Impact Wrestling – December 7, 2023: Road Trip

Impact Wrestling
Date: December 7, 2023
Location: Showcase Complex, Monterrey, Mexico
Commentators: Matthew Rehwoldt, Tom Hannifan

The different kinds of shows continue for Impact as they are in Mexico for a co-promoted show with AAA. That won’t be the normal kind of show but at least we can see and hear from the wrestlers. That could make for some different kinds of situations, though Impact needs to build some things up for their upcoming shows. Let’s get to it.

Note that I do not follow AAA very closely so I apologize in advance for missing any names, character history or storyline points.

Opening sequence.

Trinity/Chris Sabin vs. Chik Tormenta/Dinamico

Tormenta drives Trinity into the corner to start and runs her over with a shoulder. Trinity takes her down with a headscissors and it’s off to the men, who take turns posing on the ropes. They take turns escaping covers until Sabin armdrags him down for a breather. A cheap shot knocks Trinity off the apron though and Dinamico grabs a neckbreaker for two on Sabin.

Back up and Sabin manages a knockdown, allowing the tag off to Trinity to pick up the pace. Sabin backbreaker Tormenta into Trinity’s split legged moonsault but Dinamico makes the save. A double superkick puts Tormenta down and the Bully Bomb into a rollup gives Trinity the pin at 7:55.

Rating: C+. Fun opener here with the men and women getting to mix together for a bit of a change of pace. It was good to get some of the champions back in the ring after some time away and it made for some good stuff. Tormenta and Dinamico weren’t the most interesting opponents but they made Sabin and Trinity sweat a bit, which is all they really needed to do.

Josh Alexander wants the World Title back and while he lost at Bound For Glory, he knew he gave everything he had. Then his five year old asked where the title was so now he needs to get back to the top. Now he and Zack Sabre Jr. are challenging the Motor City Machine Guns for the Tag Team Titles at Final Resolution because the standard is back.

Eddie Edwards vs. Myzteziz Jr. vs. Latigo

Commentary is nice enough to mention that Latigo is wearing black here as he and Myzteziz double team Edwards to start. Latigo turns on Myzteziz almost immediately so Edwards can get in a running knee, meaning the double teaming has Myzteziz in trouble for a change. Double choking in the corner ensues but Latigo stops to yell at the fans. That’s enough for Myzteziz to fight back and hit a pair of dives to the floor. Edwards stays on the floor so Myzteziz can headscissor Latigo back outside.

Naturally that means a big Myzteziz dive to take both of them down but Latigo frog splashes Edwards for two. Latigo hits a middle rope Canadian Destroyer to plant Myzteziz on the ramp and Edwards adds a suplex to make it worse. Back in and Myzteziz takes out Latigo, only to walk into a sitout powerbomb. Myzteziz grabs the referee’s arm at two for a unique save before taking out Latigo. A powerslam and shooting star press give Myzteziz the pin on Edwards at 11:42.

Rating: B-. This didn’t feel like anything out of the ordinary but they did things rather well throughout. Myzteziz had a good come from behind win and beats a former Impact World Champion in the process. Latigo didn’t really stand out here, but the whole thing went well for what felt like a cold match.

Trey Miguel is ready to beat Mike Bailey at Final Resolution.

The Motor City Machine Guns are ready for Josh Alexander and Zack Sabre Jr. at Final Resolution.

Jordynne Grace/Sexy Star vs. Deonna Purrazzo/Maravilla

Grace and Purrazzo trade rollups for two each to start and that’s a standoff. Star and Maravilla come in for a standoff of their own and we take a break. Back with Purrazzo working on Star’s arm before Maravilla comes in to kick Star down. Purrazzo gets in her own kick but a missed charge allows Grace to come in and clean house. Everything breaks down and Star gives Purrazzo an electric chair driver. That’s broken up so Star hits a dive onto Purrazzo on the floor. Back in and the Juggernaut Driver finishes Maravilla at 11:37.

Rating: C+. Things picked up at the end but there wasn’t much to say about this one. Star got beaten down for a good while but other than that, it was just waiting for Grace to come in and clean house. It worked well enough and did give us a Grace vs. Purrazzo preview, but it wasn’t exactly action packed.

Scott D’Amore and the roster is ready to wrestle in Monterrey.

Brian Myers/Black Taurus vs. Tommy Dreamer/Laredo Kid

Myers and Kid start things off with the former rolling away. A shoulder puts Kid down but he’s back up with a running dropkick to put Myers outside. We pause for Myers to tease fighting some fans before it’s off to Taurus vs. Dreamer. Taurus starts in on the arm but Dreamer brings in Kid to work on Taurus’ arm for a change. Dreamer clears the ring and teases a dive, which is thankfully cut off.

Kid makes the save and some beer to the face (Rehwoldt: “A cerveza to the face-a!”) has Taurus down again. Back in and Taurus work son Dreamer’s arm before handing it off to Myers for the chinlock. A DDT gives Myers two but the Roster Cut misses, allowing Dreamer to grab the cutter. Kid comes back in to clean house, including a poisonrana to Taurus. Everything breaks down and Myers tries a dive, which Dreamer cuts off with a cookie sheet to the head. That leaves Kid to grab a sunset bomb for the pin at 10:37.

Rating: C+. Another completely watchable match and at least Dreamer didn’t get the pin. Ignoring the random weapon being thrown in and it was mostly a match with people you (at least mostly) see on Impact. This was a good example of a match where they didn’t try to reinvent the wheel and just did their stuff, which was good enough for a special show like this one.

Post match Dreamer puts Taurus through a table. That seemed unnecessary.

Trinity and Jordynne Grace are ready to work together at Final Resolution but they’ll fight at Hard To Kill.

Josh Alexander/Octagon Jr. vs. Moose/Toxin

Alexander shoulders Toxin down to start and the ankle lock goes on early. Octagon comes in and can’t manage to take down the much bigger Moose. Instead a spinning crossbody puts Moose down but he’s right back up with a fall away slam. Moose slams Toxin onto Octagon and it’s time to go after Octagon’s mask.

Another knockdown has Octagon in trouble and we take a break. Back with Alexander coming in off the hot tag and German suplexing Moose. A backbreaker hits Toxin as everything breaks down. Octagon 450s Toxin with Moose making the save. There’s a dropkick for two on Alexander with Octagon making the save this time.

Octagon is back up with a slingshot corkscrew splash for two on Moose but Toxin suplexes Alexander into the corner. Alexander grabs a spinning torture rack slam to Toxin and Octagon missile dropkicks Moose. Back up and Moose sends Octagon into the corner, setting up the spear for the pin at 16:15.

Rating: B-. This was one of the better matches of the night as Alexander and Moose have enough of a history to keep things interesting. Octagon and Toxin were more than good enough to hold up their end and the match got enough time to build up. The ending might have been a bit flat, but Moose getting the momentum on the way to Hard To Kill is what matters most.

Tommy Dreamer is ready to face Deaner at Final Resolution.

Coming to Impact at Snake Eyes on January 14: Kazuchika Okada. Well there’s a surprise.

Motor City Machine Guns/El Hijo del Vikingo vs. Los Vipers/Trey Miguel

Los Vipers are Latigo/Toxin. Shelley works on Miguel’s arm to start, including wrapping it around the rope. They chop it out until Shelley takes him down by the arm. Latigo and Sabin come in to pick up the pace by…having Latigo grab a wristlock. Sabin sends him outside though and we take a break.

Back with Shelley grabbing a Figure Four on Miguel but Toxin makes the fast save. Latigo grabs a weird limb tying up hold on Shelley until Vikingo breaks it up. Miguel’s slingshot double stomp gets two on Sabin but Vikingo comes in for the save to clean house. A frog splash gets two with Toxin making the save.

Latigo saves Toxin from a crossface but the Guns grab stereo crossfaces on Los Vipers. Miguel makes the save and gets a staredown with Vikingo. Miguel’s poisonrana gets two and frustration is setting in. Vikingo flips Miguel into a knee to the face and the middle rope phoenix splash finishes at 17:08.

Rating: B. As has been the case before, there are matches where you know things are going to go well because of who is involved. That was the case again here and they came pretty close to tearing the house down. The Guns can work with anyone and Vikingo and Miguel were more than making the rest work. Rather solid main event here and the best thing on the show.

Overall Rating: B-. This is a good example of “take what you can get” as we haven’t seen much from Impact in a few weeks. The wrestlers got to be in the ring and talk about their upcoming matches, which at least set some things up for Final Resolution. It’s far from optimal, but this is better than having a Best Of show or some other weird show. The action was good throughout too, with the main event being a pretty strong match. Good show here, but not really necessary viewing unless you’re missing Impact pretty badly.

Chris Sabin/Trinity b. Chik Tormenta/Dinamico – Rollup to Tormenta
Myzteziz Jr. b. Latigo and Eddie Edwards – Shooting star press to Edwards
Jordynne Grace/Sexy Star b. Deonna Purrazzo/Maravilla – Juggernaut Driver to Maravilla
Tommy Dreamer/Laredo Kid b. Brian Myers/Black Taurus – Sunset bomb to Myers
Moose/Toxin b. Octagon Jr./Josh Alexander – Spear to Octagon Jr.
Motor City Machine Guns/El Hijo del Vikingo b. Los Vipers/



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Gringo Loco’s The Wrld On Lucha 2023: They’re Getting Tired

Gringo Loco’s The Wrld On Lucha
Date: April 1, 2023
Location: Ukranian Cultural Center, Los Angeles, California
Commentators: Emil J, Nick Knowledge

This is a themed show as we have nothing but lucha libre on the show. That alone should make this something interesting and hopefully it can live up to the concept. I’ve seen the previous version of this show and it went well so they do at least have an idea of what to do. Let’s get to it.

Mago vs. Willie Mack vs. Shane Mercer vs. Jimmy Lloyd vs. Bobby Flaco vs. Jack Cartwheel

We get the six way test of strength to start….and now let’s have the dance off. The fans seem to favor Mack but Flaco snaps off a hurricanrana to get things going. Mago gets to clean house, including a suicide dive to take out Cartwheel, followed by a springboard tornado DDT to Cartwheel back inside. Flair gets to clean house, including a top rope cutter to Mago.

Mercer, the strongest guy here, suplexes tosses Flaco over the top and down to Mack, who powerbombs him onto the apron. Back in and we get the Mack vs. Mercer showdown, with Mack changing his mind to dive onto the pile. Mercer’s springboard moonsault is broken up but we get a few more dives to make up for it.

Mercer cuts off Cartwheel’s dive and knocks him down, allowing Mercer to Asai moonsault onto a bunch of people. That leaves Cartwheel to hit the big Sasuke Special before some people get back inside. A bunch of people get to knock someone else down, with Mercer planting Flaco but walking into Mack’s sitout powerbomb. Mago drops Mack but Cartwheel hits a Red Arrow to finish Mago at 9:50.

Rating: C+. It’s the scramble match so you can only get so much out of the thing. This was about having a bunch of people in there so they could get in as much as they could in about ten minutes. The winner here is pretty much a footnote, but Cartwheel was getting to show off enough that a win is fine. Nothing that hasn’t been done a bunch before, but they did it well enough.

Sexy Star vs. Dulce Tormenta

They take their time to start before fighting over wrist control and then exchange rollups for two each. Back up and they go toe to toe until Tormenta sends her outside for the dive. Back in and Star hits a dive of her own as this is even so far. Dulce is whipped into some chairs and Star takes her, plus a door, back inside. They trade spanks until Star sends her….into but not through the door in the corner.

The Death Valley Driver through the door rocks Tormenta and it’s time for some thumbtacks. Naturally Torments fights out and slams Star into the tacks instead. The running knees in the corner rock Star but she’s right there for a slug out. They trade release German suplexes and both of them are down. Tormenta rolls Two Amigos until Star rolls her up for two. There’s a flapjack for two on Star and Tormenta adds Three Amigos. A package piledriver finishes Star at 12:35.

Rating: C+. This wasn’t a classic but it was a hard enough hitting match between two women who are capable of doing well. What mattered here was beating each other up as well as they could and thankfully they got some time to do their thing. I’ve seen both of them before and they were at their bests here. I’m not sure where, but I could go with seeing them on a higher level.

Aramis/Komander/Rey Horus vs. Arez/Black Taurus/Latigo

It’s a brawl to start with Taurus getting superkicked out to the floor. That leaves Komander and company to do the big stereo flip dives and the fans approve. Back in and Latigo knees Aramis in the face and kicks him in the back of the head to send him outside. Komander takes Latigo down with a headscissors. The double springboard hurricanrana sends Latigo flying but Arez dropkicks Komander into the corner.

Rey comes back in and runs the ropes before hitting a discus clothesline to Arez in the corner. Taurus is back to reverse Sling Blade Horus, leaving commentary in awe of what he is doing. Aramis tries to fight back but gets caught with a cheap shot from behind. Komander gets chopped hard in the corner and Aramis gets the same. Latigo hurricanranas Aramis into the corner and Taurus hits a hard running shoulder to the ribs.

The villains even tease going after Aramis’ mask before a powerbomb/neckbreaker combination plants Horus. Komander gets stomped down in the corner so Taurus goes for the mask. Aramis is back up, allowing Komander to stand on the villains’ shoulder and moonsault down onto Taurus on the floor. Latigo strikes away at Aramis into Roderick Strong’s End of Heartache.

Taurus’ double crucifix bomb hits Komander and Hours, setting up Arez’s step up Lionsault. One heck of a backbreaker drops Horus but Komander Canadian Destroyers Taurus. Latigo kicks Aramis in the face and all six of them go down. Back up and they slug it out until Arez is left alone. Horus and Aramis dive onto the other two as Komander hits a rope walk shooting star press for the pin at 14:07.

Rating: B-. They went with the insanity style here again but this one didn’t quite get to the next level. What mattered was having a bunch of people, including some who don’t get a ton of coverage, in the match at once and they pulled it off. The finish looked good and there was enough action throughout so this did what it was supposed to do.

Post match money is collected and respect is shown.

Los Macizos vs. La Familia de Tijuana

That would be Ciclope (not the WCW one)/Miedo Extreme vs. Bestia/Damian. Ciclope and Damian run the ropes to start without getting anywhere so it’s off to Bestia vs. Miedo. That’s enough wrestling so let’s go outside and grab some chairs. The fight goes around the arena (thank goodness for split screen) with Damian throwing a trashcan at Ciclope.

Back in and Los Macizos fight back with superkicks but Damian whips out a kendo stick to clean house. Bestia runs the ropes for a wristlock/headscissors combination and it’s time to set up a door over the chairs. That takes too long though and Bestia is sent through said door for two.

A German suplex drops Ciclope though and everyone is down. Damian (apparently 61 years old) kendo sticks Miedo and walks the rope before taking Ciclope down. Bestia loads up a chopped door but Miedo grabs him for something like a Blue Thunder Bomb. Damian makes a save but it’s something like a Doomsday Device through the door to give Ciclope the pin at 12:22.

Rating: C+. I wasn’t feeling this one quite as well as some others, but it was cool to see someone Damian’s age doing all of this stuff. It was a bunch of violence and brawling without much in the way of wrestling, but sometimes you can throw that stuff in there to make it interesting. Pretty good stuff, but it was only going to be so strong all things considered.

Respect is shown post match.

Negro Casas vs. Tony Deppen

Casas, 63 years old, takes him down to start and works on the arm but has to slip out of a leglock. Deppen bites his way out of a chinlock and flips Casas off before grabbing a modified abdominal stretch. That’s fine with Casas, who sweeps the leg and cranks away, sending Deppen over to the rope. Deppen bails to the floor and holds his neck before coming back in with a clothesline.

Back in and Deppen takes him down to start cranking on the arm. The arm is fine enough to hit a running boot in the corner before cranking on Deppen’s arm as well. Deppen fights back and mocks Casas, who pulls him into an STF. With that broken up, Deppen hits a jumping knee, only to get caught with a lariat. Casas’ signature rolling cradle finishes Deppen at 11:35.

Rating: C. Given that Casas is 63 and not exactly full time anymore, he looked just fine here and even got to showcase himself a bit. Deppen is the kind of heel who can lose over and over but get right back by being such a jerk. Sometimes that’s all you need and this was a nice treat with such a legend in the ring.

Post match, Casas addresses the crowd and thanks God for letting him work this match. In English, Casas says Deppen can be a great wrestler. After finding some of the money Deppen picked up from the mat, Casas seems to sing a bit before leaving.

Gringo Loco vs. Psycho Clown

Falls count anywhere and Psycho has Mini Clown (possibly his son but he’s No Dink) with him. Loco shoves Psycho off the apron to start but Psycho is back with a chair shot. They trade chair shots until Loco hits a suicide dive. Psycho crotches him against the post though and hits his own dive to take over (for probably ten seconds). Loco sends him into the chairs, earning himself a bunch of drinks to the face.

They brawl around ringside with Psycho getting the better of things and smashing a chair around Loco’s ankle. Psycho goes up but gets chaired in the head, allowing Loco to go after the mask. Another chair to the head has Psycho busted open as the fans are apparently calling Loco a male hooker. Dang that’s worse than a shooter. The alleged hooker grabs some scissors to stab Psycho in the head and now it’s time for a ladder. Psycho gets suplexed into said ladder so Loco grabs a door.

More scissoring to the head ensues so Psycho, tired of being stabbed by scissors, sends him through the table. A moonsault onto the pieces of the table onto Loco connects and there’s an Alabama slam onto a chair. Loco is sent outside for the big running flip dive and now Psycho has the scissors (life tip: always run when a psycho clown comes after you with scissors).

This time it’s Loco getting carved up and they head to the top, where Loco’s super Spanish Fly drops Psycho. Let’s bring in the big ladder, with Loco’s dive only hitting the mat. Psycho sets up a door over some chairs on the floor but the big splash only hits Loco’s knees. It’s Psycho up first (as he logically should be) and he whips out some cinder blocks (commentary is confused about why they’re under the ring).

Loco has managed to bandage his head as Psycho makes another door bridge in the ring. Psycho gets knocked onto the door and Loco puts the blocks on his head/neck before going up. Believe it or not, that takes too long too and Psycho belts him on top. Now let’s put thumbtacks on the blocks so a Spanish Fly can drive Loco through everything….but Loco rolls him up for the pin anyway at 23:23.

Rating: C-. Yeah I know what they were going for here but egads this was long. It wasn’t exactly good in the first place and then it went into the weapons and hardcore stuff, which wasn’t exactly interesting. I get that this is a big feud (at least it seemed to be) but they needed to cut out about eight minutes stop with the spots that take forever to set up.

Laredo Kid vs. El Hijo del Vikingo

The AAA Mega Title isn’t on the line. They start fast with the exchange of armdrags and Vikingo bails to the floor, where Kid hits a big dive to take him down. Back in and Kid cuts off a roll with a dropkick before sending him outside again. The chase is on and this time Vikingo hits a spinning kick to the face.

The running knees send Kid outside and the running shooting star press off the apron crushes Kid again. Back in and the springboard 450 gives Vikingo two but Kid grabs a poisonrana. Some moonsaults hit Vikingo and Kid kicks away at him even more. Vikingo is back up and goes to the post for a Canadian Destroyer onto the apron.

The suicide dive sends Kid into the chairs but Kid is back with a powerbomb for two. Kid catches him on top for something like a reverse (as in they both face the same way) super Spanish Fly. The fans want to see it again but have to settle for Vikingo grabbing a super swinging Rock Bottom. That’s enough to set up the 630 to give Vikingo the pin at 12:35.

Rating: B. After this weekend and the Dynamite appearance, you know what you’re going to get from Vikingo but he seems to be wearing down a bit after such a schedule. At the same time, Kid is someone who has always shown a ton of potential and absolutely has the talent to back it up. This was another way to showcase the flip and high flying, with Vikingo eventually lasting longer and surviving.

Overall Rating: B-. Pretty good show for the most part here, though having the same style over and over again can be a bit exhausting. There was more than enough in the way of high spots here to keep things interesting and some of the matches were quite good. It also had some names you don’t see elsewhere so the show is worth a look if you’re a big fan of this style.


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WrestleCon Supershow 2023: I’m Going To Get Some Of This Wrong

WrestleCon Supershow 2023
Date: March 30, 2023
Location: Globe Theater, Los Angeles, California
Commentators: Ian Riccaboni, Veda Scott

With some independent shows from promotions I don’t know much about out of the way, we now have one of the bigger independent shows of the year. This is one of the best collections of independent talents you’ll see and that should be the case again here. The card is stacked as usual so let’s get to it.

We meet our announce team and here is Mick Foley to welcome us to the show. Foley was backstage earlier and Aja Kong asked for a picture with him so things are going well. He started off as a super fan just like the man this show is named after, Mark Hitchcock. We see a video on Hitchcock’s career (I believe the same one as last year) and Foley wishes us a nice day.

Blake Christian vs. Michael Oku

Christian offers a handshake to start and Oku reluctantly accepts it, with everything being fine. Oku wastes no time in taking him down and going for the leg but it’s too early for the half crab. They both try dropkicks and it’s an early standoff. Christian offers a left handed handshake and this time he tries a cheap shot, only to get dropkicked down.

Oku gets knocked hard to the floor but there isn’t enough room for a dive, meaning Christian has to ram him into the apron instead. A standing flip splash gives Christian two but Oku kicks his way to freedom. Oku’s frog splash crossbody hits Christian but the ribs are too banged up to cover. There’s the Penalty Kick to Christian, who kicks the leg out and hits a 619 between the bottom and middle rope.

A Saito suplex gives Christian two but Oku knocks him to the floor this time. Somehow Oku manages a Fosbury Flop, only to have Christian pop up and hit one of his own. They pull themselves to the apron and slug it out, with Christian grabbing a half and half suplex. For some reason they get back in even faster than after the dives so Christian hits another half and half on another apron. Back in and Christian misses a 450, allowing Oku to grab a half crab. The rope is quickly grabbed so Oku heads up, with Christian following with a belly to back superplex. Now the springboard 450 can connect for the pin at 14:08.

Rating: B. This was the kind of independent match that you would expect from a show like this with these people involved. Oku is someone who has grown on me over the years as he is rather smooth in the ring most of the time. Then you have Christian, who is one of the hotter names outside of the major promotions right now and is getting some shots in Ring Of Honor as well. Good opener, with a rather indy style.

Respect is shown post match.

Bryan Keith/Kenta vs. Tom Lawlor/Christopher Daniels

Daniels is a mystery partner and I think he’ll do. He even has his own Lawlor style cutoff jean shorts over his singlet. We also have a special guest enforcer for this match and it’s…..KEN SHAMROCK! That’s quite the surprise. Daniels shoulders Keith down to start and stomps away in the corner, only to get big booted down. Lawlor comes in and takes Keith into the corner to stomp away as well as Scott says yes, that is in fact Ken Shamrock.

It’s off to Kenta, who conducts the fans chanting his name. Daniels gets struck down and Keith is in for a double back elbow. Back up and Daniels manages to send him into the corner for the tag off to Lawlor. An Angle Slam looks to set up a cross armbreaker before Lawlor takes off his jean shorts to reveal….smaller ones! Daniels suplexes Keith into Lawlor’s Penalty Kick for two as commentary talks about the shorts.

Lawlor accidentally forearms Daniels though and Keith gets in a kick, allowing the tag off to Kenta. A top rope clothesline gives Kenta two but it’s back to Keith, who gets dropped with a double clothesline. Lawlor comes in to slug it out with Kenta until Lawlor gets caught with a hanging DDT.

The running basement dropkick in the corner rocks Lawlor again and there’s the double stomp for two. Daniels breaks up the GTS and Lawlor gets in a few shots for two. Lawlor stares down at Shamrock as he puts on the ankle lock, only to have it reversed into a crossface. Daniels decks the referee though, meaning Lawlor tapping means nothing.

A low blow cuts Keith down so Shamrock comes in….but won’t count. Daniels yells at Shamrock and gets dropped with a right hand, meaning it’s time for the showdown with Lawlor. The distraction lets Kenta roll Lawlor up for the pin (as counted by Shamrock) for the pin at 18:04.

Rating: C. The Shamrock/Lawlor stuff was good but this was more long than anything else. It never quite got to the next level and it followed a pattern: Kenta beat the other two up and then Keith would lose control. That was repeated multiple times and it doesn’t exactly make for the most exciting match. It wasn’t bad, but just kind of there until the end.

Post match Lawlor goes after Shamrock, who suplexes and ankle locks him. Kenta and Keith get to leave in peace.

Negro Casas vs. Ultimo Dragon

Commentary says these two have had 100+ documented matches against or with each other, which is probably closer to 250-300. Before the match, we get a video from Chris Jericho (ok then), who praises both guys and talks about the influence they had on his career. Jericho wants some cheering for these two because we’re in for a treat. Casas backs him into the corner to start and works on the arm until Dragon gets a rollup.

With that broken up, Casas goes back to the arm until a standoff gives them a breather. Dragon reverses an armbar into the surfboard, which is broken up fast because these two are 119 years old combined. We get another standoff and the fans are pleased again. Casas kicks him into the corner but Dragon kicks him out to the floor. The Asai moonsault is broken up so Dragon settles for a superplex instead. The Dragon Sleeper finishes Casas (perhaps by knockout) at 12:00.

Rating: C+. This is one of those “you mean we get to see this???” matches and that is not a bad thing. The idea of this show is giving you matches you won’t get to see elsewhere and at this point in their careers, how likely was it to get to see this match again? It wasn’t even bad as they were both working hard and had a completely watchable match. Nice job, and a special treat for longtime fans.

Respect is shown post match.

Arez/Latigo/Laredo Kid vs. Rey Horus/Galeno Del Mal/Aramis

Why yes, this will be under lucha rules. Latigo offers a handshake to start and promises it’s ok. The ensuing rollup gives Aramis two and they have a stand off, with a middle finger included. Arez (who takes off his mask to reveal the face paint that inspired Finn Balor’s Demon look) comes in to face Horus for an exchange of quick covers. Horus seems to be annoyed so it’s off to the rather large Galeno, with Arez panicking.

Arez hands it off to the Kid, who isn’t pleased at all. Some triple teaming manages to take Galeno down and out to the floor. Kid hits a dive onto Galeno as his partners grab half crabs back inside. Some very loud chops have Aramis in trouble and the crowd wincing, followed by the running strikes in the corner. Galeno has to make a save so he gets triple teamed fight back down. Arez and company manages a triple gorilla press on Galeno for two in an impressive crash.

Horus and Aramis get back up and fight back though, allowing Galeno to go up top for the HUGE high crossbody to wipe out everyone. Galeno LAUNCHES Horus over the top into a dive onto the other three, followed by Galeno’s flip dive over the top (and he sticks the landing). Arez is back in to kick Galeno down but Aramis grabs an Air Raid Crash for two. Horus is back in as well with that very spinning DDT of his, setting up double dives from Horus and Aramis. That leaves Galeno to grab a swinging butterfly superplex to finish Latigo at 11:14.

Rating: B. You know what you’re getting in a match like this and that’s all they delivered on. This was six people going nuts and doing whatever they could squeeze in, with Galeno looking awesome throughout. It’s a lot of fun and you can always count on seeing something like this around this show. Good stuff here and as usual, the flips and dives were a lot of fun.

Post match respect is shown and money is thrown into the ring, as is tradition.

The Tokyo Joshi Pro ring announcer (apparently popular) handles the intros for the next match.

Hyper Misao/Shoko Nakajima/Yuki Kamafuku/Mizuki/Yuki Aino vs. Raku/Nao Kakuta/Miu Watanabe/Riku Tatsumi/Hikari Noa

I apologize in advance for getting the names wrong as there are no name graphics and I’m trying to figure out who is who. Hyper Misao grabs the mic and says since she is a superhero, she can win this on her own in seconds (not even minutes). Misao’s partners are sent to the floor and everyone gets in a running charge on Misao in the corner. Raku runs the ropes, puts her hands next to her head to signal sleep, and then sits on Misao for two. Scott: “She loves trains and she loves naps!”

Misao gets over for the tag to Aino, who hammers away a bit. Raku brings in Tatsumi to pick up the pace. The rather strong Watanabe comes in for a double slam and a double swing (egads) and it’s off to Mizuki (the top champion). A double stomp rocks Yuki and it’s Mizuki coming back in (they’re changing in and out VERY fast), only to get her legs wrapped around the post. Watanabe comes in and reverse Alabama Slams Tatsumi onto Mizuki.

Raku grabs comes in but can’t get a Russian legsweep and everything breaks down for a bit. The second legsweep attempt connects but Mizuki reverses into a Crossface. That’s broken up and Misao comes in with a high crossbody as everything breaks down. Raku Sling Blades Mizuki, who is back with a quick suplex for two. A top rope double stomp gives Mizuki the pin on Raku at 14:20.

Rating: B. It was a lot of fun and it was all fast paced, but the lack of telling us who these people are (Veda Scott shouting names that she is familiar with as us for 15 minutes doesn’t count) made it kind of insane. Now that being said, the athleticism was great and some of the power stuff was hard to believe. I could absolutely see this being a lot more interesting with less going on at once and that means as a showcase, this was a success. Just let us settle in to something (literally) foreign to a lot of us a little better next time.

Mike Bailey vs. Shigehiro Irie

The stream slips up a bit so we go from the end of Bailey’s entrance to Irie hitting a cannonball for two. Bailey fights back with the kicks until Irie blasts him with a clothesline. A powerbomb is cut off though and Bailey hits the standing moonsault knee drop. The tornado kick hits Irie in the corner but the Ultimate Weapon misses. The Beast Bomber lariat gives Irie two and it’s another cannonball into another Beast Bomber to knock Bailey. Some hard strikes to the side of Bailey’s head knock Bailey out for the stoppage at about 10:15.

Rating: C+. From what I could see, this was another hard hitting slugfest, though it’s almost weird to see Bailey losing. Irie is a monster who impressed me before and it’s nice to see him getting a win over a prominent name. If he wants a contract somewhere, I’m sure multiple companies would be willing to sign him, though granted I said the same thing a few years back. Bailey can absorb a loss as I’m sure he’ll have 17 more matches this weekend to make up for things.

United Empire vs. Time Machine

That would be Jeff Cobb/Aussie Open vs. Kushida/Motor City Machine Guns. The fans are split between Aussie Open and the Machine Guns as Hiroshi Tanahashi joins commentary (allegedly, as he doesn’t say anything and isn’t seen, making me think I didn’t hear that right). Kushida takes Fletcher down with a headscissors to start before switching into a kind of surfboard. Shelley comes in to stay on the arm and it’s off to Davis, who gets kicked in the head.

It’s Sabin coming in to double kick Archer down, with Kushida coming in for the double submission and Dream Sequence. Cobb comes in and isn’t about to get sunset flipped. A backbreaker and World’s Strongest Slam have Sabin in trouble for a change but he fights out and brings Shelley back in. Everything breaks down and the Aussies pick the Guns up to ram them together.

Fletcher sends Shelley into the corner, allowing Cobb to come in and stand on the banged up back. Cobb holds the legs down so Davis can stand on Shelley’s hand for a change. A missed backsplash lets Shelley bring Kushida in to clean house as we’re having audio/visual issues. Kushida hits a running palm strike in the corner before rolling into a DDT on Davis. Time machine grabs triple submissions until Cobb escapes and makes some saves.

Shelley and Fletcher slug it out with the former getting the better of things to take over. The Aussies fight back up and clean house, with Kushida having to break up Coriolis. Time Machine takes over with a three man Dream Sequence to Fletcher and Sabin dives onto all three at once. Davis is back in to clean house until he gets Downward Spiraled into the buckle. Sabin tornado DDTs Cobb but the Aussies are back up with Coriolis to finish Sabin at 16:32.

Rating: B+. Yeah this worked again, as all six were rolling and you had an awesome match throughout. The Guns can still hang with anyone and the Aussies are getting better every time they’re in the ring. Kushida’s spot is long established and Cobb is the monster that can work anywhere. I had a really good time with this and it went just as a match like this would have been expected to go. It’s also nice to see the Aussies win a big match for a change as they don’t tend to do so.

AAA Mega Title: El Hijo del Vikingo vs. Komander vs. Black Taurus

Vikingo is defending and I think this might work. Komander and Vikingo shake hands but Taurus is having none of that. Taurus manages a running crucifix bomb to both of them at once before launching Komander over the top and out onto Vikingo. Naturally he follows with a big twisting dive onto both of them as the fans approve. Back in and Taurus hits some running corner clotheslines until the other two get together and pull him outside.

Now it’s a double dive to drop Taurus, followed by stereo rope walk moonsaults to drop him again (awesome indeed). Back in and Vikingo hits his springboard 450 stomp, followed by Komander’s rope walk shooting star for two. That’s enough for Vikingo to go after Komander for daring to try for his title. A top rope hurricanrana takes Komander down but Vikingo has to deal with Taurus in the form of a top rope shooting star hurricanrana (geez).

Vikingo goes right back up top, then to the post, for a rope walk front flip….where he bounces off the top and backflips into an armdrag. Komander springboards a lot (I stopped counting at six) into a hurricanrana to Taurus before flipping Vikingo from his shoulders into a backbreaker. With Taurus on the floor, Komander rope walks into a dragon rana to plant him again, only to have Vikingo jump to the top for a corkscrew dive. Scott: “Taurus, every time he gets back on his feet, a human being keeps falling from the heavens to take him down!”

Back in and Vikingo’s shooting star hits raised knees and Komander spins him into two knees to the chest. Taurus comes back in for a backbreaker on Komander and a pop up Samoan drop makes it worse. Komander hits a springboard poisonrana on Taurus but gets dropped by Vikingo.

A crucifix driver plants Taurus, who pops back up with a spear to put Vikingo down for a three way breather. Taurus and Komander fight on the apron with Komander being dropped hard onto the ropes. Vikingo 630s onto the waiting challengers, followed by some running knees to Taurus in the corner. The 630 finishes Taurus to retain the title at 12:42.

Rating: A-. Much like the six man lucha libre match earlier, you knew what you were getting with this match and that is what they delivered. This was about going insane with one flip after another, plus Taurus doing well with his power stuff as an addition. It was a heck of a fight and I had a blast having my jaw drop over and over. Vikingo and Komander can blow your mind time after time. Great stuff here and nothing was following this one, making it the only choice for a main event.

Respect is shown and money is collected after the match. The three of them pose to end the show.

Overall Rating: B+. This show started a bit slow but once it got going, it was the kind of WrestleCon Supershow that you would have expected. It was a bunch of random matches with one different style after another, allowing all kinds of stars to get the chance to shine. I look forward to this show every year because you get so much out of it and that was the case again, as the show ends with an awesome one two punch. Throw in everything else that worked and this was great, with only one match not being rather good (mainly due to time issues more than quality). Check this out if you get the chance and have a lot of fun.



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