed. That’s cool with MJF though, because they can have a match next week for that International Title. Works for Ospreay. Ospreay’s talking was a bit rough but they got where they needed to go.

Video on Bryan Danielson vs. Hangman Page in the Men’s Owen Hart finals.

Men’s Owen Hart Foundation Finals: Bryan Danielson vs. Hangman Page

Jeff Jarrett is special outside enforcer. Feeling out process to start until Page takes him down and hammers away. Danielson fights up and knocks him outside for the suicide dive, only to bang up his own neck on the landing. Back in and Danielson hits a missile dropkick but charges into a boot in the corner. A hard shot to the neck lets Page send him into the buckle and out to the floor as we take a break.

Back with Danielson busted open and Page stomping away while Nigel is rather pleased. Page chops away in the corner but Danielson pulls him into an armbar and then the LeBell Lock. A rope is reached in a hurry so Page put shim on top, only for Danielson to hit a release German superplex. Danielson’s swan dive misses and Page gets a crossface, sending Danielson over to the ropes.

We take another break and come back again with Page sending him into an exposed buckle. A tombstone gives Danielson two but he knocks Page outside for a springboard flip dive, with commentary saying he hasn’t done that in years. Page is right back with another piledriver, this time on the floor. Danielson makes it back in before ten so Page ribs the tape off of Danielson’s neck.

Back up and Danielson hits a running knee for a needed breather but Page flips out of a German suplex. Danielson does the same and another running knee hits the referee. Page takes off his belt and whips Danielson, which draws Jarrett in, earning him a shove down. Jarrett takes off his shirt to reveal a referee shirt (fair, as they established he was an enforcer) and counts two off Page’s Deadeye. The Buckshot Lariat to the back of the neck drops Danielson but another one is countered. Instead Page grabs a crossface with the belt and Danielson is in trouble…until he reverses into a rollup for the pin a 25:49.

Rating: A-. This took some time to get going but eventually it reached that higher level. Danielson winning was a genuine surprise, if nothing else because it happens so infrequently. They were having Danielson go all the way to the brink before fighting back for the win. I’m more than a bit surprised that Page lost as he was looking like a killer, but I’ll take this over Page vs. Swerve again.

Post match Jarrett and Martha Hart present Danielson with the title and trophy. Swerve Strickland comes out for the staredown.

Post break Swerve is still in the ring to talk about being the best in the World and he’s ready to face Bryan Danielson at All In. He’s not happy that Danielson beat him before because he likes to hold grudges. That’s for later though, because he is officially joining Team AEW for Blood & Guts. He’s ready to beat Danielson like Ospreay couldn’t before moving on to talking about the Dynasty Era. There are three people named as the top of the company, with himself, Ospreay and Kazuchika Okada. The challenge is issued for Okada, but as for Danielson, it’s his Final Countdown.

Mariah May and Willow Nightingale are ready to win the Women’s Owen Hart tournament.

We get a new Acclaimed/Billy Gunn music video mocking the Young Bucks, including them raiding the Bucks’ locker room.

Samoa Joe vs. Chris Jericho

Street fight. Joe takes Jericho’s hat and punches him through it before hitting the enziguri in the corner. Jericho slugs away but gets sent outside, where Joe hits the big suicide elbow. Back up and Jericho gets in some chair shots to take over, meaning it’s time for a bag of horseshoes.

Jericho drops him onto said horseshoes and grabs the Walls as we take a break. Back with Joe hitting Jericho with a horseshoe to break the hold and they head out into the crowd. They go into the back where Joe gets the Koquina Clutch, only to have the Learning Tree break it up. Joe is whipped with a belt and put on a forklift, which Jericho drives through a wall. The match is stopped at 12:35.

Rating: C+. Well that was certainly something, though I’m not sure what. If nothing else, it’s the latest instance of Jericho getting to look strong, which comes after last week when he got to look like a killer over all three of Joe and company (important note: commentary did say Hook and Katsuyori Shibata weren’t here to explain the lack of a save). In theory this leads to Joe or Hook coming back for revenge, but dang I could go for a break from all of the Jericho stuff for a long time.

Post break Joe is taken away in an ambulance while the Learning Tree waves goodbye.

Claudio Castagnoli vs. Pac vs. Kyle Fletcher vs. Tomohiro Ishii

The winner gets an International Title shot. It’s a brawl to start with Ishii and Castagnoli being left alone to slug it out. Ishii shoulders Castagnoli down but Pac is back in with a missile dropkick. Back up and Ishii fires off some suplexes until Castagnoli gutwrench suplexes him down. Castagnoli hits a big dive onto a pile of people as we take a break.

Back with all four pulling themselves back up, with Ishii having to fight off all three of them. Fletcher superkicks Castagnoli but gets dropped by Ishii. We get the parade of strikes to the face, including Swiss Death to Pac. Ishii and Fletcher strike it out until Fletcher hits a Tombstone for two. Castagnoli grabs the Giant Swing to Fletcher and grabs the Sharpshooter.

Pac adds a springboard elbow and puts on the Brutalizer to Fletcher, while the Sharpshooter is still on. Ishii breaks that up and hits a suplex, followed by a clothesline to Pac (who had already let go of the Brutalizer). A hard clothesline gets two on Fletcher and Castagnoli gives him the Neutralizer but Pac breaks it up. Pac German suplexes everyone and hits the Black Arrow into the Brutalizer to beat Fletcher at 11:21.

Rating: B. This was what you would expect in a modern four way, with hard hitting shots and people trying to steal pins. What matters is setting up what should be a heck of a match, with Pac being more than capable of hanging in there with anyone. Good stuff here, thankfully with Fletcher losing again, as he should.

Post match Pac says he doesn’t know what’s next for him but teases a title match at All In.

Hangman Page storms past Renee Paquette and goes to see the Young Bucks. Kazuchika Okada doesn’t want to let him in but the Bucks ask if there is anything they can do for Page. An angry Page says he’ll do it, with the Bucks approving.

Here is Mercedes Mone to celebrate her double title win. She heard Britt Baker talking about the past, present and future, which is appropriate because Mone is the best there is, the best there was and the best there ever will be. Baker is crazy to think she can beat her so it’s time for a champagne toast, only for Baker to interrupt. Baker beats up security and Mone bails in a hurry. Well that was short.

Brandon Cutler has been attacked by….Darby Allin, who calls out Jack Perry for next week.

Women’s Owen Hart Foundation Tournament Finals: Mariah May vs. Willow Nightingale

May has Luther and Toni Storm with her while Nightingale is in Owen Hart inspired gear. Feeling out process to start with the grappling not going either way. May hits a hard running dropkick and then another one to the back gets two. Back up and Nightingale hits a swinging side slam into a running basement crossbody for two of her own. May is sent outside for a big cannonball off the apron as we take a break.

We come back with May hitting a running hip attack but Nightingale runs her over again. The Sharpshooter takes too long to set up and May kicks her away, setting up a hurricanrana for two. May’s running knee strike misses and Nightingale grabs a fisherman’s buster for two of her own. Back up and the Pounce is blocked with a hard headbutt to put both of them down.

Cue someone in an old Sting shirt for a distraction, allowing Storm to grab the referee. Cue Kris Statlander to kick Nightingale in the head (it’s Stokely Hathaway in the Sting shirt) and May hits a running knee to the head for two. May’s bridging rollup gets two more but Nightingale’s lariat gets the same. The Cannonball hits May but a Death Valley Driver is countered into a victory roll to give May the pin and the tournament at 12:35.

Rating: B. Good stuff here, even if there was only so much drama to be had in the result. May vs. Storm should be a heck of a showdown and I’m glad that they didn’t have the interference cost Nightingale the match. May feels like someone who could be the next big breakout star in the division and this could be a step in that direction.

Post match May and Storm skip up to the stage….where May blasts Storm in the face with the belt. May unloads on Luther with the belt as well and kicks the bleeding Storm in the ribs. Some HARD shoe shots to the head have Storm busted open even more before even Aubrey Edwards gets shoved down. May rubs her face on Storm’s bloody head as the fans are rather impressed to end the show. Awesome stuff here as May looked like a psycho.

Overall Rating: B+. This was a very wrestling heavy show and as usual, that’s where AEW tends to shine. The tournament finals were both very good and the four way was a nice bonus. Even the street fight, which was something we’ve seen done roughly a hundred times (save for the finish) worked well enough. Throw in a heck of an ending segment and some stuff being set up for the next few weeks, plus All In, and you had a rather awesome show.

Bryan Danielson b. Hangman Page – Rollup
Chris Jericho b. Samoa Joe via referee stoppage
Pac b. Kyle Fletcher, Tomohiro Ishii and Claudio Castagnoli – Brutalizer to Fletcher
Mariah May b. Willow Nightingale – Victory roll



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Dynamite – July 3, 2024: Turn Turn Turn

Date: July 3, 2024
Location: Wintrust Arena, Chicago, Illinois
Commentators: Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, Taz

We’re done with Forbidden Door and that means it is time to start getting ready for All In next month. It’s too early to know what is going to happen on the show, but they have at least teased MJF vs. Will Ospreay. That could be addressed this week, as Ospreay defends the International Title against Daniel Garcia. Let’s get to it.

Here is Forbidden Door if you need a recap.

Daniel Garcia, described as someone becoming “the backbone of AEW”, is ready for the biggest match of his life. MJF comes in to praise him and offers to be in Garcia’s corner. Works for Garcia, as well as Matt Menard.

Men’s Owen Hart Tournament Semifinals: Pac vs. Bryan Danielson

Feeling out process to start and they go technical with an exchange of armdrags. Back up and Pac chops away in the corner, only for Danielson to moonsault over him. The running clothesline misses though and they trade crossbodies for a double knockdown. Back up and Pac kicks him to the floor for one heck of an Asai moonsault. The Brutalizer sends Danielson over to the ropes and we take a break.

Back with Danielson kicking away against the ropes and hitting the running knee off the apron. A superkick cuts Danielson off though and a springboard elbow drop gets two back inside. Pac tombstones him for two but Danielson pulls him into the LeBell Lock, sending Pac over to the ropes.

Back up and Danielson hits a running dropkick in the corner but Pac crotches him on top. The top rope superplex drops Danielson for two but the Black Arrow misses. Danielson is back with the running knee for a very delayed two, with Pac turning the cover into the Brutalizer. That’s reversed into the LeBell Lock, which is reversed into a rollup, which is reversed into a crucifix to pin Pac at 16:45.

Rating: B. I don’t think there is any surprise to this being good. These two beat the fire out of each other and it was a heck of an opener with Danielson managing to survive again. I’m not sure if he wins the whole thing, but at least he’s getting some wins rather than piling up loss after loss.

Willow Nightingale is sick of being mocked by Kris Statlander and Stokely Hathaway because they don’t understand what Smile Anyway is all about. She’s ready to fight to become the first ever two time Women’s Owen Hart Cup champion.

Here is Mark Briscoe for a chat. He isn’t scared of anything but he was so close to being the TNT Champion. Jack Perry must have had an extra bowl of Lucky Charms because he took the TNT Title at Forbidden Door. For now though it’s Shark Week and that makes him think of blood. As in Blood & Guts, so he’s on Team AEW. Cue Perry to jump Briscoe from behind, with Kazuchika Okada joining in the beating. Cue the Young Bucks, with the Acclaimed and Billy Gunn to make the save. I still have no idea what being the Ring Of Honor World Champion adds to Briscoe.

Toni Storm cradles Mariah May, who is set to face Hikaru Shida on Rampage. Storm gives her a pep talk. May does Storm’s catchphrase.

Women’s Owen Hart Tournament Semifinals: Willow Nightingale vs. Kris Statlander

The brawl starts on the stage, where Nightingale Pounces her all the way to ringside in an awesome spot. They get inside for the opening bell with Statlander knocking her into the corner as we take an early break. Back with the two of them heading to the apron to slug it out again. Statlander tries a German suplex off the apron and crashes down to the floor, allowing Nightingale to hit a big cannonball.

Back in and Statlander grabs a German suplex for two but Statlander runs her over again. Nightingale goes up top but gets pulled back down, setting up a trade of rollups for two. Statlander’s F5 gets two so she grabs a chain, which almost hits Hathaway by mistake. The accidental distraction lets Nightingale get the rollup pin at 8:10.

Rating: C+. This was ok but mostly didn’t feel like a showdown between two women who hated each other. Nightingale gets to move forward and there is a chance that Statlander costs her in the finals, which could set up the big blowoff match. For now though, it’s nice to see Nightingale win, though I can’t imagine that happens in the next round.

Jeff Jarrett has nothing to say about the Owen Hart Tournament match tonight. Jay Lethal says Jarrett has never been more focused.

Tony Schiavone brings out Britt Baker for a chat. She says she missed us but she was thinking about what she should say in her first time back. Instead of over thinking it, she’s going to talk about things we all have: a past, a present and a future. The past is our lesson, the present is a gift and the future is our motivation. For the last ten months, people have been saying she’s been injured but people who know her know that it takes more than injuries to keep her gone.

Then one day she started to feel sick and her arm was tingling. She looked in the mirror and said she was good, but she couldn’t open a body of water. Then her whole right side stopped functioning and was diagnosed with a mini stroke. So it turned out she wasn’t good so she had to stay home and get better. Now she’s back and healthy, but she was never more nervous than she was at Forbidden Door. She wasn’t sure if anyone was going to care that she was there or not but the fans welcomed her back with open arms and DMD chants. For that, she will always be in our corner because she is one of us.

That brings us to the future and the motivation, so always go through your hard times. With all of that out of the way, it’s time to talk about the new female face of AEW. She can’t imagine how hard it must be to have to work to get someone to chant three letters after your name. The only letters that matter are DMD, but here is Mercedes Mone on screen getting out of a car and running into the Young Bucks. They say get the props ready for a championship celebration, which come to the ring while Baker is still in the ring.

Mone comes out and Baker accuses her of one upping her, just like Baker did to Mone at Forbidden Door. Mone brags about her title win and Baker talks about her history at All In. The challenge is laid out but Mone says get to the back of the line because there is a price to pay. Baker felt so much more natural out there and came off much better here.

There was a lot to this one, but Baker sounded completely genuine (likely because she was telling the truth, or at least most of it) while Mone, as always, felt like she was remembering her script. Baker came off far, far better here and while I can’t imagine her beating Mone for the title so soon, she absolutely feels like a star and is on (or above) Mone’s level.

Don Callis interrupts Will Ospreay, who says he wants out of the Family because he’s not that guy anymore. Callis isn’t used to doing that but he’ll do the favor. Maybe Ospreay can repay it one day. That’s so foreshadowing it might as well be sixshadowing.

Here is Chris Jericho to talk about how Hook broke a rule by using someone else’s finisher. Jericho: “That doesn’t work for me brother.” What was worse was Taz, who stood up and cheered like a mark. He’s spoken to the Young Bucks and since he’ll be on commentary here, Taz is ejected from the building.

Cage Of Agony vs. Samoa Joe/Hook/Katsuyori Shibata

Shibata knocks Liona into the corner to start so it’s off to Hook, who is kicked to the floor as we take an early break. Back with Hook throwing suplexes until Liona hits him in the face. Kaun gets two off a gutbuster but Hook fights back up and everything breaks down. Cage’s F5 is countered into a DDT and Joe comes back in to start cleaning house. Liona gets caught in the corner for the running shots to the face, setting up a double suplex. Joe’s backsplash gets two and triple chokes finish the villains at 9:45.

Rating: B-. Perfectly nice match here with Joe and company getting another win after their big one on Sunday. The Learning Tree feud continuing is certainly a choice though, as there is little reason to keep it going when Jericho got pinned clean at the pay pr view. For now though, Joe and company get some more momentum.

Post match Jericho applauds the winners but the Learning Tree runs in with chairs to lay them out. Shibata’s arm gets Pillmanized and Jericho gets in the worst belt shot I’ve ever seen. Bill gets in some rather lame chair shots to Joe and Hook is laid out with some brass knuckles. Hook is put through a table as well. Dang that was a heck of a beatdown and in no way shape or form means a feud that should have wrapped up gets to continue.

Men’s Owen Hart Tournament Semifinals: Jeff Jarrett vs. ???

It’s Hangman Page. Jarrett isn’t sure what to do and they go with the brawling until Page kicks him down. Page hammers away and kicks him in the ribs, followed by a fall away slam. They go outside with Jarrett’s head being rammed into the steps as we take a break. Back with Jarrett hitting a Stroke on the apron but the Figure Four is blocked.

The Sharpshooter is blocked as well, allowing Page to hit the Deadeye. Instead of covering, Page tries the Buckshot Lariat but gets reversed into a Sharpshooter for the tribute spot. Page makes the ropes and sends him throat first into the ropes. The Buckshot and another Deadeye finish Jarrett at 10:14.

Rating: B-. The point of this was to have Page wrecking the fans’ hopes for Jarrett, which isn’t bad, but it feels like it would have gone a lot better if this was deeper into the tournament. Once Jarrett was announced as facing a wild card, it was pretty clear that he was losing here, which mad the great vignettes feel like a waste of time. Page did look good, but dang it could have been better.

The Learning Tree jumps Hook and throws fire in his face. Geez did Hook show Tony Khan the Dynamite ratings or something?

The Young Bucks ask Hangman Page to be their fifth man in Blood & Guts but he says he isn’t the Elite’s man anymore. He’s in the Owen Hart Cup and he’s going to win. That’s a bit of a twist and a good one.

International Title: Will Ospreay vs. Daniel Garcia

Ospreay is defending and MJF is in Garcia’s corner. Ospreay knocks him down to start, with MJF giving Garcia a pep talk. Garcia gets taken down with a headlock takeover, followed by the Cheeky Nandos kick to the floor. The dive connects, but Ospreay stops to stare at MJF. We take a break and come back with Ospreay chopping away in the corner, which just fires Garcia up.

Some rolling neckbreakers drop Ospreay and a DDT does it again. Ospreay fights up and hits a Phenomenal Forearm for two and things slow down a bit. Garcia fights back up and hits some dancing hip attacks, followed by a piledriver for two. A Styles Clash gives Ospreay two but the Oscutter is countered into a piledriver for two more. MJF slips in the ring but Garcia won’t accept it….so the Hidden Blade retains the title at 13:26.

Rating: B-. And Garcia loses again. That’s kind of a pattern with him but it’s a better choice than putting him over Ospreay, which would have felt like a stretch no matter the circumstances. If nothing else, they still haven’t had the Don Callis Family turn on Ospreay so they’re not jumping the gun with what should seem like a logical move. For now though, Ospreay wins and Garcia goes back to being pushed despite not winning anything important.

Post match Ospreay consoles Garcia and shows respect before leaving. MJF says that was on him instead of Garcia….then he kicks Garcia low. The ring shot and a bunch of left hands bust Garcia open and a middle rope tombstone makes it worse. Ospreay FINALLY comes back (presumably after trying to find a hot pretzel) out to chase MJF off to end the show.

Overall Rating: B. I’m really not sure what to make of this show. It was certainly eventful and I’ll take this kind of a show over “and here is this person from this other promotion and this person is cool because they won this title in this other country and just trust us about all of them”, but dang there wasn’t much to cheer for here.

MJF turning heel again feels like a retreat back to something safe while Page being back opens a few new doors. It was a bunch of stuff happening in two hours, but that’s kind of what you need with All In about six weeks away. Blood & Guts will likely get more attention going forward though, so this show was a bit more needed this week.

Bryan Danielson b. Pac – Crucifix
Willow Nightingale b. Kris Statlander – Rollup
Samoa Joe/Hook/Katsuyori Shibata b. Cage Of Agony – Triple choke
Hangman Page b. Jeff Jarrett – Deadeye
Will Ospreay b. Daniel Garcia – Hidden Blade



Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and head over to my Amazon author page with 30 different cheap wrestling books at:



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AEW Forbidden Door 2024: They Stole The Show

Forbidden Door 2024
Date: June 30, 2024
Location: UBS Arena, Elmont, New York
Commentators: Excalibur, Nigel McGuinness, Taz

It’s back to the pay per view schedule with one of the biggest shows AEW presents every year. This is built around the international guest stars, including several stars from New Japan and CMLL. The main event will see Swerve Strickland defending the World Title against Will Ospreay in a pretty big showdown. Let’s get to it.

Zero Hour: Kyle Fletcher vs. Serpentico

Bonus match (on a card that already has 14 matches). Fletcher runs him over to start and poses a bit before going after the mask. The comeback is cut off with another kick to the face, followed by a running kick to the back. The piledriver plants Serpentico but Fletcher would rather put him on the ropes. An El Generico brainbuster in the corner finishes for Fletcher at 3:12.

Rating: C-. Total squash as I guess Fletcher gets some heat back after losing the ROH TV Title in Mexico on Friday. The match was nothing to see as Serpentico gets wrecked again, but it also didn’t make me any more interested in Fletcher. He does well enough in the ring, but there is little about him that stands out in any significant way.

Zero Hour: Private Party vs. House Of Black vs. Tomohiro Ishii/Kyle O’Reilly vs. Gabe Kidd/Roderick Strong

O’Reilly and Black go to the mat to start before trading shots to the ribs. Ishii comes back in to a nice reaction and gets to chop it out with King. Kidd tags himself in and Strong adds a running shot to the face. Quen tags himself in as the rapid fire tags continue, only to be sent outside. Kidd comes back in to chop away (and bark) at O’Reilly, who gets caught in the corner for an exchange of chops from Kidd and Strong.

The team argues over who gets to chop him so it’s off to Ishii for a double clothesline. The House kicks Ishii down before everything breaks down. Quen hits a Trouble In Paradise on Black, who is back with a jumping knee to the face. Kidd brainbusters Ishii but gets chopped by King. Private Party hit stereo running flip dives before Kassidy rolls King up, with tights, for two, only to get Ganso Bombed for the pin at 8:35.

Rating: B-. This was the wild match that you would have been expecting and that’s not a bad thing. There is something to be said about getting a bunch of people in the ring and letting them fly all over the place to go nuts, which is what we got here. Good choice to fire the fans up, as this kind of thing almost always tends to be. The House winning is the right choice too as they’re the bigger of the two regular AEW teams.

Zero Hour: Willow Nightingale/Tam Nakano vs. Momo Watanabe/Kris Statlander

Stokely Hathaway is here with Watanabe and Statlander. Nakano takes Statlander down to start and hits a quick dropkick before it’s off to Nightingale. That means Statlander runs off to Watanabe, who is quickly dropkicked down for two. Watanabe and Nakano slug it out until Nakano hits a heck of a superkick. A Hathaway distraction slows things down though and Statlander gets in a belly to back suplex.

Statlander’s delayed vertical suplex gets two and Watanabe hits a hard shot to the back of the head. Nakano finally manages a quick shot and brings Nightingale back in to beat up Statlander. That lasts for all of ten seconds before the threat of the Pounce means it’s back to Watanabe. A hard spinebuster gives Nightingale two but Statlander offers a distraction, allowing Watanabe to get in a kick to the head.

Nightingale is back up with a dropkick, only for Nakano to miss a high crossbody. Nakano’s German suplex gets two on Statlander and a tiger suplex plants her again. That leaves Nightingale to hit a super Death Valley Driver for two on Watanabe, followed by a heck of a Pounce. Nakano comes back in and grabs a bridging German suplex to pin Watanabe at 10:23.

Rating: B-. Another good one here, though a middle rope Death Valley Driver not being the finish is a bit ridiculous, especially when the finish came a minute later. Either way, this was more about teasing Statlander vs. Nightingale, which does feel like a personal feud and a big rivalry. Throw in the fans loving Nightingale and things are even bigger.

Zero Hour: Women’s Owen Hart Tournament First Round: Mariah May vs. Saraya

Toni Storm and Harley Cameron are here too. May sends her into the corner to start and hits some running uppercuts, setting up a rather spinning side slam for two. A Stratusphere plants Saraya again and a missile dropkick gets two more. The hip attack takes too long though and they fight up to the top. May gets sent crashing out to the floor, leaving Saraya to do some jumping jacks until she gets back in.

A double knockdown gives them a breather and they slug it out from their knees. May sends her into the corner for the running hip attack but Storm has to cut off Cameron. Saraya’s superkick into the Rampaige gets two but the Scorpion Crosslock is broken up. Instead Saraya rams her face first into the mat over and over but a suplex is countered into a bridging rollup to give May the pin at 8:28.

Rating: C+. That was the only way this should have gone as May winning the whole tournament to set up a title match against Storm at All In is not the worst idea. At the same time, May gets a nice boost here and beats another former champion in Saraya. Good enough match here, though I’m not sure why it needed to be on this show.

Zero Hour: Los Ingobernables de Japon vs. Mistico/Lucha Bros

Fenix and Titan start things off with Fenix knocking him down and springboarding around, setting up a double flip into a standoff. The fans greatly approve as it’s off to Penta vs. Tsuji, with the latter blocking Cero Miedo. Penta isn’t having that and sends him into the corner for the running dropkick, only to be stomped face first onto the mat. Back up and they chop it out before trading shots to the face.

The Fear Factor is broken up so Penta kicks him to the floor instead. It’s off to Mistico to face Takahashi and the fans greatly approve again. An early mask tear attempt is blocked so Mistico sends him outside instead. Tsuji and Titan come in to stomp away but Mistico breaks that up and hits a dive onto Takahashi. Back in and the Bros strike away, setting up Mistico’s Swanton for two on Takahashi. Titan and Tsuji send the Bros outside for dives, followed by a running sunset bomb from Takahashi to send Mistico onto the floor.

Back in and Mistico fights off all three of them at once, allowing the tag back to Penta. Everything breaks down and Fenix’s assisted splash off of Penta’s shoulders gets two on Titan. We hit the parade of big knockdowns until Titan tornado DDT’s Fenix into a superkick for the six way knockdown. Mistico hits the big dive to the floor and the spike Fear Factor hits Takahashi, who rolls out to the floor. Back in and La Mistica finishes Titan at 12:05.

Rating: B. I’m not sure why this wasn’t on the main show, or maybe just make this the only Kickoff Show match. It had the action, but having Mistico, a CMLL star, and the Lucha Bros, best known as AAA guys, on the same show is a big deal that you do not see very often. Almost like it would be….forbidden.

The opening video looks at the major matches and how big this night really is.

Maxwell Jacob Friedman vs. Hechicero

MJF is of course the big hometown boy and gets a hero’s welcome, even doing a bit of crowd surfing. Hechicero takes him to the mat to start for a quickly broken cross armbreaker. Back up and MJF shakes his hand, which allows for a kick to the ribs and a “yeah of course I did” shrug.

MJF flips (yes flips) away into a double eye poke ala Roddy Piper. They head outside with MJF setting him in a chair and hitting a running boot to the face. Back in and Hechicero snaps the arm across the top rope to take over and we hit the armbar. MJF fights up but the Heatseeker is blocked, allowing Hechicero to plant him down for two. A running knee in the corner connects for Hechicero and the fans are NOT happy.

MJF manages a quick clothesline before spinning around into a piledriver for a needed breather. Hechicero is right back up with a springboard spinning dropkick before grabbing the cross armbreaker. That’s broken up as well so MJF tries the Salt Of The Earth, which is reversed into a double arm crank with Hechicero’s legs. The ropes are reached for the break so MJF hammers away in the corner and even bites the mask. A Canadian Destroyer into the brainbuster gives MJF the pin at 9:48.

Rating: B-. The match could have been worse, but it still feels like quite the waste of MJF in a spot where he could have been doing something more important. At the same time, it made Hechicero look great all over again, as he has more than enough talent to be a star anywhere. That kind of thing will always work, though I’m not sure if it was the best idea in this spot.

We get a rather praise-heavy Young Bucks video (with Kenny Omega’s face blurred in a nice touch) which mocks the Acclaimed and Hiroshi Tanahashi.

Elite vs. Acclaimed/Hiroshi Tanahashi

Caster’s rap mocks President Biden at the debate and Okada’s use of the word b****. Okada and Caster start things off but Okada decks Tanahashi off the apron, meaning it’s time for a historic standoff. Instead of doing anything though, it’s off to Matt, who gets taken down with a middle rope crossbody into some air guitar. Bowens comes in to take Matt into the corner, where some running elbows put him in even more trouble. Nick is brought in and it’s a double Scissor Me Timbers for a nasty crash.

Back up and Okada gets in a cheap shot to take over on Caster, with Matt putting on the headphones so Okada can dance. Caster gets caught in a camel clutch so Nick can run the ropes and then kiss his brother on the cheek. The slow beating continues in the corner as we get a few CM PUNK chants. That turns into a HE GOT FIRED chant as Caster knocks Matt off the top and hits a high crossbody.

Okada comes in and gets dropped as well, allowing the tag off to Bowens for the house cleaning. Okada gets dropped with a right hand and a spinning torture rack slam gets two on Matt. Bowens is taken down as well though and it’s a double tag to bring in Okada and Tanahashi. The dragon screw legwhip sets up the Texas Cloverleaf on Okada but the Bucks make the save.

Everything breaks down and the Rainmaker is countered into the Arrival into the Mic Drop. The High Fly Flow is broken up though and the rather delayed version hits raised knees. A superkick puts Tanahashi down again and the Bucks hit stereo slingshot dives to take the Acclaimed down on the floor. Okada hits his top rope elbow but the Rainmaker is countered into a small package for two. Back up and the Rainmaker finishes Tanahashi at 13:02.

Rating: C+. Tanahashi was trying here but those knees are just not holding him up any longer. Other than that, it was about what you would expect with the Bucks and the Acclaimed, which was only going to go so far. We still have the title match to come between the teams and that probably should have been here, but instead we get this feud extended even further.

We recap Bryan Danielson vs. Shingo Takagi.

Men’s Owen Hart Tournament First Round: Bryan Danielson vs. Shingo Takagi

McGuinness is already on Danielson, as you knew he would be. Danielson goes after the arm to start before tying up Takagi’s leg. That’s broken up in the ropes so Danielson takes him down again and grabs a surfboard. As usual, that doesn’t last long and it’s Takagi dropping him down hard. A backsplash gives Takagi two as McGuinness compares Danielson to Mozart and Napoleon, both of whom were FAR more successful.

Danielson gets knocked out of the corner but manages to send Takagi outside. The suicide dive doesn’t quite work though and Takagi catches him with a hanging fisherman’s neckbreaker,. Danielson lands on his head, because Danielson, and we pause for the medics to check on him. Thankfully he gets back up and beats the count back in, where Takagi drops a knee to the back of the head. Danielson fights up and they trade shots to the face until Takagi hits a clothesline.

Another kick to the head gives Danielson a breather and he goes up top. Takagi is right there with him, so Danielson grabs a belly to back superplex for the big double knockdown. Danielson’s triangle choke is muscled up into a powerslam and they’re both down again. Back up and Takagi superplexes him into a heck of a sliding lariat for two.

Made In Japan is broken up but Danielson misses a charge into the corner. Now Made In Japan can connect for two more, with McGuinness being left speechless. Danielson can barely get up so Takagi hits a running shot to the side of the head. Another sliding lariat is loaded up but Danielson reverses into a Fujiwara armbar.

That’s switched into the LeBell Lock but Takagi slips out. A reverse fisherman’s suplex puts Takagi down and the running knee gives Danielson two. Danielson stomps away at the head and grabs a triangle choke but Takagi powers up. That doesn’t work though as Danielson pulls him into a Disarm-Her for the referee stoppage at 19:58.

Rating: B+. These guys beat the fire out of each other and it’s another awesome Danielson match. At some point he needs to win a few of these things and this was a goo example of how to make it work. Rather awesome match here and Danielson gets to move on towards what could be a rather deep run in the whole thing.

We recap Toni Storm defending the Women’s Title against Mina Shirakawa. The bigger story though is the battle over Mariah May, as both of them want her too.

Women’s Title: Mina Shirakawa vs. Toni Storm

Storm is defending and Mariah May is in a neutral corner. As you might expect, Storm is dressed as the Statue Of Liberty. May refuses to pick before the match so they circle each other instead. Shirakawa stops to dance and gets a hip attack to the face for her efforts. That just earns her more dancing before Shirakawa drops Storm knees first onto the mat. The Figure Four around the post goes on and McGuinness thinks May needs a hug. Back in and a dropkick to the leg keeps Storm in trouble but she’s back with a fisherman’s suplex for two.

There’s the running hip attack to put Shirakawa on the floor but another one only hits the steps. Shirakawa uses the breather to hit a big dive, only to have Storm catch her with a super chokebomb back inside. Storm misses a charge though and Shirakawa grabs the Figure Four to stay on the bad leg. They sit up and slap it out until Storm manages to escape.

Back up and they slug it out with Shirakawa getting the better of things and going up top. Storm is right there for another forearm off until Shirakawa hits a super DDT for two more. Shirakawa’s Glamorous Driver is broken up and Storm snaps off a release German suplex. Another hip attack gives Storm another two but Shirakawa is right back with the Glamorous Driver for her own near fall. Storm gets in a quick rollup for two, followed by Storm Zero to retain at 11:38.

Rating: B. Storm continues to feel it in these big pay per view matches, but May was more or less just window dressing. That’s normally a good thing, but she’s the entire point of the story in the first place. The match was good, though it was hard to believe that Shirakawa was going to be the one to end Storm’s reign.

Post match Storm and May look at each other and Shirakawa wants a handshake. Respect is shown and we get the big hug and we get the three way kiss. So May’s choice of a side was to not pick a side. Got it.

We recap Zack Sabre Jr. vs. Orange Cassidy.  Sabre isn’t over Cassidy pinning him last year and Cassidy is having a rough time but is ready to fight again.

Zack Sabre Jr. vs. Orange Cassidy

They go technical to start with Cassidy not being able to get very far with some arm cranking. Instead Cassidy bails out to the floor for a breather before rolling back inside, with Sabre holding the ropes open. Back in and they fight over a cross arm choke until Cassidy ties him up on the mat.

That’s broken up as well so they trade rollups for two each. Sabre ties him up in a headscissors but Cassidy makes it over to the ropes rather quickly. Sabre does his own slow kicks but Cassidy takes out the knee to put him down for a change. Cassidy twists on the leg outside and again inside, setting up a top rope DDT for a rather near fall.

Sabre is right back with a kick to the arm and some finger snapping to put Cassidy down. The double arm crank goes on but Cassidy escapes and goes back to the leg. The Texas Cloverleaf is broken up so Cassidy hits the Beach Break for two instead. Back up and the Orange Punch is blocked so Sabre pulls him back into the European Clutch for two. Cassidy tries the Mouse Trap but Sabre reverses into a….well he tied up all four of Cassidy’s limbs at the same time with Cassidy having to give up at 16:20.

Rating: B. I’m still not sure I get why Cassidy was so upset coming into this one but he was holding his own out there well enough, only to get tied up by Sabre. It was a good back and forth match, with Sabre being able to do things in there that no one else can make work. Cassidy needs something new though, and I’m not sure what that is going to be coming off this loss.

Post match Sabre actually gives him the sunglasses back.

We recap the Learning Tree vs. Samoa Joe and company. Joe and company are sick of Chris Jericho and want a fight, with Jericho bringing in Jeff Cobb to replace the injured Bryan Keith.

Learning Tree/Jeff Cobb vs. Samoa Joe/Hook/Katsuyori Shibata

Jericho is sure the fans don’t really want him to retire as he starts with Shibata. Before that goes anywhere though, it’s already off to Bill to face Shibata instead (third time tonight we’ve seen the “heel tags out instead of fighting” sequence). Chopping ensues with neither being able to get the better of things so it’s off to Cobb vs. Joe for the hoss showdown.

Cobb takes over by powering Joe into the corner and Jericho comes in to rake the eyes. Cobb comes back in and Joe gets the better of things for a change, allowing the tag off to Hook. Jericho chokes him on the ropes to cut him off and Cobb adds a standing moonsault. Hook manages to fight back and brings Shibata back in, with the good guys taking over on Cobb in the corner.

Jericho comes back in to take over on Shibata as everything breaks down. Shibata gets posted and Hook goes up top for an ax handle to Bill. The referee gets distracted though and Jericho hits Shibata low, setting up the Walls. That’s broken up so Cobb comes back in for the Tour of the Islands, only to have Hook t-bone him. The Codebreaker gives Jericho two on Hook but Hook comes back up with his own Judas Effect for the pin at 13:38.

Rating: C+. Hook gets a nice rub off the ending but this was the least interesting match n the card and the match didn’t make things much better. While the ending would suggest something of a downgrade for Jericho and the Learning Tree, that doesn’t seem to be the most likely outcome. Perfectly fine match, but it could have been on any AEW TV show instead.

TNT Title: Jack Perry vs. Dante Martin vs. El Phantasmo vs. Mark Briscoe vs. Lio Rush vs. Konosuke Takeshita

Ladder match for the vacant title. Takeshita drops Perry to start and everyone else goes after ladders. With that not working, the fight heads outside instead with Briscoe grabbing various toys. Perry goes up a ladder but Rush makes the fast save. A ladder is thrown outside and almost hits Briscoe, leaving Rush to go up the ladder for a change. Phantasmo goes up but Martin makes the save and climbs as well.

That’s broken up but Martin dives onto Phantasm on the way down. Back up and Takeshita brainbusters Martin onto the side of the ladder, only for Briscoe to come in with the ladder around the neck. Briscoe grabs a chair and hits a step up flip dive onto a ladder onto Takeshita on the floor for the big crash. Perry goes up but Phantasmo walks across a bridged ladder to cut him off on top.

Martin gets taken down and bangs up his leg, leaving Perry to set up a table. Briscoe and Takeshita brawl on the floor until Rush dives onto the latter. That leaves Briscoe to go up a ladder for a splash but he lands on his feet, instead hitting a forearm on Perry on the table, which doesn’t break (similar to how Adam Copeland broke his leg).

Back in and Takeshita powerbombs Rush onto a ladder before pulling Phantasmo into a knee to the face. One heck of a Blue Thunder Bomb puts Phantasmo through the tables but Briscoe cuts off the climb attempt. Briscoe plants Takeshita onto the ladder and goes up, only to have Perry breaks up Briscoe’s climb. Perry beats on Briscoe with the chair and then wins the title at 16:48.

Rating: B-. That was a ladder match alright. Looked like it had about six people, some ladders, a chair and some tables too. There really isn’t much else to say about this, as it featured pretty much exactly what you would expect and had the most likely winner getting the title in the end. That’s pretty much exactly what was expected the second the match was announced and while it was ok enough, it was hardly thrilling.

We recap Mercedes Mone vs. Stephanie Vaquer, which is winner take all for the TBS Title and the New Japan Strong Women’s Title respectfully.

TBS Title/NJPW Strong Women’s Title: Mercedes Mone vs. Stephanie Vaquer

Title for title. We get the referee’s instructions and Vaquer headbutts her to start. They trade rollups for two each until Vaquer grabs a wristlock and hits a very springboardy wristdrag. Mone gets in a quick breather and hits a Meteora for two. Vaquer is right back up with a shot of her own but Mone grabs Two Amigos, with Vaquer countering the third. Vaquer starts in on the leg and ties her legs around Mone’s head for some rams into the mat to wake the crowd up.

Mone fights up again and knocks her into the corner for the running knees and a springboard DDT gets two. The Mone Maker is countered into a DDT from Vaquer and she drops a leg for two more. Another shot from Mone leaves them both down so it’s a double nip up for the forearm exchange. Vaquer grabs a crossface but Mone reverses into a Bank Statement. That’s broken up as well, with the fans mostly cheering for Vaquer now.

Some knees to the ribs put Mone down but Vaquer can’t follow up. The fans give us a F*** THE CELTICS (as in Mone’s hometown team) chant as Mone goes up, only to dive into raised boots. Vaquer dragon screws her into the corner as the fans move on to the Red Sox. Mone’s crossface is countered, as is the Mone Maker, only to Mone pull her into the crossface for the tap at 16:47.

Rating: B-. This is where the Forbidden Door concept stops working for me. The action was fine enough, but it was really hard to get interested in a match between Mone, who has only wrestled here a handful of times, and Vaquer, who has had one short match in the promotion. It didn’t feel like a feud or a rivalry, but rather two people who don’t have a history around here having a match. It was good, but I had no attachment to either of them and it kept me from getting into this one.

Post match Mone celebrates….and Britt Baker returns to a hero’s welcome.

We recap Jon Moxley defending the IWGP World Title against Tetsuya Naito. Moxley took the title from him a few months ago and it’s time for the rematch.

Jim Ross is back for the last two matches.

IWGP World Heavyweight Title: Tetsuya Naito vs. Jon Moxley

Moxley is defending. They slug it out to start with Moxley going after the knee to take Naito into the corner. Some corner clotheslines have Naito in more trouble and they head outside with Moxley dropping him onto the announcers’ table. Back in and Naito spits in his face so Moxley slaps him down for two. A piledriver gives Moxley two more and he puts Naito on top for a rake to the back.

Naito slips between the legs though and shoves Moxley down to the floor for the big crash. They go outside with Naito grabbing a piece of the barricade to beat on Moxley, sending JR into a hilarious frenzy about that not being tranquilo. Back in and Naito has to fight out of a Figure Four, turning it into a small package for two. Moxley’s Death Rider attempt is countered into a springboard tornado DDT for two more and they’re both down.

Moxley gets up and tries a sleeper, only to be reversed into Destino for…no cover, as Naito tries it again but gets reversed into a Death Rider. They slug it out again until Moxley hits a heck of a lariat into the Death Rider for two. With nothing else working, Moxley grabs a chair, which is quickly taken away by the referee. Destino and the Death Rider are both blocked, only for Destino to to give Naito the pin and the title back at 16:41.

Rating: B-. Much like the previous match, this was a feud that has been taking place elsewhere and the match was only taking place here because it had to. Naito getting the title match is a good thing, if nothing else to get it away from AEW, which doesn’t need another title floating around. The match was good and it feels like a big deal when Moxley loses in AEW, but it wasn’t overly interesting.

We recap the AEW World Title with Swerve Strickland defending against Will Ospreay. Strickland is the reigning champion but Ospreay is the hot new star so it might be time for a changing of the guard.

AEW World Title: Swerve Strickland vs. Will Ospreay

Ospreay is challenging and his International Title isn’t on the line. They fight over a lockup to start before both of them flip out of hurricanrana attempts. Missed kicks to the head leave us with a standoff and the fans are WAY into this. Swerve kicks away but Ospreay chops him into the corner to cut that off. They head outside with Ospreay striking away, only to get caught with the middle rope elbow to the back of the head back inside. Swerve slows things down and chops away as Prince Nana is a bit worried.

They go outside again and Swerve loads up something on the barricade, only to be hurricanranaed back down. Back in and Swerve manages a short armscissors but Ospreay slips out. Swerve hammers away but Ospreay gets up and they forearm it out. The Hidden Blade and House Call both miss, with Ospreay grabbing a Styles Clash for two. The Oscutter is countered into the Swerve Stomp as we cut to Daniel Garcia watching in a sky box.

They go up top again with Strickland grabbing something like a super Angle Slam for the big crash and a near fall. Swerve takes it to the apron, where the Oscutter misses, sending Ospreay crashing onto the apron. The Swerve Stomp is loaded up but Ospreay rolls away before it can launch, leaving Swerve to hit the Stomp onto a standing Ospreay against (not through) the announcers’ table.

A piledriver onto the barricade (geez) rocks Ospreay again and the JML Driver gets two back inside. Another Swerve Stomp takes too long and Swerve gets crotched, setting up a springboard Oscutter for a very near fall. The Hidden Blade is blocked and the Oscutter is as well, leaving Swerve to go after the arm. That’s broken up and now the Oscutter connects, setting up the Storm Breaker for two. Ospreay scores with a headbutt but the Tiger Driver 91 is countered into a cradle to give Swerve two of his own.

The Hidden Blade connects for Swerve but he misses a Swerve Stomp. The referee gets hit by another Hidden Blade, followed by another to Swerve….and Don Callis is here. Nana won’t let Callis use a screwdriver so Ospreay goes after him, only to let him go. Back in and the House Call into the Swerve Stomp gets two more with a second referee. Swerve snaps the arm and another House Call (that looked great) gets a VERY near fall. Another House Call sets up a JML Driver to retain the title at 27:04.

Rating: A-. This was pretty easily the best match on the show and I might even be underrating a bit. They beat the living daylights out of each other but took their time to get there, with Swerve getting to show just how awesome he can be. Swerve needed a big win like this and even Callis being around didn’t bring it down. Awesome stuff here and a heck of a main event.

Medics check on Ospreay and Swerve shows respect to end the show.

Overall Rating: B. The main event pulled it up a lot and there is nothing really bad on the show, but this is absolutely not my show and it never has been. The amount of matches and the parade of guest stars isn’t something that draws me in, as it feels more like Tony Khan getting to run loose in a candy store and do a show he finds fun rather than something for everyone else. As usual, the wrestling is more than good enough to hold up, but you could pretty easily chop off almost all of the pre-show and not lose anything.

Kyle Fletcher b. Serpentico – Brainbuster onto the turnbuckle
House Of Black b. Tomohiro Ishii/Kyle O’Reilly, Gabe Kidd/Roderick Strong and Private Party – Ganso Bomb to Kassidy
Willow Nightingale/Tam Nakano b. Momo Watanabe/Kris Statlander – Bridging German suplex to Watanabe
Mariah May b. Saraya – Bridging German suplex
Lucha Bros/Mistico b. Los Ingobernables de Japon – La Mistica to Titan
Maxwell Jacob Friedman b. Hechicero – Brainbuster
Elite b. Acclaimed/Hiroshi Tanahashi – Rainmaker to Tanahashi
Bryan Danielson b. Shingo Takagi via referee stoppage
Toni Storm b. Mina Shirakawa – Storm Zero
Zack Sabre Jr. b. Orange Cassidy – Arm and leg crank
Hook/Samoa Joe/Katsuyori Shibata b. Learning Tree/Jeff Cobb – Judas Effect to Jericho
Jack Perry won the TNT Title Ladder Match
Mercedes Mone b. Stephanie Vaquer – Bank Statement
Tetsuya Naito b. Jon Moxley – Destino
Swerve Strickland b. Will Ospreay – JML Driver



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Forbidden Door 2024 Preview

It’s that time again as we have the show built around the idea of gust stars from a variety of other promotions. You get to wrestlers from around the world coming in to compete against the stars of AEW, which can make for some rather interesting situations. The buildup to the show is not often the strongest but you can see one heck of a night of action. That should be the case again so let’s get to it.

Zero Hour: Kris Statlander/Momo Watanabe vs. Willow Nightingale/Tam Nakano

This, along with the other two Zero Hour matches, were not important enough to be announced on Dynamite but rather a few hours later on Twitter. I’m not sure I get the thinking, but it isn’t exactly making me interested in what we’ll be seeing here. In this case, Statlander vs. Nightingale is the big draw, as they are already set to face off in the Women’s Owen Hart Tournament.

I’ll go with Statlander and Watanabe winning here to give a bit of doubt about Nightingale being able to make it to the finals of the tournament. That should make for a good match here, but Watanabe and Nakano are people who have not been around AEW very much over the years. That doesn’t exactly make for a big time match, but that is kind of the point in having the match on the Zero Hour show.

Zero Hour: Women’s Owen Hart Tournament First Round: Mariah May vs. Saraya

It’s a little weird to have May on the show when she already has a major role in another, bigger match on the card. For now though, we could be in for a nice match as either of them going forward could be an interesting way to go. Both of them could make for an a solid choice for the next round, though there is some logic that comes into play here which should determine the winner.

At the end of the day, May being involved in the Toni Storm vs. Mina Shirakawa match is a lot more important and there is pretty much no reason for her to go into that spot as a loser. May going over here makes a lot more sense and while there is something to the idea of Saraya going on towards a title shot in London, it isn’t the best option that they have available here.

Zero Hour: Los Ingobernables de Japon vs. Mistico/Lucha Bros

The big draw here is that Mistico and the Bros have never teamed together before. That isn’t the biggest draw in the world but it is certainly a cool enough moment and better than nothing. In other words, this feels like an excuse to get Mistico onto the show and that is not a bad idea. The match itself is only so important here, but that is often the case on Zero Hour.

There is pretty much no reason for Mistico and the Bros to lose here as Mistico can do his stuff and pop the crowd. There are some talented people in Los Ingobernables but it feels like they are here for the sake of making Mistico look that much bigger. It’s not a bad idea either, so hopefully they at least have an entertaining match on the way to the main show proper.

Zero Hour: House Of Black vs. Tomohiro Ishii/Kyle O’Reilly vs. Gabriel Kidd/Roderick Strong vs. Private Party

Yes there is a fourth match on this show, which was added during this week’s Collision. This feels like little more than a way to get a bunch more people onto the card, which is often not the most thrilling way to go. In this case we do have some big names who probably should have been on the show, but that doesn’t exactly make for the most exciting match possible.

I’ll take the House Of Black here, as they’re the biggest of the two regular teams (at least in AEW) and it makes the most sense to give them the win. This is going to be the insane match with everyone going nuts all over the place and trying to get in as much as they can, which isn’t going to be easy given how many people are involved. Odds are it should be fun though and that’s what you want out of a match like this one.

Zack Sabre Jr. vs. Orange Cassidy

We’ll start the main card here as Sabre wants revenge on Cassidy for beating him at last year’s show in a four way match. The other idea is that Cassidy isn’t good enough to beat Sabre on his own and is going to need some kind of special trick to pull it off. I’m not sure what that is going to be, but then again that’s kinds of the point of watching the match in the first place.

As much as I want to take Sabre here, it feels like a situation where Cassidy is coming in as the huge underdog but manages to pull it off somehow anyway, as tends to be his custom. It might not be the most thrilling way to go but that has never really stopped AEW with Cassidy before. It’s always fun to see whatever Sabre can do to torment someone else so we should be in for a good one here with Cassidy winning.

Maxwell Jacob Friedman vs. Hechicero

This is a bit early for a match involving someone as big as MJF but it isn’t like AEW has treated it like anything important. For the second year in a row, MJF’s Forbidden Door match feels like it was thrown on for the sake of giving him something to do and I do not get the thinking behind that move. It’s MJF’s first pay per view match since December and he’s more or less an after thought. That’s quite the odd way to go, but at least it’s an easy pick.

Save for some wacky interference, there is no reason for Hechicero to win here so we’ll take MJF in what should be an easy one. MJF will probably get in some trouble here but then wind up winning anyway, because there is pretty much no reason for Hechicero, who is probably not sticking around, to beat one of the biggest stars in the company. I’m still not sure I get the thinking here, but MJF wins.

Men’s Owen Hart Tournament First Round: Bryan Danielson vs. Shingo Takagi

The roller coaster that is the last full time year of Danielson’s career continues and that means we have another match against a hard hitter. That is kind of his trademark at this point and in this case he actually has a better chance to pull it off. It’s quite the way to go for a first round match in a #1 contenders tournament, but Danielson has a tendency to go a bit nuts anyway.

While Danielson might not have the best win/loss record, there is no reason to believe he goes down here. Takagi is another guy who isn’t likely to be around for the long term, which would likely include another match in the tournament. That leaves Danielson to win a heck of a fight, which isn’t something you get to say very often in AEW but it makes all the sense in the world here.

Learning Tree/Jeff Cobb vs. Samoa Joe/Hook/Katsuyori Shibata

Cobb is substituting for an injured Bryan Keith as Jericho’s latest weird character gets a pay per view match. The good thing about Jericho being in the match is that he can’t talk, which would be about as bad as it could get around here. Joe vs. Cobb is the hoss fight fans would want to see while the rest…well they’re all involved as well, no matter how odd it might be.

I’ll take the Learning Tree and Cobb to win here, as it seems like we’re going to be seeing Jericho do his thing for a long time to come, no matter how much of a mess it might be. That doesn’t go well if he loses his big match as part of the team, so odds are Cobb pins Shibata to get the win, giving Jericho something else to talk about. The match itself should be ok, but egads this has been a rough sit for a good while now.

Elite vs. Acclaimed/Hiroshi Tanahashi

Tanahashi is replacing Billy Gunn for the sake of it’s Forbidden Door and therefore Tanahashi has to be on the show. Much like the Learning Tree match, the good thing here is that if the Bucks are in the match, they can’t be talking (in theory at least) and that should make things a bit less annoying. This feels like a match that should be on Dynamite but here we are instead, though at least the addition of Tanahashi makes it feel more special.

It’s hard to imagine the Bucks losing a big match until Blood And Guts at the earliest so we’ll say the Elite wins here and keeps things going. Odds are we get a rematch of this later on with Gunn in there rather than Tanahashi, but for now at least we should be in for something good enough. The Elite go over though, as they’re a bigger deal than another makeshift team.

TNT Title: Konosuke Takeshita vs. Dante Martin vs. El Phantasmo vs. Mark Briscoe vs. Lio Rush vs. Jack Perry

Here we have a ladder match for the vacant title as Adam Copeland decided that jumping off a cage and landing on his feet was a good idea. The ladder match part makes it all the more eye roll inducing because it’s such a cliché at this point, but it also lets someone potentially steal the title without having to get a pinfall. That opens up some doors, but I think you know where this is going.

As much as I’d love to see someone like Martin, who could actually be made by something like this, get the title, this feels like it’s Perry all day. AEW is obsessed with getting this guy over one way or another and it feels like he’ll do it here as a way to become that much bigger of a deal. The match will be the usual car crash, meaning it’s only going to be so good, but it should be exciting.

Women’s Title: Toni Storm(c) vs. Mina Shirakawa

This is both a title match and part of a love triangle, as both of them are trying to woo Mariah May. That has made for quite the unique story but it is something that has been set up well enough that I’m curious to see where it goes. The match quality itself might be up in the air as Shirakawa doesn’t have a long track record in AEW, but that is far from the most interesting part here.

I’ll go with Storm to win of course, as the title isn’t likely changing hands here, though the question becomes what happens with May. It would not surprise me at all to see her side with Storm before eventually winning the Owen Hart Tournament and getting a shot against Storm at Wembley. For now though, all is right in the world as May signs with Storm and moves forward, though it could be quite the path there.

AEW TBS Title/NJPW Women’s Strong Title: Mercedes Mone(c) vs. Stephanie Vaquer(c)

We’re going title for title here and…I have almost no idea what to expect here as all I’ve seen from Vaquer is most of an eight minute match this week on Collision. Other than that it’s been all hype videos and promos from Mone, which isn’t the best way to go. What matters though is that we have what could be a huge match which could go either way, as the title vs. title stipulation shakes things up.

While there is a chance that Vaquer wins, I can’t imagine Mone loses anywhere near this close to her AEW debut. AEW knows that she is a star and isn’t about to have her lose a big match, or any match for that matter, here. They have also hyped up the idea that she needs to win the NJPW belt, even if that means we are going to be seeing another title running around AEW, because we haven’t had that in a bit.

IWGP World Title: Jon Moxley(c) vs. Tetsuya Naito

This is the other World Title match on the show, which is arguably a bigger match than the main event. Thankfully AEW has managed to avoid treating this as such a big deal, as that would be about as bad of a result as you could get for the AEW World Title. Moxley is already one of the biggest stars in AEW, but that brings up the question of whether or not he gets to retain the title here.

This one could go either way, but I’ll take Naito to win here, as I can’t imagine Moxley being the next big thing in AEW. Naito can get back the title that Moxley took fro him and we could be in for a rather good match on the way there. It also gives the other promotions their big win on the show, which very well could otherwise be dominated by AEW. This one could go either way of course, but I’ll take Naito to get the title back.

AEW World Title: Swerve Strickland(c) vs. Will Ospreay

Here we have the biggest match on the card and thankfully the best built up story. It’s an idea that has been done before, as you have Ospreay as the new ace of the company and Strickland being the “not so fast” champion. Ospreay has pretty much been able to do no wrong so far in AEW and Strickland can work well with anyone. That opens up the door for something great, but there is one thing in the way.

That thing is the Don Callis Family and unfortunately I’m expecting them to be what costs Ospreay the match here. Ospreay getting the World Title at some point seems to be an inevitability, but I would hope that Strickland gets at least one successful defense in the main event spot. Strickland has done incredibly well in this role and this could be another great one, though odds are the Family gets involved to cost Ospreay. It’s predictable, but that’s about all I can expect to happen.

Overall Thoughts

As you can probably tell from here, this is going to be a very long show. Fourteen matches and a show that could go around six hours makes for one heck of a marathon and I’m worried about things getting bogged down by sheer volume. There is a great show in there somewhere but AEW has a tendency to put in way too much on any pay per view. Hopefully they can find a way around it, but they’ve got a big challenge in front of them.


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Dynamite – June 12, 2024: Even When It’s Not For Me

Date: June 12, 2024
Location: Wells Fargo Arena, Des Moines, Iowa
Commentators: Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, Taz

We have less than three weeks to go before Forbidden Door and last week saw some more of the card coming together. In addition to all of that though, Will Ospreay is the #1 contender and will be challenging Swerve Strickland for the AEW World Title. On the New Japan front, Jon Moxley will be defending the IWGP Title against former champion Tetsuya Naito. We have 18 days to get to those matches though so let’s get to it.

Here is Collision if you need a recap.

Here is Swerve Strickland, with Prince Nana, for an opening chat. He hypes up the Forbidden Door title match against Will Ospreay and praises Ospreay’s recent successes. Ospreay has been an assassin, but that won’t be the case at Forbidden Door. Strickland is called Killshot because if you don’t pull the trigger, he will. Ospreay is a fighting champion, unlike the Young Bucks….which brings out the Elite to interrupt.

The Bucks brag about how they have cleared out half the roster and that means they want the best of AEW to Blood & Guts at some point in the future. The Elite gets in the ring and offer Swerve a spot on the team as the fifth man. They throw in an offer of their new shoes, but they aren’t Swerve’s size so he throws them into the crowd. The fight is teased but the Acclaimed and Billy Gunn run in for the save. Christopher Daniels pops in to say get out of the ring because we have a match to get going. I’m not sure when Blood & Guts is happening but it very well might be the big blowoff to the whole Elite thing.

TNT Title Qualifying Match: Dustin Rhodes vs. Jack Perry

Perry is in street clothes and they brawl out to the floor to start, with Perry sending him into the steps. A piledriver onto the exposed concrete is countered into a backdrop to put Perry down and we take a break. Back with Rhodes busted open and Perry choking on the rope. Perry takes too long though and gets caught in a snap powerslam for a breather.

They slug it out until Rhodes snaps off a bulldog and hammers away as well. Cross Rhodes is broken up so we get an old Flip Flop And Fly. Now Cross Rhodes can connect for two but Perry sends him into an exposed buckle (apparently the pad was pulled off earlier). Dustin gets dropped onto the exposed concrete but beats the count. Back in and Perry gets in a low blow, only for Dustin to flip him off. The running knee finishes for Perry at 10:06.

Rating: C+. I still do not get the Perry hype and this didn’t change that stance. The match was full of things like low blows and cheap shots and it didn’t make me care about Perry any more or less. He’s still just a guy in the ring whose best attribute seems to be the friends he keeps and that’s not exactly making him feel like a star. Odds are he wins the TNT Title, though maybe sanity will prevail instead.

We look at Kyle O’Reilly and Willow Nightingale saving Orange Cassidy on Collision.

Cassidy is happy to have O’Reilly, Nightingale and Mark Briscoe behind him. Briscoe calls them a conglomeration and goes into a crazed rant about how they are going to hurt the Don Callis Family (O’Reilly’s jaw dropping in awe makes it even better). That was some amazing stuff from Briscoe, who just turned up the insanity and went nuts on his opponents.

Rush vs. Deonn Rusman

Rush knocks him to the floor, beats him up, and hits the Bull’s Horns for the pin at 1:29.

Post match Rush grabs the mic and calls Rusman a typical weak American. Cue MJF and the brawl is on, with MJF and Rush stopping to beat up security. The fight heads into the crowd and then into the back, with Christopher Daniels failing to break it up. The locker room and agents break it up.

We look at Samoa Joe and Hook attacking the Premiere Athletes on Collision.

Mark Briscoe/Orange Cassidy/Kyle O’Reilly vs. Roderick Strong/Kyle Fletcher/Konosuke Takeshita

Don Callis is on commentary and Trent Beretta and the Kingdom are here with the villains. Strong wants to face O’Reilly to start before handing it off to Fletcher instead. Briscoe comes in and strikes away at Takeshita and it’s off to O’Reilly as the rapid fire tags continue. Everything breaks down and Fletcher hits a big dive, followed by one from Cassidy. Trent offers a distraction though and Takeshita drops Cassidy as we take a break.

Back with O’Reilly getting the tag and starting to clean house. Everything breaks down and Red Neck Kung Fu clears the ring. Cassidy’s top rope DDT gets two on Fletcher but Takeshita counters the Jay Driller into a Blue Thunder Bomb. Stundog Millionaire hits Fletcher but Strong distracts Cassidy on top. Fletcher gets dropped with a brainbuster and Briscoe adds the Froggy Bow for two. A cheap shot drops Briscoe and Fletcher hits the piledriver for the pin at 13:05.

Rating: B. They didn’t even try to have a normal tag match here and they shouldn’t have. This was all about getting in as much as they could and it was a blast once they just went full speed ahead. I’m not wild on the Ring Of Honor World Title being made to look less important, but that whole thing has been a wash for a long time now. Really fast paced, entertaining match here.

Post match the villains keep up the beatdown so Willow Nightingale tries to make the save. Kris Statlander cuts that off though and Stokely Hathaway threatens more violence.

Rey Fenix is ready for Will Ospreay.

Shingo Takagi is in the Owen Hart Cup.

Christopher Daniels says Tony Khan is putting the Elite in Eliminator Matches next week, with all seconds barred from ringside.

Hook/Samoa Joe vs. Premiere Athletes

Hook and Joe jump them during their entrance and Katsuyori Shibata is a cameraman. We start with Joe hammering away on Nese before it’s off to Hook, who gets stomped down in the corner. Hook sidesteps Daivari’s dive (Joe approves) and stereo chokes finish the Athletes at 2:30. Now can we please stop presenting the Athletes as a big deal on ROH? Of course not, but this isn’t going to make me care about them any more.

Stephanie Vaquer is ready to face one of the best in Mercedes Mone.

TBS Title: Mercedes Mone vs. Zeuxis

Zeuxis (Vaquer’s regular partner) is challenging and sends her into the ropes to start. That doesn’t get her very far as Mone gets in her dancing before taking Zeuxis down for two. A spinning kick staggers Mone but she takes the legs out, only for Zeuxis to pop back up. The running dropkick puts Mone on the floor as we take an early break.

Back with Zeuxis hitting a fireman’s carry into a powerbomb for two. Mone’s middle rope sunset flip is countered into a stomp to the ribs for two more. Back up and Mone hits a middle rope Meteora for two of her own. Three Amigos are countered into a Backstabber for two on Mone but she’s right back with the Mone Maker for the pin at 10:07.

Rating: C+. This is a good example of why Forbidden Door season is a problem. We barely know who Stephanie Vaquer is and now we’re supposed to be interested in Mone wrestling Vaquer’s partner. These stories tend to go at about a million miles an hour (as they don’t have time to do anything else) and if you aren’t familiar with the guest stars, it can be really hard to get into these matches. Zeuxis was good enough, but I’m having a real hard time getting into this Mone vs. Vaquer match and this didn’t help things.

Video on Mina Shirakawa and her friendship with Mariah May.

May, cuddled up to Toni Storm, promises to run next week’s contract signing, though Storm isn’t worried.

Big Bill introduces Chris Jericho for TV Time (and yes there is now a Learning Tree set). Jericho tells the local farmers how to grow better corn but thinks Private Party needs to learn. Cue Private Party, with Jericho not thinking much of their fundamentals. He learned from Stu Hart and explains how to go up top like Owen Hart. Then Private Party beats up the villains and clear the ring. Well at least this should be the lone Jericho segment this week.

Video on Jon Moxley vs. Tetsuya Naito at Forbidden Door.

The Bang Bang Gang isn’t impressed by the House Of Black so the challenge is issued for Collision.

Daniel Garcia vs. Nick Comoroto

Jacoby Watts is here with Comoroto (for those of you who don’t watch ROH). With MJF watching in the back, Garcia grabs a guillotine and hits the Red Cross for the win at 1:10.

Will Ospreay is ready for tonight and Forbidden Door.

A ticked off Pac enters the Owen Hart Cup.

International Title: Will Ospreay vs. Rey Fenix

Ospreay is defending and Swerve Strickland is watching in the crowd. They trade missed kicks to the head to start and it’s an early standoff. A pop up hurricanrana sends Ospreay outside and a frog splash gives Fenix two. We take a break and come back with Fenix grabbing a quickly broken Black Widow.

As we’re told that Blood and Guts is on July 24 in Nashville, Ospreay flips out of a super hurricanrana to stick the landing. They trade kicks until Ospreay’s spinning Air Raid Crash gets two, sending us to another break. Back again with Ospreay getting the better of a strike off until Fenix grabs another Black Widow.

A crucifix bomb gives Fenix two and a German suplex gets the same. The Oscutter gives Ospreay two but the Hidden Blade is countered with a jumping hurricanrana. Fenix’s flip is forearmed out of the air and Ospreay (with a stare) hits his own Swerve Stomp. The Hidden Blade retains the title at 15:11.

Rating: B. I don’t think there was any doubt to this one but it was a way to give Ospreay another big win on the way to Forbidden Door. Fenix is someone who can wrestle an exciting match with anyone and of course Ospreay can do that kind of thing rather well too. It was a big spot fest and that’s what it should have been, with the pretty obvious result not being a problem.

Post match Strickland gets in the ring and won’t shake hands. Strickland accuses Ospreay of thinking this is still a game and says he isn’t strong enough to hold this on his shoulders. Ospreay takes the title and puts it on his shoulder so Swerve takes it back. Swerve says he’d kill Ospreay if they weren’t friends and leaves, with Ospreay pointing at the Forbidden Door sign (oh dear) to end the show.

Overall Rating: B. This was a show where the wrestling carried it, though they did build up more than a few things for Forbidden Door. While I am having a really hard time caring about what happens there as almost nothing has my attention, they did a nice enough job of making what they have feel more important. I can go with a show that has a goal and makes a good effort to accomplish it, even if it’s not my style. Nice show this week.

Jack Perry b. Dustin Rhodes – Running knee
Rush b. Deonn Rusman – Bull’s Horns
Roderick Strong/Kyle Fletcher/Konosuke Takeshita b. Mark Briscoe/Orange Cassidy/Kyle O’Reilly – Piledriver to Briscoe
Samoa Joe/Hook b. Premiere Athletes – Redrum to Daivari
Mercedes Mone b. Zeuxis – Mone Maker
Daniel Garcia b. Nick Comoroto – Red Cross
Will Ospreay b. Rey Fenix – Hidden Blade



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Dynamite – May 29, 2024: It Needed Saving

Date: May 29, 2024
Location: Kia Forum, Los Angeles, California
Commentators: Excalibur, Taz, Tony Schiavone

We’re done with Double Or Nothing and in for the build to Forbidden Door next month. That means we are likely going to be getting a bunch of guest stars on the show and that could make for some interesting situations. Other than that, we have a Casino Gauntlet match for the #1 contendership to the World Title and that should be a blast. Let’s get to it.

Here is Double Or Nothing if you need a recap.

Here is Mercedes Mone for her big championship celebration, complete with balloons. She asks if she was worth the wait (eh…..) and brags about tearing the house down with Willow Nightingale. Mone knew Kris Statlander and Stokely Hathaway would screw Nightingale over but she wants Nightingale to come back better than ever. We are about a month away from Forbidden Door and….here is Skye Blue to pop up on screen and reveal that she attacked Mone a few weeks ago. Then Blue runs in to attack her and pose with the belt. This felt like Mone was all good again and….I have no idea why that would even be suggested.

Long video on Double Or Nothing.

Swerve Strickland vs. Killswitch

Non-title. Killswitch knocks him to the floor but Swerve gets in a kick to the knee to slow him down. A neckbreaker in the ring and another on the floor drop Killswitch but he sends Swerve into the steps. They go back inside for some pummeling in the corner and we take a break.

Back with Swerve not being able to get a triangle choke on but kicking Killswitch down anyway. Swerve can’t get a suplex so Killswitch chokeslams him down for two instead. Killswitch grabs a chair but gets it pulled away, allowing Swerve to hit the Stomp off the apron. Swerve gets knocked down again back inside but comes right back with a German suplex. The House Call into the Swerve Stomp gets two, because the World Champion can’t get a clean pin off his finisher. Another House Call finishes for Swerve at 11:42.

Rating: C+. I’m not sure what the point was in having the World Champion (who is in the second segment rather than opening the show) hit one of his finishers for a near fall in a pretty nothing match but oh well. At least Swerve didn’t have some kind of screwy result here, as he’s not exactly treated as the top star in the company. In theory this moves him on from the Patriarchy, and at least Killswitch gets to look strong in defeat because….I still have no idea why that needed to happen.

Swerve gets his hair back from Killswitch.

We get an announcement from Tony Khan by way of Tony Schiavone: Mercedes Mone is defending against Skye Blue tonight. This was hyped up earlier as a big announcement. I think we can call that a stretch.

Jon Moxley is ready for Rocky Romero tonight and lists off a bunch of places he’ll be wrestling, mainly in Japan.

It’s time for Chris Jericho’s TV Time segment, the Learning Tree. Big Bill talks about how important it is to learn before Jericho talks about how many get called but few actually go. You should always have a cherry on top of your ice cream, and now we see the new member of the Learning Tree: Bryan Keith! Cue Keith, who thinks more people should respect Jericho, who yells at fans for swearing. Cue Hook to go after them but Samoa Joe cuts him off. I have no idea what they’re going for with the Jericho stuff but I can’t believe they’re going this badly on purpose. This was terrible.

We look at Jon Moxley beating Konosuke Takeshita at Double Or Nothing, though commentary thought it was a look at a woman named Stephanie Vaquer.

Video on Stephanie Vaquer, who is probably going to be at Forbidden Door.

Jon Moxley vs. Rocky Romero

Non-title and Moxley’s shoulder is in bad shape coming in. Romero goes right after the bad arm and kicks away at it before sending Moxley out to the apron. The arm is cranked around the ropes as Moxley is still in trouble as we take a break. Back with Moxley hitting a one armed superplex, followed by an exchange of strikes.

Moxley knocks him into the corner but gets caught in a tornado DDT. Romero gets the cross armbreaker and cranks away until Moxley manages to get to his feet. Some stomping gets Moxley out of trouble and a big clothesline into the Death Rider finishes Romero off at 10:46.

Rating: C+. The problem here is Romero has been treated as a jobber for months. Fans have learned to believe that he isn’t going to win a match. That makes it really hard to care about him facing a big star because there is zero reason to believe that he’s going to win. It’s watching a long term winner facing a long term loser but it’s getting time anyway. That’s going to leave fans feeling like their time is being wasted and that’s not good.

Samoa Joe and Hook seem to threaten the Learning Tree.

Here is Don Callis to offer a contract to Orange Cassidy. Cue Cassidy, who rips the contract up. Cassidy: “Hey Don. No.” Callis is livid, but here are Kris Statlander and Stokely Hathaway to reveal that their friend has joined the Don Callis Family. Cue Trent Beretta, in a suit, to jump Cassidy and bust him open. Trent and Callis hug as I try to figure out why the feud is continuing after Cassidy pinned Trent clean.

Daniel Garcia is ready to come after the International Title.

TBS Title: Mercedes Mone vs. Skye Blue

Mone is defending and knocks Blue down fast. They’re quickly on the floor with Mone hitting the Meteora off the apron for two back inside. A hanging neckbreaker gives Blue two and we take an early break. Back with Mone hitting a Backstabber for two but Blue is back with the spinning full nelson faceplant for two of her own. Code Blue is loaded up but Mone reverses into the Mone Maker for the pin at 7:42.

Rating: C. So Mone’s first AEW match was hyped up with about a month’s notice, but her second gets about an hour? This felt like a quick way to close a storyline threat with the mystery attacker and points for that, but it’s also quite the quick way to wrap it up. That’s not a bad thing and I like them at least covering it, though having it as Mone’s first title defense was a bit weird.

Post match Stephanie Vaquer comes out to stare Mone down. That’s quite the rushed “dream” match but that’s kind of the nature of Forbidden Door.

Stokely Hathaway and Kris Statlander do not like Willow Nightingale. Statlander says everyone is going to need protection from her.

Video on MJF, who has signed a new long term deal with the company.

Here is the Elite to address the future of the TNT Title. They all brag about how great the week has been for the team, including Double Or Nothing and their shoe launch. The Bucks have a present for Okada, and we see a black Lamborghini in the parking lot, with RAIN MAKR plates. Okada is in tears but now we have to move on to business.

Adam Copeland has broken his leg (as Matt told him to do before the match), meaning Copeland is stripped of the TNT Title. And Jack Perry is the new champion! Cue Christopher Daniels to say not so fast, because Tony Khan has named him the Interim Executive Vice President, so he’s here to make announcements for Khan. Perry isn’t the champion because we’re going to have a bunch of qualifying matches….for the LADDER MATCH for the TNT Title at Forbidden Door. The Elite go after Daniels but Billy Gunn and the Acclaimed make the save.

So Tony Khan is back at AEW TV (or at least events, as he was at Double Or Nothing) and gave a message by way of Schiavone earlier tonight, yet for some reason he now has to have an official talker as Daniels is their version of a General Manager. This is feeling like the dark days of WWE, when you needed a chart to keep track of how many people have power. They really don’t need to continue with this and with Khan back in person at all, as he seems to be, the Bucks should more or less be out of authority in the first place.

Swerve Strickland is ready for all challengers.

Rush calls out MJF, who will be here next week. Not this week, but next week.

Casino Gauntlet

The winner gets a World Title shot at Forbidden Door and it is one fall to a finish, which could come at any time. There are 21 entrants and they come out at “random times”, with Jay White in at #1 and Pac in at #2. Pac jumps him to start and they’re quickly on the floor with White being sent into various hard objects. A big flip dive takes White out again and a missile dropkick gets two.

Mistico is in at #3 and clears the ring as I wonder why they didn’t, I don’t know, advertise having one of the biggest stars in the world on their show. A big dive takes out White and Pac and we take a break. Back with Will Ospreay in at #4 and going straight after Mistico. Ospreay and Pac yell at each other but Mistico breaks it up. Shota Umino (Jon Moxley’s former lackey) is in at #5 and gets to clean house but White knocks him down.

Claudio Castagnoli is in at #6 and uppercuts Umino for a fast two. There’s the Swing to White and we take another break. Back again with Lio Rush (geez) in at #7 and kicks Castagnoli out to the floor. Umino and Rush trade clotheslines until Castagnoli runs them both over.

Orange Cassidy, with a taped up head, is in at #8 and has to knee his way out of Castagnoli’s suplex. A running DDT plants Castagnoli but Ospreay is back up for the staredown with Cassidy. That’s broken up and Hechicero is in at #9 to clean house again. Mistico is back up with a headscissors to put Castagnoli on the floor, setting up a big hurricanrana from the top. White and Pac are back in but Ospreay breaks up the Blade Runner. Cassidy hurricanranas Ospreay for two but gets caught with the Oscutter for the pin at 22:15.

Rating: B. Match quality aside (as there is only so much you can do in this kind of a match), this was FUN. They have something with this idea and if they can fine tune it a bit, and maybe not do it as frequently, they’ve got a match type that works for this kind of thing. I wanted to see who was coming through that curtain next and that is a very cool feeling to have. Ospreay winning is certainly weird, but if he wins the World Title, at least it will streamline the top of the card on the good guys’ side a bit.

Strickland comes out to stare Ospreay down to end the show.

Overall Rating: C. Yowza this show felt all over the place. Between Strickland winning a match that felt like it should have set up his match with Christian, Moxley needing ten minutes to beat Romero, Mone’s attacker being revealed and then beating her in an hour, the EVP nonsense and Jericho’s talk show train wreck, I had no idea what the focal point of any of this show was supposed to be. It felt like something from the late 90s on Raw when things were just thrown out there with the slightest bit of logic or reasoning with the hopes that no one would notice.

But then there was that main event and it felt like what AEW was supposed to be about. It was a case of mixing up a bunch of cool stars who you could see getting the chance and then one of them got there. Yes it was complete chaos, but it was FUN chaos. That’s something that can do a lot of good for a show, and this one certainly needed it. The first hour and forty minutes of this were a near car crash with stuff feeling like it was being written as fast as possible, but the main event was the wrestlers getting to showcase themselves in a good way. Maybe it was an off week, but they need to change some things up.

Swerve Strickland b. Killswitch – House Call
Jon Moxley b. Rocky Romero – Death Rider
Mercedes Mone b. Skye Blue – Mone Maker
Will Ospreay won the Casino Gauntlet match – Oscutter to Cassidy



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Double Or Nothing 2024: That’s A Lot Of AEW

Double Or Nothing 2024
Date: May 26, 2024
Location: MGM Grand Garden Arena, Las Vegas, Nevada
Commentators: Excalibur, Taz, Tony Schiavone

It’s back to one of the biggest pay per views on the AEW calendar as it’s the five year anniversary show. The show has a triple main event, though Anarchy In The Arena has been presented as by far the biggest thing on the card. Other than that, Swerve Strickland defends the World Title against Christian Cage and Mercedes Mone makes her in-ring debut. Let’s get to it.

Buy-In: Thunder Rosa vs. Deonna Purrazzo

Rosa backs her into the corner to start and snaps off a running headscissors. A running dropkick puts Purrazzo on the floor and there’s a dropkick through the ropes. Back in and Purrazzo gets in a shot of her own to take over and starts in on the arm. The armbar goes on but Rosa fights up, with a double crossbody putting both of them down. A neckbreaker drops Purrazzo again and Rosa hits the hard running dropkick against the ropes.

Purrazzo catches her in the Tree of Woe for the running shoulder to the ribs but Rosa is right back with a cobra clutch of all things. That’s escaped so Rosa hits a discus forearm for two but the Tijuana Bomb is countered into the Fujiwara armbar. Rosa slips out and hits a Backstabber into the cobra clutch again. This time Purrazzo stacks her up and uses the ropes for the pin at 10:13.

Rating: C+. I’m surprised by the ending but at least Purrazzo might be getting a renewed push. She’s rather good at the evil heel thing and gets even better when you throw in the submission skills. Rosa losing again isn’t the best sign for her but she has the charisma to build herself right back up with a few wins.

Buy-In: Acclaimed/Billy Gunn vs. Cage Of Agony

Caster and Kaun start things off, with the latter powering him into the corner. Kaun misses a charge but scores with a clothesline for a fast two. It’s off to Gunn, who wants, and receives, Cage for a pose off. Cage shoulders him into the corner and strikes a double bicep before yelling on the ropes a lot. Gunn knocks him over and poses as well before punching Cage into the corner.

Everything breaks down and all of them brawl out to the floor, where Bowens is sent knee first into the steps. Back in and a backbreaker onto the turnbuckle drops Caster, setting up Cage’s apron superplex. Kaun chokes in the corner and Cage drives in the shoulders to the ribs. Caster gets in a shot of his own though and nails a high crossbody on Kaun. Toa is right there to cut the tag off, only to miss a middle rope splash.

A kick away is enough for the tag off to Gunn as the pace picks up. Everything breaks down and Toa runs Gunn over, leaving Cage to discus lariat Caster. Bowens dives in for the limping save but is knocked outside in a hurry. Cage grabs a chair but the Las Vegas Golden Knights mascot runs in to take it away. The distraction lets Gunn grab a small package to pin Kaun at 11:43.

Rating: C. So now the Acclaimed and Gunn are getting reheated again? After Cage and the Gates just turned on Swerve a few weeks ago? That’s quite the interesting choice, as you would think the villains getting a win could establish them as something. Anyway, not a terrible match, but absolutely not something that needed to be added to the card.

Post match we get a scissoring with the mascot. Ah so that’s why they won.

The opening video talks about whether wrestlers will claim their dreams or leave them in the desert. The graphics with the casino theme work well here.

International Title: Roderick Strong vs. Will Ospreay

Strong, with the Kingdom, is defending, Don Callis is on commentary, and Ospreay tries a Hidden Blade at the bell. That doesn’t work but Ospreay knocks him outside, where Strong gets in a quick shot. Ospreay flips out of an attempted backbreaker onto the barricade and nails Strong as they head back inside. A backbreaker puts Strong down but the Kingdom manages to interfere and hit a Doomsday Device on the floor, with Ospreay landing head first on the floor in a terrifying spot. The fans get quiet but Ospreay is ok enough to go back inside and they slug it out.

Strong flips out of a quick abdominal stretch attempt and tries a not so complete crossface. That’s broken up and Strong chops away but Ospreay knocks him out of the air and hits a running boot in the corner. The Kingdom offers another distraction and Wardlow comes in, only to get caught as well. Somehow none of this is a DQ so Ospreay goes up and hits a corkscrew moonsault onto all of the villains, who are ejected.

A top rope clothesline gives Ospreay two back inside, followed by a bridging suplex for the same. Ospreay knocks him off the top and tries a twisting moonsault but has to stick the landing, only to damage his knee in the process. Strong is right there with a Texas Cloverleaf, with Ospreay crawling over to the ropes. Strong’s faceplant gets two and a superplex gets the same as frustration is setting in. A kick to the head is loaded up but Ospreay reverses into a sitout powerbomb for the double down.

Back up and they slug it out with Ospreay escaping End Of Heartache. Ospreay’s Styles Clash is countered and the Oscutter connects, only for the bad knee to give Strong enough time to kick out. The referee checks on Strong so Callis tells Ospreay to hit the tiger driver 91 since Strong “is going to the hospital anyway”. Ospreay loads it up but can’t bring himself to do it, allowing Strong to hit an Angle Slam. The Sick Kick gets two but End Of Heartache is escaped. A running elbow sets up the Hidden Blade to give Ospreay the pin and the title at 17:57. Callis: “WE WON!”

Rating: B. There were a lot of shenanigans going on around here and while they were a bit much, how else were you going to add drama to this? Strong is a solid star but Ospreay has been presented as one of the biggest stars in the company since he debuted. They had a good back and forth match but Strong wasn’t winning here no matter what happened.

Post match here’s Adam Cole for a chat. He shouldn’t be here because he should be back there with the Undisputed Kingdom or the Young Bucks, or maybe rehabbing his ankle. Cole pulls out the Devil mask and says he’ll be back to make you give the Devil his due. Then the lights go out and we see what looks like a point of view shot inside MJF’s house, with the person pulling out a torn picture of Cole and MJF.

Cue MJF, in a 2002 HHH leather jacket/sleeveless vest look, to hug Cole and then kick him low. A brainbuster plants Cole and MJF calls him a “noodle armed Bobble Head son of a b****.” Cole is carried out and MJF says he trusted him, which is never happening again. MJF says he is the greatest wrestler in the world and hits the catchphrase. The catch is he doesn’t need a New Japan or a Vince McMahon (big gasp on that) because MJF made MJF.

We’re done with the Kangaroo Kicks and associated BS because it’s time for him to bring the hate again. MJF picks up the mask, which he says adorn cowards who want to hide. He’s done hiding and apologizing for the fact that he is the best. It’s not his fault that all of your favorites suck a big old bag of donkey d**** but this mask, and everything it symbolizes, can go straight to h***. He drops a Ric Flair elbow on the mask and says he’s all in, double or nothing. As for his contract status, he points to an AEW tattoo on his leg and says you can bet on him, because he’s not f****** (not censored) leaving.

This was VERY long but MJF looks great and feels like the biggest star in the company all over again. He has more ability on the mic than almost anyone you could imagine and the fans are buying everything he does. Just get done with the Devil stuff already and let it be over for good.

We recap the Trios Title match, which saw the Bang Bang Gang annoying Pac, who reformed Death Triangle to come after the titles.

Trios Titles: Death Triangle vs. Bang Bang Gang

The Gang is defending and Pac runs Colten over to start. Austin and Penta come in, with the Triangle wasting no time in triple teaming him down. One heck of a What’s Up but White takes Pac down with a neckbreaker to take over. The villains take Pac into the corner where he strikes away, only to get dropped throat first across the top rope. The half crab goes on but Pac kicks his way out and rolls between the Gunns for the tag off to Penta.

House is cleaned, with Fenix being launched up for a splash to Austin with White making the save. White gets kicked into a twisting Death Valley Driver for two and everything breaks down for a six way knockdown. Pac goes up for the Black Arrow but the Gunns slid in a bat, allowing Juice Robinson to run in and crotch Pac. The Blade Runner retains the titles at 12:18.

Rating: B-. The ending is nice to see as the Gang retains the titles and gets back the person who made them feel special in the first place. Robinson is a great addition and I’m curious to see where they go from here. The match was entertaining but it never hit that level I was expecting. Maybe they could have gotten there with more time, though I can take a good match any day.

We recap Toni Storm defending the Women’s Title against Serena Deeb. Storm has beaten a bunch of people with different styles and Deeb is the wrestling genius. Deeb is also back after some serious medical issues and is ready to FINALLY win the title. Storm doesn’t seem impressed, as tends to be her custom.

Women’s Title: Toni Storm vs. Serena Deeb

Storm is defending and has Mariah May and Luther in her corner. They go with the grappling to start, with Deeb tying her up in the Paradise Lock for the running dropkick. Deeb grabs a dragon screw legwhip to start in on the knee, setting up an Octopus. With that broken up, Deeb hits another dragon screw and the knee is in event more trouble.

Deeb cranks away on the mat but Storm fights up, only to get slapped several times in a row. A neckbreaker drops Storm again as the fans start chanting for her, much to Nigel McGuinness’ happiness. They fight over a standing switch until Deeb suplexes her down for two. Back up and they slap it out again until Storm’s chokebomb gets two more. Deeb pulls her into a half crab to go back to the knee, with May teasing throwing in the towel.

Luther cuts that off and Storm sees him, which doesn’t go well. Back in and Storm Zero gets two so they head to the apron, where another Storm Zero can’t hit. A third dragon screw legwhip has Storm in trouble and Deebtox on the apron, followed by another in the ring, gets two. Storm catches her on top with a super piledriver, followed by Storm Zero to retain at 15:38.

Rating: B-. This was slower and more to the point with Deeb taking apart the knee, but much like the opener, it was hard to fathom that the title was in any serious jeopardy. Storm feels like a major star and Deeb comes off as the challenger of the month. Deeb’s style made sense, but it was hard to buy her as being a threat to win.

We recap Trent Beretta vs. Orange Cassidy. They were best friends and then Beretta turned on him, saying Cassidy was self centered. Cassidy already beat him, but then Trent ended the career of their former friend Chuck Taylor. Therefore, it’s time for revenge.

Orange Cassidy vs. Trent Beretta

Don Callis is on commentary…and there is no Cassidy. Hold on though as he comes out to his old music (the better one), including a dark shirt and dark jeans. They slug it out with Trent knocking him down off a shot to the throat. Cassidy sends him into the corner and hits a high crossbody, setting up a DDT out to the floor. They fight on the floor, with Cassidy knocking him around ringside until another shot to the throat cuts him down.

Back in and Beretta hits a German suplex, followed by another to keep Cassidy in trouble. Cassidy slowly starts getting up and puts his hands in his pockets…so Trent knocks him down in the corner in a smart move. Cassidy gets back up and rolls away, allowing him to kick Trent into the corner for some stomping. Trent rolls to the apron before Cassidy can come off the top, where he kicks Cassidy out of the air for the crash.

A piledriver onto the apron knocks Cassidy silly but he’s fine enough to hit a Beach Break on the floor. Back in and Trent wants a hug but gets Michinoku Drivered instead. The Stundog Millionaire is blocked, as is the spinning DDT. Instead Trent hits a clothesline, setting up Strong Zero for two more. Trent’s running knee is countered into a Beach Break for two but the Orange Punch is countered into a Codebreaker. Trent tries a choke but gets reversed into a rollup for the pin at 13:55.

Rating: B-. Now, that should end the feud for good right? Cassidy has beaten him twice now and this was 100% clean. There is no reason for the feud to continue but commentary was already saying it was far from over. Cassidy winning is fine if this is done, but get him something more important to do. He’s done the random matches for months now and it’s time to either move him up or find something completely fresh.

Post match Rocky Romero comes out to check on Trent, who says he isn’t doing this and walks out through the crowd.

FTW Title: Hook vs. Katsuyori Shibata vs. Chris Jericho

Jericho is defending and chops it out with Shibata to start. Hook suplexes Jericho down and it’s already time for the tables. Jericho breaks that up and sends Hook into the barricade before dropping Shibata as well. It’s time for the bag of…dice, about two and a half minutes into the match. Hook suplexes Jericho onto them and Shibata adds a slam as commentary makes craps references.

Hook suplexes both of them again but Shibata suplexes Hook to leave everyone down. It’s time for some kendo sticks, with the challengers shrugging off Jericho’s shots and beating him down with their sticks instead. Shibata knocks Hook down and whips out a table of his own. More suplexes abound and Jericho is laid on the table, with Shibata Death Valley Drivering Hook onto Jericho but not through the table. Shibata sends Jericho through the tale in the corner and adds a dropkick for two.

Hook is back up with a suplex but looks rather staggered after the table crash. Redrum goes on but Big Bill comes in for the save. Bill and Hook go crashing off the apron for a nasty landing, leaving Shibata to Figure Four Jericho. Hook comes in and adds the Redrum but here is someone in a hoodie with a trashcan for the save. And it’s Bryan Keith, who gets beaten down by Hook. Jericho Judas Effects Hook and pins Shibata (in the trashcan, meaning the shoulders weren’t on the mat so it shouldn’t have counted but that might be a bit nitpicky) to retain at 12:45.

Rating: C+. The Jericho stuff isn’t exactly thrilling and now his stable gets to grow even more. This is a match that was pretty much only there for the reveal, as Hook has to jump through another hoop to get the title back, despite being Jericho once before. The FTW Title is more or less the Hardcore Title these days and that’s not exactly something I need to see on a regular basis, especially with Jericho around so much.

We recap Jon Moxley vs. Konosuke Takeshita, with Don Callis wanting Moxley to join his team but getting nowhere.

Jon Moxley vs. Konosuke Takeshita

Non-title and Moxley has a bad shoulder thanks to Takeshita attacking him last night. Moxley slugs away to start but gets dropped with a flying clothesline. Takeshita starts taking off the tape before hitting a hammerlock slam. Moxley gets dropped hard onto the apron but bites at the head for a breather. The fans get on Callis as Takeshita fights back and chokes against the barricade.

Back in and Takeshita drops him to his knees with a single forearm. A brainbuster plants Moxley again and we hit the crossface chickenwing. That’s broken up so Takeshita kicks him in the face, only to get caught with a desperation cutter. Moxley can’t get a piledriver so Takeshita pulls him into a Fujiwara armbar instead. The rope is reached so Takeshita rips at the face for a change of pace. That gets a stern lecture from the referee, allowing Moxley to send Takeshita outside for a dive.

Back in and Moxley uses the good arm for a big clothesline but Takeshita is back with the kneeling piledriver. Takeshita loads up the running knee but gets cut off with a Paradigm Shift. They slug it out until Takeshita drops him with one heck of a forearm. Instead of covering, Takeshita hits a running knee for two and frustration is setting in.

Moxley is back up with a choke but can’t get the Death Rider. The arm is sent into the post and another big forearm, setting up Takeshita’s Death Rider for two. Callis says finish this so Takeshita grabs some chairs…but Moxley stomps him onto the chair. The Death Rider finishes Takeshita at 17:24.

Rating: B. This was another match that went long but didn’t exactly get to that next level. Moxley was working through the arm and Takeshita worked on it over and over, but much like earlier in the night, it was hard to believe that Takeshita was winning. Moxley losing in the first place is a rare sight and the IWGP World Champion losing would be even weirder.

We recap Malakai Black vs. Adam Copeland for the latter’s TNT Title. Black wanted the violent Copeland so he stole Copeland’s wedding ring. That earned him a bloodbath, and it’s in a barbed wire cage too.

TNT Title: Adam Copeland vs. Malakai Black

Copeland is defending in a barbed wire cage so naturally there are a bunch of weapons included. The End and the spear both miss so Copeland sends him over the ropes for a boot against the cage. Copeland grabs some barbed wire and rips Black’s head open but the spear is cut off with a knee. Black grabs a barbed wire baseball bat so commentary argues about Take Me Out To The Ball Game.

The bat goes into Copeland’s head to bust him open too. Black takes too long to follow up though and gets batted in the ribs. Copeland rakes Black’s face against the cage and it’s time to set up a table. It takes too long to go up though and Black superkicks Copeland down to crotch him on the ropes. A sunset bomb through the table gives Black two but the End is cut off with a standing spear (not a great one either) to give Copeland two.

Another piledriver knocks Black silly and Copeland puts him onto a table…where he wraps Black in barbed wire. Copeland goes to the top of the cage and kind of elbows him (while landing on his feet) for a rather delayed two. The spear is countered with the End for two and they both slowly get up. Black whips out…some kind of big spike, which he stabs through the mat as he misses Copeland. Black kicks him through the door and they go outside, where Copeland hits another spear.

Cue the House Of Black….to stand next to Copeland. Then they turn (?) on him about two seconds later and beat him down before heading back inside. Black whips out Copeland’s wedding ring and puts it around his neck as the House wraps Copeland in barbed wire. Then the lights go red and black and Gangrel pops up through the mat. The blood is sprayed and the former Brood cleans house, with Copeland tying Black up with the barbed wire and putting on the Grindhouse for the win at 20:11.

Rating: C. Yeah I wasn’t feeling this one, with the Gangrel appearance being the only thing that really helped it. I kept having flashbacks to last year when Copeland and Finn Balor had almost the same feud (minus the wedding ring) and it was taking away from this one. Also, just way too many weapons and barbed wire, with the cage not really being necessary. I’m sure there are going to be people who loved this and I more than get it, but WAY longer than it needed to be with too much going on in too similar of a story to what Copeland did last year.

Don Callis talks about how great a night it has been for the Family. He’ll have a contract on Dynamite for…someone, presumably Orange Cassidy.

We recap Mercedes Mone challenging Willow Nightingale for the TBS Title. Mone is making her in-ring debut and is in her first match after injuring her ankle against Nightingale in Japan. Now Mone wants revenge and to show that she is a star.

TBS Title: Mercedes Mone vs. Willow Nightingale

Nightingale, with Kris Statlander and Stokely Hathaway, is defending and Mone gets a big entrance, complete with a bunch of drummers and showgirls. Mone begs off from Nightingale to start and we hit the dueling chants. The threat of a clothesline sends Mone bailing out to the floor, with Mone running away in a chase. Back in and Mone grabs a springboard sitout bulldog for two but Nightingale pops back up.

They head outside again where Mone gets in a kick from the apron, only to get caught with the Babe With The Powerbomb onto the same apron. Back in and Nightingale throws her hard into the corner A super Babe With The Powerbomb is broken up and Mone ties her ankle in the corner for some cranking. The jumping Meteora gets two and Mone grabs a leglock to keep Nightingale in trouble.

With that broken up, Mone grabs a dragon screw legwhip (Nightingale landed on her) and puts on an ankle lock. That’s broken up so Mone hits a Backstabber for two. An octopus goes on but Nightingale reverses into an ankle lock of her own. Mone slips out of that as well so Nightingale Pounces the heck out of her. Back up and Nightingale unloads with clotheslines in the corner, setting up a hard spinebuster for two.

The Babe With The Powerbomb is countered so Nightingale lifts her up for another powerbomb. Nightingale puts her on top but can’t get a superplex, instead settling for a shinbreaker on the apron. A swinging Prism Trap has Mone in more trouble but she avoids the Cannonball. Mone stomps on the ankle and a middle rope Meteora gets two. Nightingale rolls outside and there’s another Meteora off the apron to knock her silly.

Statlander and Hathaway get on the apron to yell, allowing Nightingale to hit the Babe With The Powerbomb…but the arguing continues. The delayed cover gets two but Mone reverses another Babe With The Powerbomb into a weird STF. That’s broken up so Mone goes up and kicks her down. The Mone Maker (a Gory Stretch spun into a knee to the face, which doesn’t go well) gives Mone the pin and the title at 18:04.

Rating: B. Well that felt inevitable. Mone might as well have had her name put on the title the second Nightingale won the thing, which is quite the shame as Nightingale FINALLY won something important and then loses it to put Mone over. I get why Mone is the bigger star, but dang this was a bit of a punch to the gut. They were having a good match with the leg work making sense, but the result is a bit saddening.

Post match Hathaway yells at Nightingale but Statlander shoves him down. Then Statlander turns on Nightingale and leaves with Hathaway.

We recap Swerve Strickland defending the World Title against Christian Cage. Strickland is mad at the Young Bucks so they’re sending Cage and the Patriarchy to take him out. Cage is also mad at Strickland for injuring Nick Wayne last year.

AEW World Title: Swerve Strickland vs. Christian Cage

Strickland, with Prince Nana (to counter Cage’s Patriarchy), is defending and we get a video about his rise to the top. They yell at each other to start and fight over a lockup as they’re not exactly going fast to start here. Cage kicks him in the ribs but gets run over with a shoulder, allowing Swerve to step on his back. The reverse DDT puts Swerve down but he avoids top rope splash.

They head outside with Swerve being sent into the barricade and Cage gets to pose back inside. The chinlock goes on for a bit, followed by the frog splash to give Cage two. Nick Wayne gets in a cheap shot but Swerve sends Cage hard into the corner for a breather. Cage tries a spear but Swerve lifts him up into a powerbomb, which he swings into a powerslam for two. Swerve grabs the turtleneck for some rolling neckbreakers, followed by a hanging neckbreaker over the ropes.

With Cage on the floor, Swerve hits a big flipping dive, kicking him in the head on the way down. The House Call is countered into a Sharpshooter, which is reversed into a small package for two. The Patriarchy tries to grab the belt but Nana takes it away, only to be ejected for being caught with the belt in hand. Cage distracts the referee so the Patriarchy can hammer away like good villains. Mother Wayne offers a distraction but Killswitch headbutts Cage by mistake.

Nick is taken out but the Swerve Stomp misses. The spear gives Cage two so Nick tries another distraction but this time Killswitch gets caught before the interference. That’s good for a group ejection as commentary talks about Englebert Humperdink. Swerve hits his rolling Downward Spiral for two, followed by the rolling suplex on the floor. The steps are loaded up but they roll to the apron instead, with Cage raking the eyes and trying a powerbomb.

That’s reversed into a Swerve Stomp onto the apron but Cage knocks him off the apron and HARD onto the steps. Cue Nick Wayne with Wayne’s World off the steps so the Killswitch can give Cage two. Cue Prince Nana with a pipe to chase Nick off so Cage loads up the announcers’ table.

The Killswitch is countered into a Swerve Stomp onto (not through) the table for a NASTY crash/noise. Back in and the JML Driver is countered into a rollup for two and Cage snaps the back of Swerve’s neck over the top rope. The spear is countered so Swerve hits a running House Call into the swerve Stomp for…no cover. Another House call Retains at 24:45.

Rating: B. This started slowly but got rolling by the end, with Swerve getting the big win. Cage never felt like a threat to win the title but he’s good enough to have a solid match and make Swerve look like a star in defeat. Like many things on this show, it went longer than it needed to and they did one or two too many interference spots, but it was probably the best match on the show so far.

We recap Anarchy In The Arena, which is the Young Bucks taking over AEW and a makeshift team fighting against them for the soul of the company.

Elite vs. Team AEW

That would be the Young Bucks/Jack Perry/Kazuchika Okada vs. Bryan Danielson/Darby Allin/FTR and it’s Anarchy In The Arena, meaning anything goes and falls count anywhere in an arena wide fight. The brawl is on before the bell (which rings at 12:02am) and Allin runs in wearing a mask with thumbtacks. Allin’s music keeps playing until the Bucks say play THEIR music instead. Danielson: “TURN THAT S*** OFF!” He wants the best theme music in wrestling history so the Final Countdown is on.

The brawl starts going into the crowd with Harwood and Nick fighting into the concourse. Allin dives off part of the balcony onto a pile of people and we go to a four way screen for a few moments. We pause for the wrestlers to pose a bit but Matt says cut the music because it costs about $200,000 per play (ok point for a funny line).

The camera keeps cutting to different fights, with one at ringside, two in the crowd and one backstage. The fans want music and then swear about the Bucks when it doesn’t play. Okada, at ringside, pulls out a sign that says Rainmaker Drive before diving onto Danielson. Allin throws Perry in a bucket of cold water in the back but Perry chokes him with a pipe. Back in the ring, the Bucks hit a Shatter Machine for two on Harwood (who is busted open).

We cut back to outside where Perry is in a SCAPEGOAT bus to run over a pile of stuff, which may or may not contain Allin (see because Allin got hit by a bus a few weeks ago). Perry is out off the crash and we cut back to Matt getting hit with a spike piledriver (I believe the tenth or so piledriver variation of the show) onto the apron. The PowerPlex gets two with Okada making the save.

Okada’s top rope elbow hits Harwood and he flips off the fans, with Wheeler coming in to bite the finger. Allin comes back to the ring and gets two off a Code Red on Okada. The Bucks are back up to powerbomb Okada onto a bunch of chairs….and they call for the slot machine set to be raised up. They put him under the raised set but Danielson is back up to punch away. Danielson is thrown off the ramp and the TK Driver onto the big poker chips. FTR come up, with Wheeler getting dropped onto the chip but Harwood DDTs Matt onto the chip.

A bunch of superkicks knock people off the ramp and Nick pops up after a piledriver on the stage. A table is pulled out and of course the fans want fire. Okada elbows Harwood through one and Nick adds a Swanton to put Wheeler through another. We cut to Perry backstage….and he grabs Tony Khan. Perry takes him away and Allin comes into the ring with the flamethrower. Allin lights Perry on fire (finally managing to make him a hot heel) so here are the Bucks with fire extinguishers to extinguish the fire.

They go back to the ring (because LIGHTING PERRY ON FIRE wasn’t the end of the match) and Allin kicks Okada low. The Coffin Drop gets two with the Bucks making the save. With nothing else working, the Bucks tie up Allin’s legs and…FTR comes back in with a Shatter Machine (Tony: “End it already!”) for two. Nick whips out an exploding chair to take out Harwood, followed by a superkick to Wheeler.

Okada brings out an arm sleeve with thumbtacks and the Rainmaker hits Allin, but it’s time to bust out the Young Bucks’ new shoes. These come with tacks (Okada to Matt: “TRY THESE!”) and Allin is raised up, hanging upside down by his feet. The Bucks put the shoes on and pump them up for tacked superkicks to Allin. Danielson comes in and gets taken out as well but Nick kicks Matt by mistake.

Danielson hits a running knee and takes one of the shoes, which knocks out the Bucks. A bunch of kicks have the Bucks down and a running knee into a chair hits Matt for two as Okada makes the save. Tony: “WHEN WILL THIS THING END?” The Bucks are back up with the EVP Trigger as the fans want help for Allin (who is STILL hanging upside down). Perry hits a running knee to pin Danielson at 29:55, as he shrugs off being lit on fire and pins one of the biggest stars in the world as Perrymania continues to not be a thing.

Rating: D+. Yeah I know some people are going to love this and cool if you did but DANG this was long and came at the end of a 5+ hour show. This was a total stunt show that needed about fifteen minutes cut out. It had some rather creative and painful looking stuff, but when someone is set on fire and the match goes on for ten more minutes, you’re going too long.

The Bucks get to keep running roughshod over the company, despite Tony Khan being back for the shows, making their power worthless. I’m sure that won’t be the case because the Bucks must continue, but that’s another problem for another time. The best thing here was that Khan didn’t join the Elite (yet) but this went WAY too long and I was long past ready for the show to end.

The Elite celebrates to end the show.

Overall Rating: C+. This show went off the air at 12:33am and that sums up the biggest problem. Sunday was the fifth straight day of Tony Khan produced wrestling that I’ve watched and it’s too much. That was the case this week and it was DEFINITELY the case with this show, which went on and on. There is such a thing as burning out fans on a show and that’s what I was feeling by the end, as it just kept going.

The wrestling wasn’t exactly great either, with Strickland vs. Cage being the best thing on the show and even then it wasn’t something I want to watch again. I’m sure there are going to be very different opinions on the main event, but after a barbed wire cage match (with vampire cameo), the FTW hardcore match and chairs in Moxley vs. Takeshita, plus other assorted violence, I really wasn’t that interested in a bunch of people walking around and no selling stuff for thirty minutes.

Overall, this show just wasn’t very interesting. It wasn’t terrible or even bad, but there were a lot of results that felt obvious coming in and nothing on the show that I’d want to watch again. The show didn’t have me interested coming in and then it didn’t exactly deliver, which isn’t a good sign as AEW has long since lived off its great pay per view reputation. Maybe next month’s show is better, but this didn’t quite click for me.

Deonna Purrazzo b. Thunder Rosa – Rollup with ropes
Billy Gunn/Acclaimed b. Cage Of Agony – Small package to Toa
Will Ospreay b. Roderick Strong – Hidden Blade
Bang Bang Gang b. Death Triangle – Blade Runner to Pac
Toni Storm b. Serena Deeb – Storm Zero
Orange Cassidy b. Trent Beretta – Rollup
Chris Jericho b. Hook and Katsuyori Shibata – Trashcan shot to Shibata
Jon Moxley b. Konosuke Takeshita – Death Rider
Adam Copeland b. Malakai Black – Grindhouse
Mercedes Mone b. Willow Nightingale – Mone Maker
Elite b. Team AEW – Running knee to Danielson



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Double Or Nothing 2024 Preview

We’re back on pay per view and the card is looking like it could go in a variety of ways. AEW is promoting this as a triple main event with a rather interesting set of matches on top, though your taste in the recent storytelling efforts may vary. The good thing is AEW tends to focus on the in-ring wrestling with its pay per views and that tends to go rather well. Let’s get to it.

Buy-In: Thunder Rosa vs. Deonna Purrazzo

This is a feud that has been built up in recent weeks and now we get to see what happens when they face off. Both of them could use a big win and they are going to be given the chance to make it happen here. Purrazzo has lost rather frequently but Rosa is the bigger star and a former Women’s Champion. That leaves you with a pair of viable options, which makes this more fun.

I’ll go with Rosa to win here, as she is the bigger star and could easily be moved into either Women’s Title picture. Rosa has been driven nuts by Purrazzo in recent weeks and it should be time to see her get revenge. Purrazzo is not exactly in the best place either, and while I would like to see her win, it makes more sense for Rosa to win here, as she has more potential to jump up the ladder.

Buy-In: Billy Gunn/Acclaimed vs. Brian Cage/Gates Of Agony

Here we have a match between two groups who are in rather different places. Gunn and the Acclaimed lost the Trios Titles not that long ago but they could not feel colder if they were actively trying. They have nothing going on and it’s hard to fathom them getting back to the top of the mountain anytime soon. At the same time, Cage and the Gates aren’t doing much better, but that is pretty normal for them.

This almost has to be Cage and the Gates here, as they just recently split from Swerve Strickland and need to get a win to make themselves feel less worthless. Gunn and the Acclaimed probably need the win more, but I don’t think I can picture it happening. At some point the Acclaimed need to find something to do away from Gunn and hanging another loss on them might make them go in the right direction.

Jon Moxley vs. Konosuke Takeshita

This is non-title but if Takeshita wins, he gets a future IWGP World Title shot. The whole thing is taking place because of international wrestling politics, which makes it quite the mess, but maybe they can tie it into Forbidden Door. For now though, we should be in for a heck of a fight, as Moxley will brawl with anyone and Takeshita is always a treat to watch no matter what he is doing.

Since it’s Takeshita in a high profile match, I’ll go with Moxley winning, making the stipulation an even bigger waste of time. Maybe Don Callis helps Takeshita win, but at the end of the day, AEW likes having Takeshita look great on the way to big matches, put on a heck of a performance, and then come up short. This should be a good one though, and hopefully they get the chance to show just how good Takeshita is. Before he loses.

Trent Beretta vs. Orange Cassidy

This is a rematch from a few weeks ago where Cassidy won the first match against his big rival/ex-friend. That should mean we’re in for a more violent match, but in this case we’re not seeing any kind of special stipulation. Cassidy has an extra reason to go after Beretta following the attack on Chuck Taylor, but right now he isn’t exactly getting a big chance to get revenge.

I’ll go with Beretta winning here, as there is pretty much nothing left for him to do at the moment if he loses. Beretta has been built up as a pretty impressive heel as he went after one of the most popular stars on the roster. That being said, I’m not sure I can imagine Cassidy losing, even if it makes more sense for it to happen. I’ll stick with Beretta here, though him losing wouldn’t surprise me at all.

International Title: Roderick Strong(c) vs. Will Ospreay

This is one of the weirder matches on the show, as you do not often see the champion feeling like such a huge underdog. Ospreay has been presented as an ace since the day he debuted for the company and there is no reason to believe that doesn’t continue. Strong is the best thing about the Undisputed Kingdom, but I’m really not sure how much that means.

Give me Ospreay to win here, as I’ll go with what makes the most sense. I’m not sure I can imagine Ospreay losing so soon, as there is a very good chance that he is going to wind up in a top match at All In later this year. While the title is beneath what Ospreay has been doing lately, maybe he can elevate it up a bit. Ospreay wins here, as he is a few miles ahead of what Strong is doing.

TNT Title: Adam Copeland(c) vs. Malakai Black

Their feud is about the title, a weird obsession with being creepy, and Black stealing Copeland’s wedding ring. In addition to all of that, the match is going to be in a barbed wire steel cage, because we’re going to be seeing something rather violent and insane. Or it winds up being a huge disappointment, which is a tendency with big gimmick matches around AEW.

I’ll take Black winning here, as he needs to do something other than lose over and over. His team has been wrecked over and over by Copeland but giving him the win and the title should help things out quite a bit. It should be a violent match, but maybe Kyle O’Reilly comes in to cost Copeland the title for some reason or something like that. Either way, Black needs the win here more than Copeland, though it should be a violent war no matter what.

Trios Titles: Bang Bang Gang(c) vs. Death Triangle

It’s nice to see actual teams competing for the titles, as there are only so many viable options to come after them. While Death Triangle feels like a relic of the past, they do at least look like a heck of a threat to come after the titles. This has the potential to be a heck of a fight, and if they go completely insane, it will have a chance to steal a lot of the rather large show.

I’m thinking the Gang retains, as there is little reason to suggest that Death Triangle will stick around. The three of them are often leaving in one way or another and it would be a bit of a stretch to put the titles on them. The Gang doesn’t have much else going on, but seeing them carry that many belts around is kind of amusing. The champions retain here, and hopefully they do it in an awesome fight.

FTW Title: Chris Jericho(c) vs. Hook vs. Katsuyori Shibata

This is one of the more controversial stories in AEW at the moment, as Jericho is doing a weird condescending heel deal where he tries to be all nice but the fans are sick of him because it isn’t that good. He is also taking credit for everyone’s success, including Hook and Shibata. That makes for a rather odd match but here we are anyway, with the title on the line.

I’ll go with what makes sense in such a triple threat and say Jericho retains, likely after one of the other two does all the work for the finish but Jericho steals it. That would be the logical way to go for what he has been doing lately, but I’m not sure how well it will be received. Jericho is trying something new at the moment but that really doesn’t mean he is making it work. It should be enough to retain here though.

Women’s Title: Toni Storm(c) vs. Serena Deeb

I’m not sure I can explain what Storm is doing at the moment, but she seems to be feuding or dealing with Mina Shirakawa, Mariah May and Deeb all at once. This feud seems to be the most personal of the three, as Deeb has attacked Storm’s knee, with Storm promising revenge. The quality of the match is going to depend on how serious Storm takes this, which could go in a bunch of ways.

As messy as Storm’s situation is, I’m not sure I can imagine her losing here so we’ll say she retains. Storm has a lot going on at the moment and while Deeb can wrestle a good match with anyone, I can’t picture her winning the title. Looking at everything else Storm has been doing, it is clear that she has a lot going on and I don’t think she is going to lose the title before she gets there.

TBS Title: Willow Nightingale(c) vs. Mercedes Mone

Here we have the first of the three main events and while it might not seem like the biggest match, it has definitely been treated incredibly seriously. That being said, your mileage may on how Mone has been doing as she has only been so interesting since showing up. Maybe she can knock it out of the park here, but I’ve only been somewhat interested in what she has been doing since debut.

I’ll likely regret this one but I’ll actually take Nightingale to win here. She’s the one the fans want to see right now and while AEW loves itself some heels, it would feel like a horrible idea to take the title off of Nightingale. I’m sure Mone is going to get the title sooner than later as AEW has poured a lot of money into her, but having her come in and take the title in her first match would not feel right. I’ll take Nightingale in a pick I’m pretty sure is going to be wrong.

AEW World Title: Swerve Strickland(c) vs. Christian Cage

Strickland is the star that the AEW fans chose and yet he might be the third biggest story in the company right now. It’s a shame as he could be in for a great story, but instead we’re getting Cage seeking revenge for Strickland attacking Nick Wayne a year ago. That might be logical, but it doesn’t exactly make for the most thrilling situation. Strickland gave Cage a good beatdown on Dynamite, though we need something a bit better to make it work.

There is almost no reason to believe Cage is winning here, as he seems much more of a person there to give Strickland a nice win. That is a perfectly fine way to go, though Strickland is only going to be able to get so much when he is so far from the top of the company. Hopefully that changes after this, but for now it should be Strickland retaining in a good match.

Elite vs. Team AEW

Whether it goes on last or not, this is absolutely the main event of the show. It’s Anarchy In The Arena, which should be a wild brawl all over the place. The big story here would seem to be the return of Tony Khan, who popped up in a car on Dynamite to bring Darby Allin, and a flamethrower, to the show. That’s certainly a way to go and it has me worried about what we’ll see.

While there is a very good case for this being the end of the evil Young Bucks, I’ll take the Elite to win and continue their dominance. What scares me the most is the idea of Khan joining the team in some weird Vince McMahon/Eric Bischoff deal, but if that doesn’t happen and Khan is back, I’m not sure why it should continue anyway. Either way, the Elite win and I’ll be scared about how it happens.

Overall Thoughts

There is potential here for this to be a really good show. While the storylines have been hit or miss as of late, AEW has an incredibly talented roster who can pull off some near miracles. If they are able to do that here then we should be in for a strong night, but they are going to have to nail quite a few things, especially near the top of the card. That main event could go in a few different ways though and odds are that is what will get the focus after the night is over.


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Dynamite – May 15, 2024: Step It Up Already

Date: May 15, 2024
Location: Angel Of The Winds Arena, Everett, Washington
Commentators: Tony Schiavone, Excalibur, Taz

We’re a week and a half away from Double Or Nothing and that means we could be in for a show building towards the pay per view. In this case, we have the Blackpool Combat Club vs. the Don Callis Family in what should be quite the fight. Other than that, Swerve Strickland needs some revenge on Brian Cage. Let’s get to it.

Here is Collision if you need a recap.

Don Callis Family vs. Blackpool Combat Club

Kyle Fletcher and Jeff Cobb for the Family here, with the latter as a hired gun for the week. The brawl starts on the floor with Danielson’s music still playing and the Club taking over. We settle down for the bell ringing and Danielson striking away at Cobb in the corner. Moxley comes in for a running dropkick to the leg in the corner as the Club starts picking Cobb apart.

Fletcher comes in and fires off some chops, which don’t have much effect on Moxley. A superplex gives Moxley two but Cobb breaks up a cross armbreaker attempt. Fletcher is draped over the top rope so Danielson can hit a top rope knee as we take a break. Back with Moxley staggering out of the corner and snapping off a suplex to Cobb. Danielson comes back in and starts firing off the strikes but Cobb suplexes him out of the air. Moxley and Fletcher trade kicks to the face until Cobb runs Moxley over. What looks to be a Doomsday Device is broken up though and Moxley Death Riders Fletcher for the pin at 12:58.

Rating: B-. Yes the Ring Of Honor TV Champion took the fall again and yes that happens over and over again and yes you are still expected to pay to see the television show (which isn’t on television) he represents. The match was the usual big party fight that you see around here, with Cobb looking like a monster as tends to be the case whenever he’s in AEW. Just find someone other than Fletcher to take the fall next time? Or have him drop the title?

Post match the Family goes after Moxley again but Claudio Castagnoli runs in for the save.

Video on Swerve Strickland vs. Christian Cage.

Here is Adam Copeland for a chat but the House Of Black jumps him from behind. Copeland is knocked out and Malakai Black steals his wedding ring. Kyle O’Reilly tries to make the save but gets beaten down as well.

We look at Eddie Kingston being injured at a New Japan event over the weekend at the hands of the Elite.

The Elite mocks Kingston for getting hurt and think Anarchy In The Arena will be 4-3.

The Young Bucks have their own shoes. Sure.

FTR thinks they have a replacement for Anarchy In The Arena. More on this later.

Young Bucks vs. Matt Sydal/Christopher Daniels

Non-title and Jack Perry is on commentary. For the sake of simplicity, I’ll only refer to Sydal as Sydal and Matt Buck as Matt. Sydal rolls Matt up to start and it’s quickly off to Daniels to hammer away in the corner. Nick comes in and cleans house, followed by Matt’s top rope ax handle to Sydal as we take a break. Back with Daniels coming in to beat up the Bucks, including a Downward Spiral/DDT combination. Sydal misses a dive to the floor though and Matt sends him over the barricade, leaving Daniels to get Tony Khan Drivered for the pin at 8:32.

Rating: C+. This was about what it seemed likely to be, with the Bucks getting beaten up for a bit and then winning in the end. Daniels and Sydal weren’t exactly a major threat to them and it lets the Bucks get a win before going into the pay per view. You know, because they haven’t looked strong enough lately.

Post match the Bucks yell at Daniels for talking down to him last week. They’re trying to clean up the toxicity in the locker room so Daniels is fired. Perry pours a drink on Tony Schiavone too.

Toni Storm, while holding Mariah May, threatens Harley Cameron.

Malakai Black looks at Adam Copeland’s wedding ring and accepts his challenge for a barbed wire steel cage match at Double Or Nothing.

Hook vs. Sebastian Wolfe

Redrum in 28 seconds.

Post match Hook calls out Chris Jericho, so here he is, along with Big Bill. Jericho doesn’t want to hurt Hook but offers him a qualifying match to get a title shot. Hook likes the idea and then hits him in the face, only to have Big Bill get involved. Katsuyori Shibata makes the save.

Swerve Strickland is ready for Christian Cage but first he has to take out Brian Cage.

Swerve Strickland vs. Brian Cage

Non-title and Swerve gets the big hometown reaction. Cage slugs away in the corner to start but gets sent outside with Swerve stomping on the arm. The arm is snapped over the top rope but Cage sends him into the corner again. Swerve’s half nelson is broken up and Cage hits a gorilla press slam into the corner as we take a break.

Back with Swerve slipping out of a powerbomb attempt and sending Cage face first into the buckle. A middle rope elbow to the back has Cage in more trouble and Swerve brainbusters him for two. The rolling Downward Spiral is cut off but Swerve escapes Weapon X as well. Swerve ties him in the ropes for a slingshot stomp to the chest, setting up a 450 for two. Cage’s sitout powerbomb gets two more and they trade shots to the face. Another powerbomb is loaded up but Swerve Stomps his way out in a nice counter. The House Call finishes Cage at 14:48.

Rating: B. This is the kind of match that works well for Swerve: have him get in trouble and then fight back to win in the end. He has a history with Cage and it was nice to see him getting a win that means something to him. Rather good match here, which should completely sever Swerve from the Mogul Embassy.

Post match Swerve grabs a chair but the Patriarchy comes in to beat Swerve down. Nick Wayne breaks a photo of Swerve and his family over Swerve’s head. Christian says that’s payback for Swerve attacking Nick last year and asks if Swerve’s daughter is proud of her absentee father. He rubs Swerve’s blood on the photo for a personal touch.

Hook is willing to face anyone to get the shot at Chris Jericho, including Katsuyori Shibata, who wants Jericho as well. Samoa Joe comes in to yell at Hook for not focusing, with Shibata’s translator saying Joe’s flowery shirt doesn’t look good.

Toni Storm vs. Harley Cameron

Non-title. They trade headlocks to start with Storm taking her to the mat. Storm sends her to the apron and adds a running hip attack to take her down again. Cue Serena Deeb for a distraction though as Cameron takes over. We take a break and come back with Storm hitting a Backstabber into a DDT. A fisherman’s buster gets two on Cameron, who is right back with Eat Defeat. Cameron’s running knee gets two but Storm grabs a chokebomb. Storm Zero finishes Cameron at 7:04.

Rating: C. Cameron seems to be trying but it really isn’t working for her in the ring. She feels like someone who hasn’t been in the ring that long, which might be due to her only debuting about two years ago. I’m not sure why that means she should be in the ring on national TV, but it isn’t exactly working.

Will Ospreay and the Undisputed Kingdom have a staredown in the back, with Ospreay saying he won’t go after Roderick Strong because he knows the rest of the team would be on him. Strong has never had any respect for him and Ospreay’s feelings are mutual. Things get heated, wish Strong bringing up Ospreay’s family and saying Ospreay is a child/fraud. Ospreay accuses Strong of burying him to Ring Of Honor people and promises to take the title. This still feels like a huge downgrade for Ospreay.

Here are Mercedes Mone and Willow Nightingale, with Kris Statlander/Stokely Hathaway, for the contract signing. Willow asks if Mone respects the TBS Title because Willow is the face of TBS. This smiling face comes to the ring every time and says nothing else matters because you can have fun. She isn’t going to let Mone come into AEW and take all of that away.

Willow signs, leaving Mone saying the best part of Willow’s career is beating her, which will be the case after Double Or Nothing. Willow says the last time they wrestled, she walked out a champion but Mone didn’t walk out at all. The fight is on and Mone is put through the table. Mone is going to need to have the match of the century to make up for how useless she’s been since debuting.

Continental Title: Kazuchika Okada vs. Dax Harwood

Harwood is challenging and goes after Okada’s legs to start, sending him outside. Back in and Okada shoulders him down and sends Harwood shoulder first into the post as we take a break. We come back with Harwood being sat on top and dropkicked out to the floor. A running boot against the barricade hits Harwood, followed by a DDT to knock him silly.

Back in and Harwood falls down to avoid the Rainmaker, followed by a German suplex. Harwood hits a dragon suplex as well but Okada kicks off a Sharpshooter attempt. Okada goes up and gets superplexed down for the big crash, leaving them both down for a minute in a needed breather.

The slingshot sitout powerbomb is blocked and they fight over a Tombstone until Harwood plants him for two. The Sharpshooter goes on but is broken up just as quickly. Okada is frustrated and goes to grab the belt, which the referee takes away, allowing Okada to get in a low blow. The Rainmaker retains the title at 16:05.

Rating: B. Well, that certainly was a top singles guy taking a long time to beat one half of a tag team who never wins anything important on his own. They’re continuing with the idea of the Elite looking unstoppable going into Anarchy In The Arena, which isn’t exactly making me want to see the match. At the same time, points for not having the Bucks run in, as seeing less of them is nice.

Post match the Elite comes in for the beatdown so Cash Wheeler and Bryan Danielson run in. Darby Allin, in a purple fur coat, runs in from behind for the real save to end the show.

Overall Rating: B-. This show was mainly focused on building things up for Double Or Nothing but the show is only looking so good at the moment. The main focus is, again, on the Elite and they aren’t exactly working so far. Allin being back is a good surprise and he’ll help the match, but it feels like the latest way for the Elite to be better than everyone else and that’s not the most thrilling story. Other than that you have Strickland vs. Cage, which is coming off as a rather midcard feud despite being for the World Title. They had a focus here, but the storylines just aren’t doing it for me at the moment.

Blackpool Combat Club b. Don Callis Family – Death Rider to Fletcher
Young Bucks b. Christopher Daniels/Matt Sydal – Tony Khan Driver to Daniels
Hook b. Sebastian Wolfe – Redrum
Swerve Strickland b. Brian Cage – House Call
Toni Storm b. Harley Cameron – Storm Zero
Kazuchika Okada b. Dax Harwood – Rainmaker



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Collision – May 11, 2024: I’ll Take That

Date: May 11, 2024
Location: Rogers Arena, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Commentators: Tony Schiavone, Nigel McGuinness

We’re still in Canada, where every arena is apparently named Rogers. The big draw this week is Kyle O’Reilly getting a TNT Title shot against Adam Copeland, which is quite the Canadian showdown. Other than that, you can expect your regular assortment from Collision so let’s get to it.

Here is Dynamite if you need a recap.

Blackpool Combat Club vs. Top Flight

Danielson and Darius start things off, with Nigel thinking the fans are most excited about seeing him. Darius fights out of a wristlock but gets shouldered down for his efforts. It’s off to Dante as Danielson is taken into the corner for some chopping as the fast start continues. Castagnoli comes in and gets headscissored down, with Darius adding a slingshot hilo for one.

Castagnoli isn’t having that and drapes Darius over the top rope for a dropkick from Danielson. The surfboard keeps Darius in trouble as the fans already think this is awesome. Darius is knocked hard to the floor and we take a break. Back with Danielson kicking away at Darius in the corner, only to have Darius use the corner for a Pele kick. Dante comes back in to clean house as Tony thinks Castagnoli is Swedish.

Dante’s frog splash gets two on Castagnoli, who is right back with the Swing into the Sharpshooter. That’s broken up with a Downward Spiral as everything breaks down. Darius dives onto Danielson and Dante’s Nose Dive gets two on Castagnoli. Back in and Danielson hits the running knee, leaving Castagnoli to drop Darius with a running uppercut for the pin at 13:48.

Rating: B-. This was a way to get Danielson back in the ring after his loss to Will Ospreay at Dynasty and to help get him ready for Anarchy In The Arena. It helps the Top Flight are a rather nice team who can work well with anyone. I could go for seeing them get a better spot in AEW but that doesn’t seem likely at the moment. Good match to start the show here.

Post match Danielson gets the mic and asks for some respect for Top Flight. Danielson talks about hearing an AEW chant at the start of this match and that is why he is willing to get back into Anarchy In The Arena. He loves this place and the Elite is not what AEW is all about. The Young Bucks aren’t even here tonight and Danielson is wanting to fight because he loves what AEW represents and he will do anything to protect it. Very fired up stuff from Danielson, and the Bucks not being around makes things even better.

Lee Moriarty vs. Will Ospreay

Roderick Strong, with the Undisputed Kingdom, is on commentary and Shane Taylor is here with Moriarty. Ospreay gets caught in a wristlock to start but flips up to a rather positive reaction. They fight over an exchange of flips until Ospreay snaps off the running hurricanrana to the floor. The slingshot dive takes Moriarty down again and we take a break.

Back with Moriarty working on the neck, including grabbing a cravate. Ospreay breaks that up and nips up to start the comeback, with the fans being rather pleased. A Phenomenal Forearm gives Ospreay two but he backs out of the Tiger Driver 91 attempt. Moriarty uses the distraction to plant him for two, only to get caught with the Cheeky Nandos kick. Taylor gets superkicked off the apron but the Oscutter is countered into the Border City Stretch. That’s broken up as well and Stormbreaker finishes for Ospreay at 10:26.

Rating: B-. Ospreay gets another win as he is on his way to the title match with Strong, which brings up the issue: Ospreay feels like he is punching WAY down to Strong and the International Title. Maybe they are trying to boost the title up by having Ospreay fight for it, but when you go from an instant classic with Danielson to this, it feels more than a little bit off. For now though, Ospreay having one awesome match after another is an acceptable way to go.

Post match Strong offers a distraction so Taylor can jump Ospreay from behind.

Mercedes Mone threw out the first pitch at a Rex Sox game. At least she’s actually doing a star thing rather than just saying she’s a star.

Gates Of Agony/Brian Cage vs. Evan Rivers/Voros Twins

Cage suplexes Rivers down to start and the Twins are knocked off the apron. The toss sitout powerbomb gives Cage the pin on one of the Twins (we’ll call him Porkchop) at 1:09.

Post match Tony Schiavone asks Cage why he attacked Swerve Strickland, and apparently it’s due to Swerve being selfish. The team wanted real leadership like the Young Bucks but here is Strickland with a chain for the beatdown. Kaun is chained to the post but Toa runs Swerve over for the save. Toa tries a running charge but Swerve whips out a cinder block to cut him off. A Conchairto on the steps crushes Toa again as Cage escapes. See how cool it is when the World Champion gets to look awesome for once?

Post break Swerve talks about trying to be the company guy as the World Champion and now a bunch of people are after him. Brian Cage is all that’s left of the Mogul Embassy so they can fight on Dynamite. This is the Swerve that felt like a big star.

Daniel Garcia vs. KM

The rather large KM powers him into the corner to start and does his own dance. Garcia fights back and stomps away in the corner before hammering away, meaning some crotch thrusts to the face. A dragon sleeper makes KM tap at 2:07.

We look at the end of Dynamite with Anarchy In The Arena being set up.

Dax Harwood vs. Tommy Billington

That would be Dynamite Kid’s nephew and Cash Wheeler is here Harwood. They fight over a lockup to start and Billington is looking rather surly (it must be a family thing). Harwood grabs a headlock takeover before switching into a hammerlock. Back up and Billington actually runs him over with a shoulder but Harwood hits a heck of an elbow to the face. Billington manages a running crossbody to send them both crashing out to the floor and we take a break.

Back with Billington hitting a big dive to the floor, followed by a missile dropkick back inside. A top rope elbow gets two on Harwood but he catches Billington going up again. The top rope superplex leaves both of them down as the fans find this awesome. They trade rolling German suplexes until Billington tries a rollup, which is reversed into a slingshot sitout powerbomb for the pin at 12:33.

Rating: B. They had a heck of a match and Billington looks like he has the potential to be something if he stays at it. That being said, I’m not quite sure I get the idea of having Harwood go 50/50 with an unproven star for twelve minutes about two weeks before he’s likely headlining a pay per view. With all of the people on the AEW roster, Harwood was the only person who could have this match that has nothing to do with the upcoming pay per view match? Odd decision, though the match was quite good.

After Dynamite, Kazuchika Okada challenges Dax Harwood for Dynamite and Jack Perry brags about his awesomeness. Christopher Daniels comes in and doesn’t like how they talk to him, with a threat ensuing.

Daniels talks about how the Young Bucks have forgotten where they came from. The company is about to turn five years old and Daniels has been there from the beginning. This Wednesday, Daniels is teaming up with Matt Sydal to face the Bucks and someone will be punished, but it won’t be who the Bucks expect. Daniels told the story here and while he and Sydal are going to get wrecked, he put in the energy to make it feel important.

Dax Harwood is ready to face Kazuchika Okada on Dynamite.

Thunder Rosa vs. Robyn Renegade

Rosa takes her down with a headlock to start so Robyn sits Rosa on the top. The trash talk just makes Rosa send her into the ropes and fire off the hard chops. Robyn gets sent to the apron for a kick to the head but rams Rosa into the barricade as we take a break. Back with Robyn’s running stomp getting two as some frustration is setting in. Rosa fights back and hits the running dropkick against the ropes for two more. Robyn is able to kick her down again, only to miss a moonsault. A seated cobra clutch makes Robyn tap at 7:41.

Rating: C+. Robyn got in a lot of offense here and that’s not a bad thing, as she and her sister have looked solid during their Ring Of Honor appearances. At the same time, Rosa got to showcase something a bit different here, with that seated cobra clutch being a new way to go. Solid back and forth match here as Rosa gets a hard fought win.

Taya Valkyrie and Johnny TV are happy to be here, with Johnny issuing a challenge to Pac. That doesn’t sound overly smart.

Hook says Chris Jericho doesn’t know anything about him but he’ll learn soon enough.

Here’s what’s coming on various show.

TNT Title: Adam Copeland vs. Kyle O’Reilly

Copeland is defending and looks rather happy to be here. They shake hands to start and then go to a clean break off a lockup. The fans dub this awesome about a minute in, more than forty seconds of which were spent on staring. They (the wrestlers, not the fans) go to the grappling with O’Reilly headlocking him down.

O’Reilly drives in some knees but Copeland whips him chest first into the buckle to get a breather. Another whip has O’Reilly down again and Copeland gets to go after the back for a change. Copeland knocks him outside and we take a break. Back with O’Reilly’s superplex attempt being blocked but he pulls Copeland out of the air for the cross armbreaker.

That’s reversed into the Grindhouse, with O’Reilly having to go to the rope. A suplex gutbuster sends O’Reilly into the rope but he bounds back with a rebound lariat and they’re both down again. Back up and O’Reilly strikes away, setting up a suplex into a kneebar. Copeland makes the rope so O’Reilly drops a top rope knee to the back for two. The cross armbreaker is broken up and they trade shots to the face again.

The spear misses and O’Reilly rolls him up for two, allowing Copeland to grab a choke. That’s broken up as well so Copeland hits a gutbuster for another double knockdown. They go up top with O’Reilly grabbing a flying armbar for a nasty crash. Another shot to the ribs has O’Reilly back down but he tells the referee he can go. Copeland’s spear is countered into a guillotine choke but that’s reversed into the Impaler (cool). The spear retains the title at 19:36.

Rating: B+. This is pretty much what you know you’re getting from Copeland: a long, pretty high quality match against a random challenger of the week. Copeland is likely going to face Malakai Black at Double Or Nothing for the title and these warmup matches should make that feel bigger. For now though, he and O’Reilly had a hard hitting, back and forth match, which is what you should have expected from them.

Overall Rating: B+. Collision is often at its best when the wrestlers are allowed to go out there and do their thing, which is what happened here. While Dynamite is often the storytelling/talking heavy show, Collision has proven to be the opposite, which makes it a nice change of pace. I liked this show quite a bit, with one good match after another and nothing bad throughout. That momentum won’t likely last until Dynamite, but I can certainly go for a show like this week to week.

Blackpool Combat Club b. Top Flight – Running uppercut to Darius
Will Ospreay b. Lee Moriarty – Stormbreaker
Brian Cage/Gates Of Agony b. Evan Rivers/Voros Twins – Sitout powerbomb
Daniel Garcia b. KM – Dragon sleeper
Dax Harwood b. Tommy Billington – Slingshot sitout powerbomb
Thunder Rosa b. Robyn Renegade – Seated cobra clutch
Adam Copeland b. Kyle O’Reilly – Spear



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