Smackdown – July 29, 2022: You Can Feel The Difference

Date: July 29, 2022
Location: State Farm Arena, Atlanta, Georgia
Commentators: Michael Cole, Pat McAfee

This is going to be a weird one as it’s the go home show for Summerslam so there won’t be much in the way of moving forward to the show, but there is a #1 contenders match for the next major show. At the same time, this is the first television show with no influence from Vince McMahon following his departure from the company. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Sheamus vs. Drew McIntyre

Donnybrook match, meaning street fight, and the winner gets a World Title shot at Clash At The Castle. Sheamus jumps McIntyre during his entrance and they start fast with McIntyre being thrown inside for the opening bell. A Michinoku Driver gets McIntyre out of trouble and it’s time for the Shillelagh. That doesn’t work yet so McIntyre grabs a table, only to be sent into the steps (near the makeshift bar).

They get back inside with Sheamus whipping out the cut Shillelagh from last week to beat on McIntyre even more. Twenty forearms to the chest rock McIntyre even more and they go back to the floor. This time Sheamus’ suplex through a table is countered into a suplex from McIntyre, who whips him into various objects to make it worse. Sheamus gets whipped through some barrels and we take a break.

Back with Sheamus hitting a powerslam but McIntyre sends him into the corner. Some belly to belly suplexes and a neckbreaker before piling up some chairs. White Noise is countered into Futureshock onto the chairs for a near fall. That’s enough for Ridge Holland to come in for a cheap shot on McIntyre, who beats the fire out of Holland.

A belly to belly suplex sends Holland through a table at ringside and we take another break. Back again with McIntyre in the Tree of Woe but sitting up for something like a belly to belly superplex. McIntyre gets back down, earning himself an Alabama Slam to give Sheamus two. They head back outside with Sheamus being sent into the bar, knocking down photos of Sheamus’ grandparents.

Butch dives off some barrels to take McIntyre down (because of course he does) and Sheamus breaks a bar stool over McIntyre for a big crash. White Noise gets two, so Butch brings out a REALLY BIG Shillelagh. McIntyre gets in a Glasgow Kiss to knock it out of Sheamus’ hands though and house is cleaned, including a Claymore to Butch. The distraction lets Sheamus hit the Brogue Kick for a rather close two and frustration sets further in. Another Brogue Kick is countered into a powerbomb through a table, setting up a Claymore for the pin at 26:35.

Rating: B+. You can tell if Sheamus gets into a match by how badly his hair gets covered in sweat. This was like a pay per view match the night before a pay per view as these guys beat the fire out of each other. Even if McIntyre was all but guaranteed to win here, it was a very good fight on the way there, which is pretty obvious when these two are in the ring together. Awesome fight and the extra time helped it a lot.

Post match McIntyre thanks the fans and promises to win the title from a part time champion…and then gets jumped by Theory with a briefcase shot.

We look at Happy Corbin jumping Pat McAfee last week and their ensuing brawl.

Corbin has a ticket and sits in the front row, complete with a bag of popcorn and a sign with McAfee’s face and the word LOSER. McAfee has to hold himself back.

We look at Seth Rollins attacking Riddle, resulting in Riddle being pulled from Summerslam due to injury.

We run down the Summerslam card, with McAfee complaining about Corbin throwing popcorn at him the entire time.

McAfee gets in Corbin’s face but officials come out to hold them back. Corbin throws the bag of popcorn at him and jumps the barricade, where he kicks McAfee low when McAfee’s back is turned.

Theory knows a lot of people are after him, but he doesn’t care because he’s winning the US Title and cashing in Money In The Bank at Summerslam. Paul Heyman comes up and the two go off for a chat.

Aliyah vs. Shotzi

Shotzi jumps her to start and pounds away, setting up a Boston crab. That’s broken up with a grab of the rope and Aliyah starts striking away. Aliyah knocks her outside and hits a Meteora off the apron but Shotzi knocks her down again. Back in and Never Wake Up finishes Aliyah at 3:27.

Rating: D+. This felt like filler but I’ll take Shotzi getting some TV time. It’s better than having Lacey Evans do the same thing over and over again and if Shotzi gets a chance, good for her. Nothing match of course, but were you expecting anything more from Aliyah? I get why she’s there, but at some point she needs to be able to do something other than smile.

We look at Sonya Deville complaining during a commercial last week and getting beaten up by Ronda Rousey.

Rousey and Liv Morgan are glaring at each other in the back when Natalya comes in to mock her. Deville comes in and cuts them both off….and Rousey just leaves so the other three can keep arguing. Morgan starts talking and we cut to the ring where Shotzi is running her mouth. Rousey comes out and beats her up before taking the mic. Rousey to a fan: “YOU SHUT UP AND YOUR MOM FAILED YOU!” After that great line, she calls out Morgan to show these people why they’re fighting tomorrow night.

Liv Morgan/Ronda Rousey vs. Natalya/Sonya Deville

The audio sounds very different for some reason. Natalya takes over on Rousey to start but gets knocked into the corner for the tag off to Morgan. Deville comes in as well, with Morgan taking her down rather quickly. Rousey is back in and yells at Morgan, who has to duck Deville’s clothesline. The ankle lock is broken up though and it’s back to Morgan, who gets tossed to the floor as we take a break.

Back with Deville hitting a running knee for two on Morgan and the villains taking turns with the beatdown. An enziguri gets Morgan out of trouble as she and Deville are both down. Morgan won’t tag out though and gets discus clotheslined to give Natalya two. Natalya gets sent into the corner for a breather but Morgan still won’t tag. That’s fine with Rousey, who tags herself in and cleans house as everything breaks down. Oblivion to Natalya sets up the ankle lock to make Deville tap at 11:40.

Rating: C+. They had a story here as Morgan is still trying to prove herself despite being the champion. That is the kind of thing that has been lacking from a lot of WWE matches in recent years, as there was enough of a spin on this to get what they were going for while keeping things fresh. Now just don’t screw things up and have Rousey get the title back or have Charlotte take it from Morgan in a month and we might be somewhere.

The staredown is on post match.

Here are the Street Profits and the Usos for the official instructions from special referee Jeff Jarrett. Jeff cuts off the near brawl and says he wants to lay down the law. The Usos ask if it’s a DQ to punch Montez Ford in the face or hit them with the belts. The Profits ask if it’s a DQ if they hit Jey so hard that he comes back with his face paint back on, or if the Usos’ bodies are left laying on the mat with the Profits are the new champs.

Jarrett thinks they’re creative but says he’s not there to contain them tomorrow so get it out of your system now. The brawl is on with Jarrett failing to stay out of the way. Jimmy fires a superkick and hits Jarrett by mistake, which has him realizing he screwed up. Jarrett shoves the Usos away and the Profits clear the ring, setting up Ford’s big flip dive. It’s interesting to put Jarrett on one side, but I don’t know if I can see the Profits taking the titles.

Maxxine Dupri introduces the Maximum Male Models Summerslam Beachwear Collection, which is a bunch of beach gear with Summerslam logos. Max Dupri pops in to say they’re still looking for clients to titillate the juices. He sounded a bit more like his old self here so that might be a good sign.

New Day vs. Viking Raiders

Erik shrugs off Woods to start so Kingston springboards in with a high crossbody for one. Kingston gets driven into the corner and sent outside, where Ivar crushes him against the barricade. We take a break and come back with Kingston hitting a quick SOS, allowing the tag to Woods. A tornado DDT gets two on Ivar and there’s the dive to Erik. Everything breaks down and Ivar kicks Woods in the face for two. A double powerbomb finishes Kingston at 9:43.

Rating: C. The Raiders needed to dominate here and that is what they did for the most part. New Day has been beaten up time after time in the feud and there was no reason to mess with that this time. Just let the Raiders be built up as the next big deal, possible for the Street Profits if that is the way they go, because we could use a long break from New Day and the Usos.

Post match the Raiders beat up New Day again and Pillmanize Woods’ ankle. That might be part of the New Day break.

Here is Paul Heyman for the big push towards Brock Lesnar vs. Roman Reigns. After waiting for the crowd to do his entrance, Heyman talks about how Reigns is approaching 700 days as heavyweight champion, which has not been done in 35 years. Now Lesnar wants to play spoiler and that isn’t happening over Heyman’s dead body. Lesnar will be put down for a ten count and that will be it for him in WWE.

Cue Lesnar and Heyman knows this isn’t good. Lesnar takes his time circling Heyman but here’s Theory with a briefcase shot. That’s shrugged off and Theory is sent outside, where Drew McIntyre pops up with a Claymore to end the show. That alone is more intrigue than they’ve had to end a show in a good while and it’s not even anything great.

Overall Rating: B-. They haven’t completely shaken things up since Vince left, but you can tell that things have changed enough. There is more of a focus lately and the show was missing any of the really goofy stuff that often drags a show down. It’s the theory of “what you’re seeing now is what’s important” and that has been lacking for a long time. This was an enjoyable show and I’m wanting to see Summerslam, so nice job on doing what needed to be done this week. The big changes can come later, but this show worked out rather well.

Drew McIntyre b. Sheamus – Claymore
Shotzi b. Aliyah – Never Wake Up
Liv Morgan/Ronda Rousey b. Natalya/Sonya Deville – Ankle lock to Deville
Viking Raiders b. New Day – Double powerbomb to Kingston



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Smackdown – July 15, 2022: Not A High Bar To Clear

Date: July 15, 2022
Location: Amway Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Michael Cole, Pat McAfee

We have about two weeks to go before Summerslam and the question for tonight is “does anything besides Brock Lesnar vs. Roman Reigns matter”. WWE has turned Summerslam into a one match show and that doesn’t leave much for this week. We are getting a Street Profit vs. an Uso though, just in case you wanted some variety. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Michael Cole is in the ring to open things up and introduces Pat McAfee, who has signed a multi year extension to remain in WWE. McAfee talks about how special it is to be here for him because he loves this so much. After a rather pro-Pat chant, McAfee thanks the fans for putting up with Corey Graves for two weeks while he was gone. That included BUM A** CORBIN being an idiot last week, complete with video.

McAfee talks about how he and Corbin knew each other before they even came to WWE. They were roommates together as rookies in the NFL and McAfee knew Corbin was nothing special then either. That’s what he’s going to prove at Summerslam, but cue Corbin on screen. Corbin says he’s ready to beat up McAfee, but he’ll be waiting to do that at Summerslam. McAfee isn’t impressed, despite being one of the most complete packages you’ll see in WWE these days.

Natalya vs. Liv Morgan

Champions Contenders match. Morgan takes her down to start and grabs a rollup, only to be sent into the corner. Natalya knocks her out of the corner but the basement dropkick is blocked. They fight to the apron with Morgan’s Codebreaker being blocked, earning her a trip into the post as we take a break.

Back with Morgan getting out of an over the shoulder backbreaker and striking away. A rollup gets two and a Backstabber with her feet instead of knees rock Natalya but she hits a quick German suplex. Morgan pulls her off the ropes but gets caught in a sitout powerbomb. The ankle lock goes on Morgan sends her into the corner for the break. Oblivion finishes Natalya at 9:04.

Rating: C. This is the kind of win that Morgan needed, but as long as Ronda Rousey and eventually Charlotte are around, her reign feels like it is on borrowed time. Morgan is still coasting on the energy of her title win, though that is only going to take her so far. She has to win some bigger matches to establish herself, and while Natalya isn’t one of the really big ones, she is worth more than some of the other wins Morgan has had.

Post match Morgan is asked about her victory over Natalya not being as dominant as Ronda Rousey’s was last week. Morgan is used to be the underdog but she’ll still be champion after Summerslam.

Theory is ready for anyone and knows people don’t like him. Paul Heyman comes in and talks about how he likes the theory of Theory cashing in, but doesn’t want to leave Theory to blow his chance. What they should do is work together and set up a scheduled title match. Imagine the prestige, the moment and the money if Theory just doesn’t cash in at Summerslam! Theory is still cashing in at Summerslam to become champion and then he can hire Heyman himself!

Here is the New Day, dressed as the Viking Raiders. After explaining who they really are, Xavier Woods accidentally talks like a pirate because he can’t do accents. To prepare for this, they played a lot of Assassin’s Creed and watched ALL of the Thor movies (Woods: “Yes, even the new one!”) and it seemed to have worked. Cue the real Raiders, with New Day calling them ugly and blowing a horn, which brings out Jinder Mahal/Shanky for the save. So Mahal is a face now. I’ve seen everything. Well not really, but enough of it.

Gunther yells at Ludvig Kaiser, who has to fight Shinsuke Nakamura again next week. After some shouting in German, Kaiser gets chopped again, leaving Kayla Braxton looking terrified.

We look at Lacey Evans turning (again) last week and laying out Aliyah.

Lacey Evans vs. Aliyah

Before the match, Lacey brags about herself again before apologizing for last week. That doesn’t work for Lacey, who tells us where we can go and flips the mic away. No match, and Aliyah is just ok with all of this.

Drew McIntyre vs. Ridge Holland

It was supposed to be Sheamus instead of Ridge, but the ring announcer said Holland’s name and Butch rang the bell so let’s do it this way. Drew starts fast and sends Holland to the apron for Sheamus’ ten forearms to the chest. Sheamus offers a distraction though and Holland gets in some cheap shots to take over. Drew starts the comeback so Sheamus throws the shillelagh at commentary, leaving Drew to hit the Glasgow Kiss. White Noise sets up the Claymore to finish Holland at 3:25.

Rating: C-. Since WWE isn’t exactly one for subtlety, it was pretty clear that Holland would be getting this spot as soon as the Sheamus vs. McIntyre graphic went up. That isn’t a bad story to tell as Drew has to go through the lackeys to get to Sheamus, but it’s also a story that has very little drama as McIntyre is all but carved into stone for the Wales title match. This was a short power match with Drew more worried about Sheamus than Holland, though I can’t say I blame him.

Long video on Brock Lesnar taking out Theory and the Alpha Academy on Raw.

Madcap Moss is ready for Theory when Paul Heyman comes in. Heyman reminds Moss of helping him with the biggest break of his career. He remembers Moss giving Happy Corbin a heck of a beating, so maybe Moss could do it to Theory too. It could set up Moss vs. Roman Reigns in the main event of a pretty big show. Think of the money and prestige! Moss thinks Heyman is worried about Theory cashing in at Summerslam. And now it’s time to go to the ring.

Video on Maximum Male Models. Next week they debut their Beachwear Collection, with Max Dupree’s sister Maxine involved.

Madcap Moss vs. Theory

They shove each other around to start until Theory runs Moss over with a shoulder. The posing ensues (with Theory’s shoulder blade sticking WAY out) but Moss powers him up into a fall away slam. Theory gets in another shot and puts on the chinlock, which is broken up without much trouble. A running clothesline takes it to the floor, where Moss’ missed charge goes into the steps as we take a break. Back with Theory hitting his rolling dropkick for two but Moss runs through him with a shoulder. The spinebuster gives Moss two and he knocks theory outside, where a briefcase shot to the face gets Theory disqualified at 11:34.

Rating: C+. Good brawl, though you could see some kind of screwy ending coming a mile away as WWE wouldn’t want either of them to lose. That’s the problem with the briefcase holding period: the person holding it isn’t always a major star so he has to be kept strong, even if that means a lot of screw finishes. Best match of the night so far though, partially because it got some extra time.

Post break Theory promises to cash in at Summerslam but here is Sami Zayn, with his arm in a sling, to interrupt. Zayn says that is disrespecting the Bloodline, so Zayn wants an apology right now. Theory isn’t impressed, but here are the Usos to scare him off. That is enough for Moss to post Theory and throw him over the barricade.

Jimmy Uso vs. Angelo Dawkins

Sami Zayn is on commentary. Dawkins takes him to the mat and grabs a waistlock to start until Jimmy is back with a Samoan drop. Back up and Dawkins knocks him to the floor as we take a break. We come back with Dawkins hitting a heck of a right hand and the spinning splash in the corner. The referee gets bumped though and Dawkins’ rollup gets no cover. Jimmy’s superkick gets the same, so Dawkins is back with a Sky High for the pin at 7:00, despite Jimmy’s shoulder being up (with commentary loudly pointing it out).

Rating: C. I like both teams, but my goodness I never want to see them face each other again. This feels like the 184th time that the teams have had singles matches and that does not make me want to see the Tag Team Title match. Then again, it isn’t like WWE does anything else to set up most Tag Team Title matches so this is all we’re getting.

Post match here is Adam Pearce to announce the guest referee for the Summerslam Tag Team Title match: Jeff Jarrett. Yes that Jeff Jarrett, and yes this is supposed to be a big deal. McAfee spells a lot as the Usos and the Profits brawl to end the show. Of all the people they have available, they pick Jeff Jarrett? Yes I get the Nashville/country music thing but my goodness. When you’re nostalgic for 1995 Jeff Jarrett, put on an Underdog/Barney Miller marathon and call it a day, because nothing is getting better than this.

Overall Rating: C-. It was better than last week’s show and did build up some things for Summerslam, but this show made it clear that Reigns vs. Lesnar is all that matters (at least so far). McAfee vs. Corbin could be ok, but other than that it is a bunch of rematches and WE PROMISE THEORY IS CASHING IN AND WE WOULD NEVER LIE ABOUT THAT. There was more wrestling than last week (not a high bar to clear) but there is nothing worth seeing, making this a rather long two hours with little of importance happening.

Liv Morgan b. Natalya – Oblivion
Drew McIntyre b. Ridge Holland – Claymore
Madcap Moss b. Theory via DQ when Theory used the Money In The Bank briefcase
Angelo Dawkins b. Jimmy Uso – Sky High




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New Column: Yes, Again

Now in back to back years!

Smackdown – July 8, 2022: What A Bad Show

Date: July 8, 2022
Location: Dickie’s Arena, Fort Worth, Texas
Commentators: Michael Cole, Corey Graves

We’re done with Money In The Bank and have just over three weeks before Summerslam, but because this is WWE, we need to build towards Clash At The Castle too. This week will feature Drew McIntyre vs. Sheamus for the shot at Roman Reigns at the show in Wales in September. Let’s get to it.

Here is Money In The Bank if you need a recap.

We open with a recap of Theory losing the US Title but then becoming Mr. Money In The Bank later in the night.

Here is the Bloodline to get things going. After their full entrance, Theory pops up on the stage, with Cole asking if he’s going to cash in Money In The Bank now. No Cole, he isn’t. After a break (meaning nothing of note has happened in nearly fifteen minutes on the air), Roman Reigns talks about how happy he is to be here, including saying that he’s hearing some mixed reactions from the fans.

As long as God wakes him up every day, he can handle anything. Now he’s here and seeing the Usos and his Special Counsel….and the Counsel looks like this. Heyman looks terrified but Reigns says it’s ok, even as he hands Heyman the microphone and asks what’s wrong. Heyman says that he loves his Tribal Chief but the problem is Brock Lesnar.

We hear about the things that Lesnar has done over the years and Heyman is worried that we’re going to have to see the savage Reigns. Putting Lesnar down for ten seconds in Lesnar’s final title shot is going to be near impossible and Reigns is going to have to do everything he can. Heyman believes in him and takes a knee, but here is Theory (who left the arena and is now coming back) to take a lap around the ring. And nothing else. This was every Reigns vs. Lesnar promo you’ve ever heard warmed up in the microwave with WWE hoping there is a bit of flavor left in it.

Video on the Viking Raiders.

Viking Raiders vs. Jinder Mahal/Shanky

Gee, I wonder if Shanky is going to dance and Jinder will get in trouble because of it. The bell rings and Shanky goes to the floor to dance, leaving Jinder to get beaten down and hit with the powerbomb for the fast pin at 1:08.

Post match the Vikings beat up Jinder again but New Day comes out. Yes the Vikings have beaten them up in recent weeks, but those were unsanctioned beatings. Therefore, New Day has cards for OFFICIAL A** BEATINGS and charges the ring. The brawl is on with New Day being destroyed in short order.

We look back at Happy Corbin jumping Pat McAfee and beating him down after Money In The Bank went off the air.

Here is Gunther for an Intercontinental Title open challenge. Ludvig Kaiser doesn’t think there is anyone worthy of this shot while Gunther says it is foolish to defend a title against someone when you don’t know they’re coming. Cue Shinsuke Nakamura to say that if Gunther isn’t ready, he’ll face Kaiser. Of note: Happy Corbin is on commentary to prove he can do what Pat McAfee can do. As Nakamura comes out, Corbin and Graves get on the announcers’ table to play their air guitars as Cole looks like he’s ready to jump off a building.

Shinsuke Nakamura vs. Ludvig Kaiser

Nakamura takes him down but goes to yell at Gunther, allowing Kaiser to get in a cheap shot as we take a break thirty seconds in. Back with Nakamura kicking Kaiser down as Corbin talks about football. Kinshasa finishes for Nakamura at 5:35. Nowhere near enough shown to rate but this should set up the Summerslam title match.

Post match Nakamura leaves and Gunther yells at Kaiser, who gets chopped as punishment.

We recap Liv Morgan’s wild ride at Money In The Bank, resulting in her winning the Smackdown Women’s Title.

Here is Liv Morgan for a chat with Michael Cole, but first we get the YOU DESERVE IT. Morgan is rather emotional and talks about how she is going to fight to keep the title. Cue Natalya to interrupt and says she wants the title but Ronda Rousey (limping badly) interrupts as well. After sounding like she forgot where we are, she offers to kick the “credit” (yes credit) out of Natalya. That earns her a cheap shot but Natalya gets chased off as we take a break.

Ronda Rousey vs. Natalya

Rousey is in what passes for street clothes and kicks Natalya outside. Natalya teases limping out but Rousey is right back to kick her in the leg. The ankle lock on the apron sets up an ankle lock in the ring to make Natalya tap at 2:18. What in the world was the point of that?

Here is Max Dupree to introduce his Maximum Male Models tennis collection, with Mace and Mansoor modeling the gear and Dupree listing off various descriptions. And yes, they are taking applications.

We look at Theory taking a lap around the ring earlier.

Theory is ready to cash in on either Roman Reigns or Brock Lesnar at Summerslam. With Theory gone, Madcap Moss comes up to say he’d love to shut Theory up.

Aliyah/Lacey Evans vs. Shotzi/Shayna Baszler

Lacey comes to the arena, doesn’t get the reception she wants, and then does it again to a louder reaction. Then she does it a third time just to make sure. Hold on again as Lacey grabs a mic and says that was a disappointing reaction. The fans know who she is because she poured her heart out on live TV and she gets that kind of reaction? She’s an American hero and calls a bunch of the fans fat. Lacey goes to leave but stops to punch out Aliyah. No match, with Shotzi and Baszler never appearing.

Usos vs. Los Lotharios

Champions Contenders match and we’re joined in progress with Jimmy being sent into Angel’s boots. Los Lotharios get the Usos knocked outside and switch places a few times to amp up the frustration. Back in and Humberto gets shoved off the top, setting up a superkick. The 1D finishes Humberto at 2:02 shown.

Post match the Usos are shown the Street Profits getting a shoulder up at Money In The Bank. There is going to be a rematch at Summerslam, with rumors of a special guest referee. The Usos are happy with that, depending on who it is….which we don’t know yet.

Sheamus vs. Drew McIntyre

The winner goes on to get the title shot at Clash At The Castle. Hold on though as Sheamus is coughing a lot and thinks he might have a touch of the Covids. He can’t wrestle tonight because he needs to get tested, so Butch can take his place.

Drew McIntyre vs. Butch

Butch goes for the arm to start but Drew slips out. The Claymore finishes for McIntyre at 1:28.

Post match Drew beats up Ridge Holland and holds off Sheamus with the sword. He cuts the ropes, ala Wrestlemania, for a bonus, to end the show. Ignore the sword bending.

Overall Rating: D. I really wasn’t feeling this show tonight, as it felt like it was thrown together at the last minute with a bunch of short matches and little that actually mattered. Heck the New Day even acknowledged that they were basically doing the same thing they had done for the last few weeks. None of the matches got any time and it was mainly a bunch of short action and talking, most of which meant nothing. Throw in the bait and switch main event and this was a pretty horrible night.

Viking Raiders b. Jinder Mahal/Shanky – Powerbomb to Mahal
Shinsuke Nakamura b. Ludvig Kaiser – Kinshasa
Ronda Rousey b. Natalya – Ankle lock
Usos b. Los Lotharios – 1D to Humberto
Drew McIntyre b. Butch – Claymore



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Monday Night Raw – July 4, 2022: Hot Dog

Monday Night Raw
Date: July 4, 2022
Location: Pechange Arena, San Diego, California
Commentators: Kevin Patrick, Corey Graves, Byron Saxton

It’s a special day as we are live on a major holiday, meaning there will be a grand total of no one watching this show. We’re also fresh off of Money In The Bank and one briefcase is down, as Liv Morgan is the new Smackdown Women’s Champion. Theory is no longer the US Champion but he is Mr. Money In The Bank, which he probably will be for a long time since I’m not sure if Roman Reigns works here anymore. Let’s get to it.

Here is Money In The Bank if you need a recap.

Ric Flair’s WOO is back in the Then, Now, Forever opening.

The opening video features a look at some very American things before promising to celebrate freedom and breaking the bank tonight. Kind of weird that they didn’t go with a more traditional 4th of July video.

Here is new United States Champion Bobby Lashley to get things going. Lashley is very happy to be back and welcomes us to the show. It’s the man that makes the title and there is not another man in any division or promotion who can beat him for this title. Cue Theory to say he is a young Mr. Money In The Bank and while Lashley won the first half, Theory had a great comeback and came through in the clutch.

Lashley isn’t impressed, but Theory announces that he is getting a rematch at Summerslam and then is cashing in that night to leave with both titles. Lashley is ready to go right now but Theory knocks him down with the briefcase. That’s broken up and Lashley hits the big spinebuster to send Theory running.

The Mysterios are glad to be home.

Judgment Day vs. Mysterios

The villains jump the Mysterios before the bell and we start during the break. Back with Rey fighting back on Priest but a springboard is broken up with a shot to the face. Dominik is taken outside and sent into the barricade as we take a break less than two and a half minutes after we came back from the other one.

Back with Rey hitting a super seated senton on Priest but Dominik charges into a boot in the corner. Rey’s super hurricanrana gets two on Priest, setting up the double 619. A frog splash hits Balor’s raised knees so Dominik brings in a chair. Balor takes that away, meaning it’s time for Rey’s second Eddie tribute in thirty seconds…..and him falling down is enough for the DQ at 9:13.

Rating: C. This has been the latest edition of “Eddie Guerrero was awesome and you will remember that forever” theater, with a special encore at the end. Judgment Day losing to something screwy like this isn’t a good thing to see but at least the Mysterios didn’t get beaten down in their hometown. Granted the night is young, so you never know how bad it could get for them.

We look at Logan Paul signing with WWE and wanting to face the Miz.

Miz knows what it’s like to bring celebrity status into WWE and wants Paul to retract his statement about them being enemies. Now he’s ready to beat AJ Styles and prove the size of his testicles.

And now (well, earlier today), the Street Profits held a 4th of July party, but the Alpha Academy comes in to mock the Profits for losing last night and for not understanding what this holiday is about. Gable gets slapped in the face and the solution is Otis vs. Angelo Dawkins in a hot dog eating contest.

Judgment Day jumps the Mysterios in the back.

AJ Styles vs. Miz

Styles strikes away to start and sends Miz outside as we take an early break. Back with Styles in trouble and Miz hitting the short DDT for two. Not that it matters as the Phenomenal Forearm finishes for Styles at 6:25. Not enough shown to rate but this was nothing.

Post match Ciampa runs in to jump AJ but Styles fights back. Miz is back in with the Skull Crushing Finale and shakes hands with Ciampa, likely sealing Ciampa’s fate.

We recap Liv Morgan winning Money in the Bank and cashing in on Ronda Rousey later that night. Then Rousey was all happy and ok with losing the title.

Here is a crying Liv Morgan for her big championship speech. The fans say she deserves it but she says WE deserve it. She believed in herself and the fans believed in her, which gave her the confidence to do everything on Saturday. This is for all of us…..and here is Natalya to interrupt. Natalya wants the thank you for softening up Rousey and wants the title shot. Liv says bring it and you know where to find her but here is Carmella to interrupt. Carmella wants them to go back to Smackdown and Liv mocks her for the loss on Saturday. The double beatdown is on until Bianca Belair makes the save. Adam Pearce, tag match.

Liv Morgan/Bianca Belair vs. Carmella/Natalya

Joined in progress with Natalya coming in and getting headlocked by Morgan. That’s fine with Natalya, who takes her down and hits the basement dropkick for two. The Sharpshooter goes on so Belair tosses her hair over so Morgan can pull herself to the corner for a tag. Belair comes in but gets caught in another Sharpshooter. That’s broken up so Natalya posts her as we take a break, just over three minutes after coming back from the last one.

Back with Belair fighting out of a chinlock but getting stomped in the corner by Natalya. Belair gets over for the tag off to Morgan for a Codebreaker but Natalya drops her as well. Everything breaks down and Morgan has to kick off a Sharpshooter attempt. Oblivion finishes Natalya at 10:12.

Rating: C-. Yes, their big idea for Liv’s first night is a match with Natalya and Carmella, because that’s the best we can do on the 4th of July. I’m not sure how that is the best they have for her, but it isn’t like her title win was the kind of thing that deserves much better. I like Liv a good bit, but this isn’t the kind of thing that gives me the greatest hope for her future.

Back to the party, with Veer Mahaan having his food stolen, Omos throwing Reggie around and Ezekiel talking about bad 4th of July experiences with his brothers. Then Ezekiel sprays ketchup on Seth Rollins.

We get the creepy video from Money In The Bank, featuring various artifacts from various stars over the years.

Seth Rollins vs. Ezekiel

Rollins sends him into the corner but Ezekiel takes it to the floor for a breather. Back in and Rollins grabs a neckbreaker for two, only to have Ezekiel kick him out of the corner. Ezekiel takes Rollins down on the floor and we take a break. Back with Rollins hitting a Downward Spiral into the middle buckle, only to get kneed out of the air for two. Ezekiel pulls him out of the corner for a helicopter bomb and another near fall, followed by some rollups for the same. Rollins is back with the Stomp for the pin at 10:14.

Rating: C. Watchable enough match, but Ezekiel was in over his head here and that was fairly obvious. Odds are Rollins is being set up for another match with Riddle, likely at Summerslam, so he needed a boost here. Ezekiel is in danger of having his feud with Kevin Owens cool off while he’s gone, but how much longer could that have gone anyway?

Post match Rollins loads up another Stomp but Riddle runs in with the RKO to lay him out.

Earlier today, Akira Tozawa beat Otis and Angelo Dawkins in a hot dog eating contest, winning more than both of them combined. Chad Gable wants a recount but Otis isn’t feeling good.

Bobby Lashley/Street Profits vs. Alpha Academy/Theory

Dawkins and Theory start things off with Theory taking over and handing it off to Gable to go after the leg. That’s broken up and it’s Lashley and Ford busting out the double suplexes, with salutes. Dawkins adds the running flip dive and we take a break. Back with Ford knocking Theory down and diving over to tag….no one, as Gable pulled Dawkins off the apron.

Lashley gets the tag a few seconds later and starts cleaning house as Dawkins launches Theory over the announcers’ table. Lashley powerslams Gable but Otis makes the save. That’s fine with Lashley, who spears Otis to set up Ford’s frog splash. Gable makes a save this time and starts throwing suplexes, setting up a moonsault for two on Lashley. The American Automatic (Rolling Chaos Theory) is loaded up but Lashley escapes and hits the spear to pin Gable at 10:02.

Rating: C+. Best match on the show so far, and that is at least partially due to Otis and/or Dawkins not getting sick halfway through. There is always room for a good six man tag and this worked well enough, as the good guys didn’t get handed a fast loss. Gable is still better than what he is doing here but at least he is getting some TV time.

Post match, Otis vomits and we get a slow motion replay.

Becky Lynch doesn’t care about any of this and wants the Women’s Title back. She is ready for Asuka but Asuka isn’t ready for her.

And now, Uncle Sam’s 4th of July celebration, with R-Truth dressed as Uncle Sam. We hear about this being the greatest holiday, which celebrates America’s victory over the aliens in 1996. Sam reads his favorite passage from the Constitution: “WELCOME TO EARTH!” Cue Ludvig Kaiser and Gunther to interrupt so pain can begin.

Gunther vs. R-Truth

Non-title. Graves about Gunther: “He is not human. He is like a piece of iron.” Nice Rocky IV line, but you got the countries wrong you buffoon. Big boot, clothesline and powerbomb finish for Gunther at 48 seconds.

Alexa Bliss wants the title back but Asuka comes in to yell at her.

Same spooky vignette from earlier.

Video on Brock Lesnar vs. Roman Reigns.

Asuka vs. Becky Lynch

Street fight and they both have weapons. It’s a brawl to start with Asuka kicking her down and hitting a chair shot to the back. Becky manages to get a chair into the corner but Asuka breaks that up and hits a dropkick off of another chair. A powerbomb off the apron is broken up and Becky hits a Bexploder onto the pile of chairs on the floor. They trade chair shots until Asuka hits a running hip attack into a chair into Becky through the barricade.

We take a break and come back with Becky going up top but getting caught with a chair. A superplex onto the pile of chairs rocks Becky so Asuka puts a trashcan over her and strikes away. There’s the missile dropkick to drop Becky for two so it’s time to set up the table. With that blocked, Asuka loads up the mist, which Becky blocks with a well timed umbrella. Asuka takes her up top but Becky is back with the Manhandle Slam through the table for the pin at 11:40.

Rating: B-. It was ok, but it was little more than a house show main event. They have probably had this match about a dozen times in front of not that many people and that is not a bad thing. They never came close to another gear or anything close to it, but Becky getting her big win is a good idea. Now just don’t have them fight ever again.

Becky says she’s back to end the show.

Overall Rating: C-. The show wasn’t the worst, but it felt every bit of its three hours plus a lot more. That made for a very rough night as the matches were only so good for the most part. The 4th of July stuff wasn’t awful, but Otis vomiting and the Uncle Sam stuff didn’t have me begging to see more. Overall, this was the definition of a holiday show: they knew no one was going to be watching and presented a show that wouldn’t change a thing in three hours. This wasn’t a nightmare, but it was dull and that is often worse.

Mysterios b. Judgment Day via DQ when Finn Balor was accused of using a chair
AJ Styles b. Miz – Phenomenal Forearm
Liv Morgan/Bianca Belair b. Carmella/Natalya – Oblivion to Natalya
Seth Rollins b. Ezekiel – Stomp
Bobby Lashley/Street Profits b. Theory/Alpha Academy – Spear to Gable
Gunther b. R-Truth – Powerbomb
Becky Lynch b. Asuka – Manhandle Slam through a table




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Money In The Bank 2022: Been There

Money In The Bank 2022
Date: July 2, 2022
Location: MGM Garden Arena, Las Vegas, Nevada
Commentators: Byron Saxton, Corey Graves, Jimmy Smith, Pat McAfee, Michael Cole

It’s the ladder show as we focus on becoming something close to the #1 contender. That means the show is going to be built around the two ladder matches, so there aren’t going to be many options for the rest of the card. There are enough title matches around to fill things out, but this is all about the ladder matches. Let’s get to it.

The opening video looks at a bunch of the people on the show and how they could make it big tonight.

Becky Lynch vs. Liv Morgan vs. Asuka vs. Alexa Bliss vs. Shotzi vs. Raquel Rodriguez vs. Lacey Evans

Women’s Money In The Bank ladder match. It’s a brawl to start of course with Asuka being left in the ring to strike at Becky. A sliding kick to the face drops Becky and Asuka takes a ladder that Shotzi tries to bring in. Becky kicks Asuka down but can’t drop a ladder onto her. Rodriguez comes back in and powers away with the ladder, including suplexing Liv and Becky onto it at the same time. Everyone gets together and drives Rodriguez into the corner, with Liv being laid on the ladder in the same corner.

Evans hits the slingshot Bronco Buster onto Liv onto the ladder. A bunch of people are piled onto Liv, setting up Becky’s middle rope legdrop. Bliss hits a Molly Go Round onto Liv/Becky/Asuka and is the only one left standing. It’s way too early for that to work though as Rodriguez makes the save, only to get struck down by Bliss. Asuka is back in with a German suplex on Bliss but it’s Evans cutting off the climb.

Shotzi and Lacey take turns pulling each other off the ladder until Rodriguez goes up. Morgan joins them and it’s a sunset bomb to plant Evans in a landing that almost went badly. Becky is back in and goes up but the ladder is off center (and seems to be broken), allowing Shotzi to pull her down. Asuka makes another save and goes up but Rodriguez pulls her down. Their fight knocks the ladder onto the ropes until Rodriguez goes outside to get a fresh ladder.

Instead of climbing, she bridges the ladder between the ring and the announcers’ table and brawls with Asuka. That’s countered into a cross armbreaker but Becky comes in and lays Asuka on the ladder. The legdrop from a ladder onto Asuka drops both of them and everyone is down again. A bunch of ladders are brought in (as tends to be the case) and everyone goes up, with only Lynch being left. Liv goes up but her ladder is knocked over, only to have her kick the rope on the way down and bounce back up, allowing her to knock Becky over. Liv gets the briefcase at 16:29.

Rating: B-. There were some big crashes and falls in there and that is the main thing you want in these matches. As usual it was all about the carnage and insanity but they did something smart by going with someone who has been needing the big win. Now do it right with Liv and you might be going somewhere, though the Nikki Ash result is always a possibility.

We see Cody Rhodes’ preview of the men’s ladder match from Raw.

We recap Theory vs. Bobby Lashley for Theory’s US Title. Lashley wants the title, while Theory keeps bragging about how great he is and seems to think he is built better. It is kind of a weird setup but the match could work.

US Title: Theory vs. Bobby Lashley

Theory is defending and gets spinebustered early. The threat of a spear sends Theory outside so Lashley picks him up but Theory blocks the posting. Lashley gets posted instead but is right back up with a posting of his own. Back in and Theory manages a hard shot to the face for two and we hit the chinlock. Lashley finally powers out and starts striking away, including the running clothesline in the corner.

The delayed vertical suplex is countered so Lashley pulls him out of the air for a gorilla press powerslam instead. Back up and Theory sends him into the middle buckle, setting up the rolling dropkick for two. A Town Down is countered into a rollup for two more but Theory goes to the eyes. Theory hits his own spear but Lashley reverses A Town Down into the Hurt Lock for the tap and the title at 11:00.

Rating: C. I’m not sure what to think about this, but if there is no Raw World Champion, making Lashley the top singles champions makes as much sense as anything else. Theory losing clean is a little weird, but Raw is in a weird place at the moment so this might be the best thing they can do. Not much of a match, though at least they didn’t stick around too long.

Liv Morgan doesn’t know who she is cashing in on but for now, she is celebrating.

We recap Carmella challenging Bianca Belair for the Raw Women’s Title. Rhea Ripley is injured and can’t get the title shot, so Carmella won a multi-woman match to earn it instead. They have argued a good bit since then.

Raw Women’s Title: Carmella vs. Bianca Belair

Carmella is challenging and we get the Big Match Intros. Belair sends her to the apron to start and Carmella needs a breather. Back in and Belair does the kiss it spot in the corner, setting up the moonsault over her out of the corner. A backbreaker sets up a backbreaker to put Carmella down but the handspring moonsault misses. Carmella finally manages to snap the throat across the top rope and starts cranking on the arm.

That’s broken up so Carmella pulls her down by the hair. There’s a delayed vertical suplex on Carmella and Belair takes her into the corner to pound the turnbuckle in the vicinity of Carmella’s head. Carmella is back with the low superkick for two but she talks too much trash, meaning it’s the KOD to retain the title at 7:11.

Rating: C-. Yeah what else were you expecting here? Carmella had no chance of winning and was nothing more than a fill in challenger, so Belair running her over to keep the title made perfect sense. This was there as a way to get the title on the show and that’s all it needed to be. Don’t go further than that and things will be fine.

Post match Carmella jumps Belair again and forearms her down a bit. That is the most WWE thing I can think of at the moment: the match was just a step above a squash and had a clean finish but we need to keep it going because WWE doesn’t know how to just end a feud already.

We look at Logan Paul signing with WWE and he wants Miz at Summerslam.

Alexa Bliss and Lily plug the WWE credit card.

Tag Team Titles: Usos vs. Street Profits

The Usos are defending and say you should bet on the Bloodline. The Profits come through the crowd for an old school feel. Dawkins takes over on Jimmy to start but it’s way too early for the frog splash. The Usos take a breather on the floor and we pause a bit until Jey comes in for a change. A running forearm drops Ford, who is right back with a crotch chop to Jimmy on the apron.

Dawkins drops Jey for two but a double spinebuster plants Dawkins for a change. Jimmy hits a dive to drop Dawkins on the floor and a right hand cuts off his comeback attempt back inside. Another shot to the face staggers Dawkins but he drops Jimmy, allowing the diving tag to Ford. Jey is fine enough to superkick a diving Ford out of the air for two and it’s time co choke on the ropes.

This isn’t exactly burning up the mat and Jimmy hits an apron kick to the face rocks Ford again. Something close to a top rope Demolition Decapitator gets two on Ford and some more slow shots to the face keep him down. We hit the chinlock for a bit before Jey superkicks Dawkins off the apron. Ford manages to get in a shot of his own but a springboard is cut off with another right hand.

With the beating continuing, Ford finally manages to knock Jimmy to the floor and brings Dawkins back in to clean house. The big running flip dive drops the Usos and the lifting swinging neckbreaker gets two on Jimmy. Everything breaks down and a tackle into a German suplex drops Jimmy for two. A Doomsday Blockbuster gives Ford two more and the Profits are shocked.

Dawkins gets to clean house again but it’s back to Ford, who gets double superkicked for two more. Cole: “We’re going to have an hour Broadway tonight here in Vegas.” No Cole, we aren’t. Ford hits the big running flip dive onto the Usos, setting up the frog splash for two back inside with Jimmy making the save. We get the big staredown and then the slugout until Dawkins is sent into the barricade. The 1D finishes Ford at 23:01.

Rating: B. This felt like the tag team version of Edge vs. Randy Orton at Vengeance 2004: it was long and the second half was good, but the first ten minutes were going in slow motion and seemed to be there to pad the runtime. The Profits weren’t completely nothing challengers and a title change wasn’t totally out of the question, but this could have have about eight minutes cut out and been a much tighter match.

Post match replays show that Ford’s shoulder was off the mat so the Profits aren’t happy.

We get a vignette of someone walking in the dark, featuring a bunch of candles, a cross, a medal hanging and someone walking in the dark. Not sure what that was.

We recap Natalya vs. Ronda Rousey for Rousey’s Smackdown Women’s Title. Rousey is defending, Natalya attacked her one night and ALMOST made her tap to the Sharpshooter, personal insults were thrown, time for a title match.

Smackdown Women’s Title: Ronda Rousey vs. Natalya

Rousey is defending. Feeling out process to star with Natalya taking her down into an armbar. The early ankle lock is broken up but Natalya counters the basement dropkick into another ankle lock. That sends Natalya straight to the rope so she hits the discus lariat for two. Natalya works on the arm and even pulls Rousey out of the corner, setting up something like a seated abdominal stretch.

With that not working, the frustration starts setting in but another discus clothesline is countered into a throw. Piper’s Pit is countered into a rollup, which is countered into a rollup to give Rousey two. Another armbar is countered into the Sharpshooter from Rousey, who throws in a Shawn Michaels pose at the same time.

Natalya breaks out and sends her outside to bang up Rousey’s knee, setting up the Sharpshooter on the apron. With that broken up via gravity, Natalya gets thrown down and has to beat the count back in. They trade more submissions until Rousey counters a Sharpshooter into a cross armbreaker to retain at 12:33.

Rating: C. This wasn’t great but again, there was no drama on who was going to win here. Natalya is fine as a hand in the ring and the submission stuff was good, but it felt like a lot of waiting around until Rousey caught her. Rousey needs someone to give her a challenge or at least get a shake up of some kind, because this isn’t working very well.

Post match Rousey can barely stand but here is Liv Morgan with the briefcase.

Smackdown Women’s Title: Ronda Rousey vs. Liv Morgan

Rousey is defending and picks the ankle to start. Morgan kicks the bad leg though and a rollup gives her the pin and the title at 27 seconds.

Post match Rousey congratulates Morgan and leaves so Morgan can soak in the YOU DESERVE IT chants. What a great way to make Rousey look pathetic, as she more or less said “oh well, lost the title, time to leave.”

Video on Roman Reigns vs. Brock Lesnar at Summerslam.

Riddle vs. Seth Rollins vs. Sheamus vs. Drew McIntyre vs. Sami Zayn vs. Madcap Moss vs. Omos

Men’s Money In The Bank ladder match….and hang on because here is Adam Pearce to add someone to the match.

Riddle vs. Seth Rollins vs. Sheamus vs. Drew McIntyre vs. Sami Zayn vs. Madcap Moss vs. Omos vs. Theory

Still the Men’s Money In The Bank ladder match. A bunch of people go after Omos to start but he shrugs them off and hits people with the ladder. Sami hides behind the post as Sheamus comes in for some failed slugging attempts on Omos. The swarming slows Omos down again until a Claymore puts him on the floor. That leaves Sheamus and McIntyre to slug it out so Theory tries to go up the ladder, earning himself an exchange of forearms to the chest from Sheamus and McIntyre.

Rollins comes in to send them outside and tosses a ladder onto them for a bonus. Riddle jumps Rollins and backdrops him onto the ladder but Sami sends Riddle outside. Back in and Riddle goes up, with Moss being right there to meet him. Omos makes the save and pulls both of them off, including a powerslam to Riddle. Everyone goes after Omos, this time using ladders to put him down again. With Omos buried under a bunch of ladders, most of the remaining people go up some ladders with Theory being the last man standing.

Moss pulls him down for a fall away slam so Sami goes up, with Moss powerbombing him into a ladder bridged in the corner. McIntyre and Moss slug it out on top of the ladder until Moss goes down. Sheamus breaks it up and hits White Noise but Riddle avoids the Brogue. The hanging DDT out of a ladder plants Sheamus and the Floating Bro off the top of the ladder hits a pile of people. Omos is back in and gets to wreck some people until Riddle slows him down.

Theory tries to go up but gets chokebombed back down. A Brogue Kick into a Helluva kick into a triangle choke has Omos in trouble and Moss helps toss Omos over the top. More group beatings slow Omos down again and it’s a team powerbomb through the announcers’ table. Everyone else brawls on the floor until Sami goes up, only to have McIntyre make the save. Sheamus takes both of them down but Futureshock drops Sheamus as well.

That lets McIntyre go up but Butch comes in to make the save with a choke on the ladder. McIntyre is brought back down and Brogue Kick takes him down again. Sheamus puts the ladder onto McIntyre and goes up, only to have McIntyre shove him off for a huge crash. The Claymore drops Butch but Sheamus makes another save. Sami shoves both of them into a ladder in the corner though and goes up, only to have Moss make the save.

Moss almost gets the case (they had me for a second there) until Rollins pulls him down for a Stomp. Riddle is back in with a ladder that is less than a foot away from the briefcase and goes up, with Rollins on a shorter ladder next to him. They slug it out with Riddle being knocked down but coming back up for a super RKO to leave everyone down. Riddle makes the slow climb until Theory makes a faster climb, knocks Riddle down, and wins at 25:26.

Rating: B. The match was good, but this is the ceiling for most Money in the Bank matches. It felt like we have seen every single thing they were doing in here before and adding Theory at the last minute just made it feel all the more obvious that he was winning. These matches are build on the car crash formula and that is only going to get you so far when you have so many people involved and are trying to get in so many things. I haven’t been a fan of these things for awhile and this was a good example of why.

Theory poses a lot to end the show.

Overall Rating: B. As a show, as a match and as a concept, Money In The Bank is feeling more played out every year. The ladder matches didn’t do much and I have little reason to believe that Morgan is now going to join the upper echelon of the women’s division. Theory will hold the briefcase for awhile, but it’s hard to imagine him taking the title anytime soon. I do like pushing some fresh people with the ladder matches, but Liv more or less using a cheat code to get the title doesn’t give me much hope.

Other than that, there was the usual good and bad from WWE, though nothing you really need to watch. Overall, I did like the show enough, but it wasn’t a show that interested me on paper and that is how Money In The Bank tends to be. Even WWE seems to be more interested in Summerslam and based on the fact that this wasn’t in a stadium, the fans might be agreeing.

Liv Morgan won the Women’s Money In The Bank ladder match
Bobby Lashley b. Theory – Hurt Lock
Bianca Belair b. Carmella – KOB
Usos b. Street Profits – 1D to Ford
Ronda Rousey b. Natalya – Cross armbreaker
Liv Morgan b. Ronda Rousey – Rollup
Theory won the Men’s Money In The Bank ladder match


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Money In A Bank 2022 Preview

It’s time to climb. We have reached another of WWE’s major pay per view events and this time it is mostly going to be about becoming something close to #1 contender. As usual, there is a men’s and women’s version, both of which should have quite the collection of major spots. These shows tend to be a lot of fun, even if the build could use some work. Let’s get to it.

Smackdown Women’s Title: Ronda Rousey(c) vs. Natalya

Let’s get this one out of the way before it puts me to sleep. This hasn’t been an interesting feud as Natalya is by definition not interesting. Rousey hasn’t been much better, but WWE has been trying to turn Natalya into something bigger than she is and it hasn’t quite been working. That is what they are trying to do again here though, apparently due to Sasha Banks’ latest meltdown.

Of course I’ll go with Rousey winning here, as the story of “I ALMOST made her tap to the Sharpshooter in a non-match” isn’t enough to sway me to the Natalya side. I’m sure the match itself will be fine as Natalya can get a decent one out of anybody but my goodness the story hasn’t worked. Just get us on to Summerslam and a bigger opponent for Rousey…assuming they have one somewhere.

Raw Women’s Title: Bianca Belair(c) vs. Carmella

Here is the other side of Banks and Naomi walking out, as Carmella gets this spot instead of, well, anyone who might be a better option. I know they’re going with the MELLA IS MONEY stuff but come on. Carmella hasn’t meant a thing as a singles wrestler in the better part of forever and there is little reason to believe that is going to change against one of the biggest stars in the division.

Belair retains here and she does so after some token control from Carmella. There is no reason to believe that Carmella is getting the title from Belair, especially about three months into Belair’s reign. This match is even more proof that there does not need to be Women’s Tag Team Titles, as Carmella is somehow important enough to go after one of the singles belts. Maybe it is time to merge them, but for now, Belair retains and does so pretty handily.

Tag Team Titles: Usos(c) vs. Street Profits

This is the first title match where I have to pause for a second to think about the results. While it would make all the sense in the world for the Usos to retain, the Profits are just good enough that they could be a threat. The Usos are a great team, but someone is going to have to take the titles from them. While I’m not sold on the idea of it being the Profits, it wouldn’t be the biggest upset in the world.

That being said, yeah the Usos retain here, as this isn’t the right spot to take the belts off of them. The Profits will possibly be champions again someday, but they’re up against a buzzsaw here. Let Ford get in another star making performance before the team ultimately falls, because it is going to take a major victory to get the titles off of the Usos. The Profits are capable of doing that, but I don’t think they do it here.

US Title: Theory(c) vs. Bobby Lashley

This one has my interest because I could see it going either way. Theory is the new hot star in WWE and I could see him going over Lashley for a big win. At the same time, Lashley doesn’t lose very often and it wouldn’t shock me to see him get the title here. Lashley needs something to do though and there is a chance that someone interferes here and costs him the match.

I think I’ll take Theory to win here, as WWE has put a good deal into him already and it would be a pretty big surprise to see him drop the title here. Lashley getting the win wouldn’t be the worst idea or a major shock, but Theory getting a win over a former WWE Champion would look good for him. Odds are there are some shenanigans, but Theory leaves with the title in the end.

Women’s Money In The Bank Ladder Match

This is an interesting one as I’m not sure where they’re going, though in this case that’s due to no one really standing out. There are seven participants here and I think we can eliminate Alexa Bliss, Asuka and Shotzi. Bliss doesn’t feel right for it, Asuka has been done and Shotzi isn’t there. At the same time, I’ll write off Lacey Evans because she has been back for all of a cup of coffee.

That leaves us with three, and I think I’ll actually take Liv Morgan. I know it’s a long shot as WWE has refused to pull the trigger on her for the better part of ever, but more or less handing her a win could be a way to go. Morgan is at the point where she pretty much has to win something at some point and a stolen title is better than no title at all. Becky Lynch is always an option and I wouldn’t ignore Raquel Rodriguez, but I’ll take Morgan in my prediction sure to be wrong.

Men’s Money In The Bank Ladder Match

Now this one is a little more interesting as we have a few options for the winner. First of all, we’ll drop Madcap Moss, Sami Zayn, Omos and Sheamus. They’re not winning and there is no reason to believe that they will. I’ll also drop Riddle, as it seems like he is destined for some big losses in the major matches. That leaves us with two options and I think I know where it is going.

The idea from WWE has been that the winner will cash in on the winner of Roman Reigns vs. Brock Lesnar at Summerslam, but I’ll go with the second option and say Drew McIntyre. I could absolutely see McIntyre cashing in at Clash At The Castle for a regular title match instead of the surprise and that is something that fits well for him. It would make sense for him, and hopefully that is where they go.

Overall Thoughts

You never can tell what you are going to get from these shows as the ladder matches can be rather hard to predict. The good thing is the matches should be fun and there is enough intrigue running around to make things fun, but it doesn’t matter if WWE doesn’t follow through on the good. Have a good show, but also have a follow through, which is often the more difficult part.

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Smackdown – July 1, 2022: Nope.

Date: July 1, 2022
Location: Footprint Center, Phoenix, Arizona
Commentators: Pat McAfee, Michael Cole

It’s the go home show for Money in the Bank and that means we probably need a lot of talk about the percentages of wrestlers who successfully cash in. I for one could go for some good old statistics to make me care about the show, as it isn’t like there is much else to say. Maybe they can surprise us though. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

The participants in the men’s Money in the Bank ladder match are on ladders in the ring (save for Omos) and talk about how they want to win on Saturday. It means they can cash in, with Seth Rollins saying Summerslam sounds like a good idea. Sami Zayn says he’ll win and keep the contract in the Bloodline’s house. MVP laughs off the idea of anyone but Omos winning and there is no one who can do anything to stop them. Sheamus wants to beat Brock Lesnar, though Drew McIntyre says he has already done it.

Cue Miz (Drew: “The frickin MIZ?”) to says he is a two time Mr. Money in the Bank winner and deserves to be in the match. Cue Ezekiel to say what you would expect, followed by Happy Corbin doing the same. Madcap Moss joins in and here is Adam Pearce to make a battle royal.

Battle Royal

Omos, Ezekiel, Madcap Moss, Happy Corbin, Miz, Sheamus, Seth Rollins, Drew McIntyre, Riddle

Not just a battle royal, but a GOOD OLD FASHIONED battle royal. It’s a brawl to start with no one being able to do much with anyone. Omos tosses Ezekiel and does the same to Moss, followed by Miz, leaving Corbin and those already qualified. McIntyre and Omos have their slugout, which goes badly for McIntyre as he gets thrown down. Sheamus gets tossed into the corner as well and Rollins eliminates himself in a smart move, only to have Riddle go outside (not eliminated) and hit an RKO on the floor. Everyone gets rid of Omos and we take a break.

Back with the villains taking over on Riddle and McIntyre, which lasts as long as you might expect until Sheamus hits the forearms to Sami’s chest. Riddle is back with a Bro To Sleep to Sheamus, followed by the snap powerslam (minus some of the snap). Back up and Sheamus knees Riddle out, leaving us with Sheamus, Sami, Corbin and McIntyre. Sami Helluva Kicks Sheamus by mistake but Sheamus is fine enough to Claymore McIntyre.

Now it’s McIntyre getting to clean house, though he doesn’t actually eliminate anyone. With Corbin on the ground (not eliminated, meaning he’s winning), McIntyre hits the Futureshock on Sheamus. Sami comes back and gets Claymored, setting up the elimination. Sheamus is almost dumped but it’s Corbin coming back in to toss McIntyre and Sheamus at the same time for the win at 15:25.

Rating: C-. What else is there to say about a match like this? It didn’t have any stakes and Corbin was telegraphed as the winner as soon as he was the only one not in the ladder match left. It isn’t an interesting match and it wasn’t that good, but at least it filled up the first half hour of the show.

Corbin is happy with his win but has nothing to be said about Pat McAfee.

Video on Natalya vs. Ronda Rousey, mainly focusing on last week’s showdown and exchange of insults.

Natalya laughs off Ronda Rousey’s threats and mocks Rousey’s movie career. Now she is going to make Rousey tap out and become the two time Smackdown Women’s Champion.

New Day vs. Viking Raiders

Before the match, Kofi says it’s great to be in Phoenix in June. Woods: “Kofi it’s not June anymore.” Kofi: “JU-LYING!” That somehow wins him $5 but it’s time to get serious. Last week the Vikings were back and attacked them, so get out here right now and get your Asgards kicked. The team is officially billed as The New Vicious Viking Raiders, just to hammer in the idea. It’s a brawl before the bell and New Day is left laying after a bunch of shield shots. No match.

Happy Corbin, Ezekiel, Miz and Madcap Moss are arguing over who should be in the Money in the Bank ladder match. Miz: “I WAS ON THE TODAY SHOW THIS MORNING!” Moss: “I’m just happy to be here.” As Miz looks appalled by that statement, the four way for the spot is announced for later, making the entire first half hour of this show a waste of time.

Asuka/Liv Morgan/Alexa Bliss vs. Shotzi/Raquel Rodriguez/Lacey Evans

Becky Lynch comes out to join commentary as Asuka shoves Shotzi into the corner to start. Evans comes in to take Asuka into the corner and there’s the slingshot Bronco Buster. A sunset flip slows Rodriguez down so Bliss comes in for a change. Rodriguez splashes her in the corner to cut that off, followed by a running shoulder to drop her again.

Liv comes in and gets taken down in the corner by Shotzi. That sets off the parade of flips and dives as the Raw women stand tall as we take a break. Back with Bliss dropkicking Rodriguez as Cole tries to talk to Lynch and McAfee actually calls the match. Shotzi takes over on Bliss and grabs….I think a Boston crab, but Bliss escapes.

Bliss escapes and brings in Asuka, who seems to no sell and enziguri and grabs the ankle lock. That’s broken up and Asuka hits the hip attack for two. Another hip attack misses in the ropes so Liv tags herself in and hits the Codebreaker, with Rodriguez having to make a save. Everything breaks down and Oblivion finishes Shotzi at 13:18.

Rating: D+. This is the kind of match that makes me loathe Money in the Bank season. This was the better part of fifteen minutes for the sake of building momentum towards a match that has nothing to do with pinning each other. The teams will be fighting each other tomorrow and absolutely none of this will matter. Somehow this is all WWE does for the ladder matches and it’s an even bigger waste of time every year.

Sonya Deville asks Adam Pearce about the handicap match last week and has FILED AN OFFICIAL COMPLAINT. Deville slaps him in the face and leaves. I said an audible “oh good grief” on that one as this dumb power struggle story continues.

And now, a GAME SHOW between the Usos and the Street Profits, with Kayla Braxton presiding. This means Braxton asks questions, such as are the Usos scared to lose. They aren’t scared because they run all of the shows but the Profits say the Usos just run to the grocery store for Roman Reigns.

As for the Profits, it has been a year and half since they have been champs, and now there are rumors they aren’t getting along. Ford: “Where did you hear that?” Dawkins: “Dirtsheets?” Profits: “Probably.” Ford talks about the Usos’ family, prompting the Usos to say “respect”. They talk about legacy, trash talk each other and steal the other team’s catchphrases before staring each other down. I was promised a game show here but there was no game show to be found.

Max Dupri is ready for his Maximum Male Models showcase.

And now, Max Dupri for the debut of his models. Dupri introduces the models, starting with ma.çè (pronounced “Mah-Say”), yes spelled that way and formerly known as Mace), with Dupri explaining how physically perfect his physique is. Next up is the former Mansoor, but now known as Man.soor (with the letters having symbols over them that I don’t know how to type). Pronounced “Man-Swah”, he has a fanny pack around his neck, drawing in some Michael Hayes comparisons. Believe it or not, McAfee is a huge fan and Cole is trying not to break. For a lower midcard gimmick, I’ve certainly seen worse.

Ronda Rousey reminds us that her daughter is nine months old instead of ten like Natalya said. Oh and she’ll make Natalya tap tomorrow. Keeping this short and sweet is a good idea.

Money In The Bank rundown.

Money In The Bank Qualifying Match: Happy Corbin vs. Miz vs. Madcap Moss vs. Ezekiel

It’s a brawl to start with neither being able to do much. Ezekiel and Moss are left alone with the former hitting a slam but getting elbowed in the jaw. With Ezekiel on the floor, Corbin comes back in to clean house, only to have Miz break it up. Everyone else is on the floor with Miz missing a charge and being sent into the announcers’ table. Corbin sends Moss into the steps and chokeslams Ezekiel onto the announcers’ table as we take a break. Back with Corbin in control but Moss is back with the Punchline for two as Ezekiel makes a save.

Ezekiel’s middle rope crossbody is countered into a fall away slam but Miz is there with the running knee to Moss. Deep Six cuts Miz off for two more and Corbin is frustrated. Ezekiel is back up to clean house until he has to break out of Corbin’s chokeslam attempt. A jumping knee rocks Corbin and there’s a spinebuster to Moss. Miz gets sent into the corner but comes back with the Skull Crushing Finale for two as Corbin makes the save. Corbin hits End of Days on Miz but takes too long looking at McAfee, allowing Moss to send him into the post and steal the pin on Miz at 10:34.

Rating: C. So yes, the entire first half hour of this show was a TOTAL WASTE OF TIME because it meant absolutely nothing in the grand scheme of things. That is a very Money in the Bank season match and I can’t say I’m the slightest bit surprised. The ending probably helps set up McAfee vs. Corbin, which is going to be fun later in the month, but it would have been nice to do something a bit more important for this show.

McAfee mocks Corbin to end the show.

Overall Rating: D. Nope. This was the kind of show that I can’t stand and yet here it was with every one of the problems that you would expect from a show like this one. It felt like they were trying to fill in the two hours that they had here with stuff that either meant nothing or wasn’t good enough to make a more important show. It’s the reason why I can’t stand this time of year in WWE and I’m not surprised it was any worse this time around.

Happy Corbin won a battle royal last eliminating Drew McIntyre and Sheamus
Asuka/Liv Morgan/Alexa Bliss b. Raquel Rodriguez/Lacey Evans/Shotzi – Oblivion to Shotzi
Madcap Moss b. Ezekiel, Happy Corbin and Miz – End of Days to Miz




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Monday Night Raw – June 27, 2022: Twenty Years Is A Long Time

Monday Night Raw
Date: June 27, 2022
Location: Sames Auto Arena, Laredo, Texas
Commentators: Corey Graves, Byron Saxton, Jimmy Smith

It’s a very special night as John Cena is here to celebrate twenty years (to the day) of his WWE debut. That should be enough to carry the night and that might need to be the case. This is also the go home edition of Raw for Money In The Bank, meaning it’s time to build momentum, establish dominance, and maybe even come up with an original tagline for what the participants are doing. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Earlier today, John Cena returned to quite the hero’s welcome, meeting a bunch of applauding wrestlers and backstage workers. He does kind of deserve it.

Money In The Bank Qualifying Match: Battle Royal

T-Bar, Mustafa Ali, Shanky, Akira Tozawa, Rey Mysterio, Dominik Mysterio, Ricochet, Shinsuke Nakamura, Jinder Mahal, Riddle, Miz, AJ Styles, Ciampa, Reggie, Shelton Benjamin, Dolph Ziggler, R-Truth, Veer Mahaan

Tozawa is tossed out fast and Mahaan clotheslines Benjamin out. The Mysterios and Ali get together and eliminate Mahaan, leaving R-Truth to try to dance with Shanky. Mahal is having none of that though and Truth is tossed. Styles eliminates Mahal and Shanky, with T-Bar throwing Reggie onto them.

We take a break and come back with Ali gone at Ciampa’s knee but Styles knocks Ciampa out. Miz blocks Rey’s 619 and hits the short DDT, which isn’t enough for the elimination. Dominik tries to get rid of Ziggler but gets tossed himself. Miz manages to toss Rey but can’t do the same to Riddle, who gets back in underneath the bottom rope. Ricochet knocks T-Bar to the apron, where he pulls Ricochet out with him.

Ricochet gets thrown onto a standing ladder before diving back to the apron. A not so great headscissors takes T-Bar out as we take another break. Back again with Riddle, Miz, Ziggler, Ricochet, Nakamura and Styles still alive. Miz hits a middle rope ax handle on Riddle but hurts his leg on the landing and goes down. Nakamura knocks Ziggler out but gets kicked to the floor by Riddle. Miz is down on the floor (not eliminated) with medics looking at his knee as Ricochet is catapulted onto the middle rope.

A spinning crossbody is dropkicked out of the air by Styles, who throws Ricochet out. That leaves us with Riddle vs. Styles, with Corey saying we’re down to two. Styles loads up the Phenomenal Forearm but Miz pops up to pull Styles out, meaning it’s Miz vs. Riddle. The hanging DDT drops Miz but he counters the RKO into the Skull Crushing Finale. Riddle manages to hurricanrana him out to the apron and the RKO is good enough to give Riddle the win at 19:23.

Rating: C. It was a battle royal and they almost had to go with Riddle getting the win here. At the end of the day, he has one of the biggest stories in the company at the moment and it involves Roman Reigns. As for the match itself, it was a long battle royal but at least they had some star power there at the end and that is what makes these work as well as they can most of the time.

Commentary: The field is complete!

Commentary: There is one spot left!

Get it together people.

The Street Profits introduce John Cena….but he’s on the wrong side, meaning the camera has to swing around a bit. They ask Cena for advice at Money In The Bank but he reminds them of their success. Cena tells them to never stop, which they interpret as……Never Give Up.

Shawn Michaels, Big Show (he doesn’t even go here), Booker T., Daniel Bryan (he doesn’t even go here either), Trish Stratus and HHH all congratulate Cena on his 20 years.

Riddle is fired up about Money in the Bank and shakes Kevin Patrick to blow off some of the steam.

Jimmy Uso vs. Montez Ford

Uso runs him over to start but gets armdragged into an armbar for his efforts. That’s broken up and they head outside, with Ford being sent into the steps as we take a break. Back with Ford fighting up and hitting a clothesline, followed by a kick to the ribs. The running Blockbuster gives Ford two and he hits a heck of a dive against the barricade. Back in and one heck of a frog splash finishes Jimmy at 9:50.

Rating: C+. They had a good enough match here, but I could go for ANYTHING ELSE to keep the story going until Saturday. Have them talk to each other if you have to, but find a way to fill in the gap a bit differently. They’ve done this over and over now and odds are we’ll see it again on Smackdown, because you have to complete the concept you see.

The Mysterios run into Finn Balor and Damian Priest. Balor talks about Rey coming up on his 20 year anniversary but says Rey hasn’t been doing so well as of late. Priest gives Dominik a sales pitch and Rey has to be held back. The match seems to be set for next week in San Diego.

Here’s a long John Cena career retrospective, complete with a look at Cena debuting against Kurt Angle and Undertaker giving him the famous handshake of respect. We also see stuff on his Make-A-Wish work and wrap it up with the testimonials. I know he might not be the most popular and there are some fair criticisms about him, but my goodness Cena is one of the all time legends for a reason.

Here is Miz for a chat, but first we need to look at Logan Paul training at the Performance Center. Miz promises that he and Paul will be back at Summerslam, but first we need to look at Miz turning on Paul at Wrestlemania. Miz mocks the idea of the interviewer being a journalist and hypes up his own media career. After Wrestlemania, he told Paul that was an education and promises that they will be Tag Team Champions. The only disappointment is AJ Styles, which prompts a question about Miz’s tiny……and we are NOT making that a thing. Cue AJ to deck Miz and the match is on.

AJ Styles vs. Miz

Styles starts fast and hits the drop down dropkick but Miz is right back with a shot of his own. The running crotch attack in the ropes drops AJ again and the ax handle gives Miz two. The chinlock goes on for a bit, only to have Miz get knocked to the floor. Styles misses the moonsault though and Miz drops him again as we take a break.

Back with Miz hitting the YES Kicks but AJ snaps off a German suplex for a breather. The fireman’s carry neckbreaker gives AJ two but Miz gets in a shot of his own to cut him off. AJ counters the Skull Crushing Finale into a rollup for two and there’s a brainbuster to leave both of them down. Styles loads up the Phenomenal Forearm but Miz bails to the floor and takes the countout at 13:00.

Rating: C. Not exactly a great match but Miz being a coward continues to work out for him. This felt like a match sent out there to fill in time though and that is rarely a good feeling. It was fine while it lasted, but both guys seem to be waiting on something to do. Miz has that in the form of Logan Paul, though I don’t know about Styles at the moment.

John Cena meets Ezekiel, which has him a bit confused. Cena asks about Elias, who is apparently giving Elrod (yes Elrod) a tour. His advice to Ezekiel though: never forget who you really are. Ezekiel leaves but Theory comes in and hypes himself up, listing off his accomplishments. Oh and Cena is a grown man wearing jorts. Theory loads up the selfie but Cena slips away.

Kurt Angle, Randy Orton, JBL, Chris Jericho (there’s a gasp), Stephanie McMahon and Steve Austin all pay tribute to John Cena.

Here is Bianca Belair for a chat. After a look at Carmella jumping her last week, Belair lists off her catchphrases and tells Carmella to come get her right now. Cue Carmella to say she has the beauty and the brains and is going to take the title on Saturday. Kevin Patrick tries to ask Belair another question so Carmella tries a cheap shot, which earns her a right hand to the face. Belair stands tall. This felt like they had to get these two on the show and they couldn’t think of anything else.

Liv Morgan and Alexa Bliss are friends now but they won’t be on Saturday. Badly written lines with worse line reading ensues.

Liv Morgan vs. Alexa Bliss

Asuka is on commentary. Feeling out process to start with some grappling going to Bliss. She misses the moonsault knees though as Asuka can’t quite master English again. Bliss avoids a middle rope dropkick and grabs the chinlock. Back up and Oblivion misses, allowing Bliss to grab the DDT. That’s countered into a rollup to give Morgan the pin at 3:23, leaving Asuka worried/surprised.

Rating: C-. Asuka was a bit of a distraction here but the match wasn’t going to be much in the first place. This felt like the kind of match where Morgan was supposed to build momentum but, as is the case every time, it has nothing to do with a ladder match. I don’t know how much of a chance either of them have on Saturday, though I can take these two getting a few minutes to remind us that they’re around.

Video on John Cena’s Make-A-Wish stuff. Still absolutely incredible.

Here is Vince McMahon to introduce John Cena, who comes through a tunnel of adoring stars. With Vince gone, Cena says this is a milestone, which he rarely likes to celebrate because he is always looking forward. However, tonight he has been looking back at what he has done and he couldn’t do it without these people. Cena has been allowed to do this for two decades and that is because of the fans.

The people have been honest enough to tell him when he sucks and kind enough to tell him when he doesn’t. Cena has been waiting for that right moment and this feels like that right moment. We get a THANK YOU CENA chant and he says his heart is beating out of his chest. Cena thanks the fans for moments like that one and for making him who he is. He has always said WWE prepared him for anything and he doesn’t mean Fast and the Furious or Peacemaker.

WWE has made him a better human being, person and husband. Spending moments with the families he has spent time with today has taught him empathy and kindness. The fans have taught him humility and perseverance and every time he gets in the ring, he gives everything he has because these fans give him everything they have. This isn’t about a last name but about people coming together and he’s 45 years old. He doesn’t know when you’ll see him again, though he isn’t saying it isn’t happening. Fans: “ONE MORE MATCH!” Cena: “It ain’t just gonna be one. Don’t worry about that.”

It isn’t about him but about us. If you like something, tell the people. If you see something that sucks, tell the people. Cena thanks the people and asks Laredo to show what kind of noise they can make. Some catchphrases wrap us up. Cena didn’t say much here, but it felt a lot more real than some of the things he usually says. Good stuff, even if it didn’t mean a great deal.

Alpha Academy vs. Bobby Lashley

Theory is guest enforcer. Lashley can’t clothesline Otis down to start but he can shoulder him down. Theory gets on the apron to break up the suplex attempt though, leaving Lashley to send Otis into the corner. Lashley chases Theory outside, allowing Chad Gable to hit a flip dive off the apron. Otis adds the splash and we take a break.

Back with Lashley still in trouble but fighting out of a neck crank. Otis breaks up a superplex and powerbombs Lashley down, setting up Gable’s moonsault for two. Otis goes up this time but Lashley catches him in an electric chair. Gable comes off the top, only to land in the Hurt Lock for the tap at 8:18.

Rating: C. All this match did is make me wonder why we didn’t get to see this match last week to set up Lashley vs. Theory at Money In The Bank. It kept Theory from taking a loss and served the entirely same purpose. At least they kept Lashley looking strong and he should be in for a good match against Theory at the show.

Post match the beatdown is on but Lashley fights them all off.

We look at Cody Rhodes defeating Seth Rollins inside the Cell and Rollins attacking him the next night on Raw.

We get an interview with Cody, who has his pectoral muscle taped up while sitting in a gym. Cody says he might have been flying a little too close to the sun and now he is out for nine months, though he is trying to beat that. He gives his thoughts on the men’s Money in the Bank ladder match, which includes Rollins. If Rollins wins, Cody will be the first to congratulate him.

Seth Rollins comes up to John Cena in the back and laughs to the tune of Cena’s music. Rollins compares their careers and success before saying he’ll win Money in the Bank. Then Omos pops up to scare Rollins a bit, which MVP seems to like. Rollins looks to Cena for help but Cena wishes him luck and bails.

Money in the Bank rundown.

Becky Lynch vs. Tamina vs. Doudrop vs. Nikki Ash vs. Shayna Baszler vs. Xia Li

Elimination match and everyone jumps Becky to start. The ring is cleared other than Tamina and Doudrop but Nikki breaks up the staredown. Ash breaks that up but the fight goes through anyway, allowing Becky to come in with a Molly Go Round to Doudrop. Li comes back in to roll Becky up for two but Li has to deal with Ash. The Manhandle Slam gets rid of Li at 2:32 so it’s Shayna coming in to go after Becky.

With that broken up, Doudrop comes in to crush Shayna in the corner but Tamina makes a save. Ash sends Tamina into Becky’s missile dropkick, only to have Becky Disarm Ash for the tap at 4:25. We take a break and come back with Becky suplexing Baszler against the barricade but Doudrop crushes Becky and Tamina against the same barricade.

Back in and we hit the Tower of Doom to leave everyone laying again in the big crash. Baszler kneebars Tamina but gets splashed by Doudrop for the pin at 10:55. Tamina Samoan drops Becky but misses the Superfly Splash. Doudrop Vader Bombs Tamina for the pin at 12:22, ending my thinking that WWE might actually go there. That leaves Doudrop to miss the Vader Bomb on Becky, who is back with a super Manhandle Slam for the win at 13:18.

Rating: C+. Did they just forget about Becky being a heel for a night? This was Becky mowing down the women’s undercard without much trouble and acting like a total heroine the whole time. I was slightly worried that they would go with Tamina here but they got Becky into the match, as they needed to do. Just remember what kind of a person she is at the moment.

Overall Rating: C. Cena carried this show with star power alone because the rest of the show was only so good. It was about building up two spots in the ladder matches and a few other things for Saturday, as the card is only looking so interesting. You can only get so much out of a pay per view that is about a future title shot rather than the title that night, which might explain why it is in the friendly confines of an arena. The show wasn’t all that exciting, but Cena helped it along well enough.

Riddle won a battle royal last eliminating Miz
Montez Ford b. Jimmy Uso – Frog splash
AJ Styles b. Miz via countout
Liv Morgan b. Alexa Bliss – Small package
Bobby Lashley b. Alpha Academy – Hurt Lock to Gable
Becky Lynch won a five woman elimination match last eliminating Doudrop




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Monday Night Raw – June 20, 2022: All The Old Tricks

Monday Night Raw
Date: June 20, 2022
Location: Pinnacle Bank Arena, Lincoln, Nebraska
Commentators: Jimmy Smith, Corey Graves, Byron Saxton

We are less than two weeks away from Money in the Bank and that means we are probably in for some qualifying matches. Those can make for some interesting showdowns, though I’m not sure I would get my hopes up for that around here. On top of that, Riddle gets to deal with the fallout of losing to Roman Reigns on Smackdown. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

In Memory Of Tim White.

Here is Bianca Belair for a chat. After getting in her catchphrases, she says that the match with Rhea Ripley isn’t happening….for now. So who gets the title shot at Money in the Bank instead? Tonight we have five women competing, in the form of Alexa Bliss, Liv Morgan, Carmella, Asuka and Becky Lynch, in a fatal five way match to see who gets the shot. All five competitors come out one by one to say they should get the title shot while also taking shots at each other. Belair says she is ready for a fight so let’s have the match. Standard revolving door intro as the women continue to be catty to each other.

Alexa Bliss vs. Liv Morgan vs. Asuka vs. Becky Lynch vs. Carmella

One fall to a finish. Bliss and Morgan trade rollups to start and then roll around the ring on a small package attempt. Carmella comes back in to cover both of them until Asuka comes in to miss a bunch of strikes to the face. A spinning backfist drops Carmella but Becky trips Asuka to the floor. Bliss’ running Blockbuster gets two on Carmella, who rolls Bliss up and yells at her. Back in and Morgan sends Carmella into the corner before going up, only to be shoved onto the pile. Corey: “Who is headed to Money in the” and we go to a break.

Back with Becky escaping the Asuka Lock and hitting the Manhandle Slam on Asuka. Bliss comes off the top for the save and gets her own two with Morgan and Carmella making their own save. Becky drops Morgan but gets pulled to the floor by Asuka for the save. Bliss tries Twisted Bliss but hits raised knees, only to have Carmella superkick Morgan for the pin at 12:23.

Rating: C-. So they’re just punting on the title match? I’m not sure why Ripley is out but Belair could probably wrestle herself to a more interesting match than anything Carmella is going to be able to offer. Carmella hasn’t been around since Wrestlemania but now she gets a title match because someone is out? I know Becky and Asuka vs. Belair have been done but….Carmella? It’s almost like having such a shallow women’s division can cause problems.

Post match, Becky Lynch is yelling about not being at Money in the Bank. Post break, Becky is still yelling and eventually gets a Money in the Bank qualifying match against Asuka for later tonight. Becky is not pleased, though she might not be as surprised if she had read the official Raw preview that advertised Lynch vs. Asuka in a qualifying match.

Here is Vince McMahon for a chat. This week marks the 1517th episode of Raw, continuing its role as the longest running weekly episodic show in history. For that, Vince thanks the fans for being there for them. Twenty of those years have been dominated by John Cena, who is back next week. End of speech, though Vince does trip a bit on the way out of the ring. Now that felt like trolling.

Video on Roman Reigns vs. Riddle on Smackdown, with Reigns retaining but getting taken out by the returning Brock Lesnar after the fact. Reigns vs. Lesnar, Last Man Standing at Summerslam.

Here is Riddle for a chat before his Money in the Bank qualifying match. Before the match, Riddle talks about swearing vengeance against Roman Reigns for injuring Randy Orton. He got THIS close on Smackdown but a big spear was enough to beat him. Now Riddle can’t challenge for the title again, but he can win Money in the Bank and cash in to end Reigns’ reign of terror. We hear about the other participants, with Riddle wanting to hit Seth Rollins with a ladder for what he did to Cody Rhodes.

Cue Omos and MVP to interrupt, with MVP suggesting that Riddle is REALLY high right now if he thinks he has a chance against Omos. Tonight, Riddle is going to have a bad comedown when Omos slams him down. Riddle likes the joke but promises to take Omos down with an RKO, which is spelled with three letters.

Money in the Bank Qualifying Match: Riddle vs. Omos

Riddle has taped up ribs but charges at him to start, setting up some rapid fire kicks in the corner. Omos takes him down with a side slam and hits a running elbow to crush Riddle. The logical bearhug goes on for a good while until Riddle fights out again. Some running shots in the corner are cut off by a toss across the ring but Riddle gets his feet up in the corner. The Floating Bro staggers Omos but the RKO is countered into the chokebomb for the pin at 3:51.

Rating: C-. These losses with Riddle trying so many of Orton’s moves and mannerisms could be leading somewhere, as I could see Orton being sick of Riddle losing using his stuff. Throw in Riddle dedicating a huge match to Orton and then losing and some seeds are being planted. Riddle vs. Orton is a huge match if that is where they want to go, and waiting so much longer makes it worth the effort. Or RKBro is back as the most over act on Raw. Kind of hard to lose either way there.

Post match Omos lays Riddle out again and leaves, with Seth Rollins coming to the ring. Rollins kicks him to the floor and laughs at Riddle for losing back to back matches. He promises to win the briefcase and cash it in on Roman Reigns, who has been ducking him since the Royal Rumble. The speech takes so long that Riddle gets back in, only to get kicked in the ribs and Stomped.

Here is Theory, on the pose down platform from last week, for a chat. After looking at a recap of Theory spraying baby oil on Bobby Lashley to blind him last week, Theory brags about how great he is and how no one can touch him. Next week is the twenty year celebration of John Cena but Cena’s time is up and Cena’s time is now. Theory does some poses but Lashley pops up behind him. Theory loads up the selfie and sees Lashley, who blinds him with the baby oil. The spear cuts Theory down and Lashley promises to take the US Title. Good segment here, as that selfie thing is a good way to go for Theory.

We recap Edge being thrown out of the Judgment Day a few weeks back.

Theory is annoyed about Bobby Lashley, who doesn’t deserve a US Title match. However, Adam Pearce has ruled that if Lashley can win a gauntlet match tonight, he gets the title shot at Money in the Bank. Three opponents to be named.

Jey Uso vs. Angelo Dawkins

Before the match, the Usos promise to keep smashing people and the Street Profits want to fight. Dawkins sends him into the corner to start for a spinning splash. Jey low bridges him to the floor though and there’s the suicide dive. Some right hands rock Dawkins and we take an early break. Back with Jey hitting a pop up neckbreaker for two but walking into the Silencer. A superkick drops Dawkins so Jey goes up top, only to dive into a Sky High for the pin at 7:20.

Rating: C. Not much to this one again and that isn’t surprising. It’s the same idea that we have seen time after time as WWE’s ability to book a tag feud continues to be more or less horrible. This does give the Profits a bit of momentum, but it isn’t like this is some great idea. Just get on with it and give us what should be a nice tag match at the pay per view.

We see Elias in the back playing guitar when Ezekiel comes in to say Elias is his #1 fan. They sit on a couch together, with Elias talking about going around the world, writing songs and playing shows. Elias says he is a changed man and won’t be insulting Nebraska when he goes out there. He is proud of what Ezekiel has done and hits the Walk With Elias catchphrase. They seem cool with each other, despite sitting on very opposite ends of the couch for no adequately explained reason.

Here is Elias in the ring for a concert. After hitting the catchphrase, Elias is ready for a song about Ezekiel but here is Kevin Owens to interrupt. Owens doesn’t buy any of this and accuses them of FAKING THE VIDEO. Owens: “I SAW A MOVIE WITH A T-REX IN IT LAST WEEK!” Ezekiel pops up on screen to say that they are different people and wishes Elias luck with the concert. Owens is a little bewildered and Elias sings about how he is back for one night and Owens is a liar. That’s enough for Owens, who goes after Elias but gets beaten down. The guitar to the back sends Owens bailing.

We cut to the back where Owens falls through the curtain and explains how Elias did all of that and blames Elias for everything. He wants to face Elias, Ezekiel or their younger brother Elrod next week….so here is Ezekiel to accept the challenge. Owens is so mad that he…sits down in a chair. Owens: “ELROD!!!”

Gauntlet Match

Bobby Lashley has to beat three opponents in a row to win here. First up it’s Chad Gable, who gets taken down to the mat without much effort. Back up and Lashley sends him flying with a suplex, followed by a running forearm to knock Gable outside. Gable gets posted and then rather delayed vertical suplexed back inside. The spear is countered into an ankle lock though and Lashley is in trouble. Back up and Gable hits the moonsault, only to have Lashley pop up and grab the Hurt Lock for the tap at 5:42.

Otis comes straight in to jump Lashley though and sends him into the barricade. A splash on the floor crushes Lashley and we take a break. Back with Otis grabbing a neck crank but missing a Vader bomb. The Downward Spiral plants Otis but he fights out of the Hurt Lock. Instead, Lashley hits the spear but Gable comes in for the DQ at 14:22 (total). The beatdown is on until Theory is the third man. Theory hammers away and loads up the A Town Down but Lashley reverses into a cradle for the pin at 16:44.

Rating: C. This is a great example of WWE overthinking something and screwing it up without needing to. You could have gotten the same result and more or less the same match by having this be a handicap with Otis and Gable instead of Theory. Have Theory jump in after the match and get speared or something, which gives you the same ending and no pinfall on the champ. But why do that when you have one idea and insist on running with it?

Bianca Belair isn’t surprised about Carmella getting the title shot and lists off her catchphrases until Carmella jumps her from behind. Belair is so annoyed that she gets up and stares.

It’s time for MizTV, with special guest AJ Styles. After Miz mocks Styles’ theme song, Miz talks about how Styles has been on a losing streak in recent weeks and calls AJ a failure. Miz insults the University of Nebraska but AJ sucks up to them, saying this is Cornhusker country. AJ thinks Miz must be annoyed with his popcorn sized testicles, but Miz insists that this WILL NOT become a thing. He brags about all of his success until AJ talks about how he has had some issues as of late. The brawl is on with Ciampa coming in to knock AJ outside. I like the visual, but do something with Ciampa other than having him start then lose.

Ciampa vs. AJ Styles

Miz is on commentary and Ciampa jumps Styles to start, setting up a running knee to the head. The chinlock goes on but Styles is back with the fireman’s carry backbreaker for two. Ciampa is back with a right hand but the Fairy Tale Ending is countered with a backdrop. The Phenomenal Forearm finishes Ciampa at 4:19.

Rating: C. Another match that should have been better and treated as a big deal but why do that when you can have Ciampa lose again? I know it’s a bunch of backstage politics nonsense, but you look around at the roster and decide that an NXT legend who looks great and can go isn’t worth anything? It’s another case of WWE not just accepting what is right in front of them and that is really, really frustrating.

Post match Styles lays out an invading Miz and steals his sunglasses.

Veer Mahaan talks about how awesome he is and promises more destruction. Fear him. I fear anything involving Veer so they’re off to a good start.

Money in the Bank Qualifying Match: Becky Lynch vs. Asuka

Becky jumps her on the stage but Asuka tries the armbar at the bell. That’s broken up but so is the Disarm-Her, allowing Asuka to kick away. They head up top with Becky knocking her down, only to get caught with a running kick to the face. Becky kicks her outside though and we take a break.

Back with Asuka hitting the hip attack and grabbing the ankle lock. With that broken up, Asuka hits a missile dropkick for two before they head to the apron. Becky stomps her way out of a powerbomb attempt but gets kneed out of the air for the double knockdown. They both beat the count back in, where Asuka blasts her with a kick to the head for the pin at 12:14.

Rating: B-. As usual, there is one match on this show that works because you have some talented people get in the ring and have their match. The problem again though is this is burning through another match between two of the top women in the division when you didn’t need to. Asuka vs. Becky is a big match, but not so much when it has been done so many times.

Becky freaks out to end the show.

Overall Rating: D+. This was a good example of a show where the majority of the show wasn’t so much bad, but rather a mixture of frustrating and boring. There was very little on this show that would make me want to see either next week’s show or the pay per view. You had a champion getting pinned when he didn’t need to, a bunch of rematches, a tag match between singles wrestlers and Ciampa losing again. It feels like they were playing Bingo with the most annoying and tried and false ideas that they have over and over again. Nothing show, and that’s a bad sign on the way to Money in the Bank.

Carmella b. Becky Lynch, Asuka, Liv Morgan and Alexa Bliss – Superkick to Morgan
Omos b. Riddle – Chokebomb
Angelo Dawkins b. Jey Uso – Sky High
Bobby Lashley won a gauntlet match last eliminating Theory
AJ Styles b. Ciampa – Phenomenal Forearm
Asuka b. Becky Lynch – Kick to the head



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