Impact Wrestling – July 11, 2024: The Mini Invasion

Impact Wrestling
Date: July 11, 2024
Location: 2300 Arena, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Commentators: Tom Hannifan, Mathew Rehwoldt

We have two shows left before Slammiversary and as of last week, the main event is set with all five challengers ready to come after Moose’s TNA World Title. The rest of the show is mostly set as well but we can probably get some more things set up this week. That could also include more from NXT’s Charlie Dempsey, who invaded the show last week. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening recap.

We pick things up from last week, with Frankie Kazarian revealing that he attacked Nic Nemeth but seeing someone filming him. That someone is Ryan Nemeth, who distracts Kazarian so Nic can jump him.

Knockouts Title: Jordynne Grace vs. ???

Grace is defending in an open challenge against….NXT’s Izzi Dame. The bell rings but here is Ash By Elegance’s personal concierge to say that Ash will be watching via satellite from an undisclosed beach. We get a quick shot of Ash on said beach as Dame grabs a waistlock but gets backed into the corner. The much bigger Dame’s right hand gets blocked and Grace muscles her up with a suplex.

A gutwrench faceplant sends Dame outside but the concierge has to be chased….into Rosemary, who is sitting in the crowd. Dame uses the distraction to get in a neck snap across the top and a Falcon Arrow out of the corner gets two. Grace blocks a powerbomb attempt and takes her into the corner for some hard forearms. The Juggernaut Driver is blocked though, meaning they slug it out from their knees. Grace Death Valley Drivers her, setting up the Juggernaut Driver to retain at 8:34.

Rating: C+. That’s what this kind of match needed to be, as Grace gets to beat someone from the other promotion. While Dame might not be the biggest name in NXT, it is better than beating another lower level TNA star. This crossover has made Grace look like an even bigger star, which should help when she likely heads to WWE early next year.

Santino Marella announces a wild card tag match for tonight, with the teams being drawn at random. That gives us a main event of Josh Alexander/Joe Hendry vs. Steve Maclin/Moose.

Charlie Dempsey vs. Zachary Wentz

Trey Miguel is in Wentz’s corner as they grapple to start. Wentz takes him down for a basement dropkick, only for Dempsey to pull him down by the arm. Dempsey cranks on the arm before having to block Wentz’s kick. That earns Wentz a dragon screw legwhip but he’s back up with a handspring knee to the face. A German suplex sends Dempsey into the corner and a running shooting star gets two. Cue Dempsey’s teammate Myles Borne to jump Miguel for a distraction though, allowing Dempsey to grab a dragon suplex for the pin at 4:46.

Rating: C+. They’re doing a good job of keeping the invasion/crossover stuff to the lower levels of the show and that is a smart idea. The Rascalz are a big enough team that it means something when NXT comes in to mess with them, though the addition of Wes Lee as a bridge between the two companies could make for a good blowoff at Slammiversary. For now though, nice enough here, even with the limited time.

Post match Dempsey and Borne lay out Wentz and Miguel.

The System is ready for the Hardys to be back next week.

The No Quarter Catch Crew (Charlie Dempsey/Myles Borne/Tavion Heights) are ready to dominate. Santino Marella comes in to say they’re in a six man next week, but we’ll have to see who will team with the Rascalz. Given that we saw a video of them reuniting with Wes Lee before the match, this might not be the biggest mystery.

Kushida vs. Jonathan Gresham vs. Mike Bailey

For a future X-Division Title shot. They all go for a rollup to start until Bailey takes over. Gresham and Kushida are sent outside for a moonsault from Bailey and the running shooting star press gets two on Gresham back inside. We take a break and come back with Bailey grabbing the ropes to get out of Gresham’s Figure Four. Kushida is back up to kick away at Bailey, setting up a cartwheel dropkick.

Gresham blocks the Hoverboard Lock before Bailey and Kushida kick it out. The Tornado Kick is blocked in the corner and Kushida dives onto Gresham on the floor. Bailey goes up but gets crotched by Gresham, who can’t use the ink on Kushida. Instead it’s green mist to Gresham, allowing Bailey to hit the Ultimate Weapon for the pin and the title shot at 8:25.

Rating: B-. Commentary played up the idea that Bailey wasn’t just being handed a title shot and had to earn it. I rather like that, as there is little reason for bailey to have gotten the title shot other than he and Mustafa Ali are having issues. It gives things a bit more realism and didn’t take too long, even if there was little doubt about how this would ind up.

Post match Mustafa Ali and company run in to beat down Bailey but Trent Seven cuts off a big chair shot. Seven gets wrecked for his efforts, with Ali putting him in the Sharpshooter.

Steph de Lander is sitting on the beach and upset over how things have been going with PCO. She has to tie up some strings in Australia but hopes PCO will wait or him.

Slammiversary rundown.

Digital Media Title: Rhino vs. AJ Francis

Francis, with Rich Swann, is defending and mocks the Philadelphia Phillies, meaning it’s a jump start by Rhino and an ECW chant. Swann comes in for the DQ at 43 seconds.

Post match Santino Marella says he doesn’t think so, meaning it’s time to restart this as a street fight.

Digital Media Title: AJ Francis vs. Rhino

Francis is defending in a street fight so they head outside with Francis hitting him in the back with something made of metal. Rhino fights back and sends the table in That takes too long though and Francis hits him low for the pin to retain at 1:38. Other than ticking off the fans, I’m not sure if I see the point in this entire thing.

Post match PCO comes in but misses a dive, allowing Francis to plant him on the ramp.

Tasha Steelz vs. Gisele Shaw

Steelz jumps her before the bell and sends her back first into the apron a few times. They get inside for the opening bell and Steelz grabs an early chinlock. Shaw is back up with some rollups for two each before they forearm it out. Shock And Awe (the Lethal Combination) gives Shaw two and she grabs a scoop powerslam for two more. Shaw’s running knee finishes at 4:17.

Rating: C. It’s good to have Shaw back and she is feeling more like a star. While this is probably leading to some kind of match involving Gail Kim, I could absolutely see Shaw getting back into the title picture off of this whole thing. That being said, none of that matters if she doesn’t actually win the title at some point, as she has come so close multiple times now.

Xia Brookside wants Alisha Edwards and knows that Steph de Lander will be back.

JDC vs. Chris Bey

Ace Austin is here with Bey. They start fast with Bey sending him to the floor, setting up the big running flip dive. Back in and Bey kicks him down for two, only to miss a charge and fall out to the floor. Cue the System as Bey starts the comeback and hits a running clothesline in the corner. A neckbreaker out of said corner brings the System outside to fight with Bey and Austin. The distraction lets JDC hit a quick Down And Dirty for the pin at 5:03.

Rating: C. This didn’t have time to get very far and was more about having the System screw over part of the ABC before their likely title match at Slammiversary. JDC is still good for a match like this and giving him a win keeps him looking strong as he is now part of the System. Not much of the match, but it did what it needed to do.

Video on the Hardys in TNA. They’re ready to take the Tag Team Titles next week.

Joe Hendry/Josh Alexander vs. Steve Maclin/Moose

Before the match, Hendry talks about how he’s against Dancing Moose and Maclin, who wants to tag em and bag em. After tonight, he’ll only be bagging Hendry’s groceries because the people believe. Hold on though as here is Frankie Kazarian to join commentary. Alexander and Maclin start things off as Kazarian talks about how it is time for him to do things for himself.

The KIA and C4 Spike are both escaped to start so Alexander grabs an armdrag into an armbar. Moose comes in for a slam and wants Hendry, who comes in to hammer away in the corner. Everything breaks down and Alexander suplexes Maclin, followed by Hendry doing the same to Moose (with an assist from some believers). Alexander comes back in to send Maclin into the corner but Moose beaks up the running crossbody.

Maclin’s elbow to the face gets two as commentary is not pleased with a lot of Kazarian’s bragging. Alexander manages to low bridge Moose to the floor but gets tied in the Tree of Woe. A middle rope hurricanrana gets Alexander out of trouble though and it’s off to Hendry to clean house. Hendry grabs a cutter on Maclin and a powerbomb to Moose but Maclin slips out of the Standing Ovation. Alexander comes back in to roll some German suplexes and everything breaks down. A hard clothesline drops Moose but Kazarian offers a distraction to Hendry. The spear and KIA finish Alexander at 12:20.

Rating: B-. This was a bit of a random match but that’s kind of the point of the six way. The title match is going to be all about the chaos and everyone fighting everyone so throwing some random pairings out there is interesting. The villains get to stand strong on the way there, but the title match is all about whether Hendry can win the title and there is no hiding that right now.

Overall Rating: B-. This show did a nice job of building on matches and stories that were already set for Slammiversary and that is not a bad thing. The show is in less than a month and while most of the card is set, you can occasionally use a fine tuning show like this one. It helps get ans more invested in the show and they did that rather nicely again this week. Not a great show, but one they needed to do.

Jordynne Grace b. Izzi Dame – Juggernaut Driver
Charlie Dempsey b. Zachary Wentz – Dragon suplex
Mike Bailey b. Jonathan Gresham and Kushida – Ultimate Weapon to Gresham
Rhino b. AJ Francis via DQ when Rich Swann interfered
AJ Francis b. Rhino – Low blow
Gisele Shaw b. Tasha Steelz – Running knee
JDC b. Chris Bey – Down And Dirty
Moose/Steve Maclin b. Josh Alexander/Joe Hendry – KIA to Alexander



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Impact Wrestling – July 4, 2024: We Have A Match

Impact Wrestling
Date: July 4, 2024
Location: 2300 Arena, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Commentators: Tom Hannifan, Matthew Rehwoldt

We are just over two weeks away from Slammiversary and the World Title match is rapidly coming together. Most of the five challengers are set and that means we should be able to finish the lineup this week. Other than that, PCO is still chasing revenge on First Class and we might see more from that here. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening recap.

Trey Miguel vs. Leon Slater

Zachary Wentz is here with Miguel. They fight over wrist control to start with neither being able to get anywhere. Miguel takes him down by the arm but Slater is right back up with a kick to the face. The handspring elbow puts Miguel down and Slater sends him to the floor for the slingshot dive. Back in and Miguel hits a running dropkick in the corner for two, with Wentz getting in a choke on the ropes.

A Lionsault misses though and Slater kicks him in the face for two more. They forearm it out until Slater hits a running swinging cutter (that was cool) for another near fall. Back up and Miguel kicks him in the face, only to get caught with a Blue Thunder Bomb. The Swanton 450 is loaded up but cue NXT’s Charlie Dempsey to jump Slater for the DQ at 6:55.

Rating: B-. This was a match that was designed to be all about the interference ending but they happened to have a good match on the way there. Slater isn’t someone who is reinventing the wheel but he does well with the things he is doing. Miguel is someone who has been around long enough that it means something to be in there with him, making this a nice match to set up a cool ending.

Post match Dempsey beats up all three of them, including the weird STF on Slater.

Broken Matt and Rebecca Hardy are ready for the System. Rebecca speaking normally and Matt being Broken is a weird way to go.

The Rascalz want to fight Charlie Dempsey so they’re ready for next week.

Dani Luna vs. Jody Threat

This is a ten minute challenge match. Luna powers her into the corner to start and we get a clean break. They fight over a headlock with neither being able to get very far so Threat switches to a wristlock. That means another standoff as they’re firmly in first gear to start. We cut to the back where Nic Nemeth has been attacked and come back to both of them grabbing the ropes to avoid a collision.

Threat avoids a charge in the corner and clotheslines away but Luna snaps off a belly to belly as the pace picks up a bit. Threat works on an armbar on the mat before hitting a pump kick for two. Luna knocks her to the apron and they fight over a suplex until Threat sends her outside. A clothesline puts Luna back inside, where Luna superplexes her into a Falcon Arrow for the time limit draw at…9:02?

Rating: C+. This took its time to get going before they started to cook, which was kind of the point. This wasn’t about two people who were mad at each other but rather a glorified getting to know you situation. At the same time, this still only feels so interesting as the team still doesn’t have much of a history but is still doing all kinds of stuff like this. Nice enough match, but it feels like a piece of a much longer story.

They want five more minutes so let’s keep it going. And then Alisha Edwards and Masha Slamovich run in for the no contest at 7 seconds.

Mustafa Ali tries to retract his challenge for the X-Division Title from last week because Mike Bailey hasn’t earned a shot. Marella says he has a point, so Bailey has to win a #1 contenders match next week.

Mike Santana and Frankie Kazarian are ready for their chance to make it to the World Title match at Slammiversary.

Road To Slammiversary Qualifying Match: Frankie Kazarian vs. Mike Santana

Santana sends him into the corner to start and hits a nice crossbody. Kazarian hits his Fameasser in the ropes to send Santana outside and we take a break. Back with Kazarian hitting a hard clothesline but getting caught with a Death Valley Driver for two. The big Cannonball connects in the corner but Kazarian cuts off the dive.

The slingshot DDT gets two on Santana and the springboard spinning legdrop gets two. Fade To Black and Spin The Block are both blocked so Kazarian hits a Backstabber into the chickenwing. That’s broken up as well and Santana grabs the Buck Fifty for two of his own. Cue JDC for a distraction, only to have Santana hit a big flip dive onto Kazarian. The distraction lets JDC post Santana though and Kazarian wins by countout at 10:06.

Rating: B-. That’s about as good of a way to protect Santana as they have and it is good to see said protection taking place. Santana is someone who has done well since his return to the company but Kazarian is the better option at the moment. Kazarian is one of the most established stars in TNA and it makes sense to put him in the World Title match, especially in a way like this.

The ABC wants their Tag Team Titles back and have their shot against the System at Slammiversary.

We look at First Class messing with PCO and Steph de Lander.

PCO shocks de Lander back to life.

First Class brags about their success, with AJ Francis saying he’ll defend his titles anywhere anytime. Santino Marella comes in to say the Digital Media Title is on the line next week, but win lose or draw, it’s Francis vs. PCO at Slammiversary.

The System vs. Matt Hardy/Rebecca Hardy

That would be Eddie Edwards/Alisha Edwards for the System, with Brian Myers in their corner. Rebecca chases Alisha on the floor to start but it’s the men getting things going in the ring. Eddie gets driven into the corner and stomped down by both Hardys. The strike off goes to Matt, who misses a charge and goes shoulder first into the post as we take a break.

Back with Eddie being rammed into Alisha, allowing the tag to Rebecca to pick up the pace. Rebecca tackles Alisha as everything breaks down. Something like Poetry In Motion hits Eddie but a cheap shot cuts Rebecca off. Matt gets clotheslined on the floor, leaving Rebecca to get choked in the corner.

Rebecca fights up and avoids a charge, allowing the tag off to Matt as the fans…don’t seem to respond. The Side Effect gets two on Eddie so Myers interferes, earning himself an ejection. Eddie’s Blue Thunder Bomb gets two but Rebecca gets in the way of the Boston Knee Party. Rebecca kicks Eddie low and a pair of Twists of Fate finish at 11:36.

Rating: C. This was Rebecca’s big return to the ring and it kind of showed why she isn’t overly remembered for her in-ring work. She’s passable enough but there is nothing that makes me want to see her get back in the ring. Then again that is the case with a lot of the Broken stuff, but the Hardys are going to get the focus no matter what they are doing around here.

In the back, Brian Myers and JDC yell at Santino Marella, with the ABC coming in to mock them. Marella makes the tag match for next week.

Jordynne Grace doesn’t like Ash By Elegance being on vacation and issues another open challenge to anyone from any promotion for next week.

Joe Hendry and Jake Something are ready for the Road To Slammiversary.

Road To Slammiversary: Jake Something vs. Joe Hendry

Before the match, Hendry asks about Something asking questions after he hits a move. After his usual spiel, we’re ready to go with an exchange of headlocks to get things going. Hendry manages a delayed suplex for two as the fans are way behind him, as you might have expected. Back up and Something hits a quick headbutt to take over and they head outside, with Hendry being sat on the apron for a running crossbody. They get back inside with Something hitting a hard clothesline for two as we take a break.

Back with Hendry fighting out of a chinlock and striking away in the corner. Something plants him right back down with a Michinoku Driver for two and things slow back down. The chinlock goes on again but Hendry fights up (also again) and clotheslines him to the floor. Something misses a charge and hits the ropes before they go back in, with the fans behind Hendry.

Something charges into the fall away slam but the Standing Ovation is countered into a Batista Bomb to give Something two. Into The Void is countered so Something runs him over, only for Hendry to pop up for a double knockdown. They slug it out until Hendry hits an RKO into the Standing Ovation for the pin at 15:04.

Rating: B-. Hendry continues to be the big hope for the company and that means he has to be in the World Title picture going forward. I don’t think he needs to win the title at Slammiversary, but this is a big step in the right direction. The key thing is the fans are that into him and TNA seems to understand that concept.

Post match Hendry says he is one step closer and thanks the fans for helping him get here.

The System goes to leave with Moose praising JDC for taking out Mike Santana and Nic Nemeth. JDC says he didn’t do anything to Nemeth, leaving the System confused as they pull away. We see Frankie Kazarian smoking a cigar and calling them marks, then asking a cameraman (not the one holding the camera we’re watching from) why he’s filming to end the show.

Overall Rating: B-. This show was more about finalizing the prep for Slammiversary, as you could probably guess most of the card coming in. There is nothing wrong with that and they did a nice enough job setting things up for the event. The pieces are in place for Slammiversary to be good, but as usual, the execution is what matters. Just get us to Montreal and everything should work out well enough.

Trey Miguel b. Leon Slater via DQ when Charlie Dempsey interfered
Dani Luna vs. Jody Threat went to a no contest when Masha Slamovich and Alisha Edwards interfered
Frankie Kazarian b. Mike Santana via countout
Matt Hardy/Rebecca Hardy b. The System – Twist of Fate to Eddie
Joe Hendry b. Jake Something – Standing Ovation



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Impact Wrestling – June 27, 2024: You Can See Slammiversary

Impact Wrestling
Date: June 27, 2024
Location: Cicero Stadium, Cicero, Illinois
Commentators: Tom Hannifan, Matthew Rehwoldt

We are closing in on Slammiversary and the big story is the Road To Slammiversary tournament/competition, which will see five challengers lined up to challenge Moose for the World Title. Josh Alexander is already in but he is going to need some fellow challengers. Odds are we find out at least one of them tonight so let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

In Memory Of Sika.

Opening recap.

Opening sequence.

Here is Jordynne Grace for a chat. She knows Ash By Elegance has been watching her for months, so the title match can be on tonight. Cue the person concierge to introduce Ash, complete with security. The match can indeed happen, but we’re going to do it at Slammiversary while Ash goes to the Bahamas for a breather. Security goes after Grace, who wipes them out without much trouble until Santino Marella breaks it up. Masha Slamovich comes to the ring for her match and has a staredown with Grace.

Masha Slamovich vs. Xia Brookside

Alisha Edwards is here with Slamovich. They fight over wrist control to start with Brookside taking over, only to have Edwards offer a distraction. Brookside fights up and hits a quick Broken Wings. The Brookside Bomb is broken up by another Edwards distraction, meaning the Snowplow can finish Brookside at 5:21.

Rating: C. Slamovich getting a shot at Grace, perhaps after Slammiversary, is not the worst idea and it isn’t like Slamovich and Edwards feel like a long term team. It’s interesting to see where this could be going, though I could also go for more from Brookside. She has the talent, but for some reason she is never given much of a significant spot.

We look at First Class breaking up Steph De Lander and PCO’s date last week.

First Class brags about their win and as a bonus, AJ Francis has bought a title from a Montreal promotion. PCO has long since wanted that title, but since Francis bought it, he’s the new International Champion.

Lars Frederiksen gives Spitfire a big pep talk before they have to face each other.

Campaign Singh introduces Mustafa Ali for his state of the union. Ali talks about the video where he degraded the X-Division Title and put out an investigation into the video. The reality is that the video was AI GENERATED and officially fake news. He loves Chicago and it is #1, albeit partially in crime, but it’s time to move on to the next challenger. That means a SPEEDBALL chant but Ali is looking at both the TNA and other locker rooms.

Ali is cut off by more fans chanting for Speedball, which earns them an ejection from the champion. One of them doesn’t want to leave and throws a drink in Ali’s face, meaning the brawl is on. The fan is dragged inside to keep up the beating, with Mike Bailey and Trent Seven running in for the save. Ali isn’t happy with this and issues the challenge to Bailey for Slammiversary. Good enough stuff here, as the election stuff is tying into Ali’s slow downfall.

Post break, Bailey says of course he’s in for the title match.

ABC vs. Rascalz vs. Cody Deaner/Jake Something

Before the match, Deaner and Something say they want a title shot if they win but the Rascalz say they should just be #1 contenders by default. ABC dives onto them to start the fight before the bell and we take a break. Back with the match joined in progress and Deaner fighting back against the Rascalz.

Deaner flips out of a suplex into the corner for a tag off to Austin to start the house cleaning. Everything breaks down and it’s Something coming in to clear the ring. A sitout powerbomb gets two on Austin and Something shrugs off a dive. Something cuts off Austin’s handstand on the apron and drops him onto Wentz for a nasty crash. The ABC takes out Something though and it’s the 1-2-Sweet to pin Deaner at 5:28 shown.

Rating: B-. This was the kind of action match that you would have expected and they’re doing a nice job of rebuilding the ABC for what is likely one more big title shot at Slammiversary. The Rascalz are always going to be fine but hopefully this helps split up Something and Deaner. Something just deserves something better than that and hopefully that is where he goes next.

The System isn’t worried about Santino Marella because Moose has a plan.

Video on Sami Callihan vs. Steve Maclin.

Road To Slammiversary Qualifying Match: Sami Callihan vs. Steve Maclin

Maclin hits a running knee at the bell but misses the Jar Headbutt. The Cactus Driver 97 gives Callihan two as we’re about thirty seconds in. Back up and Maclin slugs away until he knocks Callihan outside. The Scud is knocked out of the air so Maclin settles for a knee to the face back inside. The Jar Headbutt gets two and there’s an elbow off the apron to hit Callihan again.

Callihan is right back up with a t-bone suplex on the floor and they’re both down again. They both beat the count back in and Callihan hits another t-bone into the corner. The middle rope Cactus Driver 97 is blocked so Callihan settles for a middle rope Death Valley Driver. A regular Cactus Driver 97 gets two and they fight to the apron to keep up the brawling. Callihan gets caught in the ropes for a running knee, setting up the hanging KIA to give Maclin the pin at 8:46.

Rating: B-. I’m not sure I can imagine Maclin winning but much like Alexander, it makes all the sense in the world to have him in the match. Putting a former World Champion in the match makes it feel that much more important and it was made even better by having a solid match on the way there. It isn’t easy to make that happen with Callihan but it worked here.

Alan Angels vs. Kushida

Angels tries to jump him to start and gets cut off as Kushida sends Angels out to the apron. Back in and a neckbreaker gives Angels two as commentary talks about Jonathan Gresham. Angels grabs the chinlock but Kushida fights up, only to get dropkicked out to the floor. Kushida is fine enough to snap the arm on the floor before he punches a springboarding Angels out of the air. The Hoverboard Lock finishes Angels at 3:57.

Rating: C. Thankfully they kept this short as there is little reason for Kushida to have any serious trouble against someone of Angels’ caliber. At the same time through, that means he is a step closer to dealing with Jonathan Gresham again, which isn’t good for anyone. Not much of a match, but that’s to be expected given the circumstances.

Post match Jonathan Gresham comes in to go after Kushida and tries to pour the ink into his mouth. Security makes the save as the worst thing in TNA (if not wrestling right now) continues.

The Hardys vow revenge on the System. This was right back to Broken Matt after last week’s step back to reality.

Video on Rich Swann vs. Nic Nemeth.

Road To Slammiversary Qualifying Match: Nic Nemeth vs. Rich Swann

AJ Francis and DJ Who Kid are here with Swann. Nemeth works on the arm to start but Swann takes him down and swivels his hips. Back in and Nemeth takes him to the mat and we hit the rather aggressive headlock. That’s broken up so Kid offers a distraction, allowing Francis to get in a cheap shot. The referee tosses out the seconds and we take a break.

We come back with Nemeth fighting out of a chinlock but getting kicked in the head for his efforts. Nemeth fights up but gets clotheslined down for two more. Back up again and Nemeth grabs a sleeper, which is broken up so Swann can knock him down for another near fall. The middle rope Phoenix splash is blocked but Swann connects with the handspring cutter for two. They trade superkicks until Nemeth hits a DDT into the Danger Zone for the pin at 15:02.

Rating: B-. As has been the case before, there are matches where you know the quality will be there based on the people involved. That was the case again as you had two talented stars getting to do their thing for awhile. Swann might not be the star that he was before but he can still have a good match with just about anyone, including someone as talented as Nemeth.

Overall Rating: B. You can see most of Slammiversary coming from here and this show was designed to get us towards a lot of the expected card. That might not make for the most thrilling show, but it makes for a quality one, which is what needed to happen here. Good show, with the main event probably being the best part of the night.

Masha Slamovich b. Xia Brookside – Snowplow
ABC b. Rascalz and Cody Deaner/Jake Something – 1-2-Sweet to Deaner
Steve Maclin b. Sami Callihan – Hanging KIA
Kushida b. Alan Angels – Hoverboard Lock
Nic Nemeth b. Rich Swann – Danger Zone



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Impact Wrestling – June 13, 2024: Birthday Edition

Impact Wrestling
Date: June 13, 2024
Location: MegaCorp Pavilion, Newport, Kentucky
Commentators: Matthew Rehwoldt, Tom Hannifan

It’s the go home show for Against All Odds and that means the show is mostly done. At the same time, it means that we are ready for more of the Matt Hardy situation, which could see the Broken Universe return. That isn’t exactly the most thrilling prospect but Joe Hendry could be on the horizon. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening recap.

Zachary Wentz vs. Mike Santana

Trey Miguel is here with Wentz. Santana strikes away in the corner to start and hits a backdrop, meaning it’s time for an early breather on the floor. A Miguel distraction lets Wentz score with a moonsault to take over and it’s a running shooting star press for two back inside. The armbar goes on to keep Santana down and a kick to the back makes it worse.

We hit the chinlock for a bit before Santana fights up and sends him outside. Back in and Santana hits a Death Valley Driver for two but misses Spin The Block. Instead Wentz him down and drops a Swanton Bomb for two of his own. They trade kicks to the head until Wentz hits a headlock DDT. Miguel loads up a shot of his own but cue Steve Maclin to cut him off. Spin The Block finishes for Santana at 7:48.

Rating: C+. As usual, it was a singles match between halves of a tag team, though at least in this case Maclin and Santana aren’t a regular team. Santana is still establishing himself as a singles wrestler and a win like this is a good thing to see. I could go for more from Santana, which is a good sign for his current run.

We get a sitdown interview with Mustafa Ali, who avoids tough questions and cites good things he’s done for the X-Division Title to ignore allegations of cheating. Questions about Mike Bailey have Ali annoyed but Champagne Singh calms him down to end the interview.

The System is going to the Hardy Compound but Alisha and Eddie Edwards aren’t sure about this. Masha Slamovich comes in to talk to Alisha, who doesn’t have time for this. The Hex comes in to mock the champs for not getting along.

Masha Slamovich vs. Marti Belle

Alisha Edwards and Allysin Kay are here too. Feeling out process to start with Belle knocking her down, followed by a hard forearm. Belle takes too long posing though and gets clotheslines, only for Kay to get in a cheap shot from the floor. Belle’s rollup with feet on the ropes gets caught but one with an assist from Kay is enough for the pin at 4:34.

Rating: C-. Not much to see here, with Belle stealing a pin, likely setting up the Knockouts Tag Team Title match either at Against All Odds or later. That isn’t the most thrilling prospect, especially when it is the second match of the night with this setup, but also because the champs are already not on the same match. This wasn’t very good and I’m not exactly interested in what they’re doing.

Steph de Lander is going to tell PCO something tomorrow night but First Class pops in to steal her black rose.

Here is First Class for a chat. They brag about their success with the Digital Media Title but PCO pops in to clean house and take the black rose back.

Tasha Steelz vs. Dani Luna

Jody Threat and Lars Fredericksen are here too. Luna powers her into the corner to start but Steelz gets in a kick to the ribs. A basement clothesline and falcon arrow give Luna two each but Steelz breaks up a superplex attempt. We take a break and come back with an exchange of forearms to the face.

Back up and they trade running boots to leave them both down. Luna hits another running dropkick and a quick powerbomb gets two. Steelz knocks her back down and grabs the Rings of Saturn, with Luna having to make the rope. A quick Blue Thunder Bob gives Luna two but the Luna Landing is blocked. Steelz tries a cutter, which is countered into the Luna Landing to give Luna the pin at 11:56.

Rating: C. I haven’t gotten much out of Spitfire either as a team or on their own and that was pretty much the case again here. Luna continues to get some momentum going and odds are Spitfire gets another Tag Team Title shot down the line. They’re perfectly fine as a team, but the match here was just more run of the mill stuff that didn’t really stand out.

Joe Hendry got beaten down last week but now he has enlisted Ace Steele to help him. Frankie Kazarian comes in to say he put on a clinic last week. Hendry: “If that was a clinic, the patient died.” A match is made between the two of them at Against All Odds.

The System looks for a way into the Hardy Compound. Post break, they find their way to the back, where Matt Hardy meets them from a balcony. His family, including Senior Benjamin, are waiting for him. Moose walks into a trap, which sets off a bunch of fireworks, while Brian Myers is confused by a Curt Hawkins figure. He goes into Matt’s arcade and finds more figures, as planed by one of Matt’s sons. Then Myers is scared by moments from his past, including a pair of Edge tights and discussions of his losing streaks.

We cut over to Eddie Edwards being stalked by another of Matt’s sons and then turning into the American Wolf (as in a werewolf). We cut to Alisha Edwards slowly walking through the house as Reby Hardy plays piano. Then Reby’s daughter uses magic to send things flying at Alisha.

We cut to another of Matt’s kids guiding Moose to Matt. This includes a stop at Senor Benjamin’s house, where he watches previous Broken Matt exploits. Matt pops up and attacks Moose, including putting him in a wheelchair. We cut to Reby seemingly beheading Alisha with a guillotine and then cut back to Matt sending Moose into the Lake Of Reincarnation. Moose comes out in football gear but Vanguard 1 shows up for a distraction, allowing Matt to hit a Twist of Fate. The System bails while still making threats.

This stuff was funny at one point but then it became the same jokes over and over again, as the Hardys are weird and their kids are creepy. It really feels like Matt is the only one who wants to do this and that doesn’t make for a good show over and over. This just kept going and was more about references from other promotions, which don’t make me want to see the matches on Friday, but rather just getting rid of Hardy in general. Not good here, though I’m sure it still has something of an audience.

Ash By Elegance vs. Jada Stone

Rosemary is watching from the rafters as they have a feeling out process to start. Stone dropkicks her to the floor, where Ash gets in a cheap shot and a suplex. Ash hammers away and hits the handspring elbow in the corner. Stone gets in a shot of her own but the moonsault hits raised knees. A clothesline into Rarefied Air finishes for Ash at 3:53.

Rating: C. Not quite a squash here but Ash continues her rise before a likely title win down the line. It’s hard to imagine she isn’t getting the title shot at Slammiversary and the belt at some point. There is nothing wrong with giving her a quick win like this between the important stuff so no complaints here.

Jonathan Gresham, in the mask, says Sami Callihan makes him laugh. So why would Callihan want to fight him again? At Against All Odds, it’s Gresham vs. Callihan’s immune system. Wow that was a terrible line and yet somehow, this story is continuing.

Jordynne Grace is disappointed at losing to Roxanne Perez at Battleground but wants to return the favor. It’s an open challenge for a Knockouts Title shot at Against All Odds for anyone from any promotion.

Against All Odds rundown.

ABC vs. Nic Nemeth/Ryan Nemeth

Ryan and Bey both miss takedown attempts to start before Ryan’s headlock doesn’t get him very far. Nic comes in to roll Bey up for two but Bey takes him down for a change and throws in a hip swivel. It’s off to Austin for two off la majistral but Nic gets in a backdrop. That’s fine with Bey, who is right there with a double stomp to the back to cut him off again.

We take a break and come back with Nic still in trouble, including a double suplex to put him down again. Austin drops him with a belly to back suplex and grabs a headscissors choke to keep things slow. Bey’s crossbody gets two but Nic finally avoids a charge and bring Ryan in to clean house. It’s quickly back to Nic for the Fameasser and a near fall on Bey before Ryan comes back in for the forearm exchange.

A double knockdown allows the tags off to Nic and Austin as the pace picks up. Austin hits a middle rope spinning kick to the face for two as everything breaks down. We hit the parade of secondary finishers and everyone is down again. Bey and Ryan go to the floor so Austin stomps Nic down. The 1-2-Sweet is broken up though and the Danger Zone gives Nic the pin on Bey at 20:49.

Rating: B-. This might as well have been Nic and Nic Jr fighting ABC and again, that doesn’t make me want to see them getting a Tag Team Title shot. The Nemeths are fine in the ring, but Ryan has never been a star and that is the case for a reason. Best match of the night here, though that isn’t saying much.

Overall Rating: C. You really can feel the decline in TNA in recent months and that is hitting hard as we get to Against All Odds. The main event was good and there were a few other ok moments (the opener was completely acceptable) but between the Hardys and the weird obsession with tag wrestlers in singles matches, there is very little I want to see at Against All Odds. I’m holding out hope for Joe Hendry, but I’m not sure if he is going to be able to save enough of this company with the way things are going.

Mike Santana b. Zachary Wentz – Spin The Block
Marti Belle b. Masha Slamovich – Rollup with assist from Allysin Kay
Dani Luna b. Tasha Steelz – Luna Landing
Ash By Elegance b. Jada Stone – Rarefied Air
Ryan Nemeth/Nic Nemeth b. ABC – Danger Zone to Bey



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Against All Odds 2024: I’d Say The Odds Were Very Good

Against All Odds 2024
Date: June 14, 2024
Location: Cicero Stadium, Chicago, Illinois
Commentators: Matthew Rehwoldt, Tom Hannifan

We have another of the monthly specials here before we get to the really big show next month with Slammiversary. The main event here is Broken Matt Hardy challenging Moose for the World Title, but we could be in for something a lot more interesting as Jordynne Grace has issued an open challenge. Let’s get to it.

Kickoff Show: Jonathan Gresham vs. Sami Callihan

This is billed as Gresham vs. Callihan’s immune system because Gresham likes to spit his evil goo. Callihan starts the fight on the floor before the bell but Gresham blocks a powerbomb on the floor. Instead Gresham snaps the fingers, only for Callihan to fire off chops. Gresham stays on the arm but Callihan manages a suplex before they go inside. It’s still too early for the bell as Gresham rolls outside again.

This time Gresham sends the bad arm into the ring structure and they go inside for the bell. Callihan is fine enough to fight with one arm but the Cactus Driver 97 isn’t going to happen. Instead Gresham pulls the mask off the referee so here is Kushida, in a white coat, with a napkin to swab the ink out of Gresham’s mouth. Kushida puts it into a vile, leaving Callihan to hit the Cactus Driver 97 for the pin at 2:32. Well at least it was short, as this EVIL GOO stuff is horrible.

Kickoff Show: Knockouts Tag Team Titles: Alisha Edwards/Masha Slamovich vs. The Hex

The Hex is challenging. Belle takes Edwards into the corner to start and it’s off to Kay for the chops. Slamovich comes in and gets taken into the corner as well, with Belle adding a running kick to the face for two. Slamovich’s boot to the face gives her a breather and Alisha tags herself back in to pick up the pace. It’s already back to Slamovich, who hits her half of a double clothesline with Kay for the double clothesline.

Belle comes in (the fans approve) and the running knees hit Alisha in the corner. Everything breaks down and it’s a four way knockdown for a breather. Alisha has to slip out of Hex Marks The Spot but the champs are rammed into each other to give Belle two. Hex Marks The Spot gets two, only to have Alisha pop right back up. The Steiner Bulldog finishes Belle to retain the titles at 7:55.

Rating: C+. It’s still hard to get into Slamovich and Edwards as champions as they were in their third match together. Commentary was saying a title change would have been an upset, but that just isn’t the case. It doesn’t make for the best story in the division, though we did wind up getting a pretty nice match. A lot of that is due to the rather good Hex, but I’ll take what I can get here.

The opening video talks about what it means to work to get to the top before looking at the major matches.

Rascalz vs. Mike Santana/Steve Maclin

The rather intense Santana glares at Wentz to start before they miss some shots to the face. Spin The Block misses for Santana and Wentz knocks him down to take over. Miguel gets in a shot of his own and it’s Wentz grabbing a neck crank. A dropkick hits Santana but he fights up and hands it off to Maclin to pick up the pace.

Some running corner clotheslines are broken up and now it’s Maclin getting caught in the wrong corner. Maclin tries to fight out but a single shot to his bad arm cuts that off in a hurry. Miguel’s Meteora is countered into a faceplant in a smart move and they’re both down. The tag brings Santana back in, with an assisted elevated DDT getting two on Wentz.

Maclin’s running knee gets two more as commentary can’t believe how well Maclin and Santana are doing together. Santana is sent outside though and something like a Swanton/hanging Pedigree combination gets two on Maclin. A spinebuster into a superkick sets up a double stomp for two, with Santana making the save this time. Santana gets to clean house, with Maclin cutting off Miguel’s spray paint attempt. The spear to the Tree of Woe sets up Spin The Block to finish Wentz at 12:47.

Rating: B-. Nice opener here as Santana’s hot return continues. He looked good in there again and it was a hard hitting match, with the makeshift team coming together to beat the established team. That might have had a better impact if it wasn’t the same story as the Knockouts tag Team Title match, but this was better.

Post match, Santana reluctantly shakes his hand.

We run down the rest of the card.

Matt Hardy promises to win the World Title through Broken Brilliance.

PCO vs. Rich Swann

AJ Francis, who doesn’t like the crowd, is here with Swann. He compares himself to Scottie Pippen, because this company never won anything until he showed up. PCO gets his full electricity entrance before getting to stalk Swann around the ring. A Francis distraction lets Swann hit a superkick to put PCO on the floor and an apron 450 hits him again.

Another Francis cheap shot sets up a missed 450, allowing PCO to get fired up. PCO runs him over and drapes Swann’s legs over the ropes for the middle rope legdrop to the back of the head. Francis puts Swann’s foot on the rope for the save and then gets in another cheap shot. PCO breaks up another 450 and sends Swann outside, where he takes out both villains. Back in and the PCOsault finishes Swann at 5:27.

Rating: C+. PCO continues to have perfectly nice matches and I’m curious to see where he goes against First Class. I could see him getting the big win by becoming Digital Media Champion, especially in Montreal. It’s still a bit weird to see a former World Champion like Rich Swann taking losses like this, but Francis is clearly the star of the team.

Post match Steph de Lander comes out to say that yes, she will go out on a date with PCO. Rehwoldt: “YOU HAVE YOUR WHOLE LIFE IN FRONT OF YOU!!!”

We recap the Nemeth’s challenging the System for the Tag Team Titles. The System attacked Nic Nemeth so Nic’s brother Ryan made the save. Ryan and Matt Hardy beat the champs, so of course Nic and Ryan got the Tag Team Title match instead, despite never teaming together before.

Tag Team Titles: Nic Nemeth/Ryan Nemeth vs. The System

The System, with Alisha Edwards, is defending. Ryan takes Myers down to start and it’s quickly off to Nick, who can’t hit a neckbreaker. Instead he can hit back to back dropkicks but Alisha breaks up the superkick. Cue Dirty Dango of all people to point out what happened and Alisha is ejected. Nic is sent into the wrong corner and a backbreaker gives Myers two.

The chinlock doesn’t last long as Nic fights up and hands it back to Ryan to clean house. Myers spears Ryan for two with Nic making a save, leaving commentary to be VERY confused by Dango’s interference. Ryan manages a sunset flip but Eddie tags himself in to breaks up the non-cover. Myers cuts off another comeback but spends too much time posing, allowing Ryan to hit a jumping Edge-O-Matic.

Cue Moose as Ryan hands it back to Nick to drop the jumping elbow for two. A running hurricanrana sets up a Fameasser for two on Eddie, leaving Moose rather nervous. Eddie is right back with the Backpack Stunner into the top rope elbow to give Eddie two. Back up and Nic sends Myers shoulder first into the post and Danger Zone to Eddie….gets two as Moose pulls the referee. Not that it matters as Dango decks Ryan, allowing Eddie to hit the Boston Knee Party to retain at 12:41.

Rating: B-. Well that was a bit anti-climactic. Dango showed up, tried to help the Nemeth’s, and then turned on them in about ten minutes. I’m glad the titles didn’t change hands here, as the System are perfectly fine in their role and can lose them to a regular team down the road. Not a bad match at all, but the Dango stuff was a bit much.

Post match Dango stands with the System for a bit before leaving them to pose.

ABC is ready for Eric Young and Josh Alexander.

Frankie Kazarian vs. Joe Hendry

Before the match, Hendry says Kazarian is the Antonio Banderas of TNA: he had some hits, but now he’s just hanging on long enough to be known as the dad from Spy Kids. Kazarian slugs away to start but it’s way too early for the chickenwing. Hendry grabs a delayed vertical suplex but Kazarian ties him in the ropes for the jumping Fameasser. A front facelock has Hendry down for a bit but the fans chant about their believes. Hendry fights up before pulling Kazarian out of the air for the fall away slam.

Back up and Kazarian kicks him in the ribs but Fad To Black is countered into…well into an also countered spinning powerbomb. Instead Kazarian hits a Backstabber for two but Hendry is right back with a powerbomb for the same. Hendry takes him to the apron and tries a belly to back suplex, only to have Kazarian get in what looked to be a shot with a foreign object to knock Hendry cold for the pin at 7:31.

Rating: B-. They were getting to a good match before the Randy Savage/Tito Santana finish. I’m not sure I get the thinking to having Hendry, the hottest star in the promotion, losing like this, but odds are we’re going to be seeing a rematch. Hopefully Hendry gets the win back there, because otherwise this is a really questionable move at best.

Post match Kazarian goes after Hendry again but Ace Steele makes the save. Fans: “OH CRY ME A RIVER!”

We recap Mustafa Ali defending the X-Division Title against Trent Seven, who defeated his partner Mike Bailey to get the shot.

X-Division Title: Mustafa Ali vs. Trent Seven

Ali, with Champagne Singh and the Secret Service, is defending. We’re in Ali’s hometown, but Seven brings up the rather insincere interview Ali had with Tom Hannifan this week on Impact. We see some extended footage, with Ali ranting about how horrible of a place Chicago is and how he lives in the suburbs. Oh and the X-Division Title is a meaningless prop.

Ali charges at him to start but walks into the Seven Star Lariat for two. They head outside with Seven beating him around ringside as the fans say THEY STILL LOVE Ali. Seven chops away in the corner but Ali comes back with a tornado DDT. Seven is sent outside but he blocks a suicide dive dive and hits a dragon suplex. Back in and Seven misses a dive off the top, only to come up favoring his knee.

Ali’s running boot in the corner is countered into a powerbomb for two but Ali is fine enough to hit the rolling neckbreaker. Seven slams his way out of trouble and they slug it out until Ali goes after the knee again. Bop and Bang gets Seven out of trouble but the X Plex is countered with a low blow. Ali hits his own Seven Star Lariat for two so they go up top. Ali catches him with a superkick on the middle rope but Seven is back with the super swinging slam for two.

The Birminghammer is loaded up but Ali grabs the rope for the break. Another shot to the knee brings Seven down again and they go up top, only for Seven to give us the big knockdown to the floor. Seven barely beats the ten count but Ali is right there with the 450 for two.

With nothing else working, Ali grabs the belt, which is taken away, allowing Seven to hit him low right back. The Birminghammer connects for two and they’re both down. Back up and a super Birminghammer is broken up with a rake to the eyes, allowing Ali to kick out the leg again. A 450 to the legs sets up a Sharpshooter to retain Ali’s title at 15:30.

Rating: B. This was the kind of match where the ending wasn’t exactly in doubt but it worked well anyway. They went with Ali being frustrated but being smart enough to capitalize on he knee injury and using it to win. The big showdown is going to be Ali vs. Mike Bailey in Montreal, and it wouldn’t stun me to see the match end with a Sharpshooter, both as a call back to this and….well Montreal in general.

Frankie Kazarian is ticked about that piece of…..Chicago trash Ace Steele. Santino Marella comes in to say if Kazarian wants to get his hands on Steele, they can have a Chicago Street Fight this week on Impact.

ABC vs. Eric Young/Josh Alexander

Commentary has to point out that there is a theme of weird partners vs. established teams tonight. Young and Bey start things off and go to an early standoff, leaving Bey smiling. Alexander comes in and backs Austin into the corner before Austin sweeps the leg. A kick to the back staggers Alexander and it’s Bey coming back in for an armdrag into an armbar. It’s back to Austin to dropkick the knee out as we get a SUPER ERIC chant.

Alexander fights up and hands it back to Young, who gets taken into the wrong corner rather quickly. A hard whip into the corner has Bey in trouble though and it’s right back to Alexander. Bey gets caught in a release German suplex (a nice looking one at that) so Austin offers a distraction….as we get stereo testicular claws. This draws by far the strongest reaction of the night and commentary almost needs a minute to compose themselves.

Young grabs a neckbreaker for two but it’s back to Alexander as everything breaks down. Austin’s running crossbody to the back on the apron is cut off but Austin’s apron kick is countered into an ankle lock in a smart move. Bey and Young hit their own dives and everyone is down on the ramp. Back in and Austin fights out of a super fireman’s carry, with the fans requesting that everyone be careful. Austin’s kick to the head is countered into an ankle lock, with Bey making the save.

With that not working, Austin tries a sleeper, only to have Alexander suplex Austin and Bey at the same time. Not to be outdone, Young tries a double Death Valley Driver, only for ABC to slip out and hit him with a double superkick. Austin kicks Alexander in the head but walks into a powerslam. Alexander’s powerbomb backbreaker gets two on Bey and Young drops the top rope elbow for the same, with Austin having to make another save. Young accidentally runs Alexander over though, allowing Austin to hit the Fold for the pin at 18:11.

Rating: B. It was a good, hard hitting back and forth match and if they had cut a few minutes out, it would have been even better. I do appreciate the fact that the established team won here as it’s hard to buy one of the best teams in recent years losing here. For a bonus match added for no particular reason, this could have been a lot worse.

We recap Jordynne Grace going to NXT but getting cheated out of the NXT Women’s Title. It’s open challenge time.

Knockouts Title: Jordynne Grace vs. ???

Grace is defending against….NXT’s Tatum Paxley, a bit of an odd one who is obsessed with gold. Before we get going, Ash By Elegance’s handler comes out to say that out of the goodness of her heart, Ash will not be pressing charges against Jordynne Grace. With Ash sitting on the stage, we’re ready to go, with Grace powering her into the corner to start. Grace powers her down again and grabs a swinging faceplant to put Paxley on the mat again.

Some hard shots to the back of the head set up a camel clutch, with Paxley biting her way to freedom. Grace makes the mistake of going after Ash though, allowing Paxley to send her shoulder first into the ring structure. Back in and Grace gets pulled into a half crab, which is quickly escaped to set up a neckbreaker.

The Vader Bomb misses but Grace runs her over again and hits Grace Under Pressure for two. Grace puts her up top for the MuscleBuster and a near fall, meaning it’s surprised kickout face. Paxley gets two off some rollups before catching Grace on top for a super Lobotomy (swinging neckbreaker) for two more. Grace slugs away but gets caught in a guillotine, only to power up again. Some hard shots to the back and chest set up the Juggernaut Driver to retain the title at 11:06.

Rating: B-. Paxley isn’t exactly a top NXT name, but it’s cool to see someone going over to TNA and making Grace look like a star. That’s all you need here, as Grace has gotten one heck of a boost out of this whole story. Grace seems primed for a huge showdown with Ash By Elegance, and this was a great way to make her look dominant on the way there.

Post match Ash goes after Grace but gets the brass knuckles taken away. Grace lays her out and pours champagne over here, with Rehwoldt panicking.

We recap Matt Hardy challenging Moose for the TNA World Title. Hardy returned at Rebellion and wants the title, meaning it’s time for all the Broken stuff because that’s what Hardy does in TNA.

TNA World Title: Moose vs. Matt Hardy

Moose, with the System, is defending and this is Broken Rules, more or less meaning a street fight. Cue the Nemeths to brawl with the System (save for Alisha) to the back, making it a lot more even. Hardy hits a clothesline into a DDT and there’s the Side Effect onto the apron to put Moose down again. The Twist Of Fate connects on the floor but Moose is back up with some trashcan lid shots to the face.

Moose grabs a ladder and then chairs him over and over, only to have Hardy come back with a low blow. Now it’s Hardy getting in some chair shots of his own and they head outside, with the brawl going into the crowd. Hardy knocks him back to ringside and hits a suplex, setting up a middle rope elbow for two. The Twist Of Fate is countered into a release Rock Bottom so it’s time to load up a table in the corner.

The spear is blocked so Moose chairs him down instead and then piles the chairs up. A superplex onto the chairs gives Moose two so he sets the chairs up side by side. Another superplex through them is broken up and Hardy powerbombs him onto the chairs for two of his own. With the chairs exhausted, Hardy grabs a box from underneath the ring. Moose gets in a trashcan lid shot and puts Hardy down, allowing him to pull….a football helmet out of the box. With the helmet on, Moose charges into a backdrop over the top and onto the ladder at ringside.

Hardy uses the breaker to load up two ladders at ringside with a table between them. A well placed Chicago Bears helmet to the head drops Moose (and draws what sounds like a CTE chant, which is kind of chilling). Hardy’s legdrop off the ladder puts Moose through a table before Hardy wraps a chair around Moose’s head.

The Twist of Fate with the chair gets two, as Alisha comes in with the kendo stick for the save. Cue Reby Hardy for the brawl, including her own Twist of Fate to Alisha. Matt loads up his own spear but puts Reby through the table by mistake. The shaken up Matt walks into a spear from Moose to retain the title at 21:32.

Rating: C+. Well thank goodness for that. I was worried that Moose was going to drop the title here and I don’t think I could handle more of the Broken Hardys. Moose winning off the spear isn’t exactly an inspiring moment but it is going to be a pretty big deal when someone finally beats him. Better main event than usual from Moose, but there was a lot of time that could have been cut while they were setting things up.

Post match the beatdown is on with the Nemeths and Joe Hendry coming in for a failed save attempt…so here is Jeff Hardy with a chair for the real save. House is cleaned and a Swanton hits Moose, leaving the good guys to pose to end the show.

Overall Rating: B. The wrestling was rather strong throughout most of the night, but it did feel like the show before the show that really matters. You had Grace winning to set up her match with Ash, the ABC winning a nothing match, Ali winning to set up his match with Bailey, and the Hardys coming back because they always have to be around. It’s a show that could have been a bit shorter, but I was expecting nothing and got about three hours of solid action, so I’ll call that a rather nice win.

Sami Callihan b. Jonathan Gresham – Cactus Driver 97
Alisha Edwards/Masha Slamovich b. The Hex – Steiner Bulldog to Belle
Mike Santana/Steve Maclin b. The Rascalz – Spin The Block to Wentz
PCO b. Rich Swann – PCOsault
System b. Ryan Nemeth/Nic Nemeth – Boston Knee Party to Ryan
Frankie Kazarian b. Joe Hendry – Right hand with a foreign object
Mustafa Ali b. Trent Seven – Sharpshooter
ABC b. Josh Alexander/Eric Young – The Fold to Young
Jordynne Grace b. Tatum Paxley – Juggernaut Driver
Moose b. Matt Hardy – Spear



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NXT Battleground 2024: They Need To Find Something

Battleground 2024
Date: June 9, 2024
Location: UFC Apex, Las Vegas, Nevada
Commentators: Vic Joseph, Booker T.
Host: Sexyy Red

It’s time for another big special event and in this case it’s taking place at the UFC venue as the two sides continue to come together. The main event will see Trick Williams defending the NXT Title against newcomer Ethan Page, which should be a big fight. Other than that, there is a ladder match to crown the first Women’s North American Champion. Let’s get to it.

Sexyy Red welcomes us to the show and dances a bit.

The opening video talks about how awesome it is to be in Las Vegas but how bad things can go with a bad roll of the dice. The entire card gets a look here.

Women’s North American Title: Sol Ruca vs. Kelani Jordan vs. Jaida Parker vs. Michin vs. Lash Legend vs. Fallon Henley

Ladder match for the inaugural title. Legend and Jordan are left alone in the ring to start, with Legend picking her up for some knees to the ribs. The ladders are picked up on the floor, with Ruca and Jordan dropkicking one into Ruca. Jordan heads outside, leaving Ruca to hit moonsault knees onto Legend. Back in and Jordan gets crushes with a ladder in the corner, with Jordan being laid onto said ladder. Henley loads up the ladder but takes too long, allowing Michin to cut her off.

The ladder is set up, with Legend sending Michin into it before four women get in a big stacked up sleeper. With that broken up, Jordan goes for a climb but gets caught by Parker and Legend, who pull her down from opposite directions. Ruca and Parker kick Michin down but Henley is back up with a faceplant to send Ruca into the ladder. A bunch of people go up top until Ruca and Legend are up top.

Ruca’s sunset bomb attempt is blocked but Legend is pulled off by everyone else and tossed onto a bridged ladder. Michin goes up but gets pulled down, leaving Parker to go up, only to get pulled down for the Sol Snatcher. Henley gets the same and goes up, only to have Jordan run up at the same time. They knock each other down though and we get a breather. Jordan’s split legged moonsault connects onto Michin onto a ladder and she runs up to win the title at 12:28.

Rating: B-. This had the wild and dangerous spots that you were wanting to see, with something of a surprise result. Jordan winning is a nice choice as she is the definition of someone who could be a fresh face in the division. Now she has won something and can defend the title for at least a little while. The match itself was the usual insanity with some things not working as well as they planned, but it could have been a heck of a lot worse.

Yesterday, Oro Mensah jumped Ethan Page as he arrived in Las Vegas.

Tag Team Titles: OC vs. Axiom/Nathan Frazer

The OC is challenging. Anderson starts in on Axiom’s banged up arm so Axiom goes with a dropkick to get out of trouble. Frazer adds a running dropkick for two before grabbing a headlock takeover. It’s back to Axiom, who tries to go up but gets sent into the wrong corner so Gallows can stomp away.

Gallows fires off elbows to the bad shoulder and it’s back to Anderson for a headbutt. Axiom manages to get in a shot of his own though and the tag brings in Frazer to clean house. A springboard takes Anderson down and the running shooting star press gets two. Anderson avoids the phoenix splash though and hits a TKO of all things. The belly to back neckbreaker gives Gallows two and one heck of a sitout powerbomb does the same. Everything breaks down and Axiom comes back in to choke Gallows.

That’s broken up and it’s a running boot into a flapjack combination for two on Axiom. Frazer’s dive to the floor is countered into a chokeslam onto the apron, leaving Anderson to hit a super TKO for two on Axiom. Anderson tries it again but Frazer makes the save. That means Frazer can dive onto Anderson and Axiom gives Anderson a super Spanish Fly. The phoenix splash gives Frazer the retaining pin at 11:38.

Rating: B-. It was a pretty formula based match and the OC is still nowhere near what they used to be, but they had a good enough match here. Axiom and Frazer got to beat a team with a bit more credibility, as their build into a strong team continues. This wasn’t some classic match, but it did what it was supposed to do well enough.

We recap Lola Vice vs. Shayna Baszler in NXT Underground. They both have MMA backgrounds, but Vice is more about having fun while Baszler is more about competition. Tonight, they’re having a big fight.

Lola Vice vs. Shayna Baszler

NXT Underground, meaning no ropes and knockout/submissions only to win with wrestlers serving as unofficial lumberjacks. They slug it out to start until Baszler hammers her down. The fight goes outside, with Vice being sent into part of the set. Back in and Baszler suplexes her into an ankle lock. That’s reversed with a roll into the post s Vice grabs a rear naked choke.

Baszler breaks that up and they head outside, with Baszler loading up the announcers’ table. A legsweep and right hands have Vice in trouble but she avoids a running knee to the side of the table. The knee is wrapped around the post and Vice grabs a kneebar. Baszler starts getting out of that so Vice switches to a quickly broken ankle lock. Vice strikes her down again but another choke is broken up. Baszler fights to her feet and hits a kick to the head, setting up the Kirifuda Clutch.

Some twisting of the bad leg gets Vice out of trouble so Baszler knees her in the face. Baszler takes the knee pad down but charges into a spinning backfist to knock Baszler out to the floor. Back up and Baszler bets up security for some reason, only to have Vice kick her in the head again. Baszler grabs a triangle choke and kicks Vice out to the floor again. Vice manages to send her into the steps though and another spinning backfist knocks Baszler silly. The hammer fists finish Baszler at 11:17, who ties to jump the referee in her confusion.

Rating: C. It was definitely different and the violence was good, but this felt like something that should have gone about five minutes shorter. Vice winning is the right call and it’s one of the biggest wins of her career, but it got a bit boring about halfway through. At least they had Baszler put Vice over in a match that made sense. Just find a better way to do it.

Sexyy Red congratulates Kelani Jordan on her win and they dance.

Heatwave is coming to Toronto on July 7.

We recap the North American Title match with Oba Femi defending against Wes Lee and Joe Coffey. Femi is the unstoppable monster, Lee is the former champion and Coffey is the brawler who wants to beat people up and win the title.

North American Title: Oba Femi vs. Joe Coffey vs. Wes Lee

Femi is defending and the other two strike away at him to start, setting up a double dropkick to the floor. Lee knocks Coffey down and hits a dive on Femi, setting up a top rope twisting dive for two on Coffey. Back in and Femi suplexes them both at once before throwing Lee at Coffey for a nasty crash. They other two get together to stagger Femi, who goes up to the middle rope. Lee goes with him so Femi LAUNCHES HIM at Coffey in an awesome visual.

Back up and Coffey manages a sidewalk slam on Femi, setting up a Vader Bomb elbow for two. Lee is sent into the corner and Coffey manages a Death Valley Driver on Femi. Back up and Lee knocks Coffey onto Femi, with Lee having to make a last second save. With Femi outside, Coffey hits a dive, only to get planted onto the apron. Lee’s big running flip dive is pulled out of the air, with Femi powerbombing him onto Coffey for the big crash. Back in and Lee headscissors Femi into the corner, with Coffey having to make a save of his own.

Coffey hits a spinebuster for two on Lee but cue Gallus to beat up Femi on the floor. Lee gets hit with a top rope moonsault from Coffey, setting up the running headbutt into the corner for two. Femi gets back up and drops Gallus, only to get knocked down again with All The Best For The Bells. The standing Meteora puts Coffey down and there’s the Cardiac Kick for two, with Gallus pulling the referee out. Lee dives onto Gallus but Femi powerbombs Lee and Coffey to pin the latter at 12:05.

Rating: B. This was the Femi show as he was out there wrecking everyone in front of him like the monster that he has become. NXT knows what they have with him and this was a good way to make him look that much better. I’m not sure what is going to be able to stop Femi, but he was a wrecking ball here and it was another fun display of his monster size and power. Lee and Coffey were doing their thing, but this was about Femi and it worked.

We recap the Women’s Title match, as Roxanne Perez is defending against the monster TNA Knockouts Champion Jordynne Grace. It’s a cross promotional match, with Grace as a guest star who still feels like an unstoppable force.

NXT Women’s Title: Jordynne Grace vs. Roxanne Perez

Perez is defending and Grace’s TNA Knockouts Title isn’t on the line. Grace blocks a waistlock to start so Perez slaps her in the face. That just gets on Grace’s nerves and she suplexes Perez down, allowing a quick nipup. Grace goes up but gets pulled down by the arm, setting up the seated armbar.

A knee drop misses for Perez but she punches the leg out again. Perez’s high crossbody is countered into a World’s Strongest Slam, only to have Grace miss the Vader Bomb. They both go up, with Grace grabbing a super spinning torture rack bomb but it’s too early for the Juggernaut river. Instead Grace hits a clothesline and a spinebuster for two but the MuscleBuster is broken up.

Perez hits a running hurricanrana driver for two and it’s time to crank on the arm. The armbar over the ropes keeps Grace in trouble but this time she pulls Perez into the MuscleBuster for two more. They head to the apron, where Perez can’t hit Pop Rox to the floor. Instead she sends Grace face first into the apron, setting up a diving tornado DDT. Back in and a double springboard moonsault gets two, followed by a crossface.

That’s broken up as well before both of their finishers are blocked. Grace faceplants her down…and Tatum Paxley jumps the barricade. She grabs the Knockouts Title but here is Ash By Elegance (formerly known as Dana Brooke) to grab it as well. Grace takes Ash down and hits a Death Valley Driver on Perez. The Juggernaut Driver is countered into a cutter though and Pop Rox retains the title at 13:57.

Rating: B. These two were rolling before the ending, which seemed to be more of a way to set something up for the Knockouts Title. I wasn’t sure who was going to win here, with Perez fighting against the monster and having to score where she could. Grace has looked like a star every time she has been out there in WWE of any kind and it wouldn’t shock me to see that become a permanent situation as soon as possible.

Sexyy Red brags about the show and Lola Vice comes in to dance. Red and the interviewer join her.

Gallus jumps Wes Lee.

We recap Trick Williams defending the NXT Title against Ethan Page. Williams was likely to defend against Noam Dar but someone attacked Dar instead. That wound up being Page, who signed a deal with the caveat that he got a title match here. Worked for Williams.

NXT Title: Trick Williams vs. Ethan Page

Williams is defending. Page starts fast and hammers away but Williams is back up with a neckbreaker for two. Williams’ side kick misses though and he crashes out to the floor, where Page sends him into the steps. Back in and Page stomps away in the corner, setting up a double underhook backbreaker for two. Page grabs a bearhug to stay on the ribs before slowly stomping away.

Williams fights up and hits a spinning DDT to leave them both down. Back up and Williams kicks him in the face but misses the spinning variety. They go outside with Page being sent over the barricade before they head back inside. Williams’ spinning kick to the face gets two but Page knocks him out of the air. The running knee in the corner gives Page two and they slug it out from their knees.

They slug it out, with Williams hitting a Rock Bottom for two. The fight heads outside, where Williams loads up the announcers’ table, only to get powerslammed through the table instead. Back in and the Ego’s Edge (Razor’s Edge) gets two on Williams, leaving Page to yell at the referee. The distraction lets Williams hit the Trick Shot to retain at 12:14.

Rating: C+. And that’s the main event. It wasn’t exactly a hot feud coming in and it wound up going well, but there was almost no heat to the match at all. Page is just kind of a generic guy who hasn’t had the chance to turn into anything around here. Maybe this could have gone better if they had more time to build up the feud, but it only worked well enough.

Sexyy Red comes out to celebrate with Williams to end the show. Red said nothing and danced four times. End of her contributions to this whole thing.

Overall Rating: B-. The wrestling ranged from good to ok at worst, but there was very little that actually happened here. Kelani Jordan is the inaugural Women’s North American Champion, and the rest of the titles were retained. It was a show with good action but nothing that you need to see. The problem is that it feels like we’re pretty much right where we were when the build to this show began with only a few minor changes here and there. They need a big story around here and the closest thing right now is TNA having wrestlers show up. It’s going to need more than that and this show didn’t deliver it.

Kelani Jordan won the Women’s North American Title ladder match
Axiom/Nathan Frazer b. OC – Phoenix splash to Anderson
Lola Vice b. Shayna Baszler – Hammer fist
Oba Femi b. Joe Coffey and Wes Lee – Powerbomb to Coffey
Roxanne Perez b. Jordynne Grace – Pop Rox
Trick Williams b. Ethan Page – Trick Shot



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Impact Wrestling – June 6, 2024: They Need To Get Through This

Impact Wrestling
Date: June 7, 2024
Location: MegaCorp Pavilion, Newport, Kentucky
Commentators: Matthew Rehwoldt, Tom Hannifan

We’re on the way to Against All Odds and that means most of the card is already set. While Moose is set to defend the World Title against Matt Hardy on that show, we have another title match on this show. This week will see Laredo Kid defending the Digital Media Title against AJ Francis, which should be interesting. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening recap.

Opening sequence.

Apparently this is the 20 year anniversary of the show. That’s really impressive.

Kon vs. Jake Something

Kon blocks a neck snap to start so Something hammers away in the corner and hits a clothesline to the floor. Back in and Kon is knocked outside again, this time managing to post Something to take over. Kon cranks away at the neck back inside before Something fights up and slugs away for the knockdown. An elbow misses for Kon and Something punches him down for one. Something fights out of another neck snap and Into The Void finishes Kon at 5:27.

Rating: C+. Nice win for Something here as his star continues its up and down status. It’s nice to see him win like this but at some point he needs to win something of value. Beating a monster like Kon is a good sign though and once he gets away from Deaner, maybe we can see him get a proper push.

Post match Kon jumps him but Eric Young runs in for the save. Young talks about how this show is twenty years old today and he’s celebrating with the fans.

We look at Moose injuring Matt Hardy last week.

Frankie Kazarian is fighting on behalf of the System this week. The System comes in to say if he takes out Nic Nemeth tonight, he gets a World Title shot, right? Works for Moose, though Kazarian isn’t sure if Moose is getting by Matt Hardy.

We recap PCO’s attempts to woo Steph de Lander, who seems interested.

De Lander thinks PCO has a crush on him and opens the love letter, which says “PCO: Oui or Non”. Xia Brookside comes in to tell her to give it some time before she makes her decision. De Lander says she’ll give it a week, which has Brookside rather giddy.

Gisele Shaw vs. Shazza McKenzie

Shaw knocks her into the corner to start and hits a running elbow. McKenzie is back with a neck snap over the ropes and a kick to the face for two. Back up and Shaw hits her in the face for two, setting up a Cody Cutter and a running knee for the pin at 3:20.

Rating: C. Shaw looked crisp here (and in new gear to make her feel different) which is a good sign when you’re fresh back after a lengthy layoff. Shaw’s in that same category of “she needs to actually win the title” after so many close losses and maybe this is her time. The setup is definitely looking better this time at least.

Rosemary blames herself for the losses of her loved once and says it is because of sins.

Steve Maclin asks Mike Santana for an alliance against the Rascalz, but Santana is done with tag wrestling. Maclin asks again and Santana seems to be in.

Mustafa Ali/Champagne Singh vs. Speedball Mountain

Seven starts but Ali hands it off to Singh instead. Seven’s headlock allows Bailey to come in and strike away, including a dropkick into the corner. Ali comes in for a cheap shot on Bailey to take over, making sure to taunt Seven in the process. Some choking on the ropes keeps Bailey in trouble and we take a break. Back with Bailey and Singh trading rollups for two each, with Bailey making it over for the tag to Seven. The swinging slam connects but the Birminghammer is broken up and it’s back to Ali.

Bop and Bang gives Seven two on Ali, with Singh making the save. Ali is right back with the rolling clothesline but the 450 misses. Instead Seen hits the Seven Star Lariat and we get the double down. Bailey comes back in with a missile dropkick to Singh, followed by the moonsault double knees. A rather lengthy double team is broken up though and Ali uses a Secret Service distraction to DDT Bailey on the floor. Not that it matters as the Birminghammer finishes Singh at 13:30.

Rating: B-. That’s booking 101 as you have Seven looking dominant against Ali’s lackey on his way to a title shot against Ali himself. I don’t quite buy Seven as a major threat to win the title but at least they’re building him up well. At the same time, Speedball Mountain gets another win, as this thrown together team continues t have some legs.

The Personal Concierge brings back the healed up Ash By Elegance following her life saving minor surgery.

Knockouts Title: Jordynne Grace vs. Allysin Kan

Grace is defending and Marti Belle is here with Kay. Grace charges at her to start and unloads in the corner but Belle offers a distraction to break it up. Kay strikes away until Grace skins the cat and runs her over. A Saito suplex cuts Grace off but she avoids a charge in the corner. The MuscleBuster gets two on Kay before Grace beats up Belle for trying to interfere. Kay’s kneeling piledriver gets two but Grace powerbombs her into the Juggernaut Driver to retain at 6:10.

Rating: C+. Kay is another former champion who was brought back in to make Grace look good in a victory. Grace is on her way to probably the biggest match of her life this weekend and that means she needs a boost like this one. They had a back and forth enough match too, as Grace had to put in some effort to retain here. Nice match.

We get Sami Callihan’s Death Machine TV, where he doesn’t like how Jonathan Gresham thinks he’s an octopus. The showdown seems to be set for Against All Odds.

Digital Media Title: Laredo Kid vs. AJ Francis

Kid is defending and Rich Swann is here with Francis. They start fast with Kid sticking and moving until a dropkick puts Francis on the floor. The dive is pulled out of the air though and Kid is slammed into the apron. A running knee in the corner rocks Kid but he fights up and hits a missile dropkick. Kid flip dives off the top onto Swann on the floor but the distraction lets Francis hit the Down Payment (chokeslam) for the pin and the title at 4:58.

Rating: C. Sure why not. Francis at least feels like a bigger star around here and it isn’t like Kid has lit the world on fire with his rather brief title reign. If TNA wants Francis to feel like a big star then he needed to win something. Giving him the low level TV Title would in fact count as something, as Francis gets a prize. Maybe he can even do something with it.

Nic Nemeth vs. Frankie Kazarian

They fight over a lockup to start until Nemeth takes him down for the armbar. Kazarian fights up and knocks him down but Nemeth scores with that dropkick. A backdrop sends Nemeth outside though, followed by a snap suplex back inside. We hit the chinlock, meaning Ziggler has to fight up rather quickly. Kazarian runs him over again and we take an early break.

Back with Nemeth fighting out of a chickenwing attempt and hitting the rapid fire elbows. Kazarian reverses one of them into the chickenwing, with Nemeth eventually grabbing the rope. Nemeth’s superkick gets two but the Danger Zone is blocked. Instead Kazarian grabs a slingshot cutter for two and frustration is setting in. Nemeth gets two off a sunset flip before the Danger Zone connects for the win at 14:35.

Rating: B-. This was the TNA “These Guys Are Good At Wrestling” match of the week and that is always going to work. It was the longest match on the show and it had two veterans getting to go out there and do their thing. That is something we see pretty much weekly around here and this time it happened to be in the main event.

Post match the System runs in to beat Nemeth down. Ryan Nemeth runs in for the save but Moose comes in to break up the break up. The villains get in the beatdown but Joe Hendry runs in for the real save…until Moose spears him down as well. The real beatdown is on and the System poses but we cut to Matt Hardy. You cannot break what is already Broken so he invites the System to the Hardy Compound next week. An Addams Family snap ends the show. As long as it’s a one off, just let them get it out of their system and move on.

Overall Rating: B-. TNA is in a rough place right now as their most important story is taking place in NXT this weekend, leaving everything else to be set up for a middle of the road (at best) show next week. Matt Hardy isn’t feeling like a top level challenger but rather someone who is getting to do his Broken stuff because he’s a star who gets to do what he wants. I’m still holding out hope for Joe Hendry to get the big World Title win, but by the time he gets there, it might be too late. Good enough show here, though Against All Odds is not feeling interesting whatsoever.

Jake Something b. Kon – Into The Void
Gisele Shaw b. Shazza McKenzie – Running knee
Speedball Mountain b. Champagne Singh/Mustafa Ali – Birminghammer to Singh
Jordynne Grace b. Allysin Kay – Juggernaut Driver
AJ Francis b. Laredo Kid – Down Payment
Nic Nemeth b. Frankie Kazarian – Danger Zone



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NXT – June 4, 2024: Battle Plans

Date: June 4, 2024
Location: Capitol Wrestling Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Vic Joseph, Booker T.

It’s the go home show for Battleground and that means it’s time to really hammer things home. In this case that actually means setting up the main event, which very well may be the newcomer Ethan Page challenging Trick Williams for the NXT Title. Other than that, we’ll probably see a bunch of people set for a ladder match in a big messy segment. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Ava, with Mr. Stone, welcome Ethan Page to the show in the hopes of getting everything solved.

Opening recap.

Jordynne Grace vs. Stevie Turner

Non-title and here is Roxanne Perez to join commentary. Turner slaps her in the face to start but Grace is back with a much bigger slap. A quick knockdown gives Turner a breather but Grace easily powers out of a reverse chinlock. The Vader Bomb into the Juggernaut Driver (pumphandle driver) finishes for Grace at 2:59. Short and to the point, with Grace getting to look like a killer.

Post match Grace and Perez have a standoff with Perez going for a cheap shot but bailing instead.

Trick Williams asks Lash Legend if she’s seen Ethan Page. She hasn’t, but she also has to cut off their relationship because she needs the Women’s North American Title. Williams understands and says do what you have to do.

Shawn Spears talks to some rookies (including Je’Von Evans) but Josh Briggs interrupts and accuses Spears of trying to manipulate them. Briggs teases violence, but Spears says he’s just showing his insecurities.

Booker T. is emceeing a showdown between the six women vying for the inaugural Women’s North American Title. Michin knows what it’s like to be in a ladder match around here. Jaida Parker says this is her time and makes threats, with Fallon Henley saying this is her match because she’ll be on her own. Kelani Jordan says no one will try like she will but Sol Ruca promises to snatch five souls. Lash Legend finds that funny but says Sunday is about being crowned champion. A Trick Williams insult is thrown out and Booker knows where this is going. The fight is on and here is Robert Stone to make a six woman tag.

The No Quarter Catch Crew talk into a mirror (Damon Kemp finds it weird) and have to talk like the D’Angelo Family.

Thea Hail vs. Jazmyn Nyx

Andre Chase and Ridge Holland are here, with the rest of Chase U standing back due to Holland. Hail starts in on the arm but gets thrown into the air in the corner for a kick to the ribs. Nyx starts in on Hail’s arm for a change and stomps away some more. The World’s Smallest Slam connects for Hail and she grabs the Kimura. Nyx manages to stay up and backs her into the corner, where Hail breaks it up to protect the referee. A quick Pele Kick gives Nyx the pin at 4:32.

Rating: C. Nyx getting a win on her own, even over a distracted Hail, is a bit deal for her future. She is someone who could be a star if given the chance and we might be seeing her get just that sooner than later. Hail’s issues with Chase U, or at least parts of it, could make for a bit of a complicated future and that is not a bad thing.

Ava and Mr. Stone don’t like Ethan Page’s contract offer.

Earlier today, the OC jumps Axiom and Nathan Frazier at the merchandise truck and the champs got beaten down.

Heritage Cup: Tony D’Angelo vs. Damon Kemp

Kemp is challenging and Round One begins with a failed takedown attempt. Instead Kemp grabs a suplex and stomps away as the intensity gets cranked up rather quickly. Not that it matters as D’Angelo grabs Forget About It for the first fall at 1:47. Round Two begins with a break and we come back with the beginning of Round Three.

Kemp stomps away in the corner and grabs a bridging German suplex for two. It works so well that Kemp does it over and over gain but D’Angelo wakes up. Some belly to belly suplexes put Kemp down but he grabs a DDT for two as the bell rings to save D’Angelo. Round Four begins with…D’Angelo hitting a spinebuster for the second fall to retain at 8 seconds of the round and 9:44 overall.

Rating: C+. This was a bit of a surprise with D’Angelo getting the rare sweep. We might be seeing the Crew getting back to basics by being themselves again, which could make for a better challenge. For now though, I can go for D’Angelo getting a dominant win, as it certainly made him look like a bigger star.

Ava says Ethan Page wants to sign his contract in the middle of the ring but there are some details that have to be solved. Trick Williams comes in to say give Page whatever he wants and he’ll even be out there to make sure Page signs. Then Sexyy Red calls so they have to wrap it up.

Michin introduces herself to Jordynne Grace and they like each other. Jaida Parker comes in for some trash talk, allowing Arianna Grace to come in and say she and Jordynne aren’t related. Tatum Paxley comes in to admire the Knockouts Title, but Jordynne says it’s more important than anything, including Arianna’s crown.

We get a long video on Shayna Baszler vs. Lola Vice in NXT Underground at Battleground. They both have combat backgrounds but Vice is more about being flashy while Baszler is more about being serious. UFC/MMA fighters weigh in as well.

Izzi Dame vs. Natalya

Karmen Petrovic is here with Natalya, who knocks Petrovic down to start and hits a basement dropkick. Dame gets the better of a fight on the floor but a powerbombs is countered back inside. Natalya can’t get the cross armbreaker as Dame powers her up for a ram into the corner. Back up and a powerbomb out of the corner gives Natalya two, followed by an exchange of rollups to give Natalya the win at 4:05.

Rating: C+. So I guess NXT didn’t see the segment where Natalya said she was going to change things this week on Raw, as this was the same Natalya match we’ve seen for years. The match was perfectly fine, but there was nothing here that is going to stand out in any way. In other words, it’s Natalya.

Nathan Frazer and Axiom are ready for the OC at Battleground.

Tyriek Igwe and Tyson DuPont come out for a match but Gallus jumps them from behind during the break. They don’t like the lack of respect and no one wants them to be here as professional wrestlers. On Sunday, they’re ready to make Joe Coffey the North American Champion. Cue Oba Femi to say Gallus is dangerous but he’s ready to go. Wes Lee pops in to say he’s ready to beat anyone to get his title back.

Wendy Choo is back next week.

Lexis King brags about attacking Dante Chen, who jumps King to start a brawl. It’s broken up but King issues a challenge for one more fight.

Lash Legend/Kelani Jordan/Fallon Henley vs. Michin/Jaida Parker/Sol Ruca

Jordan and Ruca trade takedowns to start and flip over to the ropes for the tag off to Parker vs. Legend. Parker’s shoulder doesn’t get her very far so Michin comes in for a shoulder of her own. Legend takes Michin down and it’s Henley coming in for a sliding right hand. We take a break and come back with Jordan coming in to pick up the pace.

Parker pulls Jordan out of the air though and sits on Jordan in the corner. Michin hits a Pounds and grabs a surfboard on Jordan, followed by a quick dropkick. Parker comes in and gets Stundog Millionaired as Jazmyn Nyx and….someone come out to watch. Everything breaks down and the teammates start fighting each other. Ruca uses the distraction to hit the Sol Snatcher on Legend for the pin at 9:39.

Rating: C+. Points for mixing things up here, as this could have been any run of the mill six man and then it wouldn’t have been nearly as special. What we got instead was a nice showcase of everyone involved, even if the results mean nothing in a ladder match. Nice change of pace here and it was entertaining as a one off, with the Sol Snatcher looking great as always.

The woman next to Nyx appears to Jacy Jayne with a jacket pulled over her face.

Stevie Turner asks Ava for another match next week but doesn’t get an answer.

Eddy Thorpe is ready to fight for his heritage.

Battleground rundown.

Ava brings out Ethan Page for the contract signing. Page brags about how great of a signing he’ll be, but Ava isn’t meeting his demands. Page talks about how NXT needs the star power after the Draft. The fans chanting for Trick Williams gets on Page’s nerves so here is Williams to interrupt. The table is cleared out and Williams asks Ava to give Page whatever he wants.

Page talks about how he’s been in a lot of shadows over the years and Williams had the same problem. He credits Williams making a name for himself and now Page wants to do the same. Page signs, but Ava won’t do it. The deal says that if Page signs, he gets an NXT Title shot at Battleground, which means the end of the Whoop That era. Ava signs and the staredown ends the show. Not the stunning surprise here, but it had to be done.

Overall Rating: C+. I don’t know if I remember the last time a show had that high of a percentage of women’s wrestling. The good thing here is it set up a lot for Sunday, though there was little here that you would need to see. It was a show about getting ready for Battleground and that was nicely enough done. Not a great show here, but a show they needed to do and they make it work.

Jordynne Grace b. Stevie Turner – Juggernaut Driver
Jazmyn Nyx b. Thea Hail – Pele Kick
Tony D’Angelo b. Damon Kemp 2-0
Natalya b. Izzi Dame – Rollup
Michin/Jaida Parker/Sol Ruca b. Lash Legend/Kelani Jordan/Fallon Henley – Sol Snatcher to Legend



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Impact Wrestling – May 23, 2024: TNA Gonna TNA

Impact Wrestling
Date: May 23, 2024
Location: MegaCorp Pavilion, Newport, Kentucky
Commentators: Matthew Rehwoldt, Tom Hannifan

We are coming up on Against All Odds and after last week’s show, it would seem that Joe Hendry is on his way towards at least some kind of title shot. That would be quite the shot in the arm around here, but there is a good chance that we’ll have to wait for Matt Hardy to get his chance first. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening recap.

Opening sequence.

The System vs. Matt Hardy/Ryan Nemeth

Non-title and Alisha Edwards is here with the System. Hardy rolls Eddie up for a fast two before knocking him down in the corner. Nemeth comes in but gets driven into the wrong corner, allowing the tag off to Myers. The villains manage to take Nemeth down and Myers grabs a quick chinlock.

A suplex drops Nemeth for two but he’s back up with the running DDT, which is exactly like his brother’s, because…well why else would he be here? It’s back to Hardy to pick up the pace with Hardy grabbing a double underhook neck crank until Myers makes a save. The Backpack Stunner/elbow combination is broken up and a Twist of Fate drops Eddie. Nemeth’s high crossbody finishes Myers at 6:59.

Rating: C-. I don’t know where to start with this, but the Tag Team Champions just got pinned by a makeshift team featuring an ancient Matt Hardy and a guy who name might as well be “Dolph Ziggler’s Little Brother”. I’m not sure what the appeal for this was supposed to be, but I would think there would be a better way to make it happen. On top of that, the match wasn’t even very good, as it’s hard to ignore how Ryan is just cosplaying as his brother.

Post match the System jumps Hardy and Nemeth, with Moose coming in to take out Hardy. Nic Nemeth runs in for the save.

ABC isn’t happy that they’re not in the #1 contenders match for the X-Division Title but they’re totally on the same page. Well they’re mostly on the same page, but maybe they need to fight to get this out of their system.

The Nemeths and Matt Hardy come in to see Santino Marella. He thinks Matt and Ryan deserve a Tag Team Title shot but Matt doesn’t want that. Instead, Santino makes Matt the #1 contender to the World Title and gives the Nemeths a Tag Team Title shot, all at Against All Odds. Completely logical on all counts there.

Rascalz vs. Sinner & Saint

Miguel locks up with Saint to start before Sinner comes in to take Miguel into the corner. It’s back to Saint, who gets knocked down by Wentz for a standing shooting star press. Saint is back up with a spinning shot to the face, allowing Sinner and Miguel to come back in. A Stunner into a bridging German suplex gets two on Miguel but Wentz is back with a running stomp/backbreaker combination for the pin at 4:22.

Rating: C+. Sinner & Saint got in some offense here and did look good in their limited time out there. I was surprised by how much the Rascalz gave them but it was kind of nice to see something other than a total squash. The Rascalz are already dealing with Steve Maclin so giving them a win here was good.

Post match Steve Maclin comes in to lay out the Rascalz.

In the back, Maclin says he’s done with the Rascalz and wants Mike Santana. Cue Santana to say they can fight again next week.

Back from a break and Frankie Kazarian is yelling at the ring announcer before saying he is leaving the building. As he leaves, he runs into Deaner, who is coming to the ring for a chat.

Deaner doesn’t know what Kazarian’s problem was but he has his own problem right now. He calls (and receives) Jake Something to the ring, where Deaner says he deserved last week’s attack. Something did it after Deaner turned on him years ago, so we’ll chalk it up to family issues. Deaner asks the fans if he and Something should shake hands, which draws out the Good Hands to interrupt. They don’t care what the people want and no one cares about this whole thing. Skyler mocks Something’s intelligence and the fight is on, with the Good Hands being cleared out. Santino, tag match, go.

Deaner/Jake Something vs. Good Hands

The bell rings and we take a break about ten seconds in. Back with Deaner hitting Hotch in the face for two but Skyler comes in off a blind tag. Something gets drawn in, leaving Deaner to get tied in the Tree of Woe, with the Hands standing on him. A Russian legsweep gives Hotch two but Deaner gets over to Something for the house cleaning. Everything breaks down and Deaner sends Skyler to Something for Into The Void and the pin at 10:06.

Rating: C. This was almost disappointing, as the idea of the Deaners reuniting is almost hard to stomach. They weren’t a great team in the first place and having Something, who has shown a bunch of potential, teaming with Deaner again isn’t the best idea. Hopefully this is just a short term thing, but you never can tell around here

Post match Something eventually shakes his hand.

Jordynne Grace says last week’s loss isn’t on her, but now she wants a new opponent.

The System isn’t happy with they have to do at Against All Odds but Moose rallies the troops. Joe Hendry comes in for the staredown but Eddie Edwards is willing to face him next week.

Knockouts Title: Jordynne Grace vs. Marti Belle

Belle is challenging but we pause for Ash By Elegance’s lackey to come in and say Ash isn’t here due to her injury last week. Worry not though as he brings in….a mannequin of Ash. We’re ready to go after the Big Match Intros, with Grace running her over with a shoulder. Belle manages to sweep the leg and hits a running kick to the chest for two. Grace fights out of the corner but gets dropped with a right hand for one. A Stroke drops Grace for two as the lackey is pouring champagne for the mannequin. Grace shrugs it off and hits the Juggernaut Driver to retain at 4:24.

Rating: C. Belle is a name from the company’s history but at the same time, she was just there as a brief obstacle for Grace to run through again. While it sees that Ash is the next big thing in the division, we could be waiting a long time before we get there. This was little more than a workout for Grace, who needs to face Ash already and get some fresh blood int the title picture.

Post match Allysin Kay (Belle’s partner) comes in and jumps Grace, even hitting her with the mannequin. The two of them (Kay and Belle, not the mannequin) leave Grace laying.

We look at Kushida coughing up the black goo from Jonathan Gresham.

Santino Marella calls Jonathan Gresham, saying that every referee will be wearing gloves and a mask going forward. This is treated as ominous.

Jody Threat vs. Tasha Steelz

Dani Luna and Lars Frederiksen is here with Threat and we get some grappling to start. Steelz chops her up against the ropes but gets thrown down with a suplex. Threat hits some dropkicks and a pump kick, followed by a powerbomb. Instead of covering, Threat yells a lot, allowing Steelz to send her into the post. A cutter gives Steelz the pin at 4:43.

Rating: C-. This show is falling downhill in a hurry and this was another good example. It’s another example of a team being together for about 18 seconds and then spending weeks (if not months) on their breakup and then an eventual feud. I’m sure this will continue to go on for weeks, building off the five (yes five) regular tag matches they had together. The fact that those five matches included winning and losing the Tag Team Titles tells you a lot about the division as a whole, and now one of the teams doesn’t seem to have much longer to go.

PCO shouts for Steph and holds up the black rose. Oh there is potential with this.

First Class want a title and have something specific in mind.

Mike Bailey vs. Trent Seven

For an X-Division Title shot at Against All Odds. They strike it out to start, with Bailey snapping off the bouncing kicks to send him to the apron. The springboard moonsault takes Seven out again, followed by a missile dropkick back inside. An exchange of chops, including some to the back, sets up Seven grabbing a DDT and the swinging slam for two. Bailey kicks him down and hits a running shooting star press for two.

Seven grabs a powerbomb out of the corner but misses a dive, only to get his knees up to block a shooting star press. Mustafa Ali comes out to watch as we take a break. Back with Seven missing the Seven Star Lariat and Bailey trying a poisonrana but not getting all of it. Bailey takes him up but gets brought back down with a super swinging slam. Now the Seven Star Lariat connects for two (Ali approves).

Seven knocks him outside and hits the suicide dive and they’re both down. Bailey’s running boot hits Ali by mistake, though he doesn’t seem too upset. They chop it out on the floor before diving back in, where Bailey hits a chop but staggers away anyway. Bailey kicks him down and hits the moonsault knees for two. The Tornado kick connects but Seven drops him anyway.

They go to the apron where Seven hits another Seven Star Lariat, followed by the Birminghammer. Another Seven Star Lariat gets two back inside but Bailey reverses the X Plex into a DDT. Bailey’s moonsault knees connects on the apron but Ali goes after Bailey for a distraction. Cue Champagne Singh of all people to crotch Bailey on top (commentary says Seven didn’t see it), allowing Seven to hit another Birminghammer for the pin at 20:17.

Rating: B. Easily the best match on the show, with a reason for a team to be fighting, albeit with a not so great ending. I can get why they didn’t want either of them to lose clean and the interference lets the team stay together, but Champagne Singh being back is hardly thrilling stuff. It would seem he’s with Ali, who might not want to face Bailey, but they couldn’t find someone more interesting to play that role?

Overall Rating: C. Main event aside, this was a very rough sit as the company seems to have hit a wall in a hurry. There was a lot on here that was neither good nor interesting and that made for a terribly boring show at times. Seeing Hardy and Dolph Ziggler’s Brother (he looks like Ziggler and uses the same moves so the name is accurate) as featured players, the Deaners teasing a reunion and yet another short lived team falling apart is not a good way to spend most of two hours. I hope this is just a bad funk rather than what we can expect now that Scott D’Amore is gone, but I’m not getting my hopes up.

Matt Hardy/Ryan Nemeth b. The System – High crossbody to Myers
Rascalz b. Sinner & Saint – Running stomp/backbreaker combination to Saint
Deaner/Jake Something b. Good Hands – Into The Void to Skyler
Jordynne Grace b. Marti Belle – Juggernaut Driver
Tasha Steelz b. Jody Threat – Cutter
Trent Seven b. Mike Bailey – Birminghammer



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Impact Wrestling – May 16, 2024: Everyone vs. Everyone Else

Impact Wrestling
Date: May 16, 2024
Location: Albany Armory, Albany, New York
Commentators: Matthew Rehwoldt, Tom Hannifan

So instead of doing a bunch of stuff on one show, this week is all about a SIXTEEN PERSON tag match, with all of the champions against a bunch of all stars and Ryan Nemeth. That’s going to eat up a good chunk of the show and should set up quite a bit for the next few major events. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening recap.

Opening sequence.

Ash By Elegance vs. Xia Brookside

If Ash wins, she gets her bedazzled knuckles back. Hold on as Ash By Elegance’s handler has a referee shirt under his jacket…but he isn’t going to be the referee. Ok then. Ash talks a lot of trash to start and gets rolled up for an early two. They go to the mat and hammer away at each other before heading outside. Ash takes over on the floor, only to have Xia get in a Thesz press and right hands of her own back inside. The fight heads to the floor again, this time with Xia managing a quick suplex. The handler offers a distraction though and Ash grabs a hanging Stunner. Rarefied Air gives Ash the pin at 4:02.

Rating: C. Everything about Ash makes her feel like a star, except for her in-ring work. What she does in the ring isn’t bad, but it’s very basic save for a nice enough looking Swanton. She feels like someone who could turn into something great and the By Elegance deal works well enough, but she needs to get above average in the ring on her best day.

Post match the handler tells Xia to present Ash with the jewelry….which she does as part of a right hand.

Rosemary is upset that Havok is gone and says there comes a time in the lives of everyone meant for greatness that you have to give up attachments. She mentions people like the Bunny and Taya Valkyrie, but now she is ready for anything.

Santino Marella talks to Kushida, who says he is sick after facing Jonathan Gresham. He’ll be ready for his match on Xplosion.

Alan Angels vs. Leon Slater

Slater runs him over with a shoulder to start and they trade rollups for two each. Back up and Slater hits a handspring elbow to send Angels outside, followed by the required dive. Hold on though as the referee starts spitting up black goo (after he refereed a Jonathan Gresham match last week) so here’s a replacement. Slater kicks Angels in the face for two but Angels snaps off a series of half and half suplexes. Back up and Slater kicks him in the face, setting up the Swanton 450 for the pin at 4:31.

Rating: C+. Slater is someone who does his stuff rather well, with that Swanton 450 being a thing of beauty. While beating Slater isn’t going to launch him up the ladder but it’s a step in the right direction. Other than that, this is likely going to be about the referee and egads this is already feeling stupid.

Post match here is Kon to go after Angels. Slater doesn’t like it and manages to knock Kon outside. Kon snaps a security guard’s neck to blow off some steam.

Here is Jake Something for a chat. He talks about starting from nothing and becoming something, with the interviewer sounding like she is mocking him. That isn’t cool with Something, who blames Deaner for the loss last week. Cue Deaner, who says he and Something are cousins and Something is absolutely right about rising up from nothing. Deaner is with him, but Something brings up leaving him to join Violent By Design years ago. Deaner apologizes for being on a dark path and worries that Something is going to do the same thing. Then Something blasts him with a clothesline and leaves.

We look at Speedball Mountain beating ABC to earn a singles shot for an X-Division Title shot.

Speedball Mountain say they’re friends but they’re at a crossroads. May the best man win, and they seem cool.

Frankie Kazarian vs. Steve Maclin

The bell rings but we pause as Kazarian insists on being called the true king of TNA. Maclin uses the delay to clothesline him to the floor and we take a break. Back with Maclin in trouble in the corner but Maclin slugs his way back into it. Maclin knocks him to the floor for the Scud but Kazarian is ready for the spear in the Tree Of Woe. They fight to the apron but neither can hit their finisher, with Kazarian settling for a backdrop to the floor.

That’s good for a nine as Maclin beats the count and hits a running knee. The Jar Headbutt gets two but Kazarian grabs a quickly broken chickenwing. Another attempt works much better, with Maclin eventually having to backflip out for the break. They go up top with Kazarian trying the Flux Capacitor, only to have Maclin tie him into the Tree Of Woe. The spear is loaded up but cue Trey Miguel for a distraction, allowing Zachary Wentz to come in for a cheap shot. Kazarian hits Fade To Black for the pin at 11:13.

Rating: B-. Kazarian’s star continues to rise and it wouldn’t stun me to see him get a World Title shot once Moose loses the title. For now though, he’s piling up wins over former World Champions and that could take him a long way. Maclin vs. the Rascalz is a bit weird as he’ll need a partner, which could go in a few different directions.

Gail Kim is at some retreat with Gisele Shaw, who says she hasn’t quit after one loss. Kim is here to guide her back home, with Shaw seeming to think about it.

We get the second half of a sitdown interview with Mike Santana. He spent years working on the problems of others rather than himself, which is what started to take him down. Then he went to rehab, with his daughter asking for him to be better for Christmas. He was ashamed that he was giving her the life that he swore he would never give her and that was enough to wake him up.

Now he’s sober and back in TNA, where he is ready to fight for every thing he has. He respects Steve Maclin after their match at Rebellion because he’s looking for a fight. Maclin put a target on his back but Santana is putting a target on everyone’s back. These have been really good and made me care about Santana that much more.

First Class is in a box to watch the champions vs. all-stars match. They’re scouting for gold.

Champions vs. All-Stars

Champions: Moose, Jordynne Grace, Laredo Kid, Masha Slamovich, Mustafa Ali, Alisha Edwards, Brian Myers, Eddie Edwards

All-Stars: Broken Matt Hardy, Ryan Nemeth, Eric Young, Spitfire, Sami Callihan, Joe Hendry, Steph de Lander

Before the match, Hendry says all of this feels like a place for a major outbreak of Hendrymania. Worry not though, because the cure is to chant WE BELIEVE. Young chops Myers down to start and we get the big sixteen way staredown. The brawl is on and we take an early break. Back with Grace and Luna trading forearms until Grace shoulders her down for two. Kid comes in and gets suplexed by Luna but de Lander tags herself in.

That goes nowhere so it’s Slamovich and Threat coming in, with the latter grabbing an exploder suplex. Alisha comes in for a running basement crossbody in the corner. Threat is back up with running knees to the back and a German suplex for two of her own. A delayed toss suplex sends Alisha into the corner and she brings Slamovich in. Eddie and Myers come in for a cheap shot and we take another break.

Back again with Nemeth coming in to clean house, including a dropkick to Ali. Eddie offers a quick distraction though and Ali’s neckbreaker lets Moose come in. Nemeth gets sent hard into the corner and Eddie’s clothesline gets two. Ali isn’t happy with not getting a tag and walks away, saying he is officially withdrawing from the match. Myers grabs a chinlock with a knee in the back but Nemeth fights up and hits a quick Danger Zone. Matt comes in to slug away on Moose and the Side Effect gets two.

Alisha makes a save so Matt takes Eddie down again, allowing Callihan to come in and clean house. The Cactus Driver 97 is broken up so Callihan takes out Eddie and Myers at the same time. Hendry gets the tag and the fans are WAY into this. Everything breaks down (I’m stunned it took this long) and Grace elbows Callihan to the floor, setting up the big suicide dive. The parade of dives is on until Myers spears Hendry down for two. Back up and the Standing Ovation gives Hendry the pin on Myers at 28:28.

Rating: B-. When there has to be a rule that only two members of a team can be on the apron at a time, you might have quite a few people in a match. This was the insanity that you would expect, but the big perks are A, Hendry won and B, they had a bunch of combinations to pick from to keep things from getting dull. At this rate, I could certainly go for seeing what Hendry could do in the main event. The company could use some fresh blood and the fans are reacting to Hendry, so why not see how it would go?

Post match PCO is wheeled out and shocked to live, allowing him to come to the ring while carrying a black bag. He pulls out some random stuff (like a teacup) before finding….a black rose for de Lander? She takes it while looking scared/confused to end the show.

Overall Rating: B-. This was a show that was pretty much all about one match as almost every big name in the promotion was involved in that one match. The good thing is that the match worked, though it didn’t leave much else going on. I’m curious to see where that main event takes us though, as PCO is going to be doing something weird with de Lander and Hendry has to be in line for some kind of a title shot. I could go for that being against Moose at Slammiversary, but odds are it’s one of the old guard again, as Matt Hardy needs another shot I’m sure. Overall it’s a good show, with the focus being on one match as advertised.

Ash By Elegance b. Xia Brookside – Rarefied Air
Leon Slater b. Alan Angels – Swanton 450
Frankie Kazarian b. Steve Maclin – Fade To Black
All-Stars b. Champions – Standing Ovation to Myers


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