EOTY Awards – Worst Show of the Year

By that I mean PPV.  There are too many Impacts to name.I’ll go with Victory Road I guess.  The show wasn’t any good before whatever Hardy vs. Sting was and that caps it as well as anything could.  For WWE, I guess I’ll go with Capital Punishment, but I didn’t really think about it all that hard.


Your picks/thoughts?

EOTY 2011 – Angle of the Year

*Insert eye rolling Kurt joke here.*It’s pretty much a layup, but I’ll go with the Summer of Punk.  This got people paying attention and people were wondering what was real and what wasn’t, which is a very entertaining way to go with an angle.  I loved this and it worked incredibly well.  On top of that the matches were awesome, which is always a bonus.


Your thoughts/picks?

EOTY Awards – Title Reign Of The Year

Title reigns have been longer lately, so maybe there are better options here.I’m going to take Miz as WWE Champion.  In short, he beat John Cena in the main event of Wrestlemania.







Literally, that’s the first time he’s ever lost in the main event of Mania.  He lost in a triple threat at Mania 24 but Miz beat Cena in a one on one match at Mania.  That’s the only time it’s ever happened and it’s hard to top that.  Also, it was the longest reign with that title in like 3 years.  Not bad at all.


Your thoughts/picks?

EOTY 2011 – Tag Team/Stable of the Year

It’s certainly not Immortal.

Pretty much this goes to Beer Money by default.  They were dominant all year and held the tag titles for like six months.  I don’t count their world title reigns because they weren’t as a team but you get the idea.  Is there anyone else that can compete here?


Your picks/thoughts?

EOTY Awards – Worst Match of the Year

Criteria here: I’m not including Divas matches, most of the Knockout matches, anything that’s really short (under 3 minutes or so) or whatever Sting and Jeff Hardy did at Victory Road.I’m going to go with Cena vs. Miz in the main event of Wrestlemania.  Not only was the match itself boring, but the ending was atrocious.  I said this in my review and in the Live Discussion of the show: They booked a Dusty Finish in the main event of Wrestlemania.  That isn’t acceptable to me.  This is Wrestlemania, not any other show of the year.  I hold it to a higher standard than a double countout and Rock suddenly having the power to make matches throughout the night.  This didn’t work for me at all and I remember thinking to myself “that’s how they ended it?” after the match and show ended.


Your picks?

End of the Year Awards: Female of the Year

These will get better I promise.  First up: Female of the Year.


The only person I can really give this to is Kharma.  She showed up in WWE and flat out took over the division.  She wasn’t around for very long but she made a huge impact to put it mildly.  The whole division was on the verge of being built around her but it had to be stopped due to something outside her control.  I can’t wait for her to come back and crush Kelly so she can sprinkle her on a pizza.


Your picks?

2011 End of the Year Awards

Starting today through the end of the year, I’ll be naming my best/worst things of the year, one at a time and culminating with Wrestler of the Year on December 31.  These are in no particular order at all and please keep in mind that I didn’t regularly watch ROH until their debut on national TV, I don’t watch puro, I don’t watch most indy shows, and I only barely keep up with AAA.  If I left something out, odds are I didn’t watch it.


Feel free to critique my thoughts or add in your own picks.