Impact Wrestling – August 25, 2022: Keep Doing This

Impact Wrestling
Date: August 25, 2022
Location: Cicero Stadium, Chicago, Illinois
Commentators: Tom Hannifan, Matthew Rehwoldt

Bound For Glory is starting to take shape and we now have a main event set for the show. Eddie Edwards won an elimination match last week to earn the spot and now we can begin the build towards the biggest night of the year. There is a lot more to get set up for the show though and maybe we can work on that this week. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

We open with a recap of Eddie Edwards winning the elimination match last week to earn the title shot.

Opening sequence.

Knockouts Tag Team Titles: Jordynne Grace/Mia Yim vs. VXT

VXT is defending. Grace and Green start things off with the former grabbing a headlock takeover. With that not working, Purrazzo comes in for a few shots before it’s right back to Green. Grace runs her over again and hands it off to Yim for a dropkick into the corner. The Cannonball gets two but Purrazzo’s cheap shot lets the champs take over for a change. Some clotheslines get two on Yim, followed by a clothesline for two on Yim. Purrazzo misses a charge into the post though and the tag brings in Grace.

Everything breaks down and Yim suplexes Green for two before missile dropkicking Purrazzo. Green is back up with a top rope Blockbuster on Yim, only to get gutwrench powerbombed by Grace. The champs are sent outside for stereo dives but Grace cuts Yim off. The distracted referee misses a neck snap across the top rope to Grace, setting up the Due Collector (that double suplex) to retain the titles at 7:28.

Rating: C. This was a good way to give VXT another title win while also having Purrazzo get built up for a possible title shot. Granted I would be shocked if we weren’t gearing up for Masha Slamovich challenging Grace at Bound For Glory, but at least they are trying something. VXT is starting to turn into a nice team and that is something the division really needs.

Violent By Design says they’re back and ready for Time Machine.

Vincent comes up to Josh Alexander, who he is facing tonight. Alexander isn’t dealing with the mind games and plans to drop him on his head.

Here’s what’s coming at various shows.

Mike Bennett vs. Karl Anderson

If Anderson wins, Maria, here too, is banned from ringside whenever Bennett and Matt Taven get their Tag Team Title shot. Anderson chops him down to start and stomps away before a clothesline puts Bennett on the floor. We take a break and come back with Bennett working on a chinlock before whipping Anderson hard into the corner.

The big running start sets up the poke to the eye and we’re back to the chinlock. Anderson fights up and hits the Rocket kick, only to get superkicked for two (Maria screams a lot). Maria offers a distraction so Taven can come in with a cheap shot, only to be cut off by Doc Gallows. That’s enough for the Gun Stun to finish Bennett at 10:16.

Rating: C. They kept this one moving well enough and I was a bit surprised by the ending. What matters here is setting up the title match, where Honor No More can win the titles in a more dominant fashion without having their backup in the corner. I can’t imagine the Good Brothers retaining and the better Honor No More can look in the process, the better for the future of the division.

Post match the Good Brothers go to the back where Scott D’Amore makes the Tag Team Title match for next week.

Savannah Evans is banged up after Killer Kelly beat her last week. Tasha Steelz is ready for revenge but Kelly chokes her from behind.

Jason Hotch vs. Bhupinder Gujjar

Brian Myers is on commentary. Gujjar runs him over to start and hits a shoulder in the corner for two. Hotch is back with a rake to the eyes and a kick to the head in the corner, only to roll into a spinebuster. The Gargoyle spear finishes for Gujjar at 2:18.

Post match Myers lays out Gujjar but he comes back with a Gargoyle spear. Gujjar steals the Digital Media Title.

VXT brags about their win to Gail Kim and Deonna Purrazzo thinks she should get a Knockouts Title shot. Gail gives her a #1 contenders match with Masha Slamovich instead.

Gujjar won’t give the title back, saying Myers can come get it.

Vincent vs. Josh Alexander

Non-title. Vincent drives him into the corner to start but gets belly to belly suplexed for his efforts. A Russian legsweep drops Alexander though and Redrum connects for a fast two. The running knee misses Alexander in the corner and he’s right back with a German suplex to send Vincent flying again. It’s too early for the C4 Spike so Alexander grabs the ankle lock instead, sending Vincent straight to the ropes. Alexander is right back with a Falcon Arrow into a C4 Spike for the pin at 4:05.

Rating: C+. Not much more than a squash here and it isn’t like Vincent is going to be hurt by losing to the World Champion. Alexander going through some of Honor No More on the way to Eddie Edwards should work well enough as a road to Bound For Glory and it isn’t like he’ll run out of opponents anytime soon. Vincent is fine in a spot like this, but he’s much better with those out there promos that he sells so well.

Post match here is Eddie Edwards to say he is going to be challenging Alexander at Bound For Glory, but they don’t have to be enemies. There is a war going on in wrestling and it has nothing to do with what is going on in the ring. These people in the arena support the machine instead of the wrestlers and Alexander needs to pick a side. Before Edwards can get very far, Heath runs in with the Wake Up Call. They got me with that one.

Raj Singh and Shera are complaining about things when they hear Moose and Steve Maclin arguing. Sami Callihan jumps Maclin and Moore, with Maclin being busted open. The villains manages to tie Callihan up in barbed wire and leave him laying.

Video on Masha Slamovich.

Alisha vs. Jessika

Rosemary is here with Jessika, who is billed from the Bright Light District. Rosemary gives Jessika some eye black to fire her up and Alisha gets crushed early. A running basement crossbody drops Alisha again and a fire thunder driver finishes her off at 1:56.

Video on Mickie James walking out of Impact.

Here’s what’s coming next week.

Here is Sami Callihan, still wrapped in barbed wire. He wants Barbed Wire Massacre at Victory Road.

Time Machine vs. Violent By Design

That would be the Motor City Machine Guns/Kushida vs. Eric Young/Joe Doering/Deaner. Kushida charges at Doering to start but the shoulders bounce off of him. Young comes in so Shelley joins in to double team him down. It’s off to Deaner, who gets kneed in the back as everything breaks down. Deaner gets in a cheap shot on Sabin in the corner though and it’s Doering plants him to send us to a break.

Back with Young’s neckbreaker getting two, setting up Doering’s elbow drop for two. The alternating stomps and choking in the corner ensues but Sabin avoids a charge. That’s enough for the tag off to Kushida so the pace can pick way up. A basement dropkick hits Deaner and it’s right back to Shelley for some kicks to the face. Everything breaks down again and the villains are sent outside, with Sabin hitting a dive onto Doering.

Back in and Deaner rolls through Sabin’s high crossbody for two, setting up Young’s Death Valley Driver for the same. Deaner hits a top rope headbutt to set up Young’s top rope elbow for two but Young can’t hit the piledriver. Sabin gets over to the corner and everything breaks down again, with the villains being kicked out to the floor. Deaner gets kicked in the head by Kushida, sending him into Cradle Shock to give Sabin the pin at 18:42.

Rating: B. Maybe it’s enjoying seeing Violent By Design get hit and kicked a lot but this was a rather enjoyable main event. Kushida and the Guns work well together (shouldn’t be a surprise) and they picked up a win here to put Violent By Design back in trouble. I’m sure Young will monologue about this again next week, but for now, the team loses and gets shut up for another week so we’ll call that a win.

Overall Rating: C+. This was Impact doing what it does best: giving you a completely acceptable two hours of wrestling with its unique cast of stars. Some of the action was more ok than great or even good, but they aren’t doing anything too bad and you can follow the stories with no particular difficulty. That is a lot more than several promotions can claim, making Impact an enjoyable enough show. Good show this week, and I could go for more of this kind of show as the norm if that is what Impact can do.

VXT b. Jordynne Grace/Mia Yim – Due Collector to Grace
Karl Anderson b. Mike Bennett – Gun Stun
Bhupinder Gujjar b. Jason Hotch – Gargoyle spear
Josh Alexander b. Vincent – C4 Spike
Jessika b. Alisha – Fire Thunder Driver
Time Machine b. Violent By Design – Cradle Shock to Deaner


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Impact Wrestling – August 4, 2022: The Emergence Of Good

Impact Wrestling
Date: August 4, 2022
Location: Old Paristown Hall, Louisville, Kentucky
Commentators: Tom Hannifan, Matthew Rehwoldt

We’re just over a week away from Emergence and most of the show has already been set. The World and Knockouts Title matches are ready to go but now we need to build up a little more of the card. That is what we can take care of over the next two weeks, as Emergence is already starting to look strong. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

The opening recap looks at Honor No More’s issues, setting up a ten man tag at Emergence. If Honor No More wins, they get a Tag Team Title shot, but if they lose, they’re done.

Opening sequence.

Deonna Purrazzo vs. Rosemary

Taya Valkyrie and Jessika are here with Rosemary but there is no Chelsea Green for some reason. They glare at each other to start before Rosemary wins a test of strength. A bite to the face in the corner sets up a bulldog to drop Purrazzo again but she’s back up to wrap Rosemary’s arm around the rope. That doesn’t do much to the legs, meaning Rosemary is able to come back with the Upside Down.

Since that can’t last long, Rosemary goes up top but gets slammed down for a crash. Back up and stereo pump kicks leaves them both down but it’s Rosemary up first with a Sling Blade. The arm is bothering her though and Purrazzo pulls her into the Fujiwara armbar, sending Rosemary right back to the ropes. Rosemary hits a spear but for some reason Jessika gets on the apron, meaning there is no count. A rollup gives Purrazzo the pin at 7:11.

Rating: C+. These two work well together and it’s nice to see Purrazzo getting reheated just a bit. I’m not wild on the idea of the singles matches between the tag partners but that is about all you can get to set up a title match these days. The absence of Green is a bit weird here, though now Rosemary and Taya have to deal with Jessika so things might be a little more complicated anyway.

Here’s what’s coming tonight and at Emergence.

Honor No More fires itself up before Emergence and wants to make sure that they have each others’ backs. Eddie Edwards doesn’t think much of PCO at the moment but Vincent tells PCO to go take out Doc Gallows tonight.

Gisele Shaw isn’t scared of Masha Slamovich and doesn’t like how her eyebrows look in the photo Slamovich gave her.

Digital Media Title: Brian Myers vs. Black Taurus

Myers is defending and Crazzy Steve is here with Taurus. The power game has Myers in trouble to start as he gets shoved outside, resulting in some yelling at Steve. Back in and Myers clotheslines Taurus down but gets elbowed in the face for his efforts. Taurus knocks him outside for a big running flip dive and we take a break.

We come back with Myers grabbing a chinlock, followed by an elbow for two. Taurus fights up without much trouble and hits a missile dropkick for two of his own. Myers’ implant DDT gets two more but the Roster Cut is cut down with a spear. With nothing else working, Myers pokes him in the eyes and rolls him up (with trunks) to retain at 10;16.

Rating: C. Not a terrible match, but that’s the second match in a row that ended with a spear, shenanigans and a rollup. That’s the kind of thing that needed to be looked at in advance, as there are other ways to end a match than doing something so similar. Myers is a good weaselly champion and someone taking the title from him is going to be a good moment, whenever it happens.

Post match Myers tries to get away but gets sent back inside by Bhupinder Gujjar, who hits the Gargoyle Spear.

Jordynne Grace is going to treat Mia Yim as an obstacle at Emergence and you know what she does to obstacles.

We look at the Impact Wrestling World Title match at Ric Flair’s Last Match, with Josh Alexander retaining via DQ and Diamond Dallas Page making a surprise post match save.

Gisele Shaw vs. Masha Slamovich

Shaw bails to the ropes to start but gets taken to the mat. A spinning backfist connects but Shaw is back with a running knee to the face for two. Shaw misses a crossbody though and it’s a bridging German suplex to give Slamovich two more. The Snowplow finishes for Slamovich at 2:42. Slamovich has to be in the title match at Bound For Glory right?

Flashback Moment of the Week: Mia Yim wins the Knockouts Title on Impact in April 2016 with Maria’s help.

Madison Rayne interrupts Mia Yim to complain about Mia taking advantage of her back in 2016. Gail Kim, who lost the title to Yim, comes in to make Rayne vs. Yim next week.

Jessika and Taya Valkyrie come up to an upset Rosemary with Jessika apologizing and guaranteeing that they will retain the Knockouts Tag Team Titles at Emergence. Rosemary is pleased.

Violent By Design vs. Motor City Machine Guns

Shelley and Deaner get things going but Joe Doering gets in a cheap shot from behind. That’s fine with Sabin, who comes in with a dropkick and cutter to get things right back to even. The missile dropkick/Downward Spiral combination gets two on Deaner but Doering interferes again, allowing Deaner to hit a clothesline for two of his own. Doering comes in legally for once and hits a slam into an elbow for two more.

Shelley manages to kick Doering away and it’s Sabin coming back in with a kick to Deaner’s face. Something pretty close to a Magic Killer plants Deaner but Doering makes the save. Everything breaks down and Doering clotheslines both Guns. The Revolution Bomb is broken up with Sabin’s enziguri and he dives outside onto Doering. Back in and Shelley crucifies Doering, setting up Sabin’s diving rollup for the pin at 6:25.

Rating: C+. Gee, I wonder if they are going to have Eric Young get annoyed at the rest of Violent By Design and accuse them of doing something about the sickness before they keep doing the same things. The Guns were their usual very good selves, but there is only so much they can do with a lumbering monster like Doering. Just get rid of Violent By Design already because it is getting worse by the week.

Post match Violent By Design takes out the Guns because this must continues. Kushida runs in for the save but Eric Young runs in as well and takes him out.

Post break the Guns and Kushida challenge Violent By Design for Emergence. Josh Alexander comes in to say take these guys out. Alexander leaves and runs into Eddie Edwards, who suggests he’s coming for the title.

Raj Singh vs. Sami Callihan

Sami tells him to swing away and Singh’s one right hand seems to make him mad. Singh’s dropkick works a bit better but it’s a few right hands to put him into the corner. A clothesline sets up the Cactus Driver 97 and a crossface chickenwing finishes Singh at 2:01.

Post match Sami calls out Moose and Steve Maclin so Moose’s entrance starts. Cue Moose from behind so Sami jumps him, only to get taken down by Maclin from behind. Moose hits a spear (because we needed a fourth tonight) and Maclin plants Callihan to leave him laying.

Video on Killer Kelly’s debut last week. They’re doing a good job out of making her seem like a threat.

Here’s what’s coming next week.

The Bullet Club is ready to take out Honor No More.

Doc Gallows vs. PCO

Street fight and Vincent is here with PCO, while Karl Anderson only comes out to the stage with Gallows. PCO gets knocked to the floor to start but he’s fine enough to post Gallows. Some chairs are set up at ringside but PCO sends him back inside, only to be knocked backwards through said chairs in a crash you had to know was coming.

We take a break and come back with chairs being thrown in and one hitting PCO in the back. PCO hits him in the head with a chair (erg) and sets up some chairs back to back, which can’t end well. Gallows is laid over the backs of the chairs so PCO can chair him in the back (a popular word here). PCO takes too long going up top though and gets slammed onto the open chairs, which is such a stupidly dangerous spot.

They head outside again with PCO hitting a chokeslam through a table to take over again. A bunch of trashcan shots to the head put Gallows down and the mat is pulled up. Since that takes some time, Gallows hits the Gas Mask on the exposed wood for two but PCO hits him with a marching band drum (which they just happen to have sitting around).

The Deanimator takes too long to load up so Gallows chokeslams him off the top and through the ring (geez). Somehow PCO beats a ten count and wins a slugout, setting up a reverse DDT onto the wood. PCO whips out a glove, fills it with thumbtacks, and hits a middle rope fist drop. Gallows rolls into the hole and PCO steps on his chest for the pin at 15:30.

Rating: B-. This is one of those wacky matches where it was all about the violence and carnage, which was at least a bit different than they usually do. The ring breaking was a huge spot, but having that not end the match is a bit of a stretch. At the same time, some of these spots were more than a bit absurd and uncomfortable on occasion. PCO winning is a good thing, but egads this was rough in parts.

Overall Rating: B-. The show is still good, but this week’s show focused on just about everything but the World Title match. Since that is pretty much set, there was other stuff to work on but a lot of that stuff isn’t so interesting. Emergence is still looking good though and that is what matters most here. Pretty good show, though I’m not sure what they are going to do for Bound For Glory when the Emergence build is over.

Deonna Purrazzo b. Jessika – Rollup
Brian Myers b. Black Taurus – Rollup with trunks
Masha Slamovich b. Gisele Shaw – Snowplow
Motor City Machine Guns b. Violent By Design – Rollup to Doering
Sami Callihan b. Raj Singh – Crossface chickenwing
PCO b. Doc Gallows – Middle rope fist drop



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Impact Wrestling – July 28, 2022: That’s A New Feeling

Impact Wrestling
Date: July 28, 2022
Location: Old Forester’s Paristown Hall, Louisville, Kentucky
Commentators: Tom Hannifan, Matthew Rehwoldt

We are on the way to Emergence and now we have a main event set. This time it is going to be Alex Shelley getting his shot at Josh Alexander and the World Title, but odds are we are going to have more Violent By Design interference on the way there. Kushida is here too and that should help. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

We open with a recap of Alex Shelley becoming #1 contender but getting beaten down by Violent By Design, with Kushida running in for the save.

Eddie Edwards vs Ace Austin

Kenny King and Chris Bey are here too. Austin teases him with the posing to start so Edwards unloads on him in the corner. That earns Eddie a takedown and a playing card cut between the fingers in a spot Austin hasn’t used in a bit. King offers a distraction though and Edwards runs Austin over, setting up the choking on the ropes.

Austin is sat on top for some chops but comes back with a series of strikes. Back up and Austin sends him outside, setting up the big running flip dive. A springboard spinning Fameasser gives Austin two but Edwards’ Backpack Stunner gets the same. King and Bey get in a fight on the floor, meaning it’s a double ejection as Edwards and Austin knock each other down.

We take a break and come back with Edwards striking away before cutting Austin off with a clothesline. Austin gets back up with a springboard spinning kick to the head for two but the Fold is countered into a quick butterfly powerbomb. The Die Hard Driver finishes Austin at 15:34.

Rating: B-. This is the kind of match where you put two talented stars together and have them put on a good match. It works every time and that is what they did here, as Honor No More gets a victory for a change. Austin and Bey are in the Bullet Club to take the losses so this was a logical use of TV time.

Here’s what’s coming at Emergence and tonight.

Heath is ready to keep on Honor No More, like he did to Vincent on Before The Impact. I’m not sure hitting one finisher is taking them out but it’s better than nothing.

We look at Raj Singh and Shera cutting off Josh Alexander from making a save for the Motor City Machine Guns last week.

Alexander is ready for Shera tonight. Alex Shelley comes in to say being big and strong doesn’t make the best wrestler, so Alexander has to face the smartest wrestler around.

Laredo Kid/Trey Miguel vs. Johnny Swinger/Zicky Dice

Swinger seems to think Kid is Bob Seeger and fails to jump him to start. Dice comes in and is rather happy at dodging a charge, only to get double dropkicked out to the floor. That means it’s time to put on the dungeon masks, only to have Miguel take Swinger out with a dive. Dice drops Miguel to take over but a handspring kick to the face gets Miguel out of trouble. The hot tag brings in Kid for a high crossbody, setting up a quick frog splash to finish Dice at 4:00.

Rating: C. I know they’re nothing that matters but my goodness Dice and Swinger can be funny. Impact knows what they have with the two of them and they have some of the most entertaining moments on the show. Kid and Miguel aren’t much of a team but having them beat up the resident goofs isn’t a bad thing.

On Before The Impact, a fake Heath distraction helped Bhupinder Gujjar beat Vincent.

Brian Myers still doesn’t want to face Bhupinder Gujjar but Decay comes in to say Black Taurus will get the Digital Media Title shot instead.

Tiffany Nieves vs. Jada Stone

This is an OVW showcase match with Tasha Steelz, with Savannah Evans, on commentary. Nieves takes her down to start as Steelz rants about not being Knockouts Champion. Some kicks send Nieves into the corner but she misses a Cannonball. A rollup, with a grab of the rope, gives Nieves the pin at 2:06.

Post match Killer Kelly comes out to wreck Nieves and Stone, which doesn’t have Steelz very impressed.

Eric Young doesn’t want Deaner’s excuses for failing last week. First up it’s the Motor City Machine Guns and then Kushida.

Video on Alex Shelley becoming #1 contender for the first time, including a surprise video from Johnny Gargano, who praises Shelley as well.

Josh Alexander vs. Shera

Non-title and Raj Singh is here with Shera. Alexander gets blocked by the power to start but hits three straight clotheslines to knock Shera over the top. Shera wins the quick brawl on the floor and sends Alexander back inside, where Alexander hits the running crossbody to the back. Singh offers a distraction but Alexander is fine enough to ankle lock Shera for the tap at 3:15.

Rating: C. They didn’t have time to get anywhere here but my goodness it’s nice to stop pretending that Shera is going to be some big deal. This version of him is a lot easier to take than the dancing schmuck of years past but now he’s just a big guy who loses important matches. Alexander is always worth a look though and that’s part of how the champion should feel.

Moose says there is no alliance between himself and Steve Maclin. If anyone should be mad at Maclin, it’s him, who didn’t need help to beat Sami Callihan.

Honor No More wants to know what Scott D’Amore is going to do for them and want their Tag Team Title shot. Noise is heard though and Mike Bennett is gone.

VXT is preparing for Deonna Purrazzo’s bachelorette party when Jessika comes in to invite herself. She’s quite the life of the party but Rosemary and Taya Valkyrie come in to say that’s not happening.

Raj Singh is in the ring to complain about what happened to Shera. Cue Sami Callihan with the Cactus Driver 97 to drop Singh. Callihan says he’s going to take care of Steve Maclin and Moose on his own.

Ric Flair Flashback Moment of the Week: Flair forms Fourtune but Jay Lethal interrupts with his amazing impression.

Mia Yim is ready for Jordynne Grace but the video signal breaks up.

Commentary talks but the video signal breaks up.

Scott D’Amore finds Honor No More messing with the TV truck and is sick of this. They want their title shot so at Emergence, it’s five on five. If Honor No More wins, they get the Tag Team Titles but if they lose, they disband (with D’Amore bringing up Jim Cornette forcing Team Canada to do the same back in the day).

Rich Swann vs. Kushida

Kushida is billed as the Timesplitter and this is a first time ever match. Respect is shown before the bell as Kushida takes him down by the leg to start. Kushida takes him down again, which sets up a standoff. Back up and they run the ropes with neither getting very far, setting up stereo missed dropkicks. Kushida works on a wristlock and sends Swann outside for some posing as we take a break.

We come back with Kushida working on the arm but Swann knocks him into the corner. A running basement dropkick puts Kushida on the floor on the floor and Swann kicks him in the head back inside. The chinlock goes on for a bit but Kushida is back up for stereo crossbodies. The comeback is on for Kushida, including a running armbar takedown out of the corner.

Kushida gets the cross armbreaker but Swann gets his foot on the ropes pretty quickly. They strike it out with Kushida going for the arm but getting knocked down anyway. There’s a neckbreaker to drop Kushida again, only to have Swann miss the Phoenix splash. Kushida takes him down by the arm again but Swann snaps off a super hurricanrana. Swann goes up but gets pulled down into the Hoverboard Lock for the tap at 19:04.

Rating: B. Kushida is my favorite New Japan wrestler so it’s nice to see him on a show like this. Swann can go with anyone and beating him still means something so this was a great way to make Kushida seem like a big deal out of the gate. I’m curious to see what he is going to do and this is already a bit more than he ever did in NXT, so there is some hope to be had.

Overall Rating: B. Impact’s roll continues and I can certainly take that. The good thing here is that they are setting things up and making me want to see them, with Alex Shelley making more than a better fit in the main event than Violent By Design. Other than that, Honor No More’s issues continue to grow and we are getting a resurgence of Sami Callihan for a bit of fresh blood. I’m starting to look forward to seeing this show every week and that is not something I have not expected to say for a long time now.



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