Checked Out The House Hardy Halloween Special

And as usual, I’m not sure what to think of it.

There’s no secret to the fact that the Hardys are an interesting team. They’re both completely out there but also some of the most creative people around. They’ve created the Broken Universe and it made perfect sense for them to come back to the thing for a Halloween special, especially since Matt seems to be mostly done in the ring.

So the special was….pretty much exactly what you would expect, though in a good way. There were guest stars (including Los Conquistadors) and the Godfather as House Hardy hosted a Halloween party. An intruder broke in and impersonated Hurricane Helms and it even set up a cliffhanger for a potential future (they have to do a Christmas special at this point). It’s about twenty five minutes long and there’s nothing too bad in it so if you like their stuff, it’s worth checking out.

It’s kind of amazing that the Hardys have turned what should be complete chaos into something that makes some sense. There has been talk of turning this into a series and….yeah I could see that working. It’s not just a bunch of jokes loosely tied together as they’ve actually created characters with some continuity. The series isn’t for everyone but if you want some pure goofy wrestling related fun by people who are putting in a lot of effort, these shows are quite entertaining.