Monday Night Raw – May 24, 2025: On The Road Again
Monday Night Raw
Date: March 24, 2025
Location: OVO Hydro, Glasgow, Scotland
Commentators: Pat McAfee, Michael Cole
We’re still in Europe with another show that is airing live in the afternoon in the United States. We are less than a month away from Wrestlemania and things should be getting interesting on the way there. John Cena and Cody Rhodes are both in the building again this week so let’s get to it.
Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.
Here is John Cena to get things going (note the different color shirt from last week as he keeps up the merchandise shilling) and he immediately notes the JOHN CENA SUCKS chants. Cena talks about how the people have a spotlight on them now and no one is safe because he can rip any of them to shreds. Last week, he put a clueless kid on blast and his face was everywhere. Even WWE posted it and the people loved it!
Cena has listened to their lies and noise for twenty five years but he spent that time paying attention rather than being mean. The fans tell him to shut the f*** up, which Cena says is making it this much easier. Cena has been studying, questioning, prodding and rewarding the fans for playing along with their childish nursery rhymes. The reality is they know nothing about him but he knows everything about them. They have been nothing more than an experiment. Pick any moment from his career and you’ll see what he learned from them.
Cena lists off things that he’s done over the years and what he learned from it, right down to knowing how to get them to say WHAT when he speaks in rhythmic tones. Cena brings up the biggest thing of all with the spinner belt, which got a reaction when he turned the prized possession into a toy. That was their biggest mistake, because it showed the lack of respect.
Now Cena is going to ruin wrestling for every fan, every wrestler and for everyone. Cena is going to win his 17th World Title at Wrestlemania and create another toy title so he can retire as champion. He’s going to ruin your traditions and there is nothing you can do to stop him.
Cue Cody Rhodes to interrupt and, eventually, asks what Cena said. Rhodes made a mistake last week talking about old Cena because this is clearly the real, sincere Cena. That makes him the most dangerous Cena, who made his biggest mistake by saying these things while Rhodes was in the building. Rhodes has fought so hard to hold the title once and now Cena is willing to destroy wrestling to get it again. Rhodes lays the title down and opens his shirt, saying Cena can try to take it right now.
Cena goes to leave but Rhodes calls him back…and Cena leaves again. Rhodes says he can’t let Cena do this again, because he needs Cena to see him. Cena’s psychotic need to be the champion does not outweigh the people’s need to have it. This week, Cena is walking away empty handed and that’s how he’s going to walk away at Wrestlemania, and from WWE.
I’m not sure about Cena’s entire career being a big con, but it’s certainly an explanation. They’ve set up the story and the stakes here and that’s what they needed to do. Cena’s promos have been rather good, if nothing else because you can imagine how long he has wanted to do something like this.
We recap the recent issues with the Judgment Day and Bron Breakker, with Dominik Mysterio thinking Penta should join the team. Finn Balor isn’t happy, with Penta facing Breakker for the Intercontinental Title tonight.
Usos vs. A-Town Down Under
Jimmy is Jey’s surprise partner as the team is back together after over a year and a half apart. Jey knocks Waller around to start and it’s quickly off to Jimmy for a double elbow, followed by a double elbow. The villains are sent to the floor for the big dive from Jimmy. Back in and Jimmy knocks Waller down in the corner as the fans seem rather happy to have the Usos back together.
Theory comes in off a blind tag though and drops Jimmy as we take a break. Back with Jimmy fighting out of trouble and handing it back to Jey to clean house. Waller comes back in off a blind tag though and a double forearm gets two on Jey. The middle rope elbow misses and the Alley Uce plants Waller. The spear and 1D finish Theory at 9:28.
Rating: C+. That’s kind of a weird way to go for Jey, as he’s chasing the World Title but gets the tag reunion here. Maybe we get Gunther vs. Jimmy on the way to Wrestlemania and I’ve heard worse ideas, but this was kind of a random reunion. Granted it was a good one, as having the Usos together is way better than having them fighting.
Post match the Usos pose but here is Gunther to take Jimmy out. Jey fights back but slips on the spear attempt and gets beaten down. Jimmy grabs a chair to clear the ring.
The Judgment Day gets ready for tonight’s Women’s Intercontinental Title match, which makes Carlito want the men’s version.
We get a video on El Grande Americano, the greatest luchador of all time. He dominated Mexico and then disappeared without a trace.
The LWO thinks it’s Chad Gable, but Gable comes in to say that was El Grande Americano. Gable is officially medically out tonight (he has a doctor’s note) but suggests that El Grand Americano faces Dragon Lee tonight instead. Works for Lee, so Adam Pearce makes the match.
Women’s Intercontinental Title: Lyra Valkyria vs. Raquel Rodriguez
Rodriguez, with Liv Morgan, is challenging. Valkyria can’t get a sunset flip to start and has to avoid a bit stomp. Instead, she sends Rodriguez outside but a dropkick through the ropes is blocked. They go outside where Rodriguez is sent over the announcers’ table, only to plant Valkyria back inside.
We take a break and come back with Rodriguez hitting a slingshot Jackhammer for two but the spinning Vader Bomb misses. Valkyria hits a top rope ax kick for two, only to get planted again. Now the spinning Vader Bomb connects for two, which has Rodriguez confused. Valkyria reverses a suplex into a DDT but Morgan puts the foot on the ropes. Back up and the Tejana Bomb is reversed into a victory roll to retain the title at 9:24.
Rating: C+. Nice match here as Valkyria gets a win to continue boosting up her title reign. That’s what she has been needing since she became champion in the first place and this was a more interesting match than anything she did with Zoey Stark. Valkyria vs. Morgan down the line could be a good way to go, but I’m not sure what is going to happen with the title at Wrestlemania.
Post match Morgan runs in to go after Morgan but Bayley makes the save. Respect is shown.
Pat McAfee has bought a kilt and shows it off to the crowd.
Video on Rhea Ripley vs. Bianca Belair vs. Iyo Sky, despite contracts still not working like that.
We look at the Rock vs. HHH ladder match at Summerslam 1998 for HHH’s Hall Of Fame induction.
Jimmy Uso doesn’t think Jey Uso can beat Gunther. The Jey that Jimmy knows, the right hand man and Main Event Jey Uso? That’s the one Jimmy needs because he can beat Gunther. Jimmy goes off to challenge Gunther for next week. Works for Gunther.
Here is Adam Pearce to address the Women’s Title situation. Iyo Sky comes out to say she doesn’t care about contracts but Pearce needs her to hear him out. Cue Bianca Belair to interrupt, saying Rhea Ripley isn’t getting into the title match at Wrestlemania. Cue Ripley to say she doesn’t care about Wrestlemania or who she has to go through to get her title back. Belair says Ripley can face her after Wrestlemania but Pearce makes Sky vs. Ripley next week, with the winner facing Belair at Wrestlemania. The three way fight is on and Belair stands tall. The triple threat should be good, as they’re making it feel like anyone can win.
Dominik Mysterio pitches Penta joining the Judgment Day and says think about it.
Video on the War Raiders.
New Day wants a Tag Team Title shot at Wrestlemania. Adam Pearce tells them to get out but Bianca Belair comes in to say she wants to know her Wrestlemania opponent. Pearce makes her guest referee next week. Belair: “I don’t know how to referee!” Pearce: “WELL YOU HAVE A WEEK TO FIGURE IT OUT!”
Dragon Lee vs. El Grande Americano
Americano is billed from The Gulf Of America to really rub it in. They go to the mat to start with Americano working on an armbar and then armdragging Lee into the corner. Americano: “GRACIAS!” A hurricanrana and running headbutt get two on Lee and Americano sends him outside. We take a break and come back with Lee kneeing him out to the apron, setting up the top rope double stomp. Back in and Americano sends him hard into the corner with a toss for two but Lee fights up. Lee goes to the corner but gets his mask pulled off. The ankle lock makes Lee tap at 8:55.
Rating: B. They started going here and it was a good fight with the two of them both working hard. The Grande Americano stuff is fun and could lead to some funny moments down the line. If nothing else, it is nice to see…uh…whoever is under that mask winning some matches. He’s good at this wrestling thing and looked good in his debut here.
We look at the Roman Reigns/Seth Rollins/CM Punk brawl on Smackdown, which seemed to set up a Wrestlemania three way. The match is officially made.
Here is Punk for a chat. Punk talks about how rough things have been in recent days, including his uncertainty and his Road To Wrestlemania. Apparently he has a match at Wrestlemania, but what he wants, he isn’t getting. Or is he? What he wanted to do was to win the Royal Rumble or the Elimination Chamber, but things stay the same: he works with children.
Seth Rollins is the definition of a child as he screwed Punk at the Elimination Chamber. For two people, it’s clearly personal but to him, it’s just business. The other people have to go, because the shadow Punk casts on Roman Reigns (Punk does the one finger) overshadows everything Reigns has done. The reality is that Reigns’ wise man isn’t just his own. We’re going to have a three way contract signing in London on Smackdown.
The fans aren’t happy because they want it here, but Punk gets the issue. He wants to see the contract and see if it’s just another match or something that gets him closer to where he wants to go. Neither of the other two have ever beaten him without the other’s help, because they can’t do it. Punk brought them into this business and he can’t wait to take them out. Punk vs. Reigns still feels like a bigger match, but Rollins has to be on the card somewhere and this is about the only thing he can do right now.
Logan Paul sends in a video, saying he’s going to call out AJ Styles next week.
Here’s what’s coming next week.
Bron Breakker is ready to take Penta out and doesn’t care what is going on with Judgment Day.
Intercontinental Title: Penta vs. Bron Breakker
Breakker is defending. Penta’s headlock is cut off without much effort and Breakker hits a hard clothesline. Something like a hurricanrana sends Breakker to the apron, where he knees a diving Penta out of the air. Breakker hits the apron clothesline over the announcers’ table as the Judgment Day comes out to watch.
We take a break and come back with Penta hitting a superkick but Breakker knees him again. Another superkick drops Breakker though and they get a double breather. The reverse Sling Blade sends Breakker to the floor and Penta hits a jumping Backstabber for two back inside. A gorilla press gutbuster gets two on Penta, who knocks Breakker outside again for a big dive. Back in and the Canadian Destroyer gives Penta two more but the Penta Driver is broken up. A super Frankensteiner pulls Penta down…and Judgment Day comes in to jump Breakker for the DQ at 11:26.
Rating: B. The ending felt designed to help boost up a big multi-man title match at Wrestlemania and that’s not the worst idea. The other thing though is that they kept Penta from taking a pin. I’m not sure I can imagine Penta taking the title at Wrestlemania, or anytime soon, but what matters the most here is that he didn’t take a clean loss. That’s the kind of thing that can hurt him going forward and it was nice to see him survive here.
Post match Finn Balor comes in for the beatdown and, after thinking about attacking his friends, chairs Breakker down. Mysterio hands Penta a chair but he throws it back at Mysterio for a superkick. Balor chairs Penta and Breakker down and Judgment Day stands tall to end the show.
Overall Rating: B. Solid show this week as it felt rather quick and easy while also setting up/advancing things for Wrestlemania. We’re firmly in the area now where Wrestlemania is all that matters and now we are starting to see where things are going. That’s going to include a lot of talking and hyping up the matches, but there was good wrestling going on here too. Nice show here, and now we are getting to see the start of the last push towards the biggest show of the year.
Usos b. A-Town Down Under – 1D to Theory
Lyra Valkyria b. Raquel Rodriguez – Victory roll
El Grande Americano b. Dragon Lee – Ankle lock
Bron Breakker b. Penta when Judgment Day interfered
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