Dynamite – May 15, 2024: Step It Up Already

Date: May 15, 2024
Location: Angel Of The Winds Arena, Everett, Washington
Commentators: Tony Schiavone, Excalibur, Taz

We’re a week and a half away from Double Or Nothing and that means we could be in for a show building towards the pay per view. In this case, we have the Blackpool Combat Club vs. the Don Callis Family in what should be quite the fight. Other than that, Swerve Strickland needs some revenge on Brian Cage. Let’s get to it.

Here is Collision if you need a recap.

Don Callis Family vs. Blackpool Combat Club

Kyle Fletcher and Jeff Cobb for the Family here, with the latter as a hired gun for the week. The brawl starts on the floor with Danielson’s music still playing and the Club taking over. We settle down for the bell ringing and Danielson striking away at Cobb in the corner. Moxley comes in for a running dropkick to the leg in the corner as the Club starts picking Cobb apart.

Fletcher comes in and fires off some chops, which don’t have much effect on Moxley. A superplex gives Moxley two but Cobb breaks up a cross armbreaker attempt. Fletcher is draped over the top rope so Danielson can hit a top rope knee as we take a break. Back with Moxley staggering out of the corner and snapping off a suplex to Cobb. Danielson comes back in and starts firing off the strikes but Cobb suplexes him out of the air. Moxley and Fletcher trade kicks to the face until Cobb runs Moxley over. What looks to be a Doomsday Device is broken up though and Moxley Death Riders Fletcher for the pin at 12:58.

Rating: B-. Yes the Ring Of Honor TV Champion took the fall again and yes that happens over and over again and yes you are still expected to pay to see the television show (which isn’t on television) he represents. The match was the usual big party fight that you see around here, with Cobb looking like a monster as tends to be the case whenever he’s in AEW. Just find someone other than Fletcher to take the fall next time? Or have him drop the title?

Post match the Family goes after Moxley again but Claudio Castagnoli runs in for the save.

Video on Swerve Strickland vs. Christian Cage.

Here is Adam Copeland for a chat but the House Of Black jumps him from behind. Copeland is knocked out and Malakai Black steals his wedding ring. Kyle O’Reilly tries to make the save but gets beaten down as well.

We look at Eddie Kingston being injured at a New Japan event over the weekend at the hands of the Elite.

The Elite mocks Kingston for getting hurt and think Anarchy In The Arena will be 4-3.

The Young Bucks have their own shoes. Sure.

FTR thinks they have a replacement for Anarchy In The Arena. More on this later.

Young Bucks vs. Matt Sydal/Christopher Daniels

Non-title and Jack Perry is on commentary. For the sake of simplicity, I’ll only refer to Sydal as Sydal and Matt Buck as Matt. Sydal rolls Matt up to start and it’s quickly off to Daniels to hammer away in the corner. Nick comes in and cleans house, followed by Matt’s top rope ax handle to Sydal as we take a break. Back with Daniels coming in to beat up the Bucks, including a Downward Spiral/DDT combination. Sydal misses a dive to the floor though and Matt sends him over the barricade, leaving Daniels to get Tony Khan Drivered for the pin at 8:32.

Rating: C+. This was about what it seemed likely to be, with the Bucks getting beaten up for a bit and then winning in the end. Daniels and Sydal weren’t exactly a major threat to them and it lets the Bucks get a win before going into the pay per view. You know, because they haven’t looked strong enough lately.

Post match the Bucks yell at Daniels for talking down to him last week. They’re trying to clean up the toxicity in the locker room so Daniels is fired. Perry pours a drink on Tony Schiavone too.

Toni Storm, while holding Mariah May, threatens Harley Cameron.

Malakai Black looks at Adam Copeland’s wedding ring and accepts his challenge for a barbed wire steel cage match at Double Or Nothing.

Hook vs. Sebastian Wolfe

Redrum in 28 seconds.

Post match Hook calls out Chris Jericho, so here he is, along with Big Bill. Jericho doesn’t want to hurt Hook but offers him a qualifying match to get a title shot. Hook likes the idea and then hits him in the face, only to have Big Bill get involved. Katsuyori Shibata makes the save.

Swerve Strickland is ready for Christian Cage but first he has to take out Brian Cage.

Swerve Strickland vs. Brian Cage

Non-title and Swerve gets the big hometown reaction. Cage slugs away in the corner to start but gets sent outside with Swerve stomping on the arm. The arm is snapped over the top rope but Cage sends him into the corner again. Swerve’s half nelson is broken up and Cage hits a gorilla press slam into the corner as we take a break.

Back with Swerve slipping out of a powerbomb attempt and sending Cage face first into the buckle. A middle rope elbow to the back has Cage in more trouble and Swerve brainbusters him for two. The rolling Downward Spiral is cut off but Swerve escapes Weapon X as well. Swerve ties him in the ropes for a slingshot stomp to the chest, setting up a 450 for two. Cage’s sitout powerbomb gets two more and they trade shots to the face. Another powerbomb is loaded up but Swerve Stomps his way out in a nice counter. The House Call finishes Cage at 14:48.

Rating: B. This is the kind of match that works well for Swerve: have him get in trouble and then fight back to win in the end. He has a history with Cage and it was nice to see him getting a win that means something to him. Rather good match here, which should completely sever Swerve from the Mogul Embassy.

Post match Swerve grabs a chair but the Patriarchy comes in to beat Swerve down. Nick Wayne breaks a photo of Swerve and his family over Swerve’s head. Christian says that’s payback for Swerve attacking Nick last year and asks if Swerve’s daughter is proud of her absentee father. He rubs Swerve’s blood on the photo for a personal touch.

Hook is willing to face anyone to get the shot at Chris Jericho, including Katsuyori Shibata, who wants Jericho as well. Samoa Joe comes in to yell at Hook for not focusing, with Shibata’s translator saying Joe’s flowery shirt doesn’t look good.

Toni Storm vs. Harley Cameron

Non-title. They trade headlocks to start with Storm taking her to the mat. Storm sends her to the apron and adds a running hip attack to take her down again. Cue Serena Deeb for a distraction though as Cameron takes over. We take a break and come back with Storm hitting a Backstabber into a DDT. A fisherman’s buster gets two on Cameron, who is right back with Eat Defeat. Cameron’s running knee gets two but Storm grabs a chokebomb. Storm Zero finishes Cameron at 7:04.

Rating: C. Cameron seems to be trying but it really isn’t working for her in the ring. She feels like someone who hasn’t been in the ring that long, which might be due to her only debuting about two years ago. I’m not sure why that means she should be in the ring on national TV, but it isn’t exactly working.

Will Ospreay and the Undisputed Kingdom have a staredown in the back, with Ospreay saying he won’t go after Roderick Strong because he knows the rest of the team would be on him. Strong has never had any respect for him and Ospreay’s feelings are mutual. Things get heated, wish Strong bringing up Ospreay’s family and saying Ospreay is a child/fraud. Ospreay accuses Strong of burying him to Ring Of Honor people and promises to take the title. This still feels like a huge downgrade for Ospreay.

Here are Mercedes Mone and Willow Nightingale, with Kris Statlander/Stokely Hathaway, for the contract signing. Willow asks if Mone respects the TBS Title because Willow is the face of TBS. This smiling face comes to the ring every time and says nothing else matters because you can have fun. She isn’t going to let Mone come into AEW and take all of that away.

Willow signs, leaving Mone saying the best part of Willow’s career is beating her, which will be the case after Double Or Nothing. Willow says the last time they wrestled, she walked out a champion but Mone didn’t walk out at all. The fight is on and Mone is put through the table. Mone is going to need to have the match of the century to make up for how useless she’s been since debuting.

Continental Title: Kazuchika Okada vs. Dax Harwood

Harwood is challenging and goes after Okada’s legs to start, sending him outside. Back in and Okada shoulders him down and sends Harwood shoulder first into the post as we take a break. We come back with Harwood being sat on top and dropkicked out to the floor. A running boot against the barricade hits Harwood, followed by a DDT to knock him silly.

Back in and Harwood falls down to avoid the Rainmaker, followed by a German suplex. Harwood hits a dragon suplex as well but Okada kicks off a Sharpshooter attempt. Okada goes up and gets superplexed down for the big crash, leaving them both down for a minute in a needed breather.

The slingshot sitout powerbomb is blocked and they fight over a Tombstone until Harwood plants him for two. The Sharpshooter goes on but is broken up just as quickly. Okada is frustrated and goes to grab the belt, which the referee takes away, allowing Okada to get in a low blow. The Rainmaker retains the title at 16:05.

Rating: B. Well, that certainly was a top singles guy taking a long time to beat one half of a tag team who never wins anything important on his own. They’re continuing with the idea of the Elite looking unstoppable going into Anarchy In The Arena, which isn’t exactly making me want to see the match. At the same time, points for not having the Bucks run in, as seeing less of them is nice.

Post match the Elite comes in for the beatdown so Cash Wheeler and Bryan Danielson run in. Darby Allin, in a purple fur coat, runs in from behind for the real save to end the show.

Overall Rating: B-. This show was mainly focused on building things up for Double Or Nothing but the show is only looking so good at the moment. The main focus is, again, on the Elite and they aren’t exactly working so far. Allin being back is a good surprise and he’ll help the match, but it feels like the latest way for the Elite to be better than everyone else and that’s not the most thrilling story. Other than that you have Strickland vs. Cage, which is coming off as a rather midcard feud despite being for the World Title. They had a focus here, but the storylines just aren’t doing it for me at the moment.

Blackpool Combat Club b. Don Callis Family – Death Rider to Fletcher
Young Bucks b. Christopher Daniels/Matt Sydal – Tony Khan Driver to Daniels
Hook b. Sebastian Wolfe – Redrum
Swerve Strickland b. Brian Cage – House Call
Toni Storm b. Harley Cameron – Storm Zero
Kazuchika Okada b. Dax Harwood – Rainmaker



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Dynamite – May 8, 2024: A Bad Sandwich

Date: May 8, 2024
Location: Rogers Place, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Commentators: Excalibur, Tony Schiavone

We’re still in Canada with less than three weeks to go before Double Or Nothing. Much like last week, Kenny Omega is here for a special announcement about…well whatever he’s announcing. Other than that, we have the showdown between Trent Beretta and Orange Cassidy so let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Adam Copeland is worried about the House Of Black so tonight, he’s facing Brody King in a No DQ -TNT Title match.

Orange Cassidy vs. Trent Beretta

Cassidy starts fast and knocks him outside to start, with the suicide elbow dropping Beretta again. Beretta manages a posting and hammers away but Cassidy goes into the crowd and puts his hands in his pockets before continuing the beating. The running Orange Punch is backdropped over the barricade and they get back to ringside. Cassidy gets kneed in the face but comes right back with the Orange Punch for the double knockdown. Cue Don Callis to ringside and we take a break.

Back with Callis on commentary as Cassidy fires off forearms. Stundog Millionaire is countered so Cassidy grabs the tornado DDT instead. Beretta manages a half and half suplex and they’re both down again. Back up and Beretta drops him with a piledriver, followed by another piledriver and a running knee. The turnbuckle is ripped off but Cassidy rips off one of his own. Beretta is sent face first and the rollup gives Cassidy the pin at 13:09.

Rating: B-. Good fight between the two of them (ignore the complete lack of a count for such a long stretch of brawling) and the ending should leave the door open for a rematch at Double Or Nothing. I’m not sure if I would have had them do a full match like this one if they’re supposed to do it again in a few weeks but at least what we got was pretty nice. That being said, Beretta losing so soon isn’t exactly the wisest move.

Post match Beretta jumps him again and hits a piledriver onto the steps. Cassidy gets sent into various things so Beretta grabs a toolbox. Cassidy has a chair but Callis breaks it up before anything else happens. That would be Cassidy on his feet about a minute and a half after a piledriver on the steps.

Earlier today, the Elite was in their car and took Tony Khan’s parking spot.

We look back at Kenny Omega returning and being attacked by the Elite.

Jack Perry thinks Omega isn’t as tough as he thinks he is because Omega was a coward when the Elite needed him. Now they are going to change the world without him.

Omega joins us from the emergency room and says May 26 is when this all started. He issues the challenge for Anarchy In The Arena with the Elite vs. FTR/….two people we’ll find out tonight.

Here is Serena Deeb for a chat. She’s happy to be here and excited to face Toni Storm at Double Or Nothing. She has been out of action for a long time but we pause for a LET’S GO OILERS chant. Last year she suffered three seizures and talks about how serious they are but here is Toni Storm to say this sounds like a charity case. Deeb tells her to be serious because Deeb will be fighting to win the title at Double Or Nothing. Storm doesn’t care and the fight is on, with security breaking it up.

Rocky Romero checks on Orange Cassidy, saying that if he beats Jay White tonight, the two of them and a third partner get a Trios Title shot. Maybe it could be Trent Beretta. Cassidy isn’t convinced.

Harley Cameron vs. Mariah May

Saraya is here with Cameron, who kicks May own to start and talks a lot. May fights up and hits a quick basement dropkick to send Cameron to the apron. That earns May a neck snap over the top and a kick to the back as we take a break. Back with Saraya yelling at fans and May winning a slugout. A chokebomb gives May two and a heck of a headbutt puts Cameron down. It’s too early for May’s hip attack as Saraya pulls Cameron to the floor, earning herself a hard shot from May. Back in and May Day finishes Cameron at 9:02.

Rating: C. Well that’s a match that happened. I’m not sure why May needed nine minutes to beat Cameron, who hasn’t wrestled in over a year, but that’s what we got. May continues to be in a weird place as she doesn’t really have anything going on, though it seems like she might be up for something with Forbidden Door. Either that or get to the point with her and Toni Storm already.

Post match the beating is on but Mina Shirakawa makes the save and toasts the champagne with May.

Bullet Club Gold cuts off Pac (who was talking about bringing back Death Triangle), with Jay White saying he should go after Kazuchika Okada, who he beat before.

Malakai Black talks about having to destroy Adam Copeland so he can live again.

We get a very positive Young Bucks video.

The Bucks praise the video and say they don’t want more Kenny Omega updates.

Here is Swerve Strickland to say he is in a really bad mood. We look at the Patriarchy taking Swerve out last week, with Luchasaurus ripping out part of Swerve’s hair. Swerve can’t say he wouldn’t do the same thing, but he is the Conor McDavid (local hockey hero) of AEW. He wants the Patriarchy out here right now so here they are, with Christian Cage saying he is going to take something from Swerve every single week.

That leads to Double Or Nothing, when the wave Swerve has been riding will come crashing down. Violence is teased but Swerve says he wasn’t coming alone. Cue the Mogul Embassy so Swerve makes Drake/Kendrick Lamar references. Then the Embassy turns on him, apparently sick of hearing people talk about those two because nothing else is happening in the world whatsoever. Swerve is put through the announcers’ table. That was a good close to a loophole, but hopefully Swerve beats Brian cage next week to get his revenge and then moves on.

The Patriarchy goes to the back and runs into the Young Bucks, who seem to have had something to do with that. More business together is teased.

We look at Willow Nightingale beating Skye Blue in a street fight on Rampage.

Willow Nightingale says no one can beat the smile off her face. As for Mercedes Mone, she better be ready at Double Or Nothing, because Willow is always ready. Mone is in for the fight of her life.

Rocky Romero vs. Jay White

Romero starts fast and knocks him outside, followed by some of the Forever Clotheslines in the corner. White gets in a hard clothesline of his own though and we take a break. Back with Romero fighting out of a chinlock and taking it to the floor to hammer away. Back in and Romero hits a jumping knee, followed by a backslide for two. White knocks him out of the air though and grabs the Bladerunner for the pin (with one finger) at 8:04.

Rating: C+. Why am I supposed to care about Rocky Romero? He’s perfectly fine in the ring but you know what you’re going to get from him and he isn’t going to win any big matches. Other than his ties to New Japan, what about him warrants having him around so often? It just seems like there are a lot of people who could benefit from getting as much time as he does but instead it’s more of hearing about how great he is when he never wins anything.

Post match the beatdown is on until Pac makes the save.

Samoa Joe training video.

Big Bill/Chris Jericho vs. Mo Jabari/Harlon Abbott

Jericho knocks Jabari down to start and hands it off to Bill, who slowly pounds away. The chokeslam plants Abbott and Jericho gets the pin at 2:27.

Post match Jericho praises Bill and talks about facing Katsuyori Shibata and Hook. He’s not sure where Hook is, but get well soon!

TNT Title: Brody King vs. Adam Copeland

Copeland is defending and this is No DQ. A headlock has Copeland in some trouble to start but he has to escape an early Ganso Bomb attempt. King is sent to the apron where he gets a boot up to stop a charge. A neckbreaker over the ropes drops Copeland and we take a break.

Back with King missing a running crossbody and crashing into the barricade. Copeland chairs him in the back a few times and they go up to the apron. A DDT onto the chair onto the apron plants King, who comes up busted open. Copeland hammers away for two more so it’s time to grab another chair (just in case there wasn’t enough blood already, as King is gushing). It’s time to break the bar off of a chair, with the delay allowing King to hit a heck of a clothesline. Copeland is sent face first into a chair in the corner and we take a break.

Back with an exchange of shots tot he face leaving both of them down again. King sends him into the corner for the Cannonball but Copeland is back with the Edge-O-Matic for two. They go to the apron where Copeland manages a Death Valley Driver, followed by the spear through the ropes to send King through a table in a nasty crash. Back in and another spear retains the title at 18:26.

Rating: B. There was A LOT of blood in this match and there is a good chance that will go a long way in determining how much you liked this. It certainly felt intense at times, but it also felt long, with the Malakai Black promo earlier all but guaranteeing that he’s the next big challenger, likely at the pay per view. Copeland’s matches are mostly good, but they’re lacking that something to get them to the next level, which makes giving him this much time a bit weird.

Post match King jumps Copeland but Kyle O’Reilly makes the save.

Mercedes Mone is ready for Double Or Nothing. Yes she’s ready because Willow Nightingale took a year from her career. Now it’s time to get the title because she is that b****. This was every Mone promo: She’s a star, she’s been hurt for a year, did I mention she’s a star?

Adam Copeland thanks Kyle O’Reilly for the help and O’Reilly challenges him for the Cope Open on Collision. Copeland is in.

Here is the Elite (three minutes after the show was scheduled to end) for a chat. Kazuchika Okada tells Kenny Omega to get well soon. Matt Jackson says Tony Khan is the best boss he has ever had but they had to get him out of the way. They’re in for Anarchy In The Arena, which draws out FTR. They don’t like the Young Bucks so here are Eddie Kingston and Bryan Danielson to complete their team. The brawl is on to end the show.

Overall Rating: C+. That was a really strange way to end the show, as it wasn’t like the last thing went long and they had to wrap it up. Instead, they just started doing three more segments when the show was supposed to be ending. That is asking a lot when the middle of this show was more than a bit tedious.

The opener and main event were both good, but the matches between them felt like filler, which tends to be the case way too often in AEW. I’ve lost track of how many times it feels like they have about an hour of important stuff and then need to fill in the rest. That was the situation here, which makes me wonder just how a three hour block is going to go this Saturday.

Orange Cassidy b. Trent Beretta – Rollup
Mariah May b. Harley Cameron – May Day
Jay White b. Rocky Romero – Bladerunner
Big Bill/Chris Jericho b. Harlon Abbott/Mo Jabari – Chokeslam to Abbott
Adam Copeland b. Brody King – Spear



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Rampage – May 1, 2024: The Continuation

Date: May 1, 2024
Location: Canada Life Center, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Commentators: Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, Matt Menard

It’s time for the second half of the double shot and that means we are probably going to drop down a little bit in importance. Odds are we’ll be seeing something from the end of Dynamite as well, as the Elite attacked Kenny Omega to end the show. I’m not sure how well that is going to go but Rampage can be all over the place. Let’s get to it.

Here is Dynamite if you need a recap.

We open with Kenny Omega down in the ring with FTR checking on him after an attack by the Elite to end Dynamite. Omega is taken out on a stretcher but gets attacked by the Elite again in the back. They shove the stretcher over and then order medics to check on Omega.

Jay White vs. Dante Martin

The Gunns, Darius Martin and Action Andretti are here too. Martin charges at him to start and hammers away with the fight heading outside. Back in and White stomps away in the corner but gets headscissored outside. Martin’s dive drops White again but a springboard is broken up back inside.

We take a break and come back with White grabbing a chinlock. That’s broken up and Martin hits a dropkick, setting up a springboard high crossbody for two. White wins a chop off and sends Martin to the apron, where he comes back in with the Nose Dive for a quick two. White has had it though and hits the sleeper suplex into the Blade Runner for the pin at 9:30.

Rating: C+. This was designed to be tied into the gauntlet match from last week but it didn’t exactly feel the same when you had Bullet Club Gold beating the Martins and Andretti on Collision. It also doesn’t help that Martin loses almost every singles match he’s in against any worthwhile opponent, which needs to change to make something like this more interesting.

Post match White helps him up and then lays him out with an implant DDT.

Deonna Purrazzo is sick of the lack of respect around here. Now she is starting to feel like herself though and if Thunder Rosa wants to make this personal, that works for her too.

Rush brags about his success and wants respect on his name.

Big Bill believes he has everything he needs to reach the top but he needs Chris Jericho’s guidance. Teach him. Jericho comes in and is happy to have retained the For The World Championship so now he’s ready to let Bill into the Jericho Vortex.

We look at Christian Cage being named #1 contender on Dynamite.

Swerve Strickland is ready to remind Cage who he is. They’ll talk next week and Swerve won’t be alone.

Rocky Romero vs. Kyle O’Reilly

They fight over wrist control to start with O’Reilly taking him down, only to have Romero pop back up for a staredown. Romero kicks him out to the floor for a suicide dive but O’Reilly grabs the cross armbreaker as we take a break. Back with the two of them exchanging kicks until O’Reilly runs him over with a hard clothesline. They go up top so Romero can grab a super Sliced Bread for a double knockdown. Neither can get very far with an arm hold but O’Reilly can get a rollup for the pin at 9:58.

Rating: C+. Another match that gets a bit of time and had good action in that time. The good thing is they didn’t overstay their welcome here, as it was a cold match with the two of them being thrown out there together. O’Reilly gets a win to make up for his Dynasty loss while Romero continues to be the guy you put out there to make someone else look strong.

Saraya and Harley Cameron aren’t happy with Mariah May losing earlier so Cameron will fight Toni Storm herself on Dynamite.

The Undisputed Kingdom does not like Tony Khan’s lack of respect of NECK STRONG. Roderick Strong promises to take out Will Ospreay at Double Or Nothing.

TBS Title: Skye Blue vs. Willow Nightingale

Nightingale is defending and it’s anything goes, falls count anywhere. Nightingale hammers away with a trashcan lid in the aisle to start and they fight into the crowd. Blue is sent into the barricade and they head back to ringside to continue the fast start. It’s already time to bring in the weapons but Nightingale’s flip dive off the apron only hits chair.

We take a break and come back with Nightingale Pouncing Blue down and putting a chair over her in the corner. The Cannonball is cut off with a chair shot to give Blue two and it’s time for the thumbtacks. They both go up and Nightingale grabs the swinging superplex for the crash into the tacks and a near fall. Blue gets in a shot of her own and grabs out a barbed wire board, because of course she did. That takes too long though and the Babe With The Powerbomb through the board retains Nightingale’s title at 10:43.

Rating: C+. It was a violent brawl, but this felt like having a hardcore match for the sake of having a hardcore match. Throw in the fact that Chris Jericho and Katsuyori Shibata had a hardcore match about an hour and a half ago and this didn’t have quite the same impact. That being said, Nightingale getting a win in a match like this on her own is a good thing and something she has been needing to do more often.

Overall Rating: B-. This did feel more important than most Rampages so it’s nice to see them taking advantage of what they had with Dynamite. That being said, only one of the matches felt important and even then it was only so big. As usual, the parts between the bell worked well and the other stuff was hit or miss. Not a show you need to see, but for an hour long show, it went just fine.

Jay White b. Dante Martin – Blade Runner
Kyle O’Reilly b. Rocky Romero – Rollup
Willow Nightingale b. Skye Blue – Babe With The Powerbomb through a barbed wire board



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Rampage – April 12, 2024: A Point Would Be Nice

Date: April 12, 2024
Location: Charleston Coliseum, Charleston, West Virginia
Commentators: Tony Schiavone, Excalibur, Chris Jericho

It’s another week around here and hopefully there will be less eight month old footage included. With a little over a week to go before Dynasty, there is only so much time left to build up the card, though thankfully most of the matches are made. Maybe we get something new this week so let’s get to it.

Here is Dynamite if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Orange Cassidy vs. Alex Reynolds

John Silver is here with Reynolds. Silver and Reynolds hug at the start to mess with Cassidy, who is going through a best friend breakup. Cassidy knocks him outside and sends him into the steps, with Silver getting taken out as well. Reynolds heads back inside for a distraction, allowing Silver to grab a brainbuster onto the floor. Cassidy goes back in but gets sent outside again, only to come back in with a sunset flip for two.

Reynolds knocks him down again though and we take a break. Back with Cassidy Hulking Up and dropkicking him into the corner for the stomping. There’s a dive onto Silver but the distraction lets Reynolds grab a Cactus piledriver for two. A super Stunner (Whippersnapper for you old fans) connects for Reynolds but he dives onto Silver by mistake. Back in and Cassidy decks him with the Orange Punch for the pin at 10:35.

Rating: C+. This was built around the idea of Cassidy coming back to the ring after the big betrayal and it was pretty much a run of the mill match. Cassidy basically being up against two people makes sense as he’s on his own without his friend so the match made sense. Reynolds doesn’t get much time on his own in the ring so it was nice to see for a change, especially that Stunner.

Post match Cassidy is asked about Trent Beretta turning on him but here is Beretta to interrupt. Chuck Taylor pops up to scare Beretta off but leaves instead of siding with Cassidy either.

Anna Jay wants this place to be more serious. Stardom’s AZM comes in to say she doesn’t think much of Toni Storm.

TBS Title: Julia Hart vs. Leyla Hirsch

Hart is defending and Brody King is banned from ringside. Hirsch stats fast by sending her to the floor but Hart is right there with a forearm to the face from the outside. Back in and Hart chokes on the ropes before sending her into the buckle. Hirsch pulls her out of the air and then sends her outside, with Hart coming up holding her arm. Back in and Hart hits a quick kick into a small package to retain at 3:14.

Rating: C. That definitely felt like an injury at the end and that’s not a good thing. Hart was sent outside and they went home almost immediately. I’m not sure what’s going to happen if she’s hurt long term, but that was a nasty way to wrap up the show. Hirsch didn’t get a chance to showcase herself, though it is hard to fathom the match was supposed to go that fast and end that way.

Don Callis doesn’t care if his Family beats Bryan Danielson and Claudio Castagnoli tomorrow. Instead, he just wants Danielson hurt before he faces Will Ospreay at Dynasty.

Angelo Parker vs. Zak Knight

Saraya and Harley Cameron are here with Knight and Parker jumps him in the aisle before the bell. Knight slugs away on the floor and Parker is busted open. They get inside anyway and the bell rings but Parker is quickly knocked into the corner. We take an early break and come back with Parker hitting a running Blockbuster, setting up an implant DDT.

The women offer a distraction and are quickly ejected, allowing Knight to hit a quick powerbomb for two. Knight shouts that he’ll take good care of Ruby and that’s enough to fire Parker up for the comeback. Not that it matters as a running forearm finishes for Knight at 7:44.

Rating: C. I was wondering how they would give Parker the win over a beast like Knight and that was the answer: they didn’t do it. One of the next steps is a Ruby Soho getting back together with Parker to focus him for a rematch but that doesn’t feel likely fro here. Or they all just move on and pretend this never happened.

Kyle O’Reilly wants to face Rocky Romero, who says they can do it after he wins the International Title. Romero leaves and Roderick Strong comes in to seem unhappy with O’Reilly wanting the title. O’Reilly says it would be cool to be champ, but Strong says he can’t be International Champ.

Video on the Blackpool Combat Club vs. the Don Callis Family.

Jay White vs. Matt Sydal

The Gunns are here with White and yes this is the main event. They fight over control in the corner until Sydal kicks away at the leg. A kick to the leg and a spinning kick to the face have White down again, followed by a headscissors to send him outside. The Meteora off the apron drops White but he’s back up to drop Sydal face first onto the apron.

We take a break and come back with White holding him in a chinlock. Sydal fights up and hits a jumping knee to the face, followed by a question mark kick for two. A rollup gets two more but White is back with the swinging Rock Bottom. The Bladerunner is countered into a poisonrana but White is right back with the Bladerunner for the pin at 11:25.

Rating: C+. Unlike the previous match, this was a good enough match but it feels so meaningless. White is in a six man team while Sydal is a jobber to the stars. That doesn’t make for much of a main event but at least they had a nice match. Just find a way to make it feel more important next time.

Overall Rating: C. While the wrestling itself is fine, Rampage has turned into a chore to watch. The wrestling is fine but here you had Orange Cassidy beating a member of a comedy stable, a TBS Title match that wouldn’t have felt important even if Hart’s shoulder had been ok, the first match in a long running story and an ok main event. Nothing on here felt overly important and that makes for a pretty long hour of wrestling. If you really like AEW and anything it does you’ll have a good time, but otherwise it’s the most skippable show going today (yes, even more than Ring Of Honor).

Orange Cassidy b. Alex Reynolds – Orange Punch
Julia Hart b. Leyla Hirsch – Small package
Zak Knight b. Angelo Parker – Running forearm
Jay White b. Matt Sydal – Bladerunner



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Rampage – March 29, 2024: This Show Is Still Around

Date: March 29, 2024
Location: Centre Videotron, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada
Commentators: Excalibur, Tony Schiavone

We’re still in Canada and that could mean a rather rowdy crowd. I’m not sure what to expect around here, which is rather normal on this show anymore. The main event will see Matt Menard facing Roderick Strong in a non-title match, which could make for a hearty reaction. Let’s get to it.

Here is Dynamite if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Dustin Rhodes vs. The Butcher

This is billed as a “big time grudge match” and it was set up with a minute long promo on Dynamite. Butcher powers him into the corner to start but gets caught with a backslide for two. Back up and Butcher is ready for the drop down uppercut but gets low bridged to the floor for his efforts. Butcher snaps the arm over the top rope and it’s time to start in on said arm. They head outside with the arm being sent into the steps and post and we take a break with Dustin in trouble.

Back with Dustin getting two off a Code Red, setting up the clothesline comeback. Dustin rains down the right hands in the corner and grabs the snap powerslam for two. Butcher is right back with a quick crossface but Dustin is out rather quickly. The Final Reckoning finishes Butcher at 10:39.

Rating: C+. Rather basic stuff here and that is not a bad thing. It was more or less a way to get Dustin on the card for his periodical match and as usual it went well enough. Butcher continues to be fine as a midcard villain who can look intimidating and then lose to someone like Dustin for a quick moment.

Bullet Club Gold goes to Billy Gunn’s house and mess with stuff until Billy comes home and they drop the camera.

We recap the Tag Team Title tournament matches from Dynamite.

Deonna Purrazzo vs. Rose

Rose backs her into the corner to start but Purrazzo is right back with a shot to the arm. The arm is snapped and we hit the armbar before a crank with the legs gives Purrazzo two. Rose gets in some strikes but Purrazzo BLASTS HER with a pump kick. The Fujiwara armbar finishes for Purrazzo at 3:50.

Rating: C. Pretty much just a squash here with that pump kick looking awesome. Purrazzo wrecked her here and that is the kind of win that she needed after not doing so well against Toni Storm. Purrazzo still feels like she would be better as a villain but it might be a bit before we get there.

Video on Bryan Danielson vs. Will Ospreay.

Mariah May vs. Nikita

May is substituting for Toni Storm (who has injured her hamstring but won’t dare tell us how). A running shoulder sets up a basement dropkick to put Nikita down early and we take a break. Back with May hitting a running dropkick in the ropes but Nikita gets in some shots of her down. May shrugs that off and hits a headbutt, the hip attack and May Day for the pin at 7:07.

Rating: C. This was more or less an extended squash and about half of it was during the break. May continues to be built up as the likely successor to Storm but we could be a good ways off from seeing that. The story is taking its sweet time and that is not a bad thing, but it would be nice to see May against someone other than the latest jobber.

Harley Cameron (playing with/tasting interviewer Lexi Nair’s hair) and Zak Knight aren’t worried about Angelo Parker, who runs in to beat Knight up with a pipe. Knight and Cameron run off so Ruby Soho is here to get mad at Parker for getting violent. She kisses him and leaves. This is one of the weirdest feuds as it has almost exclusively taken place backstage. Are we going to get a match out of this anytime soon?

The Righteous are weird.

Roderick Strong vs. Matt Menard

Non-title and the Kingdom is here with Strong. Menard yells at the Kingdom in French and the fans approve before Menard snaps off some armdrags. A breather on the floor goes badly for Strong as Menard is right on him with more forearms. Back in and a Kingdom distraction lets Strong get in a cheap shot, only to be knocked away as we take a break.

We come back with Menard fighting out of a seated abdominal stretch but getting pulled into a camel clutch. Menard Hulks Up though and hammers away, followed by a Rock Bottom for two. A Boston crab sends Strong over to the ropes so Menard cutters him for two. Back up and a Kingdom distraction lets Strong hit the jumping knee for the pin at 12:49.

Rating: C+. This is one of those things that Tony Khan tends to do, as this was about a hometown star getting a big match. That makes sense in theory, but at the same time, it was a nearly 13 minute Matt Menard match which wasn’t even for the title. That’s only so interesting in the first place and makes me think that a squash win for Menard would have been more effective. It likely would have been for the people watching.

Post match the beatdown is on until Orange Cassidy and Trent Beretta run in for the save. Cue the Young Bucks to lay them out as well to end the show.

Overall Rating: C. The key to enjoying Rampage is accepting that there are almost no stakes to anything here. This show was a one off match set up on Dynamite, a pair of squashes and a match designed to give the local fans a thrill before setting up the Young Bucks deal at the end. It does tie into some stories, but they are the lowest level stories going in AEW today. The wrestling is perfectly fine and it’s only an hour long so it doesn’t overstay its welcome. If you can accept that, you can have a good time here and that was the case this week, again.

Dustin Rhodes b. The Butcher – Final Reckoning
Deonna Purrazzo b. Rose – Fujiwara armbar
Mariah May b. Nikita – May Day
Roderick Strong b. Matt Menard – Jumping knee



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Collision – March 16, 2024: Steve Austin Would Be At Least A Bit Proud

Date: March 16, 2024
Location: Canadian Tire Centre, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Commentators: Tony Schiavone, Nigel McGuinness

The road to Dynasty continues and in this case that means we have quite the big match. This week will see Bryan Danielson vs. Katsuyori Shibata in a match that was literally announced yesterday. It would be nice to have that big of a match announced further in advance but at least it is happening. Let’s get to it.

Here is Dynamite if you need a recap.

Bryan Danielson vs. Katsuyori Shibata

They aren’t wasting time here. Feeling out process to start until Danielson takes him down by the arm as Nigel talks about his history of beating up Danielson. That’s broken up and they go back to the standoff until Danielson goes back to the arm. Shibata isn’t having that and forearms him down with Nigel saying Danielson keeps coming back like a fungus. Some chops have Danielson taking Shibata back to the mat but Shibata sends him outside as we take a break.

Back with Danielson striking away in the corner until Shibata reverses for strikes of his own. There’s the running dropkick in the corner as Nigel wonders if Danielson is missing a chromosome. They trade ankle locks before knocking each other down for a double breather. Back up and they exchange knees to the chest until Shibata grabs a Death Valley Driver for two. Some elbows to the head rock Danielson but he’s right back with the running knee for two of his own.

Danielson gets the LeBell Lock until Shibata puts a foot on the rope. The kicks to the chest rock Shibata but he wants more. The running kick to the chest brings Shibata back to his feet and he fires off the Kawada Kicks. Now Danielson sits down so Shibata can kick him, leading to a seated slap off. Danielson kicks him in the head for the knockdown but the running knee is blocked. The octopus goes on but Danielson slips out and gets two off a rollup. Danielson’s LeBell Lock attempt is countered into a rollup, which Danielson counters into a rollup for the pin at 19:33.

Rating: B. I get the appeal of this kind of thing and it was a hard hitting, physical match, but this was the latest in the tour of “Danielson wrestles someone in a dream match and then we move on”. There are far worse uses of television time, but it’s a match that comes and goes and really just feels like something that happened because Danielson wanted it to. I’m sure he’ll do something else again and it’ll be good, but it would be nice to have it feel like something other than “here’s a cool pairing you’ve never seen before”.

Respect is shown post match.

We look at Mercedes Mone’s debut.

TBS Title: Julia Hart vs. Trish Adora

Hart is defending and the special rule is….the loser is banned from ringside for the House of Black vs. Infantry match later tonight. Adora takes her to the mat and does the splits on Hart’s back while cranking on the arms. They go to the floor, with Adora blocking a whip and elbowing Hart in the face. Hart sends her hard into the barricade and we take a break. Back with Adora fighting out of a chinlock but getting sent into the corner for some running elbows. Adora’s bridging German suplex gets two so Hart superkicks her down. The moonsault retains the title at 7:43.

Rating: C+. Adora continues to look strong in the ring and can do some rather impressive things. At the same time though, this was about giving Hart another win as her rise continues. She is on the way to a showdown with Willow Nightingale for the title and having her win here is a good way to boost her up even further.

Zak Knight and Harley Cameron are happy with Angelo Parker wanting to fight Knight. Poutine insults ensue…and never mind as Knight says they’ll fight on his terms, meaning not tonight.

Daniel Garcia vs. Lee Moriarty

Shane Taylor is here with Moriarty and Matt Menard is on commentary. They go to the mat to start with Garcia slipping out of a headscissors and hitting a running basement dropkick to send him outside. The Taylor distraction lets Moriarty come back with a suicide dive to take over, allowing him to STEAL GARCIA’S DANCE! Moriarty works on the arm back inside but Garcia is back up to pound him into the corner. Garcia starts in on the leg before a Saito suplex gets two. Garcia’s piledriver attempt is cut off so Moriarty hits a double stomp. Not that it matters as Garcia pulls him into a heel hook for the tap at 5:12.

Rating: C+. It’s nice to see a short match like this one where they got to the point and gave Garcia a pretty definitive win. That’s a good thing to see after he lost at Revolution so there seems to be something of a bright spot for him going forward. Moriarty can work well with just about anyone and he did well here by making Garcia look better.

We look at Bullet Club Gold breaking Darby Allin’s foot on Dynamite.

Pac vs. Aaron Solo

Solo wastes no time by knocking him to the floor to start, setting up the running flip dive. Back in and Pac stomps him down in the corner, followed by some boot choking. Pac kicks him in the head and hits a missile dropkick, setting up the Black Arrow into the Brutalizer for the win at 4:36.

Rating: C+. I was worried that Solo was going to get in a bunch of offense here but instead Pac shrugged it off and squashed Solo as he should have. Pac is one of those people who has a bunch of presence and feels like a star every time he’s out there. The problem continues to be that he can’t stay around, which makes getting behind him that much harder.

Post match Pac says he’s looking for trouble. Either Tony Khan can find it for him or he can find it himself.

Bryan Danielson talks about how he and Katsuyori Shibata were both told that they couldn’t wrestle again but they just did it tonight. Danielson is grateful for that, just like he’s grateful for getting to face Will Ospreay at Dynasty. It’s live or die, but Danielson isn’t ready to die. He doesn’t think Ospreay is ready.

Claudio Castagnoli vs. Lance Archer

They shove each other around to start and trade shoulders to see both of them staggered. We’re already on the exchange of forearms until Castagnoli takes over with some clotheslines. A running version puts Archer on the floor, only to have Castagnoli miss a clothesline off the apron. Archer’s running flip dive drops Castagnoli and we take a break.

Back with Archer hitting a swinging Rock Bottom for two but Castagnoli grabs a suplex. Archer hits him in the face and goes up, only to have his Old School broken up. The Swing is broken up as well though and Archer knees him on the top. A chokeslam gives Archer two but the Blackout is countered into a Death Valley Driver to give Castagnoli two. Castagnoli gets creative with a cutter off the middle rope for another near fall, followed by a springboard spinning uppercut. The Swing is on but here is the Righteous to jump Castagnoli fir the DQ at 11:08.

Rating: B-. I could have gone with a better finish than something that is likely setting up a six man with the rest of the Blackpool Combat Club but it was fun to see two monsters beating on each other. That’s all you needed from these two and they had a heck of a brawl. Castagnoli’s power continues to be impressive and him getting to throw someone like Archer around worked well.

Post match the beatdown is on so Bryan Danielson runs in for the save. When that doesn’t work, Katsuyori Shibata runs in with a chair for the real save.

Angelo Parker and Ruby Soho aren’t happy that Zak Knight won’t fight Parker tonight. Parker is ready to go find him, but Soho says that’s what Saraya and company want, so she won’t be with him. That’s enough to get Parker to calm down.

Kyle O’Reilly vs. Bryan Keith

Keith grinds away on a headlock to start but O’Reilly slips out for another standoff. O’Reilly is knocked outside but gets right back in for an exchange of strikes. A grapple off doesn’t go well for O’Reilly as Keith kicks him in the face, followed by a DDT for two. We take a break and come back with O’Reilly kneeing him in the ribs.

We pause for a second for the referee to check on Keith, followed by a quick kneebar from O’Reilly. That doesn’t work so O’Reilly goes for a triangle choke to slow Keith down. Keith is fine enough to catch him on top, setting up a hard kick for two. An enziguri staggers O’Reilly again but he’s back with a heck of a lariat. The cross armbreaker makes Keith tap at 11:30.

Rating: B-. Keith was a good choice for O’Reilly’s first opponent back as O’Reilly needed to show he could still hang around here without putting him against too big of a name. Odds are this will be followed by something with the Undisputed Kingdom, and I’m not sure where that is going to go. Nice match back for O’Reilly here, as he has a lot of time to make up for from the last few years.

Post match the Undisputed Era come in to celebrate.

Deonna Purrazzo and Thunder Rosa are ready for Toni Storm and Mariah May.

Tag Team Title Tournament Wildcard Match: House Of Black vs. Infantry

Julia Hart is here with the House, who jump the Infantry from behind before the bell. The beating goes outside with the Infantry being beaten down until the House gets inside. The Infantry wants to go so we ring the bell, allowing King to hit a Cannonball for two. Matthews kicks Dean on the floor and we take an early break.

Back with Bravo grabbing a rollup for two on Matthews and diving over for the tag to Dean. King comes in and runs Dean over with a heck of a clothesline, followed by Dante’s Inferno for two with Bravo making the save. King takes Bravo outside for an AA onto the announcers’ table, setting up a piledriver onto the same table. Julia Hart gets up to argue for some reason and here’s Mark Briscoe with a chair shot to Matthews. Briscoe runs off with King giving chase, allowing Dean to get the upset pin at 7:44.

Rating: C+. This was almost more of an angle than a match, as it was mostly a squash until the end when Briscoe interfered. It’s nice to see Briscoe costing the House the win as it ties together and gives us quite the twist to start the tournament. Odds are this leads to something big between Briscoe and the House, though waiting until Dynasty might be a bit much.

Post match here is Malakai Black to glare.

Video on Adam Copeland vs. Christian Cage.

Here is Copeland, still with the box labeled SPIKE. Copeland talks about his history here in Ottawa and, after rolling his eyes a bit at the hatred for Toronto, he sits in a chair in front of the box. He was looking forward to sitting around with Christian Cage when their careers were over but now everything has changed.

Copeland failed at World’s End and took a Conchairto. Now he has talked to someone who helped make him who he is (implying but not saying Mick Foley) and pulls out spike, which is a 2×4 covered in nails (better known as Janice in TNA). He and Spike are going to end Cage and make him say I QUIT in Toronto. Shouting I QUIT before an I quit match might not be the best idea.

Overall Rating: B-. This was quite the show, with nothing that really felt bigger than the rest and a pair of return matches before a big upset in the main event. It was a show with a bunch of things happening and most of it was anywhere from completely decent to solid. Next week’s Dynamite should be a big deal and this show did enough to help set it up, albeit without anything that felt like a main event.

Bryan Danielson b. Katsuyori Shibata – Rollup
Julia Hart b. Trish Adora – Moonsault
Daniel Garcia b. Lee Moriarty – Heel hook
Pac b. Aaron Solo – Brutalizer
Claudio Castagnoli b. Lance Archer via DQ when the Righteous interfered
Kyle O’Reilly b. Bryan Keith – Cross armbreaker
Infantry b. House Of Black – Chair shot to Matthews from Mark Briscoe



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Rampage – February 23, 2024: That Was Wild

Date: February 23, 2024
Location: BOK Center, Tulsa, Oklahoma
Commentators: Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, Matt Menard

We’re almost to Revolution and as usual with this show, it could mean almost anything. I’m not sure what to expect around here, though there will likely be a nice mixture of different things. That tends to be the formula for Rampage, though you never can tell what you’re going to get. Let’s get to it.

Here is Dynamite if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Matt Sydal/Private Party vs. Penta El Zero Miedo/Komander/Bryan Keith vs. Top Flight/Action Andretti

One fall to a finish and Sydal/Andretti get things going. Sydal takes him down with some headlocks to start but Andretti runs the corner for a wristdrag. Darius comes in and gets kicked in the face for his efforts so it’s off to Keith, who is forearmed by Quen. Penta and Quen have a big staredown but Dante tags himself in before things can get physical. Komander rope walks into a springboard armdrag (seems like a lot of work for the payoff) and we hit the parade of people hitting one move before being knocked down.

We take a break and come back with Dante elbowing Private Party down and hitting a springboard high crossbody for two. Everything breaks down and Dante hits a big dive onto the floor, leaving Sydal to hit a top rope Meteora to Komander on the apron. Back in and Penta counters the Gin and Juice into a middle rope Canadian Destroyer and Komander is launched over the top to take down a bunch of people. That leaves Penta to Fear Factor Sydal for the pin at 11:31.

Rating: B-. This is one of those matches where it’s all about the flipping and the diving and nothing at all about a coherent match. They kept things a bit more structured at first and then went completely nuts, with everyone hitting a bunch of big moves. For a match that felt important it was a waste of time, but as a total spectacle, it was a fun time.

Saraya freaks out that Ruby Soho is on a date with Angelo Parker but has good news: her brother Zak Knight is ALL ELITE. Saraya: “THIS COULD HAVE BEEN YOURS RUBY!” Harley Cameron: “LOOK AT HIM! HE’S HOT! I mean her whole family is hot. Look at daddy. And mommy. And you.” Saraya sprays her down with the water bottle, says things are about to get spicy around here, and gives Cameron a quick spank as they leave. That went in a direction.

Young Bucks vs. Jonny Lyons/Cappuccino Jones

Nick hammers on Lyons to start and hands it off to Matt for an elbow to the face. Jones comes in and gets dropped by a DDT, followed by a heck of a discus lariat. A top rope Meltzer Driver (now dubbed the Tony Khan Driver) finishes for Matt at 1:18.

Post match Nick threatens the referee with a fine for improper name use. Tony Schiavone is called into the ring, with Nick saying it was an accident when he tripped into Schiavone. They even give him a $25 Amazon gift card. The fine will NOT be rescinded though and now they are ready to beat up Darby Allin and Sting at Revolution.

Post break Schiavone is still in the ring and brings in Sammy Guevara for a chat. Guevara isn’t happy with what Don Callis said about him, or Powerhouse Hobbs putting him through a table. Hobbs is a force on his own and doesn’t need Don Callis, but it’s too late for now. Guevara calls out Hobbs but gets Callis instead. Cue Hobbs from behind but Guevara cuts him off instead. Some chair shots have Hobbs staggered….until Sammy tries the GTH and gets laid out as a result.

Skye Blue isn’t happy with Stokely Hathaway but Julia Hart interrupts. Hart promises to dig graves for Hathaway, Willow Nightingale and Kris Statlander, but Blue wants someone to step up.

Anna Jay vs. Mariah May

May takes her up against the ropes to start and hits a chop against the ropes before doing it again in the corner. We take a break and come back with Jay catching her on top and pulling May back down for two. May knees her in the face but has to break out of the Queenslayer. Jay’s backbreaker gets two and the Queenslayer goes n. May actually bites her way out and hits May Day for the pin at 7:47.

Rating: C. And that’s a women’s match on Rampage. It’s what they do almost every week, to the point where I was just waiting for the commercial. May getting a win is nice to see as she is still relatively unproven in the ring around here. At the same time, this is what Jay does: gets heated up by a win or two, loses two or three in a row, starts the cycle over. I get that AEW wants her to be a thing, but she has to break this cycle if that is ever going to happen.

Angelo Parker and Ruby Soho had a nice date but Soho says it’s clear Saraya needs her instead of the other way around. When Soho starts talking about Parker, it gets serious. So next week, let’s just have everyone out there at once to deal with it. Parker: “You’re very hot when you’re mad.” They’re off for a drink.

Jake Hager vs. Roderick Strong

Hager has the Tulsa Drillers’ mascot with him while Strong has the Kingdom. Strong chops him to no avail so Hager glares him out to the floor. Back in and Hager fires off some much harder chops in the corner but has to chase Strong outside. Hager plants him down for two and we take an early break. Back with Strong hitting a knee to the face and grabbing an Angle Slam for two.

The mascot tries to play cheerleader and gets scared off by the Kingdom. A confetti cannon just annoys the Kingdom so here is Orange Cassidy to…throw Hager his hat. We now remember that there is a match going on as Hager cleans house. The Vader Bomb gets two and a Doctor Bomb sets up the ankle lock. Strong kicks his way out and the Kingdom offers a distraction. That’s enough for the jumping knee to finish Hager at 10:17.

Rating: C+. Maybe it was being at home or something, but Hager was feeling it here and put in one of his better showings in a good while. At the same time, Strong needed the win to help get him ready for Cassidy at the pay per view. Having him get beaten up for the better part of ten minutes didn’t help that, but the story has enough issues so far.

Overall Rating: C+. As usual, this felt like the C show but the action we got was good enough. They covered quite a few things and did well with most of it, though very little of it feels like it will make a big impact. Saraya and Soho’s segments were good and the opener was wild, which should be enough to get you through most of this show.

Penta El Zero Miedo/Komander/Bryan Keith b. Top Flight/Action Andretti and Matt Sydal/Private Party – Fear Factor to Sydal
Young Bucks b. Jonny Lyons/Cappuccino Jones – Tony Khan Driver to Jones
Mariah May b. Anna Jay – May Day
Roderick Strong b. Jake Hager – Jumping knee



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Rampage – January 19, 2024: Now With Stars

Date: January 19, 2024
Location: North Charleston Coliseum, North Charleston, South Carolina
Commentators: Excalibur, Ian Riccaboni, Don Callis

There is some star power around this week as we have both Chris Jericho vs. Matt Sydal and Jeff Hardy vs. Darby Allin. The latter could be quite the showcase if both of them are capable of moving, while Jericho can face a talented opponent. I’m sure there will be some other stuff as well so let’s get to it.

Here is Dynamite if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Chris Jericho vs. Matt Sydal

The fans seem to be behind Jericho as he grabs a headlock to start. A hurricanrana takes Jericho down and a running clothesline puts him on the floor. Back in and Jericho runs Sydal over and chops away in the corner, setting up the Walls. The rope is grabbed so Jericho hits the triangle dropkick to the floor as we take a break.

Back with Sydal kicking away, including kicking Jericho out of the air. A standing moonsault gives Sydal two as Callis is screaming for Sydal to finish Jericho. Sydal dives into a Codebreaker (albeit not a great one) and Jericho hits an FU. The Lionsault lands on raised knees though and Sydal hits an Air Raid Crash for two of his own. Sydal hammers away in the corner but Jericho does the same, setting up the Judas Effect for the pin at 10:37.

Rating: B-. Perfectly watchable match here and it worked out well. At the very least, Jericho didn’t get booed out of the building so AEW might be able to call it a win right off the bat. Sydal is someone who isn’t going to be a breakout star but he is able to be put in the ring with just about anyone. That made him a good choice to face Jericho here and it worked pretty well.

Post match Konosuke Takeshita comes out to go after Jericho. Christopher Daniels tries to help break it up and gets decked by Takeshita.

Penta El Zero Miedo vs. Anthony Henry

Penta hits him in the face to start and grabs a spinning Death Valley Driver for an early two. Made In Japan is broken up and Henry kicks him down for two of his own. They trade kicks to the legs with Henry getting the better of things. Penta suplexes him into the corner though and the Fear Factor finishes for Penta at 3:52.

Rating: C. This didn’t have much time to go anywhere but it was still a nice win for Penta. That being said, I’m not sure why Penta needed a singles win as he’s mainly been in tag matches in recent months. At least they didn’t stay on it too long though, as this wasn’t exactly an interesting match in the first place.

Saraya and Ruby Soho are arguing when Harley Cameron comes in. Soho chokes her up against the wall and asks WHY HIM, with Cameron blaming Anna Jay for the idea. Soho is off to find Jay as Renee Paquette glares at Saraya.

Kris Statlander vs. Queen Aminata

Stokely Hathaway is here with Statlander (she doesn’t seem thrilled), who grabs a headlock to start. They trade legsweeps and rollups for two each until Statlander hits a running shoulder. Aminata grabs a snapmare into a kick to the back before a missed charge puts Statlander on the floor. Aminata hits a big dive to the floor and we take a break.

Back with Aminata’s hip attack and a kick to the head getting two. Aminata grabs a crossface but Statlander powers out. A discus lariat gives Statlander two of her own but a running knee misses in the corner. Aminata blasts her with a running knee against the ropes, only to have Statlander snap off a powerslam. A spinning fisherman’s driver finishes Aminata at 8:48.

Rating: C+. Aminata is getting into the Skye Blue territory of “ok, who else do you have”, as she’s popping up on multiple shows recently. She seems pretty good in the ring, but AEW has a tendency to run people into the ground at times. I’d hope they don’t do that here as she’s still new and over exposing her isn’t a good idea.

Post match Statlander does not seem pleased with Hathaway celebrating with him.

Jay Lethal is annoyed that Jeff Jarrett isn’t here for their talk. Lethal is glad in a way because he can get back to strong wrestling. Sonjay Dutt agrees: it’s time to get rid of Karen Jarrett. Lethal storms off, saying he might want singles gold.

Stokely Hathaway interrupts a Kris Statlander interview when Willow Nightingale comes in. Her travel arrangements were canceled and she seems to blame Hathaway. Statlander says they’ll figure this out and leaves, with Nightingale not being pleased with Statlander not shutting Hathaway down.

Darby Allin vs. Jeff Hardy

This is under relaxed rules. Allin starts fast and sends him outside for the big flip dive and a near fall inside. Hardy takes him to the floor this time and sends Allin over the announcers’ table before a double knockdown gives us a breather. Hardy misses Poetry In Motion from the steps to the barricade but Allin misses a dive and crashes onto the ramp.

We take a break and come back with Hardy hitting a sitout gordbuster. He puts Allin on the top, where a rake to the back and a super Code Red plants Hardy for two. They go up top again but this time Hardy hits a hanging neckbreaker onto the apron. It’s time for a table on the floor but Hardy misses the Swanton through said table. Back in and the Coffin Drop hits Hardy’s raised knees, only to have Allin grab a rollup for the pin at 13:45.

Rating: C+. Well, they certainly didn’t waste time here, but my goodness it’s hard to watch these two beating the fire out of each other like this knowing how banged up they both are. Then again, the two of them seem to be perfectly fine with breaking every bone they can so it’s not like they’re going to be stopped. Hardy on his own still feels like something of a star so having him put over someone like Allin over is a good move. But could they maybe, not try to kill themselves in the process?

Overall Rating: C+. This a slightly different version of Rampage as it had some bigger names, but it still felt like a show that was little more than some AEW stars having matches. You had some minor advancements from some stories but it’s definitely not a show that needs to be there. If you watch it you won’t be bored, though it’s completely skippable. Rampage could use its own identity and that doesn’t seem to be happening anytime soon.

Chris Jericho b. Matt Sydal – Judas Effect
Penta El Zero Miedo b. Anthony Henry – Fear Factor
Kris Statlander b. Queen Aminata – Spinning fisherman’s driver
Darby Allin b. Jeff Hardy – Rollup



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Rampage – January 12, 2024: Maybe Next Week

Date: January 12, 2024
Location: Daily’s Place, Jacksonville, Florida
Commentators: Tony Schiavone, Excalibur, Jim Ross

We’re still in Daily’s Place and that means it’s the second half of the Homecoming special. At the same time though, it’s Rampage, which means you could be seeing almost anything. Odd are we’ll get at least one good match here, which tends to be the case with Rampage. Let’s get to it.

Here is Dynamite if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Continental Crown: Eddie Kingston vs. Wheeler Yuta

Only Kingston is defending and commentary does clarify that all three of his titles are on the line. They go with the grappling to start until Yuta takes him to the mat to work on the arm. Back up and Yuta sends him outside, setting up the suicide dive to knock Kingston into the barricade. They get back in so Kingston’s arm can be wrapped around the rope again.

More cranking on the arm gets two and a dropkick is good for the same. We take a break and come back with Yuta stomping on the arm. Yuta mockingly kicks him in the back, earning a heck of a chop from Kingston. A suplex drops Yuta and a DDT gives Kingston two. Kingston puts him on top or some chops but Yuta is back with a middle rope diving DDT for two of his own.

The hammer and anvil elbows set up a Disarm-Her but Kingston is right next to the rope. The spinning backfist misses for Kingston though and Yuta snaps off a German suplex for two more. An Angle Slam sets up the top rope splash for another near fall on Kingston and we hit the keylock. With that broken up, Kingston grabs the Saito suplex and a northern lights bomb retains the titles at 17:15.

Rating: B. I was surprised at how long this match got and it made things a bit better. Yuta was picking Kingston’s arm apart but Kingston fought through it and won with something other than the spinning backfist. It was a nice story and Kingston is one of the best going today at fighting from underneath. Solid stuff here, and amazingly enough the lack of Pure Rules made Yuta more interesting.

Mark Briscoe and the Hardys liked teaming together and want to do it again, with the ratings going up as a result. Maybe some Trios gold are in the cards? Jeff even gives Mark a Hardys necklace.

Swerve Strickland vs. Matt Sydal

The Mogul Embassy is here with Strickland, who starts fast with a rollup for two. The middle rope elbow to the back hits Sydal and Strickland grabs some Nikki Bella Rack Attacks to keep him in trouble. Sydal manages a quick hurricanrana and an Air Raid Crash gets two. Strickland isn’t having that though as it’s the rolling Downward Spiral but the Swerve Stomp misses. A rollup doesn’t work for Sydal as Strickland reverses into the JML Driver for the pin at 4:24.

Rating: C. That’s what this should have been. Strickland is on a roll right now and there is no need to have him take too long to beat someone on Sydal’s level. Sydal got in a bit of offense before falling to one of Strickland’s big moves. That’s exactly how this match should have played out and they didn’t do anything nuts. Nice work.

Private Party interrupt Top Flight and Action Andretti, the latter of whom aren’t happy. The challenge is made an accepted, with Andretti doing his water bottle trick.

Queen Aminata vs. Hikaru Shida

Shida starts fast and hammers away in the corner but Aminata takes her down for a running hip attack. We take a break and come back with an exchange of kicks to the back, with Shida sitting down so Aminata can kick her. Back up and Amiata knees her in the face for two, only for Shida to come back with the Falcon Arrow. The Katana finishes for Shida at 8:20.

Rating: C. Aminata has been around quite a few times in the last week or so as she seems to be the latest work in progress. So far she’s ok, though she’s roughly #179 or so on the list of women using a running hip attack at the moment. Shida feels like she has been stuck in limbo for awhile now and this isn’t going to make things much better.

We look at Daniel Garcia of all people saving FTR from a House Of Black attack on Collision.

Saraya shows Ruby Soho a soundless clip of Harley Cameron kissing Angelo Parker. Parker comes in with a birthday cake for Soho, who slams it into his face and storms off. Parker says that’s not what it looks like, even with Saraya saying she always wins. With everyone else gone, Parker unpauses the video, which shows him shoving Cameron away and looking confused.

Dark Order vs. Matt Menard/Angelo Parker/Jake Hager

-1 is here with the Order and Parker still has cake on his face as he locks up with Silver to start. Silver runs Parker, now with a gold chain around his neck, over and stops to dance. It’s off to Hager (now with chain) to take over as JR talks about Hager’s football background, with Silver getting beaten down in the corner. Uno comes in and the Order clears the ring as we take a break.

Back with Reynolds fighting out of a chinlock and diving over to Uno for the tag. Everything breaks down and the Pendulum Bomb gets two on Parker. A double DDT plants Reynolds and the Hager Bomb connects for two. The ankle lock goes on but -1 grabs Hager’s hat. That’s enough of a distraction for the Stunner/German suplex/rollup combination to pin Hager at 10:22.

Rating: C+. What else were you expecting here? It was the latest edition of bringing up Brodie Lee, which AEW has a certain fondness of doing. The match was nothing worth seeing as it was a run of the mill six man tag with the crowd favorites winning. They were playing to the live audience here, which is usually a bad idea but it’s airing at almost 11pm on a Friday so it’s a bit more acceptable.

Overall Rating: B-. The opener was rather good but the rest was the usual supplemental stuff that you don’t need to watch. Parker and Soho’s segment was a pretty big step forward for them but other than that, it’s a pretty nothing show. Then again with this much AEW content on a single weekend, there is only so much you can get out of an hour long show on a Friday night.

Eddie Kingston b. Wheeler Yuta – Northern lights bomb
Swerve Strickland b. Matt Sydal – JML Driver
Hikaru Shida b. Queen Aminata – Katana
Dark Order b. Matt Menard/Angelo Parker/Jake Hager – Rollup to Hager


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Rampage – January 5, 2024: Would Anyone Notice?

Date: January 5, 2024
Location: Prudential Center, Newark, New Jersey
Commentators: Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, Ian Riccaboni

We’re done with Worlds End and that might mean a little something around here. The question becomes what we might be getting with this show, as Rampage has a tendency to be all over the place with fairly random matches. Hopefully we get another of the entertaining matches that tend to take place on this show. Let’s get to it.

Here is Dynamite if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Hardys/Mark Briscoe vs. Butcher and the Blade/Kip Sabian

Sabian works on Briscoe’s arm to start and then runs him over for a bonus. Briscoe is back up to take over on Sabian and the Hardys come in for a double suplex. Blade comes in but gets caught by the leg, meaning he’s already handing it off to Butcher. Matt’s middle rope elbow gets two but Butcher counters the Twist of Fate and hits a hard clothesline. It’s back to Sabian, who is quickly neckbreakered so Mark and Butcher can come back in. Everything breaks down and Sabian hits an Arabian moonsault onto Briscoe. Back in and the villains take turns beating on Briscoe as we take a break.

We come back with Briscoe and Blade trading forearms until Briscoe snaps off a neckbreaker. The double tag brings in Jeff to beat on Sabian, including the basement dropkick for two. A middle rope splash gives Jeff two more and Matt comes in for Poetry In Motion. Everything breaks down again and Sabian’s springboard dropkick accidentally takes out his partners. The Twist of Fate into the Swanton into the Froggy Bow finishes Sabian at 11:13.

Rating: B-. This wasn’t a match that broke any new ground but they did what they needed to do and did it rather well. That’s what you need to do sometimes and it worked for an opener. If nothing else, I can go for the Hardys filling in a six man tag over having them get some kind of focus, as it tends to hide their limitations these days. Nice opener here as a good six man can go a long way.

Chris Jericho and Sammy Guevara have a Tag Team Titles hot coming but Guevara is ready for Ricky Starks next week. Guevara knows that Starks is good but he’s not that good. Jericho will be ready to take care of Big Bill too.

The former Jericho Appreciation Society is ready for Anna Jay’s match, but she thinks it’s time for a change because things are feeling stale. She’ll go out there by herself tonight, but here is Harley Cameron to interrupt. She wants to help all of them and whispers something to Parker, who seems intrigued.

Willow Nightingale/Kris Statlander vs. Notorious Mimi/Kennedi Hardcastle

Hold on though as Stokely Hathaway steals the microphone to handle the introductions. Statlander gets a bit more praise than Nightingale (“Thicker than a Snickers and quicker than a cat with whiskers.”), possibly due to Hathaway thinking she’s rather fetching. Statlander takes Mimi into the corner to start but Hardcastle gets in a cheap shot from behind. That’s fine with Nightingale, who suplexes both of them down at once. Statlander comes back in with clotheslines to run them over, followed by Nightingale hitting a spinebuster for the pin on Mimi at 2:36.

The Hardys want a match on Dynamite so here is Private Party to share some respect. No match is set though, oddly enough.

Anna Jay vs. Hikaru Shida

Jay slugs away against the ropes to start but Shida ducks some shots to the face and grabs a neckbreaker. Shida’s running knee connects and we go outside for the chair, which takes too long to set up. Instead Jay runs her over and then wraps Shida’s ribs around the post for a rather nasty visual. We take a break and come back with Jay yelling a lot and Shida unloading with forearms. A brainbuster gives Shida two but Jay hits a pendulum kick out of the corner. The Queenslayer goes on but Shida lips out and scores with a running knee for two more. The top rope Meteora into the Katana finishes Jay at 9:10.

Rating: C+. Shida winning makes sense as she’s one of the biggest stars the division has ever seen, but it’s weird to see Jay going back and forth with the wins and losses. She has potential and it seems that AEW wants to push her, but that’s not going to work when she keeps losing her momentum. Nice enough match, though Jay losing again is almost disappointing these days.

Sonjay Dutt yells at the Jarretts and Jay Lethal, demanding that they get back on the same page. Karen Jarrett wants the team to have a name but Jeff Jarrett says it needs to have LOSER in it because of Lethal. Jeff and Lethal have to be held apart.

Video on the Christian Cage/Adam Copeland ordeal at Worlds End, plus Cage intentionally not thanking Killswitch on Dynamite.

Ring Of Honor Pure Rules Title: Wheeler Yuta vs. Komander

Yuta is defending and they fight over arm control to start. A double wristlock has Komander using his first rope break barely a minute in. La majistral into a half crab sends Yuta to his first rope break as they’re certainly starting fast. Komander’s hurricanrana sends Yuta outside but it’s too early for a dive. Instead Yuta takes him down by the arm as we take a break.

Back with Yuta holding him in a Gory Stretch but Komander rolls him into the corner for the break. A springboard kick to the face drops Yuta again and a springboard tornado DDT gets two. Komander misses a twisting moonsault though and it’s an Angle Slam to put him down. Yuta grabs a Kimura so Komander has to use his last rope break. They trade kicks to the face until Yuta gets two off a bridging German suplex. The hammer and anvil elbows set up another Kimura to retain the title at 10:54.

Rating: C+. Yuta has something of a formula to his title defenses and it was on display here. He takes away the rope breaks and then usually wins by submission, which might make sense but doesn’t make for the most thrilling stuff. I get that the idea is to have a title match, but Yuta’s style is only so interesting and doesn’t exactly scream big time featured showcase. It also didn’t help that even commentary was pointing out how strange it was for Komander of all people to get a shot at this title, but AEW’s title shot logic has always been a bit all over the place.

Overall Rating: C+. As is usually the case these days, Rampage is just kind of there for the most part. You know what you’re going to get most weeks and that was the case again here. It’s not a bad show, but it’s a show that you could skip a good chunk of the time. Even the best match on here was just pretty good, with the big attraction being things announced for Dynamite. The show is easy enough to watch, but it’s also something that could be dropped without much being lost, which puts it in a very weird place.

Hardys/Mark Briscoe b. Butcher and the Blade/Kip Sabian – Froggy Bow to Sabian
Willow Nightingale/Kris Statlander b. Notorious Mimi/Kennedi Hardcastle – Spinebuster to Mimi
Hikaru Shida b. Anna Jay – Katana
Wheeler Yuta b. Komander – Kimura



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