Dark – September 4, 2020: The Secret To Its Success

IMG Credit: All Elite Wrestling

Date: September 4, 2020
Location: Daily’s Place, Jacksonville, Florida
Commentators: Excalibur, Taz

Yes it’s a double shot of this show as they continue their tradition of running a special show the night before a pay per view. In theory this means that we won’t be having a show next Tuesday, though I do wonder what that means for the Gunn Club and Kip Sabian. How can we get by without seeing them every single week? Let us get to it.

Here are this week’s results if you need a recap.

Faboo Andre/D3 vs. Butcher and Blade

Eddie Kingston is here with Butcher and Blade. The beatdown is on before the bell with Butcher running D3 over and taking him into the corner for the beating. D3 gets in a shot and hands it off to Andre, who walks into a side slam as the beating is on in a hurry. Blade doesn’t seem worried about Andre and slowly kicks him in the back but charges into a knee in the corner.

A hurricanrana allows the hot tag to D3 but he gets caught in a chokeslam/belly to back suplex combination. Andre makes the save and gets powerbombed/neckbreakered for his efforts. The suplex onto Blade’s knees is good for the pin on Andre at 3:34. They have those two big combinations and use the suplex onto the knee for the finisher?

Rating: D+. Again, you can only go so wrong with someone named Faboo Andre and it was nice to see Butcher and Blade destroying people like this. It isn’t a match that you need to see or course but as a brief showcase for Butcher and Blade, who seem to be on their way up, it worked out well enough. Now do something with them.

Allie vs. Red Velvet

QT Marshall is here with Velvet and Brandi Rhodes is on commentary. Feeling out process to start with Velvet grabbing a headlock and then running her over with a shoulder. A rollup gives Velvet two and Allie isn’t into the handshake. Instead Allie sends her into the corner but gets choked down with a boot. Velvet gets caught on top though and Allie hits a superkick. The running knee sets up a bulldog as Brandi wants Allie to stay on it. Down The Rabbit Hole finishes Velvet at 4:19.

Rating: D+. Another not too bad match with Allie and Brandi’s issues being front and center. What those issues are still isn’t clear, as Allie hasn’t exactly been trying to do anything bad to Marshall. I’m not sure what they’re going for long term, but it seems that the short term goal is to get Brandi on TV, which is working well enough.

Colt Cabana vs. Zack Clayton

Cabana drives him into the corner to start and we get some clean breaks but Stu Grayson of the Dark Order doesn’t seem thrilled with Cabana’s tactics. Evil Uno comes out to yell at him as well so Cabana shoulders Clayton down to take over. Clayton gets two off a rollup and Cabana is ticked off enough to start the aggression. Clayton fires off some uppercuts but the Dark Order offers a distraction. The Chicago Skyline puts Clayton down and, after an order from Uno, Cabana uses Brodie Lee’s discus lariat for the pin at 4:20.

Rating: C-. It was nice to see some storyline advancement during a match on this show because it has been lacking for nearly a year now. This is the kind of thing that can make Dark worth watching (or at least a little more worth watching) but for some reason this stuff is rather rare. That being said, if Cabana needed help beating this guy, maybe the Dark Order is a little beyond him.

Peter Avalon says the Initiative is done because it’s all about him. He isn’t an enhancement talent and it’s time to light a fire under Brandon Cutler. The two of them can go one on one and it’s time for the loser to win. Leva Bates does not seem pleased.

Lucha Bros vs. Ryzin/Angel Perez

Fenix and Ryzin start things off with Ryzin being knocked down in a hurry. Penta comes in and holds Fenix’s hand for a crazy springboard flipping armdrag but Ryzin gets a boot up in the corner. Perez comes in to elbow Fenix in the face and a running knee to the face drops him again. Penta’s distraction lets Fenix grab a spinning sunset flip out of the corner for two. Penta hits a running Canadian Destroyer on Ryzin and a spike Fear Factor (though with Fenix standing up for the spike instead of coming off the top) finishes Perez at 2:53.

Post match here are Eddie Kingston and Butcher and Blade with Eddie promising that one of them is going to win the Casino Battle Royal. Butcher isn’t happy but Kingston gets them together for a group hug.

Ivelisse vs. KiLynn King

Diamante is here with Ivelisse. They trade some strikes to start until King takes way too long trying a slam, allowing Ivelisse to slip away. A springboard tornado DDT gives Ivelisse two and a kick to the head gets the same. The full nelson with the legs keep King down and a running knee gives Ivelisse two more. Another big kick misses though and King hits a hard forearm. King kicks her in the head and sends Ivelisse flying with a German suplex for two. As Taz criticizes the covering, Diamante offers a distraction so Ivelisse can hit a Downward Spiral. Code Red finishes King at 4:48.

Rating: C-. They might have something here with King, who gets noticed every time she is on the show. I know she probably isn’t going anywhere, but it could be worth giving her a little something. Like say, a win, over another of the Dark jobbers. That could help a few other people here and there but for some reason it never happens. I really don’t get it, but that’s not what the show seems to be about.

Shawn Dean/Brandon Bullock vs. Dark Order

It’s John Silver and Alex Reynolds for the Order here. Silver takes Dean straight down for an attempted choke and then fires a knee to the face. It’s off to Reynolds, who gets caught with a quick enziguri so Bullock can come in off the tag. Silver kicks Bullock in the chest though as commentary talks about Tom and Jerry.

The Order starts hammering away on Bullock in the corner and back to back splashes give Reynolds two. Bullock flips out of a belly to back suplex though and it’s back to Dean. That earns him some quick strikes to the face from Dean and a spinning torture rack powerbomb plants Dean again. The double flipping DDT gives Silver the pin at 5:42.

Rating: D+. Kind of a long match by comparison to the rest of the show and that’s not the best thing. Dean is one of the better jobbers but there is a reason that Silver and Reynolds were put under masks and are often just identified by numbers. The match wasn’t anything of note, but the Dark Order has been getting a lot more TV time as of late so I can’t say I’m surprised to see them here.

Brandon Cutler, also with Leva Bates, says he’ll take Peter Avalon’s challenge. If Avalon wants to light that fire, be ready to be burned.

Luther vs. Darby Allin

Taz is suddenly a huge Luther fan. Luther kicks the knee out to start and sends Darby’s knee into the post. Back in and Luther stomps at the knee some more with Allin not even being able to run the ropes. Allin comes back with a Fujiwara armbar but Luther makes it over to the rope. Luther is right back to the knee and a backdrop driver gives him two. There’s a reverse suplex for two more as Taz wants Darby to headbutt a fire hydrant. The Cannonball only hits corner though and Luther rolls outside for a Coffin Drop from Allin. Back in and the Coffin Drop finishes Luther at 4:29.

Rating: C. Luther was wrestling a much more logical match here and that made it a lot easier to watch. He hasn’t been the disaster that I was expecting when he seemingly was hired because he and Jericho worked together a long time ago, but this worked out well enough. Allin survived until the end here, and that’s perfectly fine.

Dark Order vs. Natural Nightmares

Marshall gets in a faceplant on Angels but Vance pulls Dustin off the apron. A DDT gives Angels two and the hot tag brings in Dustin to clean house. The snap powerslams plant the Order but a cheap shot from the apron lets Vance get a rollup for two. Back in and Marshall hits a Diamond Cutter on Angels, leaving Vance to take the Final Reckoning for the pin at 8:00.

Rating: C. Again, believe it or not, the talented wrestlers getting a little time led to a better match. It also helps that there is an actual story here instead of just people doing moves to each other for the sake of filling in time. This wasn’t bad either, as the Nightmares continue to be a nice little pairing.

Quick All Out preview wraps it up.

Overall Rating: C-. I know I’m beating a heavily damaged horse here but the time was the key to making this one a lot more watchable. There was nothing wroth going out of your way to see here but then again there almost never is on Dark. It was more of the same, but there wasn’t a point where I was wondering how much longer I would have to sit through the thing. This was as proof positive as you could get that there is no need to make the show so long most of the time and it was easier to watch as a result. I’m sure that won’t matter next time, but it was a nice break for one week.


Butcher and Blade b. Faboo Andre/D3 – Suplex onto Blade’s knees to Andre

Allie b. Red Velvet – Down The Rabbit Hole

Colt Cabana b. Zack Clayton – Discus lariat

Lucha Bros b. Ryzin/Angel Perez – Spike Fear Factor to Perez

Ivelisse b. KiLynn King – Code Red

Dark Order b. Brandon Bullock/Shawn Dean – Double flipping DDT to Bullock

Darby Allin b. Luther – Coffin Drop

Natural Nightmares b. Dark Order – Final Reckoning to Vance

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:


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Dark – August 25, 2020: Like A Dead Possum

IMG Credit: All Elite Wrestling

Date: August 25, 2020
Location: Daily’s Place, Jacksonville, Florida
Commentators: Taz, Tony Schiavone, Veda Scott

I’m not sure what to expect from this show as it might be the last show without fans, but at the same time it is a thirteen match card that lasts an hour and fifty eight minutes. Yes I mention the time and the amount of matches every week, but given how this show goes, what else am I supposed to talk about on a show made of squash matches? Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Announcers’ welcome.

Storm Thomas/Demitri Jackson vs. Best Friends

Orange Cassidy is here too. Chuck headlocks Thomas to start and drops him with a sunset flip. It’s off to Jackson, who is chopped in the corner by Trent. A Meteora drops Jackson again and a hanging northern lights suplex makes it worse. Chuck comes back in but gets kicked in the back so Jackson can take him into the corner. A knee out of the corner allows Chuck to get over for the tag to Trent and a tornado DDT drops Jackson. The spear on the floor keeps Jackson in trouble and it’s time for the Big Hug. Back to back piledrivers give Chuck the pin on Jackson at 5:57.

Rating: C-. Not too bad here and that’s as high of a bit of praise as I am usually going to give a Best Friends match. They have a thing that they do and they do it well enough, but at the same time they have done that thing over and over for months now. At least they kept it short enough here and that’s how something like this should be.

Shawn Spears vs. Jessy Sorensen

Tully Blanchard is here with Spears. A headlock takes Sorensen down to start but Jessy fights up with a drive into the corner. There’s a dropkick to put Spears on the floor, meaning it’s time for a meeting with Blanchard. Back in and they trade chops in the corner until Spears hits a dropkick in the back of the head. Spears drops him hard onto the apron but a piledriver is blocked and Sorensen grabs a cutter. The tornado DDT is blocked though and Spears hits the Death Valley Driver for the pin at 5:37.

Rating: C-. Another watchable match and another week with Spears staying on the same show despite commentary telling us how great he is. I haven’t seen him do that on a bigger stage and while that isn’t the worst thing, there are probably better places for him. Like putting people over on the main roster. Maybe that’s coming, but for now it isn’t exactly doing all that much.

Red Velvet vs. Mel

The bigger Mel backs her into the corner but Velvet ducks and slugs away with forearms. Some kicks to the leg stagger Mel but a side slam takes her down in a hurry. Velvet gets in a kick to the head and goes up, where she dives straight into a choke spinebuster to give Mel the pin at 2:35.

D3 vs. Lance Archer

Jake Roberts is here with Archer, who brings out a rather large man and kicks him in the face before the bell. D3 gets kicked in the face at the bell and there are some hard whips into the corner. Archer tells him to throw some punches and then punches D3 much harder. One heck of a chokeslam gets two so Archer rips at his face. D3’s forearm out of the corner doesn’t do much good as the Black Out into the EBD Claw is good for the pin at 2:46. They have Archer and Brodie Lee on the same show and they pick Lee to destroy Cody?

Luther/Serpentico vs. Initiative

Leva Bates is here with the Initiative. The villains (the non-librarians in this case) take Avalon into the corner to start to work on his arm but it’s quickly off to Cutler. The pace picks up with Cutler taking Serpentico down so Avalon can get two. They keep up the fast tags as Cutler comes back in, only to have Luther slam Serpentico onto him a few times for some near falls.

As Taz talks about Luther having breath that smells like a dead possum, Avalon comes in off the hot tag and gets to clean house for what must have been a good fifteen seconds before Serpentico suplexes him down. Leva isn’t happy but the distraction means that Avalon’s quick rollup only gets two on Luther. Everything breaks down and Cutler’s elbow sets up Avalon’s top rope splash for two. Leva slips Avalon the book but he hits Cutler by mistake. Luther powerbombs Avalon onto the barricade and it’s a Doomsday Meteora to finish Cutler at 8:47.

Rating: C. They’re doing a nice job with building up the Initiative to win a match, though I still wonder why they have jobs if wins and losses matter around here (which is the case for a lot of people). The match itself wasn’t half bad and they made you think that the win could finally come, even if the win wasn’t going to mean much over Luther and Serpentico. Not too bad here actually.

Nyla Rose vs. KiLynn King

Vickie Guerrero is here with Rose. King slugs away to start but gets grabbed by the throat for a toss to the floor. A forearm to the face lets Rose bend her around the post but King pulls Rose face first into the post. Back in and Rose’s spinebuster gets two and King’s something close to a Samoan drop is good for the same. Vickie shoves King off the top though and the Beast Bomb finishes at 4:01.

Rating: D+. King is someone who has shown some potential though there is only so much to be gained out of jobbing on Dark. That being said, I’m not sure how much Rose is getting out of needing Vickie to help her beat someone who has never won a match. This wasn’t quite a squash but it also wasn’t all that good either, making it perfect for this show.

Post match Vickie names their pairing the Vicious Vixens. The two of them needed a name?

Gunn Club vs. Baron Black/Frank Stone

Black and Austin start things off with the Gunn being taken down with a headlock. That’s broken up for some shots to Black’s face and Billy comes in for a double Russian legsweep into a legdrop. Stone comes in to block Austin’s armdrag and get two off a tilt-a-whirl slam. A suplex gets the same and a belly to back version gets the third two in a row. Austin kicks him away and makes the hot tag to Billy to clean house but Black is ready for the Fameasser. Everything breaks down and Austin’s hiptoss neckbreaker (the Quick Draw) finishes Black at 6:10.

Rating: D+. Is Billy Gunn really enough of a draw to warrant keeping him around for these matches? I like the Quick Draw a bit but it’s not like Austin has anything that makes him stand out whatsoever. They have been doing the same matches for weeks now and it isn’t like they’re great in the first place. This is the first thing I would cut from each Dark and that’s not a good place to be.

Heather Monroe vs. Penelope Ford

Kip Sabian is here too. They armdrag each other down a bit until Monroe walks the corner to take her down. Sabian busts out a pair of leaf blowers for a distraction though and it’s time to choke on the ropes. That lets Ford get in a quick kiss and the fisherman’s suplex is countered as a result (Maybe?). A second attempt is countered into a small package for two on Ford and Monroe grabs a Backstabber for two. Ford sends her hard into the corner for the handspring elbow and more elbows to the face have Monroe in trouble. Now the fisherman’s suplex can finish Monroe at 4:40.

Rating: D+. Another case where there is no backstory, no action that is overly memorable and nothing that they haven’t done in almost all of their previous matches. Ford is someone who has gotten better in the ring but it isn’t like she is doing anything that is changing anything around here. More of the same, as always.

Santana and Ortiz vs. Metro Brothers

The Brothers have been on NXT before and they’re greasers. Thankfully the Brothers are named (Chris and JC), though we aren’t told which is which so it doesn’t mean much. Ortiz headlocks and knees let’s say JC to start but gets headlocked down for the escape. The slugout annoys Ortiz and it’s a powerslam to take JC down.

Santana comes in for a standing senton into a backsplash. Three Amigos connect as Taz makes sure that Tony is still here. Ortiz’s DDT plants JC and he allows the tag off to Chris, who is suplexed down in a hurry. A middle rope hurricanrana is countered into a powerbomb and there’s a Liger Bomb for a bonus. Santana kicks Chris in the face and Ortiz gets the pin at 5:35.

Rating: C-. Some of that was due to it being an actual squash and some if it is due to liking Santana and Ortiz. Or for making me think of Deuce N Domino, who weren’t good but they looked like Fonzie which is an improvement. Again it was nice to see a more proper squash, which doesn’t happen enough around here.

Post match the Best Friends run in to beat down Santana and Ortiz. They brawl out of the arena and into the parking lot with Chuck being suplexed onto a trashcan to get rid of him.

Ricky Starks vs. Shawn Dean

This could be good and Taz is rather excited. A shoulder drops Starks to start and Dean grabs a headlock. Back up and Dean misses a shoulder from the apron and gets kneed in the face. The standing Coffin Drop gives Starks one but a slap to the face just annoys Dean. The slugout goes to Dean and he hits a running knee in the corner. A running boot misses though and Starks hits Roshambo for the pin at 4:07.

Rating: D+. I’m getting tired of saying this but it was just a match and not a memorable one at that. Dean continues to be one of the better jobbers to the stars around here, which isn’t exactly the highest praise. Starks is probably going to face Darby Allin at All Out while Dean is 0-14. Such is life around here.

Jake Hager vs. Marko Stunt

Oh sure this needed to air. Hager lets him grab a headlock and Stunt is stupid enough to do it, earning himself a big toss to the ropes. Stunt avoids a shot and dances before ducking a big boot. Hager drives him into the corner and hits a heck of a toss before driving a knee into Stunt’s chest. Now the big boot connects and the Rock Bottom into the head and arm choke finishes Stunt at 3:35.

Rating: D. So remember all those other times when Stunt has gotten squashed by a monster? This is the latest one as it added nothing to either of them, didn’t showcase anything new, and made me watch Stunt do his stupid dance, which thankfully has finally started to die off in pop culture. This was even higher than the Gunn Club on stuff that didn’t need to be here and just extended an already long show.

Post match Hager goes after him again but the rest of the Jurassic Express makes the save.

Frankie Kazarian vs. Kip Sabian

Penelope Ford is here again. Sabian takes him down by the arm and gets to pose a bit. That’s broken up so we hit the chain wrestling with Kazarian winding up on top with a headlock. Kazarian’s hammerlock is broken up as commentary talks about how obvious it is that Ford is going to interfere later on. A knee down onto the arm has Sabian in more trouble so he comes up with a poke to the eye.

We hit the headlock on Kazarian as Tony thinks Taz is extra aggressive because of how much he has been yelled at on commentary before. A trip from Ford causes Kazarian to be sent outside and it’s a series of stomps in the corner back inside. Sabian rolls him into a reverse Koji Clutch but Kazarian makes it over to the ropes. As Taz and Veda agree about hanging onto the ropes for 4.9, Kazarian fights up and gets two off a rollup.

They fight to the apron for a slugout until Kazarian head back inside. Sabian is pulled into a slingshot cutter for two with Ford pulling his feet onto the ropes like a good manager should. Kip gets in a knee to the face and a discus punch but something like a fisherman’s suplex doesn’t work. Instead Kazarian grabs a reverse DDT for the pin at 9:39.

Rating: C+. That’s the match of the night by a mile so far and that isn’t surprising. Sabian might not be the highest profile name on the show but he does his thing and looks good doing it, which is all you can ask. Kazarian is beyond a good hand as he can have a solid match with anyone but more importantly he can elevate anyone, which is a heck of a trick.

Joey Janela/Sonny Kiss vs. Hybrid 2

Kiss headscissors Evans down to start and Janela comes in with an ax handle to the arm. A knee to the ribs and a forearm to the back of Janela’s head cuts him off though as we hit the preview for Dynamite instead of talking about the match. Angelico comes in and gets forearmed in the corner as Janela screams a lot.

Janela’s clothesline gives Sonny two but Angelico pulls him face first into the middle buckle. It’s back to Evans for a quick suplex and the stomping is on in the corner. Angelico grabs the inverted Figure Four and Janela’s attempted save lets Evans stomp away. A lot of ranting from Angelico almost allows the tag to Janela but Evans makes the save and chokes a bit.

Kiss flips away from Evans and makes the hot tag to Janela for a suplex. Janela makes Angelico DDT Evans (erg) and a blind tag brings Kiss back in. A front flip double stomp hits Evans on the apron and Janela adds a Death Valley Driver. Sonny moonsaults onto Angelico on the floor but a 450 only gets two. Angelico gets in a cheap shot on Kiss though and it’s the flipping backslide to give Evans the pin at 8:47.

Rating: D+. This was what you would come to expect as the Hybrid 2 continue their build back to mediocrity. Janela and Kiss continue to be fine as a middle of the road team at best, which is about all you can expect from them. The match wasn’t the worst, but it’s exactly what you would expect from these four.

The Dynamite preview wraps us up.

Overall Rating: D+. And that’s Dark for the week with nothing out of the ordinary. There was some watchable stuff in here but when you’re practically at two hours, everything is going to be lost in the shuffle. There was probably a month’s worth of shows in here and maybe two or three of the matches had some drama.

Why not mix us some of the matches so that the jobbers face each other and you can build one of them up? They keep hyping up Dean and he’s 0-14. If he had beaten some of the jobbers and was say 5-9 instead, how much more interest would there be against a lower level guy? It might do some good, but this show seems much more interested in pumping out content, which isn’t the best way to go about things. That’s what we’re getting though, and we’re getting a lot of it.


Best Friends b. Storm Thomas/Demitri Jackson – Piledriver to Jackson

Shawn Spears b. Jessy Sorensen – Death Valley Driver

Mel b. Red Velvet – Choke spinebuster

Lance Archer b. D3 – EBD Claw

Serpentico/Luther b. Initiative – Doomsday Meteora to Cutler

Nyla Rose b. KiLynn King – Beast Bomb

Gunn Club b. Frank Stone/Baron Black – Quick Draw to Black

Penelope Ford b. Heather Monroe – Fisherman’s suplex

Santana and Ortiz b. Metro Brothers – Kick to Chris’ head

Ricky Starks b. Shawn Dean – Roshambo

Jake Hager b. Marko Stunt – Head and arm choke

Frankie Kazarian b. Kip Sabian – Reverse DDT

Hybrid 2 b. Joey Janela/Sonny Kiss – Flipping backslide to Kiss


Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:


And check out my Amazon author page with cheap wrestling books at:


Dark – July 14, 2020: They’re Kidding Right?

IMG Credit: All Elite Wrestling

Date: July 14, 2020
Location: Daily’s Place, Jacksonville, Florida
Commentators: Excalibur, Taz

It’s the fallout show from Fyter Fest as well as the go home show for Fight For The Fallen and we even have a title match tonight. This week it’s Brian Cage defending the FTW Title against Brian Pillman Jr. in a match that sounds a bit squashish on paper. Other than that, the show sounds like its usual self. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Rache Chanel/Diamante vs. Allie/Brandi Rhodes

Dustin Rhodes is here with Allie and Brandi, the latter of whom doesn’t like Diamante shoving Allie before the bell. Allie and Diamante lock up to start with the former hitting a Dustin drop down uppercut. Rache comes in, after getting in one final touch of the hair of course. It’s off to Brandi, who snapmares Rache down for a kick to the face and an early two. A Diamante distraction lets Chanel get in a cheap shot from behind to take over on Allie though and the stomping is on in the corner.

We hit the chinlock as Taz talks about the QT Marshall apple necklace Allie is wearing. Allie fights up but Diamante knocks Brandi off the apron to block a tag attempt. Brandi is up to pull Allie out of the way out of a running corner dropkick and the hot tag brings Brandi in. Rache knees Brandi but spends too much time talking trash can gets superkicked down. The spear finishes Chanel at 7:23.

Rating: C-. Brandi and Allie are the stars here of course and they’re not exactly the kind of team that you need to have out there for almost eight minutes. It was a good enough match with no drama on the ending, but how many people are all that interested in seeing Brandi and Allie as wrestlers? Especially when they aren’t exactly likely to be rising up the ranks all that soon in the near future.

Ricky Starks vs. Robert Anthony

They go to the mat to start with neither being able to get anywhere. Back up and Anthony gets in a few shots to the face and a kick to the ribs, only to have Starks come back with a clothesline. The release northern lights suplex drops Anthony and the spear puts him on the apron. Back in and Starks grabs a swinging neckbreaker for two but Anthony gets in a tilt-a-whirl faceplant for a breather. The surfboard into another faceplant gives Anthony two but Starks kicks him in the face. Starks picks him up with a double underhook Dominator for the pin at 4:51.

Rating: C. Anthony got in some offense here and continues to look like someone who could be a player later on. Starks looks like someone who could be a star even sooner though, which makes him one of the best signings that AEW has made in recent weeks. It’s a loss for the NWA, but dang it’s fun to watch Starks, who really does seem like a potential star of the future.

Shawn Spears talks about the history of the glove in wrestling.

Shawn Dean/Will Hobbs/Joe Alonzo vs. Dark Order

3, 4 and 5 for the Order with more of the team watching from the stage. Hobbs and 5 start things off with 5’s right hands in the corner staggering Hobbs early on. The fall away slam sends 5 flying though and it’s 4 coming in, with Hobbs giving him a World’s Strongest Slam. Alonzo comes in and hits a hiptoss but 4 sends him into the corner. 3 comes in for a double dropkick to Alonzo’s head but Dean gets the tag to send 3 face first into the corner. Dean hits a slingshot dive to the floor to take out 3 and 4, only to have 5 send him into the barricade.

5 comes back in for some rapid fire splashes and 4 adds a running kick to the chest for two. Another kick to the face sets up another splash from 5 for two more but Dean kicks 5 away. The hot tag brings in Hobbs to clean house and everything breaks down. Alonzo rolls 4 up for two but it’s a Wing Snapper from 5 into a double flipping Destroyer DDT for the pin on Alonzo at 9:12.

Rating: C-. Another match that just kind of came and went, though it could have been worse. The problem is that it’s still hard to get into three small guys who are relatively interchangeable when they’re all in masks. It doesn’t help that there was no chance of an upset here, because there never is on this show.

Marko Stunt vs. Michael Nakazawa

ARE THEY KIDDING??? I watch this show every single week and they make me watch THIS??? Nakazawa throws the baby oil away to start and drops Stunt with a shoulder. Stunt runs the ropes and bounces off of him again but a dropkick works well enough. There’s a kick to the head (Taz: “Almost like Bruce Lee but not.”) and another kick to send Nakazawa into the corner. The suicide elbow sends Nakazawa into the barricade but he drops Stunt throat first across the top back inside.

A slam gives Nakazawa two and we hit the chinlock. Hold on though as Nakazawa changes his mind and wants the oil, which he pours onto Stunt. Back up and Stunt avoids a charge in the corner so Stunt hits a top rope shot to the back. A Samoan drop cuts Stunt off again and Nakazawa crotches him on top for a slide across the top. The underwear claw is loaded up but Stunt knocks it into Nakazawa’s face. Since Nakazawa can’t let go, Stunt grabs a rollup for the pin at 6:10.

Rating: F. What are you expecting me to think here? This was another dumb match in a series of them from Nakazawa, but his buddy helps run the company and that means he is going to have a job around here as long as he wants to. Or until the rest of the roster revolts against him and chases him off with pitchforks and torches, as they should have done a LONG time ago.

Post match Stunt has to help him get the underwear off of Nakazawa’s face.

Serpentico/Luther vs. Pineapple Pete/Brady Pierce

Serpentico shoots a bunch of webbing out of his hands during the entrances. Cool visual if nothing else. Pete not being sure what to make of Serpentico and Luther is funny. Luther jumps Pete to start and hits a pump kick, followed by Serpentico’s top rope double stomp to the arm. A monkey flip gets Pete out of trouble and it’s Pierce coming in to have no effect on Luther. Brady’s running clothesline in the corner works a bit better but Luther takes Pete into the corner with ease.

Luther grabs a belly to belly for two and there’s a swinging side slam to put Pete down again. Serpentico is slammed down onto Pete for two and a slingshot double stomp sets up Luther’s knee to the face. Pete dropkicks his way out of the corner though and it’s the hot tag bringing in Pierce to clean house. A kick to Pierce’s face sets up the standing Sliced Bread though, with a spinebuster/top rope Meteora finishing Pierce at 7:02.

Rating: D+. Pretty slow match here and that’s not exactly something that makes me want to keep watching any of them. Pete continues to be fun and Serpentico feels like someone who could be a bigger star somewhere else. Then there’s Luther who is fine enough, but that’s about as high as I’m going on him.

Jurassic Express vs. Peter Avalon/Brandon Cutler

Marko Stunt and Leva Bates are at ringside while the Young Bucks are watching from the crowd. Commentary jumps up and down in quality as Cutler and Jungle Boy run the ropes to start. Cutler’s slingshot kick to the head gets two but Luchasaurus comes in and throws Boy into a Downward Spiral to drop Cutler for two. Luchasaurus leaves though and it’s Cutler hitting a springboard uppercut to the face for his own near fall.

Avalon gets two off a suplex and Cutler hits a running legdrop for the same. Boy is back with a heck of a clothesline and it’s back to Luchasaurus to clean house. Kicks to the face drop Cutler and Avalon but the standing moonsault hits Avalon’s knees. Bates gets in a hurricanrana off the apron to Boy and Cutler grabs a tornado DDT on Luchasaurus.

A heck of a springboard elbow gets two with Boy having to make the save. Boy comes in off the tag and starts taking over, including a tiger suplex for two on Avalon. Everything breaks down and some shots to the face rock Luchasaurus again but Boy is back in for the Extinction Level Event to finish Avalon at 8:45.

Rating: C+. They did a good job of making me believe that the upset could happen here, which I never would have bet on coming into this. They’re doing something with the idea of having Avalon and Cutler finally getting their first win and that’s more of a story than anything else has here. Not a great match or anything, but for what it was in this spot, well done.

FTW Title: Brian Cage vs. Brian Pillman Jr.

Pillman is challenging after Taz and Cage make it clear that the title is on the line. Pillman jumps him to start and it promptly sent into the corner for the hard clotheslines. A release German suplex sends Pillman flying again and they head outside. Cage’s powerbomb on the floor is blocked but a flip dive off the apron is countered into a suplex. The toss powerbomb into the post and there’s the apron superplex to make it worse. The Drill Claw finishes Pillman at 2:28.

Post match Cage hits back to back powerbombs into an F5 to end the show.

Overall Rating: C. This was a different format to the show and while I’m still not wild on it, I’ll take it over what they’ve done most of the time. They had some longer matches here but didn’t do as many, which made for a better setup for the whole thing. The matches stood out more and that’s one of the biggest flaws with Dark most of the time. Still longer than it needs to be and burn the Stunt vs. Nakazawa match with fire, but I think I like the altered format a bit more.


Brandi Rhodes/Allie b. Rache Chanel/Diamante – Spear to Chanel

Ricky Starks b. Robert Anthony – Double underhook faceplant

Dark Order b. Joe Alonzo/Shawn Dean/Will Hobbs – Double flip DDT to Alonzo

Marko Stunt b. Michael Nakazawa – Rollup

Serpentico/Luther b. Pineapple Pete/Brady Pierce – Meteora/spinebuster combination to Pierce

Jurassic Express b. Peter Avalon/Brandon Cutler – Extinction Level Event to Avalon

Brian Cage b. Brian Pillman Jr. – Drill Claw


Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:


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Dark – July 7, 2020: The Stupid Idea

IMG Credit: AEW

Date: July 7, 2020
Location: Daily’s Place, Jacksonville, Florida
Commentators: Excalibur, Taz

It’s the go home show for the second half of Fyter Fest and I’m not sure if that is going to matter. This show continues to be all over the place and I’m not sure what to expect from it week to week. One of the biggest draws here is the in-ring debut of Brian Pillman Jr., who could be a star in a few years. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Taz and Excalibur give us a quick hello.

Brian Pillman Jr. vs. Shawn Spears

Tully Blanchard is here with Spears. Feeling out process to start with Pillman flipping out of a wristlock and kicking Spears into the corner. Some chops put Pillman in the corner but he’s right back with a dropkick. That means a chat with Blanchard on the floor, which seems to work as Spears dropkicks him off the ropes back inside. Pillman gets sent head first into the steps on the way to the ring but he’s right back with a running forearm to the face. The springboard spinning crossbody misses though and it’s the C4 to give Spears the pin at 5:14.

Rating: C-. Well that was a little surprising. Pillman isn’t the biggest star in the world and while he isn’t a bigger star than Spears (for now), you might have expected a little something more than a five minute clean loss. It wasn’t terrible, but I was hoping for Pillman to be treated as a little bit of a bigger deal in his debut.

Rache Chanel vs. Big Swole

Chanel is into fashion if that wasn’t obvious. Swole powers her around to start and strikes the bicep pose, followed by a headlock. The takeover takes Chanel over but the threat of Dirty Dancing sends her bailing to the floor. Back in and Swole hits a kick to the head on the apron but Chanel grabs a swinging neckbreaker for two. We hit the seated armbar and then a reverse chinlock as Britt Baker rolls out to watch. Swole fights back with some clotheslines but stops to glare at Baker. A spinning powerbomb sets up Dirty Dancing and a kick to the face finishes Chanel at 7:23.

Rating: C-. Chanel didn’t look all that great here but Swole is starting to figure things out. She has a good energy to her and that is the kind of thing that can make her into a star. There is a solid charisma and seeing her face Baker when she is finally healthy should be a fun match.

We get a sitdown interview with Allie and Brandi Rhodes, who argue about who is responsible for their success. Dustin Rhodes comes in to say he knows Allie is going to turn on QT Marshall and wants her to stay away from his family. The women want to be a team.

Frankie Kazarian vs. Luther

Excalibur thinks Kazarian’s 19-10 record is 19-1, which Taz doesn’t notice and calls a “good observation”. Luther powers him into the corner to start so Kazarian snaps off some armdrags and cranks on the arm. Back up and Luther hits a spinwheel kick of all things, allowing him to rake the face in the corner. A hard clothesline gives Luther one but Kazarian fights back with some shots to the head. The slingshot Oklahoma roll gets two and a victory roll gives Kazarian the pin at 6:45.

Rating: C. Luther has been surprisingly acceptable and that’s all I could have asked of him. There was no reason to believe that he was ever going to be anything special and seems to be there as nothing more than a favor to Jericho. There are worse ways to get a job and he has done better with it than I ever would have guessed.

Butcher and Blade/Lucha Bros vs. Faboo Andre/Brady Pierce/Joe Alonzo/Tony Donati

Pentagon tells Tony that there is CERO MIEDO so it’s a big chop to the chest. Fenix comes in so the Bros can tie Donati up. A kick to the chest and an assisted chop allow the tag to Alonzo, who is knocked down in a hurry. Everything breaks down and it’s a superkick/brainbuster combination to Pierce. Butcher suplexes Alonzo into a powerbomb onto Blade’s knees, with Fenix adding a springboard missile dropkick for the pin at 3:15.

Rating: D+. That’s how this should have gone with the team in a big match wrecking people instead of doing anything resembling selling. These were four goons going against two bigger teams and there was no reason for it to be anything more than a squash. I can go for some complete dominance and that is what we got here, as we should have.

Will Hobbs vs. Orange Cassidy

A missed charge lets Cassidy hit a Superman Punch for the pin at 12 seconds.

Michael Nakazawa vs. Shawn Dean

Dean grabs a hammerlock into a waistlock so it’s the oil squeezing for the escape. Nakazawa hits a running shoulder so Dean is back with a dropkick. A clothesline gives Dean two but Aubrey Edwards has to take away Nakazawa’s baby oil. Nakazawa goes with a tackle and then a top rope shoulder gets two. With nothing else working, Nakazawa pulls out his own underwear but gets caught in a TKO Stunner. A Backstabber gives Dean two but Nakazawa puts the underwear on Dean’s face like a claw for the win at 5:45.

Rating: F. See, Luther being around for the sake of being Jericho’s friend has been a good thing. Nakazawa being around for the sake of being Kenny Omega’s friend is HORRIBLE as he is one of the dumbest things I’ve seen in a long time. It’s the same joke over and over and feels like something that belongs in comedy written by a five year old. Moving on to ANYTHING else.

Serpentico vs. Scorpio Sky

Sky takes him down to start but gets reversed into a quickly broken headlock. A Russian legsweep gives Sky two and a backbreaker lets him bend Serpentico over the knee. Serpentico sends him outside though and it’s a ram into the barricade. A legdrop on the apron keeps Sky in trouble and there’s a stomp to the face for a delayed two. As Taz discussed bird watching, Serpentico gets two off a one footed dropkick.

The armbar doesn’t last long but Sky blocks a suplex attempt. Instead Sky snaps off a brainbuster and gets two off a neckbreaker. Serpentico is sent to the apron and comes back in with a kick to the head, followed by a slingshot double stomp. A short DDT gives Serpentico two more but Sky is back with a good looking dropkick for the double knockdown. The TKO is countered and Serpentico hits a knee to the face. The followup takes too long though and now the TKO gives Sky the pin at 9:58.

Rating: C+. Sky is the definition of smooth as he can look good against anyone. He wrestles a very universal style but makes it look good every time he’s in the ring. This was a nice showing for Serpentico as well though and hopefully they both get another chance to showcase themselves in the future.

Dark Order vs. Brandon Cutler/Peter Avalon

For a couple of losers, Cutler and Avalon (with Leva Bates of course) get to main event a lot of shows. A lot of the Dark Order is here with Stu Grayson and Evil Uno. Taz talks about how Avalon and Cutler suck as individual wrestlers. Excalibur: “Taz, I will have you know, they sucked as a team too.” Ok point for a funny line. Avalon offers to lay down for Uno but manages to grab a small package for two.

Grayson comes in and gets kicked in the head by Cutler, who comes in off a quick tag. Cutler gets slammed down by Grayson though and a running shoulder in the corner keeps him in trouble. A backbreaker sends Cutler to the apron and a running knee gives Uno two. The brainbuster gets the same but Cutler pulls himself to the top for a high crossbody and immediately rolls over for the hot tag to Avalon.

House is cleaned and an Arabian moonsault gives Avalon two. Grayson goes after Bates so Avalon makes a diving save, followed by a big springboard dive from Cutler. Grayson kicks both of them in the head and gets two off a sitout powerbomb to Avalon. The Knightfall finishes Avalon at 7:26, as Uno seems to be favoring his wrist and shoulder.

Rating: C. I never would have bet on having Avalon and Cutler work as faces but they did here….kind of. It was a fun match and they were getting somewhere with the Avalon comeback. They might have something with those two FINALLY winning a match of some sort, but I’m not sure when were’ going to get there, or if it’s going to matter in the end.

A Fyter Fest rundown ends the show.

Overall Rating: D+. This was a rougher one to sit through, mainly because of the Nakazawa match being as welcome as a stapler to the face. They didn’t have the star power going this week and it made for a tougher sit than usual. It wasn’t the worst show but there were a lot of times where I was wondering how much longer it could go. Not their best effort this week.


Shawn Spears b. Brian Pillman Jr. – C4

Big Swole b. Rache Chanel – Dirty Dancing

Frankie Kazarian b. Luther – Victory roll

Orange Cassidy b. Will Hobbs – Superman Punch

Michael Nakazawa b. Shawn Dean – Claw

Butcher and Blade/Lucha Bros b. Tony Donati/Joe Alonzo/Faboo Andre/Brady Pierce – Springboard missile dropkick to Alonzo

Scorpio Sky b. Serpentico – TKO

Dark Order b. Peter Avalon/Brandon Cutler – Knightfall to Avalon



Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:


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Dark – February 28, 2020: It Serves Its Purpose

IMG Credit: AEW

Date: February 28, 2020
Location: Silverstein Eye Centers Arena, Kansas City, Missouri|
Commentators: Excalibur, Taz
Hosts: Tony Schiavone, Dasha Gonzalez

This is a bit of a special edition as the show was uploaded on Friday instead of the usual Tuesday due to Revolution on Saturday. Odds are it is going to be the same kind of show as we always see and I’m not sure what that is going to mean. It’s all going to depend on the wrestling, which tends to be the case more often than not. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Sonny Kiss vs. Luther

Rating: D. Luther was far from a disaster but getting me to care about a “death match legend” from Japan 20 years ago is a bit of a stretch. Having Luther here as a low level villain isn’t going to hurt anything but the Nightmare Collective stuff was a big waste of everyone’s time. This could have been worse, though it’s nothing I’m needing to see again.

Post match Jimmy Havoc chases Luther off.

Tony and Dasha are excited for Revolution.

Dark Order vs. Michael Nakazawa/Peter Avalon

Before the match, Leva Bates tells Avalon to stop insulting every town they come to and hands him a book called “Don’t Be A D***.” Nakazawa loads up the baby oil but Avalon says no because he doesn’t want comedy. Avalon tags himself in and immediately slips on the oil as we’re in comedy land. Nakazawa comes back in and gets beaten up in the corner but uses more oil to escape a suplex. That’s enough for Avalon though as he walks out, leaving Nakazawa to take the Fatality for the pin at 2:56. This may be the biggest waste of time I’ve seen in a good many years.

Video on Cody vs. MJF.

Here’s where AEW is coming.

Britt Baker vs. Miranda Alize

Alize was on Impact last week. Baker takes her down by the arm to start but it’s way too early for Lockjaw. Alize can’t escape so it’s a forearm to the face. The chinlock doesn’t last long and Baker chokes away in the corner, followed by a kick to the jaw. A fisherman’s neckbreaker and the reverse Sling Blade set up the Lockjaw to finish Alize at 5:13.

Rating: C-. Just an extended squash for Baker here and that’s fine. It seems like she has been waiting to jump up to the next level for months now and it has just never clicked. You could still see it happening, but I’m not sure when it will. Alize didn’t get to showcase herself much here but she has potential if she ever gets a chance.

Brandon Cutler/Shawn Spears vs. Private Party

Hold on though as Private Party needs to throw their beads into the crowd. Cutler and Kassidy start things off and they take turns missing each other. Quen misses a running enziguri and all three try dropkicks for another standoff. Spears comes in for a chop but gets pulled into the corner so Quen can sunset flip Kassidy into a moonsault press for two.

It’s back to Cutler, who springboards in with a forearm to Kassidy so Spears can hammer away in the corner. The spinebuster plants Kassidy and Spears drops him onto the apron for a bonus. A legdrop gives Cutler two but Kassidy is back with an enziguri, allowing the hot tag to Quen. The sitout bulldog/faceplant combination puts Spears/Cutler down, meaning Spears is ready to leave. Gin and Juice finishes Cutler at 9:24.

Rating: C. Just a match for the most part and the same ending that we’ve seen from Spears before. The Tully Blanchard Search For The Perfect Partner story is getting old in a hurry, mainly because Spears has been turned into one of the least important people in the company. And that’s how they’re using Blanchard?

Tony and Dasha say goodbye. Their importance on this show is waning every week.

Overall Rating: D+. This is such a strange show and it rarely goes outside of its comfort zone. That being said, the show is far from terrible and they get a lot of talent in the ring. It’s better than having them sit on the sidelines as they’re being kept warm for later if necessary. The show wasn’t great this week but it served its purpose well enough, even if that purpose isn’t the most important for AEW.


Luther b. Sonny Kiss – Camel clutch

Dark Order b. Michael Nakazawa/Peter Avalon – Fatality to Nakazawa

Britt Baker b. Miranda Alize – Lockjaw

Private Party b. Brandon Cutler/Shawn Spears – Gin and Juice to Cutler

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:


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