Monday Night Raw – January 17, 2022: It’s (Almost) Time To Rumble!

Monday Night Raw
Date: January 17, 2022
Location: BOK Center, Tulsa, Oklahoma
Commentators: Jimmy Smith, Corey Graves, Byron Saxton

We are less than two weeks away from the Royal Rumble and that means it is time for the card to be finalized. Last week saw Doudrop become the #1 contender for the Raw Women’s Title in what should at least be a fresh match. Other than that, we could use some more names being added to the namesake matches. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Here is Becky Lynch to get things going. She knows the Royal Rumble is coming up and it is time for some big names to come back for the Big Time. People like Lita, Mickie James and the Bella Twins are here, but for now, it is time to deal with Doudrop. Last week, Becky got Doudrop her title shot, which is what she does. That’s the only way Doudrop could get her shot, but here is Doudrop to say she got everything on her own. Becky says follow her lead and you could win tonight. Cue Bianca Belair doing her dance and saying she’s in the Rumble. Now it’s Liv Morgan coming out to say she’s in too, but Doudrop wants to fight.

Becky Lynch/Doudrop vs. Bianca Belair/Liv Morgan

Belair dropkicks Doudrop to start but gets away without much effort. Everything breaks down and Doudrop is sent outside, leaving Becky to hit the Manhandle Slam on Liv. Doudrop (Becky’s partner remember) breaks up the cover, drags Becky to the corner and tags herself in, and splashes Liv for the pin at 2:24.

Post match, Doudrop hits a Bonzai Drop.

Edge and Beth Phoenix compliment Reggie and Dana Brooke. They walk up to Damian Priest, who is feeling a little edgy. Priest asks Edge for some tips on the Royal Rumble, but Phoenix gets handed a note. It’s from Maryse, who wants to meet Phoenix in the ring, one on one. Edge knows Beth has this, but he’s skeptical. They leave, so here is Kevin Owens to say he hopes he and Priest can have a good, clean match tonight. He’ll also have a surprise on the Kevin Owens Show.

It’s time for the Kevin Owens Show, with special guest Seth Rollins. We see a clip of Seth facing off with Roman Reigns on Smackdown, where he had to run from an Usos attack. Owens thinks Rollins is ready to take the Universal Title at the Royal Rumble, while also complimenting Rollins’ clothes.

Rollins says he’s winning the title and then sticking around on Raw. That works with Owens, because then they would have the best champion here with no Reigns or Brock Lesnar. Owens has his own big announcement: he is in the Royal Rumble! Cue Damian Priest to say no one believes these two are winning at the Royal Rumble. He also warns them not to wake Damian up, because he and Owens are up right now.

Veer Mahaan is coming to Raw.

Damian Priest vs. Kevin Owens

Non-title. Priest shrugs off a headlock and a running shoulder to start before knocking Owens into the corner. Owens manages to knock him down and hits a backsplash, setting up a chinlock. That’s broken up and Priest knocks him outside, where Owens seems banged up. That is some good old goldbricking though, allowing Owens to hit a superkick and a bullfrog splash off the apron.

We take a break and come back with Priest firing off the kicks and hitting a flapjack. The Broken Arrow drops Owens for two more but he breaks up a superplex attempt. Owens hits the Swanton but the Stunner is blocked. The Reckoning is countered into the pop up sitout powerbomb for two, leaving Owens frustrated. Back up and the South of Heaven chokeslam gives Priest two of his own, with Owens coming up favoring his hamstring. That’s enough goldbricking to set up the Stunner to give Owens the pin at 10:57.

Rating: C+. And thus, another champion goes down, because that’s just how things go around here. It should mean that Priest is going to hold the title for a long time, but it doesn’t exactly bode well for his future. The match was pretty good stuff, but I can’t help groaning when a champion loses. It’s a way of life around here, which might explain a bit about where WWE is at the moment.

We look at Nikki Ash turning on Rhea Ripley last week.

Nikki Ash talks about how Ripley should be down and out because she is the villain in all of this. Ash is the People’s Hero and that means she has to do things that normal people don’t understand. After tonight, Ripley is going to understand that she needs a superhero, whether she likes it or not. That’s already better than anything she did in the last few months.

It is time for Otis’ graduation ceremony from the Alpha Academy (in caps and gowns of course). Chad Gable brags about his education and GPA, knowing that no one here in Tulsa knows what a masters degree is. Last week, Otis completed his final exam and graduated, meaning it is time for him to receive his diploma.

Cue Riddle, in a cap and gown of his own, to interrupt though, because he has his own speech, which he wrote at the breakfast buffet this morning. The speech talks about it feels like last week they were the Tag Team Champions, when they were just a pair of wild stallions. Gable cuts him off because he assumes Riddle is here about a rematch, though he doesn’t think Riddle knows what that means.

Riddle says it’s like when you light something up twice. Like a candle! Gable is willing to accept the rematch challenge, if RK Bro can beat them in an academic challenge! Otis looks nervous as Riddle thinks it sounds like Billy Madison. Otis goes after Riddle, allowing Orton to come in from behind and RKO Gable. RK Bro lays them out and Orton takes Otis’ cap and gown (they fit) before accepting the challenge. Something tells me this is going to result in Riddle sounding dumb but then rattling off a really smart answer to win in a big surprise.

We look back at Finn Balor beating Austin Theory last month.

Austin Theory comes in to see Vince McMahon, who remembers that loss to Balor. Theory tries to say that he beat Balor up after the match so it should be a half victory. Vince says there is no such thing, but Theory better win tonight. If not, Vince is going to beat the heck out of him, leave him black and blue, then take a selfie with Theory. Then he’ll send it to Theory’s mom!

We get a tribute to Martin Luther King, about an hour and twenty minutes into the show.

Austin Theory vs. Finn Balor

Theory starts fast and knocks Balor outside as we take an early break. Back with Balor hitting a chop in the corner, setting up a Nightmare on Helm Street for two. Theory is right back with an ATL attempt but Balor reverses into a rollup for two more. Balor drops him again but misses the Coup de Grace. The ATL finishes Balor at 5:48. Not enough shown to rate but that’s a fast loss for a returning Balor.

Post match Theory takes a selfie and beats Balor up even more. Another selfie caps things off.

We look back at Nikki Ash taking out Rhea Ripley (again).

Rhea Ripley isn’t sure what kind of hero Nikki Ash thinks she is, but it’s time for a beating.

Rhea Ripley vs. Nikki Ash

Hold on though as here are Queen Zelina and Carmella to say they were right about everything with these two. Nikki is nothing without Ripley and Ripley needs someone to leech off of, because she can’t do anything on her own. Nikki jumps Rhea before the bell and sends her into the steps, meaning there is no match. That did seem like quite the fast turnaround for what feels like a big match.

We look at Omos destroying Reggie last week.

Dana Brooke gives Reggie a pep talk about his match with Omos as the 24/7 geeks watch from behind and eat popcorn.

Omos vs. Reggie

Cue the 24/7 Goons to go after Dana Brooke so Reggie tries to dive onto Omos. The chokeslam finishes at 29 seconds.

We look back at Miz running his mouth for Maryse, who walked away rather than get in a fight.

Here is Maryse for a face to face showdown with Beth Phoenix. She talks about Miz running his mouth and getting her in trouble but it’s just her tonight. Cue Beth Phoenix and Edge, with Maryse saying that she and Phoenix built up the women’s division. They should be friends with play dates and dinners and drinks. Beth tells her to shut up because she doesn’t buy any of this, because Maryse must have taken acting lessons from her husband.

The match at the Royal Rumble is still on and she is going to Glam Slam Maryse through the mat. Let’s give the people a preview right now but here is Miz from behind to jump Edge. That earns Miz a punch to the face but Maryse hits Beth with her purse, knocking her out. And indeed, there is a brick in the purse. Maryse flips her hair and hits Miz in the face.

The Street Profits are ready for the Royal Rumble. The Mysterios come up to say they too are ready for the Royal Rumble. Yelling ensues.

We look at Roman Reigns and Seth Rollins facing off on Smackdown.

Street Profits/Mysterios vs. Dolph Ziggler/Robert Roode/Commander Azeez/Apollo Crews

Dominik snaps off a running hurricanrana to take Ziggler down early but Ziggler runs him over. It’s quickly off to Roode but Dominik knees his way out of a suplex. Rey comes in with a hurricanrana of his own and there’s a running headscissors to drop Roode again. Roode blocks a top rope hurricanrana but gets taken outside anyway. Ziggler throws Dominik out as everything breaks down, giving us a big staredown on the floor as we take a break.

Back with Rey in trouble and Ziggler/Roode knocking the other good guys off the apron. Crews adds his standing moonsault for two but Rey is back with a tornado DDT. The hot tag brings in Dawkins to clean house as everything breaks down. Roode and Ziggler take the double 619 but Azeez pulls Dominik’s dive out of the air. Rey breaks that up but Crews rolls Dawkins up for two. Dawkins runs Crews over though and the Cash Out finishes for Ford at 7:58.

Rating: C+. There is nothing wrong with having a bunch of people in there flying around for a fast paced match. They didn’t overstay their welcome either and that made for a more entertaining match. It was a perfectly fine way to use some television time and that is always a good thing to see on a show.

The winners celebrate until the Mysterios throw the Profits over the top. Then Rey throws Dominik over, saying pay attention, and You Can’t See Me.

We see a clip of Bobby Lashley on After The Bell, where he welcomes a challenge from Brock Lesnar.

We get a big video on Bobby Lashley and Brock Lesnar, both of whom have been forged over the years. Lesnar is from South Dakota, where he grew up on a farm and then won the NCAA Heavyweight Title. Then he came to WWE and dominated here as well, just like he did in the UFC. Then he came back to WWE and dominated again (this time for almost five times as long as his first run).

On the other hand, you have Bobby Lashley, who won three NAIA National Titles in wrestling, along with a gold medal in the Armed Forces Championships. He had a 15-2 record in MMA before coming back to dominate WWE, including winning the WWE Title. Now it is time for these two monsters to collide for the first time ever.

We look back at Maryse hitting Beth Phoenix in the head with a brick.

Miz is very proud of Maryse but he is going to one up himself by remembering that next week is her birthday! He is going to throw her an extravaganza, which earns him quite the kiss.

We go back to Alexa Bliss in therapy where the two of them sit and stare at each other. The therapist is glad things have calmed down a bit, because he can’t have her snap again like last week. He wants to do word association this week, with the following results:

Trust – Lily
Friend – Lily
Home – Lily
Doll – Lily
Imaginary – Bliss stands up and that’s the end of their session.

Bliss sits back down and looks around as the therapist leaves. They won’t let it go with that stupid doll.

Bobby Lashley vs. Seth Rollins

MVP is here with Lashley, who runs Rollins over with a shoulder to start. Rollins changes things up a bit and tries the Pedigree but has to escape the Hurt Lock attempt. That earns Lashley a trip to the floor, where a suicide dive only knocks him to a knee. Another attempt is countered into an over head belly to belly to send Rollins flying as we take a break. Back with Rollins working on Lashley’s legs and grabbing a leglock. A dragon screw legwhip sets up a half crab to stay on the knee.

Rollins lets that go and tries the Stomp, only to be reversed into a Downward Spiral. A belly to belly and a neckbreaker set up the spinning Dominator for two on Rollins. The spear is countered with a superkick though and now the Pedigree connects (Nick Khan will be looking into this Rollins fellow) for two on Lashley so Rollins heads up top. That’s countered into a belly to belly superplex but here are Shelton Benjamin and Cedric Alexander to jump Lashley for the DQ at 13:18.

Rating: B. This was the main event style match and they had the right ending as you can’t have one of the #1 contenders taking a loss less than two weeks away from their Royal Rumble title matches. They also ended the match when either of them could still have won and that is the correct way to do something like this. It was nice to see them not doing anything crazy here and it was a good match on top of the smart finish.

Post match the beatdown is on but Lashley smashes Alexander and Benjamin. Cue the Usos through the crowd to superkick Rollins to end the show.

Overall Rating: C+. They did a much better job this year by making sure to avoid overly stupid moments. Other than the Bliss stuff and maybe the American Alpha deal (which wasn’t that bad), they kept things moving here and hyped up the big Royal Rumble matches. I’m still not sure who wins at the Royal Rumble and that is the kind of feeling that you want to have going into the show. Pretty good show this week, though the lack of Big E. was a bit weird.

Becky Lynch/Doudrop b. Liv Morgan/Bianca Belair – Splash to Morgan
Kevin Owens b. Damian Priest – Stunner
Austin Theory b. Finn Balor – ATL
Omos b. Reggie – Chokeslam
Mysterios/Street Profits b. Robert Roode/Dolph Ziggler/Commander Azeez/Apollo Crews – Cash Out to Crews
Bobby Lashley b. Seth Rollins via DQ when Shelton Benjamin and Cedric Alexander interfered




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Monday Night Raw – January 10, 2022: That Was Really Stupid

Monday Night Raw
Date: January 10, 2022
Location: Wells Fargo Center, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Commentators: Jimmy Smith, Corey Graves, Byron Saxton

We are less than three weeks away from the Royal Rumble and the show is starting to come together. It seems that we have a pair of World Title matches and a good number of names set for both Royal Rumble matches. There are still some things that need to be done though and some of that should be taken care of tonight. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

We open with a recap of Brock Lesnar becoming WWE Champion at Day One and Bobby Lashley becoming #1 contender last week.

Here are Brock Lesnar and Paul Heyman, with Bobby Lashley and MVP watching backstage. The Hurt Business comes up to Lashley and are glad to have the team back together. Lashley says not so fast because he works alone, with MVP nodding in agreement. Back in the arena, Heyman does the intro and Lesnar is happy to be here.

Cue Lashley and MVP to interrupt and the staredowns are on. MVP handles Lashley’s intro so Lashley can talk to Lesnar face to face. Lashley says Lesnar has been ducking him for twenty years, with Lesnar saying it is an honor for him (as in Lesnar) to be in the ring with him (as in Lesnar). Brock talks about winning titles all over the world in different rings, so it’s Lashley’s fault that they never met each other.

Lesnar asks how many threads MVP’s suit is, with Lesnar saying he is funny and money. He calls Heyman over and says…..knock knock. Heyman: “Brock Lesnar is doing a knock knock joke in Philadelphia. I thought I had seen it all. Who’s there?” Bobby. Heyman: “Bobby who?” EXACTLY! Lesnar calls Lashley a Brock Lesnar wannabe and walks away. Cue Shelton Benjamin and Cedric Alexander to jump Lashley but he leaves them laying in a hurry.

Riddle is trying to get ready for their Tag Team Title match but Randy Orton tells him to be serious. Orton writes TAG IN RANDY on Riddle’s hands and starts heading to the ring. Hold on though, as Riddle needs to know if Orton is a Pat’s or Geno’s guy. Orton picks Geno’s (cheesesteak place) and we’re ready to go.

Tag Team Titles: RKBro vs. Alpha Academy

RKBro is defending. Riddle tries to wrestle with Gable and gets taken down in a hurry. An armbar doesn’t work so well for Riddle as Gable is right in the ropes before it can get anywhere. Riddle knocks Gable outside and hits a big springboard Floating Bro to take him out as we take a break.

Back with Gable hitting a dragon screw legwhip on Riddle and handing it off to Otis. The Floating Bro gets Riddle out of trouble and the hot tag brings in Orton to clean house. Gable gets crotched on top and the top rope superplex brings him right back down. Otis makes a blind tag though and the World’s Strongest Slam to Orton gives Otis the pin and the titles at 9:24.

Rating: C+. This was an interesting story as they were telling the story of Orton being the big savior for the team but he took the fall anyway. I’m curious about where this is going for RKBro, as the team didn’t need the titles anymore, but I’m not sure what they are doing without them. I don’t want them to split, but what else is there for them to do in WWE logic?

Damian Priest is in the Royal Rumble.

Priest and the Street Profits are ready for a six man tonight but they’re also ready to go after each other in the Rumble. For now though, they want the smoke.

Bianca Belair is ready to get the next shot at Becky Lynch.

Street Profits/Damian Priest vs. Dolph Ziggler/Robert Roode/Apollo Crews

Ford jumps over Crews to start so it’s off to Ziggler, who gets hit in the face. Priest comes in and cleans house, with the villains being knocked outside without much trouble. We take a break and come back with Crews gorilla pressing Ford. Ziggler’s chinlock doesn’t last long as Ford fights up and brings in Dawkins to clean house. Everything breaks down and Ford hits a big flip dive to the floor. That leaves Ziggler to Zig Zag Dawkins for the pin at 9:24.

Rating: C. I’m rather glad that we’re in for the annual Ziggler semipush, which continues to happen for reasons I do not quite understand. I can’t imagine it goes anywhere in the Royal Rumble, but it’s not like he and Roode are winning the Tag Team Titles anytime soon. Fine enough six man, but it came and went with Ziggler winning, so not much to get behind here.

Smackdown Rebound.

We recap the opening segment.

Here is a dancing Seth Rollins for a chat. Rollins is happy to see Bobby Lashley and Brock Lesnar hit each other a lot because he’ll be ready to take the Universal Title from Roman Reigns. Cue Big E. to interrupt and make a reference to the Philadelphia Flyers’ mascot, which Rollins doesn’t get. Big E. gets to the point and enters the Royal Rumble so he can win the title back at Wrestlemania. Rollins laughs it off so Big E. thinks they should face off tonight. Actually let’s just do it right now. Rollins wants a referee out here and the bell rings.

Big E. vs. Seth Rollins

Rollins starts fast with a dropkick but gets caught in a powerslam. Big E. gets knocked outside for a dive though and the fight heads to the floor. That’s fine with Big E., who hits the apron splash and we take a break. Back with Rollins slipping out of a powerslam attempt and taking Big E. down into a chinlock. That’s broken up and Big E. hits the Rock Bottom out of the corner but Rollins headbutts his way out of a belly to belly.

Big E. sends him to the apron and hits the spear to the floor as we take a break. Back with Big E. fighting up and snapping off the belly to belly suplexes. The Warrior splash connects but Rollins escapes another Rock Bottom out of the corner. Rollins hits a frog splash for two but Big E. powerbombs him down.

A Stretch Muffler goes on, sending Rollins straight to the ropes. Big E. plants him again for two more but another spear through the ropes hits knee. That means Rollins can go up, where he has to escape a super Big Ending. Big E. can’t hit a regular version either so Rollins has to miss a Pedigree attempt as well. Some forearms put Big E. down and there’s the Stomp for the pin at 17:56.

Rating: B. This got into a groove of the big fight feel as these two beat on each other rather well. It’s a good win for Rollins, but Big E. continues to fall rather quickly. I don’t think he’s getting back to the title picture anytime soon, and unfortunately that is not the biggest surprise. He had his run, WWE decided that the bad results were his fault, and here we are again. At least they built Rollins up well for Reigns, which should be good.

We look at the big announcement of most of the women’s Royal Rumble field.

Here are Rhea Ripley and Nikki ASH for a chat. Nikki seems to be ok with last week’s loss but Ripley doesn’t want to talk about it. That’s not cool with Nikki, because they are going to talk about it right now. Nikki doesn’t want to split up the team but Ripley thinks it’s time to go their own ways. They can get the titles back, but Ripley says it’s not about that. Nikki: “You think you’re so much better than me?”

That’s not what Ripley said but Nikki meant that she’s the better one. It’s great to know where Rhea’s head is, which is enough to make her leave. Ripley turns back to face her and the team seems to be done, but we do get a hug. Then Nikki turns on her and the beatdown is on, with Nikki saying superheroes don’t need friends. I’m glad WWE FINALLY seems to be giving up on this stupid gimmick, but forgive me for not being emotional about a split between a team that got together less than five months ago.

Reggie has cheesteaks for himself and Dana Brooke, but he thinks someone is going after the 24/7 Title. Cue R-Truth with a trashcan containing Akira Tozawa, so Brooke and Reggie throw their food at….Tamina, who freaks out and turns over the trashcan. Excuse me for one second.


Anyway, Reggie and Brooke run off, with Reggie running into Omos. Dana says let him down, which Omos actually does, albeit with a threat to Reggie. Oh and for a bonus: today happens to be Tamina’s birthday. Thank goodness they came up with LET’S THROW FOOD AT HER.

Doudrop, now with a lot of makeup, wants the Raw Women’s Title.

Omos vs. Nick Sanders

Chokeslam and fireman’s carry drop connect, as Dana Brooke and Reggie watch in the back. The chokebomb finishes at 1:33.

We recap the opening segment, including Bobby Lashley wrecking the former Hurt Business.

Here is Edge for the Cutting Edge. We get straight to the point as he has what he describes as the most gorgeous and curvaceous guest he has ever had: the owner of thighs that could crack a coconut, Beth Phoenix. They’re ready to do some damage to Miz and Maryse at the Royal Rumble because Beth would fit in with the Broad Street Bullies (Philadelphia Flyers reference).

They have more titles between themselves than any other couple in WWE history, including Miz and Maryse. We see a video on Beth Phoenix’s career, including various wrestlers talking about her career and accomplishments. Edge gives her the floor and says if Edge was trying to butter her up for later, flattery will get you everywhere. Beth: “Down boy, down boy.” Beth is ready to destroy Miz and Maryse, who are just annoying.

Cue Miz and Maryse to insult Philadelphia and be ready to take car of Beth and Edge at the Royal Rumble. Edge mocks Miz for hiding behind Maryse to avoid the spear. Miz isn’t hearing it and has his own highlight video on Maryse. Back in the arena, Miz brags about what Maryse has done, but Miz and Beth respect the heck out of her. Edge: “But my wife can bench press a Buick.” Beth finds it funny that Maryse hasn’t been so eager to get involved now that Beth is back.

The time for apologies is long gone, and it is time to wreck Maryse for good, with the fans chanting au revoir. Miz laughs it off and tells Maryse to tell Beth what is going to happen at the Royal Rumble. Maryse walks off while Miz is hyping her up though, so Beth volunteers to beat Miz up at the Rumble instead. This feud isn’t that good as I’m not sure how much of a demand there was for Miz and Edge to fight in the first place, but there is even less for the mixed tag. I’m sure the match will be good, but it’s kind of hard to get interested.

Austin Theory is ready to beat AJ Styles to impress Vince McMahon.

We look at the Tag Team Title change.

AJ Styles vs. Austin Theory

Styles starts fast with a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker but Theory grabs a suplex for two. Back up and Styles dropkicks him to the floor but gets sent outside for his efforts. Theory’s dropkick looks even better and we take a break. Back with Styles slamming him down for two but having to check his tooth. Theory grabs a brainbuster onto the knee for two but Styles gets to the apron….where Grayson Waller jumps him for the DQ at 7:02.

Rating: C. This didn’t have time to go very far but at least we got the Grayson Waller portion of the match. Sarcasm aside, this is a wisely set up segment, as you don’t want Styles losing twice in a row and you don’t want Theory getting pinned. It also set up another rmatch while keeping people strong, which is about as good as you could have done here.

Post match the beatdown is on but Styles clears the ring.

We go backstage to look at the curtain into the arena….and nothing happens. There’s your production gaffe, but then we catch up with Waller heading through the curtain and saying AJ is getting taken over tomorrow night.

Liv Morgan is tired of getting so close to winning but coming up short. She’s never giving up though.

Alexa Bliss is in therapy but can’t be fixed until she is willing to open up. We get a flashback of her time as the female Fiend, which makes her feel thirsty. She pours the entire pitcher of water and then breaks a bunch of stuff in the office. See you next week doc. Bliss has been gone for four months and the best thing they can think of is “let’s do the same thing”. What a brilliant idea.

Becky Lynch (who had to stand in the arena while the Bliss segment aired) isn’t woried about any of her potential challengers but will sit in on commentary for the match anyway.

Doudrop vs. Liv Morgan vs. Bianca Belair

They all punch each other to start until Doudrop suplexes Belair down hard. The two of them head outside so Morgan flip dives onto them. Back in and Doudrop crushes Liv in the corner but Belair breaks it up. Doudrop crushes both of them with a basement crossbody before dropping Morgan onto belair for a double cover. The chinlock has Liv in trouble but she fights up and gets sent over the top for a crash into the steps.

We take a break and come back with Doudrop missing a charge into the corner and getting rolled up to give Morgan two. Morgan grabs the Rings of Saturn on Belair, who powers out after some hard pulling. Belair gets sent into the corner but Doudrop powerbombs Morgan hard. Belair breaks up the cover with a 450 before the one count and plants both of them down. The handspring moonsault hit both of them and the KOD gets….no count as Becky runs in for the save. Becky and Belair fight so Doudrop can hit a Banzai drop to pin Morgan at 14:42.

Rating: C-. This could have been a lot worse and the best thing is they gave us a surprise winner. The problem continues to be that none of these three feel like they are worthy of challenging Lynch. It didn’t help that Lynch wasn’t exactly sounding inspired on commentary, leaving us with a long but not that interesting match. At least Doudrop got the win and that gives us a fresh match for a change.

Post match Doudrop shoves Becky out to the floor to end the show.

Overall Rating: C. There were two segments on this show that ruined an otherwise pretty good night. We had some good action and some story development as the Rumble gets closer, but then things had to fall apart. Between Reggie and Dana Brooke throw food at Tamina and Alexa Bliss is in therapy, I don’t remember getting this annoyed at Raw in a long time. It feels like it’s from another planet and is inserted into what is an otherwise good show. That crippled almost any interesting I had in the show and that tends to happen far too often on Raw. Overall it’s a good show, but the bad stuff on here is really bad.

Alpha Academy b. RKBro – World’s Strongest Slam to Orton
Dolph Ziggler/Robert Roode/Apollo Crews b. Street Profits/Damian Priest – Zig Zag to Dawkins
Seth Rollins b. Big E. – Stomp
Omos b. Nick Sanders – Chokebomb
AJ Styles b. Austin Theory via DQ when Grayson Waller interfered
Doudrop b. Bianca Belair and Liv Morgan – Banzai Drop to Morgan



Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and head over to my Amazon author page with 30 different cheap wrestling books at:


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Monday Night Raw – January 3, 2022: Day Three Isn’t As Good

Monday Night Raw
Date: January 3, 2022
Location: Bon Secours Wellness Center, Greenville, South Carolina
Commentators: Jimmy Smith, Corey Graves, Byron Saxton

It’s the show after Day One and since it’s WWE, Brock Lesnar has now somehow become WWE Champion. Lesnar has been added to the fatal four way after his scheduled match with Roman Reigns was canceled due to Reigns testing positive for the Coronavirus. That means it’s time for a new direction so let’s get to it.

Here is Day One if you need a recap.

We open with a recap of Brock Lesnar winning the WWE Title on Saturday night.

Opening sequence.

We run down the card.

The lights go out and a rather happy looking Paul Heyman is in the ring. As an advocate, Heyman would like to introduce us to his client: the new WWE Champion, BROCK LESNAR! Here is Lesnar, who throws some steps in the ring so he can stand up and send good wishes to Roman Reigns. Lesnar: “Now, South Carolina, acknowledge me!” He thanks Heyman for all of his efforts to make the title win possible on Saturday.

Heyman: “You should see the things behind the scenes in WWE.” He is the one who made Lesnar a free agent and then got Lesnar into a title match. Tonight we have a fatal four way, starting with Seth Rollins and Kevin Owens, who want to work as a team. You have Rollins, who is a visionary, but he’s too stupid to know that his wife is leaving him after he wins the WWE Title. Who is she leaving him for? It won’t be Owens, because he can’t beat Lesnar either.

Maybe they should be traded to Smackdown for Roman Reigns, who is vulnerable without his special counsel. Heyman: “One week without his special counsel, Roman Reigns already has Corona.” Let’s talk about MVP….or not, because no one else is. Bobby Lashley is a worthy challenger and it’s true that the two of them have not met until last Saturday at Day One. That night, Lashley speared him in half and put Lesnar in the Hurt Lock, and as Heyman told Lesnar to his face, it didn’t look like Lesnar was getting out.

Those shots were all from behind though, but if Lashley wins tonight, he is going to face Lesnar one on one. Then there is Big E., who they have nothing against whatsoever. Big E. was an honorable champion and it would be an honor to beat Big E. Heyman: “You’re going to lose, but it would be an honor.” Heyman hasn’t lost a step as Lesnar’s mouthpiece and it felt like he had been dying to manage Lesnar again.

Riddle comes up to Randy Orton (ignore that he did this before the commercial and then left) and talks about meeting Migos at Day One. They should start their own rap group! Orton makes him hand over the sunglasses and gold chains before saying to remember their New Year’s resolution: listen to Randy more. This turns into a quick rap from Riddle and it’s time to go to the ring.

RKBro vs. Alpha Academy

Non-title. We see a recap of RKBro retaining over the Street Profits at Day One and come back to Chad Gable talking about his education. He calls Otis a tree trunk, which I believe Orton called Otis in their pre-match promo. Gable promises the title reign is about to end and the brawl is on before the bell, with Riddle being launched with a belly to belly.

We take a break and come back in progress with Gable suplexing Riddle (whose toenails are painted). Otis comes in with a gorilla press for two but Riddle manages to toss him away. A kick to the head looks to set up the hot tag but Gable pulls Orton off the apron. Otis splashes Riddle, who is right back with a running knee. The RKO is countered into a World’s Strongest Slam though and Riddle is done at 2:55.

Bobby Lashley says Brock Lesnar fears him.

We recap AJ Styles vs. Omos, from their debut through their breakup.

Omos puts his hand on an interviewer’s face and doesn’t seem to want to answer questions.

24/7 Title: Akira Tozawa/Tamina vs. Reggie/Dana Brooke

Brooke is defending and it’s not clear how she can lose the title here. The guys start things off and Tozawa accidentally kicks Tamina in the face. Tamina knocks him down and Reggie hits the running flipping seated senton for the pin at 1:16, retaining Brooke’s title. Brooke was never in the match.

We recap Becky Lynch surviving against Liv Morgan at Day One.

Here is Becky Lynch for a chat. Becky talks about how it is a new year and a lot of people think that means a new them. Their to do lists include “become the Raw Women’s Champion” but the top of hers says “remain Raw Women’s Champion”. She realizes that she has become a work of art and that makes her WWE’s Vincent Van Goat.

Becky hates to break it to you, but you’re not losing that ten pounds or getting that promotion. As for everyone in the back, including Liv Morgan, you’re not taking this title from her. Cue Liv Morgan to insult Becky’s jacket (Becky: “I like this jacket.”) and call her delusional. No one is harder on Liv than herself and she will never give up on her dream.

Cue Bianca Belair to say Liv isn’t the EST so Becky mocks both of them. Liv calls out Becky for not being in the women’s locker room in years but Belair cuts Liv off. Becky tells them to figure this out one on one but they jump Becky instead. Belair and Liv fight until Becky breaks it up and leaves them laying. So Becky has beaten them both more than once and now she beat them both up at once. What a way to make me care about the likely title match.

Kevin Owens comes up to Seth Rollins and says they can work together tonight and then take the title from Brock Lesnar. It doesn’t matter who wins, because then they can fight for the title at Wrestlemania. Rollins loves the plan because they can trust each other. Rollins leaves and Owens asks if he’s lying.

Women’s Tag Team Titles: Rhea Ripley/Nikki Ash vs. Queen Zelina/Carmella

Carmella/Vega are defending. Ripley suplexes Vega down to start and it’s off to Nikki to take her down again. Vega comes back with a knockdown of her own into a chinlock. Nikki fights up but Vega grabs a cradle to retain at 2:34.

Johnny Knoxville is going to be in the Royal Rumble.

Street Profits vs. Apollo Crews/Commander Azeez

Before the match, the Profits officially enter the Royal Rumble (as do the Mysterios in another backstage promo). Ford strikes away at Azeez to start and gets shouldered out of the air for his efforts. A jumping enziguri staggers Azeez though and it’s off to Dawkins to elbow Crews in the face. The Silencer gets two with Azeez breaking up the cover, only to get low bridged to the floor. Azeez pulls Dawkins outside but gets posted, leaving Crews to enziguri Dawkins. Ford makes a blind tag though and it’s the Anointment into the frog splash to finish Crews at 2:19.

We’re halfway through the show and have had about nine minutes of wrestling so far.

Damian Priest is ready to retain the US Title and won’t lose his cool.

Doudrop isn’t happy with being left out of the #1 contenders match because everyone is sick of the same women getting chance after chance. Sonya Deville makes a triple threat with Doudrop, Liv Morgan and Bianca Belair with the winner getting the shot at Becky Lynch at the Royal Rumble.

US Title: Damian Priest vs. Dolph Ziggler

Priest is defending and loses the title if he gets disqualified or counted out. Ziggler gets launched into the corner for some right hands to the face but Priest pulls back before the DQ. They head outside, where Ziggler hits a tornado DDT on the floor and we take a break. Back with Ziggler taking Priest down with a running knee for two. I’m not sure why that’s described as “offensive creativity” but I don’t want to know how WWE announcers think/are told to think.

Priest kicks him down and goes up top, where Ziggler catches him but can’t hit a superplex. Instead Priest scores with another kick to the face, only to have Robert Roode trip Priest down. The Fameasser gives Ziggler two so Priest goes after Roode, but can’t bring himself to use the chair. Back in and Priest teases going after Ziggler with the chair but he hits Roode instead. The Zig Zag gets two so Ziggler tries a superkick, only to get countered into the Reckoning to retain Priest’s title at 9:23.

Rating: C. That’s the match of the night by about a mile and that does not say much. They did have me thinking the title might change hands, but thankfully they kept their senses and didn’t do a completely insane change. Priest needs to get back to being the cool rockstar type, but I think they’re locked in with this RAGE deal.

Austin Theory comes up to Vince McMahon and accidentally interrupts his phone call. Vince doesn’t like Theory apologizing but Theory is here about his rematch with Finn Balor. That doesn’t work for Vince, who puts Theory in the Royal Rumble. Theory is amazed, as am I by the amount of camera cuts needed for a minute and a half of two people standing together talking.

Here are Miz/Maryse for a chat (after a commercial/video on Miz vs. Edge, with Beth Phoenix returning to chase off Maryse). Miz talks about how Edge needed Phoenix to bail him out at Day One because he was a scared little boy. We see last week’s Brood Bath but Miz says true love like theirs will always win. After the wedding vows, Miz vowed to end Edge once and for all.

Miz asks what kind of man would need his wife to protect him, but what kind of man would do that? Maryse talks about how awesome Miz is and says she would punch Phoenix in the face if she was here. Cue Edge and Phoenix for the couples pose so Miz and Maryse back off. Edge: “Figures.” Edge talks about how scared he knows they are and throws out the challenge for the mixed tag.

Miz talks about Maryse’s moisturizer line so Phoenix asks what it’s going to be. Miz accepts so Maryse freaks out and falls down a the threat of Phoenix’s right hand. Maryse storms off and Miz chases after her, trying to talk his way out of this. Beth’s rather odd hair style aside, this was a rather fast way to get to the obvious next step.

Big E. isn’t happy with the loss but it’s time to start getting the title back.

AJ Styles vs. Omos

AJ goes right after him to start before bailing outside when Omos pushes him around. Back in and Omos kicks him in the face to send AJ right back to the floor. A posting rocks Styles again but he comes back in with the Phenomenal Blitz. The Phenomenal Forearm is caught but AJ snaps his throat across the top rope. Another Phenomenal Forearm attempt is swatted out of the air and a gorilla press drop makes it worse. The double chokeslam finishes Styles at 3:47.

Rating: D+. That wasn’t exactly good but it was far from some tragedy unfolding before our eyes. Omos mostly stood still and knocked AJ around, which is exactly what he should be doing. There is no reason for him to do anything more than use his size and power to crush AJ and that’s what he did here. It wasn’t an exciting match or technically sound, but it’s how they should have done things.

Alexa Bliss is…going to be on her way back to Raw next week. As in we will see her on the way back.

Kevin Owens vs. Seth Rollins vs. Big E. vs. Bobby Lashley

One fall to a finish and the winner gets Brock Lesnar for the title at the Rumble. It’s a brawl to start with Lashley sending Rollins into the post and Owens being taken down. Big E. and Lashley are left in the ring to slug it out with Lashley getting the better of things. A suplex drops Big E. so Lashley goes outside, only to miss a spear through the barricade. Big E. is back up with a suplex to Rollins but Owens makes the save.

There’s a posting for Big E. and Owens buries Lashley underneath the barricade. A Shield style powerbomb puts Big E. through the announcers’ table and we take a break. Back with Owens and Rollins in control but Lashley and Big E. get up, with the chase going into the crowd. They wind up in the concourse where Lashley Hurt Locks Rollins. Owens breaks it up with a trashcan lid so he gets put through a t-shirt table as we take another break.

Back again with the fight still in the crowd but Owens dives off a balcony to take everyone down. They get back inside, where Lashley saves Big E. and starts firing off suplexes. Lashley runs through Rollins, leaving Owens to get speared, sending Lashley to the Rumble at 18:04.

Rating: B. I don’t have many complaints here. The match got time, they had a fun brawl (we’ll ignore that it might not be a good idea to be in the stands during a pandemic) that actually felt different and even protected Big E. while giving us the right winner. It’s the best thing all night by a mile, which isn’t saying much, but it did work.

Brock Lesnar is in the back and says tell Roman Reigns he’ll see him on Smackdown.

Overall Rating: D. I don’t know what they were going for here but this show really didn’t work. Above all else, it felt like they were trying to stretch the show out because they didn’t have anything to put out there, but then it took over an hour and a half for a match to break three minutes. This show was all over the place and while the main event was good, it wasn’t enough to overcome the string of short matches that didn’t really advance anything and weren’t good in the first place. I didn’t get this show and hopefully they can get back to something closer to normal next week.

Alpha Academy b. RKBro – World’s Strongest Slam to Riddle
Reggie/Dana Brooke b. Tamina/Akira Tozawa – Flipping seated senton to Tozawa
Queen Zelina/Carmella b. Rhea Ripley/Nikki Ash – Rollup to Ash
Street Profits b. Apollo Crews/Commander Azeez – Frog splash to Crews
Damian Priest b. Dolph Ziggler – Reckoning
Omos b. AJ Styles – Chokeslam
Bobby Lashley b. Big E., Kevin Owens and Seth Rollins – Spear to Owens




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Day One 2022: They Had To Do Something

Day One 2022
Date: January 1, 2022
Location: State Farm Arena, Atlanta, Georgia
Commentators: Michael Cole, Pat McAfee, Jimmy Smith, Corey Graves, Byron Saxton

It’s the first show of the year and as interesting as that is, everything has changed at the very last minute. Universal Champion Roman Reigns has announced that he has tested positive for Coronavirus, meaning that he is out of his title defense against Brock Lesnar. Worry not though, as Lesnar is now in a five way for the WWE Title. Let’s get to it.

Kickoff Show: Ridge Holland/Sheamus vs. Cesaro/Ricochet

Sheamus has called Holland the replacement for Cesaro in the Bar, while Ricochet eliminated Sheamus from a recent gauntlet match. Cesaro starts with Sheamus, who bails into the corner and brings Holland in. That’s fine with Cesaro, who hits a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker, followed by assisting Ricochet for a flipping stomp to Holland. That looked BAD as Ricochet’s boot hit him right in the face.

Sheamus comes back in for the Irish Curse to take over on Ricochet as a bloody Holland is taken to the back. The reverse chinlock goes on as we’re told Holland has a broken nose and will not be back in the match. Ricochet kicks him away and brings Cesaro back in to hammer on Sheamus for a change.

Sheamus is sent outside for a whip into the barricade. Back in and the Swing sets up the Sharpshooter but Sheamus makes the rope. Ricochet comes in for a save and knocks Sheamus outside, where he gets caught with White Noise on the floor. Cesaro catches the returning Sheamus with an uppercut for two but the Brogue Kick gives Sheamus the pin at 9:47.

Rating: C. In case you didn’t understand that Cesaro and Ricochet are essentially done in WWE, they just lost a handicap match on the Kickoff Show. I know that they were probably losing anyway even without the injury, but you can’t throw in a curve to save a bit of them here? Like have Sheamus cheat or something? It’s hard to imagine the two of them recovering if this is how they’re seen by WWE, and that doesn’t seem likely to change.

The opening video talks about how this is a new year and a new opportunity, with a member of Migos (musicians who are appearing tonight) talking about how important this is. We also get the usual clips of the major matches. There is no mention of Reigns, but we do get a quick mention of Lesnar being added to the WWE Title match. In this situation, that is all that can be done.

Commentary recaps the Reigns/Lesnar situation. Of note: they keep referring to this as the first “premium live event” of 2022, because this company has to make EVERYTHING sound corporate and more impressive than it really is.

Smackdown Tag Team Titles: Usos vs. New Day

The Usos are defending and are coming off a loss to New Day thanks to the referee missing a tag. Woods shouts out to his hometown and grabs Jimmy’s arm to take him to the mat to start. Kofi comes in so Woods can hit a backsplash, setting up Kingston’s splash for two. Back up and Jimmy kicks him to the floor, where Jey adds a clothesline to take over. Choking and a cheap shot have Kofi in more trouble and there’s the running Umaga attack in the corner.

Jimmy knocks Woods off the apron as McAfee talks about how hard it is to remember 2020 because 2021 was just like counting. A superkick to the ribs has Kofi down again but he manages a shot to the face, allowing the hot tag to Woods. The Honor Roll sets up a Cradle Shock for two on Jimmy and everything breaks down. A pop up Samoan drop (the “Alley-Oos” (like in Uso) according to McAfee) gets two on Woods but he gets the better of a slugout with Jey.

It’s back to Kofi for a jumping clothesline and the Boom Drop but Trouble in Paradise is broken up. Jey comes back in with the Superfly Splash for two so it’s time to go after Kofi’s previously injured knee. The rope is grabbed and everything breaks down again, with Kofi grabbing the SOS for two. Daybreak gives Woods the same but he gets sent into the corner. A bunch of superkicks drop Kingston and the double Superfly Splash….gets two as Woods makes a diving save. With the kicks not working, the Usos bust out a 3D of all things to finish Kofi at 17:09.

Rating: B. This is the latest proof that WWE is capable of having a great match when the wrestlers are allowed to go out there and do their thing without some kind of wacky idea. These guys could have a classic in their sleep and they did it again here, as it was all kinds of great action and a rather surprising finish. Yes it was something we’ve seen before, but it was still awesome.

Video on Big E., who loves being positive but can turn on the seriousness when he needs to.

Big E. is ready for everyone, even if no one had this on their New Year’s Bingo cards tonight.

Migos are big fans and can’t wait to see the show.

Drew McIntyre vs. Madcap Moss

Happy Corbin is here with Moss so they call Atalanta fat and McIntyre’s prom date ugly. Moss, in suspenders, stomps away in the corner to start but McIntyre reverses into some chops. A suplex gets two on Moss and they head outside, where Corbin offers a distraction. That’s enough for Moss to post McIntyre to take over and it’s a running shoulder for two back inside.

McIntyre fights out of a chinlock and sends him hard into the corner, setting up the overhead belly to belly suplexes. The Futureshock is broken up so McIntyre settles for something like a Sky High for two instead. Moss can’t quite get a neckbreaker so McIntyre takes him into the corner. The top rope superplex is broken up and McIntyre it tied in the Tree of Woe. That’s fine with him as he does the situp into the big toss off the top. The Claymore finishes Moss at 9:40.

Rating: D+. This is certainly a match that happened and for some reason it happened on a major show like this one. I have no idea why they didn’t put this on television if it just had to happen but at least they didn’t do anything screwy like having Moss win (or even come close). McIntyre needs to move on, though there is a good chance that he has to beat Corbin soon too.

Kevin Owens calls this a tragedy or a travesty, whichever you prefer, because this was a three way match to start and now it’s five people fighting for one title. Worry not though, because he’s going to go talk to Seth Rollins.

Video on Seth Rollins, looking at how he got here and all of his successes.

Raw Tag Team Titles: Street Profits vs. RKBro

RKBro is defending and come to the ring with Migos. Dawkins and Riddle start things off with Riddle getting taken down in a hurry. That’s not the best start so it’s off to Orton for a headlock. With that not getting them very far, it’s off to Ford, who gets dropkicked down. Riddle comes back in for the assisted Floating Bro for the early near fall. Back up and Riddle gets caught in the wrong corner so the double teaming can begin.

Dawkins gets two off a suplex but Riddle kicks him away without much effort. It’s back to Orton to take over, including a double hanging DDT to the Profits. The RKO is countered into a rollup to give Ford two and Orton is sent shoulder first into the post. That’s enough to send the champs outside, where Ford hits a HUGE running flip dive over the corner. Back in and Ford heads up top, only to miss….something. Instead Riddle comes back in to set up a pop up RKO to retain the titles at 10:17.

Rating: C+. We have had two Tag Team Title matches tonight. One of them ended with a 3D and the other ended with a pop up RKO. Are you starting to see why this company can be seen as repetitive at times? The match wasn’t anything memorable and is just another win for the champs, but it was completely acceptable for a PPV title defense.

Post match everyone celebrates together, including Migos. Ignore Ford still being down and having to crawl to the apron.

Drew McIntyre doesn’t have much to say about his win, but Happy Corbin and Madcap Moss jump him, with Corbin crushing his neck with a chair.

Video on Bianca Belair, who came a long way to get a scholarship to the University of Tennessee.

Brock Lesnar is asked about the WWE Title match and goes into a Paul Heyman impression, saying he is a free agent…thanks to Heyman. Tonight he is winning the WWE Title, and that is a spoiler.

We recap Edge vs. Miz. Edge returned a few weeks ago but the returning Miz (with Maryse) returned for a big talk off, with both of them praising and insulting the other’s careers. Miz got the better of things more than once, but Edge gave them a Broodbath (erg) to ruin the renewal of their wedding vows. Now it’s a showdown.

Miz vs. Edge

Maryse is here with Miz, while Edge gets the Brood/Alter Bridge double entrance. Feeling out process to start and Miz bails into the corner from the threat of an Edgecution. Miz knocks him outside though and sends Edge into the barricade to take over, setting up the top rope ax handle to the head back inside. It’s time to go after Edge’s leg before a reverse DDT gives Miz two.

Miz kicks him to the apron but gets planted face first on the floor for his efforts. They’re right back on the floor, with Miz trying the Skull Crushing Finale on the announcers’ table. That’s reversed into Edge’s faceplant onto said table and it’s a high crossbody for two back inside. Miz goes back to the leg but the Figure Four attempt earns him a kick into the corner. Edge is sent shoulder first into the post though and it’s right back to the leg. Now the Figure Four can go on but Edge turns it over, leaving Miz to struggle for a long time.

With that broken up, Edge goes to the Crossface, only to have Maryse get Miz’s boot into the rope. Back up and stereo big boots put both of them down and they get a breather. Miz takes him into the corner for the kicks to the chest and the running clothesline before going up top. Edge is right there with a super hiptoss of all things but the spear hits the corner. Maryse gets in a cheap shot of some kick and the Skull Crushing Finale gets two. Cue Beth Phoenix (who stands there glaring at Maryse until her music hits) to chase Maryse off, leaving Edge to spear Miz for the pin at 19:59.

Rating: B-. This took some time to get going but the fans were into it by the end. I’m a little surprised by the ending, but you can see the mixed tag coming, probably at the Rumble. That should make for a good match, though I’m not sure how much we need another month of these two fighting. The match was good stuff, with the leg work being a fine way to go and Maryse getting involved set up the finish, though it never hit that next gear.

MVP and Bobby Lashley aren’t worried about Brock Lesnar being added to the title match.

We recap Becky Lynch vs. Liv Morgan for the Raw Women’s Title. Lynch had to cheat to beat Morgan in their first title match but Morgan wanted/got a rematch. Before accepting though, Lynch injured Morgan’s arm so she isn’t coming in at 100% here.

Raw Women’s Title: Becky Lynch vs. Liv Morgan

Lynch is defending and has goats on the shoulders of her jacket. Liv starts fast and knocks Becky outside for some rams into the announcers’ table. Back in and the Manhandle Slam is broken up, allowing Liv to roll her up for two. The Rings of Saturn send Becky straight to the ropes but she is able to catapult Liv throat first into the bottom rope. After a random shot of a fan in the crowd, Lynch hammers away on the mat as we keep cutting to the fans.

Morgan fights back and kicks her into the corner before hammering away with right hands of her own. There’s the enziguri to rock Lynch again and a middle rope dropkick gets two. Becky gets a cross armbreaker out of nowhere but Liv slips out and takes her down again. Liv goes up but gets knocked down, only to come back with a running springboard sunset bomb for two. A belly to back faceplant gives Lynch two but she misses a middle rope legdrop.

Liv is right back with a missile dropkick (to the stomach) and Becky bails to the floor. That means a big suicide dive but Lynch takes her around for some rams into the announcers’ table. Back up and Liv sends Becky into the steps before stomping on the arm like Lynch did to her. That’s broken up and Lynch hits her in the face but Lynch is right back with something like Oblivion off the top. The Rings of Saturn goes on again but Lynch reverses into a cradle for two. Another Oblivion is countered into the Manhandle Slam and the pin at 17:14, with Lynch reaching for the ropes to cheat but not quite getting there.

Rating: B-. These two were working hard out there and it wound up being a good match as a result. Morgan is not polished in the ring yet and still seems to be in over her head a lot, but she is getting better at making the most out of what she can do. This was about as close as she could get without winning, though aside from Rhea Ripley, I’m not sure who else on Raw is available for a fresh feud with Lynch at the moment. Maybe they run this back one more time, but that might be going too far with the feud.

Seth Rollins isn’t worried about the other four people in the WWE Title match because they’re not Seth Freaking Rollins. He’s going to stomp heads and win.

Johnny Knoxville, of Jackass fame, is in the Royal Rumble. Really.

We recap the WWE Title match. It was original a triple threat but then Bobby Lashley was added. Then Brock Lesnar was added to make it even wackier.

WWE Title: Bobby Lashley vs. Brock Lesnar vs. Kevin Owens vs. Seth Rollins vs. Big E.

Big E. is defending and it’s one fall to a finish. It’s a big brawl to start and Lesnar fires off suplexes on Owens and Rollins. Big E. hits some running clotheslines to put Brock on the floor. Lashley sends Big E. into the post and hits the spear to drive Lesnar through the barricade. Lashley gets back in, where Owens and Rollins superkick him down.

Rollins knees Lesnar off the apron and Owens adds the bullfrog splash from the apron for a bonus. Some steps to the ribs put Lashley and Lesnar down before it’s time to set up the announcers’ table. Lashley fights both of them off but Big E. Rock Bottoms him through the table in the big crash.

Owens and Rollins are back up with a double DDT to drive Lesnar into the steps but Big E. takes Rollins down. The pop up sitout powerbomb gives Owens two on Big E. and Rollins adds a frog splash for two. Lesnar is back in with F5’s all around but Lashley is back in to spear Lesnar down for two more. The Hurt Lock has Lesnar in trouble until Big E. makes the save. There’s the Big Ending to Lashley but Lesnar escapes and hits an F5 on Big E. for the pin and the title at 8:23.

Rating: B. This was straight out of the Summerslam 2017 playbook, albeit with less time. They hit the gas to start and then never stopped, which is how a match like this should have gone. Lesnar winning the title is a surprise, though it seems like we are heading for a showdown between him and Lashley, which should be incredible. Big E.’s title reign was in trouble from the start and ended even worse, but dang I feel sorry for him to have to lose it like this. It was a heck of a match, but the idea of a long Lesnar reign makes my head hurt.

Overall Rating: B. It was a rather solid show, with only McIntyre vs. Moss bringing it down (and that is more to do with the match existing than the match itself). While there is nothing that blew the roof off, there were a bunch of good matches that felt like they belonged on a pay per view. The ending changes more than a few things and should set up the WWE Title match at the Royal Rumble, so it did have some important moments. Good show here and we could see some interesting things as we start the Road To Wrestlemania.

Usos b. New Day – 3D to Kingston
Drew McIntyre b. Madcap Moss – Claymore
RKBro b. Street Profits – Assisted RKO to Ford
Edge b. Miz – Spear
Becky Lynch b. Liv Morgan – Manhandle slam
Brock Lesnar b. Big E., Kevin Owens, Seth Rollins and Bobby Lashley – F5 to Big E.


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Day One 2022 Preview

We’ve got a new show this week and this time it is based around a new year. I’m not sure how interesting that is for a full pay per view, but WWE has set things up around flimsier premises before. The good thing is the card looks pretty solid and we could be in for a nice event. That is assuming the Coronavirus pandemic doesn’t wreck anything at the last minute. Let’s get to it.

Kickoff Show: Ricochet/Cesaro vs. Sheamus/Ridge Holland

This was added earlier in the week and it sounds good on paper. If nothing else, it is nice to see Ricochet and Cesaro getting some kind of a spot, as they so often feel like people just there to fill in time on television when no one else is available. Sheamus and Holland could make for a nice mentor/mentee twist on the Bar, which seems to be the focal point of how we got here in the first place.

As for the match, I can’t imagine Sheamus and Holland losing when they seem to be a bit of a project for the future. It doesn’t help that Ricochet and Cesaro are the definition of jobbers to the stars at this point and I can’t imagine that is going to change in the span of a Kickoff Show match. That’s more than a bit depressing, but both of their ships seem to have sailed a long time ago.

Edge vs. The Miz

Let’s get one of the bigger ones out of the way first as we have what could have been a much more interesting match that just never made it to that next level. These two had some outstanding promo battles but after that it turned into a much more standard WWE build towards a big match. It still feels like a pretty good showdown, but there is something missing from the whole thing.

I’ll go with Miz winning due to some Maryse interference, which brings us to the missing thing: Beth Phoenix, who seems rather likely to come back and make this a mixed tag, maybe even at Wrestlemania. I don’t know if it’s interesting enough to go that far, but it’s hard to imagine that we don’t get the tag match at some point. You have a pretty hard time getting there with Edge winning, so Miz takes the first match.

Smackdown Tag Team Titles: Usos(c) vs. New Day

Yes, we’re at it again, as these teams seem destined to feud forever. The good thing is you can more or less guarantee a near classic with this one so it isn’t like it’s a bad idea. I’m sure the match will be very good, but it is a little hard to get excited when it seemed they were building to King Woods vs. Roman Reigns for the Universal Title and instead we’re getting a match that has been done nearly to death.

The more I think about it, the more I could see New Day winning here so we’ll go with that. It’s not like they need another title reign, but the Usos have held the things for a long, long time now and it might be smart to shake things up a bit. Throw in Paul Heyman being fired by Reigns and the team might be a little shaky by comparison. Either way, this should be a near classic, as these four tend to have.

Raw Tag Team Titles: RKBro(c) vs. Street Profits

I’m not sure how, but this feels like a heck of a showdown between two teams that are quite the big deals. RKBro has held the titles for about four months while the Profits are one of the better teams going today. That should make for a showdown and they worked well together in their previous match. That’s a nice feeling to have for a Tag Team Title match for a change, as it doesn’t happen on the red side very often.

I’ll take RKBro to retain, but they’re getting into a weird spot with their title reign. They are all but out of teams to give them a run for their money (save for the Profits here) and I don’t know who takes the titles from them if they make it out of this one. There aren’t many other options so while there is a chance they do a switch here, I think there is enough left in RKBro to validate them holding the titles.

Drew McIntyre vs. Madcap Moss

Here’s the easiest match on the show, as you have a former multiple time World Champion against a literal comedy guy. Somehow this match is taking place over a sword that was stabbed into a desk, which has to be up there for the weirdest/weakest reasons to have a pay per view match. I think we all know what to expect here and in this case, that is not a bad thing.

McIntyre wins here, in what should be dominant fashion, as even Happy Corbin’s interference isn’t enough to keep Moss around. It would not be out of the question to see McIntyre challenging for the Universal Title at Wrestlemania and there is no sense at all in having him lose what feels like a squash. Then again, it makes little sense to have him in this match in the first place, but at least he should win it pretty easily.

WWE Title: Big E.(c) vs. Seth Rollins vs. Kevin Owens vs. Bobby Lashley

They are in a pretty awkward spot here as Lashley is looking like the star of stars on Monday Night Raw at the moment but Big E. has already gone over him twice. It also doesn’t help that Lashley was such a dominant champion and had cleared out the main event scene, so it isn’t like they have many other options for him should he get the title back. That leaves Rollins and Owens as the underdogs, which could open some doors for them.

I’ll still go with Big E. though, as Rollins doesn’t seem likely to get the title back and Owens is probably there to take the pin. Big E. has been badly overshadowed by Lashley in recent weeks and I’m not sure how much longer he is going to keep the title. It seems like Lashley’s to win, unless they find something else for him to do in a hurry. Big E. retains for now though, even if it is just keeping it on him for a short while.

Raw Women’s Title: Becky Lynch(c) vs. Liv Morgan

Man alive I wanted to get into this match but, as usual, WWE has managed to take away almost everything that made Morgan interesting in the first place. The fans got behind Morgan because she was an underdog who probably shouldn’t be here but kept fighting anyway. Now she is being presented like a main event star and it has taken me pretty far out of the whole thing.

As much as I would love to see Morgan win the title, I can’t imagine they pull the trigger on anything that doesn’t involve one of the already established big stars. That has plagued WWE for a long time now, even if Morgan taking the title could be a heck of a feel good moment. Lynch is likely to retain here, probably in a more definitive manner than before, and then WWE will wonder why the division is falling apart right in front of them.

Smackdown World Title: Roman Reigns(c) vs. Brock Lesnar

Oh boy I’m not sure where to go with this one and that makes for a pretty fascinating main event. The Paul Heyman factor changes everything, and now the question is not so much when Heyman returns but rather does he do it here. That would be a heck of a fast turnaround for him to be back though and I don’t think it happens so soon. That gives us a problem though, and unfortunately I think I know where it’s going.

I think they actually do the title change here, as Reigns isn’t good enough to beat Lesnar without Heyman in his corner. That is going to open up a long list of issues, but for now I think Lesnar takes the title, likely setting up some big showdown at Wrestlemania for when they really want to do something new. These two are forever joined at the hip, and this time I think it’s Lesnar taking the title again.

Overall Thoughts

Overall, I’m liking what we’re seeing with this show and it could be a good one. Now that being said, this is WWE and there is always the chance that they are going to screw something up. I’m not sure how big of a show this is going to be going forward, but the first edition is a stacked card that could be quite good if it lives up to its rather high potential.


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Monday Night Raw – December 20, 2021: These People Are Dumb

Monday Night Raw
Date: December 20, 2021
Location: Fiserv Forum, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Commentators: Jimmy Smith, Corey Graves, Byron Saxton

We’re less than two weeks away from Day One and the Raw World Title match has grown. Last week Bobby Lashley won a series of matches to earn the right to be added to the match as the bad guys had a big night. Now we need to change things up a bit on the way to the pay per view. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

We open with a recap of Bobby Lashley running the gauntlet last week to earn the Day One title shot.

Here are MVP and Bobby Lashley for a chat. MVP hypes up Lashley’s accomplishments last week and explains just how impressive it really was. Now no one can hang with him, but here is Big E. to interrupt. Big E. was impressed last week, but the Lashley that he knows (the one with a lot of sisters) has all of his success on his own.

That made it all the more surprising when MVP hit Big E. in the knee with a cane last week. Lashley says he’s a monster but he’ll take a win how he can. Besides, MVP said if he couldn’t do it, MVP could…so let’s do that right now. Lashley heads outside so MVP loads up the cane, only to have Kevin Owens and Seth Rollins jump him from behind. The brawl is on, until Big E. helps Lashley clear the ring. Just announce the tag match.

We recap Bianca Belair vs. Doudrop.

Belair is ready for the final showdown with Doudrop so she can take her out once and for all.

Seth Rollins and Kevin Owens are panicking over Bobby Lashley when Sonya Deville and Adam Pearce come in. They make the main event tag match for later tonight.

Doudrop vs. Bianca Belair

Belair wastes no time in trying the KOD, sending Doudrop bailing to the floor. Doudrop s smart enough to snap the throat across the top rope and take her into the corner for the big forearms. A World’s Strongest Slam plants Belair but she rolls away from the backsplash. Belair rolls outside, where she catches Doudrop with a spinebuster to send us to a break. Back with Belair getting crotched on top and then failing at a sunset bomb.

Instead, Doudrop hits a splash in the corner, setting up a Cannonball. The confidence is starting to pick up so Belair strikes away to start the comeback. Belair scores with a middle rope crossbody and the handspring moonsault gets two (hit the shocked kickout face). It’s time for Belair to go up top this time but Doudrop powerbombs her down in a heap. Another Vader Bomb misses though and now the KOD can finish Doudrop at 10:48.

Rating: C+. This was a showcase for Belair as the power game was on full display. The KOD at the end looked very good as she muscled Doudrop up and planted her perfectly. They billed this as the big finale of the feud and it would be nice to see Belair move back into the title picture. It’s not like there is anything else for her to do at the moment.

We recap Austin Theory attacking Finn Balor over the last few weeks.

Finn Balor vs. Austin Theory

Balor goes right after him to start and the fight heads out to the floor. Theory actually gets the better of things and takes it back inside for corner clotheslines. We hit the chinlock to keep Balor down but he fights up, only to get neckbreakered off the apron to send us to a break. Back with Balor scoring with a quick double stomp to get a breather, setting up more kicks to the downed Theory. Balor gets crotched on top though, setting up a springboard Spanish Fly. Theory is so happy that he grabs the phone, allowing Balor to reverse into a cradle for two. ATL is escaped though and the Coup de Grace connects for the pin at 9:03.

Rating: C+. I’m not wild on having Theory lose but it was to one of the more established stars on the show. Theory seems to be one of the projects on Raw at the moment, which could be good or bad. I could go for more of both of these guys and it wouldn’t surprise me to see them do this again at Day One.

AJ Styles and Omos are ready to fix things on MizTV.

Smackdown Rebound.

It’s time for MizTV. Before we get to the point, Miz wants to clear everything up: he and Maryse are perfectly fine. With that out of the way, we get our guests for the week with AJ Styles and Omos. The two of them have been having problems but Styles wants them to get together and win ALL of the titles. That’s not what Miz has heard though, as Omos has been saying that Styles holds him back and Omos could do all of this himself. Styles recruited Omos to WWE but now he is ready to be the big star all on his own. Styles doesn’t know what to say but he has to worry about that later.

AJ Styles/Omos vs. Mysterios

Dominik picks up the pace to start but gets pulled into an abdominal stretch to slow him down. That’s fine with Dominik, who flips out and brings Rey in to hammer away. The tornado DDT sets up a 619 but the frog splash hits knees. Back up and Omos won’t tag in, allowing Rey to grab a rollup for the pin at 2:23.

Post match AJ yells at Omos, who shoves him away. That’s enough for Styles, who starts hammering on Omos to limited avail. Omos catches him in a fireman’s carry faceplant and says he’ll see Styles in a match.

Austin Theory goes to Vince McMahon’s office.

Randy Orton vs. Chad Gable

Orton is here alone while Otis is with Gable. Orton goes after the arm to start but gets taken to the mat without much trouble. Gable wrestles him down again and Orton needs a breather on the floor. Back in and Orton grabs a headlock takeover but Gable quickly reverses into an armbar. Some armdrags set up another armbar as Orton is getting frustrated. Orton sends him outside and catches Gable with the hanging DDT on the way back in. That’s broken up and Gable hits an armdrag (not a German suplex Graves) but misses another, allowing Orton to hit the RKO for the pin at 2:59.

Post match Otis goes after Orton, who bails when he can’t hit the RKO.

Bobby Lashley/Big E. vs. Seth Rollins/Kevin Owens is set for later.

Lashley can’t trust Big E. but he can beat up all three of them tonight. MVP isn’t worried either.

Earlier today, Dana Brooke and Reggie went on another not-date, this time around a bunch of nice looking Christmas trees. This time Akira Tozawa is an elf but Tamina is here to yell at him for getting in the way. Santa Truth showed up and the brawl was on between the women and Dana escapes again. I’d rather just look at the Christmas lights.

Dolph Ziggler vs. Damian Priest

Non-title but a Champion’s Contenders match, with Robert Roode in Ziggler’s corner. Ziggler kicks at the knee to start but has to counter a powerbomb attempt into a sunset flip for two. Priest takes him down and goes up top though, only to get superplexed back down as we take a break.

Back with Ziggler hitting his running DDT for two but Priest strikes away to cut him down. The Broken Arrow gets two and a kick to the face knocks Ziggler silly. The referee has to check on Ziggler, allowing Roode to trip Priest off the apron. That sends Priest too far so he goes after Roode, earning himself a countout at 9:01.

Rating: C. Not exactly a surprise here as Ziggler has a tendency to get more title shots and rematches than anyone in the history of wrestling. Priest getting to beat him up will work out well enough for him in the future, but for now this wasn’t exactly an interesting match. At least Priest didn’t take a pin here, so I’ll call that a minor victory.

Post match Priest chases Ziggler off and beats Roode up again, including the Reckoning on the floor.

Finn Balor is on to more important things but Austin Theory jumps him. Theory drops him hard onto the anvil case and Balor is grimacing.

Post break, Austin Theory goes in to see Vince McMahon, who liked Theory getting at Balor again. Not that it matters though as Theory lost his match. Vince likes watching revenge though, as it makes him feel like he had a good meal. Next week, Theory gets to face Balor again and Vince threatens him with the eraser again. Then he blows eraser shavings at Theory and says Ho Ho Ho.

It’s time for the Cutting Edge, because this show needed two talk shows. Edge talks about how much he has in common with his guest, in that they are both Canadian and frustrated with Miz. The guest is Maryse, who isn’t here to be Edge’s friend, but she goes on a rant about how she can’t get a word in around Miz. She has a lump in her stomach but she wants people to know that there is a woman behind Maryse. It has been fifteen years with Mike Mizanin and she wants a thank you. She takes care of everything from the house to the kids and now she is exhausted.

Edge looks a bit stunned as Maryse moves on to how she almost got hurt last week. If something happens to her, who is taking care of her kids? Would Edge have ever done this to his wife? Edge apologizes that Maryse’s life is some kind of horrible country song. Is anyone else buying this? Of course he wouldn’t do this to Beth Phoenix because he respects her. Get Miz out here already, so here is Miz to interrupt. Edge catches him coming in from behind but Maryse hits Edge with her purse, setting up the Skull Crushing Finale. Of course everything is ok with Miz and Maryse. Phoenix has to be showing up soon right?

Rhea Ripley vs. Queen Zelina

Nikki Ash and Carmella are barred from ringside. Zelina promises that Ripley won’t be able to end her reign. Ripley blocks a kick to the ribs to start but misses a big boot. Instead Vega tries a tornado DDT, which is blocked as well. Vega spins into a jawbreaker for two on Ripley, who easily blocks a running knee. A delayed superplex doesn’t work for Ripley as Vega slips between the legs and hits a running knee for two. Not that it matters as Ripley hits Riptide for the pin at 2:09, meaning she is a bit better without Ash.

Big E. doesn’t have to team well with Bobby Lashley tonight. Cue Lashley, with Big E. wondering where MVP is to jump him again. Lashley says don’t worry about that, but just be ready for later.

Here is Liv Morgan for a chat, complete with a kendo stick. Morgan talks about how Becky Lynch accepted the rematch for Day One, but only after she injured Morgan’s arm. She talks about going to Iowa to jump Becky at her gym in Iowa and we see a clip of the attack. Morgan showed up and went after Becky, but it was a lookalike so the real Becky could jump her (ignore the pretty big gap in logic to get there).

Instead, Becky got beaten up anyway and Morgan is ready for Day One. Becky can try to break her arm, but she’s going to break Becky’s face. Cue Becky, who asks how Morgan feels about beating up an innocent woman. Morgan says Becky went after her arm but she beat Becky up with one good arm. That gets some respect from Becky, but she doesn’t think Morgan can handle the heat. Morgan throws the stick to Becky, who leaves anyway.

I like Morgan a good bit, but STOP HAVING HER DO THESE LONG RECITED PROMOS. They don’t sound like things she would say and it’s obvious that she is just reading words given to her. She got popular doing one thing and now they’re having her do the opposite to weaker effect. Why is this a surprise anymore?

Seth Rollins/Kevin Owens vs. Big E./Bobby Lashley

Lashley wrecks them both to start and we take a break less than a minute in. Back with Lashley hitting a one armed delayed vertical suplex to drop Rollins again. Rollins manages to send him outside though and Owens stomps away to take over. Lashley gets thrown back inside to keep up the beating, which he shrugs off without much trouble.

Big E. comes in for the suplexes and gyrating, setting up a clothesline to send Rollins outside. Owens gets in a cheap shot though and Rollins adds a frog splash for two. We take another break and come back with Lashley wrecking things again, allowing the tag back to Big E. Everything breaks down and Lashley spears Big E., followed by another spear to Owens for the pin at 14:04.

Rating: C. I’m curious about how that ending was supposed to go as it felt like the match was going to end sooner rather than later anyway. The good thing is that Lashley gets another big win, as he is looking more and more like an unstoppable monster. I don’t know what that means for his chances at Day One, but he’s looking awesome on the way there.

Post match Rollins makes a save about ten seconds late, as it seems the ending wasn’t as it was supposed to be. The Stomp hits Big E. and Lashley gets hit with the steps. The apron powerbomb and a Stomp on the steps leave Lashley laying. Owens and Rollins celebrate

Overall Rating: C-. While it wasn’t the mess that last week’s was in this area, this show continued to make me wonder why I would cheer for any of the heroes around here. Save for one or two, this show was filled with heroes who were either inept, lame or just stupid. Between Big E. being left laying again, Morgan not being able to tell which redhead was which (and Lynch being some genius strategist) and Edge knowing Miz’s plan and getting laid out anyway, there wasn’t much to get excited about here.

That’s been a major WWE problem for a long time and it was on full display this week. It’s like WWE builds someone up, gets us to cheer for them and then changes their minds and decides to cut them back down to size. Why they would want to do that is beyond me, but it is making for some dreadful television. The wrestling was fine, but egads it would be nice to have a main event face stand tall and look smart for a change around here.

Bianca Belair b. Doudrop – KOD
Finn Balor b. Austin Theory – Coup de Grace
Mysterios b. AJ Styles/Omos – Rollup to Styles
Randy Orton b. Chad Gable – RKO
Dolph Ziggler b. Damian Priest via countout
Rhea Ripley b. Queen Zelina – Riptide
Big E./Bobby Lashley b. Seth Rollins/Kevin Owens – Spear to Owens




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Monday Night Raw – December 13, 2021: How The WWE Stole Christmas

Monday Night Raw
Date: December 13, 2021
Location: Xcel Energy Center, St. Paul, Minnesota
Commentators: Jimmy Smith, Corey Graves, Byron Saxton

We’re less than three weeks away from Day One and the card seems to be at least somewhat set. That being said, it seems that we might be seeing a new addition to the Raw main event in the form of Bobby Lashley. It wouldn’t surprise me to see the change made official tonight so let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

We open with a recap of last week’s cage match with Big E. defeating Kevin Owens, followed by Bobby Lashley laying out Owens, Big E. and Seth Rollins.

Here are MVP and Bobby Lashley to get things going. MVP says last week is what happens when you disrespect Lashley and that’s a problem with this generation. That’s why it is imperative to have Lashley added to the Day One WWE Title match, because that’s a great way to start the year.

Cue Kevin Owens to say he hasn’t been disrespecting the two of them because he hasn’t been paying attention to anything they have done in two years. Owens earned his way into the title match and in nineteen days, he becomes WWE Champion so the fans can have someone to believe in.

Now it’s Seth Rollins interrupting, saying you can’t start the show without the star. Rollins respects Lashley’s suit game and has to take Owens’ side, even though he can’t blame him. Lashley shouldn’t be in Rollins’ title match, which has MVP thinking the two of them are terrified. Lashley says get in the ring and do something about it, so Owens thinks they should go after him together. Rollins is in, so Owens tells Rollins to go first.

Arguing ensues so now it’s Big E. to interrupt, calling this his favorite group of idiots. Big E. talks about beating Lashley a few times so he has no problem doing it one more time. Cue Adam Pearce and Sonya Deville to say the four way sounds like a good idea, so Lashley is in….if he can beat all three of the others tonight.

We look back at the Alpha Academy attacking Riddle last week.

Earlier today, Riddle is looking at the blazers, saying he has been watching tapes for ideas. Randy Orton says he hopes Riddle is focusing on their potential opponents, but Riddle is focusing on podcasting. Orton doesn’t want to hear about podcasting, being a shaman, or hanging out with jackasses on Smackdown. Riddle goes into a thing about the Jackass cast being at Smackdown, but Orton wants him to focus on Otis. If Riddle can beat Otis tonight, maybe, one day, a long time from now, he can put the blazer back on.

Kevin Owens is told that he has to face Bobby Lashley first and isn’t overly happy. Seth Rollins is reminded he has to face Lashley as well and storms off to get ready. Big E. is fine with a triple threat or a four way.

Riddle vs. Otis

Randy Orton and Chad Gable are here too. Otis knocks him outside to start and then drives Riddle back first into the barricade as we take a break. Back with Otis missing a charge to go shoulder first into the post. Riddle hits a kick to the face but a high crossbody is pulled out of the air. That’s broken up and Riddle strikes away, setting up the Floating Bro to a standing Otis. Somehow Otis gets back up and blocks the RKO, setting up the pop up World’s Strongest Slam to finish Riddle at 8:25.

Rating: C. This didn’t have time to get very far due to the commercial, but at least they were doing something to make Otis look like a monster. I’m not sure how that is going to work since the Alpha Academy was eliminated from the tournament last week, but maybe we get a bit of a swerve.

Post match Orton hits the RKO on Gable but Otis elbows him down.

We look back at Doudrop attacking Bianca Belair.

Doudrop vs. Bianca Belair

They fight over a lockup to start with Belair having to climb the corner. That doesn’t work so well for Doudrop, as Belair armdrags her way out. Back up and Belair can’t drop her again, so it’s time for that dance she does in every match. Doudrop sends her into the corner but Belair is back with a pretty ugly hurricane into said corner and out to the floor.

Back in and Belair gets her own legs tied over the ropes, allowing Doudrop to hit a hard elbow as we take a break. We come back with Doudrop hitting a Michinoku Driver for two as Belair is in trouble. Doudrop loads up a Vader Bomb but gets reversed into a powerbomb, setting up a 450 to give Belair the pin at 10:33.

Rating: C+. I can go for the idea of Belair getting to show off her power and that 450 looked great. Doudrop is good as the monster but she was just there for Belair to slay. This should be enough to move on to something else, though that isn’t how WWE tends to work most of the time.

Post match, Doudrop jumps Belair again because a pinfall isn’t enough to finish a feud.

We look at the Next In Line signings from the NCAA.

Gable Steveson is here, complete with gold medal.

Kevin Owens says a lot of this is trash, but him winning the WWE Title will help.

Bobby Lashley vs. Kevin Owens

The first of three matches Lashley has to win to get into the Day One title match. Lashley powers him around to start but gets sent outside. The Cannonball from the apron misses though and Lashley runs him over again. Back in and Owens scores with a quick superkick, setting up the Cannonball in the corner.

There’s a backsplash for two on Lashley, followed by a tornado DDT for the same. Owens hits him in the face though and Lashley is mad, earning Owens a whip into the corner for an upside down crash. The Hurt Lock is blocked but so is the Stunner, allowing Lashley to hit a spinebuster. Lashley gets one arm up for the Hurt Lock and Owens taps immediately at 4:33.

Rating: C+. They packed a good bit of stuff in here and it was a good showcase for Lashley as a result. Owens tapping out immediately makes sense as he is the kind of guy who would hope Big E. and Seth Rollins will do the hard work for him. It’s just part one of three though, so we have a long way to go.

In the back, Seth Rollins is annoyed but is told that he is up next. Growling and walking ensue.

We look back at Liv Morgan coming up short in her title match against Becky Lynch.

Veer Mahaan is still coming.

Here is Becky Lynch for a chat. She’s still the champ, though some fans might be happier than others. Those people who are booing her are the same ones who begged for her to come back but then didn’t like her being mean. We see the Angry Liv Girl from last week, which makes me miss Angry Miz Girl. They aren’t the ones who got in this ring and broke down those gender barriers to become the biggest star in the industry. If you don’t evolve in this business, you get left behind, but don’t worry because she is holding this title for a long time.

Cue Liv Morgan to say that she made Becky doubt herself, hence the cheating to win. Girl in the crowd: “NO!!! BECKY RULES!!!” We see a photo of Becky cheating to win last week, which makes Liv know she can win. That’s why she wants a rematch at Day One, but the fight is on for now. Becky stomps gets her down onto the steps and stomps on the arm to leave Liv laying. With that out of the way, Becky accepts the challenge for Day One, but says she’s off to her house with her baby girl and hot husband.

We look back at Omos snapping and costing himself and AJ Styles a tag match last week. The team seemed to split after the match.

AJ Styles says this team isn’t done and you don’t give up on someone like Omos. Styles praises Omos as someone special, so here is Omos behind him. Omos thanks him and they seem good.

Reggie and Dana Brooke were in the snowy park earlier today, with Reggie offering some tips on keeping the 24/7 Title. Maybe over hot chocolate? Dana seems interested but R-Truth and Akira Tozawa are there in costumes. Cue Tamina to jump Brooke but she escapes, leading to a big chase into a pile of snow. Tamina tells Truth and Akira Tozawa to stay out of their way.

Damian Priest/Finn Balor vs. Robert Roode/Dolph Ziggler

Priest throws Ziggler around to start but Roode comes in, allowing Priest to beat up both of them at once. Ziggler is sent outside with Roode following him, meaning Priest can drop them both as we take a break. Back with Priest beating up Ziggler until he is sent outside for a spinebuster from Roode. Balor comes in to clean house but cue Austin Theory for a distraction. Ziggler uses said distraction to hit the Zig Zag for the fast pin at 7:24.

Rating: D+. This was barely long enough to rate but the point was to move Theory vs. Balor (and maybe/hopefully Priest as well). That being said, being pinned by Ziggler in 2021 is not exactly the best sign for a wrestler’s future and I’m not sure how much more Balor is going to be doing in WWE. Maybe he sticks around, but egads it’s not the smoothest course for him.

We look at Zelina Vega beating Nikki Ash last week, setting up Jerry Lawler’s return to accidentally humiliate her even more.

Nikki Ash talks about how depressing things have been but Rhea Ripley wants the old Nikki back.

Queen Zelina vs. Rhea Ripley

Carmella and Nikki Ash are here too. Before the match, Vega talks about how the fans can cheer her, but loses the accent when they boo. Ripley shoves Vega around to start but Carmella goes after Nikki. A superkick leaves her laying so Ripley gets rid of Carmella, allowing Vega to grab a rollup for the pin at 58 seconds.

Kevin Owens pitches Seth Rollins another alliance but Rollins storms off.

Seth Rollins vs. Bobby Lashley

Second match Lashley has to win to be added to the Day One title match. Lashley knocks him outside without much effort to start but Rollins escapes the ram into the post. Back in and Lashley snaps off some suplexes, setting up the Downward Spiral. MVP: “BOBBY! SMASH!” Rollins bails outside to escape the Dominator but here is Kevin Owens to punch Rollins in the face…and that’s a DQ at 2:23. Hold on though as Adam Pearce and Sonya Deville come out to say not so fast. It’s being restarted as a No DQ match (which will be the case for Big E. vs. Lashley as well) so Lashley spears Rollins down for the pin at 3:36.

Austin Theory comes in to see Vince McMahon, who is meeting with Apollo Crews and Commander Azeez, to brag about taking out Finn Balor. Vince offers a pat on the back or a participation trophy, but Theory would rather have a match. Vince says they’re not friends and Theory hasn’t impressed him. Instead, Vince gives him a pencil and points out the eraser. I don’t think I get it.

Here is Maryse to host MizTV, with special guest….the Miz. After saying Maryse looks especially gorgeous tonight, Miz gets to the point: it’s almost the Road to Wrestlemania, and that means the Hall of Fame class will be announced soon. Miz would like to officially nominate himself to be the first member of the class, complete with a career highlight video. Miz and Maryse are near tears, but still toast the champagne to the idea of retiring Edge again at Day One.

Cue Edge to mock Miz for talking too much and telling him to shut up. Edge doesn’t get why Miz complains so much, but Miz doesn’t see what is so scary about him. We hear about Edge not helping him in 2006 so Miz throws the champagne in his eyes. The fight is on with Miz hiding behind Maryse to avoid the spear. The Skull Crushing Finale lays out Edge but Maryse yells at Miz for using her as a shield. Maryse slaps him and leaves. I’m not sure about this one, as Edge didn’t add anything with his comments, but the Maryse deal seems to open up the mixed tag door.

Kevin Owens and Seth Rollins give Big E. a pep talk but he calls them idiots and leaves.

Smackdown Rebound.

Commentary recaps Bobby Lashley’s gauntlet. Three fans get up from the front row and walk away as they’re talking.

We recap Lashley’s efforts so far.

MVP says Lashley is ready for Big E. in a No DQ match.

Big E. vs. Bobby Lashley

Non-title and No DQ, with Lashley needing a win to advance to the Day One WWE Title match. It’s a power brawl to start with Big E. knocking him down, meaning it’s already table time. Hold on though as Big E. has to go back inside and plant Lashley again. NOW the table can be tossed in but Big E. has to save himself from going through it. Lashley grabs a Downward Spiral but gets sent face first into a chair in the corner.

We take a break and come back with Big E. blocking a suplex through a table. Instead Big E. knocks him to the apron for some forearms to the chest and an apron splash. They head outside with Lashley driving him into the post but having to block the spear through the ropes. Back in and Lashley hits a heck of a spinebuster through the table as we take another break.

We come back with Big E. dropping Lashley onto the steps and then heading back inside. The Hurt Lock is blocked and a spear connects, but here are Seth Rollins and Kevin Owens to go after Lashley. Big E. fights both of them off but then gets double teamed down. Owens and Big E. head outside, where a Rock Bottom puts Owens through a table. Lashley spears Rollins through a table in the corner, allowing Big E. to get back in. That’s fine with MVP, who hits Big E. in the knee with the cane. Lashley’s spear is enough to send him to Day One at 19:45.

Rating: C+. It was a good power brawl and would have made a fine house show main event when Lashley was still champion, but egads this didn’t do Big E. any favors. I can only assume that Lashley is becoming a face after this as he has now beaten three former World Champions in one night, including in this match where two of them had to save the third. I’m not a fan of the champ losing, but it certainly made Lashley look like the biggest star on the show, which he pretty much is at this point.

Overall Rating: D. This is a show where the wrestling absolutely does not make up for everything else. I don’t remember the last time I felt like a company was trying to take away every single person I might want to cheer for on one night. Belair wins, then gets taken out two minutes later. That is the lone face win on the night, with everyone else losing or being laid out, including Liv Morgan and Edge in the big interview segments.

Then you have the main story of the night, with Lashley running through pretty much the entire main event scene so he can be added to the main event scene. That’s something that could have been stretched out for weeks but instead we gt it here in the span of a few hours. What does this leave for the story for the next two weeks? Talking and/or wacky tag matches? How lucky we are to receive such Christmas gifts.

Overall, this show felt like WWE was trying to take away the fun from the show and they certainly succeeded. There was nothing to cheer about all night and the show just kept dragging on. Day One has gone from a show I wanted to see to a show we need to get through so we can move on to the Road to Wrestlemania. Maybe it winds up working, but this was one of the most depressing episodes of WWE TV I can remember in a long, long time.

Otis b. Riddle – Pop up World’s Strongest Slam
Bianca Belair b. Doudrop – 450
Bobby Lashley b. Kevin Owens – Hurt Lock
Robert Roode/Dolph Ziggler b. Damian Priest/Finn Balor – Zig Zag to Balor
Queen Zelina b. Rhea Ripley – Rollup
Bobby Lashley b. Seth Rollins – Spear
Bobby Lashley b. Big E. – Spear




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Monday Night Raw – December 6, 2021: The Power Of Removing The Bad

Monday Night Raw
Date: December 6, 2021
Location: FedExForum, Memphis, Tennessee
Commentators: Jimmy Smith, Corey Graves, Byron Saxton

It’s a double main event week as have not just a title match but also a steel cage match to go with it. First up, Raw Women’s Champion Becky Lynch will defend her title against Liv Morgan in a match that has been treated as a big deal. Then Big E. will face Kevin Owens in a cage, which should be a heck of a spectacle. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

We open with a recap of the end of last week’s show, with Seth Rollins attacking Kevin Owens, setting up Day 1’s triple threat match for the WWE Title.

Seth Rollins is ready for tonight’s cage match because it will make things ready for Day 1.

Big E. is ready to go to war with Kevin Owens in a cage.

Kevin Owens is ready to win tonight and then take the title at Day 1.

Kevin Owens vs. Big E.

Non-title in a cage. Owens goes straight for the door to start and then gets crotched on the top. Big E. chases him up top and shoves Owens’ head into the cage for a bit of pain. With that escape attempt cut off, Owens is sent into the cage a few times, only to have Owens do it to him as well.

We take a break and come back with Owens hitting a backsplash for two. They trade rams into the cage with Owens going up, where he has to take Big E. down with sunset bomb. Big E. is back up with some belly to belly suplexes but Owens bails before the Warrior Splash can hit. A superkick knocks Big E. into the corner, setting up Owens’ Cannonball. Owens slaps on a Boston crab of all things but Big E. powers out and goes for the door. Cue Seth Rollins to slam the door on both of their heads though and we take another break.

Back again with Big E. catching him on top but not being able to hit a super Big Ending. Instead, Owens hits the bullfrog splash for two, setting up the sitout Pop Up powerbomb for two more. Owens goes up again butt his time it’s the super Big Ending to bring him crashing back down. Big E. goes for the door instead of covering and Owens grabs the boot. Not that it matters as Big E. kicks him away and escapes for the win at 20:06.

Rating: B-. This got a lot of time and felt like a showdown, but it wasn’t quite the great match. Rollins interfering was completely expected and makes sense, though his interference didn’t really change anything. At least it was nice to have a big time match on Raw though, even if it still feels weird to have a cage match set up a triple threat.

Post match Rollins jumps both of them (with the cage being raised in record time) but Big E. suplexes Rollins to save Owens from the Stomp. The Big Ending leaves Owens laying.

Post break, all three are still down, as Bobby Lashley had run in and attacked the trio during the break.

Here are Queen Zelina and Carmella for a chat, with Vega wondering why the people aren’t cheering. Would you rather be cheering for that fake superhero Nikki Ash?

Nikki Ash vs. Queen Zelina

Carmella and Rhea Ripley are here too. Vega knocks her down to start and rams Nikki’s face into the apron a few times. Nikki knocks her down but misses a high crossbody, allowing Vega to hit the Code Red for the pin at 2:06.

RKBro is ready for the RKBronament, which is either a tag team tournament or a tournament of their favorite Christmas movies. Riddle doesn’t want to talk about how Home Alone changed his life but he has a matching blazer for Orton to wear.

Nikki Ash is all upset, despite what Rhea Ripley says. A fan comes up to ask for an autograph, but means Jerry Lawler, who is behind them. Lawler says that was a tough loss and offers Nikki an autograph to cheer her up. Nikki leaves, with Lawler asking if it was something he said.

RKBronemant First Round: AJ Styles/Omos vs. Street Profits

RKBro is at ringside, in matching blazers of course, with Riddle on commentary. During the entrance, we get an inset promo from the Profits, promising to win. Ford dropkicks Styles down to start and Dawkins hits one of his own, setting up a splash for two. AJ knocks Ford outside though and there’s a slingshot Phenomenal Forearm to drop Dawkins on the floor as we take a break.

Back with Omos working over Dawkins and handing it back to Styles to do the same. Dawkins gets in a shot of his own though and it’s back to Ford to start cleaning house. An enziguri staggers Styles but he gets a boot up in the corner. Ford knocks him down again though and goes over to slap Omos, with Dawkins adding one of his own.

A double dropkick sends Omos outside but Styles his a pair of enziguris. Styles brainbusters Ford but doesn’t cover, instead loading up the Phenomenal Forearm. Omos tags himself in mid-springboard though and goes after Dawkins on the floor. Ford dives onto Omos, who drops him onto the apron. Dawkins has to be beaten up as well though and that’s enough for the countout to give the Profits the win at 9:43.

Rating: C+. They had a faster paced match here though it seems we might be done with Omos/Styles as a team. That might not be the worst thing in the world as there is nothing left for the team to do, but Omos on his own could be quite the risk at the moment. It could be interesting though, and I can get why you would want to take such a risk.

Post match AJ yells at Omos, who walks off on his own. Riddle gets in the ring to ask for a word on these breaking events, which has AJ almost confused. Riddle asks again and AJ asks if this is Dateline. AJ says he and Omos are a great team, but Riddle wouldn’t know anything about that before leaving in a huff. When asked for a comment, Orton says nope.

Becky Lynch says this is a big night for Liv Morgan, who is coming in with a bunch of momentum. Morgan already punched her in the face and now there is a new bandwagon to jump on. For Becky though, it’s just another night on Raw.

Riddle talks about what an emotional roller coaster tonight should be for the people, but Orton says his broadcasting days are over. It’s all on Riddle, who gets a second blazer.

US Title: Damian Priest vs. Robert Roode

Roode, with Dolph Ziggler in his corner, is defending. Priest powers him into the corner to start and hits some knees to the ribs. A kick to the back sets up a right hand to the jaw as Roode is in trouble to start. They head outside though and Roode sends him into the barricade as we take a break.

Back with Priest slugging away and hitting the Broken Arrow for two. Roode hits a Backstabber for two, followed by the spinning spinebuster for the same. Priest isn’t having any of this and comes right back with some shots to the face. The Reckoning is countered into a rollup but the second attempt is enough to retain Priest’s title at 9:37.

Rating: C. Priest stacking up another win is always a good thing to see and that’s what he got here. Roode is someone who still has some value so it makes a different for Priest to beat him. If nothing else, it is good to have Priest on the show and getting to do something instead of just sitting around and padding his reign as champion without ever defending the belt.

Post match Ziggler superkicks Priest, because you can’t have Priest face one of them without facing the other.

We look back at Doudrop laying out Bianca Belair, only to be laid out herself.

Bianca Belair vs. Doudrop

Doudrop runs her over from behind before the bell and we start after a break. After a video on Lita vs. Trish Stratus headlining Raw 17 years ago to the day, Belair goes right at her to start and Doudrop is staggered early. A backsplash gets Belair out of trouble though and it’s a cobra clutch to keep her down. Doudrop clotheslines her out of the corner for two but Belair powers her into the corner. They fight to the apron with Belair slipping back in and forearming away to little avail.

Instead a running handspring….to the ropes, as I don’t think it actually hit Doudrop, sends her outside. Belair follows her outside though and gets crushed as we take a break. Back with Belair not being able to hit a suplex but being able to hit a spinebuster to plant Doudrop. A middle rope crossbody gives Belair two but a sunset flip earns her a sitdown splash. Doudrop’s Vader Bomb gets two so she gets serious by going after Belair’s hair. The Cannonball misses though and Belair tries the KOD, which sends Doudrop bailing to the floor for the countout out 12:59.

Rating: C. Belair’s power is scary as always but this feud hasn’t done much for me so far. It’s your run of the mill bullying deal and that is only going to get them so far when Belair hasn’t backed down at all and can hang in the ring with Doudrop’s power. In theory this should be blown off with Belair getting the definitive win at Day 1, and that’s probably best for everyone.

We look back at Vince McMahon slapping Austin Theory last week.

Theory comes in to see Vince again, with Vince explaining that no one cares when they ask how he is doing. Vince is putting him in a match tonight, which works for Theory. Vince asks if Theory expected it, which Theory didn’t. That’s not cool with Vince and sneering ensues. Always nice to see Austin and Vince together.

Smackdown Rebound.

It’s time for MizTV, sans Maryse, who doesn’t come to towns like Memphis. Miz has been watching last week’s showdown with Edge and thinks Edge is his old self. Or is he? Miz brings out Edge as his guest, with Edge calling him Mike. Miz thinks Edge was weak for not spearing him out of his $9000 shoes last week, but Edge can’t believe those shoes cost that much.

Edge tells him to not mistake the kindness for weakness, which sends Miz into a rant about how he needed some kindness when he debuted in 2006. Don’t pretend that he was treated badly for eating chicken in the locker room, because it was over everyone being scared of his it factor. He was a celebrity and more famous than most of the roster but Edge wasn’t there for him. That makes Edge bring up pulling Miz aside in this very building and telling him to get through it because he had something.

Miz blew him off then, even though Edge went through the same thing seven years earlier. Edge doesn’t see these things as problems like Mike does, because he needs to look in the mirror. That mirror will tell Miz that he is an a**, which has Miz saying Edge is scared of him. Miz says 2022 will be his year, so the challenge is on for January 1. Edge is in, but Miz bails from a challenge for tonight. The threat of a single right hand has Miz dropping to his back though, and Edge knows he’s afraid.

Liv Morgan is ready to win the Women’s Title.

RKBronament First Round: Alpha Academy vs. Mysterios

Riddle is on commentary again. Gable takes Dominik to the mat to start but Dominik is back up with a shot to the face. You don’t do that to Gable, who wrestles him down and puts on a half crab. Back up and Gable stays on the leg with a dragon screw legwhip out of the corner. Gable misses a moonsault though and Dominik grabs a rollup for the pin at 3:14. Otis was never in the match.

Rating: C-. This was basically a singles match with managers on the apron, though having Otis stay out of the match makes sense for the Mysterios. It makes him look like that much bigger of a force, though it does mean having to watch the Mysterios team again. They just aren’t interesting as a team and the level of care I can muster for them falls every single week.

Post match Riddle goes to interview the Alpha Academy, with Otis running him over.

Austin Theory is warming up in Vince McMahon’s office but Vince says he won’t be having a match tonight. Instead, Vince wants Theory to come up with another way to impress him. Theory unzips his vest and does more jumping jacks. Vince: “STOP!” Vince tells him to come up with something using his brains and Theory leaves.

Finn Balor vs. T-Bar

Balor goes straight at him to start but gets thrown down with raw power. Some knees to the ribs set up a chinlock with a knee in Balor’s back. The chokeslam is countered into a rollup for two, followed by Balor’s jumping double stomp to the ribs. The Sling Blade drops Priest again and Balor goes up, only to have to shove T-Bar off the top. That’s enough to set up the Coup de Grace for the pin at 3:33.

Rating: C. It’s good to see Balor getting a win and it’s good to see T-Bar getting a match against a high level opponent, but dang it’s amazing to see how far T-Bar has fallen since NXT. Balor vs. Dominik Dijakovic sounds like an awesome Takeover level match but instead we get this, which was just ok. WWE has just let T-Bar down and I don’t see him bouncing back anytime soon.

Post match Austin Theory jumps Balor and gets the required picture.

The 24/7 goons aren’t sure if they can try to pin Dana Brooke, because it might not be PG. Tamina chases Brooke off.

We look back at Bobby Lashley jumping Big E. to leave the Day 1 triple threat laying.

MVP says Bobby Lashley was disrespected and Lashley doesn’t like it.

Video on Liv Morgan.

Raw Women’s Title: Liv Morgan vs. Becky Lynch

Liv is challenging and this does feel big. Lynch runs her over to start but has to bail to the floor from the threat of Oblivion. Back in and Liv grabs a headlock but has to spin out to grab a backslide for two. Some running knees to the face put Lynch on the floor and a nervous Liv hits a suicide dive. Liv heads up top but gets caught on top, meaning it’s a superplex to bring her back down.

We take a break and come back with Becky grabbing a reverse chinlock. That’s broken up so Becky hits a reverse DDT for two and a hard whip into the corner rocks Liv again. She comes back with an enziguri but misses Oblivion. Instead a springboard spinning Codebreaker (cool) gets two on Becky and Liv follows up with a missile dropkick for the same. The Rings of Saturn has Becky in more trouble but she reverses into the Disarm-Her. That’s reversed into an exchange of rollups but Becky grabs the rope to retain at 14:56.

Rating: B-. This was getting good by the end and the ending, while a bit deflating, does leave the door open for a rematch, perhaps at the pay per view. WWE has something with Morgan and it would not surprise me to see her win the title one day (or maybe Day 1) fairly soon. Becky seems to be surviving more and more as champion and that is going to catch up to her.

Overall Rating: C+. Raw can do a lot of things, and this is the kind of show that can be so frustrating. It felt like they were trying for a lot of the show and that makes all the difference in the world. There were nowhere near as many stupid hijinks tonight and you had two big matches to bookend the show. They had some solid matches and set up some things for the pay per view without making me mad. It is far from a great or even exciting show, but this was miles ahead of what Raw has been, because they still do know what they’re doing and can cut out the nonsense when they want to.

Big E. b. Kevin Owens – Big E. escaped the cage
Queen Zelina b. Nikki Ash – Code Red
Street Profits b. AJ Styles/Omos via countout
Damian Priest b. Robert Roode – Reckoning
Bianca Belair b. Doudrop via countout
Mysterios b. Alpha Academy – Rollup to Gable
Finn Balor b. T-Bar – Coup de Grace
Becky Lynch b. Liv Morgan – Rollup while grabbing the rope



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Monday Night Raw – November 29, 2021: The Duplicitous Scoundrel Show

Monday Night Raw
Date: November 29, 2021
Location: UBS Arena, New York City, New York
Commentators: Jimmy Smith, Corey Graves, Byron Saxton

We’re on the way to Day 1, which hasn’t actually been mentioned on the show so far. As for this week, we have the return of Edge, who will probably set up his next match. Other than that, Big E. is facing Kevin Owens, as we are setting up what should be (at least) a triple threat title match at the pay per view. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Here is Seth Rollins to say he should be upset after last week, but no one can keep him down. Not Finn Balor, not Kevin Owens and not Big E., no one. He’s in a good mood tonight because he has a secret. The breaking news: he’s getting his WWE Title match against Big E. at Day 1. It will be a reign that defines the future of WWE but here is Finn Balor to interrupt. The fight is on in a hurry and Balor sends him into the timekeeper’s area. Rollins is sent back inside but hits a dive to take Balor down. The steps rock Rollins but they head back inside for the opening bell (for a match which was at least scheduled).

Seth Rollins vs. Finn Balor

Balor hits the shotgun dropkick to set up the Coup de Grace but Rollins rolls outside. That means the big flip dive and we take a break. Back with Balor hitting an enziguri and heading up, only to get crotched back down. Rollins hits the superplex into the Falcon Arrow for two but the frog splash hits Balor’s raised knees.

The Sling Blade seems to be a bit mistimed but Rollins hits one of his own. What looks to be the Stomp is countered into Balor’s Sling Blade but the Coup de Grace misses again. Balor avoids the Stomp and they knock each other down. They slug it out until Rollins hits an enziguri, but the ripcord knee is countered into 1916. That’s countered with a shot to the face though (possibly in the eye), setting up a forearm to the back of Balor’s head. Now the Stomp can finish Balor at 8:44.

Rating: C+. I think you know the kind of match you’re going to get from these two and it’s really more about how much time they have. The shot to the eye is enough of a way for Rollins to cheat before pinning Balor, as Rollins needs the win on the way to the title match. Not a bad way to start the show at least and that’s better than some weeks.

We recap Becky Lynch egging Liv Morgan on last week until Morgan hit her in the face. Lynch looked a bit shaken.

Vince McMahon is in the back when Austin Theory comes in. Theory asks how he is doing and Vince tells him about an in-grown toenail and an ear ache. We recap Theory getting the WWE Title match, plus a photo with Vince, last week, before Vince tells Theory that they’re going to watch the show together. Vince says we’ll see if anyone does the unexpected….and threatens to kill Theory if he ever steals from him again.

Here is Becky Lynch for the contract signing with Liv Morgan and Sonya Deville moderating. Lynch realizes this is Morgan’s first contract signing and says Morgan is welcome for this chance, plus last week’s fire. But then Morgan held herself back last week, just like always. It’s going to take more than one punch to finish Lynch, who has already signed the contract.

It turns out that the title match is next week but Lynch goes onto a rant about how no one ever wins in this arena. Morgan asks if she can shut up for once and then signs the contract. Yeah she got upset last week and then channeled her emotions by using her fist instead of crying….like Lynch did after Survivor Series.

We see a clip (Morgan: “Courtesy of WWE’s social media team.”) of Lynch crying after beating Charlotte, leaving Lynch looking rather annoyed. Morgan says Lynch’s big contract is the reason Morgan’s friends are gone and that has Lynch all the more upset. Violence is teased but Deville holds them back as Lynch goes on about how she deserves to be paid and we hear about a ten woman tag for tonight. Morgan is in and shouting ensues. This was almost a good segment, but Morgan having to read rather obviously memorized lines killed it.

We recap Riddle dressing up like Randy Orton last week to beat Dolph Ziggler.

Riddle isn’t sure why Randy Orton isn’t dressed up like him this week and suggests a Freaky Friday remake. Orton isn’t going to the ring on a scooter….so Riddle puts a blond wig on him instead. Orton: “You have two seconds to get this off my head. One…” and the wig is off.

Tag Team Titles: RKBro vs. Robert Roode/Dolph Ziggler

Roode and Ziggler are challenging. Riddle gets taken down by Roode to start and a catapult into a DDT gives Ziggler two. Riddle gets over for the tag off to Orton though and everything breaks down with the fight heading to the floor. Orton gets taken down and Riddle gets dropped onto the announcers’ table as we take a break.

Back with Roode driving a knee into Orton’s back and grabbing a chinlock. That’s broken up with a belly to back suplex and the hot tag brings in Riddle to clean house. Everything breaks down and a Zig Zag gets two on Orton. The superkick is countered into a rollup for two on Ziggler, setting up the RKO to retain the titles at 10:30.

Rating: C. RKBro continues to be one of the better things going on Raw and that shouldn’t be a surprise. They have some awesome chemistry and the good thing is that they have been a team for so long now that they can do these teases of issues without it meaning a breakup. That’s going to make the actual breakup (assuming they have one) all the better and that’s a good thing.

Seth Rollins is rather happy when he runs into Kevin Owens. Things get serious as Owens says he’s added to the title match at Day 1 if he beats Big E. tonight. Rollins isn’t happy, but Owens tells him to go ask Adam Pearce (Owens: “The bald guy.”). Dig Owens’ old school Survivor Series shirt.

Post break, Rollins comes in to see Pearce about Owens’ idea…..but Owens was lying. Rollins leaves and is replaced by Sonya Deville, who thinks it’s not a bad idea.

Here is the returning Edge for a chat. The last time you saw him, he was winning a match inside the Cell but now it is time for him to see who he can face on Raw. We hear about AJ Styles, Kevin Owens, Finn Balor, Damian Priest and Big E. Instead, here is the returning Miz (with Maryse) to interrupt. We see a package of Miz on Dancing With The Stars before Miz talks about how Edge does nothing but make comebacks. While Edge was gone, Miz was representing WWE every week on national TV. Edge asks why he came in ninth place and Miz blames the fans. His dancing was REVOLUTIONARY!

Edge isn’t convinced and suggests he could get a MIZ SUCKS chant going anytime he wants. With said chant out of the way, Miz talks about how he was WWE Champion six months ago but Edge hasn’t won a major title in like forever. Edge was great once, but this time he should have stayed home for good. It’s true that Edge is dancing with a body that doesn’t have much left but he is the same person that everyone wants to face these days.

Edge says Miz has made it further than anyone thought he would, becoming WWE Champion and being someone whose name is used on other shows to get a reaction (there’s your reference). No one but Miz ever believed in him but here Miz is anyway. The fight is teased but Miz bails. This was absolutely inspired by MJF vs. CM Punk, though it absolutely wasn’t a parody or a bunch of shots at it. That’s quite the relief and this was a good segment, as it felt like serious Miz again.

AJ Styles is in sunglasses and says his eyes were damaged last week by the Street Profits’ fire extinguisher. Omos had to help him shave this morning! Revenge is promised.

Street Profits vs. Alpha Academy

Omos leads a still mostly blind AJ Styles to commentary. Ford gets pulled out of the air by Otis to start as AJ is asking who is winning. It’s quickly off to Dawkins for the Anointment but Gable is pulled outside. That leaves Ford to hit a big dive to the floor but AJ pops up on the apron to distract Ford. Not that it matters as Ford shoves Gable off the top and finishes with the frog splash for the pin at 3:13.

Rating: C. This was about AJ and I could have gone for more of playing up the angle a bit longer. They didn’t waste time on this one though and while it is good to keep up the Street Profits vs. Styles/Omos, but the Academy doesn’t exactly seem to have the brightest future at the moment.

Vince McMahon thinks Austin Theory should have seen that win coming. He wants Theory to look at him when he is speaking too.

We recap Dana Brooke winning the 24/7 Title last week.

Reggie is talking calmly to Dana Brooke in the back and not trying to take the title.

Seth Rollins comes up to Kevin Owens in the back and accuses him of being a liar. It turns out that now, if Owens wins, he WILL be added to the Day 1 title match. Sure.

US Title: Apollo Crews vs. Damian Priest

Crews, with Commander Azeez, is challenging. Priest throws him around to start but has to pause for a showdown with Azeez. The distraction lets Crews get in a cheap shot to send us to a break. Back with Crews hitting a toss powerbomb for two but Priest kicks him in the face. A DDT gets two on Crews and he bails to the floor but gets away before Priest can bust out the big dive. Instead Priest hits a flip dive off the steps (without much height) and goes up, only to have Azeez pull him face first onto the apron. That’s enough for an ejection and Priest is all angry. The beating is on and the Reckoning finishes Crews at 8:27.

Rating: C. They didn’t have much time here but Priest gets another win over another established name. WWE has actually done a good job with him in recent months and he feels like a big deal. Keep that going and do it with more people and they might get somewhere for a change.

Seth Rollins comes in to see Adam Pearce and Sonya Deville, thinking that Kevin Owens is still lying. Actually he was telling the truth this time and the stipulation is set.

Hurt Business vs. Mysterios

Dominik walks toe rope to wristdrag Benjamin, earning a heck of a shoulder down. Alexander comes in with a slingshot hilo and we get the required Eddie Guerrero dance. A superkick gets Dominik out of trouble though and it’s off to Rey to pick up the pace. Rey hits a basement dropkick for two on Alexander and everything breaks down, setting up a double 619. Rey dives onto Benjamin and the frog splash pins Alexander at 2:59.

We recap the contract signing and set up the ten women tag.

Smackdown Rebound.

Team Liv vs. Team Becks

Liv Morgan/Bianca Belair/Dana Brooke/Nikki Ash/Rhea Ripley

Becky Lynch/Carmella/Queen Zelina/Doudrop/Tamina

Becky and Liv start things off with Becky being taken down in a hurry. Carmella comes in for a rollup and trash talk so Liv brings in Ripley to scare Carmella off. Vega gets tagged in against her will but all of Team Becks (that’s what the graphic said) comes in to go after Ripley at once. Team Liv is perfectly fine with this until Tamina is left alone. Ripley clotheslines her down and this time it’s a string of tags to bring in all of Team Liv to surround Tamina. The villains bail to the floor and we take a break.

Back with Doudrop chinlocking Ash and handing it off to Lynch for a legdrop. Carmella beats on Ash in the corner and grabs a chinlock of her own. That’s broken up and it’s back to Ripley, who is caught in the Code of Silence. Brooke breaks that up and it’s time for the parade of secondary finishers. Carmella superkicks Ripley for two and we take another break.

Back again with Brooke kicking Tamina away and handing it back to Liv to clean house. Dana loads up the superplex onto the pile but gets shoved down into the big crash instead. That leaves Liv to enziguri Carmella and hit an STO on Vega. Tamina gets kicked into the ropes and Oblivion finishes for Liv at 19:50.

Rating: D. It wasn’t the worst, but this was a pretty hard sit. Ultimately, it was too long and they had too many people involved. There is enough talent in the division to do a heck of a six woman tag, but some of them aren’t quite set up for a nearly twenty minute match. Morgan vs. Lynch is going to feel big time, but Doudrop, Tamina, Ash (not her fault) and arguably Carmella/Vega don’t feel like they belong on this level and were there to just make the match bigger.

Post match Liv takes out Becky again.

Back in Vince McMahon’s office, Vince teaches Austin Theory about expecting the unexpected. Theory keeps looking away and Vince doesn’t like it.

Veer Maahan is coming.

Video on Bobby Lashley, complete with a look back at his amateur career. I believe we’ve seen this kind of thing several times for Lashley. This kind of felt like a setup for a face turn and if so…I hope the Impact World Title is available because that’s not a good thing these days in WWE.

Big E. isn’t worried about Kevin Owens tonight and promises to take care of that duplicitous scourge (Big E.: “Yes I said DUPLICITOUS SCOURGE!”).

Austin Theory thinks he has learned to expect the unexpected. Then Vince McMahon slaps him and says he has a lot to learn. If there was a point to this, it’s eluding me.

Big E. vs. Kevin Owens

Non-title but if Owens wins, he’s added to the Day 1 title match. Hold on though as here is Seth Rollins to join commentary. Big E. powers him into the corner to start and Rollins is rather pleased. Owens takes it to the mat and starts working on the leg. Back up and Owens is sent outside, where Owens hits Rollins in the face. That’s not enough to sucker Rollins in though and Owens clotheslines Big E. down instead. They head back outside and Big E. gets dropped onto the steps as we take a break.

Back with Owens muscling him over for a superplex as commentary explains the triple threat concept (again). Big E. muscles his way out of a chinlock and hits the overhead belly to belly though, setting up the Warrior Splash for two. Owens superkicks him down for two of his own but charges into the Rock Bottom out of the corner for the next near fall.

The pop up sitout powerbomb (Rollins: “NO!!!!”) gives Owens two more and they’re both down. Owens goes to the apron but drops outside to run Rollins over. Back in and the Stunner is broken up so Big E. can blast him with a running clothesline. Rollins runs in to jump Owens for the DQ at 14:27.

Rating: C+. I was a bit surprised at the ending as it almost seemed too obvious of a way to go. That being said, they did build up the idea of Rollins getting more and more nervous (that “NO!” was a great touch) throughout the match until he was finally pushed too far and his insanity got the better of him. The triple threat is a good idea as well and we should be in for a solid pay per view match.

The triple threat match is officially declared and Owens shouts “I GOT YOU” at Rollins to end the show.

Overall Rating: C. This show was kind of a weird one, with the Vince/Theory stuff not meaning much but there was some good wrestling throughout and they set up a pair of matches. Liv vs. Becky is sounding like a big deal and we could be in for a nice triple threat at Day 1. Edge vs. Miz makes it even better, as that could be a heck of a match if they do it right. Some of the other stories were advanced a bit here and there, though that ten woman tag brought things down a good bit. Not the worst show, and that is a step up for Raw.

Seth Rollins b. Finn Balor – Stomp
RKBro b. Robert Roode/Dolph Ziggler – RKO to Ziggler
Street Profits b. Alpha Academy – Frog splash to Gable
Damian Priest b. Apollo Crews – Reckoning
Mysterios b. Hurt Business – Frog splash to Alexander
Team Liv b. Team Becky – Oblivion to Tamina
Kevin Owens b. Big E. via DQ when Seth Rollins interfered




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Monday Night Raw – November 22, 2021: Vince Can Help

Monday Night Raw
Date: November 22, 2021
Location: Barclays Center, New York City, New York
Commentators: Jimmy Smith, Corey Graves, Byron Saxton

We’re done with Survivor Series and Raw won the Battle For Brand Supremacy, which I don’t think was actually mentioned on the show. What was mentioned was Mr. McMahon’s egg, which is a prop from a movie that he thinks is worth millions of dollars. Then someone stole it and tonight we need to find out who did it. What a great way to start the holidays so let’s get to it.

Here is Survivor Series if you need a recap.

Vince McMahon is glaring at Adam Pearce and Sonya Deville over the missing egg.

We recap the case of the stolen egg.

Back in the office, Vince tells Pearce and Deville that they need to find out who did this. Deville has talked to everyone and the surveillance footage isn’t clear. Vince makes them an offer: if someone confesses, they can face Big E. for the WWE Title tonight. Now find it or be fired. Vince sounded really, really old here.

Randy Orton is ready to face Dolph Ziggler, who could get lost on the way to the ring. Riddle comes in with an Orton style goatee and his hair pulled back. He’s been busy doing Viper stuff and Riddle promises to give Ziggler a rude introduction. Riddle talks about everything Orton has done in his career (including the most PPV matches as of last night) and now he’s ready to take out Ziggler.

Riddle vs. Dolph Ziggler

Randy Orton is here with Riddle, who is even in Orton trunks. Feeling out process to start and they go with the grappling until Ziggler dropkicks him so hard that the mustache comes off. Ziggler pulls the goatee off (Graves: “It was Riddle all along! And he would have gotten away with it if it wasn’t for those meddling kids!”) but gets caught with the spinning gutwrench suplex.

Ziggler is sent outside so Riddle dives…right into a superkick and we take a break. Back with Riddle hitting an Orton powerslam but an RKO attempt is broken up. Ziggler rips at the face but Riddle knees him down. Now the RKO can finish Ziggler at 9:30 (with Orton looking rather pleased).

Rating: C. It wasn’t a great match or anything close but it was a goofy bit of fun with good enough action. Riddle does a great Orton impression and Orton getting sucked into the madness is a fun way to go. I’m not sure what the endgame is for the team, but the fact that we have gotten this far without a split is great to see for a change.

Post match Robert Roode goes after Riddle so Orton makes the save and lays him out with a Bro Derek (much to Riddle’s delight).

Everyone is going nuts in the back looking for the egg. R-Truth runs off…and accidentally goes into the women’s locker room. R-Truth: “IT AIN’T IN THERE!” Maybe they should try some different rooms?

Here is Becky Lynch for a chat. After a look at last night’s win over Charlotte, and a break, Becky soaks in some of the rather enthusiastic cheers. Becky talks about some of the great moments she has had in Brooklyn and how great last night really was. The fans loved everything and didn’t even care who won as long as they could beat each other up. She thinks the fans want something fresh and new and asks who they want to see.

The fans like some of her suggestions…but she has realized that whatever they say doesn’t matter. Last night she saw ten women breaking their backs but the fans were out there doing the wave and singing their songs and doing their chants. Now they want to see Liv Morgan get a chance because she has won one match in four years. It doesn’t matter because she has a death grip on this title and no one is taking it from her. Becky was feeling it here.

We look at Bianca Belair beating four women in a row to win last night.

Here is Belair for a chat to talk about how she was the sole survivor. Now hopefully Doudrop will cool it because she wasn’t even on the team. Maybe Doudrop can go find the egg instead of being after her. For now though, she’ll just beat up Tamina.

Bianca Belair vs. Tamina

Natalya is here with Tamina, who sends Belair into the corner. That’s fine with Belair, who moonsaults over her and manages a suplex. Tamina superkicks her into the Samoan drop for two and it’s time to hit the neck crank. Belair fights up again, hits Tamina a few times, and finishes with the KOD at 3:58.

Rating: D+. I’m not sure what else there was to expect here and it only worked so well. Belair overcomes the odds again by beating Tamina, which doesn’t exactly mean that much at this point. After beating four women in a row last night, it’s not the biggest surprise to have her beat Tamina, who hasn’t won anything on her own in a pretty long while.

Post match Natalya jumps Belair but gets kicked away. Cue Doudrop to crush Belair, while looking a bit more serious.

We look at Seth Rollins leading the men’s Raw Survivor Series team to victory.

Here is Rollins to brag about his win. It was a great victory and he did it all by himself. That’s right: it was all Rollins, because his partners either walked out, weren’t good enough or got pinned in the middle of the ring. Cue Finn Balor though and we’re ready to go with their scheduled match.

Seth Rollins vs. Finn Balor

Rollins jumps Balor during his entrances and the brawl is on before the bell. Balor scores with a flip dive but gets sent into the barricade and onto the announcers’ table. Rollins stomps away at Balor and blasts Balor in the face with the steps. The Stomp onto the steps and another one in the ring leave Balor laying with no match. Rollins goes to leave and gets jumped by a fan so we cut away in a hurry.

The egg hunt continues and looks a lot like the 24/7 Title chase.

Sami Zayn is in Vince McMahon’s office and says he knows who took the egg. Well, at least he’s like 95% sure. They’re not here yet, but when they get here, Sami will get his title shot.

Kevin Owens is looking for the egg but wasn’t listening to Seth Rollins. If he doesn’t find the egg, he’ll be looking forward to seeing who gets the title shot.

AJ Styles/Omos vs. Street Profits

The Profits are carrying a bag and give Graves his own red cup. Ford starts with Styles and takes him down in a hurry. That doesn’t go well for Styles, so he hands it off to Omos. The Profits need to think about this for a bit on the floor and we take a break. Back with Dawkins in trouble as AJ grabs a front facelock to keep him down. That’s broken up in a hurry though and it’s back to Ford to pick up the pace. Ford cleans house and backdrops his way out of a fast Styles Clash attempt…but it’s back to Omos again.

Ford’s crossbody bounces off of Omos so he tries some strikes, with only an enziguri staggering Omos. Unfortunately it’s only a stagger as a clothesline takes Ford’s head off. Dawkins breaks up the chokebomb but gets sent outside. That’s enough for Dawkins, who opens the bag and pulls out a fire extinguisher to blind Omos for the DQ at 8:15.

Rating: C-. That was a bit of a stretch for an ending as it isn’t like the Profits have anything that would make you think of a fire extinguisher. I get the idea of not wanting to face Omos empty handed but it did feel a bit out there. It doesn’t help that the match was the same thing you always see from Styles and Omos: Styles doing everything and then Omos coming in as the monster. The team doesn’t seem like it is going to be around for that long, but I’m not sure what Omos is going to be able to do on his own.

Zelina Vega/Carmella are ready to win the Women’s Tag Team Titles.

Veer Mahaan is still coming.

Women’s Tag Team Titles: Queen Zelina/Carmella vs. Nikki Ash/Rhea Ripley

Nikki and Ripley are defending. Hold on though as Carmella has to put on her mask, allowing Ripley to start things on the floor. Back in and Rhea keeps up the beating before it’s off to Zelina. That doesn’t go well for her either, as Ripley runs her over and blocks a hurricanrana attempt.

A tornado DDT does drop Ripley and we hit the chinlock, which is powered into the corner for the tag to Nikki. Carmella gets in a cheap shot so Ripley chases her around the ring, only to dive back in and break up a cover. Ripley gets sent outside and a superkick sends her head into the post. Back in and Vega jumps Nikki from behind, allowing Carmella to hit a low superkick. The Code Red gives Vega the pin and the titles at 4:49.

Rating: D+. This wasn’t great but the title change was the right way to go. It was clear that Nikki and Rhea didn’t have anything to do as champions so putting them on a semi regular team is the better way to go. If nothing else, this should free Rhea up from the tagging and that’s a good thing for the division as a whole.

Sonya Deville tells Vince McMahon that she has found the culprit. Post break, Sami Zayn, Adam Pearce and Deville are in the office as Austin Theory comes in with the egg. Vince takes it back and Theory says he was just here yesterday to take a selfie with it, but there was so much security that he took it back to the hotel. Theory shows him the picture and Vince is so happy with Theory’s honesty that Theory gets the title match instead! Sami loses it as Vince and Theory take another selfie together. Vince tells Sami to shut up because no one likes a snitch. I’ll take this over some bad comedy answer.

24/7 Title: Reggie vs. Cedric Alexander

Reggie is defending and tries a nip up to start, earning himself a heck of a right hand to the face. A hurricanrana gives Reggie two but Cedric knees him in the ribs. The Lumbar Check gives Cedric the pin and the title at 1:17.

Post match here is the usual gang of idiots (plus a lot more) to go after the title but it’s Dana Brooke hitting a Blockbuster for the pin and the title. All of the guys stop and let her pose.

We look at Bobby Lashley taking out the Mysterio to get on the Survivor Series team.

Rey Mysterio talks to Dominik about all of the giants he has faced over the years. Tonight though, he is honored to fight by his son’s side so let’s go give them a Mysterio whipping.

Dana Brooke is very happy with her title win. She created an opportunity and tries to live every day like a champion. Graves: “I give it until the end of the night.”

Rey Mysterio/Dominik Mysterio vs. Bobby Lashley

Before the match, MVP says he respects Rey as a wrestler, but not so much as a father. Did Rey ever teach Dominik that monsters are not real? Rey has never faced a monster like Lashley and Dominik is going to be in the Hurt Lock in just a few minutes. When Rey’s wife is tired of him being a horrible number, Rey can give her MVP’s number.

Dominik jumps on Lashley’s back to start and is quickly powered into the corner. Rey comes in and gets powerslammed in a hurry but Dominik breaks up the Hurt Lock. Lashley is sent outside but his dive is caught in the air. The posting is broken up by a Rey dive though and we take a break. Back with Lashley choking Dominik on the ropes and hitting the spinning Big Ending for two. Dominik gets posted again as Rey can’t do much other than watch the destruction.

Back in and Lashley tells Dominik to hit him, with Dominik actually managing to stagger him. The hot tag brings in Rey, who gets an assist to set up a tornado DDT for two. Dominik comes in without a tag (with commentary pointing it out) but it’s quickly back to Rey for a double 619. Back to back frog splashes and a double cover get two so Lashley spears Rey down. The Hurt Lock finishes Dominik at 10:56.

Rating: C. I don’t think the ending was exactly in doubt as Lashley is not someone who is going to lose outside of a big moment. The Mysterios are a good team, but it’s not like this is a loss that hurts them. Odds are they are heading to the split which has been teased for a little while, though I’m not sure how well Dominik is going to do on his own.

Big E. let a lot of people down last week but now he has to defend the WWE Title against Austin Theory. Now Theory is good and young, but Big E. is going to be feeling good when he leaves this beautiful building.

Liv Morgan is happy with the win last night but here is Becky Lynch to laugh about Liv coming up short. Becky says Liv will never hold the title, but Liv says she held it last week. That’s laughed off as well and Becky talks about how Liv has disappointed everyone. Liv looks near tears so she punches Becky in the face and walks away, leaving Becky looking shaken.

US Title: Damian Priest vs. Apollo Crews

Priest is defending in an open challenge. Before the match, Crews and Commander Azeez brag about how great Crews is, but Priest cuts him off to say they’re in New York. If Crews wants to fight, all he has to do is ask. Crews actually says no, so here is Sami Zayn instead. If Crews doesn’t want the title then he’ll take the shot.

US Title: Damian Priest vs. Sami Zayn

Priest is still defending and Sami bails outside to start. That’s fine with Priest, who follows him out but gets caught with an exploder. We take a break and come back with Priest fighting up, only to get caught in the Blue Thunder Bomb for two. Sami gets caught on top with a kick to the head but still manages a sunset bomb for two more.

Back up and Priest tries the Reckoning but gets reversed into a rollup. For some reason, Sami thinks it’s a good idea to go pick up the US Title, which sends Priest into his now trademark rage. A big beating has Sami rocked in the corner and the Reckoning retains the title at 8:49.

Rating: C. This was about all you would have expected it to be, with Sami doing what he could, going too far, and summoning the inner Priest monster. That was a good way to go as Sami can be just good enough to make you believe that he could pull off the upset but then take the beating. Priest is on his way up and that’s nice to see.

Austin Theory has had a good day and is ready to take a selfie with the WWE Title.

Raw World Title: Big E. vs. Austin Theory

Big E. is defending and here is Seth Rollins to watch as well. They start fast with Big E. running him over and hitting the apron splash. Cue Kevin Owens to distract Big E. though, allowing Theory to hit a dropkick to the floor. We take a break and come back with Big E. fighting out of trouble, including an overhead belly to belly.

Theory kicks him in the face and then blocks the spear through the ropes. Big E. runs him over again but Rollins gets in a cheap shot from the floor, allowing Theory to hit the rolling Blockbuster. Owens gets annoyed at Rollins and they yell at each other, distracting Theory in the process. Big E. uses said distraction to hit the Big Ending for the pin to retain at 9:13.

Rating: C. Much like some of the other matches tonight, there wasn’t a lot of drama to be found and that’s ok. After the loss to Reigns, this lets Big E. get back on the winning path over someone who is getting more over just getting to rub elbows with people on a higher level. Both of them can move on to something else, though I’m not sure what that is for Theory.

Post match Rollins goes after Big E. and gets laid out, leaving Big E. to yell at Owens and Rollins to end the show.

Overall Rating: C. Maybe it was the lack of dread from Survivor Series coming but this was a better Raw than usual. They did some logical things with some of the wrestlers and the whole egg deal set up a nice little main event. It’s far from perfect and the length is still one of the major underlying problems, but I didn’t get mad at anything on the show this week so that’s a pretty positive result.

Riddle b. Dolph Ziggler – RKO
Bianca Belair b. Tamina – KOD
AJ Styles/Omos b. Street Profits via DQ when Dawkins used a fire extinguisher
Queen Zelina/Carmella b. Nikki Ash/Rhea Ripley – Code Red to Ash
Cedric Alexander b. Reggie – Lumbar Check
Bobby Lashley b. Dominik Mysterio/Rey Mysterio – Hurt Lock to Dominik
Damian Priest b. Sami Zayn – Reckoning
Big E. b. Austin Theory – Big Ending



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