Progress Wrestling Chapter 166: Freedom Walks Again: With A Limp

Progress Chapter 166: Freedom Walks Again
Date: April 5, 2024
Location: Penns Landing Caterers, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Commentators: Rich Bocchini, Jack Farmer

So this is the British Progress Wrestling promotion, which isn’t quite what it used to be but it’s still a big enough deal to warrant a Wrestlemania weekend spot. There are some familiar names around here but there will also likely be some guest stars, as tends to be the case over the weekend. Let’s get to it.

Note that I do not follow Progress so I apologize in advance for any storylines or character points that I miss.

I was in attendance for this show, sitting in the fourth row with the entrance on my right.

Opening sequence, which doesn’t seem to be specific to this show.

Leon Slater vs. Cody Chhun vs. Simon Miller vs. Marcus Mathers vs. Gringo Loco vs. Lykos II vs. Tate Mayfairs

One fall to a finish. Hold on though as Mayfairs brags about his greatness on the way to the ring, saying that the fans only know what Dave Meltzer tells them about British wrestling. We get the usual “I’m awesome” speech, with the expected WHAT’s to make it even longer. Mayfairs gets inside and manages to drop everyone until Mathers (in old school Philadelphia Phillies gear) takes him down with a springboard high crossbody.

Loco counters Lykos’ running hurricanrana but Chhun is back in with a dropkick to put Lykos down. Slater clears the ring and hits a dive onto Chhun before Miller gets to clean house to quite the reaction. Back in and Mayfairs gets to clean house and pose again (he has a tendency to do that). Lykos gets sent outside but walks into a spear from Miller, who gets kicked down by Slater.

Loco catches Slater on top with a super Spanish Fly before side slamming Mayfairs for two. Lykos’ slingshot Code Red gets two and he slugs it out with Mathers. Slater is back in for the big running flip dive over the post before it’s time for a run of cutters. Slater’s Swanton 450 (that looks awesome) gets two but Lykos is back up with a running flip dive of his own. A brainbuster to Chhun gives Lykos the pin at 9:20.

Rating: B-. If you watch an independent show, especially around this weekend, you know you’re going to see something like this as it’s a guaranteed way to get a bunch of people into the ring at once. That doesn’t mean it’s high quality, but it’s often fun and that was the case again here. Lykos winning is fine, as it’s not like the result is what matters in something like this. Good, fast paced opener.

Atlas Title: Yoichi vs. Ricky Knight Jr.

Yoichi, on excursion from Pro Wrestling Noah, is challenging and this seems to be something like the Hoss Fight Title. They trade running shoulders to start with Yoichi getting the better of things until Knight sends him outside. There’s the big dive, followed by the rather hard chop back inside. A testicular claw and a belly to back suplex have Yoichi in trouble but he slams his way to freedom (which Walks Again).

Something like a Vader Bomb gets two but Knight Death Valley Drives him into the corner for the big crash. A hanging DDT gives Knight two but Yoichi slips out of a slam and nails a discus lariat for the double knockdown. They chop it out (Yoichi’s chest is red in a hurry) until Yoichi grabs a belly to belly for two. Knight is back with a Razor’s Edge toss for two, meaning frustration is setting in (fans: “YOU CAN’T BEAT HIM!/YES HE CAN!”).

Yoichi shoulders him down and goes up, only to dive into a cutter. A MuscleBuster gives Knight two and now he’s really stunned. Knight grabs an over the shoulder sitout Tombstone but Yoichi rolls into the corner in a smart move. Knight brainbusters him hard onto the apron and drops a 450 for two more and NOW the fans are into this as Yoichi keeps hanging on. Back up and Yoichi hits a hard clothesline for two but Knight staggers him with a superkick. Knight tries a springboard, only to dive into something like a high angle spinebuster to give Yoichi the pin and the title at 13:36.

Rating: B. This was pretty much as advertised, with two good sized guys beating the fire out of each other with one big shot after another. The fans got into the idea with Knight not being able to finish him, resulting in Knight trying one too many big moves. Yoichi could have done more to get the win in the end but they drew me into the story with people I don’t know so well done indeed.

Respect is shown post match.

Bussy vs. Session Moth Martina/Gene Munny

Bussy is Effy/Allie Katch, while Munny seems to think he’s a dog. That leaves you with Martina, who really, really, REALLY likes beer and comes out to Cascada’s Every Time We Touch. That would be a rather jazzy number (giving me high school flashbacks) and Bussy starts dancing in the ring as Martina takes a rather long time getting to the ring. Munny is not impressed as the dancing continues when Martina gets in as well.

Then Martina passes out, only to be woken up with a beer. Munny and Martina don’t get along before the bell and argue over who starts with Effy. They both try to get on the apron, then both try to get in, then do it again. Munny: “On the count of three, one of us is going to make an adult decision!” By the time he gets to two, Martina is in the ring and dancing with Effy as the bell rings.

Munny isn’t having that and pulls Martina to the corner for the tag before headlocking a still dancing Effy. We pause for Effy to drop to his knees in front of Mummy with quite the look on his face. Munny: “SIR! I am flattered! But I am a married man!” Instead Munny pulls the bandanna down over Effy’s face and tries a low blow but gets blocked (the HI-YAH didn’t help).

Instead, Munny settles for two off a Regal roll into a falling splash and it’s off to Martina. Munny and Martina agree to use “TAG TEAM MANEUVERS”….but can’t decide on which one to use, with one trying a Russian legsweep and the other a suplex. Effy tells them to focus so they hit him in the face but still can’t figure it out. Allie comes in and does a mirror bit with Martina before they both grab beers for a drink.

They toast and ask “DID WE JUST BECOME BEST FRIENDS???” before Munny tags himself in. That isn’t going to work for Allie….who decides that this is now Allie/Martina vs. Effy/Munny. Effy doesn’t approve of the attempted Bronco Buster and even calls her Allison, which is enough to set up a double hip attack to Munny as the original partnerships are back. A double hip thrust and a seated senton gets two on Munny before Effy sits on his arm to give us a focus.

Bussy takes over on said arm as Martina has strolled over to the bar. Martina is sitting with the fans and cheering as Effy slams Munny down. Munny manages to go up and dives onto both of them, much to Martina’s disturbance. Martina gets back on the apron for the tag, is rather fired up…and falls flat on her face as she gets in. Bussy stomps away again and Allie adds a running Cannonball for two. Martina is back with a Codebreaker into a tornado DDT and the tag brings Munny back in to take over.

There’s a double spear to drop Bussy but we pause for Munny to twist Effy’s nipples. Martina is back in and NOW the “TAG TEAM MANEUVERS” work far better, with the double Russian legsweep setting up Martina’s Bronco Buster on Effy. Munny goes coast to coast for a low headbutt to Effy in the corner but walks into an accidental middle rope Codebreaker from Martina. Effy hits a Rough Ryder on Martina and a top rope Hart Attack (with another Rough Ryder) finishes Munny at 11:34.

Rating: B. As you might have guessed, this absolutely was not about the quality, but rather the pure entertainment value. In short, this match was FUN with Munny and Marina being hilarious together and Bussy more than holding up their end. They weren’t trying to do anything remotely serious here and it wound up being one of the most entertaining matches I’ve ever seen in person. Heck of a fun match here.

Danhausen makes a random cameo to celebrate with Bussy.

Spike Trivet vs. Luke Jacobs

Trivet (pronounced Trivay) is a former World Champion and was the top heel for a long time. Jacobs on the other hand is just a straight powerhouse. Trivet takes him up against the ropes to start and hits a headbutt, only to be dropped with a heck of a running shoulder. They trade chops in the corner until Jacobs is low bridged to the apron and Codebreakered to the floor.

Back in and Trivet starts in on the hand/arm but Jacobs fights up and hits a Rock Bottom out of the corner for a breather. A suplex into a brainbuster gets two on Trivet, who is right back with a middle rope Codebreaker for two. Jacobs catches him on top for a superplex and a sitout powerbomb gives Jacobs two of his own. They slug it out until Trivet suplexes him into the corner. A double stomp gets two on Jacobs, who is right back with a heck of a lariat for two. The Drill Claw finishes Trivet at 10:33.

Rating: C+. The match wasn’t bad, but it was pretty easily the weakest on the show so far. Trivet is a rather generic looking heel and Jacobs is a run of the mill power guy. What we got was good enough, but I didn’t find this overly interesting during the show and that was still the case watching it back.

Women’s Title: Rhio vs. Lana Austin

Austin, the former champion who is described as annoying, is challenging. They fight over a lockup to start and that gets them absolutely nowhere. Austin stops to flip her off, earning a shotgun dropkick into the corner. Rhio sends her outside and hits a suicide dive, only to have Austin suplex her on the floor. Hold on though as Austin needs a microphone for “Lana-oke”.

This involves talking/singing (badly) as she beats on Rhio, who blocks a kick to send Austin face first into the mat. Austin is back up with a dropkick for two and there’s a suplex into the corner for the same. The trash talk takes too long for Austin, allowing Rhio to superkick her down for two. The package piledriver is blocked though and Austin sends her face first into the buckle for the big crash.

A hurricanrana attempt is countered into a powerbomb to give Austin two more and Rhio rolls to the apron. That works rather well as she comes back with a springboard Stunner but Austin blasts her with a discus forearm. What looks to be a powerbomb is countered into an Air Raid Crash but Austin grabs a rollup with feet on the ropes, only to get caught. The arguing with the referee lets Rhio come back with a package piledriver to retain at 13:51.

Rating: C+. They were trading moves and you could get an easy sense of the idea here (the talented champion against the more showy challenger) but it never quite hit that next gear. Rhio is someone who could be a pretty intriguing prospect with some more coaching due to her natural athleticism, but she’ll need more time against better opponents. Nice match, though like the previous one, it wasn’t exactly must see.

Tag Team Titles: Cheeky Little Buggers vs. Sanity vs. Sunshine Machine

The Buggers (Alexxis Ferguson/Charles Crowley) are defending against Sanity (Axel Tischer/Big Damo) and Sunshine Machine (Chuck Mambo/TK Cooper). Ferguson takes Mambo down with a top wristlock to start…but Mambo says “RING RING!” He holds his hand up to Ferguson’s ear, where she says “Hello.” Mambo: “IT’S A WRISTLOCK!” Ferguson then tries the same thing but Mambo sends her into the corner and rolls her up for two.

Crowley comes in for a small package, followed by a springboard Downward Spiral for two more. It’s off to Cooper, but hold on because Crowley asks if we want to see a magic trick. He reaches into a hat (because he has a hat, complete with horns) but finds nothing inside. Instead he reaches into the back of Ferguson’s tights (oh dear) and finds….a fist, which he uses to punch Cooper.

Back up and Cooper gets two off a dropkick before Mambo comes back in for some stereo knees to the arms. Crowley manages to get over to the monster Damo though and house is quickly cleaned, including a double fall away slam to Sunshine Machine. Axel comes in for a release suplex to Cooper, who manages to send Sanity into each other for a breather. Mambo’s springboard wristdrag sets up a frog splash to give Cooper two but it’s Axel hitting a Backstabber to cut Mambo down.

Mambo kind of slips off the top to forearm Damo and it’s off to Ferguson, who gets caught in the Sanity corner (that’s not good). The neck crank goes on but Ferguson fights up and brings Crowley back in to pick the pace way up. A big flip dive to the floor takes out Sanity, leaving Ferguson to slug it out with Sunshine Machine. That doesn’t go so well as it’s a double headbutt to put Ferguson down, followed by a double suplex for two.

Cooper dives onto the pile at ringside and Mambo’s frog splash to the back gets two on Ferguson. Axel is back in to clear out Sunshine Machine and snap Ferguson’s finger. Ferguson manages a spinning suplex to Damo and Crowley adds a top rope backsplash. Cooper gets tossed into a sitout powerbomb from Ferguson as even commentary thinks there is too much going on at the moment.

Ferguson gets sent into the corner so Crowley tries to make a save, only to get kicked in the face a few times. The Death Valley Driver onto the apron plants Crowley again but Sunshine Machine is back in to take out Sanity. Cooper’s shooting star press gets two on Damo but he tosses Mambo into a German suplex from Axel. A powerbomb/neckbreaker combination to Copper is enough to give Axel the pin and the titles at 18:52.

Rating: B-. The match was definitely entertaining due to the pure insanity, but there was so much going on and the last ten minutes or so were spent on one big wild brawl. There was too much going on to really have a good match, which tends to be the case with this many people involved. Sanity did feel like the bigger stars here though and it’s nice to see them winning the titles, as they were the best option.

Progress World Title: Man Like Dereiss vs. Kid Lykos

Lykos, with Lykos II, is defending and Dereiss raps himself to the ring, as tends to be his custom. They stare at each other for a bit as the fans are rather divided. We get a handshake and they lock up over a minute in, with Dereiss backing him up against the ropes. A shoulder drops Lykos and we pause again as he takes a breather in the corner. Lykos is back up with a quickly broken Octopus hold before dropkicking Dereiss outside.

Back in and Dereiss snaps off some slams, followed by some dancing and a whip into the corner for two. More dancing and right hands give Dereiss two as commentary talks about social media. Lykos is back up with a kick to the head and some rolling suplexes to put Dereiss down for a change. The corkscrew shooting star press gives Lykos two but calling out the name of a brainbuster lets Dereiss shove him away.

A Michinoku Driver gives Dereiss two but Lykos rolls away before Dereiss can do something from the top. They knock each other down for a double breather before an exchange of rollups gets two each. Stereo nip ups lets Lykos try a victory roll but Dereiss puts him down and hits a Blue Thunder Bomb for two more.

Back up and Lykos hits a superkick for two before the Octopus goes on again. Dereiss powers out and they’re both down for another breather. Lykos’ springboard flip dive is countered into a powerbomb, followed by another to set up Dereiss’ 450 for two more. Dereiss loads up another powerbomb but Lykos reverses into a suplex. A springboard Swanton retains the title at 17:07. Bocchini in something of a deadpan voice: “Lykos retains.”

Rating: B-. That dull reaction to the result sums up the match. The action itself was perfectly fine, but there didn’t seem to be a story to the match and they were just trading moves at the end. I’m not sure I get the appeal of Lykos either, as he was just kind of there for the most part. Maybe there is a better backstory to him, but if that is the case, I didn’t see it here.

Overall Rating: B. This show was starting red hot and then hit a wall hard about halfway through. You could feel the energy go out as it went from a fun show to a good show that was just kind of happening in front of you. If this was all about the first half, I’d watch every Progress show but the second half made it feel like pretty much every solid independent event you’ll find. It was one of the better shows I watched over the weekend, but it loses its steam fast.



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