NXT – March 25, 2025: The Kind Of Show You Need
Date: March 25, 2025
Location: Capitol Wrestling Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Vic Joseph, Booker T., Corey Graves
We’re getting very close to Stand & Deliver and that means it’s time to start putting the show together. There is a good chance that we’ll see some more of the matches set up this week, though first both women’s titles are on the line as Stephanie Vaquer is defending twice. Let’s get to it.
Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.
The opening video looks at Stephanie Vaquer’s attempts to defend both of her titles in one night, which isn’t something you often see attempted, let alone done.
Women’s Title: Stephanie Vaquer vs. Jaida Parker
Vaquer is defending and gets slammed down as Booker talks about his two TV Title defenses at Superbrawl VIII (not quite). Parker shrugs off a wristlock and slams her down before they trade rollups for two each. A hurricanrana sends Parker into the corner but she drops Vaquer as we take a break.
Back with Parker hitting a Backstabber for two but Vaquer knocks her into the ropes. The 619 sets up the figure four necklock faceplants. The STB is broken up though and Parker plants her with a Falcon Arrow for two. Parker’s hip attack connects in the corner but here is Jordynne Grace for a distraction. That’s enough for Vaquer to roll her up and retain at 9:24.
Rating: C+. Parker isn’t the most experienced star just yet but she has a certain swagger to her that you either have or you don’t. That’s one of those things that can take you a long way and now it seems that she is going to be doing something with Grace. Good enough opener here, even though Vaquer seemed to be saving some of herself for later, which is fine.
Post match Parker and Grace have to be held apart. Cue Fatal Influence to jump Parker and leave her laying.
Trick Williams still doesn’t want to hear from Je’Von Evans, saying there’s a difference between having potential and having a title. Evans is ready to prove him wrong.
Meta Four want to know why they’re not getting a TNA Knockouts Tag Team Titles and get in an argument with Tatum Paxley/Gigi Dolin, who do have such a shot this week.
Earlier today, there was a sitdown interview with Ricky Saints, who thinks people are having trouble dealing with his self confidence. For awhile he had to live in his car and the only thing he had was his self confidence, which helped get him here. Then Shawn Spears interrupted, saying that Saints’ confidence is driving people crazy. Spears has friends, but Saints says that’s how he won the North American Title. Spears suggests that Saints can always go somewhere else if it doesn’t work out, but then brings up all of the burned bridges. Saints: “I guess I better win then.”
Ethan Page runs his mouth and gets into it with Andre Chase, who talks about teaching the younger people about how to deal with people like Page. Insults ensue as Chase sounded like his old self.
The Motor City Machine Guns give Hank And Talk a quick pep talk.
Tyriek Igwe/Tyson DuPont vs. Hank And Tank
Wes Lee is here with the villains. We’re joined in progress with everything breaking down and Hank And Tank hammering away in the corners. A camel clutch/running dropkick combination gets two on DuPont before a suicide dive hits Igwe on the floor. Back in and Igwe stomps on Hank’s arm and DuPont plants him down for two. The full nelson is broken up and it’s back to Tank to clean house. Tank plants Igwe for two but Lee offers a distraction meaning it’s the Heartstopper to finish Hank at 6:25.
Rating: C+. Igwe and DuPont are getting some more exposure as of late and that’s the kind of thing that can give them some better hope in the future. I’m not sure I can imagine them doing much of note anytime soon, but it’s better than nothing. Hank And Tank still don’t have much going on, but that has been the case for a good while now.
Stephanie Vaquer insists that she can face Fallon Henley tonight, despite Ava being worried.
Fraxiom has another of their mini arguments about Axiom not inviting Nathan Frazer to Spain. Oba Femi arrives and Axiom leaves.
Heritage Cup: Je’Von Evans vs. Lexis King
Evans is challenging and grabs a headlock to start. That’s reversed into a headscissors before a belly to back suplex drops Evans. Back up and a high crossbody gives Evans two and a suicide dive sends King into the announcers’ table. We take a break and come back with King hitting a fisherman’s driver for two, with the kickout leaving King frustrated.
Evans knocks him down and hits a frog splash (with some height) for two of his own but King goes after the bad jaw. A running shot sends King outside though and Evans nails a heck of a dive. Cue Oba Femi to take Evans down though and King retains the cup via countout at 10:43.
Rating: C. The ending keeps the Cup with King, even through some shenanigans, and that’s the best thing for him at the moment. This wasn’t so much King cheating as much as King capitalizing on someone going into business for themselves. Evans vs. Femi could be a fun David vs. Goliath match, but Trick Williams seems to be the next challenger for the title.
Post match Dark State is teased but Femi goes after Evans again. Trick Williams comes in for the save but has to be held back from Femi.
Gigi Dolin/Tatum Paxley vs. Meta Four
Dolin and Jackson lock up to start as Zaria and Sol Ruca are here to watch. Dolin sends her into the corner for a running shot from Paxley. A reverse surfboard has Jackson in trouble it’s off to Legend to take over. Paxley gets slammed for two but it’s a quick tag back to Dolin, who hits a high crossbody on both villains. Granted it was near their legs but close enough. Everything breaks down and the Cemetery Drive finishes Jackson at 3:58.
Rating: C. They didn’t have much time here and it took away what they could do. There was no reason to have Dolin and Paxley lose just before their title shot on Thursday so at least they have some momentum. Zaria and Ruca didn’t do anything here but there is a good chance that they’ll wind up facing Meta Four at some point in the future.
Tony D’Angelo wants information on the Dark State. The Family goes to find it when Stacks is asked to stay. D’Angelo brings up saving Stacks when he was a kid, which Stacks will never forget. D’Angelo: “I can always trust you, right?” Stacks: “You can always trust me T, always.” I’m sure.
The Motor City Machine Guns tells Hank And Tank to stay with it. Trust your partners and don’t compare yourselves to the Guns, because they’ve been a team for a long time.
Ethan Page vs. Andre Chase
Ricky Saints comes out to join commentary, which Page doesn’t like. Kale Dixon and Uriah Connors are here with Chase, who doesn’t want them doing the Chase U pose. Chase tries some early rollups to start and grabs a headlock. That’s reversed into a belly to back suplex but Chase sends him to the floor and adds a superkick from the apron.
We take a break and come back with Chase grabbing a swinging neckbreaker into the Russian legsweep. The Spelling Stomps are blocked but Chase knocks him down for two more. Page is back with an Iconoclasm into a Codebreaker for two of his own but Chase neckbreakers him on the apron. A tornado DDT gives Chase two, only for Chase to crotch him on top. The super powerslam gives Page two, followed by the Twisted Grin to pin Chase at 9:58.
Rating: B-. I was getting into this one as Chase continues to be a likable guy no matter what he is doing. I could go for his story taking a bigger step forward, but you can see the old version of him still alive inside there. Page vs. Saints is likely going to be a big showdown at Stand & Deliver, which is a good way to get Saints on the biggest show of the year.
Post match Saints looks up at Page but Shawn Spears and the Culling jump him.
Dark State says when they strike, no one is safe.
We get a clip of the debut of Stephanie’s Places.
Trick Williams calls Je’Von Evans a distraction, just like Eddy Thorpe. He wants Oba Femi next week and calls Dark State none of his business.
Women’s North American Title: Fallon Henley vs. Stephanie Vaquer
Henley, with the rest of Fatal Influence, is challenging and drives Vaquer into the corner to start. Vaquer fights up and hits a running dropkick for an early two. A superkick sends Henley into the ropes but she’s back up with a knockdown as we take a break. Back with Henley hitting a running forearm and kicking Vaquer between the shoulders.
Vaquer catches her on top with a superplex and Eat Defeat staggers Henley again. The running knees connect in the corner but Henley rolls through a rollup attempt. Henley throws her outside for a cheap shot from Jazmyn Nyx but Vaquer sends Henley into Nyx for the knockdown. The SVB retains the title at 10:03.
Rating: C+. I was a bit surprised that Vaquer didn’t lose one of her titles here but doing the whole two title defenses in one night is a nice feather in her non-existent cap. Henley gets her rematch and is cleared out so now we can move on to another challenger. It wasn’t a particularly good match, but you can see how far Henley has come in the last few months.
Post match Fatal Influence beats Vaquer down but Jordynne Grace makes the save. Grace teases challenging Vaquer but here is Jaida Parker to jump Grace, only to be cleared out again.
A bunch of women plead their case for a future shot at Vaquer and Ava doesn’t get to make an announcement.
Vaquer and Grace have one more staredown to end the show.
Overall Rating: B-. This was a show that wasn’t so much about the wrestling but rather moving the pieces around on the way to Stand & Deliver. The show might not have anything announced yet, but you can probably guess some of the matches that are coming on the show. That is a big deal and this was the kind of show that you need on the way there. I’m looking forward to seeing those matches coming together, as there is just enough time left to still add a few surprises.
Stephanie Vaquer b. Jaida Parker – Rollup
Tyriek Igwe/Tyson DuPont b. Hank And Tank – Heartstopper to Hank
Lexis King b. Je’Von Evans via countout
Gigi Dolin/Tatum Paxley b. Meta Four – Cemetery Drive to Jackson
Ethan Page b. Andre Chase – Twisted Grin
Stephanie Vaquer b. Fallon Henley – SVB
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