NXT UK – August 11, 2022: Their Run Of The Mill Style

Date: August 11, 2022
Location: BT Sports Studio, London, England
Commentators: Nigel McGuinness, Andy Shepherd

We’re in a new world around here as the United Kingdom Title is vacant and that means it is time for a tournament to crown a new one. Other than that, we have the usual issues to deal with, likely meaning an NXT guest star and some stuff in the pretty decent women’s division. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

We recap Ilja Dragunov getting injured and the need for a title tournament.

United Kingdom Title Tournament First Round: Oliver Carter vs. Charlie Dempsey

The rest of Die Familie is here with Dempsey and Carter is coming in with a banged up knee. Both of them get inset promos promising to win. Carter isn’t having any of this Die Familie posing before the bell and jumps Dempsey to start fast. A clothesline puts Dempsey on the floor and there’s the slingshot dive, with the knee holding up well enough. Back in and Dempsey sends him hard into the corner so the leg hits the ropes.

Dempsey takes him down by the leg for some rather painful looking cranking. Carter fights up and tries a springboard, only to hurt his leg again. Of course Dempsey is fine with going after an injured limb, setting up a northern lights suplex for two. Carter kicks out of a kneebar attempt so Dempsey ties up the leg again and fires off some forearms to the chest.

A leg trap dragon suplex gets two on Carter but that’s escaped as well. Some forearms stagger Dempsey to start Carter’s comeback but his knee gives out again. A Rock Bottom gives Carter two so he tries the superkick, only to have his knee fail one more time. Another dragon screw legwhip sets up a half crab….which Carter reverses into a cradle for the pin at 9:11.

Rating: C+. Carter has come a long way and it is nice to see him getting a chance like this. He has no chance of winning the title but he got a win here and gets to keep going for one more match. It’s also weird seeing Dempsey get pinned, but he is the kind of guy who is going to be able to have a spot for as long as he wants as there is always room for a technical star.

After last week’s #1 contenders main event ended in a mess, Blair Davenport, Eliza Alexander, Amale and Isla Dawn had to be separated.

Tyler Bate is ready to be United Kingdom Champion again.

Eliza Alexander vs. Thea Hail

Alexander fires off forearms to start but gets flipped into the corner for her efforts. Back up and Hail hits a quick dropkick but gets sent hard into the corner. There’s a hair toss to start working on the hair and a camel clutch to work on Hail’s…..camels? Hail powers up and hits an enziguri but a standing moonsault hits raised knees. Alexander hits a running kick to the face for the pin at 4:14.

Rating: C-. Hail has a lot of energy and her charisma in the Chase U segments are great, but the matches aren’t quite clicking yet. It’s also a little weird to see her lose here when she’s treated as something of a project, especially to Xia Brookside’s enforcer. Not much of a match, with something of an odd result.

Amale is immediately interrupted by Nina Samuels, who calls Amale no hope to the French whatsoever. Amale rants in French before switching to English to say she’ll go through anyone to become champion, including Samuels.

Andre Chase finishes explaining why we don’t have a U in the word “color” but Eddie Dennis comes in to besmirch this university. Chase: “WHO THE F*** DO YOU THINK YOU ARE???” This is a TEACHABLE MOMENT and somehow Dennis gets a match with….Saxton Huxley? Dennis vs. Chase is as obvious of a path as you can get around here.

Teoman vs. Sam Gradwell

Rohan Raja is here with Teoman. Gradwell grinds away on a headlock to start but Teoman is back with a slap to the face. This goes as well as expected as Gradwell punches him in the face a few times, followed by a clothesline out to the floor. A Raja distraction lets Teoman sweep the leg on the apron though and we hit the chinlock back inside.

Gradwell powers up and tosses him away, with Teoman coming up holding his ankle. Even Gradwell doesn’t buy this but Raja grabs him from behind for a neck snap across the top. Teoman’s sliding forearm gets two so Gradwell fights up and slugs away. Raja gets caught pulling Gradwell off the ropes though and that’s an ejection. The distraction lets Gradwell hit a Samoan driver for the pin at 5:45.

Rating: C. Commentary was putting over how far Gradwell has come and that is absolutely right. He has gone from little more than another person without much of a personality to being the one who stands up to evildoers. That is the kind of spot that could serve him well as he is intense enough to make it work, which is exactly what he is doing.

Mark Coffey is in Sid Scala’s office when Noam Dar comes in, saying they need to talk. Dar wants a rematch and that’s fine with Coffey, who tells Scala to make a rubber match. Scala will get on that.

United Kingdom Title Tournament First Round: Wolfgang vs. Trent Seven

They take their time to start until Wolfgang shoulders him down. An armdrag into an armbar has Seven in more trouble, followed by some shoulders driven into his shoulders. Wolfgang runs him over again and they head outside with Seven being whipped into the barricade. Seven cuts off a dive from the barricade though and the beating is on back inside.

We hit the chinlock with a knee in Wolfgang’s back until he powers up, only to have his ribs give out. The ribs are fine enough for a release German suplex, setting up a basement shoulder for a double breather. A suplex into a cutter gives Wolfgang two and a fireman’s carry gutbuster gets the same. Wolfgang knocks him off the top but the Howling only hits raised knees. The Birminghammer finishes for Seven at 8:56.

Rating: C+. Nice stuff here, as Seven gets a win to continue his run. He isn’t likely to win the title either but he is in a better spot than Wolfgang, who just lost his title shot. The match was good enough too, with Wolfgang getting to dominate until Seven caught him in the end.

Overall Rating: C+. The good thing about having a tournament is that you can have a good idea of how long it is going to run. Odds are this one is going to last for probably a month, which should give us some nice action and drama. Other than that, we had the usual nice show with a bit of everything mixed in. In other words, it was your run of the mill NXT UK.

Oliver Carter b. Charlie Dempsey – Rollup
Eliza Alexander b. Thea Hail – Running kick to the face
Sam Gradwell b. Teoman – Samoan driver
Trent Seven b. Wolfgang – Birminghammer



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NXT UK – August 4, 2022: And Then Things Changed

Date: August 4, 2022
Location: BT Sports Studios, London, England
Commentators: Nigel McGuinness, Andy Shepherd

Things should be getting a bit more energized around here as we had the big showdown for the United Kingdom Title last week. Ilja Dragunov is going to need a fresh opponent after dispatching Wolfgang and a bigger one would be nice. This week is a title week also, as we have Meiko Satomura defending the Women’s Title against Sarray. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Here is United Kingdom Champion Ilja Dragunov for a chat….and he’s on crutches. Dragunov says he suffered a severe ankle injury during his title defense last week (insert clip here) and that means he cannot defend his title. Therefore it has to be vacated, but he isn’t going to talk about how hard this is for him.

Everyone back there is fighting hard every day and there is nothing special about him. He doesn’t regret anything he did in the ring and when he looks around the ring, there are bits of his soul all around the canvas. All he wanted to do was show that he could do this and the only person who defeats him is himself. Dragunov promises to come back for his title before laying the belt in the ring and walking away. Gah that’s frustrating, as I was curious to see how they were going to get the title off of him otherwise.

Chase University has come to London and see the sights, with Bodie Hayward wanting to stay at the Tower Of London. Then they go to the important place: the NXT UK Performance Center, where they find Sha Samuels basically destitute outside. Hayward has this one and thinks Shaw could make it into Chase U. This sends Shaw into a rant and we might have a match, partially due to Hayward being called a “stupid mark”. Hayward to Chase: “That guy works here?”

Johnny Saint and Sid Scala announce an eight man tournament for the vacant United Kingdom Title, with participants being announced later tonight.

Oliver Carter vs. Rohan Raja

The rest of Die Familie is here with Raja. Carter doesn’t waste time and starts striking away, including a running dropkick to put Raja outside. A quick Charlie Dempsey distraction breaks that up though and Carter gets stomped down on the floor. Back in and a hard whip into the corner keeps Carter in trouble and we hit the abdominal stretch.

That’s switched into the same thing from Carter, which is broken up without much trouble. What looks to be a fall away slam is countered with a knee to Raja’s head and a springboard moonsault scores for Carter. There’s a dive to take out the rest of Die Familie, followed by the running spinwheel kick in the corner to finish Raja at 5:23.

Rating: C. Carter getting to shine while his partner is on the shelf is a good sign for his future and I’m curious to see what he gets to do until Ashton Smith gets back. Die Familie continues its up and down success, but they were never presented as some top team so the losses don’t have quite the same sting. This one didn’t change much, but Carter fighting against Die Familie is something for him to do.

Post match Die Familie comes in to beat Carter down.

Thea Hail is happy to be here but Eliza Alexander doesn’t like her. A match seems imminent.

Teoman is happy with what happened to Oliver Carter, because that was a win. Sam Gradwell comes in and implies he doesn’t like bullies.

Sha Samuels vs. Bodie Hayward

The rest of Chase U is here too. Samuels is so broke that he has all of his possessions in a bindle. He also apparently smells bad as Hayward shoves him into the corner. The fans want Samuels to take a shower as he gets hiptossed and clotheslined. A neck snap across the top gets Samuels out of trouble and he elbows Hayward in the face. There’s a kick to Hayward’s back but he’s back up with the running shoulders to Samuels’ legs. The splash gives Hayward two but he misses a charge into the corner, setting up a spinebuster to give Samuels the pin at 4:45.

Rating: C. Another just kind of there match, though I’m not sure I get why Samuels would win here. He is so down on his luck that losing to a student would make sense, though at least he might be able to get somewhere with a win. The down on his luck story is a fun way to go, even if Samuels isn’t that interesting in the first place.

Samuels is REALLY happy with his win.

Oliver Carter is banged up, but Sid Scala comes in to say he’s in the title tournament, with his first round match coming up next week. Carter is banged up but he can go with that.

We recap Ilja Dragunov vacating the title (in a full video package, which is all the more impressive/unnecessary when it was both on this show and earlier in the same show). Here are the tournament brackets:

Trent Seven

Charlie Dempsey
Oliver Carter

Mark Andrews
Joe Coffey

Tyler Bate
Kenny Williams

Women’s Title: Meiko Satomura vs. Sarray

Satomura is defending, but hold on because here is Blair Davenport to interrupt. Apparently Satomura and Sarray aren’t here for some non-apparent reason. Davenport says Satomura keeps ducking her and the title reign is due to Davenport breaking her ankle months ago. Cue Amale to say hold on, with Eliza Alexander cutting them both off to complain about not getting the title shot. Davenport doesn’t want to hear this but Isla Dawn pops up behind her and says it’s her shot. Sid Scala says we still need a main event tonight so it’s Davenport vs. Dawn for the #1 contendership.

Blair Davenport vs. Isla Dawn

Dawn kicks her down to start and cranks on the ankle early on. Back up and Davenport manages some kicks into the corner, setting up the required leg choke. Davenport sends her to the corner where Dawn gets in a knee to the face for two, allowing her to flap her arms a bit.

A running knee to the face gives Dawn two more and we hit the chinlock. That’s broken up and they slug it out with Davenport getting the better of things. A basement dropkick gives Davenport two of her own but Dawn is back with a hard belly to back suplex for two more. Dawn hits a top rope Meteora for two, but Eliza Alexander pulls her out for the DQ at 7:12.

Rating: C+. This was one of Dawn’s better matches but they telegraphed that finish way too hard. It didn’t make sense for Alexander and Amale to just be ok with this being for the future title shot so having Alexander interfered at least makes sense. Then again Dawn won via DQ so she should get the title shot, but you know that isn’t where this is going. Anyway, best thing on the show so far, false advertising aside.

Post match Amale beats up Davenport and the huge melee has to be broken up to end the show.

Overall Rating: C. I’m going to assume that everything was turned upside down by Dragunov’s injury and a lot of this was the fallout. The main event was a bait and switch but maybe they’re waiting for a show later in the taping cycle. This wasn’t a good show, but at least they had an excuse thanks to the Dragunov injury.

Oliver Carter b. Rohan Raja – Running spinwheel kick in the corner
Sha Samuels b. Bodie Hayward – Spinebuster
Isla Dawn b. Blair Davenport via DQ when Eliza Alexander interfered



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NXT UK – July 21, 2022: Fix This Stuff

Date: July 21, 2022
Location: BT Sports Studios, London, England
Commentators: Nigel McGuinness, Andy Shepherd

We’re coming off of a title change last week as Mark Coffey FINALLY took the Heritage Cup from Noam Dar, ending his record reign. After the match, Joe Coffey made his return to celebrate with his brother as things seem to be going well for Gallus for a change. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

We open with a recap of Mark Coffey’s win last week.

Opening sequence.

Isla Dawn vs. Fallon Henley

Henley forearms away to start and hits an elbow to the face before armdragging her into the ropes. That means a forearm to the face but Dawn sends her into the corner to take over. A running kick to the chest gives Dawn two and we hit the cross arm choke. Henley fights up and drives her into the corner for the break, only to get kicked in the head. Dawn hits a half nelson slam for the pin at 5:13.

Rating: C-. I continue to have no idea what is going on with the bottom half of the women’s division as Dawn gets a win after seemingly not winning anything for the better part of ever. At the same time, you would think that Henley would be one of the more protected stars from NXT, though it does at least give Dawn a win with some value. That isn’t likely to go anywhere, but at least she got something.

Sarray is happy to be here but stops to ask Meiko Satomura for a match. Satomura is down for a change, but tells Sarray to be prepared.

We look back at Amale beating Stevie Turner but not impressing Blair Davenport.

Amale goes to find Blair Davenport and says she’s keeping her anger for whenever they get in the ring.

Josh Morrell vs. Dave Mastiff

Morrell has both shoulders taped up. Mastiff grabs a headlock to start and takes it to the mat, where Morrell hand walks his way to freedom. A wristlock has about the same luck as Morrell spins out, leaving Mastiff frustrated. Instead of the holds Mastiff tries the power, with a hard shoulder and belly to back suplex to drop Morrell for the first time. The slow pounding begins, with Mastiff forearming him down and putting on the nerve hold.

Back up and an overhead belly to belly sends Morrell flying for two in a good looking crash. Morrell can’t get a sunset flip but he can hit a dropkick, setting up a corkscrew moonsault for two. Another dropkick puts Mastiff on the floor, setting up a big running flip dive. Back in and Mastiff snaps off a powerbomb into a Regal Roll for two. Another Regal Roll sets up a backsplash to finish Morrell at 7:01.

Rating: C. So you have Morrell get a win a few weeks ago and then he gets beaten down here in a near squash. I’m not sure what the logic is there, as Morrell seems to have something that might be worth giving a small shot. Mastiff winning is fine enough, but why have Morrell lose after building him up recently?

Respect is shown post match.

Sha Samuels and Noam Dar are having some trouble paying off the gambling debts from last week’s Heritage Cup loss. They can’t even afford a paper or booze so Dar leaves. Two hours later, Johnny Saint showed up to get his money, sending Dar running off.

Josh Briggs and Brooks Jensen are fired up to be champions and they’re down for a title defense against Wild Boar/Mark Andrews.

Nina Samuels vs. Emilia McKenzie

They fight over a lockup to start until McKenzie gets up the ropes for a quick hurricanrana. Samuels gets taken into the corner for some kicks to the leg but sends McKenzie face first into the ropes. A dropkick to the back puts McKenzie in trouble and she gets tossed around the ring without much trouble.

The comeback is cut off with a forearm to the face for a delayed two before Samuels puts her on top. That’s fine with McKenzie, who pounds her down for a crash outside. Back in and a faceplant drops Samuels for two but McKenzie misses a charge into the corner to give Samuels two of her own. That doesn’t seem to matter as McKenzie hits a spear for the pin at 4:57.

Rating: C. They’re building to something with McKenzie, as she isn’t happy with Meiko Satomura paying more attention to Sarray. A win here gives her a bit of momentum and it wouldn’t shock me to see her get involved in the upcoming Sarray vs. Satomura match. That’s a way to go, as McKenzie is certainly talented enough to go somewhere if given a chance.

We get a face to face showdown between Ilja Dragunov and Wolfgang before Dragunov’s United Kingdom Title defense next week. Wolfgang has wanted to be champion since 2017 and wants to take it from Dragunov. That’s cool with Dragunov, who says Wolfgang is the kind of person who helped him get to the title in the first place.

Wolfgang wants to win the title, but Dragunov talks about Wolfgang being stuck in the shadow of Gallus. Next week, Dragunov wants to fight Wolfgang one on one, not a member of Gallus. Wolfgang is ready to do Dragunov a favor by taking the champion’s burden away, but Dragunov doesn’t think so. Simple and to the point here, but it’s a little hard to buy Wolfgang as a major threat to Dragunov.

Trent Seven vs. Sam Gradwell

Seven is sent outside with Gradwell hitting a suicide dive eleven seconds in. Gradwell knocks him around ringside before pulling Seven off the apron to keep him in trouble. They get up to the apron, with Seven nailing a hard lariat to drop Gradwell for a needed breather. Back in and a suplex drops Gradwell, allowing Seven to kick away at the chest. That just wakes Gradwell up so he fires off forearms to the face and a belly to belly suplex for a bonus.

A running clothesline puts Seven on the floor again but he’s right back in for a hard suicide dive to knock Gradwell into the barricade. Back in and Gradwell catches him on top for a top rope butterfly suplex (and a heck of a crash). That’s enough for Seven to run, which is enough of a ruse to let Seven send Gradwell knee first into the steps. They get back in and it’s time to stay on Gradwell’s knee, with the brace being ripped off.

Something close to a Figure Four has the knee in trouble, though Gradwell turns it over, with Seven getting straight to the rope. Gradwell hits a hard clothesline for two but Seven goes right back to the knee. The Seven Star Lariat gets two so Seven grabs the knee brace. A big swing misses, so Gradwell drops him with a discus forearm. Gradwell picks up the brace but gets it taken away, allowing Seven to kick him low (because he’s a modern heel). Another Seven Star Lariat finishes Gradwell at 11:02.

Rating: C+. This was the same problem that Seven has had since his heel turn: he’s only so good/interesting in the ring and his way out of trouble is a low blow. Other than the eventual match with Tyler Bate, I’m not sure how interesting he is going to be. As long as he isn’t pushed as the next top heel or even a huge deal, it should work out, but I don’t know what kind of legs he has in this role after the Bate showdown.

Post match Seven loads up another low blow but Tyler Bate returns and chases him off to end the show (with Seven giving a great “I’ve just seen a ghost” face).

Overall Rating: C-. Not their best effort of a show, as you can feel the energy draining out. Maybe things can get a bit better with a fresh taping cycle, but Dragunov vs. Wolfgang isn’t exactly a top feud. I don’t know if Seven vs. Bate is the big solution, but things have not been the most thrilling around here as of late. At least the NXT invasion seems to have gone away, though it isn’t like things are great again. This wasn’t a very interesting show and that needs to change in the coming weeks.

Isla Dawn b. Fallon Henley – Half nelson slam
Dave Mastiff b. Josh Morrell – Backsplash
Emilia McKenzie b. Nina Samuels – Spear
Trent Seven b. Sam Gradwell – Seven Star Lariat




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NXT UK – July 14, 2022: They Used To Do It This Way

Date: July 14, 2022
Location: BT Sports Studios, London, England
Commentators: Nigel McGuinness, Andy Shepherd

We are in for a big time title match this week as the Heritage Cup is on the line. Noam Dar has dominated the division for such a long time that he is starting to repeat challenges, which will be the case this week as Mark Coffey gets another shot. Other than that, we have the continuing adventures of just about everyone else around here. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Oliver Carter vs. Teoman

The rest of Die Familie is here with Teoman. They go technical to start until Teoman elbows him in the face. It’s too early for a wristlock though (if that’s possible) and Carter takes over on the arm instead. That’s broken up as well and Teoman hits a neckbreaker onto the knee for two.

We hit the chinlock for a bit, followed by some slow stomping to keep Carter down. Carter fights up and hits a quick springboard moonsault to start the comeback, including an elbow to the face. Another neckbreaker cuts Carter down for two, only to have him kick Teoman in the face for a breather of his own. That means it’s time for Carter to cut off Die Familie’s interference, setting up the springboard missile dropkick. A running spinwheel kick in the corner gives Carter the pin at 7:27.

Rating: C. Carter is someone who could do something interesting on his own but odds are that is not going to be done for whenever Ashton Smith comes back. The good thing is that NXT UK has turned Carter and Smith from little more than a jobber team to stars and a team that means something. That is something WWE and NXT have struggled to do for a long time but they pulled it off here, so well done.

Post match Die Familie comes in and beats Carter down.

Trent Seven jumped Sam Gradwell at the Performance Center.

Fallon Henley is at the Performance Center when Isla Dawn comes up to freak her out. Well at least she tries to, as Henley doesn’t seem impressed.

Dave Mastiff congratulates Josh Morrell on his win last week but says next week won’t go so well when they meet. Morrell says he’ll give it everything he has.

Wolfgang is kicking a soccer ball around and has heard that Ilja Dragunov respects him. That means something, but there is no animal more dangerous than Wolfgang. Why can’t he take the United Kingdom Title?

Stevie Turner vs. Amale

Blair Davenport is on commentary. Turner grabs a headlock to start and runs Amale over, setting up the pose as Davenport brags about her own awesomeness. Amale is back with a running neckbreaker into a running basement dropkick. That’s too early for a comeback (assuming she was in enough trouble to count it as a comeback) though and Turner kicks her down again. A running boot to the face and a running knee lift get two on Amale as Davenport doesn’t approve. Amale starts screaming a lot and hits a running bulldog for two, followed by the Hope Breaker for the pin at 4:16.

Rating: C-. Not much to see here, but the interesting thing is the fact that there are a few things going on in the women’s division. This is impressive not just because things are going well, but also because there are enough people and stories to make an actual division for a change. It might not have been a great match but I’d kind of like to see where things go, and that is an improvement.

Sha Samuels can’t accompany Noam Dar to the ring tonight.

Meiko Satomura and Sarray are happy with their win, but Satomura wants a match with her next week. Satomura doesn’t say anything but leaves with Sarray. Emilia McKenzie isn’t happy but is less thrilled with Nina Samuels coming up to ask how that makes her feel. McKenzie leaves as well, with Samuels finding this intriguing.

Mark Andrews and Wild Boar would like a Tag Team Title shot.

Sid Scala announces Ilja Dragunov vs. Wolfgang for the United Kingdom Title in two weeks.

Heritage Cup: Mark Coffey vs. Noam Dar

Dar is defending and has no Sha Samuels, who has put Coffey as a 100-1 underdog. Round One begins with a bit of a slow pace as they go for some grappling. The threat of an armbar sends Dar into the ropes, where he compliments Coffey on his intelligence. Coffey takes him to the mat before letting him back up for a running shoulder. The armbar has Dar in more trouble as the round ends, with Dar seeming to sucker Coffey into an illegal cheap shot (the referee isn’t pleased).

Round Two begins with the Nova Roller missing and Coffey grabbing the Gator Lock (kind of a Tazmission but with Coffey on the mat like he would be for a crossface) for a tap and a 1-0 lead at 16 seconds of the round and 3:56 overall. Round Three begins with Coffey going for an early rollup, followed by a quick middle rope bulldog. Dar is sent to the apron and manages to get up a kick to the face.

Another shot the face gives Dar two and it’s time to start stomping on the arm. Coffey tries to fire up but gets kicked down for two more. A suplex is blocked but Dar can’t hit the Nova Roller before the time runs out (leaving Samuels panicking even more in the back). Round Four begins with Coffey grabbing another rollup but getting kicked in the face for his efforts. The kneebar makes Coffey tap to tie it up at 40 seconds of the round and 9:01 overall.

Round Five begins with Dar hitting a running corner dropkick for two. Another kneebar is countered so Coffey can boot him in the face. Dar is back up with a guillotine choke, which is countered into a suplex for a double knockdown. They fight up against the ropes until Dar kicks the knee out. Dar goes up top but gets caught, setting up a superplex as time expires.

Round Six begins with another kneebar being blocked so Dar kicks him in the face. The Gator Lock goes on again, with Dark making it over to the rope in a hurry. They head outside with Dar taking him out but Coffey just beats the count. An elbow to the face gives Dar two but Coffey is back with a running clothesline. The sliding forearm gives Coffey the pin and the title at 2:58 of the round and 18:35.

Rating: B. These two beat each other up rather well and I was wanting to see just how much one of them could take before they gave out. Coffey got the big win that he has been waiting on for a long time now and that opens up a bunch of doors going forward. If nothing else, Joe Coffey coming back could set up a heck of a showdown if that’s where they go. Good main event here, and Dar should be in line for a shot at the United Kingdom Title after a run like this one.

Post match Samuels comes out, tears up his betting slips, and cries a lot as Dar comes over to him. A lot of the locker room comes out to celebrate with Coffey….and to get their money. With everyone else gone, Joe Coffey comes to the ring and celebrates with Mark to end the show.

Overall Rating: C+. The main event carried the show and they did a nice job of not having the NXT stars take over the show again. This felt like the old school NXT UK show and it was nice to have something like that around again. At its best, NXT UK can be a lot of fun and that is what they made work here. I don’t quite believe the show will be back to where it was before, but I’ll take it for a start.

Oliver Carter b. Teoman – Running spinwheel kick in the corner
Amale b. Stevie Turner – Hope Breaker
Mark Coffey b. Noam Dar 2-1




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NXT UK – June 23, 2022: They’re Coming And They’re Here

Date: June 23, 2022
Location: BT Sports Studios, London, England
Commentators: Nigel McGuinness, Andy Shepherd

Things have gotten a little more interesting around here as Trent Seven has gone full evil and it should set up a heck of a personal feud with Tyler Bate. Other than that, Kenny Williams is still trying to figure out what is up with Tiger Turan and Ilja Dragunov needs something to do. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

We open with a recap of Moustache Mountain losing the Tag Team Titles and the official split last week.

Opening sequence.

Here are Ashton Smith and Oliver Carter to get things going, with Smith having his knee heavily braced and showing a limp. Smith talks about how he was going nowhere until Carter became his partner. Now he is a champion in WWE because they are the NXT UK Tag Team Champions. However, that makes what he is about to say next all the harder: he has ruptured his MCL and the titles have to be vacated due to his injury.

Smith apologizes to Carter, who says Smith didn’t let him down. Carter says he’s always there for Smith, who tells Carter to make a go of it while he’s out of action. Sid Scala comes out to accept the vacated titles, but does announce Smith and Carter as the champions one more time. Smith and Carter leave so here is Die Familie to interrupt. Those titles should be theirs but here are Josh Briggs/Brooks Jensen, Jack Stars/Dave Mastiff and Mark Andrews/Wild boar to interrupt. No one says anything, but Scala makes a four way elimination match for the titles in tonight’s main event.

Sarray comes in to see Meiko Satomura and pays some respect. With Sarray gone, Meiko tells Emilia McKenzie that she gets to face Fallon Henley next week. Meiko wants some fighting spirit.

Sha Samuels isn’t happy with Sid Scala but Wolfgang interrupts and a match is teased.

Myla Grace vs. Isla Dawn

Grace takes her to the mat to start and spins around a lot, setting up the basement dropkick to the side of the head. Dawn isn’t having that though and kicks her down, setting up the chinlock. Grace fights up and strikes away before a tornado DDT gets two. A middle rope dive misses though and Dawn kicks her in the head. The half nelson slam finishes for Dawn at 5:05.

Rating: C. Not much to this one but Grace is someone who has been around a few times now and isn’t too bad. The division can always use some fresh blood and that is what we might be seeing here. She wasn’t squashed here but there is no shame in losing to someone who has been around as long as Dawn.

Tyler Bate has taken a leave of absence after Trent Seven attacked him last week.

Kenny Williams is still obsessed with Tiger Turan.

Noam Dar comes in to see Sid Scala and thinks he is going to have to retire as Heritage Cup Champion. Or maybe he’ll have one more match, for some money money.

Nina Samuels vs. Sarray

Sarray grabs the leg to start and the threat of a half crab sends Samuels over to the rope. Back up and Samuels cranks on the wrist until Sarray sends her into the corner. Samuels knocks her down though and ribs at the face in the ropes. That’s broken up and Sarray dropkicks the knee out before knocking her off the top. The running dropkick against the ropes sets up a high collar suplex to finish Samuels at 5:35.

Rating: C. I get the idea of Sarray, but the transforming thing is just a weird deal that doesn’t add anything and is weird throughout. I’m not sure what the point of the thing is other than to give Sarray something, but it isn’t exactly working. Samuels continues to be the person with a gimmick who you can put out there for loss after loss and not have her drop very far. That’s a good thing to have and NXT UK seems to know it.

Blair Davenport is back next week.

Xia Brookside and Eliza Alexander mock Sarray but Meiko Satomura comes in to scare them off.

Tag Team Titles: Brooks Jensen/Josh Briggs vs. Jack Starz/Dave Mastiff vs. Wild Boar/Mark Andrews vs. Die Familie

Elimination match for the vacant titles with Charlie Dempsey in Die Familie’s corner. Starz and Andrews flip around to start so it’s Raja coming in, only to get sent into the corner by Boar. Jensen comes in to powerslam Boar so Teoman tags himself in and hammers away. A clothesline out of the corner gets Boar out of trouble and Mastiff brings himself in to start wrecking people.

Starz and Mastiff start double teaming Teoman, with Starz grabbing a chinlock. Mastiff comes back in and glares Teoman off, meaning Briggs comes in for the monster staredown. They knock everyone else off the apron first though and then clothesline each other down for a bit of a twist. Everything breaks down and Briggs chokeslams Teoman onto the pile at ringside.

Andrews adds the big dive before throwing Teoman back in to get beaten up as well. A running dropkick/German suplex combination sends Teoman into the corner for the tag off to Starz, who gets blasted by Boar’s lariat. Fall To Pieces hits Stars but Mastiff makes a save, allowing Starz to cradle Andrews for the elimination at 9:36.

Starz is banged up and the referee checks on him, only to have Teoman kick him in the bad knee. A dropkick out of the corner gives Starz a breather though and it’s Jensen coming in to fight Mastiff. That works for Mastiff, who crossbodies him down but a distraction lets Raja hit a jumping Downward Spiral to finish Mastiff at 12:15.

So we’re down to Die Familie vs. Briggs/Jensen for the titles with Jensen getting enziguried into a spinebuster for two. A belly to back suplex gets Jensen out of trouble and the hot tag brings in Briggs to really clean house. Dempsey’s distraction lets Teoman hit a Backstabber for two with Jensen making a save. Teoman stomps on Briggs’ back a few times, setting up a crossface. That’s broken up with a rollup and the second hot tag brings in Jensen to clean house. Teoman and Dempsey get kicked off the apron and it’s a high/low to give Briggs the pin and the titles at 18:16.

Rating: B-. The match was long and felt like a big deal, which is one of the best things that can be aid here. What matters here is that Briggs and Jensen won the titles, which may or may not be a good thing. It felt like a cool moment as the team finally wins something, but at the same time it is a bit much to have the Americans come over and win the titles over three NXT UK teams. Die Familie winning here might not have been as fun of a moment, but it would have made more sense.

Fallon Henley comes in to celebrate to end the show.

Overall Rating: C+. The main event was the big deal as NXT UK had to do something big to take care of a bad situation. That was accomplished, though the rest of the show wasn’t exactly great. What matters here is that they got the important part right, which is often a lot harder than it seems. Good enough show here, though the creeping factor of the lower NXT card coming over to NXT UK isn’t a positive sign.




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NXT UK – May 5, 2022: The Dumping Ground (Blast It)

Date: May 5, 2022
Location: BT Sports Studios, London, England
Commentators: Nigel McGuinness, Andy Shepherd

We’re back to the title picture this week with Meiko Satomura defending the Women’s Title against Isla Dawn in a World of Darkness match. I’m not sure what that means but NXT UK has enough of a track record that I can believe they’ll pull it off. On top of that, we get more of the build towards next week’s 200th show. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Lash Legend arrived earlier today and conscripted Emilia McKenzie to take care of her bag.

Opening sequence.

It’s time for Supernova Sessions, this time in the ring. Noam Dar says this is the first edition of Supernova Sessions 2.0, which makes me scared for this place’s future. This week’s guest is international superstar Lash Legend and, after taking some time to get her seated, Dar gives her something resembling a plant. Hold on though, as Samuel Sha brings in a much nicer bouquet, which she puts in the Heritage Cup.

Legend rhymes about how awesome she is and talks about being here to run through the competition. Dar has his another present for her in the form of a Lash video package, which Legend certainly likes. Then Dar tries to open a water but it seems to be soda and sprays all over him. With Dar dealing with that, Samuels looks at the odds for the incoming NXT exchange students having success around here, though he isn’t sure who Damon Kemp is.

Legend talks about how her physical abilities are like some animals and promises to leave everything else for the vultures. Now play the funky music. This was pretty terrible and one of the worst things I can remember on NXT UK in a long time. Granted that might be due to it being about Lash Legend and nothing actually happening.

Sid Scala talks about finding challenges for the Tag Team Titles, with a triple threat title match coming up. Von Wagner comes in to shake Scala, but Sam Gradwell says he’s here to do that. A match seems likely.

In the back, Damon Kemp comes up to Sha Samuels and Lash Legend. That’s enough to get Legend to leave so Kemp can complain about being a 400/1 underdog on Samuels’ odds.

Tiger Turan vs. Tate Mayfairs

Turan is a masked guy and kind of skinny. Mayfairs’ wristlock is flipped away to start and Turan cartwheels over him, setting up a butterfly suplex. A high crossbody gives Turan two but Mayfairs pulls him out of the corner for a crash to take over. That doesn’t last long as Turan chops him down a few times and scores with a middle rope dropkick. Turan hits a Swanton for the pin at 4:05.

Rating: C. Turan is fairly small but he was good enough to look decent in there. I don’t know how much of a future he’ll have around here as this place seems to be the new NXT dumping ground but when has that stopped NXT UK from getting something out of someone before? Not much of a match but I can always go for a masked man.

Gallus runs into Oliver Carter/Ashton Smith and they both seem to want the Tag Team Titles. They’ll meet next week in one of the #1 contenders matches.

Video on some of the NXT UK stars who have moved on to become NXT/main roster stars.

Video on Ivy Nile.

Nina Samuels doesn’t like Nile stealing her spotlight and she’ll do something about it next week.

Danny Jones vs. Damon Kemp

Kemp wrestles him down to start but Jones slips out in a bit of a surprise. Jones grabs the arm but is quickly reversed into a gutwrench suplex. A clothesline drops Kemp and the neck crank is on, only to have Kemp come up with some overhead belly to belly suplexes. Kemp hits a Regal Roll, setting up a running powerslam to finish Jones at 4:26.

Rating: C. Kemp continues to impress but I think you can get the idea of what the new NXT UK, or at least this taping cycle of it, is going to be about. Kemp made short work of someone who has had some nice appearances around here before and that is probably going to be the case for more than one NXT UK regular. I get that NXT UK is the minor league, but making them practice dummies is a bit hard to swallow.

Post match Sha Samuels runs in to beat Kemp down.

Tiger Turan is celebrating his win but here is Kenny Williams with wanted posters, apparently thinking that Turan attacked him last week.

Die Familie is on their roof and talk about their upcoming matches, with Charlie Dempsey facing A-Kid and Teoman/Rohan Raja wanting the Tag Team Titles.

Video on Jordan Devlin vs. Ilja Dragunov for the United Kingdom Title next week. Devlin talks about his dad telling him to be whatever he wanted, but to be the best. They had their first match but it wasn’t quite how Devlin wanted it. Now it’s time for the title match, but also Loser Leaves Town to make it more interesting.

Women’s Title: Isla Dawn vs. Meiko Satomura

Satomura is defending in a World of Darkness match, which means a street fight with the lights dimmed. We get the Big Match Intros, but this time Satomura jumps her before the bell to start fast. Dawn kicks her out of the air to little avail as Satomura kicks her to the floor. The apron kicks are blocked though and Dawn busts out a broom. Some shots with said broom have Satomura in trouble so Dawn kneels to make some thunder and lighting go off.

Back in and it’s time to open up Dawn’s box of trinkets and pull out Dani Luna’s hair. The hair is wrapped around Satomura’s eyes but she fights up, steps on the box, and starts kicking away. A spinwheel kick gives Satomura two but Dawn catches her on top with some chair shots. The backdrop driver onto the chairs is broken up though and Satomura kicks her out to the floor.

That works for Dawn, who whips out a rope/cord and ties Satomura to the post. Some whips have Satomura in trouble until she kicks her way to freedom. Dawn misses a dropkick into the steps, allowing Satomura to get in a kendo stick shot back inside. The cartwheel knees to the back let Satomura swing the stick again but Dawn is back with a Tarantula. The top rope rope Meteora onto the chair gives Dawn a delayed two (thanks to her banged up knees) and it’s time to set up some chairs. Dawn can’t suplex her through the chairs and it’s Scorpio Rising to retain the title at 12:49.

Rating: C-. The lights were darker? That’s really all they had for this? That might be the lamest gimmick I have seen in years as it felt like something Russo would have done. All they did was a weapons match with the lights dimmed down and I’m supposed to find that more interesting? That’s a bad sign coming after a pretty lame show and that’s a rather bad sign.

Satomura celebrates to end the show.

Overall Rating: C-. Please don’t let this be how NXT UK is going to go. Please. It’s the one consistently very good show that they have. While it is one thing to send someone over to another show to let them have some more time, this show felt like the NXT dumping ground with a BIG focus on the lower level NXT stars, plus a really lame main event. NXT already has two shows. I know these people need to be in the ring, but can they just get back on the Coconut Loop again instead of taking away one of the few shows that I like week in and week out? Please?



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NXT UK – April 21, 2022: Their Best In A Bit

Date: April 21, 2022
Location: BT Sports Studios, London, England
Commentators: Nigel McGuinness, Andy Shepherd

It’s another title week this time around as Ashton Smith and Oliver Carter are getting a rematch against Moustache Mountain. This is a 2/3 falls match though and that should make for a pretty awesome showdown between two great teams, even though Moustache Mountain is teasing a move to the dark side. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

The opening video looks at the Tag Team Title match.

Opening sequence.

Sam Gradwell vs. Kenny Williams

Back Alley Brawl, meaning street fight and Gradwell starts the fight in the aisle before the bell. The beating is on with Gradwell grabbing a trashcan but getting it knocked away. Williams manages to knock him down but we have a masked man looking at Williams from somewhere near the entrance. They go inside with Williams pounding away but Gradwell grabs some backbreakers.

The fight heads back outside where Gradwell gets in some more trashcan shots, only to get sent into the post. A lame fire extinguisher blast gets Williams out of trouble and he puts Gradwell on the steps for some stomps onto a chair onto Gradwell. Back up and Gradwell slams him onto a trashcan, meaning a table can be loaded up.

As is almost always the case, that takes far too long and Williams chairs him down to take it back inside. Williams gets sent hard into the corner but he comes back with a shot to the leg. The belt is removed to whip Gradwell in the back but that isn’t going to work for him as he whips Williams instead. Gradwell is sent to the apron, where he catches Williams on top for an AA off the apron and through the table. Back in and Williams is done at 9:43.

Rating: C+. NXT UK doesn’t do this kind of match very often and that means it has a bit more impact when the do one. Gradwell getting a win is a nice touch and I can always go for a masked man running around. It wouldn’t shock me if it’s Williams’ old partner Amir Jordan, though you never can tell around here. That’s a good thing and I’m curious about where this is going.

Post match the masked man chases Williams to the back.

Video on Symbiosis vs. Mark Andrews/Wild Boar, with Eddie Dennis issuing the challenge for the tag match.

Stevie Turner vs. Emilia McKenzie

Turner backs her into the corner but gets shoved away as McKenzie isn’t having that. Some forearms stagger Turner but she’s right back with a bicycle kick to take over. Another running kick gets two and the chinlock keeps McKenzie down. That’s broken up without much trouble and, after ducking another kick, McKenzie hits the spear for the pin at 4:43.

Rating: C-. Not much to this one, which tends to be the case when Turner is involved. I’m not sure what has gone wrong with her but she has an interesting look and idea behind the character but nothing has ever come close to clicking. McKenzie isn’t exactly great, but a student vs. teacher showdown for the Women’s Title could work well, as it almost always does.

Isla Dawn is ready to put out Meiko Satomura’s flame and win the Women’s Title.

Some American NXT stars are coming, including Von Wagner, who Saxton Huxley refers to as STUPID MAN.

Xia Brookside is ready to batter someone next week.

In three weeks: Ilja Dragunov defends the United Kingdom Title against Jordan Devlin on the 200th episode.

Tag Team Titles: Ashton Smith/Oliver Carter vs. Moustache Mountain

Moustache Mountain is defending and this is 2/3 falls. Bate starts with Smith, who can’t shake off the early wristlock. Smith’s reversal is reversed so Bate can hit some running shoulders and armdrag him into an armbar. Seven comes in but his assisted moonsault is countered into a rollup for two so Smith can take over. It’s off to Carter to work on an armbar of his own, which doesn’t last long as Seven is back with a legdrop.

Smith saves Carter from a double suplex though and the champs are sent outside. Back in and Bate snaps off a dropkick for two on Smith and it’s Seven coming back in for a kick between the shoulders. The seated full nelson goes on but Smith ducks a clothesline and dives over to bring Carter back in. A release German suplex gets two on Bate, who grabs a victory roll for the same. Seven’s assisted powerbomb gets two on Carter as everything breaks down. Back to back kicks and clotheslines drop the champs and an assisted moonsault gives Smith the pin on Seven for the first fall at 9:57.

There is no break between falls so Carter kicks Seven in the face for two. Private Party’s Silly String into a splash connects for two more as Seven stays in trouble. Seven finally gets in a shot to the face out of the corner but a missed enziguri means no tag. Carter’s kick to the head gives Smith two but Seven grabs a DDT.

That’s enough for the tag off to Bate and the pace picks way up. Smith saves Carter from a middle rope elbow to the face so Bate suplexes Carter for two instead. It’s back to Seven and stereo Tyler Driver 97s get two on Smith and Carter. With that not working, Bate hits the running clothesline into Seven’s dragon suplex for the pin on Smith at 16:28 to tie it up.

Bate punches Smith back into the corner but Seven gets Blue Thunder Bombed for two. Another assisted moonsault is broken up with Bate pulling Seven out, only to have Carter moonsault onto the two of them outside instead. Back in and Bate has to springboard in with a knee for the save and they’re down again.

Seven and Smith strike it out until the Seven Star Lariat drops Smith for a close two. The top rope knee into the Birminghammer gets two more with Carter making the save for a good false finish. Bate is sent into Seven so Smith can grab a rollup for a VERY near fall so Seven sends Carter into Smith. Seven is evil enough to put his feet on the ropes though and that’s enough to retain the titles 2-1 at 21:39 (Bate is NOT pleased).

Rating: B+. I got way into this one and some of the near falls near the end were great. They didn’t bother doing anything cute here and went with straight action, including some cool looking double teams. In the end, Seven gets to keep cheating and driving a wedge between himself and Bate, which is starting to give me Sting/Lex Luger vibes. Granted Moustache Mountain is a better team, but it’s a good story that could get interesting in the long run.

Bate (begrudgingly) celebrates with Seven to end the show.

Overall Rating: B. That main event is more than enough to carry the show and that shouldn’t be a surprise around here. NXT UK has a tendency to be mainly in-ring focused but the stories are enough to make things feel all the more interesting. It was on display in the main event as they had me wondering how it was going to end, which is not a feeling you get on a lot of WWE shows. Good stuff this week and one of the better NXT UK shows in a bit.

Sam Gradwell b. Kenny Williams – AA through a table
Emilia McKenzie b. Stevie Turner – Spear
Moustache Mountain b. Oliver Carter/Ashton Smith 2-1



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NXT UK – April 14, 2022: They Could Be Pillars

Date: April 14, 2022
Location: BT Sports Studios, London, England
Commentators: Nigel McGuinness, Andy Shepherd

We’re in an interesting place here as this is one of the few shows without a title match over the next few weeks. Instead we have A-Kid vs. Teoman in a match that should be worth a look and some other stuff that should work out as well. This kind of show tends to work well for NXT UK so let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Coffey Brothers vs. Dave Mastiff/Jack Starz

Joe and Mastiff collide to start but the shoulders don’t send either of them anywhere. Mastiff tries it again to some more success before bringing in Starz. This doesn’t go as well as Joe takes him into the corner for the tag to Mark and some arm cranking. A double atomic drop sets up a backbreaker for two but Starz manages a dropkick. Joe gets driven into the corner for a change and the tag brings in Mastiff.

That actually doesn’t go well at first as Joe tries a slam, only to have Starz hit a dropkick to the back to knock Mastiff onto him. A slingshot splash gives Starz two, with Nigel wondering how Joe isn’t spitting up Irn Bru. Joe finally gets up and sends Starz at Mastiff, which is enough for a tag and another splash crushes Joe again. With the power not working, Joe gets in a shot to the face and hits a middle rope missile dropkick for the needed breather.

The hot tag brings in Mark to clean house and a middle rope bulldog gets two on Starz. A half nelson suplex is broken up though and Starz gets in a much needed backdrop. Mastiff comes back in but gets enziguried, only to have Joe tag himself in. Joe tries to get the pin himself but the delay lets Mastiff knock him silly. Starz’s powerbomb finishes Joe at 8:32.

Rating: C+. This got a bit of time and the story continues to be the issues between Gallus. They can’t win a match at the moment and I’m curious to see if it leads to a heel turn, a split or both. Starz has come a LONG way since he was the designated victim and this big guy/little guy team with Mastiff is working. The result was a bit predictable but I liked the match.

Post match the winners are happy and the losers aren’t. Wolfgang comes out to calm things down but Joe yells about how Mark and Wolfgang are the team and walks off.

Video on Ilja Dragunov retaining the United Kingdom Title last week over Roderick Strong.

After the match, the two of them met up in the back, with Strong saying Dragunov is special but they’ll see each other again. They shake hands but Jordan Devlin comes in to say he’s the Irish Ace. Dragunov sneers a bit.

Video on Kenny Williams vs. Sam Gradwell, as Williams keeps pushing Gradwell, who seems ready to push back. They’ll be having a back alley brawl, which Williams says is a mistake for Gradwell. This gets some time and they make it look a good bit bigger than it had been coming in.

Here is Meiko Satomura for a chat about wanting her title back. Satomura wants Isla Dawn out here with the title right now so here is a laughing Dawn to respond. The lights dim and the camera gets a bit weird as Dawn talks about getting attached to the title. They have a future together, but she is willing to hand it back over on one condition: a rematch, under Dawn’s own chaotic rules. Dawn throws the title down and stares at her as the rematch is accepted. That works for Dawn, who mists Satomura and says she’ll get the title back in a world of darkness.

Amale will be watching Eliza Alexander’s match and says she is still full of rage. It is a matter of time before she gets her hands on Eliza and Xia Brookside.

Gallus argued during the break and Joe Coffey left.

Mark Andrews says he and Wild Boar have been friends for fifteen years. The only time that hasn’t been the case was when Eddie Dennis got involved. Boar promises to hurt Dennis as soon as he gets the chance. Andrews holds up a chair and Boar says Symbiosis is the hunted.

Eliza Alexander vs. Angel Hayze

This is Alexander’s in-ring debut and Xia Brookside is in her corner. Alexander grabs a headlock to start as we hear about Brookside’s father training Alexander when she was 13. Hayze grabs a rollup for two but gets taken down with a clothesline to the back of the head. There’s a kick to the back and the fans aren’t pleased with Alexander. The slow beating continues with Alexander dragging her around by the wrist but Hayze gets in some shots of her own. A Sling Blade gives Hayze two but Alexander cuts her off with another clothesline. One heck of a running knee knocks Hayze silly for the pin at 3:09.

Rating: C. That knee alone is going to get Alexander noticed as she blasted Hayze with that thing. Other than that, you had little more than a squash here, as Alexander toyed with her for a few minutes before getting serious to finish it off. Good debut here, though there is only so much to get out of something like this.

Emilia McKenzie talks about training hard and being successful thanks to coaching from Meiko Satomura. Stevie Turner pops in to say Satomura is helping McKenzie because Satomura doesn’t see her as a threat. McKenzie seems to think about it.

Moustache Mountain is ready for their 2/3 falls Tag Team Title defense against Oliver Carter/Ashton Smith. This includes Trent Seven being a good bit more nefarious lately as he has to keep the titles.

Teoman vs. A-Kid

The rest of Die Familie is here with Teoman. Feeling out process to start with A-Kid taking him to the mat. That doesn’t last long so let’s have a standoff. Teoman gets in a kick to the chest out of the corner but A-Kid seems pleased that things are picking up. A headlock takeover puts Teoman down but he switches into a headscissors. That’s reversed into a bow and arrow but Teoman slips out to land on top for a quick two.

A-Kid starts cranking on the ankle, which is reversed into a crossarm choke. With that not working either, A-Kid pops up for a dropkick to stagger Teoman again. Charlie Dempsey offers a distraction though and Teoman hits a dropkick down to the floor. Back in and the chinlock goes on for a bit, followed by a forearm to the back of A-Kid’s neck. A slam cuts off a comeback attempt but Teoman hurts his own knee to slow things back down.

The delay lets A-Kid fight up and chop away and a loud kick to the chest gets two. There’s a fisherman’s suplex for the same but Teoman is back with a kind of brainbuster onto the knee, setting up a sliding forearm for two of his own. A cross armbreaker is blocked as Teoman rolls over to the ropes, sending both of them to the apron. Teoman misses a sliding forearm and goes into the steps so A-Kid moonsaults onto the rest of Die Familie. The distraction lets Teoman hit a reverse flipping DDT for the pin at 11:12.

Rating: B. I keep going back and forth on both of these guys as they both seem ready to move up to the next level but it never seem to happen. Teoman does seem like the leader of the team, though Charlie Dempsey gets my attention every time he’s in there. As for A-Kid, he seems to be falling further and further down each week, even after that random NXT cameo. At least they had a good match here though, which shouldn’t be a surprise.

Teoman yells about the Eye seeing everything to end the show.

Overall Rating: B-. They had a series of good matches this week, though it is kind of interesting that we seem to be getting back to Jordan Devlin as the challenger for the United Kingdom Title. I have long since thought that Devlin would be getting the title, though I’m not sure if Dragunov is anywhere close to being ready to lose the belt. Other than that, this was a show about moving stories forward and as usual, NXT did it fairly well.

Jack Starz/Dave Mastiff b. Coffey Brothers – Powerbomb to Joe
Eliza Alexander b. Angel Hayze – Running knee
Teoman b. A-Kid – Flipping reverse DDT




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NXT UK – March 31, 2022: To Be Continued (Sweet)

Date: March 31, 2022
Location: BT Sports Studios, London, England
Commentators: Andy Shepherd, Nigel McGuinness

Last week saw a title match as Meiko Satomura successfully defended the Women’s Title against Isla Dawn, only to have Dawn steal the title belt after the match was over. Odds are that is going to be continuing in some way, but we also need to get closer to Roderick Strong challenging Ilja Dragunov for the United Kingdom Title. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Amale vs. Xia Brookside

Brookside gets punchy to start but Amale counters her crossbody with a slam. A fall away slam gets two but Brookside kicks her down out of the corner. Some rather bratty stomping on Amale’s back keeps her in trouble and Brookside fires off the shoulders to the back in the corner. The running knees to the back give Brookside a slow two and we hit the camel clutch.

Amale escapes and starts striking away, setting up a northern lights suplex for two. The Hopebreaker is blocked but so is Brookside’s Boston crab attempt. Instead Brookside bails to the floor so Amale can hit a running boot against the barricade. With Brookside thrown back in, a mystery blonde clotheslines Amale on the floor, leaving Brookside to hit the Broken Wings for the pin at 5:57.

Rating: C. Brookside cheating to win makes sense, though it’s almost weird to see Amale lose. She has cooled off a bit but it is clear that she has moved up the ladder more than a few steps. This is probably going to be the start of a longer story between them and Brookside having some muscle behind her makes it even more interesting.

Post match the blonde gets in the ring to pose and then leave with Brookside.

We get a creepy video with Isla Dawn singing about how she has something that belongs to Meiko Satomura. The bond between Meiko and her title is quite strong, but Dawn wants something from her. Either do what she asks….or else.

Video on Roderick Strong vs. Ilja Dragunov, with various wrestlers talking about how great it should be. A lot of them want a shot at the winner.

Trent Seven vs. Ashton Smith

Tyler Bate and Oliver Carter are here too. They fight over the lockup to start with Smith driving him up against the wall. Smith sends him into the ropes but gets crossbodied down. A hiptoss into a legdrop gives Seven two and a suplex gets the same. The chinlock doesn’t last long as Smith is back up with a face first drop on the country and a running shoulder. Smith starts in on the arm before loading up a superplex.

That’s broken up with some shots to the ribs so Seven tries a high crossbody, which is pulled out of the air in a nice power display. Seven is muscled up into a suplex for two but is fine enough to catch Smith on top. That means Seven can hit a superplex for two of his own and it’s time to slug it out.

The referee tries to break it up so Seven gets in a cheap shot, setting up a dragon suplex (Smith bounced off that thing). The suplex slam gets two but Smith goes after the arm to break up the Seven Star Lariat. Smith hits his own Seven Star for two and frustration is setting in. They go to the pinfall reversal sequence and Seven grabs the trunks for the pin at 8:52. Bate sees the cheating and is absolutely NOT cool with it.

Rating: C+. What matters here is they have me wanting to see what they are going to do with the title match. Seven is almost full on evil and that is going to either cause Bate to come with him or the two of them to lose the titles. It’s giving me Sting/Lex Luger from the Nitro era vibes and that means there are more than a few directions this thing could go. Nice match too, which is almost a bonus at this point.

Post match Bate applauds Seven but still looks annoyed. Smith and Carter aren’t happy either.

A-Kid is back and this place will always be special to him. He isn’t letting Teoman get away with what he has been doing lately.

Wild Boar, looking a bit crazy, is carrying a crutch and promises that he can handle anything that Eddie Dennis throws at him. Then he throws a bunch of stuff.

Oliver Carter and Ashton Smith aren’t happy with the cheating. Moustache Mountain comes in, with Trent Seven saying that was a win. The argument is on until Sid Scala comes in to say they’re going to figure this out in his office….next week. Seven tells Tyler Bate that a win is a win.

Tate Mayfairs vs. Kenny Williams

Williams stomps him into the corner to start and rakes a boot across the eyes. Mayfairs fights back but Williams takes his leg out without much effort. A rake to the back lefts Williams get two, complete with a knee on Mayfairs’ face. The double arm crank goes on, with Williams sitting on his back for some extra….I guess pain?

Mayfairs fights out and starts striking away, including a kind of step up right hand. Williams knocks him outside but doesn’t want a countout, instead throwing Mayfairs back inside for Bad Luck. That’s good for two, with Williams pulling him up instead of getting the pin (oh dear). Mayfairs is sent outside for a crawl underneath the ring, but Sam Gradwell pops out. Gradwell scares Williams off and throws Mayfairs inside for the countout win at 5:45.

Rating: C. I’m kind of over the slip on a banana peel finish to these squash matches but that is what we got here again. Gradwell wanting to dismantle Williams makes sense and it should make for a good fight, though this was a long way to get to an annoying loss for Williams. Mayfairs doesn’t seem like someone they are pushing, as he is another guy in trunks who happened to be in the right place at the right time.

Wolfgang is ready for Mark Coffey to win the Heritage Cup. Die Familie comes in and asks why Gallus always gets to represent heritage. Mark vs. Charlie Dempsey seems to be set up.

We get a face to face showdown between Ilja Dragunov and Roderick Strong. Dragunov knows of Strong’s reputation and says he feels the same way about wanting to push things to the next level. Strong sees a lot of himself in Dragunov for the same reasons. He knows Dragunov is the next real challenge and wants to add the title to his resume.

Dragunov accused Strong of not respecting him and says he became a new man when he won the title. Strong says Dragunov is living in the moment and doesn’t know what it feels like to lose. Nothing hurts Strong more than saying “I was” and Dragunov will feel that after their title match. They get in each others’ faces and Dragunov promises to stand his ground. Intense stuff here, which is where Dragunov excels.

Heritage Cup Title: Noam Dar vs. Mark Coffey

Dar is defending and has Sha Samuels in his corner, with Joe Coffey in Mark’s corner. Round one begins with the two of them taking their time before exchanging some wristlocks. Dar takes him down with a headlock before having to duck a right hand. Hold on though as Samuels gives Dar a shot from his flask, with the contents then being thrown into Joe’s face. Dar trips the frustrated Mark and gets in some laughs from the corner.

With that not having much staying power, Dar ties him up with something like the Tequila Sunrise. Some arm cranking wraps up round one, with Nigel being VERY pleased. Round two begins with Dar going right back to the arm, including countering a chinlock attempt into an arm crank. With the technical stuff not working, Coffey hits him in the face, only to charge into a small package to give Dar the first fall at 1:10 of the round and 4:41 overall.

Round three begins with Coffey hitting him in the face again for an early two and muscling Dar up for a backdrop. A German suplex gets two more so Samuels pulls Dar outside, only to get dropped by Mark. Back in and an enziguri ties us up at a fall apiece at 1:34 of the round and 6:44 overall.

Round four begins with Samuels begging the referee to give Dar more time, allowing Dar to kick Mark in the head for two. Some more kicks rock Mark but he manages a belly to back suplex out of the corner for a breather. Dar catches him on top and hits a running kick to the face, only to get knocked down hard for his efforts. They slug it out with Mark getting the better of things until he misses a jumping kick and hurts his leg again. Dar grabs the kneebar but time runs out to save Mark.

After the corner men nearly get into it (papers are torn up and thrown), round five begins with another forearm off. Dar hits a spinning elbow to the face but gets rolled up for a fast two. Something like a Tazmission crossface has Dar in a lot of trouble but Mark has to drag him away from Samuel’s attempted interference. Samuels offers another distraction so Mark lets go and Joe gets in the ring to glare. The distraction lets Dar hit the Nova Roller for the retaining pin at 1:47 of the round and 12:44.

Rating: B-. Dar cheating to retain has become a Bingo card entry as it seems almost like a guarantee whenever he puts the title on the line. Now he has run through all of Gallus and I’m not sure who is next, but I could see him holding the title for awhile to come. The fans still don’t like him, but it would be nice to see him do something a bit different, just to shake things up a bit.

Gallus shakes their heads to end the show.

Overall Rating: C+. There wasn’t anything great on this show, but they did a good job of making me want to see where some of the stories were going. That is one of the things that NXT UK does as well as anyone else these days, especially when a lot of the star power wasn’t here this week. Pretty good show here, though far from a classic.




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NXT UK – March 24, 2022: Get The Stars Back

Date: March 24, 2022
Location: BT Sports Studios, London, England
Commentators: Andy Shepherd, Nigel McGuinness

It’s another title week here as Isla Dawn gets her shot at the NXT UK Women’s Title and Meiko Satomura. That could make for a good showdown, as Dawn has cranked up the evil in recent weeks. In other news, Wild Boar gets his shot at Symbiosis, starting with T-Bone. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Quick video on Meiko Satomura vs. Isla Dawn.

Opening sequence.

Die Familie vs. Saxon Huxley/A-Kid

Teoman is here with Familie. A-Kid and Dempsey start things off with Dempsey working on an early armbar. Huxley comes in and slams his way out of another armbar before slamming Raja too. An elbow gets a rather delayed two and it’s back to A-Kid, who is quickly pulled into a Fujiwara armbar.

A-Kid breaks that up so Dempsey takes him down by the leg instead as this isn’t A-Kid’s night so far. Dempsey grabs a fisherman’s suplex for two and it’s off to a standing armbar. A jump over Raja finally allows the fast tag to Huxley though and it’s time to clean house in a hurry. Huxley hits a big clothesline for two on Dempsey but stops to chase Raja to the floor, allowing Dempsey to grab the Kimura.

That’s broken up as well and it’s back to A-Kid to German suplex Raja. Huxley adds a butterfly backbreaker to Raja with A-Kid adding in a running basement dropkick for two. Dempsey distracts the referee though and Teoman sends A-Kid into the barricade. The distraction lets Raja post Huxley and a jumping Downward Spiral finishes at 8:26.

Rating: C+. This took some time to get going but it felt like Die Familie had to work to get the win. That being said, it is a little surprising to see A-Kid get beaten up this badly. He didn’t get anything going here until the very end, which isn’t something you see from him very often. Dempsey looked dominant though and they might have something special on their hands with him.

We look at the return of Wild Boar and his quest for revenge on Symbiosis.

Amale is asked about this week’s Women’s Title match but Xia Brookside interrupts and asks about a possible rematch. Sure, but Brookside has no time to answer questions from the interviewer. Instead, Brookside calls her father and says IT’S TIME.

Wild Boar vs. T-Bone

Eddie Dennis and Primate are here with T-Bone. Boar comes in through the crowd and the beating is on with T-Bone being knocked outside before the bell. Back in and Boar sends him outside again but this time a Symbiosis distraction lets T-Bone get in a cheap shot. T-Bone starts in on Boar’s recently repaired knee, including an assist from Dennis for a running kick to the leg. A suplex gives T-bone two but Boar manages to send him chest first into the corner. The running shoulder to the ribs drops T-Bone and, after knocking Primate off the apron, Boar hits a jumping DDT for the pin at 4:38.

Rating: C. Boar returning wasn’t exactly a big deal but points for giving him a win to get him back on track (assuming he was on said track in the first place). I doubt Wild Boar is going to be the next big singles star around here but at least they are letting him do something to spice him up a bit. Now follow up with what they started here.

Ilja Dragunov, in a nice suit, talks about how he and Roderick Strong both know that diamonds are made under pressure, so it would be an honor to meet him in the ring. Just remember that the Czar doesn’t crack under pressure.

Earlier this week, Kenny Williams couldn’t find his car keys. He goes to his car and finds the doors, hood and trunk open and a tire missing. The interviewer suggests that it is tied to whomever sent him the note last week but he doesn’t want to talk.

Danny Jones vs. Jordan Devlin

Devlin drops him with an early chop and then hits a running elbow to the face. Back up and Jones hits his own chops in the corner but Devlin knocks him down without much trouble. A running knee to the ribs has Jones down again and a clothesline gives Devlin two. Some more forearms wake Jones up and he hits a jumping enziguri. There’s a running knee in the corner and a suplex gets two on Devlin. A double arm trap rollup gets two but that’s enough for Devlin. The slingshot cutter sets up a brainbuster to finish Jones at 4:43.

Rating: C. Jones is someone who has been showing up more and more in recent weeks so maybe they see something in him around here. That’s not the worst place to be, though Devlin isn’t someone who is going to lose outside of a big match. I keep waiting on the trigger to be pulled with him but that might not be happening anytime, either soon or far off.

Post match Devlin says the person who holds the title doesn’t matter, because there is only one Ace.

Video on Moustache Mountain having to get a little more evil to deal with Ashton Smith/Oliver Carter. Smith and Carter have some momentum though and are ready to keep going to get another title shot. The champs are ready for anything though.

Noam Dar is ready to complete the Gallus sweep in Heritage Cup Title defenses.

Women’s Title: Meiko Satomura vs. Isla Dawn

Satomura is defending and Dawn shoves her in the face a few times to start. A hard shot takes Satomura down but she blocks a bicycle kick and hits an uppercut. Some kicks have Dawn in more trouble as she seems to be a bit over her head here. Dawn tries to take her into the corner but gets kicked in the head. A neck snap across the top rope works a bit better for Dawn and she drags Satomura to the floor.

There’s a big boot against the barricade and we hit the chinlock back inside. Some knees to the back and face cut off Satomura’s comeback attempt but the second try works a good bit better. A spinwheel kick staggers Dawn and the Saito suplex gets two. Satomura’s frog splash hits knees though and Dawn is back with a dropkick. Dawn misses something off the top and gets caught with a Pele kick, setting up the Death Valley Driver for two. Scorpion Rising misses but Satomura is fine enough to grab a cradle and retain at 8:00.

Rating: C+. They were in a weird spot here as Satomura is a much bigger star than Dawn, who is only starting to move into a more serious role around here. That left the match feeling more like waiting around until Satomura won, though Dawn has come a long way in recent months. She might be able to stay higher up in the division and it would be deserved.

Post match Dawn steals the title and leaves to end the show.

Overall Rating: C+. This was another show that didn’t have most of the main stars but still came out well enough. While the action itself here wasn’t exactly blowing me away, the show continues to set things up in the future and keep me wanting to come back for more. That isn’t something that happens very often and I could go for more of it for a long time coming.




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