Mixed Match Challenge – November 20, 2018: They Couldn’t Have Done It Better

IMG Credit: WWE

Mixed Match Challenge
Date: November 20, 2018
Location: Staples Center, Los Angeles, California
Commentators: Michael Cole, Renee Young, Vic Joseph

We’ve actually arrived at a turning point here with the last night of the regular season. After tonight we move into the playoffs, which should make things a little bit better. Unfortunately we’re getting the four winless teams battling it out for a spot in the final four, because going 1-3 is good enough to get a spot in the playoffs. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

The announcers talk about the prizes. That’s a big deal, and a smart move.

Raw Division: Alicia Fox/Jinder Mahal vs. Bobby Roode/Natalya

The losers are out and the Singh Brothers are all banged up from Brock Lesnar destroying them last week. The guys start things off and the fans are behind Bobby in what feels like a rare occurrence. Roode shakes off a wristlock and starts chopping away but can’t hit the Glorious DDT. It’s off to the women with Fox getting caught in a slingshot atomic drop, minus Natalya sticking her knee out. A basement dropkick gives Natalya two but Fox blocks the Sharpshooter and kicks her in the face.

The chinlock goes on (well duh) so let’s look at R-Truth trying to leave because he thinks it’s Thanksgiving. The northern lights suplex gives Fox two and it’s off to a front facelock. Natalya can’t quite get out but Alicia stops for her Mahal inspired breathing, allowing the hot tag to Roode. Everything breaks down and Fox slaps Roode, who is fine enough to hit a spinebuster on one of the Singh Brothers. The distraction is enough for Mahal to hit the Khallas for the pin on Roode at 8:08.

Rating: D. So you know how these teams kept losing every single match all tournament long? Well now one pair of losers beat another set of losers and gets to go face a team that has beaten them already once this season. That’s about all they have for us to look forward to and I could go for something more than that, though that hasn’t stopped this season yet.

Braun Strowman is out of the second round and will have a replacement announced next week. AJ Styles is officially out as well, so Jeff Hardy will be Charlotte’s permanent partner.

Fox and Mahal argue about who is the captain. They also argue over where they would go on their vacation, with Fox wanting to go to Kentucky to taste some real country chicken.

Smackdown Division: R-Truth/Carmella (0-3) vs. Rusev/Lana (0-3)

They take turns shouting catchphrases to start with no contact in the first two minutes. With that out of the way, Rusev and Lana hit the floor so we can have a dance break. A break from what isn’t clear, but neither is why a team who is going to be 1-3 is in the playoffs. Thankfully Rusev and Lana jump them from behind with Lana covering for one to actually start the match.

Some running knees to the back give Lana two more and we hit the chinlock. In a smart move, Rusev pulls Truth off the apron and then gets the tag, meaning he gets to come in and beat up a downed Truth. Lana goes outside and sends a downed Carmella into various things before stopping to pose. Truth jumps Rusev on the floor, leaving Carmella to superkick Lana for the pin at 6:50.

Rating: F. That’s this season of the show in a nutshell: shenanigans to waste time early on and then a quick match with neither of them doing anything that seemed impressive. Rusev and Lana going out doesn’t shock me as the dance break thing is lukewarm right now and that’s enough to get one more match out of Truth and Carmella. It’s not like either team had a chance against Carmella/Hardy in the next round anyway, but a little more effort here would have been nice.

Here are the brackets for the next round:


Ember Moon/???

Jinder Mahal/Alicia Fox

Finn Balor/Bayley

Bobby Lashley/Mickie James


Jeff Hardy/Charlotte



Jimmy Uso/Naomi

Bayley and Finn Balor are ready for next week.

Overall Rating: F. The only positive to come out of this show is the fact that we’re three weeks away from the end of this mess. There’s nothing going on here and watching the four winless teams in two short matches wasn’t the solution to make things better. Things will improve a bit when we get to the bigger matches down the line, but that’s not making things better here.

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 1997 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:


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Mixed Match Challenge – October 30, 2018: Turn It Off

IMG Credit: WWE

Mixed Match Challenge
Date: October 30, 2018
Location: Phillips Arena, Atlanta, Georgia
Commentators: Michael Cole, Renee Young, Vic Joseph

We’re getting pretty deep into the competition now as some teams are over the halfway point with their matches. That means things are going to start getting more interesting around here in some cases, but at the same time we might get some of the most one sided matches on the show. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Raw Division: Alicia Fox/Jinder Mahal (0-2) vs. Braun Strowman/Ember Moon (2-0)

The guys start so Jinder offers the power of shanti. That earns him a shove so he goes for a test of strength instead. This goes as well as you would expect and a shoulder sends him over for a tag to Alicia. Fox’s shoulder works a bit better on Moon, who stands up and watches as Fox runs the ropes so long that she needs water.

Somehow Fox is fine enough to take her down into a chinlock for a bit, followed by a big boot for two. The chinlock goes on again because Fox doesn’t have a very deep offense. Ember finally gets up and brings Braun in again so house can be cleaned. Strowman chases the Singh Brothers into a suicide dive from Ember, leaving Fox to go after Braun. She puts her hat on his head, which powers him up enough to powerslam Mahal for the pin at 9:17.

Rating: D-. This would be one of those matches where there was nothing to see as there was no drama and Fox is just so bad in the ring. Moon is talented but not ready to carry her through a match like this. That leaves Jinder vs. Braun and you can imagine what a waste of time that is. Big waste of time here, as are most Mahal and Fox matches.

Finn Balor and Bayley are ready to win next week in Manchester.

Lio Rush says Mickie James and Bobby Lashley aren’t losing next week.

Smackdown Division: Lana/Rusev (0-2) vs. AJ Styles/Charlotte (2-0)

Rusev grabs a Lana sign from the crowd so Charlotte picks up one of her own for a SIGN OFF before the bell. They stare at each other as the match starts and exchange chops with Lana’s actually making the most noise. Rusev throws in a Flair strut and let’s cut to R-Truth and Carmella ordering food in the back, with various grunting still heard from the ring. Charlotte chops Lana to the floor as we’re over three minutes in now with all four still inside. Rusev chops AJ down and gets a RUSEV DAY chant.

For some reason AJ leaves so Charlotte can chop Rusev, which doesn’t do much good. Instead here’s Lana back in to deck Charlotte as we actually get going over four minutes into the match. Charlotte does a reverse Worm and gets kicked in the chest as we discuss Truth’s pizza choices. Lana gets two off a facebuster so Charlotte suplexes her down. The guys come in and AJ hits the fireman’s carry backbreaker for two. Rusev sends him into the corner where Charlotte tags herself in as everything breaks down. Charlotte’s moonsault hits Rusev and the Figure Eight makes Lana tap at 7:44.

Rating: D-. I can’t put this beneath the first one but this is the kind of thing that I would be embarrassed to be seen watching. Maybe AJ was gassed from the Smackdown match with Bryan but my goodness this was awful. They’re getting worse and worse about hiding the fact that they have nothing to do in these matches and that’s making the shows harder to watch. I expected more from AJ and Charlotte, making this more disappointing than anything else.

Naomi and Jimmy Uso are ready for Truth and Carmella.

Truth and Carmella can’t go to England because Truth can’t find his passport.

Overall Rating: F. If this is as good of a show as they can put on, just cut the rest of the season down and give us AJ/Charlotte vs. Strowman/Moon in the finals. There was no point to watching this show as they knew exactly where this was going and they put in as little effort as they could. It’s one thing to do some comedy but to do it every single week is really tiring. I don’t hate the show by any means because it’s such a low level thing that it’s not worth getting mad at, but it’s still something that is becoming less and less fun to watch every week.

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2003 Smackdown Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:


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Mixed Match Challenge – October 16, 2018: This Isn’t #1

IMG Credit: WWE

Mixed Match Challenge
Date: October 16, 2018
Location: Capital One Arena, Washington DC
Commentators: Michael Cole, Vic Joseph, Renee Young

Things are starting to get a little dull around here and I’m not sure how to fix that. The best thing about the series is that it’s not going to last very long. We’re on week five here and the whole thing is only fourteen weeks long. The best you can hope for is to have one good week at a time so let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Raw Division: Natalya/Bobby Roode (0-1) vs. Bobby Lashley/Mickie James (1-0)

Lio Rush handles Lashley’s hype. The men get things started and seem to argue over who is the better Bobby. Natalya puts her cat headband on Lashley’s head so he stomps on it. Roode gets smart by trying some rollups for two each but Lashley throws him into the corner. It’s off to the women with Mickie headscissoring her down to little effect. Mickie gets in a running forearm and let’s cut to Miz and Asuka warming up in the back.

Natalya is right back up and takes her down for the stepover basement dropkick but Mickie forearms her in the face to take over. A kick to the back sets up a chinlock for a bit until stereo crossbodies puts them both down. It’s off to the men again with rather unnecessary double tags.

Roode hits the Blockbuster for two and breaks up a superplex attempt as a bonus. Lashley knocks him down again but misses the spear, sending himself into the post. Mickie comes in to break up the Glorious DDT and it’s double Sharpshooters from the Canadians. Rush offers a distraction though and Lashley hits a spear for the pin at 9:52.

Rating: C-. Not the worst match in the world here as Mickie was helping things out a lot. This Natalya and Roode team has a very limited future as naming the team after her cat is hardly the most thrilling thing in the world. Lashley and James are going to go a long way though and you have to go over the weaker teams to get there.

Finn Balor and Bayley are ready to face Roode and Natalya next week.

Roode and Natalya aren’t worried. It’s almost like they have no hope and therefore no reason to hope. Asuka interrupts to say they’ll win.

Smackdown Division: The Miz/Asuka (1-0) vs. Rusev/Lana (0-1)

The women start things off with Asuka stopping to dance. Not really her forte but I’ve heard of worse ideas. Like feeding Lana her own foot. Of course Lana does the same, and then gets kicked in the ribs. Lana kicks her in the head and dances some more so the fans sing her song. That means it’s time for a pose off over who is really the best. Everyone but Miz gets cheered and Rusev kisses Lana for even louder cheers.

Miz and Asuka would rather throw kicks and get sent to the floor for their efforts. Asuka hits a running dropkick and grabs an armbar. A knee to the face gives Asuka two and it’s off to the men, meaning Rusev gets to run Miz over. The Machka Kick gets two but Miz kicks him in the leg. The Figure Four is blocked though and Miz is kicked into the corner for a tag from Asuka.

Everything breaks down and double Accolades are broken up. Lana loads up a solo version but Miz grabs a mic and impersonates Aiden English for the save. Rusev kicks Miz in the head and Lana slaps on the Accolade. A big kick misses Lana and she hits the faceplant on Asuka with Miz having to make a save. The ensuing argument lets Asuka grab the Asuka Lock to make Lana tap at 7:55.

Rating: C. I liked this more than the previous match but I’m a little tired of the side trips in the middle of the matches. The big thing with the four of them asking who the fans liked best came off like a way to fill in the time because there’s no story here. It’s about as good as it could have been though and the ending was really the only option they had.

Jimmy Uso and Naomi are ready to beat Miz and Asuka next week.

Overall Rating: D+. Just another run of the mill episode here as you can pretty easily tell the likely candidates for the finals, which makes a lot of the upcoming weeks a lot less interesting. That’s the problem with a round robin tournament, but I think I prefer this rather than having the same run of the mill elimination tournament. Not a good show this week, but it could get better as we keep going.

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2003 Smackdown Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:


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Mixed Match Challenge – October 2, 2018: Required Dancing Continues

IMG Credit: WWE

Mixed Match Challenge
Date: October 2, 2018
Location: Moda Center, Portland, Oregon
Commentators: Michael Cole, Vic Joseph, Renee Young

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Raw Division: Bayley/Finn Balor (0-0) vs. Alicia Fox/Jinder Mahal (0-1)

Bayley and Balor have each others’ jackets in a nice touch. The women start things off but Fox wants Balor instead. That’s just a ruse though as they trade rollups for two each until it’s off to the men. Mahal takes him down into a quick chinlock so Balor grabs an armdrag into an armbar. A basement dropkick keeps Mahal in trouble as Natalya and Kevin Owens are in the comments section.

The women come back in with Bayley being knocked off the apron and landing in Sunil Singh’s arms. That’s not cool with Fox, who pulls Bayley down and sends her into the post. That means another chinlock for a long while until Bayley backdrops her way to freedom. Balor comes back in to clean house until Mahal superkicks him out of the corner. A shotgun dropkick looks to set up the Coup de Grace but Fox crotches Balor on top instead.

Bayley tackles Fox down as the guys fall to the floor. A high crossbody gets two on Fox so Singh helps her up outside. Ever the gentleman, Singh bails so Fox takes a baseball slide. The chase is on and Singh charges into the Bayley to Belly, leaving Balor to dive onto the guys. The Bayley to Belly finishes Fox at 9:27.

Rating: D+. The lack of drama really killed this one as there’s only so much you can do in a match where you know how it’s going to end. Mahal and Fox are fine for a bickering team but their levels of interest stop as soon as the bell rings. Bayley and Balor are a good combination but they need something better to work with than this.

Braun Strowman and Ember Moon are ready for Balor and Bayley next week.

Bayley and Balor are ready for Strowman and Moon next week.

Smackdown Division: Jimmy Uso/Naomi (0-1) vs. Rusev/Lana (0-1)

The fans chant MILWAUKEE to mess with Rusev and Lana. Naomi and Lana hit the mat to start and Naomi dances at her a bit. A kick to the head and a bulldog allow Lana to break dance up and dance some of her own, so of course we stop for the dance off. This goes on for a good while with Renee having way too much fun when Naomi does a reverse Worm. The guys get in an argument over who won so we hear about Aiden English posting about Milwaukee in the comments.

And now, Jimmy and Rusev have a dance off of their own. Jimmy even busts out some Rikishi glasses so Rusev can….kick him in the head for two. Another kick to Rusev allows the tag to Naomi as everything breaks down. Lana X Factors Naomi and loads up the Accolade but Jimmy asks about Milwaukee. That’s enough of a distraction for Naomi to grab a rollup for the pin at 8:54.

Rating: D. Yeah I’m not sure what to say about this and that’s never a good sign. Like I’ve said with a lot of the matches on this show, it’s not like they have any stories to go with here (save for Milwaukee) so going with the dancing was the best idea they had. Naomi and Jimmy winning is fine as you can have Rusev and Lana get a win back later on. Pretty nothing match, but the dancing was fun.

Charlotte and AJ Styles are ready to win next week.

R-Truth and Carmella aren’t sure if they’re facing Ric or Charlotte next week.

Overall Rating: D+. This is a show where you have to consider it on a very sliding scale. The wrestling wasn’t great but that’s not the point of something like this series. They can get into the serious stuff later but at the moment, we’re just stuck with the nothing matches. That being said, it’s not like these shows are hard to sit through or completely horrible or anything. Instead they’re usually a nice, laid back version of WWE and I’ll take that over the ultra serious and often bad regular stuff any day.

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2003 Smackdown Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:


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Smackdown – September 25, 2018: Ding Dong

IMG Credit: WWE

Date: September 25, 2018
Location: Pepsi Center, Denver, Colorado
Commentators: Corey Graves, Byron Saxton, Tom Phillips

With less than two weeks to go before Super Show-Down, a lot of the big feuds are already in high gear. It’s almost like Smackdown has a good idea of how to set up a pay per view rather than just wasting time and having everything else going on at once. The big story is of course Samoa Joe vs. AJ Styles for the World Title so let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

We open with MizTV….as hosted by R-Truth and the now brunette Carmella. This is now Truth TV so Truth wants a WHAT’S UP. Carmella is introduced as the “Andy Richards” to his Conan O’Brien and hypes up Daniel Bryan as the guest. Truth has to read through some cards for his questions and asks about how Bryan took care of Miz and the other Carmella last week. Bryan: “This show is already better than MizTV.” Actually hang on, because we need a seven second dance break.

Truth and Carmella dance, followed by Truth promising an animal segment next. Bryan says last week was cathartic and now he wants to be WWE Champion again. That’s what’s coming at Super Show-Down because Bryan wants to be WWE Champion to prove that he’s the best while Miz wants to win the title so he can say he’s the best. Cue Miz to ask what Truth is doing. Truth says that he beat Miz two weeks ago and Miz didn’t have a title, he’s taking his talk show instead. Miz: “You’re an idiot.” Truth: “I’m an idiot with a talk show!”

Miz doesn’t like Bryan but Bryan always fights fair, which is why he’ll never win. That’s why Miz won at Summerslam and why he’ll win at Super Show-Down. Miz had one idea foiled last week but he has an idea for every minute of every day. If Bryan cheats in Australia, he’ll tarnish his own name and the beliefs of these people.

Truth complains about Miz talking too long and taking away the time from his animal segment. He’ll fight for the show right now, even though Miz says this is his show. Truth: “DANCE BREAK!” Miz goes to the back and rants to Paige about the show being stolen so we’re having a match for the show right now.

The Miz vs. R-Truth

Bryan is on commentary. Truth runs him over to start and stops to dance, with Miz being sent outside for a staredown with Bryan. Miz is knocked outside again and goes after Carmella, earning a clothesline from Truth. Back in and Truth charges into a boot to the face, followed by the YES Kicks. Bryan actually critiques the kicks and says why they’re not quite the real thing.

A DDT sets up a bow and arrow as Bryan actually praises Miz’s improving wrestling skills. Truth reverses a backslide into one of his own but Miz elbows him in the face as we take a break. Back with Truth hitting some clotheslines and a Stinger Splash, followed by a jawbreaker for two. The Lie Detector gets two but Miz pokes him in the eye, stares at Bryan, and hits a running knee for the pin at 11:40.

Rating: C-. Now, again, consider the difference between Raw and Smackdown’s way of building things. In addition to the obvious Bryan vs. Miz feud, tonight Miz and Asuka are facing Truth and Carmella on Mixed Match Challenge. Last night’s Finn Balor vs. Jinder Mahal match beat you over the head with they Mixed Match hype. This was more subtle, basically saying “hey if you want to see more of this, check out this other show”. That’s far better and more appealing than the Raw method, as it’s not beating you over the head. In other words, much better.

Earlier today, Becky Lynch jumped Charlotte at a photo shoot and demanded that her photos were taken instead. Charlotte has been sent home due to her injuries.

Big E. vs. Sheamus

Before the match, Kofi talks about not taking people seriously sometimes. That’s why before this match, we’ll be having the Say Something Nice Challenge. We’ll start with Cesaro, who has weird nipples and looks like a Swiss Jason Statham, but it’s cool because they like Statham movies. Sheamus’ mohawk is big and weird looking, but the carpet must match the drapes. Sheamus cuts them off and promises of taking the Tag Team Titles are made.

Sheamus jumps Big E. from behind as Graves talks about areola shaming. A hiptoss brings Sheamus to the floor and we take a break. Back with Big E. throwing him with a belly to belly and some hip swiveling. The Warrior Splash hits knees though and Sheamus gets two off a powerslam. The Brogue Kick is countered into a powerbomb for two but the spear through the ropes is countered. Sheamus escapes the Big Ending as well and it’s a Brogue Kick for the pin at 6:41.

Rating: D+. Not enough time to go anywhere but it was a watchable enough power match. Both tag divisions continue to be desperately in need of some switching up though as the Usos have nothing to do and Raw has almost no tag teams of note. You could easily mix things up and get a few better matchups out of the teams but that doesn’t seem likely.

Paige tells AJ Styles not to go too crazy out there during the contract signing.

Lana comes in to see Rusev, who wants answers from Aiden English.

Here are Rusev and Lana for a chat. Rusev calls English a traitor for turning on him on Rusev Day, so English needs to explain himself right now. English comes out to say none of this is his fault. Before they met, Rusev was the super athlete but no one cared about him. We see a clip of Rusev being here a year ago and the rise of Rusev Day since that moment. At Wrestlemania, 70,000 people were chanting their names (true for the most part), but then SHE happened.

We look back at Lana joining the team and everything falling apart. Lana talks about the Wrestlemania XXXI tank (still awesome) and accuses English of riding Rusev’s coattails. English says he knows Lana’s loyalty to her husband, but is she going to tell him about that one night in Milwaukee? That’s good for a mic drop and a HOLY S*** chant from the crowd.

Clip of the Summerslam contract signing between AJ and Joe.

Asuka and Naomi warm up.

Lana tells Rusev she has no idea what English is talking about when Becky comes in to say Milwaukee is a fun town. Trash talking ensues and Becky leaves as Rusev wonders when they were in Milwaukee last. Lana walks away.

The Iiconics are in the ring before the next match but Naomi’s entrance cuts them off before anything can be said.

Asuka/Naomi vs. Sonya Deville/Mandy Rose

Instead the Iiconics are on commentary. This is the result of some bickering earlier in the day. Joined in progress with Asuka in trouble and not being able to dive over to Naomi for the tag. That lasts for all of a few seconds until the hot tag brings in Naomi, who is taken down with a forearm to the back. The illegal Asuka hip attacks Mandy to the floor and it’s a double kick to Sonya’s head for the pin at 2:28 shown. Just a warmup for Australia.

Some wrestlers went to a Denver children’s hospital earlier today.

Shinsuke Nakamura vs. Tye Dillinger

Post match Orton wrecks Dillinger and leaves him laying. Not wanting to feel left out, Nakamura adds Kinshasa.

Rusev tells Lana he believes her saying nothing happened but Lana doesn’t seem happy.

Orton says Tye isn’t his next victim, but he doesn’t like the Perfect Ten thing.

Becky Lynch vs. Lana

Non-title. Becky knocks her down to start but Lana is right back with right hands to the head. That’s enough to send Becky outside and Lana makes the mistake of following her, earning herself a quick beating. Back in and a small package gives Lana two but it’s a Bexploder into the Disarm-Her for the tap at 2:53. Not quite a squash but close enough.

English promises video proof of what happened in Milwaukee.

Here’s Paige to run the contract signing. AJ comes out and says he’s just here to sign. There’s no Joe, which AJ says isn’t a surprise. Joe pops up on screen and he’s at AJ’s house. That must put a nauseous feeling in AJ’s stomach because there’s nothing he can do, even though Joe promised him to do all this stuff. Joe even has a doll for Annie and AJ is clearly panicking. That’s what Joe wants, and Joe wants that feeling from AJ in Australia. Joe rings the doorbell and says daddy’s home to end the show. This was awesome again, but at some point Joe needs to actually win the title to really make it mean something.

Overall Rating: C+. As usual, there’s a goal for almost everything you see here and Smackdown knows how to sprinkle in the fun/entertaining stuff to go with the important series material. I’m looking forward to Super Show-Down, but the more I watch of the build makes me worry that we’re going to be watching another show that means nothing. At least the build has been good this time around, so hopefully we get something good this time around.


The Miz b. R-Truth – Skull Crushing Finale

Sheamus b. Big E. – Brogue Kick

Asuka/Naomi b. Sonya Deville/Mandy Rose – Double kick to Deville’s head

Tye Dillinger b. Shinsuke Nakamura via DQ when Randy Orton interfered

Becky Lynch b. Lana – Disarm-Her

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2003 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:


And check out my Amazon author page with cheap wrestling books at:


Mixed Match Challenge – March 13, 2018: Proper WOOing Technique

IMG Credit: WWE

Mixed Match Challenge
Date: March 13, 2018
Location: Bankers Life Fieldhouse, Indianapolis, Indiana
Commentators: Michael Cole, Corey Graves, Beth Phoenix

We’re getting deep into this thing as tonight will determine the third semifinalists. This week’s show features Bobby Roode/Charlotte vs. Rusev/Lana, in what could be a rather entertaining match. Roode and Charlotte could easily be the favorites to win the whole thing and that should be a good sign for them tonight. Let’s get to it.

Here’s last week’s show if you need a recap.

Here’s your demonstration of whether or not you want to display comments. Odds are they’re fine with them as long as they’re not about Fabulous Moolah.

Both teams promise to win.

Quarterfinals: Charlotte/Bobby Roode vs. Lana/Rusev

Charlotte even does a little dance to Roode’s entrance. Before the bell, Rusev sings the Lana Song and even the power of WOOing can’t overcome it. Slaps and chops are exchanged with Rusev and Lana bailing out to the floor. The women get things started and Lana is instantly in over her head off a quick armdrag.

A test of strength goes slightly better thanks to a kick to the ribs but Charlotte calmly tosses her into the corner. An X Factor gives Lana two, only to have Charlotte send her flying with a fall away slam. The guys come in with Roode’s Glorious DDT attempt being countered with a Machka Kick. We hit the chinlock so it’s off to a shot of Natalya and Shinsuke Nakamura chatting with fans.

Back up and Roode gets superkicked in the shoulder but Rusev takes WAY too much time on a middle rope splash. It’s back to the women with Charlotte kicking her in the face and Rusev having to drag Lana out of trouble. Charlotte chops Rusev in an act of bravery to almost no effect. The distraction lets Roode sneak in with a Glorious DDT and the (illegal) pin at 11:00.

Rating: C-. The Charlotte/Rusev stuff worked but this was a little less interesting than most of the matches they’ve done. That chinlock hurt things a lot but above all else it was the lack of drama. Even if you say Rusev and Roode cancel each other out (and that’s a stretch), Lana isn’t a threat to Charlotte and everyone knows it. Lana was trying here but there’s no way around Charlotte. On a more positive note: they seem to be teasing a romance between Charlotte and Roode, which makes me wonder how they haven’t done that on this series yet.

Alexa Bliss/Braun Strowman and The Miz/Asuka are ready to win next week.

Overall Rating: D+. I don’t know if the show is wearing on me or what but this one wasn’t as much fun as I’ve had with the previous episodes. It’s not a bad show or anything but it’s still nothing that I’m going to remember in a day or two. The wrestling wasn’t much, but it needs something a little more interesting to keep the fans drawn in. That being said, there are only three episodes left so it’s not like this is a long term problem.

Remember to check out my new forums at steelcageforums.com, follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the 2018 Updated Version of the History of the WWE Championship in e-book or paperback. Check out the information here:


And check out my Amazon author page with cheap wrestling books at:


Mixed Match Challenge – February 13, 2018: I Think They Explained That On Gilmore Girls

Mixed Match Challenge
Date: February 13, 2018
Location: Rabobank Arena, Bakersfield, California
Commentators: Michael Cole, Corey Graves, Beth Phoenix

It’s week….I’m not even sure at this point. Five maybe? Anyway tonight it’s the husband and wife duo of Rusev/Lana vs. Elias/Bayley in a match that seems like it would have a much better build than execution. The last few matches have been a lot of fun so hopefully the trend continues tonight. Let’s get to it.

We open with Elias and Bayley in the ring, of course both holding guitars. They introduce themselves (Bayley gets a bigger reaction as Cole AGAIN calls Elias the WWE’s Bob Dylan) but get cut off by their opponents.

We see some clips of Rusev teaching Lana to break boards.

First Round: Lana/Rusev vs. Bayley/Elias

Rusev, in a singlet for a very odd look, sings the Lana song from last week before we’re ready to get going. Elias has banged up ribs after last night’s string bass attack at the hands (get them) of Braun Strowman. With Big E. and Carmella live chatting the show in the back, the men start things off but the women come in after twenty seconds and no contact.

Lana seems scared of Bayley but takes her down for some right hands. A slam sends Lana scurrying to the floor where she grabs a guitar. Rusev calms her down but drops the guitar, freaking Elias out in the process. Back in and it’s off to the men with the fans being rather pleased at the latest Rusev Day. Rusev wants a test of strength but Elias elbows him in the face for two instead. A knee drop gets the same as the announcers discuss the definition of a troubadour. I think they explained that on Gilmore Girls once.

Rusev is right back up with a charge into the corner as the announcers read and react to Facebook comments. Elias slips out of the Accolade but gets suplexed down, allowing the double tag to the partners. Lana knees Bayley in the back and keeps control, including a shot to the neck for two.

The announcers are STUNNED at Lana beating Bayley up this much and a seated crossface chickenwing keeps Bayley in trouble. That’s enough to get Bayley all fired up and she snaps Lana’s throat across the ropes. Bayley hammers away in the corner but a distraction breaks up the super Bayley to Belly. Instead, Lana pulls her face first into the buckle and gets the upset pin at 9:37.

Rating: D+. I really wasn’t feeling this one as Bayley was barely a factor and Elias as a face (or at least neutral) is kind of weird. They needed to keep Rusev and Lana involved and Elias is red hot at the moment so of course, Bayley gets to take the fall. A countout or DQ would have made more sense, but I don’t think there’s a lot of thought being put into these matches.

Rusev says he knew it and declares today a Ravishing Rusev Day.

Charlotte and Bobby Roode are ready to prove that they’re the team to beat. They might be actually.

Nia Jax and Apollo Crews aren’t impressed. She won’t join Titus Worldwide though.

One more replay takes us out.

Overall Rating: D. This was pretty easily the weakest of the shows so far, which is quite disappointing when the last few weeks have put the show on a roll. There wasn’t much chemistry between Elias and Bayley (not surprising) and Lana winning (apparently her first win in WWE, which is almost amazing) was treated as a much bigger deal than the team advancing. Hopefully this is just a one off slip, which would be quite the relief.

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KB’s Review: Don’t Break What You Won’t Rebuild



Looking at WWE’s rather stupid handling of characters when they change their minds in a hurry.

Smackdown – July 4, 2017: Johnny Cena And the News

Date: July 4, 2017
Location: Talking Stick Resort Arena, Phoenix, Arizona
Commentators: John Bradshaw Layfield, Tom Phillips, Byron Saxton

The opening video looks at Cena.

Chad Gable vs. AJ Styles

No Jason Jordan in sight. Feeling out process to start with AJ easily being taken down but popping up for his dropkick to send us to a break less than a minute and a half in. Back with AJ blocking a belly to belly superplex attempt. The Phenomenal Forearm is broken up but Gable misses a moonsault attempt. AJ gets the Calf Crusher for a bit but Gable twists out and plants him with a German suplex. Not that it matters as AJ is sent to the apron and hits the Phenomenal Forearm for the pin at 8:11.

AJ helps him up post match.

Naomi is defending and grabs her reverse Rings of Saturn for the tap out at 11 seconds.

Baron Corbin jumps Shinsuke Nakamura with the briefcase.

Randy Orton vs. Aiden English

Battle Royal

Sami Zayn, Konnor, Viktor, Dolph Ziggler, Luke Harper, Mojo Rawley, Zack Ryder, Erick Rowan, Fandango, Tyler Breeze, AJ Styles, Tye Dillinger, Sin Cara

Rating: C. This was better than your average battle royal as they got rid of most of the nothing guys early and got down to people fans care about. Styles winning was obvious but they kept things moving and it was far from bad. The fans would have been happy with any of the final three so it was hardly torture.

Owens hits the ring and beats Styles down, only to have AJ knock him to the floor and hold up the title to end the show.


AJ Styles b. Chad Gable – Phenomenal Forearm

Naomi b. Lana – Reverse Rings of Saturn

Aiden English b. Randy Orton via DQ when Orton used the steps

AJ Styles won a battle royal last eliminating Sami Zayn


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Smackdown – June 27, 2017: Now Why Would You Do That?

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Location: Valley View Casino Center, San Diego, California
Commentators: Tom Phillips, Byron Saxton, John Bradshaw Layfield

The opening recap looks at the Money in the Bank ladder match from the pay per view and the build to tonight with the theme of seizing opportunity when you get the chance. This is also used on the rest of the major stories going on around here.

James Ellsworth tells the people to shut up and calls Bryan pathetic. He looks at Bryan and sees a coward who is staying out of the ring because of some fake injury. Daniel smiles and says he should just fire Ellsworth but instead just bans him from the entire arena for the rest of the night. Security comes out and drags him away as this opening segment wraps up after nearly fifteen minutes with really nothing new being done.

Hype Bros vs. Usos

Post match the New Day comes out to challenge for the titles at Battleground. The Usos accept, in rhyme no less. Kofi rhymes a bit of his own and tromboning ensues.

Becky Lynch is ready to have a fair chance to win Money in the Bank.

Here are Mike and Maria Kanellis for their Smackdown debut, only to have Sami Zayn cut them off in just a few seconds.

Sami Zayn vs. Baron Corbin

Sami goes right after him to start and sends Corbin to the floor, only to get tossed into the barricade as we take a break. Back with Corbin still in control and grabbing a bearhug. Sami slips out and hits that hard clothesline of his and avoids a charge, sending Corbin shoulder first into the post. Corbin misses another charge and gets rolled up for two before driving Sami right back into the same corner. A headbutt puts Corbin down but he catches a charging Sami with End of Days for the pin at 8:11.

Shinsuke Nakamura says Corbin is scared of him and for good reason.

Charlotte vs. Tamina vs. Becky Lynch vs. Carmella vs. Natalya

Back with Natalya suplexing Charlotte but getting suplexed on the floor by Becky. Charlotte and Tamina fight over the ladder until Natalya makes a save and loads it up over Charlotte in the corner. Natalya starts to climb but Charlotte shoves her ladder up to make a ramp for the save. Carmella shoves the ladder over, only to take a pumphandle suplex from Becky.

Back from another break with Natalya climbing slowly enough that Charlotte can make a save. Everyone but Carmella gets shoved down but the other four are right back to lift the ladder up and carry it away from the case. Carmella dives onto Becky and Natalya, leaving Charlotte to drop Tamina again. Charlotte puts the ladder over Tamina and climbs but Carmella is back to grab her legs.


Usos b. Hype Bros – Superfly Splash to Ryder

Naomi b. Lana – Split legged moonsault

Baron Corbin b. Sami Zayn – End of Days

Carmella won Money in the Bank


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