NXT – August 2, 2022: No Vacancy

Date: August 2, 2022
Location: Capitol Wrestling Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Wade Barrett, Vic Joseph

It’s a big title night this week as there are three championships on the line. The mot interesting one might be the Women’s Tag Tam Titles, which are guaranteed to see new champions crowned as the titles are vacant coming in. In addition to all that, there is a Falls Count Anywhere match between Solo Sikoa and Von Wagner. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Women’s Tag Team Titles: Tatum Paxley/Ivy Nile vs. Toxic Attraction vs. Yulisa Leon/Valentina Feroz vs. Katana Chance/Kayden Carter

For the vacant titles under elimination rules. Paxley takes Leon down to start and it’s a rapid string of tags until Leon is gorilla pressed onto the pile at ringside. Feroz hits a big flip dive and it’s Paxley getting suplex/high crossbodied inside for two. Nile isn’t having that and runs Feroz over for the first elimination in short order. Jayne knees Nile in the head for two but Paxley suplexes Chance for the same.

Back up and Chance springboards over Paxley and hits a headscissors faceplant for two of her own. Jayne comes in and trips Paxley down for the elimination, leaving us with Carter/Chance vs. Toxic Attraction. Dolin elbows Carter down for two and everything breaks down for a four way knockdown. Chance dives on Dolin on the floor, leaving Dolin to get caught with the 4t0/neckbreaker combination for the pin and the titles at 12:06.

Rating: C. Not exactly great stuff here and a lot of that was due to having too many people in there without enough time. There were eight people to start and you can’t get very far with everyone trying to get in there and do their thing. Chance and Carter have been chasing the titles for a long time now so it was time to have them win the things. If nothing else, it is nice to have them in a division where they might have challengers so we could be in a good place going forward.

Josh Briggs/Brooks Jensen, with Fallon Henley, are fired up for their next title defense when the Schism interrupts. Joe Gacy talks about Cameron Grimes and gets a match with Jensen for later.

Here are Carmelo Hayes and Trick Williams for a chat. It’s Hayes’ birthday so let’s have an open challenge for the North American Title.

North American Title: Carmelo Hayes vs. Giovanni Vinci

Hayes, with Trick Williams, is defending. Hang on though as Hayes said the next person in the ring gets the shot so Nathan Frazer runs by Vinci and gets the shot instead. Frazer appearing in Vinci’s freeze frame was funny.

North American Title: Carmelo Hayes vs. Nathan Frazer

Hayes, with Williams, is defending and Vinci is on commentary. Frazer takes him down to start and slides under the ropes to crotch Hayes against the post. Fans: “HAPPY BIRTHDAY!” Back up and Hayes hits the Fade Away to take over, setting up a springboard spinning clothesline for two. Frazer fights back and forearms away before raining down some right hands.

It’s too early for the Phoenix splash so Frazer is back with a superkick. The low superkick gets two, with Williams almost having to come in for the save. Frazer sends him outside and hits a dive, which knocks over Vinci’s drink. That earns Frazer a shove off the top and Hayes hits Nothing But Net to retain at 5:41.

Rating: C. Hayes is so smooth in the ring that anything he does is worth a look. He makes it look easy out there and that is not something you can find every day. Frazer is someone who should feel like a bigger star but just doesn’t for some reason. It’s still fun to see him though and if he can figure out that missing piece, everything could work in the future.

It’s time for a summit between JD McDonagh and Bron Breakker, with Wade Barrett running things. McDonagh isn’t impressed with Breakker’s physique because it is little more than a road map of things he can hurt. Breakker talks about how he has studied McDonagh’s history and knows how smart McDonagh is. McDonagh is going to challenge his mind, but everyone has a plan until Breakker breaks him in half.

Barrett offers McDonagh the contract but he wants Barrett to sign first because Breakker looks scared. Breakker isn’t buying that and signs, but McDonagh says that this won’t end in violence. It will end in blood though, so he stabs himself in the had and signs with his own blood. Breakker is a bit disturbed but holds up the title anyway. Weird ending, but better than whatever McDonagh was doing last week.

The Creed Brothers are working out when Apollo Crews comes in. Crews is given an open invitations to train anytime but he tells them to have their eyes open against the D’Angelo Family tonight. Everything seems cool and Crews leaves, with Damon Kemp coming in. Roderick Strong is running late this week but he’ll be there for the match.

Toxic Attraction is livid and Mandy Rose can’t believe McKenzie Mitchell wants an interview right now.

Mandy Rose vs. Sarray

Non-title and joined in progress with Rose breaking up the running dropkick in the ropes. Rose slams her head first onto the mat but Sarray is back up with a springboard wristdrag. A fisherman’s suplex (Vic: “That plex is almost perfect!”) gets two on Rose. That isn’t going to work for Rose though, who is back up with a running knee for the pin at 4:14 shown.

Rating: C. I don’t know what it is but something about Sarray just misses most of the time. Other than that running dropkick against the ropes, I can’t think of a single thing she does in the ring that makes her stand out. Rose winning a near squash is a bit weird to see, but it makes sense to put her on television for an easy win for a change.

Post match Rose grabs a chair for some horrible shots to the leg keep Sarray down. Zoey Stark runs in for the save.

Tiffany Stratton does her gymnastics and thinks her hard work is why people are so obsessed with her. She hated losing that battle royal and everything she does is pretty.

Axiom is happy with his time in NXT so far but Duke Hudson comes in to call him short. Hudson beats him up all the way into the arena. Axiom is left laying but gets back up to issue the challenge for right now.

Axiom vs. Duke Hudson

Hudson runs him over to start but Axiom is back up with some kicks to the leg. A Razor’s Edge attempt is countered and Axiom grabs a rollup for the pin at 2:08. Nice enough feel good moment here.

Wes Lee doesn’t like Trick Williams because Williams thinks he’s a boxer. They can fight next week in a rounds match between wrestler and boxer next week.

Tag Team Titles: Creed Brothers vs. D’Angelo Family

The Creeds, with Damon Kemp, are defending. Julius headlocks Stacks to start and hands it off to Brutus for a suplex. Commentary seems to be rhyming as Stacks gets ax handled in the chest. D’Angelo comes in and cuts Brutus off as we take an early break. Back with Stacks working on a half crab but Julius crawls over for the tag to Julius.

House is cleaned and it’s back to Brutus, who gets caught by the arm to put the champs in trouble again. Stacks grabs an armbar but some forearms get Brutus out of trouble. Julius comes back in but a collision with D’Angelo gives us a double knockdown. Everything breaks down and D’Angelo grabs the crowbar. Cue the returning Santos Escobar to knock D’Angelo silly, setting up the basement lariat to retain the titles at 10:41. Roderick Strong never showed up.

Rating: C+. That ending with Escobar’s hand popping up and grabbing the crowbar was great, but it doesn’t hide the fact that the Creed Brothers are really uninteresting. They’ve come a long way and are good enough in the ring, but man alive they can take the interest out of a match in a hurry. That being said, I’ll take a year of them straight over another 15 seconds of this Legado vs. D’Angelo nonsense that has gone on WAY too long.

Roxanne Perez is tired of having to deal with Cora Jade in recent weeks, but then the title being thrown in the trash was even worse. The challenge is on for Heatwave.

Cora Jade knows she’s the talk of the town so she’s not in for Perez’s challenge. Mandy Rose comes in and wants Jade’s help taking out Zoey Stark. If she does, Jade gets the title shot instead. Jade will think about it. This has been your weekly reminder that NO ONE TALKS LIKE THIS, as Rose kept using the official names of the shows and speaking like she reading off a script.

Video on Von Wagner.

Kayden Carter and Katana Chance are really happy with their win.

Brooks Jensen vs. Joe Gacy

All of the associates are here too. Jensen punches him down to start but Gacy is back up with chops in the corner. Gacy knocks him down again and does his headstand in the corner. The Dyad goes after Fallon Henley so Josh Briggs gets between them. Cue Pretty Deadly for a distraction, allowing Gacy to hit the handspring clothesline for the pin at 2:58.

Post match Gacy rants about Cameron Grimes. Fan: “GACY LIKES PINEAPPLE LIKE PIZZA!”

Tony D’Angelo rants about Santos Escobar, who calls to laugh about everything. D’Angelo challenges him for one more match, mano a mano. This is the worst feud going in wrestling today and by going, I mean KEEPS GOING ON AND ON AND ON.

Lash Legend vs. Alba Fyre

Joined in progress with Legend running her over and grabbing the over the shoulder backbreaker. We get a tweet from Roderick Strong congratulating the Creed Brothers on retaining the titles and telling Apollo Creed to stay out of Diamond Mine business. Fyre fights out of the corner so Legend grabs the baseball bat. That earns her a superkick and the Swanton gives Fyre the pin at 3:28.

Rating: C-. And they’re done right? As in there is no reason for these two to every fight again and Fyre can move on to anyone else. Legend continues to be pretty awful at this stuff and while she hasn’t been featured as much lately, she is still one of the worst things going in wrestling today. Fyre did her thing and looked like her usual smooth self, but that is only going to do so much against someone like Legend.

Trick Williams and Carmelo Hayes leave and run into some women (perhaps their lady friends) whose car has broken down. Williams: “Y’all got some jumper cables?”

Nikkita Lyons doesn’t think much of Kiana James because everyone tries to put her in a box of what a woman should be. They can fight next week.

Solo Sikoa vs. Von Wagner

Falls Count Anywhere with Mr. Stone in Wagner’s corner. They waste no time in fighting to the floor, where Sikoa hits a quick backsplash for two. Back in and Sikoa hits a running Umaga Attack in the corner to send Wagner right back to the floor. Wagner gets in a few shots of his own and it’s time to throw some weapons inside. Sikoa gets dropped onto a chair so Wagner heads outside and loads up the announcers’ table.

That takes too long so Sikoa reverses into a Samoan drop onto said table. They fight outside, with Sikoa being thrown into the women’s car from before the break. Wagner sends him into a dumpster and goes to leave but Sikoa pops up. Sikoa fights back and they run into Cameron Grimes as he is leaving the arena.

Back inside and Wagner suplexes him through a table for two but Sikoa pops back up. They head into the ring where Sikoa hits a Samoan drop before grabbing the chair. Wagner gets chaired down and Rock Bottomed onto the steps but Stone’s distraction breaks up the Superfly Splash. That means they head outside where a pair of superkicks set up a Superfly Splash through the table to give Sikoa the win at 12:25.

Rating: C+. The match was the usual good brawl, but there is something so tiring about people taking one big hit after another and just popping up like nothing happened. Get put through a table backstage? Easy kickout and you’re up a few seconds later. Same with chair shots to the back and a Rock Bottom onto the steps. Those are the kinds of things that feel like they should put someone down for a pin, but in a match like this they barely have any impact. That can get old fast and that was the case again here, though Sikoa continues to look ready for the main roster. Second best splash through a table I’ve seen lately.

Overall Rating: C. There is something odd about having a show with three title matches being headlined by a midcard brawl, but that’s another story for another time. This show was a good example of NXT’s problems, as they do have good stuff, but the uninteresting/bad stuff is among the least interesting in wrestling today. Stuff like Legend, the D’Angelo/Escobar story and Joe Gacy drag this show way down and that makes for a long night most of the time. Not an awful show or anything close, but the best parts were only so good and there isn’t much that got my attention.

Kayden Carter/Katana Chance b. Valentina Feroz/Yulisa Leon, Tatum Paxley/Ivy Nile and Toxic Attraction last elimination Toxic Attraction
Carmelo Hayes b. Nathan Frazer – Nothing But Net
Mandy Rose b. Sarray – Running knee
Creed Brothers b. D’Angelo Family – Basement lariat to D’Angelo
Joe Gacy b. Brooks Jensen – Handspring lariat
Alba Fyre b. Lash Legend – Swanton Bomb
Solo Sikoa b. Von Wagner – Superfly Splash through a table





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NXT – July 26, 2022: Almost The Old Way

Date: July 26, 2022
Location: Capitol Wrestling Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Wade Barrett, Vic Joseph

It’s the first show of the new regime and I’m not sure how much of a difference that is going to make. NXT seems a bit more planned out that Raw and Smackdown so it might be a little while before the impact takes hold. Maybe they have a few surprises or at least ideas this week though so let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Here is the recently returned Zoey Stark for a chat. She is REALLY happy to be back and talks about being on the shelf since October after tearing her ACL and MCL. The doctors told her it would be over a year before she could return, but she worked in that trainer’s room so hard and beat the expectations by four months. Now she is the #1 contender for the Women’s Title and only has Toxic Attraction standing in her way. Cue Cora Jade on the platform to say she is already sick of Stark.

Jade was ready to be champion but Stark had to take HER MOMENT, just like Roxanne Perez did. They bicker about Jade trashing the Women’s Tag Team Titles but here is Toxic Attraction to interrupt. Mandy Rose is looking forward to becoming the fourth longest reigning Women’s Champion tomorrow when she surpasses Paige. Stark wants her title shot tonight, but instead has to settle for Gigi Dolin. This was just an “I’m back” promo, with Jade being annoying to keep her presence going.

Grayson Waller is ready to take out Wes Lee.

Tony D’Angelo and Family are ready to destroy the Diamond Mine.

Wes Lee vs. Grayson Waller

Waller takes him down to start and gets two off an early rollup. Lee is back with a victory roll for two of his own and there’s a double stomp to Waller’s back to set in the frustration. They run the ropes until Waller kicks him in the chest. That doesn’t do much to Lee, who dropkicks him to the floor and follows with a suplex.

We take a break and come back with Waller hitting a fireman’s carry flipped into a sitout powerbomb for two. Waller starts slapping him in the face, which has Lee fired up and unloading with shots to the face. Lee goes up top but gets shoved off for the big crash down to the floor. Waller yells at the referee and it’s Trick Williams in the crowd (in a hoodie and boxing gloves) with a shot to the back of Lee’s head. Lee dives back in to beat the count but the rolling Stunner gives Waller the pin at 11:00.

Rating: C. Lee continues to be in a weird spot as he is around almost every week but doesn’t ever really do anything important. Granted that is part of the “finding himself” story, but it isn’t exactly making him feel like a big deal. Waller is still a rather good villain, though he doesn’t come off as anything more than a midcard pest most of the time. He could also go with a better finisher than something that requires being outside to start most of the time.

The Schism talks about how Joe Gacy has opened their eyes to a new world. Now they want Cameron Grimes to join them, because Gacy can be the father figure that Grimes needs.

Arianna Grace is bragging about how much people were enjoying watching her in the battle royal last week when Indi Hartwell knocked her out. Hartwell’s gear is atrocious but here she is to say Grace would have done the same thing. Grace talks about how she would never do that as a former beauty queen and can’t stand this negative energy. Grace hasn’t shown me anything on LVL Up and I don’t see an improvement here.

Apollo Crews vs. Xyon Quinn

Crews dropkicks him down to start but Quinn is back up with some shots to the head. Quinn grabs a chinlock before elbowing Crews in the face for another knockdown. Crews fights back up but gets dropped again as he can’t get anything going. An enziguri gets Crews out of trouble though and he grabs a quick spinebuster for the pin at 5:37.

Rating: C-. I like Quinn a good deal but it’s becoming clear that he doesn’t have much to him besides a great look. He is long past the point of feeling like he is going to be something for the time being and while that is sad, it also isn’t surprising. Then you have Crews, who looks like a star and has much stronger of a resume, but the lack of personality is still holding him back. He’s miles ahead of Quinn though and that didn’t leave much doubt here.

Toxic Attraction isn’t worried about Zoey Stark but here is Sarray to say she wants a shot. Mandy Rose is ready for her revenge next week.

We look at Von Wagner beating Solo Sikoa down last week at Smackdown.

Solo Sikoa wants a falls count anywhere match with Wagner next week. Yes more brawling/hardcore stuff, but at least they have the slightest logical reason to go that way.

Gigi Dolin vs. Zoey Stark

The rest of Toxic Attraction is here and their early distraction lets Dolin jump her from behind. Some knees to the ribs and an elbow to the face rock Stark and we hit the bow and arrow hold. Stark fights up and hits a superkick, followed by a fireman’s carry flipped into a knee to the face for the pin at 2:50. Short and to the point here.

Post match Mandy Rose goes after Stark and gets chased to the floor. Cue Cora Jade to kendo stick her down but Roxanne Perez returns to make the save.

JD McDonagh is here….as a fan.

Wendy Choo has nightmares about losing to Tiffany Stratton. She wakes up and promises that this isn’t over with Stratton and next time won’t be so nice. How has anything about this feud been nice???

JD McDonagh is in the crowd and tells a fan to eat his popcorn slowly because people die eating it all the time. Next up he goes to talk to the timekeeper, who has an important job and talks about how you can break a hand with a hammer. Ring announcer Alicia Taylor has a great voice, but then there is Wade Barrett. McDonagh talks about how the calcium deposits from bare knuckle boxing can hurt your joints so watch out for that.

Then we have Vic Joseph, who said some bad things about McDonagh’s family last week. McDonagh thinks he could break Joseph’s collarbone with his bare hands…but he won’t. Instead, McDonagh gets in the ring and calls out Bron Breakker, who is happy to oblige. Breakker is ready to face him in three weeks and knocks McDonagh down, which has McDonagh smiling.

Chase U is ready for Andre Chase to face Giovanni Vinci. Thea Hail wants to do the fighting for him but Chase himself has this. Nathan Frazer comes in and gets to be the Chase U flag bearer.

We look back at Axiom’s debut with a comic book theme.

Roxanne Perez has a lot going on, including being half of the Women’s Tag Team Champions. She has no partner though, and hands the belt over to Alundra Blayze. Next week, it’s a fatal four way elimination match for the vacant titles.

Giovanni Vinci vs. Andre Chase

Chase armdrags him into an armbar to start and grabs a sunset flip for two. Some rollups get two each on Vinci and it’s right back to the armbar. Vinci fights up but gets distracted by the flag waving, allowing Chase to send him into the post. We take a break and come back with Chase being dumped out to the floor.

Back in and Chase hammers away, setting up a belly to back suplex for the double knockdown. The spelling stomps look to set up a double underhook something but Vinci powers out. A backslide doesn’t work for Vinci as Chase grabs a butterfly powerbomb for two more. The Fratliner is broken up though and Vinci clothesline him down. The sitout Last Ride finishes for Vinci at 12:24.

Rating: C+. This is a good example of how you use someone who has been built up into a little something to get a bigger prospect over. Vinci has done well in NXT so far, but he hasn’t won much to make him feel like a big deal. Chase might not be a top star, but the fans love him and the charisma is impossible to ignore. Beating him feels like it matters and that is what made this better than something like the Quinn vs. Crews match.

Post match the beating continues but Nathan Frazer makes the save.

Diamond Mine is ready for the D’Angelo Family.

Yulisa Leon is talking to Valentina Feroz when Sanga comes in. Sanga gives them a pep talk for next week’s Women’s Tag Team Title match.

Kayden Carter and Katana Chance want the titles they have been chasing. Ivy Nile and Tatum Paxley come in to gloat and trash talking ensues. Elektra Lopez comes in to say Diamond Mine will lost to the D’Angelo Family tonight and the brawl breaks out.

Arianna Grace vs. Indi Hartwell

Hartwell takes her down by the arm to start and works on a headlock. That’s reversed into a chinlock with Grace’s knee in her back before Grace plants her down. A rollup with feet on the ropes gets caught, allowing Hartwell to boot her in the face for the pin at 3:59.

Rating: C-. Grace is still pretty new at this, but the former beauty queen deal doesn’t exactly sound inspiring. I haven’t cared for what I’ve seen of her so far and this didn’t help make things better. At least Hartwell has a bit more star power, even if she hasn’t done much lately. Not a very good match, but at least Hartwell got a boost out of the mess she has been in lately.

Mr. Stone and Von Wagner are ready for Solo Sikoa next week.

Kiana James has a PowerPoint presentation about Nikkita Lyons being terrible in the ring. We see Lyons’ childhood as the daughter of a musician. Lyons doesn’t even have a great vocabulary. James is going to further investigate Lyons, but she already doesn’t care for her.

Video on Alba Fyre vs. Lash Legend.

D’Angelo Family vs. Diamond Mine

Tony D’Angelo drives Roderick Strong into the corner to start but gets armdragged down for his efforts. Everything breaks down and it’s a huge brawl, with Brutus Creed going for an ankle lock on D’Angelo, who gets pulled outside to safety. Julius dives off the apron to take them all down though and we take a break.

Back with Kemp hitting a jumping knee on Wilde and sending him outside. A swinging slam to Del Toro is broken up with a chop block though and Kemp is down. Kemp’s knee gets slammed into the mat and Stacks grabs a quickly broken half crab. Kemp kicks his way to freedom and brings in Julius Creed to clean house. Julius runs the corner to superplex Del Toro and a German suplex drops D’Angelo. Brutus comes back in to run over the Family but Cruz and Del Toro hits their Russian legsweep/big boot combination. Strong knees Brutus by mistake though and D’Angelo fisherman’s suplexes Brutus for the pin at 11:38.

Rating: C+. The Diamond Mine continues to fall apart and it’s hard to imagine that they’re a thing much longer. This wasn’t so much about the D’Angelo Family winning as much as it was about the Diamond Mine losing, so they did have the logic right. I’m curious to see where the split goes, and at least they had a pretty good match to help us get there.

Alundra Blayze doesn’t know who is winning the Women’s Tag Team Titles next week. Toxic Attraction comes up to say they’ll win but Blayze says they have to earn them. This annoys Toxic Attraction to end the show.

Overall Rating: C+. While it wasn’t the best show, it was nice to see something a show that felt nice and steady again. This show touched on a variety of feuds and angles while also moving some stuff forward. They need are starting to set up their next big show so they even have a direction. Now just get things set up and pay them off at that show and they’ve gotten somewhere in the right way, just like NXT of old.

Grayson Waller b. Wes Lee – Rolling Stunner
Apollo Crews b. Xyon Quinn – Spinebuster
Zoey Stark b. Gigi Dolin – Fireman’s carry knee to the face
Giovanni Vinci b. Andre Chase – Sitout Last Ride
Indi Hartwell b. Arianna Grace – Big boot
D’Angelo Family b. Diamond Mine – Fisherman’s suplex to Brutus




Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and head over to my Amazon author page with 30 different cheap wrestling books at:



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NXT – July 19, 2022: More Than WWE Can Say

Date: July 19, 2022
Location: Capitol Wrestling Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Wade Barrett, Vic Joseph

The focus is on the women again this week as we have a battle royal for the #1 contendership to the Women’s Title. Other than that, we are probably going to be getting a lot more attention on Cora Jade betraying Roxanne Perez last week. And maybe Bron Breakker can do something. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

We open with a long recap of last week, with Cora Jade turning on Roxanne Perez and costing her the Women’s Title.

Cameron Grimes vs. JD McDonagh

Grimes shoulders him down but McDonagh kicks at the knee. That doesn’t bother Grimes, who kicks him in the chest and hits a backdrop. A whip into the corner has McDonagh on the apron and a big boot puts him on the floor. Back in and Grimes hits a high crossbody to rock McDonagh again, but here is Joe Gacy on the platform for a distraction as we take a break.

Back with Gacy still looking down and McDonagh blocking a suplex from the apron. McDonagh goes back to the knee and kicks away at it in the corner, only to get caught in a swinging Side Effect. Another shot to the knee slows Grimes down so he enziguris his way out of trouble. McDonagh goes for the leg again so Grimes knees him in the face. Grimes is knocked to the apron but McDonagh headbutts him, with Grimes’ knee getting caught in the ropes. That’s enough to slow Grimes down so the Devlin Side can finish Grimes at 13:24.

Rating: B. This is the kind of match you knew you would get from these two, as McDonagh and Grimes are capable of doing very good things in the ring. I could go for about 183% less Gacy, but he’s the junk mail you get in your box every day anymore. Other than that, they had a really good opener here and McDonagh is instantly established on the show.

Nikkita Lyons is ready to win the battle royal tonight.

Tiffany Stratton is OFFENDED that she has to be in the battle royal tonight but she’ll win anyway.

Here is Cora Jade for her big explanation. After coming close to using the start of Hulk Hogan’s Bash At The Beach 1996 speech, Jade talks about how she has been the featured star of the women’s division since she got here. People have been talking about how great she is at such a young age. Then she found the perfect partner in her best friend, Roxanne Perez. Everything was great and they won the Tag Team Titles, but not THIRTY MINUTES LATER, Perez wanted to do something more by winning the Women’s Title.

That was so disrespectful so it was time to do something about it. That’s why Jade didn’t mind turning on her last week and hitting her with the title. Now Perez is gone with a broken heart but they are still the Women’s Tag Team Champions. The titles mean nothing to her in the new Generation of Jade, so she throws it in the trash at ringside. Logical, to the point, everything was fine here and that’ snice to see for a change.

Xyon Quinn likes what Jade did but now he has something to look forward to next week: a one on one match with Apollo Crews. Sure Crews can throw weight around in the gym, but he couldn’t do it on the main stage. Now the X Factor gets to take Crews out.

Indi Hartwell wants to win the Women’s Title.

Roderick Strong vs. Damon Kemp

They trade headlock takeovers to start with Strong getting the better of things early on. Back up and Kemp grabs a suplex before a gutwrench suplex makes it worse. Strong is back with some knees to the ribs to put Kemp down as commentary talks about Strong’s failings as the leader of Diamond Mine. Kemp gets in some more suplexes, but we cut to the D’Angelo Family on screen laying out the Creed Brothers. Kemp is distracted enough that Strong can hit a jumping knee for the pin at 5:56.

Rating: C. I’m oddly curious about how this Diamond Mine split is going to go, even if Strong is hardly the most interesting person. Kemp continues to seem like he could work well in some kind of a role and I could go for more of him. For now though, it is likely going to be about the team’s split rather than anyone standing out and that might not draw the most interest.

Pretty Deadly, in their cowboy gear, is ready to win the Tag Team Titles.

Josh Briggs and Brooks Jensen ware ready to keep the Tag Team Titles and then Fallon Henley is winning the battle royal. She tells them to focus, because keeping the titles is harder than losing them.

Diamond Mine is banged up but Roderick Strong is ready to fight the D’Angelo Family.

NXT UK Tag Team Titles: Pretty Deadly vs. Josh Briggs/Brooks Jensen

Briggs and Jensen, with Fallon Henley, are defending. Jensen knocks Prince into the corner to start for some clotheslines and a backdrop as everything breaks down early. A cheap shot has Briggs in trouble but he knocks Prince outside….and right into Henley. The champs panic as Henley is down and we take a break.

Back with Prince taking Jensen down for a chinlock and keeping him from getting over for the tag to Brigs. That doesn’t last long as Jensen gets over to Briggs for the tag so house can be cleaned. Stereo crossbodies put Briggs and Wilson down, with Prince handing Wilson a title belt. Then Prince slides Briggs the other belt so the referee doesn’t see Henley grab Wilson’s title. The tug of war lets Briggs and Jensen hit a High/Low to retain the titles at 11:34.

Rating: C+. Briggs and Jensen have finally picked up a little something to move them forward and that is a good idea. They have the gimmick and abilities to make something interesting so giving them some titles was the right move. I’d like to see how far they can go, but the fact that NXT set up a team and then developed them is a great sign.

Joe Gacy says it is time for the Dyad to reveal themselves but there is no going back. And of course it’s the Grizzled Young Veterans, who he baptizes as Jagger Reid (James Drake) and Rip Fowler (Zack Gibson). They might be named the Schism.

Bron Breakker is looking for JD McDonagh.

Wes Lee is still on his quest to find himself and now it’s time to go after Grayson Waller and then Trick Williams.

Here is Bron Breakker for a chat. He can respect someone coming to him and asking for a title shot like Cameron Grimes, but then there is someone like JD McDonagh who jumps him from behind. Breakker knows who McDonagh is and here is McDonagh on the screen. McDonagh talks about how he knows Breakker is tough and will fight through anything, but McDonagh knows how to hurt people.

That bad shoulder Breakker has is comprised of eight major muscles, which McDonagh draws on a mannequin. Breakker is tired of the lesson and tells McDonagh to come down here and fight him. McDonagh says in due time and watch that shoulder. Breakker threatens to take the shoulder and beat McDonagh over the head with it for a line that could only work coming from a Steiner.

Von Wagner and Solo Sikoa got in a fight backstage at Smackdown, with Wagner beating him up outside the building.

The Diamond Mine is fired up and ready to take out the D’Angelo Family. The Family has two choices, both of which involves getting beaten up.

Axiom vs. Dante Chen

Axiom is a masked man who looks like a superhero, complete with special effects that make him look like he moves in a blur. They fight over wristlocks until Axiom takes him down by the arm. Chen sends him outside but Axiom comes back in with a tornado DDT. A jumping kick to the face finishes Chen at 2:56. Not the greatest debut but the superhero deal should work fine.

Lash Legend brags about her greatness.

Giovanni Vinci grants a fan a picture (with the fan not in it) but Chase U arrives and gets in the way of Vinci’s car. They go inside but don’t move their bus, leaving Vinci annoyed. This was funnier than it should have been.

We go to the barber shop where Carmelo Hayes and Trick Williams aren’t impressed with Hayes’ potential challengers. Williams will be watching Wes Lee vs. Grayson Waller next week though.

Toxic Attraction isn’t impressed with the battle royal but Ivy Nile, Kiana James and Alba Fyre come in to say they’ll win.

There’s a new QR code, which links to a woman wearing boots and walking somewhere.

Cameron Grimes is leaving and an unseen interviewer (sounds like Jeremy Borash) won’t take no for an answer on asking questions. Grimes snaps and yells about how he wants to go home, but Joe Gacy pops up to say he gets it.

Tony D’Angelo accepts the Diamond Mine’s challenge for next week.

Battle Royal

Alba Fyre, Nikkita Lyons, Tiffany Stratton, Fallon Henley, Lash Legend, Indi Hartwell, Ivy Nile, Kiana James, Elektra Lopez, Cora Jade, Zoey Stark, Sloane Jacobs, Valentina Feroz, Yulisa Leon, Wendy Choo, Katana Chance, Kayden Carter, Tatum Paxley, Amari Miller, Arianna Grace

For the next shot at Mandy Rose and commentary confirms that Zoey Stark is behind the QR codes. Everyone glares at Jade, who walks outside and gets beaten up by Nile. Miller is out first and Grace is kicked out as well. Fyre and Legend eliminate each other and brawl to the back, because basketball related feuds run deep.

Stratton knocks Choo out but she lands on her pillow and gets back in. Stark tosses Leon and Feroz and James kick Henley out. Stratton hits Choo in the face with a cup to get rid of her as well and we take a break. Back with Carter and Chance putting Nile out but getting knocked out as well. Paxley dives onto the two of them to save Nile and eliminates herself in the process. Stratton dumps Hartwell and we’re down to Stratton, Lyons, James and Stark.

James drives Lyons into the corner but gets kicked in the face for the easy elimination. Stratton dumps Lyons, leaving her alone with Stark. A clothesline puts Stratton over the top but only one foot hits, allowing her to get back onto the apron. Stratton backdrops Starks to the apron but they both get back inside. Stark forearms Stratton out….but Jade comes back in through the crowd and….gets backdropped out as well to give Stark the win at 13:10.

Rating: B-. This was better than I would have expected and a lot of that is due to the division actually having some depth. There were twenty women involved in this with three more watching (and Roxanne Perez not included), most of which have some kind of defining characteristic. That’s a heck of a lot more than most women’s divisions can claim and that’s pretty impressive. As for the match, Stark winning is a fine way to go as she’s a fresh challenger for Rose, though I wouldn’t have had the brand new heel get tossed like a goon.

Overall Rating: B-. Pretty nice show this week with the opener and main event both working well. NXT is turning back into a good show, though there are still some parts that need ironing out. What matters most is that they have developed people up and down the card rather than just in the main event, which is more than WWE can say. Now just get things a little tighter and you could have something here, though they have already come a rather long way and should be proud of their success.

JD McDonagh b. Cameron Grimes – Devlin Side
Roderick Strong b. Damon Kemp – Jumping knee
Josh Briggs/Brooks Jensen b. Pretty Deadly – High/Low to Wilson
Axiom b. Dante Chen – Running boot to the face
Zoey Stark won a battle royal last eliminating Cora Jade




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NXT – July 12, 2022: Tablesetting

Date: July 12, 2022
Location: Capitol Wrestling Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Vic Joseph, Wade Barrett

It’s the week after the Great American Bash and we still have a title on the line this week. This time around, we have the Women’s Title on the line as Roxanne Perez is going to be challenging Mandy Rose for the NXT Women’s Title in an attempt to become a double champ. In addition, we have the fallout from JD McDonagh attacking NXT Champion Bron Breakker last week. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

We open with a recap of the Great American Bash.

Roxanne Perez has been attacked in the parking lot (THE PARKING LOT STRIKES AGAIN), with Cora Jade and medics checking on her.

Giovanni Vinci vs. Apollo Crews

They fight over a lockup to start and neither gets very far. Crews slips out of a slam but gets shouldered down. Some forearms from Crews rattle Vinci though and Crews is up with AJ Styles’ drop down into a dropkick. They head outside with Crews being dropped onto the barricade and we take a break.

Back with Crews making a comeback on Vinci, including a splash in the corner and some rolling German suplexes. Crews goes up but dives into a suplex, with Vinci pulling him out of the air (dang) for two. Hold on though as Vinci grabs a fan’s phone for a distraction, allowing Xyon Quinn to run out of the crowd and deck Crews. Vinci grabs the sitout Last Ride for the pin at 10:14.

Rating: C+. The screwy ending aside, this was a good win for Vinci as he needed to do something to set him apart from the rest of the field. Beating Crews means more than beating a lot of NXT stars and the ending sets up Crews vs. Quinn while Vinci can move on to something else. Nice match here and well put together.

Cora Jade isn’t impressed by Toxic Attraction jumping Roxanne Perez and is ready for some revenge. I’m sure.

Tiffany Stratton is getting her nails done and vents about FINALLY being done with Wendy Choo. Now she wants to know who leaves with the Women’s Title. The nail work isn’t great but she’ll spare them a bad review.

Here is Cameron Grimes for a chat after his loss to Bron Breakker last week. He didn’t get robbed and he even caved in Breakker’s chest but he didn’t win the title. Now he has lost the North American Title and the NXT Title shot but maybe that’s just life. Instead of going to the moon, he crashed into the sun….and here is JD McDonagh to interrupt. McDonagh says that after Grimes lost last week, he became old news. Now it’s all about McDonagh, who wants that meat head Bron Breakker. Grimes wants McDonagh to look at him when he talks, so McDonagh headbutts him. That’s enough for Grimes to chase him off.

The Creeds and Damon Kemp are going over footage from last week’s match and respect is shown. Kemp would love to run it back and the Creeds are in if he is. The Creeds leave but here is Roderick Strong to say that isn’t what you do. Kemp cost them the titles so next week, Strong is teaching him a lesson.

Grayson Waller blames Wes Lee for his loss last week and wants to teach him a lesson.

Roxanne Perez is still getting checked out.

Tatum Paxley vs. Kayden Carter

Katana Chance is here too. Paxley takes her down by the arm to start but Carter is back with a running dropkick to the floor. That brings out Ivy Nile to check out Paxley and send her back inside, where Carter ties up the legs. Paxley grabs the rope so Carter pulls her away….and right into a small package to give Paxley the fast pin at 3:25.

Rating: C. I could go for more of Paxley as she and Nile could be a little something if they’re put together. One of the bigger issues with the NXT women’s division is that they have a bunch of people but a lot of them don’t have much to make them stand out. If Paxley teaming with Nile is her thing, then it gives her a step up on a lot of the rest of the new class.

Joe Gacy is ready for the Dyad to reveal themselves next week.

Sanga is watching the intro from last week’s show where he splashed Duke Hudson in a pool. Hudson comes up and complains, setting up a match.

Fallon Henley, Josh Briggs and Brooks Jensen are in the bar celebrating their Tag Team Title win when Pretty Deadly, dressed as cowboys, come in. Pretty Deadly calls the place a dump and a fight is teased, but Henley sets up the match for next week.

Duke Hudson vs. Sanga

Hudson drives him into the corner to start but can’t whip him around. Instead Sanga runs him over with a shoulder out to the floor so Hudson grabs a neck snap across the top. Back in and Hudson rips at the chest hair before hitting a big boot (Wade: “Yes Duke!”). Sanga doesn’t seem to mind and hits a chokeslam (Wade: “No Duke!”) for the pin at 2:58.

Mr. Stone and company don’t think much of Solo Sikoa being from the streets because Von Wagner is a real athlete.

Solo Sikoa is ready to fight.

Toxic Attraction mocks Roxanne Perez for getting hurt, but they didn’t do it.

Solo Sikoa vs. Von Wagner

They fight on the floor to start before getting inside for the opening bell. Since they’re so angry, Wagner grabs a headlock before shouldering him down. Sikoa’s shoulder just annoys Wagner but a slam works a bit better, setting up a running headbutt for two. There’s a backsplash to send Wagner outside and we take a break.

Back with Sikoa fighting out of a chinlock but getting booted in the face. Sikoa hits a belly to back suplex to start the real comeback and starts striking away. There’s the Samoan drop and a running Umaga attack in the corner, sending Wagner outside. Sikoa goes with him and they fight up the aisle for the double countout at 10:34.

Rating: C. The fighting stuff was ok, but there was a bit too much wrestling in there for what they seemed to be trying to do. Sikoa not losing to Wagner is encouraging, though I would like to believe that this isn’t the best Sikoa can do right now. Fighting Wagner is quite the downgrade and it seems like we’ll be seeing it again soon. How great.

Carmelo Hayes and Trick Williams go to the penthouse with some ladies. The hot tub is visited.

Lash Legend dribbles a basketball and shouts about Indi Hartwell. The ball rolls away and is stopped by a red baseball bat.

Chase U has gone to London but Andre Chase isn’t happy with being named as the seventh best school. Chase threatens to beat Glenn up for writing this and throws him out.

Lash Legend vs. Indi Hartwell

Legend jumps her to start and they head outside with Hartwell being driven into the apron. Back in and Hartwell gets draped over the top rope before being bent over Legend’s back for some cranking. Cue Alba Fyre on the platform, with Legend’s basketball, for a distraction, allowing Hartwell to try a springboard….I have no idea as Hartwell comes crashing down to the mat in a horrible slip. Legend rolls her up but gets reversed into another rollup for the pin (or close enough) to give Hartwell the pin at 3:32.

Rating: D-. That ending alone is a downgrade, but Fyre stealing a basketball is pretty lame even for modern wrestling stories. What’s worse is that Fyre, who could have been a star on the main roster a year ago, is now tasked with bringing Legend along. The botch wasn’t on Legend, but it’s not like this was going anywhere before Hartwell fell down. Hartwell continues to be directionless at the moment and I don’t see that changing anytime soon.

Post match Fyre chases Legend off with the bat.

A bunch of women talk about Roxanne Perez, including her lack of a boyfriend.

Tony D’Angelo wants to know where Legado del Fantasma’s loyalties lie. You mean he can’t tell yet?

Solo Sikoa and Von Wagner are still fighting outside.

The QR code is back, this time taking you to a Wordle style puzzle. The word is either _ _ _ OC or O _ _ _ C. Havoc?

Tony D’Angelo/Stacks vs. Edris Enofe/Malik Blade

Legado del Fantasma (minus Santos Escobar) is here too. Enofe and Stacks start things off with Blade coming in for some quick double teaming. Stacks gets over to D’Angelo for a suplex on Enofe and the villains take over. That doesn’t last long either though as the hot tag brings in Blade for a spinebuster on Stacks as D’Angelo sends Enofe into the steps. Blade gets dropped face first onto the top turnbuckle and it’s a swinging fisherman’s suplex to give D’Angelo the pin at 5:20.

Rating: C-. This D’Angelo/Legado stuff has completely stalled and it doesn’t help when they are trying to have D’Angelo as a serious guy. He’s the definition of a gimmick guy and that doesn’t shine at all when he is in the ring. There is something there with him, but they need to move on to something else with him in a hurry.

Nikkita Lyons doesn’t know who attacked Roxanne Perez, though people are accusing her. If she can, she’s ready to take the title shot though.

Axiom likes comic books and wears a mask. He’ll debut next week.

NXT Title: Mandy Rose vs. Roxanne Perez

Perez is challenging, or at least she is in theory as she isn’t here. Toxic Attraction laughs it off but here is Cora Jade to say we’re having a title match. Mandy says not so fast and gives Perez a ten count, but here is Perez, with ribs taped, to answer. Jade tries to talk her out of it but says go do it. Perez comes in swinging and gets a ROXIE TWO BELTS chant. Rose isn’t having that and goes to the injured ribs to take over, with Perez being knocked outside.

We take a break and come back with Rose working on a bodyscissors but Perez fighs up and hits a running uppercut in the corner. Pop Rox is blocked as Rose gets to the floor, where Perez hits a dive. Pop Rox connects on the floor and Perez gets her back inside….but Cora jade hits Perez with the Women’s Tag Team Title. That’s enough for Rose to hit the running knee and retain at 9:18.

Rating: C. They telegraphed that ending pretty hard but that isn’t a bad thing. Sometimes it is easier to just go with the story that makes sense, even if the pieces are laid out in front of you. Jade and Perez splitting up is an interesting way to go since they are still the Tag Team Champions, but I can certainly go with the idea of getting rid of those belts if that happens to be a side effect. As for the match, it was what you would expect with an injured star coming after Mandy Rose, who continues to be completely adequate in the ring.

Post match Jade yells at Perez a lot and tries to hit her with the skateboard….but it breaks beforehand, leaving Jade to use the pieces to end the show.

Overall Rating: C. This show wasn’t the best but it was setting things up for the future, which is a good thing to see. The problem is they didn’t have a very good show to get there and that made for a pretty dull night. The good thing is that it came off a rather strong show last week so things going down a bit was understandable. Now just get back to closer to last week next time and we should be ok.

Giovanni Vinci b. Apollo Crews – Lifting sitout powerbomb
Tatum Paxley b. Kayden Carter – Small package
Sanga b. Duke Hudson – Chokeslam
Solo Sikoa vs. Von Wagner went to a double countout
Indi Hartwell b. Lash Legend – Rollup
Tony D’Angelo/Stacks b. Edris Enofe/Malik Blade – Spinning fisherman’s suplex to Blade
Mandy Rose b. Roxanne Perez – Running knee




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NXT – July 5, 2022 (Great American Bash): Old Like New

Date: July 5, 2022
Location: Capitol Wrestling Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Wade Barrett, Vic Joseph

It’s another special night this week, as we have the Great American Bash. That means we have a stacked card, including multiple title matches. The main event is Cameron Grimes challenging Bron Breakker for the NXT Title, which should be a heck of a match. NXT does well enough with these shows so let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

The opening video is at a cookout, hosted by Fallon Henley, Brooks Jensen and Josh Briggs. Most of the roster is there, with Jensen enjoying the women in the pool and wrestlers making various wrestling related threats.

Tag Team Titles: Cora Jade/Roxanne Perez vs. Toxic Attraction

Jade and Perez are challenging and Jade takes Jayne down early on. A running knee against the ropes gets two on Jayne and it’s off to Perez to forearm Dolin. Back with Perez and Jayne trading pump kicks for a double knockdown, setting up a double tag. Jade takes over on Jayne’s arm and a dropkick gets two.

There’s a double superkick for the same but Mandy Rose pulls the referee out at two, earning a well deserved ejection. A running neckbreaker drops Perez for two but Jade comes in to knock Jayne outside. Pop Rox gives Perez the fast pin on Dolin to give us new champions at 10:35.

Rating: C. They made this fast and to the point, though the ending came out of nowhere and didn’t quite work. It was time to get the titles off of Toxic Attraction, though we have been here before and the title change didn’t stick before. Hopefully they move on now though, as their reign has run its course.

Bron Breakker arrived earlier today and said his shoulder was fine.

Tony D’Angelo yells at Legado del Fantasma, saying that only Elektra Lopez has done well. Next week, they have one more chance. There is an implication that Santos Escobar has been taken out.

Pretty Deadly doesn’t think much of Josh Briggs/Brooks Jensen.

Trick Williams vs. Wes Lee

Carmelo Hayes is here with Williams, complete with some water as Williams is in a boxing robe. Williams takes him down to start but gets sent into the corner, where Williams wants a time out. Back up and they both miss some kicks until Lee dropkicks him into the corner. Back up and Williams spins Lee into a powerslam for two. Lee knocks him outside though, where Williams sprays some of the water on his hands and then sends it over to commentary. The liquid is rubbed into Lee’s eyes to blind him and it’s the Trick Kick for the pin on Lee at 3:45.

Rating: C-. This was a quick match as Lee’s momentum stops in a hurry. It does help that Williams won via chicanery though and that should keep Lee from getting too destroyed. Williams continues to be more about the hype than anything in the ring but giving him a win here or there isn’t a bad thing. Just have a better match next time.

Post match, commentary says that smells like rubbing alcohol.

Tiffany Stratton is getting her makeup done but Wendy Choo comes in to throw powder into her face. Apparently this is the start of a match, which begins during a break.

Tiffany Stratton vs. Wendy Choo

We’re joined in progress with Stratton raking Choo’s hand over the rope. She even rips off Choo’s nail but Choo fights back in a hurry. Choo has to shake her hand back to live but she is fine enough to knock Stratton down and grabs a sleeper. With that broken up, Choo hits a suplex for two and a high crossbody connects, only to hurt the hand. Stratton is right back and knocks her into the corner for the corkscrew Vader Bomb and the pin at 4:38 shown.

Rating: C+. Choo’s gimmick is a nightmare but she is pretty good once you get to the point. That being said, Stratton is looking more and more like the complete package every single week and this was no exception. If she can get into a more serious story, she could be on her way to a much higher level in a hurry.

Roxanne Perez and Cora Jade are happy and Perez isn’t done: she’s cashing in her title shot next week against Mandy Rose.

Bron Breakker is warming up when Cameron Grimes comes in to say he’ll do whatever it takes to win the title. Breakker insists the shoulder is fine.

Here is Apollo Crews for a chat. He talks about how his kids saw what he was doing on Raw and Smackdown and they didn’t recognize him. Then they just stopped watching, but they have been watching every week since he has been back in NXT. Now he’s back though and it’s true that everything has changed.

He’ll be watching everyone around here and lists off some names, but here is Giovanni Vinci to interrupt. His name wasn’t on the list and that isn’t a surprise because Crews knows what happens if they face off. Vinci knows that he can match him in athleticism and beat him in style, so Crews invites him to come in and prove it. Vinci says we can do this next week. At least WWE seems to have realized that the Nigerian royalty deal was going nowhere.

Ivy Nile is ready to find out which Diamond Mine team is better. Hold on though as Nile has to go break up an argument between a bunch of the women. As a result, Tatum Paxley needs to be in the gym tomorrow morning.

Grayson Waller is ready to win the North American Title.

Carmelo Hayes is ready for Waller.

JD McDonagh is still coming.

North American Title: Carmelo Hayes vs. Grayson Waller

Hayes is defending and has Trick Williams. Feeling out process to start with Hayes grabbing a rollup with tights for two. They hit right hands at the same time before Hayes drops him with a clothesline. The Fade Away connects but Waller is right back with an electric chair belly to back for a knockdown.

Back from a break with Hayes still in trouble and getting pulled into a triangle choke. That’s broken up and a headscissors faceplant gives Hayes two. Waller gets knocked into the corner and it’s time for another slugout. A running dropkick takes out Hayes’ knee and a running flipping Unprettier (almost a reverse Blockbuster) gives Waller two. The rolling Stunner connects but Hayes rolls outside. That means Waller needs to load it up again, only to have Williams cut him off. Cue Wes Lee to take out Williams, leaving Hayes to hit the top rope ax kick to retain the title at 11:43.

Rating: B-. This was one of those matches that got a chance to breathe and let the talented wrestlers do their thing. Waller can have a good enough match when he gets the chance and Hayes is as smooth of a star as NXT has. Lee getting involved ties into the earlier match in a good way so well done all around here.

We see a QR code and are told to SCAN HERE. Apparently it brings up a screen that says “8:10:11”.

Xyon Quinn says he is the future.

Ivy Nile fires up Diamond Mine.

Mandy Rose isn’t worried about Toxic Attraction losing earlier today because they can correct things. Nor is she worried about Cora Jade next week.

We go to Chase University where Bodie Hayward is falling asleep in a history lecture. Thea Hail won’t stop sleeping and is way too happy to be here. A guy named Chad tells Andre Chase that the Declaration of Independence was signed on July 2 and Chase goes into a rant (“WHO THE F*** DID JOHN ADAMS EVER BEAT???”). With Chad gone, Hail wants to go to England, which is cool with Chase. There are your next NXT UK guest starts.

Tag Team Titles: Damon Kemp/Roderick Strong vs. Creed Brothers

The Brothers are defending in an all Diamond Mine showcase. Brutus runs Strong over to start and it’s quickly off to Julius to grapple with Kemp. That’s fine with Julius, who takes Kemp into the corner and hands him off to Brutus for a fireman’s carry slam into said corner. Kemp tries to get out but Strong sends him back in, allowing Julius to send him outside. Brutus goes up top for a cannonball to the floor and the crash sends us to a break.

Back with Strong kneeing away at Julius but Brutus comes back in to clean house. Strong runs over and slaps Julius on the apron. The distraction lets Strong hit the jumping knees to the face and he hands it off to Kemp for a slingshot spear. Brutus fights out and hands it back to Julius to clean house again. Julius powerslams both of them down and hits the sliding lariat to Kemp to retain the titles at 12:12.

Rating: C. I get the story they’re going for here, but I don’t know if Diamond Mine is interesting enough to pull it off. The Brothers are a good team and Kemp has barely wrestled as part of the team so far. Strong as the delusional leader getting shoved further and further away is only somewhat interesting and this match didn’t help things.

Post match Diamond Mine poses, though Roderick Strong isn’t pleased.

We hear from someone who seems to be a math genius who has used his match skills to learn to fight. His name is Axiom and while we don’t see his face, he sounded a bit like A-Kid from NXT UK.

Video on Cameron Grimes vs. Bron Breakker.

Mr. Stone and company aren’t happy with Von Wagner being off the show but Solo Sikoa comes in to say he doesn’t want to hear it. A match seems likely for next week.

NXT Title: Cameron Grimes vs. Bron Breakker

Breakker is defending and, after the Big Match Intros, grabs a headlock. That’s broken up and Grimes goes for the arm, earning himself a trip into the corner as we take an early break. Back with Breakker hitting a suplex but getting sent to the floor for a dive from Grimes. They get back inside with Grimes hitting a kick to the arm and cranking back on it to make things worse.

Breakker fights up and hits some clotheslines but Grimes nails a superkick. There’s the running flipping crossbody for two but Breakker catches him on top for the Frankensteiner. The spear misses so Grimes pulls him into something close to an Octopus. That doesn’t work so Breakker is sent into the corner, setting up the Cave In for a near fall. Grimes heads up, only to dive into a spear to retain the title at 12:36.

Rating: B. This was a match that was well laid out and they got the story right. Stuff like Breakker’s arm giving out and him not being able to follow up made the match that much better. I’m not sure what is next for Grimes but it might be time to turn him heel for the sake of having nothing else for him to do. Either that or call him up, though I don’t want to imagine him as the distant cousin of Hillbilly Jim, Jesse and Festus.

Post match Grimes goes to celebrate but JD McDonagh shows up to jump him, calling himself the necessary evil.

Overall Rating: B-. This felt like an old school NXT show as they had stories to build towards, brought in new stars, and had some mostly good wrestling throughout. I liked this show more than I’ve enjoyed NXT in a long time, though I have no reason to believe that it is going to last. For now though, good show and a very nice break after some less than awesome shows.

Cora Jade/Roxanne Perez b. Toxic Attraction – Pop Rox to Dolin
Trick Williams b. Wes Lee – Trick Kick
Tiffany Stratton b. Wendy Choo – Twisting Vader Bomb
Carmelo Hayes b. Grayson Waller – Top rope ax kick
Creed Brothers b. Roderick Strong/Damon Kemp – Sliding lariat to Kemp
Bron Breakker b. Cameron Grimes – Spear



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NXT LVL Up – June 17, 2022: Bleh, Again

Date: June 17, 2022
Location: Capitol Wrestling Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Sudu Shah, Nigel McGuinness

Things are starting to take form around here and it makes for some more interesting shows. You can tell which names are going to put on a good match and which ones are going to be there as either cannon fodder or to get in some reps. That can make the show easier to predict, but not necessarily good, as tends to be the case. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Thea Hail vs. Arianna Grace

Hail has the rest of Chase U with her and Grace now wears a feather boa to the ring. Grace powers her around to start before they fight over a wristlock. Hail’s arm is snapped across the top to cut her off though and it’s time to kick away in the corner. A DDT on the arm gives Grace two and we hit the hammerlock, with Grace slamming Hail into the mat for a bonus. That’s broken up as Hail fights up and hits a running flip neckbreaker, followed by an arm trap cradle for the pin at 5:29.

Rating: C-. Grace continues to do very little for me, though it does seem like she is starting to put together a persona. Hail on the other hand playing the college student with a bunch of energy could be worse. Neither is great, but at least they went with the one who is doing better at the moment.

Guru Raaj vs. Miles Borne

This is Borne’s debut and they trade flips away from each other for a fast start. Borne takes him down with an armdrag into an armbar to slow things up though, which isn’t surprising as he’s clearly a technical guy due to wearing a singlet. That’s countered into a northern lights suplex and Raaj kicks away, setting up a double arm crank on the mat. Back up and Borne hits some dropkicks into a slam for two as this is rather riveting offense. Raaj fights back and strikes away before a middle rope bulldog finishes Borne at 4:56.

Rating: D+. This was a match between two people who have nothing that sets them apart and had little redeeming value. It wasn’t a bad match, but it was about as boring as you can get without falling off a cliff. Just two guys having a match and that isn’t going to make me care much about either of them.

Respect is shown post match.

Ivy Nile vs. Elektra Lopez

Lopez has Stacks and Two Dimes with her. Nile easily takes her to the mat to start for a headlock. A snap suplex gives Nile two but a gutbuster cuts her down. What looked to be a running spinning chop in the corner is just a run, a stop, and then the spinning chop to Nile, followed by some forearms to the back. The abdominal stretch goes on, with Lopez lifting the leg for a bonus. Lopez takes it to the mat for a bonus but Nile fights up and hits an enziguri. The dragon sleeper finishes for Nile at 5:48.

Rating: C. Nile is at the point where she doesn’t belong on this show. She has mowed down everyone in front of her and was this close to winning the NXT UK Women’s Title. There is no reason to keep her here but she does add some star power. Lopez on the other hand has more natural charisma than she needs, but I don’t remember the last time she won anything important. That’s a weird mixture, especially for part of a stable that gets so much TV time.

Overall Rating: C-. This was a rough going for the show as there wasn’t much to see this time around. The main event was ok at best and that was because Nile is one of the best things going in NXT. LVL Up is only so good from time to time and this wasn’t one of their better weeks, with people just getting in the ring rather than doing anything of note.


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NXT UK – June 9, 2022: Survive

Date: June 9, 2022
Location: BT Sports Studios, London, England
Commentators: Nigel McGuinness, Andy Shepherd

After last week’s title show, it’s time for another title show, which should make for a big week. This time around we have Meiko Satomura defending the NXT UK Women’s Title against Ivy Nile in a match that could go either way. Other than that, we could be getting some fallout from Moustache Mountain’s issues last week. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

We open with a recap of Ashton Smith/Oliver Carter winning the Tag Team Titles last week. As a result, former champions Moustache Mountain doesn’t seem happy with each other.

Opening sequence.

Mark Andrews vs. Kenny Williams

Andrews is representing Subculture, but does that team actually exist outside of Andrews anymore? Williams bails to the floor to start but Andrews follows him outside and starts chopping away. Back in and Williams rakes the eyes to break up the armbar so Andrews twists the knee around the ropes. They go to the apron where Williams snaps the arm down, followed by a snap suplex for two back inside.

A belly to back gets Andrews out of trouble but Williams is right back on the arm to cut that off. The crossface chickenwing doesn’t work on Andrews, who is right back with the Stundog Millionaire. They strike it out with shots to the other’s damaged limb until Andrews grabs a left armed Side Effect for two. Another Stundog Millionaire misses and Williams kicks him in the arm for two more. Andrews goes up but gets pulled down by the arm, allowing Williams to take out the leg for a change of pace. Cue the masked Tiger Turan for a distraction though, allowing Andrews to grab a small package for the pin at 9:48.

Rating: C+. This was a fun one as tends to be the case with Andrews’ matches. He knows how to have the high flying style match and Williams can hang with anyone. The Turan deal is interesting as well, as there aren’t many people who could be under that mask but Williams is certainly shaken up by whomever it is.

We look at Moustache Mountain winning the Tag Team Titles and Trent Seven’s growing obsession to hold onto them, even if it meant slipping towards the dark side. Next week: an address from Seven.

Mark Coffey gets a phone call from his brother Joe, who is still gone. Mark says if Joe needs anything, call him or the rest of the family as things seem to be ok.

Tate Mayfairs/Oli Blake vs. Symbiosis

Eddie Dennis is here with Symbiosis. Primate powers Mayfair into the corner to start but Mayfairs dives at him with a headlock. Blake comes in and gets knocked into the corner, allowing T-Bone to hit a suplex. A double stomp sets up a fall away slam to give T-Bone two but Blake manages to roll over. The hot tag brings in Mayfairs to clean house…until a clothesline takes his head off. Primate’s top rope headbutt finishes at 4:34.

Rating: C-. Not much to see here as Mayfairs is ok at best and the team got squashed. What matters is Symbiosis getting a win as they could use the recharge. They have something with the aggressive monsters deal and Dennis continues to be a solid manager. I’m just not sure the two parts combined are solid.

Post match Symbiosis turns on Dennis and lays him out for good. I’m down with that.

Ilja Dragunov is here to watch Meiko Satomura retain her title.

Oliver Carter and Ashton Smith are very happy with their title win. Smith’s daughter was very pleased with the win.

Amale vs. Eliza Alexander

Xia Brookside is here with Alexander. Amale gets powered into the corner to start but she is right back with a running shoulder. A running clothesline has Alexander in so much trouble that Brookside offers a distraction, only to have Alexander miss an elbow. Back up and Alexander manages to kick her to the floor and it’s a chinlock back inside. That’s broken up and they slug it out until Amale hits a faceplant. Amale kicks Brookside off the apron but the distraction lets Alexander hit a running knee to the head for the pin at 6:53.

Rating: C. Amale has cooled off a good bit in the last few weeks and she is going to need something to help her bounce back up. What matters is that she still has the charisma and abilities to make something work and a big showdown with Brookside can help. At least this wasn’t a clean finish and Amale rising up to fight back would be nice to see.

Wolfgang talks to Damon Kemp, who has no idea what he said. They go drinking, which doesn’t go well for Kemp.

Lash Legend brags about how great she is and isn’t impressed by an interrupting Myla Grace.

NXT UK Women’s Title: Ivy Nile vs. Meiko Satomura

Nile is challenging and gets powered up against the ropes to start. A trip to the mat gives us a standoff but they’re right back on said mat for some grappling. Satomura grabs a gutwrench suplex but it’s already back to the grappling. Back up and Satomura’s running crossbody is pulled out of the air as the power gets Nile out of trouble.

The leg is tied up so Nile can crank on both arms but Satomura reverses into an armbar. An exchange of kicks goes to Nile for two and she hits some running forearms in the corner. Something like Diamond Dust gives Nile two and a running enziguri gets the same. Nile is back up with the dragon sleeper but Satomura flips backwards for the retaining pin at 10:27.

Rating: B-. The word here is survive, as Satomura didn’t so much beat Nile as much as she managed to stay alive. That’s a good sign for Nile’s future, as she seems like she could be ready for the next level sooner rather than later. Nile seems primed to be the future and having a legend like Satomura struggle to beat her is a great sign. On to bigger and better things for Nile, but at least she lost to someone who matters.

Respect is shown to end the show.

Overall Rating: C+. This was an interesting show as they didn’t focus on the big stars while also giving NXT UK a big win against the NXT visitors. It isn’t an invasion angle, but it is NXT UK reminding people that they’re still here rather than being doormats. I could go for less of some of the NXT stars, but at least we got a good main event out of Nile. Now get us back to the big stuff and we could be in for some fun times around here.

Mark Andrews b. Kenny Williams – Small package
Symbiosis b. Tate Mayfairs/Oli Blake – Top rope headbutt to Mayfairs
Eliza Alexander b. Amale – Running knee
Meiko Satomura b. Ivy Nile – Rollup




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NXT UK – June 2, 2022: They Had To Go There

Date: June 2, 2022
Location: BT Sports Studios, London, England
Commentators: Andy Shepherd, Nigel McGuinness

It’s time for another title match as the Tag Team Titles are up for grabs, this time in a triple threat. Moustache Mountain will be defending against Die Familie and Ashton Smith/Oliver Carter, the latter of whom has been on quite the roll lately. Other than that, we could be in for a bit of anything so let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

The opening video looks at the Tag Team Title match and how the teams all want to leave with the belts.

Opening sequence.

Sam Gradwell vs. Von Wagner

Wagner gets the better of a slugout to start and some elbow drops have Gradwell breathing rather deeply. A fall away slam drops Gradwell again as commentary puts over Wagner as much as they can. The crossface chickenwing is broken up so Wagner knees him in the back to cut him off again. Gradwell fights out of a bearhug but gets put right back in it just a few seconds later. The second comeback works a bit better but Wagner plants him with a lifting Downward Spiral. Back up and Gradwell tries a sleeper, which is powered up into the fireman’s carry neckbreaker to give Wagner the pin at 6:49.

Rating: C-. The NXT UK push for the lower NXT card continues, even if Wagner still isn’t anything more than another muscle guy. Gradwell might not be a top star and him losing here isn’t the worst thing, but I haven’t cared about wagner since he debuted and that isn’t going to change. It’s a shame that WWE has remembered this place exists, because it is making things worse.

Xia Brookside arrives and Amale pops in to yell at her.

Video on Ivy Nile.

Mark Andrews seems to catch Kenny Williams trying to steal his tires and a fight breaks out in the parking lot.

Angel Hayze vs. Stevie Turner

Hayze armdrags her down to start so Turner throws an armband in her face to take over. A running dropkick gives Hayze two but Turner’s running knee gets the same. Turner adds a running boot to the face and a neckbreaker drops Hayze for two. The chinlock doesn’t last long and Hayze is up with the comeback, including some running forearms. Back up and Turner kicks her in the face, setting up Mass Effect for the pin at 4:05.

Rating: C-. Turner continues to be just kind of there and that is not a good sign for her future. I don’t think I can see her going very far around here, even if she has a unique idea of a gimmick and a pretty good look. There is nothing to suggest that she is going to be going anywhere anytime soon but at least this gives her a little something.

Emilia McKenzie apologizes to Meiko Satomura for the loss but Satomura, seeming to understand, tells her to train harder.

Sha Samuels and Noam Dar are ready to set the odds on Damon Kemp vs. Wolfgang, but talk about haggis instead.

Tag Team Titles: Die Familie vs. Ashton Smith/Oliver Carter vs. Moustache Mountain

Moustache Mountain is defending and this is one fall to a finish. Carter, Bate and Teoman start things off and it’s an exchange of rollups and various broken up offense to give us a standoff. Teoman gets sent outside, leaving Bate to take Carter into the corner for the tag to Seven. House is cleaned until Seven and Smith are tied up in the ring skirt for a beating from Familie.

Back in and a powerbomb gets two on Smith with Carter too down to make the save. A suplex gets two on Seven but he enziguris his way to freedom, allowing the hot tag off to Bate. There’s a middle rope elbow to Rajah and a t-bone suplex gets two on Smith. Bate kicks Teoman in the head but it’s Carter springboarding in with a double dropkick to the two of them. Seven is back in with a suplex but Smith clotheslines him down and is rather fired up.

Bate hits the handspring lariat to cut Smith off but Teoman pulls him into a Crossface. Back up and Seven hits a super swinging slam for two on Smith before elbowing Carter out of the air. The torture rack/top rope knee combination hits Carter for two, with Smith making the save. Die Familie tries to use a title but gets knocked outside, leaving Seven to pick up the title. Bate takes it away from him, allowing Smith to grab a rollup for the pin and the titles at 14:18.

Rating: B-. This was the longer form sprint with all six working hard the whole way. At some point you had to give Smith and Carter the big win though and that’s a good sign to see the button finally pressed. Seven and Bate can go do their thing while Smith and Carter get to be champions for a bit, likely facing Die Familie sooner rather than later.

Post match Seven yells at Bate and leaves on his own to end the show.

Overall Rating: C+. That main event bailed out a pretty lackluster show otherwise so take what you can get here. I like that they did the title change they needed to do, but that was the only thing on the show worth seeing. This was one of the middle of the road star power shows and while it was a problem, the main event pulled it out, which is not the worst place to be.

Von Wagner b. Sam Gradwell – Fireman’s carry neckbreaker
Stevie Turner b. Angel Hayze – Mass Effect
Ashton Smith/Oliver Carter b. Die Familie and Moustache Mountain – Rollup to Seven


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NXT UK – May 26, 2022: You Knew It Would Be There

Date: May 26, 2022
Location: BT Sports Studios, London, England
Commentators: Andy Shepherd, Nigel McGuinness

Things have been interesting around here as of late, but we are in a non-title week for a change. This time around the main event is a Heritage Cup Rules match between Charlie Dempsey and A-Kid, which should be a heck of a match. I’m not sure what else we’ll be getting, but I’m expecting some Lash Legend because it’s required these days. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Mark Coffey vs. Saxon Huxley

Coffey grabs the wrist to start before going with some forearms to the face instead. Huxley runs him over though and we’re already in a neck crank. Back up and they trade clothesline until Coffey gets in a backdrop. Huxley grabs a chokebomb for two of his own but Coffey hits a suplex, setting up a sliding forearm for the pin at 4:13.

Rating: C. This was a short match with the purpose of getting Coffey, and as a result, Gallus, back on track and that is not a bad thing. I could go with seeing Gallus going in a different direction and it seems that they might be doing just that, at least for now. If nothing else, the idea of Joe Coffey coming back for a showdown could be interesting.

Video on Ivy Nile, who is ready for her NXT UK Women’s Title match in two weeks.

Video on Sam Gradwell vs. Von Wagner. Both of them are ready for the other.

Emilia McKenzie vs. Lash Legend

Yeah you knew she would be here. McKenzie’s headlock doesn’t work as Legend sends her flying, earning a YOU SUCK chant from the crowd. Legend drops a big elbow and nips up for no count, despite a rather arrogant cover. A whip into the corner sets up an over the shoulder backbreaker but McKenzie slips out. McKenzie dropkicks the knee out so Legend drops to the floor, setting up a suicide dive to take her down again. Back in and a high crossbody gives McKenzie two more but Legend kicks her in the face for the pin at 6:07.

Rating: D+. I do get the idea thinking behind having Legend on a show like this where fewer people are going to see her, but at the same time it is a little hard to watch her drag down some of the stars around here. Legend is not someone who belongs on television yet so a web series might be the best option they have. It wasn’t even a good match, as McKenzie did what she could but then got kicked in the face. How fun.

Mark Andrews sneaks up on the still paranoid Kenny Williams and tells him to watch out. This doesn’t make Williams any more relaxed.

Sha Samuels vs. Damon Kemp

Noam Dar is here with Samuels. Kemp shrugs off the early wristlock attempt to start and wrestles him to the ground without much effort. Samuels manages to knock him into the corner though and a running splash staggers Kemp. A middle rope elbow gives Samuels two but he misses a middle rope backsplash. Kemp grabs a gutwrench suplex and starts the comeback but Dar grabs his leg. That’s enough for Samuels to hit a spinebuster for the pin at 5:43.

Rating: C+. I could go with more of something like this as Kemp has a little something going for him. He needs experience though and that is the point of something like this appearance, and he was even protected by Dar’s interference. Nice stuff here and Samuels gets a rare win as a bonus.

Video on Ashton Smith/Oliver Carter vs. Moustache Mountain vs. Die Familie in the triple threat Tag Team Title match in a few weeks.

Wolfgang offers Damon Kemp some coaching.

A-Kid vs. Charlie Dempsey

Heritage Cup rules. Round one begins with Dempsey taking him to the mat with a headscissors but A-Kid spins out and starts cranking on the arms. Dempsey ties A-Kid’s arm up and cranks away before getting two off a suplex. A-Kid is back up and tries a cradle but time expires.

Round two begins with A-Kid hiptossing him down for two but they go to the mat with a test of strength. A sunset flip gives A-Kid two more and they go back to the test of strength, with both of them flipping around on the mat to no avail. Dempsey grabs a spinning backbreaker to wrap up the round with A-Kid in trouble.

Round three begins with both of them grabbing a legbar at the same time, meaning it’s time to slap each other really hard. They both roll to the ropes before Dempsey blasts him with a running clothesline. A hard German suplex gives Dempsey two more so he ties up the legs and arm in that reverse cover of his for the tap at 2:19 of the round and 9:19 overall.

Round four begins with A-Kid striking away at the legs but getting his knee twisted. A-Kid is right back with more kicks before pulling Dempsey into a sleeper. That’s reversed but A-Kid fights out of a butterfly stretch and hits a running knee to tie it up at 2:36 of the round and 12:34.

Round five begins with Dempsey avoiding a charge but getting fisherman’s suplexed for two. Dempsey takes him down by the leg and plants him hard for two. A-Kid slips out of a sleeper and this a running kick to the chest for two of his own. The moonsault DDT plants Dempsey but A-Kid can’t cover in time and the round ends.

Round six begins with A-Kid hitting a running kick in the corner and some German suplexes drop Dempsey. Someone throws Dempsey a towel, which is tossed away just as fast, though Dempsey has found some brass knuckles. Those are thrown to A-Kid, with the distraction being enough Dempsey to grab the belly to back fisherman’s suplex for the pin and the win at 1:25 of the round and 18:10 overall.

Rating: B. Like this wasn’t going to be good, as you have this kind of talent in there and a lot of time to have their match. Sometimes you need a good wrestling match like this, though the ending left a good bit to be desired. You can only get so much of a result after that kind of a screwy finish, but A-Kid could have used the protection. Rather good stuff here and that shouldn’t be a surprise.

Overall Rating: C+. Solid show here and if you get rid of Legend, it’s that much better. It’s always a good sign when you have a positive show without the main eventers or a title match so they’re doing things well here. The main event is worth a look and we can get to the bigger stuff in the coming weeks. Nice job here.

Mark Coffey b. Saxon Huxley – Sliding forearm
Lash Legend b. Emilia McKenzie – Big boot
Sha Samuels b. Damon Kemp – Spinebuster
Charlie Dempsey b. A-Kid 2-1




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NXT – May 31, 2022: They’re On The Street

Date: May 31, 2022
Location: Capitol Wrestling Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Vic Joseph, Wade Barrett

It’s the go home show for In Your House and that means we are ready for the final push towards the show. Most of the card is set but there is always the chance that we will be seeing another match added this week. The main event is Nathan Frazer vs. Cameron Grimes, which should be a good one. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Diamond Mine is coming to the ring but Roderick Strong tells the Creeds that they have the night off.

Diamond Mine vs. Pretty Deadly

Non-title and it’s Strong and Damon Kemp for Diamond Mine. Prince takes Strong into the corner to start and whips him into it again for good measure. Wilson comes in and gets kicked down so Kemp comes in, sending Wilson bailing into the corner. A slap to the face wakes Kemp up and he explodes on Prince, including a bunch of suplexes into a chinlock. It’s back to Strong, who again gets stomped down in the corner, allowing Wilson to forearm away. Strong manages to get over to Kemp though and it’s a slingshot spear to cut Wilson down. Everything breaks down and Diamond Mine clears the ring as we take a break.

Back with Wilson chinlocking Kemp, which stays on a bit longer than you might expect. Kemp finally fights up and powers over to Strong for the house cleaning. Pretty Deadly is sent into each other as the fans are behind Strong again. Everything breaks down and Prince grabs a title belt. Cue the Creeds for the save but Julius takes the shot for Strong. The distraction lets Spilled Milk finish Strong at 13:17.

Rating: C+. That ending is going to cause even more issues with the Diamond Mine, which seems to be living on borrowed time as it is. The Creeds continue to be the good guys while Strong has had all of the power go to his head, which isn’t going to be the best combination. The Creeds very well could take the titles on Saturday and that should make for a rather nice moment, assuming Strong doesn’t cost them somehow.

Solo Sikoa wants Cameron Grimes to take care of Carmelo Hayes at In Your House because he has the next title shot. Grimes agrees but Duke Hudson comes in to say he should get the shot. Hudson says he doesn’t expect Sikoa to understand this because he isn’t on that level. The match is set for tonight.

Grayson Waller yelled at some wrestlers, telling them to learn from Tiffany Stratton, who is so much better than Roxanne Perez. On top of that, she’s better than Fallon Henley. Josh Briggs comes up and says he’ll give Waller a country whipping tonight.

Earlier today, Tony D’Angelo and company met Legado del Fantasma on Santos Escobar’s yacht for their usual face to face bickering. The result this time: a six man at In Your House.

Cora Jade vs. Elektra Lopez

Jade snapmares her down into a basement dropkick for a fast one. Lopez isn’t having that and faceplants her down, setting up some choking on the rope. The fans get in Cora’s corner but she misses a knee in the corner and gets her leg chopped down. Lopez tries to take her up but gets knocked back down. The top rope backsplash gives Jade the (possibly upset) win at 5:04.

Rating: C-. Lopez is still in a weird spot as she seems like she could be a star but has never broken out of the same spot she has been in for a long time. Jade is rather talented but needs a good bit more seasoning. The return of NXT live events could do her a lot of good as she needs the ring time more than anything else. The match wasn’t exactly great, but I’m glad Jade is getting somewhere.

Wes Lee is ready to face Xyon Quinn because he has to keep fighting. Sanga comes in to give Lee a pep talk, saying he may not be a giant, but he has a giant heart. It’s nice to have a different kind of giant for once.

Video on Roxanne Perez, who has been growing up wanting to be here. While her friends were watching Stranger Things, she was watching Raw and Smackdown to be like Paige, Michelle McCool and Nikki Bella. She would take a ten hour bus ride one way to train with Booker T. No one got it but Cora Jade because she was doing the same thing. Tiffany Stratton is stronger than her, but Stratton doesn’t have the same desire.

Wes Lee vs. Xyon Quinn

Lee kicks him down but gets dropped ribs first onto the top rope to cut him off. Quinn takes it into the corner for some shoulders to the ribs to stay on a target. Back up and Lee manages a kick to the head but the middle rope moonsault press is pulled out of the air. A lawn dart sends Lee into the corner so Quinn loads up the running punch, only to get rolled up for the fast pin at 3:41.

Rating: C. I could go with more of Quinn but it’s nice to see Lee get a win after a few losses in a row. He’s a talented guy who got put into a bad situation so it’s refreshing to see him still getting a chance. Even if it doesn’t go anywhere, it’s still better than the Forgotten Sons mess, which was rather pathetic even by WWE standards.

Roderick Strong yells at Diamond Mine but Ivy Nile explains what happened because Strong can’t watch a tape. Strong doesn’t really care and says he should have been hit with the belt because it would have been a DQ win. What matters most is getting all the wins, so the Creeds better win the Tag Team Titles or they’re off the team.

Joe Gacy talks about Rick Steiner not being there to do much for Bron Breakker, who would fight with his brothers while Rick wouldn’t do anything. That made Breakker angry, which he used in football and now in wrestling. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, so Breakker will let his anger get the better of him at In Your House.

Bron Breakker isn’t going to let Joe Gacy get the better of him. Gacy’s laughter is heard and Breakker wants to fight, but he stops himself from breaking a TV.

It’s time for a women’s champions summit between Toxic Attraction and Wendy Choo/Katana Chance/Kacy Catanzaro with Wade Barrett hosting. The challengers don’t want Toxic Attraction to talk but the champs need to brag about what they’ve done and who they’ve run off. Choo: “JUST SIGN THE CONTRACT!” Barrett tries to calm them down but there are most scripted lines to get in, including Wizard of Oz Munchkin jokes.

Choo: “JUST SIGN THE CONTRACT!” Mandy Rose goes on a rant about how Choo, in a cow suit, belongs in Candyland. “OR WONDERLAND!” Rose wants more respect on her name and finally signs. Then Choo fires a spit ball at her and the fight is on, with Choo putting Rose through a table. This was one of the most annoying segments I have heard in a long time.

Ivy Nile is working out when Kiana James comes in to ask if Nile is going to be talking to the Creeds after they lose to Pretty Deadly. Nile says they’ll win, but James gives the Creeds a 12% chance. Nile slams her against a locker.

Solo Sikoa vs. Duke Hudson

Sikoa strikes away to start and knocks Hudson to the apron, only to have Hudson grab a slingshot German suplex. There’s an overhead belly to belly and another makes it worse. Sikoa fights back up with a Samoan drop and the running hip attack in the corner. The Superfly Splash finishes Hudson at 4:43.

Rating: C. Sikoa winning is the right move here as Hudson can talk his way back to whatever low spot he has. You can see the star power in Sikoa though and he certainly has the family skills included. Let him get a nice push and see where he can go, because the potential is right there.

Tiffany Stratton is glad that she fixed a problem last week. She doesn’t care that she took Nikkita Lyons’ spot because Lyons wasn’t going to win anyway. Stratton has all kinds of accomplishments anyway and works harder than anyone else. Oh and Roxanne Perez took a bus ten hours to train? Has she never heard of an AIRPLANE? Stratton is over everyone liking Perez so much. This was how you present an annoying brat.

Thea Hail has graduated high school and will be attending…..ANDRE CHASE UNIVERSITY! Ok point for a good payoff.

Grayson Waller vs. Josh Briggs

Brooks Jensen and Fallon Henley are here too, but Waller says the horse face needs to leave. Waller: “And take Henley with you!” Briggs starts fast and knocks Waller into the ropes, which is enough for him to come out with a cheap shot. Waller side kicks his way out of the corner for two as we hear that Jensen has a firm grip on his recovery. Briggs gets in another shot of his own but here are Sofia Cromwell and Mr. Stone for a distraction. The rolling Stunner finishes the distracted Briggs at 3:43.

Rating: C. They didn’t have much time here but they got the story in that they needed. Waller picks up a win while Briggs vs. Stone and company continues. I still think Jensen turns on Briggs in exchange for Cromwell, even if that might not be the most PG NXT story. It would be a bit of a shame too as the country boys are a fine midcard team.

Post match Von Wagner comes in to go after Briggs and sends him shoulder first into the post. Jensen makes the save and Wagner is held back.

Ivy Nile vs. Kiana James

James takes her into the corner and gets shoved right back down. Some forearms annoy Nile but James manages to knock her back. Back up and Nile fires off some kicks, including a running one in the corner for two. James actually takes her down again and says it’s brains over brawn. Nile’s quick dragon sleeper attempt is broken up and James clotheslines her down. Nile clotheslines her much harder though and the kicks to the chest make it worse. A throw finishes James at 3:32.

Rating: C+. Very nice performance from James here, who wasn’t going to win but made the most of her time in there. She beat up Nile for a good chunk of the match in by far her most impressive outing to date. Nile seems primed to be the next big thing in NXT though and that could be starting any day now.

Post match here is Pretty Deadly to go after Nile but the Creeds make the save.

We get another Giovanni Vinci video, with the woman’s voice confirming that it is a he, who likes to drive fast cars and eat good food.

Cameron Grimes vs. Nathan Frazer

Non-title and Trick Williams/Carmelo Hayes are on commentary. Feeling out process to start and it’s an early standoff with both of them nipping up. They run the ropes until Frazer dropkicks him to the floor, only to be elbowed into the corner. A dropkick has Grimes in trouble and we take a break.

Back with Grimes hitting a swinging Rock Bottom for two and the slugout is on. Neither can get the better of it so Grimes goes with a clothesline to take over instead. Grimes’ powerbomb is countered into a hurricanrana but he suplexes Frazer out of the corner, setting up the Cave In for the pin at 10:06.

Rating: B-. This was the best match on the show and it did its thing perfectly well. You had the champ picking up a win and Frazer getting to hang in there against a bigger star. That’s how a main event like this is supposed to go and Grimes is even more ready for Hayes than he was before. The talent is there in NXT and this was another nice showcase.

Post match Hayes comes in to jump Grimes but has to be saved from the Cave In. Glaring ensues to end the show.

Overall Rating: B-. Pretty good show this week, as they focused on In Your House and made me want to see the show that much more than I did coming in. Other than the summit, nothing was really bad and even the worst match was watchable. They had some storyline advancement to go with completely acceptable wrestling and that is about all you can ask for around here. Nice show.

Pretty Deadly b. Diamond Mine – Spilled Milk to Strong
Cora Jade b. Elektra Lopez – Top rope backsplash
Wes Lee b. Xyon Quinn – Rollup
Solo Sikoa b. Duke Hudson – Superfly Splash
Grayson Waller b. Josh Briggs – Rolling Stunner
Ivy Nile b. Kiana James – Throw
Cameron Grimes b. Nathan Frazer – Cave In



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