Collision – November 17, 2023: That Is A Very Green Suit

Date: November 17, 2023
Location: Kia Forum, Los Angeles, California
Commentators: Nigel McGuinness, Kevin Kelly, Tony Schiavone

It’s the night before Full Gear and therefore the schedule is a little wacky, as Collision is taking place before Rampage and in the same building. That is going to make things a bit more interesting, but Collision has been up and down in recent weeks. It would be nice to have a more old school feel to this one….or as old school as a show about five months old can be. Let’s get to it.

Here is Dynamite if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Tony Schiavone (in a very green suit) brings out Christian Cage and company to start things off. Cage is ready for the six man tag tomorrow night, plus a TNT Title defense tonight on Rampage. Other than that though, in a town full of phony people, we need some reality. Cage says tomorrow is going to be Sting’s last match because he has been living off his past name and reputation for fifteen years. Darby Allin is going to need a father figure and Cage knows someone who can do that for him.

As for Adam Copeland, Cage knows he is here to steal the spotlight but Cage is a different person than he was back then. Beth Phoenix needs to keep the girls up late because Cage is breaking Copeland’s neck. It doesn’t matter who he is facing tonight, but he can beat any of the four in the qualifying match anyway. Fans: “PROVE IT!” Cage quotes not so popular NBA player James Harden, saying he doesn’t work within the system because he is the system.

Ricky Starks and Big Bill have a new stipulation for their four way Tag Team Title defense: we’ll make it a LADDER match. WELL OF COURSE WE WILL.

Miro vs. Daniel Garcia

Miro throws him down without much trouble to start and then suplexes him out of the corner for a bonus. A gutwrench suplex drops Garcia again so Miro loads up the Garcia dance. You don’t do that though as Garcia strikes away, only to be caught in a swinging release Rock Bottom. We take a break and come back with Miro grabbing a chinlock but Garcia fights up. Some slugging in the corner has Miro in trouble and he can’t swat a dropkick away.

Garcia’s running knee to the face just annoys Miro, who superkicks him down. It’s too early for Game Over though and Garcia slaps away, setting up a belly to back suplex. The dance is loaded up but cue Matt Menard to break it up. Not that it matters as Garcia pulls him into a crossface, which he switches into the Dragontamer. The bending back too far is a bad idea for Garcia though, as Miro slams his head into the mat or the break. Game Over finishes Garcia at 10:14.

Rating: C+. This was what it needed to be, as Miro is mad at Garcia for approaching his wife and wrecked him as a result. That’s all this should have been, as Garcia got in some offense before losing. Miro seems likely for a showdown with Andrade El Idolo sooner or later and this should be a good warmup.

CJ Perry and Andrade El Idolo are happy with their new business relationship, which is why Perry has entered into the Continental Classic. If he wins, he gets extra money.

Kings Of The Black Throne vs. The Boys

Brent goes after Black’s wrist to start and is easily shoved away. King comes in so it’s off to Brandon as everything breaks down. Brandon’s enziguri doesn’t do much to Black as it’s Dante’s Inferno to give King the pin at 2:09. Pretty much a squash.

Julia Hart, Skye Blue and Kris Statlander are ready to win/keep the TBS Title.

Trent Beretta vs. Brian Cage vs. Komander vs. Penta El Zero Miedo

The winner gets a TNT Title shot on Rampage and Prince Nana is here with Cage. The fans aren’t sure who they like here so Penta stops to take his glove off. That earns him a shot to the face before Cage gets triple teamed to the floor. Trent elbows Penta down before a jumping knee sets up a half and half suplex. Back in and Cage apron superplexes Komander onto the other two to send us to a break.

We come back with Penta striking away at Cage, followed by Trent suplexing Komander a few times. Penta gets suplexed as well but Cage blocks one without much trouble. A discus lariat knocks Trent silly and there’s a faceplant for two on Komander with Penta making the save. Penta is back up with a Canadian Destroyer to Komander and a Sling Blade to Cage. The big springboard flip dive hits Cage, leaving Komander’s rope walk shooting star to not quite hit Trent. The Scrunchie finishes Komander at 10:34 to give Trent the title shot.

Rating: B-. This felt like something you would see at a house show to set up a title match later in the night. That isn’t a bad thing either as it at least gives the match some stakes, even if Beretta doesn’t seem like a heavy favorite in the title match. For now though, good all action match and that’s what it needed to be.

Don Callis and Powerhouse Hobbs are proud of getting rid of Paul Wight with a heck of a slam onto a car on Dynamite. Hobbs tells Wight to stay away because anyone can get it.

Wardlow vs. Evan Daniels

Powerbomb, Swanton, Powerbomb for the stoppage at 57 seconds.

Full Gear rundown.

Dax Harwood vs. Rush

Ricky Starks is on commentary (Big Bill is with him but wasn’t introduced for some reason) and the rest of LFI is here. They shove each other around to start until Rush backdrops him out to the floor. Some rams into the barricade have Harwood in even more trouble as Starks does a Harwood impression.

Harwood gets sent shoulder first into the post and Rush unloads in the corner, setting up the single boot. We take a break and come back with Harwood chopping his way off the top. That lasts all of three seconds as Rush is back up with a superplex for two. They strike it out for a double knockdown before getting back up to trade clotheslines.

Rush can’t get a backslide so Harwood is right back with a piledriver for two of his own. The fight heads outside with Rush hitting a jumping knee to the face, setting up a posting. Rush goes after Starks before loading up the Bull’s Horns, only to have Starks come in with the spear to Rush for the DQ at 14:01.

Rating: B-. This was quite the Rush match, as he mostly beat the fire out of Harwood, though at least Harwood got in a bit of offense of his own. That being said, I’ll absolutely take having one of them avoid a pin before a title match, as that has always felt like the biggest waste of time. Rush continues to feel like a star, but he certainly likes being on offense. Maybe a bit too much at that.

Post match the beating is on until the other people in the ladder match run in for the huge brawl. Referees can’t break it up as we take a break. Of note: we’re told Tony Khan says this is a no contest. I know he’s a big wrestling fan, but in my day, someone coming in and attacking a single wrestler was a DQ.

Action Andretti is cut off by Roderick Strong and the Kingdom, the former of which says he has found his next victim.

Buddy Matthews vs. Wheeler Yuta

Matthews works on the arm to start but Yuta flips out to escape and crank away as well. Yuta even offers him a shot to grab the leg before pulling it back. Instead Yuta sends him outside, where a dropkick through the ropes makes it worse. That’s not ok with Matthews, who beats him up around ringside.

They head to the apron for a slugout until Yuta is LAUNCHED onto the announcers’ table. We take a break and come back with Matthews striking him down until Yuta is back up with a heck of a forearm. Yuta manages to knock him down to one knee but Matthews is back with a shot of his own.

A rollup and German suplex give Yuta two each and there’s a superkick to put Matthews on the floor. They fight on the apron until Matthews drops him ribs first onto the turnbuckle. Yuta kicks his way out of trouble and drapes him over the top for an ax handle. Matthews hits a heck of a powerbomb though and the Stomp finishes Yuta at 13:43.

Rating: B. I can always go for a power vs. speed match and they had a nice one here, with Yuta doing what he could against the far stronger Matthews. That’s a formula that has worked forever in wrestling and they did it here with two potential stars. Matthews has long since felt like he could be moving up the ladder whenever he’s given a chance but there is only so much that can be done with the rest of the House Of Black around. See also Yuta with the Blackpool Combat Club, as he is by far the lowest member of the team but is still a talented star. Anyway, pretty sweet match here and that’s always nice to see.

Post match Matthews grabs a chair but here is Claudio Castagnoli to cut him off. Castagnoli says the House Of Black has his attention so he and Matthews can fight at Full Gear.

Orange Cassidy and Jon Moxley are ready to fight again at Full Gear.

Ruby Soho/Saraya vs. Kris Statlander/Hikaru Shida

Shida and Soho grapple around to start as we hear about Angelo Parker “pitching woo” about Soho. Nigel is of course all over Kelly for that one as Statlander comes in to take over on Saraya. Back up and Statlander shoulders her down for two as Julia Hart is watching in the back. Statlander suplexes both villains down at once and hands it back to Shida as we see Skye Blue watching in the back as well. The villains pull Shida down out of the corner and we take a break.

Back with Parker watching at ringside as Saraya kicks Shida in the ribs. That brings Statlander and Soho back in, with Statlander hitting a Falcon Arrow for two. Statlander has to get Soho back inside, but sees Parker in a Soho shirt. Saraya comes back in and gets to clean some house, setting up a forearm off with Shida. After a double knockdown, Shida is back up with a knee each for Saraya and Soho, which has Parker checking on the latter. Saraya is livid as Statlander clotheslines Parker (seemed to be aiming for Soho). That leaves Shida to Katana Saraya for the pin at 10:32.

Rating: B-. This wound up being more of a focus on the Parker stuff and that might be a bit more interesting than the match. Saraya is already starting to feel forgotten around here and it’s not like her matches are tearing the house down. Maybe she ties in with the Parker story, but she certainly needs something. Shida probably will as well, as it feels almost impossible to imagine her leaving Full Gear with the title. Statlander might be in a safer spot, but Hart winning feels long overdue. They covered a bit here, but it didn’t quite feel like a big time main event.

We get a sitdown interview with MJF, who is defending the Ring Of Honor Tag Team Titles to keep his promise to Adam Cole. The Gunns are very ugly but he’ll beat them anyway. Other than that, he doesn’t like Jay White stealing his title belt, but he’ll get that back at Full Gear. Schiavone brings up MJF winning the title a year ago, sending MJF into a rant about overcoming the odds over the years. He likes the odds against White, so we’ll see them tomorrow. This was fired up MJF and that is often the best kind.

Overall Rating: B. There was good action throughout and the Yuta vs. Matthews match was quite good, but it did feel like a show that didn’t really need to be here. I was hoping they would have pulled the show from the schedule for the sake of the PPV but we got a decent enough push towards Full Gear. The pay per view still doesn’t exactly feel must see, though this show did a nice job of boosting it up a bit.

Miro b. Daniel Garcia – Game Over
Kings Of The Black Throne b. The Boys – Dante’s Inferno to Brandon
Trent Beretta b. Brian Cage, Komander and Penta El Zero Miedo – Scrunchie to Komander
Wardlow b. Evan Daniels via referee stoppage
Rush b. Dax Harwood via DQ when Ricky Starks interfered
Buddy Matthews b. Wheeler Yuta – Stomp
Hikaru Shida/Kris Statlander b. Saraya/Ruby Soho – Katana to Saraya



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Dynamite – November 8, 2023: One Of AEW’s Greatest Strengths

Date: November 8, 2023
Location: Moda Center, Portland, Oregon
Commentators: Excalibur, Taz, Tony Schiavone

We are a week and a half away from Full Gear and that means we should be getting the final push towards the show. This week that includes MJF defending the World Title against Daniel Garcia and an interesting main event of Jay White vs. Mark Briscoe. Other than that, we have a heck of a showdown between Keith Lee and Samoa Joe for the ROH TV Title. Let’s get to it.

Here is Collision if you need a recap.

Tony Schiavone brings in MJF to talk about his lost last week but MJF says it will never happen again. Adam Cole calls him so MJF throws it to a video screen and says MJF should take Samoa Joe up on his offer. MJF isn’t sure why but here is Daniel Garcia (challenging MJF for the title tonight) to laugh a bit. Garcia says tonight, MJF is getting the professional wrestler. With Garcia gone, the Kingdom wheels in Roderick Strong, who offers MJF some tips. MJF walks off, which Strong says is what the devil would do. It’s time to remind people who Strong is.

Opening sequence.

AEW World Title: Maxwell Jacob Friedman vs. Daniel Garcia

Garcia, with Matt Menard and Angelo Parker, is challenging. MJF hits him in the face to start so Garcia does the same, only to have his friends break up the dance (as tends to be their custom as of late). An armbar has Garcia down and a rollup gives MJF two. We take a break and come back with Garcia hitting a one armed German suplex and dancing a bit.

MJF is right back on the arm before a hammerlock DDT gets two. Garcia kicks the leg out and hits a one armed piledriver for two. They’re doing something there with the arm not working at full strength. The Dragontamer goes on but MJF escapes and grabs the Salt Of The Earth to retain the title at 10:38.

Rating: B-. Not too bad at all here, though Garcia continues to not exactly be the most interesting star in the world. He’s a strong technician, but that doesn’t do much to help his charisma. Thankfully they didn’t let this go on too long, as there was no way to make Garcia feel like a serious threat to the title.

Post match MJF wants to shake hands but Garcia’s friends won’t allow it.

Mark Briscoe is ready for Jay White.

Sting/Darby Allin vs. Outrunners

Allin headlocks Magnum to start but gets take into the corner for a stomping from Floyd. A suplex is broken up and String comes in to clean house. The Scorpion Deathlock finishes Floyd at 2:58. That’s how it should have gone.

We have a sitdown interview (in black and white) between Hikaru Shida and Toni Storm. Shida promises to beat her again as usual but Storm doesn’t seem to buy it. They sign the contract and go face to face.

Penta El Zero Miedo vs. Swerve Strickland

Feeling out process to start until Swerve takes him into the corner for a kick to the leg. Swerve bites the fingers but Penta is back with some chops. A Backstabber sends Swerve outside, where he is able to drop Penta face first onto the steps. Penta strikes away and hits a big running flip dive as we take a break.

Back with Made In Japan and the JML Driver both being blocked, leaving us with a double knockdown. A Death Valley Driver gets Penta two and he drops Swerve hard onto the apron to leave Swerve on the floor. Back in and Swerve reverses a headscissors out of the corner by flipping Penta into the corner. A 450 is blocked and Made In Japan gives Penta two. Swerve is back with his own Death Valley Driver and snaps Penta’s arm. The Swerve Stomp gives Swerve the pin at 13:33.

Rating: B. One of AEW’s greatest strengths is being able to take any two wrestlers out of a huge number available and have them put on a good match. That’s what they did here as these two came pretty close to tearing the house down. If you can get Penta away from doing his CERO MIEDO line over and over again and let him do his thing, he can put in a heck of a performance and that was the case here. At the same time you have Swerve continuing to showcase just how good he really is as his roll continues.

Post match Swerve goes for the mast but Hangman Page runs in to lay Swerve out with a Deadeye off the stage and through some tables. It seems WAY too early for that as it could have come during their Full Gear match instead.

Jay White is ready to beat up Mark Briscoe tonight and hopes MJF is watching.

The Don Callis Family is ready for serious violence next week against Chris Jericho and pals.

Chris Jericho and Kenny Omega are ready to fight next week, but the Young Bucks come in to bring up an idea of the Elite. They think Jericho is just here to get a paycheck, but Jericho thinks he and Omega are a better team. They agree to fight at Full Gear, with Jericho wanting the Bucks’ Tag Team Title shot on the line. That works with the Bucks, but if they win, Jericho and Omega are done as a team and they get back to being the Elite. Omega says he’s beaten the Bucks before so he can do it again.

Ring Of Honor TV Title: Samoa Joe vs. Keith Lee

Joe is defending and grabs a headlock to start. Lee isn’t having that and runs Joe over with a shoulder. Some choking on the rope keeps Joe down but he’s back up with the snap jabs in the corner. Back up and Lee leapfrogs over him and knocks Joe outside to send us to a break. We come back with Joe taking out the leg, including hitting a dragon screw legwhip. Lee manages a pop up powerbomb for a delayed two but Joe is right back up. Joe pulls him into the Koquina Clutch to retain the title at 11:26.

Rating: B-. This was the hoss match it was advertised as being and that made for a good fight. While I could go for more of Lee being a monster who runs people over, there is little shame in losing to someone as dominant as Joe. That being said, this felt like a match that could have been built up a lot better, but that is the case for a lot of things on AEW TV.

Post match Joe says he’s vacating the title to go after the AEW World Title. After a year and a half and Joe retaining the title when it seemed perfect for Joe to lose, he just walks away from it without putting anyone over? And not even on the ROH show. This has been your weekly reminder that RING OF HONOR MEANS NOTHING.

Orange Cassidy, with Hook, is rather serious and says he has to beat Jon Moxley.

Gunns b. Bollywood Boyz

3:10 To Yuma finishes Gurv at 42 seconds.

Post match the Gunns promise to beat up MJF and win the Ring Of Honor Tag Team Titles.

Jon Moxley says he’s in for the Full Gear title shot against Orange Cassidy, but he and Wheeler Yuta might crush Cassidy and Hook before they get there.

Wardlow is ready to end MJF.

Julia Hart vs. Red Velvet

This is Velvet’s return after nine months on the injured list. Velvet snaps off some armdrags to start and strikes away in the corner. Hart knocks her out of said corner though and we take a break. Back with Velvet making the clothesline comeback and hitting some running knees. An Iconoclasm out of the corner gives Velvet two but Hart kicks her down. The moonsault finishes for Hart at 8:26.

Rating: C+. Hart gets some momentum back after losing at WrestleDream and still looks like she’s keeping most of her momentum. She seems to have turned a corner in recent months and that moonsault looks good every time. It’s also nice to have Velvet back as you never want to see someone on the shelf, especially for that long.

Post match Hart goes after Velvet but Skye Blue comes out for the staredown. Kris Statlander and Willow Nightingale come in to break it up before things get physical.

Mariah May is ready to debut in AEW and is excited about Toni Storm being here.

Jay White vs. Mark Briscoe

The rest of Bullet Club Gold is at ringside. Mark sends him outside to start and White needs an early breather. Back in and Mark chops away, setting up a suplex to put White down again. Redneck Kung Fu puts White on the floor and there’s the Bang Bang Elbow to make it worse. The Club knocks Mark off the top though and we take a break.

Back with White kicking the knee out but getting cut off with a middle rope dropkick. They strike it out with Mark getting the better of things and hitting a fisherman’s buster for two. A dragon screw legwhip over the ropes hits White again and there’s a Death Valley Driver. The Froggy Bow gets two but White snaps off the swinging Rock Bottom. White goes for the knee but the Blade Runner is countered into an exploder suplex. More chops have Mark down again and the sleeper suplex drops him hard. The Blade Runner finishes for White at 14:00.

Rating: B. Another good one here, though I’m not wild on having Briscoe lose so soon after his comeback. Granted it’s against a big name in White who has a major match coming up, but it’s still a bit of a weird choice. That being said, Mark getting to showcase himself is a good thing as he really is one of the better hands in the ring around here.

Post match MJF comes out with the diamond ring to chase White off but he still can’t get the belt back. For the first time ever, MJF has a reason to fight for everyone in the arena and wants to know if White can pull the trigger.

The lights go out and we cut to the back where the masked men are attacking Billy Gunn and the Acclaimed. Anthony Bowens is sent through some glass as we see the person in the devil mask watching. MJF runs to the back, where Samoa Joe pops up to say MJF is running out of friends.

Overall Rating: B. Better show than last week and it’s nice to see things getting a bit back to normal. They had more of a focus this week as they get ready for Full Gear and things got more interesting with the angle at the end. Throw in some good wrestling up and down the card and it made for a good Dynamite. Now just get to Full Gear with the same efficiency and everything should work very well.

Maxwell Jacob Friedman b. Daniel Garcia – Salt Of The Earth
Sting/Darby Allin b. Outrunners – Scorpion Deathlock to Floyd
Swerve Strickland b. Penta El Zero Miedo – Swerve Strickland
Samoa Joe b. Keith Lee – Koquina Clutch
Gunns b. Bollywood Boyz – 3:10 To Yuma to Gurv
Julia Hart b. Red Velvet – Moonsault
Jay White b. Mark Briscoe – Blade Runner



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Dynamite – November 1, 2023: There’s A Lot To That

Date: November 1, 2023
Location: KFC Yum Center, Louisville, Kentucky
Commentators: Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, Taz

We’re less than a month away from Full Gear and the show tonight is looking a bit different. There are a pair of title matches but MJF is also needing three people to team with him to face Bullet Club Gold. Other than that, Tony Khan has another important announcement and that could be just about anything. Let’s get to it.

Here is Collision if you need a recap.

Opening recap.

Renee Paquette brings in MJF, who still needs three partners tonight. He has a list to go after but he wants some advice from Adam Cole, who pops up in a video chat. Cole thinks MJF should take Samoa Joe’s offer but here are Roderick Strong and company. MJF leaves and Cole doesn’t have time for this.

The person in the Devil mask is watching.

International Title: Orange Cassidy vs. Claudio Castagnoli

Castagnoli is challenging and fires off the knees to start. Back up and Cassidy sends him into the buckle but dives into a backbreaker/gutbuster. Cassidy knocks Castagnoli outside but a dive is cut off, with Castagnoli dropping him on the barricade. Hook and Wheeler Yuta come over to check on them both and get tossed, leaving Cassidy to….not be able to sunset bomb Castagnoli out of the corner. Castagnoli muscles him up for a delayed superplex and we take a break.

Back with Cassidy fighting back and hitting the dive. They get back inside where the DDT is countered into the Swing, setting up the Sharpshooter. With that broken up, Castagnoli hits the uppercut for two, setting up the elbows to the head. A swinging sleeper has Cassidy in more trouble but he flips over for the escape. The Orange Punch into the Beach Break but Castagnoli bails to the floor. Back in and another Orange Punch is countered, only to have the counter countered into a very spinning DDT for two. Castagnoli is back up with an uppercut attempt but Cassidy reverses into a hurricanrana into the pin at 16:50.

Rating: B. This was good stuff and thankfully Castagnoli didn’t get pinned by the Orange Punch or the Beach Break. It would be a bit too far to buy him losing to one of those moves from Cassidy but I can buy a leverage move like the hurricanrana. I’m not sure I would have kept the title on Cassidy here, but it feels like he is gearing up for another Jon Moxley match anyway.

Post match Jon Moxley comes in and the big beatdown is on.

MJF goes to ask Kenny Omega to be his partner but finds Chris Jericho instead. Jericho slams the door in his face. MJF keeps walking and gets grabbed by Wardlow, who says he is going to take everything from him when he least expects it. Now needing a new clipboard, MJF runs into the Acclaimed and Billy Gunn, who he still won’t pick as his partners.

A ticked off Jon Moxley challenges Orange Cassidy for Full Gear.

Ring Of Honor Six Man Tag Team Titles: Mogul Embassy vs. Young Bucks/Hangman Page

The Bucks and Page are defending. It’s a brawl to start with the champs sending them outside for stereo dives to the floor. Back in and a 450 hits Kaun and we take an early break. We come back with Page hitting a pop up powerbomb on Kaun but here is Swerve Strickland. Swerve: “WHOSE HOUSE? Last week I was at YOUR house!” Page tags out (nice little touch) and runs off, leaving the Bucks 3-2. The Embassy wrecks Nick with a powerbomb and a knee to the face, setting up Open The Gates to give us new champs at 7:56.

Rating: C. This was more storyline advancement than anything else, assuming you count taking us back to where we have been for most of the year to be advancement that is. The Six Man Titles still don’t feel important in the slightest but at least they might be on the ROH show again. The Bucks and Page winning the titles in the first place didn’t feel like a great idea but thankfully it didn’t last long.

Post match Matt snaps and beats on the posts with a chair.

MJF considers going to see Samoa Joe but goes to Darby Allin’s room instead. Rather than opening the door though, he writes “EMO B****” and walks off…where he runs into Billy Gunn and the Acclaimed again. Still a no.

Here is Adam Copeland for a chat. After Copeland puts over Tony Schiavone, he talks about how he respects Sting and Darby Allin…but here are Christian Cage and company to interrupt. Cage talks about how he is going to retire Sting, but that brings him to Copeland’s bad neck. If Copeland teams with Sting and Darby Allin at Full Gear, Cage will break his neck. The brawl is on with Cage loading up the Conchairto but cue Allin and Sting for the save. Copeland spears Cage and says he’s in. It was pretty clear that it was going to be Copeland so points for not wasting time getting to the announcement.

Tony Khan, with Nigel McGuinness, is in the back for his big announcement: All In is at Wembley again and tickets go on sale December 1. But you can get them early! That’s the announcement and they’ve pretty much reached a new all time low with these things.

Kenny Omega/Chris Jericho vs. Angelo Parker/Matt Menard

The former Society jump them to start but Omega and Jericho shrug it off like two former World Champions fighting a pair of comedy goons. The Society gets beaten down and we take an early break. Back with Jericho hitting a top rope ax handle to Parker and grabbing the Walls. That’s broken up by Menard and a baseball bat shot to Jericho gets two. With that not working, it’s the Judas Effect to wrap it up at 6:11. Not enough shown to rate but this was mostly a squash.

Post match the Don Callis Family pops up to say we need to finish this in a street fight. Jericho and Omega are in, and they’ll bring Kota Ibushi to help even things up a bit. That still leaves them a man short though, so Jericho has an idea. Cue Paul Wight and the team is complete.

Post break the Young Bucks aren’t happy that Omega and Jericho didn’t pick them. Jericho doesn’t seem to care. Oh sweet goodness we’re doing this “I thought we were friends” melodrama nonsense again?

Women’s Title: Hikaru Shida vs. Willow Nightingale

Shida is defending and gets run over by some shoulders to start. Back up and Shida sends her outside and hits a dive off the apron as we take an early break. We come back with Nightingale running Shida over but Shida scores with a kick of her own. A super Falcon Arrow gives Shida one (oh dear) and the strike it out. The Pounce sends Shida flying but she’s back with a knee to the head for two. The Katana retains the title at 10;11.

Rating: C+. The usual good match here between these two with the same usual loss for Nightingale. At some point she has to win something that matters and that isn’t seeming to be the case right now. Shida feels like she is just kind of floating around at the moment and that isn’t great to see, but the matches are at least working. Granted almost none of that matters as Toni Storm is ready to get the title back in a few weeks.

Post match respect is shown but here is Toni Storm to interrupt. That’s fine with Shida, who runs up and knees Storm in the face to chase her off. With them gone, the lights go out and here is Julia Hart to stand behind Nightingale. There isn’t a sneak attack though and Hart extends her hand. Cue Skye Blue though and she mists Julia instead.

The Acclaimed and Billy Gunn offer to be MJF’s partners but he won’t wear….whatever they offer him. MJF won’t tag with them and goes to look at Jeff Jarrett and company instead. MJF isn’t sure what to do.

Roderick Strong and company call Adam Cole, who is apparently as sick of the annoying catchphrase as everyone else.

Bullet Club Gold vs. Maxwell Jacob Friedman/???/???/???

Yeah it’s the Acclaimed/Billy Gunn, with MJF in full pink gear. Jay White runs from MJF to start so it’s off to Bowens to run Colten over. Austin comes in and gets to face Billy, though neither can get much going. Austin slugs away until Billy punches both of his kids down as the villains are cleared out. MJF WILL NOT scissor though and we take a break.

We come back with Austin still in trouble and getting caught with Scissor Me Timbers. The four way scissoring is broken up though and Caster is sent outside to start up the beating. White comes in to beat on Caster but he avoids a shot to the face and dives over to bring MJF in to clean house. White bails as MJF hits the Kangaroo Kick but walks into the Blade Runner to give White the fast pin at 13:35.

Rating: C+. Features the AEW World Champion, who does not have his belt, wanting to avoid all of the other people coming after his title so he teams with a team including a guy who might be stalking him and has to wear a funny costume while also facing the team that is going to be challenging him for the minor league Tag Team Titles on the same show where he defends the major league World Title. Oh and Billy Gunn beating up his kids. The match itself was a decent eight man tag with a good result, but it felt like this was there for MJF to be in a costume/scissoring and they spent a long time to get to those payoffs.

Post match the beatdown is on with White loading up a belt shot but Caster takes the bullet for him. The fans chant BS but Billy Gunn orders MJF to do the scissoring. Four way scissoring ends the show.

Overall Rating: C+. This was a weird show and a lot of that has to do with how MJF is being booked. He’s currently dealing with at least five different things and that doesn’t leave a ton of focus for others. At the same time you have Paul Wight being brought in to deal with Powerhouse Hobbs rather than, I don’t know, the guy who beat Hobbs at All Out in Miro. Then you have the Elite drama and my goodness I cannot begin to care. The show wasn’t a bad one, but the wrestling was only so good and a lot of what went on only felt so important. It was something of a skippable show and that’s rarely good to see.

Orange Cassidy b. Claudio Castagnoli – Hurricanrana
Mogul Embassy b. Hangman Page/Young Bucks – Open The Gates to Nick
Chris Jericho/Kenny Omega b. Matt Menard/Angelo Parker – Judas Effect to Menard
Hikaru Shida b. Willow Nightingale – Katana
Bullet Club Gold b. Acclaimed/Billy Gunn/Maxwell Jacob Friedman – Blade Runner to Friedman



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Collision – October 28, 2023: Fight Night

Date: October 28, 2023
Location: Mohegan Sun Arena, Uncasville, Connecticut
Commentators: Nigel McGuinness, Tony Schiavone, Kevin Kelly

We’re three weeks away from Full Gear but in this case we have one heck of a main event here. This week will see MJF defend the World Title against Kenny Omega as the latter tries to preserve his record for the longest title reign in history. That should be more than enough to carry the show so let’s get to it.

Here is Dynamite if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Jay White vs. AR Fox

White has the rest of Bullet Club Gold with him. Feeling out process to start with Fox frustrating White, only to get caught in the corner for some chops. A bottom rope cutter gets Fox out of trouble and Fox dropkicks him out to the floor. Fox hits a running shooting star off the apron to a standing White but a suplex sends Fox crashing into the corner.

White plants him down again and Fox bails to the floor as we take a break. Back with Fox hitting a slingshot hilo on White, followed by a flip dive onto the Club, followed by a flip dive onto White. They get back inside with Fox hitting a Swanton for two but a 450 misses. The Blade Runner finishes for White at 10:49.

Rating: B-. It’s no surprise that these two work well together as they are both incredibly talented stars. This was another example of White getting a nice win to boost him up to the next level before he gets his big World Title match at Full Gear. Fox is one of those good hands who can make anyone look good and that is what he did here, as expected.

Post match MJF runs out to try and get his title back but the numbers cut him off. MJF leaves belt less.

Max Caster thinks he has gotten MJF to agree to be at National 69 Day but he’s been catfished. Caster gets to go stand in the corner while Anthony Bowens and Billy Gunn talk up the big night.

The Boys vs. The Gunns

Dalton Castle and the rest of the Bullet Club Gold are here too. Austin runs Brent over to start and everything quickly breaks down. With Brandon sent outside, 3:10 To Yuma finishes Brent at 1:42. Total squash.

Video on Kenny Omega vs. MJF, I believe the same one from Rampage.

Danhausen is still coming back.

Ryan Nemeth talks about all of the good things he is doing outside of AEW but he needs the best management. He knocks on CJ Perry’s door, but gets Miro instead. Miro pulls him inside and violent sounds are heard.

Women’s Title: Hikaru Shida vs. Abadon

Shida, in a rather long red dress, is defending in a Fright Night Fight, meaning we have Halloween weapons abounding. Abadon gets run over to start but she’s right back with a headscissors. Shida hits a running dropkick and hammers away in the corner until a middle rope dropkick connects. They head to the floor where Abadon can’t quite pull her under the ring, but she can get in a trashcan lid shot to the back.

We take a break and come back with Shida grabbing a broom and going up top. A big dive misses though and they clothesline each other down. Shida strikes away to no avail so Abadon runs her over for two instead. Abadon whips out a bucket of hard candy and Blockbusters Shida onto them. A pumpkin shot misses though and Shida puts it on Abadon’s head instead. The Katana into the pumpkin into Abadon’s head retains the title at 10:11.

Rating: C. Well it was set up last night and since it was already the Halloween match, there was only so much of a reason to believe that Shida would lose here. The match wasn’t bad and Shida gets another win, though Abadon can only mean so much with almost a year between televised matches. The pumpkin deal at the end was at least cute though and that’s nice to see.

Post match Toni Storm comes out to pose and glare at Shida.

Video on FTR vs. Ricky Starks/Big Bill, with Dax Harwood vs. Starks set for tonight.

Video on the history between Keith Lee and Shane Taylor, who were partners in Ring Of Honor and then went their separate ways. Now they’re set for a fight.

Ring Of Honor TV Title: Samoa Joe vs. Rhett Titus

Joe is defending. Titus slips out of a wristlock and chops away but gets pummeled down in the corner for his efforts. A right hand gets Titus out of the corner but Joe sidesteps a high crossbody. Joe looks at his non-existent watch but slips out of the MuscleBuster. The release Rock Bottom out of the corner sets up the Koquina Clutch to retain the title at 2:04.

QTV is happy to be back and QT Marshall is ready to defend his title against anyone.

We look at Bryan Danielson being banged up on Dynamite.

Claudio Castagnoli talks about how Danielson has a broken orbital bone and promises to make Kazuchika Okada and Orange Cassidy pay for what they did. He’s ready to take the International Title from Cassidy on Dynamite.

Ricky Starks vs. Dax Harwood

Big Bill and Cash Wheeler are here too. Hold on though as the lights go out and the House Of Black are shown watching from the crowd/stage. With that cleared up, Harwood and Starks trade waistlocks to no avail so Starks works on a wristlock. Back up and Starks chops him into the corner but Harwood reverses for some chops of his own. Starks slugs away, only for Harwood to punch him out of the corner again. A whip over the top sends Starks crashing to the floor but Starks ties him into the ring skirt.

Starks grabs a suplex onto the ramp and we take a break. Back with Harwood hitting a top rope superplex for two and a big crash. Starks grabs a small package with trunks for two but the tornado DDT is countered into a suplex. The spear is cut off and Harwood hits a fairly scary looking piledriver for two as Bill breaks it up. Bill offers a distraction as well and Starks hits a piledriver of his own for the pin at 12:52.

Rating: C+. This was the usual good match between two more talented stars but now the question is who comes for the titles next. FTR isn’t the strongest looking team to challenge right now and I can’t really imagine the Young Bucks going after Starks and Bill. What matters here is getting the champs over strong though and that has certainly been the case so far.

Post match the lights go out again and we have the House Of Black. Cue the returning La Faccion Ingobernable though and the brawl is on, with La Faccion teaming up with FTR to send the five villains running.

Andrade El Idolo isn’t worried about Miro being angry over a possible CJ Perry association. He is a businessman and this is his business.

Kris Statlander wants Willow Nightingale and Sky Blue to make up. Nightingale talks about how there is a tension there and it might be due to Julia Hart. Blue says anything between herself and Julia is between the two of them.

Claudio Castagnoli vs. Tracy Williams

Castagnoli jumps him during the entrance, hits a bunch of forearms, something like a Rainmaker, and a big uppercut for the pin at 42 seconds. So that’s the angry Castagnoli.

Post match Castagnoli puts on something close to a LeBell Lock.

Samoa Joe gives MJF a pep talk and says scream his name if he needs some help tonight.

AEW World Title: Kenny Omega vs. Maxwell Jacob Friedman

MJF is defending. They go technical to start with neither being able to get anywhere with a wristlock. Back up and Omega fights out of a headlock, only for MJF to walk over his back. Omega cartwheels away from him and hey trade nipups (Omega doesn’t quite get it) ad we get a standoff. MJF pokes him in the eye but Omega is fine enough for a backdrop to the floor.

There’s the big running flip dive but MJF slides back in for a running Fosbury Flop of his own. A high crossbody puts Omega down back inside, only to have MJF take him down again. The chinlock goes on for a bit, followed by a hammerlock DDT for two on Omega. Back up and Omega grabs the snapdragon, followed by the cross arm choke. MJF gets sent outside for a middle rope moonsault, followed by the missile dropkick back inside.

The middle rope moonsault only hits raised knees though and they need a breather. MJF bites his head in the corner but Omega hits a brainbuster onto the knee. The table is set up at ringside but Omega heads back inside for a pinfall reversal sequence. A buckle bomb rattles MJF, who comes right back out of the corner with a clothesline to leave them both down. They fight to the apron where Omega grabs a snapdragon to knock MJF even sillier. One heck of a sitout powerbomb puts MJF through the table and we take a break.

Back with the big slugout until Omega hits the running knee. What looks to be the One Winged Angel is countered into a poisonrana but Omega hits one of his own and they’re both down again. Omega scores with another jumping knee, only to have MJF pull him down by the arm.

A pumphandle driver gives MJF two and a butterfly brainbuster rocks Omega again. MJF loads up a suplex but Omega reverses into one of his own. There’s a Texas piledriver for two on MJF, who has to get his foot on the rope for the break. We take another break and come back again with MJF holding his back on the floor. Omega goes up but gets crotched, allowing MJF to do some pelvic thrusting, only to have Omega drop him face first onto the buckle.

Another running knee gives Omega two and there’s another V Trigger, only to have Don Callis come out for a distraction. They trade rollups for two more and Omega hits another running knee for two more. Another rollup exchange gets two more before MJF hits the Heatseeker for a good near fall. MJF grabs a Panama Sunrise and another Heatseeker retains the title at 30:12.

Rating: A-. Well that was certainly a pay per view worthy main event and MJF winning clean is one of the biggest wins of his career. You don’t see Omega lose very often and to lose like this is an even bigger deal. It also makes MJF feel like a much bigger deal, as he isn’t known for winning his matches without some kind of screwiness. Outstanding TV match here, as I’m still thinking this could have been a pay per view headliner somewhere along the way.

Samoa Joe, Wardlow, Powerhouse Hobbs and Bullet Club Gold are watching in the back.

We get the big handshake of respect to end the show.

Overall Rating: B. This is an instance where one match is more than enough to carry the whole thing, as one quarter was spent on one of the better matches of the year. Other than that, you had more of the things surrounding MJF going on, plus some rather nifty squashes. Those short matches help keep things moving while getting some people on TV and that is a nice perk. Rather good show here as AEW is going well at the moment.

Jay White b. AR Fox – Blade Runner
The Gunns b. The Boys – 3:10 To Yuma to Brent
Hikaru Shida b. Abadon – Katana
Samoa Joe b. Rhett Titus – Koquina Clutch
Ricky Starks b. Dax Harwood – Piledriver
Claudio Castagnoli b. Tracy Williams – Uppercut
Maxwell Jacob Friedman b. Kenny Omega – Heatseeker


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Dynamite – October 25, 2023: Yeah It’s Him

Sidenote: when you get done with this, check out this review as well:

It’s the latest entry in a series by a colleague of mine featuring reviews of random, often bizarre matches.  They’re good stuff and worth a look.

Date: October 25, 2023
Location: Liacouras Center, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Commentators: Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, Taz

The road to Full Gear continues and this week’s show is centered around the Dynamite Diamond Ring. In this case we have MJF defending the ring (because it has to be defended) against Juice Robinson. The match is part of the setup for MJF defending the World Title against Jay White at Full Gear so let’s get to it.

Here is Collision if you need a recap.

MJF is in the back and calls Adam Cole, who actually answers. Cue Roderick Strong and the Kingdom with the former accusing MJF of being behind the devil mask. MJF shoves the wheelchair away (Roddy’s scream is funny) and promises to take out Bullet Club Gold tonight. We cut to someone in the devil mask nodding and shoving the camera away.

Dynamite Diamond Ring: Maxwell Jacob Friedman vs. Juice Robinson

MJF is defending the ring (not the World Title) and the Gunns are here with Robinson. The fight starts fast and MJF sends him to the floor, where Robinson is sent over a table, allowing MJF to grab some water. Said water is of course spat into Robinson’s face and Robinson is busted open (presumably by going head first into the post and not by the water).

The Gunns offer a distraction though and Robinson sends him into the steps to even things up. A DDT onto the apron rocks MJF again as Robinson is rather bloody. Robinson hammers away and here is Jay White to taunt MJF as we take a break. Back with MJF grabbing some slams and nailing the Kangaroo Kick. The Gunns offer a distraction though and Robinson’s leg lariat gets two.

MJF is fine enough to poke Robinson in the eyes and shrug a bit. Robinson spits in his face though and hits the big left. MJF fights back and loads up the Heatseeker but opts to dive onto the Gunns instead. Back in and the rope low blow sets up the forward DDT for two as White loses his mind on commentary. Robinson loads up his ring thanks to a Gunns distraction but MJF hits his own ring shot. The Heatseeker retains the ring at 15:02.

Rating: B-. I wasn’t sure how this was going to go as you don’t want MJF to lose but at the same time, it was a situation where Robinson had been built up to win. They had a good match though as Robinson is a ball of charisma and MJF is crazy over. At the same time, can we please drop the defending the ring tradition? MJF has literally had the thing since its inception and Robinson doing his “yeah I bought my own” kind of killed the whole point behind it.

Post match the Gunns run in for the beatdown but the Kingdom runs in for the save. Jay White runs in to uneven things but Billy Gunn and the Acclaimed make the real save. The Club bails and the Gunns challenge MJF for the ROH Tag Team Titles and of course MJF is in. He’s not waiting for Full Gear to face White though, so next week the eight man tag is on. Strong and the Acclaimed want the spot but MJF threatens to send Strong over a cliff.

As for the Acclaimed….he wouldn’t team with Max Caster if he was on fire. Caster: “So you’re saying there’s a chance!” Caster asks for some scissoring before MJF leaves….and that’s a big negative. As MJF leaves, here is Kenny Omega for a staredown. Omega says he wants the title so MJF offers him a title shot on Collision. Deal, with Omega saying “three days b****.” They packed A LOT into that first half hour and dang that’s a huge title match, but doing it in three days seems like it’s burning through what could be a PPV main event.

Wardlow talks about how he was away going to a dark place. He watched MJF become the face of this company despite him running through MJF when they fought. Now he wants revenge.

Hook/Rob Van Dam vs. Dark Order

Hook works on Reynolds’ arm to start and hands it off to Van Dam to quite the reaction. The Order is sent to the floor and we take an early break. Back with Van Dam striking away at Silver but having to kick Reynolds to the floor. Hook comes back in to slug away at Silver but Reynolds makes the save. Evil Uno brings in a chair and that means a Van Daminator. The Five Star hits Reynolds and Redrum finishes Silver at 7:47.

Rating: C. Much like every RVD match in AEW, I don’t want to see him around on a regular basis, but if he can still have a passable match, as he has each time, he’s a good choice for nostalgia. The fans are going to react to everything he does and it’s not like he’s beating anyone of note. Not exactly a classic match, but this was designed to get RVD out there and nothing more.

Toni Storm’s new movie plays during the commercial.

Here are Sting and Darby Allin for a chat. Sting thanks Philadelphia for the memories and thanks Darby for being the best partner ever. He also thanks Tony Khan for making the phone call to let him grapple a bit more. Tony Schiavone talks about Sting vs. Ric Flair from the first Clash Of Champions and here is the special gift from Khan: Ric Flair.

We get the big entrance and Flair praises Sting for the Clash Of Champions match. Flair talks about how great and nice Sting is and hopes to stick around until Sting hangs it up in March. Cue Christian Cage and company to say this is Tony Khan’s gift to Sting: a suit, some gold chains and a black liver. Cage talks about how he wishes Flair was dead and mocks Allin for his injured arm.

After the required jokes about the Philadelphia Phillies, Cage challenges Sting/Allin/someone else to a six man at Full Gear but his music doesn’t play. Sting sneezes because he’s allergic to jackasses and accepts the challenge. Of course Flair is there. If you like him then you probably liked this, but I’ve been sick of him and everything he does for years now so this was a major disappointment despite being what I was expecting when the announcement was made.

Earlier today, Chris Jericho talked about how Powerhouse Hobbs took him apart and banged him up, but the real damage might have been to his ego. Now Jericho is thinking about some revenge, but he’ll need someone bigger than Hobbs. As luck would have it, he knows someone who fits that description and maybe it’s time to call them. JeriShow lives again?

Ring Of Honor Six Man Tag Team Titles: Young Bucks/Hangman Page vs. Hardys/Brother Zay

Zay and the Hardys are challenging and Zay is sent into the wrong corner to stat. Page comes in with a top rope clothesline before it’s off to Matt vs. Matt with Matt winning a slugout. Matt Hardy’s Side Effect gets two and everything breaks down. The champs are sent to the floor as Matt Hardy and Zay do the Young Bucks’ pose and we take a break.

Back with Matt Jackson fighting out of trouble and bringing Page back in to clean house. Zay slips out of the Deadeye and the Silly String into the DDT plants Page. Everything breaks down and Zay hits a big flip dive onto Nick and Page. The Swanton gets two on Matt Jackson but the Bucks are back up with superkicks to the Hardys. The BTE Trigger finishes Zay to retain at 9:58.

Rating: C+. It’s almost hard to fathom how fast the Hardys have fallen through the floor in AEW. Nothing they do feels special and their matches are hardly worth seeing. Somehow they wind up getting one title shot after another though and that was the case again here, as the match was thrown out here. I’m sure the Hardys vs. the Bucks is still seen as a big deal in AEW’s eye, but it really wasn’t working great here.

Post match the champs celebrate but we get a video of Swerve Strickland and Prince Nana in Page’s house. Swerve rips up what appears to be a drawing from Page’s kid on the refrigerator, but then we move on to his kid’s room. Swerve talks about Page costing him a title shot and leaves a Mogul Embassy shirt in the crib, saying never forget.

Adam Copeland says he won’t fight Christian Cage but Darby Allin and Sting come in to say Copeland is missing what’s in front of him. Sting talks about having blinders on about people like Lex Luger and Ric Flair. Copeland needs to hear him and open his eyes.

Women’s Title: Ruby Soho vs. Hikaru Shida

Soho is challenging and takes Shida down to start. They fight over a rollup and roll around the ring until Shida gets two. Shida rains down right hands in the corner but Soho grabs No Future to send her to the floor as we take a break. Back with Shida winning a slugout and grabbing her torture rack drop.

With nothing else working, Soho grabs the spray paint and pretends that Shida blinded her. When that doesn’t work either, Soho grabs the belt as Shida has the paint…which only hits belt. The referee takes care of that and Destination Unknown gives Soho two. No Future connects but Shida hits a quick Katana for two. Shida manages to kick her into an exposed buckle and a bad Katana retains the title at 9:15.

Rating: C-. This really didn’t work, with way too much stuff going on involving the title and the paint, plus how bad that final Katana looked. Shida still feels like she is just kind of there, which means she almost has to face Toni Storm at some point in the near future. On the other hand you have Soho, who is still about where she was since her debut around here. Not a good match, and this was a rough sit.

Post match Toni Storm comes out for the staredown.

MJF is ready for Kenny Omega but here is Samoa Joe to offer to be his friend. All it costs is another shot at the title, with Joe saying he can wait for the answer. MJF is considering it.

Orange Cassidy/Kazuchika Okada vs. Bryan Danielson/Claudio Castagnoli

Cassidy and Danielson start things with Danielson taking over on the arm. Danielson pulls him down for the kick to the back before it’s off to Castagnoli vs. Okada. Castagnoli actually loses the slugout and Okada slams him down before handing it back to Cassidy. That’s fine with Castagnoli, who takes him into the corner for the tag off to Danielson. The chinlock goes on and we take a break.

Back with Cassidy fighting out of trouble and handing it off to Okada for the showdown with Danielson. They strike it out with Okada getting the better of things, setting up a running elbow. Another elbow in the corner sets up a DDT for two Danielson. Back up and some kicks stagger Okada but the LeBell Lock is blocked. Danielson flips over him out of the corner but they collide for the double knockdown.

Cassidy comes back in for the rapid fire kicks to Castagnoli, setting up the Stundog Millionaire. The tornado DDT hits Castagnoli with Okada making the save. The Orange Punch is pulled out of the air though and the Swing has Cassidy, uh, swinging. We hit the Scorpion Deathlock so Okada comes in for the save. Okada kicks him down and hits the top rope elbow but Cassidy hugs him in the middle of the Rainmaker pose. Danielson breaks it up but gets Orange Punched into the Rainmaker but Castagnoli uppercuts the heck out of Cassidy for the pin at 16:25.

Rating: B. Yeah this was good and I don’t think that is any kind of a surprise. Danielson vs. Okada was the draw here and they did about as well as you would have expected. At the same time, Cassidy vs. Castagnoli wound up being a fine showdown in its own right. Castagnoli getting an International Title shot could be quite the nice match as well, as this was a solid way to wrap up the show.

Post match Danielson is hurt so a bunch of people, including Hook and the Best Friends, come out to glare at each other. That’s kind of a weird ending, but it felt like a way to set up Danielson vs. Okada II at Wrestle Kingdom.

Overall Rating: C. I really wasn’t feeling this one as there were only a few good parts. The main event was by far the high point and the opening match/segment, while long, worked as well. The problem is pretty much everything else, with the Flair debut making the rest of the show feel down. There is a good chance that this is a one off miss, but I didn’t get into this one until the end and even that was watered down by the post match angle. Not a great week here, but that main event is worth a look.

Maxwell Jacob Friedman b. Juice Robinson – Heatseeker
Hook/Rob Van Dam b. Dark Order – Redrum to Silver
Young Bucks/Hangman Page b. Hardys/Brother Zay – BTE Trigger to Zay
Hikaru Shida b. Ruby Soho – Katana
Bryan Danielson/Claudio Castagnoli b. Kazuchika Okada/Orange Cassidy – Uppercut to Cassidy



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Dynamite – October 19, 2023: Talk Show

Date: October 18, 2023
Location: Fort Bend Epicenter, Rosenberg, Texas
Commentators: Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, Taz

We’re back to the normal time slot this week after last week’s stacked show. In this case, we have a pretty deep show tonight, though a good bit of it appears to be focused on talking. That’s something that could do a lot of good though as we are a month away from Full Gear and the show needs some build. Let’s get to it.

Here is Collision if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Penta El Zero Miedo vs. Jay White

Alex Abrahantes and the rest of Bullet Club Gold are here too. Penta flip dives onto the Club at ringside and adds a top rope double stomp back inside. White hits a DDT out of the corner to take over but Penta scores with a superkick. A missed charge puts Penta in the corner though and White chops him out to the floor.

Back in and White ties Penta’s mask to the rope and stomps away for two. We take a break and come back with Penta hitting a Sling Blade to send White outside, setting up the big running flip dive. They chop it out (with Penta getting to do the full glove removal) with Penta even taking his shirt off so the chops can be harder.

Penta plants him for two but the Fear Factor is countered into a swinging Rock Bottom for two. White grabs the chinlock but Penta is right back up with Made In Japan for two. The Fear Factor is loaded up again so the Club offers the distraction. Juice Robinson gets in the left hand and White hits the Blade Runner for the pin at 13:12.

Rating: B-. This was another match in White’s quest to get higher up the card before his World Title shot at Full Gear. Penta is someone who has enough star status to give White something and the fans are way into him. Having the Club interfere is fine as that’s White’s thing, so this worked out on pretty much all points.

Post match Jay White mocks the idea of MJF not being able to find some partners to face the Club. Juice Robinson promises to win the battle royal and then the ring next week. He wants to pawn it to get another gold tooth you see.

MJF says he could have run in there and gone after all of those villains but he’s not that stupid. He promises to keep the ring next week and hopes that it’s against Robinson. He’s asked about Adam Cole but Billy Gunn and the Acclaimed come in to ask about being his partners. Max Caster asks about scissoring and putting a ring on it, which has MJF storming off. Billy Gunn: “That guy is such a scumbag.” Caster: “Yeah, but he’s my scumbag.”

Video on Emi Sakura vs. Hikaru Shida.

Hikaru Shida vs. Emi Sakura

Non-title. Sakura jumps her to start and we ring the bell as Shida gets back up. They roll around into an exchange of cradles until Sakura hits a running crossbody in the corner. We take a break and come back with Shida getting choked in the ropes, followed by an exchange of rollups. Sakura tiger drivers her for two but Shida….kind of hits the Katana as Sakura might have blocked it. A Fujiwara armbar doesn’t work for Shida so she hits a Falcon Arrow into the Katana for the pin at 8:50.

Rating: C+. It was good enough while it lasted but as usual, there’s only to much that can be done when the match isn’t even nine minutes long and includes a commercial. There is a history between them though and that helped set things up better here. Just maybe give them more of a chance to do something.

We get a sitdown interview with Renee Paquette and Adam Copeland to talk about his issues with Christian Cage. Copeland’s idea was to come to AEW and finish his career with Cage but Cage wasn’t down with that. We hear about the two of them being friends for over thirty years and Copeland tried to get Cage into the industry and pushed as much as possible.

Over the years, Copeland has been pushed as the bigger star but he never wanted that. They’ve known each other for such a long time and they’re the godfather to each other’s children. Why do they keep doing this? Copeland doesn’t want the TNT Title and he will not fight Cage so he doesn’t know what he wants. Eventually Nick Wayne and Luchasaurus are going to leave Cage and Copeland will be there to pick him up. Good stuff here, as a lot of it is established history but that makes it easier to tie into their current story.

Wardlow vs. Ryan Nemeth

Powerbomb, referee stoppage, 21 seconds.

Post match Tony Schiavone comes in to ask Wardlow what he wants, with Wardlow holding up wrist tape showing MJF. Wardlow pushes past him and leaves.

Kenny Omega knows his year hasn’t been great but he’s ready for Kyle Fletcher. MJF comes in to shake his hand, then whispers “thirteen days b****.” Assuming he means thirteen days from today, that means Halloween, but it’s also thirteen days from MJF becoming the longest reigning World Champion in AEW history (nice catch Art).

The Kingdom (including a bongo solo for a song called Neckstrong) and Roderick Strong convince Adam Cole to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Apparently it’s his specialty, but STRONG DID NOT WANT CRUST. Cole leaves and Strong says he’ll have to talk to the Scum Bag.

Here is the Don Callis Family, with Powerhouse Hobbs talking about trying to get to meet Chris Jericho as a kid but it didn’t go well. That’s why he wanted to hurt Jericho and that’s exactly what he did last week. Callis hypes up Hobbs but then blames Kyle Fletcher for the team’s only loss in four months. Cue Fletcher, who says he did that match as a favor to Will Ospreay. Tonight though, Fletcher gets Kenny Omega, and Callis implies a spot on the team if Fletcher wins.

Kyle Fletcher vs. Kenny Omega

Don Callis is on commentary. Omega chops away against the ropes to start but Fletcher takes him down and fires off some right hands. Back up and Omega sends him outside for the dive but Fletcher gets in a whip over the barricade. Omega misses a charge into the barricade and we take a break.

We come back with Omega missing a middle rope moonsault but hitting the same thing out to the floor. Back in and Fletcher hits a running kick to the face, setting up a brainbuster for two. Fletcher tosses him face first into the middle buckle and then plants him down for two more. A running kick to the back of the head sets up….something Omega escapes. A poisonrana into a powerbomb into the V Trigger gets two. The One Winged Angel is loaded up but Fletcher reverses into a dragon sleeper. Omega flips out, hits a running knee and finishes with the One Winged Angel at 13:55.

Rating: B. I’m still not sure what it is that’s missing about Fletcher, but it’s not what he can do in the ring. He can work well with almost anyone and if he can figure out a way to be more interesting, things will get even better for him. As for Omega, he might not be what he was before, but he can still do something like this more than well enough.

Danhausen is coming back.

Lance Archer vs. Barrett Brown

Archer is introduced as “kicking his opponent Barrett Brown to the ring” and then chokeslams him onto the apron. Archer crushes him into the corner and hits the Black Out for the pin at 58 seconds.

Prince Nana is really excited about Swerve Strickland’s new music video being released. Swerve isn’t happy though because he isn’t the TNT Champion. That’s because of Hangman Page, with Swerve threatening retribution. Just maybe not against Page himself.

Here is Sting for a chat. He talks about how he went up and down the road for years with people like Lex Luger, the Steiner Brothers and Buff Bagwell (kind of a weird fourth choice). They looked at the people who shaped his career like Dusty Rhodes and Hulk Hogan (the ans don’t like him) but he wants to really thank Ric Flair. It was Flair who put him on the map and he can’t thank him enough. So why do people keep coming back year after year?

It’s the smell of the arena and the roar of the crowd that makes him want to come to the ring and do all this crazy stuff. Now though, we need to get to the big word: retirement. His first match in AEW was at Revolution 2021, and his last match will be at Revolution 2024. And that’s for sure. That’s good for Sting, as he can still work well enough in the ring and you absolutely do not want to stay too long.

We get Toni Storm’s latest silent movie, Gone With The Storm, in picture in picture.

We get a sitdown interview with Nick Wayne and his mom, with his mom talking about how he doesn’t understand what her son is doing. Wayne says he was always in Darby Allin’s shadow and Christian Cage is a better father than his dad ever was. Cage pops in to egg Wayne on so his mom slaps her son. Wayne says she is dead to him and leaves, where Darby Allin jumps them both. Allin beats Wayne into the ring and Wayne has lost a tooth. Luchasaurus and Cage get Wayne out. It got better when Allin came in but the interview stuff was….not good.

Here’s what’s coming on various shows.

Kris Statlander wants to defend the TBS Title against Willow Nightingale at Battle of the Belts. Orange Cassidy didn’t realize what he had until he lost the International Title, which he will defend against the winner of a Rampage triple threat.

Dynamite Dozen Battle Royal

Dustin Rhodes, Juice Robinson, Johnny TV, Jake Hager, Max Caster, Matt Menard, Trent Beretta, Komander, Matt Sydal, Matt Hardy, Jeff Hardy, Daniel Garcia

The winner gets a shot at MJF’s, on commentary, diamond ring next week. TV is sent to the apron to start but spins his way back in, setting up a break dance routine. Garcia loads up his own dance but Menard isn’t having that. Instead Jeff does his own dance and Dustin joins Matt Hardy in some DELETING. TV is tossed out and Hager dumps Matt Hardy. MJF heads to the ring and offers Rhodes cash to…go after Robinson.

Rhodes is perfectly happy to do so and Shattered Dreams connects. We take a break and come back with Menard and Garcia tossing Komander. Dustin hits the Canadian Destroyer on Garcia. Dustin and Trent have the big hug but Hager breaks it up. Trent knocks Hager out but gets knocked to the apron where Menard eliminates him. We’re down to Menard, Garcia, Jeff Hardy, Rhodes, Robinson and Caster.

Garcia knocks Hardy out (that’s an upset) but Menard breaks up the dancing AGAIN. Garcia hits Menard by mistake, allowing Rhodes to toss Menard, but Garcia tosses Rhodes as well. NOW Garcia gets to dance but Caster tosses him out. That leaves us with Caster and Robinson with Caster knocking him to the apron.

Robinson pulls him out as well and goes up for some reason, only to get taken back down. Hold on though as we cut to Jay White going after MJF at the announcers’ table. MJF gets the belt back but White hits him low and steals it again. We get back to the actual match and Robinson uses his own ring to knock Caster out for the win at 13:55.

Rating: C+. There’s only so much you can get out of a battle royal with about two potential winners and that was the case here. Robinson might as well have had a big sign around his neck counting down until he won, though in this case that isn’t a bad thing. They set him up well and it wouldn’t shock me to see him win the ring next week. For now though, it was just an ok battle royal featuring a bunch of people doing their various things.

Overall Rating: B-. There was a lot of talking on this show and it was good enough, though I could have gone for a bigger focus on the actual wrestling. That being said, they are setting up some things for the future and we could be in for some big stuff in the upcoming weeks. Above all else is probably the Sting announcement, and now he should be in for a nice victory lap. Overall, not a terrible show, but maybe a step down from the norm for Dynamite.

Jay White b. Penta El Zero Miedo – Blade Runner
Hikaru Shida b. Emi Sakura – Katana
Wardlow b. Ryan Nemeth via referee stoppage
Kenny Omega b. Kyle Fletcher – One Winged Angel
Lance Archer b. Barrett Brown – Black Out
Juice Robinson won the Dynamite Dozen Battle Royal last eliminating Max Caster



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Dynamite – October 10, 2023 (Title Tuesday): The Long One

Date: October 10, 2023
Location: Cable Dahmer Arena, Independence, Missouri
Commentators: Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, Taz

It’s a big night as this show is going up against NXT for the first time in a good while. Therefore it’s a Title Tuesday with a bunch of championships on the line, plus a big time #1 contenders match with Bryan Danielson vs. Swerve Strickland for a TNT Title shot. Also, Adam Copeland makes his AEW in-ring debut. Let’s get to it.

Here is Collision if you need a recap.

Buy-In: Ring Of Honor World Title/New Japan Strong Openweight Title: Eddie Kingston vs. Minoru Suzuki

Kingston is defending both titles and they trade chops to start as I try to figure out what I’m buying into on a free show. Suzuki gets the better of things and knocks Kingston down before a forearm knocks him down again. Back up and Kingston chops away before dropping down to a seated position. Suzuki cranks on the hand but Kingston rapid fire chops him into the corner.

That’s broken up as Suzuki walks out of the corner, only to get exploder suplexed for two. The spinning backfist is blocked and Suzuki’s running kick to the chest gets two. Back up and, say it with me, they chop it out before Kingston lets him strike away for a knockdown. Suzuki grabs a chinlock but can’t hit the Gotch style piledriver. Instead Kingston is up with the spinning backfist for two, followed by a second for one. A third doesn’t even put Suzuki down so it’s an enziguri into the northern lights bomb to retain the titles at 10:38.

Rating: C. I get the concept, I get what they’re going for here, I get the style and all that and it is just not for me. This was two guys standing there trading strikes to the face for the better part of ten minutes with some screaming thrown in. I’m sure Kingston found it to be the greatest honor of his life of the week, but this as some big bonus match wasn’t quite working.

Christian Cage is in the production truck to start and proclaims his greatness. Tonight has some implications for his TNT Title and he doesn’t care who wins the #1 contenders match. He’s still not happy with Swerve Strickland for losing their match in London, but a little Birdie told him that Bryan Danielson still thinks he’s the best in the world. Cage is the face of TNT and Warner Brothers Discovery and as such, he has secured the first half hour of this show to be commercial free. Now open things up.

Opening sequence.

Bryan Danielson vs. Swerve Strickland

For a TNT Title shot and Prince Nana is here with Strickland. They fight over a test of strength to start with Strickland not being able to get anywhere. Strickland takes it to the mat (that might not be the best idea) but has to block a kneebar. A battle over a small package goes nowhere so the fans declare this awesome a little over three minutes in. They head to the apron for a chop off until Swerve backbreakers him down hard.

Back in and Strickland starts cranking on the arm to little avail but another backbreaker works just fine. A 450 hits raised knees though and Danielson scores with a top rope missile dropkick. Danielson kicks away a suicide dive is cut off. The Swerve Stomp misses as well and Danielson gets to strike away. Swerve goes up but gets pulled down into a belly to back superplex, only to land on Danielson’s bad arm.

Danielson is fine enough to get in the stomps before getting the double arm crank, sending Swerve’s legs to the rope. Swerve’s arms are fine enough to hit the House Call into the Swerve Stomp for a rather close two. A flipping slam out of the corner gives Swerve two so Nana gets on the apron. Swerve grabs Nana’s crown but cue Hangman Page to take it away. Danielson nails the running knee for the pin at 16:06.

Rating: B+. In other news, Bryan Danielson has an awesome match against another awesome opponent. This is just what he does these days and it’s a treat to watch every single time. He doesn’t need to win the title on Saturday but putting him out there every week in a John Cena Open Challenge deal (hopefully minus the Open Challenge part) would be a heck of a weekly feature.

Samoa Joe will be AEW World Champion and this Saturday will be the beginning of his ascension.

Chris Jericho vs. Powerhouse Hobbs

Hobbs stars fast and hits the spinebuster for an early two. Hobbs hits a second one but doesn’t cover as Don Callis approves on the floor. The slow beating is on as Callis keeps shouting at Jericho. More spinebustering ensues as it’s all Hobbs so far. A missed charge in the corner lets Jericho hit a Codebreaker for two. Another spinebuster connects but Hobbs still won’t cover. The Walls go on out of nowhere but Hobbs turns him back over and grabs Jericho by the throat. A World’s Strongest Slam gives Hobbs another near fall, followed by another World’s Strongest Slam to finish Jericho at 7:20.

Rating: C+. Well, that’s what it should have been. This was pretty much a squash in the vein of John Cena vs. Brock Lesnar and that’s a great way to go. What matters more here though is Hobbs is someone who could be a breakout star in short order. Not much in the way of a match here, but it boosted the heck out of Hobbs.

Post match, Hobbs hits another World’s Strongest Slam.

Roderick Strong has Adam Cole, on his scooter, mow his lawn. Strong even gives him a NECK STRONG shirt. Cole asks why there is no cell service or TV at Strong’s house, with Strong calling TV THE DEVIL. With Cole saying he’s off to get ankle surgery, Strong says he needs ONE MORE THING.

TNT Title: Orange Cassidy vs. Rey Fenix

Fenix is defending as Cassidy is taking the place of an injured Jon Moxley. Fenix strikes away to start and manages a rope walk kick, which doesn’t quite work out. A slam attempt hurts Fenix’s back so Cassidy knocks him outside for a whip over the barricade. Fenix is able to get in a kick of his own but Cassidy drops him on the apron. Cassidy cuts him off on the top and hits the middle rope DDT, followed by the satellite DDT for two. Fenix’s back gives out on the rolling cutter attempt so Cassidy grabs the Beach Break for two more. The Orange Punch into the Mouse Trap gives Cassidy the title back at 4:42.

Rating: C+. That’s quite the surprise, as it makes me wonder how long Moxley is going to be out of action. Fenix was never going to be the long term champion but losing here is a bit of a surprise. Cassidy got a big reaction though and that’s what matters in this situation, as a title themed show needed a title change.

Post match the Best Friends come out to celebrate with Cassidy, who looks rather serious.

We get a Toni Storm silent film….which gets the picture in picture treatment as we have our first commercial.

Wardlow vs. Matt Sydal

Four movement Powerbomb Symphony gives Wardlow the referee stoppage win at 58 seconds.

Wardlow leaves through the crowd again.

Matt Menard and Daniel Garcia argue over checking on the injured Chris Jericho.

Hangman Page vs. Jay White

The Gunns and Juice Robinson (on Big Wheels, one of which includes Cardblade) are in White’s corner. White bails to the floor to start so Page takes him out with a dive and yells at the rest of the Club. We take a break and come back with White scoring with a dragon screw legwhip. The leg is fine enough to snap off a Death Valley Driver though and they’re both down. White is sent outside so Page dives at him, only to bang up his knee again.

A powerbomb onto the apron cuts White off but he’s able to grab a sitout powerbomb for two back inside. White comes back with a shinbreaker onto the apron as we take a break. Back with Page hitting a super fall away slam but the knee is banged up again. White grabs the swinging Rock Bottom for two and we hit the chinlock.

That’s broken up and Page knocks him silly again but it’s too early for the Buckshot Lariat. Instead White grabs a Downward Spiral into a German suplex for two. The Deadeye connects but the Club offers a distraction. Cue Prince Nana with the crown but Page cuts him off, allowing White to grab a rollup (with tights) pin at 18:22.

Rating: B. This match got time and turned into a heck of a fight, though the ending keeps Page vs. Swerve Strickland going more than anything else. It was a back and forth match as it needed to be, with White getting the win that he needed on the way to the World Title match. Page continues to be on a bit of a hamster wheel, but things are trending down for him in recent weeks.

Post match Page chases Nana off but here is MJF to face White. MJF wants the Triple B back (Taz explains that’s the World Title belt, which covers a possible hole for non-regulars. That’s such a nice little cover that you don’t get nearly often enough.) but White says not so fast. MJF isn’t getting the Bang Bang Belt back, which MJF says is straight out of his own playbook. They aren’t that far apart but for the first time, MJF isn’t hating what he sees in the mirror.

White doesn’t care about the rest of the Club but MJF hates him. That belts means you’re the best in the world while White sees it as a joke. MJF knows White will get to that level one day but for now, do the right thing and give it back. White says he thought MJF said he had to earn it, which he can do at Full Gear. The challenge is thrown out for an eight man tag and if MJF wins, he might get the title back. Juice Robinson says he’ll be in the battle royal for the diamond ring next week and whips out a roll of coins with MJF’s name on it. MJF freaks out over the whole history of coins being thrown at him as a kid and threatens violence.

We get part two of Toni Storm’s movie, again in picture in picture. I get the joke, but not giving the best thing in AEW today the full screen is a bit odd.

Women’s Title: Saraya vs. Hikaru Shida

Saraya is defending and gets knocked into the corner to start. They take a break on the floor before coming back inside for a catfight. The fight heads outside again and Ruby Soho pops up as a production worker. Cue Toni Storm to beat her with a shoe and chase her into the crowd as we take a break.

Back with Shida hammering away in the corner and hitting a middle rope missile dropkick for two. Saraya manages to pull her off the top but Shida grabs a German suplex onto the apron. Shida’s Meteora off the apron connects for two back inside and frustration sets in. Saraya is back with a quick Nightcap for two so she grabs the kendo stick. That’s but a ruse so she can spray Shida with the spray paint, meaning another Nightcap can get two more. Shida scores with the Falcon Arrow for two before an exchange of rollups gives Shida the pin and the title back at 11:15.

Rating: C+. This got a little more time than the usual women’s matches and the title is right back where it was about two months ago. I’m not sure Shida was expected to be a long term champion and it’s nice to see Shida getting the belt back, though the title scene could use a bit more fresh blood. Maybe Shida drops it soon, but for now she continues to add to her records.

Chris Jericho has been taken to the hospital.

AEW is donating 50,000 AEW toys to Toys For Tots. That’s great.

Here’s what’s coming on various shows.

Don Callis has a surprise, which involves doing Sammy Guevara’s sign deal during picture in picture.

MJF calls Adam Cole to come back and lists off all of his problems. Cole can’t hear him though and the call cuts out. The Acclaimed and Billy Gunn come in and offer to be his partner, but Gunn isn’t sure. Max Caster talks about how MJF is his friend and he’ll be there for him. As a bonus: Caster: “I love it when he plays hard to get.”

Here is Christian Cage, with Luchasaurus, to talk about how Adam Copeland tried to be people’s friend (sounds like a shot at Judgment Day), but Cage wants to be Nick Wayne and Luchasaurus’ father. Copeland wants to reform the team with Cage and end their careers together, but where was that a few years ago? He was the more talented one while Copeland was getting pushed to the moon.

Cage has a lot of fans around the world, like Copeland’s wife Beth. For now though, don’t worry, because after Luchasaurus wrecks Copeland, his daughters will have a father. Cage: “Put some clean sheets on the bed.” The girls’ new daddy is coming home but here is Copeland for the fight.

Luchasaurus vs. Adam Copeland

Nick Wayne pops up to grab Copeland’s leg and Luchasaurus hits a hard lariat before we get started. Copeland says ring the bell anyway so Luchasaurus tombstones him for two. Luchasaurus slowly beats him down and hits a hard slam but Copeland is back up with a right hand. A superkick cuts Copeland off again and we take a break.

Back with Copeland being sent outside but a chokeslam on the knee is broken up. Copeland kicks him in the knee and hits a DDT off the apron to put them both down. Back in and the Impaler gives Copeland a delayed two and they go up top. Copeland forearms him in the back and hits a top rope superplex to leave them both laying. The spear is loaded up but Wayne wedges a chair into the corner.

The spear hits said chair and Luchasaurus hits a chokeslam for two. They head to the apron where Luchasaurus loads up a chokeslam onto the steps but gets caught with the Edge-O-Matic. A spear off the apron drops Luchasaurus again so cue Cage and Wayne. The referee is distracted so Copeland takes the TNT Title from Cage, blasts Luchasaurs with it and throws it back to Cage.  Luchasaurus isn’t happy and the spear from Copeland for the pin at 15:20 makes it worse..

Rating: B-. This wasn’t exactly a great in-ring debut for Copeland, as he was beaten down for most of the match and it went long. The stuff with Cage screwing up and Copeland getting the big win worked, but this would have been better served by being about five minutes shorter. Cage vs. Copeland is going to be a huge pay per view match, but this part didn’t give me the greatest hope.

Post match the beatdown is on but the Blackpool Combat Club runs in for the save. The Gates of Agony and Swerve Strickland come in as well, followed by Hangman Page. Danielson makes Cage tap to the LeBell Lock as Copeland spears Wayne to end the show.

Overall Rating: B. The show was pretty strong, with good to very good matches throughout. The ending got us a step closer to Copeland vs. Cage and Hobbs got the biggest win of his career over Jericho. On the other hand you have the title changes, which felt like they took us back in time a bit. It was certainly a show that felt big, but AEW has had quite a few of those as of late and they might be starting to run out of some steam. For now though, just keep putting Danielson out there to tear the house down every week or two and things should be fine.

Eddie Kingston b. Minoru Suzuki – Northern Lights Bomb
Bryan Danielson b. Swerve Strickland – Running knee
Powerhouse Hobbs b. Chris Jericho – World’s Strongest Slam
Orange Cassidy b. Rey Fenix – Mouse Trap
Wardlow b. Matt Sydal via referee stoppage
Jay White b. Hangman Page – Rollup with tights
Hikaru Shida b. Saraya – Rollup
Adam Copeland b. Luchasaurus – Spear



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Rampage – October 6, 2023: Bad Reputation

Date: October 6, 2023
Location: Stockton Arena, Stockton, California
Commentators: Excalibur, Tony Schiavone

We’re back to Friday and on the way to one heck of a Dynamite next week. There is a good chance that Dynamite will get some special attention this week and that could shake things up quite a bit. Other than that, we have a four way #1 contenders match for a Ring Of Honor World Title shot, because that kind of thing doesn’t happen on the Ring Of Honor show. Let’s get to it.

Here is Dynamite if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Hardys/Best Friends vs. Jake Hager/Angelo Parker/Matt Menard/Daniel Garcia

Brother Zay and Anna Jay are here too. The Best Friends waste no time in beating up Parker before handing it off to Jeff. Garcia comes in as well and it’s time for….a dance off. Schiavone does not sound impressed but Menard gets in a cheap shot to take Jeff down as the villains take over. Jeff manages to fight out of trouble and bring Beretta in for some shots to Garcia’s face. Everything breaks down and the good guys clear the ring, only to be run over by Hager on the floor.

We take a break and come back with Matt Hardy getting to clean house but the Twist of Fate is broken up. The Hager Bomb gets two with Jeff making the save and we hit the parade of secondary finishers. Matt Hardy can’t hit the Twist of Fate on Garcia, who is sent into Jay by mistake. The Twist of Fate into the Swanton finishes Garcia at 11:27.

Rating: C+. The energy was there and the fans are always going to be into the Hardys and the Best Friends. That doesn’t make for a great match, but at least they started fast and had an entertaining enough match. At the same time, it’s kind of funny that the Jericho Appreciation Society is now just a Society without anyone to appreciate.

Eddie Kingston is ready for any opponent but Jeff Jarrett and company come in. Jay Lethal was so annoyed at Kingston calling him out that he isn’t here tonight. Sonjay Dutt calls Kingston out for disrespecting a former Ring Of Honor Champion. Kingston is more than willing to give Lethal a shot…if Lethal proves himself to be more than a clown these days. With Kingston gone, Stokely Hathaway comes in to offer Dutt a deal, which he seems to like.

Danhausen is returning soon. Makes sense for Halloween.

Claudio Castagnoli/Wheeler Yuta vs. Levi Shapiro/Wise Guy Ruiz

Yuta stretches Shapiro’s abdominals to start before hitting something close to an Angle Slam. Castagnoli comes in and cranks on the neck, while also shrugging off a boot to the face from Ruiz. The Swing into a dropkick from Yuta knocks Shapiro silly and a Fastball Special (Rocket Launcher) finishes for Yuta at 2:42. Total squash.

The former Jericho Appreciation Society isn’t happy with Daniel Garcia, but they’re going to get Anna Jay to the doctor as a FAMILY.

Penta El Zero Miedo vs. Lince Dorado vs. Johnny TV vs. Komander

For a Ring Of Honor World Title shot against Eddie Kingston, on commentary. Penta shoves Johnny into a superkick from Komander to start before Penta clears out Komander and Dorado. Johnny and Penta exchange armdrags and nipups but get dropkicked out to the floor. That leaves Komander and Dorado to flip around a bit, with Dorado landing on his feet. Eddie: “Oh like a cat. I get it.” Excalibur: “Lince Dorado does mean The Golden Lynx.” Eddie: “…..oh.”

Back in and Penta tags Johnny down again, setting up a dive to the floor. Johnny decks Penta from behind though and we take a break. Back with Johnny hitting a standing moonsault for an arroagant two on Dorado (Eddie: “That’s not a good pin.”) before powerslamming Komander. Dorado hurricanranas Komander into another hurricanrana to Johnny before sending Penta outside. A moonsault takes out Johnny and Penta on the floor, leaving Komander to hit his rope walk flip dive onto all three. Back in and Komander hits a 450 to pin Dorado at 10:51.

Rating: B-. Well what else were you expecting here? This was a situation of putting a bunch of high fliers together and letting them go nuts. What matters here is to have someone new coming after Kingston’s title, even if it shows that the matches on Ring Of Honor’s weekly show mean nothing as these four just get a #1 contenders match out of nowhere.

Ortiz is ready to hurt Santana and take out his other knee.

Here’s what’s coming on various shows.

Kris Statlander/Hikaru Shida vs. Nyla Rose/Marina Shafir

Statlander and Shida get jumped before the bell, with Statlander being knocked out to the floor. Shafir kicks away at Shida and we finally get the match officially started. Rose comes in and drops a leg or two on Shida as Statlander is still trying to get up. Shida punches her way back up and puts Shafir down to one knee, setting up a running elbow for two. Statlander gets knocked off the apron again and we take a break.

Back with Shida crossbodying her way out of trouble, allowing Shida to come in and clean house. Statlander can’t quite slam Rose though and the crash landing gets two. Rose runs Statlander over with a clothesline for two more but Shida dives onto both villains on the floor. The Falcon Arrow gets two on Shafir and Rose is loaded up into a Doomsday Device (with Shida jumping all of a foot and a half for the clothesline). The Katana hits Shafir but she hits Saraya’s Nightcap for the pin at 11:08.

Rating: C. Somehow that’s the main event, which was little more than a match to set up the women’s Title match on Dynamite. It’s not a bad match by any means, but it had three other people who had nothing to do with the title match. Saraya didn’t even make an appearance, making for a pretty flat finish to the show.

Overall Rating: C+. This show did nothing to help the reputation that Rampage means very little. The show featured one match with storyline implications and that was for the Ring Of Honor World Title. Other than that we had an eight man tag that featured a dance off, a squash tag match, and a tag match designed to build towards another match down the line. As tends to be the case, there were some fun enough matches to keep me interested throughout an hour, but it’s not a show that you need tow watch in any way.

Hardys/Best Friends b. Jake Hager/Angelo Parker/Matt Menard/Daniel Garcia – Swanton to Garcia
Claudio Castagnoli/Wheeler Yuta b. Levi Shapiro/Wise Guy Ruiz – Fastball Special to Shapiro
Komander b. Lince Dorado, Penta El Zero Miedo and Johnny TV – 450 to Dorado
Hikaru Shida/Kris Statlander b. Nyla Rose/Marina Shafir – Nightcap to Shafir



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Rampage – September 29, 2023: The Stuff In The Sandwich That You Can Pick Off

Date: September 29, 2023
Location: 1stBank Center, Broomfield, Colorado
Commentators: Excalibur, Taz

It’s the last Rampage before WrestleDream and I’m not sure how much of a difference that is going to make. Rampage can be all over the place when it comes to importance, but there is a good chance that the wrestling itself will be pretty high quality. That should make for an easy show so let’s get to it.

Here is Dynamite if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Trios Titles: Billy Gunn/Acclaimed vs. Hardys/Brother Zay

Gunn and the Acclaimed are defending in ANOTHER open challenge. Zay and Bowens stars things off with an exchange of armdrags until Zay grabs a headscissors (and thrusts his hips into the mat). Bowens is right back with a kick to the ribs into the running Fameasser for quite the crash. Zay manages to send Bowens to the floor so it’s off to Jeff to beat up Caster. Matt and Billy come in for a SUCK IT vs. DELETE off until Gunn is sent into the corner over and over.

It’s back to Jeff for the step up splash in the corner but everything breaks down. The champs clear out the Hardys and Scissor Me Timbers gets two on Zay. We take a break and come back with Caster hitting a dropkick on Zay, followed by a bit of a dance. Gunn comes back in to miss a Stinger Splash, leaving both he and Zay down. The double tag brings in Jeff and Bowens, with the former grabbing a rollup.

The Whisper In The Wind hits the Acclaimed and it’s the Twist of Fate into the Swanton to Gunn. A save is made and a bunch of charging shots in the corner put Matt down. The double tag brings in Bowens and Zay with Zay getting to kick people in the face. Zay hits a middle rope spinning Downward Spiral, followed by an Asai moonsault to Gunn. Back in and the assisted Iconoclasm finishes Zay to retain the titles at 10:36.

Rating: B-. These guys got going in the end and it turned into a rather high energy match. Gunn and the Acclaimed can move on to their title defense against a team from New Japan at WrestleDream while the Hardys can find another team to lose against in another title match. Zay stood out here a bit as well, as he got to show off some of his pretty impressive high flying. Good opener, even if it was another thrown out there title match.

Eddie Kingston is ready to defend the New Japan Strong Openweight Title against Rocky Romero tonight but Jeff Jarrett and company come in. Jay Lethal talks about how he can respect a double champ, but not when it means Kingston is the Ring Of Honor World Champion. That title means something and Kingston is unfit to hold the title. Kingston laughs and walks away.

On Saturday, Andrade El Idolo wants to know why Juice Robinson has a problems with him. See you Saturday at Collision.

New Japan Strong Openweight Title: Rocky Romero vs. Eddie Kingston

Kingston is defending. Feeling out process to start with Romero’s headlock not getting him very far. Romero’s shoulder doesn’t get him anywhere either but he manages to knock Kingston outside. That’s fine with Kingston, who hits a suplex on the floor as we take a break. Back with Kingston getting caught in the ropes so Romero can hit a middle rope dropkick for two. Kingston is right back with the rapid fire chops in the corner but Romero slugs his way out. That’s fine with Kingston, who hits a pair of spinning backfists into the Stretch Plum to retain at 8:58.

Rating: C+. As usual the match was fine, but it’s another instance of a random wrestler getting a title shot. Between this and the open challenges, there are so many out of nowhere title matches and it takes away some of the impact. As for the match itself, there’s only so much you can do with about nine minutes and a good chunk of it cut out of the middle. Completely fine action though and that’s better than some options they had.

Post match respect is shown but Katsuyori Shibata comes out for the staredown.

Aussie Open is sick of hearing about how great FTR is. They’ve spent the last year working to get here for one more match with them, because it’s time for FTR to feel pain.

Righteous vs. Gunnar/Caleb Crush

Dutch runs them over with a double clothesline to start and adds a swinging Boss Man Slam on Crush. Gunnar gets one of his own and Autumn Sunshine finishes Crush at 1:25.

Video on the history of Santana and Ortiz, who were a great team and then fell apart due to personal issues.

Video on Christian Cage vs. Darby Allin.

Nick Wayne won’t be at ringside for Allin vs. Cage but he wants to face Luchasaurus at Zero Hour. He even has a skateboard for the sake of a receipt.

Here’s what’s coming on various shows.

Zack Sabre Jr. is ready to hurt Bryan Danielson and end his retirement tour a lot earlier than expected. He throws in a little Final Countdown (humming version) for a bonus.

Ruby Soho vs. Hikaru Shida

For a Women’s Title shot. Feeling out process to start with Shida taking her down. The right hands in the corner set up a spinning crossbody, followed by more right hands. There’s a middle rope dropkick to knock Soho down again and we take a break. Back with the exchange of forearms going to Shida before they go outside. The fight goes up the ramp before they both have to run back to the ring to beat the count.

Soho gets two off a Saito suplex and it’s time for the kendo stick. With that taken away, Soho tries the spray paint but the referee gets bumped while taking it away. Destination Unknown connects for no count so Shida sticks her in the head. The Katana connects and another referee runs down for two. Shida misses a top rope Meteora but blocks a top rope backsplash with raised knees. The Falcon Arrow gets two, followed by another Katana to give Shida the pin at 12:01.

Rating: B-. Shida vs. Soho is something that is going to work no matter what they’re doing and thankfully they didn’t do a bunch of nonsense with the referee down. It wouldn’t surprise me to see Shida get the title back as Saraya got her England win last month. At the same time, it would completely surprise me to see Soho win a match that matters, as it certainly hasn’t been her thing yet.

Saraya comes out for the staredown to end the show.

Overall Rating: B-. This show’s problem continues to be that it is sandwiched between Dynamite and Collision, which doesn’t leave it with much purpose. You had two thrown out there title defenses, both of which will be followed by those same titles being on the line again two days later. That doesn’t make for a thrilling show, which leaves the wrestling to carry everything. As usual, that worked well, as long as you don’t expect a good bit of this show to be anything more than advertisements for later events.

Billy Gunn/Acclaimed b. Hardys/Brother Zay – Assisted Iconoclasm to Zay
Eddie Kingston b. Rocky Romero – Stretch Plum
Righteous b. Gunnar/Caleb Crush – Autumn Sunshine to Crush
Hikaru Shida b. Ruby Soho – Katana



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Dynamite – September 13, 2023: They Did This Right Too

Date: September 13, 2023
Location: Heritage Bank Center, Cincinnati, Ohio
Commentators: Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, Taz

We’re a week away from Grand Slam and that means the show needs a main event. We’ll see what we’ll be getting this week with the finals of a #1 contenders tournament final between Samoa Joe and Roderick Strong. Other than that, hometown boy Jon Moxley is defending the International Title against Big Bill and the fans might be a bit partisan. Let’s get to it.

Here is Collision if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

International Title: Big Bill vs. Jon Moxley

Moxley, the hometown star, is defending and tries some kicks to the leg to start. Bill (with Ricky Starks) isn’t having that and tosses him around before a kick sends it outside. That’s fine with Moxley as he slugs away, only to get thrown over the table. We take a break and come back with Moxley (busted open) hitting a superplex to put them both down.

Bill grabs the swinging Boss Man Slam for two before stomping away, only to have Moxley do an Undertaker situp. Moxley grabs a sleeper but lets it go to hit a running cutter. Starks crotches Moxley though and Bill gets in a big boot for two. Cue Bryan Danielson to go after Starks so Bill hits a chokeslam for two. A triangle choke has Bill in trouble and he actually taps at 11:18.

Rating: B-. It makes sense to get Moxley out there this fast as he is likely to be the most popular star throughout the show. Beating Bill still feels like something that matters and Moxley gets to show off his submission stuff on the way there. At the same time, we might be getting Starks vs. Moxley in the future, which could work well. Nice opener.

Post match Starks and Bill keep up the beatdown but Claudio Castagnoli makes the save.

Adam Cole interrupts Roderick Strong and the Kingdom, warning Strong of what might happen to his neck. Strong finds it interesting that NOW Cole cares about his neck, so he’ll show Cole instead.

We look back at Konosuke Takeshita beating Kenny Omega twice in eight days.

Here is Don Callis to brag about Takeshita’s wins and here is Takeshita himself. Callis talks about how Takeshita is the greatest of all time but just beating Omega isn’t enough. They have a painting covered up in the corner but pull it off to reveal….Kota Ibushi as their next victim. Pain and destruction are promised.

Bryan Danielson issues a challenge for a tag match against Ricky Starks and Big Bill on Collision. Eddie Kingston and Rey Fenix, who are challenging Jon Moxley and Claudio Castagnoli next week, come in for the pull apart. Kingston is left alone with Castagnoli and says one week.

Orange Cassidy laments not having a title…..but notices that Hook has one. Cassidy is more upset over the loss though and is still so tired.

Toni Storm vs. Nyla Rose vs. Britt Baker vs. Hikaru Shida

For a Women’s Title match next week. Storm waits on the floor as Rose runs the other two over. That’s broken up so everyone but Shida is sent outside. Shida dives onto all three of them and we take a break. Back with all four slugging it out until Storm gets to clean house. A German suplex hits Baker and the running hip attack in the corner nails Rose. Back up and the Beast Bomb hits Storm so Shida and Baker go after Rose to slow her down. Shida rolls Rose up for two before hitting her with the Katana. Baker stomps Shida but Storm is back up with a rollup to finish Baker at 8:39.

Rating: C+. Storm was the absolute right call here as she has been on fire with her over the top stuff lately. At the same time, she has the connection with Saraya through the Outcasts to make things that much more interesting. The match itself kept moving, but as usual, that break in the middle of a match that wasn’t very long in the first place hurt it a lot.

Saraya says things have changed in the last year and now she’s ready to beat Toni Storm next week.

Here are Chris Jericho and Sammy Guevara for a chat. They’re going to be facing each other next week, but they have a great history together. We see a video on their times together throughout AEW, showing just how long they have been together. Jericho talks about seeing Guevara on the NWA 70th Anniversary show and knowing he had to be in AEW. Jericho has watched Sammy go from a boy to a man and now he is about to give birth. Well his wife is as least.

Sammy talks about how he was a huge fan growing up and now he can’t believe he is here with Jericho. He wants to break out of Jericho’s shadow though, so he has to win next week. Jericho says Sammy is here to be a main eventer, but he isn’t sure Guevara is ready to beat him.

Sammy says it’s always about what Jericho wants, so next week he’s getting the win and then they’ll win the Tag Team Titles. Jericho still isn’t done and says he’ll give Sammy the beating of his life, but he wants the same from him. Sammy wouldn’t have it any other way. This went on for a bit, but that video did show how much of a history they have together.

Last week, MJF was too banged up to travel, but he’ll be at Grand Slam. MJF loves the idea of a week off but he wanted to see Roderick Strong vs. Samoa Joe because he can’t stand either of them. Strong is faking that neck injury and he’ll choke Joe out. Things get even worse for Joe though as MJF goes straight into the Steiner Math promo, leaving Renee Young looking VERY confused.

Brian Cage vs. Hangman Page

This is match #3 in their series, with the first two matches taking place only about two and a half years ago. Page slugs away to start but gets knocked into the corner for the clotheslines. A big boot and springboard clothesline put Cage on the floor, where Page hurricanranas him into the post. Page hits a slingshot dive to drop him again, followed by a 619 of all things back inside. The Buckshot Lariat is loaded up but cue Swerve Strickland for a distraction. Cage gets in a German suplex as we take a break.

Back with Cage hitting a full nelson slam for two, only to miss a moonsault. Page makes the fired up comeback and a Cactus Clothesline sends them outside. Back in and Cage pulls him out of the air for the curling fall away slam, the last of which is countered into a crucifix bomb to send Cage outside. The moonsault to the floor his Cage for two back inside so Cage sends him to the apron. The apron superplex is broken up and Page hits the Deadeye for the pin at 12:08.

Rating: B. These guys beat the heck out of each other and it was quite the slugout. What mattered here was getting Page a win on his way to a bigger showdown with Strickland. Page hasn’t done much on his own in a long time now and it’s nice to see him having something to do again. Pretty awesome match here.

Post match Page accuses Swerve of sending Cage after him as a way to avoid doing it himself. Swerve says this isn’t over in one night and issues the challenge for WrestleDream. Cage jumps Page from behind, allowing Prince Nana to dance some more (thereby making it awesome). The Young Bucks make the save.

Daniel Garcia is tired of Chris Jericho getting so much attention. Don Callis comes in to feel his pain and seemingly offers Garcia a spot in the Callis Family. Garcia’s dancing seems to say yes.

We look at Jade Cargill’s return.

Nick Wayne/Darby Allin vs. Matt Menard/Angelo Parker

Wayne and Menard start things off but cue Christian Cage and Luchasaurus, the former of whom joins commentary, for a distraction so Menard can take over. Menard hits a bulldog but Wayne enziguris his way to freedom. That’s still not enough for the tag though and we take a break.

Back with Wayne fighting out of a chinlock and now the tag brings Allin in to clean house. The Code Red gives Allin two and it’s back to Wayne for Wayne’s World but Menard makes the save. Allin dives onto Menard on the floor and Wayne adds a moonsault to take him out again. The Coffin Drop finishes Parker at 7:40.

Rating: C+. Menard and Parker are the kind of people you can throw out there to give someone else a win and make them look pretty good in the process. The match might not have been a masterpiece, but it gave Allin and Wayne a win and had enough good action. Throw in Christian on commentary and it was that much better.

Post match Christian talks about scrolling through Wayne’s Instagram and the biggest problem is his mom doesn’t post enough pictures of herself. There is also way too much about the coffin match, but Cage didn’t have his regular partner. So how about Cage/Luchasaurus vs. Sting/Allin next week?

Here’s what’s coming on various shows.

Video on the #1 contenders tournament.

Grand Slam #1 Contenders Tournament Finals: Roderick Strong vs. Samoa Joe

Joe’s ROH TV Title isn’t on the line and the Kingdom is here with Strong. Feeling out process to start with Strong bailing to the floor. The chase goes badly for Joe as Strong hammers away back inside, only to have Joe run him over. Joe pounds him down in the corner as we take a break.

Back with Joe fighting out of a chinlock so Strong hits a middle rope dropkick for two. Joe fights out of a neck crank and hits the snap powerslam for two. Strong hits a running clothesline but can’t get the Stronghold. Instead Joe is back with the release Rock Bottom out of the corner but Strong slips out of the Muscle Buster. The Sick Kick hits Joe, who shrugs it off and grabs the Koquina Clutch for the tap at 10:40.

Rating: B-. At the end of the day, Joe winning was the right way to go from the start of the tournament. While Strong’s stuff has been great lately, his issue is more with Adam Cole than MJF. Let Joe get his big moment, and perhaps even win the title, while Strong and Cole can do their own thing. The ending with Joe choking Strong out made Joe look like a monster again and that is where he shines the most.

Post match Joe promises to take everything MJF has. Joe leaves, so Strong and the Kingdom have some words. Strong goes down and grabs his neck, meaning it’s time to go out on a stretcher. The Kingdom yells at Cole, but here is Joe again to choke Cole out.

One more Grand Slam rundown wraps us up.

Overall Rating: B. This show was about setting up Grand Slam (and a bit more) and as usual, that worked. Grand Slam has a tendency to be a big deal for AEW and they have certainly made the card feel important. That being said, WrestleDream is going to need a lot of attention in a hurry as there are only two more Dynamites before the show with two matches announced. For now though, good Dynamite with the bigger show coming next week.

Jon Moxley b. Big Bill – Triangle choke
Toni Storm b. Nyla Rose, Britt Baker and Hikaru Shida – Rollup to Baker
Hangman Page b. Brian Cage – Deadeye
Darby Allin/Nick Wayne b. Matt Menard/Angelo Parker
Samoa Joe b. Roderick Strong – Koquina Clutch



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