Impact Wrestling – August 25, 2020 (Emergence Week Two): Wrestle By Numbers

IMG Credit: Impact Wrestling

Impact Wrestling
Date: August 25, 2020
Location: Skyway Studios, Nashville, Tennessee
Commentators: Madison Rayne, Josh Matthews

It’s the second and final night of Emergence and that means we’re in for a big match. This time around it’s going to be a thirty minute Iron Man match for the Knockouts Title as Deonna Purrazzo defends against Jordynne Grace. The World Title is on the line as well, plus the usual Wrestle House shenanigans. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening recap.

Opening sequence.

Impact Wrestling World Title: Eddie Edwards vs. ???

Eddie is defending against….Rob Van Dam with Katie Forbes. Yeah that’s a little better than Brian Myers. Eddie goes to the arm to start and snaps off an overhead belly to belly. They head outside in a hurry with Rob sending him into the barricade but a kiss from Katie slows things down. Eddie hits a suicide dive but another distraction lets Rob get in a posting. That means the spinning kick to the back as Eddie is on the barricade, meaning Katie needs to dance.

They bother heading back in for a change with Rob sending him throat first into the middle rope. The split legged moonsault gives Rob two but the Blue Thunder Bomb plants Van Dam again. Eddie grabs the tiger driver for two more as Madison insists that Rob and Katie owe her a couch. Rob shoves him off the top for a crotching and Rolling Thunder connects. The Five Star misses though and the Boston Knee Party retains the title at 7:51.

Rating: C. Not as good as you would expect, but then again why would you have any kind of expectations for Van Dam in 2020? Watching him wrestle is better than watching Katie do anything though so at least there was a minor positive. Unfortunately for Eddie this seems to be leading to an Eric Young match and….I’m really not sure why.

Post match Eric Young runs in and jumps Eddie from behind. Eric shouts NEXT WEEK because the World Title goes through him.

Here’s what else is coming tonight.

And now, Wrestle House.

The Deaners are throwing a toga party and insult Johnny Swinger.

We cut to Swinger, who is in his leopard print toga. Crazzy Steve isn’t sure about this, but Swinger says follow his lead and they’ll have every woman in the house.

The party is on with a lot of dancing and drunkenness. Kylie Rae is rather happy and sober but Taya isn’t happy with her for still being #1 contender. The Deaners and XXXL bury the hatchet over the beer, followed by Steve getting powder thrown in his eyes. Steve says he’s blind and it’s Swinger’s fault. Match time and we’ll even make it a blindfold match with the loser having to dress like the winner next week. Tommy Dreamer: “Let’s get to it.”

Crazzy Steve vs. Johnny Swinger

Cousin Jake is referee. Steve honks his horn a bunch and Swinger falls for it, allowing Steve to beat him up. Swinger does the point for the crowd noise thing but they send him into an empty corner, allowing Steve to get the pin at 1:23.

Eddie Edwards goes Eric Young hunting and quotes Batman, saying we can get nuts.

Rhino thinks you should vote Heath4Impact. And then he’ll get to Reno Scum.

Here’s Eddie in the ring to say Eric is trying to send a message. He can have the title shot next week but let’s get nuts right now. Cue Eric to say everything is by design, but maybe it wasn’t a single, solitary act of violence. We’ll do everything next week. That’s fine with Eddie, but he isn’t waiting until next week to give Eric his beating. Referees and Scott D’Amore come out for the save and D’Amore gets shoved down. Eric says he has Eddie right where he wants him.

Rohit Raju talks about how it took him a long way to get to this title but he made it work despite not being the popular guy or knowing the right people. Now he is giving people opportunities, but it is his time.

It’s off to Locker Room Talk, with the Rascalz now serving as Madison Rayne’s co-hosts. After some references to smoking, Madman Fulton and Ace Austin come in as this week’s guests. They don’t like being asked about the losses to the Good Brothers and violence seems imminent. They wind up walking out instead, leaving Madison to turn down an invitation to the Tree House.

Sami Callihan says last week was 2020 in a nutshell. He would have won the World Title last week if Rob Van Dam hadn’t jumped him. Then Van Dam lost tonight because Sami is in his head. Next week, Sami is going to be waiting in the ring so Van Dam can come see him.

We get a long video on EC3’s successes in Impact Wrestling and winning the World Title over and over. As long as the TNA World Title exists, he can never be free. Moose is hiding behind words and is a false idol. Now he is coming for Moose and to change everything. You have been warned.

Brian Myers vs. Willie Mack

They go with the grappling to start as Josh suggests that Madison Rayne hasn’t wrestled more than thirty minutes combined in her life. Thankfully Madison calls him out for not really having a career as Mack shoulders Myers down hard. Myers comes back with a chop and choking on the ropes, followed by a kick to the back for two.

Mack’s running hurricanrana into a dropkick sends Myers into the corner and it’s time to shove it out. A double leg takedown has Mack in trouble and Myers sends him throat first into the top rope. We hit the chinlock and then a reverse chinlock to take things in another direction. Mack fights up but is elbowed straight back down as Myers is getting frustrated.

The third chinlock goes on but Mack is back up with a heck of a Pounce for the double knockdown. Mack’s spinning slam into a jumping legdrop gets two. The Samoan drop into the standing moonsault gets the same but Myers breaks up a superplex attempt. That means a top rope elbow can give Myers two, followed by an enziguri for the same. Back up and Myers slips out of a Rock Bottom and grabs an O’Connor roll with trunks for the pin at 9:43.

Rating: C. Not too bad here and Myers needs a win to give him some credibility around here. You can’t get very far coasting off a tag team with Zack Ryder from last year so the win could give Myers some much needed capital. Mack will be fine as it was a cheating win, though he has been in a bad way as of late and needs a win of his own.

Heath says we have one week to get Heath4Impact trending so he can team with Rhino against Reno Scum next week.

It’s back to Wrestle House with the Deaners thinking that Lawrence D. is the Stefan to Larry D.’s Steve Urkel. Allie gets in Rosemary’s face and accuses her of using Lawrence to hurt John E. Bravo. Dreamer asks Bravo about it but he says Rosemary isn’t his girl.

Lawrence is laying on a table for Rosemary, who gets a bit sick at the sight of him. Rosemary, after taking his hand away from her face, says it wasn’t supposed to go this far but here’s an angry Bravo to interrupt. Bravo slaps him and that turns Lawrence back into Larry. Match time.

Larry D. vs. John E. Bravo

Acey Romero is defending and a shot to the face drops Bravo. The Best Hand In The House finishes him at 34 seconds.

Rosemary tries to console Bravo, who admits he has feelings for her. Taya comes up and is stunned and blames Rosemary for everything. Next week, they fight for everything, including Bravo.

Here’s what’s coming next week.

Knockouts Title: Jordynne Grace vs. Deonna Purrazzo

Purrazzo is defending in a thirty minute Iron Man match. They lock up to start and Purrazzo even goes to the mat without it being broken. Grace goes to the wristlock and powers Purrazzo down by the arm. Purrazzo reverses into one of her own and is taken down in a hurry. A headlock takeover works a bit better for the champ but it’s reverses into a headscissors. Purrazzo nips up and gives graceful bow before getting shouldered down. A faceplant sets up a half crab on the champ, sending her over to the rope as we take a break.

Back with no falls and Grace sending her hard into the corner. There’s no clock but Josh says we have a little over twenty minutes left. Some hard whips to the corner have Purrazzo in trouble but they head outside where she gets in a pump kick for a breather. The clock shows eighteen minutes left as Purrazzo finally starts in on the arm. The arm gets draped over the top rope and it’s off to a standing armbar. Grace gets her foot in the ropes for the break and we hit fifteen minutes to go. Purrazzo hits a short arm clothesline and we take a break.

Back with Purrazzo cranking on the arm even more, which is so interesting that we got to a full screen replay of Grace’s arm being stomped on the steps during the commercial. Purrazzo takes her down by the arm with nine minutes left and the cranking continues with eight minutes left. Grace comes back with some forearms and puts her on top for a running palm strike into a superplex. They pull themselves up so Grace can win the slugout, setting up back to back backsplashes or two.

The rear naked choke goes on and Purrazzo is out for the first fall with….a need for a clock but Josh says about 4:30 to go. Back up and Purrazzo gets a Downward Spiral into a Koji Clutch but Grace makes the rope again. We have two minutes left and they strike it out until Purrazzo has to elbow out of the Grace Driver.

Grace runs over the referee and now the Grace Driver connects for no count. That means a check on the ref so Purrazzo gets in a belt shot to tie it up at about a minute left. Purrazzo covers for two and grabs the armbar, which is broken up with a rollup. A bridging German suplex gives Purrazzo two and the Fujiwara armbar makes Grace tap with two seconds left.

Rating: B-. It was good enough but this felt like they were going off of a textbook of how to have an Iron Man match instead of doing anything interesting or unique. It isn’t bad by any means (the production value was, with the clock being up for about five seconds at a time and not even a scoreboard) but they were treating this like some kind of an epic and it was just a match that got more time than most.

Overall Rating: C+. I wasn’t feeling this one as the show probably didn’t need to go two weeks. The Wrestle House stuff took away from the special feeling as well as that is as goofy as you can get (in a rather entertaining way). The main event was nice but it’s nothing worth going out of your way to see. Not a bad show, but it definitely didn’t feel like a big night.



Eddie Edwards b. Rob Van Dam – Boston Knee Party

Crazzy Steve b. Johnny Swinger – Rollup

Brian Myers b. Willie Mack – O’Connor roll with trunks

Larry D. b. John E. Bravo – Best Hand In The House

Deonna Purrazzo b. Jordynne Grace 2-1

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:

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Impact Wrestling – August 11, 2020: Another One Off The List

IMG Credit: Impact Wrestling

Impact Wrestling
Date: August 11, 2020
Location: Skyway Studios, Nashville, Tennessee
Commentators: Madison Rayne, Josh Matthews

We are coming up on Emergence and that could make for some good stuff around here. It might be a little soon after Slammiversary but the question now is what will actually take place on the two weeks of specials. Throw in Wrestle House and we could be in for some good stuff. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening recap, focusing entirely on Rich Swann’s retirement and Eric Young attacking him last week.

We open in the back with Willie Mack attacking Eric Young. Security can’t break them up and they fight into the arena, eventually getting into the ring where referees and security break it up. Mack says they’re scheduled to have a match tonight so let’s do it right now. Young says on his time and tries to leave but Mack goes after him. They get inside and the bell rings.

Eric Young vs. Willie Mack

Young stomps away to start but Mack hits a running elbow in the corner. The Stunner over the top rope slows Mack down but he sends Eric outside without much trouble. There’s the slingshot dive to take Young down again as Mack is all fired up. Young bites him in the head to get out of trouble on the top, setting up the top rope elbow for two. Some shots to the back of Mack’s head get two but Mack pulls him out of the air for a northern lights suplex. Young knocks him down in a hurry though and we hit the chinlock.

Mack fights up again with the swinging slam into the legdrop. The standing moonsault gives Mack two and they’re both down. The Stunner is countered with a rake of the eyes but Mack grabs the Stunner. There’s no cover though as Mack goes for a chair instead and lays it over (not around) Young’s leg. That takes too long though and Young crotches him on top, setting up the piledriver for the pin at 8:32.

Rating: C. This went well enough and it protected Mack to have the match won but go for revenge instead of the pin. That’s what he should be doing and it keeps Young strong, which has to appeal to someone….somewhere I guess. It’s a good enough story and if we get Swann’s big emotional return to the ring (maybe at Bound For Glory), they’ll be as fine as you can be in an Eric Young story.

Here’s what’s coming up tonight.

The Good Brothers go hunting for Ace Austin and Madman Fulton.

It’s time for Wrestle House. Taya Valkyrie and John E. Bravo call everyone into the main room so they can watch her greatest hits, as determined by a house vote of course. Kylie Rae thinks the votes may have been fraudulent and Cody just drinks. Various people make excuses to go away and we start looking at Taya’s Impact debut.

Johnny Swinger tells Crazzy Steve a story about Lord Littlebrooke but Steve is staring at Rosemary. Steve thanks him for being a good mentor and goes to sit next to Rosemary. She offers to pick back up where they left off and brings up Decay. Steve accuses her of being jealous of Taya with Bravo and Rosemary glares.

We cut to elsewhere in the house, where Cody and Alisha are getting Jake and Susie ready for their date, presumably with each other.

Reno Scum jump Rhino and take Hernandez’s money.

Kimber Lee vs. Jordynne Grace

Grace runs her over a few times to start and gets two off the side slam. Some hard whips into the corner don’t have Lee in that much trouble as she avoids a charge. Back from a break with Lee cranking on Grace’s knee and then chopping away in the corner. A suplex doesn’t work as Grace reverses into one of her own, setting up a spinebuster for two on Lee. They go to a pinfall reversal sequence for some near falls until Lee grabs a German suplex for two. Madison leaves commentary to do Locker Room Talk as Lee headbutts Grace off the top, only to have her Swanton hit knees. The rear naked choke finishes Lee at 8:27.

Rating: C-. Grace getting some wins with the choke would look to set up some kind of a big match against Deonna Purrazzo for the title later on. That’s a good idea as you can only do so much with Grace’s power and it is quite the relief to see that she is getting to expand her horizons a bit. Lee continues to just be kind of there, but it could be worse.

It’s time for Locker Room Talk, with Rayne knowing how happy everyone is to have it back. They even have their first sponsor: the Heath4Impact campaign, as Heath needs to be on the show. Rayne: “His money is as good as anyone’s.” That brings us to the guests: Rob Van Dam and Katie Forbes, with the latter dancing in.

Madison is glad to have them back in their, ahem, natural state but they can’t control themselves and Madison walks out. They decide to have their own show, with Katie asking Rob for his favorite things about her. He likes quite a bit, but here’s Sami Callihan out of nowhere to jump him. Katie helps Rob though and the double beatdown is on.

Trey surprises the other Rascalz by wearing the Suicide mask but here’s Moose, who doesn’t like Wentz’s EC3 hoodie. Moose glares at him but gives Suicide a TNA Title shot next week without knowing who he is.

Back to Wrestle House, with Rosemary ignoring Taya’s matches and thinking about the jealousy thing Steve mentioned. She uses some magic to get Larry D.’s attention and Larry seems interested. Alisha gives Susie dating advice as she sits down to dinner with Jake. Susie mentions some stomach issues, which was the only excuse Alisha could think of to get her out of the Taya watchalong earlier. Back in the main room, Larry can’t stop staring at Rosemary. Acey asks what’s wrong and offers popcorn, but Larry says there are things more important than food. That means it’s MATCH TIME!

Larry D. vs. Acey Romero

Cody is referee. Romero promises to show tough love and hits a jumping clothesline. A running dropkick drops Larry again but the backsplash misses. The Best Hand In The House finishes Acey at 1:28.

Larry dedicates his win to Rosemary.

Deonna Purrazzo challenges Jordynne Grace to a 30 minute Iron Woman match at Emergence.

Video on the North vs. the Motor City Machine Guns. The Guns came back for the North and took the Tag Team Titles. Now the North wants them back.

Nevaeh/Jessika Havok vs. Tasha Steelz/Kiera Hogan

No DQ and Steelz/Hogan jump them from behind during the entrance. They head inside for the opening bell and Havok pulls Steelz out of the air to slam her down. Havok elbows Steelz out of the corner for a running knee as Hogan blasts Nevaeh with some kind of club. Nevaeh is fine enough to save Havok from a double teaming and snaps off a suplex to Steelz. Havok misses a charge and goes knees first into the steps on the floor, allowing Hogan to save Steelz again.

A running basement dropkick in the corner hits Nevaeh for two and it’s time to choke on the ropes. Havok makes a save and Nevaeh snaps off a suplex to Hogan, meaning it’s time to set up a table on the floor. All four wind up back inside for the slugout until everyone but Havok is kicked down. Havok isn’t about to be double suplexed but she can be low bridged out to the apron. A few kicks put her through the table and a fisherman’s neckbreaker finishes Nevaeh at 7:50.

Rating: C. The match was fine but it’s still a story that doesn’t exactly offer the biggest thrills. They treated it like the big blowoff though and that’s the best thing they could have done here. It wasn’t much of a feud between the two teams but at least they had someone win instead of just having them stop fighting.

The Good Brothers ask Scott D’Amore where Fulton and Austin are and promise to hold the ring until they get here. D’Amore is getting Hall and Nash vibes.

EC3 pops up on screen in front of Moose, promising to destroy him. That is the warning.

Suicide vs. Dez

It isn’t clear if this is still Trey, but Wentz is with Dez. They fight over wrist control to start but here are the Good Brothers to take out Dez for the DQ at 1:04.

The Good Brothers beat up everyone involved and it’s time to call out Fulton and Austin. The two of them pop up on screen to say they aren’t in the arena tonight. Austin will fight, but they’ll do it on his time (second use of that line tonight). Say the first night of Emergence. The Brothers are down.

Flashback Moment of the Week: Eddie Edwards b. Cody on Impact, October 2, 2016.

Rohit Raju comes in to warn Chris Bey that he might have to defend the X-Division Title against TJP at Emergence. Fallah Bahh will be there too, so put Raju in to make it a triple threat and protect the title. Bey seems to agree.

Brian Myers is still coming to be a professional.

Back to Wrestle House and Jake says he thought of Susie as the Undead Bride for so long. That turns her into Su Yung for a bit and this time Jake is the one with the bad stomach. Alisha comes in and wonders what happened, with Susie suggesting Alisha gave her bad advice. You know what that means.

Susie vs. Alisha Edwards

Steve is referee and Alisha doesn’t like the bad advice suggestion. Alisha shoves her away and gets slapped, triggering the catfight. A double clothesline puts both of them down, sending Steve into a count of seven, nine, potato. Back up and Alisha hits a clothesline but Susie gets a rollup for the pin at 1:55.

Post match Taya comes in to say it’s time to go watch her match of winning the Knockouts Title. Kylie smiles a lot and says they would all rather go to sleep. Taya calls her a loser and Susie points out that Kylie has beaten her twice. Dreamer pops up for MATCH TIME but Rosemary threatens him (ok good for a chuckle). Taya says next week.

Here’s what’s coming next week.

Here’s Eddie Edwards to say he’ll face Eric Young right now, so get out here. It’s Brian Myers instead and he’ll take the title shot right now. In his hands, that title becomes a championship.

Impact Wrestling World Title: Eddie Edwards vs. Brian Myers

Eddie is defending and chases Myers into the ropes to start. Some stomps in the corner have Myers in trouble as Josh reminds us of Myers’ completely forgotten Tag Team Title reign. Myers’ headlock doesn’t last long so he goes with choking on the ropes instead. Eddie sends him outside though and we take a break.

Back with Eddie hitting an atomic drop into an overhead belly to belly. Myers grabs him for a posting though and sends him back first into the apron. A knee to the chest gives Myers two and we hit the chinlock. With that broken up, Myers kicks at the head and slaps on another chinlock, this time with a knee to the back. This time Eddie fights up and sends him outside for the suicide dive but comes up holding his knee.

Myers whips him back into the barricade for a near countout but Eddie gets back in without much drama. Eddie snaps off a suplex and hits some forearms, followed by the Backpack Stunner for two. Myers’ implant DDT gets the same but Eddie superkicks him into a tiger driver for another near fall. The Boston Knee Party misses but then connects to retain at 10:24.

Rating: C. This was as good of a match as you were going to get with someone best known as Curt Hawkins getting a World Title shot. I know he’s not the same guy anymore, but you’re going to need to give me something more than calling him the professional to shake his reputation. He’s fine in the ring and knows how to talk, but fans are going to see him as Hawkins for a good while and this wasn’t exactly the match to shake that feeling. It wasn’t bad, but it was only so interesting with zero drama.

Eddie celebrates to end the show.

Overall Rating: C. The weekly World Title matches are starting to take a bit of a toll on the show. I like the idea behind them but you can only get so far with the lack of drama and feeling like we need to check an item off a list every week. Then you have the Wrestle House stuff, which is entertaining enough for something different but at some point it needs to go somewhere. The show was fine, but they’ll need Emergence to work to give us something a little more substantial.


Eric Young b. Willie Mack – Piledriver

Jordynne Grace b. Kimber Lee – Rear naked choke

Larry D. b. Acey Romero – Best Hand In The House

Tasha Steelz/Kiera Hogan b. Nevaeh/Jessika Havok – Fisherman’s neckbreaker to Nevaeh

Dez b. Suicide via DQ when the Good Brothers interfered

Susie b. Alisha Edwards – Rollup

Eddie Edwards b. Brian Myers – Boston Knee Party


Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:

And check out my Amazon author page with cheap wrestling books at:

Slammiversary 2020: Don’t Do That Again

IMG Credit: Impact Wrestling

Slammiversary XVIII
Date: July 18, 2020
Location: Skyway Studios, Nashville, Tennessee
Commentators: Josh Matthews, Don Callis

It’s a big night for Impact and we’re on Saturday for a change. I’m not sure if that’s an improvement or not but in this case the card is looking pretty good. The big question this time around is who comes in from WWE/elsewhere, including who takes the vacant spot in the World Title match. Let’s get to it.

The opening video is all about who will show up from the released wrestlers. The World Title does get a mention, but the mystery wrestlers are the big focus.

Rascalz vs. ???

This is an open challenge and it’s…..the Motor City Machine Guns rather than the Good Brothers, who have been confirmed as signing with the company. Shelley and Wentz fight over a wristlock to start and then go to the mat for a standoff. Even Josh talks about how people were expecting the Good Brothers here, so well done on a bit of a head fake. Dez comes in and flips out of Sabin’s wristlock before hitting a hurricanrana, with Sabin landing on Dez’s back.

It’s back to Shelley, who gets caught in the corner for some quick dropkicks. Sabin gets kicked down over and over, including a dropkick to give Wentz two. Back to back slingshot hilos keep Sabin down but the Guns fight back up and knock Wentz and Dez outside without much effort. Shelley lays on the top and it’s a slugout with Wentz as Shelley gets the better of things.

Stereo enziguris get two on Wentz and Sabin cranks on both arms at once. The rapid fire double teaming keeps Wentz down and Sabin’s kick to the back gets two. Sabin cranks on the fingers, followed by a double forearm to drop Wentz again. Wentz is right back up with a handspring knee to the face, which is enough for the hot tag to Dez to clean house. Shelley gets driven into the corner and Sabin has to make a diving save.

Wentz Codebreakers Sabin but the Swanton hits Shelley’s raised knees. Sabin’s release German suplex drops Dez on his face and the back to back strikes keep him in trouble. The Dominator/sliding cutter combination gets two with Wentz driving Shelley into the cover for the save. Wentz gets caught in the Dream Sequence and it’s the ASCS Rush into the Dirt Bomb to finish Dez at 14:43.

Rating: B-. I’m not the biggest Guns fan (yeah I know) but this was a very good surprise and the team still looked good. What mattered here was keeping the team looking sharp, though seeing the Rascalz lose again makes my soul hurt. They need to win something at some point because this is becoming way too strong of a trend. Anyway, good start here and a solid match for everyone.

The announcers preview the rest of the show.

After a bit of a delay (seemed to be a missed cue), Taya Valkyrie yells at John E. Bravo that winning is all that matter tonight. Bravo doesn’t seem convinced and after Taya leaves, here’s Rosemary to say she needs to win.

We recap Moose vs. Tommy Dreamer for the TNA World Title. Moose claimed the non-existent title and beat up Crazzy Steve. Dreamer didn’t like it and called Moose stupid, along with accusing him of not wrestling for the right reasons. Now it’s time to give Moose a beating and if Dreamer wins the title, so be it.

TNA World Title: Moose vs. Tommy Dreamer

Dreamer, in a Moose Sucks Eggs shirt, is challenging and it’s Old School rules. Moose wastes no time in elbowing him down and out to the floor, meaning it’s time to bring in the weapons. Some trashcan lid shots and choking with a baseball jersey have Moose in trouble but he drops Dreamer hard onto the ramp. Back in and Dreamer gets in a few more shots, only to get dropkicked off the middle rope in a crazy display of athleticism.

They head outside to keep up the weapons with Moose getting the better of things this time around. With Dreamer mostly done inside, Moose throws in a bunch of chairs and plants Dreamer onto them. A standing moonsault onto Dreamer onto the chairs gets two but the middle rope version only hits chairs.

The Dreamer DDT onto the chairs gets two and here is the bag of thumbtacks. Moose low blows his way out of a piledriver and tries to put Dreamer face first into the tacks. A shout of I NEVER WATCHED ECW brings Dreamer back to life so Moose rakes the eyes and sends him into the tacks anyway. No Jackhammer Needed finishes Dreamer at 11:16.

Rating: D+. Yeah can we move on now? Moose destroyed Dreamer as he should have, Dreamer got in his weapons stuff, and ECW still died over twenty years ago while Dreamer continues to be the self appointed defender of legendary wrestlers. I’m not sure why we needed to see this, but apparently Dreamer was the only wrestler in the world available for a pay per view spot.

A Jaguar arrives but it’s Johnny Swinger. He heard the car was for Anderson but Ole wasn’t around so he took it instead. Gia Miller gets to park it, but no dings in the doors.

Knockouts Gauntlet Match

There are eleven women announced so far and the winner gets the next title shot. It’s Royal Rumble rules until the final two have a regular singles match. Tasha Steelz is in at #1 and Kylie Rae is in at #2 with an exchange of armdrags to start. Rae flips out of a springboard hurricanrana attempt but neither can get rid of the other. John E. Bravo, seemingly dressed as Taya Valkyrie, is in at #3 and is out almost immediately in a smart move.

It’s Kimber Lee in at #4 and she kicks Rae in the face. The slow stomping ensues until Kiera Hogan is in at #5 to start a quick alliance with Steelz. Lee tries to dance with them and is knocked down in a hurry. Steelz goes up top but Rae superkicks her out. Katie Forbes is in at #6 and dances quite a bit, with Hogan seeming to approve. Madison Rayne is in at #7 and gets knocked down as well as the intervals are getting very fast here.

Havok is in at #8 and gets to be a monster, including a Boston crab to Rae. Now it’s the real Taya is in at #9 with everyone starting to pair off. Since no one is really close to an elimination, it’s Alisha Edwards in at #10 as Don tells us that Katie was eliminated somewhere in there. Rae tries to gorilla press Edwards but Havok does it for her and throws Edwards onto Kylie.

Nevaeh is in at #11 as the ring is getting WAY too full in a hurry. Rosemary is in at #12 and Susie is out. Rosemary’s music plays again though….and it’s Bravo dressed as Rosemary at #13 as commentary cracks up. Bravo tells Taya and Rosemary to stop fighting over them so Taya decks Rosemary. Havok yells at both of them so Bravo dumps her, followed by Rae getting rid of Bravo. Rae apologizes so Madison beats her up, only to get knocked out. Rae: “I’M SORRY!”

We’re down to Taya, Alisha, Rae, Lee, Nevaeh, Hogan and Rosemary. Nevaeh and Edwards are sent to the apron and get rammed into each other for a double elimination. Rosemary gets rid of Hogan and we’re down to four. Rae clotheslines Lee out and the double teaming is on in a hurry. For some reason Rosemary loads up the Upside Down and is eliminated by Taya because it’s stupid to do anything involving going over the top in a battle royal. That leaves Rae vs. Taya in a singles match for the title shot and it’s a Canadian Destroyer to plant Taya. A superkick gives Rae the pin and the title shot at 19:45.

Rating: C-. This was an entertaining enough match but they had too many people in the ring the entire time. I can go with Rae surviving throughout the whole thing because it’s not like she was running through all kinds of monsters. If nothing else, it was nice to see someone other than Taya getting the shot, which is all you needed here. Good enough match here, with one of the best options winning.

Commentary talks about Rae’s chances at winning the title but Heath (Slater that is) jumps the barricade to say he’ll take the World Title shot tonight, or face the Rascalz. Cue Rohit Raju to jump the barricade, saying Slater is late for the show and missed the Rascalz’s open challenge. Raju is going to take the World Title match anyway because he’s been here for a long time and never gotten a title shot. The fight is on with Heath cleaning house in a hurry.

We recap Chris Bey vs. Willie Mack for the X-Division Title. Bey has won a string of matches and earned a title shot, albeit with a lot of help from Johnny Swinger. Then Bey was overheard talking about how stupid Swinger is, so he’s on his own tonight.

X-Division Title: Willie Mack vs. Chris Bey

Bey is defending and starts fast with a springboard armdrag but Mack sends him outside. The big dive doesn’t get a chance to launch and Bey takes the legs out to put Mack down. Mack catches the slingshot dropkick through the ropes and it’s a neckbreaker onto the apron for a SCARY crash landing. Thankfully Bey can get back up and go inside where Mack hits a standing moonsault for two.

Bey kicks him off the top but Mack kicks him as well, only to have his superplex attempt blocked. A slingshot Sling Blade gives Bey two and it’s a Swinger Neckbreaker for two as Bey tries to make up with Swinger. Bey goes up but dives into a sitout spinebuster for the double knockdown. Mack kicks him in the head to stay on the banged up neck and there’s the reverse Cannonball in the corner.

An exploder suplex sends Bey into the other corner for two and Bey is favoring his neck. Said neck is fine enough to avoid a charge in the corner and hit a running Canadian Destroyer for two. Mack is right back with the Stunner but misses the Six Star. The referee nearly gets bumped so Bey rakes the eyes, setting up the Art of Finesse (springboard cutter) to give Bey the pin and the title at 10:04.

Rating: B-. I like both guys quite a bit so there wasn’t a bad choice for the ending. I’m glad they had Bey win on his own without Swinger as they have a good chemistry but Bey is someone who could be a big deal without the help. Let Swinger come back now that Bey has the gold and go from there, but for now this is a good choice. I’m not sure what Mack does next, but hopefully it’s something other than waiting on Rich Swann to be healthy again.

Heath runs into Rhino in the back and after a brief reunion, it’s Scott D’Amore coming in to join them. D’Amore talks about opportunities and points out that Heath doesn’t work here. It’s a closed set and we can’t have guests so Heath needs to leave. Heath: “At least he was polite about it.” Rhino tells Heath to be at the show on Tuesday and say hi to the kids.

We recap the North vs. Sami Callihan/Ken Shamrock. The North have been Tag Team Champions for over a year and since there are no major opponents left to challenge them, it’s time for the wacky partners who may still hate each other to get the show.

Tag Team Titles: The North vs. Sami Callihan/Ken Shamrock

The North is defending. Shamrock and Alexander go to the mat to start with Shamrock going for various holds. The ankle lock sends Alexander over to the rope while Sami shouts about dangerous men. Callihan comes in and punches Alexander in the face so it’s off to Page for the first time. Page is driven into the corner in a hurry and Shamrock tags himself in this time. That means more punishment of Page and the challengers start tagging regularly to put him in trouble again.

Alexander low bridges Callihan to the floor and the champs finally get to take over. That lasts all of about four seconds as Shamrock sends them together and brings Sami back in for some kicks to the ribs. A brainbuster gets two on Page but another Alexander distraction lets Page hit a dropkick. There’s a running shoulder, allowing Page to pose at Shamrock and talk even more trash.

We hit the chinlock for a bit until Sami jawbreaks his way to freedom. The double tag brings in Shamrock to powerslam Page for two but Callihan gets caught with a double flip slam off the top. Sami sends them into each other again and Shamrock suplexes Alexander to the floor. Shamrock grabs the ankle lock on Page and Alexander does the same to Page, leaving Sami and Page to slap each other while in the holds. That’s broken up and Sami cutters Page so Shamrock locks Alexander’s ankle.

Page shoves Sami into Shamrock for the break and Shamrock doesn’t like Sami hitting him, even by accident. They’re fine enough for Shamrock to kick Alexander into the piledriver for two with Page making another save. Shamrock kicks Sami off the apron by mistake but is fine enough to belly to belly superplex Alexander from the top. A missed dive sends Shamrock crashing onto the floor and it’s the double Neutralizer planting him to retain the titles at 15:58, with Sami not being able to make the save in time.

Rating: C. There were some sloppy points in here but I’m rather relieved that they didn’t go with a pretty questionable title change here. If the Good Brothers and the Guns are around full time, there is little reason to go with something like this when you can have someone else pick up a huge win by ending their reign. It was a fine enough match, but they went with a pretty simple formula with a hottish finish.

Post match the North brags about being the greatest team in Impact history, which brings out the Motor City Machine Guns to interrupt. Shelley talks about how great the North is, but they’re not the best team ever. The Guns are getting their shot on Tuesday.

Gia Miller lets herself into the Good Brothers’ locker room but Rich Swann is inside. He was here to support Willie Mack and see the World Title match. As soon as he’s cleared, he’s coming for whoever wins.

We recap Deonna Purrazzo vs. Jordynne Grace. Purrazzo showed up and has been treated as a major star. She even hurt Grace with the Fujiwara armbar more than once, setting up the title match here.

Knockouts Title: Jordynne Grace vs. Deonna Purrazzo

Purrazzo is challenging and bails to the floor in a hurry. Back in and Grace powers her around without much effort so we need another breather. Purrazzo heads inside again and gets suplexed to the floor, setting up a dive from Grace. Back in again and Grace drops an elbow on the back for two but Purrazzo kicks her into the corner. The arm work begins, with Grace getting a foot on the rope to break the first armbar.

Grace rolls out of a Fujiwara armbar attempt but can’t hit the Grace Driver. Instead Purrazzo tries a cross armbreaker, earning herself a kick to the face. The arm is cranked a little more but Grace escapes, only to get the arm slammed down onto the mat. Grace fights up again though and hits a running backsplash to the back. The rear naked choke with a bodyscissors allows the referee to loudly whisper to them.

They fight up again with Grace sending her into the corner for a bow and arrow around the post. Back in and Grace hits a Michinoku Driver for two, only to get pulled into a triangle choke. Grace breaks out of that with a powerbomb and they’re both down again. They forearm it out with Grace getting the better of things, followed by an exchange of release German suplexes.

Purrazzo hits the Pendulum for two but charges into a boot in the corner. Grace’s running knees to the back set up a Vader Bomb for two more. The Grace Driver is blocked so Grace elbows her in the back of the head over and over. Purrazzo grabs the arm though and a double armbar makes Grace give up at 15:20.

Rating: C+. They kind of had to do the title change here as they set this up for the last few weeks. There wasn’t much else they could do here after Purrazzo had been built up so strong for such a long time. Grace had held the title for a sneaky five months, and now there are several people who could challenge Purrazzo in short order. I like Grace, but this makes sense.

Bound For Glory is October 24.

We recap the World Title match. Tessa Blanchard was released and stripped of the title, followed by Michael Elgin being released over SpeakOut. Therefore, it’s a four way for the vacant title with a mystery opponent.

Impact Wrestling World Title: Eddie Edwards vs. Ace Austin vs. Trey vs. ???

The title is vacant coming in, there are elimination rules, Madman Fulton is here with Ace and the mystery challenger is…..Rich Swann. That’s quite the surprise. Hold on though as we have another person here as a fifth entrant.

Impact Wrestling World Title: Eddie Edwards vs. Ace Austin vs. Trey vs. Rich Swann vs. Eric Young

Young says he won the World Title at Slammiversary (no he didn’t) so he’s going to do it again here. It’s a brawl to start with Swann flipping over Young and hitting a dropkick. Young is knocked outside so Swann and Trey trade flips, leaving Eddie to take them both down. Fulton chokeslams Eddie onto the apron to put him down….and that’s an ejection. Fulton won’t leave so it’s a threat of Ace being eliminated, which is enough to make him go.

Trey spears Ace down and hammers away before sending Ace inside for a super hurricanrana from Swann. Eddie chops at Young and Swann in the corner but Ace slips out of a backpack Stunner out of the corner. Ace kicks people in the head but gets knocked down. It’s Eddie with a Blue Thunder Bomb to Swann, followed by Young knocking Eddie down as well. Trey kicks Young (now bleeding) down and calls out Austin.

The fight is on with Trey slugging away and kicking Young down as well. Swann is sent outside, leaving Eddie to chop Trey, whose dive at Swann is countered with a planting on the floor. Back in and Austin gutwrench suplexes Young but loses a slugout to Eddie. There’s a tiger driver to Austin but Trey comes off the top with a Meteora to Edwards because only Trey gets to eliminate Austin. Young is back up with a quick piledriver to get rid of Trey at 9:36 but can’t pin anyone else.

A lot of shouting makes me remember why Young gets on my nerves in a hurry and his wheelbarrow neckb….well more like a belly to back suplex gets two on Swann. Young takes Swann up but Swann reverses into a super bulldog to put them both down, with Swann breathing very, very loudly. Everyone winds up on the corner and it’s Eddie and Austin falling off the top and through the timekeeper’s table in a huge crash. That leaves Young to call Swann the letdown of the two surprises, allowing Swann to get a rollup to eliminate Young at 15:36, thank goodness.

Young isn’t done and goes after Swann’s bad knee with a chop block and several Pillmanizing stomps, plus a bunch of chair shots. Swann continues and rolls Austin up a few times before slugging away on one leg. Austin kicks the leg out though and hits the Fold to get rid of Swann at 18:55.

So we’re down to Austin vs. Edwards with Eddie pulling himself back in for a slugout. Eddie gets the better of things and even counters the Fold attempt with an overhead belly to belly. Ace misses a kick in the corner and the Boston Knee Party gives Eddie two. Austin hits the Fold for the same but Eddie hits another Boston Knee Party. The Diehard Flosion (Eddie’s old move) gives Edwards the pin and the title at 24:16.

Rating: C+. It was a good, long match (as it should have been), though seeing Young back is hardly the most thrilling thing. Eddie winning the title feels like a safe pick and there’s nothing wrong with that after everything that has been going on around here as of late. Swann was a nice surprise and Austin came close, but it was probably the right call to end with the most established name who was on the roster coming into the match. Good enough, but nothing great, mainly due to so many people being involved.

Post match Fulton is back to jump Edwards but the Good Brothers come out and, after teasing an alliance with the villains, lay them out with a Gun Stun and the Magic Killer. Eddie and the Good Brothers pose to….not end the show because we get an EC3 vignette to really end the show.

Overall Rating: B-. I’m going to have to think about this one for a bit as while it was far from terrible, it was a good bit underwhelming. There was so much focus on bringing in/back all of the wrestlers (eight in total) that it kind of overwhelmed the show. I’m hoping that it doesn’t turn into the nonsense of nearly begging the former WWE stars to save them from their drek.

Bringing in new/established stars is fine, but Impact has been doing rather well without them lately and they don’t need to act like it’s instantly better because the names are well known. What we had here was good enough, but they need to pick the right path forward, and they have a lot of options available.


Motor City Machine Guns b. Rascalz – Dirt Bomb to Dez

Moose b. Tommy Dreamer – No Jackhammer Needed

Kylie Rae won a gauntlet match last eliminating Taya Valkyrie

Chris Bey b. Willie Mack – Art of Finesse

The North b. Sami Callihan/Ken Shamrock – Double Neutralizer to Shamrock

Deonna Purrazzo b. Jordynne Grace – Double armbar

Eddie Edwards b. Eric Young, Rich Swann, Ace Austin and Trey – Diehard Flosion to Austin

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:

And check out my Amazon author page with cheap wrestling books at:

Slammiversary 2020 Preview

IMG Credit: Impact Wrestling

I don’t know how to say this but Impact Wrestling is looking pretty good at the moment. They have something going with these recent shows (with no fans, again showing that it can be done) and I’m curious to see if they can make it work on pay per view. The company’s history suggests that they are at their best when they are just focusing on wrestling, which is where they are on Saturday. Now they need to make it work. Let’s get to it.

X-Division Title: Willie Mack(c) vs. Chris Bey

We’ll start off with a match that has a lot of potential as the two of them are both on a roll at the moment. Mack seems like he could be the star of the show in the blink of an eye and Bey looks as smooth in the ring as anyone I can remember in a good while. The main focus of this story has been Johnny Swinger, but Bey insulting him on Tuesday seems to have written that part out. That just leaves the match, and it sounds good.

I’ll go with Mack retaining here, as he seems like someone who could be a rather long term champion. Bey is going to be fine as he really is good at almost anything he does in the ring. This could be a heck of an opening match as a way to get things off to start things off, or one of the bigger matches later on in the show. I’m wanting to see this one and that’s a nice feeling to have.

Knockouts Gauntlet

This is an eleven woman gauntlet to crown a new #1 contender, meaning it could go almost any possible way. That makes for some interesting possibilities, and for a rather hard prediction to make. The important factor here is how much depth the division suddenly has, which has been an issue for the division before. Things seem to be changing, but quantity does not necessarily equal quality.

I’ll go with Rosemary as a somewhat safe pick here, as she is an established name and a win wouldn’t be out of nowhere. Kylie Rae seems to be the name they are building up more than anyone else, but she seems to be getting a little bit too much momentum. Most of the rest of the names are just kind of there, but as usual, this one is going to depend on who leaves the show with the title.

Rascalz vs. ???

Now let’s not beat around the bush here. I know this is going to be the Good Brothers, you know this is going to be the Good Brothers, and the non-existent popcorn vendor in sect….do we actually know where this show is taking place? I’d assume Nashville but I don’t think it’s ever been announced. Anyway, this isn’t a mystery to the people answering the challenge, but it should still be a cool moment.

Since the Rascalz almost never win a match, I’ll take the Good Brothers to win here without much trouble. There’s no reason for this to be anything more than a competitive match ending with a Magic Killer, as Anderson and Gallows are going to be fine enough to put on a good showing and become players in the tag division. That being said, I always feel bad about saying “I’M SURE!” on something like this, but I’m about as sure as I can be here.

TNA World Title: Moose(c) vs. Tommy Dreamer

No matter how many things change, you can count on Dreamer somehow getting a spot somewhere. Moose as the delusional monster champion has been a fun story and the kind of thing that he can pull off. I’m curious to see how long the story goes and who takes it off of him, as it could be a rather nice story with a good payoff.

What won’t be a good payoff is Dreamer winning the title, which won’t be happening here. Moose will probably sell for Dreamer because this is Old School rules (which should probably mean traditional rules but alas) but can come out as champion in the end. Beating Dreamer doesn’t mean much no matter what kind of a match it is but he comes with the territory (any territory) at this point.

Knockouts Title: Jordynne Grace(c) vs. Deonna Purrazzo

This could be an interesting one as Grace is the powerhouse but Purrazzo has gotten the better of her at almost every turn. The problem here is they’ve made Purrazzo into a near killer and I’m not sure how much damage would be done if she loses her first big match. At the same time though, Grace hasn’t even been champion that long. She’s the kind of person who could bounce back from a loss in a hurry, but I’m not sure if that’s what we’re going to be seeing here.

I’m going to go on a limb and say Purrazzo wins here, though it’s my least confident pick on the entire show. This could be a good power vs. technical skills match, and while I could see Grace countering the armbar into a Grace Driver to retain, I think Purrazzo gets the title here. She could be a killer champion for a good while, and I’m not sure her losing early on would leave that possible.

Tag Team Titles: The North(c) vs. Ken Shamrock/Sami Callihan

I’m not usually a fan of a thrown together team getting a title shot, but it’s not like there are any other teams in the company who deserve a shot at the moment. The tag division has been one of the weaker points as of late, as there certainly are teams but none of them really stand out all that well. The North has held the titles for over a year now and have to lose to someone, but is that going to be here?

I think I’ve talked myself into saying yes actually, so we’ll go with new champs. Shamrock has been treated as a big deal since he got back (he even got to face Joey Ryan) and Callihan is a former World Champion. It’s not like the North needs to hold the titles any longer, though I would assume the Good Brothers are waiting on whoever comes out with the titles. I’m oddly curious about this, but that might be due to how good the North has been.

Impact Wrestling World Title: Ace Austin vs. Eddie Edwards vs. Trey vs. ???

Now here we have an interesting one, as the mystery opponent could be multiple people. The company only had so many ways to go to set something up here and given the circumstances, this is about as good as they could do. I’m curious to see who the mystery opponent is and who leaves with the title, so missions accomplished so far. Now just have a good match and they should be fine.

In theory, this is EC3’s spot and title to win, but I’m not entirely convinced for some reason. Bully Ray springs to mind as a possibility, which would be about as lame as you can get. I’m just hoping that when they say “World Champion” they aren’t going to pull something like they’ve done before with “World TAG TEAM Champion”, but I think that’s far enough in the past for the company. As for a winner, I’ll take Austin, who I’ve liked since he debuted. I’m curious to see where it goes though, and that’s what matters most.

Overall Thoughts

I can’t believe I’m saying this but I want to watch the show, which hasn’t been the case for a long time now. Impact has been one of the best things going in recent weeks and if they nail this show, we could be in for a heck of a night. It’s almost weird to be excited over a non-AEW/NXT show these days but they’re making it work here. It’s hard to say, but don’t let me down Impact.


Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:

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Impact Wrestling – July 7, 2020: Slow And Steady

IMG Credit: Impact Wrestling

Impact Wrestling
Date: July 7, 2020
Location: Skyway Studios, Nashville, Tennessee
Commentators: Madison Rayne, Josh Matthews

We’re getting very close to Slammiversary and things seem to have settled down enough that there might not even be another major change this week. The show has been entertaining enough as of late that I can give them a bit of the benefit of the doubt, but that has gotten me in trouble before. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening recap.

Opening sequence.

Rosemary/Taya Valkyrie vs. Susie/Kylie Rae

John E. Bravo is here with Rosemary/Taya. Rosemary yells at Susie for throwing away all the work to get her powers back and calls her an idiot. Susie says no and throws her down for three straight twos off three straight crucifixes. Kylie comes in and offers Taya a handshake, which goes as well as you would expect. A headlock takeover doesn’t do much better so she tries the STF, sending Taya straight to the ropes. There’s a double bulldog to give Susie two but Taya knocks her into the corner.

Rosemary’s bicycle kick into a German suplex from Taya gets two. The running knees in the corner gets two more but Susie gets in a clothesline, allowing the hot tag to Rae. The Cannonball hits Rosemary for two but she kicks Rae down. Rae is right back with a Stunner to Rosemary, who pops right back up. Taya comes in with a spear and gets two off a bridging northern lights suplex. Everything breaks down and Susie clotheslines Rosemary outside. Taya sends Susie out with her but gets pulled into the STF for the tap at 8:17.

Rating: C. Another good example of the depth the division is starting to put together. Rae is someone who could be a star in the division for the time being and Susie could go a long way as a featured attraction if they play up the double reality deal. Rosemary and Taya are both very good as well, though they seem to have slipped a good bit as of late.

The announcers give a double preview of both Slammiversary and tonight, or at least the matches related to the pay per view.

Chris Bey isn’t happy with Johnny Swinger getting banned from ringside at Slammiversary, but Swinger has a plan.

Deaners vs. Reno Scum vs. XXXL vs. TJP/Fallah Bahh

It’s a big brawl to start with XXXL cleaning house until Scum pulls them down to the floor. Jake dives onto a bunch of people and we take a break. Back with Scum choking Cody on the ropes but TJP and Bahh make a quick save. There’s the Pit Stop to keep Cody in trouble but Acey tags himself in to crush Cody as well.

Everything breaks down and it’s Scum and TJP/Bahh fighting to the back, leaving us with a regular tag match for a change. We settle down to Larry and Jake coming in off the double tag and the Deaner DDT is blocked. Everything breaks down again again and Larry misses the Best Hand in the House. A Boss Man Slam gives Jake the pin at 8:57.

Rating: D+. It was nice to have the match settle down to just four people at the end as there is only so much you can do with so many people in there at once. It also doesn’t help that these teams seem to be trading wins, which doesn’t exactly do much to set up a title match down the line.

We cut to the back where TJP is down and Scum is beating on Bahh. TJP is back up with a big dive off something like a fork lift. Bahh puts TJP in a trashcan where he pushes a chair around to hit Scum in the head. Scum pops back up and takes them out again, including burying TJP under some barricades.

Swinger is looking for a costume to find a way to be at ringside. The Super Eric one won’t do, but Suicide will be fine.

Flashback Moment of the Week: The Beautiful People b. Angelina Love/Tara at Lockdown 2010.

Ken Shamrock meets Sami Callihan and offers his help tonight for Callihan’s match against Josh Alexander. Sami likes the sound of it but talks about how they’re like the scorpion and the frog. Bye bye.

Kimber Lee vs. Jordynne Grace

Non-title. Lee wants a test of strength to start so Grace powers her down by the hands without much effort. The threat of the Grace Driver sends Lee bailing to the rope and a bite of the finger breaks the grip. Grace’s grip on a spinebuster is good enough for two but Lee uses a foot on the back of the head to drive her throat first into the middle rope. Another kick to the back gets two and Lee grabs a full nelson with her leg. Grace fights up and hits a scary looking Michinoku Driver for two but Lee kicks her down again. The Swanton gets two so Lee goes for the brass knuckles. Grace blocks that and the Grace Driver finishes at 6:21.

Rating: C-. This was a good way to give Grace some momentum on the way to the pay per view title defense. Lee was a big deal when she debuted but it hasn’t quite clicked for her since then. She has talent, but nothing has really worked in a good while now. Grace vs. Purrazzo should be a good title match though and that’s what matters at the moment.

Post match Purrazzo pops up on screen to say Grace has to wait until Slammiversary.

We get a long video on the three World Title participants wanting the title.

Eddie Edwards wants to get back to the top because he has almost lost everything around here. Yes he has been a World Champion before, but now he needs to do it again to show he still has it.

Ace Austin has only wrestled for five years and look at how fast he has gotten to the main event. Now he is ready to prove himself for good.

Trey is ready to show that he is ready to do anything to win because he has come such a long way to get here. He wants to know what it’s like to get to the top. Trey goes into a crazed rant about Ace Austin trying to take him out and swears to never be hungry again.

As for the mystery opponent, they’re all ready for whomever it is. This was a good package and they’re making the title match, as cobbled together as it is, feel important.

Suicide comes up to Willie Mack and gets an X-Division Title shot tonight. It isn’t clear if Mack knew what was up, but hopefully he isn’t that stupid.

It’s time for Locker Room Talk with Madison Rayne interviewing the most iconic Knockout of all time: herself of course, and yes she does jump from chair to chair. She has a big announcement: she is going to be in the Knockouts gauntlet match to crown a new #1 contender. Tasha Steelz and Kiera Hogan come in to laugh at her for being ridiculous but Nevaeh and Havok come in for the brawl. The cameraman is knocked down so Madison lays on the floor to sign off.

Hernandez is still winning at arm wrestling until Rhino comes in. More on this later.

X-Division Title: Willie Mack vs. Suicide

Suicide (Johnny Swinger that is) is challenging, even though his gear doesn’t zip all the way up. A kick to the ribs staggers Mack a bit but Suicide fails at trying the Spider-Man pose in the rope. The abdominal stretch doesn’t work either so it’s the Stunner to retain the title at 1:28.

Tommy Dreamer reads a statement from his lawyer (Tricky Dicky Heyman) about how stupid Moose is, including thinking the Earth is flat. Moose comes in and Dreamer says he’s called the TNA Championship Committee, meaning he’s the #1 contender at Slammiversary. Moose says that’s stupid because there is no committee. Dreamer: “Just like there is no TNA.” Remember when this was about nostalgia and the good old days of the company? As in before the story was turned upside down and Tommy Dreamer gets a shot at a title he knows doesn’t exist?

We run down the Slammiversary card again.

Josh Alexander vs. Sami Callihan

Ethan Page is at ringside but there is no Shamrock. Callihan runs him over with a shoulder to start and adds a clothesline to put Alexander on the floor. Back in and a middle rope knee to the head puts Alexander right back outside but this time Callihan follows. Alexander gets in a cheap shot thanks to a Page distraction and a whip into the barricade sends us to a break.

Back with Alexander pulling him outside again but this time Callihan grabs a Death Valley Driver on the floor. Alexander is fine enough to hit a suplex onto the apron and Sami takes a good while to get back in. More stomping and forearming have Sami down for two inside and the slow beating continues. Sami fights back but can’t hit the Cactus Special. He can however hit a brainbuster for a somewhat cocky near fall, followed by the right hands in the corner.

Alexander is right back up with a kick to the leg and the ankle lock. That’s broken up as well and they head to the apron, with Sami hitting a piledriver to knock Alexander silly. The referee gets bumped though and Page comes in, drawing out Shamrock for the save. The ankle lock makes Page tap and Sami hits the Cactus Special for the pin at 10:57.

Rating: C. Good enough match here and a nice boost for the pay per view title version. The North’s title reign has gone on long enough now that it is going to mean something to have a team beat them, though I’m not sure if it’s going to be Callihan and Shamrock. I wouldn’t be overly annoyed it if was, but that might not be the best move.

Overall Rating: C+. This was a good example of a show where the wrestling wasn’t the point. Instead, it was all about getting ready for the pay per view and that’s what they did in a solid way. There was enough on the show to make me want to see Slammiversary, and if they keep that up next week, we should be in for a solid pay per view.


Susie/Kylie Rae b. Rosemary/Taya Valkyrie – STF to Valkyrie

Deaners b. TJP/Fallah Ball, XXXL and Reno Scum – Boss Man Slam to Larry

Jordynne Grace b. Kimber Lee – Grace Driver

Willie Mack b. Suicide – Stunner

Sami Callihan b. Josh Alexander – Cactus Special



Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:

And check out my Amazon author page with cheap wrestling books at:

Impact Wrestling – June 9, 2020: Something Positive

IMG Credit: Impact Wrestling

Impact Wrestling
Date: June 9, 2020
Location: Skyway Studios, Nashville, Tennessee
Commentators: Madison Rayne, Josh Matthews

It’s a big night as we get to find out the future of the World Title. Last week Ace Austin won the #1 contenders tournament, which was rather odd as he beat someone who wasn’t even entered. Never let it be said that things go as you might expect around here, though that’s not necessarily a good thing. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening recap.

Opening sequence.

Don Callis and Scott D’Amore aren’t sure what to do about the World Title situation.

Ken Shamrock vs. Michael Elgin vs. Sami Callihan

Shamrock and Elgin start brawling before Sami shows up, meaning the lights go out so Sami can show up. Sami sends the other two outside but gets pulled out of the air and driven into the apron. Shamrock is back up with a dive onto both of them but Elgin hits a middle rope dropkick back inside.

Elgin sends Shamrock into the post and suplexes Callihan down for two. A hard whip into the corner has Sami in trouble and Elgin tells him to try it. Shamrock is back in to suplex Elgin and it’s time to slug it out with Callihan. Now it’s Elgin coming back in to beat up Callihan, with a running forearm getting two.

Elgin DDTs Shamrock, who pops up twice in a row. The ankle lock has Elgin in trouble and he gets to the corner….where he pulls the buckle pad off without the hold being broken. Sami blocks the tap so Shamrock locks his ankle instead. Callihan breaks that up and hits the Elgin Bomb to finish Shamrock at 8:48.

Rating: C. This was every standard triple threat match you’ve seen before so it’s nothing that you really need to see. Elgin winning makes the most sense as he’s getting the monster push, meaning the World Title shot has to be coming sooner or later. This is the kind of win that lets him look strong, and Elgin knows how to sell the heck out of that.

Post match Shamrock and Callihan stare each other down until the lights go out and Sami disappears.

The announcers preview the show.

Jordynne Grace will know everything is back when she drives Taya Valkyrie straight through the mat.

The Rascalz are ready for their seventeenth shot at the Tag Team Titles when Trey comes in and wants to know who jumped him. The North comes in to promise a beating last week. They accuse Wentz of jumping Trey, who denies everything.

Tasha Steelz vs. Susie

Kiera Hogan is here with Steelz. Tasha slaps her a few times to start and is quickly bulldogged down. That’s enough for Steelz to bail to the floor, where she knocks Susie’s dive out of the air with a forearm. Back in and Steelz stomps away, setting up a neckbreaker for two. A clothesline cuts Susie off but she’s back with a running Thesz press and the right hands. Susie palm strikes her out of the air for two as Hogan is panicking on the floor. That’s enough of a distraction for Steelz to hit a cutter for the pin at 3:47.

Rating: C-. Just a quick match here to keep the people involved in the feud going and that’s not a bad thing. Steelz isn’t the most interesting person in the world but she and Hogan pushing Susie to the brink to bring out Su Yung is going to be a nice payoff. Yeah it’s basically the Fiend, but Yung can make it work.

Ace Austin is late for his interview for some reason before showing up to say he’ll be the new World Champion since Tessa Blanchard isn’t here. Moose comes in to offer to have a special robe for Ace when he comes after the TNA World Title at Slammiversary. Ace doesn’t seem interested and leaves, so here’s Hernandez instead. He’ll fight Moose next week. Moose backs away and says don’t get so close to him.

Slammiversary ad.

Steelz and Hogan celebrate but run into Havok and Nevaeh. A challenge is thrown out but that’s not happening tonight.

Flashback Moment of the Week: Earl Hebner fights back against Mike Kanellis and gets laid out on May 17, 2016.

Rohit Raju comes up to Rhino and wants to know about last week’s Gore. Rhino references having a partner who has kids and tells Raju to get out of here. The brawl is on.

Taya Valkyrie is looking for John E. Bravo.

Johnny Swinger/Chris Bey vs. Willie Mack/Cousin Jake

Mack and Bey start things off with Bey bailing into the corner early on for a tag to Swinger. That’s fine with Mack, who sends Swinger into the corner so Jake can come in to send Swinger into the corner. Bey gets in a cheap shot from the corner though and it’s Mack in trouble for a change. Since it’s just Swinger though, Mack kicks him away without much effort and it’s back to Jake.

Bey gets dropped onto Swinger but Jake misses a charge into the corner to send us to a break. Back with Bey choking Jake on the rope and Swinger getting in some of his own. Jake clotheslines his way to freedom though and it’s back to Mack to clean house. The standing moonsault gets two on Swinger and the Stunner puts him away at 10:43.

Rating: C. Bey continues to come off like a star in the making and Swinger is enough of a goof that you can see him do almost anything you want for the same success. Jake is kind of a random partner but the point is advancing Bey vs. Mack, which they did well. The Slammiversary title match should be a heck of a showcase for both of them too.

Post match the beatdown is on until Cody Deaner makes his return for the save. Jake seems surprised to see him, meaning we’re supposed to believe that that Jake either didn’t come up to see Cody today or that he just got here and happened to run in halfway through the show? That’s a heck of a coincidence.

Rosemary almost gets John E. Bravo to bite her apple but Taya comes in to yell at him. Rosemary doesn’t want to hear it and stands up for Bravo, but Taya says she was just looking out for his own good. Somehow a partnership is formed between the three of them.

Here’s Scott D’Amore to address the World Title situation. He knows that something has to be done and Tessa Blanchard is still not here. Cue Ace Austin to say the World Champion is right here. Before D’Amore can respond, here’s Elgin to say Ace is going to have to deal with him if he wants Elgin’s title. So either get out, or fight. Now it’s Eddie Edwards making his return to say he can beat Elgin to say you have to earn titles around here.

Ace tells D’Amore to get back to awarding him the title. D’Amore tells him to get back for the sake of social distancing. With that done, D’Amore says it’s a five way for the title at Slammiversary. Ace wants to know who the fifth person so D’Amore tells him to turn around. Cue Trey to springboard in with a dropkick and the big brawl is on.

Joseph P. Ryan, with the returning Rob Van Dam and Katie Forbes (to absolutely no fanfare) to introduce Jacob Crist, who is here to teach Mentally Unwell Steve a lesson.

Jacob Crist vs. Crazzy Steve

Crist jumps him from behind to start as Josh calls Steve an Impact Original. You mean the guy who debuted there all the way back in 2014? Choking on the ropes has Steve in trouble and Jake starts in on the arm. A short armscissors but Steve is right back up with a clothesline. Crist kicks him out of the corner though and a big kick to the head finishes Steve at 3:32.

Rating: D+. You can feel the Right to Censor vibes from these guys, but without Steven Richards to lead them, it doesn’t exactly make things work. Instead it’s Ryan being as dull as possible and making me roll my eyes every time the team comes out. Thankfully they aren’t going anywhere in a hurry, but I’m more confused about Van Dam’s return being treated as nothing. That’s kind of a big deal no?

Slammiversary ad. Again. At least this has the ex-WWE intrigue though and they’re making it seem like a big deal.

Preview for next week’s show.

Knockouts Title: Jordynne Grace vs. Taya Valkyrie

Taya is challenging and has Rosemary and John E. Bravo with her. Grace isn’t waiting to start so Taya bails to the floor, meaning it’s a suicide dive to take out all three of them. Back from a break with Grace firing off shoulders in the corner and getting two off a snap suplex. A belly to belly gets two and a forearm sends Taya outside.

Grace spends too much time to send her back inside though and gets kneed in the face. Taya goes up so Grace knocks her back down to the floor for a crash as we take a break. Back with Grace knocking Taya outside again but she sends Grace into the steps to take over. They head back inside for the running knee to Grace in the corner, setting up the quickly broken chinlock.

Grace counters a superplex into a powerbomb and they’re both down for a bit. It’s Grace up first to send her into the corner for the running forearm and the Vader Bomb gets two. The Grace Driver is broken up though and Taya spears her down for two more. The Road to Valhalla is blocked as well and Grace chokes her out to retain at 18:57.

Rating: B-. They were smart to put these two together as they’re some of the bigger Knockouts and can have a more physical match together. That’s what they had here and it’s nice to see Grace adding something new to her arsenal. The Taya/Rosemary/Bravo grouping could be interesting, but it was Grace’s time to retain here and they went with the logical move.

Post match here’s Deonna Purrazzo, who pulls Grace into a Fujiwara armbar to end the show.

Overall Rating: C. Decent enough show here but nothing that blew the roof off the place. Slammiversary is taking shape in a hurry and that’s a good thing given that we have just over a month before the show. What matters most is there are multiple things I’m curious to see and that is becoming the norm around here. Impact has gone from a joke to a rather decent weekly series and that’s very cool to see. Not a great show, but it worked well enough for what it was supposed to do.


Michael Elgin b. Ken Shamrock and Sami Callihan – Elgin Bomb to Shamrock

Tasha Steelz b. Susie – Cutter

Willie Mack/Cousin Jake b. Johnny Swinger/Chris Bey – Stunner to Swinger

Jacob Crist b. Crazzy Steve – Kick to the head

Jordynne Grace b. Taya Valkyrie – Rear naked choke

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:

And check out my Amazon author page with cheap wrestling books at:

Sacrifice 2020: El Generico Would Be Proud

IMG Credit: Impact Wrestling

Date: February 22, 2020
Location: Davis Arena, Louisville, Kentucky
Commentators: Josh Matthews, D’Lo Brown

It’s a special event as we are in one of the most famous arenas in all of wrestling. This is the home of Ohio Valley Wrestling and this time around we are going to be seeing a co-promoted show between OVW and Impact Wrestling. The main event is X-Division Champion Ace Austin vs. World Champion Tessa Blanchard in a non-title match, which is kind of a weird way to go. Let’s get to it.

Pre-Show: AJ Daniels vs. D’Mone Solavino

Solavino has big black wings and AJ, who has no music, is from the Outer Space District. Some shoulders put Daniels down to start but he’s back up with leapfrogs and a dropkick. Solavino’s suplex is countered into a small package for two but he’s back with a backbreaker. A belly to back suplex gets two but Daniels kicks him in the face and hits a slingshot corkscrew splash for two. An Angle Slam gets two on Daniels but he knocks Solavino off the top, setting up a 450 for the pin at 5:23.

Rating: C-. This was a good example of two young guys getting to go out there and fly around the ring for a little bit. It wasn’t exactly high quality but the 450 looked good and it’s nice to see two younger guys getting a chance like this. They were probably both on the biggest show of their career to this point so it was completely acceptable for what it was.

Pre-Show: Max The Impaler vs. Cali Young

Cali is a rather ditsy blonde who is running for President (along with her campaign manager DL3) and LOVES AMERICA. On the other hand, Max seems inspired by her Mad namesake. Cali ducks some clotheslines to start and then bounces off of Max. A running shoulder in the corner crushes Cali again, meaning it’s time for a DL3 distraction.

This goes as badly as you would expect as Cali’s jumping choke is flipped over without much effort. Another distraction lets Cali get in a chop block but the good leg kicks her away. DL3 chokes from the floor but Max easily suplexes Cali down. Max beats up DL3 again and hits a spear for the pin at 4:14.

Rating: D+. Just a squash here as Cali didn’t get to go into her full shtick with the patriotism. She got to do it last night though and that got her some extra attention as well. Max felt your local monster, which is fine enough but it’s not something that is exactly breaking the mold.

The opening video is a pretty standard series of shots of people involved.

Rohit Raju vs. Corey Storm

Storm is an OVW regular. Raju takes him into the corner to start but runs into an atomic drop. There’s a dropkick to put Raju in the corner and a springboard kick to the face gets two. Back up and Raju slugs away, setting up a quick fisherman’s buster for two of his own. We hit the chinlock but Storm jawbreaks his way to freedom and kicks him down for two. Something like a springboard Codebreaker, followed by a basement superkick. Raju knees him in the face though and nails a Cannonball in the corner. A top rope double stomp to the back finishes Storm at 6:29.

Rating: C. Completely competent match here and a fine enough way to set things up for the rest of the night. Storm is someone with some potential and while I’m not big on Raju in the slightest, he is a lot better when he’s not doing the Desi Hit Squad stuff. Just have him out there as a wrestler in trunks and let him do his thing. It works a lot better that way, as it did here.

Impact Tag Team Titles: Rascalz vs. The North

The Rascalz (Trey and Wentz) are challenging here. Alexander sends Trey into the corner to start so it’s off to Wentz, who takes Alexander down. That doesn’t go anywhere for him as Alexander hits a quick toss as the Rascalz can’t get anything going. Some chops in the corner work a bit better for Wentz and a running dropkick gets two. Page gets in a cheap shot from the apron though and it’s Wentz in trouble again.

Trey grabs a neckbreaker and the hot tag brings in Wentz to clean house. Wentz’s slingshot Codebreaker gets two on Page as everything breaks down. Alexander throws Trey into Wentz for two and Page is stunned by the kickout. Wentz fights back but gets caught in a tilt-a-whirl faceplant. He’s back up with a Canadian Destroyer for two on Alexander.

The champs are sent into each other and it’s back to Trey, who gets caught with a double crucifix bomb for two. A Backstabber into a Swanton hits Page but Alexander is up to cut Wentz off. The referee is bumped and it’s a 619 in the corner to Alexander. Cue Rohit Raju to shove Trey off the top though, setting up the Northern Assault for the pin to retain at 20:20.

Rating: B. This took some time to get going but they were rolling by the end. The teams have some great chemistry together but the Rascalz have lost to the champs so many times now that it’s becoming hard to believe that they are a real threat. It might be time for them to move on, but at least the matches are still good.

Ace Austin has an interview in the back where he interviews the Steiner Math promo. Well at least in theory he does, as the audio keeps cutting in and out.

Rae Lyn vs. Kiera Hogan

Hogan takes her into the corner to start but Lyn switches places and slaps Hogan on the chest. They fight over wrist control until an exchange of shoulders has no effect. Dropkicks have the same result and it’s time for a pose/dance off. Lyn armdrags her down a few times so Hogan hits an elbow to the face. Choking in the ropes ensues and we hit the chinlock to slow things down again.

Back up and they trade kicks to the head for a double knockdown. Lyn’s legsweep gets two and a missile dropkick is good for the same. A spinning kick to the face gets two more, followed by the fisherman’s suplex for the fourth two in a row. They slug it out until Hogan kicks her in the face and finishes with a fisherman’s neckbreaker at 11:05.

Rating: C-. Just a match here and there is nothing wrong with an Impact wrestler defeating someone who hasn’t been around OVW very long. It wasn’t anything great and they went with a little too much silliness, but at least they had a passable match with both women getting in some time. Lyn has potential but needs some more ring time and something to get people to pay attention.

Johnny Swinger still tries to get Willie Mack on his side and is shut down again. Swinger can’t even give him a VHS.

Jay Bradley vs. Willie Mack

Bradley jumps him before the bell but Mack is up and slugging away. That earns him a beatdown into the corner but a Vader Bomb elbow misses. A dropkick puts Bradley on the floor and that means a big dive to take him down again. Back in and Bradley hits a running boot in the corner for two while shouting about this being his house. Forearms to the chest put Mack down again and we hit the chinlock. Mack fights up again and strikes away, setting up the standing moonsault for two. Back to back Stunners set up the Six Star for the pin at 6:33.

Rating: C. Totally acceptable wrestling here with Mack getting to survive a monster like Bradley and come out with a win. Mack is someone they’re ready to push to the moon as soon as they get a chance. On the other hand you have Bradley, who was in Impact for a little while and then wound up back here. I can understand that as while he is good, he’s not exactly doing anything that hasn’t been done better before.

OVE is ready to destroy Acey Romeo and Larry D.

OVE vs. Larry D./Acey Romero

It’s Mad Man Fulton/Dave Crist with Jake Crist in their corner here. Hold on though as Dave gets caught with some brass knuckles so we need a delay before we get started. Fulton headlocks Larry to start and gets clotheslined to the floor in a hurry. Dave comes in and gets headbutted into the corner, setting up a big running dropkick to make it worse. It’s off to Acey to sit on Dave’s chest but Fulton sweeps the leg to take over.

A hard clothesline drops Acey again and the stomping begins. Dave adds a running shot to the knee in the corner to put Acey in even more trouble. Acey tries to fight out of the corner and gets forearmed down in a hurry. An exchange of clotheslines doesn’t get Acey or Fulton very far until Acey hits him in the back of the head and dives over for the tag to Larry. Everything breaks down as Larry beats up Dave, including a sitout powerbomb for two.

Fulton gets crushed in the middle and a Rock Bottom puts him down as well. Acey’s big elbow gets two more and Fulton is knocked to the floor. That means the huge dive from Acey, who then goes up for a moonsault. Thankfully Dave breaks that up so Fulton tries a Samoan drop, which is broken up by Larry. The big right hand from Larry sets up the Pounce from Acey to finish Dave at 13:45.

Rating: D+. I get the idea of Acey and Larry but they’re not exactly thrilling so far. It’s one of those things where they lose a lot of steam after you watch it once, meaning there isn’t much else to see. OVE losing again isn’t going to make that much of a difference for them, but if Acey and Larry are going to mean anything they have to win something like this every now and then.

Post match OVE jumps the two of them but Daga runs in for the save. As luck would have it, this is next.

Daga vs. Jake Crist

They strike it out in a hurry until Jake is sent into the corner. A crossbody puts Jake on the floor and Daga drops him with a suicide dive for a bonus. The cannonball off the apron takes Jake down again but he superkicks Daga out of the air for two. What looked like a keylock has Daga in trouble and Jake bends the arm around the shoulder for a bonus.

A chop puts Daga down but he nips up and kicks Jake in the face. That just earns Daga another armbar, followed by a flipped over hammerlock (I can always appreciate mixing up the holds). Jake rakes the eyes and bends the arm around the rope before taking it outside. Daga grabs a DDT on the floor and it’s a high crossbody for two back inside. A gutwrench powerbomb gives Daga two more but Jake is right back with a super sunset bomb for the same.

They slug it out from their knees until Daga grabs a German suplex for two more. A belly to belly suplex sends Daga into the corner, followed by an exchange of kicks to the head, headbutts and clotheslines to knock them both down. Daga is up first and heads to the top, only to dive into a cutter for two. Crist is frustrated and pie faces him, earning himself a hurricanrana into the Tiger Driver 98 for the pin at 16:42.

Rating: B. This was a battle of two guys trading moves for sixteen moves and that was an entertaining use of time. It was a fun match and exactly what it should have been as both guys got to show off. The Crists continue to be one of the most talented teams in the company and Daga can have a good match against anyone. Good showcase for both guys here, as it should have been.

Moose is ready to destroy Rhino.

Johnny Swinger vs. Joey Ryan

Hold on though as we need to do the lollipop and oil deals before we’re ready to go. Swinger grabs the mic and says they’ve done this before and he’s not facing the love child of Freddie Mercury and Animal Steele. He has that videotape from earlier and is willing to give it to Ryan (including the match against Ray Stevens with a 23 minute and 17 second airplane spin) if Joey will lay down. Joey puts the tape in his trunks and lays down, allowing the bell to ring so he can small package Swinger for two.

The staredown is on and they shake hands, with Joey trying to make him touch it. That doesn’t work so Swinger tries an atomic drop, giving him the required knee pain. Ryan’s atomic drop works just fine and it’s Swinger getting caught in the ropes for some right hands. A cheap shot lets Swinger hit a middle rope ax handle for two and we hit a headscissor choke (Swinger: “YEAH DADDY!”).

Swinger grabs the sleeper for two arm drops but Ryan fights up for a collision. With Ryan down, Swinger falls head first onto it, allowing Ryan to hit a spinebuster for two. Ryan pulls out the lollipop but it goes into the referee’s mouth. That lets Swinger hit him with the tape for two but the Swinger Neckbreaker is countered, allowing Ryan to make him touch It. Sweet Tooth Music finishes Swinger at 7:29.

Rating: D+. This could have been worse as Swinger has gone from someone who made my eyes roll to one of the more entertaining people around here. Above all else, they’ve kept him firmly at the comedy level and that makes him a lot more tolerable. Not a good match or anything, but it served its purpose.

We look at Jordynne Grace winning the Knockouts Title.

Knockouts Title: Havok vs. Jordynne Grace

Grace is defending and gets driven straight into the corner to start. Some corner splashes make it worse and Havok screams a lot. Grace fights back with a quickly broken sleeper but she fights out of a suplex out of the corner. A Vader Bomb gives Grace two and there’s a hanging DDT to plant Havok again. The champ is back with another sleeper, which has about as much success as the first. A chokeslam gives Havok two but she has to break a third sleeper by falling back. Graces grabs it again and wraps the legs, which is enough to knock Havok out to retain at 5:37.

Rating: C. It was short but I liked the story here as it wasn’t something you would expect from a powerhouse like Grace. They had a little something with Grace going after the sleeper over and over and FINALLY winning with it, which isn’t what you usually see. Not a great match or anything but good storytelling.

Tessa Blanchard says she’ll win tonight and then she’s taking the X-Division Title.

Chris Harris is here.

Moose vs. Rhino

They slug it out to start until Rhino plants him down with a spinebuster. Moose bails to the floor and is ready to walk out but Rhino drags him back through the entrance. Back in and Moose hits him low for the DQ at 2:33. I’m thinking we’re not done here.

Indeed Rhino wants it to be No DQ.

Moose vs. Rhino

No DQ and Moose slowly stomps him down before grabbing the chair. That winds up bouncing off of the top rope and onto Moose’s head so they go outside. Moose yells at Chris Harris but goes for a lap around the ring, earning himself a trashcan lid to the head. Back in and Moose hits another low blow so it’s staple gun time. That earns him a staple to the crotch but Moose is fine enough to hit a running dropkick in the corner.

With the staple not working, it’s time for a hammer, but Rhino spinebusters him to avoid a bad case of death. A hammer shot to the foot puts Rhino down again so Moose throws in a bunch of chairs to unload. He takes too long going up though and gets superplexed down onto the chairs. The fans request and receive their table but a discus lariat blocks the Gore attempt. Moose charges into a chair in the corner but it’s No Jackhammer Needed through the table to finish Rhino at 11:48.

Rating: D. I’m so tired of seeing this same match over and over again. How many times can you see the same hardcore brawl? The hammer to the foot was the only fresh spot in there and it’s not like it was some game changer. Just something they’ve done far too many times lately (or not lately for that matter) and I don’t need to see it ever again.

ICU graphic.

Ace Austin vs. Tessa Blanchard

Non-title. Ace stalls a bit by adjusting his gear for a good bit both before and after the bell. They stare each other down for over a minute to start until Austin dances a bit. That earns him a heck of a slap to the face but Tessa charges into a hiptoss into the corner. A dragon sleeper slows Tessa down and Ace puts a knee on the back of her neck for a bonus. Some stomps to the back set up a half crab but the rope is reached.

Tessa gets in a running knee but a kick to the head puts her outside in a hurry. Ace follows her outside and shrugs off the forearms to the head so he can kick Tessa in the face. The dive off the apron is blocked but so is Tessa’s suicide dive as she just can’t get anything going so far. A hanging swinging neckbreaker gives Ace two and we hit a seated armbar. That lets Ace slice the fingers with the playing card for two which is quite the painful way to go.

Ace goes up but gets pulled down with Magnum from the middle rope so Tessa can snap off a hurricanrana with a bunch of screaming included. A cutter sends Ace outside and the triple suicide dives connect. Back in and the Buzzsaw DDT is countered into a northern lights suplex. Tessa snaps off a standing Sliced Bread #2 but still can’t hit the DDT. Instead she goes up, only to dive into a spinning kick to the face for two.

A springboard spinning Fameasser gets two more, meaning Tessa can scream again. Tessa snaps off a tornado DDT and a Code Red for her own two but Magnum is blocked. Ace can’t superplex her but Tessa can’t super DDT him. Instead she hits the Buzzsaw onto the turnbuckle (El Generico would be proud) for the pin at 18:31.

Rating: B. They built this up as a big match and it felt like one, so they hit the important idea. Tessa’s screams were a bit much but it was a nice story with Tessa never giving up and trying to hit one of her big moves to get the win. Ace isn’t going to be hurt by losing to the World Champion and Tessa gets an important win. Good stuff here, and it felt like an important main event.

Overall Rating: B+. This was a back and forth show with the good matches being very good but the bad matches bringing them back down. What brings the show up though is how much longer the good stuff was than the bad, and that made this a solid show. For an online special, it was an awesome night and worth checking out, though you might want to fast forward a few things.

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:

And check out my Amazon author page with cheap wrestling books at:

Impact Wrestling – March 10, 2020: Sign Her Up

IMG Credit: Impact Wrestling

Impact Wrestling
Date: March 10, 2020
Location: Sam’s Town Live, Las Vegas, Nevada
Commentators: Don Callis, Josh Matthews

It’s a big showdown match this week as we have the fifth match in a best of five series between Eddie Edwards and Michael Elgin. The winner gets the World Title shot at Tessa Blanchard at Rebellion and that means we have something special tonight. You have to have a good main event like that so hopefully this one works. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening recap.

Opening sequence.

Mad Man Fulton vs. Rhino

The Crists are at ringside….and get ejected early on for trying to interfere. With the two of them gone, Rhino shoulders him down and takes it to the floor for a ram into the apron. A clothesline hits the post though and Fulton sends him into the apron as well. Back in and Fulton pounds away in the corner, followed by a running shoulder to the ribs.

Rhino fights back up with some right hands to the head, only to get elbowed right back down for two. The chinlock (or cobra clutch double sugar hold according to Callis) goes on for a bit but a middle rope headbutt only hits mat. Rhino fights back up, avoids a clothesline and hits the Gore for the pin at 8:02.

Rating: D. This was missing on almost all counts as it was a bunch of slow pounding until the slightly more energized ending segment. They would have been better off having some kind of hardcore match because Rhino really wasn’t feeling all that energetic here. I’m hoping we have something other than Rhino fighting OVE.

Post match the Crists come back out and the beatdown is on….so SABU makes the save with a chair because ECW.

Chris Bey is coming.

Tessa Blanchard is ready to face either Eddie Edwards or Michael Elgin at Rebellion and doesn’t care who it is. She’s used to the target on her back.

We run down the rest of the show.

Desi Hit Squad vs. Rascalz

Dez and Wentz for the Rascalz here with Gama Singh at ringside for the Squad. Raju and Dez start things off with the former shoving him into the corner and posing a bit. A quick dropkick gives Wentz two and it’s Dez coming in with a slingshot hilo for his own near fall. Raju takes him into the corner though and it’s Shera coming in to start hammering away with the double chop.

We get some power as Shera drops Raju onto Dez for two and the beating continues in the corner. Dez dives over Raju and makes the hot tag to Wentz so the pace can pick up. Shera starts to clean house, including a chokebreaker to Dez. Wentz comes back in and starts firing off the kicks, with a double superkick putting Shera down. Raju gets knocked to the floor and the Final Flash gives Dez the pin at 6:00.

Rating: C-. The Squad has firmly hit their ceiling, even with Shera there as the monster. There isn’t much to get out of these tag team matches where they the teams are on a treadmill for months on end. The match was fine enough, but the Squad is nothing and the Rascalz have fallen way down from where they were.

Katie Forbes is annoyed at fans staring at her but the Deaners like her rather small gear. Joey Ryan doesn’t like their implications and a tag match is made with Ryan and Rob Van Dam vs. the Deaners being set for next week (this includes roughly half a dozen references to internet and social media fans, which isn’t as profound as they think). Ryan does make sure to check with Rob, who goes with it.

Tenille Dashwood video.

Knockouts Title: Lacey Ryan vs. Jordynne Grace

Ryan is challenging and is the next challenger from Madison Rayne. Grace gets taken down early on and Ryan drops her again with a running shoulder. That earns her a backdrop to the apron but she catches Ryan on top. A slam down gets two and grace stops charging Ryan with a boot to the face. Grace hits a running hip attack in the corner and a Vader Bomb gets two as Ryan is hanging in there.

Ryan kicks her in the head for two and goes up, only to get pulled down with a MuscleBuster (though more of a suplex than dropping straight down). A Regal Roll into a frog splash gives Ryan two more but she misses a kick to the head and gets Grace Drivered for the pin at 7:05.

Rating: B-. If Ryan doesn’t get a job out of that, I’m not sure what Impact is thinking. She looked very good here and they had a match I never would have expected. This was rather good stuff and Grace had to fight to retain the title. I’m not sure how much I want to see Grace vs. Rayne, but at least we got a good one here.

Fallah Bahh wants to win the Tag Team Titles with TJP so they can be the first ever Filipino Tag Team Champions.

Flashback Moment of the Week: Chris Sabin wins the X-Division Title in 2004.

Sabin is proud of his time in TNA and he’s ready to be the guest referee in the King of the Mountain match for the World Title at There’s No Place Like Home. Moose comes in and doesn’t understand the rules, so Sabin not so subtly explains them. I’m still trying to wrap my head around a TNA nostalgia show.

Video on the best of five series between Michael Elgin and Eddie Edwards.

Taya Valkyrie is all depressed at a bar when Rosemary pops up. She doesn’t want to hear about Taya losing everything but thinks it might be the thing that connects them. After you lose everything, you’re free to do everything.

Johnny Swinger/Glenn Gilbertti vs. Willie Mack

Hold on though as the referee thinks the team has some foreign objects. Swinger has brass knuckles but gets caught, meaning he has to run from Mack for a bit. Gilbertti comes in and gets hiptossed right back to Swinger. A cheap shot from the apron lets Swinger take over as Callis tries to get Swinging Disco Balls over as the team’s name. Callis: “Can we say Disco?” A double elbow puts Mack down and the old school pummeling continues.

Gilbertti gets in a shot with a roll of quarters and it’s back to Swinger for the chinlock (plus some SHUT UP’s to the crowd). The ax handle misses so Gilbertti comes in for the YMCA Elbow. Cue Ace Austin of all people to stand in Mack’s corner. Mack is fine enough to hit the Stunner and it’s off to Austin for a spinning Swanton to Swinger. Everything breaks down and it’s an old school doe-see-doe. Mack Samoan drops Gilbertti into the standing moonsault, setting up the Fold from Austin. The Six Star finishes Gilbertti at 7:50.

Rating: C-. Well that was something. I’m not entirely sure what it was, but it certainly was something. If nothing else, it shows you how good the new generation is looking solid with Austin, Mack and Rich Swann (when he gets back) among others. They’ve needed something like this for a good while now and if they actually get somewhere with it, Impact could move forward for once.

Su Yung jumps Havok in the back and it turns into a chair duel. Yung gets the better of it, puts on the Mandible Claw, and puts her in a well placed coffin.

Swinger blames Gilbertti for the loss so Gilbertti quits. This turns into an argument over who was the leader, but Swinger wants to know what he’s supposed to do with all of these Swinging Disco Balls shirts.

It’s Gut Check time and they’re all still bad, even in a six man tag.

Realityislost glitch.

Next week: Gut Check ends and we find out who the glitch is.

Eddie Edwards vs. Michael Elgin

It’s the final match in the best of five series with the winner getting the World Title shot at Rebellion. You can tell it’s a big match because Josh has stats about how they’ve won their matches. Elgin powers him away to start and hits a big clothesline so we can head outside early. A Death Valley Driver on the ramp gives Elgin an early two so he hits Eddie in the face rather hard.

The Blue Thunder Bomb gets Eddie out of trouble for a second but Elgin catches him on top. That just earns Elgin a sunset bomb and we take a break. Back with Eddie elbowing him in the face, only to get backdropped HARD out to the floor. Eddie is back in and slugs away at Elgin on the apron, earning himself a lot of yelling. A kick to the head puts Elgin on the floor and he wins a slugout to really rock Elgin for the first time. Elgin grabs a DDT for two, followed by a neckbreaker over the ropes as we take another break.

Back again with the big slugout, including some rather loud shots to Eddie’s jaw. Elgin goes up and gets superplexed back down, setting up the Backpack Stunner for two more. A tiger driver is broken up so Elgin gets him up in an electric chair and drops backwards into a bridge for his own two. Just to go insane, Elgin hits a dragon superplex for another near fall, though the kickout doesn’t get the strongest reaction (because only finishers can end matches).

Eddie backflips out of a release German suplex and finally hits the tiger driver for two. Elgin is back up with a powerbomb and another hard clothesline sets up the Elgin Bomb for the real near fall. The referee gets bumped so the Boston Knee Party only gets two. Elgin grabs the Crossface but Eddie rolls over into a cradle for two, only to tap at the same time as the three count at 25:55.

Rating: B. This was probably longer than it needed to be but they beat the heck out of each other with some big moves. That dragon superplex probably should have been the finish had they had one, meaning it might not have been the best spot for a kickout. The ending wasn’t the biggest surprise but that’s not the worst idea in the world. Both guys have benefited from the feud so having a draw is a good way to protect both of them. And give us the triple threat, because that’s what you get in wrestling.

Post match Scott D’Amore comes out because there’s confusion. Tessa, triple threat, she’ll take em both.

Overall Rating: B-. The main event and the Knockouts Title match were the only things worthwhile on this show as the rest ranged between weak and rather bad. They did the important thing though by getting the pay per view main event set up, but they need to set up a few more things on the way. Assuming the show actually takes place as scheduled at this point. Either way, they had a good main event and title match, but the rest of the show dragged it pretty far down.


Rhino b. Mad Man Fulton – Gore

Rascalz b. Desi Hit Squad – Final Flash to Shera

Jordynne Grace b. Lacey Ryan – Grace Driver

Willie Mack/Ace Austin b. Glenn Gilbertti/Johnny Swinger – Six Star Frog Splash to Gilbertti

Eddie Edwards vs. Michael Elgin went to a draw

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:

And check out my Amazon author page with cheap wrestling books at:

Impact Wrestling – February 25, 2020: The Most Impact Thing Impact Could Do

IMG Credit: Impact Wrestling

Impact Wrestling
Date: February 25, 2020
Location: Sam’s Town Live, Las Vegas, Nevada
Commentators: Don Callis, Josh Matthews

Sacrifice has come and gone with no title changes because no title was on the line in the main event. My guess is that’s so they could avoid any kind of spoilers on the taping cycle and while that makes sense, it didn’t make the stakes seem that high on Saturday. We should be building towards Rebellion now so let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

We open with a clip of World Champion Tessa Blanchard defeating X-Division Champion Ace Austin at Sacrifice. Now Ace wants a title match so managed granted it, but for his title and not hers. Makes sense.

Opening sequence.

Rob Van Dam vs. Daga

Katie Forbes is at ringside and the fans are behind hometown boy RVD. Daga kicks him to the floor to start and nails a suicide dive, only to get slammed down. Back in and Rob crotches him on the ropes for the kick to the face as Katie is on a Twitter blocking spree. Rolling Thunder is loaded up but Rob rolls outside to kiss Katie instead.

Rating: C-. It was starting to get somewhere but at the same time, there is only so much that Rob can do in the ring at the moment. He’s gotten older and is nowhere near as explosive, but points to them for coming up with a way to hide the fact that he just isn’t as athletic anymore. There is going to be a rematch here, perhaps in a cage where Van Dam can’t run, but this didn’t exactly make me interested in seeing it.

Jordynne Grace issues an open challenge to anyone in the locker room. Madison Rayne comes up but doesn’t want to hear anything from Grace until she has won the title five times. Guidance is offered and Madison promises to find a suitable opponent tonight.

Rohit Raju vs. Zachary Wentz

The rest of the Desi Hit Squad/the Rascalz are here. This is fallout from Raju costing the Rascalz the Tag Team Titles at Sacrifice because they didn’t get a title shot. They fight over a headlock to start until Wentz takes him down with a front facelock. Back up and a slugout actually goes to Raju, who takes him down with a running knee to the head.

A suplex gets two and we take a break. Back with Wentz kicking away, including an enziguri, followed by a Stunner over the middle rope. Raju grabs a Downward Spiral for two more but Wentz is right back with a cutter driver. A brawl on the floor distracts Wentz though, allowing Raju to avoid a Swanton and hit a top rope double stomp for the pin at 10:17.

Rating: C. Just another match between members of teams here and that’s not enough to make me care about them that much. The Rascalz are a fun act but then you have the Hit Squad, who are as generic of a group of heels as you can get. The match was technically fine, but trying to get me interested in a Hit Squad match is like trying to get me interested in a farmhouse in Gary, Indiana.

Post match the Realityislost/ICU video pops up and the Squad notices it.

Ace Austin doesn’t understand why Tessa gets a title shot first. Don’t worry though because he’ll win tonight and become #1 contender. Tessa may be undeniable but he is inevitable.

OVE, minus Sami Callihan, say they’re not done.

Knockouts Title: Jordynne Grace vs. Miranda Alize

Alize is challenging and has Madison Rayne in her corner. A charge at Grace doesn’t go well as the champ pulls her down, only to get caught in a headscissors. Alize gets two off a forearm as Madison says Alize can’t beat Grace without covering her. I love it when wrestlers try to sound smart but miss the point entirely. Back up and the Grace Driver is blocked and Alize gets two off a cutter. Not that it matters as the second Grace Driver attempt retains the title at 4:05.

Rating: C-. Alize was fine here but it looks like we’re coming up on Grace vs. Rayne for the title. That’s fine for a first title program for Grace as Rayne will give her a good match before coming up short. Grace is the kind of champion where it’s going to take a special effort to get the title off of her and that might take some time. Decent enough match for its time.

The North isn’t sweating TJP and Fallah Bahh next week. The two of them want to be like the North because they are tag team wrestling around here.

Chris Bey is coming.

Jessika Havok is looking for someone but Rosemary finds her. Rosemary isn’t happy with Havok joining up with James Mitchell again so next week, Havok can face Su Yung in a no DQ match.

From Dayton, Ohio at a Pro Wrestling Revolver event.

Michael Elgin vs. Eddie Edwards

Match #4 in a best of five series with Elgin up 2-1. Elgin grabs a headlock to start and then shoulders him down but Eddie snaps off a belly to belly. That’s fine with Elgin, who hits a slingshot elbow to the jaw to put Eddie down again. Elgin chops him down and hits a sliding elbow, followed by some slams to show off the power. It takes a bit too long to go to the top though and Eddie brings him down with a superplex.

The Backpack Stunner is broken up so Eddie settles for a German suplex. Elgin blasts him with a clothesline though and we take a break. Back with Eddie flipping out of another German suplex and hitting the low superkick to put them both down. Eddie’s tiger bomb gets two but he misses the moonsault. Some rollups give Eddie two but he has to avoid a sliding elbow, allowing him to roll Elgin up again, this time for the pin at 16:14.

Rating: B-. A lot of the interest has fallen away from these matches but that’s going to happen with the amount of times they’ve had it out there. The fifth match will at least have some stakes to it, but it’s kind of telling that they moved it to another show so the fans wouldn’t get burned out on it. That being said, there are far worse things they can do and the matches have been solid. Just wrap it up soon.

Flashback Moment of the Week: Jeff Hardy wins the World Title from Mr. Anderson at Against All Odds 2011. The graphic says 2010, as Impact does the most Impact thing ever by not even being able to celebrate their own history without making a mistake.

Scott D’Amore and Petey Williams are happy at the thought of the TNA show on April 3. Moose comes up to say TNA is dead so let it be dead. Why celebrate people like Suicide and Chris Sabin? Petey: “We were all actual champions.” Violence is implied.

Johnny Swinger annoys Willie Mack again but here’s Disco Inferno to say he’ll team with Swinger instead.

Video on Gut Check. Thank goodness this isn’t a full on in-arena segment again. Some of these names are from OVW.

X-Division Title: Tessa Blanchard vs. Ace Austin

Ace is defending and only his title is on the line. Tessa starts fast with some running dropkicks, including one in the corner for two. A rollup gets the same but Ace grabs a backbreaker as we take a break. Back with Ace hitting a spinning elbow to the face for two and it’s off to a bow and arrow hold. Tessa fights out of the corner and snaps off a headscissors to the floor, followed by the big dive.

Back in and Ace grabs a gutbuster to cut Tessa off again and we hit the reverse chinlock. That’s broken up in a hurry so Ace kicks her in the back a few times instead. Now it’s something like a dragon sleeper but Tessa is up in a hurry to start slugging away. A running hurricanrana sets up a tornado DDT but here’s Taya Valkyrie to jump Tessa for the DQ at 10:48.

Rating: C. So that’s all you can ask for with the ending as Tessa has already proven she can beat Ace so there’s no need to have her win the X-Division Title here. Taya is someone with history against Tessa so it’s not out of the question to have that be the next title challenger. Given that either Edwards or Elgin is facing Tessa at Rebellion, this is going to be a one off against a challenger that beat Tessa before but she has since surpassed. It’s Ultimate Warrior defending against Rick Rude in 1990 and that’s….probably me putting way too much thought into this.

Taya beats Tessa up to end the show.

Overall Rating: C-. This show felt pretty flat and while it set up stuff for the future, there wasn’t much of a fire to the whole thing. There also wasn’t a great or even very good match on the show, leaving is just kind of there instead of anything noteworthy. Not a terrible show or anything close, but nothing you need to see here.


Daga b. Rob Van Dam via countout

Rohit Raju b. Zachary Wentz – Top rope double stomp

Jordynne Grace b. Miranda Alize – Grace Driver

Eddie Edwards b. Michael Elgin – Rollup

Tessa Blanchard b. Ace Austin via DQ when Taya Valkyrie interfered

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:

And check out my Amazon author page with cheap wrestling books at:

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:

And check out my Amazon author page with cheap wrestling books at:

Impact Wrestling – February 11, 2020: Who Needs Guest Stars?

IMG Credit: Impact Wrestling

Impact Wrestling
Date: February 11, 2020
Location: Fronton Mexico, Mexico City, Mexico
Commentators: Don Callis, Josh Matthews

We continue our trip in Mexico as well as the road to Sacrifice, which is turning into an In Your House style show. That’s a good idea for Impact given how infrequently they do regular pay per views around here. The big deal this time around is Jordynne Grace challenging Taya Valkyrie for the Knockouts Title. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening recap.

Opening sequence.

Michael Elgin vs. Eddie Edwards

Match #2 in a Best of Five series with Elgin leading 1-0. Elgin slugs away to start and gets two off a belly to back suplex. Eddie’s rolling German suplex doesn’t work so well so he grabs a crucifix for two instead. What looked to be a top rope hurricanrana attempt is countered into a sitout powerbomb for another near fall. Edwards gets dropped back first onto the apron and Elgin tells him to bring it on. A hard clothesline gets two on Eddie but he counters a failed superplex attempt into a failed sunset bomb attempt.

The Elgin Bomb is countered as well so Elgin forearms him in the face. Eddie is right back with a tiger bomb for two so Elgin rolls outside, with Eddie hitting a suicide dive. Back in and Eddie gets two off a super hurricanrana but Elgin takes him down by the arm. The Crossface is countered and Eddie snaps off a German suplex, only to miss the Boston Knee Party. The buckle bomb into the Elgin Bomb finishes Eddie at 10:47.

Rating: B-. These two always work well together and this should set up three more matches between the two of them. Seeing Eddie as the underdog against the monster should be fun as they have some chemistry. Hopefully we get some better stuff out of them, though this one was quite good in its own right.

Video on Taya Valkyrie vs. Jordynne Grace.

Taya says she’s ready and she’s used to having no one believing in her.

Man Man Fulton vs. Daga

Daga starts fast with the kicks to the head before avoiding some stomps. Fulton shouts at him and blocks a hurricanrana but gets sent to the floor anyway. The suicide dive connects and we take an early break. Back with Daga getting choked on the mat and ropes, followed by Fulton’s release German suplex to drop him on his head. Daga Hulks Up though and hammers away before snapping Fulton’s throat across the top.

A running double stomp gets two on Fulton but he’s right back with a swinging chokeslam. Fulton doesn’t let go and hits a regular chokeslam, only to have Daga pop up with a Death Valley Driver. Cue the Crists so Daga hits a running corkscrew dive but the distraction lets Fulton get back up. Daga’s springboard DDT is countered into a northern lights suplex with Daga landing on his head (that looked bad) for the pin at 12:04.

Rating: C. Daga is someone who can do his thing very well while Fulton is starting to gel as the monster. That being said, the ending was downright nasty looking and it wouldn’t shock me if they wrapped it up early. Hopefully Daga is ok because he’s getting better around here and a feud with OVE could be interesting.

Moose is getting a massage and wants some work on his, ahem, lower back because Rhino is a bad pain down there. Rhino takes the masseuse’s place and beats Moose up.

Fallah Bahh vs. Ethan Page

TJP and Josh Alexander are here as well. Fans: “GOO GOO GAGA!” Bahh busts out some cartwheels to start and hits a running splash in the corner as Page wasn’t quite ready for this much athleticism. Alexander offers a distraction though and Page kicks Bahh out to the floor. Back in and Bahh shrugs off the shots to the head, meaning it’s Page being sent into the corner for the running hip attack. Alexander breaks up the Banzai Drop so TJP flip dives onto him, leaving Bahh to small package Page for the pin at 3:56.

Rating: C-. Bahh continues to surprise me as there is no reason for him to be able to do something like that. He pulled it off here though and that was one of the bigger surprises that you could have imagined here. The North vs. TJP/Bahh should be a fun little match too as TJP and Bahh have some shockingly good chemistry together.

James Mitchell wants Jessika Havok to help him find Su Yung. They find Susie and Mitchell is very happy, saying the family is reunited and everything can be better now. Susie follows them but seems to morph into Su.

Rob Van Dam vs. Joey Ryan

Katie Forbes is here with Rob and let’s get this over with as fast as possible. Ryan oils up and tells Rob to touch it but Rob poses and shoves him instead. We get a staredown but hang on because Katie needs to come in for kisses and dancing. The jiggling distracts Joey and Rob kicks him down, with commentary calling out the lack of wrestling for the first three minutes.

Rob kicks him down but won’t use Rolling Thunder so Joey is up with a dropkick to the floor. Back in and Rob pokes him in the eyes and puts him on the middle of the top rope for a jumping kick to the face. Rob loads up Rolling Thunder again but goes outside to see Katie again. That means a dive from Ryan before they head back inside where Ryan makes him touch it. The Plex is countered though as Rob kicks him in the head, setting up the Five Star for the pin at 7:26.

Rating: D-. I’d still like to emphasize that this is the best thing they can do with Rob Van Dam, the biggest star this company has. The Joey Ryan stuff has its place and I don’t think it’s on this show. The problem is the same thing you get with most comedy stuff: how many times can he do the same shtick? We’ve covered this so many times before and it’s not like anything new (or good) is added. If you have to do this, find someone else besides Van Dam.

Su Yung is dragging Mitchell by the neck with a noose. Mitchell blacks out and wakes up in….I think h***?

From Sacrifice 2014: Eric Young retains the World Title over Magnus (Nick Aldis). Yeah remember when THAT was a thing? They showed a lot more of the match here than usual.

Johnny Swinger has all of his cheating weapons ready to help Willie Mack against Shera. Mack tells him to stay right there.

Willie Mack vs. Shera

Gama and Rohit Raju are here. They chop it out in the corner but Raju comes in for the DQ at 47 seconds.

Swinger, save, tag match.

Willie Mack/Johnny Swinger vs. Desi Hit Squad

Swinger gets taken into the corner to start and it’s Shera pounding him down. That’s it for the offense though as Swinger gets over for the tag off to Mack as the fans don’t seem thrilled. A Samoan drop into the standing moonsault crushes Raju and Shera gets double teamed in the corner. Mack doesn’t like the idea of a double clothesline with Swinger so Gama pulls Mack to the floor. That leaves Shera to Sky High Swinger at 3:20.

Rating: D. See, notice what they did here: the whole thing, including the first match, was about as long as the Van Dam vs. Ryan match, including a commercial. Breaking it up like that was a bit of a help, plus Swinger is more entertaining than Ryan. They kept it short and didn’t waste the top guy in the company while keeping Mack busy despite Rich Swann being injured. It’s still not good, but it’s also not as annoying so upgrade….maybe?

Tessa Blanchard isn’t worried about her (non-title….for some reason) match with Ace Austin. Ace comes in to say Tessa is never going to earn daddy’s approval, but he likes women with daddy issues. Tessa beats him up.

Next week: Ace Austin/Reno Scum vs. Tessa Blanchard/Trey Miguel/Tommy Dreamer. They’re trolling us, right?

The announcers are cut off by another Realityislost video, though they acknowledge this one.

Knockouts Title: Taya Valkyrie vs. Jordynne Grace

Taya is defending and has John E Bravo with her. Grace gets jumped at the bell and there’s the running hip attack in the corner. Bravo chokes Grace with the stuffed dog and we take an early break. Back with more of the same but this time Grace gets in a suplex to put Taya on the floor. That means the required suicide dive but Bravo shoves Grace off the top. Somehow the referee is oblivious to this, with commentary pointing out how bad that really is.

Bravo chokes even more, with commentary comparing it to the Houston Astros sign stealing ordeal. Grace is back up with a clothesline and some slams look to set up the Grace Driver. It’s too early for that though as Taya heads to the apron and manages to powerbomb Grace onto the steps (strategically placed by Bravo).

Taya takes her to the stage for Road To Valhalla as Grace is looking a bit done. That’s only good for a nine count as Grace staggers back in to beat the count. Grace is fine enough to Muscle Buster Taya for two but Taya grabs a Bubba Bomb into a cross armbreaker of all things. That’s reversed into a Crossface (minus the arm trap, making it more of a Bank Statement) but Bravo pulls Taya to the rope.

A Vader Bomb gets two with Bravo pulling the referee so Grace pulls Bravo in. Taya spears him by mistake but Bravo gets on top of her to block the top rope backsplash. It turns out that means very little as it just crushes Taya even worse, setting up the Grace Driver to end Taya’s reign at 17:17.

Rating: B-. I can’t complain about the interference too much as Grace won (as she should have) and it’s a case of living by the sword and dying by the sword for Taya, who kept the title because of all the cheating in the first place. It makes sense to put the title on Grace here as Taya was completely out of challengers. Good match too, as the Bravo stuff was the right way to go and they got the ending right, which is what matters most.

Overall Rating: C+. Pretty good show this week as they focused more on their own people instead of all of the guest stars. They needed a show to move some stories forward and that’s what we got here. I liked the main event for the feel good title change and Eddie vs. Elgin (probably) three more times sounds good. Just get rid of the Ryan vs. Van Dam stuff and give us more of the good and we might have something around here.


Michael Elgin b. Eddie Edwards – Elgin Bomb

Mad Man Fulton b. Daga – Northern lights suplex

Fallah Bahh b. Ethan Page – Small package

Rob Van Dam b. Joey Ryan – Five Star Frog Splash

Willie Mack b. Shera via DQ when Rohit Raju interfered

Desi Hit Squad b. Willie Mack/Johnny Swinger – Sky High to Swinger

Jordynne Grace b. Taya Valkyrie – Grace Driver

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:

And check out my Amazon author page with cheap wrestling books at: