Double Or Nothing 2023: Well, It Wasn’t Nothing

Double Or Nothing 2023
Date: May 28, 2023
Location: T-Mobile Arena, Las Vegas, Nevada
Commentators: Jim Ross, Excalibur, Taz

We’re back to viewing on a pay per basis and that normally means some very good things from AEW. This show has an unofficial double main event, with the Four Pillars World Title match, plus Anarchy in the Arena. That should make things all the more interesting and the rest of the card is rather stacked. Let’s get to it.

Commentary is ringside here for a change. If that isn’t a first time for AEW, it’s only one of a handful of times ever.

Buy-In: Hardys/Hook vs. Ethan Page/The Gunns

If the Hardys/Hook win, Matt Hardy owns Page’s contract and Brother Zay is with the Hardys/Hook. JR: “Now is he Isiah Kassidy or is he Brother Zay?” Excalibur: “Well right now he’s injured!” Hook works on Austin’s wrist to start and wrestles him down before it’s off to Matt to stay on the arm.

Everything breaks down and the villains are cleared out, only to be throw back in. Colten starts in on Hook back inside and sends him into the corner. Hook manages a quick El Camino though and the hot tag brings in Matt to clean house. The Gunns are sent outside so they go after the injured Zay, leaving Matt to make the save. That takes too long though and it’s a double teaming to take Matt down for a change.

Matt avoids some charges to sent the Gunns outside but Hook and Jeff are pulled off the apron in a smart move. Colten misses a splash in the corner though and it’s Jeff coming in to take over. The middle rope splash looks to set up a Twist of Fate but Jeff tweaks his knee. The Whisper in the Wind is loaded up but Jeff slips and falls down in a crash.

Hook comes back in for a clothesline to Colten, allowing Matt to come in for Poetry In Motion (as Jeff’s knee seems ok). The 3:10 to Yuma cuts Matt off but Jeff Swantons in for the save. Everything breaks down again and Redrum is broken up. Stereo Twists of Fate take the Gunns down and it’s a Twisting Stunner into the Twist of Fate into Redrum to finish Page at 15:43.

Rating: C+. This was a long Kickoff Show match but it did well enough. The Hardys are going to get a strong reaction no matter what they do and that was the case here. Jeff has been gone for a long time now and it will be nice to have him around again, though pushing him in a big role would be more than risky. For now though, he did ok enough in a limited role.

The opening video looks at the majority of the card, including a special look at the main event.

International Title: Blackjack Battle Royal

Orange Cassidy, Bandido, Chuck Taylor, Trent, Lee Moriarty, Big Bill, Tony Nese, Ari Daivari, Komander, Butcher, Blade, Kip Sabian, Jay White, Juice Robinson, Dustin Rhodes, Keith Lee, Ricky Starks, Rey Fenix, Penta El Zero Miedo, Swerve Strickland, Brian Cage

Cassidy is defending and Sabian tries to get rid of him early on. A bunch of people brawl on the floor to start (as they were all on the floor before the bell and haven’t been inside yet) and Komander does a big rope walk dive to take everyone down. The four luchadors take over the middle of the ring so Bandido can get in a very delayed suplex on Nese. As I try to figure out why anyone but the Varsity Athletes would want to break that up, Nese is tossed out for the first elimination.

Daivari and Penta fight on the apron until Fenix walks the ropes to kick Daivari out for the elimination. Cage finally comes in and gets to clean house, including holding up Bandido and Komander at the same time. The Bros kick Cage down but White and Robinson jump them from behind. White knocks Komander out and it’s a Shield Bomb from the Best Friends/Cassidy to Sabian.

With Sabian out, Big Bill is back up to toss Chuck (with what seemed to be an accidental low bridge from Cassidy). Lee tosses Blade and slugs it out with Cage as Swerve gets in for the first time. Swerve and Lee slug it out (without having a match of course, because that’s just loony) and the Lucha Bros kick Butcher out. Moriarty kicks Bandido out (that’s an upset) but Trent suplexes Moriarty on the apron for the elimination.

Trent takes a big boot meant for Cassidy and gets eliminated in the process as the ring is clearing out a good bit. Cage tosses Lee but Rhodes cuts him off with Cross Rhodes. Fenix is sent to the apron and Penta accidentally knocks him out. Starks tosses Robinson and it’s White vs. Penta for a weird showdown. A springboard is cut out with a Blade Runner but Starks spears White and tosses him out.

Robinson pulls Starks outside (not eliminated) and beats him down, including a whip into the steps. Back in and Bill kicks Stars out (eliminated this time) before Dustin Canadian Destroys Cage on the apron for an elimination. Swerve knocks Rhodes out and we’re down to Swerve, Bill, Penta and Cassidy. Penta fires off a bunch of superkicks and adds a Backstabber to Cassidy.

Bill kicks Penta in the face though and clotheslines him out, followed by a swinging Boss Man Slam to Cassidy. Swerve surprises Bill and tosses him out, leaving us with Swerve vs. Cassidy. They tease tossing each other out until Cassidy hits the Stundog Millionaire. A dropkick to the back stops Cassidy though and they’re both down. The Swerve Stomp connects but Swerve mocks Cassidy instead of throwing him out. Fans: “YOU F***** UP!”

Cassidy catches him with back to back tornado DDTs and the Orange Punch sends Swerve to the apron. Swerve pulls Cassidy out to the apron, where a Prince Nana distraction slows Cassidy down. The Swerve Stomp only hits raised boots and Cassidy knocks him out to retain at 22:25.

Rating: B-. The ending was good, but there were only so many people who were going to be viable options to win, making the battle royal a bit unnecessary. Cassidy winning makes sense, but at some point someone is going to have to crush him good and hard to take the title. Perhaps Powerhouse Hobbs this week on Dynamite.

We recap Adam Cole vs. Chris Jericho in an unsanctioned match. Jericho handcuffed Cole to the ropes while Saraya beat up Cole’s girlfriend Britt Baker, meaning Cole wants revenge. Due to reasons, he brought in Sabu. Yes Sabu.

Chris Jericho vs. Adam Cole

Unsanctioned and Sabu is the guest enforcer, with the rest of the Jericho Appreciation Society and Roderick Strong here too. We start with a chair duel between Jericho and Sabu until Sabu chairs him down. Sabu goes up top and dives (meaning falls) onto what looked like Matt Menard to drive him through a table. That’s enough for everyone else and they all head to the back to even things up.

Back in and Cole takes Jericho down and wraps his leg around the post to take over. Jericho is fine enough to catch him with a suplex off the apron to the floor for a big crash. They get back inside and Jericho hits a clothesline but Cole sends him face first into a chair wedged in the corner. Cole superkicks him down but the Panama Sunrise is countered into the Walls. Making it to the ropes means nothing so Cole grabs a fire extinguisher to blast Jericho and break things up.

The blinded Jericho takes Cole down for two and sprays him with the extinguisher to make it worse. The kendo stick is loaded up but here is Britt Baker with a stick of her own to beat Jericho down. Saraya comes in and gets caned down again, with the women heading to the back. A table is set up but Jericho chairs Cole in the face, knocking him through said table. Jericho whips out a chain…with handcuffs on the ends.

That takes took long though and Cole DDTs him onto the chain for two. Cole chains himself to Jericho and hits the Panama Sunrise for two. The Boom misses and Jericho whips him with the chain. Cole manages a quick Boom but Cole doesn’t cover. Instead he wraps the chain around the knee and hits another Boom. Some right hands with the chain knock Jericho out for the referee stoppage at 19:01.

Rating: C-. And that’s being a bit generous. The match was by no means bad, but it was long, never got exciting, and felt like they were going off a Greatest Street Fight Hits list. I didn’t feel like Cole was out for blood or anything like than and the ending was the only part that felt remotely violent. Add in Sabu with the most pointless cameo in AEW history and this was REALLY disappointing.

We recap the Tag Team Title match. FTR and Jay Lethal/Jeff Jarrett are both claiming Mark Briscoe as a friend, so naturally he’s the guest referee.

Tag Team Titles: FTR vs. Jay Lethal/Jeff Jarrett

FTR is defending, Satnam Singh, Karen Jarrett and Sonjay Dutt are here too and Mark Briscoe is guest referee. Harwood takes Lethal down to start and frustration is setting in early. Back up and Lethal is taken into the corner for some hard chops, which has Lethal even more annoyed. Jarrett and Lethal need a breather on the floor and even try the clap behind the referee’s back for the fake tag.

With that not working, FTR hits a double backdrop and everyone heads outside, with Jarrett sending Wheeler into the barricade. Back in and Jeff takes over with a legsweep and some choking on the ropes, allowing Karen to get in a cheap shot. JR yells at Dutt a lot as the beating continues, only to have Wheeler get over for the hot tag to Harwood. House is cleaned and Harwood rolls some German suplexes on Lethal. Another suplex is blocked though and Lethal drops Harwood for a double knockdown.

Everything breaks down and Harwood crotches Lethal on top, setting up a top rope superplex. Harwood isn’t done though and Wheeler goes up for a powerbomb/top rope clothesline combination. Dutt gets involved for a distraction and that’s enough for the dramatic ejection from Briscoe.

Karen whips out a guitar and blasts Briscoe so here is Aubrey Edwards….who she guitar downs as well. Lethal hits a double Lethal Injection on FTR but there is no one to count. Harwood is back up with a piledriver to Lethal but Jarrett gets in a belt shot. The Stroke connects and Briscoe comes in to count two. Jeff slaps Mark, who slaps him back, and right into the Shatter Machine to retain the titles at 19:47.

Rating: B-. It was a fun, entertaining match that went all in on the insanity, as it should have. Cut it down by about five minutes and it’s even better, but there was little reason to believe that Jarrett and Lethal were going to be a major threat in the first place. Thankfully they didn’t do something stupid like having Briscoe turn, so this went pretty well all things considered.

Juice Robinson and Jay White jump Ricky Starks but FTR make the save.

Chris Jericho and Saraya are mad and want a tag match against Britt Baker and Adam Cole on Dynamite. Jericho throws a fireball at a production worker, because that’s a thing again.

TNT Title: Christian Cage vs. Wardlow

Cage is challenging in a ladder match. They take their time to start until Christian fires off some rights. Wardlow isn’t having that and runs him over but has to block the Killswitch. It’s time for the ladder, but Christian dropkicks it into Wardlow. Cage’s dive is blocked with a ladder in a hard crash and now it’s time for the tables, because of course it is.

That takes too long though and Cage knocks him onto the ladder in a hard crotching. Cage hits him with the ladder and puts it up in the ring, only to have Wardlow get back up and run him over. With Cage knocked down, cue Luchasaurus to throw him back in so Wardlow can be cut off. The reverse DDT off the ladder plants Wardlow again and Cage goes up. For some reason Wardlow goes up and dives at the ladder, which breaks as he lands on it.

Wardlow tries to climb the broken ladder, allowing Luchasaurus to hit a pair of chokeslams. Cue Arn Anderson to bite Luchasaurus’ thumb, which starts gushing blood. That lets Wardlow put Luchasaurus on a pair of tables for a CRAZY Swanton off the ladder and they’re both down. Cage pops up and tries for the title but Anderson offers a distraction. Wardlow hits a powerbomb on Christian and retains at 17:06.

Rating: C+. I have no idea why this needed to be a ladder match other than it involved Christian. Wardlow gets a win, albeit with help from Arn Anderson (who might need to see Britt Baker to look at those teeth). It was a violent enough ladder match and some of the spots were good (that Swanton was nuts), but this felt like they threw a ladder match out there so they could have one, not because the match needed one.

We recap Jamie Hayter defending her Women’s Title against Toni Storm. This is part of the Outcasts vs. the other women feud and Hayter is coming in with a bad shoulder, thanks to the Outcasts. Therefore, it’s about the title and revenge.

Women’s Title: Jamie Hayter vs. Toni Storm

Hayter is defending….and gets jumped backstage and falls down the ramp. The Outcasts send her into various things but Hayter says she can go, so ring the bell. Storm goes right for the near fall but the referee gets bumped on an interfering Soho. Hayter sends her into an exposed buckle but some spray paint to the face sets up the hip attack for two. Cue Hikaru Shida to go after Soho as Storm is sent into the buckle. Hayterade gets two but Storm sends her into the buckle again. Storm Zero gives Storm the title back at 2:55. This wasn’t good, but I’m thinking that can be blamed on Hayter’s injury.

Trios Titles: House Of Black vs. Acclaimed/Billy Gunn

The House is defending against mystery opponents, despite the Acclaimed and Gunn all but saying they were challenging on Rampage. Caster’s rap mentions the House of Black being Caucasian and referencing Dominik Mysterio (as Rhea Ripley is Buddy Matthews’ real life girlfriend). Black takes over on Bowens to start, allowing Black to sit down to mess with Bowens’ head.

Bowens tells him to bring it so it’s Matthews coming in to stomp on Bowens’ arm. Caster comes in and gets taken down as well as the one sidedness continues. It’s back to Bowens, who is taken down into a kneebar and then taken down into a kneebar to mix it up a bit. Matthews adds a top rope Meteora as we’re firmly in the slow beating process. Some cannonballs down onto the leg keep Bowens in trouble as we get a WHO’S YOUR MAMI chant.

Bowens tries to fight up again but gets knocked down hard into the corner again. King’s Cannonball crushes him but Dante’s Inferno is broken up. Bowens is almost over to Gunn but King pulls him down just in time. Back up and the hot tag FINALLY brings in Gunn to clean house, including a Fameasser each to King and Matthews. Black is right back up to kick Gunn in the head and retain at 15:39.

Rating: B-. Nice enough match here for something with more or less no build, though I’m still not sure who the House is supposed to be feuding with next. Gunn and the Acclaimed were one of the biggest trios left and now the House is likely back to feuding with a random pairing. For now though, this was a by the book but well done match with Bowens getting beaten down and Gunn coming in to take the fall (as he should have). Perfectly acceptable way to get the titles on the show.

TBS Title: Jade Cargill vs. Taya Valkyrie

Cargill, with Mark Sterling and Leila Grey, is defending and comes to the ring with a rapper and her dancing sorority sisters. Road To Valhalla and Jaded are both blocked early so Jade is sent outside. That lets Taya hit a dive onto Sterling and then hits the sliding German for a big crash.

Back in and Jade manages a spinning spinebuster for two before beating on her outside again. Jade pulls on both arms at the same time but Taya fights back up and hits a Blue Thunder Bomb. Back up and Jade tries a springboard but gets kneed out of the air. Taya hits a Curb Stomp for two, followed by Road To Valhalla for the same. Jade is right back with Jaded to retain at 8:48.

Rating: C. It was nice to see Jade do something different and her athleticism continues to be insane, but this was just kind of there for the most part, with Jade getting to do a move and then waiting for the next one. I’ll certainly take it over what she does most of the time though, as she finally had someone who actually tested her.

Post match Mark Sterling says there is no one let to face Jade….and Kris Statlander is back. And let’s ring the bell!

TBS Title: Kris Statlander vs. Jade Cargill

Statlander is challenging and elbows her in the face. A Jackhammer is broken up and it’s a pump kick into a failed Jaded attempt. Statlander is right back with Sunday Night Fever to finish Jade for the pin and the title at 46 seconds. Well, it’s nice to have Jade finally lose, and for someone who showed up in a surprise and pinned her after a rough match, Statlander could have been worse.

We recap the World Title match between the Four Pillars. Everyone wants a shot at MJF’s title and after a mini tournament, Sammy Guevara agreeing to lay down and then changing his mind and the match being announced, we’re ready to go.

AEW World Title: Maxwell Jacob Friedman vs. Sammy Guevara vs. Jungle Boy vs. Darby Allin

MJF is defending and Sammy has Tay Melo with him. They’re here with cue cards….and Melo is going to have a baby! Even Jungle Boy has to clap for that one. Allin’s intro is a mini movie where he interrupts a wedding officiated by Elvis and with the groom being a dummy with an MJF mask on.

Allin comes in and beats him up, then has Elvis help him hide the body. Then he comes into the arena in an Elvis jumpsuit, making me think that he killed Elvis and left his body somewhere. Then MJF appears in his devil mask and sitting on a throne. Oh and there are masked women trying to reach for him on the way to the ring, leaving Jungle Boy looking rather plain.

Everyone goes after MJF to start and he gets chopped out to the floor. Everyone gets the chance to flip over each other until MJF is back in to drop Allin. That means the strut is on but Allin knocks him to the floor. The parade of dives is on and Sammy shooting stars onto everyone else. Back in and Jungle Boy gets caught in the Tree of Woe but manages to sit up, causing Guevara to superplex Allin into MJF for a big crash.

Back up and Guevara and Jungle Boy are sent outside, setting up the headlock takeover to give Allin two on MJF. Allin tries a dive but gets cuttered down by Guevara. The frog splash gives Guevara two on MJF, who is right back with a pumphandle driver to Allin. MJF: “I DON’T LIKE YOU DARBY!” He goes into why but that’s as good of an example as anything.

Jungle Boy is back in but gets dropkicked by Allin, leaving everyone down. Allin hits a Scorpion Death Drop, Jungle Boy hits a Killswitch and MJF hits a Cross Rhodes on Jungle Boy for two, leaving us with a stunned face after a cute sequence. Hold on though as MJF grabs a mic (Tony: “Just text it to us.”) and says Sammy is having a baby and needs the money, so lay down already. Sammy says he’ll do it and the ensuing small package gets two on MJF.

The GTH is countered but so is MJF’s Salt Of The Earth. Instead Guevara grabs a Boston crab on MJF and Allin gets the Scorpion Deathlock on Jungle Boy. Neither gives up so they’re both broken up, leaving Allin to Figure Four Guevara….who ankle locks MJF….who chinlocks Allin for a circle submission. With that broken up, Allin hits a Canadian Destroyer on MJF but Jungle Boy hits one of his own, leaving everyone down again. Another Canadian Destroyer (off MJF and Allin’s backs) hits Guevara for two and it’s time to go outside.

Allin gets a running start and knocks MJF and Jungle Boy over the barricade in a nasty crash. Back in and Guevara hits a top rope Spanish Fly to drive MJF onto the other two, leaving all of them down. They get inside and slug it out until MJF fires off the eye pokes. A triple superkick drops MJF and Guevara hits a Cody Cutter on MJF into Allin’s Code Red into Jungle Boy’s sliding forearm to the back of the head.

We get a pinfall reversal sequence (for a round of applause from the crowd) until Allin Code Reds Guevara for two. MJF breaks up the Coffin Drop though and superbombs Allin, seemingly hurting his wrist in the process. Guevara and Jungle Boy go up top to chop it out until Jungle Boy crashes down. Allin skateboards MJF in the head and hits the Coffin Drop but grabs a headlock takeover instead.

Jungle Boy makes the save and hits Allin for a double knockdown. MJF brings in the title but Jungle Boy takes it away…and throws it to the ring instead of hitting Allin. That earns him a Last Supper for two and it’s Guevara back in to fire off knees. The GTH hits and Sammy goes up but Sammy shoves him down. Allin loads up the Coffin Drop, only to have MJF put the title on Jungle Boy. Allin crashes and the headlock takeover retains MJF’s title at 27:49.

Rating: A-. This was a heck of a match and they tied a bunch of stuff in to make it better. It’s also a great example of a build not exactly working out perfectly but the match made up for it very well. They didn’t have it be two in the ring and two on the floor, as there were several sequences with everyone involved at once. I got way into this one and the action worked throughout, even if MJF winning wasn’t that much of a shock.

We recap the Elite vs. the Blackpool Combat Club. They hate each other and it’s time for Anarchy In The Arena.

Elite vs. Blackpool Combat Club

Anything goes, falls count anywhere. A band plays Wild Thing live and keeps going through the start of the match and the brawling is on in the crowd. Nick hits a big flip dive off the barricade as Don Callis joins commentary. Moxley dives off of the announcers’ table onto Omega and then drops him onto said table. A Figure Four on the floor has Omega in trouble as the referee is somehow bleeding.

Back in and Page rips off the eyepatch to reveal….a completely fine eye. Page pulls out the screwdriver but gets beaten down by the Club. The rest of the Elite comes in to beat the Club down and clear the ring with superkicks. The Elite hit stereo dives, leaving the Bucks to finally superkick the band to cut off the music. Omega hits Moxley with a piece of the announcers’ table as the Bucks dive off the stage.

Page comes back in to help beat on Moxley until Danielson makes the save. Omega gets suplexed onto the ramp as Danielson chokes Page inside. A bunch of people head to the concourse as Moxley busts out a barbed wire poker chip. Omega gets suplexed onto said chip before Moxley drives a fork into his head. We go split screen (thank goodness) as Castagnoli swings Matt Jackson near the concession stand. Back in the ring and Yuta chairs Page before Moxley knees Omega in the head.

We see Castagnoli piledriving Matt into a truck and that should leave him down for a bit. More people start getting back to ringside as the Elite continues to get beaten down. Page gets dropped onto a leaf blower (because there’s a leaf blower) but comes back with a Deadeye to Moxley on the apron. Omega, in Captain America tights, puts a trashcan lid on his arm ala Captain America and starts cleaning house. Castagnoli breaks that up but the Bucks are back in for the save.

Moxley hits the King Kong lariat into a Gotch style piledriver or two on Nick, setting up a crossface/Boston crab combination. Cue Matt and an exploding…something to the head (just go with it) clears Moxley out. A bunch of superkicks into the Buckshot Lariat gets two on Yuta and it’s Castagnoli punting…I believe Matt’s shoe. Moxley whips out the tacks (of course) and Matt goes bare foot into them, setting up a Death Rider for two.

Nick Swantons in to break up Danielson’s heel hook, with Nick’s face hitting the tacks. Castagnoli breaks up Omega’s V Trigger so Omega hits him with it instead. Danielson knees Omega down and then does it to Page as well. Moxley pours tacks in Matt’s mouth for Castagnoli’s uppercut, setting up a German suplex from Yuta.

It’s Page making the save and Omega gets up with him, as they’re family again. Danielson is back up and it’s the Deadeye into the One Winged Angel for two as Yuta makes the save. Callis offers a distraction though and slips Yuta a screwdriver. That takes Page down so Omega goes after Callis…..and it’s Konosuke Takeshita to knee Omega down. Yuta screwdrivers Omega in the head and grabs the seat belt for the pin at 27:02.

Rating: B+. This was really good as well, but just like the previous version or Stadium Stampede, it’s not really a match that you can call step by step in the traditional sense. Instead it was a bunch of fights that were all over the place, which is exactly what its name says it was supposed to be. The ending sends things into a bit of a different direction, though anytime someone wants to get Callis off the screen for the better part of ever, I’d be happy. Hard hitting, violent match here and that’s exactly what it needed to be after all the hatred to get us here.

Post match Callis chokes Omega with a belt to knock him even more out. The Club celebrates to end the show.

Overall Rating: B. This show took its time to get going and did have some rocky points, but it got that much better by the end, with the last two matches being awesome. There were some rather violent matches here and some of them felt like a definitive end to a story, but it did go a bit overboard with the insanity. This show had a battle royal, a ladder match, an unsanctioned match, a four way and Anarchy in the Arena. It would have been nice to slow things down a bit and have some more regular matches, but the last two matches carried it pretty high. Not a bad show at all, but pretty low on the AEW PPV chart.

Hardys/Hook b. Ethan Page/Gunns – Redrum to Page
Orange Cassidy won the Blackjack Battle Royal last eliminating Swerve Strickland
Adam Cole b. Chris Jericho via referee stoppage
FTR b. Jeff Jarrett/Jay Lethal – Shatter Machine to Jarrett
Wardlow b. Christian Cage – Wardlow pulled down the title
Toni Storm b. Jamie Hayter – Storm Zero
House Of Black b. Acclaimed/Billy Gunn – Spinning kick to Gunn
Jade Cargill b. Taya Valkyrie – Jaded
Kris Statlander b. Jade Cargill – Sunday Night Fever
Maxwell Jacob Friedman b. Jungle Boy, Darby Allin and Sammy Guevara – Headlock takeover to Allin
Blackpool Combat Club b. Elite – Seat belt to Omega



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Double Or Nothing 2023 Preview

We’re back on pay per view for AEW and that should make for a good night. The best thing about AEW’s pay per views is you can almost guarantee that these things will work more often than not. At the moment, the card has ten matches announced, which should at least let things breathe a little bit. Now just keep it that way until we’re ready to go. Let’s get to it.

Buy In: Ethan Page/The Gunns vs. Hardys/Hook

This is part of the somehow still going Ethan Page vs. Matt Hardy feud but this time Matt can reverse everything by getting Page’s contract. While I have absolutely no reason to be interested in this story, which was only so good in the first place, keep going in the opposite direction, there is almost no way the Hardys are losing here in Jeff’s big return match after the hiatus.

So yeah, there’s no reason to hide the idea that this is going to be in doubt. With Hook added in, this shouldn’t be anything more than a quick destruction by the heroes (Jeff being a hero is a stretch in the first place but work with me here). Let the fans cheer for the Hardys again and let Page get humiliated so we can keep going with the contract stuff, because that’s what you think of with the Hardys. As in the team who wins here.

Women’s Title: Jamie Hayter(c) vs. Toni Storm

Here we have the latest match in the Outcasts vs. whatever the non-Outcasts are called, but there is a big red flag with the whole thing. In this case, Hayter’s storyline shoulder injury is legitimate (or at least some sort of injury she is dealing with is) and that makes me wonder if she is going to have to drop the title as a result. That opens up a big door, and now we get to see where it goes.

I’ll take Storm to win here, on a mixture of the injury and the Outcasts needing to actually win something makes the title change more likely. While it might not be the most thrilling story, the Outcasts seem to be sticking around and as good as she is, Hayter is fairly cold as champion at the moment. Storm doesn’t have to be the next big, long term champion, but her team needs the win here.

Trios Titles: House Of Black(c) vs. ???/???/???

So we’ll get the easy part out of the way here: barring a big surprise, there is no reason to believe that this will be anyone but Billy Gunn and the Acclaimed challenging for the titles. That might not be the most thrilling title match, but it isn’t like there are very many legitimate challengers to come after the belts right now. The Acclaimed and Gunn make sense and at least they have something to do here.

In theory though, that something to do would involve losing, as I can’t imagine the House losing the titles so soon. They are an established trio and they have their big House Rules deal going on. While I don’t know how long that is going to go, it would be weird to have them lose here. At the same time, AEW has shown that they have no issues with having Acclaimed and Gunn lose, so I think that’s what happens here too.

Adam Cole vs. Chris Jericho

This is an unsanctioned match, which of course had a contract signing this week on Dynamite. It also had Sabu on Dynamite, because he’ll be there as the enforcer. I’ll leave the various questions I have about that situation for now and just hope that Cole can have his first big match back with Jericho. That should work out well for the two of them, as it is at least coming in off a hot angle with Britt Baker a few weeks back.

I’ll go with Cole winning here, as there is no real reason for Jericho to win here. Cole is fresh off his return from injury and has a personal issue to deal with, while Jericho is just kind of doing his thing at the moment. Above all else, what this needs to be is a one off match, as there is no reason for this to be dragged out for any longer than this week. Just let Cole get his win and move on, because that is what makes sense here.

TBS Title: Jade Cargill(c) vs. Taya Valkyrie

Ok so now we have something interesting here, as for one of the only times in far too long, Cargill feels like she might be in danger. Valkyrie is someone who can match up with her physically and now that the Road To Valhalla is legal, there is a chance that Valkyrie takes the title here. I’m not sure that she will, but the fact that there is even some actual drama here is a great sign.

Now do they actually change the title here? I….egads I’m not sure but I don’t think they’re going to pull the trigger on Cargill losing just yet. Instead, hopefully this is the kind of match that gives Cargill a test and makes her work a lot harder than usual to retain the title. While Cargill needs to lose already so she can move on, this should give her enough credibility to do the same stuff she has been doing for a few months now. Cargill wins, even though I wish she wouldn’t.

International Title: Blackjack Battle Royal

When I think of this match, the first thing I think of is the most obvious thing: AJ Lee skipping around with the Divas Title in her Chuck Taylor’s. Back in 2014, she won a 14 Divas match at Wrestlemania XXX and retained her title, only to lose the title the next night to the debuting Paige. While I don’t think the details are going to be about the same with Orange Cassidy, I do think it is going to be similar.

In other words, I think Cassidy wins here and then moves on to Dynamite where he gets crushed by someone like Powerhouse Hobbs to end the plucky champion story for good. As tends to be the case in a battle royal, there are only about five people here who are viable winners for the match, but AEW has to battle royal somewhere in there. For now though, Cassidy wins, but doesn’t hold the title much longer.

Tag Team Titles: FTR(c) vs. Jeff Jarrett/Jay Lethal

So now we have this, as Mark Briscoe is stuck in the middle of his friends as the guest referee. Since AEW’s tag division (and Trios division) has fallen into the abyss in recent months, seeing Jarrett and Lethal as the challengers again isn’t the big of a surprise. They’re a talented team in the ring, but they aren’t exactly someone I’m going to rush out to see. Therefore the drama is from Briscoe, and that’s about all there is here.

For the life of me I can’t imaging Jarrett actually winning a title in AEW so I’ll say FTR retains here. They’re freshly back and even though there aren’t many teams for them to face at the moment. For now, it’s pretty much going to be stuff like this and while the farm segment was funny, it’s not exactly enough to get my interest going. FTR retains here, and hopefully finds a good team to face in the future.

TNT Title: Wardlow(c) vs. Christian Cage

Say it with me: it’s a ladder match, because that’s what Cage did twenty years ago so that’s what he’s going to be doing now. I’m not sure why this needs to be a ladder match other than Cage is involved and it lets us have a ladder match on the show (because we need to have one every so often), but here we are anyway. Cage is still possibly the best heel in the company but Wardlow losing the title again would be an absolutely idiotic idea right now.

I’ll go with Wardlow here, as there is almost no reason to have him lose AGAIN after getting the title back just a few weeks ago. Wardlow has lost the title in short order far too often and doing it again would put him right back on the treadmill. Let him do his thing here and beat up Cage, who hopefully doesn’t try to do anything too stupid here. If nothing else, Luchasaurus can be Wardlow’s next opponent, as he should retain the title in this case.

AEW World Title: Maxwell Jacob Friedman(c) vs. Sammy Guevara vs. Jungle Boy vs. Darby Allin

This is the match that has been built up for about six weeks now and it just isn’t working. At the end of the day, the Four Pillars idea feels like something that they came up with years ago, forgot about, and picked up again for the sake of a title match. Friedman destroyed Guevara by pointing out that he has been Jericho’s lackey for two years now and Jungle Boy just isn’t a World Title contender at the moment. In other words, it should be a singles match but here we are anyway.

I don’t see any viable option here other than going with Friedman retaining and hopefully getting on to someone else who might feel like a challenge. Friedman has been trying as hard as he can here, but ultimately there just isn’t much to work with here as the Pillars concept isn’t working. It certainly isn’t a bad idea for a match, but having it be anything but a TV main event or a midcard match doesn’t feel right. The champ retains here, almost out of necessity.

Blackpool Combat Club vs. Elite

Like it or not, this is the top story in AEW at the moment and this is the match that needs to headline the show. It’s Anarchy in the Arena, which means it is going to be a huge fiasco and hard to keep track of anything, but that is kind of what AEW loves to do in these things. It certainly won’t be dull, but it is going to be all over the place in what I guess qualifies as a good way.

The winner here almost doesn’t matter as it is going to wind up being even more drama between the groups, but I’ll take the Club as they don’t need to be losing a big match. If nothing else, there is always the chance that Don Callis is going to do something here to cost the Elite. I’m not sure how easy it is going to be to keep track of, but in the end, the Club wins to end the night.

Overall Thoughts

The first thing I see when I look at this card is that it doesn’t feel overly crammed full of stuff. A nine match pay per view card with a one match Kickoff Show is not going too far and that is nice to see. Hopefully the show can live up to AEW’s pay per view reputation, which is quite the standard to reach. If the show is as solid as it looks on paper, we should be in for a rather nice night, as tends to be the case around here.


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Dynamite – April 19, 2023: Course Correction?

Date: April 19, 2023
Location: Petersen Events Center, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Commentators: Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, Taz

With just over five weeks to to before Double Or Nothing, the card is starting to take shape. It still needs a lot to be officially announced, but you can probably guess a lot of it from here. Maybe we get something set up tonight, as there are several matches that just need to be made official. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Here is Jungle Boy to get things going but before he can get a word out, here is Sammy Guevara to interrupt. Before he can say anything either, here is Darby Allin to interrupt as well. Allin says Guevara is a follower and not a champion, because there is no Guevara Appreciation Society. Jungle Boy is talented, but he got his job because he was part of that California clique.

Jungle Boy says that Allin is only here because he couldn’t make it as a skateboarder. As for Guevara, it would be hard to find new ways to describe how big of a scumbag he really is. While he respects what Guevara does and the risks he takes, Jungle Boy knows Guevara is a scumbag. Guevara brings up that he and Allin will do whatever it takes to make it. Seeing Allin work hard and achieve success gives Guevara a hope, like when Allin won the TNT Title. Then Guevara did it three times, and now it’s time for Allin to sit back and watch him win the World Title.

Jungle Boy says he’s winning the title but here is MJF to interrupt. After insulting the fans (for liking Britt Baker), MJF announces a Pillars Tournament for the #1 contendership. MJF draws a name out of a hat, which determines that Allin gets a bye to the finals, leaving Guevara to face Jungle Boy in a first round match tonight. I’d like to believe that the four way title match is still happening, but there is something to having this be one on one. The talking was hit and miss, but putting most people next to MJF isn’t the most fair choice.

Britt Baker/Jamie Hayter vs. Outcasts

Believe it or not, Baker is in fact over like free beer in a frat house in her hometown. Saraya is the outcast Outcast here and gets to be at ringside, where she gets into it with Baker’s mom. The fight starts in the aisle until they head inside for the bell/a double clothesline from Hayter. Saraya grabs Hayter’s leg but Hayter is fine enough to drive a diving Storm into the barricade. Baker’s attempt at a Canadian Destroyer on the floor is broken up and we take a break.

Back with Hayter hitting an AA onto the knee, allowing the hot tag off to Baker for the house cleaning. The Lockjaw glove is loaded up but Baker goes with an Air Raid Crash to Storm instead. Everything breaks down and Hayter’s sliding lariat gets two. Baker gets hit with the running hip attack in the corner and Storm Zero gets two. Back up and a Panama Sunrise gives Baker two on Soho, setting up Lockjaw for the win at 9:37.

Rating: B. That was all it needed to be as the fans got to go nuts for Baker’s entrance and the Lockjaw gave Baker the win. This wasn’t some classic but it was a fast paced opener that gave the fans a nice thrill. It also gives Baker some momentum, as Hayter has gotten a lot of the attention in recent appearances. Good stuff here, as the hometown fans are pleased.

Wardlow introduces Arn Anderson of all people to be his manager. Anderson is ready to get Wardlow’s TNT Title back.

Here is the Elite to talk about the Blackpool Combat Club. Kenny Omega is more serious this week as he talks about what the Club has put he and his friends through. Right now, the Elite is out there to settle this with the Club and he wants them here. Bryan Danielson pops up on screen to say they’re amateurs, allowing the rest of the Club to come in for the brawl.

With the Elite down, here is Danielson to say that the Club is a bunch of amateurs. Don Callis follows Danielson out with a chair but he gets caught before he can swing, sending him running off. Danielson talks about the potential that Omega has, but since he won’t do anything, it’s time to fix the house. Danielson gets the screwdriver until Konosuke Takeshita is sent out by Callis for the save. The Elite gets back up to clear the ring as you can see Blood And Guts from here. Also, it’s amazing how much easier Kenny Omega is to deal with when he’s not acting like Kenny Omega.

TNT Title: Wardlow vs. Powerhouse Hobbs

Wardlow, with Arn Anderson, is challenging and we get a clip of QT Marshall attacking Anderson two years ago (That is a NICE touch as it gives Anderson a reason to be here and how many people were going to remember that happening?). QT Marshall and Harley Cameron are here too as Hobbs grabs three straight belly to belly suplexes to start. They head outside with Hobbs being whipped hard into the corner and the brawl heads into the crowd. The Powerbomb Symphony is broken up though and we take a break.

Back with Hobbs putting him on the top but a superplex attempt is blocked. Wardlow scores with a Swanton and the slug it out. Wardlow runs him over with a clothesline and snaps off some German suplexes and the big wind up punch drops Hobbs again. Cameron and Anderson get on the apron, allowing Marshall to grab a QT Cutter. The spinebuster gives Hobbs two and Anderson’s finger gun sets up the DDT to drop Marshall. A three movement Powerbomb Symphony gives Wardlow the title back at 9:34.

Rating: B-. This was another step in the rapid fire Wardlow rollercoaster and I’m not even sure why I should believe this is a big step forward for him. Wardlow and Anderson is a weird pairing but things are at least looking up for him. Now if this means the end of the QTV stuff, things are looking up for humanity in general.

Post match Christian Cage and Luchasaurus come out to stare down Wardlow. Can they please slow down and let the moment sink in for once?

MJF interrupts a Sammy Guevara interview and offers a guaranteed title shot at Double Or Nothing….if he’ll just lay down. That’s a no, but MJF throws in a blank check. Guevara fills in the amount and MJF reluctantly agrees, leaving Guevara to give him a hug (MJF isn’t pleased).

Kommander vs. Jay White

Juice Robinson is here with White. They shake hands to start and White takes him into the corner for a loud chop as we see Shawn Spears watching. Kommander is fine enough to hit a kick to the head and a very multiple springboard flip dive sends White outside. The rope walk has to be dropped as White gets back up and sends him face first into the apron as we take a break.

Back with White hammering away in the corner before dropping Kommander with a chop. Kommander fights back and hits the ropes, setting up a rather spinny rollup for two. A clothesline drops Kommander again but he kicks White off the top. After two failed attempts, Kommander finally manages his rope walk flip dive to drop White on the floor. A springboard phoenix splash gives Kommander two and he climbs on White’s back for something like an abdominal stretch. White isn’t having this and suplexes him down, setting up the Blade Runner (swinging Downward Spiral) for the pin at 10:44.

Rating: B-. This was a fun one as Kommander was trying to do all of his complicated flippy stuff but White kept cutting him off. While it makes all the sense for White to cut off Kommander’s high flying, I kept getting the feeling of White cutting it off because he felt like it’s nonsense. White ran him over in the end, which is how it should have been as he felt like a much more well rounded star as opposed to someone who was trying to flip around as much as he could.

Shawn Spears is not impressed so he gets pulled inside for the brawl. Ricky Starks makes the save.

FTR is shown a clip of Mark Briscoe being jumped by the Varsity Athletes. Since they somehow have no idea that this happened despite them being set to team with Briscoe, they go to check on Briscoe, who has Jeff Jarrett and company with him. Briscoe is ready to fight but the trainer won’t let him. Jay Lethal and Jeff Jarrett will do it instead.

Here are Chris Jericho and Adam Cole for a face to face chat. The fans love the latter so much that Jericho has to point it out. Cole talks about how much of an inspiration Jericho was, to the point where Jericho inspired his catchphrase. They do shake hands but Jericho says he has zero respect for Cole. He wants to slap Cole in the face but Cole says he and the fans think Jericho is a “jagoff”.

Cole thinks the real Jericho is an insecure stupid idiot and gets in his face. Jericho says you never want to meet your idols and Cole doesn’t want to meet him. There’s the slap to Cole, triggering the brawl. Cue the Jericho Appreciation Society but Britt Baker runs in for the save and goes after Jericho. Cue the Outcasts (who just happened to be under the ring) to jump Baker and Jericho handcuffs Cole to the ropes. A kendo stick emerges and Cole has to watch Saraya get in some rather lame stick shots on Baker. It was a solid idea for a segment and Cole/Baker’s selling more than made it, but Saraya’s stick shots were pretty horrible.

Jeff Hardy will speak on Rampage.

Jericho Appreciation Society vs. Acclaimed/Billy Gunn

The Society jump them before the bell and apparently if the Acclaimed and Gunn lose, they have to join the team until Double Or Nothing. The Acclaimed fights up and hits Scissor Me Timbers on Parker as we take a break. Back with Bowens coming in to slug it out with Menard but Parker gets in a cheap shot with the loaded comb (egads) for two on Bowens. Gunn takes said comb away and breaks it, setting up the Arrival and Mic Drop for the pin at 6:21. This was your “stop putting half the match in the break” match of the week and while there wasn’t enough shown to rate, PLEASE let the Acclaimed move on to ANYTHING else.

Here’s what’s coming on various shows.

Four Pillars Tournament First Round: Sammy Guevara vs. Jungle Boy

Tay Melo comes out to the stage with Guevara but doesn’t stay. Jungle Boy sends him outside for a dive to start but Guevara switches places with him for a dive of his own. Back in and Guevara hits a super Spanish Fly to leave both of them down as we’re now a minute in. As Darby Allin watches from the rafters, they go to the apron for a standoff until Guevara knees him out of the air. Another Spanish Fly to the floor plants Jungle Boy on the floor and we take a break.

Back with Jungle Boy fighting out of trouble, including a hard clothesline. They head to the floor for an apron bomb from Jungle Boy, followed by a top rope Canadian Destroyer for two back inside. Guevara is back with a top rope cutter before flipping Jungle Boy into a DDT (ouch) for two. The GTH is countered into a poisonrana and the running forearm to the back of Guevara’s head but Jungle Boy can’t follow up.

The Snare Trap sends Guevara over to the ropes so Jungle Boy goes up. One heck of a running dropkick sends Jungle Boy HARD into the corner of the ringside table. Guevara breaks up the count at eight though and here is MJF to pull Jungle Boy out of the ring (behind the referee’s back). A big shot with the diamond ring knocks Jungle Boy cold, allowing the referee to pick up his count at nine for the countout at 11:39.

Rating: B. This was a very modern style match with a bunch of flips and dives packed in. That doesn’t exactly make for a great match but it does make for something fun. At the same time, MJF costing Jungle Boy the match makes sense for him as he fears Jungle Boy quite a bit, though I’m curious if that ending is going to give them an out to get all three challengers to Double Or Nothing.

MJF and Guevara celebrate as Darby Allin is not pleased to end the show.

Overall Rating: B. They did a lot here, though some of it was a little odd. I’m not entirely sold on the tournament for a title shot when they have seemingly been building towards a four way, but Jungle Boy losing via countout/cheating leaves a lot of doors open. Other than that, you had some good action and a title change, though this show felt like a bit of an adjustment on the way to Double Or Nothing rather than setting things up.

Britt Baker/Jamie Hayter b. Outcasts – Lockjaw to Soho
Wardlow b. Powerhouse Hobbs – Powerbomb Symphony
Jay White b. Kommander – Bladerunner
Acclaimed/Billy Gunn b. Jericho Appreciation Society – Mic Drop to Parker
Sammy Guevara b. Jungle Boy via countout



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Dynamite – March 15, 2023: That’s A Lot In One Show

Date: March 15, 2023
Location: Canada Life Centre, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Commentators: Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, Taz

We’re in Canada this week and that means it is time for…well it doesn’t really mean much but the All-Atlantic Title is now the International Title with Orange Cassidy defending against Jeff Jarrett. Other than that we have MJF’s Re-bar Mitzvah, which should be quite the spectacle. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Here is MJF, complete with four women (one of who he kisses) and a chyron that says “Jewish AF” for the Re-Bar Mitzvah. He already had one of these back when he was a kid and it was awesome. Now though, he has beaten Bryan Danielson so it is time to do it again on the big stage because HE IS IRON MAN. MJF says hit the music so here are a bunch of people with a chair, meaning it’s time to dance in a circle (which I believe is a religious tradition)…but here is Jungle Boy to interrupt.

Then it’s Sammy Guevara coming out as well. We’re only missing Darby Allin and as soon as Sammy says “oh Max”, here is Darby to complete the Four Pillars. MJF yells at them for ruining this and asks what they want. All three together: “I want a title match!” (that was clever). Jungle Boy talks about facing MJF at Double Or Nothing 2020, after which Jungle Boy was on Dark and Elevation and Rampage, where MJF never has been. It’s time to change things for MJF and that starts by taking the World Title.

MJF says the company revolves around him, because he is an actual star. Guevara cuts him off and says MJF bought his way into this company. Guevara was only going to be the bump guy for Jericho but he got over on his own. He’s going to be World Champion one day because he is the best ever and you know it. MJF says we appreciate Guevara taking his time out of getting into backstage brawls but Allin cuts him off (a theme is developing here) as well.

Back in 2013, Allin was in film school and turned in a film that the teacher said had to be changed because the school wouldn’t accept it. Allin dropped out of school instead and went to wrestling school, where he said he wasn’t changing a thing. Then he was in Tony Khan’s office and said there would never be a bidding war or him. AEW lets him be himself and there won’t be a bidding war of 2024 like MJF, who wants out of here.

MJF isn’t having this and says Guevara is going to be proposing to a new girl in seven months. Guevara: “Didn’t your fiance leave you?” MJF says he’s the only one who doesn’t have a legend helping him out and that is why he is the only one of the Pillars who can hold this place up. He is off to have his cake so thank you, screw you, bye (for the extra Cornette heat). Then MJF goes into the cake. This was long (too long really), but having these four in the ring, likely setting up a huge four way, is a great thing.

Chris Jericho received an honor from the Winnipeg government, with his home street being honorarily named as “Chris Jericho Way”. That’s pretty cool.

Hangman Page/Dark Order vs. Blackpool Combat Club

It’s Evil Uno/Canada’s Stu Grayson for the Order. Castagnoli takes Uno down and it’s Yuta coming in to take him down again. Grayson comes in to clean some house, including landing on Castagnoli’s face. Everything breaks down and Grayson is taken outside, with a triple spike piledriver dropping him hard as we take a break (because two World Champions spiking a goof on his head on the floor is a spot that sends us to a commercial).

Back with Moxley hitting another piledriver for two on Grayson (with no one making the save). Grayson manages a knockdown of his own and it’s the hot tag to Page to clean house. Everything breaks down and Uno hits a Swanton on Yuta. The parade of shots to the face sets up Grayson Cactus Clotheslining Castagnoli to the floor, leaving us with Page vs. Moxley.

Yuta grabs the ring bell to clock Page though, leaving the Order down 3-2. A chop block cuts Uno down but Grayson sends Castagnoli outside for a big running flip dive. Uno’s double underhook DDT sets up Grayson’s 450 for two on Moxley. The Fatality gets two on Moxley with Castagnoli making the save. Yuta pulls Uno off the apron though and Moxley chokes Grayson out at 13:21.

Rating: D+. This was about as ridiculous as you can get, with the TRIPLE SPIKE PILEDRIVER not doing much of anything to Grayson. Couple that with the Dark Order, down 3-2, giving the entire BCC a run for their money and this was just bizarre. I know the Order has fans, but this went beyond being realistic and was more eye roll inducing than anything else. The action was fine enough, but I didn’t buy most of anything I was watching.

Post match the beating stays on, but John Silver and Alex Reynolds make the save, with the Club running despite having the numbers advantage.

Juice Robinson wants Ricky Starks.

Here’s a look back at the opening segment.

TBS Title: Jade Cargill vs. Nicole Matthews

Cargill, with Leila Grey, is defending. The pump kick sets up Jaded to retain at 42 seconds.

Post match Jade asks if that’s it and even threatens Canadian Renee Paquette. Cue Taya Valkyrie to make the save and beat up Grey with the Road To Valhalla (Jaded). At least she’s a more realistic challenger.

Ricky Starks wants Juice Robinson face to face.

We get the debut of QTV (a QT Marshall TMZ parody) where they mock Wardlow, implying that Powerhouse Hobbs robbed him. They even have Wardlow’s passport so he can’t be here! Hobbs seems ready to fight Wardlow again. Putting the focus on Marshall isn’t seeming to be a brilliant idea. Remember when Hobbs was doing the Book thing and walking around Oakland and explaining his backstory? That’s out and the TMZ parody is in.

International Title: Jeff Jarrett vs. Orange Cassidy

Cassidy is defending and swaps out for the new title, officially leveling it up. Jarrett (with Satnam Singh, Jay Lethal and Sonjay Dutt) armdrags him down to start and hits that strut as the fans aren’t pleased. Cassidy loads up the hands in pockets but gets taken down by the legs. Back up and Cassidy bangs up his leg, allowing Jarrett to mock the Lazy Kicks. That’s broken up and Cassidy makes the comeback but gets sent outside as we take a break.

We come back with Jarrett grabbing the Sharpshooter to stay on the bad knee. That’s broken up as well but the referee gets bumped so Jarrett grabs the guitar. Cue another referee to take it away, but Cassidy takes it away as well. Satnam Singh grabs the guitar, so Cassidy tapes the referee on the shoulder and grabs his knee. Singh is ejected, leaving Cassidy to grab the tornado DDT. The referee checks on Jarrett and Jay Lethal gets in the Golden Globe shot for a close two. Cue Trent Baretta to take out Lethal and the Orange Punch retains the title at 13:38.

Rating: C+. This is a good example of a match that didn’t try to be anything more than goofy wrestling fun and it succeeded. Jarrett knows exactly how to do the over the top silly style while still having a match and they made it work here. If Cassidy stays around this level, he can hold onto that title for a LONG time, as this kind of thing is perfect for him.

We get an Acclaimed music video about how much they love the fans and their general awesomeness.

Here are the Outcasts for a chat. They talk about how there wouldn’t be a division without them and insult the fans in various ways. We hear bout how many women they have beaten down until Britt Baker and Jamie Hayter run in. The villains beat them down but Riho, Skye Blue and Willow Nightingale run in for the save. This Outcasts stuff still feels rather lame.

The Jericho Appreciation Society isn’t happy with the Acclaimed and tell us to wait until Rampage.

Here’s what’s coming on various shows, with Rey Fenix answering Powerhouse Hobbs’ Open Challenge for the TBS Title.

Trios Titles: House of Black vs. Jericho Appreciation Society vs. Elite

The House is defending and King chops Guevara into the corner to start. Jericho (big pop, including from his father in the crowd) comes in but Omega tags himself in and the place comes to their feet. Everything breaks down quickly though and the champs clear the ring as we take a break.

Back with Jericho backbreakering Black and the Society gets to strike their triple pose. The House fights back and beats down the now legal Nick. An enziguri gets Nick out of trouble and everything breaks down for a bit, with Omega hurricanranaing Matthews into the corner. Jericho comes in to face Omega again and the fans approve, especially as they help clear the ring. The Bucks are back in with the superkicks but King runs them over as we take a break.

Back with Jericho missing the springboard crossbody but Guevara hits a Swanton. King loads up a dive to the floor but gets caught on top, allowing Omega and Jericho to double superplex him down. The Codebreaker gets two on Omega and we cut to the back where the Dark Order is still brawling with the Blackpool Combat Club. Omega cuts off the Lionsault with raised knees but the Meltzer Driver is broken up.

Guevara shooting star presses Matt with King having to make the save. Jericho gets left alone with the House with Dante’s Inferno connecting but Omega makes the save. Jericho gets in a Floyd shot to King and Guevara dives onto a bunch of people but King kicks out anyway. The Judas Effect is cut off by Black Mass and Garcia gets Dante’s Infernoed for the pin at 21:44.

Rating: B. This is a good example of a match where you knew what they were going to do coming into it and that isn’t a bad thing. You knew this was going to have Omega and Jericho as the biggest stars ever, all of the non-tagging insanity and (less guaranteed) the House beating someone not from Winnipeg to retain. With that all known coming in, it was exactly the kind of fast paced, action packed match that it needed to be and it was quite good.

Post match Jake Hager comes out to go after the House but gets beaten down as well. Cue the BCC and the Dark Order to brawl to ringside, with Hangman Page following. Page faces off with the Club but the Elite comes up behind him. The Club drops to the floor and Page is left alone with the Elite. Please…..tell me we don’t have more “remember when we were all friends?” speeches coming. Excalibur: “PAGE IS STUCK IN THE MIDDLE! WHAT A MOMENT!” The staredown ends the show, with Page not noticing the Elite behind him. I know they have their audience but I could really go with never seeing the Elite soap opera again.

Overall Rating: B-. There were some problems here but it felt like they had more of a direction. That’s a step in the right direction and one that I will take, as at least thy seem to be coming together with an idea. Some of these feuds will come together before Double Or Nothing, but there is some potential here for some intriguing feuds going forward. I liked the show well enough and the hot crowd helped a lot.

Blackpool Combat Club b. Dark Order/Hangman Page – Choke to Grayson
Jaded b. Nicole Matthews – Jaded
Orange Cassidy b. Jeff Jarrett – Orange Punch
House Of Black b. Jericho Appreciation Society and Elite – Dante’s Inferno to Garcia



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Revolution 2023: One Abomination Does Not A Show Ruin

Revolution 2023
Date: March 5, 2023
Location: Chase Center, San Francisco, California
Commentators: Excalibur, Taz, Jim Ross

We’re back with another AEW pay per view and that should mean something really good. The television shows haven’t been the strongest in recent weeks but that has never stopped the pay per views from being special. The main event will feature MJF defending the World Title against Bryan Danielson in an Iron Man match, which should be…uh, long. Let’s get to it.

Zero Hour: Lucha Bros/Mark Briscoe vs. Varsity Athletes/Ari Daivari

Mark Sterling are here with the Varsity Athletes (Tony Nese/Josh Woods) and Daivari. Nese poses at Penta to start but Penta is right back with CERO MIEDO. All six come in to strike it out with Penta and Nese being left alone in the ring. Made In Penta gives Penta a quick two before Daivari has to save Sterling. The villains take over on Penta by whipping him into the corner and Woods adds a nice suplex for two.

The Athletes double suplex Penta as commentary keeps ripping on Schiavone for making a mistake about how much time is left before the show. Rights and lefts in the corner keep Penta in trouble but he kicks away at all three villains, setting up a double DDT. The Sling Blade drops Woods and the diving tag brings Fenix in to pick the pace up even more. Fenix and Woods knock each other down and it’s back to Nese, who puts Fenix on top.

A slightly messed up super hurricanrana (though Fenix got enough of it) brings Nese back down and it’s Briscoe coming in to strike away. Everything breaks down and the Bros hit stereo dives, followed by Briscoe hitting the step up flip dive to the floor. The Froggy Bow is broken up though and it’s a Tower of Doom to leave everyone but Nese laying.

That leaves Nese to add a 450 for two on Briscoe and we get the parade of strikes to the face. Nese hits Briscoe with….something that breaks into a bunch of pieces for two but the Bros are back in with a bunch of superkicks. The spike Fear Factor hits Daivari (with Nese taking a Widow’s Peak at the same time), setting up a Froggy Bow for the pin at 12:43.

Rating: C+. This was exactly what kind of Kickoff match you should have: a bunch of people getting in the ring and having a fast paced match that didn’t get too serious. It was a light match that didn’t overstay its welcome, so well done on hitting all of the points. The Bros and Briscoe getting a Trios Title shot wouldn’t be too far out of the question either.

Post match the winners beat up Mark Sterling.

Chris Jericho vs. Ricky Starks

The Jericho Appreciation Society is banned from ringside. Starks, with bad ribs, hammers away in the corner to start but Jericho chops his way out of trouble. They fight to the floor with Starks hitting a suicide dive but getting chopped against the ropes back inside. A forearm to the face sets up the missed Lionsault but Jericho drops the bad ribs across the top.

Jericho drives him hard into the barricade as the fans are all over Jericho here. The butterfly backbreaker stays on the ribs but Jericho stops to slap him in the face, which just wakes Starks up. Jericho is fine enough to send him to the apron for the triangle dropkick, setting up a baseball slide to the ribs, sending Starks outside again. We hit the abdominal stretch back inside (makes sense) but Starks powers his way out.

A tornado DDT gives Starks two but Jericho kicks him out of the air. Jericho’s Death Valley Driver (that’s different) gets two and Starks is in trouble. Jericho sends him chest first into the corner but the Codebreaker is countered into a powerbomb for two. The spear is loaded up but Jericho counters into a Codebreaker for two. Back up and Starks hits the spear for two, meaning it’s time for the slugout.

Starks kicks him in the chest, only to miss a middle rope moonsault. The Walls go on to go straight after the ribs but Starks rolls out. Starks is able to grab his own half crab but here is Sammy Guevara….who is speared down by a surprise Action Andretti. The distraction lets Jericho get in a baseball bat shot to the ribs but the Judas Effect is blocked (by just raising his arm, which is so simple that it’s almost hilarious). Roshambo finishes Jericho at 14:05.

Rating: B-. Good opener, with a result that brings us back to where we were when the feud started. This feud needed to end as soon as it started, but at least Starks did win clean in the end. That’s what matters most, as Starks feels like someone who could be a breakout star in the short or long term. A win like this helps a lot, screwy setup aside.

Christian Cage vs. Jungle Boy

This is the Final Burial, which thankfully means Casket Match instead of Buried Alive (which is still over the top, but not as egregiously so). Though there is still a mound of dirt and a shovel so who knows what they’re doing here. Jungle Boy (in street clothes) goes straight at him with a double leg takedown and right hands before sending Christian face first into the post.

They fight on the floor with Christian bailing into the crowd so Jungle Boy gives chase. Christian is taken back to ringside where he bails up the ramp, right towards the casket. Jungle Boy tries the Snare Trap on the ramp but gets kicked away, meaning it’s back to the ring. Right hands in the corner have Christian in more trouble, at least until he knocks Jungle Boy down and rubs a forearm over Jungle Boy’s face.

Choking on the ropes, including that stand on the back and hold the ropes spot that Christian does, is broken up and Jungle Boy sends him to the floor. There’s the required dive and Jungle Boy sends him into various things. Jungle Boy misses a stomp to the arm though and gets dropped head first onto the steps instead. Christian is busted open as he whips Jungle Boy in the back with a belt.

They go up to the casket with Christian choking even more before opening said casket. A chair is pulled out but Jungle Boy knocks it away, only to get backdropped on the dirt. The Killswitch onto the chair is broken up though and Christian is sent off the stage. Jungle Boy follows with the big flip dive and it’s time for Christian to beg off. That’s just enough to get Jungle Boy to walk into a low blow and Christian sends him face first into the closed casket over and over.

With the casket opened, Christian can’t shut him inside so Jungle Boy goes after the leg, only to have Christian throw dirt in his eyes. The Killswitch onto the dirt but the Killswitch misses, allowing Jungle Boy to come back with some shovel shots. Back up and Christian’s shovel shot misses so Jungle Boy pulls him into the Snare Trap. Christian is down so Jungle Boy is able to hit the Conchairto, but he doesn’t look happy with himself. That’s finally enough for Jungle Boy to put him in the casket (and grave) for the win at 14:30.

Rating: B-. The stipulation is weird as almost everything before the ending doesn’t matter. You can’t win the match in the ring, so the drama doesn’t really crank up until you get up to the casket. They did give Jungle Boy the big win though and made him look very strong in defeat and that is what matters most. Good fight here, but Jungle Boy winning is the big deal.

We recap the Elite vs. the House of Black for the Trios Titles. The Elite are awesome but the House of Black is violent, so this will be a real test for both of them.

Trios Titles: Elite vs. House of Black

The Elite is defending and has its whole entourage here, while the House has Julia Hart. Matthews and Omega start things off with the staredown with Matthews grinding him down by the arm. With that broken up, they trade headlock takeovers to a standoff, with the fans approving. Black comes in for the big showdown with Omega, which the fans dub awesome. Omega avoids a kick but can’t grab the One Winged Angel, meaning Black gets to miss Black Mass.

They both sit down and look at each other, with the fans again being rather pleased. Matt comes in and gets to face King (as per his request), but then thinks better of it. Nick isn’t having anything to do with that though, only to come in for a double dropkick. Everything breaks down with the House being sent outside, allowing Matt to dive onto Black and Matthews. Omega hurricanranas King to the floor and then dives onto all three members.

Back in and King wrecks everyone in front of him to take over, including a running crossbody to crush Omega against the barricade. Nick rolls Matthews up for two before it’s right back to King for a running splash in the corner. Omega gets back in and cleans house, including the Kitaro Crusher for two on King. The You Can’t Escape moonsault only hits raised knees though, allowing Matthews to dropkick Omega into the corner.

The House’s triple shot in the corner is broken up though and everything breaks down again. Believe it or not, it’s the Bucks cleaning house with superkicks into a standing Sliced Bread on Matthews. Black gets nailed with Omega’s V Trigger but is right back up for the slugout. Hart grabs the boot for the distraction and it’s King choking Matt on the apron.

Omega hits another V Trigger on King and then accidentally takes out an interfering Hart with one of her own. Black Mass hits Omega for two with Nick making the save but the Bucks are sent outside. That leaves Omega down 3-1 but the Bucks make a quick save. A bunch of superkicks drop the House and there’s the BTE Trigger to Black for two with Matthews making the save. The Meltzer Driver is loaded up but Matthews knees Nick (who would have been three feet short anyway) out of the air. Dante’s Inferno gives the House the titles at 17:53.

Rating: B+. That was the only way they could have gone, as there was no way you could have the House lose again without ever actually picking up a major win. The House needed the win and while I’m sure the Elite will get the titles back eventually, they lost them when they had to. Other than that, you had a high energy match where I wasn’t sure who was going to win until the end. Pretty awesome match here, with the right ending.

Tony Schiavone replaces Jim Ross on commentary. If that’s all he’s going to do, what’s the point anymore?

Women’s Title: Saraya vs. Ruby Soho vs. Jamie Hayter

Hayter is defending and Britt Baker and Toni Storm are here too. Saraya bails to the floor to start so Soho dropkicks her off the apron to take the fight outside. All three wind up in the crowd, with Soho getting dropped throat first across the barricade. Saraya knocks Hayter back to ringside and stomps her down in the corner. Hayter fights up and sends Saraya outside, meaning it’s time for Soho to high crossbody Hayter for two.

The chinlock goes on but Saraya breaks it up, only to have have Hayter fight back up. Hayter suplexes both of them at once and gets two each as they’re getting beaten up. Soho suplexes Saraya but walks into the Hatebreaker to leave all three down. They slug it out from their knees until Saraya is knocked outside. Soho’s hurricanrana driver gets two on Hayter but Saraya is back in and hooks Soho in the Scorpion Crosslock.

Hayter breaks that up and decks Storm, only to get caught in what used to be called the Rampaige. Baker makes a save as well so Soho hits Destination Unknown for two on Hayter, with Saraya making the save. Back up and Hayter grabs a rollup on Soho and traps the arm to retain at 9:47.

Rating: C+. This worked well enough with such a three way formula, but the effort was certainly there. Hayter fighting off both challengers at once is a good way to make her feel strong, though there is still a lot more to the story to go. What matters is Hayter retains, but you can almost guarantee that she is going to lose the title in a big showdown in the near future. For now though, I’ll take a pay per view worthy title defense.

Post match Storm decks Baker and goes after Hayter, meaning the big brawl is on. Soho watches before sending Saraya and Storm outside, saying “we run this place b****”. Then Soho lays out Hayter and Baker as well. That’s a good surprise, but it might have meant a bit more before she got pinned. Then Storm hands Soho a can of spray paint to brand Baker and Hayter.

We recap Jon Moxley vs. Hangman Page in a Texas Deathmatch. They have fought multiple times and hate each other, but now it is about being the only one who survives.

Hangman Page vs. Jon Moxley

Texas Deathmatch, which in this case means you can only win by knockout or submission (not what the historic version of Texas Deathmatch means but I guess this is the AEW version). Moxley makes his big entrance through the crowd but Page is right there to jump him and start the fight. Page whips him into the barricade and it’s time to bust out the barbed wire (well of course).

The wire cuts Moxley open and Page stomps him down in the corner. Page wraps the wire in his boot (might have made more sense twenty seconds earlier) but gets caught in it, allowing Moxley to take him down and hammer away. A barbed wire right hand knocks Page down again and Moxley pulls him into the triangle choke. With Page trapped, Moxley stabs him in the head with some kind of stick to bust Page open as well.

What looks like a fork to the head makes Page bleed even more and Moxley wedges a chair into the corner. For once that actually works, as Page is sent face first into said wire, leaving him even more rocked. The half crab, with Page’s chest on the barbed wire chair, doesn’t last long as Moxley stomps him in the head instead. Moxley wraps some chairs around two open chairs but takes too long, allowing Page to powerbomb him onto the chairs.

With his back busted open, Page wraps barbed wire around himself and moonsaults down onto Moxley (with the wire not really coming close to making contact). Page gets knocked down so Moxley can pull out….a brick and a chain. Moxley crushes Page’s hand between two bricks and then piledrives him onto the chain. Another piledriver onto the barbed wire chair is broken up and Page hits a hard clothesline. Moxley gets fall away slammed into the wire and sent outside but he rakes Page’s back to get a break.

The barbed wire is raked over Page’s back and Moxley sends him down (and mostly over) a barbed wire board bridged over two chairs (he basically Swantoned the board). Back in and they slap it out until Page blasts him with a lariat. The Buckshot Lariat is countered into the Death Rider though and Moxley Stomps him onto the bricks. The fans sing Seth Rollins’ song (they earned that) so Moxley chokes him for nine. Back up and Hangman gets his own choke, followed by the Buckshot Lariat. Moxley gets up again so Page chokes him with the chain for the tap at 25:58.

Rating: D-. Call me stupid, tell me I don’t get it or that I’m old fashioned but I cannot stand this kind of a match. These two are capable of having such a better match (I was there in person for one of them) but instead they had to do their barbed wire fetish match and it turned into “what can we wrap it around next”. Oh or stabbing someone in the head with a fork, because that was a thing here too. This time though they mixed it up with bricks and a chain, because that’s what they needed instead. I’m sure this will have its audience and if you liked it then good, but this was absolutely not my thing in any way.

We recap Wardlow vs. Samoa Joe for the TNT Title. Joe took the title from him and also cut his hair, which had been a tribute to Wardlow’s father. Now it’s time for Wardlow’s revenge.

TNT Title: Wardlow vs. Samoa Joe

Joe is defending and Wardlow pulls him outside to start the fight. They get inside with Wardlow sending him hard into the corner and hammering away. A Whisper in the Wind drops Joe again but he’s back with a chop block to take over. The Rock Bottom out of the corner plants Wardlow and Powerhouse Hobbs (who gets the winner on Dynamite) approves from a sky box.

Joe cranks on the leg but Wardlow is right back with a spinebuster. Some choking ensues to keep Wardlow down but he makes the rope for the break. With that not working, Joe tries his own powerbomb, only to have Wardlow slip out and hit a headbutt. Wardlow grabs his own rear naked choke….and Joe is out to give Wardlow the title at 10:32.

Rating: C+. Ok they got me with that finish as I wouldn’t have bet on Wardlow using a choke to win. That being said, the match was kind of all over the place, as Wardlow continues to sell too much in his matches instead of being the machine that got him over in the first place. At the same time, they have a big Hobbs shaped problem now, as neither of them should be losing anytime soon.

Tag Team Titles: Acclaimed vs. Danhausen/Orange Cassidy vs. Jeff Jarrett/Jay Lethal vs. The Gunns

The Gunns are defending and it’s one fall to a finish. They start slow with Cassidy’s hands in the pockets driving Jarrett and Lethal nuts as they can’t cut him off. Danhausen comes in for some better received slams before Colten takes over on him with some alternating shots. A roll under a clothesline is enough for the tag back to Cassidy but Austin hands it back to Lethal before the Orange Punch.

The Stundog Millionaire hits Lethal and it’s Caster coming in to take over. Sonjay Dutt saves Jarrett from Scissor Me Timbers so Bowens hits Dutt with it instead. Back in and the Gunns take over on Bowens, including a delayed vertical suplex, with Jarrett and Lethal taking out everyone else. The villains all strut and do their own scissoring but Bowens fights up. Caster comes back in and drops Lethal but has to escape the Stroke. The Gunns go after Jarrett and Lethal so Singh makes the save.

We get the Danhausen/Singh showdown, with Cassidy Orange Punching Singh so Danhausen can get in the low blow. Billy Gunn adds the Fameasser (I’m pretty sure they’ve done pretty much this same sequence before) to get rid of Singh and the Acclaimed cleans house. Jarrett throws in the guitar but Caster takes it away, only to have the referee take it away from him. The Golden Globe to Caster sets up the Stroke for two, leaving Jarrett panicking. Back in and Danhausen rolls up Austin for two but the 3:10 to Yuma finishes Danhausen to retain the titles at 13:10.

Rating: C+. The match was fast paced but dang they had a lot of stuff going on in there. The Gunns retaining isn’t overly surprising as putting the titles back on the Acclaimed wouldn’t have felt right and the other two teams were just there to fill in spots. Danhausen taking the fall was the right way to go as there was no reason for anyone else to get pinned. Hopefully they have something good planned for the Gunns, because they have a long climb starting in loose rocks.

Post match the Gunns brag about their wins but FTR returns and lays out the champs. How Dax Harwood’s got busted open while beating up the Gunns isn’t clear (must have taken a shot in the punch out) but I’ll take the return. I mean, it should have been a year ago but I’ll take it.

We recap MJF defending the World Title against Bryan Danielson in an Iron Man match. Danielson wants to prove he is the best in the world and MJF wants the moniker for himself. MJF made him jump through hoops to get the title shot and since Danielson did, here we go. For some reason MJF talked about how horrible his personal life has been lately, but the match was already set.

AEW World Title: Bryan Danielson vs. Maxwell Jacob Friedman

MJF is defending in a sixty minute Iron Man match and gets a masked orchestra to play him (in a mask as well) to the ring. We get the Big Match Intros and MJF (who is in great shape here) bails to the floor to start burning off some clock. Back in and Danielson (with a taped up shoulder) easily takes him down to tie the legs up and bridging onto his neck to crank up the pressure. MJF grabs the rope and we’re at a standoff as they have a long way to go. A hiptoss takes Danielson down but he kicks MJF off and they both miss elbows.

Headlock takeovers don’t work either so they trade armdrags into another standoff. Hold on though as MJF goes outside again and throws a drink on a fan before stopping to pose some more. MJF: “Is this going to cost me a star Dave?” Back in and Danielson does some jumping jacks before slipping out of a full nelson. Danielson starts going after the legs so MJF hides behind the referee. With that not working, Danielson backdrops him (with MJF screaming) and then does it again for a bonus.

MJF sends him into the corner though and stops for some water as we’re ten minutes in. In a clever move, MJF tells the fans to clear out and then throws Danielson the other way. Back in and Danielson manages some quick dives for a breather. MJF catches him with a lifting DDT for two though and we hit the armbar to keep Danielson down.

We’re fifteen minutes in as MJF takes him up top, only to get sunset bombed down in a huge crash. MJF avoids a charge into the corner though and goes right back after the bad arm to take over again. A powerbomb onto the knee gives MJF two and he breaks up a skin of the cat with a low superkick (into the Shawn Michaels pose).

Back in and MJF can’t quite get Salt of the Earth, so he hits something like Made In Penta for two. Danielson gets in a knockdown of his own but bangs up the shoulder again to leave them both down. They trade headlock takeovers and counters for a bunch of near falls…and then keep going even longer, with both of them looking a bit tired by the end (fair enough). They’re both up and Danielson hits the running knee for the first fall at 25:25.

Danielson – 1
MJF – 0

MJF is frustrated and hits Danielson low for the DQ at 26:32.

Danielson – 2
MJF – 0

Then MJF pins Danielson at 26:38.

Danielson – 2
MJF – 1

Then MJF pins Danielson again at 26:43.

Danielson – 2
MJF – 2

Well that was smart. MJF grabs some water but Danielson is back up to go after the knee. Danielson’s charge is cut off by a clothesline but MJF’s is as well. Danielson fires off the kicks against the barricade as we hit the halfway point. A running dropkick against the barricade rocks MJF again and Danielson starts in on the leg back inside. The Figure Four goes on and MJF screams a lot as they slap it out (what a time for a Power Slap promotion).

MJF finally turns it over for the break and they fight to the apron, where neither can hit a piledriver. Instead Danielson gets shoved off for a nasty crash and seems to have hurt his arm again. With nothing else working, MJF puts him on a table and drops a top rope elbow for the huge crash. Danielson barely beats the count back in so MJF takes him back outside….for a running Tombstone through the unbroken piece of the table. MJF’s knee is in a lot of trouble and Danielson is busted open. That’s fine with MJF, who squeezes the cut as we have 20:00 left. Back in and the Heatseeker gives MJF the pin at 40:29.

MJF – 3
Danielson – 2

MJF takes a second to favor his knee before hammering away at Danielson’s head. With Danielson down, MJF shouts that Danielson isn’t the best in the world and that he f****** sucks. We hear the names of Danielson’s kids and MJF shouts at the camera to them. Some stomps keeps Danielson in trouble before MJF tells him to give him his best shot.

A headbutt drops Danielson against the ropes but he gets fired up and hammers away. MJF gets knocked to the floor and taken out with a big dive. Back in and MJF catches him on top, only to get headbutted down for the Swan Dive. MJF is busted open as Danielson gets two and we hit the Regal Stretch to make MJF tap immediately at 49:48.

MJF – 3
Danielson – 3

Danielson tries the hold again but gets reversed into the Salt Of The Earth. That’s reversed into the LeBell Lock and MJF is in trouble. The reversal lets MJF grab the Salt Of The Earth again but Danielson won’t tap. Instead MJF ties up the arms with both lets and pulls back Danielson’s leg, sending Danielson’s free leg to the rope for the break (that was a crazy looking hold). They pull themselves up to their knees for the slugout as there is blood everywhere.

With five minutes left, they get up and slug it out hard, with Danielson smiling. A running forearm drops MJF but he’s back up with a Heatseeker for two more. Hold on though as MJF goes to get more water, prompting an H2O chant. Danielson catches him up top again with the hammer and anvil elbows, only to get reversed into a super Tombstone. The landing bangs up MJF’s knee though and the long delay lets Danielson get the single leg crab with a minute left. MJF has to bite his hand to avoid tapping and the clock runs out at 60:00, with MJF tapping at 60:01.

MJF – 3
Danielson – 3

The announcer clarifies that is a draw and MJF retains the title. Hang on though as Tony Schiavone gets a message, saying that Tony Khan is insisting on sudden death. The medical team leaves (as MJF was getting oxygen during the break) and MJF immediately shoves the referee, allowing Danielson to grab a rollup for two. MJF kicks Danielson low for two (with trunks) so it’s time for the belt.

The referee takes it away but MJF pulls out the diamond ring. The big shot misses and Danielson hits a poisonrana into the running knee for a VERY close two. Danielson gets the half crab again and the referee takes the ring away from MJF at the same time. The rope is grabbed but MJF taps just after, making Danielson think he won. MJF rolls outside and grabs the oxygen tank to knock Danielson silly. A LeBell Lock on the unconscious Danielson….who stops his arm at two drops to keep it going. Then Danielson taps at 1:07:30.

MJF – 4
Danielson – 3

Rating: A-. Oh that ending is going to get a lot of people talking, as there was a rather simple solution of having Danielson pass out in the hold. Having Danielson tap is going to get people annoyed as the hero falls, but MJF can get a lot of bragging out of that one. Now that being said, this match started slowly but got WAY better by the end, with a great mixture of playing up the limb injuries and mixing in the violence. They were playing some interesting games with each other before the finish and I wasn’t sure how it was going to go. Great match, with an ending that might not go over so well.

Overall Rating: B+. This was another rather good AEW show, with the last hour plus being the best match of the night. Save for one match (which is going to get all kinds of differing takes), there wasn’t anything bad on the show and it was full of the hard work you would expect around here. With this out of the way, AEW can hopefully reset things a bit and find their groove again, but for now, they are starting with a heck of a pay per view as they add to their collection of awesome special events.

Mark Briscoe/Lucha Bros b. Varsity Athletes/Ari Daivari – Froggy Bow to Daivari
Ricky Starks b. Chris Jericho – Roshambo
Jungle Boy b. Christian Cage – Jungle Boy put Cage in the casket
House of Black b. Elite – Dante’s Inferno to Nick
Jamie Hayter b. Ruby Soho and Saraya – Rollup to Soho
Hangman Page b. Jon Moxley – Choke with a chain
Wardlow b. Samoa Joe – Rear naked choke
The Gunns b. Danhausen/Orange Cassidy, The Acclaimed and Jay Lethal/Jeff Jarrett – 3:10 to Yuma to Danhausen
Maxwell Jacob Friedman b. Bryan Danielson 4-3



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AEW Revolution 2023 Preview

It’s Revolution and things are not exactly feeling hot coming into the show. The main event is a sixty minute Iron Man match with Bryan Danielson challenging MJF for the World Title, which means there won’t be as much time for the usual deep card this time. Other than that, we have Hangman Page vs. Jon Moxley in a Texas Death Match and Christian Cage vs. Jungle Boy in what seems to be a Buried Alive match. Let’s get to it.

Zero Hour: Mark Briscoe/Lucha Bros vs. Ari Daivari/Varsity Athletes

The Mark Briscoe vs. Mark Sterling and company feud continues for reasons I don’t think I follow. Briscoe also has some new friends in the Lucha Bros and that means we could be in for a new trio. The division could certainly use them, but for now they have to get rid of something like this, as AEW is giving them a nice spot to get their feet wet as a three man team.

Of course I’ll take Briscoe and the Bros here, as there is no reason to suggest that Daivari and company will ever be winning anything important. If nothing else, it is nice to see Briscoe getting to do something, as that mention of Jay he made on Rampage was one of the sadder things I’ve heard in wrestling in forever. The obvious choice here is obvious though, and hopefully Briscoe gets to move on from the Sterling feud.

Tag Team Titles: Gunns(c) vs. Acclaimed vs. Jay Lethal/Jeff Jarrett vs. Orange Cassidy/Danhausen

For the life of me I still don’t get why the Acclaimed lost the titles in the first place, but they are already feeling nothing like they were just a month ago. This is another match where there are going to be a lot of people doing as much as they can, probably at the same time. That is not going to make it an easy match to keep track of, but that might be part of the plan.

I’ll take the Gunns to retain here, but I’m really curious to see what AEW has planned for them next. The tag team division has taken a hit in recent months (right around the time of the rise of the Trios Titles) and it could use a good match here. That is only going to get so far with four teams in there at once, but the champs win here, leaving the Acclaimed to continue their rapid fall down the mountain.

TNT Title: Samoa Joe(c) vs. Wardlow

This is a feud that has been going on for a good while now and has reached the point where Wardlow needs the win. Joe has not only beaten him but also taken away part of his hair. That should be grounds for Wardlow winning and winning big, but there is always the chance that things are not going to follow the strongest logic. On top of that, we already have Powerhouse Hobbs waiting on the winner, putting us….right back where we were months ago.

Anyway, I’ll take Wardlow to win here, as he almost needs to at this point. Wardlow has been beaten at almost every point so far and that means he has to pull this one off. Joe is someone who can be reheated almost immediately, even after he takes a long form Powerbomb Symphony. Let Wardlow win here, as he needs to get back on track after quite the derailment.

Jon Moxley vs. Hangman Page

This is a Texas Deathmatch as we hopefully wrap up a feud that felt like it should have wrapped up with their Los Angeles match. Instead, we are getting a match where these two can beat the fire out of each other, which does fit with what they have done to get here. Now that being said, these two can have one heck of a fight, and if they do that here, then we should be in for a pay per view quality brawl.

Page needs to win here and we’ll go with that, as Moxley can absorb a loss like almost no one else around AEW. This is going to be about the two of them beating each other over and over until one can’t get up, which is a good way to make a star. Page could use a big win here and surviving everything Moxley can throw at him can help him. Moxley winning wouldn’t surprise me, but Page going over makes more sense.

Women’s Title: Jamie Hayter(c) vs. Saraya vs. Ruby Soho

The three sided feud continues, with the originals vs. the newcomers vs. Soho. This feud has dominated the women’s division over the last few weeks and Soho has established herself as a weird third wing. That is where we are with the title match, as all three branches are fighting over the championship. It could change the way the feud goes, and that should tell you where things are going.

As much as I would think Hayter retaining the title would make sense or giving Soho the win be some fresh blood in the title scene, I’m thinking Saraya leaves as champion. It is the kind of story that would keep the feud going the longest while also attempting to get something else out of Saraya. Hayter should retain the title, but my gut says Saraya gets it here in what will be treated as a big deal.

Ricky Starks vs. Chris Jericho

I’m still not sure what to think about this feud. While Starks has gotten one of the biggest wins of his career and may have outsmarted Jericho to keep the Jericho Appreciation Society away, the entire feud has been built on a horrible premise. Starks has already beaten Jericho, who has then put up every roadblock he can find to avoid facing Starks again. It doesn’t make the most sense, yet here we are anyway.

I keep having to shake the feeling that Jericho will get the win here to somehow try and stretch this story out for one more match. Ignoring that though, I’ll assume that AEW doesn’t go insane and Starks just wins here. Starks needs to get away from Jericho and if he wins again here, he can do that with his next big win here. I would say I’m not sure what is next for Jericho, but it is probably going to be going after the next young and popular stars.

Christian Cage vs. Jungle Boy

And now, Buried Alive. Or the Final Burial, but based on what they’re saying, it sounds a lot like Buried Alive. The idea is that Cage has insulted Jungle Boy’s deceased father once too often, but their first “match” was Cage hitting the Killswitch on a beaten up Jungle Boy and then going away for six months. That seems like quite the leap to this level of a match, but why go sane when you can go nuts?

There is no reason for Jungle Boy to lose here so we’ll go with that, as he finally gets to show his aggression and beat Cage. I’m not sure what that means for Cage after this as a Buried Alive match kind of gets rid of you for awhile, but maybe they have some kind of out. For now though, I’m still trying to get my head around the stipulation, which feels like something created by a random number generator. Or a nine year old who thinks it sounds cool.

Trios Titles: Elite(c) vs. House Of Black

This one has me worried, as there is one way this match should go and quite a bit of reason for making me think it will not go that way. The Trios Titles seem to be made to give the Elite something to do and at the moment, there isn’t much of a division to fight over them. The House Of Black are the most viable challengers, but if the Elite wins, who are they supposed to fight anytime soon?

I’ll go with the logical hope and say the House Of Black wins here, but the Elite squeaking out a win wouldn’t surprise me either. The House Of Black has always felt like they should be this unstoppable force but at some point they need to actually win something to validate their hype. Starting with these titles would be a smart move. This should be a layup, but the Trios Titles have been weird so far to say the least.

AEW World Title: Maxwell Jacob Friedman(c) vs. Bryan Danielson

This is a sixty minute Iron Man match and probably the reason for a bunch of multiman matches earlier in the show. The idea here is that Danielson can out wrestle Friedman any day and then….something about Friedman’s personal life falling apart and he’ll do anything to win and then he might have framed his ex-girlfriend for a car wreck. In other words, this whole story has been weird as they seem to have booked the match and then tried to put the rest of the story together, which is rarely a good sign.

I’ll go with Friedman retaining, either via a draw or just barely escaping with the last fall. This feud has been uneven to say the least but it is almost impossible to fathom Friedman losing the title so soon after he won it. Danielson also has seemingly gone on a quest to put over as many people as he can and he will probably be doing that again here, albeit with some shenanigans.

Overall Thoughts

Here’s the thing about AEW: the TV builds to pay per views can be all over the place (this one has been particularly weak) but they have such a sterling reputation on pay per view that I fully expect this show to work. The action will be good and people will be working hard, which will make for another very good show. That’s kind of what AEW does, and I’m looking forward to the show, not so great hype aside.

Rampage – February 17, 2023: Sign Of The Times(lot)

Date: February 17, 2023
Location: Saves Auto Arena, Laredo, Texas
Commentators: Jim Ross, Chris Jericho, Tony Schiavone, Excalibur

It’s a special show this week with the show on at 7pm instead of the usual 10pm due to the NBA coverage. Therefore the show is call Slam Dunk as AEW stacks the card because it might be able to draw a good bit more fans this week. Hopefully that is the case as Rampage hasn’t felt important in a few weeks now. Let’s get to it.

Here is Dynamite if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Trios Titles: Elite vs. AR Fox/Top Flight

The Elite is defending and since this is Slam Dunk, there are a lot basketballs as props. Dante and Nick start things off by throwing a basketball at each other. Nick hits Matt in the face with the ball by mistake though and the champs are kicked out to the floor early on. Fox dives onto all of them in a pair of dives and then adds a third with a basketball. Back in and Omega grabs a headlock before running Fox over with a shoulder.

The basketball comes back in and the Elite tosses it around until Fox jumps for it, earning himself a double superkick. We take a break and come back with Fox kicking Nick into the corner. The hot tag brings in Dante to clean house, including a high crossbody for two on Omega. Everything breaks down (What took them so long?) and Fox dives off the top onto Nick and chucks the basketball at Omega in the corner.

A 450 gets two on Matt but Nick and Omega hang Top Flight over the ropes for Nick’s Swanton onto both. Fox makes the save and it’s time for the exchange of kicks to the save. The double cutter drops the Bucks but Matt is back up to shake the ropes. Fox’s middle rope moonsault is triple superkicked out of the air and Nick hits a big dive onto the floor. The One Winged Angel hits Fox to retain the titles at 10:22.

Rating: B-. The basketball stuff was goofy but harmless enough in a match where the Elite gets to beat another team. They need some challenges and that almost has to be the House of Black. I’m almost worried to see that match, but for now I’ll settle for another entertaining but pretty much drama free Elite match.

Post match the basketballs come back in but the lights go out. Cue the House of Black on the stage and we have a staredown.

The Gunns aren’t happy with the Elite bypassing the tag team battle royals but they’ll deal with them anyway.

Mark Henry is praising Orange Cassidy when Wheeler Yuta comes in. Yuta is glad he left the Best Friends because he has gotten so much more out of being in the Blackpool Combat Club. Now Cassidy doesn’t even think anything of Yuta being gone so Yuta is going to take the All-Atlantic Title from him. Cassidy says he wasn’t there to be a teacher but to be a best friend. If Yuta wants the title, come take it. That was a rather harsh heel spin from Yuta, who is pretty neutral most of the time.

Daniel Garcia vs. Ricky Starks

Starks punches him into the corner to start and hits the dancing Old School. A tornado DDT is broken up though and Garcia knocks him outside. We take a break and come back with Starks’ knee rather banged up as he walks into a Rock Bottom for two. The Sharpshooter goes on and here is Sammy Guevara to hold the rope away. Cue Action Andretti to go after Guevara and they brawl up the ramp. Starks gets up and hits the spear, setting up Roshambo (with a point at Jericho on commentary) for the pin at 9:45.

Rating: C. The match was just shy of ten minutes and had a break plus interference. It also doesn’t help as we’re still on this idea of Starks running through the Jericho Appreciation Society on the way to a rematch of a match he won in the first place. This isn’t the most logical story, but at least Jericho has someone to yell about.

Post match Guevara says he wants Andretti next week.

Evil Uno really doesn’t like Jon Moxley.

TBS Title: Jade Cargill vs. Vertvixen

Jade is defending and retains with Jaded at 1:05. I’ll take this over being asked to think Red Velvet is a threat.

Swerve Strickland is ready to go to war and thinks Dustin Rhodes has something to do with Trench not being here. Rhodes gets rather annoyed (granted that seems to be his default mode) and is ready to fight.

Swerve Strickland vs. Dustin Rhodes

Parker Boudreaux is here with Swerve (no Trench), who sends him after Rhodes on the ramp. That doesn’t go well for Parker and Dustin knocks Swerve around to start. The beating heads back inside, where Swerve gets in a quick shot to the face but misses a running knee.

A release German suplex drops Swerve but he kicks Dustin in the face for a knockdown. Swerve adds a pump kick from the apron to drop Rhodes and there’s a hard dropkick into the barricade. Dustin is busted open and we take a break. Back with Swerve hitting a Downward Spiral but Dustin fights up and yells a lot. Swerve bites his forehead but charges into the scoop powerslam.

The Canadian Destroyer gives Dustin two and they head to the apron, where Swerve grabs a Death Valley Driver for two. A superplex and piledriver give Dustin two and Cross Rhodes gets the same. The Final Cut connects but Boudreaux pulls Dustin out at two and sends him into the steps….for the DQ at 12:24. You always hear about these things but you never think you’ll actually see one.

Rating: B-. Rhodes is still one of the most consistently solid wrestlers anywhere, as you might not see him get to a great match but you’ll see him have a good one almost every time. Granted having a nearly thirty five year career is going to have a lot to do with that, along with Strickland being in there to help. Good match, as Rhodes continues to defy Father Time.

Post match Boudreaux and Strickland load up the cinder block but Keith Lee (clean shaven and with white/gray hair) pops up behind them (with the camera being set up low instead of at face level so the rising up shot is lost). Boudreaux and Swerve are destroyed, with a discus forearm taking Boudreaux out. Of note: Jericho mentioned that Lee must have attacked Trench for a way to explain his absence.

Overall Rating: B. This was the best, or at least biggest feeling, Rampage in a long time. Granted that is almost guaranteed to be due to the different time slot but I’ll take whatever I can get. There was nothing bad on here and the Lee return felt important, along with having the House of Black finally going after the Trios Titles. Good show here, and it’s nice to see one that feels like it matters.

Elite b. AR Fox/Top Flight – One Winged Angel to Fox
Ricky Starks b. Daniel Garcia – Roshambo
Jade Cargill b. Vertvixen – Jaded
Dustin Rhodes b. Swerve Strickland via DQ when Parker Boudreaux interfered



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Dynamite – February 15, 2023: They Had To Miss Eventually

Date: February 15, 2023
Location: Sames Auto Arena, Laredo, Texas
Commentators: Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, Taz

We are less than a month away from Revolution and as of last week, we officially have a main event. Bryan Danielson earned his title shot against MJF, which will come in the form of a sixty minute iron man match. With that out of the way, the rest of the card needs to be built up so let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

In Memory of Jerry Jarrett.

Jeff Jarrett/Jay Lethal/Sonjay Dutt/Satnam Singh vs. Orange Cassidy/Billy Gunn/Acclaimed

Bowens runs Lethal over to start and it’s off to Caster for two off a powerslam. Jarrett comes in and drops Caster before handing it off to Singh. Gunn, who almost a foot shorter than Singh, wants to come in but it’s Cassidy coming in instead. Actually it’s Dutt getting Cassidy instead……or actually make that Billy vs. Jeff.

Cue the Gunns to mock the scissoring before telling various people to suck it. Lethal gets in a knee to the back to take Billy down and Lethal grabs a front facelock. Jarrett comes back in as commentary questions Gunn’s parenting skills. Everything breaks down and Singh cleans house until he gets dropped with a Fameasser. Caster loads up Scissor Me Timbers to Dutt and, after various switches and saves (including Cassidy giving Dutt the lazy kicks), Bowens drops the leg for the pin at 9:00.

Rating: C. This was a bit slow for an opener but the Acclaimed get some momentum back. In addition to that, you have Cassidy there to pop the crowd so they had the right pieces in place. Jarrett wrestling the match is no surprise as he is an old pro at heart, but dang it must have been a hard one out there for him.

We look back at MJF attacking a bloodied Bryan Danielson last week.

Danielson is ready for MJF at Revolution.

Rush/Preston Vance vs. Claudio Castagnoli/Jon Moxley

Tornado tag and the fight starts in the crowd before the bell. We take a break and come back with Moxley and Vance getting inside for the opening bell as Rush and Castagnoli are brawling on the floor. Rush gets inside for a basement dropkick on Moxley but Castagnoli comes in to even things up.

Rush is sent outside and Vance is whipped into the buckle to put him down. A double big boot (came close to landing too) send Rush back to the floor and Moxley hits a dive. Everyone heads outside with Rush cracking a chair against a chair against Castagnoli as we take a break.

Back with Moxley getting beaten up with a chain. Castagnoli takes it away and unloads on Rush in the corner before Swinging the bloody Vance. Jose the Assistant comes in for a cheap shot on Moxley so Wheeler Yuta comes out to take care of him. Castagnoli and Rush brawl, leaving Moxley to elbow Vance in the face over and over. The cross armbreaker makes Vance tap at 14:49.

Rating: C. This match felt like violence for the sake of violence and that is not a good thing to see. Moxley bleeding is a running joke now and it lost its impact a long time ago. At the same time, why is it taking two World Champions to beat Rush and Preston Vance? It went too long and wasn’t interesting in the first place, making this a bad combination.

Kip Sabian/Butcher and the Blade jump Hangman Page, who had been watching the match in the back.

Jim Ross had a sitdown interview with Wardlow, who talks about his dad helping raise him, then leaving, but then coming back. Then he left again and the next time Wardlow saw him was when he was in hospice care. The last thing he told his dad was he was going to be a better man and that’s when he grew his hair out. Samoa Joe knew this and cut it off anyway, so now Wardlow must end him. That certainly got intense in a hurry but it gives Wardlow a more personal reason to come after Joe so well done.

Mark Briscoe vs. Josh Woods

Mark Sterling, Tony Nese and Ari Daivari are here too. It’s a brawl to start before Nese and Daivari get involved, only to have the returning Lucha Bros come in for the save. Mark looks confused and gets suplexed from the apron to the floor by Woods as we take a break. Back with Mark sending him outside and using a chair to dive onto Woods. Back in and Woods goes with more grappling to take over, leaving Briscoe having to escape a waistlock. An exchange of kicks to the head, setting up a Death Valley Driver to Woods. The Froggy Bow gives Mark the pin at 8:42.

Rating: C+. Getting Briscoe on the show is a good thing as he is going to need to get used to being a singles wrestler. Giving him wins is the right way to go as well and even if Woods isn’t the biggest star, he is a former champion in Ring Of Honor so there is some value there. Best match of the night too, possibly because it was (mostly) clean throughout.

We get a sitdown interview with Adam Cole, who talks about how his body is healing after the horrible concussions, including being able to look around without being in pain anymore. He’s been looking around at the roster and knows he has to be better than ever and he’ll be ready. Cole as a full on face is a direction that should have been explored before so this should work well.

Here is MJF for a chat. After insulting the Spanish speaking fans, MJF talks about how he is the Devil and until recently, these people were Devil worshippers. We’ll move on to Bryan Danielson, who is called the best in the world, but what matters is the title. MJF will win at Revolution because he is the best in the world and he’s better than Danielson. In case you want proof, MJF brings out one of Danielson’s mentors: Christopher Daniels.

Now Daniels makes one thing clear: MJF paid Daniels a bunch of money to come out here and badmouth Danielson. This time though, he’s going to talk about how great Danielson is, including when Danielson chopped him so hard he thought he would die. Danielson won the King of the Indies tournament, which led to the creation of Ring Of Honor.

Danielson is going to beat MJF, who doesn’t seem happy with any of this. Daniels goes to leave but MJF spins him around, earning a slap to the face. MJF kicks him low and grabs the Salt of the Earth until Danielson makes the save. This Danielson vs. MJF build has been meh at best and this really didn’t help things.

The Gunns brag about winning the Tag Team Titles without having to work on the indies for $10 and a handshake.

Brian Cage vs. Jungle Boy

They go to the floor to start with Cage dropping him on the apron. We take a break (less than a minute in, because that’s something AEW needs to copy from WWE) and come back with Jungle Boy fighting out of trouble. An F5 gives Cage two but Jungle Boy takes him down again. A splash gives Jungle Boy two and a Death Valley Driver gets the same. Cage gets fired up so Jungle Boy superkicks him into a crucifix bomb. The running elbow to the back of the head sets up a rollup to give Jungle Boy the pin at 7:22.

Rating: C. When did Brian Cage become the AEW MVP who had to be out there every week? Jungle Boy getting a win is a good thing as it keeps him strong, which he’ll need until he gets a real feud. The match was nothing great and a lot of it was during the break, but at least the right person won.

Post match Christian Cage returns, with his arm still in a sling, to mace Jungle Boy. The sling comes off to reveal that Christian is fine, setting up the Killswitch on the stage. So now we can finish that off…..several months after it was dropped due to the injury.

Renee Paquette announces that the Gunns will defend their Tag Team Titles at Revolution in a triple threat match. Those opponents will be determined by TWO tag team battle royals, one traditional and one casino, with the winners getting the title shots. The Acclaimed come in to say they’re invoking their rematch clause, so we’ll make it a four way. Sure, why not. It’s not like we haven’t seen battle royals done to death around here.

The Elite, with basketballs, are in the back when Top Flight/AR Fox, also with basketballs, come in for the challenge for Friday’s Rampage: Slam Dunk. It’s on, with Brandon Cutler taking a basketball low blow. During the exchange, the video blipped with a shot of the House Of Black appearing. Is there another viable trio to challenge for the titles at the moment?

Hangman Page vs. Kip Sabian

Penelope Ford is here with Sabian. They start fast with Sabian hitting a Stundog Millionaire and a reverse Cannonball in the corner. A big boot gets Page out of trouble so Sabian bails to the floor. They trade places so a Ford distraction sets up a Sabian baseball slide. An Arabian moonsault drops Page and we take a break. Back with Page whipping Sabian into the barricade and taking him back inside for the Deadeye and the pin at 6:39. Not enough shown to rate but it wasn’t as much of a squash as it should have been.

Post match here is the Blackpool Combat Club to talk to Page, with Moxley saying their issue is over. Page doesn’t think so, and says it should end at Revolution when one man can’t stand. Moxley says Page has no friends so here is the Dark Order, with Evil Uno getting in Moxley’s face. Moxley challenges Page to a Texas Deathmatch and leaves. Page isn’t happy with the Dark Order for getting involved. The crowd didn’t seem to care, and Dark Order feels like a holdover from the old days that Tony Khan forgot to release.

The Jericho Appreciation Society says Ricky Starks isn’t facing Chris Jericho again. Instead, he can face Daniel Garcia on Rampage.

Here’s what’s coming on various shows.

Stokely Hathaway is furious about Hook injuring him and has talked to Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson. Matt Hardy thinks it could lead to a big match but we get word that Hook has been suspended pending an investigation.

Penelope Ford vs. Britt Baker vs. Ruby Soho

Saraya and Jamie Hayter are here too. Before the match, Saraya and Storm attack a fan at ringside and rip up her sign. The bell rings and Soho isn’t interested in a quick alliance offer, instead clearing the ring without much trouble. Soho doesn’t go after either of them though, allowing Storm to come back in and elbow her in the face.

We take a break and come back with an exchange of shots to the face until Storm loads up the running hip attack to Baker. Storm grabs a German suplex on Soho, with Baker rolling Storm up at the same time to make it worse. Baker hits the fisherman’s neckbreaker on Storm but gets sent into the corner off a Downward Spiral.

Soho gets knocked out of the air to set up the Texas Cloverleaf, with Baker trying to add the Lockjaw. Saraya makes the save and Storm goes after Hayter, leaving Baker to get caught with the hip attack (complete with said hips being spray painted by Saraya). Soho sends Storm into Saraya on the floor though and rolls Baker up for the pin at 9:19.

Rating: C-. So not only was the match a mess with people running in, but it also accomplished/changed absolutely nothing. This whole story has only been so interesting in the first place and having it be a three way feud between the homegrowns, the imports and whatever Soho is isn’t going to make it that much better.

Post match Saraya and Hayter yell at Soho before going to check on their friends. Soho motions that she wants a title to end the show.

Overall Rating: C. This was a weird show in that it wasn’t bad but it was just kind of there. Not much seemed important and it felt like something that they threw together at the last minute after forgetting they had a show this week. There are two more Dynamites before Revolution and AEW has a lot of work to do to make the show feel important. This didn’t really come close to doing that, but AEW knows how to make up for lost time in a hurry. Not a terrible show, but it was bad for a Dynamite.

Orange Cassidy/Billy Gunn/Acclaimed b. Jeff Jarrett/Jay Lethal/Sonjay Dutt/Satnam Singh – Scissor Me Timbers to Dutt
Jon Moxley/Claudio Castagnoli b. Rush/Preston Vance – Cross armbreaker to Vance
Mark Briscoe b. Josh Woods – Froggy Bow
Jungle Boy b. Brian Cage – Rollup
Hangman Page b. Kip Sabian – Deadeye
Ruby Soho b. Britt Baker and Toni Storm – Rollup to Baker



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Dynamite – February 8, 2023: That’ll Get Them Talking

Date: February 8, 2023
Location: County Coliseum, El Paso, Texas
Commentators: Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, Taz

It’s a title themed show this week as we have two title matches plus a pair of eliminator matches. That should be enough to make for a good night as AEW tends to treat its titles seriously. The build towards Revolution continues and we should be getting some more added to the card. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Maxwell Jacob Friedman vs. Konosuke Takeshita

Non-title. MJF’s offer of a handshake is brushed off to start so Takeshita hammers down some right hands in the corner. A knee is blocked and MJF sends him into the corner to take over. We hit the armbar, followed by a hammerlock DDT for two on Takeshita. Back up and Takeshita hits a quick brainbuster for two and a frog splash (remember we’re in Eddie’s hometown) gets the same.

Takeshita traps the legs and hits a Tombstone, followed by a wheelbarrow suplex to send MJF outside. MJF gets in a shot of his own and takes it back inside, with Takeshita being put up top. Takeshita hits a heck of a clothesline to knock MJF back down, but a superkick rocks Takeshita as well. The armbar goes on but Takeshita fights up and sends him to the floor for the big flip dive.

Back in and MJF rolls outside again, only to be sent right back inside. That lets him kick the rope for a low blow to take over but a powerbomb onto the knee just hurts MJF. Takeshita hits a Blue Thunder Bomb for another near fall and the knee to the face gets two, with MJF putting his foot on the ropes. Back up and MJF avoids a springboard Swanton and the Salt of the Earth finishes Takeshita at 13:16.

Rating: B. Solid match here, as the champ gets a win without cheating for the finish (though not without cheating entirely). You need to have MJF get a win or two like this every so often to remind people that there is something behind just being a weasel. Good opener, and the show is off to a hot start.

Post match MJF hits him in the face with the diamond ring. Takeshita is busted open and Bryan Danielson makes the save.

Samoa Joe is ready to end Wardlow.

Bunny vs. Jamie Hayter

Non-title again with Penelope Ford, Britt Baker and Rebel here too. Bunny starts fast and grabs a choke over the ropes. They head outside with Hayter getting suplexed into the steps as we take an early break. Back with Baker holding up a Hayterade sign but Ford breaks it up. Hayter tries some kind of a suplex and drops Bunny on her head, setting up the ripcord lariat for the pin at 6:12. That felt a lot like Bunny got knocked silly as they were only back from a break for about thirty seconds.

Rating: C-. The match wasn’t much before the sudden ending but above all else, Hayter didn’t need to lariat her if there was even the slightest chance Bunny was hurt. She got dropped on her head, so just give her a weak cover for the pin. Either way, Hayter gets to look strong, but hopefully Bunny isn’t too banged up.

Saraya and Toni Storm make fun of homegrown AEW women and spray paint Leva Bates. Today I learned Leva Bates still works here.

MJF thought Takeshita was the next big thing and Bryan Danielson thinks MJF is nothing. We hear about MJF getting a bunch of speeding tickets in his Camaro and then taking his big crush (with what sounded like a nod to Liv Morgan) out for a ride. After the girl got doing…something, they hit a phone pole at 90 miles an hour and got knocked out. The cops were coming but MJF switched their places so he wouldn’t lose his license. He goes into a rant about how there are winners and losers in life and he’ll prove he’s a winner at Revolution. I’m not sure why he just admitted to what has to be a crime, but it was intense.

Garcia-Guevara Gauntlet

Ricky Starks is running the gauntlet and starts with Angelo Parker. After a few shots in the corner, Starks hits the spear for the pin at 1:11. Matt Menard comes in and gets rolled up for the pin at 1:28 total. Daniel Garcia is in third and chokes away in the corner but has to dodge the spear as we take a break. Back with Starks fighting out of a choke but the Roshambo is countered. They fight to the apron and Starks knocks him to the floor. Cue a fan in a mask to knock Starks silly with a Judas Effect. Garcia gets the pin at 8:14.

Rating: C. This was an angle rather than a match for the most part, but I’m still not clear on why this feud is continuing. Starks pinned Jericho clean and is still feuding with him for a chance to do it again a month and a half later. That’s hardly the most logical way to go, but I’m sure Jericho thinks it’s brilliant for whatever reason.

And yeah it’s Chris Jericho, for some reason to Taz’s shock.

Billy Gunn is going to stay in the back for the Tag Team Title match. Scissoring with the Acclaimed ensues.

Bryan Danielson and Konosuke Takeshita get locked in the trainer’s room.

Rush vs. Bryan Danielson

If Danielson wins, he gets MJF in a sixty minute Iron Man match at Revolution. There is no Danielson so here is MJF to say ring the bell and count to ten. Aubrey Edwards starts as we see Danielson and Takeshita breaking down the door and making to the ring (MJF calling Aubrey a bum to make her count more slowly made sense).

MJF joins commentary as Rush beats up Danielson in the corner and goes after the bad arm. They go outside with Danielson being sent shoulder first into the barricade, with Danielson’s head being busted open. The slow beating continues as Rush poses a lot and MJF is rather pleased. Danielson fights back up and they go to the apron, with Danielson striking away. A charge lets Rush belly to belly him hard to the floor though and we take a break.

Back with Danielson not being able to get the LeBell Lock but sending Rush outside for some rams into the barricade. A missile dropkick connects back inside and they strike it out, with Danielson hitting the SI (si, SI) kicks to send Rush into the corner. Rush gets in a shot of his own though and a straitjacket piledriver gets two. The running knee connects for two on Rush and they exchange a lot of headbutts. Danielson is back up with another running knee for the pin at 15:48.

Rating: B-. Well at least the other gauntlet story is done as there wasn’t much of a point to running two at the same time. This sets up Danielson for the World Title match at Revolution, which should be interesting in a few ways. It’s also probably Rush’s best match in AEW, which doesn’t cover too much ground but it’s another name on the list of “he had his best match ever with Danielson”.

Some of the cast of Impractical Jokers are here and don’t like Chris Jericho, but they’ll let him show up on their season premiere.

Trios Titles: Elite vs. AR Fox/Top Flight

The Elite is defending. Matt takes Darius into the corner but gets suplexed down so the challengers can hit some slingshot hilos. The Bucks are right back up for the dropkicks before handing it off to Omega to plant Darius for two. We take a break and come back with Nick knocking the Martins down but Nick’s frog splash hits knees.

Fox comes in with a rolling splash on Nick but takes too long beating up Omega. The Bucks get sent outside though and it’s a big flip dive to take them down. Fox hits the Swanton for two on Omega back inside and the tag brings in Dante to flip over the Bucks. Matt manages a northern lights suplex and cradle on Top Flight at the same time before Fox hits another flip dive.

Back in and the Nose Dive into a 450 gives Fox two, with Omega making a save. We hit the parade of shots to the face until the Indytaker hits Fox for two, with the Martins making the save. Omega loads up a dive but gets rolled up for two. The doctor bomb gets two on Fox, followed by the V Trigger but the One Winged Angel is countered into a rollup for two. We hit the pinfall reversal sequence until Omega can roll Fox up for the pin at 14:30.

Rating: B. It’s an Elite match so what were you expecting to happen? They did their thing, it was a bunch of flips and signature stuff and then they shrugged off a bunch of moves and won. It’s going to take a minor miracle to get those belts off of them and Top Flight, as good as they can be, aren’t the team to be doing that.

Video on Hook.

Stokely Hathaway is tired of hearing about the Firm having trouble and it’s worried about Hook. Cue Hook, who bends Hathaway’s arm back and leaves. Minus the arm.

Tag Team Titles: Gunns vs. Acclaimed

Acclaimed is defending and there is no Billy Gunn. The Acclaimed clear the ring to start and it’s Scissor Me Timbers to send us to a break. Back with Bowens coming back in to clean house but the referee gets bumped off the Quick Draw. Austin brings in a title belt so here is Billy Gunn to shove Bowens out of the way of a belt shot.

Colten hits Billy with the other belt but the Acclaimed is back up. The Arrival into the Mic Drop hits Austin but there is still no referee. Caster goes for the referee but gets sent into the barricade. Colten breaks up the cover and a belt shot to the head gives the Gunns the pin and the titles at 10:31.

Rating: C. Well, that happened. This is one of those things that is going to be talked about for a good while to come and I’m really not sure I get it. The Gunns are about as middle of the road as you can get and they just took the titles from the hottest act in AEW. Maybe this is designed to get the Acclaimed the belts back at Revolution in a rather forced moment, but for now it feels like punching the golden goose in the beak for the sake of shock and awe.

The Acclaimed are stunned to end the show, even as their music plays.

Overall Rating: B-. That ending is going to be the main thing talked about and I’m really not sure how well it is going to go over. The Acclaimed are still crazy over and the Gunns…well…did you know they’re Billy’s kids? Other than that, they got around to the Revolution main event we knew was coming and gave MJF a win. Good enough show, but dang that is a risky main event result.

Maxwell Jacob Friedman b. Konosuke Takeshita – Salt of the Earth
Jamie Hayter b. Bunny – Ripcord lariat
Daniel Garcia b. Ricky Starks – Judas Effect
Bryan Danielson b. Rush – Running knee
Elite b. Top Flight/AR Fox – Rollup to Fox
Gunns b. Acclaimed – Belt to the face



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Rampage – February 3, 2023: They’ve Lost It Again

Date: February 3, 2023
Location: Nutter Center, Dayton, Ohio
Commentators: Chris Jericho, Jim Ross, Tony Schiavone, Excalibur

Rampage continues to be a bit all over the place as you know most of the card/lineup in advance but it still feels like a show that could go in a bunch of different directions. That could be the case again this week as there is some star power with the Elite around to defend the Trios Titles. Let’s get to it.

Here is Dynamite if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Trios Titles: Elite vs. Isiah Kassidy/Matt Hardy/Ethan Page

The Elite is defending and for the sake of simplicity, Matt Hardy will be referred to as Hardy and Matt Jackson will be referred to as Matt. Nick Jackson and Kassidy trade some flips and takedowns to start before Matt comes in to take over. Kassidy gets over to Hardy for the tag, so Omega gets the overly dramatic tag (Omega is a big deal, but spare me with the Hardy stuff at this point).

Hardy sends Omega outside and goes up but Page tags himself in to take over instead. Omega snaps off a hurricanrana and it’s the Bucks coming back in for a pop up hurricanrana. Everything breaks down and Nick hits a big flip dive to the floor. Back in and Matt rolls the northern lights suplexes on Hardy but Page makes the save as we take a break.

Back with Nick in trouble and Hardy going up, only to have Page tag himself back in. The delay lets Omega come back in to take over, including You Can’t Escape to Page. Everything breaks down and Kassidy tries to play Jeff Hardy in Poetry In Motion, only to get superkicked out of the air. Omega and Hardy hit stereo clotheslines, leaving Kassidy to hit a super swinging Downward Spiral on Matt.

Kassidy and Nick slug it out but the triple superkick is broken up. A Canadian Destroyer sends Nick into the corner and the Twist of Fate gives Kassidy two on Nick. Kassidy’s cutter gets two more on Nick but Omega is back in with a heck of a V Trigger sets up the One Winged Angel. The BTE Trigger retains the titles at 15:44.

Rating: B-. Good enough action here, but the lack of drama was impossible to ignore. No one was buying half of a tag team, plus a pair of guys who can’t get along, as a threat to the Trios Titles. I know Hardy is a legend but so much of the special feeling is gone whenever he does anything. That leaves Page, who is talented but not enough to overcome these odds. Not a bad match at all, ubt it was a bunch of waiting around for the Elite to retain.

Ricky Starks is ready to run the gauntlet to get to Chris Jericho because he’ll always find a way.

Jeff Jarrett/Jay Lethal/Sonjay Dutt/Satnam Singh brag about stealing the Golden Globe and using it to beat the Best Friends and Danhausen.

The Best Friends and Danhausen kind of swear revenge but Danhausen seems a bit confused.

Swerve Strickland vs. Brian Pillman Jr.

Parker Boudreaux and Trench (yeah Trench) are here with Swerve. They fight over arm control to start and then lock up until Pillman sends him into the corner. A running dropkick sends Swerve outside and Pillman takes a victory lap as we take a break. Back with the traditional exchange of forearms with Strickland getting the better of things.

A kick to the face gives Pillman two but Swerve hits his step up kick to the back of the head for two of his own. Pillman manages a neck snap across the top rope but the goons’ interference lets Swerve hit the Death Valley Driver on the apron. The Swerve Stomp finishes for Strickland at 8:18.

Rating: C-. Pillman Jr. is trying and looks so much like his dad that it’s scary, but he’s another case where it just isn’t working. The fire isn’t there and you can see it more and more every time he is in the ring. I know he is proud of his name, but being the Jr. version of his famous dad seems to be destroying his career. Granted it also would have helped if he hadn’t been thrown onto national TV before he was ready, but that’s a bigger AEW problem.

Post match the beatdown is on but Dustin Rhodes makes the save.

Malakai Black talks about poisoning Eddie Kingston. They don’t want him in the House of Black but they are glad he has gone to the dark side.

Toni Storm/Saraya vs. Renegade Twins

Storm and Robin start things off with a rather aggressive lockup until Storm hits a Thesz press. Saraya gets in some knees from the apron and the hip attack sends Robin crashing to the floor. There’s a whip into the barricade and it’s Saraya coming in for a running knee in the corner. A running knee to the face gets two on Robin and Storm grabs the chinlock. Back up and Robin is able to nail an enziguri, allowing the hot tag off to Charlotte. Everything breaks down and a quick Storm Zero gives Storm the pin at 5:08.

Rating: C. I know they’re jobbers and a lot of what they do is because of being twins, but there is something about the Renegades that makes me interested. They feel like they are giving it everything they have every time and that makes for a fun time whenever they’re out there. Saraya is starting to shake the ring rust off too, as while she wasn’t in there long, she looked smoother than she has recently. Maybe things are looking up for her.

Post match Saraya and Storm spray paint L’s on the Twins. Because they’re losers you see.

Adam Cole is ready to get back in the ring.

Video on Rush vs. Christopher Daniels.

Here’s what is coming on Dynamite.

Rush vs. Christopher Daniels

Jose the Assistant and Preston Vance are here too. They go with the grappling to start as Tony lists off Daniels’ ROH resume. Daniels knocks him to the floor and hits the required suicide dive. We take a break and come back with Rush kicking away at the ribs and Jose/Preston throwing money on Danielson’s back.

Some chops out of the corner give Danielson a break and a Blue Thunder Bomb gets two. The Koji Clutch keeps Rush in trouble but Vance puts the foot on the rope for the save. The Best Moonsault Ever hits raised knees though and Rush suplexes him into the corner. Rush hits the Bull’s Horns for the pin at 9:50.

Rating: C. As has been the case with a few Rampage matches in recent weeks, this was an “oh, ok then” match. Was anyone thinking that they needed to see this match before it was announced? They made Rush look more like a killer before the Danielson match next week, but that was about all you could get from this one. Again, not a bad match, but it had no spark or interest and that hurts things badly.

Overall Rating: C. I think it’s safe to say that Tony Khan’s attempts to make Rampage feel special are gone. Having the Elite in there for a pretty nothing title defense was nice, but you need more than fifteen minutes of important to make the show matter. It’s another week that felt like they just picked people who were backstage to be on the show and fill time, which shouldn’t be how a TV show feels. Completely watchable, but again, nothing you need to see and that hurts.

Elite b. Isiah Kassidy/Matt Hardy/Ethan Page – BTE Trigger to Kassidy
Swerve Strickland b. Brian Pillman Jr. – Swerve Stomp
Saraya/Toni Storm b. Renegade Twins – Storm Zero to Charlotte
Rush b. Christopher Daniels – Bull’s Horns



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