Smackdown – October 6, 2023: On Ramp

Date: October 6, 2023
Location: Enterprise Center, St. Louis, Missouri
Commentators: Michael Cole, Corey Graves, Kevin Patrick

It’s the night before Fastlane and that means we’re in for the final push towards the show. There is a lot going on here, with John Cena and LA Knight officially teaming up to fight the Bloodline, but Judgment Day is lurking around as well. Other than that, we might be seeing something new added to the card as there are only five matches set. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

We open with a recap of LA Knight saving John Cena from the Bloodline last week and agreeing to team with him at Fastlane.

Opening sequence.

Here is LA Knight to get things going but the Bloodline cuts him off almost immediately. Paul Heyman gets annoyed at the WHAT chant before saying that Knight will be the next megastar in this business. Him being that impressive is an achievement but now Knight has Heyman’s attention.

The Bloodline is going to have to do something about it, but Knight asks if Heyman is done running his mouth yet. Knight pulls out his receipt and indeed he didn’t buy any of Heyman’s BS. Jimmy Uso is ready to fight but John Cena runs in for the save. The Bloodline leaves, with Knight accusing them of not having Roman Reigns’ permission. Knight is thinking about tonight though and wants to face Jimmy.

The Judgment Day, with JD McDonagh, arrives.

Charlotte/Asuka vs. Damage CTRL

Dakota Kai is here with Damage CTRL. Charlotte and Sky start things off with Sky flipping out of a suplex. Asuka comes in to chop away as we hear about the stacked lineup for this week’s NXT. Bayley saves Sky from a running dropkick in the corner. Asuka missile dropkicks both of them down and we take an early break.

Back with Bayley suplexing Asuka and Sky coming in to grab a bodyscissors. Asuka fights up but gets kicked into the corner for her efforts. A shot to the face finally gets Asuka out of trouble though and it’s back to Charlotte with a high crossbody. Charlotte’s front flip clothesline gets two and everyone goes to the corner and it’s a Tower Of Doom to leave them down. Charlotte boots Bayley in the face but gets kneed down by Sky. Another big boot accidentally hits Asuka but Charlotte kicks Bayley into Sky and hits Natural Selection for the pin at 13:20.

Rating: C. This wasn’t the smoothest match in the world, with Natural Selection being more of a shove to Bayley’s back than a flipping cutter. Other than that, it was a great way to make Charlotte look dominant again as she took out her partner, plus both opponents before getting the pin. Not an awful match and it set things up for tomorrow, but more Charlotte is not exactly an interesting way to go.

The Bloodline goes into their locker room but runs into the Judgment Day, who say they’re right where they should be. Post break Solo Sikoa and Damian Priest are having a staredown, but Rhea Ripley says everyone out so she and Paul Heyman can have a chat. Ripley and Heyman assure them that they’re fine and everyone else leaves. Ripley: “Let’s talk.”

Bobby Lashley vs. Rey Mysterio

Non-title and the Street Profits and the LWO are here too. Lashley powers him into the corner to start but Rey manages to kick him down. A Lionsault gives Rey two with a rather strong kickout and we take a break. Back with Rey caught in a bearhug and then being tied up in the Tree of Woe. Rey manages to slip out and starts going after Lashley’s knee, followed by a spinning DDT for two.

The 619 is cut off and Lashley goes after the LWO at ringside. Rey’s dive is pulled out of the air but Rey manages to post Lashley for a breather. Back in and the 619 hits the ribs and there’s the regular version to the face. Montez Ford offers a distraction though and the fight is on outside. Rey intervenes but walks into the spear for the pin at 12:44.

Rating: C+. Good stuff, though the LWO might have actually been destroyed right in front of our eyes. Much like the first match, this was designed to build towards tomorrow’s match, though I could have gone without the champion getting pinned. It helps that it was to a former WWE Champion, but there’s something wrong about a reigning champion losing like that.

The LWO is mostly destroyed on the floor.

Rhea Ripley has apparently proposed an alliance with the Bloodline and Paul Heyman likes the idea. He hasn’t been himself lately, but this is really good. If Ripley will excuse him for a moment, he’ll make a phone call and get this authorized. Ripley asks what he means by authorized, with Heyman saying the Tribal Chief needs to authorize it. Heyman says it’s authorized for the Judgment Day, but not for the Bloodline. Ripley: “Paul, acknowledge me.”

Heyman says she’s in the wrong locker room to say that, but Ripley says he’ll acknowledge her just like Jey Uso did. Ripley says we’ll see which team is stronger, and authorizes him to make his phone call. She leaves, and a slightly shaken Heyman calls Reigns. If you didn’t realize Ripley was a top level star, this is about all the proof that you need.

Isla Dawn and Alba Fyre tease us with magic.

Dragon Lee vs. Austin Theory

Before the match, Theory brags about how big of a star he really is. Lee snaps off a hurricanrana to start but here is Grayson Waller for a distraction. Lee’s German suplex sends Theory outside but Waller’s distraction cuts off a dive. Theory scores with a rolling dropkick and we take a break.

Back with Lee hitting a superkick and rolling into a powerbomb for two on Theory. Waller offers another distraction though and Lee gets crotched, setting up a powerbomb into a faceplant (cool) to give Theory two. Lee cuts him off on top for the double stomp but Theory rolls out to the floor. Of course that means the big running flip dive to take out both villains but Waller cheap shots Theory. Cue Cameron Grimes to take Waller out, allowing Lee to roll Theory up for the pin at 9:17.

Rating: B-. Lee is one of those guys who is so smooth in the ring and it makes sense for him to move up tot he main roster. With not much room for growth in NXT, putting him up here where he can be the new high flier is a good idea. He’s looked good in his two matches so far and he very easily could turn into a much bigger deal rather quickly.

Rhea Ripley and Jimmy Uso have a talk that we can’t hear.

Joaquin Wilde and Cruz Del Toro are out of tomorrow’s six man tag, but Rey Mysterio has an idea.

Video on Shinsuke Nakamura vs. Seth Rollins. Damian Priest is shown watching with his Money In The Bank briefcase.

LA Knight vs. Jimmy Uso

Paul Heyman is here with Uso, who runs Knight over to start. Knight gives him an elbow to the face but it’s too early for BFT. Instead Uso enziguris him to the floor and we take a break. Back with Knight hitting a sunset flip into a Backstabber (cool) and stomping away. The LA Elbow connects but Solo Sikoa runs in for the DQ at 7:42.

Rating: C. This didn’t have time to go anywhere with the break cutting off about half of the match. What I did like here was they didn’t hand either of them a loss before their big match. I get that you don’t want to do that in all three matches, but it was nice to see before what is likely going to be the pay per view main event.

Post match John Cena runs in for the save but here is Judgment Day to uneven the odds. Cue Jey Uso and Cody Rhodes and the fight is on, with Sikoa superkicking Cena. Knight clotheslines Sikoa to the floor and hits BFT on JD McDonagh. A bunch of other big moves lay out JD and the good guys glare at the villains to end the show.

Overall Rating: B-. This show was about getting things ready for Fastlane and they have done that well enough. In addition to all of the matches, we also have the mystery of who Rey Mysterio is going to get to join the team in the six man tag. On top of that, there is the Bloodline/Judgment Day alliance which could go a very long way in the future. Fastlane should be good and while this wasn’t a blow away show, it accomplished its goal and that is no easy task.

Charlotte/Asuka b. Damage CTRL – Natural Selection to Bayley
Bobby Lashley b. Rey Mysterio – Spear
Dragon Lee b. Austin Theory – Rollup
LA Knight b. Jimmy Uso via DQ when Solo Sikoa interfered



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Smackdown – September 22, 2023: It’s Most Of Something

Date: September 22, 2023
Location: Desert Diamond Arena, Glendale, Arizona
Commentators: Michael Cole, Corey Graves, Kevin Patrick

It’s a special show tonight as John Cena is still around and isn’t taking too kindly to how he has been treated by the Bloodline. That alone should make for a big show, but at some point we might need something for Fastlane. The show is two weeks from tomorrow and there is still nothing announced for the card. Get on that already. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Here is John Cena to get things going. Cena talks about doing a lot of things since returning, with the fans WHATing him a lot, including about being a referee. Eventually Cena admits defeat and says tonight is different than any night he’s had since he has been back. He’s here to get back in the ring, but he’s also mad. That means mad at the Bloodline, and he has a partner in mind. As in a phenomenal partner, so here is AJ Styles. Cena wants them to face the Bloodline tonight, so Styles is in. Cue the Bloodline (minus Paul Heyman) but they back off instead of fighting.

Post break Cena and Styles beg Adam Pearce to make the match. Pearce has to talk to Paul Heyman, which leaves Cena and Styles a bit confused.

LWO vs. Street Profits

Zelina Vega and Bobby Lashley are here too. Dawkins shoulders Escobar down to start but Escobar is back up with a dropkick. Mysterio comes in for an anklescissors but it’s off to Ford to drop Mysterio for two. Ford is sent outside, where Rey misses a dive and Dawkins runs Escobar over.

We take a break and come back with Rey in trouble and Ford cutting off an escape attempt. The tag attempt goes through a few seconds later and it’s Escobar coming in to pick up the pace. A high crossbody gets two on Ford but he kicks Escobar in the head and hits a splash for two of his own. Escobar catches him on top with a super hurricanrana for two but the Phantom Driver is broken up. Dawkins comes back in and Sky Highs Rey for two before Lashley gets in a cheap shot. That doesn’t seem cool with Dawkins, allowing Rey to grab a sunset flip for the pin at 10:48.

Rating: C+. That ending makes me think that the Profits are in for some changes, as Lashley isn’t going to accept his proteges not doing what he told them to do. The team hasn’t committed fully to the evil side yet and this might be what pushes them over the edge. For now though, it’s a good start coming off a pretty nice tag match.

Lashley is NOT happy.

We look back at the Rock returning last week.

Here is Austin Theory to yell at commentary as they talk about the Rock. Referees get rid of him.

Alba Fyre and Isla Dawn imply their magic is the reason the Women’s Tag Team Titles feel cursed. That’s a clever way to go.

Grayson Waller and Austin Theory run into the Brutes, who mock their way into a tag match tonight.

Bobby Lashley yells at the Street Profits, saying he wants all of his stuff back if they won’t do as he says. Go sit in catering and he’ll find someone who will.

Video on Asuka challenging Iyo Sky for the Women’s Title tonight.

Adam Pearce talks to Paul Heyman but we can’t hear what is said.

Smackdown Women’s Title: Asuka vs. Iyo Sky

Sky, with Bayley and Dakota Kai, is defending. Hold on though as here is Charlotte to watch from ringside. Sky grabs the wristlock to start before they go to the mat. Back up and Asuka misses a kick, allowing Asuka to snap off some armdrags. Sky catches her on top with a super armdrag to the floor, only to miss an Asai moonsault. Asuka kicks her in the head and we take a break.

Back with Sky hitting a double stomp for two but Asuka gets in a superplex for the same. Sky palm strikes her down for two more, only to have Asuka grab an armbar. With that broken up, Asuka hits a missile dropkick and fires off some rather hard strikes. A sliding kick to the face gets two and Asuka grabs a Fujiwara armbar. That’s broken up so they head outside where Asuka kicks the post by mistake. Sky’s moonsault to the floor barely makes contact and we take a break.

Back with Asuka in a chinlock and Sky switching places to keep her from the rope. Asuka reverses into the Asuka Kick but Sky makes the rope. A kick to the head (foot seems fine) gives Asuka two and we hit the cross armbreaker. We’ll make that the Asuka Lock again but this time Bayley puts the foot on the rope for the break. Charlotte decks Bayley but the distraction lets Sky hit the running knees to the back. Over The Moonsault retains the title at 19:27.

Rating: B. This was billed as a dream match and I can see how they got to that point. These two were rather well matches with Asuka having just enough flying to keep up with Sky while Sky had just enough grappling to keep up with Asuka. I could have gone without Charlotte being involved but there doesn’t seem to be much of a way around here at this point. Odds are Charlotte gets back into the title picture soon, as she already has a reason to go after Damage CTRL.

Adam Pearce comes in to see the Bloodline and has a contract for the main event. Paul Heyman is fine with the match taking place anytime but tonight so we’ll do it at Fastlane (it’s about time). The contract signing is tonight, which works for Jimmy. With Pearce gone, Heyman says Roman Reigns needs to approve decisions like that. With Jimmy gone, Solo Sikoa says there’s nothing to worry about after tonight, and he looks at his thumb. Heyman calls Reigns.

A sad Kit Wilson is in the hospital with the still injured Elton Prince, who drops his drink and needs assistance. We get a training montage as Prince attempts to recover and it….doesn’t go so well. The orthopedic surgeon says he’ll be fine but Prince is in tears. Granted it could be because Wilson is pulling his hair as he cradles Prince’s head. As usual, this was great.

Brawling Brutes vs. Grayson Waller/Austin Theory

Theory takes over on Holland to start before Waller comes in to knee away at Butch. It’s back to Holland for the swinging front facelock into a butterfly suplex. The slingshot double stomp hits Waller, setting up stereo forearms to the chest. We take a break and come back with a clothesline keeping Butch in trouble before Waller fires off knees in the corner. Waller loads up his own forearms but Butch snaps the fingers and flips over him for the tag to Holland.

Everything breaks down and Holland gorilla presses Theory into a powerslam for two. Butch moonsaults onto Waller and Holland escapes A-Town Down. An Alabama Slam gets two on Theory and the Boston crab keeps him in trouble. Waller manages to post Butch though and the rolling Stunner saves Theory. A-Town Down finishes Holland at 10:43.

Rating: B-. I don’t know how much of a future Waller and Theory have as a team but for now at least, they’re doing well enough as a midcard heel pairing. They suit each other well and that is enough to carry them pretty far. As for the Brutes, they have more or less locked themselves in as the lower card face team, though Butch is still great to watch in just about anything he does.

Here’s what’s coming next week.

It’s time for the contract signing for the Fastlane tag match. John Cena comes out and signs immediately. There’s no AJ Styles though as we cut to the back, where the Bloodline wipes him out. Solo Sikoa dives off a platform to crush him with a splash and Styles is left laying, out cold.

Post break Styles is taken out in an ambulance, with Karl Anderson saying he told AJ not to get involved in this Bloodline stuff.

The Bloodline heads back to the ring and clears it out. Paul Heyman says John Cena is now minus a partner for Fastlane and Jimmy Uso finds it hilarious. Cue Cena to go after the Bloodline but the numbers game takes him out. Sikoa loads up the thumb and Cena gets dropped. Jimmy Uso goes up top for the Superfly Splash and then signs the contract. Sikoa signs as well and Jimmy goes up for another Splash onto the contract onto Cena. The Bloodline poses to end the show. Cena is going to need a big partner. Like a mega star kind of big partner.

Overall Rating: B-. The wrestling carried the show here as we had one match (mostly) announced for Fastlane and little else in the way of storyline progression. The Women’s Title match was good and felt like a big showdown, though they’re going to have to do some big things in the next few weeks to get Fastlane ready. This show was good enough, but it was focused on two major things, with only one of them actually taking place here.

LWO b. Street Profits – Sunset flip to Dawkins
Iyo Sky b. Asuka – Over The Moonsault
Grayson Waller/Austin Theory b. Brawling Brutes – A-Town Down to Holland



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Smackdown – June 23, 2023: Travel Week

Date: June 23, 2023
Location: Cajundome, Lafayette, Louisiana
Commentators: Michael Cole, Wade Barrett

We are in a new reality this week as the Usos superkicked Roman Reigns last week to officially break away from the Bloodline. That has set up a huge tag match next week at Money In The Bank, which very well may headline the show. Other than that, we need to finish up the build for Money In The Bank and unify the Women’s Tag Team Titles this week so let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

We open with a recap of the Usos turning on the Bloodline last week to an insane reaction.

Here are the Usos to say the Bloo……the USOS are in your city! Jey is very emotional about what happened and says they always have each other’s back. That has Jimmy saying Jey made the absolute right choice. Jey says they still love Roman Reigns but he disrespected them. It’s always about respect and when they fell in line, the Bloodline was the most dominant faction in WWE. But when Reigns started showing how little he respected them, it was time for him to be alone on the Island of Relevancy.

They can always forgive their brother Solo Sikoa, but not so much with a snake like Paul Heyman. He has spent years talking about how much he loves their family, but then how could he take orders from someone who would cause this many problems between them? Now it’s time for the Bloodline Civil War and the Usos are ready to show why they’re the best ever. Fired up promo here, and the fans were WAY into the team.

LA Knight vs. Rey Mysterio

Knight sends him hard into the corner to start and hits a slingshot shoulder for two. As we hear about Wade Barrett picking out Rey’s gear tonight (ok then), Rey hammers away and hits a quick 619. It’s too early for the frog splash so Rey baseball slides him to the floor instead. There’s the sliding splash and we take a break with Knight in trouble. Back with Knight face planting Mysterio and hitting his jumping elbow for two. Rey’s tornado DDT cuts Knight off but Knight pulls him out of the air and hits Blunt Force Trauma for the pin at 8:30.

Rating: C. They kept this short but the only thing that matters is getting Knight another win. Knight feels like he is on the brink of a huge breakthrough moment and that might come at Money In The Bank. For now though, it is nice to see him winning some matches, including what might be the biggest win of his WWE career so far.

Post match Knight goes for the mask but Santos Escobar makes the save.

Ridge Holland runs into Solo Sikoa and Paul Heyman in the back. That’s not nice for Sikoa, who Samoan Spikes him down, leaving Heyman to call Roman Reigns.

Post break, Sheamus tells Adam Pearce to give him Sikoa tonight.

Cue Sheamus in the arena to say he wants to fight Sikoa tonight.

Women’s Tag Team Titles/NXT Women’s Tag Team Titles: Ronda Rousey/Shayna Baszler vs. Isla Dawn/Alba Fyre

For the unified titles and Raquel Rodriguez is at ringside. Dawn superkicks Baszler down for a fast two to start so Rousey demands she come in instead. Rousey judo throws Dawn down but gets kicked in the face to break up the armbar. Fyre hits a running Meteora for two and kicks Rousey’s leg out. Baszler offers a distraction though and Rousey plants Fyre down with a poisonrana as we take a break.

Back with Fyre breaking out of an ankle lock but Baszler comes in to knee her in the face. Fyre kicks her away though and the hot tag brings in Dawn to clean house. The Kirifuda Clutch goes on but Dawn breaks it up with a Swanton. Fyre takes Rousey out at ringside but Rousey and Baszler grab the Clutch/armbar for the stereo taps at 9:49.

Rating: C+. This was a weird one as Dawn and Fyre dominated until they got pulled into the holds out of nowhere. What matters here though is getting rid of the NXT version of the titles, which never really needed to exist in the first place. Having the champs go to all three brands is the best option and now we should be in for something fascinating: Ronda Rousey in NXT.

Post match Rodriguez goes to leave but gets called back in. Rodriguez is here to issue a challenge for a rematch, because Liv Morgan is back.

It’s time for the Grayson Waller Effect with special guests Pretty Deadly. They love the show, which is SO much better than the KO Show. After insulting America, Pretty Deadly talks about how they’re looking forward to winning the titles in the greatest city in the world next week. They’re taking this pretty deadly seriously and promise to be running the tag team division for the next ten years. They talk about dominating the gauntlet match last week, even though they weren’t sure they could keep going. We hear about the teams they beat so here are the Street Profits to interrupt. They’re here on Smackdown too so let’s do this.

Street Profits vs. Pretty Deadly

Dawkins beats on Wilson to start as we hear about Pretty Deadly being voted some of the most beautiful people in England. Prince comes in and gets punched out of the air, allowing Ford to come in for some dropkicks. Hold on though as Ford takes off….whatever Prince wears and puts it on before the Profits hit stereo flip dives.

We take a break and come back with Ford fighting out of trouble, allowing Dawkins to come in with the Anointment for two as Prince has to make the save. Wilson is sent outside and Ford hits a Rock Bottom for two on Prince. Ford is knocked off the apron, leaving Prince to grab a rollup (with Wilson grabbing the foot) for the pin at 8:58.

Rating: C. Pretty Deadly are already becoming what made them work in NXT and NXT UK: the pesky team that you know shouldn’t be winning these matches but sneak up on you to steal one win after another. They’re so good with their goofiness and don’t try to be anything remotely serious. That makes for a very entertaining presentation, including as the Profits continue to crumble week after week.

Charlotte vs. Lacey Evans

Charlotte chops away to start but gets sent into the corner for her efforts. Evans orders the fans to salute her but Charlotte takes over, demands a salute of her own, and grabs a suplex. The Tranquilo pose sets up a big boot and the Figure Eight to make Evans tap at 2:30. So Charlotte was the good one here? Am I getting that right?

Post match Asuka runs in to jump Charlotte and throws in a salute to Evans.

Bianca Belair comes in to see Adam Pearce, who asks if she’ll behave next week when she’s ringside for Charlotte vs. Asuka. Belair says she’ll defend herself if someone comes after her, which is why Pearce is barring her from ringside. Believe it or not, she isn’t pleased.

Here’s what’s coming on various shows, including Roman Reigns returning next week.

Solo Sikoa vs. Sheamus

Paul Heyman is here with Sikoa. They slug it out in the corner to start until Sheamus kicks him to the floor for a clothesline. Back in and Sheamus hits a top rope shot to the head for one but the forearms to the chest are broken up. Sikoa fights out of a fireman’s carry on the apron though and posts Sheamus, setting up a Samoan drop on the floor as we take a break.

Back with Sheamus clotheslining his way out of trouble, followed by the Irish Curse. Sheamus back is banged up but he’s fine enough to hit the forearms to Sikoa’s chest. The running knee to the face gives Sheamus two and White Noise is good for the same. The back gives out on the Celtic Cross attempt though and Sikoa kicks him in the back. They go the floor for a release Rock Bottom onto the announcers’ table to leave Sheamus laying. Sikoa puts Sheamus against the barricade, meaning it’s the Umaga Attack to knock him silly. The referee calls it at 14:27 when Sheamus can’t continue.

Rating: B. Sheamus s firmly in the “you know what you’re going to get” and that was on display here. Sheamus is a big, power guy who is going to hit someone hard enough to give them a problem. At the same time, the ending made Sikoa look like a killer and the Usos might have bitten off more than they can chew. Good match here, as they had a hard hitting fight.

Post match the Usos come out and superkick Sikoa a few times. The stereo Superfly Splashes connect as Heyman calls Roman Reigns to end the show.

Overall Rating: B-. Last week was the show that really mattered and this week’s show was more along the lines of “save it for London next week”. Reigns wasn’t here but his presence was felt, as Heyman was rapidly losing control and only Reigns can save things. We’ll have to see if he can do it, but the cracks are already there and things are falling apart. Other than that, the title change and Morgan return mattered the most, but now we’re just waiting or the pay per view next week, which is the next big step in everything. Completely watchable show, but there wasn’t much in the way of big stuff.

LA Knight b. Rey Mysterio – Samoan Spike
Ronda Rousey/Shayna Baszler b. Isla Dawn/Alba Fyre – Double submission
Pretty Deadly b. Street Profits – Assisted rollup to Ford
Charlotte b. Lacey Evans – Figure Eight
Solo Sikoa b. Sheamus via referee stoppage



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Smackdown – June 9, 2023: That’s Not What They Said Would Happen

Date: June 9, 2023
Location: Wells Fargo Arena, Des Moines, Iowa
Commentators: Wade Barrett, Michael Cole

It’s a big night this week as we have the decision of Jey Uso. Last week Jey was put in the middle of Roman Reigns/Solo Sikoa and Jimmy Uso, but now he has to actually make a choice. Other than that, we have more Money In The Bank qualifying matches, which should at least be good. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

We open with a long recap of the Bloodline’s issues from last week, with Roman Reigns saying Jey would fall in line, as always.

Here are Paul Heyman and Solo Sikoa but Jey Uso interrupts almost immediately. Jey says he has let a lot of things slide but he doesn’t know if he can forgive Solo for stabbing his big brother in the back. Jey tells Solo to say what he has to say and throws the mic down. Heyman says Jey has this all wrong because it is all Jimmy Uso’s fault. It was Jimmy who turned on Reigns, and now Heyman has Sikoa step back.

Heyman is taking a chance by standing face to face with Jey, who wasn’t in on Jimmy’s plans to turn on Reigns. Jimmy is in on the fact that Reigns wants to groom Jey to be the next Tribal Chief. Tonight, Jey has a chance to bring gold back to the Bloodline, but it’s not the Tag Team Titles. Instead, he can become the United States Champion by beating Austin Theory. That will be the start of his path to being the next Tribal Chief, but Heyman needs his answer now. After thinking a bit, Jey says he’ll get back to him on that.

Money In The Bank Qualifying Match: Santos Escobar vs. Mustafa Ali

Rey Mysterio is here with Escobar as LA Knight joins commentary as Ali and Escobar yell at each other. They go to the floor for a slugout until Escobar snaps off a hurricanrana from the steps. Escobar hits a suicide dive and a regular dive off the top and we take a break with Ali in trouble.

Back with Ali dropkicking him out of the air but getting sent HARD into the middle buckle for his efforts. A poisonrana gives Escobar two but Ali snaps off his tornado DDT for the same. Ali gets caught on top though and it’s a super Phantom driver to give Escobar the pin at 9:04.

Rating: B-. I could have gone with the full version of the match here as they put on a heck of a back and forth match here. It was all about the fast pace and the energy and that’s how you want an opening match to go. Escobar winning isn’t a big surprise but it’s nice to see the LWO actually getting some wins after losing so much when they started.

The LWO comes out to celebrate.

Sami Zayn comes up to an anxious Jey Uso and wants to tell him something. Their time in the Bloodline was some of the best times of his career but when the Tribal Chief (who he specifies is different than Roman Reigns) takes over, bad things happen. He had to be pushed and had his loyalty tested over and over, just like Reigns is doing to Jey. Whatever happens though, there are consequences, such as no more Usos, and that’s Jey’s decision. Do what is in his own heart rather than what is being put in his head. Jey looks at Sami and walks off with a serious glare on his face.

Kayla Braxton brings out Alba Fyre and Isla Dawn for a chat. Before they can say a word though, here are Ronda Rousey and Shayna Baszler to interrupt. Baszler talks about how those titles were created for her, but Rousey says this division isn’t big enough for two sets of champions. They want those titles too, which Dawn finds cute. She accepts and the fight is on, with Rousey and Baszler being cleared out. Unifying the titles is a great move and if that’s where this leads, we’re heading in the right direction.

Tribute video to the Iron Sheik, who really was awesome at what he did.

Money In The Bank Qualifying Match: Bayley vs. Michin

AJ Styles is on commentary as Michin is sent outside to start. Bayley mocks Styles’ entrance pose and gets taken out by Michin’s dive (Styles approves). Back in and Michin fires off Kawada kicks (Styles approves again) but Bayley sends her face first into the buckle. The Rose Plant finishes Michin at 2:27.

Post match Scarlett comes out to blow smoke in Styles’ face, allowing Karrion Kross to choke Styles from behind.

Bianca Belair isn’t happy with Asuka getting a new Women’s Title but once she’s told she’s in line for a rematch, she’s willing to let the presentation go without getting involved.

AJ Styles is livid over the powder.

Here is Asuka for the new title presentation. Adam Pearce unveils the new title, which is more or less the same as Roman Reigns’ new title, but with a white strap….and then Charlotte returns. Pearce tells her to get in line, but Charlotte says she is the line. Asuka misses with the mist and rolls away.

Paul Heyman comes in to see Jey Uso, who left him hanging out there. After tonight, Jey needs to get his passport ready to go to Money In The Bank. Then next week, we can have a public celebration of the new US Champion Jey Uso being named as the next Tribal Chief. Jey says count him in for the celebration, but he doesn’t know why Heyman is so happy. See, if Jey is in, Heyman is out!

Bianca Belair comes in to see Adam Pearce, who says he’ll figure it out. Belair: “You better.”

Money In The Bank Qualifying Match: Butch vs. Baron Corbin

NXT Champion Carmelo Hayes (who Corbin has been going after in NXT) and his friend Trick Williams are here. Before the match, Corbin tells Hayes and Williams to sit down like the fans they are. Butch starts fast and hits a tornado DDT for an early two. Corbin’s fingers get snapped but he manages a shot to Butch for a breather. More yelling at Hayes lets Butch counter a left handed chokeslam (because of the snapped fingers) into a rollup for the pin at 1:48.

Post break, Butch is rather happy with his win but Corbin interrupts to complain about Hayes. Cameron Grimes pops in to deck Corbin.

Money In The Bank Qualifying Match: Shotzi vs. Iyo Sky

Bayley is here with Sky and the early distraction doesn’t work. Shotzi suplexes her into the corner but Sky starts in on the arm to take over. A middle rope dropkick misses though and Shotzi grabs a tiger suplex. A big suicide dive drops Sky again but Bayley shoves Shotzi off the top (with her head hitting the buckle on the way down. Over The Moonsault finishes Shotzi at 2:38.

Austin Theory is ready to beat Jey Uso like he bat John Cena at Wrestlemania.

Kevin Owens asks Sami Zayn if they can focus on the Tag Team Titles now. Pretty Deadly, the Brawling Brutes, the OC, the LWO and the Street Profits all come in to say they want a title shot. Adam Pearce comes in to try to calm things down but Owens snaps because THEY’RE ALL STANDING TOO CLOSE TO HIM. Pearce makes a gauntlet match for next week.

Video on Grayson Waller.

US Title: Jey Uso vs. Austin Theory

Theory is defending and gets clotheslined to the floor to start. A whip over the announcers’ table takes us to a break with the champ in trouble. Back with Jey fighting out of a chinlock, setting up the slugout. Theory hits a rolling dropkick but A Town Down is countered. Jey kicks away but Theory gets knocked into the referee.

The Superfly Splash connects but there is no referee. Cue Pretty Deadly (friends with Theory) to go after Jey but Jimmy Uso makes the save. Solo Sikoa runs in to Spike Jimmy but Jey makes a save of his own. Jimmy’s superkick hits Jey by mistake and Theory gets the pin to retain at 8:37.

Rating: C+. One of the good signs of this whole Bloodline saga is the idea of Jey winning the title didn’t feel too out there. The fact that I could believe in a career tag team wrestler winning the US Title is a nice feeling of anything could happen and that has been missing from WWE for a long time. Theory shouldn’t have lost the title but having him be in there as a side piece to the story was a good way to go.

Jey is all conflicted and angry to end the show. He walks away from Jimmy and past Sikoa and Paul Heyman, the latter of whom calls Roman reigns to end the show. So that whole “Jey will make a decision thing” was just straight up false advertising. Got it.

Overall Rating: C+. While I don’t like the stringing us along to next week with the Jey deal, I do like a show that has some set goals and accomplishes (most of) them. This show added a bunch of people to the Money In The Bank matches, had a surprise return and even tied an NXT feud into things. The opener was good and the middle section of the show was too short to be that bad. All in all, a nice show as we’re getting closer to the big stuff next month in London.

Santos Escobar b. Mustafa Ali – Super Phantom Driver
Bayley b. Michin – Rose Plant
Butch b. Baron Corbin – Rollup
Iyo Sky b. Shotzi – Over The Moonsault
Austin Theory b. Jey Uso – Superkick



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Smackdown – June 2, 2023: Down The Middle

Date: June 2, 2023
Location: Mohegan Sun Arena, Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania
Commentators: Michael Cole, Wade Barrett

We’re done with Night Of Champions and while there wasn’t a big Smackdown title change, the major story came at the end, as Jimmy Uso superkicked Roman Reigns to seemingly remove himself from the Bloodline. Tonight just so happens to be the 1000 day celebration for Reigns’ Universal Title reign so we should be in for some fireworks. Let’s get to it.

Here is Night Of Champions if you need a recap.

Barrett and Cole welcome us to the show and throw us to a rather cool video on Roman Reigns, looking at his entire reign. The video includes a timeline as he rises up the ranks and passes various people and looks at some milestones. If there is one thing WWE knows how to do, it is look back at its own history.

Austin Theory is in the ring…and we look at Reigns retaining at Wrestlemania XXXVII, which was already looked at in the video.

Theory says this is the celebration of Reigns reaching 1000 days as Universal Champion. What is even more impressive than that though is if you combined his title reign with Reigns’ it would be 1,209 days. He’ll probably have his own 4000 day reign or so, especially if he is given challengers like Sheamus. For now though, he’ll introduce his partners for tonight, so here is Pretty Deadly to be rather happy about Theory.

Brawling Brutes vs. Pretty Deadly/Austin Theory

Holland jumps Prince to start and it’s quickly off to Wilson. Butch comes in as well but gets taken down into a chinlock. That doesn’t work for Butch who stomps on the fingers. The big kick misses though and it’s Theory coming in and wanting Sheamus (the fans agree). We take a break and come back with Butch in trouble and Theory getting to pose.

Butch DDTs his way out of trouble and it’s Sheamus coming in to clean house. A triple White Noise sets up the Brogue to Theory but Prince pulls him outside. Back to back drives drop the villains and we take another break. Back again with Sheamus hitting a top rope knee to the chest for two on Prince and everything breaks down.

We get a parade of strikes to the face until Butch is backdropped to the floor. Sheamus knees Theory in the face for two and Holland powers Pretty Deadly over. The triple forearms to the chest have the Brutes in even more control but Wilson and Prince switch places, setting up Spilled Milk to Holland. Theory gets the pin at 17:35.

Rating: B-. This got a good bit of time (maybe too much) and seems to wrap up Theory vs. Sheamus. Theory has already beaten Sheamus in a singles match and now he has beaten his team in a six man. Exactly what else is there for them to do at the moment? Pretty Deadly continues to be their goofy selves, but the Brutes could use a win sooner than later as the bad run continues.

We look back at Jimmy Uso turning on Roman Reigns and leaving the Bloodline at Night Of Champions.

Paul Heyman tells Solo Sikoa that he’s going to make sure the Usos aren’t here tonight.

We look at Seth Rollins beating AJ Styles to win the World Heavyweight Title at Night Of Champions.

AJ Styles (the birthday boy) is here and wants the OC to take out Hit Row.

Roman Reigns beat Brock Lesnar to retain at Summerslam 2022.

Hit Row vs. OC

All of their associates are here and apparently this is over a Hit Row rap about the OC. Hit Row jumps them to start and it’s Adonis taking over on Anderson with a chinlock. AJ/Michin argue with B Fab on the floor, followed by Anderson hitting a spinebuster to get a breather. Gallows comes in to clean house, including a suplex to Adonis. The Magic Killer gives Anderson the pin at 2:58.

Post match Top Dolla goes after the OC, earning himself a Phenomenal Forearm.

Paul Heyman comes in to see Adam Pearce, who says the Usos’ travel has been canceled and there is double security. Heyman calls Reigns, whose locker room he was in about five minutes ago.

Breaking News: Seth Rollins defends against Damian Priest on Raw.

It’s time for the Grayson Waller Effect, with new Raw Women’s Champion Asuka as the special guest. We look at Asuka defeating Bianca Belair to win the title at Night Of Champion, allowing Asuka to do her celebratory dance. Waller says he couldn’t have said it better himself and points to the Money in the Bank briefcases. Asuka has to know that Belair is coming for her, but here is Iyo Sky to yell at Asuka.

Cue Bayley (Cole: “There go the ratings.”) to says she’s won before so she’ll win again. Then it’s Shotzi, Lacey Evans (looking like Sgt. Slaughter mixed with Rhea Ripley) and Zelina Vega interrupting and promising to win. The arguing is on, with Waller declaring it the best day of his life, but Asuka slips away. Cue Belair for the brawl to end this really, really bad segment. It was a bunch of people coming out to say “I’ll win!/No I’ll win!/NO I’LL WIN!” until they ran out of women.

We look at Baron Corbin going after the NXT Champion Carmelo Hayes on NXT.

Cameron Grimes will be waiting whenever Corbin gets back.

Money In The Bank Qualifying Match: Zelina Vega vs. Lacey Evans

Evans punched her during the break so Vega is rocked. An early slingshot Bronco Buster hits Vega and the chinlock is on. Evans even swings her around to make it worse before going with the normal thing. Vega fights up and sends her into the corner, setting up Code Red to finish Evans at 2:48. This was nothing.

Roman Reigns beat Sami Zayn this year at Elimination Chamber.

Legado del Fantasma praises Zelina Vega for winning her match. Escobar will do it next time and Rey Mysterio pops up to say they’ll win the briefcases.

Money In The Bank Qualifying Match: LA Knight vs. Montez Ford

They trade arm control to start and Knight doesn’t seem pleased. A shove off goes to Ford so Knight sends him to the apron for a hard forearm to the floor. Back from a break with Ford hitting a belly to back suplex but Knight knocks him down again. A springboard moonsault of all things misses for Knight and they clothesline each other down. Ford shoves him off the top but misses the Cash Out. Instead they trade rollups, with Knight grabbing the ropes for the pin at 9:10.

Rating: C. Knight continues his singles winning streak and that should be a good sign for his future. At the end of the day, a win over Ford and a spot in the ladder match only gets you so far, but Knight has at least shaken off a lot of his loser persona. That is a big first step and if he does win the briefcase, it won’t feel like it comes so out of nowhere.

Video on Alba Fyre and Isla Dawn, who speak a bunch of Latin and promise doom. They’re leaning way into the magic stuff here.

Roman Reigns retained at Wrestlemania XXXIX as well.

Here is HHH to introduce Roman Reigns for his 1000 day celebration. After comparing him to Michael Jordan, HHH brings out Reigns, with Paul Heyman and Solo Sikoa. With Reigns in the ring, HHH unveils a new title belt, which is again the big WWE logo but with a gold background and mainly black around the strap. Reigns is about to tell Pennsylvania to acknowledge him but switches it to the entire WWE Universe. Cue the Usos to interrupt though, making that Adam Pearce segment from earlier rather worthless.

We take a break and come back with Jimmy Uso and Reigns staring each other down. Reigns to Jey Uso: “Kick him in the face.” Reigns tells him to do it right now like Jimmy did to him at Night Of Champions. He tells Jey to fix this, but Jimmy says Reigns is what needs fixing. Jimmy did what he did because he was being a brother. Jimmy talks to Sikoa and says Reigns will turn on him, drawing an USO chant.

Reigns says that’s because of him so let’s ask what Sikoa thinks. Sikoa acknowledges Reigns….but the Usos are his brothers. Sikoa goes to stand next to the Usos (the place goes NUTS for that) and Reigns/Heyman look scared. Jimmy says the Island of Relevancy is going to be lonely so Reigns goes for him, earning a shove in the face. Jey isn’t happy with what and we have to shut down the audio for the HOLY S*** chant.

Jey says he needs both of them and they can’t fight like this. Jimmy: “He’s right.” They’re all brothers and let’s do this together with respect like they’ve been doing. Reigns is thinking about it as Jimmy asks if they’re still the ones. Jimmy and Reigns have the big emotional hug and Jey looks incredibly relieved. As the hug continues, Reigns says no, and Solo Spikes Jimmy. Jey checks on Jimmy and Sikoa leaves with Reigns/Heyman. As they leave, Heyman asks Reigns about Jey. Reigns: “Jey’s gonna do what he always does: fall in line. He’ll fall in line.”

This was another emotional roller coaster and it absolutely worked, as this always tends to do. At the end of the day, this has turned into a battle for Jey Uso and that could make for some very interesting different paths as we go forward. You can probably pencil in the tag match for Money In The Bank, but after that, it seems like it’s a wide open slate of options.

Overall Rating: C+. This was one of those shows that was divided in two. You had everything else, and then the Bloodline segment. At the end of the day, the Bloodline is the biggest story in WWE at the moment and this was the next step in that story. Things are entering into a meltdown stage and that should be very interesting. Other than that, you have some Money in the Bank qualifying matches and that six man. This wasn’t a very good show, but egads the final segment had the audience eating out of its hand for good reason.

Pretty Deadly/Austin Theory b. Brawling Brutes – Spilled Milk to Holland
OC b. Hit Row – Magic Killer to Adonis
Zelina Vega b. Lacey Evans – Code Red
LA Knight b. Montez Ford – Rollup while grabbing the rope



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Smackdown – May 26, 2023: Family Drama

Date: May 26, 2023
Location: Colonial Life Arena, Columbia, South Carolina
Commentators: Michael Cole, Wade Barrett

We are less than twenty four hours away from Night Of Champions and that means this week’s show is taped in advance. Tomorrow’s show is all but set and that should make for a card built around getting everything finalized. I’m sure there will be some extra stuff pushed as well so let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

US Title: Sheamus vs. Austin Theory

Sheamus, with the Brawling Brutes, is challenging. The power game drops Theory early but Theory goes to the leg to take over. Theory tries his own forearms to the chest and gets cut out almost immediately. Sheamus gets posted hard and dropped onto the apron as we take a break. Back with Theory elbowing him in the face for one, followed by the chinlock.

Sheamus is right back up with a running corner clothesline and the Irish Curse gets two. A torture rack powerbomb puts Sheamus back down but a rolling something is cut off by Sheamus’ knee. The ten (and more) forearms to the chest rock Theory and the Brogue Kick is loaded up. Cue Pretty Deadly to go after the Brutes though and Theory rolls Sheamus up to retain at 12:18.

Rating: C+. Not a bad title defense for Theory and a six man isn’t out of the question as a result. Sheamus might not have felt like the biggest threat to take the title, but he’s still a former World Champion so it wasn’t completely out of the question. What matters is Theory gets another win over a big name to add to his rapidly growing resume in a completely watchable match.

Post match Sheamus chases Pretty Deadly off.

We look at the Bloodline’s recent issues.

The Bloodline is in the back, where Paul Heyman says the Usos won’t be at Night Of Champions but they can join Roman Reigns for the 1,000 day title celebration next week. Jimmy Uso doesn’t know what Reigns’ problem is and goes to leave but Reigns tells him to sit down.

Jimmy doesn’t sit, so Reigns gets up in front of him and asks if Jimmy is standing up to him. Reigns tells him to let it out and reminds him of the whippings he gave Jimmy back in the day. He can give Jimmy another one now but Jey gets up and says he and Jimmy will see Reigns next week as the Usos leave. This is the kind of thing that actually feels like we’re getting somewhere, but the big stuff is tomorrow and next week.

Shotzi/Raquel Rodriguez vs. Damage Ctrl

Rodriguez powers Bayley around to start before it’s off to Sky. A chokeslam is broken up as Bayley comes in off a blind tag and a dropkick gives Sky two. We take a break and come back with Rodriguez fighting out of the corner and handing it back to Shotzi for the house cleaning. Shotzi dropkicks Bayley for two but Sky’s distraction lets Bayley rake the eyes. Stereo kicks to the head knock Shotzi silly with Rodriguez having to make a save of her own.

A tiger suplex gives Shotzi two and it’s back to Rodriguez, who is sent face first into the middle buckle. Rodriguez powers Sky into the corner where Bayley tags herself in. Bayley tries a middle rope sunset flip but Sky comes in off the top with a dropkick to Shotzi/backsplash that…lands on Rodriguez’s back as she was sitting on Bayley. Rodriguez stays on Bayley and gets the pin at 9:07. It was described as “miscommunication” so we’ll go with that.

Rating: C. That ending was kind of a mess but the result was the right way to go. Somehow Sky cost Bayley the pin and that is another step towards Damage Ctrl’s split. The team isn’t doing well right now and there is a good chance that they won’t be around that much longer. Shotzi is Rodriguez’s latest short term partner and I can’t imagine they’ll be a team long term anyway.

We see part of the Seth Rollins interview where he talks about what the World Title means to him.

Video on AJ Styles’ WWE career.

Video on Grayson Waller.

Cameron Grimes vs. Ashante Thee Adonis

The rest of Hit Row is here with Adonis. Grimes drops him to start and hits a running shooting star press for an early two. A Top Dolla distraction lets Adonis hammer away with some knees to the back. Grimes flips out of a suplex and hits some running forearms into a hurricanrana. The Cave In finishes Adonis at 2:10. Short and Grimes won so no complaints here.

Post match Baron Corbin jumps Cameron Grimes and lays him out.

Video on Asuka vs. Bianca Belair.

Here is Bianca Belair to talk about Asuka. She doesn’t like what Asuka has been doing and it isn’t the same Asuka from Wrestlemania. If Asuka wants to fight she can come do it, so cue Asuka….from behind, to jump Belair. Asuka gets a cross armbreaker but referees and agents break it up. Belair tries a KOD but the agents catch Asuka, who slips away. It’s better than their Wrestlemania build at least.

Rick Boogs vs. LA Knight

The Street Profits join commentary as Boogs throws Knight outside to start. Boogs drops him onto the announcers’ table but takes too long to get back inside, allowing Knight to hammer away. The running knee connects in the corner and Knight slams the back of Boogs’ head into the mat. Boogs powers him away again and hits a backdrop. The Boogs Cruise is broken up though and Blunt Force Trauma finishes for Knight at 3:17.

Rating: C. Much like Grimes, what matters here is that the result went the right way. Beating Boogs might not be the biggest victory in the world, but it is a lot better than Knight taking another loss. The fans are into Knight and seeing him get any kind of momentum is a good thing. He could use more, but I’ll take what I can get.

Post match Knight promises to smoke the Street Profits.

Karrion Kross is ready to hurt AJ Styles.

Video on Isla Dawn/Alba Fyre.

Karrion Kross vs. AJ Styles

Scarlett is here with Kross. Styles gets powered into the corner to start but comes back with a kick to the face. Scarlett breaks up a springboard though and Kross superkicks Styles off the apron. Cue Michin to chase Scarlett off and we take a break. Back with Kross elbowing him in the face and grabbing a chinlock. Styles fights up with the Pele into a basement forearm, followed by the fireman’s carry backbreaker for two. Kross misses his running forearm to the back of the head and gets knocked backwards, setting up the Phenomenal Forearm for the pin at 9:24.

Rating: B-. Good enough match here as Styles needed a win to get some momentum heading into Night Of Champions. Styles is a legend in his own right but he has been out of action for a long time and has more or less been the other guy as Rollins marches to his title. Kross continues to just be kind of there, and I’m not sure what can be done to fix that.

Post break Styles says he’s ready to win the title.

Night Of Champions rundown.

Video on Brock Lesnar vs. Cody Rhodes.

Here are Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn for the KO Show. They want Roman Reigns and Solo Sikoa out here right now but here is Paul Heyman to interrupt. Heyman says Reigns will be here when he wants to be but here are the Usos to interrupt (Heyman isn’t sure about this). The Usos get in Owens/Zayn’s face but Owens points out that Zayn has been right about Reigns the entire time.

Owens says Reigns can call himself the head of the table, but the Usos are the heart of the table. The reality is that Reigns treats them more like the appendix. They went from being the best team ever to Reigns’ errand boy. Jimmy says that when it comes to the Usos, he is the Tribal Chief….and Heyman knows Jimmy just screwed everything up.

Cue Reigns and Owens can’t help but smile. Zayn: “Roman, you know it’s over right? The Bloodline is collapsing and it’s all your fault.” Reigns goes after Zayn but walks into a Stunner, meaning the fight is on. Solo Sikoa is here with the Spikes though and Reigns is back up to break a bunch of stuff. Zayn gets speared and Jey hands Sikoa some Tag Team Titles.

Jimmy won’t hand the others to Reigns but Jey takes them from him and hands them over. Reigns holds up all four titles as Jimmy walks around in the back (Jey does the pose) to end the show. That was another pretty big storytelling moment and the split is getting closer. Usos vs. Reigns/Sikoa down the line sounds like a pretty good main event.

Overall Rating: B-. There wasn’t any really great match on the show, but it hyped up Night Of Champions and gave us more of the Bloodline drama. The Night Of Champions Tag Team Title match and next week’s celebration are going to be interesting and we could be in for something big no matter what happens on Saturday. The rest of the show advanced enough stuff to stay interesting and while it wasn’t must see, it was good enough for a watch.

Austin Theory b. Sheamus – Rollup
Raquel Rodriguez/Shotzi b. Damage Ctrl – Rollup to Bayley
Cameron Grimes b. Ashante Thee Adonis – Cave In
LA Knight b. Rock Boogs – Blunt Force Trauma
AJ Styles b. Karrion Kross – Phenomenal Forearm



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Smackdown – May 19, 2023: Meet The New Stars

Date: May 19, 2023
Location: Colonial Life Arena, Columbia, South Carolina
Commentators: Michael Cole, Wade Barrett

It’s the last live Smackdown before Night Of Champions and the pay per view could use some extra build. Last week we got the big surprise of Roman Reigns and Solo Sikoa getting to challenge for the Tag Team Titles, which shouldn’t exactly go well with the Usos. Other than that, AJ Styles needs to look sharp heading into the World Heavyweight Championship match and gets to be on the debut of the Grayson Waller Effect. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Here is the Bloodline (minus the Usos) to get things going. After we look at the announcement of the Tag Team Title match at Night Of Champions, Roman Reigns tells us to acknowledge him. Instead, cue Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn, with Reigns telling them to acknowledge him, leave the titles there, and see themselves out. Owens seems ready to fight instead, which doesn’t surprise Reigns. Instead, Reigns talks about having a lot of success in life but only one regret: spending so much of his life on Zayn.

That makes Zayn laugh, because the only thing he regrets is not hitting Reigns in the back with that chair a lot sooner. Zayn says Reigns isn’t getting the titles because he and Sikoa aren’t as good as Zayn and Owens….or the Usos for that matter. Cue the Usos to jump Zayn and Owens, which doesn’t have Reigns happy. Reigns yells at them and accidentally bumps into Sikoa (barely grazing him)….which seems to have Reigns a little nervous as he leaves on his own. They’re making Sikoa into the boogeyman monster of the team and it’s really starting to work.

Post break, Reigns is still yelling at the Usos and asks who is the quarterback of the Bloodline. He had something to say to Sami Zayn but he didn’t get to because the Usos had to do their own thing instead of what has worked this far. Reigns is the guy and he makes these choices, NOW GET OUT.

Brawling Brutes vs. Pretty Deadly

Before the match, Pretty Deadly are in chef’s hats and go over the ingredients for success (including charisma and a dash of both of them). Wilson and Butch start with Prince coming in fast to stomp on Butch’s fingers. You don’t do that to him though as it’s Butch stomping on both of their hands to take over. It’s off to Holland for the power, but a quick cheap shot lets Pretty Deadly pose as we take a break.

Back with Holland still in trouble but finally managing a shot to the ribs to send Prince flying. Holland shrugs off Wilson and hands it back to butch to clean house. A double fireman’s carry drop lets Holland show off his rather insane power, setting up stereo forearms to the Pretty Deadly chests. Pretty Deadly gets out and sends Holland into Butch, allowing Spilled Milk to finish Holland at 8:09.

Rating: C+. Pretty Deadly is the definition of a team that needs time to grow on you and starting them off with an upset win is a good way to go. The Brutes seemed to get a bit cocky here, which is the point of Pretty Deadly being a team that everyone underestimates. They’re off to a good start here and hopefully that can continue, as they could be quite the entertaining team.

Video on Superstar Billy Graham. That’s one of the bigger ones and you really can see the influence years later, along with how far ahead of his time he really was.

Zelina Vega promises that after her match at Backlash, she is ready for Asuka.

Asuka vs. Zelina Vega

Zelina starts fast and they fight straight to the floor. That’s fine with Asuka, who drops her onto the announcers’ table as we take a break. Back with Vega hitting a running dropkick out of the corner, followed by a 619. The Meteora gives Vega two and she tries a rollup, only to get pulled into the Asuka Lock. Vega flips back but Asuka pulls her into the double arm crank for the tap at 6:08. Not enough shown to rate but Vega was trying hard.

Post match Asuka stays on Vega but Bianca Belair runs in for the save. Asuka tries to mist Belair but only grazes her with it this time.

We look at the World Heavyweight Championship match being set up.

Here is Grayson Waller with his Grayson Waller Effect talk show. For his first guest on Smackdown, we go big with AJ Styles. Waller asks what winning the World Heavyweight Title would mean to Styles, who talks about being out of action with his broken ankle. Now that he’s back, he’s going as hard as he can, and now he is getting his chance. He’s sure that he’s going to win, and Waller seems to believe him. Or not as he picks Seth Rollins to win, leaving us with a staredown.

The LWO is ready for the Usos tonight.

Street Profits vs. LA Knight/Rick Boogs

Before the match, Knight says he’s after titles, including the Tag Team Titles. That’s why he’s going to lead this team to victory. Boogs starts fast by gorilla pressing Ford (with reps) so Dawkins wants to try instead. Some pumphandle lifts (egads this guy is strong) has Dawkins in more trouble and Knight drops an elbow.

Dawkins slips out of a double belly to back though and the hot tag brings in Ford. A high crossbody takes Knight and Boogs down and Ford kicks them both in the head. Boogs is rammed into Knight and Ford clotheslines Boogs to the floor. Ford hits the big flip dive to take them out again, setting up the Cash Out to finish Boogs at 3:57.

Rating: C+. I don’t think anyone was expecting this to be any kind of a big time team with Boogs and Knight, so getting the mess up and likely split out of the way makes sense. At the same time, Boogs continues to look like a force out there and that could be useful down the line. Knight didn’t take the fall though, which gives me a bit of hope for his future.

Post match, Knight lays out Boogs.

Cameron Grimes is rather happy with his win last week and now he’s living the dream here on Smackdown. He’s ready to go TO THE MOON.

Karrion Kross is coming for AJ Styles.

Valentina Feroz/Yulisa Leon vs. Alba Fyre/Isla Dawn

Non-title. Leon gets taken down by Fyre rather quickly. Dawn comes in and knees her in the face before handing it off to Feroz. The Gory Bomb/Downward Spiral combination finishes Feroz at 1:01. That was a nifty squash.

Liv Morgan is injured rather seriously and the Women’s Tag Team Titles have to be vacated. There will be a four way for the titles in two weeks on Raw to crown new champions.

Raquel Rodriguez, who will be in the four way with a partner to be named, says Morgan isn’t replaceable….and here is Damage Ctrl to interrupt. They’re not happy that Dakota Kai was injured last week to, but they’ll fight Rodriguez and anyone she can find next week (Iyo Sky still doesn’t look pleased with Bayley’s decision).

Here is Austin Theory for a chat. He isn’t happy because he was double teamed last week by Bobby Lashley and Sheamus, who knew he would go on to be the World Heavyweight Champion. Lashley has an obsession with it, but Theory doesn’t get it with Sheamus. They’re both tough and strong and they’ve both beat John Cena….though Sheamus did it when Theory was 12. Cue Sheamus to Brogue Kick theory and then walk out again.

Paul Heyman tells the Usos that Roman Reigns has forgiven him….but Reigns won’t be out there with them tonight. Heyman tries to explain why Reigns has so much to do before going with “come on, it’s the LWO!”. The Usos leave but they don’t seem happy. Heyman gets his phone out as they leave.

Usos vs. Rey Mysterio/Santos Escobar

Jimmy takes over on Rey to start but it’s quickly off to Escobar, who sends the Usos outside. Rey jumps onto Escobar’s shoulders to pose as we take an early break. Back with Escobar in trouble but managing to knock Jimmy down for a breather. Jey breaks up the tag attempt though and the running Umaga Attack connects. Escobar knees his way out of trouble, which this time is enough for the hot tag to Rey.

Everything breaks down and a headscissors gives Rey two, only to have Jey grab a pop up belly to back neckbreaker for the same. Rey knees his way out of a double suplex and hands it back to Escobar for the running knee in the corner. A super hurricanrana gets two on Jimmy and Rey adds a legdrop for the same. The 619 is cut off by a superkick though and the frog splash gives Jey two. The double Superfly Splash is loaded up but here is Kevin Owens for a distraction. Sami Zayn breaks up the splash, allowing Escobar to drop a frog splash for the pin at 14:20.

Rating: B. This got rolling by the end and the Usos’ downfall continues, as they no longer have the unbeatable mojo to carry them through their problems. That is the kind of thing that can take a long time to recover from and it should be interesting to see where it goes. At the same time, it was nice to see Escobar get a win, as it feels like something rather rare for him. Rather good main event here, as Rey can still bring it with the best of them.

In the back, Roman Reigns is mad but tells Solo Sikoa to stay and doesn’t look pleased to end the show.

Overall Rating: B-. Pretty nice effort this week with a good main event and what feels like the next step in the Bloodline’s downfall. That could make for a very interesting future, as Night Of Champions and beyond are looking a lot more intriguing. Other than that we had some new stars getting their chance to establish themselves and LA Knight didn’t lose, so we’ll call this a win.

Pretty Deadly b. Brawling Brutes – Spilled Milk to Holland
Asuka b. Zelina Vega – Double armbar
Street Profits b. Rick Boogs/LA Knight – Cash Out to Boogs
Alba Fyre/Isla Dawn b. Valentina Feroz/Yulisa Leon – Gory Bomb/Downward Spiral combination to Feroz
Rey Mysterio/Santos Escobar b. Usos – Frog splash to Jimmy



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Smackdown – May 12, 2023: Works As A One Off

Date: May 12, 2023
Location: Thompson-Bowling Arena, Knoxville, Tennessee
Commentators: Michael Cole, Wade Barrett

It’s tournament week again as we have the Smackdown half of the World Heavyweight Championship tournament. That means two more triple threat matches with the winners having a singles match, with the winner of that facing Seth Rollins at Night Of Champions for the title. Other than that, Roman Reigns is back so let’s get to it.

Here is Backlash if you need a recap.

World Heavyweight Championship Tournament First Round: Rey Mysterio vs. Edge vs. AJ Styles

Only Edge gets an entrance and they start with Edge’s sunset flip to Styles sending Rey flying. After that fairly complicated start, a more simplistic Edge-O-Matic gets two on Styles. Back up and Styles hits the sliding forearm on Edge, followed by a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker for two on Rey. Barrett points out that these three have NINETY YEARS of experience between them and now I just feel old. Rey gets in a few kicks of his own, only to get fall away slammed by Edge.

The spear is broken up by a double kick to the face before Rey hurricanranas Styles into the corner. A Code Red gets two on Edge but AJ sends Rey to the floor. Edge catches Rey in a hanging DDT, with AJ hitting a dropkick to drive them both down as we take a break. Back with Edge hitting a double spear through the ropes and to the floor for the crash. With Edge down, Styles grabs the Calf Crusher on Rey but Edge adds a Crossface at the same time. Edge and Styles headbutt each other to break it up and the non-Mysterio guys slug it out.

Mysterio tries a 619 but gets caught with a double dropkick to leave everyone down again. Back up and they go to the corner for the sunset bomb into the Tower of Doom and a big crash. Edge is up first and Edgecates Mysterio before switching it over to Styles. The rope is reached (means nothing in a triple threat) so Rey hits a 619 to Edge. Rey goes up and gets….kind of speared out of the air (Edge wasn’t ready so it looked like Rey tried a top rope DDT and Edge didn’t go down instead of a spear). Styles hits the Phenomenal Forearm to finish Edge at 16:12.

Rating: B. I was getting into this one by the end and it felt like a major match. That is no surprise given who was in the match as you have three people with this kind of talent and success over the years. Styles going forward is a bit of a surprise as I would have bet on Edge, but there was no bad option here.

We recap the Usos’ recent losses, though they did win at Backlash, albeit with Solo Sikoa on the team as well.

World Heavyweight Championship Tournament First Round: Bobby Lashley vs. Austin Theory vs. Sheamus

Non-title and Theory rolls outside to start, only for the other two to send him back inside. Back in and Theory gets clotheslined to the floor again, allowing Lashley to knock Sheamus into the corner for a running shoulder to the ribs. Sheamus is fine enough to knock Lashley to the apron for the forearms to the chest, followed by even more to Theory.

We take a break and come back with Lashley sending Theory into the post. Back in and Lashley drops Sheamus with a clothesline but runs into a raised boot in the corner. Lashley is right back with a belly to belly suplex but Theory comes back in to clean house. Sheamus shrugs that off and runs Theory over, setting up a super White Noise for two.

Back in and a bleeding Lashley spears Sheamus but gets sent into the post so Theory can get two. Theory elbows Lashley in the head but A Town Down is countered into a spinebuster. The Hurt Lock goes on until Sheamus Brogue Kicks Theory. Lashley sends Sheamus outside and pins Theory at 12:58.

Rating: B-. Not quite as good as the opener but Styles vs. Lashley should make a heck of a showdown later tonight. Sheamus vs. Lashley worked with the power and Theory was there to be a bit more than a pest, who was trying to steal the win where he could. I would have thought Sheamus was there to take the pin but why do that when you can have a champion who is starting to put it together do it instead?

Grayson Waller comes up to Adam Pearce and asks to have the winner of Styles vs. Lashley on the Grayson Waller Effect (talk show) next week. Sure.

Baron Corbin vs. Cameron Grimes

Before the match Corbin says in about two minutes, Grimes is going to want to go back to NXT. The Cave In (standing double stomp) finishes Corbin at 6 seconds. Well that worked.

Here is the Bloodline in full force to open things up. Reigns is rather happy here and says the people in this ring main evented both nights of Wrestlemania, which will never be done again. He’s also very pleased with Solo Sikoa for stepping up at Backlash. There was some worry about bringing Sikoa up to the main roster so fast because you can sink or swim. Sikoa swims like a shark though, because he deals with problems. Look at the Riddle problem! Sikoa mentions Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens, which has Reigns pleased because Sikoa is still thinking ahead.

We pause for the SAMI chant but Reigns says Sami and Owens aren’t a problem anymore. There is a problem though, and that is Sikoa’s brothers. Reigns wants to know what they thought was going to happen. Were they just going to lose in the main event of Wrestlemania and then lose the rematch (dedicated to Reigns) and not talk about it? Why are they dedicating a tag match to a singles wrestler? There are Hall of Fame tag teams in their family but they dedicated it to him?

Reigns doesn’t want to hear anything from them but an apology, though the fans aren’t sure about that. If Reigns was the Usos, he would just apologize, though Jimmy starts to laugh. Reigns shoves him in the face and Paul Heyman gets (halfway) out of the ring. The fans chant something that has to be censored but Jey gets between Reigns and Jimmy. Jey apologizes for the team and says they’ll bring the titles back with one more shot.

Reigns likes the idea and has Heyman fill the Usos in: at Night Of Champions, it’s Reigns/Sikoa vs. Zayn/Owens for the Tag Team Titles (Jey spinning around at the announcement is great). Reigns dedicates the victory and the title reign to the greatest team of all time: the Wild Samoans (his uncle and father). Cool surprise, though undermining the Draft less than two weeks in is something even for WWE.

Damage Ctrl is ready to win the Women’s Tag Team Titles, though Iyo Sky is not thrilled at first.

The Usos don’t like the Latino World Order laughing at them so Rey Mysterio and Santos Escobar come up to laugh even more. Jey has to walk away while hitting things.

Women’s Tag Team Titles: Damage Ctrl vs. Liv Morgan/Raquel Rodriguez

Morgan and Rodriguez are defending and Rodriguez powers Kai into the corner to start. Morgan comes in for a running shot in the corner, followed by the same from Rodriguez. We see Isla Dawn and Alba Fyre watching in the back as Bayley comes in with a clothesline for two. We take a break and come back with Rodriguez fighting out of trouble and bringing Morgan back in.

Rodriguez uses Morgan as a battering ram (with Morgan waving at the fans) but Kai manages to come off the top with a Meteora/powerbomb from Bayley combination to plant Morgan for a rather delayed two. Rodriguez cuts off Sky bringing in a belt, allowing Morgan to roll Kai up to retain at 8:47.

Rating: C. The match went fine as Damage Ctrl’s issues continue. That could lead to something interesting and I’m curious to see where it does go. At the same time, the tease of the two Women’s Tag Team Champions facing off and hopefully unifying their titles is a nice possibility and something that needs to happen. If nothing else, it would be nice to have a fresh match for the bigger stage.

Sheamus is upset at his loss when Pretty Deadly comes in. Pretty Deadly introduces themselves but are filling out forms to figure out who everyone is. The rest of the Brawling Brutes aren’t pleased with various insults to their intelligence, so a match seems imminent.

Here is Bianca Belair for a rather orange and white (University of Tennessee colors) championship celebration. Before she can say anything though, here is Asuka to mist her, because the Wrestlemania loss meant nothing. A trainer comes out to check on Belair.

Post break, Belair is still being checked on.

World Heavyweight Championship Tournament Semifinals: AJ Styles vs. Bobby Lashley

The winner gets Seth Rollins for the title at Night Of Champions. Lashley, with a big bump on his head, tries to back Styles into the corner but Styles bobs and weaves away. Styles finally gets caught in the corner for some elbows to the neck as Lashley takes over. They head outside with Lashley posting him as we take a break.

Back with Styles grabbing the Calf Crusher before switching to a DDT for two. Lashley muscles him up with a lifting Downward Spiral for two but his knee might have given out. Styles hits the sliding forearm but misses a charge and gets Hurt Locked. The rope breaks that up as Lashley is busted open again. Styles is able to post Lashley for a change and knocks him into it again for a bonus. The Phenomenal Forearm is cut off back inside and Lashley’s running powerslam gets two more. The spear only hits post though and now the Phenomenal Forearm can send Styles to Night Of Champions at 12:01.

Rating: B. Another good back and forth match here and we should be in for a heck of a showdown between Styles and Rollins at Night Of Champions. Styles is someone you can slot into any title match and have it work out well and that was the case here. Beating Lashley still means a lot and it felt like a big time main event to set up the even bigger title match.

We run down the Night Of Champions card.

The OC comes out to celebrate with Styles to end the show.

Overall Rating: B+. Much like Raw and NXT, this show was about the tournaments with the new stars being slipped in where they could. That worked rather well here with three rather good TV matches and a fun debut for Grimes. At the same time, Pretty Deadly and Fyre/Dawn seem to have something ready to go, making this another efficient show. They won’t be able to do something like this every week, but I’ll certainly take it as a very good one off.

AJ Styles b. Edge and Rey Mysterio – Phenomenal Forearm to Edge
Bobby Lashley b. Austin Theory and Sheamus – Brogue Kick to Theory
Cameron Grimes b. Baron Corbin – Cave In
Liv Morgan/Raquel Rodriguez b. Damage Ctrl – Rollup to Kai
AJ Styles b. Bobby Lashley – Phenomenal Forearm


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NXT – May 2, 2023: The Latest Finale

Date: May 2, 2023
Location: Capitol Wrestling Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Booker T., Vic Joseph

We are in for the final night before everything changes up next week. The NXT roster was gutted by the WWE Draft and now we get to see everyone have one last night around here. This is going to include multiple champions, so we could be in for some last minute title changes, which could be quite the shakeup. Or WWE will just do something stupid. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

We open with a recap of the NXT Draft picks.

North American Title: Wes Lee vs. Drew Gulak

Lee, with Tyler Bate (as evened out by Charlie Dempsey), is defending. An early dropkick puts Gulak on the floor but he’s back in with a sunset flip for two. Back up and Lee takes him to the top, only to get knocked to the mat for a top rope clothesline. Gulak cranks on both arms at once but Lee slips out and wins a slugout. A German suplex out of the corner is blocked and Gulak heads outside, where he is taken down by a dive. Dempsey’s interference is cut off by Bate and the Cardiac Kick retains the title at 5:23.

Rating: B-. They didn’t have a lot of time here but they crammed in what they could for a nice opener. Lee is a great choice to open the show as he can excite the fans rather easily no matter who he is in there against. Gulak is going to be around as long as he wants to as he can always be a trainer, plus actively wrestling on the side. Nice opener here and I could have gone for a longer version.

We look at Carmelo Hayes retaining the NXT Title last week against Carmelo Hayes. After the match, the challenge was thrown out to Bron Breakker, who then wrecked Hayes and Trick Williams.

Alba Fyre and Isla Dawn are ready to retain the NXT Women’s Tag Team Titles before they leave NXT for good after tonight. They’re leaving the place in darkness.

Here is Trick Williams for an angry chat. He has known Carmelo Hayes since high school and they have been friends for years. Last week he took a spear for Hayes and he would do it again in a heartbeat because it’s his instinct. Cue Bron Breakker to say Williams must be tougher than Hayes because he’s actually here. The match is on for Battleground, but Williams wants to face Breakker as well. Breakker does it on his time so they can fight next week.

JD McDonagh is ready to move up to Raw but Noam Dar comes in to tell him to take out Dragon Lee tonight. McDonagh says stay away from him or he’ll take the Heritage Cup with him to Raw.

Gigi Dolin vs. Jacy Jayne

Jayne knees her in the ribs to start and trips Dolin face first onto the apron. Back in and Dolin’s half nelson attempt is blocked and it’s a superkick to stagger her again. Dolin is back with a kick to the head though and an STO gets two on Jayne. They head outside again (where Dolin’s brother is watching in the crowd) and some Kawada kicks send Jayne’s head into the steps. They get back inside where Dolin is sent into the turnbuckle bar, allowing Jayne to hit a spinning kick to the face for the pin at 3:22.

Rating: C. Again they didn’t have much time here but this was about giving Jayne a pin over Dolin to even things up a bit. It was a quick beating and Dolin didn’t get in a ton of offense, but at least there were some shenanigans setting up the finish. There will probably be a rubber match at Battleground, but this feud has gone ice cold since Jayne got injured.

Post match Jayne keeps up the beating and even mocks Dolin’s brother for a bonus.

Axiom vs. Scrypts

Scrypts (no entrance) jumps Axiom to start but gets armdragged down. A northern lights suplex drops Scrypts again but he sends Axiom outside. The big dive drops Axiom and a top rope moonsault press gives Scrypts two back inside. Scrypts dropkicks him out of the air but Axiom knees him in the face for two. Axiom gets dropped again but he manages to superkick Scrypts out of the air as well. The Golden Ratio finishes Scrypts at 4:17.

Rating: C+. Now just move on to something else for Axiom already. He’s a talented guy who has been stuck in this weird/not interesting feud with Scrypts for a good while now. They did some nice things here with the flips and dives, but I’m still not sure what the point of Scrypts is supposed to be and I don’t know if NXT knows it either.

Post match Scrypts goes after Axiom and gets exposed as….well the fans chant Reggie but no name is given. This is up there with Doom’s reveal for non-surprises.

Earlier today, Brooks Jensen joined Josh Briggs and Fallon Henley at the bar and thanked them for dealing with him. They say he doesn’t need to apologize, but he did learn enough from Kiana James to help the bar make more money. Some women come up to hit on Jensen but he politely declines because he’s with his friends.

Dragon Lee vs. JD McDonagh

Lee works on the arm to start but gets driven into the corner. That doesn’t work for Lee, who hits some rapid fire dropkicks in the corner. Cue Noam Dar for a distraction though, allowing McDonagh to tie Lee up in the Tree of Woe. A charge misses Lee and sends McDonagh crotching himself into the post as we take a break.

Back with McDonagh holding a bodyscissors to keep Lee in trouble. Lee isn’t having that though and goes up top for a high crossbody, setting up the big flip dive to the floor. The top rope double stomp gives Lee two and they head to the apron, where McDonagh gets struck in the chest a lot.

They both crash down to the floor and beat the count, with Lee snapping off a fast German suplex. The poisonrana plants McDonagh again but he’s back with a hard clothesline as Noam Dar is here. Lee heads up but gets cut off by a super Spanish Fly. The brainbuster gives McDonagh two, only to have Lee Canadian Destroy him to the floor. Back in and the Devlin Side finishes Lee out of nowhere at 15:03.

Rating: B. These two got a lot more time and had a much better match, which shouldn’t be surprising given the talent involved. McDonagh gets a nice showcase on the way on the way out of NXT and onto Raw with some momentum. At the same time, Lee needs to win something around here and I’m not sure why he keeps losing so often. The talent is there, but those losses pile up.

Post match Lee and Dar brawl to the back.

Katana Chance and Kayden Carter are ready to win the Women’s Tag Team Titles because they’re a better team.

Joe Gacy is ready to sacrifice his body to Joe Coffey to get the Dyad a Tag Team Title match.

We look at various women being attacked in recent months.

Joe Gacy vs. Joe Coffey.

If Gacy wins, the Dyad gets a Tag Team Title shot against Gallus and the rest of Schism is here. Coffey knees him into the corner to start and stomps away but Gacy hits a knee to the face. The chinlock doesn’t last long as Coffey fights up and hits an elbow for two. Gacy’s belly to back gets the same but gets caught with All The Best For The Bells. The Dyad puts a foot on the rope though and Gacy hits the Upside Down for the pin at 3:21.

Rating: C-. Well Gacy wasn’t going to lose here, even if he should have. Putting the focus on the Dyad is a better idea than focusing on Gacy, though it wouldn’t surprise me to see that coming sooner rather than later. At the end of the day, Schism is still the same level of bad that they have been since they came in and I don’t see it getting any better anytime soon.

Sol Ruca (via phone), Tank Ledger and Hank Walker give Dani Palmer a pep talk. Oba Femi comes in to scare the guys.

Eddy Thorpe was training earlier when Damon Kemp came in to tell him to take out the trash. Kemp called him a young boy too, making a match seem imminent.

Dani Palmer vs. Tatum Paxley

Palmer flips around to start, including flipping out of a wristlock and into a rollup for two on Paxley. Back up and Paxley knocks her into the corner to take over, setting up a chinlock with a knee in the spine. Palmer slips out of an abdominal stretch attempt and avoids a splash, followed by something like a standing Sliced Bread to drop Paxley again. A frog splash gives Palmer the pin at 3:59.

Rating: C+. This was a showcase for Palmer and that’s what it needed to be. She has the athleticism and some charisma to go with it so there is certainly potential there. Paxley is far from a top star but she is someone who has been around long enough to have a bit of a reputation. That makes her perfect to put Palmer over to start and that is all it needed to be here.

Andre Chase is too banged up from facing Bron Breakker, meaning he can’t teach this week. Instead, Duke Hudson takes over the teaching and says we have no more pop quizzes. Hudson: “Duke University?”

Von Wagner and Mr. Stone are going through a photo album but Wagner doesn’t want to talk about one of the photos. Wagner leaves, and Stone sees a baby dealing with a lot of medical issues (presumably Wagner himself).

Women’s Tag Team Titles: Alba Fyre/Isla Dawn vs. Kayden Carter/Katana Chance

Carter/Chance are challenging and both teams are main roster bound. The champs jump them to start fast and the fight is on the floor before the bell. Chance dives onto both of them and we get the bell, allowing Chance to sunset flip Fyre for two. Carter clears the ring and hits a few kicks from the apron as we take a break.

Back with Chance snapping off a hurricanrana to Fyre, followed by a flipping legdrop to the back of the head for two. A springboard moonsault/legdrop combination gets two on Fyre but she kicks Chance into the corner. The Backstabber/Swanton combination gets two, with Carter having to make the save.

Everything breaks down and the 450/neckbreaker combination hits Dawn for two more and it’s time for the big double slugout. Dawn gets sent outside and a super Spanish Fly gets two on Fyre. A high crossbody hits Dawn but Fyre is back in with a Gory Bomb/Downward Spiral combination (that looked sweet) to retain at 9:14.

Rating: B-. Another fun match here, but they didn’t do it any favors with the break in the middle. It still gets very old having that cut out such a big chunk of the match but what we did get to see worked well. Now I’m curious to see what happens to the titles, though I could go with seeing them unified with the WWE Women’s Tag Team Titles.

Dijak blames Ilja Dragunov for the beating he received last week.

Apollo Crews runs into Trick Williams in the parking low and gives him a pep talk.

Here is Women’s Champion Indi Hartwell, with the fans telling her that SHE DESERVES IT (likely meaning the promotion to the main roster, not the walking boot and crutches). She talks about her path here and what it meant for her to become champion. Then she got hurt in a title defense, but the title reign wasn’t ending on the medical table. Now she is on the way to Raw, but the most important thing right now is NXT.

Starting next week, there will be a tournament to crown a new Women’s Champion, with the new champion being crowned at Battleground. Hartwell leaves the title in the ring….and Dexter Lumis pops out from underneath said ring. Dexter takes her away and Tiffany Stratton comes in to pick up the title. A bunch more women come in and the big brawl ends the show. Makes sense, as Hartwell doesn’t seem able to lose the title right now and you don’t want her getting beaten on the way to the main roster. It also gives a bunch of people something to do so this is the right way to go.

Overall Rating: B-. This was a very different kind of show, as NXT is finishing up a bunch of stars and there isn’t much that can be done with them as a result. Instead, you had some farewells and some things being set up for once everyone is gone. That doesn’t leave you with many options, but at least they got through the show with some good action and an important development in the end. The new NXT starts next week, but for now their latest finale went well.

Wes Lee b. Drew Gulak – Cardiac Kick
Jacy Jayne b. Gigi Dolin – Spinning kick to the face
Axiom b. Scrypts – Golden Ratio
JD McDonagh b. Dragon Lee – Devlin Side
Dani Palmer b. Tatum Paxley – Frog splash



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NXT – April 11, 2023: He’ll Do Nicely

Date: April 11, 2023
Location: Capitol Wrestling Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Vic Joseph, Booker T.

With no major special events in sight, it is time to start getting ready for the next big TV show. That would be two weeks away with Spring Breakin, which is going to need a main event. This week will see a four way match for the #1 contendership, with participants to be announced. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening recap.

Here are Carmelo Hayes and Trick Williams to get things going. Hayes wants to talk about Bron Breakker turning on him last week. There was no passing of the torch because Hayes took it. Hayes and Breakker are going to be facing off for a long time and Stand & Deliver was just a chapter in a long story. Tonight, Hayes is flexing his championship muscle and inviting Breakker into the four way #1 contenders match. That means he’s telling, not asking.

Cue Dragon Lee to interrupt, saying that Hayes is talented but he’s coming for the title. Hayes welcomes him to NXT and says never interrupt the champ. Lee gets a pass because he’s new around here, but here is JD McDonagh to interrupt. McDonagh promises to win the match and the title, but Hayes makes a leprechaun joke. Now it’s Grayson Waller, who says there are some stupid people here. Hayes says there are a lot of them’s but one him. This was your “hi, I want a title match” opening segment.

Kiana James and Fallon Henley argue again. Brooks Jensen is nowhere to be found.

Sol Ruca and Dani Palmer were making a TikTok video in the parking lot when Tiffany Stratton interrupted. Tiffany was NOT happy about them being in her space but left in a huff.

Women’s Tag Team Titles: Alba Fyre/Isla Dawn vs. Fallon Henley/Kiana James

Henley/James, with Josh Briggs, are challenging. James jumps Dawn to start and the fight is on fast. It’s off to Henley, who gets tripped down and forearmed by Fyre. We see Brooks Jensen arriving as Henley jawbreaks her way to freedom and brings James back in. The champs are cleared out and we take a break.

Back with James in trouble but managing a belly to back suplex to Fyre. Henley gets the tag and trades kicks with Dawn for a double knockdown. Cue Jensen to try to bring in the loaded purse but the referee ejects him as Henley tells him to get out. Jensen shoves Briggs down and carries James off, leaving Dawn to get Backstabbered and Swantoned to retained the titles at 10:05

Rating: C. Henley and James have been bickering for months now and they are still doing just that. There is only so much that you can get out of that idea and we might be reaching that point. At the same time, Dawn and Fyre are looking like fairly good champions, even if there isn’t much to compare them to. Just get on with the Henley/James stuff already so everyone can move on to something else.

Video on Noam Dar and the Heritage Cup.

It’s time to present the Chase University MVP Award to Duke Hudson. After a speech from Andre Chase about Hudson saving the day, Hudson seems mostly grateful and does his own spelling chant. Cue Bron Breakker to interrupt, saying everyone wants to hear from him. Breakker doesn’t care that he is being rude, but he has realized that the title is a curse.

He doesn’t need the approval of these scumbags any longer, but for tonight, Hudson should be in the #1 contenders match. Breakker goes to leave, only to turn around and spear Chase in half. The Chase U flag is ripped in half. This didn’t feel like the start of a feud and it shouldn’t be.

Gigi Dolin is at her childhood home, which looks less than inviting. She talks about how she wanted to be loved and escape from this place. Jacy Jayne knew that and then attacked her anyway, but she will never break Dolin’s spirit.

Earlier this week, as shown by NXT Anonymous, Tony D’Angelo and Stacks attacked Pretty Deadly.

Javier Bernal vs. Eddy Thorpe

They go to the mat to start with Thorpe getting the better of things and hitting a crossbody. Cue Damon Kemp to watch as Bernal sends Thorpe outside. Back in and a suplex sets up a Boston crab on Thorpe, who slips out rather quickly. Thorpe’s double underhook swinging suplex finishes Bernal at 3:36.

Rating: C. This was little more than a way to get Thorpe some more exposure as he continues his start. Beating up a goon like Bernal is a fine way to go as the fans will react to it enough and Thorpe can get something out of it. Thorpe has potential, but he has to get some wins before that potential can start to be realized. These matches might not be great, but they’ll be helpful for him on the way up.

Gallus interrupted Tank Ledger’s photo shoot but as interrupted by Schism. The Dyad want a Tag Team Title shot.

Scrypts is ready to expose Axiom.

Sol Ruca vs. Tiffany Stratton

Stratton takes her down by the wrist to start before they take turns flipping over each other. Ruca actually falls for a handshake and is quickly taken down for a standing moonsault. The armbar keeps Ruca down but she fights up with some running shoulders. A flipping corner clothesline and a powerslam give Ruca two, with Stratton bailing to the floor. Ruca’s dive is cut off with a kick to the arm, setting up a Regal Roll. The moonsault gives Stratton the pin at 5:30.

Rating: C+. The athleticism was on display here but Ruca didn’t get to show nearly what she can do. That’s the right play in a match like this though, as this was about making Stratton look like a star. The flips looked great with that moonsault to finish being a thing of beauty. Stratton very well could be the next breakout star in the division so there is no reason to have her lose here.

Duke Hudson is fired up about bringing gold to Chase U.

The Creed Brothers want Gallus for the Tag Team Titles next week. With them gone, Tiffany Stratton comes in to say Indi Hartwell is scared.

Here is Cora Jade for a chat. Jade talks about how it is time to start humbling some people. Zoey Stark can do a lot of impressive things in the ring, but she’ll never be champion. Roxanne Perez is only famous for Jade turning on her and how long is she using what happened to her as a crutch? Gigi Dolin was close to winning the title but that title says Cora Jade.

Then there’s Tiffany Stratton, who has the tools but Jade runs this place. Lyra Valkyria is fearless but she should fear Jade. Finally there is Indi Hartwell, who isn’t in a fairy tale but rather Jade’s NXT. Cue Valkyria to interrupt and accuse Jade of being jealous. The fight is on and Jade bails fast. This was a weird mixture of compliments and insults but Jade seems to have a next opponent lined up.

Wes Lee is interrupted by Charlie Dempsey and Drew Gulak, who wonder how he would handle being tied up on the mat. Lee more or less says bring it and leaves.

Von Wagner vs. Ilja Dragunov

If Wagner loses, Mr. Stone (ringside) is done with him. Wagner jumps him to start as Booker compares Wagner to Shaquille O’Neal. Dragunov is back up with the Constantine Special and a suplex to drop Wagner again. Wagner gets in a slam off the top but Dragunov kicks him in the head to take over again. The Torpedo finishes for Dragunov at 3:23.

Rating: C+. That’s exactly what it needed to be, as there was no reason to believe that Wagner was going to be a threat to Dragunov. After months of Wagner losing every big match he had, he wasn’t going to beat a star like Dragunov for the sake of keeping his manager. This was more a matter of necessity to split up Wagner and Stone and if I get to watch Dragunov wreck someone, so be it.

Stone walks away from Wagner. Cue Dijak to stare Dragunov down and threaten violence.

Hank Walker gives Tank Ledger a pep talk.

Tank Ledger vs. Joe Coffey

The rest of Gallus is here too. Ledger shoves him down to start but Coffey is right back in with an armbar. That’s broken up and Ledger hits a splash but what looks to be an Alabama Slam is broken up. They head outside with Coffey sending him into the steps, followed by All The Best For The Bells back inside. A second one finishes Ledger off at 4:25.

Rating: C. Much like Dragunov vs. Wagner, this wasn’t about drama as Ledger wasn’t going to win here, save for a very surprising upset. Coffey hasn’t been around for a good while and needed a win, but this wasn’t entirely dominant. Ledger got in a few shots here and showed some potential, but it isn’t close to his time yet.

Post match the Creed Brothers and Schism comes in to fight.

Roxanne Perez comes up to Tony D’Angelo and Stacks to say they’ll all win titles. Then Zoey Stark comes in to mock Perez, resulting in a match for next week. With Perez gone, Pretty Deadly jumps D’Angelo and Stacks.

Grayson Waller vs. Duke Hudson vs. JD McDonagh vs. Dragon Lee

The winner gets a title shot in two weeks. Hudson gets knocked to the floor to start, leaving Waller to take over inside. Back in and Hudson suplexes McDonagh and Waller at the same time but Lee low bridges him to the floor. The big flip dive drops Hudson again and McDonagh Asai moonsaults onto Lee. Waller’s rolling Stunner hits Hudson but he gets dropped as well. Everyone is down as we take a break.

Back with Lee hitting a bunch of dropkicks in the corner but Waller cuts him off. Hudson is back up to clean house, including a bionic elbow on Waller. A slingshot German suplex gets two on Lee but McDonagh hits Hudson with a poisonrana. Lee makes the save with a top rope double stomp, followed by another to bring McDonagh out of the corner. There’s the suicide dive onto Hudson and a running shot to McDonagh’s face for two. Lee powerbombs Hudson but Waller hits the rolling Stunner to steal the pin and the title shot at 12:45.

Rating: B. This was the all action match that you would expect here with a bit of a surprise result. Waller winning is an interesting way to go as he is the most established of the four stars but he just lost a huge match at Stand & Deliver. He’ll do for a first challenger for Hayes though and it came after a pretty great match. The four of them kept moving almost entirely throughout and Waller stealing the win suits him perfectly. Very good main event and the best thing on the show.

Waller drinks from a shoe and gets stared down by Carmelo Hayes to end the show.

Overall Rating: B-. Solid show here with matches that kept stories moving and got some people into new spots. What matters here is setting up a bigger show with Spring Breakin and they got the main event ready here. The rest of the card can be set up next week, but for now we had some stuff going on and a good main event. That’s a nice use of two hours, as tends to be the case for NXT.

Alba Fyre/Isla Dawn b. Fallon Henley/Kiana James – Swanton to Henley
Eddy Thorpe b. Javier Bernal – Swinging double underhook suplex
Tiffany Stratton b. Sol Ruca – Moonsault
Ilja Dragunov b. Von Wagner – Torpedo
Joe Coffey b. Tank Ledger – All The Best For The Bells
Grayson Waller b. Dragon Lee, Duke Hudson and JD McDonagh – Powerbomb to Hudson



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