205 Live – October 29, 2021: Give Them Time

205 Live
Date: October 29, 2021
Location: Capitol Wrestling Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Vic Joseph, Nigel McGuinness

It’s time for more of the NXT B show and that sounds good enough to me. I’m still wondering if they are going to change the name though, as we are now in a rare case where every single thing about the show’s title is completely inaccurate. It takes something special to pull that off and a new name would make sense. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Boa vs. Jeet Rama

Mei Ying is here with Boa. Feeling out process to start until Rama takes him down to the mat with a headlock takeover. Back up and some armdrags have Boa in more trouble and even out on the floor for a breather. Boa gets back in and hits a few shots to the face in the corner, setting up the chinlock. A neckbreaker gets two on Rama, followed by a shot to the throat for the same. It’s off to a figure four necklock but Rama fights up and hits some rolling gutwrench suplexes. Boa escapes a powerslam though and grabs a reverse layout DDT for the pin at 5:39.

Rating: C-. Just a match here without much else to be said. Boa continues to be one of the people who is around at least semi regularly but that does not exactly make him interesting. Rama is someone who could go a little somewhere with some more development but this is about his peak at the moment.

Sarray vs. Katarina Cortez

Man Sarray has just not caught on. The fans are behind Sarray to start and they fight over a test of strength to get going. Sarray gets the better of things but gets flipped over, setting up a double bridge up. A double stomp rocks Cortez but she goes for the tape on Sarray’s back to take over.

The camel clutch goes on until Sarray makes the rope, meaning Cortez busts out a rocking horse to stay on Sarray’s back. The double arm crank has Sarray in more trouble but she’s out in a hurry. A hard half crab keeps Cortez down, followed by a fisherman’s suplex for two. Sarray’s middle rope dropkick gets the same and the running dropkick against the ropes (I’m surprised she can still use that) finishes Cortez at 5:59.

Rating: C. Sarray is someone who has most of the tools to be a star but it hasn’t clicked yet. It’s not like the women’s division couldn’t use the help, but for some reason the only noteworthy thing about her is that dropkick. Cortez is good enough in the ring, but she needs a good bit more development.

Sarray checks on Cortez after the match. Maybe not kicking her in the face would be a bit nicer.

Xyon Quinn vs. Ru Feng

They stare each other down to start as Nigel refers to Quinn as a Samoan ghost. Quinn powers out of a top wristlock but gets headlocked down instead. A snap suplex gives Feng one but Quinn is back up with….I think it was a botched leapfrog but he tried to turn it into a leg lariat but had to settle for something like a Sling Blade (we’ll go with bad and leave it at that). Quinn hammers him down and finishes with the running elbow for the pin at 3:55.

Rating: C-. This wasn’t awful, but that botch in the middle is all that is going to stand out in the whole thing. There’s only so much you can do when you have less than four minutes and one of the biggest things was a mistake. I like Quinn a lot and I’m sure he’ll be fine, as it means a bit to be in the featured spot here.

Overall Rating: C-. Much like the old days of 205 Live, it’s hard to really get annoyed at a show that is over in 28 minutes and includes a bunch of advertisements in addition to three matches. This show knows how to get in and out without overstaying its welcome, but it still isn’t great stuff a lot of time time. That being said, these wrestlers need whatever ring time they can so putting them on this far less watched show is a good idea.



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205 Live – October 22, 2021: I’m Looking Forward To It

205 Live
Date: October 22, 2021
Location: Capitol One Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Nigel McGuinness, Vic Joseph

It’s weird to be looking forward to this show but they have managed to make it happen. I have no idea what to expect from the show but the mere hint of effort and a purpose has turned this show into something with a bit of value for a change. What’s next? An actual big name showing up around here? Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Amari Miller/Valentina Feroz vs. Katarina Cortez/Yulisa Leon

Leon is new. Feroz and Cortez go to the mat to start with Feroz’s takedown not having any effect. It’s off to Leon for a very spinning wristdrag and Cortez’s missile dropkick gets two. Feroz has to fight out of a chinlock and Miller comes in for the first time, only to get clotheslined down. Everything breaks down and Miller cravates Leon onto her knee for the pin at 3:48.

Rating: C-. Not much to see with this one but Miller getting a win is not exactly surprising. It is clear that they want to do something with her and she has to start somewhere. Feroz and Leon weren’t bad but this was about Cortez and Miller getting over, which worked well enough for this stage.

We see the Duke Hudson poker room from last week’s NXT.

Duke Hudson vs. Malik Blade

Hudson runs Blade over to start and then tosses him outside with straight power. Back in and Blade cranks on a headlock but Hudson counters a dive into an overhead belly to belly. Some slams put Blade down again and Hudson is looking rather cocky. Blade hits a dropkick into a running corner clothesline but Hudson sends him flying again. The more serious Hudson puts him down and finishes by….grabbing Blade by the back of the head and shoving him face first onto the mat at 5:31. Not driving him down mind you, but just shoving him.

Rating: C. The match was pretty good, including Blade being treated more seriously this time, but Hudson is going to need a MUCH better finisher. That felt like the kind of thing you do to embarrass your opponent and get a one count but it finished here. Hudson is already a bit hard to take seriously and that didn’t help things.

Post match, Hudson tosses him a poker chip.

Halloween Havoc rundown.

Jeet Rama vs. Xyon Quinn

Feeling out process to start with Quinn grabbing a headlock until Rama sends him into the corner. A front facelock suplex gives Rama two and the armbar goes on. Back up and a hard whip sends Rama into the corner to give Quinn a breather. The armbar goes right back on, though this time Quinn muscles him up for a World’s Strongest Slam. Quinn is back up to toss Rama around, setting up a running shoulder in the corner. The running forearm finishes Rama at 4:15.

Rating: C. Quinn has been treated as something of a big deal in recent weeks but this time it was more about Rama. I could see that going somewhere as Rama looks good enough in the ring to become a bit of a player. I’m not at all surprised that Quinn won though, as he could turn into one of the upcoming stars of NXT without much trouble.

Respect is shown post match.

Overall Rating: C. This was a bit of a downgrade, but it’s nice to see this as the pretty firm new format of the show. Above all else, it gives you something to look forward to and that is a nice change of pace after so many years of nothing from 205 Live. If this can become something like NXT’s Dark, WWE might be on to something for a change.



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