Impact Wrestling – December 12, 2024: Hurry Up

Impact Wrestling
Date: December 12, 2024
Location: Crown Arena, Fayetteville, North Carolina
Commentators: Tom Hannifan, Matthew Rehwoldt

It’s the last show before Final Resolution, which isn’t exactly feeling like a hot card. The show hasn’t had time to get built up and there is only so much that can be done in the span of one more night. Odds are we’ll get some more matches added to the card this week and that could make things interesting. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening recap.

Here is Moose to get things going. Ever since he won the X-Division Title, the question has been what he is going to do with the title. He is going to make it the most important title around here, which is what has happened since he became champion. People aren’t talking about Nic Nemeth or Joe Hendry and they certainly aren’t talking about the Hardys because they are too busy chanting his name.

The reality is he doesn’t need the people because he is going to be the greatest X-Division Champion in TNA history. Cue Cody Deaner to interrupt, saying he lost his love for wrestling but the people led him back in the right direction. Deaner says he can beat Moose if he has the people behind him so the title challenge is on. Moose knocks him down, orders a ref, and says the match is on right now.

X-Division Title: Moose vs. Cody Deaner

Moose, in a tracksuit, is defending and grabs the mic to ask the fans to chant for Deaner. Back up and the spear misses, allowing Deaner to send him outside for a dive. They get back inside and Moose is sent into the corner so Deaner can roll him up for two. A big boot cuts Deaner off but he escapes a powerbomb and gets two more. The DDT is countered into a release Rock Bottom though and Moose hits the spear for the pin at 3:04.

Rating: C. This was more of an angle than a match with Moose being a dominant monster but getting a bit too cocky for his own good. That being said, the match with Kushida is already set and the title wasn’t likely to change hands so close to Final Resolution. It wasn’t the most serious match but it wasn’t supposed to be and that’s fine once in awhile.

First Class and Tasha Steelz say tonight’s main event will be a preview of their dominance at Final Resolution. AJ Francis promises a bunch of chokeslams.

The Northern Armory interrupts Mike Santana and they bicker, with both promising to win the #1 contenders match at Final Resolution. That could be promising if they ever break into a singles match.

Rosemary vs. Xia Brookside

Brookside flips away to start and works on the arm before scoring with a running dropkick. Back up and Rosemary blocks a running headscissors, setting up a chinlock. That’s broken up and Brookside hits a middle rope crossbody to leave both of them down for a bit. Brookside hits some clotheslines into a running headscissors, setting up Broken Wings in the corner. The Brooksie Bomb is countered into the Upside Down and Rosemary grabs a choke. That’s reversed into a cradle for two but Rosemary pulls her into As Above So Below for the pin at 6:30.

Rating: C+. This was a snappy little match as they didn’t have much time but they were moving throughout the time that they had. It was entertaining while it lasted and I can go for Rosemary getting a bit of an upgrade. She’s one of the most established names in all of the division and having her win something like this should help her, at least a little bit.

Post match Rosemary hammers on Brookside some more until Jordynne Grace makes the save.

Trent Seven is not happy with being put into a match against Ace Austin at Final Resolution. Austin comes in to promise revenge for Seven turning on Mike Bailey.

Leon Slater/Laredo Kid vs. The Rascalz

Wentz and Slater go technical to start before fighting over wrist control. Miguel comes in for a rope walk wristdrag to Kid and all four nip up into a standoff as we take a break. Back with Wentz cranking on Slater’s arm until Slater makes the rope for the escape. Miguel snaps the arm but Slater is up with a running cutter, allowing the tag off to Kid. A pair of moonsaults gets two on Wentz but it’s quickly back to Miguel for a double hurricanrana.

The Rascalz hit a double dive but Slater is right back up for a heck of a flip dive to the floor. An assisted sitout powerbomb gets two on Miguel, with Slater’s bad arm meaning he can’t get a proper cover. A Swanton to a hanging Kid gets two and everything breaks down, with Slater’s Swanton 450 getting superkicked out of the air. Kid gets put in a torture rack and it’s a top rope double stomp into a reverse AA combination to give Miguel the pin at 11:44.

Rating: B-. This was the fast paced tag match of the week and as usual, it went just fine. It’s still a formula that works very well and it went just fine again here. The Rascalz get a quick win and Slater gets to look good in the process. That’s all it needed to be and it was a nice way to get them back on the winning path and give us a fun match at the same time.

The System is ready to win at Final Resolution.

PCO/Sami Callihan vs. Jake Something/Hammerstone

Something jumps PCO from behind to start and it goes as well as you might have expected. Callihan comes in to work on Something’s arm and bends the fingers back to make it worse. Hammerstone offers a distraction though and Something runs PCO over. A whip into the corner has PCO in some trouble but a running clothesline breaks that up and allows the tag off to Callihan. Everything breaks down and PCO hits a double DDT, followed by the big double dive tot he floor. Back in and Callihan Stunners Something but Hammerstone hits PCO with a chair for the DQ at 5:14.

Rating: C. So this was little more than a way to set up a rematch, likely with No DQ, at Final Resolution. I could go for this a bit more if it wasn’t something that they had already done with the Tag Team Title match. For now though, Callihan and PCO will do well enough as the good monsters, though Hammerstone and Something actually winning a match would be nice for a change.

Post match the weird 23 thing pops up again.

Dani Luna vs. Heather By Elegance

Jody Threat and Ash By Elegance/the Personal Concierge are here too. Luna offers a test of strength to start but Heather has to go to the middle rope to reach her hand. Heather’s running elbow doesn’t get her anywhere as Luna grabs a fall away slam. The Concierge breaks up a dive though and that’s the big wind up ejection.

Heather uses the distraction to go after the leg and hits a running hurricanrana driver for two. Luna kicks her way out of the corner and makes the clothesline comeback, setting up a slingshot Blue Thunder Bomb for two more. Back up and Heather snaps the throat across the top rope, only to get caught with a German suplex. Ash tries a distraction so Threat dives on her, leading Luna to hit a fireman’s carry powerbomb for the pin at 6:40.

Rating: C. This was more about the interference than anything else but my goodness can they think of something better than singles matches between tag wrestlers? It feels like that is all they do with these teams over and over and it has long since become tiresome. Just find some different teams for By Elegance to beat to set up their title shot.

Final Resolution rundown.

Tasha Steelz/First Class vs. Joe Hendry/Nic Nemeth/Masha Slamovich

Navarro mocks Hendry to start and gets run over with a shoulder to start. A rather delayed suplex gives Hendry two and it’s already off to Nemeth. Navarro gets dropped with a dropkick and Nemeth gets to pose before doing it again. Slamovich comes in and gets to face Steelz, who hits her in the face.

Steelz’s kick to the head drops Slamovich again as we take a break. Back with Navarro grabbing a front facelock on Steelz, who fights up with ease and brings in Nemeth to clean house. The rapid fire elbows get two on Navarro but a cheap shot lets Francis come in for the stomping. Navarro whips him into the corner and Francis hits a big boot for two.

We hit the chinlock but Nemeth jawbreaks his way to freedom in a hurry. A DDT plants Francis again and it’s Hendry coming in to fight off everyone. The fall away slam sends Francis flying (well close enough) but the Standing Ovation is broken up. Nemeth dives onto Francis and hits a Fameasser for two on Navarro. Slamovich dives onto Steelz and the Danger Zone finishes Navarro at 15:54.

Rating: B-. It was a long match and gave some time to a pair of matches at Final Resolution, which is always a nice way to use some television time. At the same time, Hendry almost has to be the next #1 contender but it wouldn’t surprise me to see him not wind up as champion at Genesis one way or another. Slamovich feels like she’s going to smash Steelz as well, but hopefully they can have a good match on the way there.

Post match the women fight and Francis spears Nemeth. Back to back to back Down Payments leave Nemeth laying to end the show.

Overall Rating: C+. They’re trying with Final Resolution, but there is only so much you can do when the main event is AJ Francis getting a World Title shot. The main match at the pay per view is the four way for the #1 contendership and Hendry feels like the big favorite. Final Resolution needs more and for now, this show didn’t make me want to see what they are going to do tomorrow night.

Moose b. Cody Deaner – Spear
Rosemary b. Xia Brookside – As Above So Below
The Rascalz b. Leon Slater/Laredo Kid – Top rope double stomp/reverse fireman’s carry slam combination to Kid
Dani Luna b. Heather By Elegance – Fireman’s carry powerbomb
Joe Hendry/Nic Nemeth/Masha Slamovich b. Tasha Steelz/First Class – Danger Zone to Navarro



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Impact Wrestling – November 28, 2024: I’m Thankful

Impact Wrestling
Date: November 28, 2024
Commentators: Tom Hannifan, Matthew Rehwoldt
Hosts: Tom Hannifan, Matthew Rehwoldt

It’s Thanksgiving night and thankfully TNA is smart enough to go with something other than a regular show. Rather than a traditional Best Of show, we’re getting some previously unreleased matches from earlier in the year. Some of those have been rather fun before so hopefully the trend can continue. Let’s get to it.

Opening sequence.

The hosts give us a quick welcome.

From October 2024, Nashville, Tennessee.

The System vs. PCO/Sami Callihan/Joe Hendry

Alisha Edwards and Brian Myers are here with the System. Before the match, Hendry says that even though PCO is dead, the crowd is going to make the team come alive. Callihan shoulders Eddie into the corner to start and it’s PCO coming in, with an actual Honor No More reference.

Everything breaks down in a hurry and everybody heads outside, with Alisha’s distraction letting Moose boot Callihan in the face. Callihan suplexes his way out of trouble and it’s Hendry coming in to clean house. Moose breaks up the Standing Ovation but PCO plants him with a DDT. Callihan gives Eddie the Cactus driver 97 and the Standing Ovation is enough for Hendry to get the pin at 5:38.

Rating: C+. I’ve got a feeling we’re going to be in for a lot of things like this for most of the show and that isn’t a bad thing. This was a fun match and felt like something you would see on a house show, which is what a show like this should be. Hendry is of course as over as free beer in a frat house and that has been the situation for a long time now. PCO gets his own cheers and Sami…well he had good partners here.

From June 2024, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Jordynne Grace vs. Dani Luna

Grace’s Knockouts Title isn’t on the line and Jody Threat is on commentary. At least I think this is non-title but it doesn’t make the biggest difference. They fight over a lockup to start with Luna actually powering her back into the corner. Back up and Grace powers her into the corner as well, only for both of them to miss some chops.

An exchange of shoulders goes to Luna but Grace is back with a running shoulder. They go nose to nose and then forearm it out with Grace knocking her outside. Grace’s suicide dive doesn’t even knock Luna down so she plants Luna with a Jackhammer instead. Back in and a slingshot Blue Thunder Bomb gives Luna two but Grace is back with a Regal Plex. The Juggernaut Driver finishes Luna at 5:42.

Rating: B-. This didn’t have the time to get to that next level but it was starting to be a lot of fun with the two of them trading power moves. You don’t see Grace’s power advantage negated very often but it made for an interesting match. Luna is a good powerhouse in her own right and she did well enough here. Nice match and better than I was expecting.

Sami Callihan is running a poker game and PCO wins (beating aces and 8’s in the process). The Good Hands aren’t happy but Santino Marella comes in to make a tag match. Xia Brookside is called “just a girl” and food winds up in John Skyler’s face.

From June 2024 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Leon Slater vs. Trent Seven vs. Mustafa Ali

Slater starts fast with a big flip flip dive onto Ali and the Secret Service, leaving Seven to hit the Seven Star Lariat for two on Ali. Slater breaks up the Birminghammer with a high crossbody before chopping it out with Seven. Ali knocks both of them off the top for a crash to the floor, followed by the rolling neckbreaker for two on Seven. Ali and Seven go up top with Seven’s super slam getting two as Slater dives in for a save.

They all chop it out from their knees and Ali is backdropped out to the floor. Seven slams Slater for two before heading outside, where he chops the post instead of Ali. Slater busts out an insane running flip dive over the post to take both of them down (that was great). Back in and the Swanton 450 hits Seven, only for Ali to steal the pin at 5:38.

Rating: B-. They didn’t have much time so they packed in as much as they could in about five and a half minutes. Slater got in his array of crazy athletic stuff and Seven was good as the biggest guy in the match. That left Ali to steal the win and it made for a nice formula, but Slater’s stuff was rather impressive.

From October 2024, Nashville, Tennessee.

Mike Bailey vs. Jake Something

Hammerstone is here with Something. Bailey kicks (shocking I know) away in the corner but Something runs him over to cut that off. A big toss to the floor has Bailey down and his kicks to the face don’t have much effect. Instead Bailey sweeps the leg to send Something outside for a change but Hammerstone gets in a cheap shot. Back in and Bailey strikes away but has to roll his way out of a chokeslam attempt for two. A kick to the face staggers Something but he hits the ropes and blasts Bailey in the back of the head.

Something gets smart by stepping on Bailey’s foot to cut off the kicks and drops him with a big right hand. Bailey is back up and heads to the top, where Something catches him with a super sitout powerbomb (OUCH) and a near fall. Something tackles him out to the floor but Hammerstone’s interference doesn’t work. Instead Bailey hits a Canadian Destroyer into a superkick, only to have the Tornado Kick broken up with a running forearm…for the pin at 8:14.

Rating: B-. They must have known that Bailey was on the way out here as it’s hard to imagine one of the bigger stars in the company losing to someone like Something otherwise. That being said, it’s nice to see Something pick up a win, which doesn’t happen very often. I’m not sure why as he has potential, but we’ll call that the second benefit to Bailey leaving.

From November 2024, Fayetteville, North Carolina.

Rhino/Joe Hendry vs. First Class

Before the match, Hendry accuses AJ Francis of complaining to HR about Hendry being too man on the microphone. Therefore, please don’t chant AJ SUCKS, because you can believe in the Gore and Joe Hendry. Navarro starts for the team and gets shoved down, meaning it’s time to dance. Hendry shows off the power game with a delayed suplex and it’s off to Rhino, who gets to trade shoulders with Francis.

A Navarro distraction lets Francis take over and a running shot in the corner gets two on Rhino. Francis cuts off the tag attempt and Navarro adds a backsplash. The second tag attempt works though and it’s Hendry coming in to clean house. The fall away slam sends Navarro flying and Rhino Gores Francis. That leaves Hendry to hit the Standing Ovation to finish Navarro at 6:44.

Rating: C. Perfectly nice match here with Hendry getting to pop the fans and beat up an annoying heel team. Rhino is always going to get some nice reactions, with his recent Hall Of Fame induction making it even better. The fans responded as they should have and, like everything else, they didn’t overstay their welcome.

From July 2024, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.

PCO vs. Moose

Casket match and the System is here with Moose. The bell rings and PCO drops Moose, only to get jumped by the System. Everyone hits a finisher on PCO and the casket is loaded up (with DO NOT ENTER painted on the bottom of the lid), only for Joe Hendry to run in for the save. PCO is back up and Moose accidentally spears Alisha Edwards. Moose is knocked down for the PCOsault and PCO wins at 3:46.

Rating: C+. This was barely a match as the big heel beatdown and then the interference started almost immediately. That being said, it continued the trend of the night being all about the fun, as PCO got a nice win in his hometown without Moose having to get pinned. Hendry gets another appearance, as this has more or less been his show so far, which isn’t a bad idea.

From September, San Antonio, Texas.

Nic Nemeth vs. Sami Callihan

Nemeth is the only person on the show to get to wear his belt. Callihan starts fast and hits a sitout powerbomb for an early two. The Cactus Driver 97 is blocked though and Nemeth hits a superkick as we take a break. Back with Callihan staggering around the ring but raking the eyes to take over. Callihan chops the post by mistake but he’s fine enough to bend the finger and hit Nemeth in the back of the head for two.

The chinlock doesn’t last long so Callihan elbows him in the face. A nerve hold is broken up and it’s a double clothesline to leave them both down. Callihan wants Nemeth to slug away but Nemeth goes with a Fameasser instead. The ten elbows into the Shot To The Heart gets two but Callihan is back with a cutter for the same. Callihan tunes up the band, which of course takes too long and allows Nemeth to hit his own superkick. The Danger Zone finishes for Nemeth at 9:07.

Rating: C. Not a match you really need to see, but it’s a fresh matchup and the World Champion gets to beat someone who has a bit of status. It’s not something I would want to see on a regular show, but it was a fine way to go to wrap up a show like this. Nemeth wasn’t on the show much, though it makes sense for the World Champion to be the only title featured.

A quick Turning Point rundown and a farewell from the hosts wrap us up.

Overall Rating: B-. This was fun! They didn’t do anything long (with the longest match being about eight minutes), the matches were mainly about the good guys winning to make the fans happy, and it didn’t do anything serious on a show a lot of people aren’t going to see. It’s not an important show in the slightest as it’s basically just a collection of dark matches, but it breezed by and I had a good time. Nice job here and exactly what a holiday special should be.

Joe Hendry/Sami Callihan/PCO b. The System – Standing Ovation to Edwards
Jordynne Grace b. Dani Luna – Juggernaut Driver
Mustafa Ali b. Leon Slater and Trent Seven – Swanton 450 to Seven
Jake Something b. Mike Bailey – Running forearm
Joe Hendry/Rhino b. First Class – Standing Ovation to Navarro
PCO b. Moose – PCO shut Moose in the casket
Nic Nemeth b. Sami Callihan – Danger Zone



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Impact Wrestling – November 7, 2024: They Had To Do Something

Impact Wrestling
Date: November 7, 2024
Location: Wayne State Fieldhouse, Detroit, Michigan
Commentators: Ian Riccaboni, Caprice Coleman

We’re still in the aftermath of Bound For Glory and unfortunately still in the aftermath of Chris Bey’s neck injury. That match was scheduled to take place this week and as a result, this week’s show might be a bit weird. We’re also on the way to Turning Point and a lot of people are coming after Nic Nemeth’s World Title. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening recap.

Opening sequence.

Tasha Steelz/Alisha Edwards vs. Masha Slamovich/Jordynne Grace

Grace and Slamovich start things off with Grace grabbing a headlock as we get some graphics for what is coming throughout the show (nice touch). Slamovich comes in and strikes away before running Steelz over with a shot to the face. A World’s Strongest Slam looks to set up Grace’s Vader Bomb but Edwards cuts it off.

Edwards realizes that hitting Grace in the face is a bad idea but it’s back to Steelz, whose dancing earns her a quick spank. Grace plants Steelz down and hands it back to Slamovich, who drops Steelz with a running boot for two. It’s already back to Grace, who gets caught in a quick crucifix bomb for two more. That’s enough for Slamovich, who gets the tag and chokes Edwards out for the win at 7:16.

Rating: C. This was about as to the point as it should have been, with Grace and Slamovich being a pair of monsters who aren’t going to have much trouble against Edwards and Steelz. Thankfully they didn’t mess around here and it made the match work out well. I’m not sure if we’re getting a Grace vs. Slamovich III, but there are worse ideas out there.

We look back at Savannah Evans attacking Lei Ying Lee last week.

Evans says she’s the big deal and she’s taking over.

Wendy Choo vs. Rosemary

No DQ. Choo jumps her to start but Rosemary fights back and tries the Upside Down. That’s broken up and Choo hits a running dropkick. They fight over to the announcers’ table with Rosemary choking away with a camera cord. Back in and they fight over a cane until a double knockdown lets them both do the situp. Choo beats her up with the loaded pillow and drops a middle rope elbow with said pillow for two. Rosemary gets in a cane shot though and hits As Above So Below for the pin at 6:01.

Rating: C-. Forgive me for not being able to get into the idea of someone whose big deal is a pillow that she uses to beat on people. It hasn’t exactly worked in NXT and it isn’t working here. At the same time, this whole crossover is losing its steam rather quickly, as there is little to get behind when the home promotion star wins pretty much every time.

Post match Rosemary seems to lick Choo’s head.

And now, from the vault, on June 15, 2024, likely as a replacement for the Hardys vs. ABC match.

X-Division Title: Mustafa Ali vs. Mike Santana

Ali, with Champaign Sing, is defending. Santana knocks him down to start and shrugs off a chop. Some right hands in the corner and a clothesline have Ali in more trouble but Singh gets in a cheap shot for the DQ a 2:35.

Cue Santino Marella to make a tag match.

Mustafa Ali/Champaign Singh vs. Mike Santana/Joe Hendry

Hendry cleans house to start and hands it back to Santana to drop Singh. Ali pulls Hendry off the apron though and Singh gets in a shot to Hendry to take over. The chinlock doesn’t last long as Santana fights up and rolls over to bring in Hendry for the house cleaning. It’s already back to Santana, who elbows Singh down, leaving Hendry to GTS Ali, setting up Spin The Block to finish Singh at 6:29.

Rating: C. This whole thing could have been at any house show, with the cool pairing defeating the villains. Ali was a pretty big deal at this point, while Singh was there to take the fall. That’s all it needed to be and the fans were certainly into Hendry, which was the big point of the whole thing.

Post match Steve Maclin runs in for the beatdown but Rhino makes the save, including a Gore.

Maclin says no one, including Josh Alexander, can beat him.

The Rascalz are anxious, so they go to the tree house and talk about Space Jam. Lightening up ensues.

We look at Ryan Nemeth and Joe Hendry yelling at each other after last week’s main event.

Here is Hendry for a chat. Hendry has a special video about Ryan Nemeth’s entire career. Beginning of the video, “He’s Nic Nemeth’s brother. The end.”, end of the video. Hendry wants to face Ryan next week.

Mike Santana runs into First Class, who likes him and offers him a spot on the team. Santana isn’t impressed.

Jody Threat vs. Heather By Elegance

Their partners are here too. Heather jumps her to start but Threat gets in some clotheslines in the corner, followed by a suplex right back out of it. A tornado DDT gives Heather two and she stomps away in the corner, where Ash can get in some hair pulling. The neck crank goes on but Threat suplexes her way to freedom. Ash’s distraction lets Heather pull Threat into the corner, but Threat is fine enough to catch a high crossbody. Pop Shove It finishes Heather at 5:02.

Rating: C. Well I’ll take it over another tag champion losing a singles match to set up a Tag Team Title match. It’s still not good, but at least the champions don’t look like losers for a change. There still isn’t much in the way of a division, but at least they’re doing something with a fresh team.

X-Division Title: Mike Bailey vs. Moose

Moose is challenging and is quickly hurricanranaed out to the floor. A pump kick just annoys Moose so he takes Bailey outside, where a chop hits the post. Bailey accidentally kicks the steps though and Moose drops him onto the apron as we take a break. Back with Moose stomping away in the corner but getting caught with another hurricanrana. A release Rock Bottom drops Bailey again though and a kick to the head makes it worse. Bailey is back up with the moonsault knees for two and we take another break.

We come back again with Bailey hitting a top rope dive, followed by a shooting star press for two. They strike it out until the tornado kick is blocked, leaving Moose to hit a discus lariat. Bailey is right back with a Code Red for two and the Ultimate Weapon is loaded up, only for Moose to dropkick him out to the floor.

Back in and a super poisonrana puts Moose down and the Ultimate Weapon connects for two more. Another tornado kick is cut off with a spear to send Bailey outside, followed by an even bigger spear. They go back inside where two more spears give Moose the pin and the title at 17:24.

Rating: B-. That’s something of a relief, as Bailey getting away from the title makes things more interesting. I can only take so many tornado kicks and Ultimate Weapons, though thankfully Bailey only ignored a few moments of leg work this time. Moose winning the title is a new way to go, and I could go for a bunch of people coming after the monster champion.

Post match Moose leaves so Trent Seven comes out, hugs Bailey, and then hits him low. The Seven Star Lariat drops Bailey to end the show. If it keeps Bailey away from the title, I approve.

Overall Rating: C+. These tapings are nearly cursed by injuries as there is only so much you can get with two matches being stopped due to injuries. Putting in the previously unreleased match wasn’t exactly interesting but they had limited options here. Other than the title change at the end, there wasn’t much to be seen here, but there is still more than enough time before Turning Point to get things going. Just make things a bit more interesting on the way there, as this show was only ok for the most part.

Masha Slamovich/Jordynne Grace b. Tasha Steelz/Alisha Edwards – Rear naked choke to Edwards
Rosemary b. Wendy Choo – As Above So Below
Jody Threat b. Heather By Elegance – Pop Shove It
Moose b. Mike Bailey – Spear



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Impact Wrestling – October 31, 2024: They’re Lining Up

Impact Wrestling
Date: October 31, 2024
Location: Wayne State Fieldhouse, Detroit, Michigan
Commentators: Ian Riccaboni, Caprice Coleman

We’re done with Bound For Glory and the big story is that Nic Nemeth retained the World Title against Joe Hendry with help from JBL. Other than that, the Hardys are the Tag Team Champions against after a not so thrilling main event. We’re on the way to Turning Point next week, which could go in a few different ways. Let’s get to it.

Here is Bound For Glory if you need a recap.

The show opens with a graphic showing a statement from Chris Bey, thanking fans and the medical staff helping him with his recovery. He knows it will be a long and challenging recovery process. The voiceover talks about the GoFundMe and asks for donations to help him. That does not sound good in the slightest but at least he’s here to make such a statement.

Bound For Glory recap.

PCO wishes us a Happy Halloween.

Opening sequence.

Here is Frankie Kazarian, in a heck of a Joe Hendry cosplay, for an even better Hendry impression, to mock everything about Hendry. This includes the clapping, but here in the real thing to chase him off. Hendry calls this the first entertaining thing Kazarian has done in 47 years, but the reality is that Kazarian took something away from Hendry and the people.

What matters is that there was a conspiracy against him, with Kazarian, John Layfield and Nic Nemeth all being in on it. Cue Nemeth to say he didn’t know what Layfield did and Hendry deserves a rematch. Nemeth wanted to give Hendry a rematch tonight but Santino Marella said no. Cue the System, with Nemeth insulting them and a tag match seemingly being set up for tonight.

Post break Alisha Edwards and Tasha Steelz are still in the ring to say Masha Slamovich’s Knockouts Title reign is on borrowed time. Cue Slamovich to mock Alisha’s catchphrase and say she’s looking for a fight tonight. The double teaming is on so here is Jordynne Grace for the save. Cue Santino Marella to make a tag match between the women for next week, as well as Nemeth/Hendry vs. JDC/Eddie Edwards.

First Class vs. Rascalz

Miguel and Navarro start things off and a wristdrag has Navarro down, meaning Wentz can come in for a rolling snapmare out of the corner. AJ Francis low bridges Wentz outside though and adds a running knee in the corner back inside. Navarro’s double stomp gets two, followed by a big boot to give Francis the same. A backsplash misses though and it’s back to Miguel to pick up the pace. That means a series of quick strikes into a Swanton for two before Wentz and Navarro crash out to the floor. Navarro is fine enough to get in a cheap shot though and the Down Payment finishes Miguel at 7:03.

Rating: C. First Class getting a win to put them back on track is nice to see, as Francis’ bragging is still good enough. Other than that, not much to this one as they only had so much time, though the Rascalz are dropping quite a bit after their big feud with Wes Lee over in NXT. I’m not sure what they can do, but it might be a bit before it gets better.

Josh Alexander/Good Hands vs. Eric Young/Jonathan Gresham/Steve Maclin

The Good Hands are here because the Northern Armory had visa issues. We’re joined in progress with Gresham getting triple stomped in the corner and Skyler dropping a leg for two. Gresham fights up and gets in a shot to the arm, followed by a dropkick for the tag off to Young. Alexander goes after the knee though and it’s Maclin coming in to chase Alexander outside. That’s enough for Alexander to leave and the spear in the Tree of Woe into KIA finishes Skyler at 7:12.

Rating: C+. Well yeah, of course the villains lost here. You had Alexander and two guys literally described as being there as helpers against two former World Champions and a former Ring Of Honor World Champion. This would have been the same thing if the Armory had been involved so at least it wasn’t shaken up very badly by something out of their control.

We look at the last few minutes of Mike Bailey vs. El Hijo del Vikingo at Bound for Glory. I’m assuming this was going to be the Vikingo match where he got hurt.

Mike Bailey gives Trent Seven a pep talk after losing the Call Your Shot gauntlet but Seven isn’t happy. The System interrupts, with Moose saying he might just take the X-Division Title. Works for Bailey.

Dani Luna vs. Ash By Elegance

Jody Threat, Heather By Elegance and the Personal Concierge are here too. An exchange of shoulders goes to Luna but a Heather distraction lets Ash send her into the steps to take over. Back in and Ash grabs a chinlock, with Luna fighting up without much effort. A Blue Thunder Bomb gives Luna two but the Concierge offers a distraction, allowing Heather to get in a broom (witch’s costume) shot. Rarefied Air finishes Luna at 6:02.

Rating: C. Giving Ash an entourage of people to help her steal some wins is a fine idea, as it would stun me if she isn’t at least a serious challenger for the Knockouts Title sooner than later. She’s too good to leave in the middle of the pack for that much longer and has been treated as a big deal. For now though, it looks like By Elegance is coming for the Knockouts Tag Team Titles, as this was the required “beat a champion in a singles match”.

Lei Ying Lee vs. Maggie Moore

Moore works on a wristlock to start but Lee headscissors her down and gets in a stomp. A pump kick staggers Lee but she hits a crossbody out of the corner. Thunderstruck finishes Moore at 2:51. That was certainly a Lee match.

Post match Savannah Evans returns and lays Lee out.

Mike Santana is proud of his win over Moose and says the World Title is a matter of when.

Nic Nemeth/Joe Hendry vs. The System

Frankie Kazarian is on commentary. Hendry takes Edwards down in a hurry to start and we take an early break. Back with Nemeth being knocked outside thanks to an Alisha Edwards distraction and JDC hitting a slingshot elbow for two. The chinlock goes on for a bit before JDC heads up, only to miss a flipping legdrop. Hendry comes back in to clean house and a double clothesline puts the System down. Everything breaks down, leaving Hendry to accidentally hit Nemeth. The Boston Knee Party finishes Nemeth at 10:02.

Rating: C+. This didn’t have time to go very far and was mainly about the arguing among the good guys. The System gets another boost and there is a chance that we’ll be seeing Eddie get a shot at Nemeth in there somewhere. Throw in Kazarian lurking around and Hendry needing a rematch and Nemeth has his plate full for the time being.

Overall Rating: C+. This show was tasked with getting things going in the new direction after the biggest show of the year, but the Chris Bey stuff was hard to get around. Between the opening announcement and constantly mentioning him all night (and of course there is nothing wrong with that), it was hard to get focused on the show, as it’s hard to not think about how bad things might be for him. All that aside, the main event felt like it was setting up more stuff in the World Title picture, but a lot of the rest felt like it was just continuing from Bound For Glory. There was no big new moment, but that’s not something required.

First Class b. Rascalz – Down Payment to Miguel
Eric Young/Jonathan Gresham/Steve Maclin b. Josh Alexander/Good Hands – KIA to Skyler
Ash By Elegance b. Dani Luna – Rarefied Air
Lei Ying Lee b. Maggie Moore – Thunderstruck
The System b. Nic Nemeth/Joe Hendry – Boston Knee Party to Nemeth



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Impact Wrestling – October 24, 2024: Get Ready For Glory

Impact Wrestling
Date: October 24, 2024
Location: Skyway Studios, Nashville, Tennessee
Commentators: Matthew Rehwoldt, Tom Hannifan

We’re two days away from Bound For Glory and the show is pretty much set. There are still some matches that could use a final push towards the show though and that is what we will be seeing here. Other than that, there is still the chance that we could be seeing something added to the show at the last minute so let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening recap.

Jake Something vs. Frankie Kazarian vs. AJ Francis vs. Sami Callihan vs. Laredo Kid vs. Jason Hotch

One fall to a finish, the winner is #20 in the Call Your Shot gauntlet match and the person who loses the fall is #1. Kazarian wants his special introduction but gets dropkicked outside for his efforts. Kid and Hotch are left in the ring with Kid flipping him around. Something comes back in but Francis knocks him down to take over.

Francis teases the dive but stops instead, only for Callihan to take him out. Kid breaks up Callihan’s dive so Callihan throws him onto the pile and a triplebomb puts Francis down for two back inside. Hotch hits a tornado DDT on Something but Kazarian is back in with the slingshot cutter for two. Callihan Stunners Something and hits the Cactus Driver 97 on Kazarian…but Francis steals the pin on Kazarian at 6:57.

Rating: C+. What do you want from something like this? It’s supposed to be a random scramble match with one person stealing the pin. That’s exactly what we got here with the people getting in their stuff until Francis stole the pin. Francis makes sense, though Kazarian being there at the beginning and already having a spot at the end of the pay per view in the World Title match is scary.

Jonathan Gresham is ready to prove he’s the best in the world and he’ll start against Josh Alexander.

Mike Santana is walking through his childhood neighborhood and talks about how tough they made him. He’s ready for Moose.

It’s time for a launch party, with Ash By Elegance and the Personal Concierge coming out around a champagne and punch table. We meet the new Heather Reckless, who looks quite a bit like Ash. Fans: “BASIC WHITE GIRL!” The women toast the champagne but here is Xia Brookside to say the excitement is almost as fake as the two of them. She doesn’t like what they did to Brinley Reece so here is Reece to help send the women into the beverages.

Josh Alexander vs. Jonathan Gresham

The Northern Armory is here with Alexander. They take their time to start before grappling to a standoff. Alexander works on the arm and Gresham can’t quite flip his way to freedom. An armdrag to the floor works a bit better and Gresham posts him for a bonus as we take an early break.

Back with Alexander getting in some cocky kicks to the head but Gresham scores with an enziguri. A springboard armdrag sends Alexander outside, setting up four straight dives, followed by a middle rope moonsault. Back in and Gresham slips on a springboard, setting up an exchange of rollups for two each. The C4 Spike is blocked so Alexander settles for an ankle lock. That’s broken up as well so Alexander grabs something from his headgear and knocks Gresham silly. The C4 Spike finishes Gresham off at 12:48.

Rating: B-. This was the kind of match that boosts Alexander up on his way to a big showdown at Bound For Glory. Gresham has enough status left over from his time in Ring Of Honor and he’s not going to be hurt by losing to a multiple time World Champion. The action was good enough too and that’s all it should have been.

Post match the beatdown is on so Steve Maclin runs in with a chair for the save, only to get beaten down. The villains zip tie him to the ropes but some wrestlers run in to cut off a big chair shot to the head.

Mike Santana is still in New York and still from the streets. He was on the way to jail or the morgue but he got in the ring instead. These vignettes have been great.

Wendy Choo vs. Jody Threat

Rosemary is here with Choo. They go with some grappling to start before heading out to the floor. Choo gets in a posting to take over and Threat is slammed off the top back inside to make it worse. The chinlock doesn’t last long as Threat comes up for the double clothesline. Threat’s German suplex and clothesline get two but Rosemary gets on the apron for a distraction. The half nelson slam finishes for Choo at 7:04.

Rating: C. Rather to the point here as we have a match that helps set up a less than interesting showdown on Saturday. Choo and Rosemary as the creepy team is better than nothing as challengers for the Knockouts Tag Team Titles but it’s still only so good. Thankfully they didn’t waste time here and got to the point, even with Dani Luna not here for some reason.

The System is ready to win their matches at Bound For Glory.

Bound For Glory rundown.

The System vs. Hardys/ABC

ABC clears Moose out to start and the rest of the System is sent outside as we take a break. Back with Jeff slugging away at JDC and suplexing Edwards. Myers comes in for a cheap shot though and we hit the chinlock. That’s broken up and it’s Matt coming in to clean quite a bit of house.

It’s of to Bey, who gets distracted by Alisha Edwards, meaning a four way stomping can ensue on the floor as we take another break. Back again with Myers suplexing Bey for two but the Roster Cut is blocked. Austin comes back in to pick up the pace and we hit the parade of finishers. The 1-2-Sweet finishes JDC at 12:09.

Rating: C+. This was a way to get everyone in the ring before the three way tag match on Saturday, with JDC being the designated jobber. I’m still expecting the Hardys to take the titles in the “feel good” moment at Bound For Glory, but ABC getting the titles back is certainly not out of the question. For now though, a nice preview and that’s all it needed to be.

Post match the villains take out the winners, with Mike Santana’s save attempt not exactly working.

Santino Marella is here to moderate the contract signings for the Knockouts and World Title matches. After all four come to the ring, Slamovich says she’s said everything there is to say and promises to win the title. Slamovich signs and Grace says we know how this will go. Nothing will change from their first match and she signs.

That leaves Hendry, who talks about playing a lawyer the first night he saw Nemeth. That night, no one knew his name but everything has changed, because now they are chanting his name. On Saturday, they will be chanting WE BELIEVE and he signs. Nemeth wants Hendry focused on Bound For Glory, because he doesn’t plan on losing. He signs as well, leaving Marella stunned that this worked, but cue Frankie Kazarian to interrupt.

Kazarian went to the Earl Hebner Referee Academy and went over Marella’s head to get the referee spot. Marella means nothing at Bound for Glory because he is the law. Nemeth drops Kazarian and it’s a Cobra to put him down again. Everyone but Santino puts him through the table, setting up the four way staredown to end the show. Kazarian is going to be a factor, but him being in the Call Your Shot and still being there in the end needs to be a red herring, as another cash in title change to end the show would be terrible.

Overall Rating: C+. This was one of those shows that is always hard to pull off, as the show was all but set and they only had to put on the finishing touches. The good thing is they did a nice job of reinforcing what was already set up and didn’t make me lose any interest in the pay per view. Saturday is what matters the most though and now we should be ready for the big show.

AJ Francis b. Jake Something, Frankie Kazarian, Sami Callihan, Laredo Kid and Jason Hotch – Cactus 97 Driver to Kazarian
Josh Alexander b. Jonathan Gresham – C4 Spike
Wendy Choo b. Jody Threat – Half nelson slam
ABC/Hardys b. The System – 1-2-Sweet to JDC



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Impact Wrestling – August 1, 2024: Time For A Wedding!

Impact Wrestling
Date: August 1, 2024
Location: Verdun Auditorium, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Commentators: Tom Hannifan, Matthew Rehwoldt

We’re still in Montreal and in this case we have a pretty stacked show. First up, the World Title is on the line as Nic Nemeth is defending against Mustafa Ali in a match that feels like it could use more than a week of build. We also have a wedding, as PCO and Steph de Lander are having a rapid fire wedding, which feels ripe for interruption. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening recap.

Rascalz vs. Mike Bailey/Kushida/Trent Seven

Kushida wristlocks Miguel to start and takes him down with a wristdrag. That doesn’t work for the Rascalz, who start the fast paced comeback, only for Bailey to come in for the bouncing kicks. It’s off to Seven for the step up flipping backsplash and a near fall as the fast start continues. Lee sends Seven into the corner and it’s Wentz coming in with a rather extended Bronco Buster.

Seven chops Miguel out of the air though and hits a DDT for a double breather. Kushida comes back in for the basement dropkick into the Hoverboard Lock, with Wentz having to make the save. Lee is back up with the Cardiac Kick but Seven pulls him down from the top with the swinging slam for two. The Seven Star Lariat looks to set up the Ultimate Weapon to Miguel but Wentz makes the save. Miguel takes out Bailey and Kushida, leaving Hot Fire Flame to finish Seven at 8:13.

Rating: B-. This was billed as a tribute to the first match in TNA history and…I guess? It was a fast paced six man tag and that’s about it, which is didn’t exactly feel like some kind of an homage. Not a bad match at all, but it wasn’t exactly some great showcase or anything we haven’t seen done multiple times.

Jordynne Grace doesn’t think much of Ash By Elegance and issues an open challenge for next week.

Campaign Singh is on the phone with Mustafa Ali, who questions his loyalty. Singh will figure out a way to prove it.

Rosemary vs. Kristara

Rosemary has a butcher knife before powering Kristara into the corner to start. The Upside down has Kristara in more trouble but she’s back up with a fisherman’s suplex for two. Not that it matters as Rosemary grabs As Above So Below for the pin at 2:10.

Post match Rosemary puts a black rose on her chest.

The System says they’ll be back after a terrible night.

Mike Santana doesn’t want the System to forget their unfinished business. Campaign Singh is ready to prove his loyalty by facing Santana tonight. Santana will go make it happen.

Josh Alexander is introduced but we go to him in the back, where he says he doesn’t owe anyone an expectation. He is the greatest Canadian wrestler today and he opened doors so Joe Hendry could walk through them and so you could believe in Nic Nemeth. He’s done caring about the people.

Ryan Nemeth vs. Frankie Kazarian

The bell rings and Kazarian goes to the ring announcer to insists that he is introduced as the King Of TNA. Somehow Nemeth is knocked down anyway but starts working on the arm to take over. A dropkick puts Kazarian down but he’s back up with suplex into the corner as we take a break. Back with Nemeth firing off right hands and hitting some clotheslines, setting up a neckbreaker for two. Kazarian is right back with a shot of his own but Fade To Black doesn’t work. The slingshot cutter does though and Nemeth is done at 8:20.

Rating: C+. This was the right way to go as there was no reason for Nemeth to be a major threat to an established veteran like Kazarian. Sometimes you just need to give a star a nice win and that’s what Kazarian got here. There is a good chance that Kazarian will get the shot at Emergence and I’ve heard worse ideas.

Post match here is Josh Alexander to give Nemeth a C4 Spike.

Ultimate X is back at Emergence.

Masha Slamovich vs. Jody Threat

Alisha Edwards and Dani Luna are here too and this is a rematch from Bloodsport, where Slamovich won. Luna runs her over to start and hits a quick shoulder for two. Edwards grabs the leg though and Slamovich pulls Luna down by the hair to take over. The chinlock is broken up and Luna sends her into the ropes for some running knees to the back. Slamovich is right back with a sitout powerbomb for two so Alisha puts a title around the turnbuckle, ala at Slammiversary. As expected, Slamovich goes into it instead and Shove It finishes for Luna at 4:50.

Rating: C. I’m guessing this is the way to set up another Knockouts Tag Team Title match because that’s how almost all of the title matches are set around here. They set this up at Slammiversary and it makes Luna look good to catch Slamovich with the same thing that cost her at the pay per view. Not much of a match, but they made it work in the limited time they had.

Video on Joe Hendry’s rise.

Mike Santana vs. Campaign Singh

Singh jumps him to start but gets knocked into the corner for a dropkick to the back of the head. Santana puts him down again and hits Spin The Block for the pin at 1:52. That’s about the only way this should have gone.

Post match Santana promises to win the World Title, but he’ll start with Moose.

TNA World Title: Nic Nemeth vs. Mustafa Ali

Nemeth is defending and grabs a headlock to start. They trade shoulders until Nemeth dropkicks him out to the floor without much trouble. Back in and they run the ropes until Nemeth hits a hard clothesline before hammering away in the corner. Ali sends him chest first into the corner to take over, only to have Nemeth send him face first into the buckle. They go outside where Ali hits a quick electric chair drop and we take a break.

Back with Ali fighting out of a chinlock and getting two off a backslide. A neckbreaker puts Ali down again and the ten elbows keep him in trouble. Nemeth’s top rope DDT connects but Ali kicks him down to block the superkick. Nemeth backdrops him out to the floor and there’s a slingshot into the post. Cue the Secret Service for a distraction, allowing Ali to grab a Sharpshooter. That’s broken up and Nemeth hits a superkick into the Danger Zone to retain at 14:28.

Rating: B-. What we got was good, but I was expecting more from these two. Ali was presented as a major deal in the X-Division for a long time and feels like one of the bigger names in the company. Then their title match was set up on a week’s notice and doesn’t even get fifteen minutes. This felt like it could have headlined a monthly special but instead it’s just here. Certainly not bad at all, but it could have been a lot more.

Post match Josh Alexander comes out for a staredown.

It’s time for the wedding of PCO and Steph de Lander with Santino Marella officiating. Rhino (wearing a tie over his gear in a funny visual) is the best man and Xia Brookside is the maid of honor (in black of course). Naturally de Lander has the Bride of Frankenstein hairdo and they have a rather odd set of vows, including never complaining when the electricity bill is too high. Marella calls the groom Pico, with PCO screaming instead of saying any vows. They exchange rings (one of them still has a finger) but cue First Class to interrupt.

Or never mind as they say get your freak on. They kiss….and Matt Cardona is back, complete with a gift. That would be…part of a brick, which he uses to knock out PCO. Cardona says the Digital Media Title is his and tells de Lander to come with him…but she screams at Cardona instead. PCO gets up and Cardona leaves on his own, shouting about how it’s not supposed to be this way. De Lander cries to end the show. Points for a good double surprise there, but I can’t imagine this ends with anything but Cardona and de Lander together.

Overall Rating: B. This was a good mixture of action and a big moment at the end, with Cardona’s return being timed rather well. Throw in a World Title match that felt big and they had a solid show here. It could have been better with a bit more, but what matters most is that I’m curious to see where some of these stories go. That’s a good sign going into Emergence and beyond, with Bound For Glory looming way off in the distance.

Rascalz b. Trent Seven/Kushida/Mike Bailey – Hot Fire Flame to Seven
Rosemary b. Kristara – As Above So Below
Frankie Kazarian b. Ryan Nemeth – Slingshot cutter
Dani Luna b. Masha Slamovich – Shove It
Mike Santana b. Campaign Singh – Spin The Block
Nic Nemeth b. Mustafa Ali – Danger Zone



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Impact Wrestling – July 4, 2024: We Have A Match

Impact Wrestling
Date: July 4, 2024
Location: 2300 Arena, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Commentators: Tom Hannifan, Matthew Rehwoldt

We are just over two weeks away from Slammiversary and the World Title match is rapidly coming together. Most of the five challengers are set and that means we should be able to finish the lineup this week. Other than that, PCO is still chasing revenge on First Class and we might see more from that here. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening recap.

Trey Miguel vs. Leon Slater

Zachary Wentz is here with Miguel. They fight over wrist control to start with neither being able to get anywhere. Miguel takes him down by the arm but Slater is right back up with a kick to the face. The handspring elbow puts Miguel down and Slater sends him to the floor for the slingshot dive. Back in and Miguel hits a running dropkick in the corner for two, with Wentz getting in a choke on the ropes.

A Lionsault misses though and Slater kicks him in the face for two more. They forearm it out until Slater hits a running swinging cutter (that was cool) for another near fall. Back up and Miguel kicks him in the face, only to get caught with a Blue Thunder Bomb. The Swanton 450 is loaded up but cue NXT’s Charlie Dempsey to jump Slater for the DQ at 6:55.

Rating: B-. This was a match that was designed to be all about the interference ending but they happened to have a good match on the way there. Slater isn’t someone who is reinventing the wheel but he does well with the things he is doing. Miguel is someone who has been around long enough that it means something to be in there with him, making this a nice match to set up a cool ending.

Post match Dempsey beats up all three of them, including the weird STF on Slater.

Broken Matt and Rebecca Hardy are ready for the System. Rebecca speaking normally and Matt being Broken is a weird way to go.

The Rascalz want to fight Charlie Dempsey so they’re ready for next week.

Dani Luna vs. Jody Threat

This is a ten minute challenge match. Luna powers her into the corner to start and we get a clean break. They fight over a headlock with neither being able to get very far so Threat switches to a wristlock. That means another standoff as they’re firmly in first gear to start. We cut to the back where Nic Nemeth has been attacked and come back to both of them grabbing the ropes to avoid a collision.

Threat avoids a charge in the corner and clotheslines away but Luna snaps off a belly to belly as the pace picks up a bit. Threat works on an armbar on the mat before hitting a pump kick for two. Luna knocks her to the apron and they fight over a suplex until Threat sends her outside. A clothesline puts Luna back inside, where Luna superplexes her into a Falcon Arrow for the time limit draw at…9:02?

Rating: C+. This took its time to get going before they started to cook, which was kind of the point. This wasn’t about two people who were mad at each other but rather a glorified getting to know you situation. At the same time, this still only feels so interesting as the team still doesn’t have much of a history but is still doing all kinds of stuff like this. Nice enough match, but it feels like a piece of a much longer story.

They want five more minutes so let’s keep it going. And then Alisha Edwards and Masha Slamovich run in for the no contest at 7 seconds.

Mustafa Ali tries to retract his challenge for the X-Division Title from last week because Mike Bailey hasn’t earned a shot. Marella says he has a point, so Bailey has to win a #1 contenders match next week.

Mike Santana and Frankie Kazarian are ready for their chance to make it to the World Title match at Slammiversary.

Road To Slammiversary Qualifying Match: Frankie Kazarian vs. Mike Santana

Santana sends him into the corner to start and hits a nice crossbody. Kazarian hits his Fameasser in the ropes to send Santana outside and we take a break. Back with Kazarian hitting a hard clothesline but getting caught with a Death Valley Driver for two. The big Cannonball connects in the corner but Kazarian cuts off the dive.

The slingshot DDT gets two on Santana and the springboard spinning legdrop gets two. Fade To Black and Spin The Block are both blocked so Kazarian hits a Backstabber into the chickenwing. That’s broken up as well and Santana grabs the Buck Fifty for two of his own. Cue JDC for a distraction, only to have Santana hit a big flip dive onto Kazarian. The distraction lets JDC post Santana though and Kazarian wins by countout at 10:06.

Rating: B-. That’s about as good of a way to protect Santana as they have and it is good to see said protection taking place. Santana is someone who has done well since his return to the company but Kazarian is the better option at the moment. Kazarian is one of the most established stars in TNA and it makes sense to put him in the World Title match, especially in a way like this.

The ABC wants their Tag Team Titles back and have their shot against the System at Slammiversary.

We look at First Class messing with PCO and Steph de Lander.

PCO shocks de Lander back to life.

First Class brags about their success, with AJ Francis saying he’ll defend his titles anywhere anytime. Santino Marella comes in to say the Digital Media Title is on the line next week, but win lose or draw, it’s Francis vs. PCO at Slammiversary.

The System vs. Matt Hardy/Rebecca Hardy

That would be Eddie Edwards/Alisha Edwards for the System, with Brian Myers in their corner. Rebecca chases Alisha on the floor to start but it’s the men getting things going in the ring. Eddie gets driven into the corner and stomped down by both Hardys. The strike off goes to Matt, who misses a charge and goes shoulder first into the post as we take a break.

Back with Eddie being rammed into Alisha, allowing the tag to Rebecca to pick up the pace. Rebecca tackles Alisha as everything breaks down. Something like Poetry In Motion hits Eddie but a cheap shot cuts Rebecca off. Matt gets clotheslined on the floor, leaving Rebecca to get choked in the corner.

Rebecca fights up and avoids a charge, allowing the tag off to Matt as the fans…don’t seem to respond. The Side Effect gets two on Eddie so Myers interferes, earning himself an ejection. Eddie’s Blue Thunder Bomb gets two but Rebecca gets in the way of the Boston Knee Party. Rebecca kicks Eddie low and a pair of Twists of Fate finish at 11:36.

Rating: C. This was Rebecca’s big return to the ring and it kind of showed why she isn’t overly remembered for her in-ring work. She’s passable enough but there is nothing that makes me want to see her get back in the ring. Then again that is the case with a lot of the Broken stuff, but the Hardys are going to get the focus no matter what they are doing around here.

In the back, Brian Myers and JDC yell at Santino Marella, with the ABC coming in to mock them. Marella makes the tag match for next week.

Jordynne Grace doesn’t like Ash By Elegance being on vacation and issues another open challenge to anyone from any promotion for next week.

Joe Hendry and Jake Something are ready for the Road To Slammiversary.

Road To Slammiversary: Jake Something vs. Joe Hendry

Before the match, Hendry asks about Something asking questions after he hits a move. After his usual spiel, we’re ready to go with an exchange of headlocks to get things going. Hendry manages a delayed suplex for two as the fans are way behind him, as you might have expected. Back up and Something hits a quick headbutt to take over and they head outside, with Hendry being sat on the apron for a running crossbody. They get back inside with Something hitting a hard clothesline for two as we take a break.

Back with Hendry fighting out of a chinlock and striking away in the corner. Something plants him right back down with a Michinoku Driver for two and things slow back down. The chinlock goes on again but Hendry fights up (also again) and clotheslines him to the floor. Something misses a charge and hits the ropes before they go back in, with the fans behind Hendry.

Something charges into the fall away slam but the Standing Ovation is countered into a Batista Bomb to give Something two. Into The Void is countered so Something runs him over, only for Hendry to pop up for a double knockdown. They slug it out until Hendry hits an RKO into the Standing Ovation for the pin at 15:04.

Rating: B-. Hendry continues to be the big hope for the company and that means he has to be in the World Title picture going forward. I don’t think he needs to win the title at Slammiversary, but this is a big step in the right direction. The key thing is the fans are that into him and TNA seems to understand that concept.

Post match Hendry says he is one step closer and thanks the fans for helping him get here.

The System goes to leave with Moose praising JDC for taking out Mike Santana and Nic Nemeth. JDC says he didn’t do anything to Nemeth, leaving the System confused as they pull away. We see Frankie Kazarian smoking a cigar and calling them marks, then asking a cameraman (not the one holding the camera we’re watching from) why he’s filming to end the show.

Overall Rating: B-. This show was more about finalizing the prep for Slammiversary, as you could probably guess most of the card coming in. There is nothing wrong with that and they did a nice enough job setting things up for the event. The pieces are in place for Slammiversary to be good, but as usual, the execution is what matters. Just get us to Montreal and everything should work out well enough.

Trey Miguel b. Leon Slater via DQ when Charlie Dempsey interfered
Dani Luna vs. Jody Threat went to a no contest when Masha Slamovich and Alisha Edwards interfered
Frankie Kazarian b. Mike Santana via countout
Matt Hardy/Rebecca Hardy b. The System – Twist of Fate to Eddie
Joe Hendry b. Jake Something – Standing Ovation



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Impact Wrestling – June 13, 2024: Birthday Edition

Impact Wrestling
Date: June 13, 2024
Location: MegaCorp Pavilion, Newport, Kentucky
Commentators: Matthew Rehwoldt, Tom Hannifan

It’s the go home show for Against All Odds and that means the show is mostly done. At the same time, it means that we are ready for more of the Matt Hardy situation, which could see the Broken Universe return. That isn’t exactly the most thrilling prospect but Joe Hendry could be on the horizon. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening recap.

Zachary Wentz vs. Mike Santana

Trey Miguel is here with Wentz. Santana strikes away in the corner to start and hits a backdrop, meaning it’s time for an early breather on the floor. A Miguel distraction lets Wentz score with a moonsault to take over and it’s a running shooting star press for two back inside. The armbar goes on to keep Santana down and a kick to the back makes it worse.

We hit the chinlock for a bit before Santana fights up and sends him outside. Back in and Santana hits a Death Valley Driver for two but misses Spin The Block. Instead Wentz him down and drops a Swanton Bomb for two of his own. They trade kicks to the head until Wentz hits a headlock DDT. Miguel loads up a shot of his own but cue Steve Maclin to cut him off. Spin The Block finishes for Santana at 7:48.

Rating: C+. As usual, it was a singles match between halves of a tag team, though at least in this case Maclin and Santana aren’t a regular team. Santana is still establishing himself as a singles wrestler and a win like this is a good thing to see. I could go for more from Santana, which is a good sign for his current run.

We get a sitdown interview with Mustafa Ali, who avoids tough questions and cites good things he’s done for the X-Division Title to ignore allegations of cheating. Questions about Mike Bailey have Ali annoyed but Champagne Singh calms him down to end the interview.

The System is going to the Hardy Compound but Alisha and Eddie Edwards aren’t sure about this. Masha Slamovich comes in to talk to Alisha, who doesn’t have time for this. The Hex comes in to mock the champs for not getting along.

Masha Slamovich vs. Marti Belle

Alisha Edwards and Allysin Kay are here too. Feeling out process to start with Belle knocking her down, followed by a hard forearm. Belle takes too long posing though and gets clotheslines, only for Kay to get in a cheap shot from the floor. Belle’s rollup with feet on the ropes gets caught but one with an assist from Kay is enough for the pin at 4:34.

Rating: C-. Not much to see here, with Belle stealing a pin, likely setting up the Knockouts Tag Team Title match either at Against All Odds or later. That isn’t the most thrilling prospect, especially when it is the second match of the night with this setup, but also because the champs are already not on the same match. This wasn’t very good and I’m not exactly interested in what they’re doing.

Steph de Lander is going to tell PCO something tomorrow night but First Class pops in to steal her black rose.

Here is First Class for a chat. They brag about their success with the Digital Media Title but PCO pops in to clean house and take the black rose back.

Tasha Steelz vs. Dani Luna

Jody Threat and Lars Fredericksen are here too. Luna powers her into the corner to start but Steelz gets in a kick to the ribs. A basement clothesline and falcon arrow give Luna two each but Steelz breaks up a superplex attempt. We take a break and come back with an exchange of forearms to the face.

Back up and they trade running boots to leave them both down. Luna hits another running dropkick and a quick powerbomb gets two. Steelz knocks her back down and grabs the Rings of Saturn, with Luna having to make the rope. A quick Blue Thunder Bob gives Luna two but the Luna Landing is blocked. Steelz tries a cutter, which is countered into the Luna Landing to give Luna the pin at 11:56.

Rating: C. I haven’t gotten much out of Spitfire either as a team or on their own and that was pretty much the case again here. Luna continues to get some momentum going and odds are Spitfire gets another Tag Team Title shot down the line. They’re perfectly fine as a team, but the match here was just more run of the mill stuff that didn’t really stand out.

Joe Hendry got beaten down last week but now he has enlisted Ace Steele to help him. Frankie Kazarian comes in to say he put on a clinic last week. Hendry: “If that was a clinic, the patient died.” A match is made between the two of them at Against All Odds.

The System looks for a way into the Hardy Compound. Post break, they find their way to the back, where Matt Hardy meets them from a balcony. His family, including Senior Benjamin, are waiting for him. Moose walks into a trap, which sets off a bunch of fireworks, while Brian Myers is confused by a Curt Hawkins figure. He goes into Matt’s arcade and finds more figures, as planed by one of Matt’s sons. Then Myers is scared by moments from his past, including a pair of Edge tights and discussions of his losing streaks.

We cut over to Eddie Edwards being stalked by another of Matt’s sons and then turning into the American Wolf (as in a werewolf). We cut to Alisha Edwards slowly walking through the house as Reby Hardy plays piano. Then Reby’s daughter uses magic to send things flying at Alisha.

We cut to another of Matt’s kids guiding Moose to Matt. This includes a stop at Senor Benjamin’s house, where he watches previous Broken Matt exploits. Matt pops up and attacks Moose, including putting him in a wheelchair. We cut to Reby seemingly beheading Alisha with a guillotine and then cut back to Matt sending Moose into the Lake Of Reincarnation. Moose comes out in football gear but Vanguard 1 shows up for a distraction, allowing Matt to hit a Twist of Fate. The System bails while still making threats.

This stuff was funny at one point but then it became the same jokes over and over again, as the Hardys are weird and their kids are creepy. It really feels like Matt is the only one who wants to do this and that doesn’t make for a good show over and over. This just kept going and was more about references from other promotions, which don’t make me want to see the matches on Friday, but rather just getting rid of Hardy in general. Not good here, though I’m sure it still has something of an audience.

Ash By Elegance vs. Jada Stone

Rosemary is watching from the rafters as they have a feeling out process to start. Stone dropkicks her to the floor, where Ash gets in a cheap shot and a suplex. Ash hammers away and hits the handspring elbow in the corner. Stone gets in a shot of her own but the moonsault hits raised knees. A clothesline into Rarefied Air finishes for Ash at 3:53.

Rating: C. Not quite a squash here but Ash continues her rise before a likely title win down the line. It’s hard to imagine she isn’t getting the title shot at Slammiversary and the belt at some point. There is nothing wrong with giving her a quick win like this between the important stuff so no complaints here.

Jonathan Gresham, in the mask, says Sami Callihan makes him laugh. So why would Callihan want to fight him again? At Against All Odds, it’s Gresham vs. Callihan’s immune system. Wow that was a terrible line and yet somehow, this story is continuing.

Jordynne Grace is disappointed at losing to Roxanne Perez at Battleground but wants to return the favor. It’s an open challenge for a Knockouts Title shot at Against All Odds for anyone from any promotion.

Against All Odds rundown.

ABC vs. Nic Nemeth/Ryan Nemeth

Ryan and Bey both miss takedown attempts to start before Ryan’s headlock doesn’t get him very far. Nic comes in to roll Bey up for two but Bey takes him down for a change and throws in a hip swivel. It’s off to Austin for two off la majistral but Nic gets in a backdrop. That’s fine with Bey, who is right there with a double stomp to the back to cut him off again.

We take a break and come back with Nic still in trouble, including a double suplex to put him down again. Austin drops him with a belly to back suplex and grabs a headscissors choke to keep things slow. Bey’s crossbody gets two but Nic finally avoids a charge and bring Ryan in to clean house. It’s quickly back to Nic for the Fameasser and a near fall on Bey before Ryan comes back in for the forearm exchange.

A double knockdown allows the tags off to Nic and Austin as the pace picks up. Austin hits a middle rope spinning kick to the face for two as everything breaks down. We hit the parade of secondary finishers and everyone is down again. Bey and Ryan go to the floor so Austin stomps Nic down. The 1-2-Sweet is broken up though and the Danger Zone gives Nic the pin on Bey at 20:49.

Rating: B-. This might as well have been Nic and Nic Jr fighting ABC and again, that doesn’t make me want to see them getting a Tag Team Title shot. The Nemeths are fine in the ring, but Ryan has never been a star and that is the case for a reason. Best match of the night here, though that isn’t saying much.

Overall Rating: C. You really can feel the decline in TNA in recent months and that is hitting hard as we get to Against All Odds. The main event was good and there were a few other ok moments (the opener was completely acceptable) but between the Hardys and the weird obsession with tag wrestlers in singles matches, there is very little I want to see at Against All Odds. I’m holding out hope for Joe Hendry, but I’m not sure if he is going to be able to save enough of this company with the way things are going.

Mike Santana b. Zachary Wentz – Spin The Block
Marti Belle b. Masha Slamovich – Rollup with assist from Allysin Kay
Dani Luna b. Tasha Steelz – Luna Landing
Ash By Elegance b. Jada Stone – Rarefied Air
Ryan Nemeth/Nic Nemeth b. ABC – Danger Zone to Bey



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Impact Wrestling – May 23, 2024: TNA Gonna TNA

Impact Wrestling
Date: May 23, 2024
Location: MegaCorp Pavilion, Newport, Kentucky
Commentators: Matthew Rehwoldt, Tom Hannifan

We are coming up on Against All Odds and after last week’s show, it would seem that Joe Hendry is on his way towards at least some kind of title shot. That would be quite the shot in the arm around here, but there is a good chance that we’ll have to wait for Matt Hardy to get his chance first. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening recap.

Opening sequence.

The System vs. Matt Hardy/Ryan Nemeth

Non-title and Alisha Edwards is here with the System. Hardy rolls Eddie up for a fast two before knocking him down in the corner. Nemeth comes in but gets driven into the wrong corner, allowing the tag off to Myers. The villains manage to take Nemeth down and Myers grabs a quick chinlock.

A suplex drops Nemeth for two but he’s back up with the running DDT, which is exactly like his brother’s, because…well why else would he be here? It’s back to Hardy to pick up the pace with Hardy grabbing a double underhook neck crank until Myers makes a save. The Backpack Stunner/elbow combination is broken up and a Twist of Fate drops Eddie. Nemeth’s high crossbody finishes Myers at 6:59.

Rating: C-. I don’t know where to start with this, but the Tag Team Champions just got pinned by a makeshift team featuring an ancient Matt Hardy and a guy who name might as well be “Dolph Ziggler’s Little Brother”. I’m not sure what the appeal for this was supposed to be, but I would think there would be a better way to make it happen. On top of that, the match wasn’t even very good, as it’s hard to ignore how Ryan is just cosplaying as his brother.

Post match the System jumps Hardy and Nemeth, with Moose coming in to take out Hardy. Nic Nemeth runs in for the save.

ABC isn’t happy that they’re not in the #1 contenders match for the X-Division Title but they’re totally on the same page. Well they’re mostly on the same page, but maybe they need to fight to get this out of their system.

The Nemeths and Matt Hardy come in to see Santino Marella. He thinks Matt and Ryan deserve a Tag Team Title shot but Matt doesn’t want that. Instead, Santino makes Matt the #1 contender to the World Title and gives the Nemeths a Tag Team Title shot, all at Against All Odds. Completely logical on all counts there.

Rascalz vs. Sinner & Saint

Miguel locks up with Saint to start before Sinner comes in to take Miguel into the corner. It’s back to Saint, who gets knocked down by Wentz for a standing shooting star press. Saint is back up with a spinning shot to the face, allowing Sinner and Miguel to come back in. A Stunner into a bridging German suplex gets two on Miguel but Wentz is back with a running stomp/backbreaker combination for the pin at 4:22.

Rating: C+. Sinner & Saint got in some offense here and did look good in their limited time out there. I was surprised by how much the Rascalz gave them but it was kind of nice to see something other than a total squash. The Rascalz are already dealing with Steve Maclin so giving them a win here was good.

Post match Steve Maclin comes in to lay out the Rascalz.

In the back, Maclin says he’s done with the Rascalz and wants Mike Santana. Cue Santana to say they can fight again next week.

Back from a break and Frankie Kazarian is yelling at the ring announcer before saying he is leaving the building. As he leaves, he runs into Deaner, who is coming to the ring for a chat.

Deaner doesn’t know what Kazarian’s problem was but he has his own problem right now. He calls (and receives) Jake Something to the ring, where Deaner says he deserved last week’s attack. Something did it after Deaner turned on him years ago, so we’ll chalk it up to family issues. Deaner asks the fans if he and Something should shake hands, which draws out the Good Hands to interrupt. They don’t care what the people want and no one cares about this whole thing. Skyler mocks Something’s intelligence and the fight is on, with the Good Hands being cleared out. Santino, tag match, go.

Deaner/Jake Something vs. Good Hands

The bell rings and we take a break about ten seconds in. Back with Deaner hitting Hotch in the face for two but Skyler comes in off a blind tag. Something gets drawn in, leaving Deaner to get tied in the Tree of Woe, with the Hands standing on him. A Russian legsweep gives Hotch two but Deaner gets over to Something for the house cleaning. Everything breaks down and Deaner sends Skyler to Something for Into The Void and the pin at 10:06.

Rating: C. This was almost disappointing, as the idea of the Deaners reuniting is almost hard to stomach. They weren’t a great team in the first place and having Something, who has shown a bunch of potential, teaming with Deaner again isn’t the best idea. Hopefully this is just a short term thing, but you never can tell around here

Post match Something eventually shakes his hand.

Jordynne Grace says last week’s loss isn’t on her, but now she wants a new opponent.

The System isn’t happy with they have to do at Against All Odds but Moose rallies the troops. Joe Hendry comes in for the staredown but Eddie Edwards is willing to face him next week.

Knockouts Title: Jordynne Grace vs. Marti Belle

Belle is challenging but we pause for Ash By Elegance’s lackey to come in and say Ash isn’t here due to her injury last week. Worry not though as he brings in….a mannequin of Ash. We’re ready to go after the Big Match Intros, with Grace running her over with a shoulder. Belle manages to sweep the leg and hits a running kick to the chest for two. Grace fights out of the corner but gets dropped with a right hand for one. A Stroke drops Grace for two as the lackey is pouring champagne for the mannequin. Grace shrugs it off and hits the Juggernaut Driver to retain at 4:24.

Rating: C. Belle is a name from the company’s history but at the same time, she was just there as a brief obstacle for Grace to run through again. While it sees that Ash is the next big thing in the division, we could be waiting a long time before we get there. This was little more than a workout for Grace, who needs to face Ash already and get some fresh blood int the title picture.

Post match Allysin Kay (Belle’s partner) comes in and jumps Grace, even hitting her with the mannequin. The two of them (Kay and Belle, not the mannequin) leave Grace laying.

We look at Kushida coughing up the black goo from Jonathan Gresham.

Santino Marella calls Jonathan Gresham, saying that every referee will be wearing gloves and a mask going forward. This is treated as ominous.

Jody Threat vs. Tasha Steelz

Dani Luna and Lars Frederiksen is here with Threat and we get some grappling to start. Steelz chops her up against the ropes but gets thrown down with a suplex. Threat hits some dropkicks and a pump kick, followed by a powerbomb. Instead of covering, Threat yells a lot, allowing Steelz to send her into the post. A cutter gives Steelz the pin at 4:43.

Rating: C-. This show is falling downhill in a hurry and this was another good example. It’s another example of a team being together for about 18 seconds and then spending weeks (if not months) on their breakup and then an eventual feud. I’m sure this will continue to go on for weeks, building off the five (yes five) regular tag matches they had together. The fact that those five matches included winning and losing the Tag Team Titles tells you a lot about the division as a whole, and now one of the teams doesn’t seem to have much longer to go.

PCO shouts for Steph and holds up the black rose. Oh there is potential with this.

First Class want a title and have something specific in mind.

Mike Bailey vs. Trent Seven

For an X-Division Title shot at Against All Odds. They strike it out to start, with Bailey snapping off the bouncing kicks to send him to the apron. The springboard moonsault takes Seven out again, followed by a missile dropkick back inside. An exchange of chops, including some to the back, sets up Seven grabbing a DDT and the swinging slam for two. Bailey kicks him down and hits a running shooting star press for two.

Seven grabs a powerbomb out of the corner but misses a dive, only to get his knees up to block a shooting star press. Mustafa Ali comes out to watch as we take a break. Back with Seven missing the Seven Star Lariat and Bailey trying a poisonrana but not getting all of it. Bailey takes him up but gets brought back down with a super swinging slam. Now the Seven Star Lariat connects for two (Ali approves).

Seven knocks him outside and hits the suicide dive and they’re both down. Bailey’s running boot hits Ali by mistake, though he doesn’t seem too upset. They chop it out on the floor before diving back in, where Bailey hits a chop but staggers away anyway. Bailey kicks him down and hits the moonsault knees for two. The Tornado kick connects but Seven drops him anyway.

They go to the apron where Seven hits another Seven Star Lariat, followed by the Birminghammer. Another Seven Star Lariat gets two back inside but Bailey reverses the X Plex into a DDT. Bailey’s moonsault knees connects on the apron but Ali goes after Bailey for a distraction. Cue Champagne Singh of all people to crotch Bailey on top (commentary says Seven didn’t see it), allowing Seven to hit another Birminghammer for the pin at 20:17.

Rating: B. Easily the best match on the show, with a reason for a team to be fighting, albeit with a not so great ending. I can get why they didn’t want either of them to lose clean and the interference lets the team stay together, but Champagne Singh being back is hardly thrilling stuff. It would seem he’s with Ali, who might not want to face Bailey, but they couldn’t find someone more interesting to play that role?

Overall Rating: C. Main event aside, this was a very rough sit as the company seems to have hit a wall in a hurry. There was a lot on here that was neither good nor interesting and that made for a terribly boring show at times. Seeing Hardy and Dolph Ziggler’s Brother (he looks like Ziggler and uses the same moves so the name is accurate) as featured players, the Deaners teasing a reunion and yet another short lived team falling apart is not a good way to spend most of two hours. I hope this is just a bad funk rather than what we can expect now that Scott D’Amore is gone, but I’m not getting my hopes up.

Matt Hardy/Ryan Nemeth b. The System – High crossbody to Myers
Rascalz b. Sinner & Saint – Running stomp/backbreaker combination to Saint
Deaner/Jake Something b. Good Hands – Into The Void to Skyler
Jordynne Grace b. Marti Belle – Juggernaut Driver
Tasha Steelz b. Jody Threat – Cutter
Trent Seven b. Mike Bailey – Birminghammer



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Impact Wrestling – May 2, 2024: Over Siege

Impact Wrestling
Date: May 2, 2024
Location: Palms Casino Resort, Paradise, Nevada
Commentators: Matthew Rehwoldt, Tom Hannifan

We are in a bit of a unique place here as we have more fallout from Rebellion and only one day before Under Siege. The latter is not looking to be the strongest card and could use something of a boost. Hopefully we get something like that this week though you never can tell around here. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening recap.

Opening sequence.

First Class is in a box to see Joe Hendry’s in-ring apology.

Mustafa Ali vs. Chris Bey

Non-title and Ali’s security/Ace Austin are here too. They fight over wrist control to start until Ali elbow shim in the face to take over. Bey is sent throat first into the ropes but he manages to knock Ali into the Tree of Woe. A Coast To Coast elbow gives Bey two but Ali pulls him down off the top with a nasty crash. One heck of a whip into the corner puts Ali down again and they slug it out.

Ali’s rollup with feet on the ropes is broken up by Austin, who gets taken down by a dive. Bey dives onto Ali, who is right back with a superkick inside. Back up and Bey grabs a Vertebreaker of all things for two and they fight out to the apron. Ali hits a German suplex but misses the 450, allowing Bey to hit the cutter. The security guard gets in a flag pole shot to drop Bey though and the 450 gives Ali the pin at 10:38.

Rating: B-. There was a lot of interference here and it was distracting from what could have been a heck of a match without it. As it was, we had to settle for a good match between two people who are capable of doing more. I don’t remember the last time I saw Bey have a bad match and Ali is one of the bigger things going around here at the moment. Good opener here and I could go for a higher profile rematch.

Dani Luna vs. Alisha Edwards

Jody Threat and Masha Slamovich are here and Lars Frederiksen is on commentary. Luna forearms her down hard to start but Edwards sends her throat first into the middle rope. The trash talk takes too long though and Luna is back up with a Blue Thunder Bomb but Slamovich gets up for a distraction. Threat goes after Edwards but the distraction lets Slamovich kick Luna in the head for the pin at 3:27.

Rating: C. TNA loves the heck out of the “this challenger has pinned one half of the Knockouts Tag Team Champions” and that’s what we saw again here. It doesn’t even have any kind of impact anymore as we see it happen so often. I’m sure the title match will be fine, but they really need a better way to set this stuff up.

Sami Callihan has his own show called Death Machine TV, where he says…that he has a show. End of first episode.

Cody Deaner vs. Hammerstone

Before the match, Deaner says Santino Marella has allowed them to add a stipulation. It’s the people’s choice and they seem to like Deaner’s idea of a street fight. Deaner slugs away to start and grabs a trashcan lid but gets kicked in the face for taking too long. An annoyed Hammerstone sends him outside and then into the post as we take an early break.

Back with Hammerstone easily blocking a suplex and choking on the ropes. A gorilla press drop onto an open chair has Deaner writhing in pain but for some reason he tries a slam. This goes as well as you would expect, though he manages to escape the Nightmare Pendulum. Now a slam onto the chair puts Hammerstone down and it’s time to bring in a table. That takes too long and it’s a chokeslam to put Deaner through the table. The torture rack gives Hammerstone the win at 10:05.

Rating: C. The People’s Choice gimmick is a unique idea and it’s working well enough, though it’s not like Deaner is presented as anything serious. He’s only going to be able to do so much when he’s in there against a new monster like Hammerstone. The Under Siege match against Jake Something should be more competitive, but for now, this was just ok.

Post match the beatdown is on but Jake Something makes the save.

Nic Nemeth’s neck is banged up but Matt Hardy will take his place.

Hardy and Speedball Mountain is ready to defeat the System. Hardy does his Broken stuff and says they will render the System obsolete.

Santino Marella sits down with Jonathan Gresham and welcomes him back. They shake hands and Santino leaves, with what seems like Gresham in the octopus mask replacing him. We cut to Santino washing his hands.

Still in their box, First Class introduces Joe Hendry for the in-ring apology. Hendry comes to the ring with a guitar and says their issues started with a song, meaning they have to end the same way. He sings the first song he wrote about AJ Francis’ failures, which would have been bad enough.

That means we need to hear the second song, which focuses on Francis’ ineptness with dives. This time we need an apology though and Hendry is going to go go higher, meaning it’s time for a Creed inspired theme about how Francis needs to get fired, like he has twice before. Hendry: “I’m sorry.” And that’s it, with the fans loving Hendry even more (as they should after something that awesome).

Here is the System for a chat. They promise to win at Under Siege and that’s about it.

Trey Miguel vs. Ace Austin

Zachary Wentz and Chris Bey are here and the winner gets the X-Division Title shot at Under Siege. They fight over a lockup to start with Austin taking him to the mat before letting it go in a unique look. Both of them try dropkicks and go to the mat, which draws up both of their respective partners. Miguel gets rolled up for two but comes up favoring his knee, meaning it’s time to roll outside. The distraction lets Wentz get in a cheap shot and Miguel is rather fine with a slingshot dive as we take a break.

Back with Austin getting two off another rollup but Miguel chokes away in the corner. A moonsault hits raised knees though and Austin gets a much needed breather. Austin’s springboard spinning kick to the head gets two but Miguel’s jumping stomp to the back gets the same. The Cheeky Nandos kick staggers Austin again and a super sunset flip gives Miguel two. Not that it matters as Austin hits a quick stomp into the Fold for the pin/the title shot at 13:02.

Rating: B-. Just like the opener, this was two guys who can do a lot of good things in the ring having a solid match. In this case there were some stakes, as Austin gets a title shot on a fairly big show, which should make for a solid addition to the card. It should also be interesting that he is getting a shot at the title while Bey didn’t, which could create some issues between the team going forward.

Josh Alexander and Eric Young are ready for Frankie Kazarian and Steve Maclin.

Under Siege rundown.

Knockouts Title: Jordynne Grace vs. Miyu Yamashita

Yamashita is challenging and Ash By Elegance is watching from a skybox. They fight over wrist control to start with Grace rolling away for a break. A kick to the chest puts Grace down but she snaps off a reverse fisherman’s suplex as we take a break. Back with Grace getting planted hard onto the apron for two as Ash seems rather interested. They fight over a choke and…I’m not actually sure who is in trouble but Grace rolls to the ropes to break it up.

Grace is fired up and grabs some slams but a hard kick leaves them both down. They both head up top with Yamashita kneeing away until Grace backdrops her down to the mat. The Juggernaut Driver is blocked so Grace hits a clothesline instead. A spinning kick to the head gives Yamashita two but Grace shrugs it off and grabs the Juggernaut Driver to retain at 9:45.

Rating: C+. They had a fine match but this felt like “here’s a random challenger you might have seen a time or two before” and nothing else. Grace is in a weird spot as she doesn’t have much left in the way of viable challengers so putting her in a match like this is about all that can be done. Not bad at all, but nothing to see here for the most part.

Post match respect is shown and Yamashita leaves, allowing Steph de Lander to run in and jump Grace. Kon shows up to twist Grace’s neck but PCO appears for the save. The villains are cleared out to end the show.

Overall Rating: C+. The wrestling was good but there is absolutely no hiding how lame Under Siege is looking. There is nothing on that show that feels remotely important and it might as well be a house show at this rate. We had some good action this week and it’s wasn’t a bad show, but I wasn’t interested in Under Siege coming into this and I’m less interested in it now.

Mustafa Ali b. Chris Bey – 450
Alisha Edwards b. Dani Luna – Spinning kick to the head from Masha Slamovich
Hammerstone b. Cody Deaner – Torture rack
Ace Austin b. Trey Miguel – The Fold
Jordynne Grace b. Miyu Yamashita – Juggernaut Driver



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