Major League Wrestling Fusion – February 22, 2019: Southern Charm

IMG Credit: Major League Wrestling
Fusion #46
Date: February 22, 2019
Location: 2300 Arena, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Commentators: Matt Striker, Rich Bocchini
Things have gone well in Philadelphia so far and there’s a good chance that’s going to be the case again here. This time around we have the debut of the rather redneck Mance Warner, which could go in a variety of ways. Other than that we have what should be some awesome lucha as Rey Horus faces Aerostar. Let’s get to it.
Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.
We open with a recap of the end of last week’s show with Richard Holliday and Maxwell Jacob Friedman attacking Teddy Hart and possibly breaking his rib.
Opening sequence.
Lance Anoa’i vs. Rich Swann
Swann was suspended last week but is wrestling while on appeal. Before the match, Swann thanks the fans for being by his side and walking step by step with him. The announcers suggest that a concussion has turned Swann a little more evil, which is kind of a stretch of a story. Swann loads up the test of strength which turns into the dance, as it tends to do. A big kick to the head staggers Lance, who is right back with a backdrop which sends Swann into a 450.
The Samoan drop sends Swann outside for the big flip dive, followed by the CONTRA sign popping up again, which still isn’t acknowledge by commentary. Back in and Swann rakes the eyes (must be the concussion again) before ripping at the face. A pull of the hair gets a four count, with Swann explaining the rules to the referee like a villain should. An abdominal stretch keeps Lance in trouble, naturally starting the comeback a few seconds later.
Swann gets caught with a Stinger Splash into a running hip attack in the corner for two. A Rock Bottom doesn’t work as well as Swann slips out and hits a Lethal Injection for one. Swann kicks him in the head but Lance is right back with one of his own. The 450 misses though (nice one too despite Lance being bigger than a cruiserweight) and Swann grabs a rollup with a hand on the ropes for the pin at 7:07.
Rating: C-. Swann’s heel run is going better than I was expecting it to as he’s rather easy to dislike. At the same time, Lance was more impressive than usual here, as he isn’t the most thrilling guy in the world most of the time. With the right amount of time, both of these guys could become something interesting around here.
Tom Lawlor says it doesn’t matter how Low Ki is training for their cage match because Low Ki is coming into his world. The blackout is coming in Chicago, just like the Contra logo pops up again here.
We look at the Friedman/Holliday attack again.
Friedman talks about beating Hart down like a dog and paying off Holliday in a smart move. They both come from good families who aren’t filled with drugs, meaning Friedman is just better. He’ll prove that when he takes the Middleweight Title back.
Mance Warner has the interviewer hold a white board so he can write his plan for tonight:
1. Light beer
2. Eye pokes
3. Knee pad up, knee pad down
4. Lariats
Mance wants anyone who wants to get in the ring with the Mancer because he’s going to keep getting those W’s. He’s got some strong charisma.
Video on Aerostar.
Jimmy Yuta vs. Mance Warner
Yuta’s mask even lights up ala Mustafa Ali. Warner chops and swings away in the corner and seems to like it when Yuta hits him back. Yuta’s Octopus Hold is quickly broken up and Warner drops him with a windup headbutt. Yuta knocks him to the apron and joins him out there, where Warner asks him to hang on a second. For some reason Yuta does and Warner DDTs him on the apron. The first eye poke connects but Yuta is right back up with a suicide dive. Back in and something like an Angle Slam gives Yuta two so Warner headbutts him. The kneepad goes up and down to set up a knee trembler, setting up a lariat for the pin at 5:31.
Rating: C+. Warner isn’t exactly polished but he’s a lot of fun and does exactly what you would expect from him. He does feel like an old southern brawler and the entertaining promos are going to be more than enough to carry him. I liked what I saw here and he beat a big enough name to mean a little something. Well done here.
Davey Boy Smith talks about his love of cats and dogs. Teddy Hart says he’s trained in a shoot world and would love to see Smith choke Brock Lesnar out. They’ve saved all of their money over the years and are here for the gold.
Intimidation Games Control Center, featuring a bunch of names being announced but no new matches.
Video on Rey Horus.
Aerostar vs. Rey Horus
They fight over the armdrags to start and get the required covers with no counts. Double flip ups give us a standoff until Horus slides to the floor for the sole purpose of taking a dive from Aerostar. Back in and Aerostar hits a top rope corkscrew crossbody as Striker has literally not stopped talking about how important lucha libre is for the last two minutes. Horus sends him outside for the big running flip dive over the ropes for two back inside.
Aerostar kicks him in the head and hits a top rope reverse shoulder block (that’s a new one) for two of his own. Horus slams him in front of the corner but Aerostar shoves him outside for the running springboard flip dive. Back in and Aerostar hits a rolling cutter but Horus snaps off a Spanish Fly. Aerostar heads up top but gets pulled down with a super victory roll to give Horus the pin at 7:35.
Rating: B-. Entertaining luchaing here but nothing that we haven’t seen done much better time after time. It’s the kind of thing that is going to work every time though because these matches are very exciting, with those dives always looking crisp. It worked for a main event on the go home show and the fans liked it so well done on all accounts.
Salina de la Renta says she doesn’t speak Spanish so the interviewer asks to see Low Ki in English. That’s not happening either because Low Ki is training with some UFC fighters. When asked if they can talk to LA Park, she remembers that she can’t speak English and yells in French.
One more Contra logo wraps things up.
Overall Rating: C+. This wasn’t your traditional go home show and that’s ok, though Intimidation Games is looking like a far cry from SuperFight. That being said, it helps when you have more than a handful of matches announced in advance, though the cage match alone should carry things. Warner’s debut was fun and it was a good main event so this was a really easy sit for just under an hour.
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