AEW Double Or Nothing 2022 Preview

It’s time for another AEW pay per view and most of the time, that has been some very good news. AEW has a heck of a track record with pay per views, though things have been a bit weaker than usual in recent months. I don’t entirely know what that is going to mean for this show, but the card is absolutely huge with a staggering thirteen matches. Maybe they can make it work though so let’s get to it.

Buy-In Show: Hookhausen vs. Mark Sterling/Tony Nese

They aren’t starting with anything serious here as Hook and Danhausen are the latest comedy guys around here. There is a short form possibility to the two of them working together but I’d like to believe that Hook could mean a lot more than he is being given so far. Danhausen is one of the most unique guys around, and now he and Hook can do their thing here.

That thing here would be winning, as Hookhausen has no reason to lose whatsoever. Hook can be the muscle for Danhausen as he does his wacky deal. That is all you need in something like this as the fans are going to go nuts over anything Hookhausen does. Keep it short, let Danhausen pin the manager, and we get to move on to the important stuff. That’s a good opener and they have the right idea with this on the Buy-In.

Women’s Owen Hart Foundation Tournament Finals: Britt Baker vs. Ruby Soho

This is a match that has some history to it and now the question becomes can Soho finally get a big win around here. Soho is someone with as unique of a look as you can find and the intangibles to back it up, but she hasn’t actually won anything just yet. Beating Baker would even their series up and that is a way they can go. At the same time though, it is hard to buy the idea of Baker losing her second big match in a row.

I’m in a total coin flip here but I’ll go with Baker winning here as Soho loses again for the sake of getting Baker back on track. This could be leading to a heck of a showdown between Baker and Jade Cargill, assuming they don’t do a rubber match with Thunder Rosa. Either way, I don’t see Soho winning here, and I’m really not sure where that leaves her going forward.

Men’s Owen Hart Foundation Tournament Finals: Adam Cole vs. Samoa Joe

I like this one more than the previous match and we could be in for a heck of a showdown here. Cole is someone who is still waiting for his own big win around here, while Joe has the Ring Of Honor TV Title, meaning that he too is waiting for his first big win in AEW. This is at least an interesting match and that puts it above a lot of what we have been seeing in the tournament so far.

I’ll go with Cole winning again here, as AEW not only likes pushing the heck out of him, but the idea of Cole and Baker as the winners of the tournaments is likely something AEW likes. The match should be a good, pay per view level fight as Joe knows how to make the big fight feel. Cole wins here though, possibly even with some help from Jay Lethal and pals to take out Joe.

Jericho Appreciation Society vs. Blackpool Combat Club/Santana/Ortiz/Eddie Kingston

This is the Anarchy In The Arena match, which seems to be the latest insane brawl that the company loves to run. The problem this time though is the lineups aren’t exactly even, as it’s hard to imagine the Combat Club and Kingston would have trouble against the entire Appreciation Society. Then again there is a good chance that the villains can take out a member to uneven things and make it a bit more even.

That being said, there isn’t much in the way of doubt here, as this should be a one sided victory for Kingston and company. Unfortunately I don’t think that is going to happen, as I could see AEW running with the Jericho Wizard/fireball stuff. Therefore, I’ll take the Appreciation Society winning here, even if that makes so little sense and will just mean more of the not so great act.

Hardys vs. Young Bucks

Now we have the Dream Match, which might have been the case about ten years ago but now, I’m not entirely convinced. To put it mildly, the Hardys are in their mid 40s and wrestle like they’re about ten years older than that each. Jeff looks close to terrible and you know what you’re going to get from Matt. I’m far from a Bucks fan, but they can run circles around the Hardys at the moment and this is going to be a mess as a result.

I’ll take the Bucks winning here, as there is no reason whatsoever to put the Hardys over anyone ever (unless you’re Darby Allin because reasons). I’m not exactly interested in seeing this one but maybe they can pull off something decent. All I know is I don’t need to see the Hardys trying to recreate their glory days again and odds are that is exactly what we are going to be getting here.

Maxwell Jacob Friedman vs. Wardlow

This now needs an asterisk as there have been a few issues involving MJF, but we’ll assume that the match is going to take place. This is a story that has been built up for years and is a more physical version of Ted DiBiase vs. Virgil from back in the day. The good thing is that Wardlow is almost on Virgil’s level and might even be able to get something out of this if they do it right.

Of course I’ll go with Wardlow here, as he should powerbomb MJF into oblivion here. Now that being said, MJF should not get squashed and will likely get in some offense off the back of Shawn Spears and some well timed cheating, but at the end of the day, this is Wardlow’s breaking out moment and I could go with seeing him wreck MJF as the fans get more and more into each powerbomb. Assuming the match takes place that is.

Women’s Title: Thunder Rosa(c) vs. Serena Deeb

The more I watch from Rosa, the less I think she is cut out to be champion. There are some people who are more interesting as the challenger rather than the champion and that is what we might have with her. The promo from this week was good, but I really can’t bring myself to get into this match. Granted it doesn’t help that Cargill feels like a much bigger star, but this is the next showdown.

I’ll take Rosa to retain here, as she deserves a longer title reign than a few months after FINALLY getting the belt. We might be up for a rematch with Baker, but at the moment the best thing that they can do is have Rosa keep going as champion to set up a showdown with someone. Rosa is still a star and I could go for seeing more of her with the title, but they need to find a better way to present her.

Tag Team Titles: Jurassic Express(c) vs. Team Taz vs. Keith Lee/Swerve Strickland

One thing that is interesting here is that AEW rarely runs triple threat. The company loves itself some gimmick matches but that isn’t the case with triple threat, which is certainly a nice bonus. Anyway, this has been set up as the two challenging teams have been set up as potential threats to take the titles. Granted it helps that Jurassic Express have been kind of there as champions for a lot of their reigns, so it is kind of somewhere in the middle.

As much as I’d like to see Lee and Strickland get somewhere, I have a feeling Team Taz wins here. At some point you have to give Taz and company some (official) titles and I think they do it here. Ricky Starks has been moving up higher and higher in recent weeks and Powerhouse Hobbs is one of the better potential stars around. They should have a good match here, but it’s time for the title change with the belts going to Team Taz.

Kyle O’Reilly vs. Darby Allin

This is a grudge match which was added to the show on Rampage, even if it is one of the first matches that could be moved to Dynamite for the sake of cutting down the pay per view rundown. Allin is mad at O’Reilly for injuring Sting, meaning it is time to fight. Thankfully this seems to be a regular match, which is quite the change for Allin and his obsession with hardcore stuff.

I’ll go with Allin winning here, as he is still shaking off some of his funk, especially after that pretty ridiculous loss to Jeff Hardy a few weeks ago. O’Reilly could use a win too and it wouldn’t shock me if he won here, but Allin needs it more and is someone the fans are already behind. Seeing O’Reilly get a push of his own would be nice, but it’s Allin winning here in a match that should be pretty awesome.

House Of Black vs. Death Triangle

Yes, finally. After what feels like 37 years, this match is FINALLY going to take place, even though I can’t imagine it is going to live up to the hype that has been presented around it. Both teams are actually healthy for once and since it was on the books at some point back in the day, AEW had to get it in instead of cutting their losses and just moving on like anyone sane would do.

It’s one that could go either way, but I’ll take the House Of Black to win here. Death Triangle is a team that has a tendency to not be around very often for one reason or another so the House Of Black seems to be a better option at the moment. Odds are it will be a heck of a fight and Death Triangle will look great in defeat, but the House Of Black wins here to finally give them something.

Men Of The Year/Paige VanZant vs. Frankie Kazarian/Sammy Guevara/Tay Conti

Speaking of feuds that won’t go away, we have this mess that must continue no matter how many people are waiting in line for the TNT Title. This week seemed to show Guevara and company as the good ones, even if that involved invading the American Top Team facility and stealing stuff. I don’t think AEW knows what they are doing with this feud anymore, but even worse I don’t think many people care about it either. Granted, why let that get in the way of what AEW has decided to do?

Since the feud must continue and Guevara/Kazarian get no more shots if they lose, I’ll go with Guevara and company winning to keep their hopes alive. I’m not sure why that is something we need to continue, but this feud is probably heading for one big final blowoff to the whole thing. Maybe we could even get a ladder involved! For now, though Guevara and company win, because it must continue.

TBS Title: Jade Cargill(c) vs. Anna Jay

AEW has a bit of a weird situation on their hands with Cargill. While they have done a great job of building her up, there is no reason to believe that she is going to lose anytime soon. That makes this feel like nothing more than a requirement as she gets to add another win over someone who was thrown into a title match. I don’t particularly care about this match and it would have been fine on Dynamite, but maybe Cargill can get in her catchphrase for the 485th time.

Of course I’ll take Cargill, as Jay gets to be the latest sacrificial lamb. They REALLY need someone who is going to give Cargill a challenge and Jay, who hasn’t wrestled a singles match since March (or a TV match since January, when Cargill beat her) isn’t it. This is a match that probably doesn’t need to be on the pay per view but we are getting it for the sake of Cargill appearing, which does make sense.

AEW World Title: Hangman Page(c) vs. CM Punk

And then there’s this, which has been hit and miss so far. This has not been anywhere close to a disaster, but I’m not sure I buy Page as someone on Punk’s level. Punk had to get to the World Title shot at some point though, which comes after the end of the great Friedman feud. Hopefully they can go beyond the hype, which hasn’t quite hit the levels they seem to have been shooting for with the build.

I’ve been going back and forth on this for weeks now but I think I have Page retaining. If you want to elevate him, beating Punk and Danielson is about as perfect of a way as you can do so. Punk is going to be fine no matter what he does, but in this case it makes more sense to have him lose and give Page the next biggest rub of his career. I wouldn’t be surprised to see Punk win the title, but Page needs this a lot more than Punk. I think. Maybe. Perhaps.

Overall Thoughts

I’m expecting the show to be good, as almost every AEW pay per view tends to be, but my goodness there is way too much on here. There is no need for the show to have every one of these matches but for some reason that is what we’re getting. Hopefully they move something up to the Buy-In show, as having a twelve minute pay per view card is not going to leave them with much breathing room. The show has a lot of potential, but I’m worried about giving the matches the time that they need. Make something fast, or at least shuffle it up a bit, just to make it better. Either way, we should be fine, as is AEW’s custom.



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Rampage – May 20, 2022: Catch Me In A Few Hours

Date: May 20, 2022
Location: Fertitta Center, Houston, Texas
Commentators: Taz, Excalibur, Chris Jericho, Ricky Starks

We are less than two weeks away from Double Or Nothing and now it is time for the card to really get hammered home. This time around, that only includes one Owen Hart Tournament match, which seems like a drop compared to recent weeks. The Blackpool Combat Club is here though so let’s get to it.

Here is Dynamite if you need a recap.

House Of Black vs. Dark Order/Fuego del Sol

Black has no time for Evil Uno to start so it’s off to Fuego, who gets taken down into a kneebar. Matthews comes in and stomps away but Fuego gets over to Uno to pick up the pace. Black tags himself back in though and the House cleans itself as we take a break. Back with 10 cleaning house but he can’t get the full nelson. Everything breaks down and Uno gets to kick King in the face over and over but a kick to the face sets up the Ganso Bomb for the pin at 9:20.

Rating: C. This is a good example of what has been wrong with the House of Black: there is no reason for it to take nearly ten minutes for the full strength team to beat these three. Fuego is the definition of a loser and the Dark Order are a low level team. Why is it taking that long to complete what should have been a four minute squash? Make them look dominant, not like they have to rally to win.

Post match Death Triangle comes out and unveils a House Of Black tombstone with DOUBLE OR NOTHING included. Thank goodness. Have the match already so we can move on to anything else.

Anthony Bowens has been injured and the Gunn Club promises a reunion when he’s healthy again.

FTR is down for a Ring Of Honor Title match against Roppongi Vice. Oh and they want the IWGP Tag Team Titles too.

Shawn Spears vs. Big Damo

That would be Killian Dain, formerly of NXT fame. Damo takes him down to start and hammers away inside, only to miss the Vader Bomb. A running knee and the C4 (Spears: “WARDLOW!”) finishes Damo at 1:38. That was a bit unexpected.

The Undisputed Elite teases a Fingerpoke of Doom once they get to the Owen Hart finals. Or they could do it seriously, which works for both of them. The Young Bucks also want the Hardys at Double Or Nothing.

Owen Hart Foundation Tournament First Round: Red Velvet vs. Kris Statlander

Ruby Soho is on commentary and doesn’t seem to like Jericho. Statlander starts fast with a one armed gorilla press (because of course she can do that) but misses a charge, allowing Velvet to tie her up in the rink skirt. We take a break and come back with Statlander taking her down but getting caught with the Final Slice for two. Statlander’s Blue Thunder Bomb gets the same and a wheelbarrow faceplant gives Velvet two more. Back up and Statlander clotheslines her down but can’t hit the Big Bang Theory. Instead Velvet counters into a rollup, which is countered into a rollup to give Statlander the pin at 7:35.

Rating: C. Little surprised by the ending there and that is a nice feeling. Statlander going forward is more interesting than one of Cargill’s minions, even if Soho vs. Baker seems like a more likely final. I’m glad to see Statlander getting to move up the ladder a bit, as she hasn’t had much going on in recent months.

Post match the Baddie Section comes in for the beatdown and Ruby Soho’s save fails. Anna Jay comes in and grabs Mark Sterling’s crutch for the real save.

Mark Sterling, Tony Nese and Hookhausen are all training for Double Or Nothing. Danhausen is cranking on those one pound weights.

Here are the Men of the Year for a chat. They mock the end of the Inner Circle (Jericho: “That’s a low blow.”) and Scorpio Sky wants the TNT Title back from Sammy Guevara. We cut to Guevara, who breaks the title with a sledgehammer. Frankie Kazarian pops up to take over, leaving Sammy to kiss Tay Conti. Kazarian promises more violence. AEW has a roster deeper than anyone could ask for these days and these two are STILL FIGHTING???

Britt Baker mocks Toni Storm’s record in big matches. Storm threatens to knock her teeth out.

Dante Martin and Matt Sydal like the idea of peace, love and pro wrestling. The Blackpool Combat Club doesn’t agree.

Here’s what is coming on various shows.

Jade Cargill is ready for Anna Jay at Double Or Nothing.

Blackpool Combat Club vs. Dante Martin/Matt Sydal

William Regal is on commentary. The Club jumps them to start and it’s Moxley getting two off a suplex to Martin. Danielson comes in for some forearms to the head as Regal sings the praises of cauliflower faces. Martin avoids a charge to send Moxley into the post and it’s off to Sydal to pick up the pace.

We take a break and come back with Martin cleaning house but missing the Nose Dive. Danielson catches him on top with the butterfly superplex, setting up the LeBell Lock. The rope is reached so Danielson starts kicking away at the ribs, but what looks to be a Hart Attack is broken up. Everything breaks down and Sydal hits a Meteora to Danielson on the apron. Danielson is up in time to save Moxley from the Nose Dive, leaving Moxley to hit a piledriver. That’s good for two, so Danielson and Moxley come in for the hard elbows. The Paradigm Shift finishes Martin at 12:05.

Rating: C+. This was a little too similar to the opener, in that the established team, especially two main eventers like Danielson and Moxley, shouldn’t be needing twelve minutes to put away Martin and Sydal. It shouldn’t have been a squash, but this was a bit lengthy for something that should have been done more quickly.

Post match, the Jericho Appreciation Society runs in to go after the Combat Club. Santana and Ortiz runs in for the big brawl to end the show.

Overall Rating: C. I wasn’t feeling this one all that much as it didn’t feel like a very important show. The wrestling was perfectly fine and it didn’t have a bad match, but there was nothing on here that I’m going to remember in a few hours. As has always been the case though: it’s an hour long, and that is WAY too short to have me begging for it to end. Even a weaker Rampage is still fine TV and that’s what we had this week.

House of Black b. Fuego del Sol/Dark Order – Ganso Bomb to Uno
Shawn Spears b. Big Damo – C4
Kris Statlander b. Red Velvet – Rollup
Blackpool Combat Club b. Dante Martin/Matt Sydal – Paradigm Shift to Martin



Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and head over to my Amazon author page with 30 different cheap wrestling books at:


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Some Random AEW Thoughts

This is what happens when I start going for walks again.  In no order.

  • This week on Dynamite, you had two Impact wrestlers, an advertisement for a DDT Pro wrestler, multiple Ring of Honor wrestlers, and a Ring of Honor title match in the main event, plus advertisements for the AEW vs. New Japan show.

    Tony, slow down man.

  • If Khan insists on having ROH content on AEW programming, is there any reason he can’t make one of the Darks the ROH show? You have all the time you need/want and it doesn’t take away from Rampage/Dynamite. I know we might need to find another way to build up the midcard challenger of the month’s ten straight wins over Shawn Dean or whoever Dean’s female equivalent is, meaning it might put a dent in the “10 straight wins? Where?” questions, but that might be an acceptable loss.

  • Ways to make the House of Black better:

    1. Have them wrestle a match in the last month (last match: March 30).

    2. Don’t have them spend a month talking about taking out Fuego del Sol.

    3. Let it go with the Death Triangle feud. You had your six man against most of them at Revolution. It’s over.

    4. Let it go with the Julia Hart thing, as it made them look like they couldn’t beat a cheerleader.

  • I would be willing to buy my first wrestling shirt in over 25 years if AEW could go two weeks without the big forearm exchange. Yes, I know it’s Japanese tradition. Yes, I know it’s required in modern wrestling because the Japanese style is everything these days. Yes, I know I’m absolutely sick of it because it feels like they’re checking a box off of a list by having one.

  • I’d still like to know how qualifying matches in the Owen Hart Tournaments are different than first round matches. Bobby Fish vs. Jeff Hardy isn’t good enough to be called a first round match?

  • The qualifying matches for the Owen Hart Foundation tournaments began back in March, five weeks ago.  The tournaments themselves are going to run two and a half weeks.  How does that make sense?

Dynamite – May 4, 2022: Not A Downward Spiral

Date: May 4, 2022
Location: Chesapeake Employers Insurance Arena, Baltimore, Maryland
Commentators: Excalibur, Jim Ross, Tony Schiavone

I’m not sure how but we’re less than a month away from Double Or Nothing. Last week’s show saw the announcement that CM Punk would be challenging Hangman Page for the World Title at the pay per view so at least they have the top match set up pretty far in advance. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Owen Hart Foundation Qualifying Match: Jeff Hardy vs. Bobby Fish

Adam Cole is on commentary and Matt Hardy and Kyle O’Reilly are at ringside. Fish takes him into the corner to start and kicks away at the leg, setting up a dragon screw legwhip onto the other leg. They head outside with another dragon screw legwhip sending Hardy into the barricade and we take a break.

Back with Hardy making a comeback and dropping Fish to go up top. The Swanton is broken up though and it’s the super Falcon Arrow to put Hardy down for two. Fish grabs the kneebar but Hardy gets over for the rope. Hardy puts him down again and it’s the Swanton to give Hardy the pin at 10:15.

Rating: C. That’s about as high as I can go, as the match was technically fine, but they were both looking old and slow here. Granted that might be because they’re both old and slow, though I can always go for someone taking out a knee. Fish banging up Hardy’s knee was a good way to explain the slower pace, but it’s getting harder to watch Hardy out there.

Post match the Young Bucks come out for a staredown with the Hardys. I don’t think that’s a big surprise, but the Hardys trying to go at that pace could be rough.

We get a video from William Regal on training the Blackpool Combat Club. Regal talks about how this is about physicality and hurting people, which is what wrestling is. The video includes Regal physically training the team before saying that the Club would rather cut you on the face than stab you, because that is what you will remember. Check this out as it was nearly chilling with Regal sounding so serious about the whole thing. Also note that this is the shortened version, with the whole thing being available on Twitter.

AFO vs. Blackpool Combat Club

It’s Butcher/Blade/Angelico for the AFO here and the fight starts before the bell. Blade beats on Danielson at the bell before Angelico comes in and gets rolled up for two. Danielson starts on the arm and hands it off to Yuta for the same. The armdrag into an armbar keeps Blade down but it’s off to Butcher to take Yuta into the corner.

We take a break and come back with Yuta taking Butcher down so Moxley can come in. A cutter of all things drops Blade (that’s a new one from Moxley) and some biting allows Danielson to come back in on Angelico. Stereo chokes keep Butcher and Blade down and set up the triple stomps. Danielson chokes Angelico out for the win at 7:40.

Rating: C+. This needs to be about it for the Club in these nothing matches. They’re fun and entertaining, but they’re glorified target practice. The good thing is that we should be getting ready for a bigger match at Double Or Nothing so at least things aren’t going to be run into the ground. It’s still very fun to see them pounding the stuffing out of people, but it’s time to move up.

Jurassic Express is in on Team Taz’s challenge for the Tag Team Title match. First though, how about Jungle Boy gets an FTW World Title shot?

Keith Lee and Swerve Strickland are ready for Team Taz as well.

Wardlow vs. ???

Before the match, MJF and Shawn Spears come to the stage to insult Maryland and the opponent is….William Morrissey (better known as Big Cass, or W. Morrissey in Impact), which is the name that was all but guaranteed last week. They start slowly with the power game not getting either very far. Morrissey’s running splash in the corner doesn’t work but Wardlow’s does, only to have Morrissey come back with a big boot.

Wardlow is knocked outside for a posting as we get dueling WE WANT ENZO/NO WE DON’T chants. Back in and the slug it out until Morrissey hits a swinging Boss Man Slam. Morrissey puts him on top but gets knocked down, with Wardlow hitting something like a moonsault while landing on his feet. A one movement Powerbomb Symphony (also known as a powerbomb) finishes Morrissey at 5:29.

Rating: C. This went a bit longer than it needed to but Wardlow surviving a beating and then coming back for the win is all that matters. Wardlow continues to run through monsters, which should mean he can destroy MJF when he gets the chance. Not a bad monster clash here, with Wardlow continuing his roll.

Post match Wardlow isn’t being handcuffed and beats up security, leaving MJF with a stunned look on his face. Wardlow says he wants his release so MJF says they can have a little match. The match is on, but there are going to be some stipulations. Wardlow can hear about those stipulations in a contract signing next week in Long Island.

Toni Storm/Ruby Soho and Britt Baker/Jamie Hayter are ready for their tag match on Rampage. It’s the first time a women’s match has opened the show, which is another point for Baker. Soho is sick of hearing about Baker and they are counting down the minutes until 5:30 on Friday (special start time).

Here is Hangman Page for a chat. Page talks about his World Title defense against CM Punk at Double Or Nothing and he sees it differently than some do. It would be easy to talk about the two of them having a great match and a classic with a handshake but that isn’t what is going to happen.

Page is going to destroy Punk and yells at a fan in a Punk shirt, saying she is going to be running back to the merch stand for a refund. Punk isn’t here tonight because he is probably off filming another TV show. If Punk wants a fight, it will be the fight of his life. This was a pretty hard shift from Page and I can go for more of the serious version.

Video on Konosuke Takeshita.

Jay Lethal, Sonjay Dutt and Satnam Singh aren’t impressed with DDT Pro’s Konosuke Takeshita getting the red carpet treatment. Where is Lethal’s red carpet? Lethal throws out the challenge for Rampage.

Santana vs. Chris Jericho

Jericho, now billed as the Wizard, has the rest of the Jericho Appreciation Society while Santana is here alone. Santana isn’t waiting and hits a flip dive onto Jericho before the bell. The fight starts on the floor with Santana sending him into the barricade but taking way too long to set up the steps. Instead Jericho grabs the camera, giving us a first person view of Santana’s double middle fingers.

Santana kicks him down and they get inside for the opening bell. Minard grabs Santana’s leg and the triangle dropkick puts Santana on the floor and we take a very early break. We come back with Santana hitting the Three Amigos, setting up a top rope splash for two. Jericho is right back with a knockdown into the Walls but Santana makes the rope. The rest of the Society tries to bring in the bat but Santana fights them down and hits a discus lariat for two. A Society distraction lets Jericho get in a low blow though and the Judas Effect finishes for Jericho at 8:58.

Rating: C+. They kept Santana strong here as there is no shame in losing to a much bigger star when said star has a five on one advantage. Santana and Ortiz continue to feel like they should be the breakout stars but it just hasn’t clicked yet. A singles match like this is a good start, but AEW needs to follow up on it. Also, ending this team feud already would be a good move because it has started to get old.

Post match the beatdown is on with Ortiz’s save being cut off almost immediately.

Samoa Joe is coming for Jay Lethal.

The Gunn Club has gifts for the Acclaimed: SCISSORS! Scissoring ensues. As long as it isn’t a running joke, they should be fine.

Here are the Varsity Blonds for a chat. Brian Pillman Jr. talks about how the team has gotten complacent, but that brings him to his father’s best friend (and college roommate), Baltimore Ravens head coach John Harbaugh. John told him to attack every day, so that is what he is doing tonight. The House of Black is called out and here they come, with the House destroying the Blonds in short order.

Malakai Black comes over to Julia Hart and stares at her before she is handed a chair. Julia can’t bring herself to swing so Black rips the eye patch off….but here is the Death Triangle for the save. This went on WAY too long and we still didn’t actually have anything happen. Please just get to the Death Triangle vs. the House of Black already so we can move on to anything else.

Jade Cargill and the Baddies are ready to keep dominating.

Owen Hart Foundation Qualifying Match: Dante Martin vs. Rey Fenix

Julia Hart is still here as Fenix kicks Martin down to start. Martin is sent outside and we take an early break. Back with Fenix hitting a middle rope reverse Spanish Fly (kind of making it into a flipping Russian legsweep) but Martin kicks him down again. Commentary isn’t happy with how long Martin is taking to stay on Fenix, allowing Fenix to hurricanrana him to the floor. Back in and Fenix hits a pop up cutter for two, setting up another super reverse Spanish Fly. This time they both land on their feet, setting up Martin’s poisonrana. The Nosedive misses though and Fenix grabs an over the shoulder piledriver for the pin at 9:38.

Rating: B. This was more exciting than pretty much anything else on the show and they did exactly what you would have expected from them. They flew through the match with one big spot after another (meaning we didn’t need a break here) and that’s all they should have tried here. Fenix winning makes sense but Martin looked good in defeat. Very fun match and the kind of stuff you knew was coming when it was announced.

We finally have Owen Hart Foundation brackets:

Rey Fenix
Kyle O’Reilly

Samoa Joe

Jeff Hardy
Darby Allin

Adam Cole
Dax Harwood

Darby Allin and Sting know Allin’s match with Jeff Hardy will be special.

Here is Thunder Rosa for a chat. Everyone has a story and they all have good and bad people. She is the undisputed Women’s Champion and has worked hard to get here. Now she is the boss of this division and wants the best competition in the world. She drove eight hours to see the wrestler who made her what she is today and calls out the #1 contender, Serena Deeb. Cue Deeb, who thinks they can make this the best women’s division in the entire world. Deeb says Rosa knows she is on another level and it is time for her to win the title to show the world. The title match is set for Double Or Nothing after a fairly stumbling exchange.

Here’s what’s coming up on various shows.

John Silver is ready for CM Punk next week.

Ring Of Honor Women’s Title: Deonna Purrazzo vs. Mercedes Martinez

Champion vs. Interim Champion for the undisputed title. Feeling out process to start with neither of them being able to get very far. Purrazzo is looking frustrated early on as we take a break. Back with the forearm exchange with Purrazzo getting the better of things until a fisherman’s buster gives Martinez two. Purrazzo can’t get the Fujiwara armbar and it’s a double clothesline to put both of them down. The armbar is blocked again and this time Martinez pulls her into a surfboard dragon sleeper for the tap and the title at 10:38.

Rating: C-. I’m really not sure what to think of this, but these two were put in about as bad of a position as they could have been. Purrazzo is an Impact wrestler and Martinez, while in AEW, is hardly a regular. They were fighting over another company’s title in an AEW main event. In short, the fans came here to see AEW, not another company’s wrestler fighting for a third company’s title.

It was also an ice cold match as there was no hype for it on AEW TV and the limited promo time they had coming in was “I’m going to be the champ/No I’m going to be the champ”. The match might not have been great on its own, but they were put in a no win situation and the crowd being so eerily silent told you everything you needed to know about how this went.

Martinez celebrates to end the show.

Overall Rating: C. This was not the strongest edition of Dynamite, as aside from the Fenix vs. Martin match and Page’s (short) promo, there wasn’t much to see. It felt like a show that was designed to fill in two hours with the main event in particular being a letdown. I wasn’t feeling this one, though odds are the NBA and NHL games are going to put a big hit in the audience. Maybe they took the week off as a result, but it didn’t make this much easier to get through. The good thing about AEW though: I have every reason to believe that this is a one off and not a downward trend, which is more than most companies can say.

Jeff Hardy b. Bobby Fish – Swanton Bomb
Blackpool Combat Club b. AFO – Triangle choke to Angelico
Wardlow b. William Morrissey – Powerbomb
Chris Jericho b. Santana – Judas Effect
Rey Fenix b. Dante Martin – Over the shoulder piledriver
Mercedes Martinez b. Deonna Purrazzo – Dragon sleeper



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Dynamite – April 27, 2022: Stuff

Date: April 27, 2022
Location: Liacouras Center, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Commentators: Excalibur, Jim Ross, Tony Schiavone

We’re back with another focus on the Owen Hart Foundation tournament as Dax Harwood faces Cash Wheeler. In addition to that, we won’t be see Hangman Page this week as he has come down with the Coronavirus, meaning that we don’t quite get any advancement in his feud with CM Punk. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Owen Hart Foundation Qualifying Match: Dax Harwood vs. Cash Wheeler

CM Punk is on commentary and the guys come out together for a nice touch. They go to the mat to start as Punk talks about how he doesn’t necessarily like these guys but he does respect him. A series of headlocks takeovers are countered with a series of nip ups and we get a standoff with some applause. An armdrag into an armbar has Wheeler in control as commentary cracks some jokes about the wrestlers’ names.

Harwood pokes him in the eye though and Wheeler doesn’t seem happy. Wheeler takes it back to the mat for a quickly broken chinlock as Harwood takes him up top for a heck of a superplex. We take a break and come back with Harwood sending him flying off a suplex. They both hit crossbodies at the same time for a double knockdown before it’s off to an exchange of rollups for two each.

Harwood tries a slingshot powerbomb but gets reversed into a hurricanrana for two and they’re both needing a breather. The second slingshot powerbomb attempt works for Harwood but Wheeler is back with a piledriver. Harwood is able to catch him on top but Wheeler slips through the legs and pushes Harwood down.

The belly to back superplex is countered into a crossbody for two on Wheeler and a running crossbody sends them both to the floor. They both make it back inside at nine but Wheeler has a banged up knee. Harwood can’t bring himself to stay on the leg (Punk: “You gotta sharp that shooter!”), allowing Wheeler to try a small package, which is reversed into another one to give Harwood the pin at 14:26.

Rating: B. This was the kind of match you would expect from these two and Harwood wins with a wrestling move in the end. That’s all you could have asked for from these two and now they can go back to being the best team in the world. They teased just enough tension to make it interesting without going over the line and it was good quality stuff on top of that, just in case you didn’t think this would be pretty awesome.

Official for Double Or Nothing: CM Punk vs. Hangman Page for the World Title.

CM Punk heads to ringside and says he has never been in a locker room with as much talent as this before. Before he came back here, he wasn’t sure if he could still do this again. Now he knows that he can do this again and while he can’t guarantee a win, he can guarantee that he will give 100%. He has never been a gambling man, but you can bet that he will fight until the wheels fall off in Las Vegas.

Scorpio Sky says it is no coincidence that he is here, fighting for the TNT Title again. He didn’t ask Frankie Kazarian to step aside if he was going to win and the fans are here to see him beat up Scorpio Sky. There can only be one face of TNT and you’re looking at him.

Blackpool Combat Club vs. The Factory

Wheeler Yuta gets the hometown reaction and William Regal is on commentary. The Club has nothing to do with this waiting around and jumps them before the bell. Moxley hits the release suplex on Aaron Solow and hits a belly to belly suplex. Regal loves that Solow’s eyes are watering so Moxley can “batter the granny” out of him without him seeing it coming. Yuta comes in with a dropkick for two but doesn’t quite hit the one on Comoroto that well (Regal: “We’ll have to work on that.”).

We take a break and come back with Marshall making the mistake of mocking Danielson, allowing Yuta to snap off a German suplex. Danielson comes in to clean house, including the dive to the floor. There’s the missile dropkick to Solow but Marshall breaks up the LeBell Lock. Moxley takes Marshall down and clotheslines him to the floor, leaving Danielson to kick Solow out of the air. Yuta gets the tag but is thrown around by Comoroto. A pair of chokes doesn’t work on Comoroto so Yuta elbows away and rolls him up (with Moxley and Danielson choking out the other two) for the pin at 8:20.

Rating: C+. I think we’ve firmly established the idea here and now it’s time for these guys to move into an actual feud. The Club is a hard hitting team who feels like they could fight anyone, but they’ve been beating up lower level people for weeks now. They need to move into an actual story rather than a bunch of one offs, as their status is pretty clear. Maybe they can make one more of these things work, but find them some good opponents soon.

Britt Baker, Jamie Hayter and Toni Storm are willing to just talk and avoid physicality but Storm brings in Ruby Soho, who has also qualified for the Owen Hart Foundation tournament. Soho knows the two of them have always had something to say so she wants to fight right now. Baker says no physicality because they’re off to Soho’s home in catering.

Jungle Boy says that he should have beaten Kyle O’Reilly last week but he didn’t get it done. Christian Cage says that Jungle Boy sounds like a loser, even if he isn’t one. Cage says he’s throwing out the challenge to any top five ranked team so here is Team Taz, ranked #3, to accept. Luchasaurus growls.

Lance Archer vs. Wardlow

Before the match, MJF and Shawn Spears are in the luxury box again, with MJF saying Philadelphia women use their personality as birth control. Wardlow comes out to no music and wearing handcuffs, allowing Archer to dive onto him as the handcuffs are removed. The bell rings and Wardlow sends him straight into the corner, setting up a running shoulder to the ribs. The Powerbomb Symphony is broken up, as is Archer’s chokeslam.

They clothesline each other down and it’s Archer up first to hammer away. Archer walks the ropes to set up a moonsault into the chokeslam for two, with the crowd not really reacting. The Blackout gets two but Wardlow knocks him off the top and hits a Swanton of all things for two of his own. A four movement Powerbomb Symphony finishes Archer at 5:26.

Rating: B-. The booking of Wardlow continues to be the high point around here and this was no exception. Wardlow survived a beating against someone with some success and won in the end to slay the monster. That’s all it should have been as he gets one step closer to MJF. Double Or Nothing is coming and I’m curious to see what the stakes will be for their showdown.

Here is the Jericho Appreciation Society for a face to face sitdown with Eddie Kingston/Santana/Ortiz. There will be no physicality so get the three of them out here right now. The chairs are turned over and Jericho talks about how lucky everyone is to be living in his era. Santana flips Jericho off and says that Jericho forgot who got him here.

Trash is talked because Santana and Ortiz can’t hit them and Kingston isn’t happy with this standing around. Kingston talks about what a hit means in his world but Jericho says this place is Kingston’s last chance if he gets kicked out of another company. That’s too far for Kingston, who backs Jericho into a chair and threatens to put him in the ground. Jericho looks terrified as Eddie and company leave. They really need to announce/get to a match between these guys already because they’ve talked a lot.

Sammy Guevara is ready to beat Scorpio Sky again because Sky is so boring.

Hikaru Shida vs. Serena Deeb

Street fight with Shida hammering away to start. The middle rope missile dropkick sends Deeb outside and then rams her into the buckle from the apron. Deeb falls back to the floor but manages to chair a flying Shida out of the air to take over. Back in and a shinbreaker onto the chair makes it worse for Shida as we take a break. We come back with Shida’s knee in big trouble but managing to counter another shinbreaker onto the chair. Deeb is sent outside but comes up with some powder to blind Shida.

That’s broken up as well as Shida comes back with a kendo stick shot, allowing her to wash her eyes out with some water. The Katana is cut off with a chair to the knee though and Deeb wraps the chair around Shida’s leg. That’s broken up as well and Shida hits the super Falcon Arrow for two. Deeb is back with Deebtox onto the chair for the same, setting up some rams of the knee into the chair. The Texas Cloverleaf makes Shida tap at 11:37.

Rating: B-. It was fun enough, though I don’t think it needed the weapons to prove the same point. This feud stopped being interesting more than a few weeks ago and I didn’t exactly need the blowoff but at least the right person won. Deeb gets the win to end the feud and should be on to a run against Thunder Rosa, which should be a good match.

MJF screams at Lexi to get out of his frame and then calls someone, offering him six figures to face Wardlow. He called someone bigger, taller and stronger than Wardlow….and you can’t teach that.

The House Of Black has taken out Fuego del Sol. They tease unmasking him but Alex Abrahantes pops up in the ring to say not so fast. The House goes after him but here is Penta Obscuro, Pac and…..Alex Abrahantes, because it’s Rey Fenix in the Abrahantes costume in the ring. Death Triangle clears the ring and we seem to have a six man tag set. This is another feud that has dragged on for so long now that I can’t quite bring myself to be interested. Also, it’s hard to care that much when I keep expecting Pac or one of the other members to go away for a month and a half after the match.

Swerve Strickland and Darby Allin are ready for their Owen Hart Foundation qualifying match on Rampage. They have fought for years and don’t quite see eye to eye on whose house it is.

Undisputed Elite vs. Varsity Blonds/Brock Anderson/Dante Martin/Lee Johnson

Martin gets punched in the head to start but the Blonds come in for the save. The non-Elite takes turns kicking everyone to the floor and it’s a pair of dives from Johnson and Martin. The good guys rule the ring and we take an early break. Back with Johnson getting double superkicked, setting up a four way BTE Trigger, setting up the Boom for the pin on Johnson at 6:27.

Rating: C. They hyped up this match as something important and then it’s a six minute match with a break in the middle? Kind of a weird way to go with this one but they didn’t bother with much of anything in the way of wasting time. Just have the bigger team take a few shots and then win in the end, as should have been the case. Now maybe we can move on to the most interesting thing in the world: the Bucks having friends.

Post match, the Undisputed Elite all put on matching shirts.

The Jericho Appreciation Society has jumped Santana and Ortiz and throw a fireball at Eddie Kingston. This company has an obsession with angles involving someone being blinded.

Quick video on Trent Beretta vs. Samoa Joe for the Ring Of Honor TV Title.

TNT Title: Sammy Guevara vs. Scorpio Sky

Guevara is defending in a ladder match. They fight on the floor to start with Sky sending him into the barricade but Guevara comes back with a Release German suplex on the ramp. That lets Guevara bust out some angels in the snow, which has JR a bit taken aback. They get inside with Sammy going up (nowhere near the belt) and then diving off….and hitting only the mat, leaving him knocked silly as we take a break.

Back with Sky climbing a ladder so Guevara dives off another, only to get pulled out of the air with a cutter. With nothing else working, it’s time to bring out a barbed wire ladder (because that’s a thing). Guevara fights up and sends Sky into the ladder but Tay Conti and Dan Lambert get in, with Conti kicking him low. Cue Paige VanZant so the big brawl can be on, with Conti kicking him in the face.

The ladder is set up and they both climb, each with a woman on their back. The women are thrown off, leaving Sky to bite Guevara’s finger. Guevara shoves him down anyway and goes up, only to be knocked down onto the barbed wire ladder. Sky goes up and, after knocking the springboarding Guevara down again (because he was back up in 12 seconds), wins the title at 14:02.

Rating: C+. This show ended about 20 minutes ago now and I have no idea what to make of this match. They certainly did some stuff and Sky gets the title back, but that’s about the extent of the logic. I was more or less checked out on the match as soon as the barbed wire ladder was brought into play, as that sounds like something you put in a comedy match rather than something important. Throw in Sammy bouncing back up from landing on it and the rather scary landing before the break and this was much more a WHAT ARE THEY DOING match than anything I would have liked to see.

Overall Rating: B-. Given how ridiculously (and I don’t mean that in a good way) stacked this show was, I was fairly disappointed in what we got. The ten man tag was a squash, the street fight was pretty good and the ladder match…..hey did you see that street fight? They crammed A LOT into this show but most of it only somewhat delivered.

There was some rather good stuff in here though as Wardlow continues to be presented perfectly and Sky winning the title again got a great reaction. I liked Punk’s stuff too and the opener was very good, but the parts that they hyped up the most didn’t work all that well and it brought things down a bit.

Dax Harwood b. Cash Wheeler – Small package
Blackpool Combat Club b. The Factory – Cradle to Comoroto
Wardlow b. Lance Archer – Powerbomb Symphony
Serena Deeb b. Hikaru Shida – Texas Cloverleaf
Undisputed Elite b. Brock Anderson/Dante Martin/Lee Johnson/Varsity Blonds – Boom to Johnson
Scorpio Sky b. Sammy Guevara – Sky pulled down the title




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Dynamite – April 20, 2022: The Kind Of Show You Need Sometimes

Date: April 20, 2022
Location: Petersen Events Center, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Commentators: Jim Ross, Tony Schiavone, Excalibur

Battle Of The Belts has come and gone and now we should be on the way to Double Or Nothing in May. That means it should be time to start getting ready for the bigger pushes as the card hasn’t been set up so far. CM Punk gets to face Dustin Rhodes tonight so let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Dustin Rhodes vs. CM Punk

They shake hands to start and it’s a feeling out process to get things going. The fans are split as they go technical, with a headlock not getting either of them very far. Punk takes him to the mat and cranks on the leg a bit but Dustin is right back up with a wristlock. Some armdrags into an armbar slow Punk down but he sends Rhodes outside, where the knee is banged up. Back in and Punk stays on the leg with some elbows and kicks as we take a break.

We come back with Rhodes sending him outside and hitting some clotheslines. Nine right hands in the corner set up a double middle finger and the tenth punch, but Rhodes’ knee gives out as he comes back down. Punk misses the running knee in the corner though and Rhodes hits a Code Red for two. Back up and Punk goes to the knee again, setting up a Figure Four.

Some slaps get Rhodes out of trouble though and he turns the hold over to send Punk to the ropes for the break. Punk’s springboard clothesline is punched out of the air and the Cross Rhodes drops Punk again. A piledriver gives Rhodes two and they’re both down again. Back up and Rhodes hits some Flip, Flop and Fly but Punk kicks him in the head. The GTS is loaded up but Punk can’t lift him off the shoulders, instead going with a cradle for the pin at 17:24.

Rating: B. You could hear JR’s interest in a wrestling match here and that is a good thing. This didn’t have anything over the top or gimmicky and that is something that will always work. I don’t think there was any serious drama about Punk losing, but they told a story and had a perfectly enjoyable match as a result. Solid stuff here, which shouldn’t be a surprise. I don’t care about Dustin that much, but you have to respect what he is doing almost 34 years after debuting.

Post match Punk goes to leave as Hangman Page arrives, meaning a staredown ensues.

Wardlow arrived earlier today when Mark Sterling and some security met him at the door. Said security is going to escort him to the closet, the ring, and then back to the closet. Oh and he has to be handcuffed until his match start. Finally, MJF has left a message for him, calling him a pig. Wardlow: “Oink oink b****.”

Blackpool Combat Club vs. Brock Anderson/Dante Martin/Lee Moriarty

William Regal does some singing on commentary as Wheeler stomps away to start. We settle down to Martin getting up onto the top to avoid Danielson’s running knee in the corner. Some dropkicks stagger the Club and Anderson comes in with a clothesline to Moxley. A half and half suplex drops Anderson though and we take a break.

Back with Danielson and Moriarty exchanging chops until a quick suplex gives Moriarty two. The Border City Stretch has Danielson in trouble but he slips out and brings Martin back in to start the house cleaning. The Nose Dive takes a second too long due to a slip and Moxley pulls him into a choke. Moriarty kicks Moxley in the back for…well nothing actually, as Moxley says kick him again. The Club all strike away at the same time (cool visual) until the Paradigm Shift finishes Martin at 8:07.

Rating: C+. The Club dominated here and that is a fine way to go, as it isn’t like their opponents had much to lose. The visual of the Club beating on the other three at the same time was great and it showed you just how good they are at the same time. Other than that, this was your old school Saturday Night/Worldwide main event, with some bigger names beating up some people who are just a step above being squashed.

The Undisputed Elite talk about their recent losses and want to right the ship. Adam Cole likes the idea so next week it’s an open challenge ten man tag. Cole has to go take care of something though and leaves the other four there.

Video on Samoa Joe vs. Jay Lethal/Sonjay Dutt/Satnam Singh. Joe is promising violence.

Tony Khan is here to announce the big announcement. He brings out the New Japan Pro Wrestling President but Adam Cole pops up on screen to announce that Forbidden Door, a New Japan/AEW supershow, will take place in Chicago on June 26. This Friday you’ll get a special preview with Cole vs. Tomohiro Ishii, but for now, Cole’s friend has something to say. Cue Jay White to say that the last time New Japan did something like this, he single handedly sold out Madison Square Garden. This is about the Undisputed Elite and Bullet Club because it’s still their era.

Jade Cargill and some of her Baddies (with popcorn) aren’t impressed by Marina Shafir, as Cargill is ready to be the Problem Solver to the Problem.

Butcher vs. Wardlow

Before the match, MJF and Shawn Spears (also eating popcorn, which he throws to the crowd) are in a sky box to insult the crowd and bring out Wardlow (still cuffed), sans music or pyro. The cuffs come off and they collide in the middle before trading shots to the face. Butcher bites his head and they head outside, where Wardlow won’t let him grab a chair. Instead Wardlow gets his back driven into the apron and they head back inside where Butcher hits his own powerbomb for one. That fires Wardlow up though and a four movement Powerbomb Symphony finishes Butcher at 4:14.

Rating: C+. That’s how it should have gone, as Wardlow hung in there and took everything a monster threw at him before winning in the end. It is another step towards Wardlow getting his hands on MJF as another hurdle is cleared, likely on the way to Double Or Nothing. Pretty good hoss fight here, but this was about having two bulls beat each other up and they did it like they should have.

Post match Wardlow is cuffed again and taken out.

Eddie Kingston wants to face Daniel Garcia with all of their friends out of the building. Everything he is going to do to Garcia is going to happen to Chris Jericho too, so be ready.

Owen Hart Foundation Qualifying Match: Kyle O’Reilly vs. Jungle Boy

They go technical to start and head to the mat with O’Reilly holding him down by the hands. Back up and a springboard wristdrag takes Jungle Boy down into the corner but he comes back with some strikes to the face. O’Reilly knees him in the face and rolls his butterfly suplexes into a swinging faceplant.

We take a break and come back with Jungle Boy kicking his way out of the corner. Some running forearms are cut off with a kick to the leg but Jungle Boy hits a springboard tornado DDT. A front chancery goes on but O’Reilly hits a suplex, only to get clotheslined down hard. O’Reilly’s charge into the corner is countered into an overhead belly to belly suplex and Jungle Boy unloads with right hands in the corner.

Some stomping in the Tree of Woe has O’Reilly down even more and there’s a sliding basement dropkick. They miss some kicks to the chest until Jungle Boy rolls him up for two. The kickout lets O’Reilly grab an ankle lock but Jungle Boy reverses into the Snare Trap, with O’Reilly having to crawl to the rope. O’Reilly is good enough to catch Jungle Boy on top and it’s a superplex into a brainbuster to plant Jungle Boy again. The top rope knee to the back gives O’Reilly the pin at 12:53.

Rating: B-. This went longer than I expected and the ending was a bit of a surprise. I would have bet on the Undisputed Elite continuing its slide but Jungle Boy got beat clean. It’s not a terrible thing to have a tag team wrestler lose to someone with a lot more singles success, but I’m curious to see where this goes. Good action here though, as they allowed talented wrestlers to take their time and do something.

Post match a somewhat disappointed Christian Cage comes out to walk Jungle Boy to the back.

MJF doesn’t want to hear about Butcher losing because he has another plan. He hands Jake Roberts an envelope full of money as he seems to have rented Lance Archer. Roberts goes into a weird rant about how Wardlow needs to lie like he did when he was a kid, but Archer just wants to beat up Wardlow.

Hook vs. Anthony Henry

The fans like Hook, who starts fast with the release northern lights suplex. A running clothesline to the back of the head sets up some crossface shots but here is Danhausen to curse Hook again. It matters not as Hook Redrums Henry for the tap at 1:19. Simple and to the point again.

Post match Danhausen gets in the ring because he has had it with Hook embarrassing him. If Hook doesn’t want to be cursed by Danhausen, Hook will FIGHT DANHAUSEN! A poke to the chest annoys Hook, who walks past Danhausen without hurting him.

Frankie Kazarian wants to challenge Sammy Guevara but Scorpio Sky comes in. Sky thanks Kazarian for helping him get this far and now he needs one more favor: let Sky face Guevara first. Kazarian says he has always had Sky’s back and he always will, so the deal seems to be made. Sky coming in to surprise Kazarian would have been more impactful if Excalibur hadn’t said we were going to the back to Frankie Kazarian and Scorpio Sky.

Thunder Rosa wants the most experienced and best challengers she can find. Now it is time to go double or nothing.

Here are Sammy Guevara and Tay Conti for a chat. Sammy thanks the fans for their support but not the ones who turned their backs on them in the first. Are they mad because his girlfriend is hotter than theirs? Those fans’ only option is to, said together, BE MAD. Cue the Men of the Year, with Ethan Page going on a rant about how Dan Lambert isn’t allowing the two of them to come to the ring and beat him into a bloody pulp.

Lambert talks about how youth is wasted on the young like Guevara. Now give Sky the rematch he wants or Page and Sky will come to the ring and give Sammy the pounding Conti dreams about. Guevara agrees to the match if they can have the mixed tag match they want (opponents not specified). Sky vs. Guevara is on next week….and it’s a ladder match, because we have gone a few weeks since the last one.

The House of Black says people have flown too close to the sun so next week, the sun dies.

Owen Hart Foundation Qualifying Match: Danielle Kamela vs. Britt Baker

Baker comes out with some Pittsburgh Steelers to make JR happy and Kamela is better known as Vanessa Borne from NXT. Baker takes her to the mat to start and seems rather pleased as we take an early break. Back with Kamela waving the Terrible Towel, which doesn’t sit well with Baker. Kamela gets hammered down and it’s a Stomp into the Lockjaw, complete with a Pittsburgh Steelers glove, to give Baker the win at 6:13.

Rating: C. This was about getting Baker out there in front of the Pittsburgh crowd, who loved every single thing she did. They didn’t bother trying to make her anything resembling a villain as there wouldn’t have been a point. What we got was a squash (which didn’t need the break) and Baker looking like a killer on her way into a likely deep run in the tournament.

Post match Baker grabs the mic and runs down the rest of the women’s division, especially Toni Storm and Jade Cargill. As for the Baddies, sit down because she is the baddest b**** on the block and will be winning this tournament. Baker had the crowd in her hand and she knew it.

Video on Hikaru Shida vs. Serena Deeb, which will be taking place in a street fight next week.

Excalibur shows amazing lung capacity by running down upcoming matches, including FTR exploding in an Owen Hart Foundation qualifying match.

Andrade El Idolo vs. Darby Allin

Coffin match and the AFO is here with Andrade. The numbers game doesn’t take long to stat as Allin gets stomped down but he manages some skateboard shots. Andrade hits him in the back with the skateboard though and they fight into the crowd. Marq Quen rips up a Sting sign….which is held by a disguised Sting, who helps beat up the rest of the AFO. Good thing they came into that part of the crowd and Quen went after him, or Allin would have been kind of screwed.

They go into the balcony where Sting gets chaired in the back, only to pop up and dive off the balcony onto a pile of people. We take a break and come back with Allin getting suplexed on the floor before being knocked into the open casket. That means we get to see the thumbtacks under the lid (because of course) with Allin sacrificing his own arm to avoid being closed in.

Andrade powers him up with a suplex onto the ramp and looks down at a metal grate. That means a toss suplex onto the grate and Andrade takes him back to the ring, where the referee tells them 90 seconds. Allin manages a flipping Stunner to send Andrade throat first onto the top, setting up a suicide elbow to drive them both into the coffin. The tacked lid is slammed onto Andrade but here is Jose to stop the lid from being closed. Jose gets backdropped onto the lid and another slam of said lid onto Andrade is enough to give Allin the win at 12:17.

Rating: B-. There was a lot going on here and some of it probably could have been cut out to let things flow a bit better. That being said, I’ll take Allin winning the feud, hopefully once and for all, as this has gone on long enough. Allin needed a win after not doing much in recent weeks, though I have no idea where he goes from here. Maybe the Owen Hart Tournament, but is that all that interesting for him?

Sting comes out to celebrate and the Hardys appear to do the DELETE pose on the stage to end the show.

Overall Rating: B. Solid enough show here and they’re making me wonder where some of these things are going. Teasing Hangman vs. Punk instantly makes things more interesting, though I’m going to need a lot from Hangman to make me buy into the whole thing. Other than that, you had had some good action here, even if this felt more like the show that sets up the bigger shows. You need those every now and then though and it worked well this week.

CM Punk b. Dustin Rhodes – Rollup
Blackpool Combat Club b. Lee Moriarty/Dante Martin/Brock Anderson – Paradigm Shift to Martin
Wardlow b. Butcher – Powerbomb Symphony
Kyle O’Reilly b. Jungle Boy – Top rope knee to the back
Hook b. Anthony Henry – Redrum
Britt Baker b. Danielle Kamela – Lockjaw
Darby Allin b. Andrade El Idolo – Allin shut El Idolo in the coffin




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Rampage – April 1, 2022: The Rampage Way

Date: April 1, 2022
Location: Colonial Life Arena, Columbia, South Carolina
Commentators: Excalibur, Chris Jericho, Ricky Starks, Taz, Chris Jericho

Wrestlemania weekend caused me to miss this one so now it’s time to catch up. I’m kind of curious to see how this show works without the timing issues and watching it as a stand alone event. The big draw this week is Powerhouse Hobbs vs. Keith Lee, which certainly sounds good on paper. Let’s get to it.

Here is Dynamite if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Young Bucks vs. Top Flight

Nick shoulders Dante down to start so Dante nips up. They head to the floor and hit stereo dropkicks, setting up a staredown. Matt comes in and gets sent into the corner, setting up a slingshot hilo. A double dropkick takes the illegal Nick down and Darius pulls Matt into something like the Rings of Saturn.

That’s broken up so Nick comes back in, only to have his springboard countered into an atomic drop. Back to back dives take the Bucks down but a Cutler distraction lets Matt hit a superkick to drop Darius on the floor. A Cannonball/running kick in the corner has Darius in more trouble and we take a break.

We come back with Dante coming in off the hot tag to clean house, including a superkick to Nick. There’s a missile dropkick to Matt and Darius gets to stare at the crowd a bit. A slingshot Flatliner sets up the Broken Arrow (that jumping over your partner to land on someone’s back for two on Nick. Darius gets knocked off the top and down into the barricade though and it’s Nick vs. Darius in a slugout. Matt comes back in for the save though and it’s the BTE Trigger for the pin at 10:48.

Rating: B-. It was the entertaining spectacle style match and that is all it needed to do. You have the Bucks against Top Flight in there to do their big choreographed routine and it did exactly what it needed to do. I’m not probably not going to remember it because I’ve seen the Bucks do this a dozen times, but while it’s still in the short term memory, they were doing it pretty well here.

Video on the OTHER SIDE of Kris Statlander, meaning the paint on her face changes side.

Here are the Men of the Year to complain about Tay Conti and Sammy Guevara. Above all else, they don’t like the photo shoot with the TNT Title, but they also want to know who was behind the camera. After some jokes about Orange Cassidy, Dan Lambert makes it clear that they will never give Guevara the match. Guevara pops up on screen from the parking lot, where he and Conti destroy Lambert’s car with sledgehammers. This company REALLY likes wrecking cars.

Hook is ready for an interview when Danhausen comes in to curse him. Again, Hook just walks away, leaving Danhausen to panic.

House of Black vs. Dark Order/Fuego del Sol

Matthews shoulders Grayson down but he’s back up with a running forearm. The Order is sent outside, leaving Fuego to get lawn darted into the middle buckle. King tosses Fuego onto the Order on the floor and we take a break. Back with Fuego kicking Buddy away and making the hot tag off to Grayson to clean house.

Everything breaks down and a toss powerbomb gives Uno two. The Order is sent outside for a running flip dive from King, leaving Black vs. Fuego inside. The rest of the House gets back in but the Order makes the save. Fuego manages a poisonrana on Black, who Black Masses Fuego out of the air for the pin at 7:14.

Rating: C. This was a bit longer than it needed to be for the House, as they should have smashed people like the Order and Fuego. It wasn’t exactly a competitive match but the House has stalled a bit in recent weeks, as we are seemingly STILL waiting on their showdown with Death Triangle. I’m sure the match will be great when it happens, but has Death Triangle ever been together in the first place?

The Young Bucks brag about themselves and are ready for FTR on Dynamite.

Owen Hart Foundation Qualifying Match: Skye Blue vs. Jamie Hayter

Hayter powers her up against the ropes to start and then hits an elbow in the face. Blue grabs am armdrag into an armbar and Hayter looks more surprised than anything else. A suplex sends Blue into the corner though and Hayter does it again for a bonus. Blue is back up with some rollups for two each, only to walk into a backbreaker to cut her off. A spinning kick to the head drops Hayter for two but she grabs a backdrop driver. Hayter charges into a superkick but is fine enough to hit a superplex. There’s a brainbuster to drop Blue again and a ripcord lariat finishes for Hayter at 5:36.

Rating: C-. This tournament feels like it is going to take a long time to set up as we are still waiting to see all of the qualifying matches. Hayter is someone who could be a nice monster to slay in the field without being a favorite and that’s a good enough idea. They didn’t waste a lot of time here on a match that isn’t going to matter so I’ll take that as a quick match.

Penta Obscuro and Alex Abrahantes warn the House of Black to be worried about Death Triangle.

Powerhouse Hobbs and Keith Lee are ready to wreck each other, albeit while using a reading/book motif. Well, as much wrecking as Lee can do in his odd way of speaking.

Keith Lee vs. Powerhouse Hobbs

The fans are behind Lee as he takes his vest off and they stare each other down a bit. The big lockup doesn’t go anywhere as they shake the other off. Hobbs hits some running shoulders to no avail but Lee’s running shoulder puts Hobbs out on the floor. We take a break and come back with Lee in trouble, allowing Hobbs to hit a running clothesline for two. Back up and a beal is blocked and Hobbs knows he’s in trouble.

A hard clothesline gives Lee two but Hobbs backdrops his way out of a Spirit Bomb attempt. Lee hits a running splash in the corner and there’s the Uncle Phil Beal. Cue Ricky Starks with a chair but Lee punches it away. Swerve Strickland runs in and takes out Starks, leaving Hobbs to hit a spinebuster. There’s no count because of the distracted referee though, allowing Lee to hit the Big Bang Catastrophe for the pin at 10:45.

Rating: C+. There is something fun about a hoss battle, but this hit a certain level and never got past it. They were big men hitting each other with power moves for about ten minutes and then Lee won. It was a fun showdown, but when you have people who wrestle a similar style, there is only so much that you can get out of the thing.

Starks beats down Strickland and puts him through the table at ringside. Hobbs chairs Lee in the back and another table is set up in the corner. Lee goes through said table to wrap it up.

Overall Rating: C+. Rampage continues to be a weird show as you have a bunch of matches but they rarely feel like they matter. You’re not going to get much of anything significant on this show but it is still fun to watch for about an hour a week. That was certainly the case this week, as I had a good time with the show but it didn’t exactly blow the doors off.




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Rampage – March 25, 2022: Nice And Smooth

Date: March 25, 2022
Location: HEB Center, Cedar Park, Texas
Commentators: Taz, Chris Jericho, Excalibur

We are back on Friday and that means we should be in for the heavy wrestling show. There is also a title match this week as Shane Strickland gets to challenge Ricky Starks for the FTW Title. Other than that, hometown boy Dustin Rhodes is facing Lance Archer in a bid for revenge from months ago. Let’s get to it.

Here is Dynamite if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Lance Archer vs. Dustin Rhodes

Archer drags one of Rhodes’ students to the ring but here is Dustin for the save. Hold on though as Dustin has to beat up Dan Lambert (who is still managing Archer, despite them not being together much lately) but Archer makes the save. They head inside with Archer knocking him around and hitting him in the head. Dustin fights back up and knocks him outside, only to miss the flip dive off the apron.

Back in and Dustin is bleeding from the ear, with the blood on Archer’s hands for a good visual. A twisting middle rope splash gives Archer two and we take a break. Back with Jericho pointing out that Archer’s hoot is unlaced before Archer bites Dustin’s finger. Dustin fights up anyway and hits some clotheslines but the snap powerslam is countered into a belly to belly.

The bulldog gets Dustin out of trouble and the Cross Rhodes connects for two. Archer is back up with a chokeslam for the same but the Black Out is escaped as Dustin…well just collapses. Back up and Archer tries to send him into the corner but gets sent face first into the exposed buckle (which apparently was exposed earlier), allowing Dustin to grab a jackknife rollup for the pin at 9:32.

Rating: C. Ok they got me with the surprise here, though Dustin winning a match over anyone with value is a bit of an odd choice. I’m not sure why Archer needed to lose here, but at least Rhodes didn’t lose in his hometown. Granted he could have lost at any other time and it would have been fine, but it did come after a decent enough match. Rather surprising ending though.

Post match Archer hits Rhodes with the steps to bust him open before beating up Dustin’s students for daring to try a save. The chokeslam through the table leaves Rhodes laying.

Jay Lethal starts laughing about his loss last week and says he can’t get past the two blemishes on his record. He took Adam Cole and Ricky Starks to the limit and they both had to cheat to beat him. That should make his proud, but all he sees are the losses and them getting opportunities. He needs a better way and is off to find it.

Fuego del Sol is here to talk about how close he has gotten to a bunch of big wins. He made these people chant his name because they believed in him. That makes him want the House of Black, so the lights go off and the entire House is in the ring with Fuego. The beatdown doesn’t take long but here is the Dark Order to stare down the House of Black. Tensions seem to be boiling.

The Men of the Year say the TNT/Co-TNT Titles are no longer subject to open challenges. Therefore, if you want a title shot, you better bring a good resume. If you want a shot, get it the hard way, because the open door is closed.

ReDRagon vs. Dark Order

5 and 10 for the Order here with O’Reilly kicking 5’s leg out to start. Angels slips out of a double suplex and sends Fish outside, setting up the rolling tag to 10. A lifting wristlock takes O’Reilly down and a double middle rope shoulder drops ReDRagon. We take a break and come back with 10 hitting a clothesline out of the corner and making it over for the tag (even as O’Reilly chokes him). The hot tag brings in 5 to clean house but O’Reilly reverses a northern lights suplex into a guillotine. 10 spinebusters Fish onto the two of them for the save, earning himself stereo kicks to the face. Chasing the Dragon finishes 5 at 6:59.

Rating: C. This was close to a squash for ReDRagon and that’s what it needed to be. The Dark Order may be a fun team but they aren’t at ReDRagon’s level in any important way. Odds are ReDRagon is going after the titles again soon so they need to win matches like this to build them up after their Revolution loss.

Post match the beatdown stays on but the Jurassic Express makes the save. Cue Adam Cole to steal the Tag Team Titles.

Nyla Rose and Vickie Guerrero say they interrupted Thunder Rosa on Dynamite because they wanted to disrespect Thunder Rosa. Now Rose is going to show how dominant she can be.

Thunder Rosa has plans for Rose and Guerrero.

Nyla Rose vs. Madi Wrenkowski

A backsplash into the Beast Bomb finishes Madi at 42 seconds. Of note: Madi is a Thunder Rosa student, so Rose is making it personal.

Here are QT Marshall and Aaron Solow to present Hook with the Certificate of Accomplishment. Cue Hook, with Marshall saying that he isn’t the kind of trainer to feel jealous when the student surpasses him. We see the award, with Hook sending Solow face first into it. Hook goes to leave but Danhausen pops up to curse him. That does nothing for Hook, who keeps walking to leave Danhausen confused.

Ricky Starks says the last time Shane Strickland had a house, he got ejected from it. Strickland laughs it off and says this is the same Starks he has always heard. Tonight, Strickland is going to take the FTW Title. Mark Henry doesn’t like this getting a bit too personal so he goes to the catchphrase.

FTW Title: Ricky Starks vs. Shane Strickland

Starks, with Powerhouse Hobbs, is challenging. Feeling out process to start but Starks takes him down and poses in the corner. Back up and Strickland drops to the mat to avoid a clothesline, nips up, and hits a headscissors into a great dropkick to cap off an awesome sequence. Starks is back up to send him into the corner though and we take a break. We come back with Starks hitting a tornado DDT for two and grabbing a seated abdominal stretch.

Strickland is back to his feet for a jumping knee to the face, setting up the middle rope uppercut to the back. Strickland goes up top but jams his knee coming back down, meaning he has to block the Roshambo attempt. Starks is knocked outside and Strickland follows him out with a running shooting star off the apron. Back in and the Swerve Stomp gets two but the half nelson driver is broken up. A rollup is countered and the kickout sends Strickland to the floor, allowing Hobbs to take him out. Now the Roshambo can retain the title at 11:21.

Rating: B-. I know it is his reputation, but my goodness it can be fun to swatch Strickland. He is so smooth in the ring and he makes this look like an art. You don’t see someone who can do that very often and it was fun to see again here. Strickland got cheated out of the win, though I really could have gone for him not being pinned here. Starks is a promising star too and it is nice to see him getting back to some longer matches after his injury.

Post match Starks’ entourage pull up a Starks banner but Keith Lee pops up behind it and comes in to help Strickland go after Team Taz to end the show.

Overall Rating: C+. This was an entertaining enough show and some of that was due to the pace slowing down just a hair. There were entrances for the opener and I got more of a feeling that things were given a chance to breathe. Good enough show here, though it didn’t have any kind of a standout match this week.

Dustin Rhodes b. Lance Archer – Jackknife rollup
ReDRagon b. Dark Order – Chasing The Dragon to 5
Nyla Rose b. Madi Wrenkowski – Beast Bomb
Ricky Starks b. Shane Strickland – Roshambo



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Rampage – March 18, 2022: The Night Shift

Date: March 18, 2022
Location: Freeman Coliseum, San Antonio, Texas
Commentators: Excalibur, Taz, Ricky Starks

We’re on late this week due to the NCAA Tournament so I’m not sure what kind of an audience this show is going to have. The good thing is Rampage is rarely the show that features a lot of important developments, but it does offer some good action more often than not. Let’s get to it.

Here is Dynamite if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Butcher vs. Darby Allin

Sting is in Allin’s corner. Allin charges right at him to start but gets sent into the corner and out to the floor. Back up on the apron and Allin slaps him in the face. They change places though and Allin hits a hard suicide dive into the barricade. Back in and Allin starts working on the hand but Butcher knocks him down again as Jericho talks about how a hand injury could hurt Butcher’s music career. A hard clothesline drops Allin and they head outside, with Butcher glaring at Sting.

We take a break and come back with Butcher putting on a Texas cloverleaf but Allin makes the ropes. Butcher picks him up on the floor and swings him into the barricade/steps. Allin fights up and knocks him down for a change, setting up the Coffin Drop from the top to the floor, which is actually good for a countout win at 10:41.

Rating: C+. I can go with a curve in the end as it spiced things up a bit here. Butcher looked like a good monster and that is something that will always have a place in a wrestling company. Allin needs something a little bigger than a feud with Andrade and company though, like perhaps just a feud with Andrade for a change.

Post match the AFO comes in for the beatdown but the Hardys run in for the save. Matt issues the challenge for an eight man Texas Tornado match next week, with the answer coming later.

Dan Lambert and company brag about winning the TNT Title and beating up Tay Conti, though they’re worried that signing Paige VanZant’s contract on her gave the contract an STD.

Leyla Hirsch vs. Red Velvet

The fight starts on the ramp and Velvet hits a suplex to take Hirsch down. They get inside for the opening bell with Velvet hammering away as much as she can. Hirsch knocks her into the ropes and starts choking away as we take a break. Back with Velvet firing off some kicks but a bit one is countered into a suplex. A German suplex sets up a cross armbreaker but Velvet makes it to the ropes. Hirsch goes for her turnbuckle connector but here is Kris Statlander to take it away. The distraction lets Velvet hit a spinning kick to the face for the pin at 8:00.

Rating: C. Velvet is someone who needs a good opponent to rein her in and Hirsch did well enough here, even if this was much more about the Statlander/Hirsch stuff. I don’t see Velvet going very far but she is a name that has been at least somewhat established around here. Not exactly a thrilling match but they have both done worse.

QT Marshall talks about his mom being so upset over what Hook did to him that she even called him. Apparently he went to the same high school as Bruce Springsteen and offers to give Hook the QT Marshall Certificate Of Accomplishment next week.

House Of Black vs. Fuego del Sol/Bear Country

Malakai Black sweeps Bear Bronson’s leg to start so it’s off to Fuego. Black kicks him down and knees Bear Boulder in the face. Buddy Matthews comes in for a few shots before Brody King gets to come in and wreck everyone. Bounder looks to stare the House down but it’s a series of strikes to set up King’s big lariat. Fuego comes in and goes after all three, including an enziguri to Black. King misses the big lariat but Matthews runs Fuego over. Black and King take out Bear Country, leaving Matthews to hit the former Murphy’s Law to pin Fuego at 3:19.

Rating: C. It was nice to see this be the squash that it should have been as I was half expecting it to go a lot longer than it needed to. The House of Black is a dominant enough faction and they looked good here, with Matthews and King getting the change to shine over the leader. I’m sure they’ll have to have their big showdown with Death Triangle whenever they’re all together, but I’d like to see where they go from there.

Penta Obscuro wants to destroy the House of Black.

Max Caster is ready to take out Keith Lee, with Bowens saying Lee sounds like King Henry VIII. Lee tells them to be prepared for pain because they are his stepping stone.

Keith Lee vs. Max Caster

Caster’s rap makes various Texas references, including saying people will remember Lee like the Alamo. Caster goes for the knee to start but Lee grabs him by the arm for some driving shoulders. Lee knocks him down again but Powerhouse Hobbs comes to the stage as we take a break. Back with Bowens choking Lee from the floor so Caster can get in some crossface shots. Lee fights up and Pounces Caster, setting up the Big Bang Catastrophe for the pin at 9:45.

Rating: C-. Lee is little more than signature moves at this point and while they still look good, this wasn’t a match I’ll ever need to see again. Caster isn’t exactly great in the ring in the first place and Lee can’t move very well anymore. It was longer than it needed to be and not very good either, making this a pretty weak main event.

Post match Hobbs and Starks go after Lee but Shane Strickland makes the save.

Overall Rating: C. Maybe it was the show being on so late but I wasn’t feeling this one as much as usual. Granted there is a good chance that they took things more slowly tonight because they knew no one was going to be watching and if so, fair enough. The wrestling was ok at best and the best thing about it was that it was only an hour, so this wasn’t one of the better Rampages.

Darby Allin b. Butcher via countout
Red Velvet b. Leyla Hirsch – Spinning kick to the head
House Of Black b. Bear Country/Fuego del Sol – Spinning Samoan drop to del Sol
Keith Lee b. Max Caster – Big Bang Catastrophe




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Rampage – March 11, 2022: It’s Not On Paper

Date: March 11, 2022
Location: Hertz Arena, Fort Myers, Florida
Commentators: Ricky Starks, Taz, Excalibur

We’re back to the Friday show this time around and we are still in the fallout from Revolution. The big story on Dynamite was the debut of Jeff Hardy to reunite with his brother, which should make for a major story going forward. This week’s main event will feature the debut of Shane Strickland, which should work out rather well. Let’s get to it.

Here is Dynamite if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Marq Quen vs. Darby Allin

Sting and Isiah Kassidy are here too, but we don’t have time to intro them because we need to go straight to the ring thirty seconds into the show. As we go to a split screen of Jeff Hardy debuting, Allin takes over with a headlock but Quen fights up and sends him into the corner to take over. Some stomping has Allin in trouble and Quen hits a shoulder to the ribs in the corner. Allin hits a hiptoss for a breather but Quen goes to the apron and pulls Allin down onto it with him as we take a break.

Back with Allin hitting a superplex for two but Quen knocks him down and hits a backflip stomp/knees to the stomach for two. A flipping Downward Spiral gives Quen two, only to have Allin come back with a reverse DDT. The Coffin Drop is loaded up but Kassidy offers a distraction, which draws over Sting for the save. Quen knocks Allin off the top and hits a 450 to the floor before taking it back inside. Quen’s shooting star press misses though and Allin grabs a Fujiwara armbar for the tap at 11:49.

Rating: C+. Allin continues to be worth a watch every time and that is a great thing. He knows how to excite the fans and get them into whatever he is doing and not a lot of wrestlers can say that. You also have Quen, who can do some amazing high flying, but using a 450 to the floor 40 seconds before you lose is a bit much.

Post match the AHFO comes out to go after Allin and Sting but the Hardys make the save.

Dan Lambert talks about Larry Zbyszko and Bruno Sammartino to set up Wardlow vs. Scorpio Sky for the TNT Title on Dynamite. Sky promises to retain the title and his streak.

The House of Black loves violence and seems to threaten Death Triangle.

Mercedes Martinez vs. Jamie Hayter

Britt Baker and Rebel are here too. Hayter takes her down with a headlock to start, with Martinez reversing into a headscissors for a standoff. Back up and Hayter takes her into the corner before an exchange of shoulders lets them stare at each other again. Hayter stomps her down in the corner to take over again though and we take a break. We come back with Martinez rolling a few butterfly suplexes for two. Hayter is back with an Irish Curse for two and a shot to the head rocks Martinez. Hayter heads up but gets German suplexed HARD back down. Baker offers a distraction though and Hayter hits a clothesline for the pin at 9:30.

Rating: C-. I wasn’t feeling this one as Martinez has lost all of her interest in recent weeks and Hayter is little more than Baker’s muscle. It didn’t help that the first half of the match was pretty dull stuff and Hayter only needed a clothesline to win. Not their best stuff, but it felt like a bit of a clash as both of them have done far better before.

Post match the beatdown is on but Thunder Rosa runs in with a chair for the save.

Hikaru Shida is back and hopes Serena Deeb missed her. She promises to cut Deeb’s head off.

Keith Lee vs. QT Marshall

Lee powers him up by the arm to start but Marshall gets in a poke to the eye. Marshall mocks the BASK IN HIS GLORY, earning himself the Grizzly Magnum chop. The Uncle Phil Biel sends Marshall flying but he gets in a Stunner over the top rope. A missile dropkick puts Lee down but he’s back up with a clothesline. The Big Bang Catastrophe is blocked so Marshall hits an enziguri. The cutter is countered and Lee runs through him with a shoulder. Now the Big Bang Catastrophe can finish Marshall at 3:48.

Rating: C. They had me worried about this one as Marshall was getting in a bit too much offense here for a bit. The good thing is that Lee won with his big move at the end. There is something cool about watching Lee run through people and throw them around, but dang that man is rather large. He might need to slim down a bit, just for the sake of looking a bit better.

Post match Aaron Solo and Nick Comoroto come in for the failed beatdown attempts. Powerhouse Hobbs and Ricky Starks come in as well though and Hobbs hits a good spinebuster to drop Lee.

Tony Nese and Shane Strickland have their face to face showdown.

Tony Nese vs. Shane Strickland

Strickland takes him down by the wrist but Nese is back up without much trouble. A missed charge into the corner sets up an anklescissors takes Nese down and a basement dropkick makes it worse. Nese gets sent outside, where Strickland kicks him in the chest from the apron. A cheap shot gives Nese a breather though and we take a break.

Back with Nese blocking an uppercut and hitting a neck snap across the top. Nese misses the moonsault though and it’s a tilt-a-whirl powerslam, with Strickland rolling into a suplex for two. Strickland goes up top but gets pulled into a gutbuster. A good looking 450 gives Nese two but Strickland sends him to the apron for a running double stomp. Back in and a rolling Downward Spiral gets two and the Swerve Stomp (top rope double stomp) finishes at 13:01.

Rating: B-. Good match and Strickland looked awesome in his debut, but this was a perfect example of a match that could have been trimmed down. It’s ok to have Nese get in a few moves and then lose in about six minutes instead of going more than double that. Leave the fans wanting to see more of Strickland rather than running him through so much in his first match.

Overall Rating: C+. This was a downgrade over the usual Rampages, but it was by no means a bad show. Strickland looked good and they did some nice enough stuff in the other matches, but it is still such an oddly paced show. It feels like they have to rush through everything so they can fit in their longer matches, even when they could be done just as well with a few minutes cut off from each. The show comes off like something that was entertaining on paper but it isn’t exactly great when it airs.

Darby Allin b. Marq Quen – Fujiwara armbar
Jamie Hayter b. Mercedes Martinez – Clothesline
Keith Lee b. QT Marshall – Big Bang Catastrophe
Shane Strickland b. Tony Nese – Swerve Stomp




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