NXT – January 23, 2019: I’ll Take All Of This

IMG Credit: WWE

Date: January 23, 2019
Location: Full Sail University, Winter Park, Florida
Commentators: Mauro Ranallo, Nigel McGuinness, Percy Watson

It’s the go home show for Takeover: Phoenix and that means it’s time for the big final push. That’s one of the places where NXT excels and that should be the case tonight. The card is all but set and we get to see the last touches they put on the matches. I’m sure there will be some good wrestling to go with that so let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Here’s Velveteen Dream for a chat. He has a sparkle in his eye tonight and that sparkle is championship gold. It’s the North American Title but here are Bobby Fish and Adam Cole to cut him off. Since Roderick Strong and Kyle O’Reilly are defending the Tag Team Titles, it’s time for the two of them to get some singles gold because this is Undisputed Era’s year. Fish says something similar but Dream says he’ll dispute that, if it’s ok with Adam. The Era rushes the ring but Dream slips out in a hurry.

Video on Shayna Baszler vs. Bianca Belair. Both of them do the confident thing really well.

We look back at Kassius Ohno cheating to beat Keith Lee last week.

Kassius Ohno vs. Matt Riddle is set for Takeover.

Danny Burch/Oney Lorcan vs. Marcel Barthel/Fabian Aichner

Oh yay. Barthel. Lorcan and Barthel start things off with an exchange of hard shots to the face. Aichner comes in so Lorcan punches them both down and brings Danny in to clean house. A middle rope dropkick puts Aichner down as the pace stays fast. Barthel takes Burch down and Aichner clotheslines Lorcan inside out (Nigel: “Achtung baby! That’s German but he’s Italian.”) and Barthel dives onto Danny, leaving Aichner to hit the double springboard moonsault for two on Lorcan.

Oney pops up with a rolling half crab but Aichner makes the save with an enziguri. They stop to breathe (and soak in some applause) for half a second until Lorcan starts slugging away and dives onto Burch and Barthel. Aichner dives onto all three but Lorcan rolls him up for the sudden pin at 4:50.

Rating: B. Sweet goodness they didn’t stop in that span. That was one of the most action packed matches I can remember seeing in a long time and it was awesome to see so much energy. Burch and Lorcan are great in these sprint style matches and it’s always nice to see Barthel lose. This was a lot of fun and worth seeing as it’s not even five minutes long.

Video on Tommaso Ciampa vs. Aleister Black. Back in July, Ciampa had said that the title made Black instead of vice versa. Since then Ciampa has made the title and he’s going to prove that Black never was that good. Johnny Gargano has been dragged into it as well but all that matters is day 184 coming and going as Aleister fades to black. Another awesome video here, as you knew was coming.

Io Shirai/Kairi Sane vs. Tanea Brooks/Amber Nova

Nova was a semi regular in Impact Wrestling for a few months. Shirai cartwheels and backflips away from Nova before dropkicking her into the corner. Sane comes in for a running Blockbuster and the sliding elbow in the corner makes it even worse. Brooks gets in a cheap shot from the apron and comes in, only to be speared down. A 619 from Shirai sets up a springboard dropkick to both villains. With Nova on the floor, Brooks takes a pop up Insane Elbow into an assisted moonsault for the pin at 2:50. That was a heck of a performance and the finishing sequence looked awesome.

Post break Sane and Shirai promise to take care of business. Marina Shafir (who towers over both of them) and Jessamyn Duke come in and make threats.

Velveteen Dream vs. Bobby Fish

Fish hits a hard shoulder to start and has to slip out of the Dream Valley Bomb. A clothesline sends Fish rolling outside and they come back inside for an exchange of forearms. Fish starts in on the leg though and a dragon screw legwhip sends Dream outside. Back in and a slingshot hilo to the knee gives Fish one and it’s off to a half crab.

Dream gets out and uses the good knee for some shots to the head. A spinebuster sets up the Purple Rainmaker but Fish grabs a kneebar after the landing bangs up the knee again. Dream rolls out and manages a fireman’s carry until the knee gives out. The second attempt works just fine and now the Purple Rainmaker is good for the pin at 8:35.

Rating: C+. This was a nice win for Dream as he came from behind and won in the end while Fish even had Cole there as a bonus. Fish is a perfect choice to lose over and over again for the Era as he looks impressive just by association. He can more than hold his own in the ring too and that makes him a rather valuable asset.

We look back at the Forgotten Sons laying out the Street Profits last week. They meet next week.

Duke/Shafir vs. Sane/Shirai next week as well.

Here’s Ricochet for a chat. He knows Johnny Gargano and has seen everything that Gargano has done lately. At Takeover, Ricochet will show him the meaning of One and Only. Gargano comes in and the fight is on but Ciampa comes in and decks Ricochet (the pop in New York if Ricochet beats Ciampa for the title would be insane), allowing Gargano to hammer away.

That allows Black to run in and kick away at Ciampa but Gargano comes in to help him. Gargano gives Ricochet the slingshot DDT and Ciampa hits the Fairy Tale Ending on Black as the fans chant for DIY. Gargano and Ciampa go up to the stage and Ciampa extends his hand but Candice LeRae comes out and says this isn’t happening. Gargano leaves with her to end the show. If I have to watch a dream tag match between these four with Candice being all nervous, I guess I can force myself through it.

Overall Rating: A-. Some snappy matches and all the angle advancement you could need is more than enough to make this a great show. I want to see where the main event scene is going as you know this isn’t wrapping up in Phoenix. The rest of the show covered everything about Takeover and the card looks great, as you knew it would. Just deliver the whole thing and be another incredible Takeover.


Oney Lorcan/Danny Burch b. Marcel Barthel/Fabian Aichner – Rollup to Aichner

Kairi Sane/Io Shirai b. Tanea Brooks/Amber Nova – Assisted moonsault to Nova

Velveteen Dream b. Bobby Fish – Purple Rainmaker

Takeover: WarGames II – Now This Feels Right

IMG Credit: WWE

Takeover: WarGames II
Date: November 17, 2018
Location: Staples Center, Los Angeles, California
Commentators: Mauro Ranallo, Nigel McGuinness, Percy Watson

Yeah I think this is going to do just fine. Not counting the show’s namesake match, it’s a big card with a 2/3 falls title match, an NXT Title match and what could be a heck of a grudge match. As usual, NXT knows how to present a big card with all the junk trimmed off to give us the best show possible. Let’s get to it.

The opening video looks at the four matches on the card, with WarGames getting a little more attention than everything else.

The announcers preview the show with Mauro talking about Stan Lee passing away and comparing the main event to the Infinity War.

Here’s Matt Riddle, who isn’t scheduled to be on the show. He’s supposed to face Kassius Ohno on NXT this Wednesday but since they have a ring….two rings right here, let’s do this right now. Ohno comes out and says ring the bell.

Kassius Ohno vs. Matt Riddle

Bell, Riddle knees him in the face, pin in six seconds. Oh yeah I think they’ve got something with Riddle.

Women’s Title: Kairi Sane vs. Shayna Baszler

Baszler is defending and this is 2/3 falls after they’ve traded the title a few times over the last several months. Sane dropkicks her in the corner at the bell and hits a neckbreaker, followed by a running Blockbuster. The running seated clothesline sends Baszler outside and a running elbow from the apron takes her down again. With the referee checking on Baszler, Jessamyn Duke and Marina Shafir run in and beat Sane down. Back in and the Kirifuda Clutch makes Sane tap for the first fall at 2:00.

The fans aren’t happy and Sane makes it worse by trying it again early on, sending Sane to the ropes this time. Baszler stomps her in the head and puts on the neck crank before going back to the Clutch. Sane flips back for two and the break before going into a slugout. That goes badly for her too as Shayna knocks her silly and hits a hard clothesline.

Baszler takes her to the apron for a suplex but Sane reverses into a DDT, freaking out Duke, Shafir and the referee. With Shayna confirmed to not be dead, Sane ducks some kicks from Duke and Shafir, setting up the big dive onto everyone. Back in and the Insane Elbow ties things up at 7:37.

Three straight spears and a pair of spinning backfists look to set up another Elbow but Baszler pops up. They slug it out on top with Sane managing a sunset bomb for two. Duke offers a distraction so Shafir can shove Sane off the top. Cue Dakota Kai and Io Shirai for the save with Shirai hitting a moonsault off the top onto everyone. The distraction lets Sane get up top for the Insane Elbow, but Shayna reverses it into a rollup for the pin to retain at 10:56.

Rating: B. Where’s the rest of this match? This felt like the first two thirds or even one half of a great match but they cut it off as things were starting to cook. You would think this sets up a six woman tag as Shayna shifts over to either Kai or Shirai. Either way, good match, but I could have gone for a lot more of this. I do remember hearing something about Baszler being hurt so maybe that’s why it wasn’t quite as long.

X-Pac is here.

We recap Aleister Black vs. Johnny Gargano. Black was attacked by a mystery man, sending NXT into a month plus long whodunit story. It turned out to be Gargano, who was rapidly losing his grip on reality as he became more and more obsessed with stopping Tommaso Ciampa. He did one horrible thing for the sake of the greater good and has started living in the darkness. The problem: he’s starting to like it there.

Johnny Gargano vs. Aleister Black

Gargano: “Bring me the Black Mass!” Black’s rising up entrance is back and now his vest has horns. They stare each other down to start as the fans seem split. Gargano slaps him in the face so Black kicks him right back. Another kick puts Gargano on the floor and it’s time for Johnny to duck some right hands. Gargano avoids them so well that he sits in the middle of the ring to taunt Black even more. A few more punches are ducked so Black kicks him in the face and a knee sends Gargano outside.

Black moonsaults into the seated position and gets kicked in the face for his efforts. The fans aren’t happy as Gargano stomps away in the corner and it’s off to a surfboard. The over confident Johnny slugs away in the corner but misses the rolling kick to the head. Instead a running big boot sends Gargano outside for the big flip dive. Back in and a Lionsault to a standing Gargano for two and Black kicks him outside again. The middle rope moonsault misses so Johnny hits a suicide dive DDT. A slingshot DDT gives Gargano two and the chance to say that he’s the chosen one.

Black, apparently not one to have Jeff Jarrett’s good name sullied, strikes away but gets caught with a reverse hurricanrana. Gargano charges into a knee to the face though and they’re both down again. The slingshot spear is kicked out of the air and Black hits a springboard spinning knee to the chest. A German suplex gives Black two and we have dueling THIS IS AWESOME chants. Johnny is fine enough to spin into the Gargano Escape, which Black escapes by rolling Gargano up.

The Lawn Dirt sends Black face first into the middle buckle and it’s time for the DIY superkick. Hang on though as Black sits down and demands Johnny’s best shot. Gargano does just that, followed by a running knee for two. That’s too much for Johnny and he’s not sure what to do next. He lifts Black to his knees and forearms him in the head, starting the slugout.

This goes badly for Gargano but he shoves Black of the top to break up a springboard. Another suicide dive is kneed out of the air though and they’re both down on the floor. Gargano begs both off and forgiveness before asking for Black Mass. That’s reversed into a rollup and then the Gargano Escape, with Black again rolling his way out. A jumping spinning knee to the face rocks Gargano and Black Mass knocks Johnny silly. Black won’t let him go down though and hits a second Black Mass for the pin at 18:06.

Rating: A-. The story here was Gargano trying to go to the levels of evil that he needed to beat Black but not being able to get that deep yet. There’s still too much humanity in Johnny and the old good guy held him back just enough from being able to beat Black. On the other hand, this match was about two guys hitting each other in the face really, really hard and that’s entertaining every single time. Black winning is a little surprising, but you know Gargano isn’t done with Ciampa yet. Losses don’t affect him like they do with most people so we’re a long way from done.

How to help with the California wildfires.

We recap Tommaso Ciampa vs. Velveteen Dream. The Dream accused Ciampa of attacking Black and said he wanted a title shot to give the fans an experience at Takeover. The match was made and Dream is ready to stop Ciampa from stealing the spotlight any longer.

NXT Title: Velveteen Dream vs. Tommaso Ciampa

Dream is dressed as Hollywood Hogan (complete with boa) so the announcers make as many Hogan references as they can, complete with Nigel reciting Real American lyrics. Ciampa makes sure to step into the middle of the ring for the spotlight during the Big Match Intros. The fans are behind the Dream here and a lockup nearly sends Ciampa to the floor. Instead Dream takes him to the mat and poses a bit as Ciampa covers his head. Ciampa even goes for the hair so Dream slaps him in the face.

The Fairy Tale Ending is broken up but Ciampa manages to steal the headband. That’s cool with Dream, who rolls outside and grabs the title. Ciampa isn’t having that so the chase is on with Dream hammering away and snapping Ciampa’s throat across the top (Dream: “Welcome to the experience!”). Dream gets the head band back and puts a hand to his ear, setting up a big boot but Ciampa rolls away before the big leg. Instead Dream settles for a top rope ax handle to the floor, only to have a springboard broken up.

Back in and the running knee (with the brace) knocks Dream silly and a second one sends Dream outside again. The chinlock goes on (with a long piece of spit falling out of Dream’s mouth) with Ciampa shouting NIGHT NIGHT. Dream comes back with a neckbreaker and a forearm into the nipup. Now the three right hands set up the big boot and a pair of legdrops (Is he trying to kill him???), followed by a spinebuster for two.

Ciampa bails so Dream dives on him but it’s too early for the Purple Rainmaker. Dream goes after the knee instead and puts on the Figure Four around the post. Ciampa taps, but it doesn’t matter since they’re in the ropes. Back in and Dream wisely goes with a regular Figure Four so Ciampa tries to roll it over. In something I’ve never seen, Dream lifts his leg, kicks Ciampa in the face, and puts it right back down to keep the hold on. The hold is finally broken so Dream suplexes him over the top but falls outside with him. They’re both down on the floor, with Ciampa untying his boot.

Both of them are back in at nine and Ciampa rolls him up with tights but the referee catches it just in time. The Dream Valley Driver gets two but hits springboard crossbody is kneed out of the air. Project Ciampa gets two more so Ciampa unlaces the boot even more and tries to walk out. Dream isn’t having that and hits the twisting DDT onto the title for a VERY close two. Another Figure Four is broken up and Ciampa loses his boot, setting up the hanging DDT for an even closer two.

With nothing else working, Ciampa pulls the floor mats back but another hanging DDT on the floor is broken up with a crash over the announcers’ table. Ciampa actually stops to yell at Mauro, allowing Dream to hit the Dream Valley Driver on the exposed concrete. Back in and the Purple Rainmaker connects for a crazy close two but a second on the apron completely misses. Ciampa hits the hanging DDT onto the steel partition between the rings to retain at 22:26.

Rating: A. There was no reason for this to so good but egads Dream pulled off another classic here. I bought the heck out of some of those near falls, even though Dream winning the title was a long shot at best. This was a great example of two guys doing everything they could when the spotlight was on bright and that’s a great sign. Outstanding match here as Dream continues to come up huge on the grand stages.

Dream is still out cold after the recap video.

Nita Strauss is here.

The cage is lowered.

We recap WarGames. The Undisputed Era have been tormenting Ricochet, Pete Dunne and the War Raiders for months, causing the four of them to reluctantly band together to fight them off. This led to a bunch of brawls and of course that means WarGames. The Undisputed Era won last year so they have some experience, but that doesn’t mean much in this match.

Pete Dunne/Ricochet/War Raiders vs. Undisputed Era

There is a big cage (still no roof) over both rings. Both teams will send in one man to start the match and the two of them will fight for five minutes. After that, the Undisputed Era (who won the advantage in a match on NXT) will send in a second man for a 2-1 advantage for three minutes. When that time is over, the other team can even things up for three minutes. They alternate until all eight are in and then it’s first pin or submission to win. You cannot win the match until everyone is in. If you escape or leave the cage, you forfeit the match for your team.

Cole and Ricochet (with which face paint just like his partners) start things off. They each stay in their own ring until Ricochet comes across to start the fight. Some early right hands don’t do much to Ricochet, who bounces back up with his headscissors into the dropkick. Ricochet dives into a Backstabber though and the fireman’s carry backbreaker keeps him in trouble. The slow beating continues (makes sense as you want to conserve energy) until Ricochet kicks him out of the corner.

A springboard (from one ring to the other) uppercut drops Cole and it’s Kyle O’Reilly coming in next (albeit a little after five minutes). O’Reilly goes straight after the back and takes out Ricochet’s knee with a dragon screw legwhip. The double stomping continues until Ricochet sends them into each other. Another fireman’s carry backbreaker, this time from Cole onto O’Reilly’s knee, keeps Ricochet in trouble and it’s Hanson, with a bad knee, coming in to even things up.

The big man starts cleaning house with a seated senton out of the corner and a cartwheel just to annoy Cole. A long series of running corner clotheslines sets up a double Bronco Buster and Ricochet is back up. That means Hanson dropping down to be a launchpad for a running shooting star (cool) to O’Reilly. The spinning powerslam is broken up though and it’s back to Ricochet chopping Cole in the corner.

Roderick Strong is in to make it 3-2 and the pace picks up again with running knees in the corner. A half nelson backbreaker drops Ricochet and a torture rack backbreaker does it again. The Era is back up for the triple teaming on Hanson, including an Angle Slam from Strong. More running strikes in the corner keep Ricochet and Hanson in trouble as the announcers are already saying the Era is going to win.

Rowe evens things up and the Era is smart enough to be waiting on him in the same cage. That doesn’t seem to matter as Rowe starts throwing suplexes and heavy forearms. O’Reilly’s choke goes nowhere as Hanson is back up. Just to show off, Rowe hits a powerbomb on Strong and a World’s Strongest Slam on O’Reilly at the same time. That’s not normal by any definition. Cole immediately bails but backs into Ricochet so the Raiders send him face first into the cage. Bobby Fish is released from his cage but steals the lock and doubles up Dunne’s cage in a smart move, throwing the key into the crowd.

Fish pulls out some Undisputed Era chairs and the Era starts unloading. Rowe gets Rock Bottomed through an open chair and the dominance is on. The clock runs out but the referees can only open one lock. Back to back superplexes have the Raiders mostly done, allowing Cole to talk trash. The referees finally find some bolt cutters so the also injured (knee) Dunne limps to the ring and finds a kendo stick to battle his way inside. Ricochet adds a dive to take out all of the Era, allowing Dunne to find some more weapons.

That includes some tables and Dunne finally gets in, meaning the match is now officially on. The weapons are in full force with the Era taking a heck of a beating. Dunne starts breaking fingers and Hanson puts a trashcan over Cole’s head so Rowe can lift him up and drive Hanson into Cole in the corner. Rowe slams Hanson onto O’Reilly and Strong takes a German suplex/springboard clothesline combination. A trashcan to the head saves Strong from the same fate and the comeback is on again.

Dunne is surrounded but fights off all four of them at once, including a kneebar on Fish. O’Reilly makes the save and finds a chain but Dunne ties him up with it and grabs a guillotine choke. That’s broken up with a chair to Dunne’s bad knee and the ankle lock goes on with the chairs being used to hold off Ricochet and the Raiders. Strong pulls back on Dunne’s face with a chair at the same time until Ricochet dives over for the save. Everyone is down again until Hanson gets up to start punching.

Ricochet is up with a super hurricanrana to Fish while Dunne hits a butterfly superplex on Strong at the same time. Hanson loads up a table, which breaks as soon as he puts Cole on it. Instead it’s a pop up powerslam for two on Cole but Fish drives Rowe through a table between the rings. O’Reilly gets Ricochet in a triangle choke on a table, allowing Hanson to splash him through the table for the break (in more ways than one). Strong makes a save though and everyone is down again.

Cole and Ricochet go up top for a slugout but Strong has the bright idea of trying to knock Ricochet off, which is the same as forfeiting. I guess we needed a tribute to the Bunkhouse Stampede as well. Dunne and Rowe come over for the save and it’s a Tower of Doom off the side of the cage. Ricochet is left on top of the cage though so everyone stands up right in front of him (never liked that) for a near 720 moonsault onto everyone for the big knockdown. Mauro: “MAMA F’N MIA!” Oh I think that one was deserved.

Everyone gets up with each team standing in one ring and it’s time for the big standoff, which does look rather cool. They all get between the rings and erupt. That doesn’t last long so it’s Fallout to Strong with O’Reilly making another save. Hanson handsprings O’Reilly and Fish down but gets superkicked by Cole. Ricochet gets superkicked as well and Dunne takes the Last Shot for two. Dunne hits a quick Bitter End and Ricochet adds a shooting star press for the double pin on Cole at 47:06.

Rating: A. I’m not exactly sure what to think of this. First of all, the original format is WAY better. Having nine people on three teams was too messy and didn’t really suit the way this match has gone over the years. WarGames is one of those nearly perfect concepts and there’s very little reason to tweak it that much. This style was much, much better and made it a lot more enjoyable.

I liked the match a lot, though it felt like it dragged at some point (which can happen in WarGames) it really could have been about ten minutes shorter. They did a very good job with building up the drama and it felt more like WarGames, but it wasn’t quite as brutal as last year’s match. The ending was the right call as there wasn’t anything to be gained by having the Undisputed Era win again. That spot with all eight of them going into the center was excellent and drew me right back in though and the double pin was a great way to wrap it up.

Above all else, this felt more like WarGames, which was lacking last year. I could still go for less weapons in there and more use of the cage (the lack of a roof doesn’t bother me and makes for better camera shots) and of course blood, but that’s just not going to happen, which is understandable. Anyway, great match but it didn’t quite hit the level of the best WarGames matches.

Dunne and Ricochet look at each other and then pose on top of the cage with their titles.

Overall Rating: A+. With that kind of match quality up and down the card, what else could you go with here? Just one incredible match after another with a lot of doors being left open for the next Takeover in January. The people were on their games tonight with Dream and Black looking awesome (Black/Dream vs. a reunited DIY anyone?) in particular and WarGames blowing the roof (ok the non-existent roof) off the place. Another incredible entry in the series with a level of match quality that you just don’t get anywhere else.


Matt Riddle b. Kassius Ohno – Jumping knee to the face

Shayna Baszler b. Kairi Sane – Rollup

Aleister Black b. Johnny Gargano – Black Mass

Pete Dunne/Ricochet/War Raiders b. Undisputed Era – Shooting star press to Cole

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Evolution: Full Of Change That You Can See

IMG Credit: WWE

Date: October 28, 2018
Location: Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum, Uniondale, New York
Commentators: Michael Cole, Renee Young, Beth Phoenix

It’s time for another historical one with the first ever all female pay per view. This has been long in the making and the card is pretty close to being stacked, though at seven matches with four hours to fill, we could be in for something interesting. The only mystery isn’t so much what Stephanie McMahon will say but how long she’ll take to say it. Let’s get to it.

We open with Stephanie (I would say take a shot but I’d like to have an audience who doesn’t die of alcohol poisoning) narrating a video about how women have moved forward in recent years. The other women get to talk about what the change means to them and how they want to make this the best. Stephanie gets the last word because it’s really her show.

We get a regular hype video focusing on the past, present and future theme.

Nita Strauss plays us in and we get a live theme song.

The announcers talk while the band moves their stuff.

Trish Stratus/Lita vs. Alicia Fox/Mickie James

Fox is replacing an injured Alexa Bliss. BIG pop for the legends, as you would expect. Bliss is here to introduce her team and says she’ll make it quick because we’re past Trish and Lita’s bedtime. Your trivia for the night: Alicia Fox is the longest tenured woman on the roster. The villains are in Alice in Wonderland gear, with Mickie as the Queen of Harts, Fox as the Mad Hatter and Alexa as Alice. Lita on the other hand has regular pants on with material up her back to imitate her signature look. On the bad side though, the lights are down to hide what are likely empty seats.

Lita headscissors James down to start and avoids a DDT before handing it off to Trish for double Poetry in Motion. A snapmare takes Alicia down and it’s off to Mickie for the VERY well received showdown. Some forearms have Mickie rocked and there’s the Thesz press. Trish runs into a boot to the face but is fine enough to snap off a hurricanrana out of the corner. Lita comes in again as this has been one sided so far. The villains bail to the floor but run away before the double suicide dives can launch.

They can’t leave though as Trish and Lita throw them back inside, only to have Bliss pull Lita off the top to break up the moonsault. Trish can’t make a save as Fox trips Lita again, setting up the perfect northern lights suplex. Lita fights out of a chinlock and takes Fox down with a reverse DDT, allowing the hot tag to pick up the pace. Some hard chops set up the Stratusfaction to Mickie for two, with the referee having to stop counting at two because Fox was late with the save. The Twist of Fate to Fox sets up the double moonsault, followed by the Chick Kick to finish Mickie at 10:54.

Rating: B-. Layoffs considered, this was really good stuff. Trish and Lita looked awesome and the only major botch was from the referee at the end. This was exactly how it should have gone and the crowd was red hot all match. The legends were barely in any trouble and won in dominant fashion. Mickie and Fox losing doesn’t hurt them at all and it was a cool moment as Trish and Lita came off as huge stars. It’s so cool that two of the biggest inspirations in the history of women’s wrestling can still work matches, and work them at a high level. You don’t get that very often.

The Bellas aren’t sorry for what they’ve said about Rousey and her family and dedicate the match to Ronda’s mom. She’s now an honorary member of the Bella Army. Is there a screening process for the Army? Shouldn’t she be a full member? Anyway, Nikki says she’s fearless and a do something Bella (What does that even mean?) who will leave as champion tonight.

We hear what Evolution means to Asuka, Kelly Kelly, Lilian Garcia and Sasha Banks.

Battle Royal

Naomi, Michelle McCool, Sonya Deville, Alundra Blayze, Carmella, Zelina Vega, Kelly Kelly, Tamina, Ember Moon, Lana, Maria Kanellis, Molly Holly, Dana Brooke, Nia Jax, Ivory, Asuka, Torrie Wilson, Peyton Royce, Billie Kay, Mandy Rose

Winner gets a future title shot and everyone gets an entrance, which is perfectly fine in something like this. Blayze has the old cape and Renee and Beth lose it. Ivory looks to be about ten years younger than she was when she was active. The Iiconics get to make fun of Long Island accents in a funny bit. They offer to throw all the legends out so they can get back to….whatever they do. Of course the legends toss them to start and it’s time for a showdown of the generations.

We settle down into the standard battle royal format with Molly being knocked out by Mandy and Sonya. They get rid of Kelly and Torrie (who got in way more offense than she should have) as well but Mandy turns on Sonya and gets rid of her. Blayze runs over Naomi and Asuka but Jax eliminates her to thin the field out even more. Maria catches Nia with a short DDT and gives Tamina a Bronco Buster but Nia headbutts her out. We get the Nia vs. Tamina showdown which still doesn’t matter because IT’S TAMINA.

Lana interrupts so Tamina and Nia clean house and stare each other down again. For some reason Lana tells them not to fight and then tries to jump them both, earning herself a double headbutt and an elimination. Nia slams Tamina and almost everyone gets involved in a quadruple suplex. Carmella is the only person standing so DANCE BREAK. Ivory joins in but Mandy sends her to the apron. Carmella dumps Mandy as Ivory is still in and everyone gets back up.

Moon gets rid of Dana and superkicks McCool out as well. Asuka and Naomi double team Tamina but she backdrops Naomi out to get us down to Ember, Nia, Carmella, Asuka, Tamina and Ivory. Ember completely botches a spinning side slam and Carmella gets knocked out. Ivory high crossbodies Tamina but stops to soak in the YOU STILL GOT IT chants, allowing Asuka to hip attack her out. Ember and Asuka get to have their reunion showdown with Ember kneeing her in the head and getting the elimination without much effort.

Tamina gives Ember the spinning Rock Bottom but get kicked in the face. The Eclipse gets rid of Tamina and we’re down to Moon vs. Jax. Nia runs her over as the fans are behind Ember, who is put out to the apron. They do the big dramatic pull over the top but Vega runs back in after hiding for a long time (I’m SICK of that trope.) and thinks she eliminates them both. Nia throws Vega out with ease, shrugs off Moon’s clotheslines and wins at 16:25.

Rating: C-. This was your usual legends battle royal with a lot more time. They did a good job of keeping things moving and didn’t have a lot of the weaker workers in there for very long. Nia winning is perfectly fine and one of the best options they had. It wasn’t supposed to be some great match but it did its job of letting us see a lot of the legends and letting them look good one more time.

Nia says this is awesome and she doesn’t care who she faces for the title.

Video on WWE working with a charity for young girls. Nothing wrong with that.

Long recap of the Mae Young Classic, looking at Kairi Sane winning last year and the path to this year’s finals.

Mae Young Classic Finals: Toni Storm vs. Io Shirai

They trade headlocks to start as we hear about Toni being the first Progress Women’s Champion. Toni slips out of a headscissors but Io picks things up with a fast dropkick. A handstand into a double knee drop sets up a Rings of Saturn (which Beth calls a version of a full nelson) to keep Toni grounded. Toni gets a foot on the ropes and snaps off a hard German suplex, only to get dropkicked off the top.

Shirai pops up and scores with a moonsault to the floor but Storm is right back with a German suplex on the apron. Back in and Shirai unloads on her with forearms, only to have Storm pop up with the Storm Zero for a close two. Shirai hits a 619 and a springboard sunset flip for two of her own. The moonsault hits raised knees and Storm Zero is good for the pin at 10:05.

Rating: B-. Well that was sudden. I was expecting this to be nearly twice as long and the match is just over that fast? Storm winning makes more sense as Shirai comes in with all the hype and Storm already lost once late in the tournament last year. The match was good, but I was expecting a lot more.

HHH, Stephanie and Sara Amato come out for the flowers and trophy presentations.

What Evolution means to Alundra Blayze, Eve Torres and Naomi.

Riott Squad vs. Bayley/Sasha Banks/Natalya

Liv and Natalya start things off with a slap to Natalya’s face. They hit the ropes and Natalya drops to the mat, only to have Liv drop in front of her and wave. It’s off to Logan, who gets beaten up by Banks, followed by Bayley’s sliding dropkick underneath the buckles. Riott offers a distraction though and Logan dropkicks Bayley ribs first into the post. Liv works on an armbar to keep Bayley in trouble and it’s back to Logan to send her into the corner.

Bayley sends her head first into the buckle but Logan pulls Natalya off the apron for a clothesline. A hot shot allows the hot tag off to Banks though and it’s time to clean house. Banks hits the Backstabber into the Bayley to Belly but Liv knocks Sasha into Bayley for the save. It’s back to Liv vs. Banks with Sasha trying a flip dive but getting caught in the apron, allowing the rest of the Squad to slam her into the barricade. Banks is in trouble as the Squad takes turns on her, including something like a Doomsday Device.

Logan goes up for a top rope backsplash but Bayley dives onto Banks to protect her. Bayley gets crushed instead and Banks still gets up at two. A missed charge allows the hot tag to Natalya and it’s time for the double Sharpshooter on Liv and Ruby. Liv makes the save with a Codebreaker for two but Natalya plants her with a powerbomb. Bayley drops a top rope elbow, followed by Banks hitting a frog splash for the pin at 13:40. The rapid blind tags at the end to finish the Squad was a nice touch as that’s been one of their trademarks.

Rating: C+. This wasn’t bad and could have been a solid Raw match so it’s hard to complain that much. I would have gone with the Squad winning but I can understand giving the popular women a win. The homage to Eddie at the end was fine too as he was a big influence on Banks, who is a big part of the Revolution. This was a good match and an easy way to get a lot of people onto the show.

What Evolution means to Stephanie McMahon, Molly Holly, Alicia Fox and Nia Jax.

We recap Kairi Sane vs. Shayna Baszler, which has been going on for over a year. Sane defeated her in the finals of the first Mae Young Classic but Baszler came back and won the NXT Women’s Title, defeating Sane multiple times on the way to the title. Sane then won the title from her and tonight is the rematch.

NXT Women’s Title: Shayna Baszler vs. Kairi Sane

Sane is defending and we get Big Match Intros. An early takedown surprises Baszler but she avoids a kick to the back and goes for an early Kirifuda Clutch. Sane breaks it up and they head to the floor with Baszler sending her into the steps. Back in and a gutwrench faceplant gets two on the champ and it’s time to start working on the arm. Baszler snaps the arm back ala Pentagon so Sane starts slugging it out for some reason.

A spinning back fist drops Baszler but Sane can’t follow up. Sane cranks on something like a Sharpshooter but the bad arm gives out. A spear cuts Baszler off again and a running shoulder in the corner keeps Baszler in trouble. Baszler throws her to the floor by the arm but Sane is right back with a DDT. The Insane Elbow doesn’t get to launch as Baszler rolls outside, only to have Sane dive down in a good looking high crossbody.

They fight by the barricade where some NXT women are seated and Sane has to fight off some of Baszler’s fellow Four Horsewomen. The distraction is enough for Baszler to grab the Clutch but Sane rolls backwards into a near fall for the break. Another cheap shot lets the Clutch go on again and Sane is out to give Baszler the title back at 12:30.

Rating: B. Well, you knew the Horsewomen were going to become a thing sooner or later. I’m a bit surprised that Baszler got the title back as I would have had her going up to the main roster sooner rather than later. Maybe they form a heel stable down there or something but either way, there’s not much of a point to having her around NXT much longer. It helps that it was the best match of the night too, as these two have very good chemistry together.

What Evolution means to Ember Moon, Ata Johnson (Rock’s mother), Vickie Guerrero and Maryse.

We recap Charlotte vs. Becky Lynch. Charlotte won the Smackdown Women’s Title at Summerslam and Becky wasn’t happy, snapping on her friend and becoming one of the most aggressive women around. She won the title the next month and hasn’t been happy with Charlotte trying to say Becky is going too far. Becky attacked Charlotte at the Performance Center and it’s time to get violent tonight.

Smackdown Women’s Title: Charlotte vs. Becky Lynch

Lynch is defending and it’s Last Woman Standing. The fans are entirely behind Becky, because WWE still doesn’t get that they love her. Becky takes her down to start for a legdrop, followed by a mocking strut. That doesn’t get much of a count so it’s the Bexploder to send Charlotte into the corner. Charlotte gets tossed outside for a four count so Becky whips out the kendo stick to beat her down again. With that not working, they throw about a dozen chairs inside with Charlotte stopping to grab a table.

Some loud chair shots to the back have Charlotte in trouble and it’s time for more chair shots inside. Charlotte suplexes her onto the pile of chairs for a crash though and they’re both down. Charlotte is up first and throws in a table but Becky Rock Bottoms her onto the chairs. Becky puts her on the table for a change, only to have Charlotte fight up and switch places.

The moonsault barely hits Becky and turns the table over instead of breaking it so Charlotte tries it again, this time with a Swanton to properly break the table. That’s good for a double nine count so let’s bring in a ladder (please, don’t do a draw to set up next month). Charlotte wraps the leg around the ladder and ties it through the rungs for the Figure Eight. Becky taps but then realizes that she has a bunch of chairs next to her and uses one to escape.

Back up and Becky sends her into the ladder and tries to walk out, meaning it’s time to fight in the crowd. Charlotte chops the heck out of her and takes it back to ringside where an announcers’ table is loaded up. Another ladder gets pulled out but Becky hits her with the title. The legdrop off the ladder drives Charlotte through the table for a double nine count, sending Becky into a rage.

Becky buries her under a bunch of announcers’ chairs but Charlotte gets up again. That’s enough for Becky who begs off, allowing Charlotte to unload on her with the kendo stick. It’s time for another table but Charlotte takes too long again, this time getting powerbombed off the middle buckle to the table on the floor to retain Becky’s title at 29:41. They were stretching with “not on her feet” there as she was on her feet with her hands on the ground and some of the staggering was on her feet alone. It wasn’t quite standing, but that was pushing it a bit given how many times people are up at 9.9 and down at 10.

Rating: B+. I really hope that’s the big definitive win as there’s no reason for them to keep going with another one. Lynch is clearly the most popular woman in the company right now and having her win the feud is the right idea. Charlotte needs to get FAR away from Becky right now and move on to getting ready for Rousey at Wrestlemania. I’m not sure who is next for Becky as she’s going to need someone special to challenge her after a run like this.

Crown Jewel rundown.

We recap Ronda Rousey vs. Nikki Bella. For reasons that still aren’t clear, the Bellas were suddenly Rousey’s best friends and then betrayed her a full few weeks after getting together with her in the first place. It turned into the standard “the Divas were important and the Bellas are AMAZING” vs. “you’re not that important” argument while WWE tells us that the Bellas are the most important, empowering women in the world, because WWE doesn’t know what empowering means.

Raw Women’s Title: Ronda Rousey vs. Nikki Bella

Nikki is challenging and Brie Bella has a Bellalution flag. Rousey throws her down to start and lets Nikki get up. She does it again, this time letting the arm go. Rousey does it a third time and tells Nikki that this isn’t hard. Brie offers a distraction though and Nikki posts her to take over. Another distraction lets Brie post her again and we hit the chinlock. Nikki sends Ronda ribs first into the apron and barricade a few times for two. A headscissors lets Nikki do some pushups so Rousey kicks her away.

Rousey kicks Nikki in the ribs and unloads with rights and lefts. Nikki begs off in the corner so Rousey slaps her in the face and there’s the toss across the ring. With Nikki down, Ronda throws Brie over the announcers’ table but walks back into an Alabama Slam. The Rack Attack 2.0 gets two so Nikki goes up. That’s rarely a good idea for her so Rousey pulls her down into the armbar for the tap at 14:09.

Rating: C+. While I would have gone with the squash (it’s not like the Bellas are ever going to lose any kind of steam), the match was perfectly fine and didn’t have Nikki doing a bunch of stuff that she could have screwed up. The Brie interference was the logical way to go and while the match was boring at times in the middle, it wasn’t terrible by any means and the ending was the right move.

Rousey takes a long time to leave and Nia Jax is watching from the back. All of the women come out to celebrate with Rousey to end the show.

Overall Rating: B. Quite a nice show here, assuming you could get by the constant patting on the back (which was kind of the point of the show). This did feel like a celebration of women in wrestling and nothing was that bad. They even threw in a title change to make it historic, which is an important part of a show like this. It’s nothing I’m ever going to want to watch again but for what it was, I’d call it a success. The women have come such a long way and there’s nothing wrong with giving them a night to themselves.


Lita/Trish Stratus b. Alicia Fox/Mickie James – Chick Kick to James

Nia Jax won a battle royal last eliminating Ember Moon

Toni Storm b. Io Shirai – Storm Zero

Bayley/Sasha Banks/Natalya b. Riott Squad – Frog splash to Morgan

Shayna Baszler b. Kairi Sane – Kirifuda Clutch

Becky Lynch b. Charlotte – Powerbomb through a table

Ronda Rousey b. Nikki Bella – Armbar

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2003 Smackdown Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:


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Evolution 2018 Preview

It’s almost hard to believe that we’re here. Over the years, women’s wrestling has been up and down (ok mostly down) in WWE with a long history of treating the women as sideshow attractions who were lucky to get three minutes a week. Things have gotten a little better over the last few years though, and now we’re coming up on a full women’s pay per view. There’s a lot of good stuff on the show, and that makes for an interesting card. Let’s get to it.

Bayley/Sasha Banks/Natalya vs. Riott Squad

I’m not sure what it says that Banks and Bayley could only make it onto this show by continuing their eternal feud with the Riott Squad. It isn’t so much that the feud has been bad but it’s gone on for so many months with nothing changing that you wonder what the point is in having it continue. Oh and now Natalya is there, because that’s the spark of life that an already dead feud needs.

I’ll take the Squad here, as the division is going to need some strong names built up to challenge the champ going forward. Ruby Riott may not be the biggest star in the world but she’s someone who could be built up for a Royal Rumble title shot and that’s more than you could say for most of the women here. Maybe Banks, but really this should be about getting the Squad some momentum back so the leader can look stronger in the future.

Mae Young Classic Finals: Toni Storm vs. Io Shirai

This is one that I keep going back and forth on as you really could pick either side and have a strong case. Shirai was the big signing of this year’s tournament and the kind of star that doesn’t come around all that often. At the same time though, Storm is the kind of person that doesn’t come around very often and could be the focal point of the division for a very, very long time. There’s no bad way to go there.

I’ll go with Storm though, as Shirai doesn’t need any kind of a win to come off like the huge star. Storm came close to winning the tournament last year and another loss in the clutch would hurt her. She’s also likely to be a big part of the NXT UK division and having her start off with a big win to help establish the women’s division over there would be a good idea. You could go either way here, but I’ll take Storm as she needs the win a little more.

NXT Women’s Title: Kairi Sane(c) vs. Shayna Baszler

If I was confused by the previous one, I’m downright not sure here. These two have been feuding since last year’s Mae Young Classic and that’s the kind of feud that could be blown off here. Sane is definitely growing into a top star and someone that could be a featured piece of the division for a long time but Baszler is awesome in her own right and it wouldn’t shock me to see her get the title back.

That being said, I think Sane retains here because Baszler is ready to move up to the main roster. As mentioned earlier, they’re going to need some challengers for the Raw Women’s Title and who better to challenge Ronda Rousey than a fellow former UFC fighter? Sane can move on and face one of the half dozen challengers that exist down in NXT, with Bianca Belair near the top of the list. Sane retains here, mainly because there’s nothing left for Baszler down in NXT.

Battle Royal

This is a case where it’s hard to say for sure who is going to win because there’s a good chance of a bunch of surprise entrants. The lineup is pretty awful for the most part as several of the legends are likely to have quick cameos before leaving, such as Torrie Wilson who has no business in a match like this (or a match at all) in the first place. Then you have the names who are actual realistic winners….all four of them or so.

I’ll go with Asuka winning here, which is probably more false hope than anything else. You really just have her, Nia Jax, Ember Moon and Naomi as realistic winners. We’ve been there with Jax for a good chunk of the year, Moon has no momentum, and Naomi has been floating around for months. That being said, the same was true of Naomi going into the WrestleMania battle royal. I’ll take Asuka and kind of hope for the best, as there’s always the chance that someone gets this to set up a one off title match which isn’t exactly interesting.

Trish Stratus/Lita vs. Alicia Fox/Mickie James

Alas, this one took a big hit when Alexa Bliss was held out due to what seems to be a concussion. The whole story was build on Bliss being a jerk to the legends and now there’s nothing for her to do other than stand around at ringside. Fox is the logical replacement but egads what a downgrade that sucks the life out of the match. James vs. Stratus would have been better in this spot, but I get why they went with the tag route instead.

Of course I’m going with the legends as there’s no reason to go with Fox and James. The whole point of this is to showcase Stratus and Lita and there’s nothing wrong with that. Fox can take the pin and we can set up Bliss vs. Stratus down the line. The wrestling isn’t the main focus here and that’s fine. Odds are the legends are going to be a little rusty, but the fans aren’t likely to care in the first place. Just let them have fun and do their thing, which should be fine.

SmackDown Women’s Title: Becky Lynch(c) vs. Charlotte

Last Woman Standing. I’m not sure what to make of this one as the feud has been going on for several months now and this feels like it should be the blowoff, but but I’m not sure it WWE is ready to wrap it up just yet. Lynch has been on a roll and there’s a real argument that this should headline the show, but neither of them are on a reality show and therefore it wouldn’t make sense to feature them on a show that has been purchased no matter what is closing it out.

I’ll go with Lynch retaining here, though I wouldn’t be surprised to see this go to a draw so they can have ONE MORE MATCH, probably at Tables, Ladders And Chairs. In theory Lynch should win here and hold the title for a long time, but WWE loves putting the title on Charlotte. In theory they need to build her back up for a showdown with Rousey at WrestleMania, but that’s what the women’s Royal Rumble is fr. Lynch should win here, but watch out for that draw.

Raw Women’s Title: Ronda Rousey(c) vs. Nikki Bella

I’ve made no secret of the fact that I don’t want to see this match. I can’t stand the Bella Twins for a variety of reasons, not the least of which being that I get sick of hearing about how they’re legends and made the term Diva mean something, when they’re only legends in WWE’s minds and a few generations before them did more for the term than they could ever hope to. I could go on for another few hours about the two of them but I think you get the idea.

Normally I’d say OF COURSE Rousey retains here, but I’ll settle for she retains in theory, as you never can tell when WWE might decide to push the heck out of the Bellas all over again. There’s no reason this match should go longer than about four minutes but I’m sure the power of the Bellas will be more than enough to balance out the real life female fighter, because the Bellas are known for their martial arts abilities. I mean, Nikki is undefeated against shirts that she tears during her stripper entrance on the way to the ring that has apparently inspired millions of girls (inspired them to do what to be determined).

Overall Thoughts

I wasn’t thrilled with the idea of this show when it was announced and the build up to it hasn’t done me any favors. The matches are mostly just there and the main event makes my head hurt for a variety of reasons. You can also pen in Stephanie McMahon coming out to bless the show or talk about how they all did it together, which is of course code for “I did this and make sure to get my good side for the news piece about it.” The show sounds like a cool idea on paper, but as usual, WWE has taken away a lot of the fun involved and turned it into just another show that may or may not exceed some limited expectations.

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2003 Smackdown Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:


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NXT – September 26, 2018: Pull That Machine Up Here

IMG Credit: WWE

Date: September 26, 2018
Location: Full Sail University, Winter Park, Florida
Commentators: Percy Watson, Nigel McGuinness, Mauro Ranallo

The road to WarGames continues and you can see most of the card from here. At the same time though, we’re also trying to find out who attacked Aleister Black. The investigation has been going on for weeks and it should be about time we know whodunit, especially with Takeover starting to come into focus. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Here’s William Regal to talk about what he’s found in the Black situation but the Undisputed Era cuts him off almost immediately. Adam Cole thinks Regal is going to come out here and not do his job and that’s on Regal. It’s also in the past and now Regal’s responsibilities is to make sure that such a thing doesn’t happen again. On top of that, what is Regal going to do about the War Raiders? Regal finds it interesting that the three of them interrupt him when he’s talking about the investigation.

The three of them get in the ring and accuse Regal of trying to get away from the War Raiders. Cole wants to know why Ricochet has been ducking him or why Pete Dunne got a title shot. Regal says Dunne asked for a shot and Cole gets a little more serious. There’s no title shot for Cole right now because it wouldn’t be fair. However, in two weeks Cole can have his rematch in a triple threat match with Ricochet and Dunne. As for the War Raiders, they’ll get their title shot in three weeks.

Johnny Gargano is in a good mood and ready to face Tony Nese next week. He’s apologized for his failures and for the man he was becoming. Next week, he starts back down the right path. Johnny goes over to Candice LeRae when Lacey Evans comes in to say Candice should have been fighting next to him. Gargano has to hold Candice back.

Video on Lars Sullivan.

Velveteen Dream isn’t going to talk about Johnny Gargano or Aleister Black, though he seems to accuse Tommaso Ciampa of being the attacker. He’s not a snitch though and the writing is on the wall.

Lars Sullivan vs. Victor Orchant

Forearms to the back set up a pop up powerslam as the fans chant for the jobber. A pair of beals sent Orchant to the floor but here’s EC3 from behind for the DQ at 1:28.

EC3 actually wins the post match brawl and knocks Sullivan to the floor.

Regal has narrowed down his list of suspects but Nikki Cross comes out of his office. She wants to face Bianca Belair again and Regal says he’ll consider it. Cross won’t let him into his office and keeps saying “I know”. She leaves and Regal seems to think she’s a bit out there. Nobody knows what Nikki knows.

Street Profits vs. The Mighty

The Mighty have the Profits’ cup and jewelry from a few weeks back. The Profits are serious this week, which you don’t see every day. Thorn laughs at them to start so Ford knocks him senseless with a single right hand (that looked GREAT) to start things off. Ford hammers on Miller to start things off and a spinning Stinger splash makes things even worse. A double bulldog takes the Profits down and Ford adds a big dive to the floor.

Back in and Dawkins charges into a boot in the corner as Percy says this issue is about the “principalities” of the thing. Nigel: “What does THAT mean?” Total silence from Percy, as there should be there. Dawkins slips away and brings in Ford to clean house. They head outside though and Thorn dropkicks the steps into Ford’s knee to take over.

A double Russian legsweep sets up a clothesline for two on Ford and it’s off to a leglock. That goes nowhere so it’s a double clothesline for the double knockdown but Miller pulls Dawkins off the apron. Ford flips out of a suplex but tweaks the knee, allowing Thorn to roll him up for the pin at 7:41.

Rating: C. Both of these teams are kind of floundering at the moment and it’s a good idea to have one of them get a clean pin here. I could have gone for more of the Profits but it seems that their time is over. The Mighty don’t do much for me but at least they’re getting a win here to hopefully get somewhere.

Kairi Sane vs. Vanessa Borne

Non-title. Borne gets serious by STEALING KAIRI’S HAT and throwing it away. Kairi blocks some strikes and takes her down by the knee but a swinging suplex gives Borne two. The chinlock goes on for a bit before Sane is back with a DDT. The spear sets up the Insane Elbow to finish Borne at 3:06.

Rating: D+. Not quite a squash but Sane was never in any real danger and destroyed her in the end. Borne is still someone who could be a player in the division and losing clean to the champ isn’t going to really hurt her though at some point she needs to actually win something of note.

Post match here’s Shayna Baszler to say she’s coming for the title. She’s invoking her rematch clause so Sane says we’ll do it at Evolution.

Keith Lee wants competition and goes in to see Kona Reeves. Kona doesn’t think much of him because Lee interrupted his interview prep. Lee: “You’re the man with the finest set of losses in NXT.” A match is made for next week.

Tommaso Ciampa vs. Otis Dozovic

Non-title. Dozovic runs him over with some shoulders and throws Ciampa over the corner to the floor. Back in and a spinning slam plants Ciampa again, followed by a backdrop to the floor. That means a Worm from Dozovic as Ciampa isn’t sure what to do. Dozovic makes the mistake of going outside and Ciampa slams him head first into the ramp to take over for the first time.

Some hard forearms to the back of the head have Dozovic in trouble and there’s a braced knee to the head for two. Another knee to the face gets another two and we hit the sleeper. You don’t jump on the back of a monster though and Dozovic drops backwards onto Ciampa for the crash. Some clubbing shots to the face and a hard clothesline give Dozovic two so Ciampa goes for a walk.

Cue Tucker Knight to cut him off though and Dozovic suplexes him on the floor. A big elbow gets two back inside so Ciampa rakes the eyes. He still can’t hit the Fairytale Ending though so Dozovic gives him a sitout powerbomb for two instead. Ciampa is fine enough to hit a hanging DDT onto the apron though and the regular version is enough to finish Dozovic at 9:39.

Rating: B. This is a great example of a match that had no business being anything worthwhile whatsoever and turning into something very entertaining. Dozovic got a lot out of this and Ciampa had to sweat a bit for a win because he underestimated Dozovic coming in. Why can’t we get something like this on Raw every now and then? Like AJ Styles vs. Luke Harper or something. Let them have some fun and see what talent is out there.

Overall Rating: C+. Good show here as you can see WarGames from here and a lot of interesting stuff is coming up as well. With stuff like Black’s attacker likely being revealed soon and the impending arrival of Matt Riddle, we could be in for some very entertaining shows in the next few weeks.


Lars Sullivan b. Victor Orchant via DQ when EC3 interfered

The Mighty b. Street Profits – Rollup to Ford

Kairi Sane b. Vanessa Borne – Insane Elbow

Tommaso Ciampa b. Otis Dozovic – Hanging DDT

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2003 Smackdown Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:


And check out my Amazon author page with cheap wrestling books at:


Takeover: Brooklyn IV – I Don’t Know What Else To Say

IMG Credit: WWE

Takeover: Brooklyn IV
Date: August 18, 2018
Location: Barclays Center, New York City, New York
Commentators: Mauro Ranallo, Percy Watson, Nigel McGuinness

It’s time for the biggest show of the year and as usual, there are multiple options for most of the card. The key to tonight though is going to be the live crowd, who are going to be over the top for a show like this. If Gargano vs. Ciampa III is anything resembling the previous matches, we’re in for a major treat. Let’s get to it.

Here’s this week’s TV if you need a recap.

The opening video focuses on the main event, talking about Ciampa winning the title due to Gargano’s actions. The rest of the card gets a focus as well, but not as detailed.

Tag Team Titles: Undisputed Era vs. Moustache Mountain

The Era’s Roderick Strong and Kyle O’Reilly are defending after having traded the titles with the Brits over the summer. It’s an early slugout with Mountain getting the better of it off the sucker punches. We settle down to Seven getting two on Strong as the fans are split (well duh). O’Reilly comes in for the knees to Seven’s face and a kick to the head takes him down. Seven gets over to the corner for the tag though (way too early to consider it hot) and a hurricanrana has Strong in trouble.

Bate gets the swing/airplane spin at the same time but O’Reilly jumps on his back for a choke. That’s fine with Bate, who German suplexes Strong with O’Reilly still on his back (sometimes, there are no words) to take the champs down again. The running corner clotheslines have Bate in control again until O’Reilly scores with a running clothesline of his own. The champs start in on Bate’s knee with Kyle kicking him down and slapping on a leglock.

A Flair cannonball onto the leg keeps Bate down but he kicks Strong to the floor. O’Reilly is sent outside as well and there’s the hot tag to Seven. Suplexes abound until Strong kicks him in the head, setting up a brainbuster from O’Reilly for two. There go the dueling chants again and Strong’s Olympic Slam gets two more. Strong grabs the Stronghold on Seven and O’Reilly triangle chokes Bate. That’s fine with Bate, who lifts O’Reilly up with one arm and slams him into the other two for the break.

Bate wins a slugout with Strong to knock him outside, setting up the crazy no hands dive. The Tyler Driver 97 gets two on Strong (not a move that many people get to kick out of) so Bate goes up. After shoving Strong off for a crash, O’Reilly is back up to take out Bate’s knee. That means a heel hook with Bate screaming as he crawls across the ring. Seven starts coming in, allowing Strong to pull the two of them back to the corner. That’s enough for Seven to get the towel…..which he throws into the crowd before screaming for Bate to come on.

Bate keeps crawling and actually makes the tag while still in the hold, allowing Seven to hit the Seven Stars Lariat for a very close two on O’Reilly. Bate comes back in for the Burning Hammer/top rope knee (how they won the titles) for an even nearer fall and the fans are WAY into this all over again. It’s back to Seven for a full nelson so Bate can try something, only to be kneed in the face. The High/Low to Seven retains the titles at 18:06.

Rating: A-. And somehow, that’s probably the most controlled and tamest of their matches. I liked this one a little better than the previous two but you can’t go wrong any way. Bate is SCARY good for his age (or any age for that matter) and with some more time could be one of the best in the world. This was a blast and a great choice for the opener, though you could have gone with any possibility. Really hot match, as expected.

Post match the War Raiders come in and wreck the Era, which you knew was coming at some point. That might make things more interesting for the North American Title match as Cole might not have backup.

The announcers talk about someone attacking Aleister Black with results being promised at some point. A whodunit story could be rather interesting.

We recap Velveteen Dream vs. EC3. Both of them want to be in the spotlight and they both want to claim it in their own ways. They were a team in London but Dream walked out on him, which didn’t sit well with EC3 (Dream: “The Dream has no memory of that.”). Apparently EC3 didn’t bask in the experience, so now he has to learn the hard way.

EC3 vs. Velveteen Dream

Dream rises out of a hole in the stage and is wearing a crown, plus “Notorious D.R.E.A.M.” tights. On the back: “Call Me Up Vince.” EC3 shoves him around to start, including a second shove to the floor. Back in and Dream gets caught on the top for some kicks to the ribs, which bounce him up so high that he gets crotched on the top. Dream’s sunset flip is countered with a hip swivel so Dream tries to pull him down, meaning the trunks go a little low.

Some shots to the jaw (EC3: “TOP ONE PERCENT”) look to set up the 1%er but instead it’s the headlock driver (the old 1%er) for two. Dream slaps him in the face and that means the beating is on until Dream hits him in the throat. EC3 muscles him up for a sitout powerbomb and a top rope superplex drops Dream again. The delayed cover only gets two and Dream is back up with a superkick. A Dream Valley Driver gets two so Dream hits a second onto the apron. The Purple Rainmaker, again on the apron, is good for the pin on EC3 at 15:05.

Rating: B. Another typically very good Dream match. The neck played throughout the entire match and of course Mauro was RIGHT THERE to make that clear. Dream needed this more than EC3 did as he’s turned into one of the guaranteed need to see performances. I’m scared about him getting the call up as Vince not getting his character could kill his career dead. EC3 will be fine based off of his look and mic skills alone so the loss doesn’t hurt him all that much.

Matt Riddle is here. That’s going to be a big deal.

We recap Adam Cole vs. Ricochet. Cole debuted a year ago and has taken NXT by storm. He knows Ricochet is very good if not great, but Ricochet isn’t special like Cole. Ricochet just wants to be the best, and happens to be a crazy good high flier. Cole won the North American Title in New Orleans with Ricochet getting close to it. Tonight he wants to take it home.

North American Title: Ricochet vs. Adam Cole

Cole is defending and comes to the ring on his own. The fans are behind Cole here but the Ricochet chants are there too. Feeling out process to start with Cole shouting about how Ricochet isn’t special. A headlock keeps Ricochet in trouble until he dropkicks Cole to the floor. That means a backflip into the superhero pose but Cole takes him down inside again.

More slaps to the head and more YOU’RE NOT SPECIAL’s tick Ricochet off but the fireman’s carry backbreaker takes him down again. Ricochet fights up from another chinlock and sends Cole to the floor for a no hands spinning dive. Back in and a springboard European uppercut gets two, followed by a standing shooting star and a middle rope corkscrew moonsault for two more. Mauro: “This guy’s a cheat code!”

An exchange of hard (and loud) strikes to the head gives us a double knockdown with Cole landing on top for two more. Ricochet is back up with his reverse hurricanrana but doesn’t cover, instead going up top, allowing Cole to roll outside before Ricochet can dive. A running hurricanrana brings Cole off the apron and to the floor (Mauro: “MAMA MIA!”), setting up the 630 for the pin and the title at 15:24.

Rating: B+. Egads Ricochet is fun to watch. That kind of flipping just isn’t normal and he makes it look way too easy every single time he’s out there. I’m fine with them changing the title as Cole is the kind of guy who can be a star no matter what he does. Ricochet winning the title gives him some more legitimacy and whoever gets to beat him will be an awesome heel. Awesome match, again.

Kevin Owens and Mark Henry are here.

We recap Shayna Baszler vs. Kairi Sane. Kairi beat her in the finals of the Mae Young Classic but Baszler has rocketed up the card ever since. She won the Women’s Title and has been the classic bully, with Sane being one of the only people who has figured her out. Baszler beat her in the rematch but this is the rubber match for Shayna’s title. Sane has been extra aggressive as of late, which could be an issue for the champ.

Women’s Title: Shayna Baszler vs. Kairi Sane

Baszler is defending and the rest of the MMA Four Horsewomen are in the crowd, meaning the fans all look at Ronda. Shayna is extra cocky here but Sane starts more aggressive, going after the leg and trying an early Stretch Muffler. The champ bails out to the floor and Sane is right there with a shot off the apron to take her down again.

Back in and Shayna gets in a shot at the knee and bends it back while throwing some MMA style strikes to the head. The knee gets bent backwards before Shayna stands the leg up and stomps on the ankle, bending it at a VERY scary angle. Sane gets all fired up and hammers away with Shayna not being able to keep up with her. A spinning backfist sets up a slow motion Walking the Plank and Sane goes up.

The delay is getting worse though and Baszler catches her with a gutwrench superplex for a big crash. Baszler gets in a knee to the face for two but the Interceptor cuts her down. A middle rope Insane Elbow to the back has Shayna down and she rolls to the floor before Sane can hit the big one. Instead it’s a high crossbody to drop Shayna again and the Insane Elbow gets two back inside.

Sane puts on the Anchor but Baszler spins around and snatches her into the Kirifuda Clutch. The arm begins to fade until Sane pops up and grabs the rope for the break. Baszler goes for the heel hook but gets reversed into the Anchor. Sane puts it on again in the ropes and goes up for the Insane Elbow, which hits knees. The Kirifuda Clutch goes on again, only to have Sane backflip into a rollup for the pin and the title at 13:46.

Rating: A-. My goodness they’re on a roll tonight and who cares if my predictions are through the floor. Sane winning actually surprised me and that’s a great way to end the match. They can have a fourth match down the line if you absolutely have to, but I wouldn’t be surprised to see Baszler on the main roster pretty soon now. She’s clearly gotten the hang of this in a hurry and putting her on the main roster isn’t the craziest idea in the world.

We recap Tommaso Ciampa vs. Johnny Gargano. Johnny has been driven mad by Ciampa, who is the embodiment of evil. After defeating Gargano in Chicago, Ciampa set his sights on Aleister Black and the NXT Title. Gargano cost Black the title by mistake so Black blamed Johnny for Ciampa being champion. That looked to set up a triple threat match but Black was attacked in the parking lot, meaning it’s a Last Man Standing match for the title instead.

NXT Title: Johnny Gargano vs. Tommaso Ciampa

Ciampa is defending in a Last Man Standing match and still comes out with no music. Even the New York fans are all over Ciampa and Johnny jumps him during the entrance to get things going in a hurry. They head outside with Ciampa shoving him into the steps but Johnny whips him into the barricade and pulls the floor mat up. Johnny slips out of a hanging DDT from the barricade and hits a flip dive off the apron. With Percy saying HERE WE GO, Johnny tosses Ciampa at him for another crash.

Ciampa is fine enough for a running White Noise through the Spanish announcers’ table but Johnny is up at eight. They head inside with Ciampa grabbing a chair for some choking in the corner. Ciampa tries a charge but gets a chair pelted at his knee instead. The chair is wedged in the corner but Ciampa slaps on a sleeper in a smart move. The referee says 22 as Ciampa puts his feet on the rope, which is perfectly legal here.

We get the dueling chants as Johnny fights up and Lawn Darts him face first into the chair. It’s table time with Johnny stacking up two of them with one upside down on top of the other. Not wanting to die off a suplex through the tables, Ciampa reverses into some rolling German suplexes, followed by chair shots to the back. Three straight Project Ciampas have Johnny mostly dead and Ciampa sits down to watch the count. That’s such a heel move. Johnny somehow pulls himself up for a superkick and they’re both down.

A slugout goes to Gargano and he rolls over for the kick to the head. The slingshot spear is countered into the Fairy Tale Ending (Angel’s Wings) but Johnny reverses that with a hurricanrana. Now it’s Johnny’s turn for a German suplex and a double clothesline puts them both down again. They’re up at ONE and slug it out again until Johnny hits a clothesline but can’t follow up. Ciampa rolls outside and Gargano is up at nine for another superkick from the apron.

The Cannonball misses though and Gargano lands with a thud. The Fairy Tale Ending on the steps knocks Gargano silly again for nine, though he’s down again at nine and a half. Gargano can’t remember what planet he’s on so Ciampa starts cutting up the ring mat, which is how he won in Chicago. That takes too long though and Gargano sprays him with a fire extinguisher before pulling out the faithful old crutch. That’s broken over Ciampa’s back and Gargano hits his own hanging DDT onto the exposed wood.

Ciampa slides out at nine again so Gargano suicide dives him onto the announcers’ table. A superkick hits a production worker by mistake so Ciampa hits a running knee to drive a chair into Gargano’s head. Ciampa isn’t done yet though as he buries Gargano underneath everything he can find, including the barricade, a bunch of chairs and the unconscious production worker. That’s only good for nine and Ciampa falls down in disbelief.

With nothing else working, Ciampa tries to handcuff Johnny but gets punched in the face instead. Now it’s Johnny trying to handcuff him, only to get elbowed right back. Instead they fight over towards the tables set up a long time ago and a superkick puts Ciampa through the wood. Johnny can’t even look at Ciampa uses the crutch to get himself up (smart move). Ciampa tells him to follow up the ramp so Gargano does just that, eventually locking on the Gargano Escape to make him tap. With that not working, Gargano cuffs him to a piece of the stage.

Ciampa begs off but Johnny grabs him by the beard and superkicks him in the face again. Johnny yells that Ciampa did this as Ciampa keeps getting to his feet at seven, though he can’t stay up due to the cuffs. The knee pad comes down and Johnny hits the running knee but goes flying off the stage and into a bunch of equipment, injuring his knee in the process. Ciampa comes off the stage and lands on his feet to retain at 33:55.

Rating: A. It’s very good, but it’s not quite up to the level of their previous matches. To be fair though, that’s not exactly something you can ask them to do given how incredible the first two were. The other problem is having three straight incredibly brutal and violent matches in a row was pushing it a bit too far. It’s still a great match though and when this was just below the masterpieces they did the first two times, they’re in pretty awesome shape.

Overall Rating: A+. What does it say when these shows have figured out how to be so good for so long in a row that the surprise and shock factors are just gone? It’s an amazing show and one of the best of the year, but that’s what you expect from these things anymore. That’s the kind of place that almost no wrestling company has ever been to and I have no idea how to react to something like this.

It’s another outstanding show with Dream vs. EC3 lagging behind in a match that was only a solid “good to very good”. Come on guys, pick up the slack already. The formula NXT has figured out should be required reading (possibly omitting the sections about the budget and having WWE hand pick all this talent) as they know how to get the most out of everyone they have. These are compelling stories with insanely great matches to blow them off. That’s great wrestling, and this was another instant classic show.


Undisputed Era b. Moustache Mountain – High/Low to Seven

Velveteen Dream b. EC3 – Purple Rainmaker

Ricochet b. Adam Cole – 630

Kairi Sane b. Shayna Baszler – Rollup

Tommaso Ciampa b. Johnny Gargano – Gargano couldn’t answer the ten count

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2003 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:


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NXT Takeover: Brooklyn IV Preview

IMG Credit: WWE

You can tell it’s serious when you get to part four. This show has become NXT’s flagship event of the year, even beating the annual Wrestlemania weekend show. They’ve had to change the main event around due to an injury, but since NXT is the charmed/prepared promotion, they’ve managed to switch the match up into something that may work even better. Imagine that: a promotion actually having a backup plan and making it a good one. Let’s get to it.

Women’s Title: Shayna Baszler(c) vs. Kairi Sane

The more I think about this one, the less sure I am about anything. In theory, Baszler is holding onto the title for the sake of eventually dropping it to a fired up Dakota Kai. However, Kai hasn’t exactly done much as of late and that part of the story seems to be over. Maybe they’re going with the long game, but every week that goes by makes it seem less likely. So where do we go from here instead?

Well I think it’s going on to find someone else to take the title from Baszler, because I don’t see Sane doing it. Sane has defeated her before in a good match last year, but I don’t think she wins the rubber match. Baszler is awesome at the moment and whoever takes the title from her is going to get a heck of a rub. The thing is Sane is already over and doesn’t need the title, though she does need something. I just don’t think it happens here as Baszler retains the title.

Velveteen Dream vs. EC3

I know I’ve said this a lot, but Dream needs to win this match. The problem is, you can only say that so many times before it stops mattering. At least that’s the case most of the time, but Dream has a special kind of charisma where his wins and losses almost don’t matter. He’s at the point where he’s the gatekeeper to the higher levels of NXT and while that’s a good spot to be in for the sake of security, you can only be there for so long without winning something of note.

That being said, I’ll take him to win here in the upset. EC3 is still pretty new around NXT and that would make him the likely candidate to pick up the win, but I think Dream finally gets the big win (beating Kassius Ohno seven months ago doesn’t count). You can easily make this a cheating win for Dream, who needs to do something to cut off all of the face reactions he’s receiving. EC3 can bounce back and even win the rematch, but Dream has to get something and soon.

North American Title: Adam Cole(c) vs. Ricochet

It’s kind of amazing how similar Ricochet and Dream are, especially when they’re so different on the surface. It turns out that they’re in a similar situation though as Ricochet needs a win as well, but it’s not as bad as Dream’s situation. Ricochet is clearly destined to be a big star on the roster (both developmental and main) but in a way it’s the Andre the Giant syndrome: if you put the title on him, you have to take it off of him. Having him lose clean would be a bad idea but here, you have the option of the Undisputed Era helping Cole retain.

That’s what I think happens here. Ricochet can have his day later on (and you know that’s coming, perhaps against Tommaso Ciampa should he retain) but for now, Cole retains and loses to someone else in a few months. Just have the Undisputed Era help him (Bobby Fish doesn’t have a match later in the night) and everything falls into place. This is the one that I’m the least sure about, but it’s going to be a fun match regardless of the finish.

Tag Team Titles: Undisputed Era(c) vs. Moustache Mountain

Speaking of the Undisputed Era, they’re defending in the match that is likely to blow the roof off of the Barclays Center. These two have had two rocking matches already and there’s a great chance that they’re going to do it again on the biggest stage they’ve had yet. They’ve already traded the titles so a title change is certainly a possibility.

That being said, I don’t think it’s going to be a reality. Moustache Mountain is a great team but they’re going to be over no matter what they do. Undisputed Era is a team that is defined by the amount of gold that they have and keeping the North American and Tag Team Titles would be a great way to show that off. Throw in some cheating and everything will be fine, including a prodigy like Tyler Bate. The question here is how great can this match be and the answer, much to my delight, is likely quite.

NXT Title: Tommaso Ciampa(c) vs. Johnny Gargano

Last Man Standing and EGADS there are some possibilities here. This was originally going to be a triple threat match also including Aleister Black, but that left you with the pretty obvious ending of Ciampa retaining by pinning Black. Now though, you have SO MANY CHOICES. Do you have Gargano lose and join up with Ciampa? Do you have Gargano finally win the title to end the feud? Do you go to a double knockout and allow them to do the triple threat later? Does Candice LeRae turn on Gargano and join Ciampa? Any of these is a very possible and rather interesting option.

I’m going with….Ciampa retaining but you again I’m not even remotely sure. There are too many ways to go to know something like this for sure and that’s what makes this so much fun. The one thing I know for sure is that these guys are going to beat the living heck out of each other than that’s what they specialize in doing. Throw in the possibility of it tying into whoever attacked Black and this is the most interesting thing on the show by a wide margin.

Overall Thoughts

This is another show where the card looks great and there isn’t a single thing on there that makes me think it’s going to be bad. NXT knows how to tear the freaking house down and I have no doubt that they’re going to do it all over again here. This show should be a complete blast and if the previous Brooklyn events are any indications, we’re in for a fun night all around.

Oh and no Matt Riddle. Just a hunch that is likely to be wrong.


Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2003 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:


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NXT – August 15, 2018: They’re Going Home

IMG Credit: WWE

Date: August 15, 2018
Location: Full Sail University, Winter Park, Florida
Commentators: Nigel McGuinness, Percy Watson, Mauro Ranallo

It’s the go home show for Takeover: Brooklyn and we now have a new main event of NXT Champion Tommaso Ciampa vs. Johnny Gargano in a Last Man Standing match. The big question now is who attacked Aleister Black, who was originally in the match but was found unconscious in the parking lot last week. Odds are that one is going to take some time to find out though so let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

In Memory Of Jim Neidhart. Why didn’t they have that on Raw and Smackdown? I’d really like an answer to that.

We open with a recap of the NXT Title situation, including a look at Black being laid out.

Street Profits vs. The Mighty

The fans sound like they’re chanting MIGHTY JOBBERS. Miller and Ford start things off with the former taking over off some chops in the corner. Ford jumps over him though and it’s off to Dawkins to run Thorn over. A belly to back suplex into a moonsault (Black Panther Splash) sets up the old World’s Greatest Tag Team jump over the back to keep Miller in trouble.

Miller avoids a twisting splash in the corner and scores with a northern lariat. A double belly to back suplex gets two and the chinlock goes on. Miller’s spinebuster is good for two more but another suplex doesn’t work, allowing the hot tag to Ford. House is cleaned and a sunset flip gets two on Miller. A second rollup to Miller, with a handful of tights, is good for the pin at 6:23.

Rating: D+. Just a match really as these teams have been kind of feuding for weeks now and it hasn’t exactly taken off. The new look is an upgrade for the Mighty but the Profits are still a lot of fun. The match was fine enough and the right team won, but you can tell they’re going with more of a placeholder show, which makes sense.

The Undisputed Era isn’t sweating Moustache Mountain or the War Raiders. Adam Cole talks about the team beginning a year ago and they’ve never been stronger. They’ll continue to show the world that this is their era and that is undisputed.

Aaliyah vs. Kairi Sane

Shayna Baszler is on commentary. Sane wastes no time in grabbing a Stretch Muffler (Brock Lock) to make Aaliyah scream. A rope is grabbed fast enough so Kairi spears her in half and hits the sliding elbow in the corner. Kairi hits the Insane Elbow, glares at Baszler, drops another elbow, glares at Baszler again and drops a third elbow….for two as she pulls Aaliyah up. That makes Baszler get up as Sane puts on the Anchor (bending back to stare and point at Baszler) for the tap at 4:00.

Rating: C. That was way more effective than I was expecting with Sane looking like a killer that she has never been before. Baszler is walking out with the title (or she should) but egads what a performance from Sane here. I didn’t think she would be able to turn it on like that and it’s the kind of character stuff she needs going into this big of a match.

Video on Adam Cole vs. Ricochet. Cole talks about how amazing of a year he’s had and that’s going to continue. Ricochet is a good superstar but Cole is a great one. Ricochet talks about having his hands on the gold in New Orleans and on Saturday, he’ll have it for real.

Here’s Velveteen Dream to talk about EC3. The fans chant for Dream, until he brings up EC3 and then the chants change to NX3. Just like all of us, EC3 had the Dream’s curiosity, but now EC3 has Dream’s attention. On Saturday, it’s Dream Over, but here’s EC3 to interrupt. EC3: “Sick fanny pack by the way.” Dream is trying to get into EC3’s head but EC3 builds theme restaurants in people’s heads. Dream again says Dream Over, earning another FANNY PACK chant. The fight is on and it’s a One Percenter to Dream.

We look at some people leaving the parking lot when Black was injured, including Kassius Ohno, Undisputed Era, Lars Sullivan, Johnny Gargano, Tommaso Ciampa and others.

Video on the history of Gargano vs. Ciampa. This includes looks at New Orleans and Chicago, with Ciampa coming out in the end of the second match, leading to becoming NXT Champion. Johnny is still freaked out that he caused the title change and now he has to take the title from Ciampa to save NXT. Gargano has one more shot to take Ciampa down and he won’t stop until Ciampa can’t get up.

Tyler Bate vs. Roderick Strong

Trent Seven and Kyle O’Reilly are here as seconds. Bate kicks him in the face at the bell and hits a fast backdrop. Some right hands in the corner have Strong in trouble but he drop toeholds Bate down and puts on a chinlock. It’s off to a seated abdominal stretch for a bit before Strong loads up a superplex. That’s broken up as well and a middle rope European uppercut puts Strong down.

Bate can’t do the airplane spin due to the back but he’s fine enough for the reverse hurricanrana. The Stronghold is broken up so Strong knees him in the corner for two instead. A Rock Bottom backbreaker looks to set up End of Heartache but Bate lands on his feet. Well of course he does. The bounce off the ropes into the forearm puts Strong on the floor for the no hands dive and they head back inside. Seven takes care of O’Reilly and the Tyler Driver 97 is good for the pin at 7:59.

Rating: B-. Bate continues to be incapable of having a bad match and Strong is as good a hand as you’re going to have around here. The tag match is going to rock in front of that kind of a crowd on Saturday and if it’s anywhere near as good as their previous matches, we’re in for a major treat.

Overall Rating: C+. This was a pretty safe and secure go home show and that’s how things should be. The card is completely set so there’s no point in doing anything crazy and messing with it. Just let them get to Brooklyn on a roll and that’s what’s happened here. The crowd is going to carry things as high as they can go on Saturday and I’m very interested in how things go.


Street Profits b. The Mighty – Rollup to Miller with a handful of tights

Kairi Sane b. Aaliyah – Anchor

Tyler Bate b. Roderick Strong – Tyler Driver 97

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2003 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:


And check out my Amazon author page with cheap wrestling books at:


NXT – July 18, 2018: The Women’s Night

IMG Credit: WWE

Date: July 18, 2018
Location: Full Sail University, Winter Park, Florida
Commentators: Nigel McGuinness, Mauro Ranallo, Percy Watson

Tonight we get to see one of NXT’s best features in action. The main event of this week’s show is a triple threat match for the #1 contendership to the Women’s Title. Around here, that’s something that can headline a show without blinking an eye. On any other show, such a thing would be insane. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Dakota Kai vs. Lacey Evans

Evans mocks Kai’s kicking to start so Kai rolls her up and rides her on the mat, freaking the heck out of Evans in the process. A shot to the ribs cuts Kai off though and Evans puts her in the Tree of Woe. That means more shots to the ribs, even after Evans uses the strings from Kai’s boot to tie her in the corner. Kai falls out of the corner so Evans kicks and stomps away, with Kai selling the heck out of it.

We hit a double arm crank with a knee in Kai’s back until Evans misses a moonsault. Rapid fire kicks to the face set up some running face wash kicks in the corner for two as Nigel screams about how you can’t hit Evans in the face. A pumphandle slam gets Evans out of trouble and the Woman’s Right is good for the pin on Kai at 8:58.

Rating: C+. This got better in the second half but the first part of this with all of the kicks and stomps to the ribs took away a lot of energy. I’m not sure if I like Evans or not as she has a character that can draw some good heat but I’m having issues getting past the right hand finisher and her not great in-ring skills. There’s something awkward about her and it’s a little much at times.

Ricochet is ready to come after the Undisputed Era because he’s going to eventually get his hands on Adam Cole and the North American Title.

The Street Profits are playing basketball and talking about getting even with The Mighty.

EC3 didn’t mean to show up Velveteen Dream when he interrupted him. After stopping for a picture and giving away a shirt, EC3 runs into Kona Reeves, who talks about the finest. A match is set up as Reeves doesn’t show me anything talking either.

Video on Tommaso Ciampa vs. Aleister Black before their title match next week. The idea is both of them can dip down into the darkness but Ciampa claims to only need one second to become the champion.

Kassius Ohno vs. Rick Ramirez

Discus forearm for the pin in 40 seconds.

The Undisputed Era brags about getting their titles back and calls Ricochet a joke who thinks he’ll get a title shot. These guys are really starting to find their groove.

Video on the War Raiders, including their history as a team. They met in a tournament (the Ring of Honor Top Prospect Tournament I believe) and beat each other so hard that they decided to hit opponents together just as hard. They’re modern day vikings and know that no one can stop them. Then Rowe had a serious motorcycle wreck in 2014 and was lucky to survive. If that can’t stop them, how could any tag team? Rowe is the smaller of the team but he’s the powerhouse while Hanson is the bigger one who flies. Nothing can stop them.

Video on Velveteen Dream and all of his experiences. The next experience in Brooklyn may be the greatest.

Nikki Cross vs. Candice LeRae vs. Kairi Sane

The winner gets a title shot at Takeover and Women’s Champion Shayna Baszler comes out for commentary (with Nikki waving at her in that crazy way). They exchange rollups to start as the fans are split between Kairi and Cross. LeRae gets knocked to the floor as Baszler says all three are bodies, meaning they’re submissions waiting to happen. That’s a great line. LeRae pulls Cross to the floor but the suicide dive is blocked with an elbow.

Back in and Cross grabs something like a Rings of Saturn before tying her in the Tree of Woe for some stompings. Sane comes back in with a spear to Cross and a double stomp for two on LeRae. Cross breaks up the Anchor but LeRae pops back up to take them both down. A Cannonball off the apron drops Sane but Cross plants LeRae with a reverse DDT on the ramp. Not to be outdone, Sane hits a suicide elbow to Cross and they’re all down on the floor.

Baszler isn’t impressed because the winner gets to face her, and that’s not really winning. Back in and Sane gets the worst of a Tower of Doom so it’s time for a slugout from their knees. LeRae takes over with a Downward Spiral/DDT combination, followed by a Lionsault for two on Sane.

Cross hits a hanging swinging neckbreaker onto the floor so Nigel asks if Baszler learned anything from her first match with Nikki. Baszler: “Yeah. That I can beat her.” Three straight belly to back suplexes knock Sane silly but LeRae is back in with a small package to slow Cross down. Another Lionsault hits Cross, only to have Sane drop the Insane Elbow for the save and the pin on LeRae at 10:30.

Rating: B-. The action was good but Baszler was the most impressive to me here with some outstanding lines that made her come off like a star. She’s so condescending and such a jerk that you want to see anyone beat the heck out of her and take the title. That’s an art that takes time to develop and she’s done it in such a short amount of time. Sane was the best choice here as Baszler has beaten Cross and LeRae feels like a longer term title project.

The staredown ends the show.

Overall Rating: C+. This is one of the most entertaining times in NXT: the night when you can see the next Takeover card taking form. You can pretty much guess what’s coming based on the last week or two of television and, as usual, that looks quite good from here. The next taping cycle can firmly establish everything so this is kind of the final preview, which has me wanting to see what we’re getting at one of the biggest shows of the year. In other words, everything is looking good around here, as usual.


Lacey Evans b. Dakota Kai – Woman’s Right

Kassius Ohno b. Rick Ramirez – Discus elbow

Kairi Sane b. Nikki Cross and Candice LeRae – Insane Elbow to LeRae

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of the NXT The Full Sail Years Volume III (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:


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NXT – June 6, 2018: Take Notes

IMG Credit: WWE

Date: June 6, 2018
Location: Full Sail University, Winter Park, Florida
Commentators: Nigel McGuinness, Mauro Ranallo, Percy Watson

It’s rubber match night as we have the unlikely third match between Lacey Evans and Kairi Sane. Evans has come out of almost nowhere with a gimmick that makes you want to see someone take her head off while Sane has gone from what looked like a very fun woman full of potential to just another name on the roster. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Here’s Shayna Baszler, who has her belt back. With the fans chanting QUEEN OF SPADES, Baszler talks about forcing Dakota Kai to face reality. It doesn’t matter who stands up to her because she’s tougher, she’s stronger and she’s better. The strong will always beat the weak, but there’s always one. There’s always someone who thinks the rules don’t apply to them and in this case it’s Nikki Cross.

Cue Nikki, who is almost shaking at ringside. She gets in so Shayna calls what Nikki did last week a joke. The only place where Nikki is better is in her whacked out little brain and Shayna can put her to sleep in a heartbeat. She throws the mic and Nikki, who lets it hit the ground, only to pick it up and shout DO IT over and over. Nikki growls at her to make Shayna drop the belt and the fight is on.

Shayna covers up in the corner but gets in a right hand when Nikki goes for the belt. Nikki is right back up and knocks Shayna to the floor, drawing some blood from the mouth. This was a heck of a segment as Shayna is a great cocky heel and Nikki is as crazy as I’ve seen in a long time. I want to see them fight now and that’s exactly the point of this. Well done indeed.

TM61 vs. Mike Hughley/Robbie Grand

Miller chops Hughley to start and it’s off to Thorn with a boot on the back of the head. An awesome looking dropkick takes Grand’s head off as the fans are split between the jobbers and the Aussies. Back up and Miller throws Grand into a HARD forearm to the back of the head for the pin at 2:16.

Post match TM61 lists off the teams they’ve defeated (all two of them) and says they can beat any team around here.

We look back at Lars Sullivan beating up Aleister Black last week.

Earlier this week, Sullivan was training at the Performance Center by beating up some rookies. TM61 can be seen walking in, seeing what Sullivan is doing, shaking their heads and leaving.

Roderick Strong vs. Danny Burch

They hit the mat to start with Burch spinning out of some hammerlocks and tossing a frustrated Strong into the ropes. Strong knees him in the face a few times and scores with some backbreakers but misses a running knee in the corner. It turns into a slugout and you just don’t do that against a British wrestler. Burch takes over so here’s the Undisputed Era for a distraction. That’s quickly cut off by Pete Dunne and Oney Lorcan so Burch can slap on a Crossface. Adam Cole adds another distraction though and Strong hits another backbreaker for the pin at 5:47.

Rating: C. I’m kind of surprised that the challenger lost so close to a title match but at least it wasn’t a clean pin. Burch and Lorcan aren’t likely to win the titles but they’re fine for some one off challengers. It’s very impressive that NXT can keep building these teams up in short order like this and they’ve done it again with Lorcan and Burch.

Post match Strong poses but gets punched down by Dunne until Kyle O’Reilly hits Dunne in the knee with a title.

Kassius Ohno is at a photo shoot when EC3 comes in. Insults are thrown and Ohno promises to knock him 99% unconscious next week. The challenge is accepted.

Video on Aleister Black, who is ready for Sullivan.

Ricochet talks about being known only for his flips for fifteen years and now it’s time to be more than that. He’s risen to the top of every place he’s been and he’ll do it here too. Velveteen Dream says sure Ricochet can flip all over the place but he can’t make people feel it like the Dream can.

Ricochet wants to see Dream prove it, because the only setback he’s had is being eliminated from a reality show (Dream: “The Dream has no memory of that.”) and getting a contract anyway. Dream talks about Ricochet being the king because he’d rather be the prince. The king may have been good once, but the prince knows that a greatest crown awaits. Again, this should be a lot of fun.

Kairi Sane vs. Lacey Evans

Lacey’s hand actually has Sane’s name on it. Sane ducks some early swings and headscissors Lacey down before stomping on the hand. Smart move indeed. Instead it’s a knee to the face and a slingshot elbow for two on Sane, followed by just driving the hand into Kairi’s face. It’s off to a cobra clutch with Lacey swinging her around in a circle for good measure.

Lacey even does pushups during a cover but Sane avoids a moonsault. Three straight spears and a top rope forearm set up a cross armbreaker but Lacey stacks her up for the break. Not that it matters as an Alabama Slam (Mauro: “From Japan!”) and the Insane Elbow end Evans at 6:27.

Rating: C+. Fine match to blow off the feud and Evans has already gotten a lot as out of this. Sane winning is the right idea as she could be a good next challenger for Baszler, especially given their history. If nothing else it’s nice to see Sane get some fire inside her again as it’s been lacking in recent months, if not since all the way back at the Mae Young Classic finals.

Here’s Tommaso Ciampa to be booed out of the building all over again. A few PSYCHO KILLER chants are drowned out by the YOU TAPPED OUT chants until Ciampa says the fans gave up on him way before he gave up on them. Ciampa tells the fans that he’s going to talk no matter what they chant. Fans: “YOU STILL SUCK!” Ciampa: “That’s awesome.” They switch to JOHNNY WRESTLING so Ciampa tells them to save the Psycho Killer chants before going on about how Johnny always makes it about himself.

Last week Johnny just had to make a big presentation about how he signed a contract because a week before that, he nearly killed his wife. On June 16 in Chicago, it would be better if Gargano didn’t show up. The fairy tale is coming to an end and it won’t be a happy ending because Ciampa is winning.

Cue Gargano and the fight is on with a suicide dive knocking Ciampa into the crowd. Ciampa knees him in the ribs with the brace but Johnny dives off the bleachers to stay on him with more left hands. They get back in the ring and Ciampa gets in a few shots, setting up the Gargano Escape. Referees break it up and Gargano beats him up on the stage, setting up the real Gargano Escape to make Ciampa tap to end the show.

Overall Rating: A. Some good action and all five Takeover matches getting attention, including some outstanding showdown segments. This was a great hype show for the big event next week and I want to see more than one match a lot more than I did coming into this week’s TV. That’s an awesome usage of an hour and that’s what NXT does best. There’s no “building momentum” or whatever WWE loves to say. This was a bunch of people getting ready to have their big matches and making the fans want to see those matches. That’s using wrestling TV properly and NXT does it to near perfection.


TM61 b. Mike Hughley/Robbie Grand – Forearm to the back of Grand’s head

Roderick Strong b. Danny Burch – Backbreaker

Kairi Sane b. Lacey Evans – Insane Elbow

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of the NXT The Full Sail Years Volume III (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:


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