Ring Of Honor – March 20, 2025: I’m Not Sure What This Show Is Anymore

Ring Of Honor
Date: March 20, 2025
Location: Memorial Auditorium, Sacramento, California
Commentators: Ian Riccaboni, Caprice Coleman

Normally we would be on the way towards Supercard Of Honor but that doesn’t seem to be the case this year. At the moment, the big story seems to be Chris Jericho defying Gravity and annoying Bandido in the process, which doesn’t seem likely to play an important role on this show. The TV Title is on the line though so let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

We run down the card.

Hechicero/Volador Jr./Rugido vs. Mistico/Fuego/Neon

Hechicero takes Neon down by the leg to start and they go into the grappling. Neon’s leg gets tied up but he reverses into a Brock Lock of all things. Back up and Hechicero pulls him into a surfboard, with Neon standing up to escape. Neon spins him out with an armdrag and it’s off to Mistico vs. Volador. Rugido comes in for a cheap shot on Mistico as Ian gives us a history between Volador and Mistico, which is kept short and to the point, making it that much more valuable.

Neon comes back in and gets thrown into the air for a kick to the chest but it’s quickly back to Mistico. A wishbone has Mistico in trouble again but he elbows and hurricanranas his way out of trouble. Everything breaks down and Mistico and company hit stereo dives. Fuego comes in to dance at Rugido before taking him down with an armdrag. It’s off to Hechicero, who gets some more Fuego dancing before Neon springboard hurricanranas Rugido to the floor. Mistico comes in again and gets to clean more house before Fuego and Neon hit stereo dives. Back in and La Mistica finishes Rugido at 12:32.

Rating: B. As usual, it was the fun match that you have come to expect but at the same time, it’s the same match that doesn’t build anywhere and is little more than a showcase. If only there were, I don’t know, some titles that these six man teams could challenge for in the future. But nah, that would mean defending those belts and we haven’t done that in nearly eight months so why bother?

Viva Van vs. La Catalina

They fight over wrist control to start and trade legsweeps for some near falls. A fisherman’s suplex gives Catalina two but Van is back up with a spinwheel kick for two of her own. The Rocking Horse keeps Catalina in trouble but she’s back up with a Shining Wizard for two more. Van is back up with a victory roll for another near fall and a springboard crossbody drops Catalina again. Catalina’s running dropkick in the corner sets up a Pedigree for two so she pulls Van into an arm trap choke for the win at 6:18.

Rating: C+. More fun stuff here, with Catalina getting to stand out with some of her rather impressive offense. She’s already gotten her title shot against Athena so maybe she could move on to the Women’s TV Title or something else. On the other side, Van has come a long way in the last few months and it’s nice to see her develop so well.

We look at the Beast Mortos’ success in ROH. Ignore his lack of success in AEW.

La Faccion Ingobernable vs. Eli Theseus/Gabriel Aeros

Aeros and Dralistico chop it out to start and Dralistico stomps away to take over. More stomping in the corner has Aeros in more trouble before it’s off to Mortos to slug away at Theseus. Dralistico is back in with his springboard Codebreaker for the pin at 2:22.

Video on Komander before tonight’s title defense.

Kevin Knight vs. AR Fox

They fight over wrist control to start and go to an early standoff. Stereo nipups lead to both of them blocking armdrags for the standoff sequel. Fox sends him outside and hits an early dive, followed by a ram into the steps. A flip dive off the barricade knocks Knight down again but he’s back up with a dropkick through the ropes.

Back in and Knight’s twisting splash gets two and we hit the double armbar. Fox fights up and hits a running hanging DDT. A package piledriver is broken up though and Knight plants him down. An F5 gives Knight two but Fox is back with an Iconoclasm into a cutter. Fox’s Swanton gets two more and they go into a pinfall reversal sequence. Fox pulls him into a crossface until Knight turns over into the ropes as time expires at 10:00.

Rating: B-. It was fun while it lasted, though I’m not sure I can remember Knight doing anything of note in ROH coming into the match. As usual, Fox is good at getting in a bunch of his stuff and looking impressive in the process, but it isn’t going to mean as much if he never wins anything important. That being said, fun match and I could go for more of Knight around here.

Satnam Singh vs. Sid Ellington

Ellington looks like an evil clown, which gives you one of the weirder names compared to his look. Singh throws him around, chops him down, throws him onto the turnbuckle, and finishes with a chokeslam at 2:41. As dominant as you would expect.

QT Marshall/Aaron Solo vs. Top Flight

Darius and Solo fight over a waistlock to start with Darius hitting a dropkick, seemingly impressing himself. Marshall comes in for a headlock but gets taken down by an anklescissors. It’s off to Dante, who is knocked outside for a crash to the floor. Back in and Darius gets suckered in for…well nothing actually so Dante hits a high crossbody.

The tag brings in Darius to clean house. A jumping clothesline gets two on Solo and a tornado DDT gets the same as everything breaks down. Darius gets caught with a belly to back suplex/neckbreaker combination for two and Dante is knocked to the floor. Dante is back in with a hurricanrana to take Marshall out. That leaves Darius to get something like the Rings Of Saturn to make Solo tap at 8:27.

Rating: B-. Another entertaining match here, with Top Flight continuing their undefeated streak. That should mean something about the idea of them getting into the title hunt but you should know better than that by now. I have no idea why they haven’t gotten the chance to do something already, but Ring Of Honor isn’t known for the logic in its booking.

Here are the Outrunners to hype up the University Of Omaha’s game against St. John’s in the NCAA Tournament. The Infantry comes out to praise St. John’s and mock Omaha’s mascot, earning themselves a beating with some trashcans from the Outrunners. St. John’s would go on to massacre Omaha.

TV Title: Dark Panther vs. Komander

Komander is defending. Panther takes him down by the leg to start but Komander is back up to avoid a charge in the corner. A takedown sets up a sunset flip for two on Panther and we get an early standoff. The very springboardy armdrag is blocked and Panther hits a basement dropkick for two. The armbar has Komander in trouble until he fights up, only to get dropped with a clothesline.

Panther misses a charge into the post but he’s back up to cut off a dive. Komander gets tied up in the ropes and a rather loud chop drops him again. An inverted Gory stretch is broken up so Panther faceplants him down for a big crash. The surfboard goes on to stay on Komander’s knees but he backdrops a charging Panther over the top. The springboard flip dive drops Panther again but a moonsault hits raised boots. Panther dropkicks him down again for two, only to get backdropped outside again. Komander’s rope walk flip dive hits Panther again and the Cielito Lindo retains the title at 11:38.

Rating: B-. More good, entertaining high flying here, but what mattered the most with this match was the fact that they actually set up the match over a few weeks. This wasn’t just “someone wins a match and gets a title shot”, as they gave it a bit more effort and attention. It didn’t make for a great match but it made for a much better story and that is very welcome around here.

Respect is shown to end the show.

Overall Rating: B. As has been the case in recent weeks, the show is entertaining, though the fact that a good chunk of it is focused on guest stars from CMLL doesn’t help things. It makes the show feel like it isn’t so much about Ring Of Honor but rather everyone else that they can find to fill in the gaps. That makes me wonder why Ring Of Honor continues to be a thing, but I’ve wondered that for a very long time now.

Mistico/Fuego/Neon b. Hechicero/Volador Jr./Rugido – La Mistica to Rugido
La Catalina b. Viva Van – Arm trap choke
La Faccion Ingobernable b. Eli Theseus/Gabriel Aeros – Springboard Codebreaker to Theseus
Kevin Knight vs. AR Fox went to a time limit draw
Satnam Singh b. Sid Ellington – Chokeslam
Top Flight b. Aaron Solo/QT Marshall – Rings Of Saturn to Solo
Komander b. Dark Panther – Cielito Lindo



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Ring Of Honor – November 21, 2024: A Themed Show

Ring Of Honor
Date: November 21, 2024
Location: Amica Mutual Pavilion, Providence, Rhode Island
Commentators: Ian Riccaboni, Caprice Coleman

We’re about a month away from Final Battle and the show has yet to even be officially announced. Therefore no matches has been made yet and that is going to leave some work to be done around here. Hopefully they make some of it work because it would be nice to have some extra time put into the card in advance. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

We run down the card.

Angelico vs. Gabe Kidd

Kidd slaps him in the face to start and snaps off a suplex. Another suplex is countered into a small package to give Angelico two but Kidd knocks him into the corner. Angelico strikes away and grabs a belly to back suplex, only for Kidd to get in one of his own. A brainbuster gets two on Kidd and a rollup gets the same. That’s enough for Kidd, who is back with a pair of piledrivers for the pin at 4:13.

Rating: C+. Kidd is someone who has gotten my attention in the few times he’s been around and it was nice to see him make quick work of Angelico. There was no reason to have this be competitive and thankfully that’s how it went. I can’t imagine Kidd is going to be around regularly but for a quick cameo, this was fine.

Shane Taylor Promotions vs. Beef/JD Drake

The Infantry is here with the Promotions. Beef and Taylor start things off with the latter getting the better of some strikes. Beef’s cartwheel into a dropkick has Taylor in more trouble and it’s off to Moriarty. Some chops in the corner stagger Moriarty but Taylor comes in to run Beef over with an elbow to the face.

Drake isn’t having as much of the chops though and slugs away at Taylor, who drops Drake without much effort. A Saito suplex gets Drake out of trouble though and it’s Beef coming back in to clean house. Everything breaks down and Drake misses a moonsault to Moriarty. Taylor comes back in and hits Drake in thee face for the big knockdown. The release Rock Bottom into the splash finishes Drake at 6:39.

Rating: C. This was more of the way to use Beef, as he got to come in, do his charismatic comeback, and do the job before it took too long. That’s all the match needed to be and I can go for getting through things rather than making this a lot longer. Now just get the Promotions the Trios Titles and give them some success after so many months of nothing.

Post match the beatdown is on but the Undisputed Kingdom runs in for the save.

The Righteous wants the Tag Team Titles and Dutch reads a poem to Dustin Rhodes about how much Dusty Rhodes loved him more than Dustin. Cowbelling ensues.

Kevin Knight vs. Serpentico

Knight shoulders him down to start as we get an official announcement that Final Battle is coming on December 20. Serpentico’s hurricanrana count of the corner gets two and a falling splash is good for the same. Back up and Knight knocks him down for a change and hits a splash for two of his own. A dropkick to the back gives Serpentico two but Knight kicks him in the face a few times. Knight’s springboard clothesline finishes at 4:49.

Rating: C. They kept this one short and to the point again with some nice high flying involved. Knight is someone who has done well in the appearances I’ve seen from him and he did well again here. As usual, Serpentico is good at making other people look better and he did it for Knight here too.

Mike Bennett vs. Tomohiro Ishii

They chop it out to start (it’s an Ishii match for sure) with Ishii getting the better of things. A superkick into a running clothesline drops Ishii for two but Ishii gets annoyed at being hit in the face. Ishii’s snap powerslam gets two but some more strikes to the face an a spear give Bennett two. Bennett takes too long going up though and a stalling superplex brings him back down. Bennett’s Death Valley Driver connects but Ishii fights out of a powerbomb. The brainbuster finishes Bennett at 6:51.

Rating: C+. Ishii getting a win on the way towards his Ring Of Honor World Title shot makes sense, but it’s a big weird to see him beating Bennett. That’s not the most logical way to go when Bennett is being built up as part of a tag feud with Shane Taylor Promotions, or even as Roderick Strong’s lackey. In theory there should be someone else to take the fall, but Ring Of Honor can be confusing at times.

From Final Battle 2008.

Briscoe Brothers vs. Kensuke Office

The Office would be Kensuke Sasaki/Katsuhiko Nakajima. It’s Nakajima backing Mark into the corner to start until Mark takes him down for a kick to the back. Nakajima takes over with a series of kicks, including a running kick to knock Mark outside. Back in and it’s Jay coming into strike away, setting up a Samoan drop to plant Nakajima.

Sasaki comes in to take Jay into the corner, which is broken up in short order, allowing the tag back to Mark. Nakajima gets knocked into the corner and Jay adds a suplex for two. It’s back to Sasaki to kick away at Mark’s leg and the Office can start taking over on said leg. A running dropkick in the Tree of Woe gives Nakajima two but Mark is right back up for the tag off to Jay.

One heck of a chokeslam gives Jay two and it’s back to Sasaki for a chop off. An armbar is broken up so Nakajima suplexes Sasaki onto Jay for two. Nakajima kicks Jay down a few times for two more but Jay gets in a shot of his own. Mark comes back in for the Doomsday Device for two, followed by the Jay Driller to pin Nakajima at 16:40.

Rating: B-. It was a hard hitting match as you should have expected from the four involved, though this was when the Briscoes were just starting to turn the corner and become the team that would dominate the promotion. There wasn’t much of a story here, at least not one that commentary told, so it was quite the randomly added match.

Shingo Takagi vs. Ariya Daivari

Takagi knocks him into the corner to start and fires off some knees in the corner but Mark Sterling grabs the leg from the floor. Daivari sends him into the barricade to take over and we hit the armbar back inside. Takagi gets in a left hand but the arm isn’t all there, so it’s a suplex for two instead. Daivari’s hammerlock DDT gives him his own two but Takagi grabs a regular DDT. Some clotheslines into Last Of The Dragon finishes Daivari at 7:44.

Rating: C. It was nice to have Takagi around as he’s a rather talented star, but this was little more than a quick cameo against a nothing opponent. That’s been the story of this show so far: a bunch of one off matches with guest stars which don’t feel important. Takagi’s was the best so far (save for the one from about sixteen years ago) but I’m only getting so excited about Daivari.

The Outrunners still have merch.

Athena vs. Leila Grey

Non-title Proving Ground match, meaning if Grey survives the ten minute time limit or wins, she gets a future title shot. Athena wastes no time in pulling her down for a quickly broken leglock. Grey’s rollup gets one and a running dropkick has Athena on the floor. That earns Grey a knockdown and a ram into the steps as Athena takes over. Back in and Athena hammers her down but Grey makes the clothesline comeback. Grey hammers away in the corner and a sunset bomb gets two. Then Athena pulls her into something like the Hell’s Gate for the tap at 6:40.

Rating: C+. Grey got in some offense here but there is no reason to believe that Athena is ever going to lose one of these things. It would seem that Billie Starkz is going to take the title from her at Final Battle, but they might want to actually set the match up. Other than that, not quite the usual stuff from Athena, who did at least bust out a new finisher.

TV Title: Brian Cage vs. AR Fox

Cage is defending and knocks him to the floor to start. They change places and Fox hits some dives, followed by a quick Swanton for two back inside. The bearded Cage snaps off a belly to back suplex and then does some curls into a World’s Strongest Slam for two. We hit the chinlock but Fox fights up and hits a Downward Spiral into the middle rope.

A corner clothesline and hanging DDT give Fox two but Cage’s pumphandle faceplant is god for the same. Fox plants him back down and scores with the 450 for two of his own. Cage knocks him off the top though and a tornado DDT into a triple bob gets two. The Drill Claw retains the title at 9:23.

Rating: C+. So this match with the person who hadn’t earned a title match in any noteworthy way resulted in the monster champion beating him after a somewhat competitive match. I’m not sure why this needed to be the main event, but I’m guessing the title was enough. Cage is in getting something of a push on AEW TV so he wasn’t about to lose here.

Overall Rating: C+. This was in fact a show featuring some stars from Ring Of Honor, but this was far more about the stars from Japan. Counting the classic match, six out of eight matches on the show featured guest stars. I have no idea why the show needed to be so focused in one direction, but it’s not like there is anything important around here most of the time. Final Battle is in about a month and now we get to see how many people featured here won’t be on the show. As is so often the case with Ring Of Honor.

Gabe Kidd b. Angelico – Piledriver
Shane Taylor Promotions b. Beef/JD Drake – Splash to Drake
Kevin Knight b. Serpentico – Springboard clothesline
Tomohiro Ishii b. Mike Bennett – Brainbuster
Shingo Takagi b. Ariya Daivari – Last Of The Dragon
Athena b. Leila Grey – Choke
Brian Cage b. AR Fox – Drill Claw



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Impact Wrestling – March 21, 2024: They’re Moving Fast

Impact Wrestling
Date: March 21, 2024
Location: St. Clair College, Windsor, Ontario, Canada
Commentators: Matthew Rehwoldt, Tom Hannifan

We are getting closer to Rebellion and last week saw what will likely be the setup for two title matches on the show. The good thing about recent weeks around here is that there is a lot more going on than just the main event. That should help get us ready for the pay per view next month so let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening recap.

Leon Slater vs. Chris Bey vs. Alan Angels vs. Jason Hotch vs. Kevin Knight vs. Jake Something

The winner gets an X-Division Title shot at Rebellion so Mustafa Ali is on commentary. Knight sends Hotch outside for the big flip dive before everyone else goes after Something. The other three go at it inside until Hotch comes in to jump them from behind as we take a break. Back with Hotch and Angels double teaming Knight, much to Ali’s happiness. Bey is back in to pick up the pace but Something comes in to take over.

Knight, Hotch and Angels get together to take Something out, leaving Slater to come in with a powerbomb. Bey fights up and grabs a spinning tornado DDT on Something but Slater is back in for the dive. A high flip dive to the floor takes out some people on the floor (Ali takes credit for bringing this version of action to you), leaving Something to powerbomb Knight. Into The Void gives Something the pin on Hotch at 10:03.

Rating: B-. Good, fast paced match here, though as usual there is only so much you can get out of having this many people out there at once. Something continues to be a dominant monster when he is given the chance, though it is hard to imagine Ali losing the title so soon. Something needs to win something but for now he might just have to win a title shot in a scramble match.

Dirty Dango, with company, complains about how people only care about match ratings instead of promos. He has two anchors weighing him down so Oleg Prudius walks off.

AJ Francis says Rich Swann will give his explanation next week. Now go away.

Here is Deaner to say he has had a lot of failures in recent years and those failures are because of him. When he was a kid, he decided he loved wrestling and now he wants to get his passion back. Therefore, every decision he will make will belong to the fans. Cue the Grizzled Young Veterans to say Deaner needs to listen to them because he is nothing. Now jog on! Deaner puts it up to the fans, who think he should stay. The people have spoken and the fight is on, with the Timesplitters (scheduled to fight the Veterans) to clear the ring. It’s a new thing for Deaner, but it’s still Deaner and that’s hard to overcome.

Grizzled Young Veterans vs. Timesplitters

Shelley runs Drake over to start and it’s off to Kushida, who gets taken down rather quickly. That doesn’t last long so it’s back to Shelley, who takes Drake down by the arm. Drake is sent cashing out to the floor and we take a break. Back with Shelley fighting his way out of the corner and taking out Gibson’s arm, including what might be seen as a cheap shot.

Gibson goes after Shelley’s knee though and they head outside, with the knee being dropped onto the apron. Back in and Shelley reverses into some kind of a leglock, only to have Drake make a save of his own. Shelley fights up and grabs a hiptoss of all things, allowing the tag back to Kushida. House is cleaned but the Veterans cut him off with an assisted Sliced Bread #2. Everything breaks down and Shelley comes back in with the Shell Shock. Kushida grabs the Hoverboard Lock to make Drake tap at 12:15.

Rating: B-. This is another example of a match where the talent involved was enough to carry them to a good result. Shelley continues to have an edge in there and the heel turn seems rather imminent. For now though we’re getting to see him do well with his other partner, which isn’t the kind of result you often see. At the same time, it would be nice for the Veterans to win something bigger than one fall in a series against the ABC.

We get a sitdown interview with Hammerstone, who talks about how he had a match here on Xplosion several years ago. He was told he wasn’t ready, and that gave him a big chip on his shoulder. Then he came back and attacked Josh Alexander, though Hannifan points out that Hammerstone lost. Hammerstone: “Are you an interviewer or commentary?”

Hammerstone says he showed he was smarter and holds up Alexander’s headgear as his trophy. If Alexander wants another shot, he can get beaten up. Hammerstone was quite the villain here, with little things like asking if Hannifan preferred Tom or Thomas and then calling him the opposite making it better.

Digital Media Title: Crazzy Steve vs. PCO

PCO is challenging and they go to the floor to start with PCO sending him into the apron. Steve sends him into the post though and hammers away back inside. Some more shots just wake PCO up though and he hits a Codebreaker out of the corner. A middle rope legdrop to the back of the head sets up the DeAnimator but cue Kon with a bunch of weapons.

Some of those weapons are thrown inside so PCO goes outside for the brawl. As Steve has the referee, the chairs are set up (the fans prefer tables) but PCO takes too long, allowing Kon to drop him onto the chairs. That’s enough for Steve to grab the pin and retain the title at 8:24.

Rating: C+. This was a two part match, with things being split between the match itself and everything between PCO and Kon. They needed a way to keep PCO strong and avoid him winning the title, which they managed to do (albeit with the referee looking rather incompetent). Steve’s nice run continues and that’s another name he can add to his wins list.

Decay wants their rematch with Spitfire but MK Ultra interrupt. They should get the first title match so a #1 contenders match is set up.

Here is Eric Young for a chat. Young says Frankie Kazarian should watch what he wishes for, because he has Young’s attention. The challenge is on for Full Metal Mayhem at Rebellion.

Ashe By Elegance vs. Seleziya Sparx

Sparx talks trash to start but gets punched/kneed in the face for her efforts. We pause for Ashe to have her hand checked on by her handler, setting up a handspring elbow in the corner. A rather long Rarefied Air finishes for Ashe at 2:35.

Post match Ashe stays on Sparx but Xia Brookside runs in for the save.

Here is Nic Nemeth for a chat. He wants the World Title but he respects everyone in that locker room far too much to be handed a title shot. He proved that to Steve Maclin but Moose couldn’t wait, which has gotten Nemeth a title shot. Cue the System to interrupt, with Moose saying that if anyone knows Nemeth’s career, they know he can’t beat the system. And that’s it. Rather short here and it almost felt like they were rushed for time.

Knockouts Title: Tasha Steelz vs. Jordynne Grace

Grace is defending and knocks back a charging Steelz as we take a break less than thirty seconds in. Back with Steelz being dropped again, setting up a spinebuster to give Grace two. The Juggernaut Driver is blocked and Steelz grabs a triangle choke, which is broken up with a powerbomb for two.

The MuscleBuster is countered as well and Steelz hits Sliced Bread #2 for two of her own. Steelz sends her out to the apron so Grace goes up top, where she is kicked in the head. A hurricanrana brings her down but Grace is back with a discus lariat. The Juggernaut Driver is enough to retain the title at 11:15.

Rating: C. I wasn’t feeling this one as Grace kept fighting back and never felt like she was in serious danger. Then again there was little reason to believe that Steelz was going to be a threat, as Grace is pretty far ahead of everyone else in the division. There is a good chance that Ashe By Elegance will be the next challenger, but Grace looked dominant here, with Steelz’s best stuff not getting her very far.

Overall Rating: C+. They covered a lot of things here and it made for a good enough show, though there was nothing worth going out of your way to see. At the same time, a lot of the big stuff at Rebellion is set and they enhanced some of it here. With so many weeks before the show, they have time to use a show like this, though the rest of the card needs to start being set up soon.

Jake Something b. Leon Slater, Chris Bey, Alan Angels, Jon Skyler and Kevin Knight – Into The Void to Skyler
Timesplitters b. Grizzled Young Veterans – Hoverboard Lock to Drake
Crazzy Steve b. PCO – Rollup
Ashe By Elegance b. Seleziya Sparx – Rarefied Air
Jordynne Grace b. Tasha Steelz – Juggernaut Driver



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Impact Wrestling – March 7, 2024: Pre-Sacrifice

Impact Wrestling
Date: March 7, 2024
Location: Alario Center, Westwego, Louisiana
Commentators: Matthew Rehwoldt, Tom Hannifan

We are one day away from Sacrifice and as such, most of the show is ready to go. The main event will see Moose defending the World Title against Eric Young, plus Jordynne Grace defending the Knockouts Title against Xia Brookside and Tasha Steelz. We might get a little bonus this week so let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening recap.

Opening sequence.

Mustafa Ali vs. Kevin Knight

Non-title and Ali’s goons are here with him. Knight shoves him down to start and then hits a hard running shoulder. Ali tries a leapfrog but gets dropkicked out of the air in a nice looking counter. There’s a rolling splash for two but Ali sends him throat first into the middle rope. A DDT gives Ali two, only to have him take too long going up, allowing Knight to snap off a super hurricanrana. The no look crossbody gives Knight two and he stomps away in the corner.

Knight goes up top and gets brought down with a super Backstabber of all things for two. Back up and Knight clotheslines him to the floor, setting up a heck of a springboard dive for the big knockdown. Cue the Good Hands but Chris Sabin and Kushida run in to take them out. The distraction lets Ali hit another DDT but he misses the 450. A Sky High gives Knight two and the other guys keep brawling to distract the referee. That’s enough for a belt shot to knock Knight silly and give Ali the pin at 8:40.

Rating: B-. The messy ending didn’t help this but dang Knight is fun to watch. He doesn’t break any new ground with the high flying but he does it really well and that is always going to work. Ali cheating to win and the bragging about it is good old fashioned heel stuff and it made for a nice balance here.

Post match Ali hits a 450 onto Knight’s arm. Alex Shelley runs in for the save.

Video on Xia Brookside and Tasha Steelz trading wins and then splitting the third match but both get a Knockouts Title shot at Sacrifice anyway.

Kevin Knight’s arm is really banged up and there is no way he can compete at Sacrifice. Alex Shelley will take his place but also gets in a jab at Chris Sabin for not wanting him there at No Surrender.

Ash By Elegance vs. Angel Blue

Blue is from Alaska, which you don’t see very often. The bell rings and Ash tells Blue to kiss her boot, which isn’t happening. Instead Ash hammers away in the corner as Rehwoldt describes her as “the best there is, the best there is and the best there ever is.” More right hands on the mat have Blue in trouble and a backsplash gets two. A suplex sets up Rarefied Air to pin Blue at 2:43.

Steve Maclin, from his hotel room, says he has been right about Nic Nemeth from the day Nemeth debuted. Maclin was waiting for him in Puerto Rico and saw fear in Nemeth. He’ll be at Sacrifice…and then the feed gives out. We can hear a fight and then Nemeth looks into the camera.

Good Hands vs. Time Splitters

Kushida and Skyler fight over wrist control to start until Kushida takes him down into an armbar. Everything breaks down and the Splitters clear the ring without much effort. Shelley comes in to stomp on Hotch’s arm and Kushida snaps it over the top for a bonus. The Hands get in a double Russian legsweep to take over on Kushida and we take a break.

Back with Kushida fighting out of the corner and diving over to Shelley for the tag. The house cleaning doesn’t last long though as Shelley is knocked into the corner so Skyler can come in with a slingshot spear for two. Hotch’s rolling neckbreaker (a Mustafa Ali move) gets two but Shelley sends the Hands into each other. Kushida gets in the real house cleaning and the basement dropkick hits Skyler in the face. Shelley takes out Hotch and the Hoverboard Lock finishes Skyler at 11:32.

Rating: C+. I say it almost every week but the Good Hands name is appropriate, as the team can work well with anyone and that is especially the case with a good team like the Time Splitters. Shelley and Kushida were on the same page here but it feels like we could be heading for a Shelley heel turn, which certainly has potential. Like a Shelley vs. Chris Sabin showdown for example.

Dirty Dango and company are ready to dominate, like Monty Brown, Crimson, Jerell Clark and the Naturals. They want all of the best opponents with less than a year’s experience. Oh and Josh Alexander’s head gear looks weird but facing him in the main event will make people want to join their wrestling school. It’s only $60 a person.

Mustafa Ali thinks he needs a new strategy for the six man tag at Sacrifice, so he’ll be teaming with the Grizzled Young Veterans instead. The Good Hands are stunned.

Masha Slamovich vs. Dani Luna

Killer Kelly and Jody Threat are here too. Luna takes her down into an early front facelock, followed by a basement clothesline for two. Luna’s suplex gets two so Kelly kisses Slamovich on the head. That seems to work as some hair mares bring Luna down a few times, setting up a camel clutch.

Slamovich switches into a seated abdominal stretch, followed by some quick clotheslines. Luna fights up and hits a quick running dropkick, setting up a slingshot Blue Thunder Bomb for two. Slamovich’s Snow Plow is countered so she settles for something of a Russian legsweep for two of her own. Luna isn’t having that though and grabs the Luna Landing (fireman’s carry slam into a powerbomb) for the pin at 7:09.

Rating: C. It’s kind of amazing how much more interesting the Knockouts tag team division is compared to the WWE women’s tag team division. There aren’t exactly many teams in the division, but it still feels like these women are being treated as something that matters compared to pure filler. I still don’t know how necessary the Knockouts Tag Team Titles are, but they do at least come off as somewhat important.

We look at Kon and PCO teasing a big fight last week.

PCO vs. Alan Angels

Angels slugs away to start but has to kick his way out of a chokeslam. A DDT puts PCO down but he sits up to avoid a frog splash. PCO hits a heck of a clothesline and the PCOsault finishes at 1:34.

Post match Kon comes out with a chair for the brawl with PCO, meaning a chair duel ensues. They brawl to the back rather quickly.

Crazzy Steve retained the Digital Media Title over Rhino on Xplosion.

Crazzy Steve talks about being an artist, a champion and a teacher. It doesn’t matter who he is defending against, but he is ready for Laredo Kid at Sacrifice.

Here is Eric Young for a chat. Young talks about everything he has given to this company and now he is looking at Moose. He sees someone big and strong who might go on to become one of the best ever but he’s giving it his all at Sacrifice. Cue Moose to say he can’t believe the fans are believing what Young is saying. Moose is ready to see everything Young is willing to sacrifice but Moose is leaving as champion. He offers a street fight right now and Young is game, but the System runs in to beat Young down. Alisha Edwards brings in a chain but the ABC makes the save.

Dirty Dango vs. Josh Alexander

Dango has Alpha Bravo and Oleg Prudius with him. Alexander wrestles him down to start and Dango actually takes over with a front facelock. That’s broken up with a flapjack into an ankle lock, with Dango bailing to the floor. We take a break and come back with Dango kicking away from another ankle lock, with Alexander grabbing his knee on the way down.

A dragon screw legwhip on the floor keeps Alexander in trouble, followed by a leglock back inside to stay on the leg. Said leg is wrapped around the post but Alexander uses the good leg to pull Dango face first into the post. Alexander hits a middle rope dropkick for a breather and there’s a Regal Roll.

A knee to the neck gives Alexander two but Dango avoids a charge in the corner. The Falcon Arrow gets two but Alexander is right back with the rolling German suplexes. Alexander shoves him off the top onto the goons and there’s a flip dive onto them. Back in and Dango hits a DDT but misses Down And Dirty, allowing Alexander to grab the ankle lock for the win at 14:47.

Rating: B-. They had a good match but I wouldn’t expect Alexander to be so egregious about ignoring the leg injury. Dango worked on the thing for more than five minutes but then Alexander was back up doing dives and flips, which are out of his wheelhouse in the first place. The rest of the match was rather entertaining, as Dango is getting to show the talents that he really has, which are fairly substantial.

Overall Rating: C+. TNA was in a weird place here as they had to set up another pay per view less than two weeks after the previous one, but they have somehow made it work. Young vs. Moose might not be the biggest match in the world but the rest of the show should be enough to make up for it. This show did a good job of making me want to see Sacrifice, even if it is a fairly low level pay per view.

Mustafa Ali b. Kevin Knight – Belt shot
Ash By Elegance b. Angel Blue – Rarefied Air
Time Splitters b. Good Hands – Hoverboard Lock to Skyler
Dani Luna b. Masha Slamovich – Luna Landing
PCO b. Alan Angels – PCOsault
Josh Alexander b. Dirty Dango – Ankle lock



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Impact Wrestling – February 29, 2024: Leaping Fun

Impact Wrestling
Date: February 29, 2024
Location: Alario Center, Westwego, Louisiana
Commentators: Tom Hannifan, Matthew Rehwoldt

We’re officially out of the Scott D’Amore era as the show he set up, No Surrender, has come and gone. That means we are on the way to Sacrifice and we should be in for a big showdown with Moose defending the World Title against Eric Young. Other than that, Mustafa Ali is the new X-Division Champion after beating Chris Sabin. The rest of the card will need to be built so let’s get to it.

Here is No Surrender if you need a recap.

In Memory of Ole Anderson and Mike Jones (Virgil).

No Surrender recap.

Opening sequence.

Mike Bailey vs. Steve Maclin

Trent Seven and the Rascalz are here too. Bailey firs off the bouncing kicks to start and they’re already on the floor for a strike off. Both of them have to dive back in to beat the count, where Maclin hits a clothesline to the floor. The Rascalz get in a chop block to put Bailey down and it’s Maclin working on the leg back inside. The spear in the corner only hits post though and Bailey kicks him in the face.

A springboard flip dive drops Maclin on the floor and shows you what Bailey thinks about selling a banged up leg. They strike it out on the apron until Bailey’s moonsault knees only hit said apron. Maclin spears him down to the floor and Mayhem For All gets two on Bailey. Seven offers a distraction of his own, allowing Bailey to fire off some kicks. The tornado kick is blocked though and Maclin hits a buckle bomb. Bailey shrugs that off and hits a poisonrana but misses the Ultimate Weapon. KIA gives Maclin the pin at 7:34.

Rating: C+. And that is the kind of Bailey match that drives me nuts. He had his leg worked on for a good bit and then started jumping around and doing all of his flips and kicks. It takes me out of the match every single time and that was certainly the case again here. The action was good but I didn’t enjoy it, with the blame being pretty firmly on Bailey.

Post match Maclin calls out Nic Nemeth, who pops up on screen to show off his new IWGP Global Title. The match is made for Sacrifice.

We look at Eric Young becoming #1 contender to the World Title by beating Frankie Kazarian at No Surrender. Then Kazarian beat the fire out of an official.

Earlier today, Frankie Kazarian was told he was suspended and couldn’t come in. This led to a threat to Santino Marella.

Laredo Kid vs. Jake Something

Something gets caught with an early headscissors to put him outside, where Kid’s dive is countered into a sitout powerbomb. Back in and Into The Void is blocked, allowing Kid to hit a missile dropkick. A running flipping DDT gives Kid one and a middle rope moonsault gets two. Back up and Into The Void plants Kid for the pin at 3:07.

Rating: C+. It was a fast paced match and Something continues to feel like someone who should be a big deal if he was given the chance. For some reason that doesn’t ever actually take place but it’s nice to have another tease. At the same time, Kid is one of the better hands around and he made Something look rather good here.

Alan Angels is late to this week’s Sound Check, with special guest Kon. There is extra security around here but Kon isn’t impressed by Angels trying to be his friend. Kon isn’t scared of PCO, who shows up to wreck Angels and glaring at Kon, who isn’t scared. They both pull back punches and the camera cuts.

AJ Francis/Deaner vs. Joe Hendry/Rich Swann

Before the match, Hendry talks about how this is Francis’ in-ring debut and he won’t want to flop. We want this to be a good start, so Hendry doesn’t want anyone to chant AJ SUCKS. He knows the fans want to chant WE BELIEVE though and we’re ready to go. Francis knocks Hendry off the apron to start and we take a break less than a minute in.

Back with Hendry coming in for a double elbow to Deaner, followed by some rhythmic chops. Deaner knocks him into the corner though and Francis comes in to plant him hard. Hendry manages to get Francis onto his shoulders but can’t hold him up, instead settling for a DDT. Everything breaks down and Swann takes out Francis, leaving Hendry to hit Deaner with the Standing Ovation for the pin at 9:21.

Rating: C. The break didn’t help things here but there is only so much you’re going to get out of a team with Deaner and Francis. The good thing is TNA isn’t treating Francis as anything serious and at least he is losing when he gets in the ring. Hendry still needs something better to do, but I’ll take he and Swann getting on the show.

Decay are in New Orleans to get the Knockouts Tag Team Titles back.

Hammerstone has officially signed with TNA. Cool.

Josh Alexander is ready for his rematch with Hammerstone at Sacrifice. Dirty Dango and company interrupt to plug his wrestling academy, so Alexander says he’ll get the match made.

Here are the Good Hands to introduce Mustafa Ali (while thinking we’re in Mississippi) for his X-Division Championship celebration. Ali says the people have accepted change and made the X-Division great again. Cue Chris Sabin to interrupt, with Ali giving him the floor. Sabin talks about how they are both champions and that’s where the similarities end.

To Sabin, change is about making things better but for Ali, change is about himself. Ali says the Good Hands are here to support change, but at No Surrender, no one supported Sabin. That’s fine with Sabin, who is here to fight. The brawl is on, with Kevin Knight and Kushida running in to even things out and clear the ring.

Here is Ash By Elegance with a huge announcement: next week she is having her SECOND MATCH! You’re welcome.

Mustafa Ali is livid about what happened and promises consequences.

Tasha Steelz vs. Xia Brookside

For a Knockouts Title shot at Sacrifice. Steelz takes her into the corner to start as Jordynne Grace is watching from the back. A headbutt puts Brookside down for two and Steelz stomps down in the corner. The chinlock goes on as they’re not wasting time here. Brookside fights up and makes the clothesline comeback, including Broken Wings in the corner. The Brooksie Bomb is blocked though, with Brookside settling with sending her outside. A running neckbreaker hits Steelz on the floor but they brawl for the double countout at 5:18.

Rating: C. This didn’t have time to go very far and odds are the ending sets up the triple threat at Sacrifice. The problem here was they billed it as a rubber match which is true, but it’s only so interesting when I don’t think the three matches added up to twenty minutes. That doesn’t make for the most interesting series and we didn’t even have a winner. Not exactly inspiring stuff.

Post match Grace comes out to say she’ll fight them both at Sacrifice.

Rhino promises to Gore Gore Gore Crazzy Steve.

Sacrifice rundown.

ABC/Eric Young vs. The System

Moose bails from Young to start so Young bites Myers’ arm. ABC comes in for a double armdrag for two on Myers, followed by Bey armdragging Edwards into an armbar. Edwards gets stuck in the corner for a series of running elbows to the face and a near fall but he manages to drop Bey. Now Moose is willing to come in and the villains start taking turns on Bey. Back up and Bey flips out of a suplex, allowing Austin to come back in for a dropkick. Moose cuts Austin off on the apron though and we take a break.

We come back with Moose coming in to stomp away before knocking the System off the apron. Austin gets over for the tag to Bey but the referee doesn’t see it (always works) so the beating continues. A front facelock doesn’t last long for Myers so Austin kicks him in the face, allowing the tag off to Young.

Everything breaks down and Bey gets to kick Moose out to the floor. Bey’s big running flip dive is pulled out of the air for a powerbomb but Young is right there with the suicide dive. Back in and ABC kick away at Moose, with the 1-2-Sweet connecting and Edwards making the save. Austin kicks Myers to the floor but Moose cuts him off. The Backpack Stunner hits Bey and Myers’ top rope elbow connects to finish Bey at 17:13.

Rating: B. This was a good example of having two feuds put together at once, assuming Myers/Edwards get the Tag Team Title shot at Sacrifice. That’s the kind of match that makes sense and does a lot of good, especially with such a quick turnaround between the big shows. The action worked well here too and they can still do more to set up Young vs. Moose next week.

Overall Rating: B-. They were walking quite the fine line here as they had this and one more show to set up Sacrifice. The show isn’t quite a sequel to No Surrender but it’s the next step in a lot of things. That didn’t leave them much time to get things ready, but thankfully a lot of the setup was already done. That left us with a pretty good show, with the main event as the highlight, as it often is. If you can get Bailey to sell his injuries a bit more, the show could be that much better, but this did what was needed.

Steve Maclin b. Mike Bailey – KIA
Jake Something b. Laredo Kid – Into The Void
Joe Hendry/Rich Swann b. AJ Francis/Deaner – Standing Ovation to Deaner
Tasha Steelz vs. Xia Brookside went to a double countout
The System b. Eric Young/ABC – Top rope elbow to Young



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Impact Wrestling – February 22, 2024: The D’Amore Way

Impact Wrestling
Date: February 22, 2024
Location: Osceola Heritage Center, Kissimmee, Florida
Commentators: Tom Hannifan, Matthew Rehwoldt

It’s the go home show for tomorrow’s No Surrender and as usual, the card is mostly set. There are still some matches and stories that could use an extra boost though and that is likely to be the focus this week. This is also the last TV show under the command of Scott D’Amore, so get ready to say goodbye to an era. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening recap.

Opening sequence.

Chris Sabin vs. Jason Hotch

John Skyler is here with Hotch, who gets taken down to start and claims a hair pull. Sabin snaps him down with an armdrag before grabbing a middle rope sunset flip for two. A Russian legsweep into another cradle gets two and Hotch needs a breather on the apron. That lets him snap Sabin’s throat across the top rope but a chop hits post to give Sabin a breather. Back in and Hotch gets in a knee to the back of the neck for two as we slow down a bit.

Hotch uses the bad arm to chop some more, which really doesn’t seem to be the best idea. A rolling neckbreaker (ala Mustafa Ali) gives Hotch two more and we hit the neck crank. Sabin armdrags his way to freedom and hits a leg lariat, followed by a middle rope tornado DDT for another near fall. Cradle Shock is broken up though and Hotch grabs Rolling Chaos Theory for two of his own. They trade rollups for two each until Sabin is tossed outside. Hotch’s dive hits Skyler though and Sabin scores with a missile dropkick back inside. Cradle Shock finishes Hotch at 9:37.

Rating: B-. The Good Hands moniker does really suit Hotch and Skyler as they can be put in the ring with anyone and get at least something decent. It helps when you have Sabin on the other side, as he can do just about anything out there. Good opener here and a nice boost for Sabin before his title defense at No Surrender.

Mustafa Ali talks about how Chris Sabin has led the X-Division into an uncertain time and now it is time for new leadership. He approves this message.

The System is ready for tonight’s six man tag. Moose is ready for his No DQ match against Alex Shelley, but Santino Marella comes in to say both the System and Shelley’s friends are banned from ringside. Moose isn’t pleased.

Chris Sabin is ready for Mustafa Ali.

Simon Gotch vs. Jack Price

Josh Alexander comes out for commentary. Gotch easily takes Price down to start and the beating heads to the floor without much effort. Back in and Gotch hits some shots to the neck setting up a middle rope DDT and a Gotch Style piledriver. Gotch chokes him out for the win at 2:24.

Post match Gotch won’t let go so Alexander comes in for the staredown, though they’re not allowed to touch each other tonight.

The Grizzled Young Veterans want the Tag Team Titles because they are the best team in the world. The ABC has never been in water this deep and at No Surrender, they are going even deeper.

Video on PCO vs. Kon.

Steve Maclin vs. Trent Seven

The Rascalz are here with Maclin and Mike Bailey is here with Seven. They start fast with Seven hitting a crossbody into a legdrop for two before chopping away in the corner. Maclin clotheslines his way out of trouble and stomps Seven down with some rather basic (yet effective) offense. A hard right hand puts Seven down and we take a break.

Back with Seven firing off some chops in the corner but getting dropped with another clothesline. Maclin grabs a backbreaker and goes up, where Seven catches him with a superplex to put them both down. Seven grabs a DDT and clothesline Maclin outside, where Bailey has to take out the Rascalz. A top rope dive takes out everyone but Bailey and the Seven Star Lariat gets two back inside. Seven clubs away at the back and loads up what looks to be an abdominal stretch, only to have the people outside get into it again. Maclin knees Seven down and hits the KIA for the pin at 14:26.

Rating: C+. Good stuff here as Maclin gets a hard fought win on his way to a likely showdown with Nic Nemeth in the near future. Seven is another one in the good hands category as he is known enough to be a threat while not being likely to win any big matches. This was a nice match and boosted Maclin up, which he could use after a not so great last few months.

Gisele Shaw is ready to win the Knockouts Title but here is Gail Kim to interrupt. Kim likes that Shaw got rid of her friends but thinks Shaw could have done it with some more dignity. Shaw blows her off.

Mike Bailey and Trent Seven are ready for the Rascalz at No Surrender.

Eric Young vs. Frankie Kazarian

Well maybe not as Kazarian is here in street clothes with a chair. He’s not going to let Young call the shots here and brings out a ghost from Young’s past.

Eric Young vs. Big Damo

Damo was better known as Killian Dain in WWE as part of Sanity with Young. They start fast with Damo running him over and hitting a slingshot hilo for two. We’re already in the chinlock as Kazarian is watching from the stage. Damo grabs something like a seated abdominal stretch before missing a charge into the corner. The Death Valley Driver gives Young two, followed by a superplex to put Damo down. Young grabs the piledriver for the pin at 4:44.

Rating: C. This felt like your standard “you have to beat this guy to get to me” match and as usual, it worked well. Young vs. Kazarian has been a good choice for the veterans feud and the likely No Surrender match should be a nice addition to the card. This was a fine enough setup as TNA does their usual simple yet effective build.

Post match Young issues the challenge for No Surrender.

Tasha Steelz is down for a rubber match with Xia Brookside. As tends to be the case with these things, it’s not like the first two matches were that memorable in the first place.

Jody Threat and Dani Luna want the next Knockouts Tag Team Title shot.

Ash By Elegance vs. Savannah Thorne

Ash’s handler does the big intro and has Thorne go outside. Ash offers a hand to kiss and then blasts Thorne with a clothesline. Choking on the ropes, with trash talk, ensues and a handstand splash hits Thorne as well. Thorne dares to throw a right hand and gets choked in the corner, setting up Rarefied Air (Swanton) to give Ash the pin at 2:32. Ash was the “I’m beautiful and better than you” villain here, complete with some nice gymnastics. I’m not sure how far that will take her, but it’s better than the generic stuff she did as Dana Brooke.

Post break, Ash By Elegance has left the building. I hope she got in a shower first.

System vs. Kushida/Alex Shelley/Kevin Knight

Alisha Edwards is here with the System. Moose backs Shelley into the corner to start but Shelley grabs the arm to escape. Knight comes in to work on Eddie’s arm and all three good guys get in a crank of their own. A crossbody into a backsplash keeps Eddie down and Knight adds a regular splash for two. It’s back to Moose, who knocks Kushida out to the floor as we take a break.

Back with Kushida avoiding a charge to send Eddie and Myers outside but they cut off a tag attempt. Alisha gets in some choking before Moose misses a charge in the corner. Kushida knocks him down and brings Shelley back in to pick up the pace. Everything breaks down and Shelley gets Myers and Eddie in a hold at the same time, with Moose having to make the save.

Myers gets caught in a neckbreaker/moonsault combination for two with Moose making another save. Knight hurricanranas Moose off the top for one and then sends him outside. Another hurricanrana drops Moose on the floor and the step up dive puts the System down as the fans are rather pleased. Back in and Knight’s Code Red gets two on Moose and something like the Dream Sequence hits Myers. Alisha offers a distraction though and Moose spears Knight for the pin at 17:51.

Rating: B. Fast paced, action packed main event here with Knight getting quite the showcase. He feels like someone who could turn into a star if he is given the chance and that was on display here. What mattered was Moose getting to look strong before going into the title match, though he’s going to have to do it on his own at No Surrender. Heck of a fun match here and a good main event.

Post match the beatdown is on but Shelley pulls Moose into the Border City Stretch with the rest of the System making the save to end the show.

Overall Rating: B. This was the Impact that I’ve enjoyed for a long time now, as they had good matches combined with building things up for the important show. No Surrender is looking like a strong card and they did a lot of work for it here. I’m scared to know what the future holds around here, but at least they are ending their current era on a hot streak.

Chris Sabin b. Jason Hotch – Cradle Shock
Simon Gotch b. Jack Price – Choke
Steve Maclin b. Trent Seven – KIA
Eric Young b. Big Damo – Piledriver
Ash By Elegance b. Savannah Thorne – Rarefied Air
System b. Kushida/Alex Shelley/Kevin Knight – Spear to Knight



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TNA No Surrender 2024: One D’Amore Time

No Surrender 2024
Date: February 23, 2024
Location: Alario Center, Westwego, Louisiana
Commentators: Matthew Rehwoldt, Tom Hannifan

It’s a special event her and the last which will have been set up under Scott D’Amore’s watch. That means we should be in for a good night, with a main event of Moose defending the World Title against Alex Shelley in a No Surrender match. In addition, Mustafa Ali is making his in-ring debut to challenge Chris Sabin for the X-Division Title. Let’s get to it.

Pre-Show: Trent Seven/Mike Bailey vs. Rascalz

They don’t waste time in getting started as everyone goes out to the floor with Seven and Bailey taking over. The stereo dives take the Rascalz down again as commentary runs down the pay per view card. We settle down to Wentz going after Bailey’s leg inside and it’s Miguel coming in for some alternating kicks to the chest. A double stomp to the back gives Wentz two but Bailey is able to get over to Seven. House is quickly cleaned, with Miguel being suplexed onto Wentz, followed by a spinning slam for two.

Wentz breaks up a superplex attempt but Bailey breaks up the breakup, meaning the superplex can go through. A picture perfect shooting star press gives Bailey two, followed by the Seven Star Lariat for the same. The Rascalz are back up with the top rope stomp into a backbreaker for two but Seven makes the save. Bailey kicks Miguel down but it bangs up his knee, allowing Steve Maclin to come in with a chop block. A kneebar makes Bailey tap at 8:31.

Rating: C+. Perfectly nice opener here with Bailey and Seven becoming something more than a makeshift team but not being good enough to take out a longtime established team like the Rascalz. The knee work, including Maclin’s interference, was a story throughout and that’s always nice to see. Throw in that gorgeous shooting star press and this was a good start to the night.

Pre-Show: System vs. Kushida/Kevin Knight

It’s a brawl to start with the villains being cleared out with dropkicks. Myers gets in a shot on Knight though and hands it off to Edwards, who is quickly armbarred for his efforts. Kushida comes in and gets taken out to the floor to start the beating. Back in and we hit the chinlock from Myers, followed by one from Eddie to continue the villains’ balanced offense.

Edwards lets go to drop Knight, meaning there is no one for an escaping Kushida to tag. The tag goes through a few seconds later though and Knight dives in to pick up the pace. A middle rope hurricanrana gets two on Myers as everything breaks down. Myers hits the implant DDT but Knight is back up to clean house. The backpack Stunner into a top rope elbow gets two on Knight but Kushida comes back in. Kushida takes the Roster Cut for Knight, leaving the Boston Knee Party to finish Knight at 8:47.

Rating: C+. This isn’t the best start to the night for the heroes and hopefully it gets better for them. They had another nice match here, with Knight being a crazy high flier who can make those things look so effortless. Kushida can work well with anyone and that makes for a good combination to give the System a boost. The team just kind of showed up one day so they need to do something like this to establish themselves.

The opening video talks about the importance of tonight and how the roster can overcome anything.

Frankie Kazarian vs. Eric Young

For the World Title shot at Sacrifice. The bell rings but we pause because Kazarian wants to be acknowledged as the King Of TNA. They go with the grappling to start, with Kazarian grabbing a front facelock. Back up and Young elbows him in the face before a double clothesline lets them go nose to nose. Kazarian is back with a shot to the face and a running Russian legsweep of all things for two.

A suplex sets up a slam but Kazarian misses the springboard spinning legdrop. Young hits some clotheslines into a Death Valley Driver for two but Kazarian catches him up top. The Flux Capacitor is blocked so Young drops the top rope elbow for two more and they need a breather. Kazarian hits his Fameasser over the ropes but it’s still too early for the chickenwing. A nice cutter gives Kazarian two and a Backstabber into Fade To Black gets two more. Kazarian goes to yell at the referee…and gets crucifixed for the pin at 9:28.

Rating: B-. I was surprised this was the opener as the #1 contenders match between two long established veterans isn’t what I would have expected to start the show. That being said, Young getting a title match is a fine way to go as he is a former multiple time World Champion, meaning there is always the chance that he could pull off an upset. At the same time though, the match was only so good as it was mainly Kazarian beating Young up until Young got a fluke rollup. That’s not great, but at least the match felt important.

Post match Kazarian yells at the referee and beats the fire out of him, with no one approving.

We run down the card, in case you forgot what you’re watching.

The Grizzled Young Veterans promise to beat ABC to win the Tag Team Titles.

Tag Team Titles; Grizzled Young Veterans vs. ABC

ABC is defending in the third match of a best of three series. Gibson and Austin start things off and we get a nice staredown. They go with the grappling until Austin gets him into the corner for some stomping. Everything quickly breaks down and ABC hits their rapid fire double kicks and Click Click Boom gets two. We settle down to Bey getting dropped onto the top, allowing Gibson to catapult him throat first into the rope.

Drake adds a top rope ax handle to the back as the pace stays slow early on. The chinlock goes on for a bit before Gibson comes in for a distraction, allowing Drake to choke away with the scarf. Gibson comes in for some trash talk and his own chinlock but Bey fights up for the hot tag. Austin gets to come in and clean house, including a heck of a big dive to the floor. Everything breaks down and the Veterans get stereo holds until Bey backflips into one of his own.

The Veterans are right back with a diving Doomsday Device to drop Austin. Bey tells the Veterans to bring it and hits a brainbuster on Gibson but the Art of Finesse is broken up. The Veterans quickly take over and it’s a hanging DDT in the corner, with Drake diving in with a missile dropkick to break everything up. Austin shoves Drake off the top though and chokes Gibson with the scarf for a bonus. A double Art Of Finesse sets up the Fold for the 1-2-Sweet to finish Drake and retain at 17:38.

Rating: B. I’ve liked this series since it started and this was another good reason why. These guys had a heck of a match and they continue to work well together. They had a match that could have gone either way and that is always going to make things more interesting. ABC retaining the titles means they are going to need new challengers and it wouldn’t surprise me to see it being the System. Then you have the Veterans, who could go in a few ways from here, which means it should be interesting to see where they go.

We look back at Steve Maclin costing Trent Seven and Mike Bailey a match on the pre-show.

Maclin and the Rascalz are happy with the win and say Nic Nemeth is done. Cue Bailey and Seven to yell at them a lot.

Kon vs. PCO

The fight starts in the aisle with PCO getting the better of things as the bell rings. Kon knocks PCO down but PCO is right back up to knock him to the floor. The big flip dive is knocked away though and PCO is sent into various things. PCO gets in a shot of his own back inside but a Cactus Clothesline leaves them back on the floor. The Deanimator misses though as PCO crashes down onto the apron. Kon grabs a chair and blasts him for the DQ at 4:00.

Rating: C. They didn’t waste time here and that is the right way to go. With a match that is designed to be little more than two monsters hitting each other over and over, there is no need to have it go long. Let them do their thing and set up something for later, as Kon’s unlikely push continues.

Post match Kon stays on him with chair shots before wrenching PCO’s neck on the stage.

We recap MK Ultra challenging Decay for the Women’s Tag Team Titles. Decay won the belts at Hart To Kill in an impromptu match and now we have something more scheduled.

Knockouts Tag Team Titles: Decay vs. MK Ultra

MK Ultra is challenging and the fight starts fast with Havok taking over on Slamovich in the corner. Some splashes set up an exploder suplex to give Rosemary two but some biting gets Slamovich out of trouble. Kelly comes in to hammer on Rosemary before slamming Slamovich onto her. Rosemary clotheslines her way to freedom and crawls onto Kelly, who shoves her back and screams in her face for a change.

They slug it out until Slamovich makes a save and a high/low puts Rosemary down. The kick to the chest gives Slamovich two but the Snow Plow is countered into something close to an Edge-O-Matic. Havok comes in to clean house, including a hip attack on both challengers. A Death Valley Driver gives Havok two and the chokebomb/hair slam connects. Slamovich makes the save and gets the tag though, allowing her to cut off Rosemary’s spear. Now the Snow Plow can connect to get the titles back at 7:21.

Rating: C+. It’s nice to have a title change to make an event seem important, even if it’s the least important title on the show. They’re at least setting something up with some more regular teams fighting over the belts though, with Dani Luna and Jody Threat making the save. Not a great match or anything, but the title change was a welcome addition.

Post match MK Ultra goes for the beating but Dani Luna and Jody Threat make the save.

The System gives Moose a pep talk before the main event. Moose seems ready.

We recap Josh Alexander vs. Simon Gotch. Alexander was on a roll when Gotch jumped the barricade and took him out. Gotch wanted revenge for Alexander getting a run to the top while Gotch was forgotten.

Simon Gotch vs. Josh Alexander

Gotch takes him to the mat to start before working away on the arm. Alexander reverses into a headlock takeover but Gotch rolls out of a headscissors. That doesn’t last long as Alexander pulls him right back into the chinlock. The threat of an ankle lock sends Gotch straight over to the ropes and it’s time to strike it out. Gotch gets the better of things and takes Alexander outside to drop him again.

Back in and Alexander manages to roll some German suplexes to really rock Gotch. A grab of the ropes gets Gotch a breather though and he kicks Alexander in the head. Gotch drops a backsplash but does not like Alexander rolling him up for two. They trade some rather hard shots until Alexander scores with a middle rope dropkick.

The slugout heads to the apron, where Alexander drops him with a big boot, only to have Gotch kick him in the leg. Gotch misses another backsplash and gets caught with the running crossbody to the back to leave them both on the floor. Both of them have to dive back in to beat the count and the slugout is on again. Alexander gets the better of things with time, including a running big boot.

An exploder suplex gives Alexander two but he can’t get the C4 Spike. Gotch tries to pull him into the bulldog choke and goes creative by using the headgear to get it locked in. That’s reversed into the ankle lock with Gotch needing some time before he rolls through. Alexander hits a backbreaker though and the C4 Spike finishes Gotch at 16:41.

Rating: B. Alexander continues to be one of those dependable hands that feels like a big deal and doesn’t need the title. He held the thing for so long that another reign is pretty unnecessary given his past success. Gotch did well here, even if it is going to be rather difficult to take him seriously given his previous style in WWE.

AJ Francis says even though he and Rich Swann are fighting on Impact, they can work together before then.

We recap Moose defending the World Title against Alex Shelley. Moose won the title at Hard To Kill but hasn’t been done with Shelley. This is the rematch and can only end when your corner man throws in the towel.

TNA World Title: Moose vs. Alex Shelley

Shelley (with Kushida/Kevin Knight) is challenging Moose (Eddie Edwards/Brian Myers) and you can only win when one of your seconds throws in the designated towel. It’s also No DQ, but interference from a corner man will end the match. Shelley goes right after him to start and the brawl starts fast with Shelley working on the arm. The Fujiwara armbar goes on but Moose manages to block a cross armbreaker.

They head outside where Moose hits a big boot and an apron powerbomb and Shelley is in trouble. He’s good enough to slip off of Moose’s shoulders though and a chop block takes Moose down. Shelley posts the shoulder for a bonus before tying Moose’s fingers in the turnbuckle. That’s not enough either though as Shelley whips out a wrench and REALLY cranks on the fingers.

Moose slips out and ties Shelley’s hand in the buckle instead, setting up some rather hard chair shots. Back in and Shelley grabs a dragon screw legwhip over the ropes before doing it again for a bonus. It’s time for some kendo stick shots to Moose’s bad leg and we hit the half crab, complete with said stick. Edwards pulls the stick out (doesn’t count as direct contact) and Moose manages a release Rock Bottom.

It’s time for a trashcan to keep Shelley down, but let’s put in a table as well. The System throws in some brass knuckles but Moose throws them away….and misses a spear through the table. Shelley whips out a chain and uses it for the Border City Stretch. Alisha Edwards offers a distraction to break it up though and Moose scores with a spear. Shelley is barely up so Moose wraps the chain around his shoulder and hits another spear. Kushida is ready to throw in the towel to save Shelley, who says don’t do it. Moose teases another spear with the chain and Kushida throws in the towel for Shelley’s protection at 20:01.

Rating: B. Good stuff here with Moose getting his second win over Shelley, who already had a big title reign. The stipulation was a good way to protect Shelley and he might not be happy with Kushida for throwing in the towel. I’m a bit surprised this wasn’t higher on the card but TNA doesn’t always follow the norm with this kind of thing. Hard hitting, violent match here and it was a nice change of pace with a unique stipulation.

Post match Moose spears him instead.

We recap Gisele Shaw challenging Jordynne Grace for the Knockouts Title. Shaw is cashing in her Ultimate X win and is fighting without her friends because it’s time for her to win. Grace is on a roll though and Shaw has had trouble winning the big one.

Ash By Elegance, with a full entrance, comes out to watch from ringside.

Knockouts Title: Jordynne Grace vs. Gisele Shaw

Shaw is challenging and runs away to start but Grace catches up with her for a hard toss. They get inside, where Shaw pulls the referee into the corner to prevent a splash and then starts in on Grace. Shaw gets caught in the corner though and some slams have her in trouble. Some shots to the face keep Grace staggered and they fight out to the apron. A powerbomb to the floor is countered though and Grace hits a backsplash on the apron for a big crash.

The Juggernaut Driver off the apron is blocked though and Shaw grabs a Spanish Fly onto the floor to leave them both laying. They barely beat the count back inside, where Grace reverses a running knee into a spinebuster for two. Back up and now Shawn’s knee can connect, with Grace having to grab a rope to escape. They trade rollups for two each until Grace slugs away and hits the Juggernaut Driver to retain at 10:34.

Rating: B-. I was thinking they were going to change the title here as Shaw needs to win something at some point. At the same time, Grace has already been such a dominant champion with that Royal Rumble appearance making her that much bigger. Then again that might make TNA want to keep the title on her, which does make sense. The match could have been better with some more time though and that made them rush a big as a result.

Post match Ash storms off.

We recap Mustafa Ali challenging Chris Sabin for the X-Division Title. Ali has been teasing taking the division in a new direction and Sabin is not taking it well.

X-Division Title: Chris Sabin vs. Mustafa Ali

Ali, with security, is challenging and they take their time to start. A test of strength goes to Ali, who uses his feet to take him down but Sabin rolls into a stalemate. Ali’s running shoulder doesn’t work and stereo dropkicks give us another standoff. Sabin seems frustrated that he can’t figure Ali out so he grabs a headlock takeover.

With that broken up, Sabin pulls him into a surfboard but Ali flips out of that as well, this time kicking some dirt onto Sabin. That’s not cool with the champ, who hammers away at Ali’s jaw and takes him to the apron. There’s the running headscissors to take Ali down again and we hit the chinlock. The fans are behind Ali, who jawbreaks his way to freedom. Ali goes up top and hits a 450 onto the arm to put Sabin in real trouble.

An STF and Border City Stretch stay on the arm and Ali cranks back on both. Sabin back and gets in a kick to the head, only to have Ali hit a similar kick and leave them both down. Sabin goes up top and, after shoving Ali down, hits a middle rope DDT for two and they both need a breather. Ali tries a crucifix but gets pulled into a crossface for his forts. The rope is finally grabbed but Sabin isn’t letting go immediately.

Sabin’s springboard is broken up and he falls outside, where Ali sends him back inside. The 450 misses but Ali takes a NASTY whip into the buckle and they’re both down. Back up and Sabin sends him to the floor, where the high crossbody hits the security instead. Sabin grabs Cradle Shock for two and the kickout has him stunned. A basement superkick lets Sabin take him up top but a super Cradle Shock is blocked. Instead Ali hits a sunset flip bomb into the 450 for the pin and the title at 20:28.

Rating: B+. Yeah this was really good and they nailed the big moment at the end. Ali has been built up as a huge deal and now he has FINALLY won something to make it feel validated. It helps that he beat the best X-Division Champion ever and the fans were behind Ali for most of the match. Rather awesome main event here with a feel good moment to end the show.

Overall Rating: B. This started off a little weak and then got way better as it went along, with the main event being a highlight as Ali gets the clean title win. Nothing on here was bad, save for maybe PCO vs. Kon, which felt like it was there to set up something down the line. TNA is doing rather well with these In Your House style shows and this was no exception, though now we have to see what the new regime brings.

Rascalz b. Trent Seven/Mike Bailey – Kneebar to Bailey
System b. Kevin Knight/Kushida – Boston Knee Party to Knight
Eric Young b. Frankie Kazarian – Crucifix
ABC b. Grizzled Young Veterans – 1-2-Sweet to Drake
PCO b. Kon via DQ when Kon used a chair
MK Ultra b. Decay – Snow Plow to Rosemary
Josh Alexander b. Simon Gotch – C4 Spike
Moose b. Alex Shelley when Kushida threw in the towel
Jordynne Grace b. Gisele Shaw – Juggernaut Driver
Mustafa Ali b. Chris Sabin – 450



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Impact Wrestling – February 1, 2024: That’s One

Impact Wrestling
Date: February 1, 2024
Location: Osceola Heritage Park, Kissimmee, Florida
Commentators: Matthew Rehwoldt, Tom Hannifan

We’re out of Nevada and things are starting to pick up around here as we’re on the road to…whatever the next show is going to be. Odds are it’s another of the monthly events rather than the major pay per views and that is far from a bad thing. If nothing else, Nic Nemeth has to worry about Steve Maclin and that should be a focal point around here. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening recap.

Opening sequence.

Nic Nemeth vs. Trey Miguel

Zachary Wentz is here with Miguel, who jumps Nemeth to start and they trade some dropkicks. Wentz offers a distraction though and Miguel hits a dive to take over. Back in and Nemeth fights out of an armbar before sending a charging Miguel into the post. Miguel’s cheap shot gets two but Nemeth is fine enough to dropkick him out of the air for a double breather.

The comeback is on with Nemeth hitting a Stinger Splash into the ten elbows for two. A Fameasser gives Nemeth two more but Wentz breaks up the superkick. That’s enough to get Wentz ejected, leaving Miguel to hit a top rope Meteora for two. Miguel loads up his own superkick but walks into Nemeth’s for the pin at 7:03.

Rating: C+. Nemeth continues to establish himself in TNA and that shouldn’t take much time. While he is getting some wins like this one, his first big match will likely be with Steve Maclin and that should go well. They’re off to a good start with Nemeth and I’m curious to see where he goes from here, which is a good sign.

Post match Steve Maclin runs in and beats down Nemeth.

Deaner wants to restart the Design but Kon says the team is dead and it’s time to remind people how bad he is.

Steve Maclin seems to have united with the Rascalz but Mike Bailey doesn’t appear to approve.

Decay vs. Mila Moore/Savannah Thorne

Non-title. Rosemary and Moore start things off with the latter dodging away. Moore charges into an elbow in the corner and we hit the Upside Down. Havok comes in for a Death Valley Driver into the chokebomb/hair slam combination to finish Thorne at 2:44.

MK Ultra want their rematch for the Knockouts Tag Team Titles at No Surrender but Jody Threat and Dani Luna come in to make a singles match for tonight.

We get the debut edition off Alan Angels’ Sound Check with Josh Alexander. Angels brags about Alexander’s career but thinks Alexander should respect him more. We hear about Alexander’s kid and that makes him walk off. This was a disaster by design.

Brian Myers vs. Kevin Knight

The Edwards’s are here with Myers. Knight shoves him into the corner and avoids an early splash. A springboard armdrag into a springboard cutter drops Myers again but Myers suplexes him onto the floor as we take a break. Back with Myers slowly kicking away and grabbing the chinlock. Knight sends him outside and hits the big dive, followed by a springboard clothesline for two. Knights’ running DDT gets two but Myers gets in a low blow, setting up the impaler DDT for two. The Roster Cut finishes for Myers at 10:42.

Rating: C+. Knight’s high flying offense was worth a look and it was smart to let Myers get in a clean win without the help of the System. It’s not like beating Knight is that big of a deal but at some point you need to let the team look good. Knight is someone who could be something in the future, but we’re a good ways off from that point.

Post match the System goes after Knight but Kushida makes the save.

Chris Sabin is ready if Mustafa Ali is coming for him and the X-Division Title. Ali’s video pops up to talk about how change is needed. The Good Hands come in to say Ali will be the next champion so Sabin will fight one of them next week.

Here is Frankie Kazarian to explain his recent turn on Eric Young. He came back here a year ago and he saved this company. After a year, he has given everything to this business and now it is time to start taking because he has earned the right to do so. He has watched people who have not sacrificed as much as he has take back and that needs to stop.

Now it is his turn and he has no desire to be a hero. It is time for him to become a monster and that is what he will do. That brings him to Eric Young, who is a two time World Champion, while Kazarian has been a soldier in the trenches. Everything he does is for the betterment of this company and you have permission to hate him. That’s a good explanation and Kazarian sold it well.

Alex Shelley says he’s getting his World Title rematch at No Surrender and it’s worried about the System.

We get another Ash By Elegance video, which is more on the glamorous side, featuring evening gowns and champagne.

Here is a distressed Deaner to be upset about the Design being gone. If something is dead, it isn’t coming back to life. You should know what that means.

Deaner vs. PCO

PCO runs him over to start and the PCOsault finishes at 1:02.

Post match Kon comes in to lay them both out, including a neck snap to Deaner. A chokeslam and claw leave PCO laying.

AJ Francis again offers his services to Rich Swann who again shuts him down. Rhino comes in and tells Francis to f*** off.

We look at Jordynne Grace appearing as a surprise appearance in the WWE Royal Rumble. Her mother and step brother drove 22 hours to be there.

Masha Slamovich vs. Jody Threat

Killer Kelly and Dani Luna are here too. Threat starts fast and elbows her in the face but Slamovich comes out of the corner with a kick to the face. Slamovich snaps off a suplex and kicks away at the chest before avoiding running knees. Three straight clotheslines give Slamovich two but Threat is back with the running knees against the ropes. A German suplex connects but Kelly grabs the legs. Luna takes her out, only for Slamovic to grab the Snow Plow for the pin at 4:14.

Rating: C. This was a match that didn’t exactly add much as they set up a match after MK Ultra had already said they were coming for the titles. That didn’t leave much here, but it did get Slamovich in the ring before the title shot. Granted it might have been better had she and her partner wrestled together, but it’s better than nothing.

The System has attacked Kushida with Alex Shelley showing up to check on his friend.

No Surrender rundown.

ABC vs. Grizzled Young Veterans

Non-title but match #1 in a 2/3 series for ABC’s Tag Team Titles. Gibson works on Bey’s arm to start but can’t get very far. Everything breaks down and the champs clear the ring without much trouble as we take a break. Back with Bey fighting out of the corner but Drake cuts him off before the hot tag.

Drake grabs a chinlock before it’s off to Gibson for one of his own. That’s broken up and Bey gets over for the tag so Austin can come in and clean house. A quick double stomp hits Drake and Bey is back in with a frog splash for two. Drake knocks Austin down again and we hit the forearms, complete with trash talk.

Bey breaks up a Doomsday Device and it’s a torture rack/spinning kick to the head combination for two on Gibson. All four brawl in the ring and it’s ABC kicking them to the floor. Austin hits a big running flip dive to take out Gibson but Drake trips him down with the scarf. Grit Your Teeth finishes Austin at 15:38.

Rating: B. I could go for more from these guys and that is exactly what we are going to get. ABC needs some fresh competition and it’s nice to see the Veterans being themselves rather than whatever they were stuck doing in NXT. The champs had to lose the first match to make the Veterans seem like a real threat and where else are you going to see a scarf used to win a match?

Overall Rating: C+. I’ve said this before and it’s still true: Impact is the easiest show to jump into as there is nothing overly complicated. The stories make sense and there are enough recaps to fill someone in without any real trouble. That is something so few promotions can make work and they do it here every week. As usual, there was no blowaway match (though the main event was good) but it advanced enough stuff to make me want to see how things play out. That’s how a weekly show is supposed to go and this one did its job well.

Nic Nemeth b. Trey Miguel – Superkick
Decay b. Mila Moore/Savannah Thorne – Chokebomb/hair slam combination to Thorne
Brian Myers b. Kevin Knight – Roster Cut
PCO b. Deaner – PCOsault
Masha Slamovich b. Jody Threat – Snow Plow
Grizzled Young Veterans b. ABC – Grit Your Teeth to Austin



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Impact Wrestling – January 25, 2024: His First Time Ever

Impact Wrestling
Date: January 25, 2024
Location: Palms Casino Resort, Paradise, Nevada
Commentators: Tom Hannifan, Matthew Rehwoldt

We’re on the second week of the regular show and things got a bit more interesting last week. Nic Nemeth is around and already has a target on his back thanks to Steve Maclin. Other than that, Josh Alexander seems back on top of his game after beating Will Ospreay in a rather good match. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

In Memory Of Frank Caiazzo, better known as Francisco Ciatso, an independent wrestler who passed away recently.

Opening recap.

Opening sequence, now with Cross The Line. I miss We Own The Night.

Chris Bey vs. Kevin Knight

Ace Austin is here with Bey, who starts with a headlock. Knight powers out of that and grabs an armdrag, followed by a very enthusiastic slam. That’s not working for Bey, as he sends Knight outside and hits a hard dive. Back in and Knight hits a springboard clothesline for two but Bey catches him in the ropes. A springboard legdrop to the back of the head sets up the Art Of Finesse for the pin on Knight at 6:47.

Rating: C+. Knight was definitely bringing the energy here and it made for a good opener. Bey is someone who can have a good match with anyone and once the ABC stuff is over, I wouldn’t object to seeing him doing something higher on the card. For now though, I’ll settle for him having a nice opening match with an up and comer.

Post match the Grizzled Young Veterans run in to lay out ABC.

Ash By Elegance video.

We look back at Frankie Kazarian snapping on Eric Young last week.

Rich Swann asks what’s up with Kazarian, who blows him off. With Kazarian gone, AJ Francis comes up to say he wants to be in Swann’s corner, but Swann isn’t impressed.

Dirty Dango/Oleg Prudius vs. Damian Drake/Dante King

Alpha Bravo is here with Dango/Prudius. Drake gets ran over and sent outside to start as Dango has a seat on the ramp. Dango bothers to come in and hits a Nightmare On Helm Street to finish King at 1:42. Total squash.

The Grizzled Young Veterans say they weren’t pinned at Hard To Kill so they want a Tag Team Title shot. Santino Marella comes in to say that doesn’t work but ABC comes in to say they want a fight. Santino makes a 2/3 series for the titles, starting next week.

The Motor City Machine Guns and Kazuchika Okada are ready for the System.

Knockouts Title: Trinity vs. Jordynne Grace

Grace is defending and, after the Big Match Intros, gets punched up against the ropes. Trinity pulls her into Starstruck but Grace is right next to the ropes. A splits splash gets two but Grace is back with a spinebuster for two of her own as we take a break. Back with Grace countering a neckbreaker out of the corner, setting up a Vader Bomb for two.

A hanging headscissor driver gives Trinity two as commentary talks about everything else coming on the show. Grace takes her up top for a superplex and then rolls into a Jackhammer for another near fall. Not to be out done, Trinity grabs her full nelson bomb into a rollup for two of her own. An exchange of rollups for two each set up Starstruck but Grace reverses into a cradle for the pin to retain at 11;15.

Rating: B-. It was completely fine and the ending sequence was good, but it never quite got into the next gear. Trinity winning the title and holding it for a good while was a nice moment but it makes sense that Grace is the next big thing. She’s been on top of the division before and having her win here is a good way to establish her dominance.

Post match Gisele Shaw, Jai Vidal and Savannah Evans run in for the beatdown and leave Grace and Trinity laying.

The System is ready to go international tonight.

Josh Alexander is proud of his win last week but Alan Angels interrupts and wants Alexander on his new talk show. Sure why not.

Nic Nemeth vs. Zachary Wentz

Trey Miguel is here with Wentz and this is Nemeth’s first ever match outside of WWE or its minor leagues. Nemeth wrestles him to the ropes to start but Wentz gets in a shot to the face. A handspring knee to the face misses for Wentz but Miguel offers a distraction, allowing Wentz to take it to the floor.

Back in and Wentz chokes away until Miguel gets in a cheap shot of his own. Nemeth fights up and hits a Stinger Splash into a neckbreaker, only to miss a charge into the post. An exchange of rollups sets up Nemeth’s running DDT for two, followed by Wentz’s spinning half nelson slam for two. Back up and the Danger Zone (Zig Zag) finishes for Nemeth at 7:32.

Rating: B-. So that’s how Nemeth got started outside of WWE and he did well enough. I’m not sure what Nemeth is going to be doing in TNA that is different than his time in WWE, but getting in the ring is a good start. Nemeth is a big signing for TNA and it’s good to see him getting to do something, as he’s too good to be on the sidelines for as long as he was in WWE.

Post match Steve Maclin comes in to jump Nemeth but gets Danger Zoned as well.

Crazzy Steve says he doesn’t like listening to people but Rhino comes in to say maybe he should make Steve listen. Rhino shoves him down and Steve laughs.

Decay, in a white room, talk about being back to normal and being glad to be away from their too nice versions.

Dani Luna/Jody Threat vs. MK Ultra

Luna powers Slamovich down to start and Threat adds a basement lariat for two. Things settle down a bit and MK double teams Luna down to take over, including a suplex into a legdrop. Luna runs Kelly over though and it’s off to Threat to clean house. Kelly catches Threat on top though and it’s a double piledriver (that looked good) to give Slamovich the pin at 3:35.

Rating: C. Not much to see here there other than MK Ultra getting a win to reestablish themselves after losing the titles. The title change came out of pretty much nowhere as, again, there is barely anything to the tag division at the moment. Or ever or that matter, but that’s another problem for later.

Motor City Machine Guns/Kazuchika Okada vs. System

That would be Moose/Eddie Edwards/Brian Myers with Alisha Edwards. Shelley and Myers start things off but we get a six way staredown in less than fifteen seconds. We take a break and come back with Okada coming in for a staredown with Moose. The latter runs him over with a shoulder but the spear and Rainmaker both miss.

Sabin comes in to take on Edwards, with a leg crank keeping Edwards in trouble. That’s broken up and everything breaks down and the villains take over on Sabin. Myers grabs the chinlock and we take another break. Back again with Sabin hitting a middle rope double clothesline, followed by a heck of a springboard tornado DDT for two on Edwards. Shelley comes back in and the Guns get to clean house.

Sabin kicks Shelley in the face by mistake though and Edwards hits the Blue Thunder Bomb for two. Sabin is fine enough to hit a high crossbody and another DDT allows the tag off to Okada. House is cleaned and a neckbreaker gets two on Moose. There’s the top rope elbow to Moose but the Rainmaker is blocked. Moose cuts him off with a dropkick and they’re both down. Everything breaks down and Edwards hits the Backpack Stunner for two on Shelley. Moose is back in but gets kicked to the floor again. The Rainmaker into Shell Shock finishes Myers at 19:31.

Rating: B. It might have been a bit weird to have the System lose in a six man like this but there is no shame in losing to the Guns and Okada. Myers was out there to take the all as he might be good but he’s not quite on the level as Edwards and the reigning World Champion. It felt like a special match and if nothing else, it’s nice to have the real Okada here for a change.

We see a bunch of people standing around with someone talking about a change. It’s time for a sudden change with a new x-actor. He is Mustafa Ali and he approves this message. Well there’s a big one.

Overall Rating: B. The best thing I can take out of this show is that, at least so far, there hasn’t been a major change from Impact to TNA. While that makes me wonder how necessary the change was in the first place, I’ve liked the shows so far. What matters is keeping up the momentum and they’re doing just that so far, especially with names like Nemeth and Okada around for the time being. Good show here, with the main event being quite awesome.

Chris Bey b. Kevin Knight – Art Of Finesse
Dirty Dango/Oleg Prudius b. Damian Drake/Dante King – Nightmare On Helm Street to King
Jordynne Grace b. Trinity – Cradle
MK Ultra b. Dani Luna/Jody Threat – Double piledriver to Threat
Motor City Machine Guns/Kazuchika Okada b. System – Shell Shock to Myers



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Impact Wrestling – September 7, 2023: Getting Ready X2

Impact Wrestling
Date: September 7, 2023
Location: Rebel Sports Complex, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Commentators: Matthew Rehwoldt, Tom Hannifan

It’s the go home show for Victory Road, but perhaps more important, we’re a week away from Impact 1000, which has the potential to be something special. I could go for seeing a lot of the legends back for one more run, but we have a more modern special to set up first. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening recap.

Deonna Purrazzo vs. Dani Luna

Luna works on a headlock to start before they go into some standing switches. Luna gets two off a clothesline but Purrazzo snaps off Two Amigos. They head to the apron with Purrazzo snapping Luna’s arm down hard. Back in and a Backstabber drops Luna but she comes back with some forearms to the face. Purrazzo has had enough though and it’s a Russian legsweep into the Fujiwara armbar to finish Luna at 6:05.

Rating: C+. I liked this one well enough as we rarely see Luna in the ring on this show. She isn’t the most complex wrestler in the world but she does well with the power game. Purrazzo seems ready to move back into something bigger, though that needs to be something other than facing Trinity after her latest loss.

Crazzy Steve insists that he is not crazy, including when he attacked Black Taurus last week. He saw what used to be rage and now Taurus is going to do the exact same thing that everyone has done to him: leave him abandoned and forgotten. Now it’s time to decimate.

Tommy Dreamer is ready to put his career on the line against Kenny King. He talks about going to his first show in 1980 and it became the love of his life. His parents and children have been everywhere for his major events but he had to say goodbye to his mother recently. Everyone has second guessed him but here is Heath to interrupt. Heath tries to talk him out of putting his career on the line because everyone respects him. Dreamer says he’s writing one final chapter.

Joe Hendry/Yuya Uemura vs. Champagne Singh/Shera

Joe and Yuya have quite the coordinated entrance as they are dubbed JoYa. Yuya armdrags Singh a few times to start but Singh snaps off a hot shot. Shera comes in for a slam but Yuya forearms away at Singh. That’s enough for the hot tag off to Hendry, who suplexes Shera down. Everything breaks down and it’s an airplane spin tossed into Yuya’s cutter to finish Singh at 4:27.

Rating: C. This was almost all about the entrance, which is of course incredibly catchy, as tends to be the case with any Hendry music. It’s a clever team and they got off on the right foot here. I like Hendry moving up a step and he and Yuya have had some good chemistry together in their limited interactions.

Steve Maclin and Bully Ray are ready for PCO and Josh Alexander. Well part of it at least as Ray is terrified of PCO. He wants Carl Ouellet rather than PCO, who seems indestructible. Ray has lit PCO on fire but he keeps coming back so Ray wants Maclin to follow his lead. Maclin isn’t overly impressed.

Video on Gail Kim vs. Awesome Kong.

Video on Will Ospreay.

Josh Alexander is ready for Steve Maclin at Victory Road and for tonight’s tag match.

Subculture vs. Rich Swann/Sami Callihan

Andrews and Swann fight over wrist control to start and miss stereo dropkicks for a standoff. Callihan comes in to chop at Webster but Swann misses a springboard kick to the head. Subculture dropkicks Swann to the floor and a big dive takes him down as we take a break. Back with Swann fighting out of a seated abdominal stretch but getting dropkicked down again.

Andrews misses a charge into the post and Swann kicks his way to freedom, allowing the tag off to Callihan. House is cleaned and Callihan breaks up a double team attempt, only to get caught with Stundog Millionaire. Morgan misses the 450 though and it’s back to Swann to pick up the pace. A running cutter on the ramp drops Webster and a kick to the head sets up a middle rope 450 to finish Webster at 12:38.

Rating: B-. Good stuff here but that shouldn’t be the biggest surprise. Subculture have shown they can work with anyone and Swann/Callihan have done some good things together. What matters here is it feels like they are actually building a division and that is a nice flashback to days of Impact past. It can be done, and this was a nice way to boost a team that needed the help.

We look at Gisele Shaw and company getting rid of MK Ultra in last week’s battle royal.

Shaw and company are coming for the Knockouts Tag Team Titles.

The Rascalz brag about winning the Tag Team Titles when the Good Hands come in. They seem to imply they want their payment, in the form of a title shot, for helping the Rascalz win the belts in the first place. The Rascalz don’t seem interested.

Lio Rush vs. Kevin Knight

Non-title. Knight counters Rush’s rapid fire head fakes to start and knocks him to the floor, meaning Rush is ready to walk. That doesn’t work for Knight so he sends Rush back inside and takes him down for two. Rush bails outside again and gets chopped into the barricade as Knight is on a roll to start. Back in and they trade chops in the corner with Rush getting the better of things. That’s broken up as well and Knight kicks away but gets caught with a shot in the corner we take a break.

We come back with Knight missing a charge in the corner and getting dropped with a hard clothesline for two. We hit the chinlock and then an armbar until Knight powers up for some rams into the corner. Knight snaps off a middle rope hurricanrana (that looked good) and they’re both down. Back up and Knight hits a splash in the corner, followed by a clothesline for two. A high dropkick knocks Rush silly but a springboard spinning crossbody misses. Rush kicks him in the head and hits the Final Hour for the pin at 10:21.

Rating: B-. The more I see of Knight, the more I like him. He’s very athletic and can work the fast paced style, which offered a rare challenge for Rush. There was no need to have Knight get the win here, but having him hang in there with name after name is a rather smart way to go. Give him some wins and you might have something with him. Rush already has Kushida coming up though and this was the kind of boost he needed before the title defense.

Post match Rush grabs a Hoverboard Lock but Kushida runs in for the save.

Dirty Dango and Alpha Bravo aren’t looking forward to Impact 1000, with Dango bringing up names from the very early days of the company. Dango: “We’re doing it Dixie!” He mocks Jake Something defending pro wrestling and isn’t worried about beating him at Impact 1000.

Here is Santino Marella to run the contract signing for the Victory Road Knockouts Title match. Cue Alisha Edwards, with Eddie Edwards (and alcohol), and Trinity, with Santino hyping up the match as well as he can. Alisha mocks his accent and talks about how glad she is that she changed like Eddie did. She promises to win the title and signs without incident.

Trinity signs without saying a word and Alisha is a bit offended. It turns out Trinity can’t understand Alisha’s accent (the fans approve), but in reality she respects what Alisha has accomplished. Alisha accuses Trinity of being given a pass to the top, with Trinity suggesting Eddie helped Alisha get here.

Eddie rants about how they’ve been here longer than anyone but Trinity brings up Eddie turning his back on the company. Alisha spits the alcohol into Trinity’s face but then stops to talk trash. That’s enough for Trinity to kick her in the head and the brawl is on. Trinity loads up a powerbomb through the table but Eddie breaks it up and puts her through the table instead. Frankie Kazarian makes a late save. Not a great contract signing, as Alisha isn’t the most interesting challenger.

Victory Road rundown.

The Motor City Machine Guns are ready to get their Tag Team Titles back.

Bully Ray/Steve Maclin vs. Josh Alexander/PCO

Alexander and Maclin start things off, with the threat of an ankle lock sending Maclin running away in a hurry. Ray comes in and looks scared at the thought of a tag to PCO. That’s exactly what he gets though and naturally Maclin comes in as well. PCO hits a quick clothesline and stomps away in the corner as we take a break.

Back with Alexander chopping away at Maclin in the corner and handing it back to PCO. That doesn’t go so well as Maclin takes over in the corner (where Ray isn’t having any of this tagging in stuff) but PCO fights out with relative ease. Alexander comes back in but gets taken into the wrong corner, allowing Ray to come in and stomp away. The middle rope dropkick hits Ray but he sends Alexander outside, where Alexander comes up favoring his recently repaired arm.

Back in and Maclin stomps away before grabbing a chinlock with a knee between Alexander’s shoulders. An Irish Curse gives Maclin two and it’s back to Ray for some clotheslines. Alexander manages to suplex his way out of trouble though and it’s PCO coming back in to clean house. Maclin knocks Alexander off the apron but gets caught with a Backstabber by PCP. The middle rope legdrop sends Maclin outside and there’s the big dive to send him into the barricade. Ray tries to talk his way out of trouble but it takes a Maclin distraction so Ray can get in a low blow. The rollup finishes PCO at 14:55.

Rating: B-. The match was good but this was never about the wrestling itself. This was about getting two of the big matches at Victory Road in the ring together and that is something that works almost every time. Ray didn’t so much beat PCO here as much s he caught him, and that is going to mean pain tomorrow night.

Overall Rating: B-. This was a nice way to get me ready for Victory Road and that’s what the show was supposed to do. There was nothing bad on the show and I’ll take that over a two hour stretch. While there were some parts that weren’t so interesting, there was enough here to make it worth a look, especially if you’re watching Victory Road.

Deonna Purrazzo b. Dani Luna – Fujiwara armbar
Joe Hendry/Yuya Uemura b. Champagne Singh/Shera – Toss cutter to Singh
Rich Swann/Sami Callihan b. Subculture – Middle rope 450 to Webster
Lio Rush b. Kevin Knight – Final Hour
Bully Ray/Steve Maclin b. PCO/Josh Alexander – Rollup to PCO



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