Wrestlemania Count-Up – Wrestlemania XX (2015 Redo): Welcome Home

IMG Credit: WWE

Wrestlemania XX
Date: March 14, 2004
Location: Madison Square Garden, New York City, New York
Attendance: 18,500
Commentators: Jim Ross, Jerry Lawler, Tazz, Michael Cole

The Harlem Boys Choir sings America the Beautiful.

US Title: John Cena vs. Big Show

Cena sticks and moves to start but Show throws him to the floor with ease. Still mostly uneducated, Cena tries to come back in with a high cross body and gets powerslammed to teach him a lesson. Cole describes a headbutt from Show as being hit in the head with a typewriter. Are there a lot of reports of being hit in the head with typewriters and comparisons to headbutts from large wrestlers?

Raw Tag Team Titles: La Resistance vs. Dudley Boyz vs. Garrison Cade/Mark Jindrak vs. Rob Van Dam/Booker T.

Bubba tries a little Flip Flop and Fly but gets kick in the face for his troubles. Van Dam adds one to D-Von and we settle down to Jindrak beating on Booker. Dupree tags himself in and La Resistance takes over with stomps and a bow and arrow from Conway. After far too long in the hold, Booker gets up and grabs a spinebuster, allowing the tag to Van Dam. House is quickly cleaned as everything breaks down. Cade breaks up 3D on Booker but Booker nails the scissors kick on Conway, followed by the Five Star to retain at 7:57.

We recap Christian vs. Chris Jericho. This was an awesome story as the two were tag partners who made a bet over who could “nail” Lita or Trish respectfully for $1 Canadian. Lita dropped out of the story pretty quickly but Jericho started to actually fall for Trish. She started to have feelings for Jericho too but Christian hated the fact that she was breaking up the team. Christian beat her up in an intergender match to teach Jericho (a full on good guy by now) a lesson. This started a feud between the two and the big showdown is at Wrestlemania.

Christian vs. Chris Jericho

The aggressive Jericho controls to start and backdrops Christian from the apron out to the floor in a unique spot. A springboard plancha puts Christian down but he comes right back with something like a belly to back suplex to send Chris out to the floor in a huge crash. A chinlock keeps Jericho down for a bit before they ram heads to keep him down even longer.

Jericho counters into the Walls though and holds on even as Christian crawls through the ropes to the floor. This brings Trish out to ringside as Christian plants Jericho with a DDT. Trish gets up on the apron so Christian drags her in. Jericho goes over to check on her and gets elbowed in the face by mistake, knocking Jericho into a rollup for the pin at 14:56.

Rating: B-. Fun match here but this was much more about the story than the action. This story worked really well all around and everyone comes out of it looking better, mainly because they took their time and let the story build instead of wedging it into a month and then doing one match followed by a gimmick rematch. It makes for a better story and the whole thing works.

Post match Jericho goes after Christian again but Trish holds him back, only to slap him into the Unprettier. Trish and Christian leave together and kiss on the stage. This gives us evil Trish which, in a word, worked.

Evolution vs. The Rock/Mick Foley

Rating: B. This was great fun with Rock and Flair being the hams that only they can be. They knew they were in the big arena for the smart fans and they played right to them. The real star here though was Foley, who made Orton look like a star here, just as he was supposed to do. They would do that again the next month at Backlash in their big showdown where Foley put Orton over and made him look like a star. Orton would be World Champion in August and these two matches played a big role in getting him there.

Video on the Hall of Fame ceremony, which made its return after an eight year absence. The line of the night came from Bobby Heenan. After thanking everyone: “One thing is missing. I wish Monsoon was here.” That gets me every time.

The Class of 2004 is brought out for the audience and each gets an introduction: Bobby Heenan (playing to the crowd the entire way through), Tito Santana, Big John Studd (represented by his son), Harley Race (the fans start cheering before Gene can start talking), Pete Rose (celebrity induction and said to be incredibly humble and thankful for the honor), Don Muraco, Greg Valentine (much bigger reaction than I was expecting), Junkyard Dog (represented by his daughter), Billy Graham (loudest ovation of the group in a bit of a surprise), Sgt. Slaughter (USA chant) and Jesse Ventura.

Sable/Torrie Wilson vs. Miss Jackie/Stacy Keibler

Clips of fans coming from around the world to see Wrestlemania.

Cruiserweight Title: Cruiserweight Open

This is a gauntlet match with Chavo Guerrero (with his father Chavo Sr.) defending and going in last at #10. Shannon Moore and Ultimo Dragon (a Japanese legend who trips twice during his entrance) start things off fast with some near falls until Shannon scores with a belly to back suplex. Dragon avoids a corkscrew moonsault press and grabs the Asai DDT (kind of a standing sliced bread #2) for the pin at 1:17.

Jamie Noble (a country redneck) is in at #3 and blasts Dragon from behind, only to take some rapid fire kicks to the chest. Noble comes right back with a guillotine choke for a submission at 2:15. Funaki comes in at #4 with a high cross body but Noble rolls through into a pin at 2:23. Nunzio (a stereotypical Italian) is in at #5 and lasts a bit better as the fans want their pizza. A quick rollup gets two on Noble and Nunzio gets the same off a middle rope dropkick.

This set up a showdown here with Austin as guest referee to try to hold things together. The problem is word leaked that both guys were leaving as soon as Wrestlemania was over and the fans all knew about it. This could go bad in a hurry, especially in the smarkiest of all smark strongholds.

Goldberg vs. Brock Lesnar

Another big shoulder apiece puts both guys down as we hit six minutes. Brock gets in the first strike with a kick to the ribs at just under seven minutes. A gorilla press into a spinebuster drops Lesnar but Goldberg misses a spear in the corner. The fans are all over Goldberg now as Brock hits two straight suplexes.

Off to a side choke from Brock to eat up time before they have the nerve to do a double clothesline. Goldberg comes back with more clotheslines and a neckbreaker, followed by a spear for two. Austin and Goldberg argue a bit and Brock grabs an F5 for two. Back up and Goldberg hits a big spear but is booed out of the building. The Jackhammer ends Lesnar at 13:48.

Lesnar throws up two middle fingers (which he later said were to Vince and not the fans) and gets Stunned. Austin throws Goldberg a beer, then throws him two more after he drops the first one. Goldberg is booed out of the building and takes a Stunner, followed by Austin consuming a lot of beer.

Wrestlemania XXI is in Los Angeles.

Fireworks go off from the roof of Madison Square Garden.

Vince McMahon comes out to thank the fans for making Wrestlemania what it is on behalf of everyone who has ever performed for him and his entire family. Nothing else said here but this was a very nice moment.

The champs dance a bit.

Edge is returning from his neck surgery soon.

Molly Holly is ready for her title shot.

Victoria is defending and this is title vs. hair. Feeling out process to start with Molly taking over in the corner, only to be sent out to the floor. Back in and a quick basement dropkick gets two on the champ and we hit a neck crank. A powerslam gets two for Victoria but Lawler keeps trying to talk about the evening gown match. Molly mostly powerbombs Victoria out of the corner for two but a quick backslide retains the title at 4:56.

Rating: C-. This needed more time as they were flying through the match because they only had five minutes instead of a realistic length. If only there was some other stuff they could have cut out from the show that meant absolutely nothing and just ate up parts of the show. These two were both very talented women and they could have a good match if they were given the chance.

After the long video, Molly is still being shaved and is completely bald. The fans are impressed.

Smackdown World Title: Eddie Guerrero vs. Kurt Angle

Eddie is defending of course and rides out in a low rider truck. They hit the mat to start with Eddie hanging with Angle at first until Kurt grabs a headlock. A top wristlock goes well for Angle and he shoulders Eddie down for good measure. Back up and Eddie nails a hard shoulder of his own but is still feeling the effects of the arm work.

Angle is FURIOUS.

We recap Kane vs. Undertaker. Kane hated Undertaker for abandoning the dark side and becoming the biker so Kane helped Vince bury Undertaker alive at Survivor Series 2003. This brought back the Undertaker Kane wanted, but this Undertaker wanted revenge for being buried alive. People tend to do that at times.

Kane vs. Undertaker

Side note: so was that stuff with Bischoff sending Coach to find Undertaker just to set up the Heenan/Okerlund bit? Sounds like a bit of overkill.

Backlash ad.

Raw World Title: Shawn Michaels vs. Chris Benoit vs. HHH

The champ gets rolled with some Germans but Shawn crotches Benoit on top. Sweet Chin Music misses the champ and Shawn gets caught in a DDT. That earns HHH a Crossface until Shawn makes the save. Shawn actually tries a German on Benoit and the fans ROAR when Benoit reverses into a trio of them. The Swan Dive gets two on Shawn and all three are down. Benoit is knocked to the floor so we can get the Shawn vs. HHH quota out of the way. Sweet Chin Music is good for two with Benoit making a last second save.

The Vince dark room video and part of his speech take us to the highlight package.

Ratings Comparison

John Cena vs. Big Show

Original: C-

2013 Redo: C

2015 Redo: C-

Booker T/Rob Van Dam vs. Garrison Cade/Mark Jindrak vs. Dudley Boys vs. La Resistance

Original: D

2013 Redo: D

2015 Redo: D

Christian vs. Chris Jericho

Original: B

2013 Redo: B

2015 Redo: B-

Evolution vs. The Rock/Mick Foley

Original: A

2013 Redo: B

2015 Redo: B

Torrie Wilson/Sable vs. Stacy Keibler/Miss Jackie

Original: F

2013 Redo: N/A

2015 Redo: N/A

Cruiserweight Open

Original: D+

2013 Redo: D

2015 Redo: D

Goldberg vs. Brock Lesnar

Original: F

2013 Redo: E

2015 Redo: F

Original: D

2013 Redo: D

2015 Redo: D

Victoria vs. Molly Holly

Original: D+

2013 Redo: D+

2015 Redo: C-

Eddie Guerrero vs. Kurt Angle

Original: A

2013 Redo: A

2015 Redo: A

Undertaker vs. Kane

Original: D

2013 Redo: D+

2015 Redo: D+

Chris Benoit vs. HHH vs. Shawn Michaels

Original: A+

2013 Redo: A+

2015 Redo: A+

Overall Rating

Original: B

2013 Redo: B

2015 Redo: A-


And the 2013 Redo:


Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:


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Wrestlemania Count-Up – Wrestlemania XX (2013 Redo): With The One Disaster

IMG Credit: WWE

Wrestlemania XX
Date: March 14, 2004
Location: Madison Square Garden, New York City, New York
Attendance: 20,000
Commentators: Jim Ross, Jerry Lawler, Tazz, Michael Cole

The Harlem Boys Choir sings America the Beautiful.

US Title: John Cena vs. Big Show

Rating: C. Slow match but this was a good choice for an opener. The fans were WAY into Cena as he was rapidly becoming the hottest thing in the company (until the rise of Batista of course). The FU was a great visual to open things up as fans are always going to react to freakish displays of strength like that. Good opener here and the fans are hotter than they already were, which is the right idea.

Coach is in the back talking to various people before going in to see Eric Bischoff. Eric sends him to find Undertaker.

Raw Tag Titles: La Resistance vs. Dudley Boyz vs. Garrison Cade/Mark Jindrak vs. Booker T/Rob Van Dam

Trish agreed to just be friends but Christian started hitting on her. Bischoff made Christian vs. Trish with Christian agreeing to lay down for her. Christian decided to show some tough love by putting her in the Walls of Jericho, setting up Christian vs. Jericho tonight with Jericho fighting for the honor of his love. This is one of my favorite feuds.

Christian vs. Chris Jericho

Jericho charges into an elbow into the corner and gets taken down by a reverse tornado DDT for two. The reverse DDT into a backbreaker puts Jericho down again but Christian goes up and gets crotched. He blocks a superplex though and hits a top rope cross body, only for Jericho to roll through for two. This is solid stuff so far. Christian kicks Jericho in his injured knee and puts on the old school Texas Cloverleaf. In an impressive counter, Jericho gets underneath Christian and rolls through into the Walls but AGAIN Christian makes the ropes.

Jericho takes it to the floor and puts on the Walls out there before having to break the count. Back in and a butterfly superplex gets a VERY close two on Christian as Trish comes bouncing down the aisle. An inverted DDT puts Chris down for two and Christian spots Trish. He drags her into the ring but Jericho makes the save. Not being able to see though, Trish blasts Jericho in the face, allowing Christian to hook a quick rollup for the pin.

Post match Trish apologizes to Jericho before slapping him, turning into EVIL Trish. Christian lays out Jericho and leaves with the girl. Evil Trish was SMOKING hot and we would get to see a lot more of her as this feud continued for months.

Evolution vs. The Rock/Mick Foley

Foley wants to come in to face Orton but Randy immediately bails to the floor to great heat. We finally get inside for the fight that people want to see as Foley pounds away and puts Orton in the Tree of Woe. Off to Rock who punches Orton in the “stomach” before clotheslining him down for no cover. Ric gets clipped in the back of the head by Flair which draws him into the corner, sending the fight to the floor. Batista drops Rock face first onto the barricade to take over.

We get some clips from the Hall of Fame induction ceremony last night which is the first class inducted in eight years. Heenan wishing Monsoon was there still makes me smile.

Sable/Torrie Wilson vs. Miss Jackie/Stacy Keibler

We hear from some fans who are excited to be here.

Cruiserweight Title: Cruiserweight Open

Chavo Guerrero, Ultimo Dragon, Shannon Moore, Akio, Tajiri, Jamie Noble, Funaki, Rey Mysterio, Billy Kidman, Nunzio

Jamie Noble is in next and after avoiding a moonsault, he hooks a neckbreaker and a guillotine choke to put Dragon out. Funaki comes in and gets small packaged for the pin less in about three seconds. Nunzio is in and takes Noble to the mat in a hurry before being sent out to the floor. Noble hits a sweet flip dive off the top to the floor and rams Nunzio into the apron for a countout. Billy Kidman is in next but Nunzio trips him up. Noble heads to the floor as Kidman slides back inside for a Shooting Star off the top to take both guys out.

Brock Lesnar vs. Goldberg

The catch here is that both guys are leaving and the fans know it, so they boo them both out of the building. Goldie gets his full entrance from the back. The fans IMMEDIATELY start chanting YOU SOLD OUT at Lesnar who is going to the NFL after this match. They circle each other and Austin says get to it. Now the fans sing the GOODBYE song with the guys still making zero contact over a minute in. The fans chant for the referee as Goldberg looks at Austin. Still no contact. After nearly THREE MINUTES of circling each other they lock up.

Post match Brock flips off Austin and gets Stunned for his efforts. Goldberg has a beer and gets Stunned for good measure.

Wrestlemania 21 is in Los Angeles.

Edge is returning soon.

Victoria is defending and Molly has her hair on the line. The champion has the awesome All The Things She Said as her theme song as is looking sweet in white here. They lock up to start and Molly pounds her down before whipping Victoria into the corner. Victoria nips up off the mat and sends Molly to the floor but loses control soon thereafter. Back in again as the match is already going slowly.

We recap Eddie vs. Angle. Eddie, as a former drug addict, has no business being champion according to Kurt. Guerrero is also in WAY over his head because of how good Angle is. Heyman, the Smackdown GM, hates Eddie for no apparent reason on top of that.

Post video, Molly is VERY bald.

Smackdown World Title: Kurt Angle vs. Eddie Guerrero

Back in and Eddie takes him down with an armdrag but Angle takes control again with a sweet amateur move into a front facelock. Eddie comes out of it with a series of armdrags into an armbar as the fans applaud again. Guerrero switches over to a keylock but Angle shoves him off and drives a knee into the ribs to take over. Like any good ring general, he follows up on an injured body part with an abdominal stretch.

Rating: A. Great match here with the psychology flowing freely. Eddie was BRILLIANT out there as he had finally took it away from the wrestling game and got Angle out of his comfort zone. The dueling rolling suplexes were a great touch too as neither guy could hit them but it was a battle to try. Great match and well worth checking out.

Kane vs. Undertaker

Raw World Title: HHH vs. Shawn Michaels vs. Chris Benoit

The high knee takes Shawn down for two and a less high knee puts Benoit on the floor. Benoit has his back rammed into the barricade but Shawn baseball slides both of them onto the concrete. That is followed up by a big moonsault to the floor to take out all three guys and wow the crowd a bit. Shawn and HHH go back inside but Benoit has to come in with a clothesline to break up a Pedigree. Shawn goes shoulder first into the post at the hands of the Canadian but HHH ties Benoit up in the Tree of Woe.

Eddie comes out to celebrate with his friend as confetti falls to end the show.

Ratings Comparison

John Cena vs. Big Show

Original: C-

Redo: C

Booker T/Rob Van Dam vs. Garrison Cade/Mark Jindrak vs. Dudley Boys vs. La Resistance

Original: D

Redo: D

Christian vs. Chris Jericho

Original: B

Redo: B

Evolution vs. The Rock/Mick Foley

Original: A

Redo: B

Torrie Wilson/Sable vs. Stacy Keibler/Miss Jackie

Original: F

Redo: N/A

Cruiserweight Open

Original: D+

Redo: D

Goldberg vs. Brock Lesnar

Original: F

Redo: E

Original: D

Redo: D

Victoria vs. Molly Holly

Original: D+

Redo: D+

Eddie Guerrero vs. Kurt Angle

Original: A

Redo: A

Undertaker vs. Kane

Original: D

Redo: D+

Chris Benoit vs. HHH vs. Shawn Michaels

Original: A+

Redo: A+

Overall Rating

Original: B

Redo: B


Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:


And check out my Amazon author page with cheap wrestling books at:


Wrestlemania Count-Up – Wrestlemania XX (Original): They Can Do Anniversaries

IMG Credit: WWE

Wrestlemania 20
Date: March 14, 2004
Location: Madison Square Garden, New York City, New York
Attendance: 20,000
Commentators: Jim Ross, Jerry Lawler, Michael Cole, Tazz
Star Spangled Banner: Harlem Boys Choir

This just feels right. Wrestlemania is supposed to be at MSG. This show is considered to be the show where the new generation took control as Cena debuted, Eddie was defending a title, and Benoit challenged for a title. Sadly, two of them are gone now so those plans have been completely derailed.

This show is the first of the modern HOF induction shows as well as having the first smaller arena show in four years. I’m split on that actually. The smaller shows are better in the sense that it’s more personalized and there simply isn’t a place better than MSG, but the stadiums show off the spectacle more. Really depends on what you like. Anyway, let’s get to it.

The Harlem Boys Choir sings America the Beautiful and we go into the opening video. This is definitely the biggest show of all time with major matches and us at Madison Square Garden. The main event is Benoit vs. Shawn vs. HHH which has the problem of Shawn. There is zero point to having him in there but he’s there so that HHH doesn’t have to job to Benoit clean. Whatever I guess.

To end the video we see Vince, Shane and Vince’s grandson, which I believe is the first time Vince’s grandchildren have appeared on WWE programming.

US Title: John Cena vs. Big Show

Cena is the rapper at this point and hasn’t really gotten established at all at this point. He had been around a little under two years at this point and had turned mega face. You could see that he had what it took back then but he was being paced along very well. Show is champion coming into this. He was more or less worthless (yeah a stretch I know) as champion here so the ending wasn’t really in doubt.

John does his represent thing before the match starts. Dang you could see the star just trying to break out in him. He does a quick rap about Show and says Show is a gorilla. Cena’s hand is taped up so maybe he’s hurt or something. This isn’t really funny or anything but it gets the crowd going which is the point. Granted it’s a New York crowd so it’s not like it takes much work overall.

The title literally looks like a toy on Show’s shoulder. This is serious Show who has been motivated/focused lately which means he’ll lose a big match soon. Cena tries to get around the power to start which doesn’t really work at all. He gets sent to the floor and needs to rethink his strategy. Show allegedly retired Hogan in this building. Which retirement was that?

A cross body off the top by Cena of course fails as it always has against Show. Cena gets the powerslam that he deserves for being an idiot like that. He hammers away which gets him nowhere other than clotheslined down with ease. They have the picture of the current match on the opposite side from the cameras which is a cool thing to see.

Show suplexes Cena and he goes flying which makes John look like a toy. I know you hear that a lot but it’s true here. Headbutt puts Cena down and Show stands on his back. Cena hammers away but gets kicked in the face to end that. Show adds that standing legdrop that I think is called the Showstopper depending on who you listen to for two. The fans chant for Cena.

Cena tries a sleeper which is broken up rather quickly. This has more or less been all Show. Cobra Clutch by Show and Cena is in trouble. Naturally he just lets it go to put it right back on. Cena fights back with right hands and takes the knee out to send Show’s face into the buckle. FU gets two and Cena isn’t sure what to do now. Cena grabs the chain he brought with him but throws it down to distract the referee. The knuckles he carried with him also winds up going upside Show’s head and Cena has his first title.

Rating: C-. Basic big man vs. little man match here but at the same time, not much going on with it at all. Show dominated and Cena hit like three moves to take over and win the thing. That being said, the fans were into Cena which is the whole point. Not bad but kind of generic overall.

Coach is in the back and runs into some random people that aren’t important before saying hi to Teddy Long. He goes into Bischoff’s office to find he and Johnny Spade. Spade had just gotten a name change from Johnny Blaze. A few weeks later he was Johnny Nitro, and a few years later he was John Morrison. Didn’t realize he’d been there that long. Coach is told to go find the Undertaker, who was redebuting for the 58th time tonight.

Evolution minus HHH is in the back and Orton says he’s going to become a hardcore legend. As a former OVW Hardcore Champion, he’s well on his way. He never did that, but he got close a month later at Backlash. If you haven’t seen that match, go do so immediately. Well worth the 15 minutes it takes up. Anyway we see a clip of Orton hurting Foley back in June as this was almost a year long storyline. Oh and he’s IC Champion. The idea is that Foley is scared of Orton but has a backbone now. Oh and Rock is with him for a handicap match. That always helps.

Raw Tag Titles: Rob Van Dam/Booker T vs. Garrison Cade/Mark Jindrak vs. La Resistance vs. Dudley Boys

Wow. You can see the division dying as we speak. The Dudleyz would more or less be gone in four months, save for the One Night Stand main event. We then have the one decent tag team on the brand at the time, and then two generic guys packaged as a “team”. RVD and Booker are your odd combination tag team. This is one fall to a finish. The remix of RVD and Booker’s songs was really quite bad.

Dupree vs. Van Dam to start us off here. Booker comes in quickly and gets a superkick to Renee for two. Bubba is tagged in. Why would you tag out here if it’s one fall to a finish? The Dudleys are faces for this week. The fans already want tables. At least they’re patient as they waited a full minute before starting that chant here.

Ross thinks Booker is a young man. That’s rather amusing. Bubba tries to do the suck on this deal and gets kicked in the face for his efforts. This is more or less RVD/Booker vs. the Dudleys with two other teams in the background. Jindrak gets two on Booker. It’s Garrison Cade at this point too. Who thought that would be a good name? I mean dude, Garrison Cade? Really?

Dupree comes in and La Resistance takes over for a bit. It’s Dupree/Conway in this form of La Resistance as that team changed every few months. No real reason given for why these teams are in here but does it really matter? The fans chant for USA while Conway, the American, is in there. Conway gets an elbow for two, which JR says was opportunistic. How? Isn’t that like doing his job?

Conway uses a bow and arrow hold for awhile to kill some time. Spinebuster gets Booker out of trouble. Wow Van Dam was in a good amount of worthless tag teams. RVD comes in and cleans house. The Five Star is blocked as D-Von shoves him off the top. Everything breaks down and it’s Booker (illegal) vs. D-Von (also illegal). 3D is broken up by Cade and then an axe kick sets up the Five Star on Conway for the champions to retain.

Rating: D. Totally boring match here that should have been on Raw. The division if you want to call it that was completely dead by this point and nothing was going to save it. The titles needed to be unified back then but wouldn’t be until 2010. Weak match that had no need to be on Mania in the slightest.

In the basement, the Coach hears noises coming from behind a door and opens it to find Gene Okerlund trying to get dressed. He tries to explain why he’s there and Bobby Heenan stumbles out half dressed as well. Coach says it’s not what you think. There was a poker game according to Heenan. Moolah and Mae pop out and drag the guys back in where frightening sounds are heard. One of my all time favorite segments.

We recap Christian vs. Jericho which was a great storyline. This started with Jericho and Christian betting a Canadian Dollar that Jericho could sleep with Trish before Christian could sleep with Lita. Trish found out about the bet and got all ticked off. Jericho fell for Trish and Christian tried to get his head back on straight. This led to Christian vs. Trish with Christian hurting Trish. Tonight is the grudge match. This was a great buildup and the video has me wanting to see the match years later. That’s a really good sign.

Christian vs. Chris Jericho


I guess Lita was just dropped from this after awhile for reasons unknown. They lock up for a bit and then Jericho is like screw it and takes Christian down with right hands. Clothesline takes him down again. Christian sends him to the apron but gets backdropped to the floor. All Jericho in the opening few minutes and we get a big Y2J chant.

Jericho hits that springboard cross body to the floor and then sends Christian into the barricade. Back in and Christian’s sunset flip attempt is countered into the Walls. They’re not applied though and Christian is able to get a thumb to the eye and then dump Jericho to the floor. Christian chokes away and talks trash to Jericho at the same time. He’s multi-tasking I guess.

Knee to the ribs by Christian as the fans are surprisingly quiet here. They don’t seem bored though and are instantly back into it when Christian hits a chinlock. I guess they’re interested here. Christian pulls some of Jericho’s hair out which gets him two. Ah the old hair attack. Haven’t seen that in years. Back to the chinlock but Jericho tries for the Walls again and again they don’t work.

Christian chokes away but Jericho fights back. Off to a neck crank for a second but Jericho is taken down by the hair as he tries to escape. Hey here’s another chinlock. Walls are attempted again and again fails. Spinwheel kick gets two on Jericho. Jericho gets a forearm and a knee to the back as he’s starting a comeback. Running enziguri gets two.

Rollup by both guys gets two and Christian’s had a handful of ropes. Northern Lights Suplex by Jericho gets two. Lionsault attempt winds up eating knees but the Unprettier can’t hit either. Reverse tornado DDT out of the corner gets two for Christian. They’re moving a lot more out there now. Backbreaker by Christian and he goes up. Jericho is slammed off and Christian hits a cross body which is rolled through for two by Jericho.

Christian throws on a Texas Cloverleaf and Jericho is in trouble. This is the first time they’ve had a bit of a break in a good while. Jericho breaks that and tries the Walls for the fourth time which doesn’t work either. He finally gets them on the fifth try but on the floor. As Christian tries to get back in he gets caught in a double underhook suplex off the top for two.

And here comes Trish. I’m pretty sure you know how this is going to end but she looks great in a tied off shirt so I can’t complain. Edgecution by Christian gets a long two. Christian drags Trish in and shoves her down. Trish “accidentally” nails Jericho and Christian gets a rollup and the win with it.

Rating: B. Decent match but it could have been a lot more. This was a match where the buildup was better than the match. The feud would continue for a good while though and it continued to be rather solid. Fun stuff here and pure popcorn soap opera stuff which is usually a good combination.

Post match Trish slaps Jericho, turning heel and leaves with Christian. The crowd is TICKED. Trish and Christian kiss to a big reaction as they leave.

Now we get to one of the more entertaining part of the show. Foley is talking about being nervous about having his first match in four years but Rock pops up and cuts him off. He talks about how there’s no reason to be nervous because everyone knows what’s coming. Hurricane and Rosey know it. Don Muraco and Jimmy Snuka know it.

But most importantly the people know it. Make sure you get a shot of the people. Rock says let’s go take care of Evolution, if you smell what the Rock (Foley: and Sock) IS COOKING! Funny promo.

Evolution vs. The Rock/Mick Foley

Now this has an interesting backstory to it. Back in December, Orton was on his Legend Killer gimmick and called out Foley. Foley got ready to fight him but at the last minute bailed out, allowing Orton to spit on him and walk out of the arena, branding him as a coward. At the Royal Rumble, Orton had made a long run but Foley entered at #21 and beat the crap out of Orton.

The problem with this was that when you go after Orton, you get all of Evolution. Except HHH who had more important things to do than fight two first ballot Hall of Famers. This made it 3-1, so Foley needed help. Rock returns to help his friend, and we get this as the end result. If you ever want to see the match that almost single handedly got Batista and Orton over, this is it. It was them being in there with the big boys and we could see what they can do.

I love the old school vs. new school dynamic here. The Rock N Sock Connection hit the ring and the fight is on. Rock vs. Batista is really weird to see. How weird is it that Rock retired younger than Foley? Rock vs. Flair is something that is just awesome to look at and it officially starts us off here. Rock does Flair’s strut and they lock up.

Out to the floor and Flair slips a thumb into the eye. That gets him nowhere as he gets slammed on the floor and Foley adds an elbow off the apron. Off to Orton now and Foley wants in. Orton bails but Foley somehow catches him and the beating is on. Back in with Foley in control. Rock comes in and punches Orton in the balls and then Flair smacks him in the back of the head.

Rock fights off Evolution but gets caught by Batista on the floor with the power game. Off to Orton vs. Rock in the ring now with Orton hammering away. Make that Batista. He’s not as big as he would get but still gets two off an elbow drop. Flair comes in now and throws chops in the corner. He tries to strut and gets his head taken off by a running clothesline. Well why mess with the basics?

Like an idiot, Flair goes up and gets slammed down. Why is anyone surprised at that? Off to Batista who hammers away. The crowd being all attentive is weird. Rock gets a clothesline to Batista and it’s off to Foley now. Double arm DDT is blocked and it’s a slug out. Running knee in the corner is stopped by a clothesline though. That’s a popular move in this match isn’t it?

On the floor Foley grabs the Claw on Orton out of nowhere. This is a good match so it’s hard to make jokes here. For the 1000th time in his career Foley’s knees slam into the steps with a LOUD bang. Orton in now who hammers away even more. Make that Flair who chops Foley down and then they slug it out. Foley takes him down but Orton comes in for a chinlock/face pull to stop Foley.

Batista comes in as Evolution keeps up that fast tagging. He starts the ground and pound on Foley but Mick slips a hand up and grabs the Claw to break it up. Orton comes in for the save and they keep tagging in and out very quickly. Swinging neckbreaker to Batista buys Foley some time and a double clothesline buys him even more time.

Flair comes in to break up the tag but a shot to the head is enough to bring in Rock who cleans house. DDTs and right hands all around but a Batista spinebuster takes him down. And now Flair wants to do the People’s Elbow. Rock nips up while Flair struts and drills him. There’s a spinebuster for Flair and it’s the REAL People’s Elbow, complete with Rock’s 8th strut of the match.

RKO doesn’t work but the Rock Bottom does. Flair makes a last second save and then SPRINTS around the ring to grab a chair. Batista Bomb to Rock which gets two for Orton. Rock manages to bring in Foley and he finally gets his hands on Orton. Foley loads up Socko but takes too long and Orton grabs a quick RKO for the pin. Foley sits up afterwards which I like as it makes it look like Foley got stunned but not knocked out. And that my friends, is how you put people over.

Rating: A. This wasn’t so much a great match but rather a work of art out there. They knew what they were doing and the two old masters made stars out of young guys. This is what you’re supposed to do out there as the old guys look great as well and like I said, it was a quick win rather than a dominating one. The key thing there though was that it was a win. Great stuff and worth seeing for what it means to put someone over.

Rock and Foley get a standing ovation as they deserve.

This year’s HOF class is honored. No big name here except Jesse Ventura. Next year it really picks up though. Heenan breaking up over wishing Monsoon was there with him is a very touching moment. Harley Race and Tito Santana go in too. teases running for President in 2008.

They bring them out into the arena to have Mean Gene do the presentations to the crowd. The full list is Bobby Heenan (can barely talk due to throat cancer. The fans chant weasel and Heenan’s reaction is of course hilarious), Tito Santana (one of the most underrated guys ever despite being considered great), Big John Studd (dead, his son is here), Harley Race (one of the best heels ever), Pete Rose (deserves to be in due to what he did at Mania. He was said to be incredibly gracious about being in so I can live with this).

Back to the wrestlers with Don Muraco (took the Snuka Splash that apparently every wrestler ever was inspired by), Great Valentine (gets one of the biggest pops surprisingly enough. Looks JUST like he did in the ring and still does to this day as far as I know), Junkyard Dog (Also dead, his daughter is here for him. It was her high school graduation that he died on the way home from), Billy Graham (perhaps the most influential heel of all time), Sgt. Slaughter (go watch the Alley Fight with Pat Patterson. Incredible fight), and Jesse Ventura (do I need to explain this one?

What’s the best way to follow that up? With this of course:

Sable/Torrie Wilson vs. Miss Jackie/Stacy Keibler

Instead of the traditional rules, this is pinfall. Blast it. This is happening because Torrie/Sable are in Playboy. Sable was doing a weird lesbian kind of thing at the time with Torrie, which is odd because Torrie had just come off a lesbian angle with Dawn, which ended apparently in her sleeping with Dawn.

Sable requests they all start in their underwear. Taz and Cole are cracking up over a joke Taz makes. It actually was funny and tells me these guys are funny in real life. I’m trying not to pay attention here as this is depressing. Torrie and Sable win.

Rating: F. I hate these things. They’re a total waste of time, we’ve seen the girls like this before, and it’s nothing special at all. Total waste of about 9 minutes.

We get some clips from Axxess.

Eddie comes in to talk to Benoit who is very nervous to say the least. He says that win or lose, he’ll be proud of Chris. Benoit says he won’t lose. Eddie says no one really expects Benoit to win, more or less sealing his title win. Benoit says he’s proud of Eddie for winning the WWE Title and Eddie starts laughing. He wants Benoit to get fired up and Benoit is. Tonight they both walk out world champions.

Cruiserweight Title: Cruiserweight Open

This is a ten man gauntlet match. Think Tag Team Turmoil with the champion, Chavo Jr., going tenth. Everyone stands at ringside so I’ll just list them off as they go in. Rey comes out last and is the Flash this year. Ultimo Dragon vs. Shannon Moore to start and they’re moving out there, getting three two counts in maybe 40 seconds. Back suplex by Shannon gets two. Whisper in the Wind by Moore misses and Dragon hits the Asai DDT (sets for a Stunner but backflips over Shannon to slam the back of his head into the mat. Looks great) for the pin. I hope this isn’t a pattern.

Jamie Noble is in third and he jumps Dragon to take an early advantage. Dragon unleashes the kicks but misses a moonsault. A neckbreaker by Noble sets up a guillotine choke by Noble to get rid of Dragon.

Funaki comes in and is rolled up and pinned in 4 seconds. I hate these kind of matches for stupid stuff like these last two eliminations. This would never happen in a regular match and makes Funaki and Dragon look like blundering morons.

Nunzio comes in next and begs off instead of charging, which I think is logical here. They trade some holds and Nunzio gets a victory roll for two. Big kick gets two for Nunzio. He tries an O’Connor Roll but Noble ducks to send him to the floor. Noble dives on him with a front flip to put both guys down and Nunzio is counted out.

Billy Kidman is in now and Nunzio trips Noble. Kidman climbs the ropes and throws a Shooting Star Press but underrotates and lands ON TOP OF HIS HEAD! That gets two in the ring and Noble grabs that guillotine again. It’s easily reversed and Kidman adds a running enziguri. He tries the Shooting Star again but Noble runs up to block it. Short powerbomb off the middle ropes gets rid of Noble though as that might have been the longest fall at just under two minutes.

Rey comes in and gets half killed by a dropkick. He gets whipped in and baseball slides between Kidman’s legs while on his back. Kind of awesome. Kidman takes over after some interference from Tajiri’s friend Akio for no apparent reason. They go to the corner and Mysterio gets a sunset bomb to end Kidman.

Tajiri in next and he grabs the Tarantula very quickly. Handspring elbow is blocked by a dropkick and there’s the 619. Akio interferes again and winds up taking the mist to the face. Rey grabs a rollup to end Tajiri.

Akio can’t fight because of the mist. Whatever.

Tajiri kicks Rey in the head and it’s down to Chavo and Mysterio. Rey avoids a charge and gets a rana to take over. Down goes Chavo Senior via a baseball slide. The referee won’t let Rey dive on him though. Dang it give us our injured senior citizens! Ok he’s in his mid 50s here but he looks about 80. Rey is like screw it and dives over the referee to crush Chavo Senior. He tries a sunset flip but Chavo grabs the hand of his son to get the pin to retain. So Chavo pinned Rey in about 1:50? Got it.

Rating: D+. That’s overall. The problem here is simple: they went through it WAY too fast and it was impossible to get into any of the matches. These things need like 30 minutes to work which is why you never see them. This would have been WAY better as a fatal fourway but since both tag titles are in that format we had this. Not a fan of these at all because they make the guys in them look far too beatable.

We recap Goldberg vs. Brock. Goldberg was #30 in the Rumble and was being interviewed prior to the match. Lesnar got annoyed that he wasn’t being interviewed since he was WWE Champion at the time. He came in and beat up Goldberg in the Rumble so that Angle could eliminate him after Goldberg was dominating. Austin gave Goldberg a ticket to No Way Out and said don’t do anything he wouldn’t do. Goldberg speared Brock and Eddie won the title because of it (great match if you’ve never seen it).

Austin was named guest referee and then Lesnar popped up and gave Austin an F5. This basically turned into Austin vs. Lesnar instead with Goldberg being on the side. Lesnar stole Austin’s four wheeler and ticking Austin off. Austin beat Lesnar up and took it back, which totally took the spotlight off of Goldberg to eventually set up Brock vs. Austin.

However, this was Lesnar’s last WWE match s he went to the NFL and then the UFC, which made Austin more or less pointless here. Oh and it’s Goldberg’s last match too. Think they’re going to give it that old college try and work as hard as they can? If so, you’re not that smart.

Goldberg vs. Brock Lesnar

Let the chanting begin! The shorts on Goldberg never looked right. They stand around for about 20 seconds and we get to the far more interesting part of this match: the crowd. Almost immediately we get a YOU SOLD OUT chant directed at Lesnar. It’s one of the loudest you’ll ever hear outside of Philly and it shakes the guys up it seems. The announcers actually acknowledge it which is saying a lot.

Make that a minute of standing around. There’s the Goodbye Song as they’ve literally stood there staring at each other for a minute and a half. Ross tells us Lesnar is gone and they shout F Bombs at each other. Two minutes with zero contact at all. Now the fans chant for Austin, likely wanting him to Stun them both and just end it at that. Two and a half minutes now. This is all considered part of the match mind you.

At 2:45 they lock up. Amusingly enough Goldberg is called a mixed martial arts aficionado. They go down to their knees in a lockup. That eats up literally 45 seconds and it’s back to staring at each other. We’re four minutes into a thirteen and a half minute match and the total amount of contact is 45 seconds, literally all of which is on a lockup. Think about paying a ticket to see this, one of the feature matches, and getting this. They deserve the crowd reaction they’re getting.

They lock up again and that eats up almost 30 more seconds. The crowd chants THIS MATCH SUCKS and they’re right. The first offensive move of the match comes five minutes in (and yes I’m counting via a counter on the video) with a headlock by Lesnar that goes nowhere. They exchange shoulder blocks and then knock each other down with them. We’re 6:30 into this now and the move list in its entirety is: tie up, tie up, head lock, Goldberg shoulder block, Lesnar shoulder block, double shoulder block.

FINALLY things pick up a bit as Lesnar kicks away. Goldberg is like screw that and press slams him, bringing him down with a half spear/half spinebuster. The regular spear misses though and Goldberg goes chest first into the post. We hit the floor for some Lesnar dominance. I guess that was all the offense Goldberg had in him. The fans aren’t that impressed and tell Goldberg that he sucks.

Back in now and Lesnar really upgrades his offense with a suplex. Into a headlock with an arm trap. This is terrible. This eats up about a minute until Goldberg flips him to ZERO pop. Oh hey let’s go right back to the hold again because it worked so well the first time. Then they ram into each other again and are both down. The fans aren’t exactly happy.

Ross calls the match pedestrian. No Ross, taking a walk would be way more interesting than this. The fans boo the heck out of it as Goldberg makes his comeback. The crowd is chanting for Hogan. In 2004. Wow. Spinning neckbreaker sets up the spear for two. Yeah back then they wanted to drop the Jackhammer because the company was really stupid. F5 hits out of nowhere for two as well. Lesnar misses the spear and then the spear and Jackhammer ends it to make Goldberg 1-0!

Rating: F. This was a disgrace. I don’t care if you’re leaving or not, you don’t do it that way. No excuse for this whatsoever.

Austin, who did NOTHING in the match, stuns both guys post match to try and keep the fans from storming the ring to kill the guys in the match.

WM 21 is in LA.

Vince comes out and says there’s someone that should be thanked for Mania making it to #20. He then amazes even me, perhaps the most jaded wrestling fan there is and he thanks the fans. This amazed me to no end when I saw it and it still does today. Love him or hate him, this was pure class right here.

Smackdown Tag Titles: Rikishi/Scotty 2 Hotty vs. APA vs. World’s Greatest Tag Team vs. Basham Brothers

More filler here before we get to the real main events. This is one fall to a finish again. The APA was more or less worthless by this point. I didn’t even know they were still together in 04. Bradshaw would be world champion in the summer. Rikishi and Scotty have the titles coming in here. Bradshaw vs. Benjamin to start us off here.

After JBL takes Shelton down for awhile, Doug Basham tags himself in and I just do not care at this point. Absolutely nothing of note is going on here. Haas vs. Scotty at the moment. Crowd simply does not care either and it’s obvious. Bearhug to Scotty but a Basham comes in for the…save? Scotty is the face in peril I guess. He gets an enziguri but kicks Doug into Danny to keep Scotty from making the tag again.

Off to Rikishi who cleans house. I think he was supposed to be the grizzled veteran that could beat up just about anyone in the match. They pushed him like that for awhile and it didn’t work incredibly well. German attempt by Benjamin but the power of fat sends him to the floor. Haas gets a Stinkface for not funny comedy. Bradshaw comes in to clean house but walks into a Samoan Drop and then Rikishi drops down onto Danny to retain.
Rating: D. Pointless filler. These teams were worthless by this point anyway as they were all on the verge of breaking up. Shelton was in the IC title hunt within a year, JBL debuted that Summer, the Bashams were fired soon thereafter and no one ever cared about Rikishi and Scotty anyway. Total waste of time.

Edge is coming back.

Jesse Ventura is with Donald Trump at ringside. This was when the Apprentice was still a hot show so Trump was a celebrity here. I don’t like him but you have to admit, the guy apparently likes wrestling as this was the 4th show he was a part of. Jesse implies he’ll run for President someday, getting a big pop.

Women’s Title: Victoria vs. Molly Holly

This is belt vs. hair with Victoria as champion. Victoria got hotter every time I saw her. The crowd is already more into this than they were for the entire previous match. Molly works the arm to control but gets rolled up for two. Suplex gets two for Molly. Molly is a virgin and wears big underwear which is the focal point of the match. She uses really basic stuff and it’s rather boring. Sunset Bomb gets two and then Molly tries the Widow’s Peak. That doesn’t work and Victoria gets a backslide to retain.

Rating: D+. Short and pretty dull. The real thing here was the shaved diva which doesn’t really do much as the stipulation was more or less just thrown on. Lack of an interesting match for the most part but at least Victoria looked good in those little white shorts.

Head shaving ensues.

We recap Eddie vs. Angle. The idea in short is Eddie is a former drug addict and Kurt says that means he shouldn’t represent Smackdown. The idea is that Eddie is in over his head and Heyman, the Smackdown GM, is against Eddie too for no apparent reason.

During the video package, Molly is still being shaved.
Smackdown Title: Eddie Guerrero vs. Kurt Angle

They lock up in the first minute, already far ahead of Lesnar vs. Goldberg as far as pacing goes. We start with some mat stuff where Eddie is talented but in over his head. Angle takes him down with a judo throw and grabs a headlock. Let’s go Angle/Angle Sucks chants begin dueling. Angle runs him over with a shoulder and it’s a standoff.

Eddie gets a set of shoulder blocks and Angle hits the floor to clear his head. Back in and Angle takes it back to the mat which is where he’s definitely in control for the most part. Front facelock goes on to drain some energy out of the champion. Eddie escapes and we go back to the mat again with Eddie controlling a keylock. This is well done stuff as they’re definitely keeping things interesting out there for this.

Knee to the ribs takes Eddie down and it’s off to an abdominal stretch. Eddie reverses and tries Three Amigos but can only get one as Kurt gets a German. Out to the apron and Angle of course can’t get the German to the floor because it would, you know, kill Eddie. Eddie knocks him to the floor and dives out at Angle but misses, hitting the barrier chest first. That gets two back in the ring.

Angle works on the ribs/midsection even more, eventually hot shotting Eddie onto the top rope for two. Belly to belly sends Eddie flying. Another gets two and it’s back to the ribs. Angle shifts it into a bearhug and then into a belly to belly for two. Middle rope belly to belly is blocked as is the running belly to belly. Frog Splash misses and Eddie’s momentum is gone just as fast as it arrived.

Kurt hammers away as Cole calls him a hypocrite for talking about how Eddie is a disgrace. Eddie shrugs it off and wants more shots. He fires back and gets a little momentum going. A charge in the corner misses and Eddie gets a belly to back suplex for two. Eddie still can’t get Three Amigos and it’s Rolling German time. The second is reversed into a rollup for two and then Angle drills Eddie to take him right back down again.

Angle Slam is countered and Eddie speeds things up a bit. Three Amigos are attempted again and again Kurt counters after a second one. Ankle Lock goes on for a bit but not that long. Dropkick puts Kurt down but as Eddie goes for the Frog Splash Angle gets the running belly to belly two. After a rollup gets two Eddie is caught in a German for two.

Another counter to the Angle Slam, this one in the form of a DDT sets up the Frog Splash for two. Has that ever happened before? Angle plays possum and picks the ankle out of nowhere into the ankle lock. Again he manages to send Kurt to the floor and Eddie is unlacing his boot. Angle doesn’t see this and comes right back with the ankle lock. Eddie kicks the hold off and the boot goes off with it. He grabs a small package on the confused Kurt (and wraps his feet around the ropes to cheat a bit) to retain in a brilliant ending.

Rating: A. Excellent stuff here. There’s definitely a story here with Eddie going move for move with Angle but in the end going back to his roots to pick up the upset. Also look at the intelligence that Eddie shows at the end by playing possum just like Kurt did seconds before to beat Angle as he goes just a step too far to retain the title. Go find this match and watch it. You’ll learn something.

We recap Taker vs. Kane. Kane had buried Taker yet again. This time it was over Taker turning into the American and ceasing to be a monster. I guess the tag title run they had together didn’t count? At the Rumble a Taker Gong went off to scare the heck out of Kane and the distraction let Booker put him out. This kept happening until it was announced his return would be here at Mania.

Undertaker vs. Kane


Yeah the build here isn’t quite as good as their first Mania match. Taker gets the full on Mania entrance, complete with darkness, chanting, fire, druids, and PAUL BEARER!!! Taker’s hair isn’t even to his shoulders here so the look is a bit off. Oh and he wears a cowboy hat now. Kane is all scared to death here and shouts that Taker isn’t real. He reaches out and touches Taker (there’s an old commercial in there somewhere) and Taker hammers away.

Kane hides on the floor and Taker starts his usual stuff. The ending is so obvious here it’s unreal. Some corner clotheslines put Kane down but the Last Ride is blocked. They mess up the reverse back body drop as they’re about three feet away from the ropes. Taker does some ground and pound but walks into a sidewalk slam. Top rope clothesline gets two.

They slug it out which of course Taker wins. Kane misses a charge in the corner and a running big boot puts Kane down. Old School is caught by a chokeslam and Kane stops to laugh. Taker sits up, Kane panics and I think you know what’s going to end the match.

Rating: D. This was pretty bad. Taker completely squashed Kane here, which to be fair is more or less Kane’s job. Not much of a match at all although that’s what the people wanted I think. Taker has been the same character since this point for the most part and this was the beginning of the modern Taker.

We recap the Raw World Title match. HHH is champion, Benoit won the Rumble and should get the one on one shot. However, at the Rumble Shawn and HHH tied in a Last Man Standing match so Shawn says he should get another shot. Always thought that was ridiculous. Shawn had his chance, but he didn’t win. It shouldn’t be him again. Anyway he signed the contract anyway so Austin made it a triple threat. The video more or less shows Shawn as a heel because he just wouldn’t let Benoit have his moment.

Raw World Title: Chris Benoit vs. HHH vs. Shawn Michaels


Surprisingly normal entrance for HHH here although he’s wearing white boots. We even get a weapons check which you never see anymore. Everyone goes after everyone to start us off here with Shawn avoiding a Crossface. HHH to the floor and the others slug it out. He comes back in when he thinks it’s best as we’re in a slow build here.

DX explodes for a bit and the fans think someone screwed Bret. Leaping knee gets two. Some nice tandem stuff lets Shawn hit a moonsault off the top to the floor to take everyone out. HHH and Shawn go back to the ring now with Benoit out on the floor. Facebuster to Shawn but he can’t hit the Pedigree as Chris saves. Shawn’s shoulder goes into the post and Benoit hits a snap suplex on HHH.

With Benoit in the Tree of Woe HHH throws Shawn into him in a cool spot. Shawn nips up so Benoit knocks him to the floor. Benoit hits Rolling Germans on the Game Shawn stops the headbutt and HHH takes him down with a DDT. Superplex by HHH gets two on Benoit. Make that three twos. The fans like Benoit here. Pedigree is reversed into a bad Crossface which Shawn breaks up.

Rolling Germans by Shawn are booed and reversed into a set by Benoit. Headbutt to Shawn gets two. Forearm and nipup by Shawn but there’s no one else in the ring. HHH comes in and gets beaten on for a bit. Elbow hits and the Band is Tuned Up. The kick connects but Benoit saves. Shawn vs. Benoit now with Shawn being launched into the post to bust him open. Terrible Crossface to Shawn and HHH grabs his arm before he can tap.

Benoit and HHH hit the floor for some brawling while Shawn is down. HHH sends him into the steps and preps the announce table. Just the Smackdown one though, not the Spanish one. Benoit, ever the traditionalist, puts HHH on the Spanish one. German is blocked as it the Pedigree. Shawn pops up and DX suplexes/drops Benoit through the SD table in a cool visual.

Back in the ring now it’s Shawn vs. HHH. They slug it out with neither guy taking over. HHH is sent to the floor and a cameraman is taken out. Ross wants an EMT for Benoit. HHH gets posted (without spam) and is busted as well. Pedigree out of NOWHERE is the counter to some punches. Somehow Benoit makes the save and the crowd pops like a cherry.

Benoit chops away but HHH grabs a Pedigree attempt which is reversed into a long Sharpshooter in an eruption. Shawn kicks Chris’ head off though which somehow only gets two. Ross’ voice is almost gone here. Loud Benoit chant starts up as Shawn Tunes Up the Band. Benoit backdrops him to the floor and walks into another Pedigree attempt. Benoit counters that into a Crossface with HHH in agony. HHH rolls backwards but Benoit hangs on and HHH taps, giving Benoit the World Title in the main event of Wrestlemania.

Rating: A+. Great match, everything clicked, absolute classic. There’s nothing else I can say here.

Eddie comes out to celebrate with Benoit in a classic Wrestlemania moment.

Overall Rating: B. This is good but the length starts to get old after awhile. At 4 ½ hours long it needs about an hour cut off to be a classic. Still though with two great world title matches and some other good stuff in there it’s hard to argue. Also we get a legit Mania moment to end the show which is never a bad thing. Good show and worth seeing, but be ready to fast forward some stuff.



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Main Event – March 19, 2020: This Is What It Took

IMG Credit: WWE

Main Event
Date: March 19, 2020
Location: WWE Performance Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Byron Saxton, Mickie James

As strange as this is going to be, it might be an improvement for what we usually get on this show. Given the amount of people they are allowed to have in the building, it would surprise me if they brought some of the normal low level wrestlers that frequent this show. Then again Ricochet was on here last week so it could go in a bunch of ways. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Aleister Black vs. Leon Ruff

Well at least there’s some star power. Ruff is from Evolve and looks a bit terrified. Black sits down in the middle of the ring to start, with Mickie telling Ruff to kick him in the face. That doesn’t happen though as Black Mass finishes Ruff at 1:13.

From Smackdown.

Here’s John Cena for the big interview with Cole. Cena says he can’t wait to get back to the fans before moving on to Bray Wyatt. Cole brings up the Wrestlemania XXX match and Bray saying that it led to his downward spiral and the birth of the Fiend. Cena is used to being blamed for things and it has been a long list of people with potential. That’s a dangerous thing because it can get you a long way but it can also make you believe your own hype.

Six years ago, Wyatt lost and got lazy but blamed Cena instead. Cena never gives up and some people say it’s because he wins a lot. That’s true, but what about all of his big losses to Miz, Rob Van Dam, CM Punk, The Rock, Brock Lesnar and others? It’s because Cena always keeps going and rising up again without blaming everyone else. So how does he respond to Wyatt? Give him a chance and he’ll give the Fiend an Attitude Adjustment.

After we look back to two weeks ago with the start of Cena’s promo about not wrestling at Wrestlemania, Cena says that he’s facing Bray because he wants to invest in the future. People like Drew McIntyre, Tommaso Ciampa, Matt Riddle and Velveteen Dream deserve the chance instead of giving Bray his fifth or sixth chance. Wyatt pops up in an empty seat and says Cena can say this while having everything. A lot of people want to imagine what it’s like to be Cena for one day.

In reality, Cena is the sick one because no one believes that it’s about the future. Cena will smash and bury everyone as long as he gets the spotlight. He craves it like an addict and even fiends for it. Six years ago, Cena took something from Bray and he’s thought about it a lot since. He wanted to crush his brain for five seconds of peace from the voices but then he started listening. Those voices became a fun house and he was put back together as the Fiend. At Wrestlemania, it’s going to be a slaughter. Let him in.

This was very good stuff as the silence made Bray’s words a bit creepier. I love that they’ve taken something that seems so disconnected and turned it into a big story for Wrestlemania. I’m not sure if the Cena match was always the catalyst for the Fiend stuff or if they made this up at the last minute, but it ties in logically and that’s all you can ask for in a story.

Video on Undertaker vs. AJ Styles.

From Raw.

Lawler brings out Undertaker for the contract signing and Undertaker power walks to the ring, where he turns the table over in anger. Post break, Undertaker is still in the ring and waits on AJ, whose music plays a few times but he doesn’t show up. AJ and the OC show up on screen with the contract, which was never in the ring. He’s the one who challenged Undertaker last week because Undertaker is the one who won’t just go away. You don’t see Michael Jordan or Brett Favre showing up and taking up a spot, but you know Undertaker will be at Wrestlemania.

It’s old Money Michelle’s fault because she makes his dust off the hat and coat so she can have things. Undertaker needs to let it go and stop sticking his nose in OC business. AJ is willing to pay for Undertaker’s assisted living after Wrestlemania because Undertaker will be resting in peace. Styles signs the contract and sends Gallows and Anderson to take the contract to him.

That’s a big negative but AJ finally talks them into it. They come into the arena and lay the contract down, but the gong hits and the lights go off. Back up and he’s behind them, meaning the beatdown is on. With Anderson and Gallows down, Undertaker signs the contract and stuffs it in Anderson’s mouth as a disgusted AJ looks on from the screen.

Angelo Dawkins vs. Murphy

Montez Ford is here with Dawkins and Akam is out with Murphy. Dawkins takes him into the corner for the early clean break so Dawkins runs the ropes. That earns him a trip to the floor but he’s right back in for a shot to the face. Murphy sends him into the post though and we take a break.

Back with stereo right hands putting both of them down, sending Ford into a frenzy on the floor. They seem to work as Dawkins hits the spinning corner splash and a regular version gets two. A quick Akam distraction lets Murphy hit a top rope Meteora for two, meaning Ford superkicks Akam. Murphy sends Ford into the barricade but walks into a Sky High for the pin at 8:16.

Rating: C-. I’m trying to get my head around the idea of a match you could see on Raw taking place on Main Event. It wasn’t anything great but it’s nice to see something like this. What confuses me more than anything else though is why they can’t do this occasionally on Raw. You have the people there and the storyline is already built. As usual, my one request from this show is an effort, and for once, it’s coming close.

From Raw.

The announcers are in the ring to welcome us to the show and hype up everything happening tonight. After a clip of AJ Styles talking about Undertaker and Michelle McCool last week, here’s Edge to interrupt. He shows us a package of everything that has happened with Randy Orton over the last few months, which is quite the emotional ordeal. Back in the arena, Edge talks about the long road between the two of them over the last twenty one years.

Edge knew that their careers would intertwine and that’s what they did, as they fought over the Intercontinental Title and then forming Rated RKO. They both owe Mick Foley for pushing them to this new level but Edge took a lesson from Foley that Orton never did: grit. After all the surgeries and time off, Edge fought back and got here again. He didn’t have his dad pushing him this far because he was raised by a single mother who broke her back to help get him here.

Then Beth Phoenix came out to give a medical update on him, but Orton took her out with an RKO. What Orton didn’t know was that Beth was here to announce Edge’s retirement. The beatings and injuries were too much, but Orton dragged Beth out of the hole. At Wrestlemania, if Orton has the guts, the match is on in a Last Man Standing match.

From Raw one more time.

Here’s Steve Austin (announced as the greatest of all time, which is now applied to both himself and John Cena) for a chat, complete with cans of his IPA. Austin says if you want to know what 3:16 Day is all about, give him a h*** yeah. We cut to a shot of the empty seats and Austin asks for it again. Byron Saxton gives him a VERY enthusiastic H*** YEAH and Austin reads some jokes off a card, saying like 3:16 Day means flipping people off and…..a bunch of gibberish because Austin has the card upside down. As he reads these, Byron holds up big cards with a rating for each joke.

Austin gets a 5 for his last joke before saying Byron has been so helpful during this entire time. Therefore, he can come down to ringside and celebrate 3:16 Day with Austin. Byron comes down and drinks before the Stunner means beer can be consumed. Cue Becky Lynch with a cooler but Austin brings up her Stunning her the last time they were in a ring together. They drink a lot (with one more Stunner to Saxton) to end the show. This was uh….rather stupid, though Austin asking for the fan response and cutting to the empty seats made me chuckle.

Overall Rating: C-. I have no idea what to make of this show as they actually did something different this time, though it wasn’t anything great. It’s just nice to see some people on here and have it not feel like a punishment. I have no confidence in this continuing once we’re out of the Performance Center, but seeing some bigger names is nice for a one off (or however many off this is going to be).


Aleister Black b. Leon Ruff – Black Mass

Angelo Dawkins b. Murphy – Sky High

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:


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Smackdown – March 20, 2020: Maybe They Can Learn

IMG Credit: WWE

Date: March 20, 2020
Location: WWE Performance Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentator: Michael Cole

This is starting to feel a bit more normal but there is almost no way of telling what to expect on this show. There is a good chance that we are going to be seeing another long form match to fill in some time and really, that might not be the worst idea. The way WWE presents these shows with no fans isn’t exactly exciting so keeping those parts to a minimum isn’t a bad move. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Michael Cole is in the ring to introduce Rob Gronkowski, the host of this year’s Wrestlemania. After a video on Gronkowski, Mojo Rawley comes in to say that’s not hyped enough and handles the real introduction. Gronkowski comes out and dances to the ring, saying he’s ready for the party even in front of no fans. Rawley promises to have his back and front but here’s King Corbin to interrupt. Corbin talks about how we don’t have pads around here but he knows what it’s like to be in the NFL.

Cue Elias to say he wants to sing a song about Corbin, who finally agrees to listen to it. Elias sings while Rawley and Gronkowski dance behind Corbin. With the song over, Corbin gets in Gronkowski’s face but Rawley gets behind him and shoves Corbin over, allowing Elias to throw him over the top. Gronkowski says he can’t make matches, but he thinks Elias should face Corbin at Wrestlemania. I already can’t stand Gronkowski and I don’t see that changing anytime soon.

Drew Gulak/Daniel Bryan vs. Artists Collective

That would be the group name for Sami Zayn/Cesaro/Shinsuke Nakamura, though Zayn is the odd man out here. Bryan and Gulak do the YES chants again, though a bit more ironically this time. Nakamura and Bryan start things off as Sami sits in on commentary. Bryan cranks on the arm and it’s quickly off to Gulak, who gets taken into the corner. That’s broken up and the tag brings Bryan back in.

Nakamura gets sent to the floor for the suicide dive but Cesaro catches Bryan with a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker as we take a break. Back with Bryan in trouble in the corner, including Nakamura hitting his sliding German suplex. Bryan gets away and makes the tag off to Gulak, who is caught with a quick powerslam from Cesaro. A clothesline drops Nakamura but there is no Bryan to tag. Bryan pops up though and the tag brings him back in with a top rope sunset flip. Gulak cuts Nakamura off as Bryan pins Nakamura at 10:02.

Rating: C. Gulak has gotten a ton out of this run with Bryan and while I’m not sure what he can do on his own, it’s certainly better than nothing. They’re a good technical team and that’s something that will always have a place. Gulak is one of the many talented people they have on the roster so throw him out there and see what he can do. What do you have to lose?

Post break, Bryan and Gulak are stretching after their match when the Collective comes in to say Gulak is holding Bryan back. When is Bryan going to start listening to Sami instead of this loser? Bryan challenges Sami to an Intercontinental Title match at Wrestlemania but Sami says put your faith in Gulak. If Gulak can beat Nakamura, next week, Bryan can have his title shot at Wrestlemania. Bryan instantly accepts, though Gulak looks a little unsure.

Paige joins us via Skype but Bayley and Sasha Banks cut her off in a hurry. Bayley mocks the accent but Paige talks about how hard it is to truly represent the women’s division. It takes courage to do that and the two of them just don’t have it. Bayley calls Paige out for not being able to wrestle so Paige says she’s Bad Bayley now. It breaks Paige’s heart that she can’t do this anymore but it’s Wrestlemania season.

She spoke to FOX and gets to announce Bayley’s Wrestlemania match right now, so Bayley is going to be defending against Lacey Evans and Dana Brooke. Bayley: “You want to throw Tamina in there?” Paige does indeed throw Tamina in there and adds Naomi for a bonus. Sasha: “You b****!” Paige still isn’t done though and adds Sasha Banks as the fifth challenger. Bayley and Sasha aren’t sure about this one.

Video on John Cena vs. Bray Wyatt.

From Wrestlemania XXX:

Bray Wyatt vs. John Cena

We look back at Bray vs. Cena promo from last week.

We look at Asuka costing Alexa Bliss and Nikki Cross a match last week.

Bliss and Cross don’t like what Asuka did because Bliss has done the same thing but better. Bliss has nothing to do next week so Asuka can come face her. Asuka can even come through the front door.

Here are Miz and John Morrison for the Dirt Sheet. They feel like they’re missing something, though it might be the lack of fans doing their chant. Therefore, they do the chant themselves for a bit before saying they need Wrestlemania challengers. They’ve beaten everyone though and that means it’s time to poll the audience. Cue….Miz and Morrison as New Day in the seats, complete with Morrison in a unicorn costume. Then it’s Miz and Morrison as the Usos interrupting to say they deserve the shot.

Now it’s Miz and Morrison as Heavy Machinery, dressed as bacon. They point out how stupid the New Day’s entrance is and the Usos think Heavy Machinery is dressed as ham. Miz, as Tucker, doesn’t understand why no one takes them seriously. Regular Miz: “Wow! That ham is mad!” This brings out the real Heavy Machinery, with Miz and Morrison looking shocked. Maybe they should have read the WWE.com preview where this match was announced. It was a funny segment, but it would have been better off as a WWE.com video.

Miz/John Morrison vs. Heavy Machinery

Non-title and joined in progress with Otis shoving Morrison down but getting kicked in the head for his efforts. Morrison tries a springboard but has to roll through, allowing Otis to shrug off a crossbody. Otis loads up a superplex and hands it off to Tucker (Knight according to Cole), making them the third team I’ve seen do that spot this week. Miz comes in and it’s the Bushwhacker strut into the double stomach shot to Miz’s head.

Tucker hits a running flip dive off the apron to both champs and we slow way down in a hurry. A cheap shot takes Tucker down though, allowing Miz to stop dancing and dropkick him through the ropes. The chinlock goes on but Tucker fights up, only to have Dolph Ziggler come out for a distraction. Back from a break with Ziggler on commentary and Tucker slamming both of them down at once. The circle of lights glitch means we can’t see Otis getting the hot tag as everything breaks down.

The Caterpillar is loaded up but Ziggler grabs the mic to show Otis some photos of himself with Mandy Rose over the week. Miz and Morrison have to save Ziggler so Otis beats both of them up, including sending the two of them into the post. A double shoulder sends Miz and Morrison through the barricade and Otis grabs a chair. Tucker has to calm him down because the match is still going on (somehow), only to have Otis chair Miz for the DQ at 14:35.

Rating: C. The match was fine enough until Ziggler got involved, because he takes away from everything he’s doing. Monster Otis snapping is a good sign for the story, but not so much for Tucker as the second Otis becomes a singles guy, Tucker is going to be lucky to make Main Event. Granted I still have little confidence in Otis beating Ziggler, but it’s nice to see someone getting a push even for a bit.

Next week: Bliss vs. Asuka, Nakamura vs. Gulak, a new Firefly Fun House and New Day vs. Usos in a #1 contenders match.

Here are Roman Reigns and Goldberg to sign the Wrestlemania contract. Cole recaps the events setting up the match and asks Reigns why he challenged Goldberg. Reigns says the greats have challenged him and they’ve all lost, so Goldberg will be the same. Cole brings up a tweet from January when Reigns said it was stupid to headbutt a locker before a match. Reigns says that’s stupid and he took a shot because it made sense. He’s taking the title at Wrestlemania and signs.

Goldberg says he’s been headbutting doors around the world for years and he’ll beat Reigns at Wrestlemania. The contract is signed and the table is turned over, meaning the staredown can end the show. That tweet made this feel less intense and I don’t really buy that these two don’t like each other. Not that it matters though as Reigns is likely holding up the title to end Wrestlemania anyway.

Overall Rating: C. This was way, way more entertaining than last week’s show or this week’s Raw as it seems that they’re actually learning a bit about how to do these things. Obvious issues aside, this felt a lot more like a regular show than last week with the matches getting some time and stories being advanced. They could get by doing this and while there are still a lot of adjustments to be made, this was a step in the right direction.


Daniel Bryan/Drew Gulak b. Artist Collective – Top rope sunset flip to Nakamura

Miz/John Morrison b. Heavy Machinery via DQ when Otis used a chair

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:


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Monday Night Raw – October 17, 2005: I Love A Good Fire Show

IMG Credit: WWE

Monday Night Raw
Date: October 17, 2005
Location: Arco Arena, Sacramento, California
Attendance: 4,500
Commentators: Jonathan Coachman, Jerry Lawler

The big story coming out of last week saw Jim Ross being fired by the McMahons, with Linda actually getting the big moment for a change. That probably means a lot of McMahon gloating tonight, which is almost always the case. Kane is also back tonight and we’re coming up on Taboo Tuesday in two weeks. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

The opening recap looks at Ross being fired. I’m rather nervous of that being the top story on the show at the moment.

Opening sequence.

Here’s Vince McMahon to get things going. He explains the idea of Taboo Tuesday before talking about how little power the fans had last week. They had to watch Jim Ross get fired and there wasn’t a thing they could do about it. Vince talks about how great it was for Linda to kick JR low and fire him, but that brings us to everything else going on here tonight.

There is a rumor that Steve Austin is on his way here tonight but until then, it’s time to celebrate JR. That means a highlight package, featuring every time that JR has been beaten or humiliated over the years, because that happens a lot for some reason. Vince brings out Coach to be the lead commentator so of course he’s in a black hat.

In the back, Kurt Angle asks Vince to be the new #1 contender. Cue Hurricane to ask what was up with the whole JR thing. Vince: “SICK HIM KURT! SICK HIM!” Angle beats Hurricane into the arena and puts on the ankle lock for a good while until referees make the save.

Kane is back tonight.

Jerry Lawler comes out to join commentary.

Vince talks to Eric Bischoff in the back about empowering the audience, so Eric has an idea: qualifying matches with the winners getting to be options to be the third man in a triple threat match for the WWE Championship, also involving John Cena and Kurt Angle.

WWE Championship Qualifying Match: Edge vs. Big Show

Show shoves him to the floor with ease to start and Edge’s waistlock goes just as well. Another toss over the top makes it even worse and we take a break. Back with Edge getting chopped in the corner but a shot to the ribs gives him a breather. Show shrugs off a dropkick but Lita’s distraction lets Edge get in a tornado DDT. Edge’s armbar is countered into a suplex and they’re both down for a bit.

The chokeslam and Edgecution are both countered so Show grabs the throat again, only to have Edge shove the referee. For some reason that makes Show let go, allowing Edge to hit the spear. Coach: “GORE! GORE! GORE!” Lawler: “Spear.” Lawler: “SPEAR! SPEAR! SPEAR!” Edge tries to grab the briefcase but JBL’s music hits, allowing Show to nail the chokeslam for the win.

Rating: D+. I don’t usually like Edge relying on nothing but the briefcase but would anyone really buy Edge spearing Show for a pin? The JBL stuff seems like they have a plan for Survivor Series and that could be an interesting way to go. It’s not like a lot of their individual brand feuds offer all that much these days.

Wrestlemania tickets are on sale.

Edge and Lita tell Bischoff to tune into Smackdown to see what they’re going to do about this.

It’s time for Carlito’s Cabana. Carlito is ready to face Shawn Michaels tonight but for now, here’s his guest: Mick Foley. Mick is glad to be in a ring with someone whose hair is actually worse than his. That brings him to last week, where the sole voice of reason in the McMahon Family fired Jim Ross, who is the best announcer this company has ever had.

Linda pops up on screen to say fans have not been happy with what happened to JR. It’s true that he goes in for colon surgery tomorrow and allegedly, Linda’s kick may have made it worse. That being said, if JR claims anything against them, they’ll sue him into the ground. Have a nice day.

Carlito says JR was a fat, out of shape loser, just like Foley. Mick agrees that he isn’t cool and doesn’t go to cool places, except for right here in Sacramento, California. The difference is that fans meet him and then think he’s cool, but fans meet Carlito and think he’s a horse’s a**. Carlito loads up the apple but Foley says Carlito should be worried about getting beaten up by Shawn Michaels tonight. Have a nice day.

WWE Championship Qualifying Match: Carlito vs. Shawn Michaels

Carlito, still in the arena, jumps Michaels during his entrance and the beating is on in a hurry. A whip into the corner and some shots to the ribs give Carlito two, followed by an elbow to the jaw for the same. Shawn’s comeback is cut off with a hard whip into the corner and the chinlock is on in a hurry. Back up and a clothesline puts Shawn on the floor, followed by a knee to the ribs to cut him off again.

Shawn rolls through a high crossbody for two though and we hit the sleeper on Carlito. That’s broken up again and Carlito hits a dropkick in the corner to bang up the ribs. The abdominal stretch goes on but Shawn fights out and suplexes Carlito over the top, albeit with Shawn almost landing on him as we take a break.

Back with Carlito hitting his own suplex for two, only to have Shawn fight up for the chop off. A missed charge in the corner has Carlito in more trouble and it’s the flying forearm into the nipup. The top rope elbow connects but the superkick is countered into a rollup for two. The ref gets bumped though, allowing Carlito’s chair shot to hit the post. Sweet Chin Music into the chair into Carlito’s head is good for the pin.

Rating: B-. I’m not sure how much reason there was to believe that Carlito had a chance here so the ending wasn’t exactly in doubt but as usual, Shawn was able to get a good match out of him. What matters here is they built up a little drama, even if Carlito is hardly a challenger for the World Title, especially against John Cena, which we’ve seen multiple time snow.

As Shawn leaves, Ric Flair comes to the ring. Back from a break and Flair is in the middle of talking about HHH’s praise last week. HHH’s attack has lit a fire under Flair like he hasn’t had in years. He carried the brass ring for twenty years and he was the best wrestler in the world because of it. Now HHH has that ring but Flair questions it. There goes the jacket and there goes the elbow as Flair is fired up.

Back in 1975, Flair was in a plane crash and broke his back, but he was a champion six months later. One day in West Virginia, lightning hit his umbrella and killed a man standing three feet from him. Flair rips the bandage off his head and hits the cut, causing him to GUSH blood. He has taken HHH’s two best sledgehammer shots and he’s still standing, so get out here right now HHH.

Cue HHH so Flair pulls out a baseball bat and HHH runs off. A camera finds Flair in the back but he tells it to get out of his face and throws the bat down. This was very good, not just for the blood, but also because Flair sounded like he believed every word he said. Flair came off as a man who wants revenge and is willing to go to any length to get it, which is a dangerous combination.

Carlito wants Foley in a match at Taboo Tuesday.

Victoria/Torrie Wilson/Candice Michelle vs. Trish Stratus/Ashley Massaro/Mickie James

Post match Mickie points at Trish and hits Stratusfaction on Victoria. That could be interesting.

Steve Austin arrives in the parking lot and drives his truck all the way into the arena, scaring the women half to death. Back from a break and Austin says he is having to stay calm so he can get his point across. Austin has been here for ten years and there have been some good and bad times. Jim Ross is the only man who has been here for him the entire time and now he’s seeing JR being treated like garbage. Get out here Vince, because there is business to address.

Instead it’s Stephanie McMahon (Coach: “She is the hottest Diva in history.”) but Austin wants to know what is up with the McMahons talking about their balls. Even Stephanie talks about hers so maybe Austin is about to Stun his first transvestite. Two weeks ago, Austin Stunned the McMahons and now JR is gone. JR had nothing to do with what Austin did so he threatens to spank Stephanie (Austin: “I’ve got to be careful because I don’t want your balls to fall out.”).

This time Coach stands up to defend Stephanie’s honor though and tells Austin to run out of here like a scalded dog. Austin was going to beat Coach up anyway so he might as well do it now. Stephanie calls him off and has a proposition for him. Austin: “I think I’ve got a twenty on me.” She offers him a match against Coach at Taboo Tuesday with JR’s job on the line. Austin will drink to that and Coach is panicking. Beer is consumed but Stephanie says if Austin loses to Coach, he’s fired. Austin gets that and flips her off before heading to commentary to break Coach’s glasses. The hat is taken off too and Austin pours a beer inside, while saying he thinks Lawler is one of the best of all time. Austin was fired up here and it felt like the classic version at times.

Smackdown Rebound.

Before the main event, here’s Bischoff to announce Flair vs. HHH, Foley vs. Carlito and the Fulfill Your Fantasy Diva Battle Royal for Taboo Tuesday. For now though, we need a third option to join the triple threat and this man will be in the following battle royal. Cue….well actually John Cena because he wants to watch the match and do commentary. With that out of the way, cue the returning Kane and we’re ready to go.

WWE Title Qualifying Match: Battle Royal

Edge, Kerwin White, Chris Masters, Snitsky, Lance Cade, Trevor Murdoch, Shelton Benjamin, Carlito, Tyson Tomko, Kane, Rosey, Eugene, Viscera, Rob Conway, Val Venis, Tajiri, Antonio Thomas, Romeo Roselli

I think that’s everyone. Carlito gets chokeslammed at the bell and he’s out in a hurry. Viscera is out as well and we take a fast break. Back with a few eliminations having taken place, including Snitsky, Tajiri and Edge (that’s a surprise). Rosey is tossed but Eugene pulls out Conway. Kane gets rid of Cade and Murdoch, Shelton gets rid of White and Kane gets rid of Shelton to clear out a lot of space in a hurry. Venis is out as well, followed by Thomas and Roselli. We’re down to Kane vs. Masters, with Kane getting powerslammed in a hurry. The Masterlock can’t go on so Kane backdrops Masters out for the win.

Rating: D. Now that was a fast one. They didn’t waste a bit of time here and they got to the (pretty) obvious finish in a hurry. I’ll certainly take that over some long and drawn out deal where Masters or Carlito were threats. Edge being eliminated so early was a surprise but at least he had already had a match earlier in the night to wear him down a bit. I can always appreciated not wasting time and that was the case here.

Overall Rating: C+. I can always go for a show that has a point to it and that was the case here. They were locked in on Taboo Tuesday and there were some good promos and segments to make me want to see the show. Austin and Flair were both fired up here and we have some good options to join the triple threat match. The wrestling wasn’t the greatest here, but the overall presentation worked well and I want to see where a lot of this goes in the coming weeks.

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:


And check out my Amazon author page with cheap wrestling books at:


Smackdown – March 13, 2020: This Is Weird

IMG Credit: WWE

Date: March 13, 2020
Location: WWE Performance Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Michael Cole, HHH

Welcome to what might be the norm for a long time to come as we’re at the Performance Center with no fans in attendance. That’s going to be interesting as we’re building towards Wrestlemania at the same time, even though there’s a very good chance the show won’t be happening. Let’s get to it.

HHH welcomes us to the show and explains that we’re in the Performance Center. The wrestlers trained here and tonight they’re here to perform.

Opening sequence.

Here are Sasha Banks and Bayley to open things up and they tell Cole and HHH (the first of several guest commentators tonight) to quiet down and cut the music. They want to know where Paige is but Cole says she has had travel issues. HHH: “I don’t know about you guys but I’m sick of his excuses.” Cue Alexa Bliss and Nikki Cross to challenge them to a match, as it might get the Kabuki Warriors’ attention. Bayley says get a referee out here.

Alexa Bliss/Nikki Cross vs. Bayley/Sasha Banks

Cross kicks Bayley in the corner to start and it’s off to Bliss for the knees to the ribs. Everything breaks down in a hurry with Banks having to pull Bayley away from Twisted Bliss. A baseball slide sends Bayley into the announcers’ table and we take a break. Back with Bliss in trouble as Cole explains what a promo class is. Bliss gets two off a rollup but gets suplexed into a chinlock.

As HHH asks the producer to feed him pop culture references so he can be like Mauro Ranallo, Bliss powers up but gets clotheslined right back down. Bayley gets knocked off the apron and the missed knees in the corner allow the hot tag to Cross. House is cleaned, with HHH calling it “Vintage Cross, eh Cole?”. Everything breaks down again and here’s Asuka to send Bliss into the steps. The distraction lets Banks hit the Backstabber into the Bank Statement for the win at 10:59.

Rating: C-. Aside from getting used to how completely bizarre this whole setup is, the match was the usual not great match between these teams, but that almost goes without saying. It feels like a match I’ve seen half a dozen times now in one form or another and that doesn’t exactly get me interested in seeing it again.

Asuka dances on the ramp in celebration.

Here’s Roman Reigns for a sitdown interview. Reigns says it’s weird to not have people here when wrestling is built on a reaction. We quickly move to the Goldberg match, with Reigns asking if he can main event a small town in front of 5000 people, why shouldn’t he be in the biggest match of the year? Goldberg has said that he is going to bulldoze Reigns, but since Goldberg went to Georgia, he might not be smart enough to operate a bulldozer (HA!). Reigns calls Goldberg a part timer while Reigns has been bred to do this his entire life. At Wrestlemania, Reigns is setting this place right.

Sami Zayn, Cesaro and Shinsuke Nakamura interrupt an interview to say it’s time to celebrate.

The real interview is with Jeff Hardy but King Corbin interrupts to ask what Hardy has in store for tonight. Maybe he can walk a straight line, recite the alphabet backwards or reach out his finger and touch his nose. As it turns out, they’re fighting tonight, which Corbin somehow didn’t know. Hardy leaves so here’s Elias with a song, but Corbin walks off.

We look at Daniel Bryan beating Drew Gulak at Elimination Chamber.

Bryan comes up to Gulak in the back and says his neck is still sore from Elimination Chamber. If Gulak is still willing to teach about Bryan’s weaknesses, he’s willing to learn. Zayn and company come up to laugh a lot and it’s Bryan vs. Cesaro tonight.

From Elimination Chamber (only clips are shown but here’s the full version).

Smackdown Tag Team Titles: Usos vs. New Day vs. Lucha House Party vs. Robert Roode/Dolph Ziggler vs. Heavy Machinery vs. John Morrison/The Miz

Miz and Morrison are defending and it’s Gran Metalik/Lince Dorado for the House Party. New Day (with white paint by numbers gear) is in at #1 and the Usos are in at #2. Some quick trash talk sets up the fight with Kofi dropkicking Jimmy, only to get punched down by Jey. Kofi slips off a springboard and falls onto Jey for two but goes up again anyway. This time Big E. has to break up a double superplex and it’s a standoff until Lucha House Party in at #3 (after about three and a half minutes instead of the announced five).

The Luchas pick up the pace, including the Golden Rewind and the missile dropkick into three straight moonsaults for two on Jimmy. Big E. throws Dorado and Metalik over the top for back to back crashes, followed by launching Kofi onto both of them. Back in and Kofi jumps over Big E. but misses a double elbow, leaving Big E. to go outside. Dorado tries a springboard onto the Chamber wall but slips, with his foot going through the chain.

Thankfully he doesn’t break his leg and is fine enough to climb on top of a pod. Kofi follows him for the slugout with Metalik joining him to knock Kofi down. The Luchas hit big flip dives and Miz and Morrison are in at #4 (as the time continues to be WAY off). Dorado gets double spinebustered down and Morrison’s standing shooting star press gets two, with Metalik making the save. Miz and Morrison tie Metalik in the Tree of Woe and kick away, followed by a double DDT for two on Jimmy.

Jey gets caught in a neckbreaker/springboard double stomp combination for two more, followed by a spinning Razor’s Edge slam for the same on Dorado. Metalik goes on top of a pod and snaps off a great looking hurricanrana to Morrison for another near fall. Kofi is back in with the Boom Drop to Miz but Trouble in Paradise misses. That means the spinebuster/Flying Chuck combination for two more but Big E. is back up for a powerbomb/top rope knee to the chest combination for two on Miz.

Heavy Machinery is in at #5 and starts wrecking things before stopping cold in a weird moment (someone might have missed a cue). Big E. gets crushed by Tucker and Otis and the Caterpillar gets two….as Dorado is hanging from the top of the Chamber. He pulls himself up for a shooting star onto everyone but Heavy Machinery for the spot of the night. The Compactor finishes Metalik at 17:14 and it’s Ziggler and Roode in at #6 to complete the field.

Miz and Morrison help them beat down Heavy Machinery and the fans start cheering for Otis again. Tucker fights back so Otis goes after Dolph, sending him up to the top of a pod. That means Tucker follows him up and throws him onto Otis, who drops him throat first onto the top rope. Tucker flip dives onto New Day and the Usos, leaving Roode and Ziggler to jump Otis.

The fans are glad to see them leave and it’s down to New Day, the Usos and Miz/Morrison. The champs get stared down by all four of them and the beatdown is on in a hurry. Miz and Morrison are sent over the top and it’s a superkick to Big E., followed by a pop up Samoan drop for two on Kofi. Big E. comes back to clean house so Kofi can go on top of the pod, only to miss a high crossbody. Miz and Morrison come back in to steal the pin at 29:04, leaving us with the Usos vs. the champs. Double superkicks give the Usos two but only one Superfly Splash connects, with the other hitting knees.

That means a double near fall as they thankfully didn’t manage to screw up the Elimination Chamber as well. Miz sends the Usos into each other and hits the Skull Crushing Finale for two on Jimmy. The Figure Four goes on and Morrison takes care of Jey, setting up Starship Pain at the same time. Jey breaks up the cover with a rollup for his own two but it’s a Miz rolling Jey up with feet on the ropes and Morrison grabbing the legs (totally legal) to retain at 32:53.

Rating: B. This was a weird match as the fans were into the big spots (which were awesome) and they REALLY cared about Otis vs. Dolph but the crowd just gave up after that part of the match was over. It’s a strange situation to have the titles mean almost nothing by comparison to the story but I get why they booked it the way they do. Now they have two stories in this division, though the fans don’t care whatsoever about one of them. It was a good match, but the build was so lame that it isn’t likely to leave much of an impact. Heavy Machinery vs. Roode/Ziggler at Wrestlemania should be awesome though, if it’s done right.

Here are Miz and John Morrison in the ring to brag about their title win. They ask if anyone thinks they aren’t the greatest team ever, but they get into a bit of a disagreement about whose movie was better. No one comes out to interrupt so they hit their singing chant.

Since we’re shorthanded, HHH is running the camera.

We look at the announcement on Backstage of Rob Gronkowski possibly signing with WWE.

Mojo Rawley joins us and confirms that Gronkowski will be signing, but hasn’t officially done so. Either way, Gronkowski will be in the building next week. Mojo demands that people get hyped.

Daniel Bryan vs. Cesaro

Sami is on commentary and Nakamura is at ringside. Bryan starts kicking away in the corner but Cesaro uppercuts away to get himself out of trouble. We take an early break and come back with Bryan fighting out of a chinlock but getting thrown down for his efforts. Bryan fights back with the moonsault out of the corner into the running clothesline. The Crossface goes on but Bryan reverses into a rollup for the pin at 6:29. Not enough shown to rate but it felt like a tease for something else later.

Post match the beatdown is on, with Gulak not being able to make a save. The numbers game leaves Gulak laying but Bryan makes the real save with a suicide dive to send the villains running.

HHH helps Cole by coloring in his facial hair.

King Corbin vs. Jeff Hardy

Elias is on commentary. Corbin jumps Hardy during the entrances and takes it outside before the bell rings. We officially get going with Jeff fighting back and hitting the basement dropkick into the twisting Stunner but Corbin shoves him away, likely due to Hardy shouting TWISTO. HHH: “Corbin must have hit him pretty hard because he was trying to fire this crowd up.” Elias gets up with his guitar, allowing Hardy to hit the Twist of Fury (Twist of Fate into a swinging neckbreaker. HHH: “Whatamaneuver!”) into the Swanton for the pin at 2:21.

HHH talks about how WWE has earned the right to say THEN NOW AND FOREVER. Ok then.

Here’s John Cena for the big interview with Cole. Cena says he can’t wait to get back to the fans before moving on to Bray Wyatt. Cole brings up the Wrestlemania XXX match and Bray saying that it led to his downward spiral and the birth of the Fiend. Cena is used to being blamed for things and it has been a long list of people with potential. That’s a dangerous thing because it can get you a long way but it can also make you believe your own hype.

Six years ago, Wyatt lost and got lazy but blamed Cena instead. Cena never gives up and some people say it’s because he wins a lot. That’s true, but what about all of his big losses to Miz, Rob Van Dam, CM Punk, The Rock, Brock Lesnar and others? It’s because Cena always keeps going and rising up again without blaming everyone else. So how does he respond to Wyatt? Give him a chance and he’ll give the Fiend an Attitude Adjustment.

After we look back to two weeks ago with the start of Cena’s promo about not wrestling at Wrestlemania, Cena says that he’s facing Bray because he wants to invest in the future. People like Drew McIntyre, Tommaso Ciampa, Matt Riddle and Velveteen Dream deserve the chance instead of giving Bray his fifth or sixth chance. Wyatt pops up in an empty seat and says Cena can say this while having everything. A lot of people want to imagine what it’s like to be Cena for one day.

In reality, Cena is the sick one because no one believes that it’s about the future. Cena will smash and bury everyone as long as he gets the spotlight. He craves it like an addict and even fiends for it. Six years ago, Cena took something from Bray and he’s thought about it a lot since. He wanted to crush his brain for five seconds of peace from the voices but then he started listening. Those voices became a fun house and he was put back together as the Fiend. At Wrestlemania, it’s going to be a slaughter. Let him in.

This was very good stuff as the silence made Bray’s words a bit creepier. I love that they’ve taken something that seems so disconnected and turned it into a big story for Wrestlemania. I’m not sure if the Cena match was always the catalyst for the Fiend stuff or if they made this up at the last minute, but it ties in logically and that’s all you can ask for in a story.

Overall Rating: C-. That ending promo saved this, but it’s really hard to treat this like a regular show. They had a VERY limited crew tonight (Raw is going to be fascinating, likely in all the wrong ways) and made the most of it. Throwing in the Chamber match was fine, though I wouldn’t have minded them trimming a bit more to give Bryan vs. Cesaro extra time. It’s not a traditional show but with almost nothing else on in the sports world, having something is better than nothing.


Bayley/Sasha Banks b. Nikki Cross/Alexa Bliss – Bank Statement to Cross

Jeff Hardy b. King Corbin – Swanton

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:


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Monday Night Raw – October 10, 2005: Guess Who’s Back

IMG Credit: WWE

Monday Night Raw
Date: October 10, 2005
Location: American Bank Center, Corpus Christi, Texas
Attendance: 3,500
Commentators: Jim Ross, Jerry Lawler, Jonathan Coachman

Last week was a big show with Homecoming and now we get to build towards the next big thing with Taboo Tuesday. There is a lot of fallout to deal with from last week, including HHH turning on Ric Flair and beating him to a bloody pulp last week. Other than that, Steve Austin Stunned every McMahon in sight, including Linda for the first time. That doesn’t bode well so let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

We look back at Homecoming, which means the Austin/McMahons segment.

Opening sequence.

Here’s Stephanie McMahon to open things up. She’s livid at Austin for Stunning every member of her family last week and there was even a poll on WWE.com asking which of them they liked seeing get Stunned. It was her, and that’s because everyone is intimidated by her looks and her mind, but also because she’s Vince McMahon’s daughter.

That means no one can stop her…and something has her attention. A production worker is telling Stephanie to wrap it up so we can go to a commercial (six minutes into the show). Stephanie slaps him, plus Lilian Garcia for looking at her wrong, with Stephanie promising that Vince is going to fire someone. She goes to leave but Stephanie gets up on the announcers’ table and says the b**** is back. And it’s going to take her years to leave isn’t it?

Doink the Clown vs. Rob Conway

Doink starts fast with some rollups for two each and a poke to the eye annoys Conway even more. That’s too far for Conway, who knocks him into the corner and chokes a bit, setting up the Ego Trip for the quick win.

Post match, Conway calls out the legends, saying he’s coming for them. Cue Eugene for the save but Conway beats him down as well. Conway vs. low level legends would be fine enough, as long as he’s on a different show than Randy Orton.

Video on HHH returning and attacking Ric Flair last week.

It’s time for Carlito’s Cabana. Carlito talks about how people are wondering who should be the #1 contender and after last week’s Iron Man match….but here’s Kurt Angle to interrupt. Before he can yell at Carlito, here’s Shawn Michaels to interrupt him. Shawn says nothing was clear last week, which is why he wanted sudden death but Angle walked away. That tells Shawn that either Angle doesn’t want to be WWE Champion or he doesn’t want any more of Shawn.

Angle doesn’t like that but here’s Big Show to interrupt as well (with Shawn grabbing a drink out of a coconut). Big Show has realized something but here are Edge and Lita to interrupt. Edge says he’s the only one with a guaranteed title shot and he retained it last week. He thinks Stephanie and Vince should freeze all title shots until he cashes in the briefcase.

Carlito doesn’t think so because he should be #1 contender. Cue John Cena and the place is rather pleased to see him. Cena raps about all of them (believe it or not, there are a lot of gay jokes), including that Lita is just a sl**. He also gets in the line about how he’s a pinwheel so Edge can blow him, which he would use on Rock in his first big response in 2011. In short, Cena doesn’t care who he faces.

Chris Masters vs. Tajiri

Tajiri jumps him during the entrance and strikes away for two inside. Masters gets in a few shots to knock Tajiri down, only to get kicked in the head a few times. The Tarantula does its thing, followed by a superkick for two. Masters is right back with the Masterlock for the fast win.

HHH runs into Shawn in the back. Shawn says last week was too much but HHH just laughs at him and keeps walking. Next up is Big Show with a threat, followed by Cena, who has lost respect for HHH. That doesn’t work for HHH, who says Cena should watch his place. Cena says come get some, so HHH says when he wants it, he’ll take it. There’s your seed planted.

Here’s HHH for the big fallout interview. HHH laughs at people thinking he went too far because no one was a bigger Flair mark than him. That’s why he was so excited when Flair came here in 2001, but Flair was a shell of himself. Then HHH let Flair sit at his right hand and Flair appeared to be great again. HHH spent some time at home though and he saw Ric Flair getting spat on, with apple hanging off his face. Then the people cheered when Flair fought back and won the Intercontinental Title, when Flair reveled in his newfound mediocrity.

That’s when HHH knew what he had to do: he took the horse behind the barn and pulled the trigger. The fans want Flair but HHH tells Flair not to listen to that. They’re just driving him further into the ground because without HHH, Flair is nothing. He’s not the dirtiest player in the game because he’s not in the game anymore. For Flair, the game is over. That’s a good explanation and last week’s beatdown was good, but Flair’s promo better be as fiery as it can be to live up to the hype.

Women’s Title: Trish Stratus vs. Victoria

Trish is defending and starts fast with the Matrish but Stratusfaction is broken up with straight power. Victoria stands on her hair and pulls before the spinning side slam gets two. Some forearms get Trish out of trouble but the Stratusphere is countered into the Boston crab. That’s broken up as well and Trish grabs a northern lights suplex to retain.

Rating: C. It was rather action packed but there is only so much you can do in just shy of four minutes. Trish is still dying for some fresh competition and Victoria really doesn’t qualify. It’s better than having her face Torrie or Candice though, as that would be little more than a disaster.

Post match the beatdown is on but a woman runs in through the crowd and beats up Victoria before handing the title to Trish.

Post break Trish is hobbling through the back when the woman comes up and introduces herself as Mickie James (and she’s recently signed with Raw so security isn’t as bad as it seems). Trish recognizes the name and Mickie says she’s written Trish a bunch of letters because she’s Trish’s biggest fan. Trish seems a bit weary.

Carlito/Kurt Angle/Edge vs. Shawn Michaels/John Cena/Big Show

Lita is here too. Cena and Edge start things off with the Canadian getting a boot up in the corner. It’s already off to Show, who chops Carlito hard in the corner. For some reason Edge tries to suplex Show and gets sent into the corner for his efforts. A triple splash crushes the villains and we take a break.

Back with Angle suplexing Cena and it’s Edge coming in for a kick to the head. Cena gets over for the tag to Shawn anyway though and Sweet Chin Music is loaded up, only to have Angle clothesline him down. Angle snaps off a German suplex and we hit the bodyscissors to work on the ribs. A quick distraction lets Angle throw Shawn outside for a spear from Edge and we take another break.

Back again with Angle suplexing Shawn for two as Cena makes a save. Carlito’s chinlock doesn’t last long so he hits a dropkick for two instead. Shawn fights up on Carlito and almost falls over to make the tag to Show, meaning house can be cleaned. Show even throws in a You Can’t See Me to Angle so Cena NEEDS to come in. The Shuffle gets two on Angle and Show superkicks Edge over the barricade. The FU to Angle is broken up so Cena grabs an ankle lock, only to get rolled up to give Angle the pin.

Rating: B. This was your big time main event and the pin should set up the title match at Taboo Tuesday, in case you didn’t get enough of Cena vs. Angle so far. They could get another match or two out of this one as well so that’s some rather efficient booking. Rather good main event style tag match and that’s what they were going for with this one.

We look back at Stephanie being a psycho.

Kane is back next week.

Here’s Vince McMahon to fire someone. He recaps the situation and says someone has to be blamed because that’s what Americans like to do. Maybe Eric Bischoff should be fired, but that’s too easy. It’s Steve Austin who should be blamed, but Vince won’t do that either. Instead, he blames the fans for encouraging the Steve Austins of the world. Therefore, everyone around the world should consider themselves a WWE employee. Therefore, they’re ALL FIRED!

There were three people who enjoyed it too much though so the announcers need to get in the ring. Vince and Shane can take care of themselves but the three of them let Stephanie and Linda take Stunners last week. Vince wants an apology and yes their jobs depend on it. Coach apologizes as you would expect him to and Lawler says if he has to in order to save his job, then so be it. Lawler and Coach are dismissed and JR apologizes that Linda got Stunned.

Vince accepts that as well…..but he wants JR to apologize to Stephanie personally. Stephanie demands her own apology so JR says he’s sorry her mama got Stunned. Vince calls Shane out but gets Linda instead, with Vince and Stephanie being rather surprised. Linda can’t let this keep going because the only way to get what you want is by taking action. Therefore, JR is fired, as well as kicked low to end the show with Vince being very pleased, even mocking the Rockette kicks for a funny moment.

Overall Rating: C. This show flew by and while they have a few interesting things coming up, the heavy focus on the McMahons is not exactly giving me hope for the near future. It seems that they are going to be the focal point for a long time to come and that is rarely a good thing. If nothing else, having Stephanie back as the Billion Dollar Princess could get old in a hurry and that seems to be where we’re going. Maybe the rest of the stuff can overcome it, but that has rarely been the case before.

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:


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Main Event – March 5, 2020: Prelude to the Prelude

IMG Credit: WWE

Main Event
Date: March 5, 2020
Location: Barclays Center, New York City, New York
Commentators: Byron Saxton, Mickie James

It’s the go home show for Elimination Chamber and most of the show is already set up. At the same time though it is another show helping to set up Wrestlemania. That’s an interesting combination and I’m not sure how well it is going to work here. Things might work out well enough, but you never can tell. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Shelton Benjamin vs. Curt Hawkins

Time for a hometown boy to lose again. Hawkins snaps off some armdrags to start and Shelton needs an early breather. Back in and Shelton sends him shoulder first into the post for two and a flying armbar makes the arm even worse. We hit the armbar but Hawkins fights up and slugs away, setting up a Falcon Arrow for two. An enziguri gives Hawkins two but Shelton pulls him into the reverse cross armbreaker for the tap at 5:02.

From Smackdown.

Here’s John Cena for the big close. After taking in the crowd reaction, Cena says that he’s back so it must be Wrestlemania season. So what is he doing at Wrestlemania this year? He knows his role has changed so now it’s time to do something a little different. Cena always listens to the biggest superstar there is, which would be the fans. He knows he can probably say or do whatever he wants and have it happen at Wrestlemania, but he’s going to do the right thing.

This year’s Wrestlemania should go on without him. It’s not goodbye but it’s goodbye for now, because Cena cares about the future. Wrestlemania spots should be earned and not demanded so this year’s he’s betting on the future and sitting out. That makes tonight special because he doesn’t know when he’s going to be back. He has an announcement tonight and he wanted to make it in front of his friends and family.

The fans cheer for him and Cena drops the mic before heading to the front row to shake hands with some kids. Cena goes up the ramp and salutes….and there go the lights. They come back up and the Fiend is…..right behind him. Cena looks at the Fiend, who points at the sign. Cena looks at the sign, looks at the Fiend, and nods, as the lights go out and we get the laugh to end the show.

From Raw.

Here are Paul Heyman and Brock Lesnar to get things going. Heyman does his usual shtick and then says he can’t do this. It’s their job to make you interested in Wrestlemania and yes, this year’s card looks like the best in years. The problem is the main event, which is a sham. Drew McIntyre is overhyped, because he eliminated Lesnar from the Royal Rumble with the help of a low blow from Ricochet.

McIntyre leaves and the fans sing goodbye to Brock, who is having trouble standing after the kick. Brock staggers up the ramp and here’s McIntyre to take him down with another Claymore and pose with the title. The fans want one more so McIntyre delivers and Lesnar is out cold. You don’t see someone take Lesnar down like that every day so well done.

Elimination Chamber rundown.

Akira Tozawa vs. Eric Young

Young jumps Tozawa at the bell but Tozawa chops him to the floor. That earns Tozawa a neckbreaker and it’s Young taking over again. Another neckbreaker off the apron drops Tozawa and we take a break. Back with Young stomping away in the corner and elbowing him in the face for two.

We hit the neck crank as commentary talks about Elimination Chamber to avoid talking about the match. Tozawa fights up and hurricanranas him to the floor, setting up the suicide dive. Back in and a missile dropkick drops Young again but he blasts Tozawa down for a change. The top rope elbow gets two but Tozawa is back with the Black Widow. That’s broken up so Tozawa goes up, shoves Young down, and finishes with the top rope backsplash at 11:20.

Rating: C. Nice stuff here with Tozawa continuing to be able to have a good match against anyone around here. That’s what he did again, as Young is fine for a solid performance almost any time. It’s a lot better than the opener, though that might be due to not having the hometown star lose.

From Smackdown.

Here’s Goldberg to get things going. It’s not about who’s last because it’s all about who’s next. He throws the mic down and here’s Roman Reigns (dang they’re not waiting around for this one), which Goldberg seems to like. They stare each other down until Reigns says “I’m next”, as the Wrestlemania sign looms over them.

Recap of Edge returning and getting destroyed by Randy Orton.

From Raw.

Here’s Beth Phoenix for the medical update on Edge. Before she can get anywhere though, it’s Randy Orton interrupting to offer her a hug and a handshake. Those aren’t happening so Orton sits on the top, only to cut her off again. Orton talks about going to a show in 1999 when he was 19 years old with his dad Bob Orton introducing him to agents Tony Garea and Jack Lanza. Orton was just a fan back then and couldn’t believe that he was seeing all of these stars.

Edge was the only wrestler to come up and shake his dad’s hand though and Randy was so proud. Bob introduced the two of them and Edge said maybe one day they could work together. That gave Orton some confidence and just a few years later, they were fighting for the Intercontinental Title and stealing the show every night. Then they came together as Rated RKO and won the Tag Team Titles.

Orton started making some bad decisions though and got himself into a hole that he shouldn’t have been able to get out of. He was able to be there for his family though and now he wants Edge to be able to do the same thing for their daughters. Everyone has blamed Orton for what he did but it wasn’t Orton’s fault at all. It’s Beth’s fault because she has enabled Edge, who is a junkie for the roar of the crowd.

Beth did nothing to stop him so Orton had to stop him so Edge could be a husband and father. Orton has realized that he loves Edge’s kids and Edge more than Beth ever could. Beth finally slaps him and it’s an RKO to drop her, with Orton immediately storming off. A bunch of referees and wrestlers come down to check on her to end the show. There’s your other big incentive for Edge to come back and the fiery promo should be great. Orton’s explanation was good and fits his rather crazy outlook on things, which is all you need most of the time.

Overall Rating: C-. There are some good things being set up for Wrestlemania and what matters is that they have a card in sight. With so little time left, they have to do something to get the rest of the card ready and there is a good chance that we are going to be starting that run on Monday. Then again they might have yet another show lined up to do in between because WWE loves running as many shows as they can. Fine enough show for its purpose here, but it wasn’t anything worth seeing, as usual.

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:


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Monday Night Raw – October 3, 2005 (2020 Redo): Welcome Home

IMG Credit: WWE

Monday Night Raw
Date: October 3, 2005
Location: American Airlines Center, Dallas, Texas
Attendance: 14,387
Commentators: Jim Ross, Jerry Lawler, Jonathan Coachman

It’s a special night as Raw is back on USA and it’s a three hour show, back when that was still a novel concept. The big idea is the return of a bunch of legends, including Hulk Hogan, Steve Austin and HHH, with the latter teaming up with Ric Flair to face Chris Masters and Carlito. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

We open with a five minute preview video featuring the different openings and a lot of talking heads, including Vince McMahon, Shawn Michaels and Bobby Heenan among others talking about the first show and how going live was different. Then there was the Attitude Era, which is what they really were. As usual, WWE knows how to do these better than anyone else, which isn’t surprising given how much practice they have with patting themselves on the back.

We get what I believe is a new intro, with the “yes sir we promised you a great main event here tonight” video.

Opening sequence.

Here’s Mick Foley to get things going and there’s a certain special carpet in the ring. Mrs. Foley’s baby boy has come back home to the WWE, to USA and to Dallas, Texas. They’re doing things a little bit differently tonight because the guest is introducing the host. Cue Roddy Piper and it’s time for Piper’s Pit. Piper says he’s a fan of Foley’s because he’s nowhere near as crazy as Foley. Piper: “You jump off roofs! You land on thumbtakes!”

The WHATs get on Piper’s nerves but he asks when Foley is coming back to the WWE. Foley says he was at his best in his most recent match but he got beaten up anyway. Piper says there are 12,000 reasons right here to get back in the ring but here are Randy and Bob Orton to interrupt. That sends Foley to another level and he promises that Undertaker will take care of the two of them on Sunday.

Randy says he can do whatever he wants around here because he’s Randy Orton. The two of them get in the ring and Randy gets in Piper’s face, saying Piper would be nothing if not for Bob. Randy watched his father come home black and blue with nothing to show for it while Piper got movie deals and the main event of Wrestlemania. The fight is on and after things get broken up for a bit, Randy hits a pair of RKOs.

We look at Kurt Angle beating Shawn Michaels at Wrestlemania and then Shawn evening the score at Vengeance.

Eric Bischoff rants at Teddy Long for bringing the Ortons in but Teddy says he didn’t do it. That’s not cool with Eric, who threatens everything on Smackdown and shoves Teddy, who doesn’t seem phased.

Kurt Angle vs. Shawn Michaels

30 minute Iron Man match. Shawn charges at him and they’re on the mat early with Shawn hammering away. A slam gets a quick two on Angle and a swinging neckbreaker gets two. They head outside with Shawn chopping at Angle, setting up a top rope ax handle for two more back inside. Angle is back up with an uppercut and a knee to the face as they’re already in second gear. The chinlock burns off some time but Shawn jawbreaks his way to freedom at the five minute mark.

Angle gets backdropped over the top and seems to have banged up his shoulder, but he’s fine enough to Angle Slam Shawn on the floor. Back in and Angle stomps away in the corner, setting up the same buckle bomb he hit at Vengeance. Shawn knocks him off the top but Angle runs the corner and hits the super Angle Slam for the first fall at 8:10.

Angle – 1

Michaels – 0

We take a break and come back with 17:54 to go as Angle grabs a reverse chinlock. Shawn fights up but goes shoulder first into the post, setting up the ankle lock. That’s countered into a quick rollup to give Shawn the pin and the title at 15:10 to go.

Angle – 1

Michaels – 1

Angle is ticked off so he takes it outside again and sends Shawn into the steps. The bodyscissors goes on to work on Shawn’s back some more but Shawn counters into an O’Connor roll. Angle rolls through that into the ankle lock and the grapevine makes Shawn tap with 11:13 to go.

Angle – 2

Michaels – 1

Back from another break with 7:42 to go and Angle working on the leg even more. Angle lays on the leg but Shawn forearms him in the chest for the break. Shawn’s leg is fine enough for the forearm into the nipup and he sets up the top rope elbow. Sweet Chin Music ties it up with 4:45 to go.

Angle – 2

Michaels – 2

Angle is back up and whips Shawn upside down in the corner, setting up an Angle Slam for two. A tornado DDT drops Angle with 3:00 left but Shawn can’t follow up. The very delayed cover gets two and Angle charges into a boot in the corner with two minutes left. Shawn’s moonsault press is countered into the ankle lock and Shawn can’t kick/roll out. The grapevine goes on with 1:06 left but Shawn kicks him away with 15 seconds left. Sweet Chin Music connects but time runs out at at the one count.

Rating: B. These two work so well together and they had another very good one here. Angle being able to outwrestle Michaels for most of the match until Shawn gets in a quick fall here or there is a great story and really shows the differences between the two of them. They could do this every night and have a great match so this was something that should have been included on such a major show.

Post match Shawn asks for sudden death but Angle leaves. Shawn celebrates with some legends in the front row.

Kevin Von Erich is here. That’s strange to see in WWE.

Bischoff comes up to Vince McMahon and asks if the match against Cena can be No DQ. Vince: “No.” Eric isn’t happy and calls him Vince before going into a rant about how Vince only signed him to humiliate him every week. What’s next? A Self Destruction of Eric Bischoff DVD? Eric calls him sick, but Vince says no one knows how sick, twisted and perverted he can be.

Lilian Garcia introduces Vince, reading a long description off of a card (Lilian: “He is strong, he is handsome, he is….well endowed?”). Vince talks about how great it is that everything is uncensored again, like it was on February 8, 1998 (it was 1999). That was the night he beat up Steve Austin and we see a clip of the segment (with the right date). Vince pinned Austin and then talked trash to him in the corner, mainly because of all the people holding Austin back.

Then there was the time Vince had Austin arrested….and there’s the glass shatter. I can’t help but smile at Vince’s face because he just can’t help screwing this up every time. Vince insists that he was just having fun and of course he had some other moments to show. Austin thinks Vince is nervous, even though he said he invented Austin, which was part of the big intro. That makes Austin laugh but then he gets serious again because he has his own clips. This includes Dr. Austin, Bang 3:16 and the beer truck, with Vince looking more and more embarrassed after each one.

Austin’s look when she says she’s Stephanie McMahon is great, and he asks her what fragrance she’s wearing. Stephanie is confused but Austin thinks she’s flirting with him. Those Stunners probably made her want to give him a kiss, but she slaps him instead. Austin: “So you’re playing hard to get.” Austin is glad she did that because it’s a Stunner for her too (which she took rather well).

Now we get even more serious as LINDA McMahon comes out (oh how I miss that old Wrestlemania theme song) to say Austin can’t do this. She has spent two years bringing her family back together but it’s always the same with Austin. Why Stun her husband? Austin: “Your husband is a piece of trash.” Linda: “….yeah.” But what about Shane? Austin: “He’s a piece of trash too.” What about Stephanie? Fans: “SL**!” Austin: “Stephanie is a precious piece of trash.”

This was rather long at over twenty minutes and kind of weird as Austin Stunning Linda, the mostly innocent member of the family, doesn’t feel right. That being said, a show honoring the history of Raw had to have something between Austin and Vince so why not go with the first ever attack on the whole family?

Post break, Vince says someone is getting fired over this.

Money In The Bank: Edge vs. Matt Hardy

Ladder match and Loser Leaves Raw. The ladder is already set up in the ring so Edge jumps him at the entrance and goes for a quick climb. Matt gets up and shoves the ladder over though, setting up a choke with the ladder. A missed charge lets Edge drop toehold him into the ladder in the corner, followed by a hard suplex into the ladder. Edge’s flapjack doesn’t quite work as Matt winds up on the ladder, only to get pulled right back down.

Edge lays the ladder on the top but Matt gets in a few shots of his own. That means he can bring in another ladder but Edge suplexes him chest first onto the ladder on the mat. Edge goes up top but Matt climbs as well and shoves him off, right into the ladder on the corner. The crash is enough to send Edge into the standing ladder and everyone is down again. Back from a break with the two of them on the floor and Edge getting sent over the barricade.

Matt climbs the ladder and dives onto Edge but has to go after Lita. A powerbomb through a table is broken up with a kendo stick shot from Edge and a splash off the apron puts Matt through the table in a big crash. Edge sets up a second ladder in the ring so Matt catches him and climbs the other, meaning it’s a Twist of Fate off the ladders for the next crash.

Matt’s climb is cut off by Lita and the kendo stick but he goes up anyway. Lita shoves the ladder over so Matt is hanging from the briefcase, allowing Edge to pull him down. That lets Edge tie Matt in the ropes and Lita wraps herself around his arms, forcing him to watch as Edge climbs the ladder to retain the briefcase.

Rating: B. This was all about the violence and being the final blowoff, with Matt getting crushed once and for all (in case you hadn’t gotten the idea just yet). There was no other way for these two to finish their feud because of the long history together so it was rather poetic in a way. Good, hard hitting match with Lita and Edge working together to finish Matt off once and of all.

Post break, Matt is led away by police just to rub it in.

Ashley Massaro helps Trish Stratus get dressed, as women like them tend to do. Trish makes sure to check her lingerie in case they lose the bra and panties match. Mae Young comes in and tries to strip but they get rid of her. Instead, Mae goes outside and strips for Jim Duggan, Jimmy Snuka and Ted DiBiase. Ted: “I’ll give you $1000 to put your shirt back on. $2000!” Fabulous Moolah comes in to break it up. Mae: “I want the $3000.” Snuka takes Jimmy’s money and goes to find Mae.

Ric Flair, after hitting on Maria Kanellis a bit, praises HHH for saving him and now, HHH is back once and for all.

Carlito/Chris Masters vs. Ric Flair/HHH

It’s a brawl to start with Carlito and Master being tossed outside in a hurry. We settle down to Carlito getting double chopped in the corner and there’s a double strut. Masters is chopped outside as well and we take a break. Back with Flair in trouble and Carlito grabbing an apple. Instead of spitting at Flair though, it’s the Figure Four to really work on the leg. HHH makes the save in a hurry so Carlito wraps the leg around the rope and slaps away.

You don’t leave Flair’s arm available though as he chops Carlito back, only to charge into a spinebuster. This time it’s Flair slamming Carlito off the top but Masters pulls Flair away from the tag attempt. A HHH distraction lets Flair hit Masters low and NOW it’s off to HHH for the house cleaning. That means a spinebuster each and it’s sledgehammer time. Masters takes it away so Flair hits a chop block, leaving Carlito to get Pedigreed for the pin.

Rating: C. The match wasn’t important as this was all about the return of HHH. There was no reason to believe that Masters and Carlito had a chance because HHH is on a much higher level. It felt like any given Raw tag team main event and it’s rather refreshing to see face HHH for a change.

Post match the celebration is on….and HHH hits Flair in the face with the sledgehammer. Flair is busted open badly as HHH keeps beating on him, including another sledgehammer shot, all while HHH screams at Flair.

Post break in the back, HHH keeps beating on the bloody Flair, saying that he isn’t forgetting. Flair gets sent into various things as HHH says no one touches Flair but him. Flair’s blood is all over the limo and HHH throws him inside before breaking the window with a sledgehammer. The limo drives away.

There are a bunch of legends (Ricky Steamboat, Arn Anderson, Mae Young, Steve Keirn, Dusty Rhodes, Jimmy Hart, Howard Finkel, Sgt. Slaughter, Superstar Billy Graham, Greg Valentine, the Fabulous Moolah, Steve Williams, Jim Duggan, Ted DiBiase, Harley Race, Nikolai Volkoff, Hillbilly Jim, Kevin Von Erich, Jimmy Snuka, Dean Malenko, Tony Garea, Koko B. Ware, Chief Jay Strongbow, Pat Patterson) in the ring with Dusty Rhodes talking about how much he loves Dallas. He talks about some of the legends but here’s Rob Conway to interrupt.

Conway wants to know if this is Homecoming or a nursing home. The old people jokes are on but Dusty gets in his face, asking how Conway dares to say this to these people. The table Conway is eating off of was built by these legends and without it, Conway wouldn’t have any food. Rhodes goes to talk about Harley Race but Conway calls Race fat. As you might expect, Race hits him in the head, as do Patterson and Duggan. The Bionic Elbow sets up the Von Erich Claw and the Superfly Splash. It’s hard not to smile at something like this as Dusty had that incredible fire and Race punching some young punk is always fun.

Torrie Wilson/Candice Michelle/Victoria vs. Trish Stratus/Ashley Massaro

Handicap bra and panties match. Trish gets knocked off the apron to start and Ashley loses her top in a hurry. She fights back in a hurry and takes off Victoria’s shirt, allowing Trish to fight back up. Candice and Torrie are sent into each other as Lawler wants to know where Torrie put her dog. JR: “Where do you think her puppies are?”

Torrie and Candice lose their tops but the Stratusphere is broken up and Trish loses part of her pants. Victoria loses all of hers though, only to have her knock Trish down hard. Lawler: “You think that’s hard?” Candice gets her pants pulled down, with Lawler being very pleased when the underwear comes down a bit too far. Torrie gets stripped as to give Trish and Ashley the win.

Rating: D. It’s one of those matches where it was there for the visuals and nothing more. That’s perfectly fine for what they were going for here and I can’t complain about the lack of wrestling. It wasn’t the point of something like this and for a “special” match, it worked well enough.

Bischoff says that since Vince is gone, he’s in charge tonight. Therefore, his match against John Cena is now No DQ. Angle volunteers to help in exchange for being named champion after Bischoff wins.

Rey Mysterio/Batista/Chris Benoit vs. Christian/Eddie Guerrero/John Bradshaw Layfield

Somehow this is Mysterio’s first ever match on Raw. Long is on commentary and it’s Batista vs. JBL to start, but here’s Bischoff to say hang on a second. Vince is gone and Bischoff doesn’t want Smackdown on this show. Therefore, there is no Smackdown match taking place tonight. The lights go out and Bischoff laughs at the Smackdown wrestlers for looking stupid.

Gene Okerlund is in the ring and brings out Hulk Hogan for a chat. Gene talks about all of Hogan’s accomplishments before asking what is next. Hogan says you can feel the power of Hulkamania here in Dallas before saying he’ll face Shawn Michaels again anyplace anytime. As far as what is next though, Hogan has faced some of the biggest names of all time, but tonight he felt the rumblings again. He saw one person backstage and knew what he wanted. The fans chant for Austin, and that is exactly who Hogan means. I don’t think this was ever mentioned again, but I remember my head snapping up when I was watching this live.

Raw World Title: John Cena vs. Eric Bischoff

Cena is defending and it’s No DQ so Angle is here with Bischoff. Angle keeps distraction Cena so he punches Bischoff in the face and goes after Angle instead. Bischoff gets in a single kick and Cena slams him down and hits the Shuffle but Angle comes in. That lets Bischoff get in a low blow for one but Angle’s chair shot bounces off the rope and hits himself in the head. Cena has had it and finishes Bischoff with the FU in a hurry.

Post match Cena and Angle brawl some more but here’s Teddy Long to send the Smackdown wrestlers (plus Ken Kennedy and Randy Orton) after Angle and Cena. The Raw locker room comes out to save Bischoff from the Batista Bomb and the big brawl is on to end the show.

Overall Rating: A-. This is a show where the wrestling wasn’t the point, though the first two matches were rather good. What mattered here was paying tribute to the past and kicking off the new era of the show in a big way. That’s exactly what they did here and for the first time in a very long while, the show felt important and special, which is what they were trying to do. I liked this quite a bit and had a great time with it, so well done all around.

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