NXT – December 19, 2023: Try Again Next Week

Date: December 19, 2023
Location: Capitol Wrestling Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Vic Joseph, Booker T.

We’re closing in on New Year’s Evil and the two big title matches are already set. There are some other things that need to be followed up on as well though and we might find out a few of them this week. This is a taped show, which can take away some of the energy that is usually around. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Fallon Henley vs. Tiffany Stratton

They start fast with Henley knocking her outside to keep up the beating. Back in and Henley elbows her in the corner but gets knocked out to the floor in a big crash. Stratton gets to beat on her a bit as well but Henley rains down some right hands in the corner. A hurricanrana takes Stratton down again, only to have her come back with a spinebuster for two. They go to a pinfall reversal sequence….and Henley gets a sunset flip for the completely clean pin at 3:51.

Rating: C. I’ve been wanting Henley to get a better push for a long time now and she might just be getting that here. That’s by far the biggest win of her career and I could go for her getting to do some more in the future. It’s nice to see some fresh blood in the division and Henley is pretty much set for a long time around here anyway so the loss won’t hurt her.

Post match Stratton jumps her and drags Henley to the back. Stratton rubs a mop over her face and covers her with garbage in a rather mean moment.

Trick Williams congratulates Carmelo Hayes on his Smackdown win but they talk about who actually attacked Hayes last week. Hayes suggests they turn the New Year’s Evil match into a triple threat match but Williams doesn’t get the thinking. That doesn’t seem to be happening, though Hayes says it doesn’t matter who wins as long as they have the title. Williams: “It does matter.” Williams hopes it’s cool and Hayes seems to be ok, though some of the enthusiasm is lacking.

Here is Ilja Dragunov to talk about how he doesn’t know how he got in the middle of this Trick Williams/Carmelo Hayes mess. He didn’t have that on his 2023 Bingo card, but he’ll start 2024 by defeating Williams, no matter how popular he is. Cue Ridge Holland to interrupt, saying he needs to prove himself again in NXT. Holland wants Dragunov to help him get there, perhaps by winning the NXT Title. He isn’t going to beg for a title shot so he wants to prove himself. He’ll face everyone to get to Dragunov, and then he’ll be worthy of a shot. Dragunov is tired of all this so he’ll face Holland tonight.

Lexis King knows he’s already the breakout star around here, but he’ll win the Breakout Tournament if he has to.

Trick Williams doesn’t like Ilja Dragunov giving away title shots but Dragunov says he’s the champ so get over it. Makes sense.

Breakout Tournament First Round: Dion Lennox vs. Lexis King

King wastes no time in taking him into the corner for a running clothesline. A knee to the ribs keeps Lennox in trouble but he fights back with some shots to the face. King heads outside where he grabs the contract and tries to grab the contract. That’s not going to work for Lennox, who takes King back inside, where the Coronation gives King the quick win at 2:57.

Post match Tre Bearhill chases King off.

Eddy Thorpe talks about his feud with Dijak and wants to settle it in NXT Underground.

Jacy Jayne/Thea Hail vs. Kiana James/Izzi Dame

Riley Osborne is leading the cheers in the Chase U student section as Jayne takes Dame into the corner. A rollup gives Dame two as Hail is very fired up on the apron. Dame clotheslines her way out of trouble and hands it off to James for some knees to the ribs. It’s back to Dame or another clothesline but Jayne gets in her own shot, meaning it’s the hot tag off to Hail. House is quickly cleaned, including a springboard bottom rope backsplash for two. Osborne approves as Hail Kimuras James…but Dame came in off a blind tag. A big boot finishes Hail at 3:51.

Rating: C. The idea of Hail having a crush on Osborne and her excitement messing with her attention is an interesting way to go and I’m curious to see where that goes. James and Dame aren’t the greatest team but at least they have been together for a few weeks now and could be built up with some kind of a business relationship. Not exactly a great match but at least they kept it moving.

Roxanne Perez is annoyed at Kiana James and Izzi Dame and gets in a fight with Arianna Grace over them.

Andre Chase is gambling with OTM and wins a lot of money, but offers to put up the money double or nothing over a tag match between Chase U and OTM next week. Scrypts says as a bonus, if OTM wins, they get a Tag Team Title match, which they can apparently authorize. The D’Angelo Family’s associate comes in and says everything is on. Hudson doesn’t look convinced and Chase doesn’t seem to have the best idea.

North American Title: Dragon Lee vs. ???

Lee is defending against a to be determined member of the No Quarter Catch Crew, but here is Gallus to interrupt, with Joe Coffey saying he wants in on this too. Works for Lee.

North American Title: Dragon Lee vs. Joe Coffey vs. Charlie Dempsey

Lee is defending and gets sent to the apron to start. Back in and Coffey throws Lee but misses a middle rope elbow. Dempsey gets headbutted own but Gallus’ distraction earns them an ejection. Coffey grabs a suplex on Lee and we take a break. Back with Lee grabbing a hurricanrana and knocking Dempsey into the corner. Dempsey fights up and drops Lee but has to slug it out with Coffey.

With Coffey getting the better of things, he goes up top but gets uppercutted out of the air. That leaves Dempsey to suplex Coffey, who is suplexing Lee at the same time. Back up and Lee DDTs Dempsey but gets headbutted into the corner for two more. Dempsey is knocked outside so Lee can knee Coffey in the head for two. Lee is knocked to the floor this time so Coffey hits a dive…as a smiling Joe Gacy pops out from underneath the ring. Gacy pulls Coffey under the ring, leaving Dempsey to tabletop suplex Lee for two. Lee is able to come back with Operation Dragon to retain at 12:12.

Rating: C+. The action was good and they had an exciting enough match, but I’m not a fan of just throwing someone in there to make it into a triple threat. It felt like they were just adding something for the sake of adding it to make it different. Lee getting wins is a good thing, but have him beat one of the Catch Crew and then one of Gallus in separate matches rather than changing what they announced in the first place.

Post match Gacy runs off but the No Quarter Catch Crew jump Lee. Cue the LWO for the save.

Trick Williams rants to Carmelo Hayes about Ridge Holland because if he wins, it might make New Year’s Evil a triple threat. Hayes: “Someone should have thought of that!” They need a way to take the title from Dragunov.

Cora Jade announces her return to the women’s locker room and takes over Karmen Petrovic’s locker. With Jade gone, Petrovic comes in and isn’t pleased. Gigi Dolin tells her to go after Jade.

Breakout Tournament First Round: Luca Crusifino vs. Tavion Heights

Heights, the amateur wrestler, takes Luca down without much trouble and then suplexes him for a fast two. A neckbreaker gives Luca the same and another neckbreaker gets another two. Back up and Heights grabs a powerslam, followed by a spinning belly to belly for the pin at 3:27.

Rating: C. These two have been on NXT LVL Up for months now and it is clear that Heights is someone WWE wants to push in a big way down the line. He’s one heck of an athlete and has the amateur wrestling background which should take him a pretty long way. At the same time you have Luca, who has an interesting gimmick with the wrestling lawyer deal, but then he doesn’t really do anything with it and that stops having any kind o an impact.

Video on Lyra Valkyria vs. Blair Davenport, focusing on their paths here, with Valkyria fighting the right way and Davenport doing anything to get to the top. They meet in two weeks at New Year’s Evil.

Valkyria is ready when Nikkita Lyons comes in to say she’ll deal with Tatum Paxley for Valkyria, but she wants the Women’s Title too.

The Meta Four is happy this season because Noam Dar isn’t scared of Josh Briggs.

Nikkita Lyons vs. Tatum Paxley

Lyons takes her to the floor to start and fires off the chops until Paxley sends her hand into the steps. Back in and Paxley is right back on the arm, including a Fujiwara armbar. That’s broken up and Lyons kicks her in the head, setting up the running hip attack in the corner. Something like a German suplex puts Paxley down again and a kick to the chest makes it worse. Lyons hits the splits splash for the pin at 3:20.

Rating: C. Well that happened. Paxley did something interesting last week when she went after Lyra Valkyria but then got wrecked by Lyons here. Whatever she had last week is more or less squashed immediately, which isn’t the most thrilling development. Lyons is back and seems ready to move into the title picture, but I can’t get my head around how ridiculous her new gear looks. It’s like some genie outfit that didn’t get finished and it’s a big distraction.

Hank Walker and Tank Ledger are ready for Gallus.

Fallon Henley is livid at Tiffany Stratton, who has never had to work a day in her life. Henley swears revenge and storms off. Josh Briggs is ready for his Heritage Cup Title match but asks to do it on his own. Jensen isn’t thrilled but agrees.

Tank Ledger/Hank Walker vs. Gallus

Hank works on Mark’s arm to start but it’s quickly off to Wolfgang so Walker comes in to work on the arm. Wolfgang gets sent into the corner for a splash but tags out and offers a fast distraction. Walker is knocked out to the floor and comes up holding his shoulder, meaning Wolfgang has a target. Back in and Mark gets kicked away, allowing Ledger to tag himself in, but the referee says no because he was WAY too far down the apron. Therefore no tag, meaning Mark can kick Walker in the face for the pin at 3:59.

Rating: C. That’s certainly points for a creative ending, as I wouldn’t have thought of that happening in WWE, even if it is by the standard rules of wrestling. I’m really not seeing it with Ledger and Walker, as their every man deal isn’t working. Gallus isn’t exactly great, but they’re the better option here and could be put back into the title hunt sooner than later.

Joe Gacy is watching Gallus from the Chase U student section.

Dijak is in for NXT Underground against Eddy Thorpe.

Tiffany Stratton calls Fallon Henley a servant in society and swears Henley will NEVER be her. Henley will always be trash, so they can fight at New Year’s Evil. When Stratton wins, Henley can become her servant.

Here’s what’s coming on various shows.

Ridge Holland vs. Ilja Dragunov

Non-title. Dragunov’s running shoulders stagger Holland but his running shoulder puts Dragunov down. A hard clothesline drops Dragunov again but he’s back up with some hard chops in the corner. An Alabama Slam drops Dragunov, who shrugs it off and rolls some German suplexes.

We take a break and come back with Holland striking away to take over, including a clothesline to knock Dragunov out of the corner. A suplex is countered into a DDT and the H Bomb knocks Holland silly. Holland gets in another shot of his own and tries a suplex but settles for something like a DDT. Hold on though as Dragunov is badly shaken up and the referee calls in the medics, with the match being stopped at about 10:30.

Rating: B-. They were having a good match here and then they went with the rather scary ending. Having what is hopefully a storyline injury in a match is one thing, having a neck injury from the hands of Holland is quite another when he might have accidentally ended Big E.’s career in the same way. I’m really not a fan of this and while the crowd reacted very well, that doesn’t necessarily make it a good idea.

The arena goes silent as Dragunov is taken out on a stretcher, with the title being laid on him, and he is wheeled out to end the show. Of note: this has been reported to be a storyline injury rather than a legitimate injury.

Overall Rating: C. Ignoring everything at the end, this was a rather flat episode with nothing that stood out, save for the surprise of Henley beating Stratton in a heck of an upset. Other than that though, you had a few matches featuring rookies or lower level talent, which didn’t make for the most entertaining show. Granted it was a taped show, but that didn’t exactly make for a good week. We have another of these next week and that’s not exactly compelling after this less than stellar effort.

Fallon Henley b. Tiffany Stratton – Sunset flip
Lexis King b. Dion Lennox – Coronation
Kiana James/Izzi Dame b. Jacy Jayne/Thea Hail – Big boot to Hail
Dragon Lee b. Joe Coffey and Charlie Dempsey – Operation Dragon to Dempsey
Tavion Heights b. Luca Crusifino – Spinning belly to belly
Nikkita Lyons b. Tatum Paxley – Splits splash
Gallus b. Tank Ledger/Hank Walker – Jumping kick to Walker
Ilja Dragunov vs. Ridge Holland went to a no content when Dragunov was injured



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NXT LVL Up – December 8, 2023: As This Show Goes

Date: December 8, 2023
Location: Capitol Wrestling Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Blake Howard, Byron Saxton

I’ve all but given up on trying to figure out what to expect from these shows as some of them can be rather boring while others can be a good bit of fun. You can have a decent idea of what to expect from here most of the time, but it might be one or two different styles. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Brooks Jensen vs. Dion Lennox

This is the debut for Lennox, who comes to the ring wearing eyeglasses for a change. They fight over a top wristlock to start until Lennox grabs a headlock. Some dropkicks stagger Jensen, who is right back with a neckbreaker for two. Lennox fights out of a front facelock though and grabs an AA for two of his own. A DDT gets Jensen out of trouble though and a top rope knee gives him the pin at 4:58.

Rating: C+. Lennox didn’t get to show off much here but he did look good in the limited time he was out there. As usual though, there is only so much that you can get out of such a relatively short debut. Jensen wrestling a singles match is a bit strange as well, but at least he helped Lennox look good in the process.

Respect is shown post match.

Jaida Parker is rather confident and promises to bring PRESSURE to the women’s division.

Jaida Parker vs. Gigi Dolin

Dolin takes her down without much trouble to start and ties her in the ropes for a dropkick to the back. Back up and Parker kicks her into the corner, including a shot to the ribs for two. Something like a German suplex slam gives Parker the same and we hit the reverse chinlock with a knee in Dolin’s back. Dolin shrugs it of and fights up before grabbing the Gigi Driver for the pin at 4:01.

Rating: C. This was another short one that didn’t exactly showcase either of them. Parker has the athleticism to make something happen down the line but she is pretty clearly another work in progress. Dolin is someone who looks like she should be a star, though there is only so much that she is doing in the ring to back it up. It wasn’t a bad match, but I don’t really need to see either of them for a little while.

Edris Enofe/Malik Blade vs. Drew Gulak/Charlie Dempsey

The villains have Damon Kemp and Myles Borne with them. Blade and Dempsey start things off with Blade monkey flipping him over. Dempsey breaks up a headlock without much trouble and hands it off to Gulak. Blade brings Enofe in though and some elbows have Gulak down rather quickly.

Dempsey offers a distraction to bring Blade outside though and a backbreaker takes over back inside. A butterfly suplex gets the same but Blade clotheslines his way out of trouble. Enofe comes in to clean house, including a fisherman’s suplex for two on Gulak. Everything breaks down and an assisted powerslam gets two on Gulak with Dempsey making the save. Gulak and Dempsey’s friends get involved for a distraction though and it’s an assisted double slam to finish Enofe at 7:07.

Rating: C+. Best match of the night here with the talent involved helping a lot. Enofe and Blade losing again is a bit disappointing but I’ve learned to live with it by now. At the same time, the villains continue their roll and it wouldn’t shock me to see them move into something a little bit bigger in the near future.

Overall Rating: C+. As has been the case around here in recent…well ever really, the best way to make this show feel important is to have bigger names involved. That was on display here, with some good talent who don’t get to be in the ring very often anymore. It was a nice enough way to spend about half an hour and I can certainly take that on any given Friday.

Brooks Jensen b. Dion Lennox – Top rope knee
Gigi Dolin b. Jaida Parker – Gigi Driver
Drew Gulak/Charlie Dempsey b. Edris Enofe/Malik Blade – Double lifting slam to Enofe



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NXT – November 14, 2023: Efficient, But Lacking

Date November 14, 2023
Location: Capitol Wrestling Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Booker T., Vic Joseph

We’re getting closer to Deadline and that means we have another week of Iron Survivor Challenge Qualifying matches. In this case, Lita has chosen the matches which should make for some good showdowns. Other than that, Chase U is defending the Tag Team Titles against the D’Angelo Family again so let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Chase U arrives with Andre Chase acknowledging the scandal involving the school (with details we still don’t know). He is cooperating fully, but they have a title match.

Tag Team Titles: Chase U vs. Tony D’Angelo/Stacks

Chase U, with Jacy Jayne and Thea Hail is defending but the student section isn’t happy and Chase looks a bit disheveled. Stacks works on Chase’s arm to start until Chase rolls him up for two. Stacks’ rollup is countered into a cradle to give Chase two more as commentary talks about the student section not being interested. Hudson comes in and hammers away on D’Angelo before it’s back to Chase. Everything breaks down and the champs are sent outside for a big lip dive from Stacks as we take a break.

Back with Hudson hitting the release Rock Bottom out of the corner as we see some of the student section walking out. The fans chant WALK OUT as Chase comes back in to pick up the pace. Chase suplexes Stacks into D’Angelo in the corner and a high crossbody gets two. A middle rope elbow into a German suplex gives Stacks two more as more students walk out.

Everything breaks down again and Hudson gets sent knees first into the steps. A PowerPlex hits Chase, with Hudson diving back in for the save. Chase hits the Russian legsweep into the Spelling Stomps but the fans chant WALK OUT instead. That leaves D’Angelo to come back in for Bada Bing Bada Boom to get the titles back at 13:54.

Rating: B-. The match had good action, but the focus was more on the fans than anything else. I’m not wild on seeing Chase U go from chasing the big win for the better part of ever to losing the titles back three weeks later over what feels like it could be a rather dumb angle. The fans wanted to buy into Chase U and they got over despite how ridiculous the story was, but now it’s going in a completely different direction just a few weeks into their success? It’s still early in this part of the story, but I’m not feeling this so far.

Lita has picked her Iron Survivor Challenge qualifying matches for tonight: Roxanne Perez vs. Lash Legend and Trick Williams vs. Joe Coffey.

Dominik Mysterio runs into Baron Corbin in the back. They seem to get along with each other and like the idea of getting rid of Wes Lee.

It’s time for Supernova Sessions with the Alpha Academy as the guests and the rest of the Meta Four here as well. They talk about the Heritage Cup, with Chad Gable saying Noam Dar is lucky to still have it. Tozawa blames the loss on Meta Four but Lash Legend doesn’t want to hear it. Otis hits on Lash but Dar shuts that down as fast as possible. Dar is flustered and brags about his greatness, but Gable announces himself as the next Heritage Cup challenger.

Women’s Iron Survivor Qualifying Match: Lash Legend vs. Roxanne Perez

Meta Four is here too. Legend powers her down to start and Perez slugs away, setting up an armdrag out to the floor. Meta Four offers a distraction though and that’s good for an ejection. Perez’s right hands are countered into an over the shoulder backbreaker. Legend drives it into the corner but gets sent outside for a slingshot dive. Back in and a faceplant gives Perez two but cue Jakara Jackson. The distraction lets Kiana James come in to grab Perez so Legend can hit a pump kick. A chokebomb finishes for Legend at 5:05.

Rating: C. As usual, Legend does not feel like she is ready for this level but she’s tall and loud so she gets on television a lot. While I can’t imagine she gets the title shot, it means she’s going to get to talk more and that has rarely proven to be a good thing. Perez vs. James is apparently continuing despite Perez winning at Halloween Havoc, though James qualifying for the Iron Survivor Challenge might not be a sure thing.

A bunch of tag teams argue over who should get a title shot. Stacks and Tony D’Angelo come in to say it’s a celebration next week.

Xia Li has invited Lyra Valkyria to a Warrior Tea ceremony and yes she’s in. Given that we were told about this on Raw, it’s not the biggest surprise.

We go to the tea ceremony where Valkyria has to put the title on the table. Li talks about the meaning of a deep bow and how the tea leaves will tell what is coming. Valkyria isn’t impressed so Li will have to fight next week. That’s fine with Valkyria, who says may the strongest person win next week. Valkyria bows before leaving.

Carmelo Hayes, with Trick Williams, again says he isn’t the attacker and it’s all behind them. Hayes will be at ringside to deal with Gallus tonight.

Kiana James comes into the women’s locker room to give this big speech about how impressive she is. This turns into Gigi Dolin getting annoyed at Arianna grace and setting up a match between the two.

Bron Breakker doesn’t feel bad about what happened to Von Wagner but Dijak comes in to say Breakker can’t break him. Breakker tells him to stay out of his way or he will be begging for retribution. Burn?

Men’s Iron Survivor Qualifying Match: Joe Coffey vs. Trick Williams

Carmelo Hayes and Gallus are here too. They fight over a test of strength to start but neither can get very far. Back up and Trick jumps over him in the corner, setting up a slam to take over. A pop up uppercut sends Coffey outside and they’re right back in with Coffey grabbing an armbar. Williams fights up but gets clotheslined to the floor as we take a break.

Back with Coffey hitting a backbreaker but Williams scores with a jumping neckbreaker. They slug it out with Coffey getting the better of things and grabbing another armbar. That’s broken up as well and Williams hits a running clothesline into a Rock Bottom for two. Hayes cuts off a Gallus distraction but Williams is sent outside and taken out by a dive. Back in and Coffey gets two off a German suplex. Not that it matters as Williams is right back with a flash knee for the pin at 11:56.

Rating: B-. Coffey can be a useful mammal in a situation like this as he has enough of a reputation to put someone like Lee over. What matters here though is Williams getting a win, as he is in the middle of a big story and needs to be in an important match. For now, Williams and Hayes are ok, but I can’t imagine that lasts very long.

Wes Lee runs into Ilja Dragunov, who will be watching Lee vs. Baron Corbin tonight. Dragunov wants Lee to save him a piece, but Lee has other things on his mind besides getting the NXT Title.

Lexis King comes up to Baron Corbin, who is impressed by the attack on Trick Williams. King still won’t say how he did it, but he wishes Corbin luck.

Brawling Brutes vs. OTM

It’s a brawl to start with a quick standoff on the apron. OTM takes over on Butch and a rake to the eyes into a clothesline keeps him in trouble. Butch gets away and brings in Holland to pick up the pace. Holland’s swinging Rock Bottom gets two but it’s back to Butch, who is dropped onto Holland in a big crash. Holland is right back up to take over on Price, setting up an assisted DDT from Butch for the pin at 5:50.

Rating: C+. That’s how the match should have gone as the Brutes are the established team. OTM got in a bit of offense here and looked good enough in defeat. I’m sure their time will come, but they have some more effort to be built up. For now though, this is the right way for this match to go and they had a pretty nice fight.

Joe Gacy is on the roof, looking or water that doesn’t exist. No one knows who it is and maybe this is where he lets go but maybe it isn’t.

Gigi Dolin vs. Arianna Grace

Dolin grabs the arm to start before a backslide and small package get two each. Grace gets in a shot of her own though and we’re in the chinlock. With that broken up, Dolin hits a clothesline but get caught in a backslide…with the referee catching Grace’s feet on the ropes. That’s enough of a distraction for Dolin to kick her in the head and grab the abdominal stretch rollup for the pin at 3:47.

Rating: C. Neither of these two are exactly doing much at the moment but Grace is firmly in the “she’s not great but she’s annoying enough to feature” mold. That is a common place in NXT (see also Joe Gacy) and Grace seems to be the latest on the list. At the same time you have Dolin, who has all kinds of charisma but needs something more important to do.

We get a narrated video of Von Wagner vs. Bron Breakker.

Mr. Stone invites Wagner to his house for dinner. That’s cool Wagner, as long as there’s no asparagus.

Eddy Thorpe is back after a recharge and hopes to get a spot in an Iron Survivor Challenge qualifying match. Charlie Dempsey and company come in, with Dempsey threatening to stretch him.

Andre Chase has no comment on the scandal and leaves with Jacy Jayne to escape a bunch of reporters.

We go over the Iron Survivor Challenge, which is a weird five way Iron Man match with a penalty box.

Wes Lee vs. Baron Corbin

Lee strikes away to start but Corbin cuts him off with one right hand. Back up and Lee scores with some kicks to the head but they head to the floor, where Deep Six puts Lee down. We take a break and come back with Lee fighting out of a chinlock as commentary talks about Lexis King.

One heck of a clothesline cuts Lee off and Corbin hammers away on the mat. Corbin misses a charge into the post though and Lee strikes away, including a dropkick out to the floor. A 619 around the post sets up a dropkick for two but they trade kicks to the head for a double knockdown. Lee sends him outside again and dives….onto Dominik Mysterio. The distraction lets Corbin hit End Of Days for the pin at 10:30.

Rating: B-. These two had a nice power vs. speed match going and the screwy finish lets Corbin get closer to the likely NXT Title match at Deadline while keeping the returning Lee strong. That’s about all you could do here, as Lee is now pretty much an established name around here. I could see him going into the title picture himself sooner than later, but for now, it’s Corbin’s time.

Post match the beatdown is on until Ilja Dragunov runs in for the save. Corbin cuts him down with End Of Days and poses, but Dragunov issues the challenge for the title shot at Deadline.

Overall Rating: C+. The wrestling here wasn’t all that great but what mattered here was having Deadline getting a nice boost. We had some Iron Survivor Challenge spots taken up and the Deadline main event was set as well. The title change wasn’t quite my thing, though I’m more worried about where the story might be going. Not a great show, but an efficient enough one this week.

Tony D’Angelo/Stacks b. Chase U – Bada Bing Bada Boom to Chase
Lash Legend b. Roxanne Perez – Chokebomb
Trick Williams b. Joe Coffey – Flash knee
Brawling Brutes b. OTM – Assisted DDT to Price
Gigi Dolin b. Arianna Grace – Abdominal stretch rollup



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NXT LVL Up – November 10, 2023: Keep Doing What Works

Date: November 10, 2023
Location: Capitol Wrestling Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Blake Howard, Vic Joseph

Last week saw the short form changes to the show seemingly get reversed as it was back to the usual three match format. That wasn’t overly interesting for months and it wasn’t again last week so hopefully things pick up this time. This show can be rather good and it would be nice to see it happen again. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Gigi Dolin vs. Stevie Turner

Oh yeah Turner is a thing and apparently she has been taunting Dolin online to set this up. Eh I’ll take it. Dolin grabs a headlock to start and hits a running dropkick to the back. Turner gets in a shot of her own and we hit the double arm crank. That’s broken up and Dolin strikes away, setting up a Bronco Buster. The Gigi Driver finishes at 4:47.

Rating: C. I guess Dolin counts as a bigger name around here, but I do like them doing even the tiniest something to set this up. Just hype the match up in the slightest bit or something as it shouldn’t be much to ask. For now though, it’s nice to have Turner back, as she’s something different, though she needs to be built up before having a chance in a match like this.

Tyson DuPont and Tyriek Igwe are ready to bring power against Gallus.

Tyson DuPont/Tyriek Igwe vs. Gallus

Joe Coffey is here with Gallus and there’s a story here as well, as Gallus refused to train with DuPont/Igwe. Mark headlocks DuPont to start but gets thrown down with straight power. Wolfgang comes in so Igwe elbows him in the face. A double elbow puts Mark on the floor and a splash hits Mark. A blind tag hands it back to Mark though and he low bridges DuPont to the floor.

Back in and an assisted splash hits DuPont, setting up Wolfgang’s chinlock. DuPont backdrops his way to freedom though and it’s back to Igwe to clean house. A spinebuster gets two on Wolfgang and everything breaks down. DuPont is knocked outside and a quick Gallow Gate finishes Igwe at 6:13.

Rating: C+. This was a pretty nice power match but the important thing is it felt like NXT was trying to do something with the rookies. At some point these new stars need to get a few victories, even moral victories, under their belt. They shouldn’t have beaten Gallus, but at least they did well in defeat.

Overall Rating: C+. They went with the short format again here and it really does make that much of a difference. I could go for more like this in the future, as it gives the show a better feeling and we get to see a bit more of a showcase for everyone involved. Nice show here, and hopefully DuPont and Igwe get another chance in the near future.

Gigi Dolin b. Stevie Turner – Gigi Driver
Gallus b. Tyson DuPont/Tyriek Igwe – Gallow Gate to Igwe


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NXT – October 24, 2023 (Halloween Havoc Week One): Two For One

Date: October 24, 2023
Location: Capitol Wrestling Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Vic Joseph, Booker T.

It’s the first night of the two week Halloween Havoc special and that should make for some interesting shows. Spin The Wheel, Make The Deal is back and some of the matches have already been decided. This week has a pair of major matches, as Lexis King will make his in-ring debut and Becky Lynch will defend the Women’s Title against Lyra Valkyria. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

New Year’s Day plays Vampyre, the theme song, live.

Scarlett and Shotzi (as Pinhead from Hellraiser), our hosts, welcome us to our first match.

Roxanne Perez vs. Kiana James

This is a Devil’s Playground match, meaning some themed weapons and falls count anywhere. Perez, dressed as Freddy Kruger, jumps her to start and they go to the floor early on. A sunset lip off the steps gives Perez two and a rollup gets the same. Perez hits her in the ribs with the swing set but gets suplexed on the floor. A shot with a laptop puts Perez down again and we take a break.

Back with Perez choking with a chain while sporting a heck of a bump on her forehead. Perez fights back and sends her into a trashcan, setting up a dive. A piece of a fence to the back sets up a Russian legsweep to put James into a slide. Back up and a hurricanrana off of the barricade is countered, with a powerbomb sending Perez into a trashcan for two. James hits her in the back with a see saw and they fight onto the barricade. With Perez knocked down, she manages to grab James’ bag for a shot to the face. Pop Rox onto the bag finishes James at 9:50.

Rating: B-. It was a good fight and should wrap up their feud with Perez getting the win as she should have. They played into the theme with the playground and it was the kind of entertaining match that made it feel like we were on a special show. Good stuff here, but Perez needs to be boosted up to the title picture again.

Post match the bag is emptied and we see a crushed brick.

We get a sitdown interview with Carmelo Hayes. First of all, he denies attacking Trick Williams before moving on to his title shot against Ilja Dragunov. It’s not just about the title, but it’s also about being Him, which means being the best. When asked if he would be #1 contender if Williams was in the four way match, Hayes says he would be before walking off, saying this one is for justice for Williams.

Scarlett and Shotzi give the Meta Four a tarot card reading, saying they will be starting a great journey, but their joy will be turned into intense grief. The team isn’t happy, but as they panic, Akira Tozawa steals the Heritage Cup.

Lexis King vs. Dante Chen

King comes out on a throne for a little flavor. They trade arm control to start until King headbutts him against the ropes. Chen takes him to the mat but King’s up kick staggers Chen again. A running forearm to the back of the head puts Chen down but the chinlock doesn’t last long. Chen fights up with an atomic drop and a pump kick, only to spend too long posing. King nails a superkick and hits a hanging swinging neckbreaker for the pin at 4:02.

Rating: C. It wasn’t a bad debut for King and he felt different from his time as Brian Pillman Jr., which is what matters the most. At the same time, Chen got in a bit too much offense here (a trend with him) and it made things feel a bit off. That being said, it’s one match and things could still go rather well in the future.

Chase U is warming up when Stacks and Tony D’Angelo come in to say they couldn’t ask for better opponents. Duke Hudson isn’t sure what to make of that but Andre Chase says don’t worry about it.

Women’s Breakout Tournament Semifinals: Kelani Jordan vs. Arianna Grace

Jordan armdrags her down to start and sends Grace to the floor as we take an early break. Back with Jordan grabbing a suplex but getting caught with a swinging neckbreaker. Jordan gets sent to the apron but comes back in with a sunset flip for two. The clothesline comeback puts Grace down and a flipping legdrop gives Jordan two more. Grace sends her throat first onto the top rope but gets knocked off the top. Jordan’s split legged moonsault finishes Grace at 7:35.

Rating: C. You can tell that NXT sees a lot in Jordan, who has the athletic background and smaller stature to make her feel like a natural underdog. Grace feels like a bigger project going forward, but for now Jordan getting the win as the underdog makes sense. The match wasn’t great, but it did well enough to get the job done.

Von Wagner is still at physical therapy with Mr. Stone next to him. Stone says he knows he went too far by challenging Bron Breakker but is hoping to get in one shot. Wagner believes in him.

Scarlett and Shotzi (the latter now Edwards Scissorhands) plug their YouTube show when Diamond Mine comes in. The Creeds want Angel Garza and Humberto Carrillo next week, but there needs to be something else. Ivy Nile gets to Spin The Wheel, Make The Deal, giving us…..Tables, Ladders and Scares. Stacks and Tony D’Angelo come out for their title defense and get in a brief staredown with the Creeds.

Tag Team Titles: Stacks/Tony D’Angelo vs. Chase U

Chase U, with Jacy Jayne and Thea Hail, is challenging. Chase headlocks Stacks to start so it’s off to Hudson, who is low bridged to the floor. That lets Stacks hit a dive before D’Angelo hiptosses him over the top onto Chase U as we take a break. Back with Chase getting hot shotted into a boot to the face for two.

Chase kicks his way out of trouble though and it’s back to Hudson to clean house. Hudson drops Stacks onto D’Angelo and grabs a side slam for two. The swinging Boss Man Slam gets the same and everything breaks down. D’Angelo comes back in to take over, including a hard spinebuster to Chase. A middle rope elbow into a German suplex gives Stacks two but Chase is back up for the spelling stomps.

Stacks cuts Hudson off though and tags himself back in, setting up a PowerPlex (top rope headbutt rather than a splash) but Hudson German suplexes D’Angelo into the cover for the save. The Bada Bing Bada Boom is broken up and Chase gets two off a sunset flip. Jayne tries to give Chase a crowbar but he turns it down. Instead Jayne gets knocked of the apron but the distraction lets Chase get the rollup for the pin and the titles at 11:15.

Rating: B. They FINALLY did it as Chase U’s title win is long overdue. The team had been one of the most popular acts in all of NXT but that was only going to get them so far until they actually won something. This is the kind of big moment that they had been waiting on for months now, and even if the Creed Brothers are ready to take the belts soon, at least Chase U got there here. Rather good match, but better moment.

Nathan Frazer recaps his issues with Dominik Mysterio, saying Dominik has one of those slappable faces. Things did not go well for Frazer last year at Halloween Havoc but now he is back and ready to do better, including winning the North American Title. Assuming Rhea Ripley lets Dominik come back.

We hear from some fans about Becky Lynch vs. Lyra Valkyria tonight.

Baron Corbin is tired of doing all the work and having someone else get the glory. No he didn’t attack Trick Williams and suggests people like Axiom or Wes Lee.

Gigi Dolin vs. Blair Davenport

Lights Out, meaning anything goes but falls only count in the ring. Dolin sends her outside to start and hits a dive off the apron, only to get kneed in the head back inside. Davenport takes it right back to the floor and sends her to the steps. Dolin fights back though and sends her into a chair as we take a break. Back with Dolin taking over again and grabbing a table. Davenport fights up and unsets the table before beating on Dolin with a belt.

More weapons are brought in but this time Dolin whips her with the belt for two. Davenport fights back again and sets up the table at ringside, with the delay allowing Dolin to trash can her in the face. Some running dropkicks have Davenport in trouble but she sends Dolin into the steps. They get onto the announcers’ table until a Falcon Arrow sends Dolin through the regular table. Back in and Davenport knees her in the face for the pin at 12:33.

Rating: C+. Turning the lights down was something of a twist here but this felt like so many of the same hardcore/street fights that we’ve sen forever. It doesn’t help that it’s the second match of a similar style tonight and Perez vs. James was better. Davenport can move on to something new now and I’m sure Dolin will be fine as she’s treated like enough of a star.

Ilja Dragunov talks about how much trouble he had growing up but now it is all worth it. His son held his NXT Title and it was a special moment to see him looking at his dad. As for Carmelo Hayes, Dragunov is ready to fight as the champion instead of the challenger. Hayes has to adjust to him because the title represents thirty years of sacrifice.

We see Carmelo Hayes watching the interview when Scarlett and Shotzi, now as twins, say all signs point to Hayes being the one who attacked Trick Williams. Hayes isn’t happy.

Tiffany Stratton doesn’t care who wins the Breakout Tournament but here is….I think Fallon Henley to impersonate Stratton, complete with outfit and blonde hair. Stratton isn’t happy and decks her.

Women’s Breakout Tournament Semifinals: Karmen Petrovic vs. Lola Vice

They start fast with Petrovic being sent to the apron and kicked out to the floor. Back in and Vice grabs a quickly broken abdominal stretch, allowing Petrovic to kick her in the head. Vice is knocked to the floor for a nice dive but Vice kicks her head off back inside for the pin at 3:35.

Rating: C+. They hit each other rather hard here as it was a battle of strikers, with the better choice going forward. Petrovic will be fine going forward, but Vice has that star power to her that you can see the second she appears. Vice winning the tournament would be a good way to go, as she has what WWE tends to look for in a heel.

Kelani Jordan comes out for the staredown.

Chase U is happy with the win, but Duke Hudson isn’t sure about the title making his carry on bag weigh too much. Even Thea Hail is excited but Chelsea Green and Piper Niven (the latter as a wolf on a chain) interrupt. Hail and Jayne don’t care so Green is planning a formal complaint. That’s fine with Hail and Jayne, who are going to ask for a Women’s Tag Team Title shot. Of note: Dante Chen and Boa could be seen talking in the back.

Meta Four finds out that Akira Tozawa stole the Heritage Cup, as Tozawa has said if they want the cup back, come and get it. A title match seems to be set for next week.

Bron Breakker comes in to see Carmelo Hayes and accuses him of taking out Trick Williams. If the same Hayes shows up next week, he’ll get the title back.

Here’s what’s coming next week.

Women’s Title: Becky Lynch vs. Lyra Valkyria

Lynch is defending. They stare at each other to start and we take a break less than thirty seconds in. Back with Valkyria in trouble but bridging out of a crossbody. They collide for a double knockdown as we see a live shot of a bar in the UK watching the match. Valkyria strikes away, including a running forearm against the ropes. Some clotheslines set up a bridging northern lights suplex for two on Lynch.

Back up and Lynch knocks her into the ropes but it’s too early for the middle rope legdrop. Instead Valkyria sends her outside for a dropkick through the ropes. Lynch is fine enough to get in a quick posting but Valkyria ties her in the ropes for a change. Valkyria is able to hit her own middle rope legdrop to the back of the head, followed by a missile dropkick for the same.

Lynch is right back with a Diamond Dust of all things for two but she can’t get an armbar. Instead, Valkyria grabs a full nelson with her legs but Lynch leans back for two and the break. Valkyria’s fisherman’s buster gets two but Lynch pulls her into the Disarm-Her. That’s broken up with a foot on the rope and a sitout powerbomb gives Valkyria two more.

Lynch catches her on top though and a hard DDT gives Lynch a near fall of her own. With nothing else working, Lynch hammers away on the mat but Valkyria catches her on top. The spinning kick to the face gives Valkyria two as the fans greatly approve. A quick Manhandle Slam gives Lynch two and she can’t believe the kickout. Lynch loads it up again but Valkyria reverses into a rollup for the pin and the title at 16:06.

Rating: B+. And that is how you make a new star. Lynch hit Valkyria with her best shot and couldn’t put her away because Valkyria was the better woman, at least on this night. On top of that, they beat the fire out of each other with back and forth shots until one of them got caught. Valkyria gets the win of her career and Lynch goes back to the main roster for whatever she has next. Heck of a match here, but the result for the future is more important.

Post match Jade Cargill is watching from the balcony as Lynch hands Valkyria the title and raises her hand to end the show.

Overall Rating: B+. This was a pretty awesome show as they set things up or next week, gave us two title changes in a pair of rather good matches and also played into the Halloween theme enough. Next week is going to have a hard time following this, but they have enough ready to make it a possibility. This was an awesome show though as NXT is on another roll going into the second week, plus the build to Deadline in December.

Roxanne Perez b. Kiana James – Pop Rox onto James’ purse
Lexis King b. Dante Chen – Hanging swinging neckbreaker
Kelani Jordan b. Arianna Grace – Split legged moonsault
Chase U b. Stacks/Tony D’Angelo – Rollup to Stacks
Blair Davenport b. Gigi Dolin – Knee to the face
Lola Vice b. Karmen Petrovic – Spinning kick to the head
Lyra Valkyria b. Becky Lynch – Rollup



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NXT – October 17, 2023: Try Again Next Week

Date: October 17, 2023
Location: Capitol Wrestling Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Vic Joseph, Booker T.

We’re back to normal this week and that means we could be in for something interesting. With a week to go before the first week of Halloween Havoc, it is time to figure out what is going to be on the two week special. That includes a #1 contenders match for the NXT Title this week so let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Tag Team Battle Royal

Creed Brothers, Drew Gulak/Damon Kemp, Brawling Brutes, Angel Garza/Humberto Carrillo, Hank Walker/Tank Ledger, Chase U, Malik Blade/Edris Enofe, Gallus, Josh Briggs/Brooks Jensen, Bronco Nima/Lucien Price

If one member is out, the whole team is out and the last two teams have a regular tag match next week for a Tag Team Title shot the following week. Kemp is out less than ten seconds in and Gulak is not pleased. Ledger and Walker are out rather quickly as they’re clearing the ring pretty quickly to start.

Brawling along the ropes and on the apron ensues until Wolfgang low bridges Jensen out. Holland picks up Enofe and Blade for the double elimination as Stacks and Tony D’Angelo are having a nice spaghetti and meatball dinner while watching from the balcony. The Creeds get rid of Gallus and we’re already halfway done.

The Brutes and Nima/Price go out at the same time and fight to the back, leaving us with the Creeds, Chase U and Garza/Carrillo. Carrillo is backdropped out but the referees are dealing with the brawl in the aisle. That lets Garza and Carrillo toss the Creeds (the referees didn’t see them go over the top) but that’s it at 5:02.

Rating: C. This wasn’t much of a battle royal but if you’re going to have something like this, I can go with blazing through it as fast as they did here. It’s smart to find a way to get rid of the Creeds as they’re the best team around while leaving the fans someone to cheer for in Chase U. The match was just a means to an end to set up the regular tag match, but they even have something with the Brutes vs. Nima/Price so well done on booking for the future.

Apparently the #1 contenders match is right now. So Vic Joseph can’t be trusted to get his dates straight.

Chase U vs. Angel Garza/Humberto Carrillo

Jacy Jayne and Thea Hail come out with pom poms as Chase U cheerleaders. Chase takes over on Garza in the corner to start and Hudson’s elbow to the back gets two. We take a break and come back with Garza giving Chase a heck of a running knee (setting up an even better sell from Chase).

Carrillo chokes on the rope but Chase fights out of the corner, only for the villains to take Hudson off the apron. The tag goes through a few seconds later and Hudson gets to release Rock Bottom Humberto out of the corner for two. Chase tags himself back in with a high crossbody for two but a DDT on the floor drops Hudson. Back in and Carrillo hits a sitout powerbomb for two on Chase but cue the Creeds to take Carrillo and Garza down. The distraction lets Chase grab a rollup for the pin at 10:07.

Rating: C+. The match was fine and I can always go for the prospect of Chase U actually winning something. They’re still a popular act and they almost have to win something at some point. The match wasn’t much and the cheating at the end ties into the battle royal rather well.

Blair Davenport wants to face Gigi Dolin again at Halloween Havoc.

We get another Lexis King video, as he rants about how much his father left him alone and how he doesn’t love him. He is in no one’s shadow and will make his name bigger than Brian Pillman’s ever was, starting at Halloween Havoc.

Here is Carmelo Hayes for a chat. Last week he was standing next to John Cena and the Undertaker and he can’t believe it happened. Cue Baron Corbin to interrupt, saying he doesn’t want to hear about Hayes being a fan boy. Fans belong in the stands but Corbin heard about Hayes asking the legends about pictures. Maybe if Hayes focused on something other than being a fan, he would still have his championship.

Cue Dijak to interrupt, saying he’s going to beat them both and then become NXT Champion. Dijak talks about how Hayes is going to know the truth when he looks in his eyes, but Corbin points out that no one can look in Dijak’s eyes because he’s wearing sunglasses inside. He keeps going on about Corbin, who calls Dijak “just plain stupid”. Ilja Dragunov pops up on screen to say he’s looking forward to the match, but Cody Rhodes made one more ruling: the #1 contenders match is now a fatal four way, with Trick Williams included.

Hayes is STUNNED, leaving everyone to say what they want to talk about (Corbin is in favor of discussing Williams’ ugly pants). Hayes isn’t happy with Williams being in the match but he’s willing to put anyone down to get the title back. He’s asked if that includes Williams and the brawl is on, with Williams and Hayes clearing the ring.

A bunch of the women’s division talk about the Breakout Tournament when Tiffany Stratton comes in to brag about making it to the finals last week. Fallon Henley doesn’t want to hear about it but Stratton leaves.

Women’s Breakout Tournament First Round: Karmen Petrovic vs. Jaida Parker

Petrovic drives her against the ropes to start and spins around into a hammerlock. A knee to the ribs and a headscissors give Petrovic two but Parker starts in on the arm. Petrovic is sent into the corner and Parker sits on her ribs for two. Parker gets caught with a dragon screw legwhip though and Petrovic grabs something like Carmella’s Code Of Silence for the tap at 3:36.

Rating: C. This really wasn’t the best match though that’s kind of the point: these aren’t polished, experienced stars and they aren’t going to have the best match most of the time. Petrovic feels like a potential star and has been around on LVL Up in recent months. Parker hasn’t been around as much so Petrovic going forward makes a bit more sense, though neither exactly stole the show.

Natalya gives Tegan Nox a pep talk.

Tegan Nox vs. Lyra Valkyria

Natalya is here with Nox, who works on a wristlock to start. Valkyria takes her down to the mat and cranks on the leg, only for Nox to reverse into an armbar. Back up and Valkyria gets a sunset flip for two, followed by a knockdown into a crucifix for the same. Nox gets sent outside for a dropkick through the ropes as we take a break.

We come back with Valkyria hitting a northern lights suplex for two. Valkyria scores with a big kick for two but Nox drops her for the same. A Molly Go Round gives Nox two and she hits another one from the apron to the floor. Cue Chelsea Green and Piper Niven, with the distraction allowing Valkyria to hit a spinning kick to the head for the pin at 11:31.

Rating: B-. Good stuff here, which shouldn’t be a surprise as there was a lot of talent involved. Nox losing isn’t the biggest surprise as she might be on the main roster but Valkyria is gearing up for a major title match at Halloween Havoc. They even got some time here and had a solid match, as you probably saw coming.

Post match everyone but Valkyria brawl to the back. That leaves Valkyria to talk about Becky Lynch coming to her old school and seeing something in Valkyria. Now Valkyria is ready to win the NXT Women’s Title. Lynch pops up on screen to say Valkyria was the first woman she wanted to face, because Valkyria is really, really good. She can say Lynch is her hero all she wants but she is going to have to get that same chip on her shoulder again. Welcome to the big time.

Carmelo Hayes is not happy when Trick Williams comes in. Hayes wants to know what that was and Williams says he’s listening to John Cena’s advice last week. Williams is ready to move up and he’s at the same place Hayes was at last year. Hayes gets it and Williams says yes, he should have come and talked to him. That seems to calm Hayes down but they have to go head to head tonight. They agree they’ll do whatever it takes, but they’re still cool. It’s still bizarre to see two wrestlers behaving like adults.

Gigi Dolin says Halloween Havoc is her favorite event of the year and that means Spin The Wheel, Make The Deal is coming back. Dolin spins and gets…..Lights Out, so Blair Davenport better be ready.

Von Wagner is going through physical therapy after Bron Breakker attacked him. Mr Stone is with him and doesn’t want to see Wagner like this. He knows when Wagner is ready, he’ll finish it. Wagner wants to work harder.

Kiana James vs. Shotzi

Shotzi forearms her into the corner to start but James takes her down. That earns a rather loud screech from Shotzi, who jumps on James’ back for a choke. James sends her outside though and we take a break. Back with James hitting a shoulder to the ribs in the corner but Shotzi sends her throat first into the ropes. That doesn’t matter as James is back with a running clothesline, followed by the chinlock.

Shotzi fights up and strikes away, including something like a DDT onto the middle rope. James knocks her off the top but here is Roxanne Perez to check James’ bag, which contains a brick (makes sense for her as Money Inc. did it with their briefcase thirty years ago). Shotzi gets the bag and throws it to James before falling down. An annoyed James misses a charge into the corner and Shotzi hits a top rope backsplash for the pin at 8:35.

Rating: C+. Shotzi feels like much more of a star with the new haircut and look. That’s more than I would have expected and it’s great to see her having another chance. At the same time, Perez vs. James could be a good feud, as it gives Perez something to do to build her back up to the next title shot at some point in the future.

Meta Four is panicking because Jakara Jackson is in the hospital. Noam Dar is with her and mocks McKenzie Mitchell for questioning Jackson’s injury. Akira Tozawa comes in, looking for Dar, but obviously he’s not here. Tozawa says let him know.

Trick Williams has been attacked. Post break, he is officially out of the #1 contenders match.

Dominik Mysterio is in the back when Nathan Frazer comes in to start the brawl. They fight through backstage and into the arena with Frazer clearing him out.

Roxanne Perez and Shotzi are in the back, with Perez not getting Kiana James’ deal. They find the Wheel, with Perez spinning to a Devil’s Playground match. Apparently she’s fighting James at Halloween Havoc.

Women’s Breakout Tournament First Round: Brinley Reece vs. Arianna Grace

Reece is replacing the injured Jakara Jackson. Grace knocks her into the corner to start and pulls her back out, setting up a suplex for two. Another suplex is blocked but Grace pokes her in the eye. Grace loads up a Rock Bottom but flips Reece forward onto her face for the pin at 2:50.

Bron Breakker brags about how awesome he is when Mr. Stone comes in. He doesn’t care what happened to Von Wagner, which has Stone thinking Breakker just doesn’t care. Stone’s kids ask what is next for Wagner but Breakker just laughs. Breakker tells him to do something about it so Stone challenges him for Halloween Havoc. Stone realizes he screwed up as Breakker agrees, telling him to call the hospital.

Here’s what’s coming at Halloween Havoc.

Baron Corbin vs. Carmelo Hayes vs. Dijak

For a title shot against Ilja Dragunov at Halloween Havoc. The big guys stagger each other so Hayes slugs away where he can. Dijak catches Hayes with a rather high chokebreaker but Corbin hits a clothesline. Hayes is back up with a springboard clothesline but Dijak pulls him out of the air.

A big toss sends Hayes flying, leaving Corbin and Dijak to slug it out again. Hayes’ springboard double DDT plants them both for two each and we take a break. Back with Corbin suplexing Dijak before dropping Hayes for two. Corbin takes Hayes outside for a Death Valley Driver as the fans declare this awesome.

Dijak kicks Corbin off the apron and takes him back inside for High Justice. Hayes superkicks Dijak for two and the slugout is on. One heck of a big boot gives Dijak two on Hayes and they go to the corner. Corbin breaks up a superbomb but Hayes is right there to turn it into a Tower Of Doom. Corbin knocks Hayes to the floor and plants Dijak with End of Days. Hayes gives Corbin Nothing But Net though and steals the pin at 12:37.

Rating: B-. I wasn’t really feeling this one and it didn’t get to the great level that they seemed to be shooting for. If nothing else, all of the superkicks and one on one segments got a bit annoying and the idea of Hayes vs. Dragunov III isn’t overly appealing. It wasn’t a bad match, but it didn’t exactly reach that top level.

Lyra Valkyria looks at a picture of Becky Lynch and says it’s in one week. Jade Cargill pops up on a screen and points at her wrist like a watch.

Overall Rating: C. Maybe it was coming off of last week’s huge show but this one didn’t exactly come off great. There were some good matches and it helped set up Halloween Havoc, which should be a much bigger show next week. For now though, this was just kind of a there show with some nice parts included. Just get to the big stuff though, as it needs to be an upgrade over this week.

Chase U and Humberto Carrillo/Angel Garza won a tag team battle royal
Chase U b. Humberto Carrillo/Angel Garza – Rollup to Garza
Karmen Petrovic b. Jaida Parker – Leg choke
Lyra Valkyria b. Tegan Nox – Spinning kick to the head
Shotzi b. Kiana James – Top rope backsplash
Arianna Grace b. Brinley Reece – Flipping faceplant
Carmelo Hayes b. Baron Corbin and Dijak – End of Days to Dijak



Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and head over to my Amazon author page with 30 different cheap wrestling books at:



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NXT – October 3, 2023: Really Big Coming Attractions

Date: October 3, 2023
Location: Capitol Wrestling Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Vic Joseph, Booker T.

We’re done with No Mercy and that means we are on the way to the two week spectacle that is Halloween Havoc. The big story is Ilja Dragunov taking the NXT Title from Carmelo Hayes, but Dominik Mysterio also lost the North American Title to Trick Williams. The latter has a rematch tonight and Rhea Ripley is back as well. Let’s get to it.

Here is No Mercy if you need a recap.

We open with a long rematch from No Mercy.

Here is Becky Lynch, arm no longer in a sling, to open things up. She’s still not medically cleared to compete, but neither if Tiffany Stratton after the beating she gave her. Now she’s thinking towards the future though, and that is the first night of Halloween Havoc. She knows she has Tegan Nox first, but here is Lyra Valkyria to interrupt.

Valkyria talks about Becky making her NXT debut in 2014 and it was the first episode of the show she ever saw. It made her start training and she can’t believe how far Becky has taken Irish wrestling. Valkyria would love a title shot but here is Indi Hartwell to say she never lost the title. Roxanne Perez comes out (with Becky doing a motion of “come on down”) and says she wants the title back too. Becky says we’ll just do a triple threat for the Halloween Havoc title shot.

We look at the NXT Women’s Breakout Tournament brackets:

Kelani Jordan
Izzy Dame

Arianna Grace
Jakara Jackson

Karmen Petrovic
Jaida Parker

Dani Palmer
Lola Vice

Tyler Bate/Butch vs. Gallus

Joe Coffey is here with Gallus. Butch takes Mark down to start but Wolfgang gets in a cheap shot from the apron to take over. Wolfgang comes in but Butch takes over on his arm, allowing the tag to Bate and a double arm stomp. A double arm snap puts Mark on the floor and a double Bop and Bang puts Wolfgang outside too as we take a break. Back with Butch hitting the ten forearms to Mark and then diving on Joe. Bate comes in for the airplane spin to Wolfgang as everything breaks down. Butch hits a moonsault to the floor and Bate adds a dive. Back in and double butterfly powerbomb finishes Mark at 10:06.

Rating: C+. This was more or less a squash as Gallus barely got in any major offense. That being said, losing to a team like British Strong Style is hardly a terrible result and Gallus going away a bit could be nice for the time being. At the very least, Bate and Butch going forward as a regular tag team has some serious potential.

Post match Gallus runs in for the beatdown but Ridge Holland makes the save.

Here is Ilja Dragunov for a chat (but first he slips on the ropes on the way in). After the MELO MISSED chant, Dragunov praises Carmelo Hayes and talks about how hard Hayes pushed him. This championship reign will be a symbol of unparalleled passion. Cue Trick Williams to interrupt, saying he’s here because he won a title at No Mercy too. Williams says he isn’t stopping, but here is a limping Carmelo Hayes to interrupt. Is he slipping or is Williams thanking Dragunov after Hayes praised him for months?

Hayes talks about his history with Williams and praises him for his title win. Defending the title is another level, which has Williams asking if Hayes thinks he can’t do it. Hayes says that’s not what he means but Dragunov asks what Hayes did mean. Dragunov says this was a champions’ conversation but Hayes says Williams needs to be focus on Dominik Mysterio.

Cue Dominik, with Williams saying he’s going to take Dominik out tonight. Dominik accuses Williams of being 6’4 and 240lbs, but he’s still in Hayes’ shadow. Hayes offers to have Williams’ back tonight but Williams says he’s going to do it himself, which Hayes seems to understand.

Indi Hartwell vs. Roxanne Perez vs. Lyra Valkyria

For a title shot at Becky Lynch, on commentary, in three weeks. Indi misses a double clothesline to start and gets sent outside. That leaves Valkyria and Perez to go to the mat, with Perez rolling her up for two. Hartwell is back in and sends Valkyria outside, leaving Perez to roll her up for two as well. Perez spins around her into a headscissors to the floor but Valkyria breaks up a dive. Valkyria’s dropkick through the ropes hits Perez but Indi blocks another one. Perez dives onto Valkyria, only to get dropped by Indi as we take a break.

Back with Perez hitting a high crossbody on Indi and dropkicking Valkyria into the corner. A Russian legsweep gets two on Valkyria and hammers away on Indi but Valkyria dropkicks both of them down. Valkyria suplexes Perez for two but she’s right back with a super hurricanrana for two. Cue Kiana James to pull Perez to the floor but Lynch drops her. That leaves Valkyria to hit a top rope splash for the pin on Indi at 11:54.

Rating: B-. It has felt like Valkyria has been ready to become the new breakout star in NXT for a long time now and giving her the title shot against Lynch on the big stage will be a major step for her. I’m not sure if she wins the title, but she at least gets a chance. Perez has established herself as a player so the loss doesn’t really hurt her. I still don’t quite get the appeal of Hartwell, but she was perfectly fine here for the most part.

Post match Tegan Nox comes out to point at both of them.

Carmelo Hayes runs into Bron Breakker, who asks where Trick Williams was when Hayes lost.

Ilja Dragunov gets his side plates on the NXT Title when Baron Corbin comes in to remind Dragunov that he beat him not too long ago. He’s coming for the title.

Blair Davenport vs. Gigi Dolin

Dolin jumps her from behind during their entrances as ringside is still full of smoke. Back in and the bell rings with Dolin hammering away but Davenport cuts her off. A kick to the back gives Davenport two and they head outside again. Davenport misses a chair shot ad the referee takes it away again back inside. The distraction lets Dolin grab a rollup for the pin at 3:48.

Rating: C. This didn’t have time to do much and they were trying to cram in a bunch of stuff at once. Davenport has hit quite the wall in recent months and this was another hit for her. She’s still good as a villain, but after feeling like she should have jumped up the ranks, she’s losing to Gigi Dolin in less than four minutes. The match was mainly a way to have Davenport get more annoyed, meaning this will continue.

We look at Roxanne Perez winning the Women’s Breakout Tournament last year.

Kiana James is tired of people hearing about Perez because she was in the tournament as well. If Perez wants to fight her, she has to win a match next week. Against Asuka.

We meet the roster of the Women’s Breakout Tournament.

Women’s Breakout Tournament First Round: Izzy Dame vs. Kelani Jordan

Jordan’s sunset flip attempt is blocked to start and Dame sends her throat first into the middle rope. Some shoulders in the corner keep Jordan in trouble and we hit the chinlock with the arm trapped. Dame grabs an over the shoulder backbreaker but Jordan slips out. A 619 armdrag sets up some dropkicks to put Dame down. Jordan hits a high crossbody for two but Dame boots her down for two. Back up and Jordan sends her into the corner, setting up a split legged moonsault for the pin at 4:57.

Rating: C. This wasn’t the smoothest match and while Jordan wasn’t great, she was the better of the two options. These tournaments have a tendency to be about one or two people and Jordan making a run would not be the biggest surprise. At the end of the day, the women’s division needs some fresh blood and we might be seeing it here.

Chase U runs into Thea Hail and Jacy Jayne, with Andre Chase offering to be in Hail’s corner for her tag match. Jayne: “So, like a chaperon?” Jayne thinks it’s not a bad idea and Hail goes along with it, despite some reservations.

We get another vignette of someone watching TV, this time with several second generation wrestlers included. We also see part of a reflection when the TV is turned off. This is the same vignette that aired at No Mercy, or at least close to it.

Thea Hail/Jacy Jayne vs. Lola Vice/Elektra Lopez

Chase U is here too. Hail mocks Vice and Lopez’s dancing entrance. Hail strikes away at Vice to start but Lopez gets in a cheap shot from the apron. The chinlock doesn’t last long for Vice as Hail is up with a dragon screw legwhip. Vice breaks up the tag though and knocks Jayne down on the apron. Hail gets over for the tag to Jayne without much trouble, meaning it’s a running neckbreaker for two on Vice. Back up and Vice gets in a shot of her own, allowing the tag to Lopez. That means a missed charge sends Lopez into the post and it’s back to Hail. A quick Kimura makes Lopez tap at 4:07. Chase U didn’t play a factor here.

Rating: C+. They kept this moving and Hail being all mature but still intense is an interesting hybrid. I can’t imagine this ends with anything but a big Chase U reunion (having it all be Hail’s psychology project would be hilarious), though it’s letting Hail grow a bit. She could only be the crazy student for so long and this is certainly a different way to go for her. If they can give us the big feel good ending, it should work out just fine.

Carmelo Hayes has requested a match with Bron Breakker next week. Oh, and he’ll have a special guest in his corner: John Cena.

Also next week: Cody Rhodes, with a big announcement. Hey did I mention NXT is going head to head with Dynamite next week?

North American Title: Dominik Mysterio vs. Trick Williams

Mysterio, with Rhea Ripley, is challenging in a No Mercy rematch. Williams shoulders and dropkicks him down to start as Ripley is not pleased. We take an early break and come back with the rest of Judgment Day coming to the ring so Dominik can score with a belly to back suplex. A middle rope corkscrew Swanton gives Dominik two and he chokes Williams on the rope.

Three Amigos are broken up and Williams hits a jumping neckbreaker for a breather. Williams hits a Rock Bottom but a distraction lets Dominik hit a DDT onto the belt for two. The 619 connects but the frog splash hits raised knees. Williams hits the running knee so here is JD McDonagh. He’s kneed down as well but Dominik gets the Money in the Bank briefcase. Balor gets in a belt shot and Dominik adds the frog splash to get the title back at 10:19.

Rating: C+. The match and arguably the result aren’t important here. What matters is NXT just made Trick Williams into a star in the last four days. Not only did he beat Dominik clean(ish) to win the title at No Mercy, but it took FIVE people and a belt shot to beat him here. Dominik is right back where he started while Williams is a star who will have a story with Carmelo Hayes coming out of this. Good stuff, and they made a star out of someone with potential.

Post match Paul Heyman pops up to say that since John Cena will be in Carmelo Hayes’ corner, Roman Reigns has told Heyman to be in Breakker’s corner next week. Well sure why not.

Overall Rating: B-. While the wrestling was very focused on the women’s division tonight, this was ALL about the announcements for next week (and maybe the title change too). WWE is going full blast against Dynamite next week and that is going to make for the biggest NXT in a long time. I’m curious to see how things go, but as for tonight, we had a good show coming off NXT, but it’s all about next week and they aren’t trying to hide it.

Butch/Tyler Bate b. Gallus – Double butterfly powerbomb to Coffey
Lyra Valkyria b. Indi Hartwell and Roxanne Perez – Top rope splash to Valkyria
Gigi Dolin b. Blair Davenport – Rollup
Kelani Jordan b. Izzy Dame – Split legged moonsault
Thea Hail/Jacy Jayne b. Elektra Lopez/Lola Vice – Kimura to Vice
Dominik Mysterio b. Trick Williams – Frog splash



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NXT No Mercy 2023: Takeover Lite

No Mercy 2023
Date: September 30, 2023
Location: Mechanics Bank Arena, Bakersfield, California
Commentators: Vic Joseph, Booker T.

NXT is back on the road this week and the card is looking rather stacked. The two big matches this time around will see Becky Lynch defending the Women’s Title against Tiffany Stratton in an Extreme Rules match, plus Ilja Dragunov challenging Carmelo Hayes for the NXT Title. That should be enough to make this work so let’s get to it.

Pre-Show: Kelani Jordan vs. Blair Davenport

Davenport grabs a headlock to start but Jordan snaps off a hurricanrana into a dropkick. Back up and Davenport grabs a slam and we hit a reverse chinlock. A Boston crab sends Jordan over to the ropes but she’s back up with the forearms to really wake up the crowd. Jordan grabs a springboard cutter for a double knockdown and an elbow puts Davenport down again. A sleeper has Davenport in more trouble but a ram into the corner breaks it up. Jordan’s split legged moonsault hits raised knees, allowing Davenport to hit a middle rope double stomp to the back. Something close to a Falcon Arrow finishes for Davenport at 6:35.

Rating: C. This was a nice showcase for Jordan, but the only way she was going to pull this off was with Gigi Dolin interfering. Jordan is someone who has potential to go somewhere once she gets some experience and develops a bit but we’re a long way from there. Davenport is still one of the bigger villains in the division, but she needs to get into a bigger feud sooner or later.

Post match Gigi Dolin runs in to go after Davenport.

The opening video sees someone putting a No Mercy cartridge into an N64 and a modernized version of the game’s intro. We get a character select screen (Complete with a dig diggity dig, dig diggity dog!) and most of the matches are selected and shown on the match screens ala the original game. This was AMAZING.

Bron Breakker vs. Baron Corbin

Breakker comes out with a dog head costume on for something that might have sounded better on paper. Corbin on the other hand comes out on a motorcycle. Breakker hits the big running flip dive to the floor and the brawl is on before the bell. They fight into the crowd with Corbin getting the better of things until Breakker knocks him back to ringside.

We pause for Breakker to beat up some cameramen, allowing Corbin to get in a few shots of his own. Corbin’ backsplash hits the announcers’ table by mistake though and they finally go inside. The bell rings and Breakker hammers away as we have no commentary for some reason. Corbin hits a middle rope clothesline and some forearms on the mat as they’re going with the slugout. Breakker powers him into the corner though and runs the corner for the super hurricanrana.

The gorilla press powerslam gets two but Corbin tells him to bring it and hammers away. The Recliner sends Corbin over to the ropes and he’s back with Deep Six for two. They slug it out again until Breakker hits a hard clothesline. The fight heads outside again and Corbin sends him through the announcers’ table to quite the positive response. Breakker pops back up with a spear and they head back inside….where Mr. Stone pops up for a distraction. That’s enough for Corbin to grab the End of Days for the pin at 9:35.

Rating: B. That was certainly an odd way to go, as I wouldn’t have bet on Breakker losing here. Then again I wouldn’t have bet on Corbin being treated as a good guy pretty much ever in WWE. As for the match, this was about two big, strong people hitting each other really hard until one of them couldn’t get up anymore. Granted it took some assistance for Corbin to put him away, but it was a heck of a fight.

Carmelo Hayes and Trick Williams want to leave with their own titles tonight.

North American Title: Dominik Mysterio vs. Trick Williams

Mysterio is defending and Dragon Lee is guest referee. A dropkick before the bell gives Mysterio a fast two so it’s already time to yell at Lee. Williams follows him to the floor and throws him back inside as the fans want Mami. Back in and Mysterio kicks the rope for a low blow, followed by a dropkick to send Williams outside again. The chinlock doesn’t last long back inside so Mysterio snaps Williams throat first across the top.

Williams fights up though and a double clothesline leaves them both down. Mysterio hits the 619 but a superkick hits Lee by mistake. A neckbreaker drops Williams as another referee runs in for the near fall. Back up and Mysterio hits the other referee as well, followed by a crossbody to take Williams outside. Williams gets posted but avoids the frog splash, setting up a knee to drive the belt into Mysterio’s face. Lee counts the pin to give Williams the title at 9:40.

Rating: C+. This was one of those matches with all kinds of things going on, which will likely set up a rematch. What matters is giving Williams the big push as he has seemed to be ready for the chance. It’s an interesting way to go and now we get to see what he can do with the chance. Good for them for trying something with someone new, though I’m surprised that Mysterio lost here instead of on Raw.

We look at the dinner to set up the four way Tag Team Title match.

Joe Gacy tells Ava that the Schism is done and now he has to find his own way.

Tag Team Titles: Tony D’Angelo/Stacks vs. Bronco Nima/Lucien Price vs. Creed Brothers vs. Humberto Carrillo/Angel Garza

D’Angelo and Stacks are defending and it’s one fall to a finish. Scrypts is here with Nima and Price, who come to the ring on a bicycle and tricycle. The champs have a bunch of the family here for the entrance and we’re ready to go. They waste no time in going to the big brawl and commentary is already feeling sorry for the referee. Brutus hits the big dive to the floor to take some people out, only to get chopped back inside.

D’Angelo comes in and gets chopped by Garza and Carrillo but we pause as D’Angelo’s knee gives out. It’s off to Stacks for a running uppercut as D’Angelo is taken out. Stacks gets dropped by a high/low and a Gory Bomb/slingshot flipping cutter combination gives Carrillo two. Price comes in for a chinlock but Stacks fights up and gets over to Brutus for the tag. Brutus cleans house and ankle locks Garza as Julius suplexes everyone in sight.

Carrillo makes the save and we get the big staredown as D’Angelo comes back to the ring. The Creeds and the champs take the other four up top for a quadruple superplex and everyone is down again. Nima and Price are back up to clean house again and a power up powerslam gets two on D’Angelo. Garza and Carrillo are back in with some dropkicks but Brutus sends them to the floor for the springboard Brutus Ball. That leaves Price to get caught in Bada Boom Bada Bing to retain the titles at 12:05.

Rating: B-. This was fun as they had everyone get in there and go nuts at various times, with D’Angelo coming back in for the big moment later on making a cool moment. You also had the Creeds getting to show just how awesome they can be and it was all over the place for about twelve minutes. It was a bit messy for the most part, but that’s exactly how it should have gone.

We see the vignette from NXT of someone watching the Cincinnati Bengals and WCW, but he also watches various second generation wrestlers.

Carmelo Hayes is VERY proud of Trick Williams.

We recap Butch winning the Global Heritage Invitational to earn a Heritage Cup shot.

Heritage Cup: Butch vs. Noam Dar

Butch, with Tyler Bate, is challenging and Meta Four is here with Dar. Round one begins with the two of them going to the mat but neither can get much of an advantage. Back up and Dar doesn’t seem overly confident, with Butch pulling him down by the arm to make it worse. Butch cranks on the fingers and arm until the round ends, but Dar gets in a cheap shot after the bell.

Round two begins with Dar going after the arm and firing off a kick to the chest. Butch isn’t having that and scores with his own kicks in the corner. Another shot to the arm cuts Dar down again and Butch hits the ten forearms to the chest. The Meta Four offer a distraction though, allowing Oro Mensah to get in a cheap shot. Dar steals the pin and the fall at 2:30 of the round and 6:30 overall.

Round three begins with Dar hammering away but Butch backflips out of a German suplex attempt. Dar rolls to the floor so Butch moonsaults down onto him for the big crash. Back in and Dar kicks another moonsault out of the air but the Nova Roller misses. Butch hits the Bitter End for the pin to tie it up at 1:58 of the round and 9:10 overall.

Round four opens with Butch going after the arm and grabbing the cross armbreaker. That’s reversed into a triangle choke but Butch stacks it up for two and the break. Dar gets in another shot of his own, only to get pulled into Butch’s triangle choke. The clock runs out though and Dar survives without tapping.

Round five begins with both of them banged up but Butch unloads with chops to take over. The Bitter End is broken up and Dar hits him in the face for two. Butch catches him up top with a superplex and another near fall. Dar heads to the apron and grabs a brainbuster for a heck of a near fall and the fans get back into it. Butch snaps the finger as the round ends.

Round six (the final round) begins with Butch striking away but Mensah offers a distraction. The Nova Roller gives Dar two as Bate goes after the Meta Four. Butch hits a Tyler Driver 97 for two of his own but Dar pulls him into the kneebar. That’s reversed into the Bitter End for another near fall so the cross armbreaker goes on. Cue Gallus to go after Bate, allowing Joe Coffey to come in and hit Butch with All The Best For The Belles. Dar retains at 2:34 of the round and 18:51 overall.

Rating: B-. The action was good but egads we just spent a month on a tournament to find Dar, who has been champion for the better part of ever, a new challenger and never mind, as Dar retains anyway. He’s good at what he does but it’s ok to let him drop the title for a bit. The action was high quality as you would expect, but it’s really hard to stay interested in Dar’s title reign continuing.

We recap Ilja Dragunov vs. Carmelo Hayes for the NXT Title. Hayes retained over Dragunov at the Great American Bash but Trick Williams used a chair. Now Hayes needs to know he can win on his own.

NXT Title: Ilja Dragunov vs. Carmelo Hayes

Hayes is defending and has a special entrance with banners falling, featuring the name of everyone he’s beaten to retain the title. After the Big Match Intros, Dragunov sends him into the corner and strikes away to take over fast. Hayes gets in a few shots of his own but the springboard elbow misses. Instead Dragunov scores with the 61Line for the knockdown, setting up a backsplash for two.

Dragunov grabs a front facelock to keep Hayes in trouble, with a knee to the head knocking him silly again. The strike off goes to Dragunov but Hayes sends him into the corner and unloads with chops. Hayes knocks him down again but can’t follow up, meaning it’s time for a breather. Back up and they trade more strikes until Hayes nails a step up enziguri to drop Dragunov again.

A springboard bulldog (originally a DDT but Hayes changed it in mid-air after realizing it wasn’t going to work for a nice save) gives Hayes two but Dragunov is back up with some rolling German suplexes. The Constantine Special misses for Dragunov and Hayes grabs a spinning faceplant for two. Hayes unloads with stomps to the head until Dragunov slips out and hits a running knee.

Dragunov scores with a powerbomb and loads up Coast To Coast. Hayes tries to Codebreaker him out of the air but leaves it a bit short, allowing Dragunov to Death Valley Driver him into the corner. Now the Coast To Coast can connect for two and an H Bomb gets two more.

The middle rope H Bomb gives Dragunov another near fall and he’s stunned off the kickout. Torpedo Moscow cut off with a superkick to give Hayes a breather and they head to the apron. Hayes cutters him to the floor for the big crash and they head back inside, where Dragunov knocks him out of the air. A super H Bomb gives Dragunov the pin and the title at 21:07.

Rating: A-. This one pretty much blew their first match away and was two guys beating the fire out of each other. Dragunov is the more rugged brawler who dominated Hayes to start but Hayes eventually got into it with the speed and athleticism. It was a heck of a match, probably Hayes’ best ever, but it was time for Dragunov to get the big win.

Respect is shown post match.

Video on the Women’s Breakout Tournament.

We recap Tiffany Stratton challenging Becky Lynch for the Women’s Title. Lynch took the title from her but Stratton kept attacking the new champ. As a result, it’s Extreme Rules for the title.

Women’s Title: Becky Lynch vs. Tiffany Stratton

Lynch is defending and this is Extreme Rules. We get a look back at Lynch’s NXT career before she comes out with a shopping cart of weapons. They fight into the crowd (featuring a heck of a No Mercy sign modeled after the N64 game with modern stars) with Lynch getting the better of things until a forearm to the face slows her down. Lynch hits her with some kind of a necklace (from a fan) and Stratton is knocked back down the steps.

They get back to ringside where Stratton kendo sticks her down to take over. A basement dropkick gets two for Stratton so she grabs the toolbox. Stratton whips out a rather large wrench before switching to a hammer. Both of them miss a big swing and the hammer falls out to the floor. Stratton grabs a sidewalk slam for two but Lynch sends her into the corner. The Bexploder lets Lynch go up top for a missile dropkick and Stratton rolls outside. That’s fine with Lynch, who puts her in the shopping cart for a ram into the steps.

Back in and Lynch pours out a bunch of Barbies, with Stratton being dropped onto them for two. Stratton is back up with one heck of a trashcan lid shot to the head, followed by a non-lid shot to the ribs. A spinebuster onto the trashcan gives Stratton two but she takes a long time throwing in a bunch of chairs. Lynch fights back but gets powerbombed onto the steps. That doesn’t seem to matter very much as Lynch fights up and grabs a table, only to get knocked down again.

Stratton manages to lose Lynch as she sets up the table though, allowing Lynch to spray her with a fire extinguisher. Lynch whips out a barbed wire baseball bat but drops it before she can, uh, kill her. Stratton manages a hurricanrana and a double handspring elbow sends Lynch through the barricade.

With Lynch on the table, Stratton hits a Swanton to…actually not break the table in a nasty looking landing. Another Swanton connects for two back inside so Lynch rolls outside, only to miss a moonsault. The Manhandle Slam on the floor plants Stratton for two and Lynch is rather shocked. Stratton Regal rolls her onto the chairs but misses the Prettiest Moonsault Ever. The Manhandle Slam onto the chairs retains Lynch’s title at 20:20.

Rating: A-. Well that was awesome, as they beat the absolute fire out of each other. Stratton is so far beyond what she should be able to do at this level of experience and it’s not like losing to Lynch is some career killer. Lynch might not be what she was before but she can still more than bring it on the big stage. Great match here and one of Lynch’s best in a long time.

Lynch knows she was in a war.

Carmelo Hayes apologizes to Trick Williams for not getting to be double champs. Williams hugs him to end the show.

Overall Rating: B+. Those last two matches more than carried the show and made it more than worth a look. The opener was good too and the rest of the matches were good enough. This felt like it was following the old Takeover formula and while it wasn’t quite up to that level, the two main events were both great and this was a heck of a show. NXT has absolutely found itself and if they can keep that going, Halloween Havoc and Deadline should both be rather awesome.

Blair Davenport b. Kelani Jordan – Falcon Arrow
Baron Corbin b. Bron Breakker – End Of Days
Trick Williams b. Dominik Mysterio – Jumping knee into the title belt to the face
Tony D’Angelo/Stacks b. Bronco Nima/Lucien Price, Creed Brothers and Humberto Carrillo/Angel Garza – Bada Boom Bada Bing to Price
Noam Dar b. Butch 2-1
Ilja Dragunov b. Carmelo Hayes – Super H Bomb
Becky Lynch b. Tiffany Stratton – Manhandle Slam onto a pile of chairs



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NXT – September 26, 2023: I Want To See No Mercy

Date: September 26, 2023
Location: Capitol Wrestling Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Vic Joseph, Booker T.

It’s a big night as this is the go home show for this weekend’s No Mercy event. That means we need a new #1 contender to the Heritage Cup, with Butch and Joe Coffey facing off for the title shot. Other than that, we’ll get the final push towards everything on Saturday, which should be good. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Global Heritage Invitational Finals: Butch vs. Joe Coffey

The winner gets a Heritage Cup Title shot at Noam Dar (watching from a box with the Meta Four) and the rest of Gallus is here with Coffey. Butch takes him to the mat with a headlock to start before starting in on the arm. The stomp to the arm sets up a Fujiwara armbar but a Wolfgang distraction lets Coffey fight back. Butch flips out of a belly to back suplex and Gallus is ejected as we take a break.

Back with Butch working on the arm but Coffey knocks him down again. A German suplex drops Butch again but he’s back with an enziguri. Coffey stays up for a discus lariat to leave them both down. Coffey’s running headbutt sends Butch into the corner and All The Best For The Bells gets two. Butch is sent outside where he avoids a charge, sending Coffey into the steps. Back in and the Bitter End finishes for Butch at 12:41.

Rating: B. Butch is the better choice here as Coffey vs. Dar isn’t exactly a marquee matchup. There is always the chance of Butch winning the title and having him lose after winning this big, elaborate tournament would be a letdown. It’s still fun to watch Butch pick someone apart too and that is exactly what we got here in a good enough tournament final.

Dominik Mysterio, with a black eye, isn’t happy with having to defend against the winner of tonight’s triple threat on Saturday. First Adam Pearce is after him and now it’s Shawn Michaels.

Tony D’Angelo and Stacks are at their dinner and waiting on other tag teams to show up for their dinner. Los Lotharios are here first and get checked for weapons before they get to sit down. Angel Garza isn’t sure about the foot but they’re here for the titles anyway. Other teams are on the way.

Trick Williams vs. Joe Gacy

Ava is here with Gacy. Williams shoulders him down to start and scores with a dropkick. Gacy gets in a shot of his own and unloads with forearms on the mat. The chinlock goes on but Williams is right back up. A leg lariat puts Gacy down but he slips out of a slam and hits a corner elbow. The Upside Down is broken up though and Williams hits a running knee for the clean pin at 2:27. That’s an upset, especially at that speed.

Post match Williams says he’s behind Carmelo Hayes, but Hayes already has his title. Now Williams wants his own.

Blair Davenport doesn’t like Gigi Dolin jumping her from behind. She’s coming for her.

Chase U is worried about Thea Hail when they run into Jacy Jayne. They ask about Thea, who pops in with her new outfit. She’s happy with the new her but Chase U isn’t impressed. Jayne promises more.

Josh Briggs vs. Baron Corbin

Brooks Jensen and Fallon Henley are here too. They brawl to the floor to start with Briggs getting the better of things. Back in and Corbin hits a big boot to take over and hammers away. Briggs gets in a few shots but runs into End Of Days for the pin at 2:58.

Post match Corbin calls out Bron Breakker for No Mercy. Cue Breakker and the brawl is on with security breaking it up.

Trick Williams goes into Shawn Michaels’ office.

Long video on Becky Lynch vs. Tiffany Stratton, with Stratton saying she’s already sick of Lynch.

Lucien Price/Bronco Nima vs. Tank Ledger/Hank Walker

Ledger takes Nima into the corner to start and Ledger adds some running shots of his own. A slingshot splash gets two on Nima but he comes back with a heck of hook kick to the head. Price comes in for a running crotch attack on the rope but Ledger gets the tag and cleans house. Everything breaks down and the assisted Alabama Slam finishes Ledger at 2:48.

Blair Davenport jumps Gigi Dolin in her locker room.

Back to the dinner and Los Lotharios want the Tag Team Titles. The Creed Brothers come in and Brutus is already hungry. The Creeds make Mafia and Godfather references but some more people are coming.

Tyler Bate and Axiom are friends but they’re willing to fight for a title shot tonight. Trick Williams comes in to say the triple threat is now a four way. They’re cool with that.

Eddy Thorpe vs. Dijak

Strap match. They’re tied together and Dijak goes straight to the floor, with Thorpe diving onto him for the big crash. A middle rope dropkick takes Dijak down again but he knocks Thorpe into the corner to start the beating. Thorpe is sent outside for a crash and we take an early break.

Back with Thorpe slugging his way out of trouble and hitting a Cactus Clothesline. Dijak is fine enough to hit a chokeslam onto the apron and whips Thorpe into the barricade, where his family is watching. As his family is scared of what they’re seeing, Thorpe fights up and strikes away with the strap back inside, setting up a top rope elbow for the pin at 10:03.

Rating: C. As a normal match this was pretty good but as a strap match, it was nothing. Other than a few whippings, the strap meant nothing here and could have been completely dropped without missing much. Thorpe winning is a good moment for him and it should end their feud. Dijak continues to lose big matches, but at least he’s getting the chance.

Post match Dijak jumps Thorpe again as I guess this isn’t over. Thorpe is tied in the Tree of Woe for a whipping.

Blair Davenport interrupts an update on Gigi Dolin and warns Dolin to think twice about messing with her.

Dani Palmer vs. Thea Hail

Hail is basically dressed like Jacy Jayne (who is here as well), so Booker T. talks about Hannah Montana. Hail takes her down for a splash to the arm and the wristlock goes on. The Fujiwara armbar goes on but Palmer reverses into a rollup for two. Palmer drops her and goes up, only to miss the corkscrew moonsault. Hail grabs the Kimura for the tap at 2:10 to continue a string of short matches tonight.

Trick Williams comes up to Carmelo Hayes, who keeps texting while Williams talks about what he’s done tonight.

Barn Corbin and Bron Breakker get in another fight in the back.

Dragon Lee vs. Axiom vs. Trick Williams vs. Tyler Bate

For a North American Title shot at No Mercy. Williams gets knocked to the floor to start and Bate hits a big dive to take him out again. That leaves Lee to charge into Axiom’s elbow to the face, followed by a dropkick for a bonus. Axiom goes after the pile on the floor and Lee dives onto everyone. Back in and we get a three way submission, with only Axiom not in danger. Bate figures that out and breaks it up, leaving everyone free. Williams starts cleaning house (the fans approve), including a double flapjack to Bate and Axiom.

We take a break and come back with Axiom taking Bate down for two but Lee makes the save. Lee hits some corner dropkicks and a sitout powerbomb gets two on Bate. Williams clears out Axiom and hits a double Rock Bottom for two each on Bate and Lee. Bate is back up and airplane spins Lee and giant swings Axiom at the same time (of course he can) but Williams is back in and everyone is knocked down for a breather.

Lee knocks Axiom down again with a superkick and goes up top but Axiom catches him on top with a super Spanish Fly. The fans are VERY impressed but Williams comes back in. Lee headbutts Williams….and falls to the floor, leaving Williams to fall on Axiom for the pin at 10:42.

Rating: B. At some point you have to pull the trigger on someone new and that is what they did here with Williams. It makes things that much more interesting and I could go for seeing what he does against Mysterio. Williams has come a long, long way but at some point Lee and Axiom need to win something of their own. They’re both too good and getting such strong reactions that they almost have to try something with them. For now though, I’ll take Williams going to No Mercy.

Bronco Nima and Lucien Price, with Scrypts, arrive at the dinner and the champs make fun of Scrypts. Insults ensue and the four way title match is made.

Dominik Mysterio is ready for Trick Williams when Dragon Lee jumps him.

Carmelo Hayes is on his way to the ring when Trick Williams pops up. Hayes is proud of him and they’re both ready to win at No Mercy.

An unseen man is watching television, including the Cincinnati Bengals and WCW. Gee I wonder who that could be.

No Mercy rundown.

Here are Ilja Dragunov and Carmelo Hayes for the contract signing, with Dragunov almost hyperventilating over the sight for the belt. Hayes says there’s nothing left to say to each other so let’s just sign the deal. Dragunov talks about how Hayes is always in the wrong place at the wrong time, with Hayes saying it’s just like Dragunov at the Great American Bash.

Dragunov says Hayes took his best shot at the Bash and missed, which is why he needed the chair. Hayes talks about how being the champion isn’t about enduring pain but rather being undeniable and Him. He says that he’s different than everyone Dragunov has faced, like Wes Lee, Oro Mensah or….Trick Williams.

Dragunov knows Hayes just slipped up and signs the contract before saying Hayes can’t do anything at No Mercy. If Hayes wants to pus him to new limits, Hayes will find something he won’t forget for the rest of his life. Hayes signs as well and says the title is bigger than the two of them. He’s a beacon of hope for people who look like him. Dragunov can be champion, but he can’t do it better than Hayes.

One more thing: Dragon Lee will be guest referee for Dominik Mysterio vs. Trick Williams at No Mercy.

Baron Corbin and Bron Breakker are still fighting in the parking lot. A car is opened and Breakker’s spear hits the open door, allowing Corbin to unload on him. Breakker shrugs off a low blow and grabs a choke as the fight heads inside. They crash through the wall of Shawn Michaels’ office and security finally breaks it up to end the show.

Overall Rating: B. This show had one major job and that was to get me interested in No Mercy. With the show over, I’m a lot more interested in Saturday’s show than I was coming in and that makes this a big success. There were enough good matches here (along with some short ones) to get me interested and now if they can do well with a pretty stacked card, we should be in for a heck of a Saturday. Pretty awesome go home show here and I’m more into a show I didn’t care much about coming in.

Butch b. Joe Coffey – Bitter End
Trick Williams b. Joe Gacy – Jumping knee
Baron Corbin b. Josh Briggs – End Of Days
Lucien Price/Bronco Nima b. Tank Ledger/Hank Walker – Assisted Alabama Slam to Ledger
Eddy Thorpe b. Dijak – Top rope elbow
Thea Hail b. Dani Palmer – Fujiwara armbar
Trick Williams b. Dragon Lee, Axiom and Tyler Bate – Williams fell on Axiom



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NXT – September 12, 2023: She’s Back

Date: September 12, 2023
Location: Capitol Wrestling Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Vic Joseph, Booker T.

We are less than three weeks away from No Mercy and tonight we’ll find out the show’s main event. This week will see Ilja Dragunov vs. Wes Les with the winner getting an NXT Title shot against Carmelo Hayes at the big show. Other than that, Becky Lynch is here to challenge Tiffany Stratton for the NXT Women’s Title. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening recap.

Wes Lee vs. Ilja Dragunov

The winner faces Carmelo Hayes for the NXT Title at No Mercy. Lee knocks him into the corner to start and strikes away before doing it in another corner for a bonus. Dragunov comes back with some forearms of his own as commentary runs down tonight’s card. The enziguri misses for Dragunov and Lee dropkicks him in the back of the head.

One heck of a chop puts Lee down again but he flips out of a German suplex. Lee kicks him to the floor and hits the required dive but another is cut off. We take a break and come back with Lee getting two off a hurricanrana and kicking him in the head a few times. A Spanish Fly gives Lee two but a hard clothesline gives Dragunov the same.

Lee scores with the Cardiac Kick to send Dragunov outside but he’s right back with a top rope superplex. The H Bomb gives Dragunov two more so he loads up the Torpedo Moscow. Lee cuts that off with a jumping knee but Dragunov blasts him with the forearm to the back of the head for the pin and the title shot at 13:26.

Rating: B. This was quite the fight with Dragunov hitting Lee very hard but Lee hanging in there with his own fast paced offense. While Dragunov felt like the favorite, it wouldn’t have been crazy to see Lee pick up the win, which gave the match that extra layer of drama. Dragunov vs. Hayes II should be a heck of a fight though and No Mercy is looking a lot better.

Post match Carmelo Hayes comes out for the showdown.

We look back at Bron Breakker crushing Von Wagner’s head with the steps. Wagner moved away at the last second, but still got hit hard enough to suffer a minor skull fracture.

Here is a serious looking Baron Corbin for a chat. Corbin talks about how normally, people don’t like him and he doesn’t like them, but last week was different. Von Wagner has a history of skull issues and Bron Breakker took advantage of that. Breakker needs to come out here right now so here he is, though Corbin cuts him off at the entrance. The fans have to get in their chants about tables (because of course)….but Corbin thought last week was AWESOME! They celebrate a bit, but Breakker says he didn’t do it to make Corbin happy. It was about ending Wagner’s career and he absolutely loved it.

Corbin was out here to be nice and he was even going to pay Breakker’s fine, but apparently Breakker doesn’t get it. We hear about Corbin’s career but Breakker cuts him off and challenges him to a fight at No Mercy. Breakker tells him to spend the next three weeks with his family, but Corbin slaps him in the face and the fight is on. I’m glad they didn’t turn Corbin face (though they could have made it work there) but Breakker jumping straight to the match seemed like it needed another step.

Charlie Dempsey/Damon Kemp/Drew Gulak vs. Josh Briggs/Brooks Jensen/Myles Bore

Fallon Henley is here too. Briggs slams Kemp to start and Jensen adds an elbow, followed by the running corner clotheslines. Gulak comes in and gets caught with a running neckbreaker as everything breaks down. Borne hits his own neckbreaker on Dempsey, followed by Jensen hitting a running spinwheel kick on Kemp. The fight heads outside with Borne posting Jensen so Kemp can hit a Rock Bottom into a neckbreaker for the pin at 2:40.

Borne celebrates with the winners and Henley is upset.

Andre Chase wants Duke Hudson to find Thea Hail but she’s blocked him. We cut to Hail and Jacy Jayne backstage where two guys hit on them. They make fun of Hail for sounding a bit like a child so she beats them up. Hail is tired of looking like this so it’s time to go shopping.

Lyra Valkyria vs. Dana Brooke

Kelani Jordan is here with Brooke. They trade some misses to start until Valkyria kicks her out to the floor. Brooke takes her down for two back inside and the cravate goes on. Valkyria drives her into the corner and starts kicking away before hitting the spinwheel kick. A top rope splash finishes Brooke at 3:34.

Rating: C-. Every week, I watch Brooke’s matches and segments and try to find a way to be interested in anything she does. Every week, that gets harder and harder to do as Brooke continues to be that uninteresting. She’s just someone who can have an acceptable match and happens to have been around for a long time. That doesn’t warrant this much TV time but she’s here doing the same thing week in and week out regardless.

Post match Brooke tries to lunge at Valkyria but Jordan holds her back.

The NXT Women’s Breakout Tournament is coming.

Eddy Thorpe isn’t done with Dijak, who pops up in the woods where Thorpe tends to go. Dijak whips a tree and Thorpe is out to get him.

Dominik Mysterio runs into Carmelo Hayes and they brag about their titles. A match is set for next week.

Becky Lynch talks about her original time in NXT and no one thought she was championship material. Now she’s back and ready to win the title. Kiana James comes in to says he doesn’t want Lynch around here, which Becky takes as an application for a beating after she wins the title.

Global Heritage Invitational Group A: Tyler Bate vs. Axiom

They trade snapmares to start before Axiom takes him to the mat with a headlock. Back up and Bate elbows him out to the floor but they switch places, with Axiom hitting a moonsault. Bate powers him up into the airplane spin so Axiom rolls outside as we take a break. We come back with Axiom favoring his knee and charging into a suplex out of the corner.

They trade hard kicks as we see the Meta Four watching, with Noam Dar sitting on an elephant. Axiom cranks on the arm but gets caught in another airplane spin. This one is countered into a poisonrana for two, only to have Bate come back with a brainbuster for the same. Axiom Spanish Flies him into a rollup but Bate cuts him off with the rebound lariat. The Tyler Driver 97 finishes Axiom at 10:10.

Rating: B-. As tends to be the case with a lot of TV matches, the break in the middle killed a lot of the flow they had going. Axiom is one of those great hands that can wrestle with anyone while Bate always feels like he is one step away from being a breakout star. They had a good back and forth match here, but it could have been better with some more time.

Group A Standings
Butch (1-0-1, 3 points, 1 match remaining)
Tyler Bate (1-0-0, 2 points, 2 matches remaining)
Axiom (0-1-1, 1 point, 1 match remaining)
Charlie Dempsey (0-1-0, 0 points, 2 matches remaining)

Butch talks about his history with Tyler Bate, but next week, it’s time for Butch to prove that he is the toughest man in NXT.

Schism, now seemingly just Joe Gacy and Ava, say their tree is dying.

Carmelo Hayes comes in to see Trick Williams, who offers to have Hayes’ back next week against Dominik Mysterio. Hayes declines but they’re absolutely still friends. As this is going on, Wes Lee clears out his locker behind them.

Creed Brothers vs. Malik Blade/Edris Enofe

Ivy Nile is here with the Creeds and Angel Garza/Humberto Carrillo come out to watch from the balcony. Brutus gets knocked to the floor to start and Enofe dropkicks Julius for a fast two. Back up and an assisted crossbody gets two on Enofe with Blade having to make a save. A Hart Attack Blockbuster gets two on Brutus and a Fameasser puts him down again. Brutus powers up though and brings Julius back in to clean house. Everything breaks down and the Brutus Ball/powerbomb combination finishes Blade at 3:37.

Rating: C+. It was a fast paced match, but the Creeds are showing how they are far above almost every other team around here. They’re crisp, they work well together and Julius’ house cleaning is as good as it gets in NXT. They feel like they’re one big match away from the main roster, though the division getting some depth might keep them around a bit longer.

Post match Hank Walker and Tank Ledger come in to stare at the Creeds but Bronco Nima and Lucien Price come in to brawl with them in the aisle instead.

Becky Lynch is glad to see Lyra Valkyria, who wants her to win tonight.

Roxanne Perez talks about what the Women’s Breakout tournament can mean but Elektra Lopez and Lola Vice come in to talk trash to her. My goodness learn how women talk already.

No Mercy rundown.

Global Heritage Invitational Group B: Nathan Frazer vs. Akira Tozawa

Frazer grabs a headlock to start before sending Tozawa into the ropes. Tozawa is right back with a snap German suplex into a missile dropkick. With Frazer on the floor, Tozawa hits a dive but takes too long going up, allowing Frazer to run the ropes for a superplex. That’s floated into a suplex neckbreaker for the pin at 2:31. Well that was brisk.

Group B Standings
Joe Coffey (2-0-0, 4 points, 1 match remaining)
Nathan Frazer (2-1-0, 4 points, 0 matches remaining)
Duke Hudson (1-1-0, 2 points, 1 match remaining)
Akira Tozawa (0-3-0, 0 points, 0 matches remaining)

Joe Coffey is ready to beat Duke Hudson next week and win the group. Hudson comes in to point out that if he wins, it’s a three way tie and he’ll be able to call himself the Spoiler.

Mustafa Ali is happy with becoming #1 contender to the North American Title and doesn’t care about a fast count. Dragon Lee comes in and isn’t happy, but Ali says Lee will get the first title shot when he wins the title. Lee doesn’t seem happy.

Wes Lee says he’s done and leaves.

Gigi Dolin jumps jumps Blair Davenport but security breaks it up.

Here’s what’s coming next week.

NXT Women’s Title: Becky Lynch vs. Tiffany Stratton

Lynch is challenging and we get the Big Match Intros. Stratton drives her into the corner to start and cartwheels into a standoff. Lynch flips around a bit as well but it’s too early for the Disarm-Her. They trade forearms until Stratton knocks her to the apron for a hip attack. We take a break and come back with Lynch hitting a running elbow in the corner. A missile dropkick gives Lynch two but Stratton hits a Sky High for the same.

Lynch catches her up top but a superplex is broken up. A Swanton gives Stratton two and a double stomp gets the same as frustration is setting in. Lynch is back up and counters the Prettiest Moonsault Ever into a super Russian legsweep for two. They head outside with Lynch having to climb onto the barricade to avoid a powerbomb. Back in and Lynch hits a legdrop into the Disarm-Her, sending Stratton to the ropes. The sitout powerbomb gives Stratton two but the Prettiest Moonsault Ever misses. Lynch is right back up with the Manhandle Slam for the pin and the title at 13:20.

Rating: B+. This was a heck of a match and the good sign is that Stratton looked more than comfortable in there against a top star like Lynch. They’ve got something with Stratton and it seems that they know it, which makes her all the more valuable. At the same time, Lynch isn’t likely to be a long term champion and someone can take the title from her for a big rub. Great main event here and they more than lived up to the expectations.

Lynch celebrates to end the show.

Overall Rating: B. As usual, NXT is at its best when it lays out a bunch of things it needs to do and then accomplishes them, all while setting up something for the future. That was the case here, with both next week as well as No Mercy being set up. At the same time, they had a good opener and a better main event, making it a strong wrestling show as well. Very solid effort this week and No Mercy is looking that much better rather quickly.

Ilja Dragunov b. Wes Lee – Forearm to the back of the head
Damon Kemp/Drew Gulak/Charlie Dempsey b. Josh Briggs/Brooks Jensen/Myles Borne – Rock Bottom neckbreaker to Jensen
Lyra Valkyria b. Dana Brooke – Top rope splash
Tyler Bate b. Axiom – Tyler Driver 97
Creed Brothers b. Malik Blade/Edris Enofe – Brutus Ball/powerbomb combination to Blade
Nathan Frazer b. Akira Tozawa – Suplex neckbreaker



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