Lucha Underground – October 24, 2018: Like He’s Five Years Old

IMG Credit: Lucha Underground

Lucha Underground
Date: October 24, 2018
Location: Lucha Underground Temple, Los Angeles, California
Commentators: Vampiro, Matt Striker

It’s a big night here as we have the final regular show before Lucha Underground. There’s even a title on the line tonight with the Gift of the Gods Title up for grabs in a seven way elimination match. Other than that we’re going to be seeing a bunch of build towards the biggest show (or shows I guess) of the year. Let’s get to it.

The opening video looks at the seven names in the Gift of the Gods Title match.

Next week: Son of Havoc vs. Killshot in a mask vs. mask match and the Trios Titles match.

Gift of the Gods Title: King Cuerno vs. Big Bad Steve vs. Hernandez vs. Aerostar vs. PJ Black vs. Jake Strong vs. Dante Fox

The title is vacant coming in and this is under elimination rules. Fox starts fast by kicking people in the face, including one to put Strong on the floor. Cuerno and Black double team Fox to slow him down before heading outside. That leaves Fox to hit a springboard imploding flip dive onto the pile for the huge crash. Back in and Hernandez rocks Fox back and forth before running him over. That’s fine with Fox, who backslides Hernandez for the pin at 2:29.

Back from a break with Strong starting to clean house and everyone fights to the floor. The camera cuts back and forth between the various fights, including Strong powerbombing Fox against a wall. Steve and PJ get back in with Famous B. slipping Steve a wrench to clean house. Aerostar gets a shot as well but it’s Strong coming back in to ankle lock Black for the elimination at 7:13.

Strong snaps the ankle for fun and we take another break. Back again with Strong and Steve slugging it out until Cuerno comes back in for a kick to Strong’s face. Cuerno and Steve team up on Aerostar with Steve hitting a pop up cutter and Cuerno adding a dropkick. That means it’s time for the two of them to slug it out with Cuerno getting the better of things, as you probably expected. Steve’s vest gets opened up for the hard chops but a double clothesline puts them both down.

And now here’s Drago with a forklift (and a helmet, because safety first) to raise Aerostar WAY up (as high as you would be on top of a cage at least) for the dive onto Cuerno and Steve. That’s enough to eliminate Steve at 13:14 and we take another break. Back again with Strong forearming Aerostar in the back and slowly stomping Cuerno. A powerslam gets two on Cuerno and the ankle lock goes on with Aerostar making the save so more people can fight Strong. That means an ankle lock for Aerostar, who taps at 17:04. We’re down to Fox, Strong and Cuerno, who knees Strong in the head as we take another break.

Back again with Cuerno watching Aerostar be taken to the back as Fox’s knuckles are bleeding. They all get in with Cuerno knocking both of them to the floor for the big suicide dive on Strong. Fox goes onto the top of the entrance and hits a big flip dive to take both guys down again. Cuerno is thrown back in and a 450 gets two with Strong making the save. The Thrill of the Hunt gives Cuerno two on Fox but he misses a running knee in the corner.

Strong is back in with the Vader Bomb, only to have Fox hit a springboard middle rope cutter for two. One of the longest Swantons I’ve ever seen hits Strong’s raised knees and for once, it hurts the person’s knees. Cuerno kicks both of them in the face and everyone is down again.

Strong wins a three way slugout but gets double dropkicked to the floor. The Fox Catcher (scoop brainbuster) gets rid of Cuerno at 28:51 and we’re down to two. The fight starts on the floor with Fox hitting a dropkick off the apron. A jackknife cover gets two as the fans are behind Fox….who gets caught in the ankle lock for the eventual tap at 33:04 to make Strong champion. Fans: “THIS IS BS!”

Rating: B-. I liked the match, but it’s kind of hard to argue with the fans’ opinion at the end. Strong hasn’t exactly been impressive in his time around here but he’s been given the strongest push of anyone not named Matanza. It feels like the old TNA days with a WWE reject coming in and taking over, which isn’t the right way to go in a place like this. The rest of the match was entertaining and Fox looked great, but Strong winning was about as obvious as you could get. I understand why they did it, but that’s not the most interesting thing in the world.

Strong breaks his ankle for a bonus.

Johnny Mundo is on the roof when Aerostar appears. He says Johnny isn’t ready for Matanza and will be just another sacrifice to the gods. Johnny says he doesn’t need a partner but here’s Drago with the gauntlet (Remember that?). Mundo puts it on and says he feels like a god before playing with it like he’s about five years old to end the show.

Overall Rating: C+. I can go with the idea of the one match show as you don’t want to overdo the builds that are already set up. That being said, the match we got wasn’t all that great but the Mundo gets the gauntlet stuff was fun and the right call. I’m wanting to see Ultima Lucha, but one more video package or series of vignettes might have helped. The season is ending just about when it needs to and that’s a good sign.

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2003 Smackdown Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:

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Lucha Underground – October 17, 2018: Lucha Strong Style

IMG Credit: Lucha Underground

Lucha Underground
Date: October 17, 2018
Location: Lucha Underground Temple, Los Angeles, California
Commentators: Vampiro, Matt Striker

We’re two weeks away from the start of Ultima Lucha and most of the card has already been set up. I’m not sure what we’re going to be seeing in those two weeks as it’s all about building up the matches, many of which are already set. Hopefully they don’t throw in too many twists, though one or two wouldn’t be the worst idea in the world. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

The opening recap does its regular job.

Jake Strong comes in to see Antonio Cueto, who has been rather impressed with Strong’s work. Antonio is willing to give him a title shot but Cueto has another idea. He gives Strong one of the Aztec Medallions and says tonight, Strong can move forward. Strong says to save one of Matanza’s sacrifices for him, followed by saying this temple is now his, albeit in a demonic voice. Antonio looks worried as Strong leaves.

Antonio is in the arena to say he’s already awarded the seven Aztec medallions to Aerostar, PJ Black, Hernandez, Big Bad Steve, King Cuerno, Jake Strong and Dante Fox. He doesn’t like the number seven though, meaning right now we’re having a battle royal where the winner can choose one person to be out of next week’s Gift of the Gods Title match.

Battle Royal

It’s a brawl to start (as it should be) with Aerostar doing the big spinning headscissors to take Steve down. Steve gets sent to the apron and actually stops to pose, allowing Aerostar to 619 him out. Serves the nitwit right. Hernandez jumps over the ropes in the corner, poses on the apron as well, and gets double dropkicked out. Egads there are some stupid people around here. Strong puts Black and Cuerno on the apron so Fox can kick them both off, followed by Aerostar being tossed as well. Fox and Strong are the only two left, with Strong clotheslining him to set up the final elimination and the win at 3:12.

Rating: D. Well, they did keep it short and that’s better than anything else they could have done here. There was no reason to believe that anyone outside of Aerostar was going to give Strong a challenge here so the match went as it should have. Strong is clearly someone they want to push as a star, lack of charisma aside.

Post match Strong says he’s not throwing anyone out of the match because he can beat them all. That’s cool with Antonio, who gives Strong Johnny Mundo for a warmup tonight.

The Mack vs. Killshot

Son of Havoc is watching from the balcony. They trade hand walks to start until Mack dropkicks him in the chest to take over. Some running kicks in the corner rock Killshot so he kicks Mack in the face as well before grabbing his nose. Mack gets knocked outside but hands on by his feet, setting up the Killstomp to the floor. Back in and a snap German suplex takes Killshot down and there’s the Stunner, only to have Mil Muertes come in for a spear on Mack and the DQ at 2:50.

Post match Son of Havoc runs in to chase Killshot off, leaving Muertes to hit the Flatliner on Mack.

Striker is in the ring to interview XO Lishus and Ivelisse. They’ve been challenged to a three way elimination Trios Titles match at Ultima Lucha but Joey Ryan is injured. They have a new partner though, so here’s Sammy Guevara. Before Sammy can say anything though, here’s Famous B. to say Guevara has a seven year deal (haha) with no breaks (haha again) with Infamous Inc. If Sammy wants to wrestle at Ultima Lucha, he can team with Texano and Dr. Wagner. Sammy beats Famous B. up and throws the contract in the trash. The can is put on B.’s head for a superkick, because wrestling contracts work that way.

Ultima Lucha rundown.

Jake Strong vs. Johnny Mundo

Strong easily takes him down with a waistlock so Mundo pops up with the Disaster Kick. That’s fine with Strong, who knocks him outside without much effort. Some running clotheslines in the corner and another to the back of the head look to set up the Vader Bomb but Mundo gets his feet up. Mundo is back up but it’s way too early for the Moonlight Drive. A trip to the apron goes badly for Mundo, as Strong sends him into the post and they fight into the crowd.

Mundo’s kick is countered into an ankle lock but Mundo escapes and powerbombs him off the balcony. Back in and the Countdown to Impact actually connects (how rare) for two. They slug it out on the top until Strong gets knocked down, only to run the ropes for the belly to belly superplex.

The Vader Bomb gets two and the ankle lock goes on again. That’s broken up as well and now the Moonlight Drive gets two. For some reason Mundo tries a superkick and gets ankle locked again and the roll through doesn’t work. Instead Johnny throws his elbow pad off and kicks Strong low for the break. A one legged Starship Pain gets two and the ankle lock goes on again for the clean tap at 13:12.

Rating: C+. Mundo’s, shall we say, questionable offense aside (don’t throw kicks at a guy who uses the ankle lock), this was a fun match and the best thing that could have happened to Strong. I know he doesn’t have the most in depth character, but a win like this is the kind of thing that should help launch him up the charts as we’re almost to Ultima Lucha. Now just get the Gift of the Gods Title on him.

Post match the ankle lock goes on again and here’s Matanza to pick the bones. Swagger leaves so Taya comes in for the failed save. Matanza gives Taya the Wrath of the Gods as Johnny is busted open. Antonio comes out to watch to get Matanza to end the show.

Overall Rating: C-. This is the weird time of the season where the entire big show is set and we’re stuck waiting on actually getting there. The wrestling wasn’t the point tonight as the first two matches were barely three minutes long each and the main event was thrown together during the show. I do want to see Ultima Lucha though, and that wasn’t the case just a few weeks back.

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2003 Smackdown Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:

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Lucha Underground – September 26, 2018: They Haven’t Found It Yet

IMG Credit: Lucha Underground

Lucha Underground
Date: September 26, 2018
Location: Lucha Underground Temple, Los Angeles, California
Commentators: Vampiro, Matt Striker

Things have definitely changed around here as Marty Martinez of all people is the new Lucha Underground Champion. Last week Martinez won the Gift of the Gods Title and cashed it in to become the new Lucha Underground Champion in quite the surprise. Thankfully though that means a ticked off Pentagon, which could make for some interesting results. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

The opening video covers almost every major story taking place at the moment.

Matt Striker reads a letter from Antonio Cueto recapping last week’s title situation and announcing a four way tonight for the #1 contendership at Ultima Lucha IV.

Jack Evans is in the ring for a match but doesn’t want to work for a promotion that allows someone like XO Lishus to get away with so much violence. If Evans had been around at Johnny Mundo’s wedding, he would have taken care of Matanza for his buddy. Anyway, no match tonight because he quits. Cue Antonio to say Evans can have a match right now anyway. If he wins, he can walk out a free man. If he loses, he’ll be sacrificed to the gods. Evans: “I’M SO SORRY! OLD MAN WHO LOOKS AND SOUNDS LIKE SATAN, CAN I MAKE YOU A…..”

Jack Evans vs. Matanza

Evans goes after him at the entrance but Matanza pulls him out of the ring (with the Shawn Michaels face from the Undertaker casket match) and throws him right back in for the opening bell. Evans misses a kick to the face and pulls the turnbuckle off the corner. A springboard spinning kick to the head staggers Matanza and Jack hits a 630 but Matanza picks him up for the Wrath of the Gods and the pin at 1:20.

Ivelisse/XO Lishus/Joey Ryan vs. Reptile Tribe

Everything breaks down and Lishus shakes his hips in Daga’s face over and over. Kobra gets thrown onto everyone else and Ivelisse catapults off the apron onto Daga. Back in and Joey puts a fresh lollipop into Snake’s mouth for the superkick. Daga comes back in though and grabs a rollup into a cross armbreaker to make Ryan tap at 5:22.

Rating: D+. I’m still not liking most of these matches as the Trios Titles aren’t the most interesting things in the world. At least it’s starting to feel like a division, but when your roster has gone plummeting, maybe a match that requires six people isn’t the best thing in the world anymore.

Post match the Rabbit Tribe comes in to beat down Ryan and company. The White Rabbit shouts TICK TOCK in their faces as Striker thinks they might be the hare apparent to the Trios Titles.

Jake Strong vs. Aerostar/Drago

Nunchucks match, meaning a pair are waiting by the entrances. The double teaming has Strong in trouble to start, including some alternating kicks to the chest. Strong fights them off without much effort and goes up the steps but Drago gets to the nunchucks first. Aerostar dives onto Jake but gets caught, only to have Strong throw them both into the walls. Drago gets on Aerostar’s shoulders for some mist. Some nunchuck shots to the back have Strong in trouble and the fans think this is awesome for some reason.

Aerostar goes up to the top of the temple and finds some more nunchucks, only to get thrown off the top for a big crash. Strong gets the nunchucks away but Aerostar dives off the balcony to take him down. Back in and the masked men double team Strong with nunchuck shots to the back, followed by a top rope springboard splash for two. Drago gets sent outside and the gutwrench powerbomb into the ankle lock makes Aerostar tap at 8:29.

Rating: D-. That’s one of the worst matches they’ve done around here in a long time as Strong didn’t look interested in doing anything here and only hit his big stuff at the end to win. You really should do some more selling when you’re being beaten up with nunchucks by two people who used to be champions together. There’s a fine line between being pushed hard and being treated as invincible and this was more the latter, which isn’t good.

Post match Drago tries a save and gets his ankle snapped.

King Cuerno vs. Mil Muertes vs. El Dragon Azteca Jr. vs. Penatagon Dark

The winner gets a title shot at Ultima Lucha IV. Muertes cleans house to start and puts everyone down without much effort. Cuerno finally hits him with a dropkick before going after Azteca with the slow offense. It’s Pentagon coming back in for the save, only to get caught in a tornado DDT from Azteca.

Cue Fenix to go after Melissa Santos, who runs away so Azteca can dive onto Fenix. Azteca and Fenix fight to the back, leaving Cuerno to hit the suicide dive onto both of them. Cue the Mack to Stun Muertes, allowing Pentagon to take Muertes out with a Canadian Destroyer. A superkick puts Cuerno on the floor, leaving Pentagon to pin Muertes at 5:19.

Post match Mack says he’s fighting Muertes at Ultima Lucha IV in a Death Match. Mack: “Rest in peace mother******”, which isn’t censored on the show.

Overall Rating: D+. I wasn’t feeling this week’s show as they’re not exactly on a hot streak heading into Ultima Lucha in a few weeks. The problem with this season is the lack of a big story. I guess the biggest story at the moment is Fenix being evil and that’s not exactly the big one they need to keep people interested. Maybe things pick up at Ultima Lucha but there’s just nothing going on that makes me care about the show the way I did before and that’s not a good thing at all.

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2003 Smackdown Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:

And check out my Amazon author page with cheap wrestling books at:

Lucha Underground – August 29, 2018: Broken Tacos Make Me Cry

IMG Credit: Lucha Underground

Lucha Underground
Date: August 29, 2018
Location: Lucha Underground Temple, Los Angeles, California
Commentators: Vampiro, Matt Striker

It’s time for a wedding! In something that I’m actually thrilled to see, tonight Johnny Mundo and Taya are getting married. There is no way that this won’t be incredible as Lucha Underground has regular shows that are better than most, meaning a special show could be incredible. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

We open with a recap of the events leading to the wedding, Jake Strong and XO Lishus.

The Worldwide Underground, in their lime green sleeveless tuxedos (the only way to go) has a surprise for Johnny: Joey Wrestling (Mercury, his old partner) is here. Joey is going to be the best man, meaning PJ Black is demoted to groomsman and Ricky Mundo is now a ring bearer. Everyone leaves Ricky, whose doll isn’t happy.

Matt and Vampiro are in suit jackets for a nice touch.

Famous B. is still ring announcer.

Jake Strong vs. Drago

This could be interesting. Drago tries a rollup to start and gets thrown into the corner for some knees to the ribs. A running chop block takes the knee out and an elbow to the leg keeps Drago down. Strong switches to an armbar but a powerslam is reversed into a tornado DDT. They head outside with Drago being sent over the barricade and onto the required pile of chairs. Back in and the ankle lock makes Drago tap at 4:50.

Rating: C-. They’re pushing the living heck out of Strong and that’s a good idea. Having someone who used to be a World Champion in WWE around here is smart, as whoever finally beats him is going to get a nice rub. It’s also a necessary move to push some fresh stars and someone with some size makes it even better.

Post match Strong puts the hold on again but Aerostar makes the save.

XO Lishus vs. Jack Evans

No Mas match, meaning I Quit. Evans shouts about Lishus having no place in lucha libre so Lishus snaps and beats the fire out of him. They head to the floor with Evans bailing as fast as he can. Evans kicks him in the face and dives off the apron for his first offense. Lishus is fine enough to hit a Blockbuster off the announcers’ table, so Evans calls him a bully.

A choke with a chain doesn’t make Lishus quit so he hits a Regal Roll and moonsault double knees to Evans’ chest. Evans climbs part of the set and flip dives off, earning a “F*** YOU!” Cue Ivelisse to yell at Evans, who whips her into the steps. They actually get inside with Lishus putting on something like a YES Lock.

That goes nowhere as Jack reverses into an ankle lock, which is reversed as well. The handspring slap sets up Carmella’s Code of Silence but gets reversed into an armbar. It’s chair time with Lishus taking a shot to the face and Evans lays him on the chair, promising to break his neck. Cue Joey Ryan for the save, allowing Ivelisse to pull Lishus off the chair. A cross armbreaker makes Jack give up at 11:15.

Rating: C+. I liked this more than I was expecting to, though I can’t say I’m surprised at Lucha Underground pushing what would seem to otherwise be a comedy character as something important. Lishus is going to annoy a lot of fans but he’s trying and that’s as much as you can ask for most of the time. The win was a surprise and that’s a good thing every now and then.

Post match Ryan and Ivelisse help Lishus up with no violence or swerving.

Post break the defeated Evans crawls in front of the Underground and is told to get dressed. Ricky thinks he can take Evans’ place now and doesn’t have to carry the stupid rings anymore. That’s not cool and Johnny makes it worse by saying that Joey and PJ are his best friends. They leave and the doll says it’s time for Ricky to do the real job.

It’s wedding time with Famous B. as the minister. He’ll run your wedding too, and ugly people are welcome. You can even get Texano and Dr. Wagner Jr. as guests for a small fee! The groom and party are brought out, each with a caption under their name (Apparently it’s John E. Mundo. Who knew? He’s also the Mayer (yes Mayer) of Slamtown.). Taya’s bridesmaids are Cheerleader Melissa (not Mariposa) and of course Brenda. Taya comes out in lime green wrestling gear and a veil, as she should. We go to a break, but first Ricky is in the back….where he releases Matanza (at the doll’s orders).

Back in the Temple, Famous B. asks if anyone has issue with these two “fine a** people” being married. Antonio Cueto comes out to say he likes the two of them and has a gift: “RING THE BELL!” Actually it’s fried tacos for everyone! They’re sat on tables at ringside (uh oh) but now, on with the ceremony.

Taya: “Johnny, I love you more than fluffy puppies, kneeing people in the face and decapitating snake men.” Johnny: “Taya, never in my wildest dreams did I imagine I would meet anyone as tanned, ripped and attractive as me.” He loves her more than his own reflection and this is better than winning the Lucha Underground Championship. They say the I do’s (well a si in Taya’s case) so here’s Ricky (with the doll) to present the rings. He hands B the rings and is told to git.

B: “By the powers vested in me by the state of California and 423-GET-FAME, I now pronounce you man and HOLY S*** WHAT THE H*** IS THAT???” Cue Matanza to clean house, including smacking Taya. Brenda faints (makes sense actually) and Melissa eats a World’s Strongest Slam. B and his wheelchair gets thrown aside and PJ goes through a table. Johnny gets up and fights but gets suplexes through another table. Taya (bleeding) has HAD IT and taps the dress off to fight as well but takes the Wrath of the Gods. A spinebuster through the cake (Fans: “NOT THE CAKE!”) ends the show.

This was a lot of fun but really, I wanted more. I wanted this to be much more over the top with wackiness and it just didn’t go that far. What we got was funny and entertaining (Famous B was great) but Lucha Underground is the place where you want something so crazy that it could only happen here. I didn’t quite get that with this wedding, though it was entertaining. Mundo vs. Matanza has serious potential too.

Overall Rating: C+. This was actually less entertaining than I was expecting. The wrestling was skippable (fine on a big show) but the wedding could have been so much more. They actually played the show a bit more serious and that’s not what I was hoping for. Still though, they’re having fun this season and that makes for a nice show. Check out the wedding, but it’s not exactly required viewing.

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2003 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:

And check out my Amazon author page with cheap wrestling books at:

Lucha Underground – August 22, 2018: The Temple Star

IMG Credit: Lucha Underground

Lucha Underground
Date: August 22, 2018
Location: Lucha Underground Temple, Los Angeles, California
Commentators: Vampiro, Matt Striker

It’s time for a big night with two major matches. This time around we have a Trick or Treat match (whatever that means, which around here could be anything) between the Mack and Mil Muertes but the real selling point is the main event. Tonight, Lucha Underground Champion Pentagon Dark defends against Cage in a Last Man Standing match. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

The opening video looks at Cage vs. Pentagon Dark, Drago and Aerostar’s trust issues and Mack vs. Muertes.

Melissa Santos is putting on her makeup when Dragon Azteca Jr. comes in. Dragon knows she misses Fenix, which she admits is getting worse and worse every day. He puts the half medallion around her neck. Melissa says he’s a great friend and leaves.

Famous B. is back, though in a much more traditional looking suit.

The Mack vs. Mil Muertes

It’s a weapons cage match (including a knife and an ax) with pin or submission only to win. Before the match, Catrina gets in Melissa’s face and tells her to introduce her “the right way b****.” Melissa says no so Catrina sends her face first into the cage, gives her the lick, and rams her head into the floor. Mack’s running enziguri has little effect so Muertes hits him with the kendo stick and a trashcan. A few more shots to the head don’t do much good on Muertes so it’s a snap powerslam and a pumpkin to Mack’s back.

Mack scores with a running DDT to slow Muertes down but he’s right back up to spear Mack into and then through the cage wall. Escape doesn’t count so Muertes DDTs him on the floor before climbing over the side. A high crossbody (and a good one at that) takes Mack down and it’s time for the knife. Muertes slices Mack’s head open and licks the blood off because he’s one of the creepiest guys around.

Despite the blood loss, Mack manages a release spinebuster through a table. Just like everything else though, Muertes doesn’t seem phased and sends Mack through another table to keep him in trouble. Mack fights out of a Flatliner through a table and some Stunners put Muertes down. For some reason Mack decides to go up top in front of a table, meaning he earns the super Flatliner through said table for the pin at 9:37.

Rating: B-. Sometimes you just need a monster wrecking a popular guy to remind you who is in charge around here. Muertes is still one of the most dominant people in the company and that needed to be reestablished in a match like this. Mack is going to be fine after the loss as he’s a charismatic enough guy to bounce right back. Good destruction, even with the knife being a bit much.

Catrina won’t lick Mack.

Famous B., from his wheelchair, handles the introductions for the next match.

Aerostar vs. Jake Strong

B.: “Introducing first…..oh s***.” Aerostar isn’t scared so Strong punches him in the face and suplexes him back in from the apron. A quick crucifix gives Aerostar two and the rope walk dropkick gets the same. Aerostar gets knocked out of the air though and the ankle lock is good for the tap at 2:14.

Post match Strong won’t let go so Drago runs in for the save.

The Worldwide Underground is giving Johnny Mundo and Taya their wedding presents, including a trip to the Slamtown Spa and Resort, a portrait of Mundo as Lucha Underground Champion, and a title shot the week after the wedding. The Underground’s agent can’t get in and Ricky Mundo’s doll wants to kill him. Ricky stabs him with a pen as Taya and Johnny get matching bandannas. Geez the murders are spreading around here.

Lucha Underground Title: Pentagon Dark vs. Cage

Pentagon is defending and it’s Last Man (or Machine) Standing. After a break, Cage goes straight at him on the floor and we’re ready to go in a hurry. A bottle to the head has no effect so Cage uses the broken bottle to carve up Pentagon’s head. Cage puts a table in the corner but gets caught in a Death Valley Driver to put him through it instead. With Pentagon’s mask half torn off (to the point where you can see his forehead), he caves Cage’s head in with a chair.

A top rope double stomp onto the chair has Cage in more trouble but he’s fine enough to take it outside and powerbomb the champ against the barricade. Cage sets up two tables on the floor so Pentagon throws in some more toys. One heck of a trashcan lid shot to the head rocks Pentagon and there’s the apron superplex to put them through the tables. It’s Cage up at five and for some reason he helps Pentagon to his feet. With another table set up next to the apron, Pentagon wins a fight and Death Valley Drives Cage through it in a sick looking crash.

Of course that’s not it as the Drill Claw plants Pentagon for so little time that the referee doesn’t even count. Another lid shot staggers Cage, sending him onto yet another table in the ring. That means a super Canadian Destroyer but Pentagon is already getting more weapons because he knows it’s not enough. Six chairs are set up in the middle of the ring….and Pentagon package piledrives him through them. That’s STILL not enough so Pentagon Pillmanizes one arm, breaks both of them, and then since Cage is getting up again, curb stomps him THROUGH A CINDER BLOCK to retain at 13:13.

Rating: B+. Throughout a lot of this match, I was thinking it was just your run of the mill violent brawl. Then we got to the ending, where Pentagon unloaded on Cage and threw everything he had at him to FINALLY put the machine away. That last few minutes had me wondering what was left to stop Cage and it was one heck of a visual. The same is true of Pentagon’s mask being ripped off, which made him look like the conquering antihero, which is a great way to wrap things up.

Pentagon poses and, again, looks like the biggest star ever around here.

Next week: the wedding. That….sounds amazing.

Overall Rating: A-. That last three minutes alone are enough to make this a great show but then you have another murder (with a PEN), Pentagon looking like a star, and the whole carving up someone’s head with a knife. This was one of the most violent wrestling shows I’ve seen in a long time and that’s exactly what they were going for. Well done all around, but check out that main event for sure.

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2003 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:

And check out my Amazon author page with cheap wrestling books at:

Lucha Underground – July 25, 2018: Can I Get A Gift Receipt?

IMG Credit: Lucha Underground

Lucha Underground
Date: July 25, 2018
Location: Lucha Underground Temple, Los Angeles, California
Commentators: Vampiro, Matt Striker

We haven’t had enough insanity around here in a while so let’s have a six way match for the Gift of the Gods Title. That’s the big story tonight but you never know what we might be getting in the process. Other than that there’s the continuing issues between Cage and Lucha Underground Champion Pentagon Dark. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

The opening recap looks at Antonio Cueto and Matanza, Jake Strong and the Gift of the Gods Title picture.

Good news: Famous B.’s leg has been saved.

Jake Strong vs. Sammy Guevara

Sammy is fighting for revenge after Jake injured B.’s leg. Strong wrestles him down to start and sends Sammy flying off a German suplex. The Vader Bomb crushes Sammy again but he crossbodies Strong outside. That’s it for his offense as Strong throws him through the chairs (those things always take a beating) so Sammy climbs into a balcony. The huge dive takes Strong down again in a move that I really wouldn’t have expected in a match like this. Some kicks to the head have Strong in trouble but he pulls a springboard out of the air into the Strong Lock for the tap at 4:00.

Rating: C. Sammy actually got in some offense here, which was rather surprising given how this started. The interesting thing here, aside from Strong being pushed like a monster (as he should be), is how Lucha Underground manages to get in a huge spot in what appeared to be a squash. The thing is it fits around here, which is part of the promotion’s identity. That’s so important and something that almost no promotion manages to get right.

Vinnie Massaro is in the ring when Antonio comes up on the platform. He thought about firing Massaro but instead is going to….have a pizza delivered to him? Massaro: “IT’S PINEAPPLE!!!” Well that confirms Cueto’s heel status. That’s his last meal though, because it’s time for a sacrifice.

Matanza vs. Vinnie Massaro

Massaro slaps him in the mask and runs the ropes, eventually stopping due to bad conditioning. The Wrath of the Gods onto the disgusting mess called a pizza is good for the pin at 1:10.

The delivery guy goes for Massaro’s wallet so Matanza lays him out too. Both guys vanish.

Gift of the Gods Title: The Mack vs. Dragon Azteca Jr. vs. Ivelisse vs. King Cuerno vs. Dezmond X vs. Son of Havoc

Actually hang on (this is getting annoying) as Antonio says we’re going to have a six person tag. The winners of that will fight for the title.

Son of Havoc/Ivelisse/The Mack vs. Dezmond X/Dragon Azteca Jr./King Cuerno

Mack gets kicked in the head after just a few seconds but he kicks Dezmond right back. A double clothesline takes down Dezmond and Dragon as Killshot is watching from the rafters. Havoc comes in and hits Dezmond in the jaw but the fans’ request of Ivelisse is granted in short order. Cuerno breaks up a Black Widow with a kick to the back, allowing Dragon to hit a side slam.

Some shots to the ribs and face have Ivelisse in trouble until she sends Dragon into the corner. That’s enough for the hot tag to Mack so house can be cleaned. A superkick knocks Dragon off the apron and Mack hits a heck of a dive. Havoc tops them with a big handspring flip dive but the shooting star misses with Havoc rolling through to avoid a crash. Cuerno hits a very quick Thrill of the Hunt for the pin at 6:15.

Rating: D+. That ending really did feel like it was out of nowhere and came off like they were having to go home in a hurry. It was weird to see Ivelisse taking the heat like that as you only see women getting beaten up by men like this in Lucha Underground and even then it’s a rarity. Not a bad match, just an abrupt ending.

Post match here’s Mil Muertes to beat up the losers. Killshot comes in for a save and gets punched in the face.

Gift of the Gods Title: Dezmond X vs. Dragon Azteca Jr. vs. King Cuerno

Cuerno pops Dragon in the face for two to start and hits a super hurricanrana on Dezmond, who lands on Azteca for two of his own. Dezmond punches away at Cuerno and sends them both into the corner for a running elbow. A springboard armdrag (kind of more work than it’s worth) sets up a kick to the head for two on Dezmond.

Both Dezmond and Dragon head outside, meaning it’s time for a big Cuerno suicide dive. Back in and Cuerno breaks up a sunset flip on Dezmond, who hits his moonsault kick to the head for a much closer two on Dragon. Just to show off, Cuerno gets Dragon in a leglock and a full nelson on Dezmond at the same time.

That doesn’t last long (well duh) so it’s Dragon’s turn to clean house with some dropkicks. A hurricanrana on the floor doesn’t do much to Cuerno, who throws Dragon into the announcers’ table. Another whip sends him over the chairs but Dezmond is right back with a HUGE flip dive to take the other two down. Back in and Dezmond’s Final Flash misses but Dragon runs the corner for a super victory roll and the pin at 11:29.

Rating: C+. Pretty run of the mill Lucha Underground insanity here and that’s a cool thing to see. Cuerno was the star of the match here and gets to look good while Dragon gets the title. Dezmond can do a lot of cool flips and stuff, but that’s not the biggest selling point in the world when the promotion is at least partially built around the idea of flips and dives.

Marty the Moth is in pain in an office when Mariposa comes in to pour water on his face. She wants him to focus on winning the Lucha Underground Title because he’s destined for greatness.

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Lucha Underground – July 4, 2018: Ticked Off Monsters Are Scary

IMG Credit: Lucha Underground

Lucha Underground
Date: July 4, 2018
Location: Lucha Underground Temple, Los Angeles, California
Commentators: Vampiro, Matt Striker

Things are starting to get back to whatever passes for normal around here, meaning the 400 year old witch now has her life essence back and isn’t trapped between worlds because the man of 1000 deaths has put the Bird of War into a casket. Things might not be so dull this week around though so let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need in a recap.

We open with the traditional rapid fire recap, including a focus on Catrina, the Gauntlet, and the Gift of the Gods.

Catrina goes to see the seemingly dead Fenix, who she calls her love. She kisses him and sucks in his essence, which turns her normal gear into a red dress.

A sad Melissa Santos is looking at pictures of herself and Fenix (who wears the mask when they’re hanging out). Catrina comes in to see her, saying Fenix is never coming back. She gives Melissa the half of the medallion that kept her alive.

Big Bad Steve vs. Jake Strong

Steve is fighting for revenge after Strong, now known as the Savage, broke Famous B.’s ankle. Steve’s early clothesline has no effect so Strong forearms him in the back and sends him into the post. The Vader Bomb sets up a hard clothesline as it’s all Strong so far. The ankle lock makes Steve tap at 2:05. Oh yeah he’s going to be a thing around here.

Post match Strong powerbombs Steve on the floor.

Antonio Cueto is having a beer while King Cuerno is in his office. Cueto wants to know where the Gauntlet is but Cuerno says it was stolen. For some reason this earns Cuerno a match against Chavo Guerrero for an Aztec Medallion. Cage comes in and asks for a Lucha Underground Title match against Pentagon. That’s not happening, but Cage can have an Aztec Medallion match against Mil Muertes next week.

Daga/Kobra Moon vs. Johnny Mundo/Taya

Taya and Daga start things off by hitting the mat with Striker going into full on Joey Styles mode. No wonder I never liked either of them. It’s off to Mundo for some shots to the face but a backbreaker gives Daga two. A dropkicks knocks Daga into the corner for the tag though and the reptiles start in with the double teaming.

Mundo can’t roll over for the tag so he slides underneath and around Daga into a kick to the head. A springboard spinning crossbody gets two and it’s off to Taya for some swagger. Mundo superkicks Daga by mistake and there’s the tag to Moon. She takes turns kneeing both of them in the face but PJ Black comes out for a distraction, allowing Ricky Mundo to kick Moon down. The curb stomp gives Taya the pin at 6:25.

Rating: C-. Is there something to the Reptile Tribe that I just don’t get? Moon does nothing for me, Daga is just a guy, and Vibora, the only interesting member of the team because he’s a monster, doesn’t need the rest of them. The Worldwide Underground is cooler, but they’re only kind of working as faces. That being said, I wasn’t wild on them as heels last season so maybe this is the better option.

Post match Vibora comes out and wrecks the Worldwide Underground. He holds everyone but Johnny and says that one day they will bow down to her as their queen.

Someone goes down into a locked basement where we can see someone chained up. Another person (possibly the person who went down the stairs) is shown beating them as Matanza looks on. Antonio says it’s time for Matanza’s first sacrifice. It isn’t clear who any of the people in shadows were, but it’s possible that Matanza was the one doing the beating.

Mr. Pectacular vs. Matanza

German suplex and Wrath of the Gods in 40 seconds.

The lights go out and Pectacular disappears.

Aztec Medallion: Chavo Guerrero vs. King Cuerno

Chavo dives through the ropes to start fast and sends Cuerno into various things, including the ring. They trade clotheslines with Cuerno getting the better of it and backdropping Chavo to the floor. Cuerno’s charge just gets him sent into the balcony (not exactly a high one) but Chavo is rammed into the barricade.

That means a huge dive down onto Chavo but Cuerno gets crotched on top. A top rope superplex gives Chavo two and a catapult into the bottom rope is good for the same. Cuerno fights up and knees him outside, setting up the big suicide dive. That will never not look cool. Back in and the Thrill of the Hunt is broken up so Cuerno goes with a kneeling tombstone for the pin and the medallion at 10:00.

Rating: C+. Chavo is fine in this role as he has enough experience and credentials to it work well enough but there was no drama about who was winning here. Cuerno is still a solid name in the midcard and one of my favorites in the promotion. Having him involved in the Gauntlet story could go somewhere and hopefully they have somewhere to take him from here.

Overall Rating: C-. The squashes were fun but this week was much more about setting things up for the future, meaning the show itself wasn’t all that great. It’s still very early in the season though and that means they have a ton of time to put things together. The important thing here though is you can see where they’re going and that means the future should be fine.

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