NXT – July 11, 2023: Anniversary Edition

Date: July 11, 2023
Location: Capitol Wrestling Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Vic Joseph, Booker T.

It’s a big night as Judgment Day is here again. This time around that should mean some issues for Carmelo Hayes and Trick Williams, as there are still issues to deal with from before Money In The Bank. Other than that, we have the fate of Tony D’Angelo as NXT’s idea of how the courts work continues to be out there. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Here is Judgment Day to get things going. The fans chant for Mami but Finn Balor says DADDY’S HOME. It’s time to do some Judgment Day things, starting with Damian Priest, who doesn’t like Trick Williams and Carmelo Hayes. Dominik Mysterio gets booed down, but here are Hayes and Williams to interrupt. Hayes praises Balor but says the two of them run this place. Priest says that’s because Judgment Day isn’t here every week. Williams and Priest get into the argument and a tag match is made for later.

Tony D’Angelo, who needs to get to chow time in jail, says he wants to trust Stacks but he keeps hearing bad things. He’s just not sure anymore.

Gigi Dolin talks about how she puts herself out there, while Kiana James tries to hide her past. We see some shots of a younger James seemingly being quite the different kind of person.

James insists that isn’t her anymore.

Chase U vs. Charlie Dempsey/Drew Gulak

The fight is on before the bell until we settle down to Dempsey hitting Hudson in the face. As Lucien Price and Bronco Nima pop up on the platform to watch, Hudson gets in a running hurricanrana on Gulak, with commentary not believing it. Hudson gets caught on top but manages something like a super Michinoku Driver. Chase comes in and is quickly slammed down, allowing Dempsey to grab the chinlock.

That doesn’t last either, as it’s back to Hudson to clean house. Everything breaks down and Chase U clears the ring as we take a break. Back with Hudson fighting out of trouble and bringing in Chase to clean house. Suplexes abound and there’s the Spelling Stomp to Dempsey. A high crossbody gets two and it’s time to exchange German suplexes. Thea Hail has had it with this and grabs a Kimura on Gulak, leaving the Fratliner to finish Dempsey at 11:22.

Rating: C+. This was all about getting Chase back in the ring and the fans still seem to absolutely love him. That is exactly what NXT had to be hoping for, but now it’s all about actually doing something with him. Chase U was the hottest thing in NXT for a good while but they never really did anything. Change that this time and we could be in for something rather interesting.

Bron Breakker is ready to beat Ilja Dragunov and become #1 contender.

Von Wagner talks about how he was an outcast as a kid and eventually accepted being a monster. He started doing that here, but for the first time, the fans were cheering him. Wagner has Mr. Stone to thank for that, which leaves Stone looking happy.

Kelani Jordan vs. Cora Jade

Dana Brooke is here with Jordan. The gymnastics frustrated Jade to start but she gets in a few stomps to take over. A running dropkick hits Jordan as she is tied up in the ropes, setting up the chinlock. That’s broken up and Jordan gets two off a rollup and the forearms abound. Jordan’s springboard is broken up though and Jade hits the DDT for the pin at 3:58.

Rating: C. They didn’t have much time to do anything here but Jade continues to look strong. That’s all you can ask for from a match this short when Jade is facing someone brand new. There’s a good chance we get Jade vs. Brooke next and then hopefully Jade gets to move on to something a little more difficult.

Post match Jade goes after Jordan again but Dana Brooke makes the save.

Ilja Dragunov is ready to be #1 contender.

We look at Eddy Thorpe winning the NXT Underground match last week.

Gable Steveson isn’t sure what to do now because he loves being here but also wants another Olympic medal.

Dijak is not impressed with Thorpe winning one NXT Underground match.

Ilja Dragunov vs. Bron Breakker

For the NXT Title shot at the Great American Bash. Breakker powers him straight into the corner to start but Dragunov wins a slugout. The 61Line is countered with a heck of a suplex though and Dragunov is right back in trouble. Dragunov chops away but Breakker just unloads on him with forearms and right hands as we take a break.

Back with Dragunov winning another slugout but getting caught with a German suplex. Breakker cuts him off with some raised boots though and the top rope bulldog (which barely makes contact) knocks Dragunov silly. Dragunov is back up with a Death Valley Driver into the corner, setting up a Coast To Coast.

The Torpedo connects for two, and Dragunov is stunned by the kickout. Breakker is right back with a heck of a spear for two before loading up the gorilla press. That’s reversed into a DDT for two but Breakker hits a clothesline. Another spear is cut off by a knee to Breakker’s head and now the Torpedo to the back of the head can finish for Dragunov at 14:22.

Rating: B. This was straight out of the old NXT playbook, as you have the new top challenger facing the previous top challenger to give the new one some credibility. In this case it helps that Dragunov and Breakker worked very well together and had a pretty great fight. Dragunov can sell like no other and Breakker’s power stuff looked awesome against him. Very good match here and it could have been on some kind of special instead of regular TV.

Wes Lee talks about being ready for Mustafa Ali when Dominik Mysterio, with Rhea Ripley, comes in to accept the open challenge. There wasn’t one open, but they can do it next week.

A driving Baron Corbin talks about not knowing who he is anymore because he has changed so many times. He comes to a circle of torches and asks who he is.

Ivy Nile vs. Tiffany Stratton

Non-title. Stratton shoulders her down to start and then does it again. Back up and Nile grabs the arm before getting in a hard shot to the face. Stratton is fine enough to knock her to the apron, setting up a running hip attack to the floor. Back in and the chinlock is broken up without much trouble, allowing Nile to kick her in the head. The Diamond Chain Lock is broken up and it’s a Regal Roll into the Prettiest Moonsault Ever for the pin at 4:38.

Rating: C. Much like the previous women’s match, there wasn’t much time to do anything here, but at least Nile got in a bit more offense. I’m not sure what she is going to be able to do with the Creeds gone, but her in-ring abilities should be enough to carry her pretty far. Stratton is looking for her next challenger, so keeping her warm is a good idea.

Post match Stratton grabs the mic but is told she tapped out so many times that she gives up.

Chase U gives Thea Hail a pep talk and believe she can be Women’s Champion.

Noam Dar is still depressed.

Blair Davenport mocks Roxanne Perez for taking a beating last week and promises to do it even worse next time Perez comes at her.

Stacks vs. Joe Coffey

Galls is here with Coffey. If Stacks wins, the charges against Tony D’Angelo are dropped and he and Stacks get a Tag Team Title shot. Otherwise, it goes to trial. Feeling out process to start until Coffey grabs a headlock takeover to grind away. Back up and All The Best For The Bells gets two on Stacks, with Coffey looking stunned at the kickout. Stacks insists that he isn’t a snitch and we take a break.

Back with D’Angelo calling in to be happy with Stacks as Coffey cranking on the arm. A clothesline cuts Stacks down again and here are Lucien Price and Bronco Nima to glare at Gallus. Price and Nima leave as Stacks fights up and hits him in the face. Stacks runs him over so Wolfgang yells at the referee, allowing Stacks to grab what looks like a pipe. With the referee turning around, Stacks hands the pipe to Wolfgang, getting Gallus ejected. The running knee to the back of the head finishes D’Angelo at 10:45.

Rating: C+. This whole story has been way over the top and more than a bit nuts at times, but Stacks has gotten a lot out of the whole thing. He has gone from little more than a generic heel to an actual character who can back it up in the ring. That’s more than I would have bet on and the D’Angelo Family winning the titles would make a lot of sense.

Schism comes up to Ivy Nile, who accuses Joe Gay at being the masked man last week. They invite Nile to join the team but she doesn’t say anything.

Yulisa Leon and Valentina Feroz talk about Noam Dar when Humberto and Angel come in to hit on them. With that not being well received, Dragon Lee and Nathan Frazer come in to get rid of the pesky guys.

Carmelo Hayes/Trick Williams vs. Judgment Day

Finn Balor/Damian Priest for the team here, with the latter punching Williams in the face to start. Priest cranks on the arm before handing it off to Balor for some choking on the ropes. The chinlock goes on for a bit before Balor drives him into the corner for some chops. Williams manages to get over to the corner for the tag to Hayes though and the ring is quickly cleared.

We take a break and come back with Hayes being sent into the wrong corner, allowing Priest to hit a running corner elbow. The double arm crank is broken up rather quickly and the rolling tag brings Williams back in. A running neckbreaker gives Williams two but Priest gets in a clothesline for the double knockdown. Hayes and Balor come in to pick the pace back up with Hayes hitting a superkick for two. The Sling Blade drops Hayes again but the Coup de Grace misses.

A springboard clothesline gives Hayes two more but it’s Priest coming in with a kick to the head. Williams makes the save as everything breaks down. Priest hits a Razor’s Edge onto the announcers’ table but Hayes grabs a Codebreaker. Cue Dominik Mysterio for a distraction but Hayes faceplants Priest anyway. The briefcase is thrown in but here is Ilja Dragunov to take it away. Hayes is sent into the briefcase though and it’s South of Heaven into the Coup de Grace to pin Hayes at 12:15.

Rating: B-. There was a lot of protection for Hayes, but I’m still not sure why you need to have the champion lose here when you have Williams in the same match. At least it does set up more of the Great American Bash main event, which should be great, but I’m assuming this is it for Judgment Day, at least most of them, in NXT. This id feel like a big time main event though and that is what matters more than almost anything else.

Hayes and Dragunov yell at each other to end the show.

Overall Rating: B-. Pretty nice show this week with some of the matches feeling rather big for a regular TV show. The women’s matches weren’t exactly treated as important though and that is still a little weird to see. Other than that though, there wasn’t much that brought this down and it did a nice job of setting things up for the Great American Bash later this month.

Chase U b. Charlie Dempsey/Drew Gulak – Fratliner to Dempsey
Cora Jade b. Kelani Jordan – DDT
Ilja Dragunov b. Bron Breakker – Torpedo
Tiffany Stratton b. Ivy Nile – Prettiest Moonsault Ever
Stacks b. Joe Coffey – Running knee to the head
Judgment Day b. Carmelo Hayes/Trick Williams – Coup de Grace to Hayes



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NXT – July 4, 2023: Back To The Old Days

Date: July 4, 2023
Location: Capitol Wrestling Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Vic Joseph, Booker T.

We’re done with Gold Rush and taped for the sake of the holiday. With just over three weeks to go before Great American Bash, it’s time to get the card set up, but there is also the chance for some more guest stars to spice things up a bit. That has worked well enough so far so maybe they’ll do it again. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Blair Davenport vs. Roxanne Perez

Perez jumps her during the entrance, with ringside still full of smoke. The bell rings and Perez knocks her straight back to the floor. That lasts all of five seconds before Davenport takes her back inside for a faceplant. Davenport gets in a running knee against the ropes for two before heading outside as we take a break.

Back with Perez winning a slugout but Pop Rox into the corner is blocked. Instead Perez gets two off a crossbody but Davenport sends her outside again. This time it’s a running knee to send Perez into the steps but that’s only enough for a nine count. Back in and the Falcon Arrow gets two, followed by a knee to the head to finish Perez at 11:58.

Rating: C+. Davenport has to be established as a monster to be taken down and that is what they are doing here. Perez has been a force in the division and she will be able to come back later on. Davenport might be next in line after whoever takes the title from Tiffany Stratton, but we could be a long way off from that. Until then, just hurting people will have to do.

Ivy Nile is worried about the loser leaves town match tonight with the Creeds and Schism when Tiffany Stratton comes in to make fun of her. A match seems to be made.

Baron Corbin is tired of not having a reputation and burns a bunch of his stuff, including gear from past gimmicks, saying it’s “no more gimmicks, no more nonsense and no more bulls***.” He might as well stick around here and try to figure something else out, because the main roster isn’t happening at the moment.

Mustafa Ali vs. Tyler Bate

They trade rollups for two each to start and then keep at it with a series of near falls that has the referee going a bit nuts trying to keep up. An exchange of takedowns sets up a crossface from Ali. Bate breaks out of that without much trouble and sends him outside for a clothesline as we take a break.

Back with Bate striking away until Ali hits a tornado DDT. A backdrop puts Ali on the floor so Bate can hit a big no hands dive. Back in and the rebound clothesline gives Bate two more. Bate goes up top but misses the Spiral Tap. Ali goes up as well but Bate catches him on top and climbs next to him. Some headbutts and a crotching on the ropes put Bate down though, allowing Ali to hit the 450 for the pin at 13:31.

Rating: B. These two had a chance to tear the house down and they came pretty close, with one big spot after another here. It was a very fun match where they were allowed to just go nuts for awhile. That’s the kind of match that is always going to work and in Ali’s case, it’s the kind of match that he should have been having for a long time now. These NXT excursions can do a lot of good for people, if nothing else just for the sake of reminding fans/WWE of what they can do.

Post match Ali says he wants a North American Title match at the Great American Bash.

Joe Gacy and Ava are ready to get rid of the Creed Brothers.

Kelani Jordan vs. Tatum Paxley

Dana Brooke is here with Jordan, who flips around to start. A backbreaker cuts Jordan off though and a backsplash gives Paxley two. Paxley loads up a suplex but gets reversed into a Stundog Millionaire for the pin at 2:43.

Post match Cora Jade comes out to mock Dana and Jordan, but turns down the latter’s challenge.

Chase U is glad to have Andre Chase back, with Chase thanking Duke Hudson for being great in his absence. Thea Hail is dubbed the uncrowned Women’s Champion and blames Charlie Dempsey and Drew Gulak for costing her the title. A student asks if they’ll be guest lecturing anymore but Hudson covers the yelling at him. Violence is promised.

Eddy Thorpe vs. Damon Kemp

This is NXT Underground, meaning no ropes and you only win by submission or TKO. Gable Steveson is here with Thorpe, who is easily taken down and pounded with forearms. Kemp rolls him around even more until they fall out to the floor, with Kemp hammering on him even more. Thorpe gets in some choking on the barricade before they head back inside, where Kemp chokes even more.

Thorpe sends him outside but walks into a heck of a fight hand. A knee to the face drops Kemp but he suplexes Thorpe to the floor for a scary sounding crash. Steveson uses the power of the gold medal to inspire Thorpe, who avoids a charge into the post. Kemp’s arm seems to be hurt and Thorpe grabs a triangle choke with some elbows to the head for the stoppage at 7:28.

Rating: B. I’m not sure what to make of something like this as it was more of a wrestling/UFC hybrid than a traditional match. Kemp gets another win and continues his rise up the ranks, but that Steveson involvement is likely what really matters here. Steveson got more physical here than he has in a long time and there is a chance that he is going to do that more often in the future. Or maybe this is his annual “hey I’m still here” moment and we don’t see him again until next year.

Post match Kale Dixon goes after Steveson’s gold medal and gets suplexed. Some more people go after Steveson and get suplexed as well until the rather large….never mind as he gets suplexed too.

Carmelo Hayes and Trick Williams invite Judgment Day to NXT to settle business.

Stacks and Joe Coffey go to see Tony D’Angelo in jail and Tony isn’t happy. However, they have a deal: next week it’s Stacks vs. Coffey and at stake are…..the charges against Tony. That doesn’t work for Tony, who breaks the phone in frustration.

Jacy Jayne vs. Lyra Valkyria

Jayne yells a lot and sends her into the corner, only to miss a charge. Valkyria gets two off a rollup but is sent face first into the apron as we take a break. Back with Jayne holding a Boston crab but getting reversed. Jayne misses a charge and has to avoid a top rope ax kick. Instead Jayne hits a backsplash for two but misses the spinning kick to the face. Valkyria kicks her in the face for the pin at 8:52.

Rating: C. This was more to the point as Valkyria continues to look strong. She got the endorsement from Rhea Ripley last week so this should be more than enough to move her up the ladder. A big time title rematch against Tiffany Stratton isn’t out of the question and she moved past Jayne pretty quickly here. Not a great match, but a good performance from Valkyria.

Post match Jayne beats her up again and destroys the feathers.

Noam Dar is nearly in tears over losing the Heritage Cup so the Meta Four have to console him.

Kiana James goes into her office….which has been trashed and spray painted by Gigi Dolin. James swears revenge.

Back in the arena, Von Wagner, in street clothes, beats up Javier Bernal by sending him through a table. I like that better than them having a match, just for making it seem more real.

Creed Brothers vs. Dyad

Loser leaves NXT and the Dyad jumps them from behind. Back up Brutus hits the Brutus Bomb to clear things out as we take a break. We take a break and come back with Fowler hold Brutus in an armbar. After a good deal of cranking, Brutus fights up and manages to get over to Julius or the tag. Suplexes abound and Julius sends them to the floor for a big dive, followed by an assisted spinebuster fr two on Fowler.

Back up and Fowler rolls Julius up for two until Reid grabs a crucifix bomb for the same. A chop block cuts Julius off though and we take a break. Back with Fowler working on the same leg but Julius gets over for the tag to Brutus. A springboard 450 gets two on Fowler so Brutus grabs the ankle lock. That’s broken up as well and Fowler hits a middle rope Codebreaker for two.

Julius tells his brother to fight for him because he loves him, which is enough or Brutus to fight back. The Doomsday Device is broken up and it’s a Doomsday suicide dive to take Brutus out. Somehow it’s back to Julius to clean house as the pace picks up. A double suplex sends the Dyad flying and a top rope moonsault takes them both down again. Ava comes in and gets dropped by Ivy Nile….but a masked man runs in to hit Julius. The double Codebreaker finishes Julius at 17:42.

Rating: B. This was another rather good match on a show full of them. The best thing here was a twist ending, as it would seem that the Creeds are ready to go up to the main roster, where they should be. They’ve had their long NXT Tag Team Title reign so send them up and let Julius become the breakout star that he could be. I’d be shocked if the masked man wasn’t revealed to be Gacy, but at least they waited for the right time to do the screwy ending. As usual, the Dyad has never been Schism’s problem so it was nice to see them getting this kind of time.

Finn Balor will be here next week to deal with Carmelo Hayes.

Here’s what’s coming next week.

Here is Bron Breakker to talk about how he was in the most watched NXT match in two years last week when he challenged Seth Rollins. No one thought he had a chance against Rolling until he hit a spear. He’s had just over seventy matches and all of them have happened right in front of these people.

Breakker is 25 years old and can hang with the best in the business. He has a lot more titles to win and wants to know who is next. Cue Ilja Dragunov to say he’s next (and Breakker looks a bit worried). Dragunov says there is one person between himself and the NXT Title, so he’s here to eliminate Breakker. The fight is on, with wrestlers and referees barely being able to hold them apart to end the show.

This feels like the old school second match from the top for a Takeover, as you have the former champion against the up and comer who needs the win to move into title contention. It’s a strategy that has worked before and it should here, as these two can beat the daylights out of each other, likely at the Great American Bash.

Overall Rating: B+. When the worst match on the show is a completely watchable Jayne vs. Valkyria match, you’re having a pretty good night. This show featured three rather quality matches, plus some stuff either officially or all but officially being set up for Great American Bash. I had a really good time with this show and it was one of the better NXT’s I’ve seen in a long time. With some guest stars and matches set for next week, it’s nice to be excited for what NXT is doing again, so very good job this week.

Blair Davenport b. Roxanne Perez – Running knee
Mustafa Ali b. Tyler Bate – 450
Eddy Thorpe b. Damon Kemp via referee stoppage
Lyra Valkyria b. Jacy Jayne – Kick to the head
Dyad b. Creed Brothers – Double Codebreaker to Julius



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NXT LVL Up – June 30, 2023: The Short Version

Date: June 30, 2023
Location: Capitol Wrestling Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Byron Saxton, Blake Howard

For once, this show might actually be a bit different for a change, as next week’s regular NXT will be taped in advance due to the 4th of July. As a result, NXT might switch things up somewhat, for the sake of not having to tape too many matches before the show. That could be a nice way to go so let’s get to it.

Opening sequence.

Blair Davenport vs. Kelani Jordan

Jordan takes her down with an armbar to start before a sunset flip gets two. An armdrag out of the corner into a rollup gets two more but Davenport hits her in the face to take over. The cravate has Jordan in more trouble but she fights up with some shots to the face. A springboard spinning crossbody gets two on Davenport but a backbreaker into the Falcon Arrow finishes Jordan at 5:25.

Rating: C. Jordan got a chance to shine here and that is nice to see as she is still brand new. Let her do her thing for a bit, assuming she already knows what that thing is. That being said, Davenport seems to be a candidate for next big bad in NXT and if that is the case, she is not about to be losing to a newcomer like Jordan, especially on LVL Up.

Myles Borne wants a challenge in Joe Coffey.

Joe Coffey vs. Myles Borne

Coffey grabs a cravate to start but Borne is right back up with a dropkick. An armbar puts Borne down and Coffey cranks on the arm a bit more. Coffey’s headlock doesn’t last long as Borne is back up with a dropkick. Borne gets his own armbar and Coffey is sent to the apron, where a Stunner can connect to stagger Borne again. A powerslam gets Borne out of trouble but Coffey knocks him into the corner, setting up All The Best For The Bells and the pin on Borne at 5:40.

Rating: C+. Coffey as the name of the week around here is a weird way to go as he has had enough success to not belong on this show. That make it all the more interesting and Borne even got in some offense here. Decent enough match, even if it was there for the sake of having Coffey around.

Overall Rating: C+. As nice as the thirty minute version of the show may be, the twenty minute version actually suits it even better. It’s more or less the Main Event of NXT and I got a little something out of it, just by having some not quite squash matches. This was a nice change of pace and we’ll probably get the same next week, so well done for a bit.



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NXT – June 27, 2023 (Gold Rush Week 2): There’s Gold In Them Thar Matches

Date: June 27, 2023
Location: Capitol Wrestling Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Vic Joseph, Booker T.

It’s the second half of the Gold Rush tournament and that means we have a title match main event. Baron Corbin will finally get his shot against Carmelo Hayes for the NXT Title, plus the Tag Team and Women’s Titles are on the line. That is a heck of a card so let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

We open with a long recap of last week.

Women’s Title: Thea Hail vs. Tiffany Stratton

Hail, with Duke Hudson, is challenging. Some rollups give Hail two but the Kimura sends Stratton straight to the rope. Cue Charlie Dempsey and Drew Gulak as Stratton gets in a shot to take over, setting up a double stomp for two. Stratton starts working on the arm and we take a break.

Back with Hail firing away in the corner and grabbing a t-bone suplex. The spelling stomps set up an armbar but Hudson is arguing with Dempsey. Hail gets the Kimura again and Stratton taps but the referee is yelling at Gulak. Hail makes the eternal mistake of letting the hold go and getting the referee, allowing Stratton to get the rollup pin at 8:28.

Rating: C. Hail continues to be such an entertaining ball of energy out there and it is hard to take your eyes off of her. At the same time, Stratton feels like an absolute star and someone who is going to keep the title for a long time to come. Hail’s title win might happen someday, but it’s Stratton’s time and NXT seems to know it.

Post match Dempsey and Gulak beat down Hudson but Andre Chase returns for the save. The people seem to still like him.

Video on Ilja Dragunov, who loves fighting.

Gallus still hasn’t heard from Joe Coffey.

Last week, Dana Brooke was getting her knee looked at when Kelani Jordan came in. Jordan praised her and there seems to be some respect.

Tag Team Titles: Edris Enofe/Malik Blade vs. Gallus

Gallus is defending. Blade rolls away from Joe to start and slips out of a double teaming in the corner. Enofe comes in to start working on Wolfgang’s arm before it’s right back to Blade to headlock Mark. A dropkick gets two as we see Angel Garza and Humberto Carrillo watching from the platform.

We take a break and come back with Blade in trouble as Wolfgang cranks on the neck. Coffey shoulders him down and grabs a front facelock, only to go after Enofe. The distraction lets Blade duck underneath and bring in Enofe to clean house. Enofe tries to use Coffey as a launchpad but slips, only to come back with a spinebuster for two instead. A frog splash gets two on Coffey with Wolfgang making the save. Cue Stacks to go after Coffey but he knocks Enofe into the steps by mistake (though he doesn’t seem too upset by it). The flapjack/dropkick finishes Enofe to retain at 13:13.

Rating: C+. I still think Enofe and Blade could and should be champions someday and moving the belts here wouldn’t have been the worst idea. Gallus isn’t exactly lighting the world on fire as champions and it would be nice to see some fresh blood around the belts. At least there seems to be something going on with the Stacks deal, but Gallus still aren’t all that interesting.

The Meta Four don’t want to talk about losing the Heritage Cup but Jakara Jackson and Lash Legend want the Women’s Tag Team Titles.

It’s time for a Schism family meeting. Joe Gacy tells them to speak freely, with Dyad talking about how their lives were supposed to be made better. The problem is that Gacy’s life is the only one getting better. Gacy accuses Fowler of not letting Reid have a voice, with Fowler saying Gacy bosses them around.

That doesn’t work for Gacy, who says they were never fully dedicated but they’re in a better form now. Cue the Diamond Mine to say they’re sick of this and declare Schism a cancer that wants to take over NXT. Gacy wants the Creeds vs. the Dyad next week, loser leaves NXT. The Creeds are in, though Julius looks a bit nervous. Schism’s schism continues and it couldn’t happen to a more annoying group.

Lucien Price and Bronco Nima talk about growing up together and using football to let out their aggression. Now they’re back on the same time and they’re here to dominate.

Axiom/Scrypts and Hank Walker/Tank Ledger are impressed by Price and Nima. Nathan Frazer walks up and gets some congratulations from Axiom on winning the Heritage Cup. Axiom says he’s drawn to the cup.

Trick Williams gives Carmelo Hayes a pep talk….and Rhea Ripley shows up (BIG pop for that). She warns them to stay out of Judgment Day business and leaves.

Heritage Cup: Dragon Lee vs. Nathan Frazer

Lee is challenging. Round One begins with neither being able to get anywhere on the mat. Neither can get anywhere off a wristlock so we have a standoff. Cue Axiom to watch as Frazer works away on a headlock. Scrypts is here too as they trade rollups for near falls each. They fight over a lockup and get nowhere as the round ends.

Round Two begins with Frazer snapping off a flying mare and hitting a running dropkick. Lee tries a hurricanrana out of the corner but gets pulled into a sunset flip to give Frazer the first fall at 1:10 of the round and 5:05 overall. Round Three begins with Lee cartwheeling his way out of a hurricanrana. Lee knocks him outside and hits the big flip dive as we take a break.

Back with Round Three over, the score still 1-0 Frazer, and about a minute of Round Four done. Frazer hits a dive to the floor but Lee hits a quick powerbomb for the pin at 1:45 of the round and 10:33 overall. Round Five starts with Lee tying him in the Tree of Woe for the top rope double stomp. They both go up top and come crashing down, with Lee hitting another powerbomb or two. They’re both down for a bit before slugging it out from their knees. A fight over a rollup goes to Frazer, who gets the pin at 2:59 of the round and 13:02 overall to retain.

Rating: B-. These rounds matches can be tricky as while they’re entertaining, they make me want to see these wrestlers have a regular match without the gimmicky setup. Lee and Frazer could have a heck of a match out there no matter what, so why chop it up with the round stuff? Either way, good match and the best on the show so far.

Raw Underground is back next week.

We see Gable Steveson training Eddy Thorpe for his Raw Underground match with Damon Kemp. Steveson will be in Thorpe’s corner.

Mustafa Ali comes in to see Wes Lee and apologizes for getting a little too involved as referee last week. Tyler Bate comes in to question how things went last week. Ali wants a title shot and Bate offers to referee. Bate and Ali bicker as Lee walks off.

Mr. Stone can’t find Von Wagner. Then he finds Von Wagner, who is upset over the photo of him as a baby and everything his family had to go through. Wagner says he can’t do this right now and leaves.

Gigi Dolin vs. Kiana James

They fight over a lockup until Dolin starts in on the armbar. Dolin dropkicks her up against the ropes and gets two off a rollup before they crash out to the floor. We take a break and come back with James going outside again, but this time she manages to send Dolin into the steps. We hit the chinlock back inside but Dolin fights up again. With nothing else working, James goes for her loaded bag, only to get caught with a crucifix bomb to give Dolin the pin at 9:09.

Rating: C. Dolin is in a weird place as NXT seems interested in pushing her but it doesn’t ever really seem to go anywhere. She feels unique enough that she can do something interesting but it hasn’t exactly gone to that next level. James isn’t much higher up at the moment, though she seems to have found more of a niche than Dolin.

Post match James hits her with the bag and pours cans of paint onto Dolin.

We go to the prison, where Joe Coffey visits Tony D’Angelo. Tony looks confused but Joe says things have changed since Tony was locked up. Tony promises that Stacks will handle things, but Joe says Stacks already has things handled. Stacks has ambition, with Joe saying Stacks sold Tony out. Joe plays some audio from his phone, with Stacks talking about how he’s the new Don and wanting Gallus to lay low for a week.

We look at Blair Davenport jumping Roxanne Perez during a fan Q&A show.

Jacy Jayne isn’t happy with Lyra Valkyria, who pops up to hit her in the face. Rhea Ripley pops up to say Jayne deserved that and Valkyria is a bada**.

The Dyad freaks out over next week’s Loser Leaves NXT match but Ava calms them down.

NXT Title: Baron Corbin vs. Carmelo Hayes

Hayes, with Trick Williams, is defending. They start fast with Hayes sending him outside and nailing a dive as we take an early break. Back with the fight heading outside again and Hayes being sent over the barricade. A big boot knocks Hayes silly but he gets out of a chinlock. The springboard clothesline takes Corbin down but he grabs a backbreaker for a breather.

Corbin rips the shirt off and drops Hayes with an elbow before taking him up top. Hayes knocks him off for a frog splash and the Fade Away his Corbin as well. The springboard DDT gets two more and a cradle gets two. Corbin is right back with an AA into the chokebreaker for two of his own and frustration sets in.

They fight out to the floor with Corbin sending him face first into the announcers’ table. Some elbows to the head drive said head into the table for two back inside. Deep Six is broken up but the second attempt plants Hayes for two more. Hayes manages to send him to the apron for a slingshot DDT. Back in and Nothing But Net finishes Corbin to retain the title at 16:28.

Rating: B-. The length hurt this one a good bit as it stopped being interesting early on, got a bit better near the end and then just kept going. Cut out about five minutes of this and it’s a lot better, though they did have me wondering if they were actually going to change the title here. Hayes is starting to feel like a champion and if he can avoid unnecessary losses like this week on Raw, he’ll be good for the time being.

We get a preview of next week’s show, including Mustafa Ali one on one with Tyler Bate.

Bron Breakker leaves Shawn Michaels’ office, shouting about how he has beaten everyone and Shawn can’t control him. Breakker says you’ll see what he means next week.

Overall Rating: C+. This wasn’t exactly a classic or even must see show, as a lot of it felt like a bunch of stuff you might see on a month of normal shows stacked up onto one. The action was good enough and things were set up for next week, but it was missing that spark that really made it feel special. For now though, good enough show, even if it wasn’t as solid of a showing as last week.

Tiffany Stratton b. Thea Hail – Rollup
Gallus b. Malik Blade/Edris Enofe – Flapjack/dropkick combination to Enofe
Nathan Frazer b. Dragon Lee 2-1
Gigi Dolin b. Kiana James – Crucifix bomb
Carmelo Hayes b. Baron Corbin – Nothing But Net



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NXT LVL Up – June 16, 2023: Just Like PN News

Date: June 16, 2023
Location: Capitol Wrestling Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Blake Howard, Byron Saxton

Things have started to pick up around here a little bit and that is nice to see after so many months of pretty much nothing. The star power has been better and should that continue, the show could be a lot more entertaining to watch week in and week out. Granted I’ve said that before and nothing has lasted so let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Elektra Lopez/Lola Vice vs. Dani Palmer/Kelani Jordan

Lopez throws Jordan around to start but Jordan is fine enough to take Vice down with a drop toehold. Palmer comes in to work on a wristlock before getting taken into the wrong corner. Stereo hip attacks to the head knock Palmer silly for two and Vice kicks her into the corner. Palmer fights out of Lopez’s neck crank and brings in Jordan as everything breaks down. Lopez grabs Jordan with the sitout chokebomb for the pin at 4:23.

Rating: C. I’ve mostly given up on Lopez becoming a breakout star but Vice and Palmer both have that charisma that can offer something going forward. There’s a spark to them that makes you want to see them in the ring and I could go for seeing what NXT does for them. Jordan is another rather athletic star, but she is still brand new and it could be awhile before we see what she can really do.

Javier Bernal is ready to show a new side of himself tonight against Stacks. He talks about having a chip on his shoulder and goes over the various types of chip it might be (including tortilla size).

Boa vs. Bryson Montana

Montana grabs a cravate to start and they go to the mat rather quickly. The exchange of strikes goes to Boa, who scores with a running dropkick but can’t get a sunset flip. Montana is right back with a powerslam and the chinlock goes on. Boa fights up and fires off knees to the ribs, followed by a big kick to the head for the pin at 4:08.

Rating: C. I know I say this every time, but it’s still just Boa. He’s a guy who paints his face and kicks a lot, which is only going to take him so far. Montana is a big power guy and looks good when he is out there, but he needs a lot more experience. For now, he’s stuck with losing to Boa, who is eternally stuck going nowhere.

Javier Bernal vs. Stacks

They fight over a lockup to start until Bernal grabs a wristlock. Stacks reverses into one of his own and pulls him into a hammerlock on the mat. Back up and Stacks crotches him on top before dropping the legs between the legs. Bernal is fine enough to catch him on top and drop a running leg for two. Commentary talks about how Bernal wants to follow in the paths of Oz and PN News, as stars who had big performances at the Great American Bash. Bernal runs him over again and we hit the Liontamer of all things, but Stacks flips him away for the break. A running knee to the back of the head finishes Bernal at 6:45.

Rating: C+. This is the best thing on the show and even then it’s just pretty good. Stacks is in the middle of a pretty big story and while I still believe that he’s going to wind up being the one to have turned Tony D’Angelo in, he’s doing well on the way there. Bernal is such a funny goof that it’s easy to have him around, even if he isn’t going to get anywhere anytime soon.

Overall Rating: C. It was back to the run of the mill version of this show this week and that is rather disappointing. I guess Bernal and Stacks are the big names on the show and even they are little more than lower midcarders on NXT. I’m not sure why they changed course so fast, but hopefully they change it again and make the show the more interesting offering that it can be.


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NXT LVL Up – June 2, 2023: Coming Attractions

Date: June 2, 2023
Location: Capitol Wrestling Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Byron Saxton, Blake Howard

I have no idea what to expect from this show and I’m not sure if that is a good thing or not. LVL Up is a show that can offer something and it is cool to see some of these young up and comers getting a chance. The problem is it can take time for that to really make an impact. Maybe that is different this week so let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Quincy Elliott vs. Kale Dixon

Elliott grinds away on a headlock and adds a kind of Old School wristdrag. Something more similar to a regular Old School connects but Dixon knocks him down and hits a running knee to the face. A few running shots to the face stagger Elliott again and we hit the nerve hold. Back up and Elliott hits a foot to the face, only to miss a charge into the corner. A rollup with feet on the ropes gives Dixon the pin at 4:53.

Rating: C-. What does it say about your career when you lose to a guy named Kale? Elliott is rather flashy and I can see the appeal, but I’m not sure what kind of ceiling he really has. It wasn’t exactly a huge return for Elliott, but then again he has never been pushed as any kind of a major star so I can’t imagine this going very far.

Post match Dixon gyrates and gets punched down for his efforts.

Bronco Nima and Lucien Price are ready for Tank Ledger and Hank Walker. That’s the most LVL Up main event I can imagine.

Kelani Jordan vs. Kiana James

Jordan’s early armdrag annoys James, who grabs an armbar to blow off some steam. That’s reversed into Jordan’s armbar, which doesn’t sit well with James. A running forearm drops Jordan but she’s right back with another armdrag. Back up and James sends Jordan’s arm into the buckle to take over and the armbar goes on again. Jordan fights up and hits a dropkick but James has had it and grabs the 401K for the pin at 4:35.

Rating: C. Well they have the armbar stuff down pretty well. There wasn’t much to see with this one, as Jordan is brand new and James is only so good with her limited experience. James winning isn’t a surprise, but Jordan is another young star with all kinds of athleticism which could come in handy down the road.

Tank Ledger/Hank Walker vs. Bronco Nima/Lucien Price

Nima and Ledger lock up to start, with Nima shoving him away. It’s quickly off to Walker for a double shoulder and a solo headlock. Price comes in and gets shouldered down, only to have Price run Ledger over with a clothesline. A jumping knee keeps Ledger in trouble and Nima is back in for the chinlock. That’s broken up and it’s back to Walker to clean house as everything breaks down. Price superkicks Walker and a gordbuster into a kick to the face gives Price two. A double clothesline gives Walker a breather though and the hot tag brings in Ledger. Nima gets caught in a double belly to back suplex of all things for the pin at 6:24.

Rating: C+. It was a nice power fight and that’s all it needed to be, as Walker and Ledger are the much more established team. Let them go in there and get a win over a rather imposing pairing for the show’s main event. Nima and Price are about the same as they have been or a long time now, which isn’t exactly saying much for the developmental side of things.

Overall Rating: C. It was nice to have some different names than we have been seeing in recent weeks around here and that made for an easier watch this time around. The show is turning into more of a coming attractions version of NXT and that makes for an interesting episode from time to time. This was an acceptable edition, but as usual, there isn’t anything worth seeing.



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