Main Event – December 19, 2019: Addition By Subtraction

IMG Credit: WWE

Main Event
Date: December 19, 2019
Location: Wells Fargo Arena, Des Moines, Iowa
Commentators: Byron Saxton, Mickie James

What happens when you try to recap a week where they were barely doing anything in the first place? This is the holiday edition of the show and really, there was hardly much worth talking about this week. Maybe they can have something special around here, but there is also a chance that it is going to be a shorter show as Monday was a double taping, meaning the Main Event material might not be as strong. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

The opening sequence….is a recap of Seth Rollins/AOP vs. Kevin Owens. I don’t remember the last time this show hasn’t opened in the same way. It’s probably been years at this point so this is quite the switch.

From Raw.

Here’s Rollins to open things up and he wastes no time in bringing out the AOP. Rollins talks about how this has been his year because he’s beaten Brock Lesnar for the Universal Title twice. That made people think he was the future but then the mood changed, with people questioning his leadership.

Being a leader is about making decisions for the sake of progress and he’ll make decisions some people don’t like. Rollins is a leader and visionary who will lead this brand and this business into the next decade. He will drag you into 2020 and if you resist, the AOP will enforce his will. That brings him to tonight, and he has a score to settle, whether people like it or not.

From Raw.

Viking Raiders vs. OC

Non-title rematch they went to a double countout last night. Hold on though as the OC needs to talk about how dominant the Vikings are. That being said, only one team has beaten the Vikings and that would be the OC. Erik knees Anderson into the corner to start and it’s off to Ivar, who gets slammed down onto Anderson for a bonus.

Some forearms from Ivar set up Erik’s delayed vertical suplex into an armbar. That goes nowhere so it’s off to Gallows, who is knocked to the floor in a hurry. The suicide dive is blocked and Gallows hits a fall away slam into the barricade. Back from a break with Erik still in trouble as Gallows hammers away in the corner.

A big boot sets up the chinlock, followed by Anderson’s boot to the face for two. Erik gets up and shrugs Anderson away for the hot tag to Ivar so the pace can pick up. The Bronco Buster in the corner connects but a charge into another corner misses, allowing the belly to back neckbreaker to hit for two.

Ivar’s double handspring elbow takes both of them down and the Vikings hit stereo suicide dives as we take another break. Back with Ivar coming in off the second hot tag as everything breaks down. Ivar gets driven into Gallows in the corner for two and Erik adds a spinebuster to Anderson. In what can only be a bad idea, Ivar goes up but misses a moonsault (which would have barely made contact in the first place), allowing Anderson to kick Erik off the apron. The Magic Killer finishes Ivar at 19:26.

Rating: C+. Well it was better than last night due to the clean finish, but at the same time it was a clean pinfall over the Vikings. If you’re setting up for the eventual showdown with the AOP (as you should be), the Vikings should be unbeatable. There’s nothing wrong with pushing the OC, but it’s not exactly helping the Raiders at the moment. At least cheat to win here somehow.

From Raw.

Here are Bobby Lashley and Lana for their celebration. Lana explains what happened last night when Lashley beat Rusev in the tables match. After swooning over how beautiful Lashley is and telling the fans that they’re the ones who suck, Lana pulls out a ring….so Lashley can propose. That’s a no though, because Lashley doesn’t like being told what to do….except her, so he proposes. Lana is so happy that it went like they rehearsed and she says yes a lot.

Quick look at Daniel Bryan returning at TLC.

We look at the end of the gauntlet match, plus Seth Rollins attacking Rey Mysterio after the ending, setting up next week’s title match.

And from Raw one more time.

Randy Orton vs. AJ Styles

Orton wastes no time and the early RKO attempt sends AJ bailing to the floor. Back in and Orton starts in on the leg but AJ hits him in the face for a breather. The springboard is cut off but the hanging DDT is countered into the Calf Crushes. Orton makes the long crawl, only to get dragged back into the middle to slap the hold on again. This time Orton makes the rope, though he certainly looked to be tapping when he was missing. Orton bails to the floor but AJ chop blocks the leg out again as we take a break.

Back with AJ still on the knee and kicking Orton down in the corner. Orton drops him onto the buckle though and gets himself a breather. The powerslam plants AJ and the backbreaker out of the corner does the same but Orton hurts the knee even more. Orton’s superplex attempt is broken up and there’s another chop block to take the knee out again.

AJ scores with a Lionsault for two and we’re into an overrun. Orton breaks up another springboard forearm and hits the hanging DDT but the RKO is countered into the Calf Crusher. That’s broken up as well so AJ tries the Phenomenal Forearm, only to dive into the RKO for the pin at 16:32.

Rating: C+. These two work well together and I liked the slower pace for a change. It’s ok to mix things up a bit and while their feud over the last few weeks hasn’t exactly been thrilling, this felt like a fresh match and something that they had put some effort into. Nice main event, with the leg stuff being a focal point to hold things together.

Post match the OC runs in to beat down Orton but the Viking Raiders come out for the save. The OC gets the better of it and it’s a Magic Killer to Erik to end the show.

Overall Rating: C. There is something to be said about being done with Main Event in five minutes, which is what happened here. It makes sense to not show any Smackdown for a week, but that doesn’t make it any less odd. It’s even more skippable than usual, but there is something to be said about not having the original matches. They rarely add anything and it just slows down a show that doesn’t need to exist most of the time.

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:

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Monday Night Raw – December 9, 2019: A Different Way To Rush Through Everything

IMG Credit: WWE

Monday Night Raw
Date: December 9, 2019
Location: Bon Secours Wellness Arena, Greenville, South Carolina
Commentators: Vic Joseph, Samoa Joe, Corey Graves

I know it seems ridiculous but we are only six days away Tables, Ladders and Chairs. There are only a handful of matches confirmed for the show so tonight is going to be all about rapid fire build, because that’s the best thing this company knows how to do these days. Expect some more from AJ Styles vs. Randy Orton, and of course Rusev vs. Bobby Lashley. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Jerry Lawler is in the ring with table and chairs so Rusev and Lana can get divorced. Lana and her lawyer come out and Lawler reads off a statement, saying that the restraining order has been lifted. Rusev, in a Donald Duck shirt, comes out and has a seat as Lana rants about she never loved him. He isn’t allowed to speak because this is always about him. Rusev Day went to his head and it’s time to get on their feet to yell at the fans.

Rusev says this is how his marriage went and Lana needs to calm down. He’s the one who needs protection this week and we see a clip of Lashley and Lana being arrested last week. Lana rants about how Rusev will never have anyone like her, but Rusev says he can’t stand her now so why would he want another. Lana screams about how Rusev Day and the WWE Universe destroyed her marriage, nearly breaking down in tears. Rusev says this is ridiculous and wants to sign the divorce papers.

They’re ready to sign but Lana insists that she sign first. Lana: “I get the dog!” They get in an argument over the dog, which is giving me flashbacks to HHH and Stephanie back in the day. Lana emphatically signs but Rusev needs something from her before he signs. Lana thinks he means sex in a variety of places but instead it’s a match with Lashley. Cue Lashley to say he wants the divorce finalized so he can marry Lana. They agree to a match at some point and Rusev signs, triggering the brawl. Lashley beats him up on the floor but Rusev suplexes him through the table back inside.

Kevin Owens accuses AOP of attacking him because Seth Rollins ordered them to do so. Last week he got away though, and that’s a problem for AOP. Owens walks off and runs into Rey Mysterio, who offers to have his back against the AOP if he needs someone. Actually make that the pipe has Owens’ back and Owens accepts.

Matt Hardy vs. Drew McIntyre

On his way to the ring, Drew talks about Matt having a newborn son and the cross eyed look shows that it really is Matt’s. Drew knows Matt is a true professional, but he’s made some mistakes outside of the ring and maybe him reproducing isn’t a good idea. Hardy slugs him into the corner and hits a Twist of Fate as we take a break. Back with the bell ringing and Matt clotheslining him out to the floor. Drew breaks up the Twist of Fate with a shove into the steps though and Matt is in trouble. The Futureshock into the Claymore finish Matt at 2:21.

We look back at the Kabuki Warriors defeating Charlotte last week.

Charlotte offers Becky Lynch some help against the Kabuki Warriors but Lynch has this one on her own.

Owens and his pipe look for the AOP, though Mojo Rawley isn’t sure which way they went. He suggests three directions so Owens hits him in the face, saying Mojo just went in the down direction.

Here are the Viking Raiders to issue an open challenge for their gold. Or silver.

Batista is going to the Hall of Fame. Well deserved.

Tag Team Titles: Viking Raiders vs. Street Profits

The Profits are challenging. Erik misses the shotgun knees in the corner and it’s a spinebuster into the frog splash for two on Erik with Ivar diving in for a save. We settle down to Ivar and Ford trading cartwheels until a spinwheel kick gets two on Ford. Dawkins plants Ivar for two more but it’s back to Ford, who walks into the Viking Experience for the pin at 3:12.

Rating: C+. They packed some stuff in here, just like they would do down in NXT. That being said, I’m rather surprised that the Profits lost so quickly. It’s not like they were severely damaged though as they got in the best near fall on the Raiders yet and it’s not like they got squashed. It was fun while it lasted if nothing else.

Post match respect is shown but here is Seth Rollins for a chat. Everyone else leaves though because the respect is gone. Rollins wants the AOP out here right now but gets Owens instead. Rollins says there is no need for the piper but Owens begs to differ. We see the AOP arriving in the back and it’s off to a break. Back with Rollins saying the AOP is going to come out here and beat Owens up but it has nothing to do with him.

That’s enough to make Rollins leave so here’s the AOP to speak their native languages. Owens says those are all good points and he wants them down here one at a time. Cue Sami Zayn and Mojo Rawley with Sami saying he has a managerial license to jump from Raw and Smackdown. Rather than just being a manager though, Sami is a liberator and that’s what Owens needs right now.

What Owens did to Mojo backstage was too far and Sami wants an apology. They’re about to fight but Sami intervenes, citing the STEEL PIPE in Owens’ hand. Mojo: “Anyone is tough with a pipe in their hands.” Owens wants to test that and throws it to Mojo, setting him up for the Stunner. A few pipe shots to the back leave Mojo laying and send Sami running.

Post break, Owens’ hunt continues.

Aleister Black vs. Buddy Murphy is set for TLC so Murphy promises to beat him on Sunday.

Aleister Black vs. Akira Tozawa

Tozawa works on the arm to start and has to bail into the corner off the threat of a kick. Some armdrags let Black grab the arm again but a spinning kick to the head misses again. Tozawa snaps off a hurricanrana to the floor but the suicide headbutt is kneed out of the air. Black Mass finishes Tozawa at 3:35.

Rating: C-. The slaughter of the cruiserweights continues as Black claims another one. That being said, the image of Black Mass hitting Tozawa in the face was a great visual as that thing hit to perfection. In theory that makes Buddy the next big challenger but I’m not sure how that is going to go.

Video on Humberto Carrillo.

Humberto is ready for an interview but Zelina Vega and Andrade come in. Yelling ensues and a match is set for tonight.

Liv Morgan’s makeover is coming soon.

Andrade vs. Humberto Carrillo

Andrade won’t let Carrillo start with the flips so it’s a backdrop into a chinlock. Back up and an elbow to the face sets up a running kick to the same face for two. Carrillo gets sent to the top but spins around and hits a high crossbody. Andrade is sent to the floor for the big moonsault and we take a break.

Back with Carrillo backflipping into a moonsault for two but Andrade blocks a superplex attempt. That means the top rope double stomp can get two but Andrade misses the running knees in the corner. Carrillo scores with a missile dropkick into the Aztec Press (which almost completely misses) for two, as there was no way you could give up a fall off something like that.

A spinning back elbow to the face gives Andrade two and now the double knees in the corner connect. Carrillo pops back up with the running dropkick in the corner though, drawing Vega to the apron. Andrade is sent into her though and it’s a victory roll to finish Andrade at 11:04.

Rating: C+. This is how you give Carrillo a push if they insist on doing so. Andrade and Vega having some issues may not be the best idea in the world but it’s better than just having Andrade go nowhere. At least now he’s got some kind of a story to go with it, which hasn’t been the case for a long time.

Post match Andrade blames Vega for the loss and they argue a lot.

Rey Mysterio isn’t ready to lose his US Title back to AJ Styles tonight.

Remember how Owens couldn’t find the AOP? He still can’t.

Zack Ryder vs. Buddy Murphy

During the entrance, Aleister Black says Murphy will regret picking a fight with him. Buddy starts fast and takes him down for some knees to the back. The chinlock doesn’t last long as Ryder is back with a faceplant and the running forearm in the corner. The Broski Boot sends Murphy outside but Curt Hawkins gets taken out. Back in and the jumping knee to the face sets up Murphy’s Law to give Buddy the fast pin at 2:00.

Owens finds the AOP’s van and unloads on it with the pipe. The AOP comes in and beats him down. Someone is in the back of the van and….of course it’s Rollins. Seth says it’s come to this and Stomps him onto the bare concrete. Rollins looks at the AOP and they leave together. So to recap, here are the last few weeks:

Owens: “You’re with the AOP!”

Seth: “No I’m not!”

Owens: “Yes you are!”

Rollins: “No I’m not! Ok I am!”

Post break Rollins is in the arena to rant about how everything should have gone perfectly for him. He gave everything he had for every one of the fans but they booed him anyway. Rollins doesn’t care for the fans getting on the Owens’ bandwagon because Owens if the flavor of the month. It was true that he wasn’t with the AOP but no one believed him. What does Rollins have to do to get the people’s respect? All of this negativity has turned into a self fulfilling prophecy as he is now standing with AOP. They come out to stand by his side and all three leave together.

Owens is loaded into an ambulance.

Becky Lynch vs. Kabuki Warriors

Non-title. Becky suplexes Asuka to the floor to start but the numbers advantage lets Asuka choke away in the corner. Back from a break with Becky hitting a dropkick and kicking them both down. A double DDT gets two on Kairi but she’s back up to slam Becky off the top. Asuka’s missile dropkick misses though and there’s the Bexploder. The middle rope legdrop misses though and it’s the Asuka Lock, only to have Lynch reverse into one of her own.

The Warriors are sent to the floor but Asuka knees Becky in the face to put them all down. Lynch beats the count back in, where Asuka hits a Shining Wizard for two more. A Doomsday forearm gets the same but the Insane Elbow hits raised knees. Asuka breaks up the Disarm Her but it’s a Rock Bottom to plant Asuka. The Disarm Her is broken up by Asuka and Becky doesn’t know what else to do. They go outside again and Asuka chairs her in the ribs for the DQ at 13:04.

Rating: C. I didn’t like the ending here but it’s time to set up a TLC match on Sunday so we need to get that out of the way. The Tag Team Title match should be fun but I’m not exactly looking forward to the rapid fire “hey we’re friendly enough now to fight the champs”, which is likely taking place later tonight.

Post match the Warriors pull out a chair and another Insane Elbow puts Lynch through the table.

The OC is ready to get the US Title back. If Randy Orton gets involved, they’ll end his career, either forever or for life.

The NWO is coming to the Hall of Fame as well. As they should, though Syxx being included is a bit of a stretch.

Charlotte interrupts Becky getting treatment on her shoulder. Becky doesn’t want to hear it so Charlotte leaves….and gets jumped by the Warriors.

Erick Rowan vs. ???

The jobber hits the floor at the bell and grabs Rowan’s cage. He runs it up to the stage, leaves it there, goes back to the ring and tells the referee to count. That’s good for eight and there’s the Iron Claw (make it two) to give Rowan…..a win via referee stoppage for a change of pace at 1:18.

In the back, the Warriors challenge Becky and Charlotte to challenge them to a match at TLC.

Charlotte and Becky agree to fight the Warriors. For the titles. In a TLC match.

And now, the Monday After Weekend Update with the Street Profits. It’s more or less Saturday Night Live’s Weekend Update with a bunch of jokes hyping up the TLC card.

US Title: Rey Mysterio vs. AJ Styles

Mysterio is defending. AJ takes him down to start but a rollup gives Rey a fast two. The frustration is already high for AJ so he sends Rey chest first into the corner. A catapult sends Rey into the corner again, albeit a little harder this time. The chinlock goes on for a bit but Rey sends him outside and hits the Asai moonsault for the big knockdown. Cue the OC and the distraction lets AJ send Rey into the post as we take a break.

Back with AJ dropkicking him out of the air for two as Mysterio is in trouble. AJ sends him outside but Rey gets back in for a slingshot sunset bomb into the barricade. That’s only good for nine each so Rey starts slugging away back inside. The springboard seated senton and a legdrop give Rey two, followed by a tornado DDT for the same. An Alley Oop plants Rey on his face but he sends AJ into the ropes for the 619.

Rating: C+. Good enough stuff here with the ending being a nice little surprise instead of the expected RKO. Mysterio retaining the title works well, though I’m not sure who he is supposed to defend against next. Maybe McIntyre, but I’m not sure how much good that title would do him. At least we should get AJ vs. Orton on Sunday.

We are off the air IMMEDIATELY with the ring announcer only saying “And still the United States!”

Overall Rating: B-. This was a different kind of show with a hard focus on a few stories. Those stories worked out well enough with a few matches being good enough to back things up. They had to hit the hard sell to TLC because they have no time to get there any other way. It felt like a different kind of show and that’s a good sound after everything else that this show has done in the last few months. Just get us to next week’s show so we can move on to the Royal Rumble build and some actual time. Not a great show, but a different enough style to make it work.


Drew McIntyre b. Matt Hardy – Claymore

Viking Raiders b. Street Profits – Viking Experience to Ford

Aleister Black b. Akira Tozawa – Black Mass

Humberto Carrillo b. Andrade – Victory roll

Buddy Murphy b. Zack Ryder – Murphy’s Law

Becky Lynch b. Kabuki Warriors via DQ when Asuka used a chair

Erick Rowan b. ??? via referee stoppage

Rey Mysterio b. AJ Styles – Small package

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:

And check out my Amazon author page with cheap wrestling books at:

Monday Night Raw – November 25, 2019: Seems Like A One Night Special

IMG Credit: WWE

Monday Night Raw
Date: November 25, 2019
Location: Allstate Arena, Chicago, Illinois
Commentators: Vic Joseph, Jerry Lawler

It’s the final important show in Chicago and that means we should be in for the start of something new around here. We’ve been dealing with the NXT Invasion for so long now that I’m almost not sure where things are supposed to go from here. Raw came in dead last on Sunday though and that means it’s time to hold some people responsible. Oh and TLC is in less than three weeks because we’re not allowed to have a breather from major shows. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

I was in the arena for this show, sitting in the upper deck and looking straight at the Titantron.

Opening sequence.

The locker room is around the ring and it’s Seth Rollins, billed as the locker room leader, running a town hall. We wait for the CM Punk chants to wrap up (Seth: “I tried to get him here. He wants to sit behind a desk in Los Angeles.”) before Rollins admits that NXT destroyed them last night. Rollins grew up a fan of Raw and watched people like Steve Austin and DX, but last night, everyone around this ring sucked. If anyone wants to say something, now would be the time.

With no one saying anything, Rollins calls out Orton for being the weak link on the team last night. Orton looks at him and walks out so Rollins calls out Charlotte for failing as a leader last night. Rollins: “And you call yourself a Flair.” Charlotte walks out too and Rollins wants to know where AOP were last night.

They leave when told they aren’t needed, so Rollins focuses on Rey Mysterio. Rollins says he beat Brock Lesnar twice this year but Rey couldn’t do it with a lead pipe and his stupid kid. Rey leaves and so does everyone else, save for Kevin Owens. Rollins rants about Owens being Mr. NXT and how he does nothing on Raw these days. He’ll never be Seth Rollins….and there’s a Stunner to leave Rollins laying. Turning Rollins from the guy who says stupid things on Twitter while still being a face on Raw into a delusional heel is a good idea and something they had to do after how loudly he was getting booed.

Post break Rollins challenges Owens to a match tonight.

Earlier today, Rusev was held out of the arena by a restraining order.

Bobby Lashley vs. Titus O’Neil

Lana is out with Lashley. Titus tries to start and chops away but walks into a spinebuster….as Rusev runs in through the crowd for the DQ at 1:05.

Post match the beatdown is on with Rusev hammering away and sending Lashley into the steps. They fight up the ramp with Rusev sending him into the set and then onto the announcers’ table. Rusev shouts that this isn’t about Lana but here are the cops to arrest Rusev and drag him out. Hang on though as Rusev breaks away and tackles Lashley off the stage and through a table. One of the big steel beams gets kicked onto Lashley for a bonus and a smiling Rusev is finally taken away. And yes, that does get the biggest reaction Rusev has had in months because he actually fought back for a change. It’s not hard people.

Lashley had to be taken out on a stretcher while Lana screamed a lot.

AOP vs. Curt Hawkins/Zack Ryder

AOP wastes no time in hitting the Last Chapter on Hawkins and some knees put Hawkins down. Stereo Death Valley Drivers into the corner set up the Super Collider into the powerbomb/neckbreaker combination for the pin on Ryder at 1:22. Complete and utter squash.

Andrade vs. Akira Tozawa

Are they giving the big names the first hour off tonight? Andrade chops away to start and stomps a downed Tozawa for a bonus. The armbar is countered into a small package for two on Andrade as Tozawa picks up the pace. A release German suplex connects but Andrade sends him into the corner. The running knees in the corner and it’s the hammerlock DDT to finish Tozawa at 2:29.

Aleister Black didn’t like Buddy Murphy coming after him last week. Murphy’s mere presence in this arena tonight means that Murphy wants to pick a fight with him.

Matt Hardy vs. Buddy Murphy

Hardy hammers away to start and sends him into the buckle early on. Some more right hands connect in the corner but Murphy takes him to the floor for a whip into the barricade. Back in and the Side Effect gives Buddy a breather but the corner bulldog is blocked. A middle rope elbow to the back of the head connects, only to have Murphy knee the heck out of Matt. More knees to the face are enough for the pin on Hardy at 2:58.

Post match Murphy confirms that he is picking a fight with Aleister Black so here’s Black to strike away, with Murphy bailing in a hurry. How WWE managed to not get what to do with Black for six month astounds me.

Charlotte says she has never claimed to be a team player. Asuka was clearly bitter after losing to her twice so tonight Charlotte will prove how great she is.

We recap the opening segment. Owens vs. Rollins is set for later.

US Title: AJ Styles vs. Humberto Carrillo

Carrillo is challenging….or at least he would be if the OC didn’t jump him at ringside and lay him out.

Ricochet comes out to check on Carrillo, with AJ mocking the superhero for not making the save in time. With Carrillo down, Ricochet challenges him for the title tonight. That won’t be happening, so here’s Randy Orton to challenge as well. That’s shot down so Drew McIntyre and Rey Mysterio come out to do the same and get denied as well. Ricochet has an idea though: a four way with the winner getting a title shot later in the night. AJ calls it stupid but Gallows thinks it sounds kind of compelling. AJ: “THAT’S WHY I WAS TALKING TO KARL!” Anderson says it’s a hot crowd in Chicago so do it. That’s enough for AJ and it’s on.

Ricochet vs. Rey Mysterio vs. Randy Orton vs. Drew McIntyre

The winner gets a title shot at AJ later in the night. Ricochet and Rey clear the ring to start but Orton comes back in before the mini dream match can start. That just earns him a dropkick and an enziguri rocks Rey. McIntyre pulls Ricochet to the floor for a slam though and Rey is thrown on top of him for the crash.

Ricochet gets thrown back inside with McIntyre tossing him around with ease. Orton charges into a boot to the face and the rolling dropkick puts McIntyre into the corner. It’s Rey coming back in with a springboard seated senton to Orton and a kick to Ricochet’s head. McIntyre’s superplex is broken up as he gets caught in the Tree of Woe, only to sit up and German superplex Orton, who superplexes Rey at the same time. Cue the OC as we take a break.

Back with Ricochet slugging away at both villains but getting caught in Orton’s hanging DDT. It’s time for the required showdown between Orton and McIntyre so they chop it out with Orton’s ears ringing after a hard one. Ricochet comes back in and reverses McIntyre’s reverse Alabama Slam into a victory roll for two. A heck of a Batista Bomb gives McIntyre the same on Ricochet but Orton cuts off the Claymore with an RKO. The OC pulls Orton to the floor though, leaving Rey to springboard back in for a moonsault press into a small package to pin Ricochet at 14:28.

Rating: B-. This took some time to get going but they got into a groove by the end and had an entertaining match. That’s all you can ask for out of something like this as there are a lot of people doing stuff at the same time. It also gives us AJ vs. Mysterio tonight and AJ vs. Orton later so nice job of setting up a few things at once.

US Title: Rey Mysterio vs. AJ Styles

Rey is challenging and gets sent into various turnbuckles to start. A backbreaker keeps Rey in trouble for a bit and AJ ties him in the Tree of Woe for a baseball slide to make it worse. The catapult sends Rey’s throat into the rope as AJ isn’t seeming worried here. Rey gets in a few shots to the ribs but his knee gives out on a springboard attempt. He’s fine enough to send AJ shoulder first into the post though and they’re both down. It’s Rey up first but Anderson breaks up the 619, which is good for a double ejection.

We take a break and come back with Rey getting sent chest first into the buckle because he isn’t banged up enough already. The Tree of Woe is on again but the baseball slide earns AJ a crotching this time (Lawler: “Oh no! Oh no!”). The seated senton and the sitout bulldog combine for two but Rey is running out of steam.

AJ catches him on top and it’s the fireman’s carry backbreaker for two. Rey is right back with Code Red for two of his own and now the 619 connects….to bump the referee. Cue the OC but Orton runs out as well to cut them off. A 619 sends AJ into the RKO and the frog splash gives Rey the pin and the title at 15:08.

Rating: B. This was the big culmination of the whole story and the fans got completely behind Mysterio. That’s what Mysterio does as well as almost anyone ever and this was a very well done story. Mysterio overcame the odds again and won the title as a nice consolation prize after last night. And of course it was a good match given who was out there. Well done all around and the feel good moment they were shooting for.

Kevin Owens has known who he is since the beginning, unlike Rollins, who has been doing everything he can to become whatever someone else wants him to be. All Rollins is is insufferable so tonight, Owens is Stunning Rollins.

Charlotte vs. Asuka

Kairi Sane is here with Asuka. Charlotte points to her hair, which got misted so badly last night. Asuka gets hammered out to the floor and sent into the barricade as Charlotte gets to work off some frustration. Charlotte has to deal with Sane but Asuka’s kicks to the legs have no effect. Some elbows to the face stagger Asuka but the Figure Eight is kicked away in a hurry.

Asuka slugs away and hits the backfist, only to run into the big boot to give Charlotte two. With Asuka taking a breaker on the floor, Charlotte goes after Sane, who runs through the crowd (high fiving every fan on the way up, which isn’t shown on camera for obvious reasons). Back from a break with Asuka getting kicked off the apron but managing a kick to the face. The German suplex rocks Charlotte for the first time but Asuka can’t follow up.

The Asuka Lock is countered into a rollup for two and Charlotte throws her down with the fall away slam. A running flip splash gets two more but Charlotte runs into something like a Codebreaker for another near fall. Natural Selection is countered into a triangle choke, which is countered into a Boston crab. With that not working, Charlotte goes after the knee before spearing her down for two. Cue Sane again for the distraction, which earns herself a posting. Asuka uses the breather to hit the mist (with Charlotte clearly pulling her hair back before it hit) and cradle Charlotte for the pin at 17:23.

Rating: B-. The ending holds things back a lot here as Charlotte pulling her hair right before the mist looked stupid, but what makes it even worse is the refereeing. In the previous match, Anderson and Gallows get ejected for maybe tripping Mysterio but Charlotte looks like she just got off a Nickelodeon game show (and the mist is all over Asuka’s chin) and that’s not enough evidence? The saving grace is that it comes at the end of a rather good match, which is all you would expect from these two.

Erick Rowan vs. Kyle Roberts

Roberts goes outside to check on what is in Rowan’s crate and you just don’t do that. Total destruction into the Iron Claw for the pin at 1:24.

Buy stuff for Black Friday! R-Truth and the IIconics are a rather nifty sales team.

AJ Styles is so upset at losing his title that he can only manage to say Randy Orton.

We recap Rusev attacking Lashley.

Lana is crushed over Lashley being hurt but she’ll be fine during this trying time. And thank you for asking.

Seth Rollins vs. Kevin Owens

Rollins sends him to the floor to start but the suicide dive hits an elbow to the face. A half crab has Owens down but he’s right back up with a superkick to the floor. That’s enough for Rollins to grab a chair, which isn’t going to be allowed as the refereeing seems to have been upgraded after the mist nonsense. Back with Owens in a reverse chinlock, followed by some chops in the corner.

A DDT gives Owens a breather and the Cannonball crushes Rollins again. Rollins rolls outside so it’s a backsplash to make it even worse, plus the frog splash for two. The Pop Up Powerbomb is countered though and Rollins hits the Blockbuster. The Stomp misses though and now the Pop Up Powerbomb gets two. They hit a superkick each and Owens grabs the Stunner but can’t cover. Instead….here’s the AOP to jump Owens for the DQ at 14:03.

Rating: C+. The ending is going to be what matters here and I’m not sure how well it’s going to go. Rollins as a top heel with some big lackeys behind him could work, especially if this sets up a rematch against Owens at TLC. The wrestling was fine enough but you could sense that they were tired after a long weekend, which is understandable.

The fans are NOT happy with this and call it BS, with some fans in my section shouting about how it makes no sense and is therefore bad. That suggests to me that they suggesting that they don’t quite get how wrestling works. Owens gets sent into the post but AOP walks away from Rollins. The Stomp to Owens ends the show.

Overall Rating: B-. There was a lot of stuff going on here and the high quality wrestling was a big part of it. The wrestling was the best part of the whole thing but the angle advancement wasn’t quite as strong. Rollins as a heel sounds good but other than the Mysterio stuff, there wasn’t much to be seen in the way of good storytelling. It’s more good than bad, but I’m not sure how well this is going to work week to week.


Bobby Lashley b. Titus O’Neil via DQ when Rusev interfered

AOP b. Curt Hawkins/Zack Ryder – Powerbomb/neckbreaker combination to Ryder

Andrade b. Akira Tozawa – Hammerlock DDT

Buddy Murphy b. Matt Hardy – Knee to the face

Rey Mysterio b. Ricochet, Randy Orton and Drew McIntyre – Small package to Ricochet

Rey Mysterio b. AJ Styles – Frog splash

Asuka b. Charlotte – Cradle

Erick Rowan b. Kyle Roberts – Iron Claw

Kevin Owens b. Seth Rollins via DQ when AOP interfered

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:

And check out my Amazon author page with cheap wrestling books at:

Starrcade 2019: Thanks I Guess?

IMG Credit: WWE

Starrcade 2019
Date: December 1, 2019
Location: Infinite Energy Arena, Duluth, Georgia
Commentators: Tom Phillips, Byron Saxton

I mean, it has been a whole week since their last big event. This is another one of those house shows that is airing on the Network in a shortened form. It isn’t exactly something interesting though last year’s show was pretty good. The two matches announced aren’t exactly breaking new ground but they could be good. Let’s get to it.

The announcers talk about the history of Starrcade and run down the matches announced.

Here is Kevin Owens for the Kevin Owens Show. He doesn’t waste any time and brings out Ric Flair to make it feel like Starrcade. Flair talks about how he’s a fan of Owens and, after switching to a microphone that works, he talks about how proud he is of Charlotte. On Smackdown, Roman Reigns talked about family, and that’s what everyone in WWE is.

The first Starrcade was thirty six years ago and back then all Flair wanted to do was be the best wrestler in the world. That’s what everyone wants to do here tonight and it’s going to be a good one. Owens has heard a lot of WOOing so he wants to let Flair have one of his own. They count it down….and here are the Good Brothers to cut them off.

Anderson and Gallows aren’t happy with hearing about the past when we could be talking about their present. They are the best tag team in the world but Owens brings up their lack of hair. Anderson thinks we should see a bunch of OC highlights for the rest of the show. Gallows: “Maybe some Botched Club!” Owens: “You want to see highlights of your last match?” Cue the Street Profits as Flair goes out to the floor. I think you know where this is going.

Good Brothers vs. Street Profits

Anderson punches Ford into the corner as we hear about a tag match opening the first Starrcade. Ford flips away though and it’s off to Dawkins for a headlock. Dawkins talks a lot and brings him over to the corner so Ford can come back in with a dropkick (it looked like Ford had to lower his legs because he was going to get too high).

Gallows comes in and superkicks Ford to the floor to take over. The pummeling starts in the corner and there’s a big kick to Ford’s head for a bonus. The chinlock goes on again for a few seconds before a fall away slam sends Ford back into the corner. Gallows runs him over and elbows him into another chinlock.

Ford gets up and backflips out of a suplex, setting up the enziguri to put Gallows down. There’s the hot tag to Dawkins and it’s time to clean house. Everything breaks down and Anderson cuts off the hot streak with a spinebuster for two. The belly to back suplex/neckbreaker combination gets two but Dawkins hits his own spinebuster. Ford’s frog splash is good for the pin on Anderson at 8:46.

Rating: C-. Total and complete house show match here and that’s all it needed to be. This was just about giving the fans something to cheer for and they did it well enough. The Profits are a team who can get fans interested through pure charisma and it isn’t like the Good Brothers are going to be hurt by a loss.

Post match the Profits bring Flair into the ring and do the elbow/knee onto the invisible coat in tribute.

Bayley and Sasha Banks don’t like being around here and talk about winning the Women’s Tag Team Titles tonight.

Women’s Tag Team Titles: Becky Lynch/Charlotte vs. Alexa Bliss/Nikki Cross vs. Sasha Banks/Bayley vs. Kabuki Warriors

The Warriors are defending and it’s one fall to a finish. Sane and Cross start things off but it’s Asuka and Charlotte coming in before anything happens. Charlotte shoulders her down but gets kicked in the ribs when trying to flip backwards. She’s fine enough to hit a fall away slam but Sasha tags herself in to frustrate Charlotte a bit. Sasha’s yelling at the crowd allows Cross to come in and bring Sasha into the corner.

Bliss hits her running slap and tags out for a bow. It’s quickly off to Bayley vs. Becky for a slugout until Bayley actually gets the better of it. Becky kicks her away though and brings in Bliss to clean house. Sane comes in to pull Bliss’ hair though and a dropkick to the back has Bliss in trouble. It’s back to Bayley but she gets small packaged for two, meaning Asuka tags herself back in.

That means a few kicks until Bliss punches her down, setting up the double tag to Lynch and Sane. Bexploders abound and it’s a double DDT to the Warriors. Sane is back up but Cross tags herself in for a high crossbody. The Purge gets two on Asuka with Banks making the save. The Insane Elbow hits Becky so Charlotte spears both Warriors down. Cross rolls Asuka up but gets pulled into the Asuka Lock for the tap at 13:26.

Rating: C+. This was the kind of fun insanity that these matches thrive on, though there is only so much you can do with so many people. It’s really just about keeping people moving the whole time and that is what we got here. There is a pretty firm limit on what they can do with something like this aside from a special occasion and this was as good as it was getting.

Bobby Lashley vs. Rusev

Last Man Standing and Lana is with Lashley, who is fine after Monday’s beatdown. Before the match, Lana talks about her hot boyfriend but there is some bad news: no Last Man Standing match tonight because the restraining order is still in effect. They’ll take that forfeit though. The referee raises Lashley’s hand and rings the bell but hang on a second.

Cue Kevin Owens to say that’s not how this is ending. Owens: “NO ONE CARES ABOUT THE TWO OF YOU AND YOUR STUPID RELATIONSHIP!” Lana wants everyone to ignore Owens right now. Owens: “Like you’ve been ignoring that stupid Russian accent for the last five years?” Lashley lets Owens take Rusev’s place and the match is on.

Bobby Lashley vs. Kevin Owens

Regular match instead of Last Man Standing. Owens hits two superkicks into the Cannonball but Lashley bails from the threat of a Stunner. Another Cannonball off the apron takes Lashley down again but he fights back to send Owens into the announcers’ table. They get back inside with Lashley’s shirt coming off to reveal the taped up ribs and shoulder. Lashley starts hammering away but Owens hits him in the ribs for a breather. A Downward Spiral gives Lashley two and he grabs a Crossface of all things.

That’s broken up with a quick grab of the rope so Lashley throws him outside. Back in and Lashley’s superplex is broken up, allowing Owens to Swanton onto the bad ribs. The frog splash gets two so Owens hits the Stunner, only to have Lana distract the referee. Lashley runs Owens over and grabs a chair, which draws in Rusev, in a Bob Ross shirt, through the crowd for the DQ at 9:29.

Rating: C. This was less of a match and more of a countdown to the obvious ending. That isn’t a bad thing but it wasn’t exactly a thrilling match. Owens could have been just about anyone here as we continue this Rusev vs. Lashley feud that has only started to pick up some steam over a month into the thing. It wasn’t a bad match but there wasn’t exactly a secret to where it was going.

Post match the beating is on with Rusev taking it into the crowd as Lana shouts about Rusev breaking the law. They head back into the ring with Lashley hitting him with some kendo stick shots. Rusev blocks the big shot though and grabs a chair to hammer away. The jumping superkick into the chair sends Lashley and Lana bailing. Rusev runs through the crowd to avoid being arrested to end the show.

Overall Rating: C. Much like every single one of these things, this was a show that existed and little more. There is nothing on here that you need to see and nothing on here that is worth your time, though the women’s match was pretty good. You would be better off watching a host of other things though as it’s just a house show with a bigger set than usual. The Starrcade name is fine though and it’s better than just leaving the things dormant for AEW to pick off. Completely acceptable use of an hour, but nothing you’ll regret missing.


Street Profits b. Good Brothers – Frog splash to Anderson

Kabuki Warriors b. Nikki Cross/Alexa Bliss, Charlotte/Becky Lynch and Sasha Banks/Bayley – Asuka Lock to Cross

Bobby Lashley b. Kevin Owens via DQ when Rusev interfered

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:

And check out my Amazon author page with cheap wrestling books at:

New Column: The Triangle Angle

It might not be all bad!

Monday Night Raw – November 11, 2019: As Cold As Iced Tea

IMG Credit: WWE

Monday Night Raw
Date: November 11, 2019
Location: Manchester Evening News Arena, Manchester, England
Commentators: Jerry Lawler, Vic Joseph

It’s time for a taped show, which tends to have some weaker results than usual. It isn’t going to help to have this taped after Friday’s Smackdown, meaning the fans are going to be spent. We’re still in the build to Survivor Series, and in particular we find out the Raw men’s team for the five vs. five vs. five elimination match. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Here’s Becky Lynch to open things up. The Man is in Manchester where she was training when she was a teenager. Things are getting more intense and the challengers are getting harder, so Becky says bring them on. She’s never going to stop pushing because the only thing she fears in life is not being the best. So how about she becomes Becky Two Belts again right now?

Women’s Tag Team Titles: Charlotte/Becky Lynch vs. Kabuki Warriors

Natalya and Charlotte beat the Warriors last week but “family issues” kept Natalya from being here, meaning Becky is in her place. Asuka kicks away at Becky to start and the shots to the head just get on her nerves. Sane comes in and gets armdragged down, allowing Becky to strike a quick pose.

Becky gets one off a suplex and it’s off to Charlotte for the first time. That means a lot of chops and some strutting but Asuka kicks away. Cue Shayna Baszler to watch as we take a break. Back with Asuka taking over and kicking at Charlotte’s face in the corner. We hit the chinlock from Sane before Asuka comes back in for some strikes.

The Asuka Lock goes on for a few seconds but she switches to an armbreaker. That’s reversed with a lifting powerbomb but Sane is back in with a kick to Charlotte’s face. Charlotte finally avoids a charge in the corner and makes the hot tag off to Becky to stomp away in the corner. Sane gets sent into Asuka and there’s the Bexploder. Baszler jumps onto the apron but here’s Bayley to take her down, allowing Asuka to roll Becky up for the pin at 17:49.

Rating: C. This ate up a lot of time and that’s probably a good idea on a show where everyone is going to be tired in the first place. The ending was annoying but at least Becky vs. Asuka sounds good. I’m glad they addressed the lack of Natalya, though I doubt it was anything more than wanting Becky in the spot and not thinking it through from last week.

Post match Bayley sends Becky into the barricade.

Ricochet and Randy Orton are talking in the back when the OC shows up to mock Humberto Carrillo. Six man for later.

Drew McIntyre vs. Sin Cara

Cara starts fast with a dive to the floor but McIntyre pounds him right back down and hits a heck of a clothesline. Some kicks to the leg slow McIntyre down and a headscissors puts him on the floor. The slingshot hurricanrana is countered into a jackknife on the floor though and the Claymore finishes Cara at 3:59.

Rating: C-. It’s nice to see McIntyre squashing people again and that clothesline looked awesome. At the same time though, it’s easy to see why Cara wants to leave. This is about as good as it’s going to get for him and if he can do something else in Mexico or elsewhere, I can get why he would want out. I can’t imagine WWE letting him go, but I get Cara’s mindset.

Erick Rowan is looking through a screen and seems to be talking to a baby.

24/7 Title: R-Truth vs. Singh Brothers

Truth is challenging in a handicap match. Truth beats both of them up without much trouble with the Lie Detector looking to finish, only to have the Brothers bail to the floor. The chase is on and they run to the back with the fans booing it out of the building. The Brothers get to a room but run into Rowan, who hits them with a couch. Truth comes in and decides the three of them need privacy before turning out the lights and leaving. This wasn’t a match but the couch deal was funny.

Here’s Seth Rollins to talk about Survivor Series and we recap the invasion so far. Rollins likes the energy and talks about how he didn’t know what was next after losing the Universal Title. Last week HHH told him that he should go back to his roots but Raw is his home. Rollins lost his title but that doesn’t mean he is no longer the best in the world. Therefore, anyone in the back can come face him right now. Cue Imperium, with Walter introducing himself and saying Rollins is defiling sacred ground. Just because he’s in the UK doesn’t mean he can avoid an NXT invasion so let’s do this right now.

Seth Rollins vs. Walter

Non-title. Walter throws him around to start so Rollins tries some chops, only to get caught in the release German suplex. We hit the chinlock and then a half crab as Rollins can’t do much against the size and power. Rollins fights back up and even gets to tease the Stomp, which draws in the rest of Imperium for the DQ at 4:49.

Rating: C. This didn’t have time to go anywhere but dang it’s cool to see Walter on the main show. I know his look may not be traditional but sweet goodness the guy commands respect in the ring. He can do a little bit of everything and that power is impossible to ignore. More of him please, as long as he doesn’t become a regular.

Post match the beatdown is on so it’s the Street Profits and Kevin Owens running in for the save.

Imperium vs. Kevin Owens/Street Profits/Seth Rollins

Rollins gets sent outside early on and we get the big staredown with Imperium. Walter drops Rollins back first onto the apron and the beating begins. The chinlock doesn’t last long and Wolfe gets two off a bridging German suplex. Aichner drives Rollins into the corner and it’s Walter coming in for some forearms to the chest. A dropkick into a powerbomb plants Rollins and everything breaks down for a bit as Owens makes the save.

Owens and the Profits get kicked to the floor so Walter goes up, only to get superplexed right back down. The hot tag brings in Owens to take over and a Swanton gets two on Aichner. Everything breaks down again and Ford hits a huge flip dive, which lands on the announcers’ table for a scary landing. Back in and Rollins Stomps Wolfe for the pin at 6:40.

Rating: C+. Imperium is an idea that isn’t very complicated but the four of them execute things so well that it’s hard not to be impressed. They’re just good at what they do and you want to see them beat people up. Walter is the star of the team, but the other three have come up very nicely and the whole thing has turned into one of the best things about NXT UK.

Cedric Alexander vs. Andrade

Andrade sends him into the corner to start but a dropkick cuts him off in a hurry. One heck of a clothesline drops Cedric and we hit the armbar. That doesn’t last long as Cedric sends him outside for the suicide dive. Zelina Vega offers a distraction though and it’s the discus elbow into the hammerlock lariat for the pin at 3:26.

Rating: C. Another match that didn’t have time to go anywhere though I rather approve of Andrade getting another win. The guy is that good and it is a good sign to have him getting a push. The action wasn’t that bad either, though I’m already over the distraction finishes tonight. Why is that almost all we can get?

Aleister Black talks about someone having a secret and wants a certain someone who has one to pick a fight with him.

Various wrestlers say happy Veterans Day.

Veterans Day video.

Here is Lana for a chat. She’s here to confess her sins, even though Lashley, her boyfriend and the love of her life, didn’t want her to. The truth is that she treated on Rusev, but don’t boo her. Rusev cheated on her first so it’s not her being petty. Seven weeks ago, she and Lashley had sex together for the first time. How does she know it was seven weeks ago? It’s because it’s their sexaversary. Lana: “I’m telling you wow, wow WOW.”

She believe in monogamy and now she is dealing with all of these people complaining about her because she fell in front of the world. Last week she got taken out and everything is fine (Lana: “My legs are VERY fine.”)….though she is nine weeks pregnant. Lawler starts doing the math but Lana gets to the point: her sex addicted soon to be ex-husband put a little machka brat inside her. Lana: “THAT BULGARIAN SON OF A B****!” She could feel herself getting fat and bloated but here’s Rusev to interrupt.

Lana rants about everywhere Rusev wanted to have sex with her (including on the tank at Wrestlemania) but Rusev doesn’t seem to buy the pregnancy. Lana: “ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME???” She slaps him several times so here’s Lashley to cut things off. Lana even jumps on Rusev’s back so Lashley can beat Rusev down as Lana is rather pleased. Lashley and Lana walk away together with Lana saying she faked the whole pregnancy. This is amazing on a horrible level as they are tripling down on the whole thing and giving it even more time.

Erick Rowan vs. Soner Durson

Rowan comes to the ring carrying something under a covering. Durson is sent outside and crushed with a running crossbody. The Iron Claw is good for the pin at 1:09.

Post match Rowan checks on whatever he brought to ringside and makes sure that no one touched it. He leaves without showing what it was.

Flash Morgan Webster/Mark Andrews vs. Viking Raiders

Non-title. Webster tries to start fast but his dive to the floor is pulled out of the air. Andrews hits a suicide dive though and it’s a pair of stereo flip dives onto the Raiders. Back in and Stundog Millionaire sets up Webster’s Swanton for two on Erik. That goes nowhere as Erik is fine enough to hit a double high collar suplex (that’s scary), setting up Ivar’s dive to take both of them out. Erik drives Ivar into the corner to crush Webster and the Viking Experience finishes Andrews at 3:05.

Rating: C. This was a rather fun match with Webster and Andrews giving it all in their big chance. They have gone from what seemed to be a short form team to one of the best things about NXT UK. I was even starting to think they might have tried something here with a surprise upset and that means they did this exactly as they should have.

Ricochet worried about teaming with Orton, who says let him get in the OC’s heads.

Video on Rey Mysterio vs. Brock Lesnar.

OC vs. Humberto Carrillo/Ricochet/Randy Orton

Ricochet grabs Anderson by the arm to start and it’s off to Orton to take over. Orton tags out to Carrillo by slapping him in the chest, so Carrillo twists AJ’s arm around as well. A multiple springboard sets up a very high angle wristdrag into an armbar as Carrillo gets to show off a bit.

Ricochet hits a springboard spinning crossbody but Orton isn’t happy with being knocked off the apron as we take a break. Back with Carrillo’s springboard armdrag being countered into a faceplant to put him in trouble. Carrillo fights out in a hurry and it’s off to Ricochet, who gets beaten up in the corner instead.

Gallows drops an elbow and the big leg before he stops to knock Orton off the face. AJ comes in but gets kicked in the face, allowing Ricochet a breather. The hot tag brings in Carrillo to clean house but he misses the moonsault. That’s enough for the tag to Orton, who starts hitting his usual on AJ. Orton teases the RKO to Ricochet but takes AJ out instead, setting up the moonsault to give Carrillo the pin at 15:40.

Rating: C. Completely standard tag match formula outside of the ending angle. Orton could go for a face turn a long heel stretch but you can’t just jump straight in with someone like him. That’s all well and good, though the turn on Ricochet isn’t out of the question. I like the idea of giving Carrillo the pin, but I don’t think it’s something that is going to change much after his multiple losses to Styles.

Post match Orton and Ricochet stare at each other, with Orton saying he can take Ricochet out whenever and wherever he wants.

Overall Rating: C-. Yeah this was a very England show with the wrestling being as average as you can get with nothing standing out. The Lashley/Lana/Rusev stuff was pretty terrible but I’ll take what I can get in the vein of having Imperium show up. They need to get back to the States for the go home shows, but they also need to have a rest at some point as you can see how tired a lot of these people are. That isn’t good with a major show coming up, but there is always a major show coming up and it’s taking its toll.


Kabuki Warriors b. Charlotte/Becky Lynch – Rollup to Lynch

Drew McIntyre b. Sin Cara – Claymore

R-Truth vs. Singh Brothers went to a no contest

Seth Rollins b. Walter via DQ when Imperium interfered

Seth Rollins/Street Profits/Kevin Owens b. Imperium – Stomp to Wolfe

Erick Rowan b. Soner Durson – Iron Claw

Viking Raiders b. Flash Morgan Webster/Mark Andrews – Viking Experience to Andrews

Randy Orton/Humberto Carrillo/Ricochet b. OC – Moonsault to Styles

Remember to check out my website at and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:

And check out my Amazon author page with cheap wrestling books at:

Main Event – October 31, 2019: The Leftovers’ Leftovers

IMG Credit: WWE

Main Event
Date: October 31, 2019
Location: Enterprise Center, St. Louis, Missouri
Commentators: Dio Maddin, Byron Saxton, Mickie James

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Akira Tozawa vs. Shelton Benjamin

You know what? I like it. This isn’t a match that you’re ever going to see anywhere else and while it isn’t going to mean anything in the long run, it’s nice to have something other than the exact same matches week after week. Shelton throws him down to start so Tozawa annoys him with some kicks. A missed charge sends Shelton outside and that means the running flip dive off the apron.

Back in and Shelton gives him a hard slam before unloading with some forearms in the corner. We hit the chinlock for all of a few seconds before Shelton misses a Stinger Splash. Tozawa strikes away and hits a Shining Wizard for two of his own. Shelton is right back up with a big boot into a powerbomb, followed by Paydirt for the pin at 5:45.

Rating: C. Just a step above a squash for Shelton but above all else, it’s so nice to see some fresh faces around here. Maybe it’s because they needed to keep the rest of the talent ready for Crown Jewel, but it’s a great thing to see something different. Ok maybe not great but at least it isn’t Sarah Logan vs. Dana Brooke.

From Smackdown.

Here are Rey Mysterio and Cain Velasquez for a chat. Rey is proud of his son Dominick for trying to fight back and now Rey knows he’s really a Mysterio. As for Brock Lesnar, Rey knows Cain is going to give Lesnar another scar. Lesnar and Paul Heyman need to get out here right now so we can do this face to face.

They pop up on screen instead, saying that Lesnar has more important things to do than go face to face with Velasquez. Brock has been doing something but Heyman won’t say where he has been doing it. Rey still wants them out here right now so Heyman says Rey should guess to whom Brock has been doing something. We pan down to the unconscious Dominick and Lesnar laughs.

Post break, Rey and Cain are checking on Dominick in the trainer’s room. Lesnar comes in with a trashcan to clean house, including an F5 to send Mysterio into the wall and another F5 to drop Cain onto Dominick.

Post break Velasquez shouts about Brock in Spanish and seems to swear vengeance.

From Raw.

It’s time for the King’s Court with Lana and Rusev, the latter of whom is still wearing his wedding ring for the sake of some hope. Lana says she is tired of being harassed by the fans but the truth is that their marriage was all about Rusev wanting sex. Rusev: “Well can you blame me?”

Apparently Rusev is a sex addict who just wanted to impregnate her. That isn’t happening because she won’t be able to get modeling work if she’s pregnant. Oh and Rusev cheated on her, which Lashley told her about. Rusev denies the whole thing so here’s Lashley, with Lana running off. The fight is on with Lashley going into the steps and they head back inside.

Lashley’s spear is cut off with a superkick and Samoan drop, allowing Rusev to take off the wedding ring. He asks Lana if this is what she wants and stuffs the ring in Lashley’s mouth. Lana finds a kendo stick and hits Rusev for no effect so he yells at her, allowing Lashley to hit him low. Kissing ensues to end the show. They’re getting better with Rusev fighting back and he doesn’t look as bad if Lana believed that he was cheating on her, but this feels like a bad daytime talk show closing out the last ten minutes of Raw.

Video on Braun Strowman vs. Tyson Fury.

Crown Jewel rundown.

Curt Hawkins/Zack Ryder vs. Mojo Rawley/Eric Young

So much for something different. Ryder and Rawley (without the Conga Line from last week) start things off with Ryder grabbing a headlock. Mojo can’t get a suplex as Ryder counters with the neckbreaker and it’s already off to Hawkins. Young comes in and gets backdropped, only to come back with a toss out to the floor.

We take a break and come back with Rawley unloading on Hawkins with right hands. The chinlock goes on but Hawkins jawbreaks his way to freedom and makes the hot tag. A double dropkick through the ropes takes the villains down and Hawkins adds a top rope elbow to both of them as they stand on the floor. Back in and Young hits the Death Valley Driver for two on Hawkins but it’s the Long Island Express (Samoan drop/middle rope flipping neckbreaker) to finish Young at 9:02.

Rating: C-. This wasn’t exactly interesting but they were working hard, as Ryder and Hawkins always seem to be doing. For the life of me I don’t get why they pulled the plug on Ryder as he could have been something worthwhile in the midcard, yet he still maintains a certain level of popularity. Maybe it’s the fans just wanting to cheer for someone who is clearly passionate about what he does, but it’s a shame that he had his legs cut off.

From Raw.

Seth Rollins vs. Erick Rowan

Non-title and falls count anywhere. Rollins charges at him to start and gets tossed into the corner for his efforts. A low bridge puts Rowan on the floor, where he is fine enough to send Rollins into the barricade a few times. The big boot gives Rowan two on the floor and they fight into the crowd.

They fight into the concourse with Rollins hitting him with a metal post. That’s fine with Rowan, who Rock Bottoms him through a merchandise table for two as we take a break. Back with Rollins hitting a suicide dive and sending Rowan into the steps. Rowan sends him into the steps as well and hits a splash off the apron for two. The powerbomb into the post gets two more and they head up to the stage.

Rowan clears the announcers’ table but gets caught with the Stomp onto said table for the delayed two. Rollins finds a chair and they fight into the back with Rowan sends him into a pile of pipes. A ladder to the ribs takes Rowan down and the Stomp onto the ladder sets up….the Halftime Heat finish as Rowan has a forklift lowered onto Rowan for the cover and the pin at 15:05.

Rating: C+. Well at least we didn’t get the fork lift camera angle. They did a lot of good things here but at the same time, I’m not sure how smart it is to have Rollins need this much effort to beat someone three days before a title match that he should lose. I mean, he’ll win but he shouldn’t given the circumstances. Rowan’s push seems to be close to ending, though he got in a lot here.

Overall Rating: C. So yeah Shelton vs. Tozawa wasn’t enough to carry this to another level. The show was short and easy but the usual uninspired Main Event fare. At the end of the day, none of this matters with Crown Jewel having taken place and that means this show is even more worthless than usual. Just mix in a few fresh names though and the show feels a little better, which is better than nothing.

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:

And check out my Amazon author page with cheap wrestling books at:

Monday Night Raw – October 28, 2019: Countdown To The Crown

IMG Credit: WWE

Monday Night Raw
Date: October 28, 2019
Location: Enterprise Center, St. Louis, Missouri
Commentators: Vic Joseph, Dio Maddin, Jerry Lawler

It’s the second go home show for Crown Jewel and most of the card seems to be set in stone already. This time around we’ll be seeing some of the final touches put on, including Seth Rollins vs. Bray Wyatt’s old friend Erick Rowan in a falls count anywhere match. The show’s audience is just miserably bad at the moment but maybe they can turn it around a bit tonight. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Here’s Paige to open things up. She’s so proud to have advised the Kabuki Warriors and to have been a small part of their success. Cue the Warriors, with Paige introducing them, only to have Asuka mist her in the face. As Paige begs for water for her eyes, here’s Becky Lynch to beat up both Warriors and set up her announced match against Kairi Sane.

Becky Lynch vs. Kairi Sane

Non-title. Sane’s ribs are banged up before the bell but she’s fine enough to strike Becky down into the corner. Becky fights back with a bulldog into an Oklahoma roll for two. An armdrag is blocked and Becky takes her down into something like Tommaso Ciampa’s former flipping armbar.

Back up and Becky can’t get the Disarm-Her as Sane bails out to the floor for a breather. That means a dive to take Sane down again but Becky goes after Asuka, allowing Sane to kick her into the steps as we take a break. Back with Becky spinning out of a bow and arrow hold but getting kneed in the face. Becky kicks away, with Lawler wondering if her snapping like this can be classified as a ginger snap.

Sane pulls her down into something like a cross legged Boston crab, which is pulled back so hard that their heads are almost touching. That has to be let go and a double knockdown gives Becky a breather. Sane kicks her down again but the Insane Elbow is broken up. The middle rope legdrop gives Lynch two and she kicks Sane in the head. Asuka gets kicked away as well but Sane hits a spinning backfist for two. Becky is fine enough to pull Kairi straight down into the Disarm-Her for the tap at 14:47.

Rating: B. This was the kind of hard hitting match that it needed to be and you can pencil in Becky vs. Asuka from here. That’s one of the money matches they have in the division and I’m really not sure how it would go. Lynch continues to be one of the biggest names on the roster and under the right circumstances, she could be the big star that Raw needs. I mean, it’s not like they have anyone else in that spot at the moment, do they?

Here’s R-Truth for a match with Buddy Murphy, but he isn’t sure Murphy is his buddy. As for the Singh Brothers, he was sure there were more than one of them so he got some glasses. Now he can have both eyes on the prize of becoming a 52 time champion. Murphy comes out and says Truth is remembering everyone, except Australia’s finest.

Buddy Murphy vs. R-Truth

Murphy hammers away to start and gets up a boot in the corner. The twisting forearm gives Truth two and he hits the side kick for two. Cue the Singh Brothers with the 24/7 Title and the mob gives chase. Truth joins in, running in front of the champ for a bit before coming back in and eating a knee to the face to give Murphy the pin at 2:46. And that’s how Murphy gets his big Raw win: beating a comedy guy and needing seven people to help him do it.

Here are the Street Profits for a chat. They’re proud of their first win last week and are so thankful for Stun Owens Stun. Ford liked kissing the baby last week but Dawkins remembers kissing some woman at the after party. If anyone wants to fight them, they can come on because they want the smoke. That gives us a WE WANT THE SMOKE chant and they head into the crowd again. The fans are starting to get into them and that’s a good sign after last week’s not so warm reception.

Back from a break with Ric Flair already in the ring and Hulk Hogan/Jimmy Hart in mid-entrance. What is with Hogan and Flair not getting full entrances lately? Are they that desperate to get past this stuff? Anyway they’re here for a preview of Thursday’s match.

Ricochet vs. Drew McIntyre

Ricochet dives onto McIntyre before the bell and then does it again after the bell, though the second one aggravates Ricochet’s taped up ribs. Drew drops him ribs first onto the top and kicks said bad ribs to make it worse. An overhead suplex drops Ricochet on the ribs again, setting up the big boot and legdrop. McIntyre goes outside to get in Hogan’s face, possibly offering him a nice Shirley Temple.

Back in and the abdominal stretch goes on, followed by the release suplex to drop Ricochet on his back again. One heck of a backdrop (with Ricochet doing his crawling through the sky motion) and a Razor’s Edge buckle bomb lets McIntyre mock Hogan’s pose. Drew charges into two boots in the corner and a kick to the face gives Ricochet two as we take a break.

Back with Ricochet making the comeback with strikes to the face and an enziguri for the double knockdown. The springboard clothesline into the Lionsault gets two but Ricochet can’t get him in a fireman’s carry. Instead it’s the reverse Alabama Slam to give Drew his own two and the Glasgow Kiss drops Ricochet again. Drew throws him off the top but the Claymore is cut off with a jumping superkick. The 630 misses so here’s Randy Orton for the RKO on Ricochet for the DQ at 17:01.

Rating: B-. It’s another good match but this was a long match to set up the DQ finish to get us towards a ten man tag that will come and go at Crown Jewel. They both have the kind of star power that the show needs and once they get done working to make Ric Flair and Hulk Hogan happy before they go away again, maybe we can see the talent better utilized. In other words, Crown Jewel needs to be over already.

The OC didn’t think much of Humberto Carrilo’s debut match last week and if he wants to face the real champion, he can fight AJ Styles later.

War Raiders vs. Chicago Cubs

Non-title and that would be Rizzo and Bryant, two guys in Cubs jerseys. Rizzo bails to start (Lawler: “They’ve already gone to the bullpen.”) and the beatdown is on in a hurry. The jersey is ripped off during the beatdown and the fans are rather pleased. The powerbomb/World’s Strongest Slam plants the Cubs at the same time and it’s the Viking Experience for the pin at 2:01.

Sin Cara is ready for his rematch with Andrade and brings in a luchadora named Carolina to counter Zelina Vega.

Andrade vs. Sin Cara

Cara dives over Carolina to get in the ring. An early headscissors puts Andrade on the floor but he gets shoved off the top. Zelina even gets in the Tranquilo pose on the floor for a great bonus. An other the shoulder backbreaker sets up a seated abdominal stretch. Andrade’s running knee hits buckle though and he crashes to the floor, setting up the big dive from Cara. Back in and something like a spinning Canadian Destroyer hits Andrade but the women get in a fight on the floor, with Vega being sent into the barricade. Andrade uses the distraction to grab a rollup with his feet on the ropes for the pin at 3:13.

Rating: C-. It wasn’t bad while it lasted, though I’m not sure we needed a rematch in the first place and debuting a new manage for Cara as he loses is a weird situation. They were smart to keep it short here though as Andrade beat him last week and, at the end of the day, it’s Sin Cara. Just putting him on a different brand doesn’t change his rather limited history of success. Kind of confusing booking here, but they got the right ending so it’s fine.

IIconics vs. Charlotte/Natalya

Charlotte chops away at Peyton to start and it’s a double suplex to give Natalya two. Billie comes back in for an armbar on Natalya and it’s back to Peyton for a half nelson with her legs in the ropes. A spinning kick to the face gives Peyton two more and the bulldog onto Billie’s knee gets the same. Billie goes after Charlotte though and Natalya gets in the Sharpshooter for the tap at 4:45 with Charlotte spearing Peyton down.

Rating: D+. Just seeing Natalya in there took away any energy this thing had. She is a talented in-ring worker but the vacuum of charisma is too much to overcome. On the other hand you have the IIconics, who are as annoying of a pair of heels as you can have, in a good way. Nothing to the match, but I’ll take this over Natalya vs. Lacey Evans or Becky again.

Seth Rollins is ready to get fired up for Crown Jewel by facing Erick Rowan in a falls count anywhere match tonight. Rollins is going to have to beat the Fiend because no one will be able to stop the match.

Seth Rollins vs. Erick Rowan

Non-title and falls count anywhere. Rollins charges at him to start and gets tossed into the corner for his efforts. A low bridge puts Rowan on the floor, where he is fine enough to send Rollins into the barricade a few times. The big boot gives Rowan two on the floor and they fight into the crowd.

They fight into the concourse with Rollins hitting him with a metal post. That’s fine with Rowan, who Rock Bottoms him through a merchandise table for two as we take a break. Back with Rollins hitting a suicide dive and sending Rowan into the steps. Rowan sends him into the steps as well and hits a splash off the apron for two. The powerbomb into the post gets two more and they head up to the stage.

Rowan clears the announcers’ table but gets caught with the Stomp onto said table for the delayed two. Rollins finds a chair and they fight into the back with Rowan sends him into a pile of pipes. A ladder to the ribs takes Rowan down and the Stomp onto the ladder sets up….the Halftime Heat finish as Rollins has a fork lift lowered onto Rowan for the cover and the pin at 15:05.

Rating: C+. Well at least we didn’t get the fork lift camera angle. They did a lot of good things here but at the same time, I’m not sure how smart it is to have Rollins need this much effort to beat someone three days before a title match that he should lose. I mean, he’ll win but he shouldn’t given the circumstances. Rowan’s push seems to be close to ending, though he got in a lot here.

Aleister Black wants another fight and promises to give them an intimate relationship with fear.

We look at Brock Lesnar attacking Rey Mysterio and Cain Velasquez on Smackdown.

Crown Jewel rundown.

AJ Styles vs. Humberto Carrillo

Non-title. Carrillo starts with the flipping and hammers away in the corner, setting up a springboard headbutt for one. A Disaster Kick gets two and they head outside with AJ driving him into the barricade. The tornado DDT on to the floor knocks Carrillo silly and we take a break.

Back with Carrillo fighting out of a chinlock and hitting another springboard kick to the face. The Aztec Press gets two on AJ but he’s right back with the reverse DDT for two of his own. Carrillo drops him again though and a huge moonsault gets another two. It’s back to the air but this time AJ shoulders Carrillo in the knee on the way down. The Calf Crusher makes Carrillo tap at 9:24.

Rating: B-. Thus we continue the theory of wins meaning nothing as they try to bring up these new talents but rarely let them win anything. Carrillo and Sin Cara are now 0-4 on Raw, and hopefully that means they’re just going to be jobbers to the stars. Of course that begs the question of why Carrillo was their best option to bring up, but I’m not one to question WWE’s genius.

Post match AJ disrespects Carrillo and gets hit in the face, only to have AJ kick him in the leg. The Styles Clash plants Carrillo. The beatdown seems to be on from the OC but the Street Profits make the save. The OC bails, suggesting that Kevin Owens, the big main event surprise from last week, won’t be on the show.

We recap Bobby Lashley and Lana’s affair to destroy Rusev and Lana’s marriage.

It’s time for the King’s Court with Lana and Rusev, the latter of whom is still wearing his wedding ring for the sake of some hope. Lana says she is tired of being harassed by the fans but the truth is that their marriage was all about Rusev wanting sex. Rusev: “Well can you blame me?”

Apparently Rusev is a sex addict who just wanted to impregnate her. That isn’t happening because she won’t be able to get modeling work if she’s pregnant. Oh and Rusev cheated on her, which Lashley told her about. Rusev denies the whole thing so here’s Lashley, with Lana running off. The fight is on with Lashley going into the steps and they head back inside.

Lashley’s spear is cut off with a superkick and Samoan drop, allowing Rusev to take off the wedding ring. He asks Lana if this is what she wants and stuffs the ring in Lashley’s mouth. Lana finds a kendo stick and hits Rusev for no effect so he yells at her, allowing Lashley to hit him low. Kissing ensues to end the show. They’re getting better with Rusev fighting back and he doesn’t look as bad if Lana believed that he was cheating on her, but this feels like a bad daytime talk show closing out the last ten minutes of Raw.

Overall Rating: C+. It’s one of their better shows in a long time, but you could feel the firm ceiling above everything. It feels like they’re running with an anchor right now and it’s shaped like Saudi Arabia. The fans and company both seem to understand that nothing of note is (likely) happening there and we’re not getting suckered in again.

At the same time, we are coming up on the start of the rapid fire Survivor Series build so that’s another stretch where nothing gets to be set up properly. The show was entertaining enough and the wrestling was good, but there are a lot of things limiting the enjoyment and they’re doing a lot of damage.


Becky Lynch b. Kairi Sane – Disarm-Her

Buddy Murphy b. R-Truth – Knee to the face

Ricochet b. Drew McIntyre via DQ when Randy Orton interfered

War Raiders b. Chicago Cubs – Viking Experience to Bryant

Natalya/Charlotte b. IIconics – Sharpshooter to Kay

Seth Rollins b. Erick Rowan – Pin under a fork lift

AJ Styles b. Humberto Carrillo – Calf Crusher

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:

And check out my Amazon author page with cheap wrestling books at:

Monday Night Raw – October 21, 2019: The Future Is Bad

IMG Credit: WWE

Monday Night Raw
Date: October 21, 2019
Location: Rocket Mortgage Fieldhouse, Cleveland, Ohio
Commentators: Dio Maddin, Jerry Lawler, Vic Joseph

It’s time to see what this roster can do on its own after the Draft, but it also means that it’s time to deal with the fallout from the destruction of the Firefly Fun House last week. Unfortunately that means we’re building towards Crown Jewel, as we have ten days before the show. I’m not sure what we’re going to be seeing tonight but I’m not expecting the most thrilling show. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

We open with a recap of Seth Rollins vs. Bray Wyatt, including Rollins burning it down.

Opening sequence.

Here’s Ric Flair to announce his final pick for Crown Jewel. After talking to some Cleveland Browns, Flair talks about going to Saudi in two weeks (because not knowing the date of a show is a problem for legends too). Here’s his final member, who has kissed every girl in this town and made them cry: Drew McIntyre. Drew says Flair to grab a seat for a Crown Jewel preview.

Ricochet vs. Drew McIntyre

Ricochet goes straight at him and gets knocked outside as Flair is rather pleased. Back in and Drew hammers away as the announcers make sure to point out that Ricochet beat Drew in their previous match (points for continuity). Drew brings him back inside and stomps away before cranking on an armbar. A shot to the face sets up the armbar’s sequel as Ricochet can’t get anything going.

Ricochet fights up but gets muscled up into a suplex, only to knee his way to freedom. McIntyre elbows him to the floor but Ricochet switches places with him for a running flip suicide dive. Back from a break with Drew grabbing another armbar so we go to a quick interview with Flair, who wants Hogan to be at Smackdown in whatever city they’re going to. Ricochet gets out and dropkicks Drew out of the air to finally get a breather. An enziguri staggers Drew and it’s a springboard clothesline to take McIntyre down.

There’s the running shooting star press for one and a Lionsault for two but McIntyre ax handles him out of the air as well. A Razor’s Edge buckle bomb sets up a sitout powerbomb for a rather close two. The Futureshock is countered and Ricochet kicks him in the face, setting up a Death Valley Driver. The shooting star press gets two more but the Recoil is countered with a nasty backdrop to the floor. McIntyre posts him and there’s the Claymore for the pin at 17:42.

Rating: B. They had a heck of a match here as these two have some very solid chemistry together. McIntyre comes back with a clean win which will hopefully move him up to the next level. That being said, I’ve been hoping that is the case for a long time now and nothing has ever happened so I wouldn’t get my hopes up. Either way, very solid match here between two guys who are awesome at what they do.

Post match Flair struts and McIntyre lays Ricochet out with a heck of a Futureshock. The reverse Alabama Slam into the steps leaves Ricochet like a bug on a windshield.

We recap the OC attacking the Street profits to set up a six man tag with the Street Profits bringing in a mystery partner.

The OC thinks the Street Profits should earn their keep around here and don’t like the team being the unofficial hosts of the show. They don’t like being in Cleveland and don’t care about who is going to be the Profits’ partner.

Video on Andrade, Aleister Black and Buddy Murphy.

Aleister Black is full of rage and wants a fight.

Aleister Black vs. Jason Reynolds

Black starts in with the kicks to the leg and a legsweep lets him sit down. A spinning elbow to the face drops Reynolds but he’s back up with some forearms to the back. That just gets on Black’s nerves and he knees Reynolds in the face. Black Mass is good for the pin at 1:45.

AOP says Raw signed them not to compete here but to keep them away from Smackdown. The next chapter in tag team history will be written in pain.

Jerry Lawler is in the ring for the King’s Court. He recaps the Bobby Lashley/Lana situation and brings out Rusev for his first comments on the situation. Lawler says marriages should be kept private but brings up some of the things that Lana has said about Rusev: he sends too much money back to Bulgaria, he interferes with her modeling career and he has cut down on the amount of money that he gives her.

Rusev blames Bob Lashley and promises to crush him, which brings Lashley and Lana to the screen. They are out at dinner, as Lashley needs to take care of her needs. Lana puts some whipped cream on his nose before saying Rusev would never take her here after asking so many times.

Lashley took her here though and she loves him. The feed cuts out and Rusev looks distraught, again. Rusev knows where they are and wants to go deliver that message personally. He runs off, presumably to….whatever city the two of them are in and happen to be sitting there for however long it takes Rusev to arrive, despite saying they were done with their meal.

Andrade vs. Sin Cara

On the way to the ring, Zelina Vega talks about how awesome Andrade is. Other than the Super ShowDown battle royal, this is Cara’s first televised match in fifteen months. Cara knocks Andrade outside and hits a suicide dive, followed by a high crossbody for two. A backbreaker out of the corner gives Andrade two but Cara sends him right back to the floor for a moonsault.

We take a break and come back with the slugout going to Cara and a springboard crossbody taking Andrade down. A Death Valley Driver puts Andrade down but he sends Cara hard into the corner. Andrade plants him with a tilt-a-whirl reverse powerbomb and hits Three Amigos. The Eddie dance looks to set up a frog splash but Cara is up there with a sunset bomb for two of his own.

Cara gets crotched on top though and the running knees in the corner get two. A backdrop puts Andrade on the floor and there’s a slingshot hurricanrana to take him down again. Zelina offers a distraction though and it’s a hurricanrana from the apron. The hammerlock DDT ends Cara at 12:00.

Rating: C+. This had no business being entertaining and wound up being a pretty nice match. Cara is 42 and does more than well enough in his matches, though I’m not sure how much he’s going to do other than something like this. He looks good enough and can fly around fairly well so he’s fine in this role. They got the ending right too so it’s hard to complain all that much.

Humberto Carrillo is watching from the back and wants to face Andrade. He wants to be Universal Champion and even mentions Seth Rollins. Stop playing above your head man.

The Street Profits talk about the OC being mother lovers but insist that their mothers love them more. Tonight, they’re in the main event and yes they have a mystery partner. Ford thinks it might be Ric Flair but he’s already at the after party. It won’t be Booker T. either because he hasn’t knighted Angelo Dawkins. The guy doesn’t like AJ though and he’s just like them. It’s going to be rather disappointing if it’s just Cedric Alexander.

R-Truth is hiding in the back but runs into Sunil Singh, who offers a distraction so Sumir Singh can roll Truth up and steal the title. Thankfully they are called the Bollywood Boyz, as they should have been for months now.

Crown Jewel rundown.

Zack Ryder and Curt Hawkins wonder if they’ll get pyro tonight.

Zack Ryder/Curt Hawkins vs. War Raiders

Non-title and no they don’t get pyro. The Raiders don’t waste time and run them over to start with Erik driving Ivar into Ryder in the corner. Things settle down and an STO/Russian legsweep combination puts Erik down to put the champs in trouble. Erik isn’t having a chinlock though and powers up for the hot tag to Ivar. Eric gets slammed onto Ryder and a big knee sends him outside. The Viking Experience finishes Hawkins at 3:43.

Rating: D+. This is exactly what it needed to be as Hawkins and Ryder shouldn’t be a threat to the monster champions. Until the AOP gets here for the mega hoss fight, no one should be making the Raiders sweat even a bit, which has been the case so far, save for Ziggler and Roode to a small extent. Dominant performance here, as it should have been.

Lashley and Lana are still at the restaurant when presumably the manager comes up and asks them to leave before Rusev shows up and makes trouble. So either someone either called the restaurant to warn them or someone at the restaurant was watching the show and saw Rusev was coming? And again, this is certainly a Cleveland restaurant or somewhere nearby, or this whole thing makes no sense, assuming Rusev shows up.

Post break, Rusev arrives at the restaurant and the fight is on as Lashley is not only a homewrecker but also doesn’t listen to management. Security splits them up as screaming ensues, including extra from Lana as Rusev is taken away.

Here’s Rey Mysterio, still with his arm in a sling, for a chat. Rey thanks everyone for the love and support he and his family have received since Brock Lesnar took him out. He was thinking about retiring but now he has a new way of thinking because he wants to see Cain Velasquez take the WWE Championship and put another scar on Brock Lesnar. Paul Heyman pops up on screen to ask if Mysterio would say the same things if Lesnar was there in person.

Mysterio thought he had the perfect choice to go after Lesnar but Brock has spent nine years waiting for that day. Rey yells in Spanish but here’s Shelton Benjamin to ask how Cain got a title shot. Just for defending Rey’s kid when Rey couldn’t do it? Shelton and Brock are friends too because they roomed together at the University of Minnesota. Rey says Shelton has it all wrong but Shelton wants to know what happens if he shoves Rey around. Maybe one shove is a US Title shot and two is an Intercontinental Title shot.

Shelton asks where Cain Velasquez is….and here he comes, with Shelton realizing that he’s screwed up. Shelton can’t take him down so Cain tosses him to the mat a few times and hammers away, eventually choking Shelton for a quick tap. That….wasn’t very impressive and the fans don’t seem to care all that much.

Seth Rollins is ready for the Fiend and will burn it down again. He pauses though and goes over to Humberto Carrillo, who doesn’t seem to understand what it takes to be a champion. Rollins would burn it down again so let’s have a match tonight.

We see a parade in Saudi Arabia, featuring Undertaker on a huge WWE float.

Humberto Carrillo vs. Seth Rollins

Non-title. Carrillo armdrags him a few times to start but Rollins gets him on the mat for a quickly broken reverse chinlock. A half crab sends Carrillo to the ropes again so he’s right back with the high springboard into an armdrag. They head outside with Rollins snapping off a suplex to send us to a break. Back with Carrillo fighting out of a chinlock and flipping out of a belly to back suplex.

A springboard kick to the head staggers Seth again and it’s a springboard armdrag to bring him off the mat. The big running flip dive drops Seth on the floor but Seth is right back in to Falcon Arrow Carrillo for two. The springboard knee to the head gives Seth two, followed by the low superkick for the same. Carrillo gets in his own kick to the face and a great looking moonsault gets two, but a second attempt hits raised boots. The Stomp gives Rollins the pin at 12:03.

Rating: C+. I know it won’t mean anything going forward but I can’t help thinking about how many Stomps the Fiend got out of when it takes one to put Carrillo away. They’re not on the same level but when someone can survive a finisher eleven times (and then loses the match), it’s taking away the impact that it has while also making anyone who falls to it look weak.

Seth shows respect post match.

R-Truth rolls up the wrong Singh Brother in an attempt to get the title back. The real champ runs off. Truth: “SO THERE ARE TWO OF THEM!”

The Firefly Fun House is back on Friday. I certainly hope so.

Street Profits/??? vs. OC

The Profits do their big, high energy entrance and the fans….don’t seem to care. It gets a bit better but this thing was tailor made for a small place like Full Sail and it doesn’t work here. There’s no mystery partner so the OC mocks them, suggesting that he’s invisible or imaginary. We see a clip of the brawl that set up the match and take a break. Back with….no one as a partner so AJ is on the floor to start.

The Profits waste no time in clearing the ring so it’s gallows coming in for a big boot. Everything breaks down and Ford comes in to clean house, only to get thrown over the top for a crash. Anderson hits a running knee from the apron to take him down again and we take a break. Back with Ford not being able to dive over and get the tag to Dawkins so the beating can continue. The chinlock goes on but Ford fights up and hits a double clothesline. Anderson gets a blind tag but gets sent outside, allowing the hot tag to Dawkins.

House is cleaned but Gallows pulls Anderson out of a Doomsday Device. Anderson’s spinebuster gets two on Ford but AJ gets yelled at for interfering. That means an ejection…..and here’s Kevin Owens to fight AJ, presumably being the third man. Anderson is so stunned that he backdrops Ford to the floor, with Dawkins making the tag on the way through the air. The big frog splash finishes Anderson at 13:03.

Rating: C-. They put WAY too much into this at once as you had a crowd who didn’t know the Profits and then the focus was taken off of them twice. This was spent looking to see who the partner was going to be, wondering why it was then a regular tag match and then having Owens come out to get the attention off of the Profits again. Giving them the win was the right call and the match wasn’t bad, but it was too much going on to showcase them properly.

Overall Rating: D+. We hadn’t seen people like Carrillo, Sin Cara or the Profits around here much before and I think this show explained why. Their matches were fine to good but it was really hard to get hyped up about them. The whole show felt underwhelming and while it did a decent job of setting up for Crown Jewel, it doesn’t exactly instill me with confidence for the future of Raw. The show wasn’t the worst but it just wasn’t that interesting and nothing stood out aside from the opener and the lack of a women’s match (or even an appearance from the major women). I hope it gets better because this was dry.


Drew McIntyre b. Ricochet – Claymore

Aleister Black b. Jason Reynolds – Black Mass

Andrade b. Sin Cara – Hammerlock DDT

Viking Raiders b. Curt Hawkins/Zack Ryder – Viking Experience to Hawkins

Seth Rollins b. Humberto Carrillo

Street Profits b. OC – Frog splash to Anderson

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:

And check out my Amazon author page with cheap wrestling books at:

How The Women’s Tag Team Titles Will Go

Oh yeah I answer questions sometimes.  Like this one:

Who’ll be the womens tag champs?

This has been a busy week for WWE but one of the stories that has flown under the radar is the announcement of the first ever Women’s Tag Team Titles and an official date for the first champions to be crowned. That would be at next month’s Elimination Chamber and that means it’s time to do some fantasy booking.

So obviously we’re going to need six teams and since we’re going to both shows for these things, it’s a little easier. Here are the teams I’m expecting:

Bayley/Sasha Banks

Nia Jax/Tamina

Riott Squad (Ruby Riott/Sarah Logan)

Mandy Rose/Sonya Deville



You can’t say WWE hasn’t been setting these teams up over the last few months. Since this is elimination, let’s see who we can knock off early. Mandy and Sonya aren’t getting any titles anytime soon, Naomi and Lana aren’t surviving a match like this and the IIconics aren’t going to win a thing of value for a long time. In other words, the Smackdown teams would be better off allowing Mickie James and Lacey Evans to take one of their spots instead.

That leaves us with three options and each of them could win.

Tamina/Nia Jax

Having the monsters win the titles first is certainly a way to go and something that has worked for a long time. It sets up several rematches (“You can win when anything goes but between these ropes, we know we can beat you!”) and it’s not like you have to ask WWE to push Jax. I don’t think they get the belts though, as Nia is too valuable as a mountain for someone else to overcome.

Riott Squad

I’d love for this to be Logan and Morgan but I can’t imagine leaving Ruby out of something like this. These three have been feuding with Bayley and Banks for the better part of ever now and there’s no end to the thing in sight. They might as well have some titles to fight over so it seems the slightest bit more important, and I think you know what that means.

Bayley/Sasha Banks

I’m taking the plucky faces as the winners as it’s not like there’s anyone else that is likely to get the belts. These two have been on the road to these things forever now and it makes sense to put the titles on them. If nothing else the celebration could be fun before they turn on each other again later in the year. I can’t imagine they hold the titles long, but they’re the most likely candidates to get them for the first time.

Dang the Smackdown side is awful here. How did that happen?

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