Impact Wrestling – September 19, 2024: They’re Bound For Bound For Glory

Impact Wrestling
Date: September 19, 2024
Location: Boeing Center At Tech Port, San Antonio, Texas
Commentators: Matthew Rehwoldt, Tom Hannifan

We’re done with Victory Road and the big story is Nic Nemeth is still the World Champion as we are on the road to Bound For Glory. He is going to need a new challenger and it almost has to be Joe Hendry. Other than that, multiple titles changed hands so it’s time to move in a new direction. Let’s get to it.

Here is Victory Road if you need a recap.

Victory Road recap.

Here is Alisha Edwards to blame Masha Slamovich for her no longer being a champion. Cue Slamovich to threaten Alisha in English (which apparently she can speak), with Alisha bringing up that Slamovich can’t do anything because Alisha is still under concussion protocol. Cue Tasha Steelz to jump Slamovich but Jordynne Grace runs in for the save. The System runs in but the Hardys even things out. Cue Santino Marella to make a six person tag. Cue Arianna Grace to say Grace will team up with one of Grace’s best friends to face Wendy Choo and Rosemary next week. Santino likes how she thinks.

Eric Young talks to Josh Alexander about respect and wants him to be serious.

Jordynne Grace and Masha Slamovich respect each other but think they’ll meet down the line. They go to talk to the Hardys and Slamovich has a photo of herself meeting them as a kid. Matt Hardy is ready for the main event.

First Class vs. Sinner & Saint

Navarro flips over Sinner (who is apparently named Travis Williams) to start so it’s off to Saint (Judas Icarus) for a dropkick. Francis comes in to throw people around and Navarro adds some running knees. Icarus DDTs his way to freedom and it’s back to Williams to clean house. A double underhook powerbomb gives Icarus two but Francis is in with the Down Payment. Navarro’s frog splash pins Icarus at 4:26.

Rating: C. This was a nice way to reheat First Class after their recent losses. They need a bit of a boost, but they are also going to need a feud of some kind, perhaps one they can even do well in. Sinner & Saint, despite their odd names, have been around here before and are a decent enough tag team.

Mike Santana is ready to hurt JDC.

Mike Bailey is glad to be X Division Champion again and is ready to have a six man tag tonight.

Steph de Lander has to calm PCO down.

Rhino vs. Matt Cardona

Cardona bails to the floor to start before Rhino hammers away. The threat of a Gore sens Cardona outside, where Rhino suplexes him onto the ramp. Back in and Cardona hammers away but Rhino grabs a chair. Cardona takes it away and hits him in the ribs for the DQ at 2:54.

Post match Cardona beats him down but PCO runs in for the save…and beats up the chair, treating it as PCO.

Knockouts Tag Team Titles: Spitfire vs. Carlee Bright/Kendal Grey

Bright and Grey, from NXT, are challenging. Threat wrestles Grey to the mat without much trouble to start before sending her into the corner. Luna sends Grey flying with a fall away slam before the champs get two off a double suplex. Grey kicks her way out of the corner though and it’s off to Bright for a middle rope hurricanrana. A standing moonsault gets two but Threat comes back in for the toss powerbomb (Pressure Drop) to retain at 4:24.

Rating: C. We’re kind of at the point where the NXT crossovers aren’t meaning as much. There is only so much you can get out of some lower card women challenging for the Knockouts Tag Team Titles and it didn’t feel important. If you want this to work, someone is going to have to win another promotion’s title and that isn’t feeling likely.

Ash By Elegance and Heather Reckless get to know each other. Reckless is even interested in a makeover.

Mike Santana vs. JDC

Texas Deathmatch, meaning Last Man Standing but you have to get a pin or submission before the count starts.. Santana comes through the crowd and hammers away, with JDC being knocked out to the floor. Back in and some chairs are set up but JDC sends Santana into them. A trashcan is put over Santana’s head for Down And Dirty and Santana is busted open. Santana comes back with a barbed wire 2×4 to take over and we take an early break.

Back with Santana hitting a piledriver on the stage for two but JDC (who is GUSHING blood) is back with a tornado DDT. Santana sends a charging JDC into the barricade and then crushes him with an anvil case. JDC is put on a table and a frog splash off a ladder knocks him through for the pin, and then the ten count, to give Santana the pin at 12:15.

Rating: C+. Nice enough brawl, with JDC’s cut being downright gruesome, but this could have easily been a street fight or something to the same result. The Texas Deathmatch stipulation wasn’t exactly needed but what matters the most here is Santana continues his rise. Odds are he gets a big match with Moose at Bound For Glory, and this was a good win on the way there.

Post match Moose runs in and chairs Santana down.

Josh Alexander sees something in Sinner & Saint.

Lei Ying Lee (Xia Li) is coming.

Here is Joe Hendry for a chat. Hendry talks about what he did at Victory Road and how much of a statement it was for him to beat Josh Alexander. The people lifted him up and now he is ready for them to lift him to the World Title. Cue Frankie Kazarian to laugh off the idea of Hendry going to the World Title, because Nic Nemeth should give Kazarian the title shot instead. Cue Nemeth to say that Kazarian calls himself the King Of TNA but this is the real crown. Santino Marella comes out to make Kazarian vs. Hendry next week for the #1 contendership. That was simple and to the point.

System/Tasha Steelz vs. Masha Slamovich/Hardys

Alisha Edwards is here with the villains. Slamovich sends Steelz into the ropes to start and hits a running shot to the face. Matt and Eddie come in with Matt choking on the rope and hitting a running crotch attack to the back of the neck. Jeff comes in for Poetry In Motion and Slamovich sends Steelz into the corner for her own Poetry In Motion. Slamovich hits a big dive to the floor and we take a break.

Back with Slamovich in trouble and Myers coming in to calmly kick her in the corner. It’s a bit too calm as Slamovich slips away and hands it back to Jeff to clean house. Myers cuts that off with a Russian legsweep for two and some elbows up against the ropes. Jeff suplexes Eddie down and the Whisper In The Wind drops the System again. Matt comes in off the tag to start the real comeback but Alisha breaks up the Twist of Fate. That’s enough for an ejection, with the ABC coming in to get rid of her. That leaves Myers to take the Twist Of Fate into the Swanton to give Jeff the pin at 16:12.

Rating: B-. Nice enough main event here, but dang I do not care to see the Hardys going into Bound For Glory and getting the Tag Team Titles in some special moment. Throw in ABC and they have all the makings of a ladder match for the belts, which just…no. Other than that, Slamovich looked like a star here and it wouldn’t surprise me to see her getting the Knockouts Title shot at Bound For Glory.

Overall Rating: C+. Not exactly a can’t miss show here and there was nothing worth going out of your way to see, but what matters the most here is that you can see a lot of Bound For Glory from here. It’s a good sign when the card is starting to come into focus over a month out and now we could be in for a solid build there. This wasn’t a red hot start, but at least they put some more pieces together.

First Class b. Sinner & Saint – Frog splash to Icarus
Rhino b. Matt Cardona via DQ when Cardona used a chair
Spitfire b. Carlee Bright/Kendal Grey – Pressure Drop to Bright
Mike Santana b. JDC – Splash from a ladder through a table
Hardys/Masha Slamovich b. System/Tasha Steelz – Swanton Bomb to Myers



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Victory Road 2024: A Fine Friday Night

Victory Road 2024
Date: September 13, 2024
Location: Boeing Center At Tech Point, San Antonio, Texas
Commentators: Matthew Rehwoldt, Tom Hannifan

It’s the last big stop before Bound For Glory and the big main event is a rematch from earlier this year as Nic Nemeth faces Moose, this time with Nemeth defending. Other than that, Jordynne Grace defends the Knockouts Title against NXT’s Wendy Choo as the crossover continues. Let’s get to it.

Kickoff Show: Kushida vs. Leon Slater

The fans are behind Kushida as he goes behind Slater to start. With that going nowhere, Kushida takes him down and goes after the leg before both of them miss a kick and we go to a standoff. Slater’s headlock doesn’t get him anywhere so he kicks Kushida in the head to take over. Another shot sends Kushida outside but it’s too early for the dive, allowing Kushida to hit a running handspring kick in the corner. The big flip dive to the floor drops Slater and it’s time to go after the leg back inside.

With that not working, Kushida switches over to the leg, which tends to be his custom. Kushida dropkicks him into the corner but misses a clothesline, allowing Slater to hit a dropkick of his own. A slugout goes to Slater but Kushida pulls him into the Hoverboard Lock, which is broken up just as fast. Slater knocks him outside for a big running flip dive, with Slater sticking the landing. Back in and Kushida grabs the Hoverboard Lock for the really sudden tap at 7:54.

Rating: B-. Kushida is a great choice to open the show, as he can go out there and pop the crowd by being so smooth at everything he does. That is more than most wrestlers around here, or anywhere for that matter, can do and it is going to keep him around for a long time. Nice opener here, with Slater looking good in defeat.

Kickoff Show: Hammerstone/Jake Something vs. Eric Young/Steve Maclin

It’s a brawl before the bell with the villains hitting stereo clotheslines to take over. We get the official start with Hammerstone dropping Maclin, who sends the villains into each other to fight back. Maclin sends them into the same corner and fires off some clotheslines before tying Hammerstone in the Tree Of Woe. The running shoulder misses though and Something runs Maclin over on the floor as the fans want Eric.

Back in and Maclin gets in a shot for a breather, allowing the tag to Young to pick up the pace. A sitout powerbomb gets two on Something and it’s back to Hammerstone to take Young into the wrong corner. Young gets away rather easily though and Maclin’s running shoulder in the corner sets up Young’s top rope elbow for two. Everything breaks down and Something hits Into The Void to pin Young at 7:45.

Rating: C. Well, at least the villains finally won. Something and Hammerstone both feel like they should be much bigger deals but for some reason they’re lucky to win a match like this. Hopefully this is the start of something good for them, though it is hard to believe that given their track record. For now though, I’ll take a single win.

The show proper opens with a look at the main matches, including a bunch of titles on the line.

Hardys vs. First Class

Jeff and Navarro start things off with Navarro mocking Matt and quickly being knocked down. That means Jeff gets to dance, as is his custom, before it’s off to Matt to work on the arm. Francis gets knocked to the floor but he grabs Matt’s leg for a distraction, allowing Navarro to get in a cheap shot to take over.

Francis comes in for a big boot and a running knee in the corner, followed by a side slam for two. For some reason Francis tries a Swanton, which goes as well as expected. The tag brings Jeff back in to clean house, including a rollup for two. Francis comes back in and gets double DDT’ed, leaving Navarro to take the twist of Fate into the Swanton for the pin at 9:39.

Rating: C+. The Hardys are one of those things that will always work in wrestling, even when they’re in their late 40s and nowhere near what they were before. There is a good chance that this leads them back into the Tag Team Title picture though and it wouldn’t shock me to see them getting the Bound For Glory shot. That isn’t exactly appealing, but you know what you’re getting with the Hardys.

We run down the card.

X-Division Title: Mike Bailey vs. Zachary Wentz

Wentz is defending after winning the title in Ultimate X last month. They trade takedowns to start and neither gets anywhere so it’s an early standoff. Wentz lets Bailey slap him in the face and then takes it outside as commentary talks about the history of the title. Back in and Bailey knocks him to the floor this time, setting up an early dive as the fans find this awesome.

Wentz sweeps the leg but Bailey is back up with the rapid fire kicks to cut him off. A quick snapmare sets up a running kick to Bailey’s chest but they both miss running shooting star presses and kick the other in the head for a double knockdown. They get back up again, with Bailey letting Wentz hit him this time. The slugout sees both of them knocked to the floor, where Bailey does his head fake into the Asai moonsault. A springboard flip dive lets Wentz drop Bailey for a change but of course he’s right back with the moonsault knees on the apron.

Wentz hits a DDT but Bailey gets his knees up to block the Swanton. The Flamingo Driver is broken up and Wentz grabs a middle rope cutter for two. Bailey powerbombs him out of the corner and hits a great looking shooting star press for two of his own. Wentz grabs a running flipping DDT for two, only for Bailey to hit a poisonrana. The UFO is blocked and Bailey hits the Flamingo Driver to get the title back at 17:41.

Rating: B. Well, that Wentz reign was a big waste of time. He won the title in something close to a ladder match and then loses it back in a clean match two weeks later. Bailey getting the title back is as uninspiring of a decision as you can get as it feels like he’s had the thing for the better part of ever. Good match, but dang can we let someone look good over Bailey for a bit?

The System is ready to reboot tonight.

Rhino/PCO vs. Matt Cardona/Steph de Lander

Steph is in a Property Of Matt Cardona shirt. Hang on though as she talks about the roller coaster her career has had…and now she needs neck surgery. Matt is still her best friend and she thanks him for everything, and she is so happy with her husband. Now though, she needs them to figure this out without her. This is not a retirement and she’ll see you later and she loves us. PCO and Steph leave together and Cardona hits Rhino with Radio Silence. No match.

Nic Nemeth is ready to get his win back against Moose.

Knockouts Tag Team Titles: Masha Slamovich/Tasha Steelz vs. Spitfire

Spitfire is challenging and will split up if they lose, while Steelz is replacing an injured Alisha Edwards (here with the champs). Luna shoves Steelz down to start so Steelz takes her down for some glaring. Slamovich comes in to work on Threat’s arm but a slam puts Slamovich down. Luna slams Threat onto her, only to have Slamovich come back with a suplex.

It’s back to Steelz who fires off some chops in the corner before cranking on the arm some more. Slamovich gets two off Three Amigos and Steelz puts on the camel clutch. With that broken up, Threat tornado DDTs her way to freedom and Luna is back in with a powerbomb for two on Slamovich. Everything breaks down and Luna breaks up Steelz’s Sliced Bread attempt. Slamovich gets tossed into a sitout powerbomb to give Spitfire the titles back at 11:12.

Rating: C+. These titles still do not feel important and having Spitfire put their career as a team on the line against a makeshift team (not TNA’s fault) didn’t help things. Neither team, including the Alisha version felt like a special pairing, but that is going to happen when they have barely been together. This was about as good as it could have been, which isn’t saying much.

Post match Alisha yells at Slamovich and Steelz has to make a save.

Jake Something and Hammerstone say their win on the Kickoff Show was just a start.

We look at Josh Alexander turning evil at Slammiversary, which doesn’t work for Joe Hendry. Alexander is jealous of Hendry’s success and Hendry is ready to prove himself.

Joe Hendry vs. Josh Alexander

Alexander powers him into the corner to start and Hendry isn’t sure what to do with that. A headlock takeover works a bit better for Hendry but he’s right back out for a staredown. Hendry’s running shoulder puts Alexander on the floor so he comes back in, where Hendry is waiting with a rather delayed running suplex for two. This time Alexander wants to go outside, where he gets in a shot on Hendry to set up the running crossbody on the apron.

Back in and Alexander goes after the Ankle lock before snapping off a German suplex. The chinlock goes on before Alexander switches to a front facelock. That’s reversed as well as Hendry muscles him up with a suplex and there’s the fall away slam. Alexander bails to the floor again so Hendry gives him a trust fall on the floor. Back in and Alexander hits a quick backbreaker for two but Hendry crotches him on top.

The super fall away slam gives Hendry two and they slug it out. Alexander picks the ankle for the ankle lock though, with Hendry being believed over to the ropes. Hendry hiptosses him into the arm and stomps away but the referee gets bumped. The C4 Spike is countered and Hendry gets his own ankle lock, with Alexander tapping. Alexander uses the delay to go low…and Hendry is wearing a cup, having learned at Slammiversary. The Standing Ovation into an ankle lock makes Alexander tap at 16:54.

Rating: B. That might be Hendry’s best match in TNA so far and he beat a former multiple time World Champion clean. At the end of the day, Hendry needs some big wins like this one on what should be his path to the World Title. Hendry getting smart with the cup was a nice feature as well and it came after a good match, with Hendry getting some credibility to go with his natural star power.

We recap the System using their rematch to get another shot at the Tag Team Titles they lost earlier this year.

Tag Team Titles: System vs. ABC

ABC is defending and Alisha Edwards is here with the System. Bey and Myers lock it up to start with Myers kicking him in the ribs, only to get dropped with a dropkick. Austin comes in to work on the arm, with la majistral getting two. The champs hit a double basement dropkick for two but Eddie low bridges Austin to the floor. Alisha offers a distraction and Myers spears Austin out to the floor.

Back in and Bey gets sent hard into the corner, where his ribs are banged up early on. Myers is smart enough to grab a waistlock to stay on the ribs, followed by a nasty backbreaker from Eddie. Bey tries to fight out of the corner but gets chopped back down, with a dropkick to the ribs into a Backstabber getting two. Bey gets in a quick hurricanrana though and it’s back to Austin to clean house.

The springboard kick to the head and a running double stomp gets two on Eddie as everything breaks down. A double Art Of Finesse gets two on Myers but the 1-2-Sweet is countered into a Blue Thunder Bomb to give Eddie two of his own. Myers is back up with the Roster Cut to Austin and the Boston Knee Party gives the System the titles back at 15:41.

Rating: B. The System getting the titles back is a bit of a surprise as they already held the for so long, but we’ve kind of done the whole ABC as champions thing. The division needs some fresh blood and hopefully that doesn’t mean the Hardys. For now though, I can go with a good match and something of a surprise title change.

We recap Jordynne Grace defending the Knockouts Title against NXT’s Wendy Choo. Grace’s title defense was interrupted by Choo, meaning it’s time for her own title shot.

Knockouts Title: Jordynne Grace vs. Wendy Choo

Grace is challenging and gets a big home state reaction. They start fast with Grace running her over and taking things outside where Choo gets in a cheap shot to take over. The loaded pillow (because Choo uses a loaded pillow) is broken up by Grace’s mom (in the front row) so they head inside, where Choo chokes in the corner. Grace gets tied in the Tree Of Woe for a running dropkick but Choo has to block a superplex attempt. The Million Dollar Dream goes on in the corner but Grace powers out with a big crash back down.

Grace slams her a few times and hits a DDT for two more. It’s too early for the Juggernaut Driver so Grace grabs a Vertebreaker for two instead. Grace blocks a sunset bomb but gets superplexed instead, setting up a brainbuster to give Choo two. Another Million Dollar Dream is broken up so Choo full nelson slams her for two more. Grace has had it with this and hits a powerbomb, setting up the Juggernaut Driver to retain at 11:10.

Rating: C+. This is where the problem with the whole crossover things comes from. While the matches are good enough and it’s fun to see who shows up where, at some point it stops mattering if nothing really happens in the whole thing. It’s more along the lines of “hey this is kind of interesting” rather than “wow that happened”, which is going to have a limited shelf life. Grace continues to smash people but she is going to need a bigger challenger sooner than later.

Post match Rosemary runs in to jump Grace and the villains leave her laying.

Arianna Grace runs into Santino Marella and they agree to keep everything professional. Wink wink.

We recap Nic Nemeth defending the World Title against Moose. Nemeth failed to beat Moose earlier this year so now he’s out to prove that he really is the best.

TNA World Title: Moose vs. Nic Nemeth

Nemeth is defending and Frankie Kazarian is on commentary. Moose wastes no time in powering him into the corner but Nemeth is back with a dropkick. Some right hands in the corner are broken up with a hard shove though and Moose stomps away. A Sky High out of the corner gives Moose two and Nemeth’s missed charge sends him shoulder first into the post.

Moose mixes it up with an abdominal stretch but Nemeth bites the hand to escape. They go outside, with Moose getting backdropped onto the ramp for a breather. The chinlock wakes Nemeth up, as chinlocks tend to do, so Moose takes him outside, where Nemeth gets powerbombed onto the apron. Back in and Nemeth manages a Cactus Clothesline to the floor and a posting has Moose in more trouble. The Fameasser is loaded up but Moose powerbombs him through a table for the big crash.

Nemeth is fine enough to hit a Fameasser for two back inside so here is the System for a distraction. That’s fine with Nemeth, who grabs a sleeper. Moose breaks that up and hits the spear for two so Alisha Edwards throws in the title. Cue Mike Santana to take it away from Moose so JDC and Santana fight to the back. Danger Zone gives Nemeth two so he goes up, only to get superplexed back down.

Moose floats over into a powerbomb, which is countered into a Fameasser in a pretty slick sequence. Cue the System AGAIN to pull the referee out, but Nemeth begs for the match to continue. Cue JBL to take out the System, leaving Moose to hit another spear for another two. They strike it out until Nemeth hits some superkicks and the Danger Zone to retain at 19:43.

Rating: B-. Nemeth is John Cena at this point, as the amount of stuff that he survives, and occasionally just shrugs off, can be downright ridiculous. That was the case here as he took two spears and got up, only for JBL of all people to even the odds. I’m still not sure what is going on there, but at least they’re being consistent with the confusion. For now, a good enough main event, but I have no idea how you beat Nemeth when he’s basically a superhero.

Nemeth celebrates to end the show.

Overall Rating: B. This show benefits from having very low expectations, as it’s pretty much just the bonus show you get before Bound For Glory next month. That being said, there isn’t anything truly bad on here and three title changes is nothing to sneer at. It might not have been some classic, but for a show you get as part of TNA+ for the month, there are far worse ways to spend a Friday night.

Kushida b. Leon Slater – Hoverboard Lock
Jake Something/Hammerstone b. Eric Young/Steve Maclin – Into The Void to Young
Hardys b. First Class – Swanton to Navarro
Mike Bailey b. Zachary Wentz – Flamingo Driver
Spitfire b. Masha Slamovich/Tasha Steelz – Toss sitout powerbomb to Slamovich
Joe Hendry b. Josh Alexander – Ankle lock
Jordynne Grace b. Wendy Choo – Juggernaut Driver
The System b. ABC – Boston Knee Party to Austin
Jordynne Grace b. Wendy Choo – Juggernaut Driver
Nic Nemeth b. Moose – Danger Zone



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Emergence 2024: Oh What Was That?

Emergence 2024
Date: August 30, 2024
Location: Old Forester’s Paristown Hall, Louisville, Kentucky
Commentators: Matthew Rehwoldt, Tom Hannifan

We’re back on TNA+ with another special and in this case we have a stacked card. Granted it’s not stacked that high as there are only about five matches on the main show, mainly due to the main event being a sixty minute Iron Man match as Nic Nemeth defends the World Title against Josh Alexander. Other than that, Ultimate X is back for the X-Division Title. Let’s get to it.

Kickoff Show: Frankie Kazarian vs. Kushida

Kazarian begs off to start and yes we have to pause for his official introduction as the King Of TNA. Kushida doesn’t care for that and sends him outside, setting up the knee off the apron. A Shotei palm strike gets two on Kazarian and Kushida starts in on his arm. Back up and Kazarian elbows him in the face, allowing him to do his own Time Splitters post. A powerslam into the springboard spinning legdrop gives Kazarian two more and he sends Kushida into the buckle to cut off the comeback attempt.

The chinlock goes on but Kushida fights up and sends him into the buckle buckle to even things up. The basement dropkick staggers Kazarian again but Kushida has to slip out of a chickenwing attempt. Back up and the handspring elbow is pulled into the chickenwing, which is broken up again. Kushida hits him in the face and a flipping kick to the head connects on top. A dive to the floor sets up a cross armbreaker on Kazarian but the referee breaks it up because of the whole outside deal. That lets Kazarian kick the rope for a low blow on the way back in though and Fade To Black finishes Kushida off at 9:56.

Rating: B-. There is a very simple concept of “let talented wrestlers have a match” and that’s what they did here. Neither of these two feel like they are going to be in the World Title picture anytime soon, but they are both more than capable of doing something like this. Good stuff here and a fine choice to warm the crowd up.

Kickoff Show: Digital Media Title/International Heavyweight Wrestling Title: Shera vs. PCO

PCO, with Steph de Lander, is defending and Shera is replacing an injured Matt Cardona. They start fast with PCO beating him up around ringside but Shera gets in a shot of his own. Shera yells at de Lander and they go inside where Shera hits a spinning spinebuster for two. More yelling at de Lander just fires PCO up though and he hits a DDT out of the corner. Shera rolls outside so there’s the big dive to take him down again. The DeAnimator connects as commentary tries to figure out what kind of strange things PCO and de Lander do together. The PCOsault retains the titles at 6:02.

Rating: C. They didn’t have much time here but this wasn’t the match advertised anyway. Cardona not being here took away any heat that it might have had and thankfully they didn’t treat Shera as anything more than a glorified workout for PCO. The big story will be the Cardona vs. PCO match, likely at Bound For Glory, so this was just a quick stop on the way there.

And now, the show proper.

The opening video looks at the major matches and talks about how it isn’t about where you start, but where you emerge, while looking at the show’s major matches.

X-Division Title: Riley Osborne vs. Zachary Wentz vs. Laredo Kid vs. Jason Hotch vs. Hammerstone vs. Mike Bailey

Ultimate X, meaning you win by pulling down the title and with your feet hitting the mat while holding the belt (meaning shenanigans can ensue after the title comes down) and Bailey is defending. For those unfamiliar, Osborne is from NXT. Hotch makes an early climb attempt and gets nowhere, leaving Hammerstone to wreck some people. Kid is tossed at Hammerstone for a hurricanrana to the floor as commentary points out how hard it is to get the title. Hotch hits a big dive to the floor and the fans are impressed to start.

Back in and Bailey kicks away at Hammerstone, who runs him over without much effort. Hammerstone cuts off a dive to the floor, leaving Kid and Hotch to slug it out on the apron. Something like a Tower Of Doom onto Hammerstone leaves just about everyone down. Back in and Wentz hits a super cutter on Osborn and everyone is down again. A bunch of people go up the structure but Bailey moonsaults off onto a bunch of people. Wentz makes the first serious attempt at the belt but is joined by everyone but Bailey.

Hammerstone kicks the rest of them down, only to be pulled off the cables just in time. We hit the parade of strikes to the face until Kid goes up, with Hammerstone gorilla pressing him down onto the pile at ringside. Hotch cuts Hammerstone off with a torture rack bomb but gets taken down by Kid. Osborne goes up and shooting stars down onto a bunch of people before they can pull him down. Bailey hits the Ultimate Weapon to Osborne before going up on the cables with Wentz. They kick it out and Wentz actually kicks him down to win the title at 10:25.

Rating: B. Points for a surprise finish there as I would not have bet on a title change here. There is a good chance that this sets up Wentz’s match with Wes Lee at No Mercy as a title match and that could go in a variety of directions. For now though, heck of a match here with some big time spots and Hammerstone looking like a monster despite not winning. You kind of know what you’re getting with this match and that’s ok, as it wound up being a pretty cool spectacle, as usual.

Josh Alexander says he is the standard of the main event and the Iron Man match is his thing. He’s going to show Nic Nemeth that he doesn’t belong here because the title is all he needs. Tonight, he has Nemeth for sixty minutes and after this, Nemeth will be lucky to be alive. Rather fired up promo here.

Eric Young vs. Steve Maclin

They stare at each other to start and fight over a lockup, which goes nowhere. After some more staring, Young starts slugging away in the corner until Maclin reverses into an Angle Slam. Young does his slide between the legs into a sunset flip for two though before knocking Maclin down. The moonsault is broken up and Young winds up in the Tree of Woe, meaning the running shoulder to the ribs can connect for two. It works so well that Maclin does it again for two before hammering away.

Back up and they hit stereo crossbodies for the double knockdown. Young sticks out his chin so Maclin can hit him…which is exactly what Maclin does. That just makes Young happy and he punches the chin that Maclin sticks out at him. Maclin knees him outside but the Scud only hits floor. Back in and Young’s top rope elbow gets two, followed by a piledriver (after a struggle) for the same. Another piledriver is loaded up but Maclin reverses into a rollup for the pin at 9:54. Even commentary points out how sudden it was.

Rating: B-. Neither of these two have much going on but Maclin has more of an upside out of the two. Maclin needed a nice win to boost himself up a bit and beating a former multiple time World Champion is a good way to go. Much like the opener, this wasn’t going to steal the show but there are far worse things that could be added to a card.

Post match Young offers and receives a handshake.

Nic Nemeth knows what Josh Alexander can do and Alexander has had the only sixty minute Iron Man match in TNA. He knows what Alexander can do but Nemeth can get up and kick him in the mouth to come out on top, like he always does.

Jordynne Grace/Spitfire vs. Alisha Edwards/Masha Slamovich/Ash By Elegance

It’s a brawl to start and Threat hits a big flip dive to the floor to take out the villains. Luna hits a dive of her own and Grace teases one…but we pause because Alisha is apparently banged up. Grace takes Ash inside for a cover but the referee is with Alisha. Tommy Dreamer and medics check on Alisha who is still down as Threat clotheslines Ash in the corner and hits an exploder suplex for two. Dreamer carries Alisha to the back (for some nice applause) and an assisted powerbomb gets two on Ash.

Luna gets caught in the wrong corner but suplexes her way to freedom, allowing the tag off to Grace to clean house. Threat hits a running crotch attack to the back of Slamovich in the ropes but Ash cuts her off again. Rarefied Air misses though and Pop Shove It gives Threat the pin on Ash at 7:54. Alisha did not appear again after being taken out.

Rating: C+. This is on a completely sliding scale as they were likely having to make a lot of that up on the fly. There was only so much that could be done if that was a legitimate injury and doing a match 3-2 in favor of the heroes is only going to get so far in the first place. They did what they could here and hopefully Alisha is ok.

Tag Team Titles: ABC vs. First Class

First Class (AJ Francis and KC Navarro, the latter of whom is replacing a suspended Rich Swann) is challenging. The much taller Francis offers Austin a test of strength to start, earning himself a slap to the face. Bey comes in and kicks Francis in the head but has to escape the Down Payment. Navarro gets in a cheap shot from behind though and Francis scores with a big boot to take over. A trip sends Bey throat first into the ropes but he grabs a heck of a back breaker and a hecker of a clothesline for two.

Austin comes in for a chop in the corner as Rehwoldt gets on the fans for only knowing ABC instead of the rest of the alphabet. A quick distraction lets Navarro take Austin down though and another kick puts Bey down so the villains can take over. Francis comes in for a YOU CAN’T WRESTLE chant, which has Rehwoldt going on about the Kentucky public education system (as a product of that system, I would say Rehwoldt can keep talking). Bey kicks his way to freedom and it’s off to Austin to pick up the pace on Navarro.

A brainbuster drops Navarro but a fireman’s carry to Francis is just a bad idea. The second attempt works a bit better as Francis is planted with an AA, leaving Austin to drop Navarro for two of his own. A belly to back suplex/top rope clothesline combination connects on Navarro but Francis is back in with a double suplex. The Down Payment connects on Bey but Francis isn’t legal so there is no count. Austin grabs the Fold and a small package to Navarro gives Bey the pin at 11:41.

Rating: B-. For a match that was thrown together on the show earlier in the night, this could have been a lot worse and I had a good time with what we got. ABC doesn’t really have a top team coming for the titles right now and since the regular First Class was unavailable, this was about as good as it could have gone. Nice match here and another good addition to the card.

We recap the System vs. the Hardys/Mike Santana/Joe Hendry, which is the top heel stable vs. the plucky team of opponents, all of whom are sick of the villains.

The System/JDC vs. Joe Hendry/Mike Santana/Hardys

Hendry’s special entrance talks about how he believes in the Hardys, which leads to Hendry doing the DELETE pose. Santana and Moose start things off but Moose hands it off to JDC instead. That’s fine with Santana, who knocks JDC into the corner and then into the buckle. Santana drops him again and asks who wants the Hardys. Matt comes in for a running corner clothesline and lets Santana play Jeff for Poetry In Motion.

The real Jeff gets to play Jeff as well but JDC gets in a shot to Matt and Eddie comes in to hammer away in the corner. That’s broken up and it’s back to Jeff as everything breaks down, meaning it’s a big group suplex to take the System down. The Hardys and Hendry all do Hendry’s pose and the fans start to sing. We settle down to Santana in the wrong corner but avoiding Moose’s charge, allowing Santana to hit a middle rope double dropkick.

JDC gets tossed over the top and onto the pile, setting up Santana’s big dive. All eight get inside to brawl at once but Matt’s Twist of Fate is broken up. Not that it matters as it’s already back to Jeff as everything breaks down again. Jeff hits the Twist of Fate on Myers but JDC breaks up the Swanton. That lets Eddie come in and hammer away before Moose grabs a chinlock. JDC’s hard whip into the corner gets two on Jeff, with the fans singing about how THEY BELIEVE IN JEFF HARDY.

Moose gets caught in the Twisting Stunner though and that’s enough for the tag off to Hendry. Eddie’s middle rope crossbody misses (almost Samoa Joe style) and Myers spears JDC by mistake. Moose tries a top rope cutter but Hendry walks away instead, setting off more singing. A pop up powerbomb gets two on Myers but Eddie and Hendry clothesline each other. Santana hits Spin The Block on Moose, setting off the parade of finishers. Moose pulls Matt off the cover from the Twist of Fate, earning himself one on the floor. Eddie kicks Matt low back inside and the Boston Knee Party finishes at 19:17.

Rating: B-. This was one of the bigger matches of the night and it wound up going well enough. That matters here is the System gets a little momentum back and now it’s time to get them into their big matches at Bound For Glory. Odds are you’ll be seeing Santana vs. Moose and Eddie/Myers vs. the Hardys, but I have no idea how you could put Hendry in anything but a main event spot. There is still time for that though, and this match helped set up a few things for the future.

Impact preview.

We recap Nic Nemeth defending the World Title against Josh Alexander in a sixty minute Iron Man match. They went to a time limit draw in a thirty minute match so let’s do it again here, with sudden death an option if necessary.

TNA World Title: Nic Nemeth vs. Josh Alexander

Nemeth is defending in a sixty minute Iron Man match. They go with the grappling to start with Nemeth grabbing something like an abdominal stretch. That’s reversed into a front facelock, with Nemeth going straight to the ropes. They go to the mat for more grappling with Alexander having to bail into the corner.

Alexander throws him down so Nemeth reverses into a cradle for two before Alexander grabs a headlock. With that going nowhere, they get up again and the grappling continues with Alexander getting a standing armbar. Alexander takes him to the mat in a hammerlock, with Nemeth reversing into a cradle for two.

With that broken up, Alexander grabs a headlock as the fans are split here. Back up and Nemeth tries a dropkick, which is countered into the ankle lock to send Nemeth straight to the ropes. The headlock goes on again so the fans entertain themselves with an I BELIEVE IN NIC NEMETH chant. Back up and Alexander tries the ankle lock but Nemeth reverses into a cradle for the pin at 12:21.

Nemeth – 1
Alexander – 0

Alexander knocks him down again as they’re certainly not in a hurry here. A whip into the buckle makes it even worse for Nemeth and there’s a German suplex to send him flying, with a turnbuckle pad coming off at the same time. The chinlock with a knee in the back keeps Nemeth down before Alexander sends him chest first into the corner. A rather delayed vertical suplex drops Nemeth again but he grabs a rollup for two and a breather.

They go outside with Alexander slowly slugging away, though being smart enough to break the count at the same time. Nemeth sends him shoulder first into the steps, followed by the right hands in the corner. A top rope elbow connects but Alexander rolls him up for two. The C4 Spike is blocked and they trade rollups for two each until Nemeth hits a Fameasser for two more. The Danger Zone is loaded up but Alexander slips out, only to get Danger Zoned for the pin at 24:30.

Nemeth – 2
Alexander – 0

Nemeth sends him into the corner and slowly stomps away, setting up the jumping elbow for two. The armbar is countered into Alexander’s ankle lock but Nemeth breaks out rather quickly. Nemeth knocks him to the apron as they finally put the clock back up, because a countdown clock is too much to ask for in a match based on time. The clock goes away again with about 30:00 to go and Alexander cranks on the leg.

Alexander rolls some German suplexes, getting all the way into double digits, before slowing down to mock the fans. Nemeth uses the breather and rolls some German suplexes of his own before letting go, allowing Alexander to grab his own German suplex. A double knockdown leaves them both laying and some more time gets burned off. They get up at nine and Nemeth headbutts him so hard the headgear comes off. Alexander gets the ankle lock for a good while and adds the grapevine but Nemeth crawls over to the rope.

Alexander slowly kicks at the ankle and cranks on it some more as this is dragging horribly. Back up and Nemeth tries the running DDT but gets shoved into the referee with 20:00 to go. Alexander drops the referee and it’s time to load up a table. The C4 Spike onto the apron is countered with a scary looking backdrop to the floor but Alexander is back with a spinning Tombstone for two. Alexander grabs a chair but the referee takes it away, allowing Alexander to break off a piece of his knee brace to knock Nemeth cold. The C4 Spike finishes Nemeth at 43:52.

Nemeth – 2
Alexander – 1

Another C4 Spike ties it at 44:35.

Nemeth – 2
Alexander – 2

Alexander covers what’s left of Nemeth for two as we have less than 15:00 to go. Nemeth is back up with a sleeper and jumps on Alexander’s back, with the two of them falling out to the floor for a crash. They both get back in and then fall outside again, with Alexander hitting a toss powerbomb to knock Nemeth silly again. Nemeth beats the count back in and counters a C4 Spike with a backdrop over the top and through the table (which Nemeth didn’t know was there).

Alexander is down on the floor as we have 10:00 left. He count is beaten and Alexander hits a quick C4 Spike for….two, as Nemeth gets his foot on the rope. They strike it out on the floor until Nemeth grabs the running DDT back inside for two. They go up top with Alexander knocking him back down as we have 6:00 left. Nemeth’s top rope superplex sends both of them crashing down and a very delayed cover gets two on Alexander as we have five minutes left. Fans: “FIVE MORE MINUTES!”

Nemeth hits a superkick for two more and Alexander’s straps are down. A release German suplex sends Nemeth flying as we have 3:00 left. Alexander lawn darts him into the exposed buckle and grabs what is supposed to be Danger Zone for two, because Nemeth is freaking Superman in this thing. Another C4 Spike is escaped with 1:00 left and Nemeth hits the Danger Zone. Nemeth is back up with his own C4 Spike for the lead at 59:39.

Nemeth – 3
Alexander – 2

And time expires as Nemeth retains at 60:00.

Rating: C-. Oh sweet goodness what was that? This wasn’t a bad match but rather all kinds of boring save for a few nice spots here and there. I never once felt like Nemeth was in any danger of losing the title (he never even trailed) and some of the kickouts and near falls were just ridiculous.

It’s ok to give up a fall to a multiple time World Champion in an Iron Man match, as Nemeth was only really giving anything up for about five minutes out of the hour. I was losing interest about twenty minutes in and it just kept going. This absolutely should have been thirty minutes max, but instead we got this mess. Really dull stuff and a big disappointment.

And then John Bradshaw Layfield shows up. He whispers something to Nemeth, who nods, as JBL leaves. Nemeth celebrates to end the show.

Overall Rating: C+. Shows with a huge main event like this are always going to be weird because one match takes up so much of the match time. Unfortunately in this case that one match was not exactly great, but the rest of the show was more than good enough to balance a lot of it out. It’s not a show that lived up to its hype, but as a show included with TNA+, it could have been worse. Just fix the main event and the show leaps up in quality, but that was a really lame way to spend a third of the show.

Frankie Kazarian b. Kushida – Fade To Black
PCO b. Shera – PCOsault
Zachary Wentz won Ultimate X
Steve Maclin b. Eric Young – Piledriver
Jordynne Grace/Spitfire b. Alisha Edwards/Masha Slamovich/Ash By Elegance – Pop Shove It to Ash
ABC b. First Class – Small package to Navarro
The System/JDC b. Hardys/Joe Henry/Mike Santana – Boston Knee Party to Matt
Nic Nemeth b. Josh Alexander 3-2



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Impact Wrestling – August 22, 2024: Keep Saying It

Impact Wrestling
Date: August 22, 2024
Location: Florida State Fairgrounds, Tampa, Florida
Commentators: Tom Hannifan, Matt Rehwoldt

We’re a little over a week away from Emergence and with most of the card set, there is only so much more that needs to be one. One of the biggest parts would be the final members of the Ultimate X match, meaning we have more qualifying matches. Other than that, we’re likely to be in for more of a build towards the show. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening recap.

Hammerstone vs. Frankie Kazarian vs. Kushida

Ultimate X Qualifying Match. Hammerstone powers Kushida into the corner for the shoulders to start but gets sent outside, leaving the other two to trade rollups for two each. They trade standing switches until Hammerstone dropkicks them both down. A suplex sends Kushida flying and Kazarian makes the mistake of jumping Hammerstone.

Kushida gets in a double knockdown but gets dropped by Kazarian for two. Hammerstone is back in but Kushida catches him in a cross armbreaker. That’s broken up by Kazarian, who can’t quite hit Fade To Black on Hammerstone. Instead Kushida knocks Kazarian outside, only to get caught in the torture rack. Hammerstone’s Nightmare Pendulum is enough to end Kushida at 6:08.

Rating: B-. The action here was good (as good as it could be in such a short match) but what helped here was you could see any of them winning. Kushida is a former champion and Kushida is a legend, while Hammerstone is the kind of hoss who could do some interesting things in Ultimate X. This was a good choice for an opener and I had a good time while I was wondering who would win.

Post match Hammerstone leaves so Kazarian hammers on Kushida, including Fade To Black.

Eric Young is ready for Hammerstone. Steve Maclin comes in to say he’ll be watching.

Santana knows he has to be an animal around here and wants to cut the head off the snake that is the System.

Alisha Edwards vs. Rosemary

Masha Slamovich is here with Edwards, who makes the mistake of poking Rosemary in the chest to start. Rosemary knocks her into the ropes and grabs the Upside Down, only to get kicked down for two. The Figure Four necklock mat slams has Rosemary in more trouble and a splash gives Edwards two more. Rosemary is back up with the spear for two of her own but Slamovich offers a distraction. That’s enough for Edwards to hit a Downward Spiral but Spitfire comes out to cut Slamovich off, meaning the referee is distracted. Rosemary is right back up with As Above, So Below for the pin at 4:46.

Rating: C. Rosemary continues to be in a weird place as she’s a big star in the division but can only go so far because of how complicated and intricate of a backstory she has. You could easily put her into the Knockouts Title picture and that still might be where they are going with this win. I’d rather she do that than have another weird partner, as that has kind of been covered.

Post match Rosemary gives the out cold Alisha a black rose.

Ash By Elegance agrees to face Jordynne Grace in a match…by Elegance.

Xia Brookside/Rhino/PCO vs. Steph de Lander/Kon/Madman Fulton

Matt Cardona was supposed to be on the de Lander team but isn’t medically cleared to compete. PCO and Kon start things off, with PCO chasing Cardona at the bell as we take an early break. Back with Rhino brawling with Fulton out to the floor with Fulton getting the better of things and choking on the rope.

Kon does the same and Cardona gets in a cheap shot, with de Lander not being pleased. Fulton’s splash gets two and we hit the chinlock for a breather. Rhino fights up and hits a quick Gore, allowing the tag off to PCO to pick up the pace. Everything breaks down and Brookside manages a Brookside Bomb on Fulton. The Gore sets up the PCOsault to finish Fulton at 8:28.

Rating: C+. This was a fun match, even if de Lander didn’t do much. While it’s hard to imagine that de Lander and Cardona don’t reunite later, there is something different with the de Lander/PCO stuff for the time being. Kon and Fulton are fine muscle/monsters, and that’s all it seems they’re being presented as here.

Video on Nic Nemeth vs. Josh Alexander in an Iron Man match at Emergence.

Jordynne Grace is down for Ash By Elegance’s challenge.

Laredo Kid vs. Bhupinder Gujjar vs. Jai Vidal

Ultimate X Qualifying Match and Vidal is quickly sent outside. The other two slug it out until Vidal sends Kid outside, only to get caught in a hurricanrana from Gujjar. Kid is back in and chops away on Vidal in the corner but gets low bridged to the floor. Gujjar hits a big dive to take both of them out on the floor but Kid does just the same. Back in and a pair of moonsaults gives Kid two on Vidal with Gujjar making the save. Vidal stomps Gujjar in the corner but gets planted by Kid, who hits a 450 for the pin at 6:41.

Rating: B-. More action packed and perfectly good stuff which didn’t have the chance to do much due to the time situation. Kid hasn’t been around much lately but he is more than good enough to warrant a spot in a match like this. It isn’t like Gujjar and Vidal have been doing anything anyway so the loss isn’t hurting them.

First Class yells about how Rich Swann should have been in Ultimate X. Mike Bailey comes in to offer him a title shot to make up for it. That’s quite the reward.

Charlie Dempsey vs. Jonathan Gresham

They fight over wrist control to start as commentary just says Gresham “forgot” about the whole black ink thing. The technical off goes to the mat with Gresham getting the better of things and working on the arm to limited avail. Dempsey reveres into a leglock and bridges back into a neck crank at the same time (think a reverse STF) for a nasty visual.

Back up and Gresham hits a running shoulder before they fight over a test of strength. They keep their hands lock as they go to the mat, with some near falls each as both have to bridge up. Gresham ties the legs up and tries to pin the arms down…..which actually gets the pin at 9:07!

Rating: B-. This was a very different kind of match as it was all technical and grappling. The ending was downright stunning too as that has been a nothing spot in a match for years. Instead though, it makes sense that someone would get a fluke pin on it at some point, even if I never actually expected to see it happen. I was genuinely surprised by the finish and I often like that feeling so well done.

Post match Dempsey swings at Gresham, who punches him to the floor without much effort.

We look at Joe Hendry becoming #1 contender to the NXT Title and Zachary Wentz jumping Wes Lee on NXT.

Moose/JDC vs. Hardys

Jeff chases JDC around with a chair before the bell and is quickly knocked down by Moose, all before the opening bell. They get in for said bell and Jeff sends Moose into the corner for the tag off to Matt. Moose cuts that off and hands it off to JDC for a clothesline, meaning it’s time to choke in the corner. Matt Russian legsweeps his way out of trouble and hits the Twist of Fate but Jeff’s Swanton is broken up.

We take a break and come back with Matt hitting a middle rope elbow for two. Everything breaks down and JDC stomps on Matt on the floor, allowing Moose to hammer away back inside. JDC grabs a rather aggressive chinlock before handing it back to Moose for some choking. Matt manages a quick suplex and it’s back to Jeff to clean house. It’s quickly back to Matt for the Side Effect on Moose and they slug it out. Moose goes up top but dives into a cutter, with JDC having to hit Down And Dirty for the save. JDC goes up again but gets crotched down, meaning it’s the Twist Of Fate into the Swanton for the pin at 14:36.

Rating: C+. The Hardys aren’t anything close to what they were before but it was nice to see them getting to turn back the clock a bit here. They are still capable of having a good enough tag match, especially against a team with someone like JDC, who is there to take the fall. If nothing else, the match felt big because the Hardys made it feel more important. Just don’t do it too often.

Post match the beatdown is on so Mike Santana runs in, only to get taken out as well. Joe Hendry comes in for the real save and the good guys stand tall to end the show.

Overall Rating: B-. I was digging this show and it is making me want to watch Emergence, which is quite the good sign. The Ultimate X qualifying matches were both entertaining and the more times I hear the explanation of “yeah the black ink thing was stupid and we just dropped it”, the happier I’ll be. Emergence could be a heck of a show if the good building continues, and this was another nice step on the way there.

Hammerstone b. Kushida and Frankie Kazarian – Nightmare Pendulum to Kushida
Rosemary b. Alisha Edwards – As Above So Below
PCO/Xia Brookside/Rhino b. Steph de Lander/Kon/Madman Fulton – PCOsault to Fulton
Laredo Kid b. Bhupinder Gujjar and Jai Vidal – 450 to Vidal
Jonathan Gresham b. Charlie Dempsey – Arm pin
Hardys b. Moose/JDC – Swanton Bomb to JDC



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Impact Wrestling – August 15, 2024: This Show Is Fun

Impact Wrestling
Date: August 15, 2024
Location: Florida State Fairgrounds, Tampa, Florida
Commentators: Matthew Rehwoldt, Tom Hannifan

We’re getting closer and closer to Emergence but we have a pretty major title match this week. In the main event this time around, Nic Nemeth defends the World Title against Josh Alexander in another title match that feels like it should have been built up as a bigger deal. Other than that, PCO is going to want revenge on Matt Cardona for ruining his honeymoon last week. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening recap.

Chris Bey vs. Riley Osborne vs. John Skyler

Ultimate X Qualifying Match and Osborne is a British high flier from NXT. Hold on though as Frankie Kazarian comes out to join commentary. Skyler drops to the floor to start so Bey is right there to drop him with a dive. Back in and Osborne grabs a running hurricanrana on Bey but gets jumped by the returning Skyler.

A Boston crab has Osborne in trouble so Bey makes the save this time around. Bey is sent outside, leaving Osborne to Falcon Arrow Skyler for two. Back in and the Art of Finesse takes Osborne down but Skyler sends Bey into the post, only to get crucifixed to give Osborne two more. Osborne is right back up with a shooting star press to finish Skyler at 5:59.

Rating: B-. This was pretty much the definition of “it was fun while it lasted” but how much can you get out of a match that only runs about six minutes? It’s nice to see someone from NXT getting into a match like Ultimate X as you can throw him in there without needing him to take a loss to avoid making him champion. Nice match and as usual, the X-Division makes for a good opener.

Nic Nemeth arrived earlier today and promised to leave as World Champion.

Here is Santino Marella, who calls out Matt Cardona for a chat. Marella calls Cardona a wedding crasher but Cardona says Marella has no authority because Cardona doesn’t work here. Marella offers him a contract and threatens to prosecute him for attacking PCO last week. Cardona takes the contract and says he’ll look into it, which Marella calls a win.

Eric Young interrupts Frankie Kazarian and tells him he’ll never forget what Kazarian did. Steve Maclin comes in and yells at both of them, with Kazarian leaving.

Post break, Maclin (elsewhere from where he was before the break), says Young is his first step back to the World Title.

Tasha Steelz vs. Gisele Shaw

Shaw charges into an uppercut in the corner to start and gets sent outside for another shot to the face. Steelz grabs what looked like a wrench, which is taken away, leaving her to run Shaw over for two instead. Shaw is back with a spinebuster and Shock and Awe connects for two. The running knee is countered with a superkick and Steelz’s Codebreaker gets two more. A rollup with feet on the ropes gets caught though, allowing Shaw to hit the running knee for the pin at 4:45.

Rating: C. They were rushing through things here due to the lack of time but Shaw getting a win to even the score helps her a lot. It still seems like Shaw vs. Gail Kim is a possibility for Bound For Glory, but at some point it needs to be Shaw winning a title. She has been around long enough that she needs to win something and that has gotten so close so many times now it has to happen.

Mike Santana has been attacked, with the System and the System standing over him.

We look at Joe Hendry getting put into a #1 contenders match for the NXT Title.

Here are the System and JDC for a chat. Alisha Edwards says Mike Santana is out of his match with Moose tonight….but here is a banged up Santana in the crowd. Santana decks some of the team and gets inside, saying ring the bell.

Mike Santana vs. Moose

The rest of the System and JDC are here too. Moose jumps him to start but Santana forearms his way out of trouble. A hard whip into the corner drops Santana again and Moose fires off some elbows. The release Rock Bottom onto the apron puts Santana down again and we take a break. Back with Santana down on the floor following a posting but he manages to beat the count. Moose whips him into the corner again and stops for some posing, only for Santana to tell say bring it.

Santana fights up and hits a middle rope dropkick but Moose kicks him in the face to cut off the comeback. A rolling cutter drops Moose and a Cannonball in the corner gives Santana two. Spin The Block connects but Santana can’t cover due to his banged up shoulder (from the posting earlier), allowing Moose to roll outside. Moose goes after the arm again and hits the spear for the pin at 11:26.

Rating: B-. There is a good chance that Santana is going to need some help to fight back against the System, as he feels like a bit enough name to go after the team but there is only so much he can do on his own. I’m not sure I would have had Santana lose again but at least he had the arm injury and the numbers game to hold him off. For now though, Santana looked good in defeat, though that shouldn’t be happening too often.

Post match the System goes after Santana but Joe Hendry runs in with a chair for the save. Hendry announces that next week, it’s Moose/JDC vs. the Hardys.

Spitfire wants another shot at the Knockouts Tag Team Titles.

We look back at Ash By Elegance ruining Jordynne Grace vs. Rosemary last week.

Grace expected Ash to take her loss and move on, which was a mistake. If Ash wants another fight, she can get one.

Ace Austin vs. Rich Swann vs. Jason Hotch

Ultimate X Qualifying Match and Top Dolla is on commentary. They trade headscissors to start until Hotch is sent outside. That leaves Swann to stomp on Austin until Hotch is back in for the save. Back up and Swann kicks Hotch in the back for two, leaving Austin to make the save for a change. Austin’s sunset flip makes Hotch German suplex Swann, who flips out to stick the landing but gets rolled up for two more.

Austin superkicks Hotch into a German suplex before planting Swann for another near fall. They go outside where Swann is sent into Doll, who drops Austin onto the apron. Cue Chris Bey to take out Dolla, leaving Austin to kick Hotch down. Cue John Skyler for a distraction though, allowing Hotch to grab a rollup for the pin on Austin at 6:05.

Rating: B-. Like the opener, they didn’t have much time to make this work, especially with so much going on other than the action itself. There were two people getting involved in a three person match, which is quite a bit in a match that was only about six minutes. I do like the surprise ending, as it would have seemed Hotch was there to take the fall, but they went the other way instead. Nice stuff, especially given the situation.

Matt Cardona agrees to sign the contract but wants a six person tag with two mystery partners vs. PCO/Rhino/Xia Brookside. Works for Marella, as long as Cardona faces PCO one on one at Emergence. Cardona signs.

TNA World Champion: Nic Nemeth vs. Josh Alexander

Nemeth is defending. Alexander wrestles him down to start and tells Nemeth to bring it. That’s fine with Nemeth, who takes him to the mat and works on the arm. Alexander bails out to the floor and we take an early break. Back with Nemeth getting two off a rollup but getting riven back into the corner. Some forearms to the back have Nemeth down again and Alexander offers some applause.

Nemeth gets forearmed in the face as the fans chant USA, only to have the American dropped with a clothesline. Alexander takes too long to set up a moonsault, allowing Nemeth to pull him down. Nemeth’s running DDT is blocked though and Alexander sends him outside as we take another break.

Back again with Nemeth fighting out of the chinlock and grabbing a German suplex for two. The superkick is countered into an ankle lock though, with Nemeth quickly escaping and hitting a Fameasser. Alexander is back with a Regal Roll into a middle rope knee to the back for two of his own. The ankle lock goes on again but Nemeth quickly reverses into a sleeper as we take another break.

Back again with Alexander hitting a powerbomb backbreaker for two and putting Nemeth on top. The belly to back superplex is countered into a crossbody to give Nemeth two, setting up the Danger Zone for no cover. Instead the running DDT plants Alexander for two more but he sends Nemeth shoulder first into the post. The C4 Spike is reversed into the Danger Zone…but we’re out of time at 30:00.

Rating: B. They were getting going near the end there and it was a good, back and forth match, even if the ending feels like a way to set up a rematch at Emergence. You’re only going to get so much out of seeing them fight for thirty minutes and then wanting to see them do it again on a major show, but Nemeth needs such an opponent. Solid main event here, especially if you accept that Alexander can be a bit dry.

Post match Nemeth wants five more minutes but gets kicked low instead. Alexander holds up the title before walking off to end the show.

Overall Rating: B. This was definitely the wrestling focused show, with two Ultimate X qualifiers, a big match in the middle, and the World Title main event. That is more than you get on the average week and it made for a good show here. The Cardona stuff is interesting as well as he really does feel like a big star. It was a good week around here and Emergence has the potential to be a pretty big show as well. Nice work.

Riley Osborne b. John Skyler and Chris Bey – Shooting star press to Skyler
Gisele Shaw b. Tasha Steelz – Running knee
Moose b. Mike Santana – Spear
Jason Hotch b. Ace Austin and Rich Swann – Rollup to Austin
Nic Nemeth vs. Josh Alexander went to a time limit draw



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Impact Wrestling – August 1, 2024: Time For A Wedding!

Impact Wrestling
Date: August 1, 2024
Location: Verdun Auditorium, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Commentators: Tom Hannifan, Matthew Rehwoldt

We’re still in Montreal and in this case we have a pretty stacked show. First up, the World Title is on the line as Nic Nemeth is defending against Mustafa Ali in a match that feels like it could use more than a week of build. We also have a wedding, as PCO and Steph de Lander are having a rapid fire wedding, which feels ripe for interruption. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening recap.

Rascalz vs. Mike Bailey/Kushida/Trent Seven

Kushida wristlocks Miguel to start and takes him down with a wristdrag. That doesn’t work for the Rascalz, who start the fast paced comeback, only for Bailey to come in for the bouncing kicks. It’s off to Seven for the step up flipping backsplash and a near fall as the fast start continues. Lee sends Seven into the corner and it’s Wentz coming in with a rather extended Bronco Buster.

Seven chops Miguel out of the air though and hits a DDT for a double breather. Kushida comes back in for the basement dropkick into the Hoverboard Lock, with Wentz having to make the save. Lee is back up with the Cardiac Kick but Seven pulls him down from the top with the swinging slam for two. The Seven Star Lariat looks to set up the Ultimate Weapon to Miguel but Wentz makes the save. Miguel takes out Bailey and Kushida, leaving Hot Fire Flame to finish Seven at 8:13.

Rating: B-. This was billed as a tribute to the first match in TNA history and…I guess? It was a fast paced six man tag and that’s about it, which is didn’t exactly feel like some kind of an homage. Not a bad match at all, but it wasn’t exactly some great showcase or anything we haven’t seen done multiple times.

Jordynne Grace doesn’t think much of Ash By Elegance and issues an open challenge for next week.

Campaign Singh is on the phone with Mustafa Ali, who questions his loyalty. Singh will figure out a way to prove it.

Rosemary vs. Kristara

Rosemary has a butcher knife before powering Kristara into the corner to start. The Upside down has Kristara in more trouble but she’s back up with a fisherman’s suplex for two. Not that it matters as Rosemary grabs As Above So Below for the pin at 2:10.

Post match Rosemary puts a black rose on her chest.

The System says they’ll be back after a terrible night.

Mike Santana doesn’t want the System to forget their unfinished business. Campaign Singh is ready to prove his loyalty by facing Santana tonight. Santana will go make it happen.

Josh Alexander is introduced but we go to him in the back, where he says he doesn’t owe anyone an expectation. He is the greatest Canadian wrestler today and he opened doors so Joe Hendry could walk through them and so you could believe in Nic Nemeth. He’s done caring about the people.

Ryan Nemeth vs. Frankie Kazarian

The bell rings and Kazarian goes to the ring announcer to insists that he is introduced as the King Of TNA. Somehow Nemeth is knocked down anyway but starts working on the arm to take over. A dropkick puts Kazarian down but he’s back up with suplex into the corner as we take a break. Back with Nemeth firing off right hands and hitting some clotheslines, setting up a neckbreaker for two. Kazarian is right back with a shot of his own but Fade To Black doesn’t work. The slingshot cutter does though and Nemeth is done at 8:20.

Rating: C+. This was the right way to go as there was no reason for Nemeth to be a major threat to an established veteran like Kazarian. Sometimes you just need to give a star a nice win and that’s what Kazarian got here. There is a good chance that Kazarian will get the shot at Emergence and I’ve heard worse ideas.

Post match here is Josh Alexander to give Nemeth a C4 Spike.

Ultimate X is back at Emergence.

Masha Slamovich vs. Jody Threat

Alisha Edwards and Dani Luna are here too and this is a rematch from Bloodsport, where Slamovich won. Luna runs her over to start and hits a quick shoulder for two. Edwards grabs the leg though and Slamovich pulls Luna down by the hair to take over. The chinlock is broken up and Luna sends her into the ropes for some running knees to the back. Slamovich is right back with a sitout powerbomb for two so Alisha puts a title around the turnbuckle, ala at Slammiversary. As expected, Slamovich goes into it instead and Shove It finishes for Luna at 4:50.

Rating: C. I’m guessing this is the way to set up another Knockouts Tag Team Title match because that’s how almost all of the title matches are set around here. They set this up at Slammiversary and it makes Luna look good to catch Slamovich with the same thing that cost her at the pay per view. Not much of a match, but they made it work in the limited time they had.

Video on Joe Hendry’s rise.

Mike Santana vs. Campaign Singh

Singh jumps him to start but gets knocked into the corner for a dropkick to the back of the head. Santana puts him down again and hits Spin The Block for the pin at 1:52. That’s about the only way this should have gone.

Post match Santana promises to win the World Title, but he’ll start with Moose.

TNA World Title: Nic Nemeth vs. Mustafa Ali

Nemeth is defending and grabs a headlock to start. They trade shoulders until Nemeth dropkicks him out to the floor without much trouble. Back in and they run the ropes until Nemeth hits a hard clothesline before hammering away in the corner. Ali sends him chest first into the corner to take over, only to have Nemeth send him face first into the buckle. They go outside where Ali hits a quick electric chair drop and we take a break.

Back with Ali fighting out of a chinlock and getting two off a backslide. A neckbreaker puts Ali down again and the ten elbows keep him in trouble. Nemeth’s top rope DDT connects but Ali kicks him down to block the superkick. Nemeth backdrops him out to the floor and there’s a slingshot into the post. Cue the Secret Service for a distraction, allowing Ali to grab a Sharpshooter. That’s broken up and Nemeth hits a superkick into the Danger Zone to retain at 14:28.

Rating: B-. What we got was good, but I was expecting more from these two. Ali was presented as a major deal in the X-Division for a long time and feels like one of the bigger names in the company. Then their title match was set up on a week’s notice and doesn’t even get fifteen minutes. This felt like it could have headlined a monthly special but instead it’s just here. Certainly not bad at all, but it could have been a lot more.

Post match Josh Alexander comes out for a staredown.

It’s time for the wedding of PCO and Steph de Lander with Santino Marella officiating. Rhino (wearing a tie over his gear in a funny visual) is the best man and Xia Brookside is the maid of honor (in black of course). Naturally de Lander has the Bride of Frankenstein hairdo and they have a rather odd set of vows, including never complaining when the electricity bill is too high. Marella calls the groom Pico, with PCO screaming instead of saying any vows. They exchange rings (one of them still has a finger) but cue First Class to interrupt.

Or never mind as they say get your freak on. They kiss….and Matt Cardona is back, complete with a gift. That would be…part of a brick, which he uses to knock out PCO. Cardona says the Digital Media Title is his and tells de Lander to come with him…but she screams at Cardona instead. PCO gets up and Cardona leaves on his own, shouting about how it’s not supposed to be this way. De Lander cries to end the show. Points for a good double surprise there, but I can’t imagine this ends with anything but Cardona and de Lander together.

Overall Rating: B. This was a good mixture of action and a big moment at the end, with Cardona’s return being timed rather well. Throw in a World Title match that felt big and they had a solid show here. It could have been better with a bit more, but what matters most is that I’m curious to see where some of these stories go. That’s a good sign going into Emergence and beyond, with Bound For Glory looming way off in the distance.

Rascalz b. Trent Seven/Kushida/Mike Bailey – Hot Fire Flame to Seven
Rosemary b. Kristara – As Above So Below
Frankie Kazarian b. Ryan Nemeth – Slingshot cutter
Dani Luna b. Masha Slamovich – Shove It
Mike Santana b. Campaign Singh – Spin The Block
Nic Nemeth b. Mustafa Ali – Danger Zone



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Impact Wrestling – July 25, 2024: Off The Gas

Impact Wrestling
Date: July 25, 2024
Location: Verdun Auditorium, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Commentators: Tom Hannifan, Matthew Rehwoldt

We’re done with Slammiversary and the big story is Nic Nemeth won the TNA World Title. Yes Nic Nemeth rather than Joe Hendry, who has his own issues with a freshly evil Josh Alexander. Odds are we’ll deal with the fallout from that this week, plus a really bad night for the System. Let’s get to it.

Here is Slammiversary if you need a recap.

Long Slammiversary recap.

Opening sequence.

Here is Nic Nemeth for his big celebration as the World Champion. He fought hard to get here but what matters the most is that Moose is no longer the champion. Moose was protected but Nemeth will fight anyone, anywhere, anytime. Cue Campaign Singh to introduce Mustafa Ali, for a certainly sincere handshake. Nemeth winning the World Title was important, but not as important as what happened to him.

Slammiversary saw the biggest screwjob in the history of wrestling and THESE PEOPLE CHEERED! Nemeth believes him, which calms Ali down a bit. Nemeth shakes his hand for boosting up the X-Division….but then Mike Bailey kicked his a**. Ali: “BAILEY SCREWED ME!” Nemeth doesn’t think that’s any of his business but the fans think Ali deserved it.

Ali doesn’t like this but now it’s time to make the TNA World Title great again. That doesn’t work for Nemeth, who says all Ali has to do is ask for a shot. We can do it right now, but Ali says we’ll make it next week. Ali tries a cheap shot but Nemeth ducks and superkicks Singh instead. That’s a pretty big match to burn off with a week’s build.

We run down tonight’s card.

Matt Hardy and the ABC are ready for the System in tonight’s main event. A Joe Hendry tease is included.

Frankie Kazarian comes up to Nic Nemeth in the back and says he wants the title. Nemeth says he pinned Kazarian so it’s to the back of the line. Ryan Nemeth is here though and wants to fight, so Santino Marella gives Kazarian Ryan next week.

Steve Maclin vs. Cody Deaner

Before the match, Maclin talks about how he has been trying to turn over a new leaf but he got carried away at Slammiversary….AND THESE PEOPLE CHEERED. They even sang the Goodbye Song! Maclin can’t stand these Canadians so he sings the same song to them, with an expletive thrown in. Deaner was talking to his fellow Canadian Santino Marella backstage, and he has been given the chance to come face Maclin right now. The people make the decision for Deaner and we’re ready to go.

Deaner starts fast and hammers away before knocking Maclin out to the floor. Maclin is back in with a running knee into an Irish Curse to take over. Choking on the ropes sets up another backbreaker but Deaner fights up with a bulldog. Deaner’s DDT is cut off though and the spear in the corner sets up KIA to give Maclin the pin at 4:22.

Rating: C+. I can go for more of Maclin as he is getting to the point where he knows what he’s doing out there and making it look pretty good. This wasn’t exactly a competitive match but Deaner was trying well enough. Maclin gets a nice little boost though and that could be the start of something a bit better for him.

It’s time for Death Machine TV, with Sami Callihan giving us BREAKING NEWS: he’s going to beat up AJ Francis.

Joe Hendry will be in concert on NXT. That’s still so bizarre to see.

AJ Francis vs. Sami Callihan

Josh Bishop and Rich Swann are here with Francis. Callihan sends him to the apron to start and hits a forearm to the chest (he’s no Sheamus) but a Bishop distraction lets Francis get in a shoulder. Francis knocks him down again and it’s time to choke on the ropes as we take a break.

Back with Francis missing a charge in the corner and crashing out to the floor. Back in and Francis sends him into the corner where a running knee connects this time around. The Down Payment (chokeslam) is blocked but Francis falls on him in a slam attempt. Callihan is back up with a shoulder and now the slam works. Francis boots him in the face but misses the leg (because Hogan), only to have Swann offer a distraction. The Down Payment finishes Callihan at 10:11.

Rating: C+. The matches aren’t great but they are going hard with Francis no matter how he does. This was a bit more entertaining than I was expecting, but that might be because they are letting Francis be his obnoxious self. Callihan didn’t get to do his hardcore stuff here and it’s amazing how much easier it is to watch when he is toned that far down.

Rosemary talks about how evil she is but doesn’t know what she is supposed to do. She spoke for the Hive but now there is no Hive.

Jordynne Grace/Eric Young vs. Hammerstone/Ash By Elegance

The women start things off with Ash wanting respect on her name but getting a chop instead. A spinebuster puts Ash down but it’s too early for the Juggernaut Driver. It’s off to Young vs. Hammerstone with the former grabbing a swinging neckbreaker for two. Hammerstone misses a charge into the corner but Ash cuts off a tag attempt and hammers on Young for a weird visual.

It’s Hammerstone coming right back in to keep up the beatdown, including throwing Ash onto Young for two. Young manages a quick knockdown though and it’s back to Grace to pick up the pace. A quick Vader Bomb gets two on Ash but again the Juggernaut Driver is blocked so Ash can escape.

Everything breaks down and we get a Grace vs. Hammerstone staredown. Grace manages a fireman’s carry but Hammerstone slips out, allowing Ash to hit a Meteora to cut Grace of. Young is back up to Death Valley Driver Hammerstone, only to have the Personal Concierge break it up. Hammerstone’s torture rack finishes Young at 7:39.

Rating: B-. The ending tried to write the insanity of having Young beat Hammerstone on Saturday but I’m not sure how much good it did. At the same time, Ash has already gotten beaten so I’m not sure how much I need to see either match happen again. I’m glad Hammerstone won, but he shouldn’t be playing catch up in the first place.

Alisha Edwards, the only member of the System to still be a champion, is fired up. The rest of the team, not so much.

Here is Josh Alexander for his big explanation. Alexander says the fans are making this easy and he can’t wait to go back to a real city like Toronto. You want an explanation? Nah. And he leaves.

We look at the Rascalz winning a six man tag on NXT.

Mike Bailey is excited to have won the X-Division Title. The Rascalz come in to challenge him to a six man tag, saying get Trent Seven and Trent Eight if he needs partners. Bailey seems interested.

Here’s what’s coming next week.

System vs. ABC/Matt Hardy

Hardy starts with JDC, who runs away and hands it off to Myers instead. That means Hardy gets to start in on the arm, setting up the running bulldog out of the corner. Everything breaks down in a hurry and we take a break. Back with Myers still in trouble as Austin comes in to hammer away. Bey comes in for some strikes of his own but here is Moose for a distraction.

Said distraction lets Myers get in a shot on Bey, only to have JDC miss an elbow. Hardy comes back in but the System cuts him off….and Joe Hendry is here to even things up. We pause for his full entrance and take a break, coming back with Austin in trouble and Myers grabbing a chinlock. Austin fights up without much trouble and hands it off to Bey, who gets knocked right into the corner as well.

JDC stomps away in the corner and cranks away on the arms to keep Bey down. The slow beating continues with Kazarian coming in, only to get enziguried down. It’s back to Hardy for a powerbomb for two on JDC, setting up a stunner/DDT combination. Everything breaks down and the good guys get a triple near fall. Moose tries to interfere but Hendry cuts him off, meaning it’s the Twist of Fate into Bey’s top rope splash for the pin on JDC at 18:24.

Rating: B. This got some time and the energy was there, which granted might have been more to do with Hendry showing up than anything else. It was a match that felt big, which is more than you can ask for most of the time. If nothing else, it’s more of the System’s downfall, which had to happen sooner or later. Good match here, with Hendry’s star continuing to rise. Just not entirely in TNA.

Overall Rating: B-. This is the kind of show that you had to expect after a major event like Slammiversary. It was a show that dealt with some fallout and set up a few things for the future, but at the same time, there was a lot that felt like it was just kind of skipped. The lack of an Alexander explanation and a not exactly eventful main event didn’t help. Overall though, entertaining enough stuff and that’s all it needed to be after the major weekend show.

Steve Maclin b. Cody Deaner – KIA
AJ Francis b. Sami Callihan – Down Payment
Hammerstone/Ash By Elegance b. Jordynne Grace/Eric Young – Torture rack to Young
Matt Hardy/ABC b. The System – Frog splash to JDC



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Impact Wrestling – July 18, 2024: Pre-Slam

Impact Wrestling
Date: July 18, 2024
Location: 2300 Arena, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Commentators: Matthew Rehwoldt, Tom Hannifan

It’s the last show before Slammiversary and the card is mostly set. As you might expect, the big story is the World Title match, but we also have the return of the Hardys. Not only are they back, but they are getting a shot against the System for the Tag Team Titles. That sounds shenanigansy so let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening recap.

Kushida/Rascalz vs. No Quarter Catch Crew

Dempsey and Miguel fight over wrist control to start until Dempsey takes him into the corner for some right hands from Borne. A slam puts Miguel down again and it’s off to Heights, who gets wristlocked by Kushida. Heights is fine enough to grab a fireman’s carry drop and Dempsey comes in for a backbreaker. Kushida handspring elbows his way to freedom though and it’s off to Wentz to clean house.

Everything breaks down and a triple dropkick puts Dempsey on the floor. The good guys hit a big triple flip dive, setting up a Hoverboard Lock on Heights. Dempsey puts Kushida in one to break that up but the Crew gets caught in triple stereo submissions. Those are broken up as well, leaving Dempsey to get triple kicked in the corner. Cue Jonathan Gresham to draw Kushida to the back though and it’s a series of suplexes, including Dempsey bridging butterfly suplex to Wentz, for the win at 9:40.

Rating: B. They let all six guys go nuts here and that’s what it should have been. The good thing is that this should set up the proper six man blowoff with the full Rascalz fighting against the Crew, likely at Slammiversary. It’s the way this story seems set to go and if this was any indication, we should be in for a heck of a blowoff.

Post break the Rascalz sit down in a circle and, after establishing that Wes Lee isn’t a hologram, seem to agree to unite to face the No Quarter Catch Crew.

Alisha Edwards vs. Xia Brookside

Masha Slamovich is here with Edwards, who works on a wristlock to start. A backstabber out of the corner rocks Brookside and a powerslam puts her down again. Brookside fights up and grabs a Russian legsweep for two. A crossbody gives Brookside two but she gets knocked outside. Slamovich goes after Brookside but cue Spitfire to cut her off. That lets Brookside hit the Brookside Bomb for the pin at 5:36.

Rating: C. This was more about the stuff on the floor at the end as a means to boost up the Knockouts Tag Team Title match at Slammiversary. Edwards dominated most of the match but it is nice to see Brookside getting a win. I don’t know if it means anything or leads anywhere, but I’ll take it over another loss.

Mike Santana doesn’t like JDC interfering with him last week and revenge is promised.

Mike Bailey attacked Mustafa Ali earlier today.

Here is Bailey to call out Ali for a fight right now. Ali pops up on screen and says Bailey has to run the Secret Service Gauntlet for a shot at him tonight.

Mike Bailey vs. Secret Service

Bailey kicks two of them down for wins in about thirty seconds before knocking the third to the floor. The big dive connects for Bailey and we take a break. Back with Bailey having beaten the fourth member so here is Campaign Singh to say Bailey has to beat him too. Some trash talk allows one of the agents to jump Bailey from behind, allowing Singh to come in with a Rock Bottom for two. A backbreaker puts Bailey down again but he’s right back with the Tornado Kick into the Ultimate Weapon for the pin at 7:48.

Rating: C. This was barely a match as Bailey ran through the first four and then only had to beat up Singh for the win. Having a villain through obstacles in front of his opponent is wrestling 101 and this was a nice way to make Bailey look good going into the title match. I can’t imagine we get anything serious between Ali and Bailey tonight and that’s ok with three days before the title match.

Post match some riot squad guards come in and one of them is Ali, who jumps Bailey and has the referee count an unofficial pin.

Post break Ali says the match with Bailey is off because he just beat him. Santino Marella comes in to say of course the match is still on. Either that or Ali is fired.

Tag Team Titles: The System vs. Hardys

The Hardys are challenging. Matt shoves Myers down to start and hands it off to Jeff to clean house. Poetry In Motion connects and the champs are sent outside fast. We settle down to Edwards taking Jeff into the champs’ corner so the beating can commence. Matt jawbreaks his way out of trouble and hits the Side Effect. Myers is back with a spear for two as we take a break.

Back with Matt fighting out of a chinlock but getting pulled back down. A neckbreaker puts Edwards down but Myers is back up to cut off a tag attempt. Matt finally manages a Side Effect and the tag brings in Jeff to clean house. The Whisper In The Wind gets two on Myers and Matt adds the Twist of Fate. Jeff loads up the Swanton but JDC runs in for the DQ at 12:42.

Rating: C+. Pretty run of the mill match here with a screwy finish, which they almost had to have to protect the titles as well as the Hardys. While I fully expect the Hardys to win the titles at some point in this run, they didn’t need to do it here. Throw in Jeff’s legal issues with the upcoming Canadian dates and changing the titles here wouldn’t have made much sense.

Post break the System jumps Matt, leaving JDC to wrap a chair around Jeff’s neck and send it into the post. Jeff is stretchered out, continuing his incredible streak of bad luck just before this company goes to Canada.

JDC vs. Mike Santana

We come back from a break with this (scheduled match) starting fast. Santana goes right after him to start and the fight heads outside with Santana hammering away. We cut to the back, where Rebecca Hardy has been attacked as well, saying JDC did it. Back in the ring and JDC sends Santana shoulder first into the post and then sends him into the buckle.

We hit the chinlock but Santana fights up rather quickly, only to get kneed out to the floor. A big chair shot misses for JDC and they’re both down. They both beat the clock back in and slug it out as Santana seems to be busted open. A quick Death Valley Driver gives Santana two but Spin The Block misses. JDC’s Air Raid Crash gets two and a super Falcon Arrow gets the same. JDC goes for a chair but gets posted, allowing Santana to hit him with the chair for the DQ at 8:24.

Rating: C. I was expecting this to end with a DQ but not the way they went about it. Instead I was waiting for Matt to run in and jump JDC, but points for letting Santana have the spotlight for a change. Santana’s nice run in TNA is still working, though I could go for him getting a nice pin on his own sooner than later.

Post match Santana lays him out with Spin The Block.

Jordynne Grace is ready for Ash By Elegance and still can’t believe she was in the Women’s Royal Rumble. Then she went to NXT and the crazy times in wrestling continued. Ash screwed that up though and now it’s time for the consequences.

Ash’s personal concierge promises to have everything ready for Slammiversary but Rosemary stalks behind him.

Here is Santino Marella or the six way World Title match contract signing. Cue Josh Alexander, Steve Maclin, Frankie Kazarian, Moose and Joe Hendry, but no Nic Nemeth. Instead we get a video from Nemeth, saying he has a partially torn labrum but is going to fight at Slammiversary anyway. Back in the arena and most of them sign without saying anything, though Kazarian wants to look at things more closely.

Moose doesn’t want to sign either but here is First Class of all people to interrupt. They’re the real main event of Slammiversary and Francis respects everyone in the ring, save or Hendry. They can thank him for the house at Slammiversary after he and PCO have the real main event. Cue PCO to brawl with Francis, leaving everyone else to fight. Alexander hits Moose in the face and Hendry gives him the Standing Ovation through the table. Hendry signs as well and we’re ready for Sunday. This was about what you would have expected, though the PCO/Francis addition was a nice touch.

A video on the World Title match takes us out.

Overall Rating: B-. This show needed to wrap up the build to Slammiversary and it did so well enough. What matters is I’m somewhat more interested in seeing the show more than when I came in and if they can deliver on the hype, we should be in for a good pay per view. The World Title match is going to carry the show, but when you have that much of your roster tied up in one match, it almost has to. Good stuff here, even if it didn’t add much new.

No Quarter Catch Crew b. Kushida/Rascalz – Bridging butterfly suplex to Wentz
Xia Brookside b. Alisha Edwards – Brookside Bomb
Mike Bailey b. Secret Service – Ultimate Weapon to Singh
Hardys b. The System via DQ when JDC interfered
JDC b. Mike Santana via DQ when Santana used a chair



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Slammiversary 2024: Just Like The Old Days

Slammiversary 2024
Date: July 20, 2024
Location: Verdun Auditorium, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Commentators: Tom Hannifan, Matthew Rehwoldt

This is one of the biggest shows that TNA presents every year and we should be in for a good one as the show is fairly stacked. The main event will see Moose defending the World Title against five challengers at once, along with hometown boy Mike Bailey challenging Mustafa Ali for the X-Division Title. Let’s get to it.

Pre-Show: Faby Apache vs. Gisele Shaw vs. Tasha Steelz vs. Xia Brookside

We get a loud TNA chant as Shaw and Brookside kick the other two down. A celebration is cut off as Steelz shoves them into each other though and the villains take over. Apache drops Steelz though and grabs an early surfboard. Shaw is back in with Shock And Awe for two as commentary talks about everything else on the card. Steelz Codebreakers Apache to the floor and hits a suicide dive, followed by Shaw diving onto both of them.

Brookside dives onto all three of them (show off) and throws Steelz back in for two. The Brookside Bomb is broken up so Shaw Samoan drivers both Steelz and Brookside at the same time (geez). Apache goes up but dives into a powerbomb, leaving Shaw to spear Brookside. Shaw’s running knee hits Brookside but Steelz grabs the pin at 6:37.

Rating: C+. This was a fine choice to get the show going and warm the crowd up a bit but I really do not get that ending. This felt like it was Shaw’s to win and instead it’s Steelz, who hasn’t really been doing much lately. It’s weird to go with something that will deflate the crowd a bit, but at least the action was good.

Pre-Show: Kushida vs. Rich Swann

Kushida is in Hakushi cosplay because….I have no idea really. Swann is replacing an ill Jonathan Gresham. Kushida is slow to start before grabbing a wristlock but it’s too early for the Hoverboard Lock. They take turns flipping away from each other and Swann is knocked into the ropes. Swann chokes on the ropes and kicks him in the back but Kushida….stops to mediate, earning himself another kick.

A dragon screw legwhip into a Tajiri handspring elbow staggers Swann but he’s right back with the poisonrana. Swann’s Lethal Injection gets two but the middle rope 450 misses. Kushida punches him down, only to miss the moonsault, allowing Swann to kick him in the face for two more. Swann takes too long going up though and gets pulled down into the Hoverboard Lock for the tap at 6:43.

Rating: C+. I’m guessing this was Kushida’s response to Jonathan Gresham being all evil and corrupted. All that did is make me remember how horrible the Gresham stuff has been and that’s not the best way to get things going. Other than that, it was the kind of quality you would expect here, albeit with Kushida’s stuff not really fitting his usual style.

Pre-Show: Knockouts Tag Team Titles: Alisha Edwards/Masha Slamovich vs. Spitfire

Spitfire is challenging. Threat and Slamovich start things off with Threat cranking on the arm. Luna comes in to shove Edwards down without much trouble so Threat adds a basement clothesline for two. Slamovich slips in for a double suplex to Threat and a trip to Luna makes it worse. A hard kick to the chest gets two on Luna and a snap suplex is good for the same.

Luna manages to kick her way out of the corner and it’s back to Threat to pick up the pace. A double running crotch attack against the ropes connects on the champs and Edwards is Michinoku Drivered onto Slamovich for two. The Hart Attack gets two but Luna is sent outside, leaving the Snowplow to hit Threat for a rather near fall. With nothing else working, Slamovich distracts the referee so a belt shot can knock Threat silly. A Steiner Bulldog retains the titles at 8:48.

Rating: B-. This was one of the better Knockouts tag matches I’ve seen in a bit as they were given some time and didn’t have a commercial in the middle. That makes for a nice improvement and the action was there to back it up. The division still lacks depth, but at least this felt like part of a story rather than just a one off match.

Here is Santino Marella to say he used to live here and thanks the fans for their biggest show in over ten years (nice job). He even has a bonus match for us.

Pre-Show: Eric Young vs. Hammerstone

Nice to see Hammerstone back. Hammerstone wastes no time in knocking him outside where a hard posting ensues. Back in and a missile dropkick gives Hammerstone two as the fans chant something in French. Young is back up with his slide between the legs and a lariat but the top rope elbow takes too long. The breaking up is broken up as well though and Young drops the elbow for two. The piledriver is cut off with straight power but Young slips out of the torture rack….and grabs a rollup for the pin at 5:26.

Rating: C. I’m sorry what now? You have the return of a beast like Hammerstone and he loses to Eric Young? That’s one of those things that feels like it is straight out of the TNA playbook: when your company is feeling a bit stale, it’s time to go with the guy who has been around for the better part of twenty years. I’m fine with Young getting a win because he’s someone the fans will get behind, but you can’t put some low level villain out there instead of Hammerstone?

Post match Young thanks the fans for supporting the company and says this is TNA.

And now, the show proper.

Annie St-Onge sings O Canada.

The opening video looks at recent events and talks about how big of a show this is. We also get the normal looks at the bigger matches.

Matt Hardy vs. JDC

Matt is Broken and out for revenge after JDC took out Rebecca Hardy on Impact. The beating is on outside before the bell and JDC (in his American flag pants) has to get in a quick flag shot to take over. Now the bell rings and JDC sends him chest first into the corner, meaning it’s time for some dancing.

Hardy is draped over the top rope for a running boot to the head and two, followed by an elbow to the face. The bodyscissors works on Hardy’s ribs for a bit but Down And Dirty on the apron misses for JDC. Hardy sends him into the corner over and over, setting up a middle rope elbow. The Side Effect gets two but Dango is back with a Falcon Arrow. Another Down And Dirty is broken up and a middle rope Twist Of Fate gives Hardy the pin at 4:36.

Rating: C. This would have been short on Impact but it gave the fans a nice moment while Hardy gets some revenge. The stuff before the match felt like someone wanting to get back at JDC but the rest was just a normal match. I’ll take this over Hardy being all weird though so this could have been worse.

Post match Hardy hits two more Twists Of Fate to blow off some steam.

The System, in their matching American flag track suits, is ready to dominate tonight.

We run down the card.

Tag Team Titles: ABC vs. The System

The System, with Alisha Edwards, is defending. Austin strikes away at Eddie to start and it’s Bey coming in for a double Japanese armdrag. A Hart Attack (with ABC in pink and black) gets two on Myers but a running knee to the face hits Bey for the same. Alisha gets in some choking from the floor but Bey ducks a double clothesline and brings Austin back in (the fans are REALLY pleased).

Bey is back up with a big running flip dive, only to have Alisha distract Austin so Eddie can send him into the apron. Back in and Eddie’s snap suplex gets two, which causes some frustration to set in. Myers’ reverse chinlock doesn’t last long so Eddie catapults Austin throat first into the middle rope for a nasty impact. Austin fights up and makes the tag….but Myers has the referee for the classic misdirection, meaning no tag. The chinlock goes on for a bit, though Austin is ready for the Roster Cut.

That’s enough for the hot tag off to Bey so house can be quickly cleaned. Eddie is sent outside but Alisha is right there to cut off a dive. They all wind up on the apron, with Bey hitting cutter to set up Austin’s big Fosbury flop. Back in and Bey’s frog splash gets two on Eddie but the 1-2-Sweet is broken up. Myers’ spear gets two on Bey so Austin comes back in for a Magic Killer to Myers for two more. Alisha comes in and accidentally gets caught in the Art Of Finesse, leaving Myers to get caught in the 1-2-Sweet for the pin and the titles at 16:44.

Rating: B. ABC is a heck of a team and they are becoming one of the most decorated teams the company has ever seen. This was treated as a big deal, even if it ends a mostly mediocre run from the System. They were milking those near falls near the end too and I was into it for most of the time. Solid opener here.

Mike Bailey is so serious about winning the X-Division Title that he speaks French.

Jake Something vs. Mike Santana

The fans are way behind Santana here. We start with a fight over a lockup until Santana cranks on a headlock. Something tells him to bring it with the running shoulders before knocking a Thesz press out of the air. Back in and Santana hits a heck of a springboard flip dive to drop Something and a German suplex gets two back inside. Santana’s chinlock doesn’t last long as Something fights up and grabs a slam.

Something stomps away in the corner until Santana scores with a kick to the head. The rolling Buck Fifty connects for Santana and a middle rope dropkick sets up a Cannonball for two. Another Cannonball is pulled out of the air for a sitout powerbomb but Santana runs the corner for a release German superplex (dang that looked nasty). They slug it out with Santana knocking him down, only for Something to tell him to bring it. Spin The Block gives Santana the pin at 11:32.

Rating: B-. Sometimes you just need two strong guys beating each other up until one of them gets the pin. That’s exactly what we got here and it was a nice addition to the card. Santana continues to be someone that TNA is interested in promoting and that is not a bad idea when he is putting in a string of solid work. Something continues to feel like a prospect but after all of these losses, it’s hard to imagine he goes anywhere.

We look at Eric Young pinning Hammerstone on the pre-show.

Young talks about how big of a win that is and says he’ll be watching the World Title match.

We recap the No Quarter Catch Crew invading TNA and the Rascalz getting NXT’s Wes Lee to help them fight back, setting up a six man tag.

Rascalz vs. No Quarter Catch Crew

The Rascalz have Buzz Lightyear style gear and….yeah it’s really not working. Lee’s in particular looks like he is trying to wear the sexy Halloween version of the costume and it’s kind of a disaster. Borne and Miguel start things off with Miguel working on the arm. Dempsey comes in and gets anklescissored by Lee and Wentz adds a Bronco Buster for two. It’s off to Heights for a release German suplex and a gutwrench suplex for two on Wentz.

Back up and Wentz brings in Miguel to send Borne into the corner, meaning Dempsey needs to grab a suplex of his own. One heck of a clothesline gives Heights two and it’s a suplex into the chinlock. Miguel fights up and ducks a clothesline, setting up a needed enziguri. The tag brings in Lee to clean house but the Crew takes his partners own and triple teams Lee.

Dempsey’s dragon suplex connects but Lee breaks it up with a frog splash. Lee hits the big dive and Wentz has to break up a double submission. Back up and Heights gets caught in the Soup Kitchen (Dominator/top rope double stomp combination) and Hot Fire Flame finishes for Wentz at 14:07.

Rating: B-. This was the way the match needed to go as it gives us the feel good moment of the Rascalz not only coming back together but also getting the win. You had to have the villains come in from outside and lose, as there is no reason to have them win. Perfectly nice match here, which was more about the feeling than the wrestling.

We recap PCO challenging AJ Francis for the Digital Media (and unofficial Canadian National Heavyweight Champion) Title. Francis won the title and messed up PCO’s date with Steph de Lander, so it’s time for revenge.

Digital Media Title: PCO vs. AJ Francis

Francis, with Rich Swann and some rappers) is defending and this is a street fight. Before the match, Francis mentions that PCO has been attacked, so here is a casket, which is struck by lighting to let PCO out. The brawl is on to start with Francis getting in some chair shots. PCO shrugs that off and hits a moonsault to the floor, meaning it’s time for a table. That takes too much time so Francis is back with some shots of his own.

A bunch of chairs are thrown in, with Francis putting a trashcan over PCO’s head and then unloading on him with a chair. A legdrop onto the trashcan gives Francis two but PCO fights back with a clothesline. PCO goes up top but gets pulled back down with an electric chair onto the chairs. That’s shrugged off as well, as PCO sends him through the tables at ringside.

Josh Bishop (of Francis’ entourage) is up with some chair shots and a toss Razor’s Edge onto some open chairs (GEEZ). Sami Callihan comes in for a failed save attempt but Rhino comes in for the save and the Gore to Swann. PCO is back up to drop Francis and the PCOsault gets two. Francis hits a Tombstone with the Undertaker cover for two but PCO chokeslams him onto the chairs. Another PCOsault gives PCO the pin and the title at 13:50.

Rating: C+. You can pretty much chalk this one up to an obvious result, as there was no reason to believe that a local legend was going to lose in his kind of match against a loudmouth heel. This was tailor made for PCO to win in a feel good moment and that is exactly what we were given.

Post match here is Steph de Lander….who proposes to PCO, who accepts. Well that escalated quickly.

We recap Jordynne Grace defending the Knockouts Title against Ash By Elegance. Ash says she deserves the title and cost Grace the NXT Women’s Title. Grace wants revenge.

Knockouts Title: Jordynne Grace vs. Ash By Elegance

Ash, with her Personal Concierge, is challenging and flips out of some early suplex attempts. Grace chops her down and hits a spinebuster for an early two as we see a lurking Rosemary. The interfering Concierge is ejected so Rosemary whips out a knife to chase him off. Ash uses the distraction to get in a cheap shot and take over with some shots to the back. A sleeper is broken up with a drop down, setting up some not so snappy powerslams.

Grace’s MuscleBuster gets two but Ash is back with a running tornado DDT for the same. They go up top, where Grace grabs a superplex and rolls into a Jackhammer for two. With nothing else working, Grace just tackles her and hammers away. Ash comes back with a Canadian Destroyer of all things but Rarefied Air hits raised knees. Back up and a quick Sliced Bread gives Ash two so she hammers on the back again. Grace pulls her into a quickly broken sleeper and then reverses a kick to the face into the Juggernaut Driver to retain at 12:09.

Rating: B-. I thought they might change the title here as Ash had been pushed fairly strong coming into this. That being said, Grace has been presented as the biggest star in the division in a long time so this is only so surprising. The division has some depth to give Grace some trouble and that might make for some interesting results. For now though, good match, with Ash holding her own.

We recap Mustafa Ali defending the X-Division Title against Mike Bailey, another hometown boy. Bailey was granted a title shot but Ali took it back before attacking Bailey’s partner Trent Seven. Now it’s about revenge and the title.

X-Division Title: Mustafa Ali vs. Mike Bailey

Ali, with Campaign Singh, is defending and they fight over a headlock to start. Ali snaps off a running hurricanrana for two but Bailey kicks him down. The threat of the Tornado Kick sends Ali out to the apron and a quick shot has Bailey in early trouble. Bailey is right back to knock him to the floor for the middle rope moonsault, with the fans greatly approving. The Secret Service offers a distraction though, allowing Ali to come back with a middle rope tornado DDT.

Back in and Ali’s rolling neckbreaker gets two, setting up the chinlock to slow things down. A spinning Downward Spiral gives Ali two and he is already looking frustrated. Back up and Bailey hits a Falcon Arrow into a shooting star press for two of his own. The moonsault knees only hit apron so Ali hits a hard superkick. They both go up, where Bailey manages a super Spanish Fly onto the Secret Service/Singh for the big knockdown.

Back in and they trade rollups for two each (Ali’s cheating doesn’t help) so Bailey knocks him down. The Ultimate Weapon is knocked out of the air though and a Cheeky Nandos dropkick rocks Bailey again. Bailey scores with another kick into the Ultimate Weapon for the pin…but Ali’s foot was on the rope. The referee accidentally gets kicked down so the Secret Service and Singh come in to lay Bailey out.

Cue Trent Seven to break up the cover and take out Ali’s crew. Ali gets in a cheap shot though….and Earl Hebner comes in to referee. Ali grabs a Sharpshooter and Hebner teases calling for the bell but can’t do it. The frustrated Ali gets a chair, only to have Bailey kick it away. The Sharpshooter gives Bailey the title back at 20:24.

Rating: B. This was more or less the amped up version of PCO’s win with the more important title. Ali had held the title for a long time and Bailey had to put in the work to get there. That being said, naturally we just had to do the Montreal Screwjob stuff because nothing else has ever happened in the history of wrestling in this city.

the Personal Concierge yells at Santino Marella about what happened. Hammerstone comes in to yell as well and the Concierge seems interested.

We recap Moose defending the World Title in a six way and qualifying matches ensued. There isn’t much more to it than that, but Joe Hendry is the hottest thing in the world and has his shot here.

TNA World Title: Moose vs. Nic Nemeth vs. Steve Maclin vs. Joe Hendry vs. Frankie Kazarian vs. Josh Alexander

Moose is defending and this is elimination rules. Moose tries to get the early alliance with Kazarian, who bails to the floor…and then comes back in to stomp on Moose in the corner. Kazarian is sent outside as well and the other four pair off to start fast. Hendry throws Nemeth onto Moose and follows him to the floor, leaving us with Alexander, Kazarian and Maclin inside for a weird three way.

Kazarian gets beaten into the corner before Alexander and Maclin can fight again, as is their custom. Alexander starts snapping off the German suplexes to just about everyone, including the rolling editions to Maclin for two. A double German suplex sends Maclin and Kazarian flying but Moose is back in to take over. Nemeth cuts that off and drops the ten elbows but Moose rolls outside, meaning it’s a jumping elbow to hit him as well.

Back in and Kazarian gets to hit some slingshot cutters for two on Moose, leaving everyone down. Hendry comes back in but Maclin is right there to send people outside, setting up the series of Scuds. Back in and Maclin loads up the KIA on Kazarian, only to get speared by Moose for the pin and the elimination at 10:43.

The fans sing Maclin off so he flips them off on his way out. Moose release Rock Bottoms Kazarian, powerbombs Hendry and Buckle Bombs Nemeth. Another powerbomb gets two on Alexander and another powerbomb onto the apron hits Kazarian. Hendry jumps Moose though and Alexander hits the crossbody on the apron to put everyone on the floor. They all fight up to the stage, where Moose has to backdrop his way out of a C4 Spike attempt.

Nemeth escapes the Fade To Black as well and superkicks Kazarian off the stage and through a table. Most of them go back to ringside, where Moose chokeslams Nemeth onto Alexander. Hendry comes up behind him though and cutters Moose for two. The fall away slams hit everyone else around and Hendry is rolling. Moose spears Alexander and Nemeth but Hendry reverses into a backslide. Back up and Moose kicks Hendry in the face but gets dropped with a hard clothesline. The Standing Ovation finishes Moose for the elimination at 21:37 and the fans believe that much more.

Then Alexander kicks Hendry low and hits him with the C4 Spike for the elimination at 22:51 and the fans are GONE. Alexander sits on Hendry and slaps him a bunch before going after the referee. Nemeth breaks that up but gets caught with a powerbomb backbreaker for his efforts. Alexander hammers him own and poses a lot before going after Nemeth’s bad shoulder. That’s broken up though and Nemeth grabs a running DDT for a needed breather. Another C4 Spike is escaped and Nemeth hits a superkick to get rid of Alexander at 28:44.

We’re down to Nemeth vs. Kazarian, the latter of whom hasn’t been seen since going through the table. Kazarian comes back in with a Fade To Black for two, followed by the chickenwing. That’s broken up and Nemeth hits a superkick for two more. A Backstabber rocks Nemeth but he’s right back with a superkick into the Danger Zone for the pin and the title at 30:51.

Rating: B. It was an action packed match and I got into it, but the ending didn’t have much in the way of drama. The bigger problem here though is the fact that it isn’t Hendry winning. Nemeth winning isn’t a bad way to go, but ultimately this is likely to be seen as the latest instance of the hot homegrown star being passed over in exchange for the older former WWE star. It’s still a good match and Hendry could win the title (I’ll give him until the end of Bound For Glory) but there are going to be some annoyed fans and they might have a good point.

Ryan Nemeth and a bunch of champions come out to celebrate to end the show.

Overall Rating: B. The show was good with nothing overly bad and some nice moments, but it didn’t have that one big match or moment to carry it to the next level. It felt like the end of the System’s dominance and that’s a big step, but the next round of feuds should be interested. I was expecting a pretty awesome show and only got a good one. That’s not a terrible way to go, but they need to follow up on this rather well.

Tasha Steelz b. Faby Apache, Gisele Shaw and Xia Brookside – Running knee to Brookside
Kushida b. Rich Swann – Hoverboard Lock
Alisha Edwards/Masha Slamovich b. Spitfire – Steiner Bulldog to Threat
Eric Young b. Hammerstone – Rollup
Matt Hardy b. JDC – Middle rope Twist Of Fate
ABC b. The System – 1-2-Sweet to Myers
Mike Santana b. Jake Something – Spin The Block
Rascalz b. No Quarter Catch Crew – Hot Fire Flame to Heights
PCO b. AJ Francis – PCOsault
Jordynne Grace b. Ash By Elegance – Juggernaut Driver
Mike Bailey b. Mustafa Ali – Sharpshooter
Nic Nemeth b. Moose, Frankie Kazarian, Josh Alexander, Steve Maclin and Joe Hendry – Danger Zone to Kazarian



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Impact Wrestling – July 11, 2024: The Mini Invasion

Impact Wrestling
Date: July 11, 2024
Location: 2300 Arena, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Commentators: Tom Hannifan, Mathew Rehwoldt

We have two shows left before Slammiversary and as of last week, the main event is set with all five challengers ready to come after Moose’s TNA World Title. The rest of the show is mostly set as well but we can probably get some more things set up this week. That could also include more from NXT’s Charlie Dempsey, who invaded the show last week. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening recap.

We pick things up from last week, with Frankie Kazarian revealing that he attacked Nic Nemeth but seeing someone filming him. That someone is Ryan Nemeth, who distracts Kazarian so Nic can jump him.

Knockouts Title: Jordynne Grace vs. ???

Grace is defending in an open challenge against….NXT’s Izzi Dame. The bell rings but here is Ash By Elegance’s personal concierge to say that Ash will be watching via satellite from an undisclosed beach. We get a quick shot of Ash on said beach as Dame grabs a waistlock but gets backed into the corner. The much bigger Dame’s right hand gets blocked and Grace muscles her up with a suplex.

A gutwrench faceplant sends Dame outside but the concierge has to be chased….into Rosemary, who is sitting in the crowd. Dame uses the distraction to get in a neck snap across the top and a Falcon Arrow out of the corner gets two. Grace blocks a powerbomb attempt and takes her into the corner for some hard forearms. The Juggernaut Driver is blocked though, meaning they slug it out from their knees. Grace Death Valley Drivers her, setting up the Juggernaut Driver to retain at 8:34.

Rating: C+. That’s what this kind of match needed to be, as Grace gets to beat someone from the other promotion. While Dame might not be the biggest name in NXT, it is better than beating another lower level TNA star. This crossover has made Grace look like an even bigger star, which should help when she likely heads to WWE early next year.

Santino Marella announces a wild card tag match for tonight, with the teams being drawn at random. That gives us a main event of Josh Alexander/Joe Hendry vs. Steve Maclin/Moose.

Charlie Dempsey vs. Zachary Wentz

Trey Miguel is in Wentz’s corner as they grapple to start. Wentz takes him down for a basement dropkick, only for Dempsey to pull him down by the arm. Dempsey cranks on the arm before having to block Wentz’s kick. That earns Wentz a dragon screw legwhip but he’s back up with a handspring knee to the face. A German suplex sends Dempsey into the corner and a running shooting star gets two. Cue Dempsey’s teammate Myles Borne to jump Miguel for a distraction though, allowing Dempsey to grab a dragon suplex for the pin at 4:46.

Rating: C+. They’re doing a good job of keeping the invasion/crossover stuff to the lower levels of the show and that is a smart idea. The Rascalz are a big enough team that it means something when NXT comes in to mess with them, though the addition of Wes Lee as a bridge between the two companies could make for a good blowoff at Slammiversary. For now though, nice enough here, even with the limited time.

Post match Dempsey and Borne lay out Wentz and Miguel.

The System is ready for the Hardys to be back next week.

The No Quarter Catch Crew (Charlie Dempsey/Myles Borne/Tavion Heights) are ready to dominate. Santino Marella comes in to say they’re in a six man next week, but we’ll have to see who will team with the Rascalz. Given that we saw a video of them reuniting with Wes Lee before the match, this might not be the biggest mystery.

Kushida vs. Jonathan Gresham vs. Mike Bailey

For a future X-Division Title shot. They all go for a rollup to start until Bailey takes over. Gresham and Kushida are sent outside for a moonsault from Bailey and the running shooting star press gets two on Gresham back inside. We take a break and come back with Bailey grabbing the ropes to get out of Gresham’s Figure Four. Kushida is back up to kick away at Bailey, setting up a cartwheel dropkick.

Gresham blocks the Hoverboard Lock before Bailey and Kushida kick it out. The Tornado Kick is blocked in the corner and Kushida dives onto Gresham on the floor. Bailey goes up but gets crotched by Gresham, who can’t use the ink on Kushida. Instead it’s green mist to Gresham, allowing Bailey to hit the Ultimate Weapon for the pin and the title shot at 8:25.

Rating: B-. Commentary played up the idea that Bailey wasn’t just being handed a title shot and had to earn it. I rather like that, as there is little reason for bailey to have gotten the title shot other than he and Mustafa Ali are having issues. It gives things a bit more realism and didn’t take too long, even if there was little doubt about how this would ind up.

Post match Mustafa Ali and company run in to beat down Bailey but Trent Seven cuts off a big chair shot. Seven gets wrecked for his efforts, with Ali putting him in the Sharpshooter.

Steph de Lander is sitting on the beach and upset over how things have been going with PCO. She has to tie up some strings in Australia but hopes PCO will wait or him.

Slammiversary rundown.

Digital Media Title: Rhino vs. AJ Francis

Francis, with Rich Swann, is defending and mocks the Philadelphia Phillies, meaning it’s a jump start by Rhino and an ECW chant. Swann comes in for the DQ at 43 seconds.

Post match Santino Marella says he doesn’t think so, meaning it’s time to restart this as a street fight.

Digital Media Title: AJ Francis vs. Rhino

Francis is defending in a street fight so they head outside with Francis hitting him in the back with something made of metal. Rhino fights back and sends the table in That takes too long though and Francis hits him low for the pin to retain at 1:38. Other than ticking off the fans, I’m not sure if I see the point in this entire thing.

Post match PCO comes in but misses a dive, allowing Francis to plant him on the ramp.

Tasha Steelz vs. Gisele Shaw

Steelz jumps her before the bell and sends her back first into the apron a few times. They get inside for the opening bell and Steelz grabs an early chinlock. Shaw is back up with some rollups for two each before they forearm it out. Shock And Awe (the Lethal Combination) gives Shaw two and she grabs a scoop powerslam for two more. Shaw’s running knee finishes at 4:17.

Rating: C. It’s good to have Shaw back and she is feeling more like a star. While this is probably leading to some kind of match involving Gail Kim, I could absolutely see Shaw getting back into the title picture off of this whole thing. That being said, none of that matters if she doesn’t actually win the title at some point, as she has come so close multiple times now.

Xia Brookside wants Alisha Edwards and knows that Steph de Lander will be back.

JDC vs. Chris Bey

Ace Austin is here with Bey. They start fast with Bey sending him to the floor, setting up the big running flip dive. Back in and Bey kicks him down for two, only to miss a charge and fall out to the floor. Cue the System as Bey starts the comeback and hits a running clothesline in the corner. A neckbreaker out of said corner brings the System outside to fight with Bey and Austin. The distraction lets JDC hit a quick Down And Dirty for the pin at 5:03.

Rating: C. This didn’t have time to get very far and was more about having the System screw over part of the ABC before their likely title match at Slammiversary. JDC is still good for a match like this and giving him a win keeps him looking strong as he is now part of the System. Not much of the match, but it did what it needed to do.

Video on the Hardys in TNA. They’re ready to take the Tag Team Titles next week.

Joe Hendry/Josh Alexander vs. Steve Maclin/Moose

Before the match, Hendry talks about how he’s against Dancing Moose and Maclin, who wants to tag em and bag em. After tonight, he’ll only be bagging Hendry’s groceries because the people believe. Hold on though as here is Frankie Kazarian to join commentary. Alexander and Maclin start things off as Kazarian talks about how it is time for him to do things for himself.

The KIA and C4 Spike are both escaped to start so Alexander grabs an armdrag into an armbar. Moose comes in for a slam and wants Hendry, who comes in to hammer away in the corner. Everything breaks down and Alexander suplexes Maclin, followed by Hendry doing the same to Moose (with an assist from some believers). Alexander comes back in to send Maclin into the corner but Moose beaks up the running crossbody.

Maclin’s elbow to the face gets two as commentary is not pleased with a lot of Kazarian’s bragging. Alexander manages to low bridge Moose to the floor but gets tied in the Tree of Woe. A middle rope hurricanrana gets Alexander out of trouble though and it’s off to Hendry to clean house. Hendry grabs a cutter on Maclin and a powerbomb to Moose but Maclin slips out of the Standing Ovation. Alexander comes back in to roll some German suplexes and everything breaks down. A hard clothesline drops Moose but Kazarian offers a distraction to Hendry. The spear and KIA finish Alexander at 12:20.

Rating: B-. This was a bit of a random match but that’s kind of the point of the six way. The title match is going to be all about the chaos and everyone fighting everyone so throwing some random pairings out there is interesting. The villains get to stand strong on the way there, but the title match is all about whether Hendry can win the title and there is no hiding that right now.

Overall Rating: B-. This show did a nice job of building on matches and stories that were already set for Slammiversary and that is not a bad thing. The show is in less than a month and while most of the card is set, you can occasionally use a fine tuning show like this one. It helps get ans more invested in the show and they did that rather nicely again this week. Not a great show, but one they needed to do.

Jordynne Grace b. Izzi Dame – Juggernaut Driver
Charlie Dempsey b. Zachary Wentz – Dragon suplex
Mike Bailey b. Jonathan Gresham and Kushida – Ultimate Weapon to Gresham
Rhino b. AJ Francis via DQ when Rich Swann interfered
AJ Francis b. Rhino – Low blow
Gisele Shaw b. Tasha Steelz – Running knee
JDC b. Chris Bey – Down And Dirty
Moose/Steve Maclin b. Josh Alexander/Joe Hendry – KIA to Alexander



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