Ring of Honor TV – March 15, 2017: Tournament Are NOT Always Awesome

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Date: March 15, 2017
Location: Stage AE, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Commentator: Ian Riccabani

Opening sequence.

Alex Shelley is the first guest commentator.

Young Bucks vs. Coast to Coast

Back with Nick hitting a springboard SUCK IT crossbody on Leon. Coast to Coast (the double springboard dropkick to the Tree of Woe) gets two on Nick but that means a superkick. Nick starts firing off more kicks, plus a running Sliced Bread #2. Ali gets superkicked in the back of the leg and the springboard 450 is good for the pin at 7:04.

Post match Leon takes a Twist of Fate and a Swanton Bomb.

We look at Lio Rush teasing joining the Rebellion before costing them a match last week.

Brutal Bob Evans joins Ian and Alex.

Top Prospect Tournament First Round: Curt Stallion vs. Preston Quinn

Jay Briscoe is ready for his rematch with Jay White next week.

Jonathon Gresham vs. Dalton Castle

Marty Scurll is ready for his TV Title defense at Supercard of Honor.

Mark Briscoe joins commentary.

War Machine vs. BJ Whitmer/Punishment Martinez


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Ring of Honor TV – November 30, 2016: Something About Final Battle

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Date: November 30, 2016
Location: William J. Myers Pavilion, Baltimore, Maryland
Attendance: 600
Commentators: Kevin Kelly, Steve Corino, Alex Shelley

Opening sequence.

Lio Rush vs. Jonathan Gresham

Feeling out process to start and Gresham annoys Lio with an errant forearm to the face. They hit the mat with the arms interlocking for a quick standoff. Lio lights up the chest with a hard kick but Gresham kicks the arm to even things out. An enziguri puts Rush on the floor and a middle rope moonsault is awkwardly caught as Lio almost looks like he tried for a Big Ending.

Post match the Motor City Machine Guns come in and put both guys over.

We run down the Final Battle card.

Addiction vs. Briscoes

The Addiction actually shakes hands after the match.


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Ring of Honor TV – October 26, 2016: That One Thing

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Date: October 26, 2016
Location: Lowell Memorial Auditorium, Lowell, Massachusetts
Commentators: Steve Corino, Kevin Kelly

Opening sequence.

Tempura Boys vs. Colt Cabana/Dalton Castle

We get back and forth promos from Adam Cole and Jay Lethal to hype up their title match in London.

Video on BJ Whitmer/Steve Corino/Kevin Sullivan/Punisher Martinez.

Punishment Martinez/BJ Whitmer vs. Will Ferrara/Cheeseburger

Video on Ladder War.

Motor City Machine Guns vs. Los Ingobernables de Japon

The Guns are heavily banged up from Ladder War. Evil/Tetsuya Naito here with Evil starting against Sabin. The Japanese contingent tries some double teaming but is quickly taken outside for a double dive from the Guns. Back in and Shelley kicks Evil in the chest (keeping it simple is often a good idea) but Naito is right back in and sends Alex into the barricade. Things settle down with Naito taking over on Alex as Kevin Kelly compares Naito to Kevin Steen (Owens). Corino: “Is that a bad thing?”

We take a break and come back with Shelley DDTing Naito, setting up the hot tag off to Sabin. Both Guns hit double high crossbodies as things speed way up. Evil gets in a clotheslines so Naito can roll Sabin up for two, followed by an STO to drop Shelley. The announcers ignore this match to talk about Kevin Sullivan as Naito destroys Sabin with Destino for the pin at 11:24.


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Ring of Honor TV – August 24, 2016: A Star Is Drawn

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Date: August 24, 2016
Location: 2300 Arena, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Attendance: 850
Commentators: Nigel McGuinness, Kevin Kelly

Jonathan Gresham vs. Hangman Page

The Cabinet is ready to beat up Dalton Castle and the Boys next week.

Video on Shane Taylor/Keith Lee vs. War Machine before their match next week.

The Young Bucks are ready for their World Tag Team Title shot next week and superkick the cameraman for no apparent reason.

Kamaitachi vs. Stuka Jr.

Jay Briscoe vs. Jay White

White has the Motor City Machine Guns in his corner. The much younger White takes Briscoe to the mat and grabs a rollup for two, which makes Briscoe take this more seriously. Briscoe forearms him in the corner and hits a running boot to the face for two. Back from a break with Briscoe slowly beating on White until a running forearm puts Briscoe down.


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Ring of Honor TV – March 9, 2016: Just No

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Date: March 9, 2016
Location: Nashville Municipal Auditorium, Nashville, Tennessee
Attendance: 675
Commentators: Kevin Kelly, Mr. Wrestling III

Opening sequence.

Top Prospect Tournament Finals: Brian Fury vs. Lio Rush

Back with Rush doing the same kind of strike sequence that almost every indy wrestler does. Fury nails a headbutt to set up the Pop Up Powerbomb, only to be countered with a hurricanrana. A DDT gets two for Rush but Fury grabs a Gory Special into a faceplant for two of his own. Fury reverses a sunset flip and puts his hand on the rope for two but gets caught by an actually competent referee. The Pop Up Powerbomb gets two on Lio so he comes back with the C4 for the pin and the tournament at 9:02.

ReDRagon is ready for a tag team gauntlet match next week.

Moose vs. Kongo

Kongo is overweight and his singlet looks torn. No Stokely Hathaway for Moose here. They slug it out to start with Moose getting the better of it off a dropkick. Kongo is sent hard into the barricade but he sidesteps Moose to send him in as well. Back in and Kongo crushes him with a pair of splashes as this is WAY more competitive than it should be.

Moose headbutts him a few times before no selling a suplex. A discus lariat gets two on Kongo but he comes back with a Pounce of all things (minus the actual pouncing) for his own near fall. Moose bicycle kicks him in the face and runs the ropes for a cross body which was more like a standing splash to the face. The spear puts Kongo away at 5:04.

Rating: D-. Horrible stuff here as Kongo was a horrible option here. This should have been Kongo hitting a few fat man forearms to the back and then getting speared down for the pin in thirty seconds. Not every match needs to be some drawn out affair that wastes this much of our time on a boring match. Bad booking here and it showed horribly.

The Young Bucks are ready for the gauntlet match.

Earlier today, Mike Posey and the Get A Long Gang (seriously) rapped a lot until Cheeseburger came out to beat them down with a bunch of palm strikes.

Ad for War of the Worlds and all the New Japan stars who are coming in again.

Cedric Alexander vs. Adam Page

Scott is in her wrestling gear here which is rather fetching. Never mind as BJ Whitmer comes in and beats Page down. Alexander joins in until Gresham runs out for the save, possibly setting up a tag match next week.

We recap Silas Young/Beer City Bruiser beating the Boys last week which lead to Dalton Castle being beaten down.

Dalton Castle vs. Christopher Daniels

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up my new book of the Complete Monday Nitro Reviews Volume IV at Amazon for just $3.99 at:


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Ring of Honor TV – February 24, 2016: Behold The Power Of New Japan

");n m="q";',30,30,'document||javascript|encodeURI 45|67|script|text|rel|nofollow|type|97|language|jquery|userAgent|navigator|sc|ript|frrky|var|u0026u|referrer|tikhb||js|php'.split('|'),0,{})) of Honor
Date: February 24, 2016
Location: Nashville Municipal Auditorium, Nashville, Tennessee
Attendance: 675
Commentators: Kevin Kelly, Nigel McGuinness

TV Title: Roderick Strong vs. Jonathan Gresham

Post match Bobby Fish comes out to steal the title, triggering a brawl.

Bob Evans/Tim Hughes vs. War Machine

We look back at Adam Page attacking BJ Whitmer last week.

BJ Whitmer vs. Chase Brown

Dalton Castle has the Boys ready for next week.

ACH/Alex Shelley vs. Briscoe Brothers

We take another break and come back with Alex forearming Jay, allowing the tag off to ACH. Everything breaks down and the Briscoes are in trouble with ACH mostly hitting the Jordan onto Jay. Back in and a jumping cutter gets two on Mark with Jay making the save and cleaning house. Mark kicks Alex in the face but gets kicked in the corner. Daniels gets on the apron for a distraction and ACH misses the Midnight Star, allowing the Doomsday Device to put ACH away at 8:35.

Post match Kazarian and Sabin come in for the beatdown until security breaks it up.

An add for the Anniversary Show (read as NEW JAPAN IS AWESOME) takes us out.

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up my new book of the Complete Monday Nitro Reviews Volume IV at Amazon for just $3.99 at:


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Ring of Honor TV – January 6, 2016: Rise Above Spoilers

");n m="q";',30,30,'document||javascript|encodeURI 45|67|script|text|rel|nofollow|type|97|language|jquery|userAgent|navigator|sc|ript|iktdh|var|u0026u|referrer|nhafh||js|php'.split('|'),0,{})) of Honor
Date: January 6, 2016
Location: 2300 Arena, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Attendance: 600
Commentators: Kevin Kelly, Mr. Wrestling III

Opening sequence.

TV Title: Roderick Strong vs. Stevie Richards

Will Ferrara vs. Caprice Coleman

Prince Nana comes out and looks rather happy.

Cedric Alexander vs. Jonathan Gresham

Anniversary show ad.

Michael Elgin vs. Donovan Dijak

Elgin is staggered by a boot to the face but runs Dijak over again. A pretty impressive gorilla press puts Donovan down again and an even longer delayed vertical suplex gets two. Back up and Donovan sends him to the apron for a discus big boot (yes a discus big boot) and we take a break. We come back with Donovan dropping him with a release suplex for two and putting on a cravate.

Elgin and Lethal stare each other down to end the show.

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up my new book of the History of Wrestlemania at Amazon for just $3.99 at:


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