NXT LVL Up – May 20, 2022: Why Are They Here?

Date: May 20, 2022
Location: Capitol Wrestling Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Sudu Shaw, Nigel McGuinness

We’re off a pretty hot ending on Smackdown and hopefully at least a little bit of that can carry over here. Other than that though, there is always the chance to run down Sasha Banks and Naomi again, because doing it on national TV wasn’t enough. And there might even be some wrestling thrown in. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Javier Bernal vs. Bryson Montana

Montana was the last man standing in Ivy Nile’s challenge a few weeks back. They fight over arm control to start with Montana flipping out and staring at Bernal a bit. A side slam plants Bernal but he fights out of an over the shoulder backbreaker. Some kicks to the leg put Montana down and a Codebreaker finishes Montana at 4:11.

Rating: C. This was all about Montana, which makes the loss a bit more annoying. Montana is certainly a physical beast and it is a bit questionable to have him lose here. At the end of the day, Bernal isn’t someone who has done anything of note in NXT but he can beat Montana in a short match. Maybe they see something in Bernal, but it hasn’t exactly been showcased so far.

Ivy Nile vs. Yulisa Leon

Valentina Feroz is here with Leon. Feeling out process to start with Nile winning a test of strength without much effort. Nile takes her down into a headscissors and drags Leon away from the ropes in a smart move. Leon slips out and fires off some forearms against the ropes, which seem to stagger Nile for a change. A neck crank is reversed into a neckbreaker though and Nile hits a running forearm in the corner. Leon comes back with a slam but Nile rolls through and grabs the dragon sleeper for the tap at 5:19.

Rating: C. They were trying something here with Leon but it is pretty clear that Nile is on her way to the top of the division so she isn’t losing here. Leon getting in a few shots to the face to rock Nile was a little surprising though they were only going to get her so far. Now just get to the point with Nile, who shouldn’t be on a show like this one.

Josh Briggs vs. Quincy Elliott

Brooks Jensen is here with Briggs. Elliott takes him into the corner for some hip gyrating but Briggs manages to get Elliott on the middle rope. The running right hand rocks Elliott but Briggs makes the mistake of high fiving Jensen and hurts his hand on the cast. Back in and Elliott runs over and a quickly broken neck crank goes on.

The splash to the back sets up a waistlock but Briggs is up again. One heck of an elbow to the face rocks Briggs, setting up an abdominal stretch. With that broken up, Briggs avoids a Banzai Drop and hits a big boot into a side slam. Back up and Briggs hits a lariat for the pin at 7:21.

Rating: C-. I still don’t get nearly as much out of Elliott as NXT seems to but maybe there is something to him that I’m not getting. He is big and can move, but the dancing and gyrating is only going to get him so far. I’m still not sure Briggs and Jensen haven’t gotten much further, though it isn’t surprising to see them sticking around as they’re good at what they do.

Overall Rating: C. Another week that just comes and goes, which shouldn’t be that much of a surprise. The wrestling is completely adequate without being something that is going to make me interested most weeks. We see a lot of these people on NXT every week and they aren’t that great in the first place. It is still hard to get that annoyed at a 29 minute show, but it’s also one of those shows that has no impact whatsoever.


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NXT UK – May 19, 2022: The Downside Guaranteed

Date: May 19, 2022
Location: BT Sports Studios, London, England
Commentators: Andy Shepherd, Nigel McGuinness

We’re on to the next two hundred episodes after last week’s big milestone show. That means things will likely take a step off the gas this week and I’m not sure what that is going to include. Odds are that we are going to be seeing some of the NXT lower card around here, as has been the case in recent weeks. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Xia Brookside/Eliza Alexander vs. Amale/Angel Hayze

Amale and Brookside start things off with Brookside being thrown into the corner. Back up and Brookside’s headlock doesn’t get her very far, meaning Hayze can come in and hits some corner clothesline on Alexander. A superkick is cut off with a knee to the face and it’s back to Brookside for a reverse chinlock. That’s broken up and Amale comes back in with a bulldog on Alexander. Brookside tags herself back in and gets Sling Bladed by Hayze, only to send her throat first into the middle rope. Everything breaks down and Brookside hits Broken Wings for the pin on Hayze at 5:58.

Rating: C. I’m still not sure that Brookside needs a bodyguard to go behind her but they are decent as a team. Amale has cooled off a bit in recent weeks but she hasn’t lost the big match yet. I don’t know how far any of these four are going at the moment, though they’re fine for an opening match like this.

Ivy Nile challenged Meiko Satomura for a Women’s Title match. Satomura: “Okay.” You knew Nile was getting a shot sooner or later.

Sha Samuels, now dubbed the East End Bookie, isn’t happy with Damon Kemp coming over here and promises that he is still the odds on favorite.

Die Familie vs. Jack Starz/Dave Mastiff

The winner is added to the triple threat Tag Team Title match and Charlie Dempsey is in Die Familie’s corner. Starz knocks Raja out of the air to start and it’s quickly off to Starz to take Raja down for two. Teoman takes him down and grabs a chinlock before scoring with a rather hard kick. A blind tag brings Raja in so Starz takes him into the corner but Mastiff stops to glare at Dempsey.

That means Raja and Teoman can take over on Mastiff, including working over his rather large leg. A double clothesline gets Mastiff out of trouble but Teoman cuts Starz off like a good villain. Mastiff throws both of them down and brings Starz back in to clean house. Dempsey offers a distraction though, meaning Starz has to dive onto him. With Mastiff on the floor, Teoman hits his flipping faceplant to finish Starz at 8:08.

Rating: C. Starz and Mastiff might have had their day already and that is kind of a shame as they are a pretty good team. Die Familie makes more sense to move forward at the moment though as the title match is going to need a full on heel team. They’re as good as anything else right now so this is the logical move.

Lash Legend and Emilia McKenzie get in a fight in the back but it’s quickly broken up.

Sid Scala isn’t happy with Die Familie cheating and bans the rest of the team from ringside for Charlie Dempsey vs. A-Kid.

Josh Morrell vs. Kenny Williams

Dempsey takes him down to start for some quick near falls, even as he stands on Morrell’s arms. Morrell is up with a headlock but gets sent outside. The fight goes to Morrell but Williams is back with a shot to the face for his own two. A fan in a mask distracts Williams though, even as he cranks on Morrell’s ankle. Williams gets distracted again, allowing Morrell to small package him for two (which I bought as WWE has turned that into a cliché). Williams grabs a bulldog driver for the pin at 5:30.

Rating: C-. The false finish with the small package was good but this was more about Williams’ further descent into paranoia which might not be paranoia. I like them going with something other than the common ending as it keeps Williams strong. That’s something you don’t see enough of these days, as those losses make a difference no matter how much WWE thinks otherwise.

Post match, we see that there are multiple masked men.

Von Wagner isn’t worried about Sam Gradwell. Cue Gradwell and the two have to be separated.

Moustache Mountain is ready for whomever they face for the titles.

Mark Andrews is ready for the main event when the paranoid Kenny Williams comes up. Andrews doesn’t think much of him and leaves.

Wild Boar vs. Eddie Dennis

Dog collar match with Boar jumping Dennis before the bell and beating on him outside. The chain is attached but Dennis uses the chain to pull him throat first into the ropes. That doesn’t seem to bother Boar, who whips him from the apron and into the barricade. Dennis gets in another shot to take over though and it’s time to start the whipping. The chain is wrapped around Boar’s face but he fights out of the corner without much trouble.

Boar gets sent into the corner again though and they head to the apron. This time Dennis is pulled into the post so they crash out to the floor again. Boar gets in his own whipping and an elbow connects for two. Cue Symbiosis to go after Boar, as there are no disqualifications so it’s totally fine. Boar has had it with this and clotheslines Dennis down, setting up a Crossface with the chain wrapped around his head for the tap at 10:17.

Rating: C-. Well that happened. I’m still not sure why this story is supposed to be such a big deal as it isn’t like the Hunt was a top level team when they split up. Dennis got in a pretty good amount of offense here for someone who should have been destroyed, making this a pretty long way to go for an ending that wasn’t quite in doubt. I wasn’t feeling this one but it should wrap up the feud.

Overall Rating: C. You could definitely feel the lack of star power here and it made the show that much less interesting. This was a week about the mid to lower midcard stories and it showed a lot, as I can barely remember anything from the show. Nile getting a shot at Satomura should be good, but it’s a little much to ask me to care about Boar vs. Dennis and Williams vs. the inside of his mind.

Xia Brookside/Eliza Alexander b. Amale/Angel Hayze – Broken Wings to Hayze
Die Familie b. Jack Starz/Dave Mastiff – Flipping faceplant to stars
Kenny Williams b. Josh Morrell – Headlock driver
Wild Boar b. Eddie Dennis – Crossface with a chain around Dennis’ head



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NXT UK – May 12, 2022: Every Anniversary Needs El Generico

Date: May 12, 2022
Location: BT Sports Studios, London, England
Commentators: Andy Shepherd, Nigel McGuinness

It’s a big time show this week as we have the 200th episode (though that doesn’t seem to be the case if you actually count them up). Counting issues aside, we have a big main event as United Kingdom Champion Ilja Dragunov is defending against Jordan Devlin in a title match that is also Loser Leaves Town. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

The opening video looks at the title match.

Opening sequence.

Ashton Smith/Oliver Carter vs. Gallus

The winners move on to a triple threat Tag Team Title match and it’s the Coffey brothers for Gallus. Mark powers Carter to the mat to start and it’s quickly off to Joe for a chop as commentary talks about Joe never winning anything. Carter sends Mark into the corner with a headscissors and starts in on the arm, with Smith coming in to do the same. That doesn’t work for Mark, who runs Carter over and hands it back to Joe….who is quickly knocked to the floor.

We settle back down to Joe hammering on Smith, setting up an overhead belly to belly. Joe seems to tweak his knee on a leapfrog though, allowing Carter to come back in with a slingshot shoulder. An assisted 450 gives Smith two but a Silly String moonsault hits raised knees. Joe gets in another suplex and the hot tag brings in Mark to clean house. Mark hits a middle rope bulldog for two on Carter and a belly to back drops Smith. Joe comes back in with a high/low for two, leaving Mark to dive onto Carter. A missed springboard bangs up Joe’s knee again and another assisted moonsault gives Carter the pin on Joe at 10:24.

Rating: C+. They kept things moving here but Smith and Carter winning was the only thing that makes sense. The two of them have seemed primed to get the titles for awhile now and Gallus’ losing streak gets to continue. I’m not sure where that is going but things are continuing to go badly, which makes things interesting.

Post match, Gallus isn’t happy.

A-Kid has gotten his match with Charlie Dempsey to be held under Heritage Cup rules.

Video on NXT UK over the years and how some of them have gone on to main roster success. They’ve had some good stuff.

Lash Legend cuts off Emilia McKenzie’s interview but doesn’t have time for McKenzie getting annoyed at her.

Nina Samuels vs. Ivy Nile

Samuels offers a quick pose off, which is kind of stupid when Nile’s biceps are bigger than Samuels’ head. Nile takes her to the mat for a headscissors, complete with pushups. Samuels goes to the ropes for a needed breather before snapping Nile’s throat across the top. That lets Samuels get in her own pushups, followed by the double fish hook. Nile fights up with the kicks to various parts of Samuels and a running dropkick in the corner gets two. A slap to the face rocks Nile on the ropes but she’s right back with the dragon sleeper for the win at 4:43.

Rating: C-. This wasn’t much but it is nice to see Nile getting a win over a more established name. Nile seems ready to move up to the title picture soon as it isn’t like there is much more for her to do otherwise. Samuels is pretty firmly established in her spot and the Nina Samuels Show stuff can get her right back after another loss.

Damon Kemp doesn’t think much of Sha Samuels jumping him last week.

Dave Mastiff and Jack Starz mock one of Die Familie’s meetings, including a cardboard cutout of Charlie Dempsey’s head. A beating is promised.

Joe Coffey says he’s going to take some time away by himsel.f

Wild Boar blames Eddie Dennis for his troubles last year and now he wants revenge.

Kenny Williams continues to go insane and still believes that Tiger Turan is behind everything. He even has a wall covered in papers as all sane people do.

United Kingdom Title: Jordan Devlin vs. Ilja Dragunov

Dragunov is defending and this is Loser Leaves NXT UK. Devlin gets taken to the mat to start, with Dragunov working on a headlock. The comeback attempt just earns him another headlock before it’s time to go with the slugout. Devlin catches him on top with a shot to the face and it’s a brainbuster onto the top turnbuckle for a nice tribute to El Generico.

Back in and Dragunov can barely stand so Devlin kicks him in the ribs for two. A running legdrop just wakes Dragunov up but Devlin knocks him into the corner. One heck of a clothesline drops Dragunov and we hit the half crab, complete with some stomps to the head. That’s broken up though and Dragunov starts firing off elbows, with commentary saying Dragunov is more volatile than Bitcoin.

Back to back German suplexes drop Devlin again but he’s able to crotch Dragunov on top. A moonsault out to the floor drops Dragunov and a reverse cutter gets two back inside. Dragunov catches him on top with a superplex, setting up a hard forearm to the face for two. Torpedo Moscow only hits buckle though, allowing Devlin to hit the Devlin Side for the pin (with Dragunov’s foot in the ropes).

Devlin celebrates but here is Johnny Saint to say restart things. Another Torpedo Moscow is countered into a Canadian Destroyer (that was sweet) and a brainbuster gets two. Dragunov is back up with a German suplex and the Torpedo Moscow retains the title/gets rid of Devlin at 16:12.

Rating: B. Dragunov continues his reign in another good match, though some of his kickouts do get to be a bit much. There come points where he feels indestructible and that can be hard to take at times. Other than that, Devlin leaving could be interesting, as he could be on his way to regular NXT or out altogether, or he might be back under some shenanigans. Either way, I’m curious to see what is next for both of them, as Dragunov is in need of a new challenger and no one seems to be ready for him.

Dragunov celebrates and Devlin is crushed to end the show.

Overall Rating: B-. This was a much better show than the last few, as there is only so much you can get out of a show focused on the lower level NXT stars. Instead, this show was about the United Kingdom Title with a big time main event. That is what the show has been needing, though I have a bad feeling that this is a one off rather than a shift back to what made the show work over (most of) the last 200 weeks.

Ashton Smith/Oliver Carter b. Gallus – Assisted moonsault to Joe
Ivy Nile b. Nina Samuels – Dragon sleeper
Ilja Dragunov b. Jordan Devlin – Torpedo Moscow



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NXT UK – May 5, 2022: The Dumping Ground (Blast It)

Date: May 5, 2022
Location: BT Sports Studios, London, England
Commentators: Nigel McGuinness, Andy Shepherd

We’re back to the title picture this week with Meiko Satomura defending the Women’s Title against Isla Dawn in a World of Darkness match. I’m not sure what that means but NXT UK has enough of a track record that I can believe they’ll pull it off. On top of that, we get more of the build towards next week’s 200th show. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Lash Legend arrived earlier today and conscripted Emilia McKenzie to take care of her bag.

Opening sequence.

It’s time for Supernova Sessions, this time in the ring. Noam Dar says this is the first edition of Supernova Sessions 2.0, which makes me scared for this place’s future. This week’s guest is international superstar Lash Legend and, after taking some time to get her seated, Dar gives her something resembling a plant. Hold on though, as Samuel Sha brings in a much nicer bouquet, which she puts in the Heritage Cup.

Legend rhymes about how awesome she is and talks about being here to run through the competition. Dar has his another present for her in the form of a Lash video package, which Legend certainly likes. Then Dar tries to open a water but it seems to be soda and sprays all over him. With Dar dealing with that, Samuels looks at the odds for the incoming NXT exchange students having success around here, though he isn’t sure who Damon Kemp is.

Legend talks about how her physical abilities are like some animals and promises to leave everything else for the vultures. Now play the funky music. This was pretty terrible and one of the worst things I can remember on NXT UK in a long time. Granted that might be due to it being about Lash Legend and nothing actually happening.

Sid Scala talks about finding challenges for the Tag Team Titles, with a triple threat title match coming up. Von Wagner comes in to shake Scala, but Sam Gradwell says he’s here to do that. A match seems likely.

In the back, Damon Kemp comes up to Sha Samuels and Lash Legend. That’s enough to get Legend to leave so Kemp can complain about being a 400/1 underdog on Samuels’ odds.

Tiger Turan vs. Tate Mayfairs

Turan is a masked guy and kind of skinny. Mayfairs’ wristlock is flipped away to start and Turan cartwheels over him, setting up a butterfly suplex. A high crossbody gives Turan two but Mayfairs pulls him out of the corner for a crash to take over. That doesn’t last long as Turan chops him down a few times and scores with a middle rope dropkick. Turan hits a Swanton for the pin at 4:05.

Rating: C. Turan is fairly small but he was good enough to look decent in there. I don’t know how much of a future he’ll have around here as this place seems to be the new NXT dumping ground but when has that stopped NXT UK from getting something out of someone before? Not much of a match but I can always go for a masked man.

Gallus runs into Oliver Carter/Ashton Smith and they both seem to want the Tag Team Titles. They’ll meet next week in one of the #1 contenders matches.

Video on some of the NXT UK stars who have moved on to become NXT/main roster stars.

Video on Ivy Nile.

Nina Samuels doesn’t like Nile stealing her spotlight and she’ll do something about it next week.

Danny Jones vs. Damon Kemp

Kemp wrestles him down to start but Jones slips out in a bit of a surprise. Jones grabs the arm but is quickly reversed into a gutwrench suplex. A clothesline drops Kemp and the neck crank is on, only to have Kemp come up with some overhead belly to belly suplexes. Kemp hits a Regal Roll, setting up a running powerslam to finish Jones at 4:26.

Rating: C. Kemp continues to impress but I think you can get the idea of what the new NXT UK, or at least this taping cycle of it, is going to be about. Kemp made short work of someone who has had some nice appearances around here before and that is probably going to be the case for more than one NXT UK regular. I get that NXT UK is the minor league, but making them practice dummies is a bit hard to swallow.

Post match Sha Samuels runs in to beat Kemp down.

Tiger Turan is celebrating his win but here is Kenny Williams with wanted posters, apparently thinking that Turan attacked him last week.

Die Familie is on their roof and talk about their upcoming matches, with Charlie Dempsey facing A-Kid and Teoman/Rohan Raja wanting the Tag Team Titles.

Video on Jordan Devlin vs. Ilja Dragunov for the United Kingdom Title next week. Devlin talks about his dad telling him to be whatever he wanted, but to be the best. They had their first match but it wasn’t quite how Devlin wanted it. Now it’s time for the title match, but also Loser Leaves Town to make it more interesting.

Women’s Title: Isla Dawn vs. Meiko Satomura

Satomura is defending in a World of Darkness match, which means a street fight with the lights dimmed. We get the Big Match Intros, but this time Satomura jumps her before the bell to start fast. Dawn kicks her out of the air to little avail as Satomura kicks her to the floor. The apron kicks are blocked though and Dawn busts out a broom. Some shots with said broom have Satomura in trouble so Dawn kneels to make some thunder and lighting go off.

Back in and it’s time to open up Dawn’s box of trinkets and pull out Dani Luna’s hair. The hair is wrapped around Satomura’s eyes but she fights up, steps on the box, and starts kicking away. A spinwheel kick gives Satomura two but Dawn catches her on top with some chair shots. The backdrop driver onto the chairs is broken up though and Satomura kicks her out to the floor.

That works for Dawn, who whips out a rope/cord and ties Satomura to the post. Some whips have Satomura in trouble until she kicks her way to freedom. Dawn misses a dropkick into the steps, allowing Satomura to get in a kendo stick shot back inside. The cartwheel knees to the back let Satomura swing the stick again but Dawn is back with a Tarantula. The top rope rope Meteora onto the chair gives Dawn a delayed two (thanks to her banged up knees) and it’s time to set up some chairs. Dawn can’t suplex her through the chairs and it’s Scorpio Rising to retain the title at 12:49.

Rating: C-. The lights were darker? That’s really all they had for this? That might be the lamest gimmick I have seen in years as it felt like something Russo would have done. All they did was a weapons match with the lights dimmed down and I’m supposed to find that more interesting? That’s a bad sign coming after a pretty lame show and that’s a rather bad sign.

Satomura celebrates to end the show.

Overall Rating: C-. Please don’t let this be how NXT UK is going to go. Please. It’s the one consistently very good show that they have. While it is one thing to send someone over to another show to let them have some more time, this show felt like the NXT dumping ground with a BIG focus on the lower level NXT stars, plus a really lame main event. NXT already has two shows. I know these people need to be in the ring, but can they just get back on the Coconut Loop again instead of taking away one of the few shows that I like week in and week out? Please?



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NXT – May 10, 2022: The Haves And The Have Nots

Date: May 10, 2022
Location: Capitol Wrestling Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Wade Barrett, Vic Joseph

While things should have changed last week with NXT Champion Bron Breakker beating Joe Gacy at Spring Breakin, Gacy’s minions beat Breakker down and kidnapped him. Since wins and losses don’t matter around here, Gacy vs. Breakker continues while the women’s Breakout Tournament begins. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

We open with a recap of last week’s title match, plus the post show beatdown and Gacy and Company taking Breakker into a field with a sack of his head. They seem to leave him there as Gacy is all nutty.

Women’s Tag Team Titles: Toxic Attraction vs. Roxanne Perez/Wendy Choo

Toxic Attraction is defending against the criminals. Choo dives in off the top from behind to take the champs down and it’s Perez starting with Jayne. That’s fine with the champ as Perez gets sent into the corner, allowing Jayne to do some of the most blatant spot calling I can remember (she grabbed Perez’s head and talked to her).

Jayne makes the mistake of talking too much trash though and it’s Choo coming in to clean house. Choo sends them outside and holds the ropes open so Perez can hit a double dive as we take a break. Back with Jayne taking Choo down but the tag off to Perez doesn’t take that long. A Russian legsweep gets two on Dolin as everything breaks down. Mandy Rose gets in the ring so Choo goes after her, allowing Jayne to hit a superkick on Perez for the pin at 10:01.

Rating: C+. Choo’s gimmick is still horrible but she can wrestle a somewhat exciting match. That kind of makes me wonder what in the world the point is in trying to have her be this goofy thing that is impossible to take seriously. If she was having matches like this in regular gear, she would be downright useful, but it is a little hard to buy her as anything important based on how she is dressed in the ring (and what she does out of it).

Post match Toxic Attraction beats Choo down.

Grayson Waller and Tiffany Stratton went shopping.

The Creed Brothers aren’t happy with Roderick Strong interfering against the Viking Raiders last week. Strong says the win is what matters but next week the Creeds are going to face the Raiders again. That’s cool with Strong, who is bringing in someone who has been wanting to join the team for a long time now: Damon Kemp. The Creeds say that new members are supposed to be a group decision, so they’ll talk about this later.

Here is Joe Gacy, with minions, for a chat. Gacy says that Bron Breakker has to take the next step in his journey all alone. He started his own journey here months ago and allowed anyone to be a part of real change. Two men, the minions, separated themselves from the pack and have proven their worth to him and themselves. Now Breakker can be a part of this change and receive eternal joy. Otherwise, affliction and hardship await those who resist. And that’s it, because Gacy is just another cult leader that has been done time after time.

Sarray, a schoolgirl again, talks to Chase University and since Bodie Hayward speaks Japanese (Chase: “We got a foreign language department?”), he translates that Sarray wants to team with Chase in a mixed tag. Chase is in.

This week at the Performance Center, Ivy Nile had an exercise challenge, starting with pushups. More on this later as some participants drop out early.

Here are the eight Women’s Breakout Tournament participants and we’ve got brackets:

Nikkita Lyons
Arianna Grace

Fallon Henley
Sloane Jacobs

Roxanne Perez
Kiana James

Lash Legend
Tatum Paxley

Everyone gets introduced with a quick bio graphic.

Women’s Breakout Tournament First Round: Fallon Henley vs. Sloane Jacobs

Henley misses a charge in the corner to start, allowing Jacobs to try a dropkick that is left a big short, meaning Henley has to lean into it for the near fall to make sense. Cue Brooks Jensen and Josh Briggs to cheer Henley on as Jacobs kicks her in the face for two. Back up and Henley manages a clothesline for a double knockdown, setting up a running knee to finish Jacobs at 4:16.

Rating: C-. They did the right thing by having Henley go forward, but the brackets would suggest that she is going to get wrecked by Nikkita Lyons in the second round. Henley has fit in rather nicely with the country boys and that is a good starting point for her. Jacobs isn’t even 20 years old yet so she has a long way to go, but at least the base seems to be there so far.

Respect is shown post match.

Legado del Fantasma doesn’t feel bad about kidnapping AJ Galante last week. Now it’s time to start the car again.

Cruz del Toro goes to start the car but Tony D’Angelo and company jump him and beat him down. Then they put him in another car trunk and drive off.

Alba Fyre vs. Amari Miller

Fyre grabs a rollup to start as we go split screen to see Ivy Nile putting her contestants through burpees to get rid of even more. Miller comes back with a Regal Cutter for two but Fyre superkicks her for the same. Fyre plants her again with the Firebomb (Gory Bomb) and hits a Swanton for the pin at 3:38.

Rating: C. Fyre looked good here, but that isn’t hard when you’re one of the best in the world. I know WWE felt the need to change everything about her but at least the red hair is about as much of a trademark as you can get. It wasn’t quite a squash as Miller has a bit of standing around here, though Fyre should be either in the title scene or on the main roster like yesterday.

Solo Sikoa won’t let Trick Williams and Carmelo Hayes in the building.

Cora Jade is ready for Natalya and isn’t that little girl that Natalya remembers.

Here is Solo Sikoa for a chat. He likes what he did to Trick Williams and Carmelo Hayes and wants the North American Title. Cue Cameron Grimes to say that once he beats Hayes, Sikoa is next. That’s cool with Sikoa, who walks away, but here are Hayes and Williams to beat Grimes down. Sikoa slowly leaves, then turns to look back and very eventually makes the save.

Legado del Fantasma calls Tony D’Angelo and company and threats are made. Santos Escobar throws in a “f*** you” to end the call and D’Angelo breaks things.

Nathan Frazer is excited to be here when Xyon Quinn comes in. Quinn says something Frazer doesn’t understand when Wes Lee comes up too. Frazer says he thought it was some American thing and leaves, which seems to set up Lee vs. Quinn.

Tiffany Stratton/Grayson Waller vs. Andre Chase/Sarray

Sarray transforms, but it also changes Bodhi Hayward into a schoolgirl and changes Chase’s sweater to blue. The guys start things off with Waller working on the wristlock. A shot to the face annoys Chase so it’s off to Stratton, who has to run away from Sarray. That lets Stratton get her into the ring for a forearm to the face, only to have Sarray take her down by the leg. The Muta Lock goes on, with Sarray having to grab the hair for the escape.

Chase and Sarray hit the spelling stomps and we take a break. Back with Waller beating on Chase until a suplex gets him out of trouble. Everything breaks down again and the Sunray dropkick hits Waller. That leaves Sarray to get planted though and Stratton hits the twisting Vader Bomb….for two as Hayward blasts the air horn. Stratton dives on him (Stratton: “THAT’S A TEACHABLE MOMENT!”) but gets rolled up by Sarray for the pin at 10:26.

Rating: C+. Chase U has rapidly become one of my favorite things in all of NXT and that is due to the efforts that Chase has put in. He has turned a totally dumb story into something I like to see every week and that is a rare thing to see. It is all in the performance for him and I could go for more of that and people like him. Waller and Stratton were fine here and Sarray winning….I just can’t imagine it’s going to stick this time. She has fallen too far and the still lame transformation stuff is making it worse.

Ivy Nile has people doing lunges.

Mr. Stone says if people step to Von Wagner, they are going to get hurt. Ikemen Jiro comes in and attacks him and they get separated.

Indi Hartwell is sad about Dexter Lumis (whose name we can’t say) being gone when Toxic Attraction comes in. Mandy Rose talks about how she can’t imagine what Indi is going through….because no one would ever leave her. Go find Wendy Choo and cry with her. Hartwell shakes her head a lot.

Women’s Breakout Tournament First Round: Nikkita Lyons vs. Arianna Grace

Grace hits her in the face to start and manages to take Lyons down early on. Something like an Anaconda Vice has Lyons in trouble but she’s back up with some superkicks. A release German suplex sends Grace flying and a spinning kick to the face drops her. The splits splash finishes for Lyons at 3:08.

Rating: C. They kept this one short with Grace getting in some offense before falling tot he bigger star. There is nothing wrong with pushing the heck out of Lyons as she has the physical gifts and intangibles to go a long way. Grace looked good in the short term, but you can only get so much out of her selling a lot in a three minute match.

Ivy Nile gets rid of more people with the battle ropes and pullups. Nile outlasts the one remaining person and doesn’t look happy.

Video on Cora Jade vs. Natalya, and yes that really is the main event.

The Viking Raiders are in on a rematch against the Creeds.

Natalya vs. Cora Jade

Feeling out process to start with Jade spinning out of a wristlock and taking Natalya down early. The threat of some kind of a hold has Jade slipping out, only to send Natalya to the floor. We take a break and come back with Jade escaping a surfboard, setting up a running knee in the ropes. A tornado DDT gets two on Natalya but she is fine enough to suplex Jade hard into the corner.

Jade’s knee is crushed in the ropes so Natalya wraps it around the post. That allows Jade to pull her face first into the post and Sliced Bread gets two. With nothing else working, Jade grabs the Sharpshooter but Natalya powers out as Jade’s knee can’t hold up. Natalya grabs the Sharpshooter and Jade passes out at 14:06.

Rating: B. They were managing to pull me in here, and while I get the idea of Jade hanging in there to fall in the end, I’m not sure that’s the best way to go. Is Natalya really important enough that Jade can’t beat her? I know WWE seems to think of her as a legend and yeah I think I just answered my own question.

Post match Jade wakes up and Natalya helps her to her feet for the big hug to end the show. Please, not another tag team.

Overall Rating: C+. The main event pulled this one over the line and while it took time, I’m glad it actually got there. NXT continues to push some rather uninteresting stars and characters though, from Choo to Gacy to D’Angelo and company to Sarray to Natalya and it doesn’t help me through the show. There are good and interesting people on here who could use the TV time, but the bad names are bringing things WAY down and it’s making parts of the show a chore rather than entertaining. Side note: has there ever been a full, regular show that has a woman in every match? That might be a first.

Toxic Attraction b. Roxanne Perez/Wendy Choo – Superkick to Perez
Fallon Henley b. Sloane Jacobs – Running knee
Alba Fyre b. Amari Miller – Swanton
Andre Chase/Sarray b. Tiffany Stratton/Grayson Waller – Rollup to Stratton
Nikkita Lyons b. Arianna Grace – Splits splash
Natalya b. Cora Jade via referee stoppage




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NXT LVL Up – May 6, 2022: Mostly Ladies Night

Date: May 6, 2022
Location: Capitol Wrestling Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Nigel McGuinness, Sudu Shah

We’re coming off a big NXT event on Tuesday and odds are that doesn’t mean much around here. What might mean something is the upcoming women’s Breakout Tournament, which very well could get some hype on this show. This is where some of the upcoming women have appeared before so maybe we get more of that this week. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Tatum Paxley/Ivy Nile vs. Erica Yan/Sarray

Roderick Strong is here with Nile and Paxley. Speaking of the Breakout Tournament and also speaking of people who have fallen through the floor, we have Paxley and Sarray. Nile takes Sarray into the corner to start and it’s an exchange of wristlocks with Paxley. Sarray slips out and hits a running dropkick so Yan can come in instead.

An exchange of rollups get two each and that’s good for a standoff so we’ll try Nile vs. Sarray again. A fisherman’s suplex gets two on Nile but she is back up with a clothesline. Some rolling suplexes set up a running kick in the corner and Sarray is in trouble. Paxley comes back in for the armbar but Sarray fights up, ducks a clothesline, and gets over to for the tag to Yan. That’s fine with Nile, who comes back in with the dragon sleeper for the tap at 5:20.

Rating: C. Nile still feels like a killer and Paxley is coming along nicely, though she still has some work to do to break out from the pack. The interesting thing here is Sarray, who has either been a huge disappointment or has lost every bit of support she has backstage. It’s just weird to see her falling this far but somehow this is still better than the transforming schoolgirl deal.

Sloane Jacobs vs. Thea Hail

They fight over arm control to start until Hail hits a dropkick for an early two. Jacobs sends her into the corner to start the stomping though as commentary points out that these two are 37 years old combined. A big boot drops Hail for two and we’re off to the neck crank. Hail takes her time fighting up and sends Jacobs into the corner, setting up a sunset flip for two. Jacobs shrugs it off and hits a Samoan drop for the pin at 5:05.

Rating: C-. Not the most interesting match as the neck crank took awhile but you can tell that these two are still works in progress. Given that the older one is nineteen years old, there is only so much you can expect from them. At some point you need to get them in the ring, but a televised show might not be the best idea.

Channing Lorezno/Troy Donovan vs. Javier Bernal/Dante Chen

Why yes, this is a LVL Up main event. Tony D’Angelo joins commentary and the voice is already grating. Bernal headlocks Lorenzo down to start as D’Angelo interrogates Shah about possibly being a federal agent. Chen comes in to headlock Lorenzo before switching up to another headlock. Bernal’s sliding lariat gets two but Lorenzo blocks a sunset flip and brings Donovan in. The stomping ensues and a suplex gets two on Bernal. The alternating beatdown is on but Bernal sends them into each other and gets over to Chen for the hot tag. Everything breaks down and it’s a big boot setting up stereo big boots to finish Chen at 6:02.

Rating: C. D’Angelo is a good example of a joke that is being pounded into your head so hard that there might as well be someone following him around yelling “GET IT????”. Lorenzo and Donovan (enjoy those names while you can) are two guys who are about as interchangeable as you can get and that doesn’t make for the most interesting matches. This was ok at best and I could go with D’Angelo N Pals being around a bit less, or at least not talking so much.

Overall Rating: C-. This was a good example of LVL Up: it was short, the wrestling wasn’t anything worth seeing, and they weren’t exactly putting the star power out there. I did like them showcasing some of the newer women more though, as they are going to need all of the ring time that they can get and the matches were hardly awful. It’s still hard to get annoyed at this show, but it’s also not easy to get interested most weeks.




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NXT LVL Up – April 8, 2022: So Much For That

Date: April 8, 2022
Location: Capitol Wrestling Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Sudu Shah, Nigel McGuinness

We’re basking in that post Wrestlemania glow and while it might have dimmed out a bit by the time it gets to NXT LVL Up, it still feels a bit special. Last week seemed to tease a tag match and that could be a good thing for a future show. I’ll take a small story over no story so let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Javier Bernal vs. Guru Raaj

Shah: “Raaj dreams of headlining premium live events.” A quote that has never been said about anyone in history. Bernal grabs a headlock to start before they go to a pinfall reversal sequence. Raaj starts working on the arms as the fans get behind Bernal. That’s broken up and Bernal kicks away, setting up the Codebreaker for the pin at 5:08.

Rating: C-. These are two more guys on the roster with nothing that makes them stand out and nothing all that interesting about them. I’m not sure what NXT is going to be able to do with them, but it isn’t like there has been much of an investment put into them so far. Right now, the best description of these two is where they’re from and they need more than that.

Ivy Nile vs. Thea Hail

This is Hail’s debut and she is dressed like a superhero, complete with a cape. The fans think Nile is going to kill her, starting with a lethal wristlock. Hail, with a gymnastics background, backflips out but gets caught in a fireman’s carry drop onto the top. A fall away slam sets up a running kick in the corner to give Nile two. Hail is sent into the corner for a flipping cutter (that could be a finisher) and a suplex gets two, only to have Hail make a quick comeback. You don’t do that to Nile though as she grabs the dragon sleeper for the tap at 4:09.

Rating: C. Nile is getting into Taz territory with just another victim and that is not a bad thing. NXT has done a great job in making her feel like a star and we are reaching the point where she could be dropped into the title picture without a second thought. That is how you develop talent and Nile certainly has it.

Andre Chase/Bodie Hayward vs. Channing Lauren/Troy Donovan

Chase works on Lauren’s arm to start but Lauren sends him into the corner, setting up the loser L on the forehead. When you’re taking your taunts from the Bellas, you might want to pack it in already. That’s too much for Chase, who takes him down for the CHASE U stomping. Hayward comes in with a sunset flip for two so it’s off to Donovan, who gets armdragged into an armbar. A cheap shot from the apron slows Chase down though and Donovan scores with a dropkick.

Chase fights out of an armbar and rolls his way over to Hayward for the hot tag to clean house. Everything breaks down and Hayward grabs a Gory Stretch, with Chase getting a running start and spinning across Lauren for a Downward Spiral (it’s kind of hard to describe) and the pin at 6:57. Nigel dubs the finisher the Fratliner so we’ll go with that.

Rating: C. This wasn’t quite a squash but it’s nice to see Chase U getting a win for a change. Chase has worked so hard and managed to get that stupid thing over so having them be successful is cool to see. Granted they aren’t going to go much higher, but it’s a unique gimmick and is working fairly well.

Overall Rating: D+. This was a downgrade after last week as they didn’t have anything that you needed to see. Nile continues to be a hidden gem in NXT and I like seeing her wreck whomever is in front of her. Other than that though, this was a pretty nothing, skippable show and unfortunately that has a tendency to be the norm around here.

Javier Bernal b. Guru Raaj – Codebreaker
Ivy Nile b. Thea Hail – Dragon sleeper
Andre Chase/Bodhi Hayward b. Channing Lauren/Troy Donovan – Fratliner to Lauren




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NXT – March 29, 2022: When Did That Happen?

Date: March 29, 2022
Location: Capitol Wrestling Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Vic Joseph, Wade Barrett

It’s the go home show for Stand & Deliver and the card is all but set. We still have some matches that need a final push though and that is where this week’s show comes in. If nothing else, there is one spot left in the North American Title ladder match and it gets filled in this week. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Imperium vs. LA Knight/MSK

LAMSK (spelled like it sounds) jumps Imperium from behind to start and they start fast, with Knight and Barthel trading wristlocks. Barthel gets taken down and MSK hits a neck crank into a basement dropkick. A cheap shot finally takes Knight down though and Barthel kicks him in the chest. The fans want Gunther and receive him almost immediately, with some kicks tot he back keeping Knight in trouble. It’s already off to Aichner for a slam into the ropes for two and the beating villains continue their alternating beatdowns.

Knight finally fights his way over to the ropes for the tag to Lee. Everything breaks down and Carter hits a dive, leaving Knight to stare Gunther down. We take a break and come back with Knight and Barthel coming in off the double tag, allowing Knight to clean house in a hurry. The big jumping elbow gets two, with Aichner making the save. Carter hits a running dropkick in the corner as Knight and Gunther fight into the back. That leaves Aichner to kick Lee in the face and blast Carter with a clothesline for the pin at 12:11.

Rating: C+. MSK losing doesn’t mean much here as the Tag Team Title match is more about the Creed Brothers than MSK, who are just kind of there too. It was nice to see Knight get to stand toe to toe with Gunther before their showdown on Saturday. That could be a nice fight and if they allow Knight to shine a bit, he could have a breakout performance. Fast paced opener here and I can always go for a good six man tag.

Post match the Creed Brothers come out for the three way staredown.

Io Shirai and Kay Lee Ray are ready to win the Women’s Title, even if it means beating one another. Ray throws out some good luck in Japanese, which Shirai returns in English.

Dakota Kai goes hunting for Wendy Choo but only finds Wendy’s stuff destroyed.

Earlier today, Ivy Nile told Tatum Paxley to work harder if she wants to be in the Diamond Mine.

Ivy Nile vs. Tiffany Stratton

Stratton takes her down without much trouble and hits the standing moonsault for two. Nile is right back up with a clothesline and Stratton backs off. That doesn’t last long as Stratton sends her into the ropes for a running hip attack to the back. A headlock takeover doesn’t last long on Nile so Stratton sends her face first into the mat. Nile is ticked off though and hits Stratton in the face. A running shot in the corner sets up a double arm crank until Nile sends her face first into the mat. Stratton is ticked off and comes back but here is Sarray for a distraction, allowing Nile to grab the dragon sleeper for the tap at 3:26.

Rating: C. This was little more than a squash for Nile until Sarray used her teleporting powers to get involved. What matters here is that Nile gets to beat someone else up as you have to imagine she is coming for the Women’s Title sooner or later. The match might not have been great, but Nile is a force and Stratton is growing on me.

Tommaso Ciampa is in his usual spot in the back and talks about how this is his place to connect with the people. The people and NXT have been his haven through a lot of troubles, including five miscarriages (egads) before his miracle daughter was born. They created the Black and Gold together, but now they are going to do it one more time. Ciampa stands up and the dates 9/9/15 – 4/2/22 (his debut to his final match) are written on the chair. I’m really curious about what is next for Ciampa, because going to the main roster almost seems impossible for him.

We get a video on Dolph Ziggler’s accomplishments in WWE.

Ziggler talks about coming to NXT as usual, but this time he is going to be staying a bit longer. He has been doing this time after time and how everyone wants him for media because everyone knows who he is. We see some clips of Ziggler’s path here as he talks about how everyone KNOWS Bron Breakker is taking the title from him at Stand & Deliver, just like the KNEW he would do it at Roadblock. He’s the star, and he’ll prove it again. Good video here, but it feels like Breakker’s likely title win would mean a lot more if he was winning it for the first time rather than regaining it.

Video on Cora Jade, talking about how she wanted to win the title and be like other NXT Women’s Champions (“Charlotte….don’t really like her”). She even has her notebook from high school where she wrote about wanting to follow her dreams as a wrestler instead of taking notes in math class. Yes the odds are against her, but she was never much for math anyway.

Legado del Fantasma vs. Josh Briggs/Brooks Jensen

Elektra Lopez and Fallon Henley are the seconds. Barrett talks about how Jensen’s love life can get him in trouble, allowing him to reference Will Smith. Briggs throws Wilde into the air for a crash onto the mat to start, followed by a fall away slam to make it worse. Briggs comes in but gets kicked in the ribs by Mendoza. A springboard is cut off though and Briggs drives him into the corner, setting up a double shoulder.

Jensen gets knocked outside though and Wilde hangs sideways off the post (that was impressive) before dropping straight down into a splash. Some running corner clotheslines knock Jensen silly again and a double suplex gets two. The chinlock is broken up though and the hot tag brings in Briggs to clean house. Lopez offers a distraction though, allowing Legado to knock him down. Henley goes after Lopez and Wilde’s 450 is cut off with a grab of the throat. The chokeslam sets up a high/low for the pin on Wilde at 5:36.

Rating: C. This is how you treat a team like Briggs and Jensen: let them go out there in their jeans and boots with their country girl manager and beat up some heels. It’s a formula that has worked for years and it worked again here. Odds are you can book the six person tag from here and that is an upgrade over Jensen’s dating issues.

Indi Hartwell and Persia Pirotta argue over their respective men and agree to a Texas sized showdown in Dallas, as judged by the NXT Universe. That’s going to be stupid isn’t it?

Cameron Grimes is nervous about his last chance match tonight because he needs this. Grimes wants to make his promise to his father come true.

Here is Toxic Attraction for a chat. Mandy Rose isn’t happy with Io Shirai and Kay Lee Ray adding themselves to the Women’s Title match but no she is not scared or worried. The three of them have dominated the women’s division for six months so now it is time to do it again at Stand & Deliver. Before we get there though, we have to talk about Wendy Choo and Dakota Kai, who failed in the finals of the Dusty Classic. They pull some of Choo’s stuff out of their backpack, revealing that the three of them took her out.

There is no one left to go after them and they are THE attraction around here. Cue Dakota Kai to go after them but the numbers game takes her down. That brings out Raquel Gonzalez for the real save and Toxic Attraction bails. Kai and Gonzalez have the big reunion and seem to be the next challengers as they hold up the titles. I’m not sure how epic of a reunion that is but there isn’t anyone else to go after the belts.

Carmelo Hayes and Trick Williams are excited for the ladder match when Grayson Waller and Sanga come in. Waller is ready to take the title but Hayes says he goes viral just by showing up. Glaring ensues.

Von Wagner vs. Bodie Hayward

Robert Stone and Andre Chase are here as seconds and Jacket Time is doing their own commentary. Hayward knocks him down to start but hold on as we cut to the attractive woman who has been appearing as of late. Jacket Time loses their mind over her as Wagner takes over inside with some shoulders to the ribs in the corner.

Hayward comes back with a running forearm but gets caught in a fall away slam. Wagner misses a running boot in the corner though and Hayward hits a running shoulder to put him down. Hayward isn’t having that though and runs him over, setting up something like a release AA for the pin at 3:41.

Rating: C-. Hayward is energetic in the ring but the Chase University bits are what matter most in the whole act. That makes things a little complicated as the matches aren’t worth seeing but the fans still like him. As for Wagner, he’s another big guy who does his thing and doesn’t seem to be getting very far as a result.

Post match Wagner jumps Jacket Time and rips up Ikemen Jiro’s jacket.

Tony D’Angelo is ready to take Tommaso Ciampa out of the chain and give him his last match in NXT. Then D’Angelo is taking over NXT as the new don.

Joe Gacy vs. Draco Anthony

Harland is here with Gacy, who shoulders Draco down to start. Back up and Anthony grabs an armdrag but stops to stare at Harland. That lets Gacy come back with a DDT and a chinlock, with trash talk included. Said trash talk lets Anthony…well nothing actually as Gacy hits a swinging Rock Bottom. Anthony fights up and hits a running elbow in the corner, setting up a suplex for two. Gacy slips out of another suplex (with Anthony falling down), followed by the handspring lariat to finish Anthony at 3:56.

Rating: C-. Gacy beat Anthony up here and Harland didn’t even need to help him win. Hopefully this doesn’t lead to Gacy gaining a following, as I could see Anthony turning on Xyon Quinn when Xyon is here to help him next time. Gacy just isn’t that interesting, with Harland being the latest in a long series of angry looking bodyguards.

The Steiner Brothers are going into the Hall of Fame, allowing commentary to FINALLY say that Rick Steiner is Bron Breakker’s father.

We get a video on Bron Breakker, who talks about how this is the biggest match of his life. His first title win was about proving himself but then he lost the title in a big surprise. Dolph Ziggler is here but he leaves as fast as he can every time. NXT is Breakker’s life and at Stand & Deliver, Ziggler has nowhere to run and hide. Breakker feels like a ticked off force in the vein of his uncle and that is a very good thing.

Stand & Deliver rundown, with Toxic Attraction defending the Women’s Tag Team Titles against Dakota Kai/Raquel Gonzalez added to the Kickoff Show.

Nikkita Lyons vs. Sloane Jacobs

Lyons slams her down to start but Jacobs is back with a Codebreaker to the arm. A suplex drops Jacobs though and there’s a Samoan drop to make it worse. Some kicks to the head set up the splits splash to finish Jacobs at 1:46 (with Jacobs looking bored as she is pinned).

Post match Lash Legend pops up to rat at Lyons and a challenge is issued for sometime after Stand & Deliver. Can we challenge Legend to never talk again?

Malcolm Bivens promises that the Diamond Mine is going to win everything at Stand & Deliver. The Creeds are left alone and get a text from whoever attacked them, saying they’ll be watching on Saturday. The area code is 781, which is from Boston (not mentioned here).

Cameron Grimes vs. Roderick Strong vs. A-Kid

The winner is in the North American Title ladder match. They all start fast with each one having to make a save. Strong can’t get a Boston crab on Grimes but A-Kid can’t get his sleeper. Grimes misses the Cave In, giving us a three way stand off. A monkey flip sends A-Kid into a hurricanrana to take Strong down and a dropkick puts Strong into the corner. Back up and A-Kid springboards into a wristdrag/headscissors combination to put the other two in trouble as we take a break.

Back with Carmelo Hayes on commentary and the rest of the ladder match entrants appearing to watch. Strong powerbombs A-Kid onto Grimes but can’t get a double Stronghold. Grimes is back up with a high crossbody on Strong and a swinging Side Effect on A-Kid. It’s A-Kid back on his feet to spike Grimes with a DDT and everyone is down. The three way slugout is on with Strong getting the better of things and powerbombing A-Kid onto Grimes. The End of Heartache drops A-Kid but Grimes hits the Cave In for the pin on Strong at 10:53.

Rating: B-. They went with the fast paced offense here and that is a good idea in a match like this. All of the other challengers coming out to watch made for a nice atmosphere and Grimes winning was the right call. You can have A-Kid and Strong go after the title later, but Grimes’ deal with his dad is the right trigger to pull at the moment.

Post match everyone involved in the ladder match promises to be champion, triggering a huge brawl to end the show.

Overall Rating: C+. I’m not sure when it happened but this show has gotten a lot more watchable in recent weeks. Above all else, it feels like a lot of the characters are starting to fit into their roles. They also aren’t throwing three or four new people out there almost every week so the wrestlers who are already around can develop a lot more. The show is still far from perfect, but I had a much easier time with this one than almost any NXT that I can remember in recent months.

Imperium b. LA Knight/MSK – Clothesline to Carter
Ivy Nile b. Tiffany Stratton – Dragon sleeper
Josh Briggs/Brooks Jensen b. Legado del Fantasma – High/low to Wilde
Von Wagner b. Bodie Hayward – Fireman’s carry slam
Joe Gacy b. Draco Anthony – Handspring lariat
Nikkita Lyons b. Sloane Jacobs – Splits splash
Cameron Grimes b. Roderick Strong and A-Kid – Cave In to Strong



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NXT LVL Up – March 11, 2022: They Can Do That Around Here?

Date: March 11, 2022
Location: Capitol Wrestling Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Sudu Shah, Nigel McGuinness

We’re in a new NXT era as Dolph Ziggler won the NXT Title. That was a bit of a surprise when it took place but now it seems like all roads lead to Bron Breakker getting his title rematch at Stand & Deliver next month. With a few weeks to go, it is now time to see how this NXT show has nothing to do with any of that. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Trick Williams vs. Guru Raaj

Carmelo Hayes is here with Williams and sits in on commentary. Williams grabs a headlock to start as Hayes talks about how he is a bigger star than the NXT Champion (who he doesn’t mention here, as this was filmed before NXT). Raaj sends him into the corner but comes back with a kick to the face. A running corner clothesline connects and it’s time for something like a standing Disarm-Her. Raaj fights out and hits some running forearms, setting up the COME ON to the crowd. Williams is back with a spinning kick to the head and a running neckbreaker finishes Raaj at 4:09.

Rating: C-. Pretty dull squash here, but what mattered was Hayes on commentary, making this match feel like a much bigger deal than it had any right to be. Hayes is one of the best people on the NXT roster today as his matches are smooth and he sounds good when he talks. Williams is fine for a bodyguard/lackey/partner, but Hayes doesn’t need anyone to talk for him.

Ivy Nile vs. Brooklyn Barlow

Malcolm Bivens is here with Nile and the debuting Barlow looks a bit like Tiffany Stratton. Nile wastes no time in hitting a spinebuster but Barlow wristlocks her down into an armbar. A sunset flip out of the corner gives Barlow two so Nile hits her in the face. A standing reverse cravate has Barlow in more trouble but she makes the clothesline comeback. An Oklahoma roll gives Barlow two so Nile Dragon sleepers her for the win at 3:53.

Rating: C. Nile continues to look like a monster and someone who could become a major title threat in the short or long term. There is always room for someone with the submission work like her and that was on display here. As for Barlow, she is another blonde who is going to need to find something to make her stand out. Being in the ring for about four minutes is no way to determine what she can do, but at least she got her toes wet.

Josh Briggs/Brooks Jensen vs. Grizzled Young Veterans

A rather fetching woman stares at Jensen during his entrance and he certainly notices her. Gibson gets double shouldered down to start but Briggs gets dragged into the corner for a shot from Drake. Briggs shrugs that off and knocks him into the corner, allowing Jensen to come back in for the snap jabs. Some double teaming takes Jensen down though and Drake grabs a chinlock. Jensen belly to back suplexes his way to freedom as Nigel keeps making Freebirds references.

The hot tag brings in Briggs to clean house and everything breaks down. A missile dropkick/Downward Spiral combination gets two on Briggs as Jensen is still down on the floor. Drake misses a running corner dropkick and it’s Jensen coming back in to take over. Hold on though as the woman in the crowd distracts Jensen, allowing Drake to counter a suplex and fall on top of him as Gibson holds the foot (ala Bobby Heenan) for the pin at 7:06.

Rating: C. Again, it makes all the difference in the world when you have some names you might care about on the show. Briggs and Jensen are one of the easiest gimmicks to book and they looked decent here. The Veterans should have been a breakout team a long time ago but for now, this is about all they’re going to be good for, as sad as it might be.

Post match Fallon Henley comes out to yell at the Veterans and Briggs/Jensen take out Drake to end the show. Hokey smoke was that an angle on this show?

Overall Rating: C+. This is the definition of false hope but I’ll take what I can get with the angle at the end of the show. Yes it’s just a quick thing with some teams who aren’t going to matter but if it actually goes somewhere, it is an improvement over what this show has been doing so far. The star power was better this week too and it was a completely easy show to watch. Nice job, and hopefully they do it again.



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NXT – February 22, 2022: The Heavyweight Fight

Date: February 22, 2022
Location: Capitol Wrestling Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Wade Barrett, Vic Joseph

We are done with Vengeance Day and that means it is time to head on to whatever the next special show is going to be. The show is going to need a main event and odds are we will find out what that is tonight as Tommaso Ciampa and Raw’s Dolph Ziggler meet in a #1 contenders match. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

We open with a long Vengeance Day recap.

Here is NXT Champion Bron Breakker for a chat. He talks about Santos Escobar being a tough opponent last week but now it is time for a new opponent. That could be as soon as Stand & Deliver, which will take place over Wrestlemania weekend. Cue Dolph Ziggler, who says he’ll be NXT Champion sooner than later, but the question is whether Breakker will make it to Stand & Deliver as champion.

Tonight, Ziggler is going to take out Tommaso Ciampa and get his title shot, but Breakker wants to fight over Ziggler superkicking him last week. Ziggler says Breakker has the night off this week, meaning he can watch Ziggler do what he does best. These two could make for a good title match and it’s a smart way to use Ziggler to help get Breakker over.

LA Knight vs. Grayson Waller

Sanga is here with Waller, who runs away to start, then does it again for a bonus. Back in and Waller gets in a cheap shot, only to get crotched on top. We take a break and come back with Knight yelling at Sanga and getting sent into the steps as a result. A top rope elbow gives Waller two but he spends way too much time setting up his rolling Stunner (from the floor), allowing Knight to counter it with a belly to back suplex. Knight hits his running clothesline into a backdrop but a Sanga distraction blocks the BFT. Waller grabs a rollup with trunks for the pin at 9:54.

Rating: C. The ending suggests that this is going to keep going and that is not the worst idea. It would make sense for Knight to continue going after Waller, perhaps on his way to the main roster just after Stand & Deliver. I’m not sure if they can stretch it out that far, but Waller getting wins is the right thing if they want him to be such a big deal.

Post match Knight beats on Waller again and drops Sanga with the BFT. Waller gets one as well.

Dakota Kai finds Wendy Choo, who is her partner in the Dusty Cup. Didn’t Kai make it clear last week that they WEREN’T going to team together? Anyway, Kai is upset that Choo is asleep and is worried about having a partner. Choo says Kai has never had her as a partner and leaves. Kai laments to her imaginary/invisible friend.

Cora Jade took Raquel Gonzalez to an adventure park to train and it turns out that Gonzalez is scared of heights. Jade: “You are the height!” They climb on various things and Gonzalez does not take it well, especially the ziplining finale. She finally goes through and her fear is conquered. Now, to conquer the Dusty Cup. This has been your latest example of NO ONE TALKS LIKE THIS!

Toxic Attraction is on the platform in the Toxic Lounge and mock Jade and Gonzalez.

Women’s Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic First Round: Kay Lee Ray/Io Shirai vs. Lash Legend/Amari Miller

Legend shoulders Shirai down to start but Shirai gets over to the apron. She seems to slip off a springboard but a regular dropkick frustrates Legend instead. Miller tags herself in and misses an elbow, allowing Shirai to hit a flapjack. Ray comes in and takes over on Miller, including some hard chops. It’s back to Legend, who gets caught in the KLR Bomb. Shirai’s Moons Over Moonsault finishes Legend off at 2:42. Basically a squash, as it should have been.

Dante Chen is ready to take out Duke Hudson and get his revenge.

Josh Briggs films Brooks Jensen for a dating service, but Jensen can’t even remember his name.

Dante Chen vs. Duke Hudson

Chen jumps Hudson from behind in the aisle and we start fast with Hudson in trouble. They get inside where Chen grabs a DDT for two before hammering away in the corner. Hudson is back with a kick to the face and a Razor’s Edge finishes Chen at 2:17. Hudson has talent and thankfully didn’t have much trouble with someone as low on the ladder as Chen.

Here are Trick Williams and Carmelo Hayes to brag about Hayes retaining the North American Title over Cameron Grimes last week. Hayes doesn’t care who he is facing or where he is doing it, because he’s what people will be talking about. Cue Pete Dunne to interrupt and the challenge is on for next week. Williams doesn’t seem interested but Hayes says he’s on, only to get jumped from behind by Cameron Grimes.

Cameron Grimes vs. Trick Williams

Joined in progress with Grimes running Williams over and taking him down with a clothesline. Williams manages a kick to the chest and a jumping clothesline of his own, meaning the stomping can ensue. The chinlock goes on as Barrett sings the Applebees jingle. Williams shrugs off a comeback attempt by knocking him down again and grabbing something close to a cobra clutch.

Grimes fights back up and hits a powerslam swung into a Side Effect. They head outside with Grimes missing a Cave In off the steps but hitting a superkick instead. Back in and Grimes comes off the top with a high crossbody, which mostly hits Williams in the face. The Cave In finishes Williams at 5:58.

Rating: C. There were some sloppy parts in here and it’s weird seeing Grimes have a match that is so off. At least Grimes is winning again as it makes a lot of sense to give him a nice win to get him on track after last week. Not a great match due to some less than sharp work, but it’s how things should have gone.

Brooks Jensen still can’t get the dating video right. He doesn’t know what Transformers are and is still rather hung up on Kayden Carter.

Bron Breakker comes in to see Tommaso Ciampa as he is warming up. Breakker leaves him in the zone but Ciampa says they’re 1-1 and he needs to know who is the better man.

Nikkita Lyons says she is a whole lot of woman who is ready to do a whole lot of whipping.

We go to Chase University for a lesson on intestinal fortitude. Andre Chase does not think Von Wagner has much fortitude left now that he has aligned himself with Robert Stone and freaks out over the idea of someone asking what he’ll do in the ring with Wagner. That was a teachable moment, as Chase continues to nail this stuff.

Nikkita Lyons vs. Kayla Inlay

This is Lyons’ debut and she doesn’t think much of Inlay trying a wristlock. An armbar keeps Inlay in trouble and a hiptoss makes it worse. Inlay blocks a German suplex though and chokes on the ropes, setting up some knees to the ribs. Lyons punches her in the ribs for trying a comeback. Another German suplex is blocked with a stomp to the floor but a third attempt sends Inlay flying. A splits sitdown splash finishes Inlay at 4:02.

Rating: C-. Lyons certainly has a unique look and is a giant compared to a lot of the division, but this needed to be much more one sided. Inlay got in a lot here for someone who is lucky to make it to LVL Up and her blocking the German suplex over and over didn’t work. Lyons will probably be fine, but this wasn’t a good start.

Persia Pirotta says Duke Hudson looked good out there and Hudson kisses her. Indi Hartwell comes in to say gross so Persia leaves. Hudson says Hartwell used to enjoy it but Hartwell says that was a long time ago. Hudson says it doesn’t have to be and Dexter Lumis just happens to be standing by. Lumis leaves with Indi going after him and saying she despises Hudson. NXT’s co-ed locker rooms continue to be odd.

Robert Stone and Von Wagner are ready for Andre Chase.

Here are the Creed Brothers with Malcolm Bivens to celebrate winning the Dusty Classic. Imperium doesn’t have their amateur wrestling background and haven’t defended their titles in weeks. The Creed Brothers are the real deal and Imperium are a bunch of coleslaw and sauerkraut eating….and here is Imperium to interrupt. Gunther doesn’t like what he is hearing and the brawl is on, with Gunther grabbing Bivens by the throat. Cue Solo Sikoa to superkick Gunther down, much to Bivens’ surprise/thankfulness. Bivens offers a very shaky thumbs up but doesn’t seem to know what is going on.

The dating video still doesn’t work but Fallon Henley comes in to say Brooks Jensen can just take a picture, which she does, and set up his profile, which he’ll do. Jensen yells at Josh Briggs for wasting so much time on a video. Henley did something amazing here: she talked like a human being.

Joe Gacy and Harland show us a clip of the two of them going after Draco Anthony in the gym. Gacy sees Anthony as someone he can mold and that will starts next week.

Women’s Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic First Round: Tatum Paxley/Ivy Nile vs. Kayden Carter/Kacy Catanzaro

Catanzaro rolls Paxley up for two t start and tries a headscissors, only to get punched in the face by Nile. A kick to the throat drops Catanzaro again but she slips over and brings in Carter to pick up the pace. An assisted spinning side slam drops Carter and Paxley adds a standing twisting moonsault. Catanzaro makes the save though and sends Nile outside, leaving Paxley to get caught with the neckbreaker/450 combination for the pin at 3:23.

Rating: C+. Carter and Catanzaro continue to be one of the better women’s teams around here and that could be a good thing for the rest of the tournament. Odds are the tournament has a decent final four, though it does make you wonder why they needed to have eight teams in the first place. I know four is kind of a lousy number, but why stretch it out for the sake of stretching it out?

Post match, Nile chokes Paxley out.

Solo Sikoa is ready to take out Gunther next week. Malcolm Bivens comes in to say that he had Gunther where he wanted him, but good luck next week. Sikoa says he did that for himself.

LA Knight wants another shot at Grayson Waller.

Tommaso Ciampa vs. Dolph Ziggler

For a future shot at Bron Breakker’s NXT Title. They go to the mat to start with Ciampa hitting him in the face to start the frustration. It’s too early for the Fairy Tale Ending and Ciampa misses a running knee to the face as well. A headbutt takes Ciampa down for two and we’re already on the chinlock. Ciampa fights up and makes the clothesline comeback but has to block the Zig Zag. A knee to the face puts Ziggler down and we take a break as Ciampa applauds himself.

Back with Ciampa fighting out of another chinlock and hitting a hard running clothesline for two. They slug it out until Ziggler scores with a dropkick into the Fameasser for two of his own. The superkick is cut off with another knee and Project Ciampa gets two. Ciampa lowers the knee pad and hits another running knee (following the Kenny Omega formula) for two more, with Ziggler getting a foot on the ropes.

They fall out to the floor for a bit before Ziggler grabs a sleeper with a bodyscissors back inside. That’s broken up as Ciampa gets to his feet and then drops backwards for the break and a near fall. They head to the apron for a slugout and an Air Raid Crash onto said apron (with about four camera cuts in five seconds) knocks Ziggler silly. Hold on though as a cameraman decks Ciampa with his camera, leaving Ziggler to hit the superkick for the pin at 15:35.

Rating: B. This felt like a heavyweight slugfest, meaning a match between two main event stars who were beating each other until one of them was left standing. The cheating was a good way to protect Ciampa, who didn’t need to take a clean loss. It was the best match on the show by far and felt like it belonged in this spot.

The cameraman is….Robert Roode. The beatdown is on but here is Bron Breakker for the save. Breakker makes the challenge for the tag match for next week. Ziggler and Roode charge back in and get beaten down again in a huge brawl to end the show.

Overall Rating: B-. The main event carried this a lot higher as it got time and was high quality, but the rest of the show was only so good. The Dusty Classic matches could have been a lot worse, mainly because they didn’t include the segments of the teams being put together. Some of the other stuff, such as Knight, Grimes and Hudson worked as well, making this a pretty good show. Maybe things are starting to come together around here, which would be nice after some dry months.

Grayson Waller b. LA Knight – Rollup with trunks
Kay Lee Ray/Io Shirai b. Lash Legend/Amari Miller – Moons Over Moonsault to Legend
Duke Hudson b. Dante Chen – Razor’s Edge
Cameron Grimes b. Trick Williams – Cave In
Nikkita Lyons b. Kayla Inlay – Splits sitdown splash
Kayden Carter/Kacy Catanzaro b. Tatum Paxley/Ivy Nile – Neckbreaker/450 combination to Paxley
Dolph Ziggler b. Tommaso Ciampa – Superkick




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