Dynamite – March 26, 2025: The Thing That Makes Those Segments Work
Date: March 26, 2025
Location: Roy Wilkins Auditorium, St. Paul, Minnesota
Commentators: Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, Taz
We are about a week and a half away from Dynasty and that means it is time to start getting the card officially put together. With Cope out of the way for Jon Moxley, all roads lead to Swerve Strickland, who is getting the pay per view title shot. Other than that, some of the matches are announced but there is still some work to do. Let’s get to it.
Here is Collision if you need a recap.
Opening sequence, featuring clips from the upcoming Minecraft movie.
Kenny Omega vs. Blake Christian
Non-title and Lee Johnson is here with Christian. They go with the grappling to start as Taz is right there to explain the physics and technique, which goes very well, as always. Christian fights back and hits a dropkick to the apron, where a spear sends Omega outside. Back in and Omega decks Johnson before hitting a snapdragon suplex. The V Trigger sets up the One Winged Angel to finish Christian at 4:53.
Rating: C+. They didn’t have time to do much here but that was kind of the point. Christian got in a bit of offense but Omega shrugged it off and hits his signature stuff to win. You don’t see that kind of stuff very often but it works when it’s done in the right way, which was the case with this one.
Post match Omega says he’s glad that he got to make it quick this week. That won’t be the case with Dynasty, as he has to deal with Ricochet and Speedball Mike Bailey. Cue Bailey to interrupt to say Omega is an inspiration to him and Bailey admires him. That doesn’t mean he’s going to hold anything back at Dynasty though because he’s coming for the title.
Cue Ricochet on the screen to say he’s not here in person to slap both of them in the face. He’s dressed up for the best day of his life (looking like his wedding day) until Dynasty, when he leaves with the girl and the gold. Omega says Dynasty isn’t about making friends (Omega: “I have a cat. I don’t need anymore.”) and promises to keep the title. The catchphrase takes us out.
We look at Bandido taking Gravity’s mask back from Chris Jericho on Collision.
Jericho complains about the Learning Tree screwing up and tells them to go prove themselves. With the two of them gone, Jericho says he wants Bandido’s mask, so it can be title vs. mask at Dynasty. Not at the ROH pay per view, but at Dynasty.
Here is MJF, who says Michael Jackson is a bigger star than Prince, before talking about the business card that MVP gave him. He asks MVP to join him for an answer, and gets his wish. MJF gets straight to the point and says that he wants to be in the business of hurting people, but here is the rest of the team to cut him off.
Bobby Lashley wants the card back and threatens MJF with a beating. MVP calls him off though and MJF walks away. Cue the Learning Tree to mock the Syndicate, but MVP isn’t impressed. Big Bill wants the Tag Team Titles back because he never got a rematch for the titles. The challenge is on, but MVP tells them to go win a match first. That’s an interesting way to go with MJF, and hopefully they don’t do anything stupid with the Syndicate.
Toni Storm and Thunder Rosa are ready to team up tonight, with Rosa bringing up their bad history together. Storm brushes it off and dubs the team Thunder T***. Is that swearing? Eh better safe than sorry.
Brody King vs. Kyle Fletcher
Don Callis is here with Fletcher, who jumps King before the bell. That goes badly for him as King is back with a chop and the big forearms in the corner. Fletcher fights up and stomps him down, only to get sent outside as we take a break. Back with Fletcher in control and hammering away, allowing him to pose a bit.
King gets in a knockdown of his own and hits a backdrop to send Fletcher outside. The required dive connects and the fans are rather appreciative. Fletcher manages to post him though and a top rope elbow gets two back inside. Back up and King suplexes him into the corner for a needed breather. A Death Valley Driver on the apron knocks Fletcher silly and we take a break.
We come back with the two of them slugging it out but Fletcher kicks him down and hits a Tombstone for two. King knocks him silly with a clothesline but cue Mark Davis to break up the Cannonball. Fletcher kicks him in the head and hits the brainbuster onto the turnbuckle for the pin at 17:48.
Rating: B. Yes, King loses again. It makes my head spin to see King getting what seemed to be a renewed push but he’s won two matches this year (over Max Caster and a jobber) and a single tag match. If you have him lose over and over again, it stops mattering rather quickly, which is the point they’re reaching. I get that Fletcher shouldn’t lost here, but then maybe don’t have the match.
Post match the double teaming ensues but Powerhouse Hobbs comes in through the crowd for the save. So I guess we’re not going to get any kind of “next step” that was promised for Fletcher? Or was just winning another match the “next step”?
Powerhouse Hobbs vs. Mark Davis
They trade clotheslines to start and Hobbs no sells a suplex. Davis knocks him down in the corner but Hobbs is back with a powerslam. The spinebuster finishes Davis at 2:36. Exactly how it should have gone with Hobbs looking dominant.
The Patriarchy, minus Christian Cage, talks about how Nick Wayne is seeing how things are changing and will address Cage face to face. Last week, you saw what happens when things go as they’re supposed to go.
Swerve Strickland and Hangman Page argue in the back.
Earlier today, we had a sitdown interview with Cope and FTR. Dax Harwood apologizes for getting too emotional last week because FTR took four months away from going after the Tag Team Titles and it didn’t work. Cope says he didn’t ask them to step away but Cash Wheeler says he can’t be between the two of them. Wheeler says he owes a lot to both guys, including Cope giving him a place to live at some point. Harwood thinks getting the Tag Team Titles back is a good idea but Wheeler thinks they should go after the Trios Titles. Works for Harwood, and the challenge is issued for Dynasty. Makes sense.
Here is Swerve Strickland for a chat. Swerve wastes no time in calling out Jon Moxley, who comes straight through the crowd. Swerve asks what happened to Moxley, because instead of being what the World Title is all about, he’s hiding behind the Death Riders. Maybe Moxley hides the title in the briefcase because he can’t bear to look at it anymore. Everything Moxley used to describe himself is now what is looking at him face to face.
Cue Claudio Castagnoli behind Prince Nana on the floor (Nana doesn’t seem to notice). Moxley asks what Swerve thinks he is, because Moxley isn’t sure. Swerve has a chance at Dynasty, but how far is he willing to go? What is Swerve going to do when the weight of the world is on his shoulders? The reality is Swerve hasn’t suffered enough. Moxley’s sport has been taken over by billionaires and talent agencies, but Swerve gives him hope for the future.
Cue Marina Shafir with a crowbar but Willow Nightingale is right there with a pipe to cut her off (though they don’t get physical). Swerve says Moxley has bled but Swerve has bled buckets. Moxley has been in Texas death matches while Swerve has won them. He’s going to win the title at Dynasty and Moxley can keep playing himself on TV. The Death Riders leave but Shafir jumps Nightingale and has to be held back. As usual, these segments work better when people stand up to the Death Riders and that was the case here from Swerve.
Samoa Joe asks Hook why he choked out Max Caster. Hook: “He’s fun to choke out.” They run into Caster and Joe chokes him out, then hugs Hook, saying he was right. They also hug Top Flight and AR Fox as it seems Katsuyori Shibata is filming. That was hilarious.
Jay White is in the Owen Hart Tournament. If anyone thinks they’re better than him, come prove it on Collision.
Top Flight vs. Devo Knight/Alex Findley
Darius wrestles Knight to the floor to start as the Learning Tree is watching backstage. Findley comes in and gets sent outside, with Dante hitting a kick to the face and a springboard high crossbody. Darius plants Knight and Dante’s frog splash finishes at 2:56.
The Learning Tree (facing Top Flight on Collision) and Cru (in the crowd) isn’t impressed.
Will Ospreay is back next week.
Mark Briscoe vs. Konosuke Takeshita
Don Callis is here with Takeshita. Briscoe shrugs off a shoulder to start and fires off some Red Neck Kung Fu to take over. Back up and Takeshita knocks him down for some choking on the ropes. A big boot drops Briscoe again and a DDT on the apron sends us to a break. Back with Briscoe slugging away, including some shots to the chest in the corner.
The running flip dive through the ropes connects and the Cactus Elbow hits off the barricade. The Froggy Bow misses though and they slug it out, with the fans being rather engaged. They trade exploders until Takeshita’s running knee gets two. The Jay Driller gets the same as Takeshita puts a foot on the ropes. Takeshita kicks him in the head though and it’s the Raging Fire for the pin at 11:40.
Rating: B-. Takeshita can do just about anything in the ring at the moment and it’s fine to see him beating a name like Briscoe. While I could go for seeing Briscoe having some more success, it makes sense for him to lose here. Takeshita very well could be in the Owen Hart Tournament (if he isn’t yet) and him making a nice run would be a good way to go.
The Death Riders are in to face Cope and FTR for the Trios Titles at Dynasty.
The Hurt Syndicate is still not on the same page about MJF. MVP is the only one who seems to like him, mainly because MJF is reprehensible. If the other two don’t want MJF in, MVP will respect it, but they’re on the same page about the Learning Tree.
Penelope Ford/Megan Bayne vs. Toni Storm/Thunder Rosa
Rosa and Bayne start things off with Rosa shouting the team’s new name. Rosa’s strikes to the chest don’t work very well so it’s off to Storm, who gets taken down by Ford. A running knee is shrugged off though and Storm suplexes her down. We take a break and come back with Bayne clotheslining Rosa, allowing Ford to throw her out of the corner for two. Rosa and Ford hit a double clothesline and it’s off to Storm to take over on Bayne.
A tornado DDT on the floor drops Bayne but Ford grabs a cutter back inside. Bayne is back in with Fate’s Descent to Rosa but Storm throws her into the corner for the hip attack. That’s shrugged off and Storm is terrified that old faithful didn’t work. Bayne pump kicks Ford by mistake though and Storm gets two off a rollup. Fate’s Descent finishes Storm at 9:33.
Rating: C+. That’s something that has been done for years and it still works to this day. The result lets you see that Bayne can beat Storm and it adds more drama to their title shot at Dynasty. It was a perfectly fine match and served a purpose without actually having Ford take the pin for a change.
Overall Rating: B-. This was the show where they gave a lot more focus towards Dynasty, as matches that were already announced were advanced and something new was added. That’s the kind of show that you need to have and it made for a good one here. While there were some moves that I wasn’t feeling, this took some positive steps on the way to Dynasty and that’s what the show needs.
Kenny Omega b. Blake Christian – One Winged Angel
Kyle Fletcher b. Brody King – Brainbuster onto the turnbuckle
Powerhouse Hobbs b. Mark Davis – Spinebuster
Top Flight b. Devo Knight/Alex Findley – Frog splash to Knight
Konosuke Takeshita b. Mark Briscoe – Raging Fire
Megan Bayne/Penelope Ford b. Toni Storm/Thunder Rosa – Fate’s Descent to Storm
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