Impact Wrestling – March 20, 2025: Filler Week

Impact Wrestling
Date: March 20, 2025
Location: El Paso County Coliseum, El Paso, Texas
Commentators: Matthew Rehwoldt, Tom Hannifan

We’re done with Sacrifice and on the way to Unbreakable, with the biggest story coming out of last week seeing Nic Nemeth turning evil and attacking Matt Hardy. That should be enough to get the Nemeths a Tag Team Title shot, but Joe Hendry is going to need a new #1 contender for his World Title as well. Let’s get to it.

Here is Sacrifice if you need a recap.

Long Sacrifice recap.

Opening sequence.

Here is Masha Slamovich to say Cora Jade gave her a good fight but she retained the title at Sacrifice. Now she is here to prove that she is the best champion in all of wrestling so she issues a challenge…and here is Tessa Blanchard. Beating Jade doesn’t mean anything and now it’s time for Blanchard to get her title back. Cue NXT’s Jacy Jayne to attack Slamovich from behind. Santino Marella comes in and makes Jayne vs. Slamovich for next week, with Blanchard banned from ringside.

Post break, Marella yells at Arianna Grace for letting that happened. There is another surprise planned for later.

Northern Armory vs. Rascalz

Eric Young is here with the Armory and joins commentary. Wentz starts fast by crossbodying Icarus for two but Williams comes in for a cheap shot to take over. The Armory takes turns working on the arm but Wentz is back up with a springboard knee to the face. Everything breaks down and Icarus pulls Wentz to the floor. Back in and a superkick sets up Feed Them To The Lions for the pin on Williams at 4:51.

Rating: C. Short and to the point here with the Rascalz continuing their rise back up the ranks. At the same time, the Armory stuff doesn’t feel overly important. The team shouldn’t be winning everything, but it feels like they almost never win and that’s going to be a problem if they’re supposed to be anything more than the lowest of lackeys.

Post match Young comes in but Ace Austin runs in with a chair for the save.

Xia Brookside’s eyes are ok after being misted last week but she’s tired of fighting fairly and getting attacked. Rosemary pops up on screen and taunts her for being held back by her morals. She’ll have a surprise for Brookside tonight, with a tag match being teased. Please tell me that this isn’t going to turn into Brookside going evil because of the mist. Anything but that.

It’s time for the First Class Penthouse with First Class mocking the city, only to be interrupted by their guest, and hometown boy, Chavo Guerrero Jr. They threaten Chavo for being disrespectful and say if they wanted the second best Guerrero, they would have called Dominik. Chavo suggests that Dominik might not be an actual Guerrero but here is Frankie Kazarian to interrupt. Kazarian hasn’t forgiven Chavo for costing him the Tag Team Titles (in 2012) but here are the Aztec Warriors so a six man tag can be made next week. Yeah it’s Chavo but the fans went nuts for him so it makes enough sense.

Mike Santana vs. Mustafa Ali

The Cabinet is barred from ringside. Santana wastes no time in jumping Ali and sending him outside for a dive. Ali is sent over the timekeeper’s table and the beating continues on the floor. They go inside for the opening bell and Ali goes after Santana’s banged up arm. The rolling neckbreaker gives Ali two and we hit the armbar. Back up and Santana is fine enough to hit the rolling cutter but the threat of a frog splash sends Ali outside…and he takes the countout at 4:09.

Rating: C+. This wasn’t the big ending in the story but rather the next step as we get closer to a blowoff. That should make for a good moment as they are setting things up for the showdown, likely at Unbreakable. They’re making the fans want to see Santana give Ali what is coming to him and that should be a nice moment, assuming that is where they go.

Post break, Ali says he didn’t run from Santana but rather conquered him. This is done and Ali and the Cabinet drive off.

Here is Ryan Nemeth to explain his brother’s actions at Sacrifice. Ryan says HIS BIG BROTHER finally did the right thing at Sacrifice by sacrificing all of their love for the love of his own brother. Cue Nic, who says the Hardys aren’t coming. Nic takes credit for TNA’s momentum over the last year, but then the Hardys tried to come in and take the credit for themselves.

They are the greatest brothers in wrestling history but here is Leon Slater to say he isn’t going to listen to this bollocks (Nic: “I don’t know what that means.”). Slater says Nic can’t steal the show because Slater has already stolen it. Ryan issues the challenge for next week but Slater gets in now, only to be superkicked down. I’m assuming this is to set up a title match at Unbreakable and….that’s only going to be so interesting.

Rosemary/Savannah Evans vs. Xia Brookside/Lei Ying Lee

Rosemary sticks out her jaw to Brookside to start but hands it off to Evans before anything can happen. That’s fine with Brookside, who knocks her into the corner before getting to beat up Rosemary for a change. Broken Wings connect but it’s already back to Evans for a chokebomb on Lee. The Samoan drop gets two on Lee, who kicks Rosemary down and makes the tag without much trouble. Everything breaks down and Rosemary mists Evans by mistake. Lee is back in for something like a TKO into Thunderstruck to pin Evans at 6:02.

Rating: C. Rosemary continues to get in trouble with the mist, which hopefully doesn’t have any special powers attached. There wasn’t much to the match but somehow it’s the longest of the show thus far. Brookside is still someone who feels like she is just floating around without much to do, though she also hasn’t shown that she is ready for some big step up either.

The Personal Concierge, in a neck brace to make it even better, brings out a cake for the champions’ celebration. By Elegance comes out, seemingly rather pleased with their title win. Apparently the cake costs $5000 and Ash needs a chance to make her wish. Cue NXT’s Meta Four to say they want the titles but here is Spitfire to say they have a guaranteed rematch.

Cue NXT’s Gigi Dolin and Tatum Paxley to say they want the titles and the brawl is on. This brings out Santino Marella to make Paxley/Dolin vs. By Elegance next week, with the other teams banned from ringside. Meta Four beats up some security and Marella is scared of Lash Legend. Arianna Grace comes in to say Meta Four is indeed banned next week. That was quite the unnecessary cameo.

Mance Warner vs. Magno

Warner runs him over and finishes with the running knee at 1:01.

Steve Maclin insists that he wants no part of Eric Young’s Northern Armory.

System vs. Elijah/Joe Hendry

Alisha Edwards is here with the System. Hendry hammers Myers to start and grabs a powerslam. Elijah comes in to work on the arm and everything breaks down with the System quickly being cleared out. We take a break and come back with Eddie being knocked to the floor, where he sends Elijah hard into the steps.

Myers’ chinlock doesn’t last long but Alisha is right there to pull Elijah’s beard to keep him down. Elijah neckbreakers his way to freedom though and it’s back to Hendry to clean house. Everything breaks down and Elijah is knocked to the floor but Hendry cuts off the Backpack Stunner. Elijah cuts off Eddie and the Standing Ovation plants Myers for the pin at 11:08.

Rating: C. This was little more than a match to get the World Champion on the show and it worked well enough. Hendry doesn’t have a clear opponent at the moment and at least they didn’t waste time in having him face someone in a big match here. Elijah might be the next challenger and that’s only going to be so interesting, assuming they even go in that direction.

Overall Rating: C. I wasn’t feeling this show for the most part, as it was rather light on the in-ring action and never felt like much happened. Maybe they needed a breather after Sacrifice, but there is only so much time to get ready for Unbreakable. You can see some of the card from here, but this show didn’t exactly have me interested after Sacrifice.

Rascalz b. Northern Armory – Feed Them To The Lions to Williams
Mike Santana b. Mustafa Ali via countout
Rosemary/Savannah Evans b. Xia Brookside/Lei Ying Lee – Thunderstruck to Evans
Mance Warner b. Magno – Running knee
Elijah/Joe Hendry b. The System – Standing Ovation to Myers



Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and head over to my Amazon author page with 30 different cheap wrestling books at:


Impact Wrestling – March 13, 2025: This Is Looking Big

Impact Wrestling
Date: March 13, 2025
Location: Full Sail University, Winter Park, Florida
Commentators: Tom Hannifan, Matthew Rehwoldt

It’s the last show before Sacrifice and the show is mostly set up. There is still the chance that we are going to see something new added, though there is only so much time left to fill in. The big match at Sacrifice seems to be the big team cage match so we’ll probably hear a lot about that here. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening recap.

Eddie Edwards vs. Leon Slater

Alisha Edwards is here with Eddie and the winner’s team gets the advantage in the cage match, which sounds a lot more like Lethal Lockdown. Eddie jumps him to start but Slater hammers away in the corner. A running hurricanrana sends Eddie outside, where he avoids a dive and hits a big chop. Slater uses the steps to snap off another hurricanrana but Eddie snaps his throat across the top rope.

Eddie sends him hard into the steps and then sends the banged up arm into the corner for two. The armbar doesn’t last long so Eddie snaps off an overhead belly to belly for two more. Eddie cranks on the arm again and grabs another armbar, at least until Slater kicks him in the face to escape. A high crossbody gives Slater two but Eddie catches a flip with a Blue Thunder Bomb for two. Slater kicks him down but misses the Swanton 450. Eddie sends him into the post and adds the Boston Knee Party for the win at 9:42.

Rating: C+. The villain winning this is the only thing that makes sense and as good as Slater has been, there is nothing wrong with him losing to a former multiple time World Champion. Eddie had to win to give his team the advantage so they weren’t going in any weird direction here. The match was fine enough, but the result making sense is what matters most.

Sami Callihan is ready to take out Mance Warner, who comes in (with Steph de Lander) to say Sami doesn’t have the guts to hit him now (which he isn’t allowed to do). Trash talking ensues.

Wes Lee vs. Laredo Kid

Kid twists the arm to start and sends Lee outside, where a baseball slide misses. Instead Kid is back up with an Asai moonsault, followed by a crossbody for two back inside. Lee is right back with a superkick and a bunch of stomping, setting up a brainbuster for two. That lets Lee crank on the arm (it must be required around here) until Lee is up for the slugout. Kid knocks him down and hits a pair of moonsaults for two. A hurricanrana gets the same so Lee belly to back suplexes him into the Cardiac Kick for the pin at 7:19.

Rating: C+. Lee gets to win something around here over a talented star, even if Kid has only done so much around here. It helps that Lee is someone who has done enough around here before so it isn’t the biggest stretch. Not a bad match at all, but Kid losing time after time has taken away a lot of his value.

Post match the Rascalz and Ace Austin come out to say they’re coming for Wes Lee, Tyriek Igwe and Tyson DuPont.

By Elegance yells at Santino Marella over how they were treated by Spitfire. Marella gives them one more title shot….but with the Personal Concierge wrestling as well, to make it a handicap match. The Concierge panicking is rather amusing.

Rosemary vs. Xia Brookside

Brookside strikes away to start but gets taken down with a choke, allowing Rosemary to hammer away (and scream a lot). The chinlock is broken up but Rosemary is right back with the Upside Down. Rosemary pulls out a chain but Brookside takes it away, only to get misted for the DQ at 5:25.

Rating: C. This didn’t have the time to go very far and I’m a bit confused about what it is supposed to do. Rosemary was being hyped up as wanting to get back into the Knockouts Title scene but she just attacked Brookside when she was already winning a match. Odds are this gets a rematch, and I could go with either of these two moving up the standings a bit.

Steve Maclin is writing in a notebook and drinking when Eric Young shows up to drink with him. Maclin doesn’t want to hear from him and leaves.

JDC vs. Cody Deaner

Deaner talks about how he didn’t think he would be here just a year ago but now he is letting the fans decide for him and that has changed his life. JDC offers to let him have his countout loss but Deaner listens to the fans and hammers away to start fast. That’s broken up with some right hands from JDC, who gets caught with an atomic drop. The big right hand gives Deaner two but JDC pokes him in the eye. The Falcon Arrow finished Deaner at 1:56.

Tessa Blanchard/Cora Jade vs. Lei Ying Lee/Masha Slamovich

Arianna Grace is on commentary. Jade tags out and lets Blanchard start with Slamovich, who drops her with some early clotheslines. Lee comes in and flips over Jade before hammering away in the corner. Blanchard offers a distraction though and Jade gets to choke away on the ropes. A basement dropkick gets two on Lee and Blanchard hits a rather hard running slap in the corner.

Jade’s chinlock is broken up and they collide for a double down. Slamovich comes back in to clean house as everything breaks down. Magnum hits Lee but Slamovich drops Blanchard. Lee hits a running knee off the apron to drop Jade before coming back in for Thunderstruck to send Blanchard outside. Jade hits Slamovich with the belt though and the Buzzsaw gives Blanchard the pin at 8:44.

Rating: B-. While Sacrifice is tomorrow, this feels like a way to get things ready for whatever the next major pay per view is going to be. Like her or not, Blanchard is an absolute star and putting her in the Knockouts Title picture immediately is not a stretch. I could go for seeing the match and this very well may have helped set it up.

We get a sitdown interview between Mike Santana and Mustafa Ali, the latter of whom shows up late with his cabinet. Ali says he respects Santana but they need to think about the bigger picture, which is TNA. He is here to knock down walls and can handle the pressure, unlike Santana. That doesn’t work for Santana, who has carried the pressure since he got here.

Ali shrugs that off and says Santana would crack under the pressure because he’s an addict. Santana: “Ali, you’re full of s***.” Santana is an addict but he’s an addict to the people. Ali can talk all the garbage that he wants, but at Sacrifice, his hands better cash those checks. Ali whips out a bottle of alcohol and asks Santana to take one sip and let everyone down. He brings up Santana’s daughter, which brings Santana out of his chair.

The cabinet beats Santana down and Ali leaves him a drink for when he wakes up. I liked this a bit better than the original with JBL and Eddie Guerrero, even if it’s almost the exact same story. That being said, this feud has been great for Santana (urine test gag aside), as he has looked like a star.

Sacrifice rundown.

Frankie Kazarian comes out for commentary on the main event and is told he’s facing Steve Maclin at Sacrifice. This doesn’t go well.

Here is Joe Hendry to defend the World Title against a mystery challenger. Santino Marella comes out to introduce….Ryan Nemeth, who announces that his big brother is returning at Sacrifice. He’ll be taking Nic’s contractually obligated rematch.

TNA World Title: Joe Hendry vs. Ryan Nemeth

Hendry is defending and retains with the Standing Ovation at 17 seconds, a good chunk of which was him holding Nemeth in the air.

That’s not what Santino had in mind, so here is the other challenger.

TNA World Title: Joe Hendry vs. Hammerstone

Hendry is defending and Hammerstone is even bigger than he was before. Hammerstone powers him into the corner to start before they chop it out. A jumping forearm staggers Hammerstone but he sends Hendry shoulder first into the post. Hendry fights up but gets dropped onto the apron as we take a break.

Back with Hendry fighting out of a neck crank but getting planted with a spinebuster for two. Another slugout goes a bit better for Hendry and he muscles Hammerstone up with a suplex. There’s the fall away slam to Hammerstone but the Standing Ovation is blocked. Hammerstone hits a powerslam for two and a German suplex into a powerbomb gets the same. A not great Boston crab sends Hendry over to the ropes (Kazarian finds this cheap.) and he’s back up with a German suplex. Now the Standing Ovation can retain the title at 15:29.

Rating: C+. This was a perfectly fine match and a way to get the champ in the ring. That being said, Hammerstone has gotten even bigger and it made him look almost goofy in a way. It doesn’t help that he has never really won much of anything in TNA, at least not in a good while, but at the moment he is little more than an intimidating looking star who gets beaten almost every time.

Post match the System and the Colons come in for the beatdown but Hendry’s teammates at Sacrifice run in for the big brawl to end the show.

Overall Rating: C+. The wrestling wasn’t the best here, but what mattered was helping to build up Sacrifice. That show is looking like one of the biggest non-major pay per views that TNA has presented in a long time with a ladder match and Lethal Lockdown, plus one heck of a grudge match between Mike Santana and Mustafa Ali. There is a lot of potential on that show and while this week didn’t really make me more interested, it kept things going well enough on the way to El Paso.

Eddie Edwards b. Leon Slater – Boston Knee Party
Wes Lee b. Laredo Kid – Cardiac Kick
JDC b. Cody Deaner – Falcon Arrow
Tessa Blanchard/Cora Jade b. Lei Ying Lee/Masha Slamovich – Buzzsaw DDT to Slamovich
Joe Hendry b. Ryan Nemeth – Standing Ovation
Joe Hendry b. Hammerstone – Standing Ovation



Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and head over to my Amazon author page with 30 different cheap wrestling books at:


Impact Wrestling – March 6, 2025: Showdown Imminent

Impact Wrestling
Date: March 6, 2025
Location: Full Sail University, Winter Park, Florida
Commentators: Matthew Rehwoldt, Tom Hannifan

We’re coming up on Sacrifice and perhaps the biggest story is the invasion/crossover from NXT. There are a variety of stars coming in from the other promotion and getting involved in some high profile stories around here. That should make for some interesting situations and more of them can take place this week. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening recap, including some clips of TNA stars in NXT.

Elijah vs. Brian Myers

Alisha Edwards is here with Myers. Elijah jumps him to start and they go to the floor in a hurry. Some rams into the apron have Myers in more trouble and a running hip attack makes it even worse. Alisha’s distraction lets Myers grab a belly to back suplex though and she gets in a neck snap across the middle rope too. The chinlock is broken up rather quickly and Elijah hits a running knee. The implant DDT gives Myers two more so here is Eddie Edwards for a distraction. Elijah sends them together though and grabs the Highwayman’s Farewell (Tombstone) for the pin at 5:46.

Rating: C+. Myers is a great choice for someone to make Elijah look good since Elijah is still new around here. That is what we had here, as Elijah is already looking like a player. I’m not sure how far he is going to go, but at least he is off to a nice start by surviving three members of the System at once.

Post match the System comes in for the beatdown but Joe Hendry makes the save with his guitar.

Ace Austin and the Rascalz are ready for the Northern Armory tonight. They might not have the best history but their future is looking good.

It’s time for the First Class Penthouse and they have a special guest in the prizefighter: KO! As in KC Navarro! Cue Steve Maclin to tell them to shut up, with AJ Francis saying they can fight in thirty minutes.

Savannah Evans vs. Xia Brookside

Brookside strikes away to start and gets nowhere, instead getting smart by kicking out the leg. Rosemary is watching from the rafters as Evans takes over. Brookside gets sent hard into the corner and the chinlock goes on. Back up and Brookside sends her into the corner, setting up a high crossbody for two. Evans misses a charge into the corner and bangs up her knee, which has Brookside talking to the referee. The distraction lets Evans hit a hard clothesline to the back of the head for the pin at 5:15.

Rating: C. Evans is a powerhouse but she’s not a particularly interesting powerhouse. She’s just kind of there and there isn’t much for her to do at the moment so soon after losing to Masha Slamovich. Brookside is rather perky and can do some nice things in the ring, but it isn’t going to matter if she keeps losing like this.

Spitfire has given By Elegance a makeover, which isn’t to their liking. Don’t worry though as Spitfire has the perfect travel meals for them, which doesn’t sit well with By Elegance. The Personal Concierge watching from the distance in tears is a great touch.

John Skyler vs. Mike Santana

Jason Hotch is here with Skyler, who says he is here on behalf of Mustafa Ali. Skyler hammers away to start but is quickly caught in Three Amigos. A Cannonball into a sitout powerbomb finishes for Santana at 1:31.

Post match Hotch tries to come in but gets caught with Spin The Block. Mustafa Ali pops up on screen and says that Santana has been randomly selected for a urine test. I think you know where this one is going.

AJ Francis vs. Steve Maclin

KC Navarro is here with Francis. Maclin wastes no time by hammering away in the corner but Francis is too big for the Angle Slam. Instead Maclin goes up but Navarro’s distraction lets Francis slam him off the top. A running knee in the corner rocks Maclin again, only for him to tie Francis in the Tree Of Woe. The running spear gets two, as does Francis’ spear. Cue the Northern Armory as Maclin sends him outside for a Scud. Back in and Navarro offers another distraction, allowing Francis to hit a rather big Down Payment for the win at 4:13.

Rating: C. Well they certainly didn’t have Maclin go down easily as it took four people to put him away. That’s what it should be with Maclin against someone on Francis’ level and it made for a good enough story. I’m not sure what First Class is doing, but Eric Young and company against Maclin is only so interesting.

Earlier this week, Ryan Nemeth said he was going to be on Joe Hendry’s team at Sacrifice but Matt Hardy called Nic Nemeth to say not so fast. Ryan got annoyed and left.

Steve Maclin yells at Eric Young, who says they’re doing this for Maclin. Good grief enough of this Eric Young philosophical stuff. Maclin storms off and runs into Frankie Kazarian, who is enjoying what is happening to Maclin lately.

We look at the Hardys vs. Fraxiom being set up on NXT for NXT.

Also on NXT, Moose said his match with Oba Femi next week at NXT will be the biggest match of his career.

Here is NXT Champion Oba Femi for a face to face chat with Moose, with the System and a bunch of security. Femi wants to know what is up with the security, but he also wonders why Moose waited so long to come see him. Moose says he was just waiting for the right time to cross the line. Femi praises Moose, who agrees with what Femi says. Femi is ready to fight so JDC tells the security that the first person to jump Femi is in the System. The entire team jumps him at once so Femi clears them out, only to get speared by Moose. This is going to be two big men hitting each other really hard and it should be a great time.

Fraxiom is ready to prove themselves to the Hardys.

Northern Armory vs. Ace Austin/Rascalz

Austin takes Icarus down to start and hits a quick spinning middle rope crossbody for an early two. Williams comes in as commentary recaps how the Northern Armory got here. Miguel comes in and the Rascalz hit stereo suicide dives but Icarus grabs Wentz’s leg, allowing Young to get in a cheap shot. Wentz fights up but his partners are pulled to the floor to keep him in trouble.

As you might have expected, the comeback doesn’t take long and it’s back to Austin to pick up the pace. Young slams Austin down but misses a moonsault (because Eric Young can now do moonsaults), allowing Miguel to come in and clean house. The Rascalz start using some Motor City Machine Guns double teaming until Young manages a Death Valley Driver. Cue Wes Lee and company for a distraction though, allowing Young to hit a piledriver on Wentz for the pin at 9:46.

Rating: B-. Perfectly fine six man tag here with the Northern Armory getting built up a bit with Young vs. Steve Maclin likely on the horizon. The match was mostly action based and the interference at the end made sense and protected the good guys in the loss. That’s a nice way to go and it’s nice to see a perfectly well put together match like this one.

Mike Santana yells at Santino Marella about having to take a urine test. At the same time, Tasha Steelz yells about Mustafa Ali’s coffee not being right. The payoff here is so obvious that Santana smiles at the camera.

Spitfire tortures By Elegance in a training session but the Personal Concierge, disguised as a janitor, makes the save.

Here is Masha Slamovich for a chat. She’s ready to go to war with Cora Jade at Sacrifice so cue Jade to say she’ll win. Slamovich mocks her but here is Tessa Blanchard to jump Slamovich from behind. Lei Ying Lee makes the save.

Mustafa Ali is told that Mike Santana passed his drug test….but his coffee is terrible. Comedy ensues.

Ryan Nemeth says that Nic Nemeth will still be back at Sacrifice.

Here’s what’s coming next week.

Hardys vs. Colons

Non-title. Matt backs Orlando into the corner to start and works on the arm before it’s already off to Jeff. We take an early break and come back with Matt missing a charge into the corner. Orlando comes back in and drops Matt for two, setting up a legsweep for two. Eddie works on the arm but gets sent into the corner, allowing the tag off to Jeff. Everything breaks down and the Plot Twist connects…but the System runs in to jump the Hardys for the DQ at 4:49.

Rating: C. There wasn’t much to this one as it was more about the angle at the end rather than the match. That’s a fine way to go, as the ten man tag very well might be headlining Sacrifice at this rate. At the same time, the Colons are the latest definition of “I guess they’re here too”, which isn’t exactly glowing praise. There isn’t much for them to do other than put over better teams, but it’s also not exactly fun to see them show up.

Post match the beatdown is on but Elijah, Joe Hendry and Leon Slater make the save. Santino Marella comes out to make the ten man tag match a cage match as well. That’s going to be crowded.

Overall Rating: C+. This felt like a bit of a step back from recent weeks without much worth seeing. The best match was just pretty good and the Santana/Ali angle felt like bad comedy with a payoff so obvious that they were practically winking at the camera. They did add some stuff to the pay per view and built things up a bit, but it’s not a show you need to see in the slightest.

Elijah b. Brian Myers – Highwayman’s Farewell
Savannah Evans b. Xia Brookside – Clothesline to the back of the head
Mike Santana b. John Skyler – Sitout powerbomb
AJ Francis b. Steve Maclin – Down Payment
Northern Armory b. Ace Austin/Rascalz – Piledriver to Wentz
Hardys b. Colons via DQ when the System interfered



Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and head over to my Amazon author page with 30 different cheap wrestling books at:


Impact Wrestling – February 20, 2025: Three In

Impact Wrestling
Date: February 20, 2025
Location: Full Sail University, Winter Park, Florida
Commentators: Tom Hannifan, Matthew Rehwoldt

We’re closing in on Sacrifice and the card needs to start coming together. The big story coming out of last week was the last match for Josh Alexander, but it seems like we are going to be seeing some stars from NXT showing up around here. Throw in Tessa Blanchard wrestling this week and things should be interesting enough as we are live this week. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening recap.

Opening sequence.

Here is World Champion Joe Hendry in the ring for his concert. His first song is about being in the Royal Rumble and seeing various WWE Superstars and if you don’t watch Impact, you can’t see him. Cue the Colons (Eddie and Orlando, formerly known as Epico and Primo) of all people to interrupt in their debut to suggest violence.

They go towards the ring but here is Elijah (formerly Elias) with his own guitar to say he’s joining TNA as well. The fans deem this awesome and Elijah says this place could use a colon cleanse. Cue Santino Marella to make the tag match main event. Works for Elijah, but he wants a concert right now. Elijah and Hendry sing a little ditty and promise to raise some h*** tonight. They’re not major stars, but bringing in that much fresh blood in a single segment is a good thing.

Leon Slater is ready for JDC in a no DQ match tonight.

The Colons say they targeted Joe Hendry because this place needs them.

Tyriek Igwe/Tyson DuPont vs. Radicalz

Wes Lee (from NXT) and Ace Austin (not from NXT) are here too. The Rascalz clear the ring at the bell and hit dives before sending DuPont outside again. Igwe manages to send both Rascalz to the floor to take over but Miguel kicks his way to freedom. Wentz comes back in to clean house as everything breaks down. A belly to back suplex/leg lariat combination hits Austin for two with Miguel making a save. Miguel hits a top rope Meteora to Igwe, setting up the Swanton for the pin at 4:04.

Rating: C+. Power vs. speed here and as usual, it worked rather well. It’s also nice to see an NXT team actually lose, as TNA does not have the best record. Igwe and DuPont could turn into something one day, but they have a lot of experience to gain on the way there. Nice, fast paced way to start things off here though and that’s a good choice.

Post match Lee issues the challenge for a six man tag at Sacrifice and it seems to be on.

Here is First Class for the debut episode of the First Class Penthouse. We meet various wrestling podcasters and a successful music producer and a rapper. With that out of the way, we meet Noelle Foley and Frank The Clown, with KC Navarro going live on some social media platform. AJ Francis rants about how great he is and now he has his own Piper’s Pit. He teases AJ Styles as his first guest but then introduces…himself. And that’s that. This was a lot of talking in a short amount of time.

Unbreakable is back on April 17.

Rosemary vs. Lei Ying Lee

Rosemary wastes no time in grabbing the Upside Down but Lee kicks her away. Lee strikes away and hammers down right hands in the corner. An airplane spinning slam gets two and Thunderstruck connects to give Lee the pin at 4:10. That’s a surprise.

Rating: C. Well ok then. Rosemary losing a lot isn’t the biggest surprise but seeing her lose to Lee is quite the shocker. Lee hasn’t felt like a big deal in her time around the company and I’m not exactly seeing this change her status. What matters is that TNA is trying, though I’m not sure how well it will go. They have to try though and this is certainly a way to do just that.

Post match Rosemary mists her to send Lee crawling away.

Sami Callihan promises to find Mance Warner and Steph de Lander. Then he finds the two of them and the brawl is on.

Lei Ying Lee is getting checked on but Tessa Blanchard is annoyed at not getting the medic’s attention.

Here is the Northern Armory, with Eric Young promising to bring his cronies to the next level. Young is the lifeblood and foundation of this company because no one has done what he has done around here. Steve Maclin should be out here with him but he doesn’t show up. Young gets it because Maclin doesn’t trust him, but we’ll work on that. Young is going to get a World Title feud out of this isn’t he?

Mike Santana is at a group therapy session but Mustafa Ali, with his Secret Service, comes in to give the group a pep talk. Santana is not impressed.

We look at Moose interrupting NXT Champion Oba Femi and challenging him on NXT. Later, Moose agreed to face Lexis King for the NXT Heritage Cup next week.

JDC vs. Leon Slater

No DQ. Slater slugs away to start and kicks a chair out of his hands. The chair is slammed onto JDC’s fingers and it’s already time for a table. Slater hits a big running flip dive over the corner to take him out again but JDC gets in a whip through a chair. We take a break and come back with JDC unloading with a kendo stick.

Slater takes it away from him and slugs away as the fans approve. Another table is loaded up on the floor but JDC knocks him back inside. Slater puts him onto the table and hits the Swanton 450 (that looked great) but here is the System to put Slater through able table. JDC gets the pin at 11:30.

Rating: B-. Slater continues to showcase himself rather well most of the time and that was the case here. They certainly protected him in the end with the interference leading to his loss so a rematch isn’t out of the cards. That Swanton 450 is still great as you almost forget that he’s going to flip until the last possible second. Good brawl here, as they kept something of a limit on the weapons use instead of just going nuts with them.

Post match the beatdown is on but the Hardys and NXT Champion Oba Femi (a monster who might be bigger than Moose) make the save.

Post break Santino Marella makes the System vs. the Hardys/Oba Femi for next week.

Here is Tessa Blanchard for her first match on Impact in four years but she’s not in wrestling gear. Blanchard says she’s not wrestling tonight because she wasn’t given the proper medical attention. Cue Santino Marella to call this unprofessional and if she doesn’t wrestle next week, she’s fired. Here is Masha Slamovich to say she wants to see Blanchard wrestle next week (Fans: “PLEASE DON’T WRESTLE!”) but for tonight, she’ll take Blanchard’s place. Keeping Blanchard as a special attraction makes sense, though the fans do not seem overly thrilled with seeing her.

Masha Slamovich vs. Mila Moore

Non-title. Moore jumps her to start but gets piledriven for the pin at 29 seconds.

Post match NXT’s Cora Jade runs in and jumps Slamovich. Jade and Blanchard glare at each other.

Post break, Ariana Grace and Santino Marella make Cora Jade vs. Masha Slamovich for the Knockouts Title at Sacrifice. The Personal Concierge comes in to say he wants By Elegance to get a Knockouts Tag Team Title shot at Sacrifice. Marella seems to agree, but if Spitfire wins, they get the Concierge. That has to be illegal.

Ryan Nemeth talks about how his brother Nic will be back at Sacrifice.

Joe Hendry/Elijah vs. Colons

Eddie gets double elbowed out to the corner to start and we take a rather early break. Back with Hendry hitting a delayed vertical suplex on Orlando, followed by the fall away slam from Eddie. A cheap shot cuts Hendry down though and we hit the chinlock. Orlando’s Russian legsweep gets two and he chokes with a knee.

A legsweep gets two more and the guillotine choke goes on. To keep Hendry down even longer. That’s broken up and the tag brings in Elijah to clean house as everything breaks down. Hendry and Orlando brawl out to the floor, leaving Elijah to Tombstone Eddie for the win at 13:07.

Rating: C+. This was a way to bring in the new stars in the span of one match and that’s a nice way to go. I’m not sure I can imagine Hendry vs. Elijah going forward in a title program, but it could work as a one off match at a show on Sacrifice’s level. Other than that, the Colons showing up and losing in their first match is a bit of a stretch, but maybe they’re not going to be the biggest deal around here.

Overall Rating: B-. The best thing I can say about this one is that it wasn’t dull. TNA has a history of not exactly delivering on its bigger shows but they have made back to back live Impacts work pretty well. There might not have been some blow away match, but three known names debuted and there was enough set up for the future. Good enough show here as TNA continues to be the best thing they can be at the moment: steady.

Rascalz b. Tyriek Igwe/Tyson DuPont – Swanton to Igwe
Lei Ying Lee b. Rosemary – Thunderstruck
JDC b. Leon Slater – Double spinebuster through a table
Masha Slamovich b. Mila Moore – Piledriver
Joe Hendry/Elijah b. Colons – Tombstone to Eddie



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Impact Wrestling – February 13, 2025: And He’s Out

Impact Wrestling
Date: February 13, 2025
Location: Boeing Center At Tech Point, San Antonio, Texas
Commentators: Matthew Rehwoldt, Tom Hannifan

We’re still in Texas and on the long road to Sacrifice. The big story at the moment is Joe Hendry needing a challenger, which could come in a few different forms. Other than that, we have NXT stars running around, with Cora Jade seemingly eyeing the Knockouts Title. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening recap.

Opening sequence.

TNA World Title: Jake Something vs. Joe Hendry

Hendry is defending. They fight over arm control to start with Hendry flipping him down and offering a stare. Hendry actually runs him over with some shoulders and manages a delayed vertical suplex. We take a break and come back with Hendry getting some near falls but a clothesline gives Something a quick two.

A hard whip into the corner puts Hendry down again and we hit the neck crank. Hendry isn’t having that and comes back with some clotheslines and a swinging slam, followed by another clothesline to put Something on the floor. Back in and a super fall away slam sets up the Standing Ovation to retain the title at 14:42.

Rating: C+. This wasn’t so much about a high drama title defense but rather getting Hendry in the ring with the title on the line. Hendry is still looking for a big challenger and while Something wasn’t that, he was fine as a midcard villain to come after the title. Nice opener here, which mainly served to have Hendry in the ring in a singles match.

Post match Ryan Nemeth comes out to yell at Hendry but Santino Marella interrupts. Cue Nic Nemeth to go after Something but a superkick hits Marella by mistake.

Post break Nic apologizes to Santino, who suspends him without pay. Nic leaves, likely to be back after missing a TV taping.

Ash By Elegance/Heather By Elegance vs. King Bees

One of the Bees is sent into the corner for a handspring elbow and a running dropkick for two as the beating is on fast. A basement dropkick gives Ash two but the Bee fights up and fires off some chops against the ropes. The tag brings in the bigger Bee to fire off some forearms and a spinebuster gets two on Heather. They go up top though and a super Spanish Fly plants the second Bee for the pin at 4:32.

Rating: C. The road to yet another By Elegance vs. Spitfire title match continues and it’s still not a very interesting feud. There isn’t much of a reason for them to be fighting other than they’re both Knockouts tag teams and that isn’t much to go on. At least Heather got to win something here, as she hasn’t exactly been the most successful recently.

Post match the Bees get beaten down and have L lipsticked on their foreheads. Spitfire makes the save as this feud continues.

We look back at the Hardys and Leon Slater beating the System last week.

The Hardys thank Slater for being there last week and Slater thanks them for being his inspiration.

Earlier today, Mustafa Ali held a town hall where he introduced his cabinet: the Great Hands (formerly known as the Good Hands) and his secretary, Tasha Steelz. Ali declares himself the #1 contender to the World Title but Tommy Dreamer comes in to say not so fast. And we’re done.

Frankie Kazarian vs. Sami Callihan

Mance Warner, with Steph de Lander, jumps Callihan before the bell and beats him down. Callihan gets in anyway and hits a Stunner for two but can’t hit the Cactus Driver. Instead Kazarian pulls him into the chickenwing for the tap at 46 seconds.

Post match Callihan wants to fight Warner some more and the brawl is on, with security not being able to do much.

Josh Alexander knows Eric Young doesn’t like him, but he’ll respect him.

We look at Lexis King beating JDC to retain the NXT Heritage Cup.

JDC calls Leon Slater “kid” and tells him that the Hardys are just using him. A brawl is quickly broken up.

Xia Brookside vs. Cora Jade

Jade chills on the top rope to start so Brookside snaps off a hurricanrana into a monkey flip. Back up and Jade fakes an ankle injury to drop Brookside for two more. Jade’s choking in the corner doesn’t get her very far so she knocks her down for a quick two. The double arm crank is on but Brookside is up with the clothesline comeback. Broken Wings and a Russian legsweep give Brookside two but Jade knocks her away without much effort. Jaded finished Brookside at 7:34.

Rating: C. Jade’s road to the Knockouts Title shot continues and they’re doing it in a perfectly logical way by having her win some matches. That should be enough to set her up for something bigger down the line and a pay per view showdown with Masha Slamovich would make sense. Not much of a match here, but Brookside can make people look pretty good.

Arianna Grace talks to Tessa Blanchard, who yells at her in response. Santino Marella breaks it up and gives Blanchard a match next week.

Here are the Rascalz for a chat. They aren’t happy with Wes Lee and company interfering but they have Ace Austin to even things up a bit. Cue Lee and company, who are ready for a fight. Austin even things up but some low blows put the good guys down.

We look at Savanna Evans becoming the #1 contender to the Knockouts Title last week.

First Class think it’s time for an upgrade.

Knockouts Title: Savanna Evans vs. Masha Slamovich

Slamovich is defending and gets tossed away a few times to start. A hard shot to the face knocks Slamovich off the top and Evans slams her on the floor for a bonus. Back in and a swinging belly to back suplex gives Evans two as Tessa Blanchard is watching in the back. Slamovich fights up and hits a middle rope dropkick for a needed breather. Some strikes to the face, including a rolling kick, give Slamovich two but Evans sits on her chest for the same. Something like a TKO gives Evans two but Slamovich gabs a quick Texas piledriver for the pin to retain at 7:43.

Rating: C+. They were trying here but there was only so much to get excited about. Not only is Cora Jade lurking around the title picture, but Slamovich isn’t about to lose the title so soon. Also, Evans continues to be fairly dull other than having some nice power stuff. Not a thrilling match or anything, but they did what they could in the situation they were in.

Here’s what’s coming next week.

Josh Alexander vs. Eric Young

Young has the Northern Armory with him and this is Alexander’s last TNA match. They slug it out to start and Alexander rains down right hands in the corner. Young goes evil by raking the eyes as we hear about Young’s various incarnations over the years. The sunset flip slide is broken up though and Alexander hits the crossbody to the back to put him on the floor. Back in and Young gets in a cheap shot to take over as we take a break.

We come back with Young hammering away and the Armory choking away on the floor. Young drops him again and grabs a chinlock but Alexander fights up for a dropkick. A Regal Roll and middle rope knee to the head set up a quickly broken ankle lock as Young makes the rope. Young knocks him down for the top rope elbow as Alexander has lost the headgear. A Styles Clash gives Alexander two and he grabs the ankle lock again. An Armory distraction breaks it up though and Young gets in a shot with the hockey mask. The piledriver ends Alexander’s TNA run at 14:45.

Rating: B-. Well that was a bit of a weak ending as Young just cheated to win. That’s not the best way to go, but it gives Young a win on the way to a likely World Title feud with Joe Hendry. Alexander is one of the biggest stars TNA has ever had and even though his time didn’t come at the apex of the company, it is going to be a big loss for the company to have him gone. Nice main event to go out on here, though I was hoping for a bigger ending.

Overall Rating: C+. With Alexander out of the way, there is going to be a hole to be filled in the upper midcard and it should be interesting to see who takes that spot. Other than that, there are a few stories which have my attention around here, though I’m not sure what we’re going to be seeing at Sacrifice. As usual, the show covered enough ground to stay interesting without having a big story and I’ll take that for a week.

Joe Hendry b. Jake Something – Standing Ovation
Ash By Elegance/Heather By Elegance b. King Boos – Super Spanish Fly
Frankie Kazarian b. Sami Callihan – Chickenwing
Cora Jade b. Xia Brookside – Jaded
Masha Slamovich b. Savanna Evans – Texas piledriver
Eric Young b. Josh Alexander – Piledriver



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Impact Wrestling – February 6, 2025: Guest Stars

Impact Wrestling
Date: February 6, 2025
Location: Boeing Center At Tech Port, San Antonio, Texas
Commentators: Matthew Rehwoldt, Tom Hannifan

The road to Sacrifice continues and we really don’t have much for the card yet. Then again, TNA has a history of waiting for the last minute to set up some of their shows and that might be the case again here. The big draw this week is the Nemeth Brothers getting a shot at Fraxiom and the NXT Tag Team Titles. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening recap.

Opening sequence.

We look at Joe Hendry in the Royal Rumble. It wasn’t much of a surprise but it’s still hard to fathom.

Here is Joe Hendry to get things going and it is time for a concert. Hendry sings about how terrible the world is but it doesn’t matter because he won the belt. Cue Jake Something to interrupt, saying he’s taking Hendry up on his title match anytime offer next week. Hendry, naturally in song, accepts.

Masha Slamovich is ready for Cora Jade.

Tyson DuPont vs. Ace Austin

DuPont has Wes Lee and Tyriek Igwe with him. The rather large DuPont powers him into the corner to start but Austin starts rolling around. Austin kicks away at the legs for a breather as commentary talks about what is coming tonight. A pop up powerslam gives DuPont two and we hit the full nelson. Austin fights out and hits a dropkick for a needed breather. DuPont misses a splash and gets caught with the Fol for the fast pin at 5:30.

Rating: C. This was more about having Austin fight against a rather large monster and show off what he can do. That is always going to work and it is nice to see a TNA star get a win here. Not a great match, but it was a simple story that helped Austin look like a winner after his recent loss to Moose. Nice work, though not much of a match.

Post match the brawl is teased but the Rascalz make the save.

Tessa Blanchard isn’t going to be in the battle royal tonight because she knows everyone is coming for her.

Steph de Lander and Mance Warner are happy together with the Digital Media Title.

Battle Royal

Rosemary, Ash By Elegance, Heather By Elegance, Savannah Evans, Jazz, Dani Luna, Jody Threat, Alisha Edwards, Tasha Steelz, Xia Brookside

The winner gets a Knockouts Title shot next week and NXT’s Cora Jade is on commentary. Jazz is here as a surprise and wastes no time Jazz Stingering Edwards. The big brawl is on with people pairing off and Edwards tosses Steelz. Spitfire gets together to eliminate Edwards and both By Elegances attempt to hide underneath the ring, only to be pulled out.

Speaking of out, Heather and Luna both are, followed by Threat to get us down to five. Jazz isn’t interested in the potential alliances and gets eliminated by Rosemary shortly thereafter. Rosemary and Ash are out too, leaving us with Brookside vs. Evans. Brookside sends her to the apron but Jade offers a distraction. That means a headbutt can eliminate Brookside to give Evans the win at 8:45.

Rating: C-. This was short and to the point, which is what you need in a match like this. The ending helps set up Jade vs. Brookside if that is where things are going, as Jade feels like someone who is going to be a top challenger sooner than later. For now though, Evans is getting the title shot, despite not being the biggest star in the division.

Here are Eric Young and the Northern Armory for a chat. Young says they run this company, which has been dominated by Canadians for years. He has wrestled here more than anyone else and that puts him ahead of everyone. His first act was to take out Josh Alexander but here is Steve Maclin to interrupt. Maclin does not accept this as he Young is the only person he has ever trusted around here. If the two of them are with Young, Maclin isn’t with him. As Maclin leaves, Josh Alexander interrupts and he gets one final wish: his last match in TNA, next week against Young.

Sami Callihan is looking for Mance Warner and blows off Frankie Kazarian. Santino Marella comes in and doesn’t like Kazarian either.

Hardys/Leon Slater vs. The System

JDC headlocks Slater to start but it’s quickly off to Edwards, who gets stomped down in the corner. Everything breaks down and the Hardys hit Poetry In Motion as we take a break. Back with Alisha Edwards cutting off Slater’s big dive, allowing Moose to hit a powerbomb on the apron.

The camel clutch goes on and the Hardys are taken down, allowing a parade of finishers to get two with the Hardys making the save. Slater gets over to Jeff for the tag as everything breaks down again. Slater’s big dive connects and the Plot Twist to Moose sets up Slater’s Swanton 450. Jeff adds the regular Swanton for the pin at 10:45.

Rating: B-. It seems like they are setting up Slater as the next challenger for the title and I’ve heard worse ideas. Slater is not someone who is reinventing anything, but he does well with what he is doing. Let him go out there and fly around and give Moose a challenge. At the same time, I’m not sure I need to see the Hardys vs. the System again, but odds are we’re going back in that direction.

Mustafa Ali breaks up an argument between the Good Hands. With them gone, Ali gives Tasha Steelz a pep talk.

Matt Cardona vs. Mike Santana

Cardona gets knocked outside to start, allowing commentary to talk about upcoming events. Cardona manages some rams into various things as commentary previews the rest of the show. A neckbreaker gives Cardona two but Santana fights up without much trouble. Spin The Block is blocked but a Death Valley Driver leaves Cardona down for a second. Back up and the Reboot into a tiger bomb gets two but Radio Silence is broken up. A Death Valley Driver sets up Spin The Block to give Santana the pin at 8:20.

Rating: C+. For someone who is quite the big star, Cardona tends to lose a lot. It helps when he is going to be in and out of a bunch of promotions so he is going to be able to put a bunch of people over. That is a good thing to see with Santana, who is on his way to something big in TNA.

Here’s what’s coming next week.

NXT Tag Team Titles: Fraxiom vs. Nic Nemeth/Ryan Nemeth

Fraxiom (Nathan Frazer/Axiom) are defending and Arianna Grace are on commentary. Axiom and Nic wrestle each other down to start with Axiom getting a headlock. Frazer comes in to work on the armbar but Ryan comes in as well for a double elbow. Everything breaks down and Frazer’s dive is cut off, with Nic sending Axiom’s kick into Frazer’s face.

We take a break and come back with Ryan being sent into the corner for some kicks to the face. It’s back to Nic for the elbow to Axiom and Ryan grabs a front facelock. The chinlock goes on and Axiom gets kicked down again, only for him to fight up. Frazer comes back in to clean house but Nic plants him with the jumping DDT.

Everything breaks down and stereo Danger Zones give Ryan two on Frazer. The Golden Radio/brainbuster combination gets two with Ryan making the last second save. Ryan tries to bring in a chair due to reasons of being stupid, allowing Axiom to get in a shot on Nic. A missile dropkick/Russian legsweep combination to Ryan retains the titles at 13:38.

Rating: B. That’s a perfect way to go as they had a good title match going and then the ending was Ryan doing something like a moron. It made sense for everyone and gave them a way out, as the titles weren’t changing hands here and Nic wasn’t getting pinned. Best match on the show, which shouldn’t be surprising given that Fraxiom can have a good match with anyone.

Overall Rating: B. This took some time to get going and it made for a good night, even though Sacrifice wasn’t really mentioned. You can see some matches coming up in the next few weeks but nothing seems to be ready for the next big show. Hendry vs. Something should be fine for a quick title defense and Santana and Slater are on the way up, so the future is rather interesting. I liked the show, even though the battle royal wasn’t much to see.

Ace Austin b. Tyson DuPont – The Fold
Savannah Evans won a battle royal last eliminating Xia Brookside
Hardys/Leon Slater b. The System – Swanton to Moose
Mike Santana b. Matt Cardona – Spin The Block
Fraxiom b. Nic Nemeth/Ryan Nemeth – Missile dropkick/Russian legsweep combination to Ryan



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Impact Wrestling – January 30, 2025: They’re (Still) Here

Impact Wrestling
Date: January 30, 2025
Location: Boeing Center At Tech Port, San Antonio, Texas
Commentators: Mathews Rehwoldt, Tom Hannifan

We’re back to taped this week after a pretty strong showing on last week’s live show. Hopefully they can continue the momentum on the way to whatever the next big show happens to be. Joe Hendry is still World Champion so now we get to hear from former champion Nic Nemeth. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening recap.

Opening sequence.

Here is Nic Nemeth to get things going. Nemeth talks about how important Genesis was for the company and now he has to start things over. Before he can get very far though, here is Ryan Nemeth to say that HIS BROTHER is not happy with what happened. Joe Hendry is a flash in the pan but Nic isn’t having that. It’s going to be the Nemeth Brothers’ year so here is First Class to interrupt. They’re here for the titles because it means money, and they are sick of the old people taking up all of the top spots. Arguing ensues so here is Santino Marella to make the tag match for tonight.

Arianna Grace is happy to see what is going on around here and runs into Tessa Blanchard. Tessa isn’t interested and doesn’t like Grace. She chases Gia Miller off too, which is a threat to everyone.

NXT’s Cora Jade ran into Xia Brookside in the back and they argued like wrestlers running into each other in the back.

Cora Jade vs. Hyan

Hyan flips out of a wristlock to start but is quickly clotheslined down. Back up and Jade chokes on the rope, setting up a running dropkick in those ropes. Hyan is sent hard into the corner and Jaded (double arm DDT) finishes for Jade at 2:57.

Post match Jade keeps up the beating but Xia Brookside runs in…and gets beaten down as well. Masha Slamovich makes the real save.

NXT’s Wes Lee/Tyriek Igwe/Tyson DuPont are ready for Ace Austin and Fraxiom. Lee wants gold of any kind.

The Personal Concierge yells at Santino Marella about how By Elegance should be the Knockouts Tag Team Titles. Next week there is a battle royal for a title shot, but it sounds like the singles version. Spitfire comes in to glare.

Brian Myers vs. Leon Slater

Myers, with the System, shoulders him down to start but Slater does it as well, meaning it’s time to dance. A bouncing kick to the face and elbow to the face give Slater two but he gets sent face first into the middle buckle. Myers sends him hard into the corner and then does it again, chest first this time, for two.

We hit the reverse chinlock but Slater is back up with a springboard crossbody. Slater kicks him in the head but walks into an implant DDT for two. The Roster Cut is countered into a small package for two and Slater sends him outside for a big dive. Alisha Edwards gives Myers a ring though and a shot to Slater’s face sets up the Roster Cut for the pin at 9:51.

Rating: C+. Slater losing to someone like Myers might not be the best idea but what mattered the most is that Slater got to have another nice match. He continues to look good almost every time he’s out there and it is nice to see him building up a bit of status. Now just get a few wins going and he might actually go somewhere.

Sami Callihan goes after Mance Warner and Steph de Lander.

Leon Slater still isn’t interested in working with Frankie Kazarian but the System interrupts. Maybe he could be the team’s secretary! The Hardys show up and a six man is set for next week.

Sami Callihan and Mance Warner brawl into the arena but Steph de Lander runs in for the distraction. Warner takes Callihan down and hits a running knee to leave him laying.

Steve Maclin isn’t having anything to do with Eric Young working with Josh Alexander.

Laredo Kid vs. Mustafa Ali

Kid starts fast by running the corner for an armdrag but Ali is right back with some uppercuts in the corner. Back up and Kid gets dropkicked out of the air for two and we hit the seated abdominal stretch. That’s broken up and they trade rollups for two each and they go outside, where Ali hits a hanging DDT. The 450 gives Ali the pin at 5:41.

Rating: C+. Ali is still as smooth in the ring as you can see and that is great to see. It is interesting to see what Ali can do when he is given the chance and not doing as much of the over the top campaigning stuff. That can work well, but he has the in-ring work to back it up and that works very well.

Post break Ali is rather happy with his win but Mike Santana comes in to challenge him. Ali would love to do that….uh, some day.

Eric Young/Josh Alexander vs. Northern Armory

Alexander throws Icarus into the corner to start and headlocks Williams to keep up the control. A missed charge sends Alexander to the floor though and a kick to the chest drops him again. The Armory hit some running kicks in the corner but Alexander suplexes his way out of trouble. The tag brings in Young and….he turns on Alexander. That means the Armory goes after Alexander as well and the match is thrown out at around 4:30.

Rating: C. So yeah this was little more than an angle and there is nothing wrong with that. I’m curious to see if this is pretty much it for Alexander, as he will probably have a match with Young and then ride off into the sunset. Other than that, it’s Young as a heel again and, uh, I guess that’s something we get to see for reasons of TNA not liking us.

Post match the big beatdown is on and Alexander is left laying.

Wes Lee vs. Ace Austin

Austin takes him down by the arm to start but Lee flips up and grabs an anklescissors. Back up and Lee flips over Austin before kicking him into the ropes. Lee hits a nice suicide dive, followed by a basement dropkick to the back for two. Another, and harder, kick gets two on Austin and it’s time to crank on the arm.

Austin fights up and hits a quick Russian legsweep, followed by some running clotheslines in the corner. A gutwrench powerbomb connects but here are Tyriek Igwe and Tyson DuPont for a distraction. Austin dives…kind of in their general vicinity to take them down, only to get Cardiac Kicked (kick to the head) for the pin at 9:38.

Rating: B-. Take two good high fliers and let them do their thing for a bit, though that dive wasn’t exactly the best looking. Other than that though, it was nice to see Austin out there again as he can work well with anyone. Lee continues to need something a bit better to do, though maybe a change over to TNA is a smart move.

Post match the beatdown is on but the Rascalz make the save.

Joe Hendry is ready to entertain, so next week it’s a concert.

Here’s what’s coming next week.

Nic Nemeth/Ryan Nemeth vs. First Class

Francis shoves Ryan into the corner and demands/receives Nic. Navarro comes in and gets hiptossed into a dropkick, setting up double dropkick to Francis. We take a break and come back with Ryan in trouble (I for one am shocked). Something close to a 619 sets up a leg lariat for two on Ryan and it’s back to Francis for the chinlock. Ryan manages to get in a knockdown and the tag brings in Nic to clean house. Everything breaks down and Ryan dives onto Francis on the floor. The Fameasser and Danger Zone hit Navarro but Ryan tags himself in to steal the pin at 12:50.

Rating: C+. Ryan is starting to turn himself into something interesting with this goofiness and having him steal the win is a nice touch for him. That being said, I don’t want to see the two of them face each other, but for now, we are at least having something with Ryan as the annoying brother. Francis and company losing is always a plus as well so this could have been a lot worse.

Overall Rating: C+. The NXT stars being around is a nice way to go and I’m curious to see where all of that goes. At the same time, you had some good matches and enough things being moved forward, though I’m more than a bit hesitant about a renewed Eric Young heel run. The show wasn’t great, but it does give you a good idea of where some things are going in the next few weeks.

Cora Jade b. Hyan – Jaded
Brian Myers b. Leon Slater – Roster Cut
Mustafa Ali b. Laredo Kid – 450
Eric Young/Josh Alexander vs. Northern Armory went to a no contest
Wes Lee b. Ace Austin – Cardiac Kick
Ryan Nemeth/Nic Nemeth b. First Class – Danger Zone to Navarro



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Impact Wrestling – January 23, 2025: Those Guys Are Good

Impact Wrestling
Date: January 23, 2025
Location: Boeing Center At Tech Point, San Antonio, Texas
Commentators: Matthew Rehwoldt, Tom Hannifan

We’ve got a pretty big show here as we are not only fresh off of Genesis but this show aired live for the first time in a good many years. The big story coming out of Genesis is Joe Hendry winning the World Title from Nic Nemeth in a moment that probably should have happened a few months back. Now it’s time to get ready for…whatever the next show is going to be. Let’s get to it.

Here is Genesis if you need a recap.

We open with a long Genesis recap.

Santino Marella is outside and promises history.

Opening sequence.

Here is Joe Hendry to get things going. He thanks the fans for always believing in him and now it is time for him to start a new era. That’s why he wants to be a fighting champion and is willing to defend the title against anyone from anywhere. Therefore the title is going to be on the line tonight with Hendry defending against….Matt Cardona. Ok nice start.

We look at Mike Santana making Josh Alexander quit at Genesis.

Eric Young isn’t sure what is going on with Alexander.

Later, Young is talking to Steve Maclin and thinks Alexander needs to be saved. Maclin isn’t convinced but Alexander comes in to say thank you for believing him. Young shakes Alexander’s hand but Maclin isn’t interested.

Nic Nemeth, with Ryan Nemeth, will talk about his loss later.

Ash By Elegance/Heather By Elegance/Rosemary vs. Spitfire/Masha Slamovich

Threat punches Ash into the corner to start and then out to the floor for a breather. Rosemary comes in to choke Threat and Ash adds a clothesline for two. Threat’s double knees gets her out of trouble and it’s off to Slamovich to clean house. Rosemary’s reverse DDT cuts her off though, only for Luna to snap off a German suplex. Cue NXT’s Cora Jade with an X’d out photo of Slamovich (her trademark), allowing Ash to get a rollup for the pin on Luna at 6:36.

Rating: C. This felt like a big way to set up the ending and little more than that. It worked out well enough and it was nice for Ash to get a win, though odds are it sets up a rematch for the Knockouts Tag Team Titles. Also, I get the idea of Jade coming in for the crossover, but I’m not exactly buying the idea of her as a threat to Slamovich.

Here is the Northern Armory for a chat. Josh Alexander reminds us that he quit TNA and thanks TNA for giving him the chance to explain this. After being the iron man for years, he broke at Genesis and now he wants to think of the good times as he is ready to leave. He was inspired watching the first TNA show in 2002 and now he’s ready to go. Sinner And Saint aren’t happy though and jump Alexander, with Eric Young making the save. Young offers a tag match for next week.

The System vs. Hardys

Non-title and the rest of the System is here with Moose/JDC. The System jumps them to start but the Hardys are back up with Poetry In Motion for a breather. Moose is back up with a beating to Matt though and JDC gets to take over. Matt breaks that up though and hands it off to Jeff to pick up the pace. Everything breaks down and the Twist Of Fate leaves JDC on the floor. That means Jeff can knock Moose down and hit the Swanton for the pin at 5:32.

Rating: C+. It was fast paced and the ending was a bit of a surprise as JDC feels like he is there for the loss and nothing more. I’m a bit surprised that the System lost that quickly but the Hardys got a nice win after another win on Sunday. That makes for a bit of an issue as the Hardys continue to be one of the most important stars in TNA and the company is going to need something fresh in the title picture. For now though, this was a way to get the Hardys on the live show and that’s fine enough.

Post match the number 23 appears on screen again and we go to a break.

Here is Sami Callihan who wants to know what this 23 is right now. Cue Steph de Lander, who is the new Digital Media Champion, having gotten the title in the divorce (ok points for a clever way around that). With her husband out the door, it’s time to meet her boyfriend: Mance Warner, who is 23. Warner hits Callihan in the face with the title and kisses de Lander. Warner feels like he is long, long overdue to be in a bigger promotion.

Arianna Grace is on commentary and rather pleased to be here.

NXT Tag Team Titles; Fraxiom vs. Rascalz

Fraxiom (Nathan Frazer/Axiom) is defending. Miguel works on Axiom’s arm to start and it’s quickly of to Frazer for a Dream Sequence from the challengers. Frazer is back up with a DDT to give Axiom two and he grabs the chinlock. A double basement superkick gets two on Miguel and a Sling Blade gets two.

Axiom’s superkick into a brainbuster gets two more but Miguel kicks Frazer to the floor. The Rascalz rapid fire kick Axiom and double superkick a moonsaulting Frazer out of the air for two. Cue Wes Lee for a distraction though and it’s Tyriek Igwe and Tyson DuPont to take out the Rascalz. The super Spanish Fly into the phoenix splash pins Miguel to retain the titles at 9:15.

Rating: B-. So this is the big crossover match and that’s not a bad way to go. Fraxiom has been doing some great things as of late and this is getting another chance for them to showcase just how good they are. At the same time, the Rascalz issues continue and we could be in for something interesting. More Fraxiom is certainly a good thing though and it made for a nice match here.

Here is Mike Santana for a chat. His father taught him to be a man of his word and that is what he has done since he came back to TNA. On Sunday, he made Josh Alexander quit and now he wants to be the World Champion. Cue the returning Mustafa Ali of all people and he has officially signed with the company. Therefore, it is time to launch a new campaign to become the next World Heavyweight Champion. And Santana is just ok with this.

Here is Tessa Blanchard for a chat. She talks about her family being from San Antonio and her grandfather brought the first national wrestling show to television. Her father and grandfather knew there was something special in her and now it is time to step up. She is back and answers to no one. And that’s that. As usual, Blanchard feels like an absolute star every time.

TNA World Title: Joe Hendry vs. Matt Cardona

Hendry is defending and Frankie Kazarian is on commentary. Cardona gets knocked to the floor to start before coming back in to choke away. A jumping knee takes Cardona down though and a suplex does the same. They head outside with Hendry hitting an AA but a second is broken up with a rake to the eyes. We take a break and come back with Cardona dropping him again.

Some neckbreakers set up a front facelock to keep Hendry in trouble which is broken up rather quickly. Hendry gets taken own by a straitjacket choke and the Reboot connects in the corner. The referee gets bumped though, meaning the pop up powerbomb doesn’t get a count. A low blow drops Hendry and Cardona grabs the title but cue John Layfield to drop Cardona. Layfield leaves, only for Cardona to get up with a belt shot for two. Another belt shot is loaded up but Hendry reverses into the Standing Ovation to retain at 16:08.

Rating: B-. Not a bad debut for Hendry as champion and beating someone as prominent as Cardona is a good move. That being said, it would be nice to have anything involving Layfield actually being explained. He’s been at this for months now but for some reason we’re still doing the same stuff over and over. Other than that, it was a good match, though Hendry could have looked a bit stronger.

Overall Rating: B. While not a classic show or anything, it was a show that felt big and had some nice moments. That’s what they needed to do here as the company is actually on a nice roll. Hendry becoming the top star is a good thing and it feels like we could be in for quite the run from him if TNA handles it properly. Cardona showing up as a surprise and Ali being back made for some big moments and I want to see where this is going from here. Nice job here, as TNA delivered well enough when it needed to.

Ash By Elegance/Heather By Elegance/Rosemary b. Spitfire/Masha Slamovich – Rollup to Luna
Hardys b. The System – Swanton to Moose
Fraxiom b. Rascalz – Phoenix splash to Miguel
Joe Hendry b. Matt Cardona – Standing Ovation



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TNA Genesis 2025: Dang They’re Good

Genesis 2025
Date: January 19, 2025
Location: Curtis Culwell Center, Garland, Texas
Commentators: Matthew Rehwoldt, Tom Hannifan

It’s the first major pay per view of the year and the big story is that Joe Hendry is getting his second chance to become TNA World Champion. That’s enough of a story, but other than that, there is a good chance that NXT is going to be heavily involved around here, as the two promotions have announced a multi-year partnership. Let’s get to it.

Kickoff Show: Ashante Thee Adonis vs. Jake Something

This is the result of NXT’s Adonis’ opening challenge to officially kick off the new partnership. Adonis throws his jacket at Something to start and is promptly run over with some shoulders. A hard forearm takes Adonis down again and, after shrugging off some stomps, Something shoves him into the corner. Adonis gets in a forearm to the back and kicks away but Something is back with a heck of a running shoulder in the corner. Something knocks him out of the air and hits Into The Void for the win at 3:54.

Rating: C+. Nice choice for an opener here as Something got to look like a monster and the fans liked what they were seeing. Other than that, it was nice to see a TNA star dominating an NXT name, even someone as low on the list as Adonis. Not a great match, but it was fun and got the fans going without taking much time. In other words, it was exactly what it should have been.

Kickoff Show: Leon Slater vs. Frankie Kazarian

JDC is on commentary. Kazarian armdrags him down to start but Slater gets in a whip to the corner, meaning it’s time to dance. Back up and Slater is sat on top for a shove out to the floor, setting up the slingshot legdrop for two back inside. The running flipping neckbreaker gives Kazarian two and there’s a springboard spinning legdrop, though JDC isn’t happy with Slater playing to the crowd (ignore Slater not playing to the crowd).

Slater fights up and hits a running boot to the face, setting up a high crossbody for two. Something like a Blue Thunder Bomb gives Slater two but the slingshot Fameasser into the slingshot cutter drops Slater again. Fade To Black is blocked and Slater kicks him to the floor, setting up the big running flip dive over the post. Back in and the Swanton 450 hits knees though, with Kazarian grabbing a rollup with tights for the pin at 9:04.

Rating: C+. Gah they were starting to get to a higher level right at the end when it all stopped. I’m not sure if Slater is going to go on to become anything big around here but the fans are reacting to him and his high flying stuff is looking rather nice. That’s more than enough to warrant giving him another look and TNA seems to know that, even this early in his time with the company. The fans were reacting to Slater here and I could have gone for another few minutes.

Camryn Wright sings the National Anthem.

The opening video talks about how this is the beginning and looks at the biggest matches.

X-Division Title: Moose vs. Ace Austin

Moose, with JDC and Alisha Edwards, is defending and debuts a new title design. Austin immediately jumps him to start and hammers away in the corner but they’re quickly on the floor. Moose gets in a whip into the barricade and then does it again for a bonus. A missed charge sends Moose into the barricade for a change though and Austin adds a suplex on the floor.

JDC offers a distraction, allowing Austin to get chokeslammed off the top and onto the apron. Back in and Austin tries to fire off some chops but gets knocked down without much trouble. The spear misses for Moose and Austin Russian legsweeps him down. A springboard kick to the face and a double stomp gets two. The Fold is blocked and Moose’s middle rope chokebomb gives him two of his own.

They slug it out until Moose knocks him to the floor, where another chokebomb is countered into a hurricanrana. They go outside where Moose accidentally spears JDC, allowing Austin to hit the Fold. Cue Brian Myers for a distraction, with Moose hitting the spear for two. Austin kicks him in the head and tries the Art Of Finesse but gets speared out of the air. Another spear retains the title at 14:38.

Rating: B. I kept going back and forth about the winner here, as the appeal of having Austin win the title in honor of Chris Bey would have been an awesome moment. At the same time, Moose holding onto the title and dominating the division until someone steps up to dethrone him works very well too. I could go for seeing where that goes long term and if it means more matches like this, I’m all for it. This was a heck of a power vs. speed match and the fans, again, were all over what they were being given. Austin can go with anyone and I wouldn’t be complaining about seeing him doing something more important.

Post match the beatdown is teased but Eric Young and Steve Maclin (scheduled to face the System tonight) run in for the save. The brawl is on and we’re doing this one now.

Steve Maclin/Eric Young vs. The System

Maclin backbreakers Edwards to start and knees Myers down, only for Edwards to come back with a Blue Thunder Bomb. Myers takes over on Maclin and Edwards adds a clothesline for two as commentary talks about the history of tag wrestling in the company. Maclin facebusters and clotheslines his way out of trouble, allowing Young to come in and clean house. The top rope elbow gets two on Myers but a double suplex drops Young for two. Everything breaks down and Alisha’s distraction lets Myers get in a spear for two on Maclin. The System Overload is broken up though and it’s the KIA to pin Myers at 7:30.

Rating: C+. Another fast paced match here and the good thing is they didn’t take too long. That’s a trap that so many promotions fall into and it’s nice to see someone realize that a match like this doesn’t need to be fifteen minutes. Maclin and Young aren’t likely to be a long term team, but they’re fine for two bigger names who don’t have anything else to do at the moment.

We meet the French announce team and run down the rest of the card.

Knockouts Tag Team Titles: Spitfire vs. Ash By Elegance/Heather By Elegance

Spitfire is defending but the challengers get a New Age Outlaws style introduction by the Personal Concierge. By Elegance are in Dallas Cowboys cheerleader gear but stop to say GO EAGLES, meaning the fight is on in a hurry. Luna splashes Ash for two to start but a double suplex is broken up. Heather comes in and gets suplexed (with a squat) instead but the Concierge gets in a trip from the floor to take over.

Back in and Luna gets choked on the ropes, allowing Luna to flip around a bit. A running dropkick in the corner gets two on Luna and Ash grabs a chinlock. That’s broken up and it’s off to Threat to clean house. Everything breaks down and a Backstabber/double stomp combination gets two on Threat. Luna is back in with some German suplexes before Threat sends Heather outside with Pop Shove It. The Pressure Drop retains the titles at 9:31.

Rating: C. The match was fine but the titles still don’t feel like they really need to be a thing. By Elegance was a fine choice for challengers, but where do we go from here? The champions retained the titles clean, so other than a rematch, it’s time to find new challengers. That has been the problem for the titles since their inception and that is going to continue until there are a lot more teams to pick from, which isn’t seeming likely.

We look at Frankie Kazarian beating Leon Slater on the Kickoff Show.

Kazarian teases cashing in his Call Your Shot tonight.

We recap Tessa Blanchard vs. Jordynne Grace. Blanchard returned at Final Resolution and no one is happy about it, with Grace stepping up for the Knockouts division and the company.

Tessa Blanchard vs. Jordynne Grace

Grace wastes no time in powering her into the corner to hammer away. They head outside with Grace hitting a big dive but Blanchard sends her into the steps. A hurricanrana is countered into a swing into the steps but Blanchard stomps on the hand. The fans are all over Blanchard here as she comes back in with a dragon sleeper. Blanchard sends her into the corner for a running Codebreaker but Grace catches her on top with a super fall away slam.

They take their time getting up before slugging it out, with Grace getting the better of things. A package powerbomb gives Grace two but Blanchard is back with a double underhook Canadian Destroyer for the same. Grace’s suplex is countered into a neckbreaker for two more and they head back outside.

Grace shrugs off a shot to the head and hits a Death Valley Driver from the steps to the floor for a nasty crash. Back in and they go up, with Blanchard grabbing a super crucifix driver for two more. Blanchard is back up with an octopus but Grace reverses into a reverse fisherman’s suplex.

A cutter drops Grace for two but she’s right back up with a spinning reverse Alabama Slam for two more. With nothing else working, Blanchard rips off most of a turnbuckle pad and Buzzsaw (hammerlock DDT) sends Grace into the pad for two. A bulldog into the buckle and Magnum (top rope Codebreaker) finish Grace at 20:17.

Rating: B+. Blanchard has a lot of baggage to her and that has ruined a lot of her career, but she is one of the most talented women of her generation. She’s a complete package and it makes sense for TNA to want her to be a major star. I’m not sure how well that is going to go given what she has done behind the scenes, but dang it can be fun to see her in the ring.

We recap Mike Santana vs. Josh Alexander. They hate each other, they’ve been fighting a lot, it’s time for an I Quit match.

Josh Alexander vs. Mike Santana

I Quit match and the Northern Armory is barred from ringside. Alexander goes for the wrestling to start and Santana realizes he’s in over his head, so he sends Alexander to the floor for a big flip dive. It takes to long to set up a table though and Alexander snaps off an overhead belly to belly suplex. Alexander starts going after the leg and rolls Three Amigos to really annoy the crowd.

The running crossbody to the back misses so Alexander has to settle for a World’s Strongest Slam onto the apron. Back in and Santana uses the good leg for a kick to the face, setting up a Cannonball. A Death Valley Driver hits Alexander and they’re both down. Spin The Block is countered into the ankle lock but Santana loses his boot to escape (and commentary points out the Eddie Guerrero connections), only to get backdropped over the top and through the table at ringside.

That’s still a no on quitting so Alexander grabs a chair and beats the heck out of the leg. Santana insists there is no quit in him so Alexander stomps away, even with Santana busted open. The C4 Spike just wakes Santana up and a springboard hurricanrana sets up a frog splash.

Spin The Block puts Alexander down but he won’t quit. Santana steals Alexander’s zip tie and ties the arms together, setting up another Spin The Block. A Cannonball against a table onto Alexander still isn’t enough so he pulls out the slap jack and hammers at the ribs. That’s still not enough so Santana loads up a Curb Stomp onto the steps, which makes Alexander quit at 23:08.

Rating: B. All of the Eddie tributes aside, this was a star making performance from Santana, as he survived everything Alexander threw at him and then overwhelmed one of the most successful stars TNA has ever had. If Santana isn’t World Champion by the end of the year, I don’t know what this company is doing, because he has stepped up in a huge way and the fans are reacting to everything that he does.

Post match Santana wants a handshake and Alexander gives him one….then he quits TNA.

We recap the Hardys defending the Tag Team Titles against the Rascalz. The Hardys are the champions and the Rascalz want the titles.

Tag Team Titles: Hardys vs. Rascalz

The Hardys are defending…and NXT Tag Team Champions Fraxiom come down to watch at ringside. Matt and Miguel start things off with a series of exchanges and escapes before it’s off to Jeff (pop) vs. Wentz. Jeff takes him down for some early near falls and it’s quickly off to Matt for two of his own. Wentz knees Jeff down though and some rapid fire strikes take over without much effort. A Dream Sequence gets two but Matt cuts off a dive and hits a Side Effect on the floor.

Back in and the Plot twist gets two on Miguel and everything breaks down, with a baseball slide sending Matt into Fraxiom. A dive takes Fraxiom out by mistake so here is security to get rid of them. Jeff uses the steps for Poetry In Motion but Miguel is back with an enziguri to Matt and everyone is down. The Twist Of Fate is broken up and it’s a Cheeky Nandos Kick into a 619 to Jeff. Another Twist is broken up but Matt grabs one on Miguel, setting up the Swanton to retain at 13:04.

Rating: C+. The match was mostly action packed and the Fraxiom tease was mainly about setting up something for the future, but it’s still a bit much to see the ancient Hardys beating another young, talented team. It wouldn’t shock me to see the Hardys getting the NXT Tag Team Titles soon and that’s a bit much to take.

Video on the Chris Bey Go Fund Me.

Rebellion is in Los Angeles on April 27.

We recap Rosemary challenging Masha Slamovich for the Knockouts Title. Rosemary hasn’t had the title in seven years so now it’s time for a Clockwork Orange House Of Fun match.

Knockouts Title: Rosemary vs. Masha Slamovich

Rosemary is challenging in a Clockwork Orange House Of Fun match, meaning a weapons filled, falls count anywhere street fight. Slamovich strikes away to start and grabs a trashcan lid to take over fast. A staple gun to various parts of Rosemary have her in trouble but she mists Slamovich to take over.

It’s too early for a DDT onto an open chair and Slamovich can see well enough for a running crossbody to put Rosemary through a table at ringside. Slamovich’s running flip dive off the apron only hits chair though and it’s time to bust out Janice (the 2×4 with nails sticking out), which is raked over Slamovich’s back. The beating takes Slamovich up the ramp as Rosemary pours the tags onto the stage.

A spear sends Slamovich into the tacks but instead of covering, it’s time for a barbed wire board. As usual, that takes too long and it’s a Snow Plow to send Rosemary into the wire. Slamovich goes up a well placed ladder but gets shoved down through a table at ringside. Back in and Rosemary sets up some chairs, only to get piledriven from the middle rope onto said chairs to retain the title at 14:02.

Rating: B. It was a violent match, but it was hard to imagine that Slamovich was in any serious danger here. She is going to need a special kind of challenger to take the title. Rosemary is a talented star, but Slamovich is a monster champion right now and I could go for seeing her hold the title for a good while.

Post match NXT’s Cora Jade comes out for a staredown with Slamovich.

The Busted Open Radio hosts talk about the main event but Ryan Nemeth comes out to say HIS BROTHER is not going to be happy with their picks. Santana Marella bans him from ringside.

We recap the World Title match. Nic Nemeth beat Joe Hendry to retain the title at Bound For Glory but Hendry earned a rematch and feels he has to win to validate all of the faith in him.

TNA World Title: Joe Hendry vs. Nic Nemeth

Hendry is challenging. They fight over a lockup to start with the stronger Hendry shoving him down for an early advantage. They trade rollups for two each before fighting over wrist control. Nemeth hits a dropkick but Hendry is right back with a jumping knee. The delayed suplex is countered into a sleeper from Nemeth as Ryan Nemeth, ticket in hand, sits down at ringside.

Hendry fights out of an armbar and fires off some uppercuts, only to get caught with a neckbreaker. A crossface keeps Hendry in trouble until he fights up, where Nemeth hits another dropkick. Hendry is fine enough to grab a running cutter and wins a slugout, setting up the all away slam to send Nemeth flying. A short powerbomb gives Hendry two and an AA is good for the same as the momentum is building.

Nemeth knocks him off the top rope and hits a Fameasser for two, leaving them both down. For some reason Nemeth goes up but gets caught in a super fall away slam. Cue Kazarian with the trophy but John Layfield makes the save before taking out Ryan Nemeth and leaving. The Standing Ovation gives Hendry two and the superkick into the Danger Zone gives Nemeth the same. Back up and Hendry hits another fall away slam into another Standing Ovation for the pin and the title at 19:07.

Rating: B. They didn’t have another real option here, which makes the relief that they did the right thing all the funnier. What matters the most is that Hendry got the win (clean at that) and gets to be the top star, as long as it lasts. This is what TNA needed to do and it came after a hard fought, back and forth match where Hendry FINALLY won the big one. Good stuff here as they close it out on a feel good moment.

Overall Rating: B+. This was a heck of a show with nothing bad and some nice feel good moments. I was way into a lot of what I was seeing here and they even paid it off with a big moment at the end. They didn’t do anything screwy here and it was about four hours counting Kickoff Show. Really awesome show here and worth a look if you want a look at what TNA can do and in this case, does.

Jake Something b. Ashante Thee Adonis – Into The Void
Frankie Kazarian b. Leon Slater – Rollup with tights
Moose b. Ace Austin – Spear
Steve Maclin/Eric Young b. The System – KIA to Myers
Spitfire b. Ash By Elegance/Heather By Elegance – Pressure Drop to Ash
Tessa Blanchard b. Jordynne Grace – Magnum
Mike Santana b. Josh Alexander when Alexander quit
Hardys b. Rascalz – Swanton to Miguel
Masha Slamovich b. Rosemary – Middle rope piledriver onto open chairs



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Impact Wrestling – January 16, 2025: The Genesis Of The Genesis

Impact Wrestling
Date: January 16, 2025
Location: Center Stage, Atlanta, Georgia
Commentators: Tom Hannifan, Matthew Rehwoldt

We’re a few days away from Genesis and that means it should be time to hammer home the card. Most of the matches have already been announced, but there is still time to push everything just a bit harder. I’m sure we’ll get a big Joe Hendry and Nic Nemeth showdown so let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening recap.

Opening sequence.

Leon Slater vs. Trent Seven

Frankie Kazarian, who is facing Slater on the Genesis Kickoff Show, is on commentary. Seven takes him down to start but Slater kicks him in the head, followed by a knockdown out to the floor. A dragon suplex sends Slater down some steps but he dives back in for the save, setting up another running boot to the face to drop Seven for two.

Slater takes him up top but gets caught with a super slam for another near fall. Back up and Seven hits him in the face, setting up the Birminghammer for two more. Slater is back with a boot to the face and a DDT on the apron, setting up a big dive. Back in and the Swanton 450 finishes Seven at 8:47.

Rating: C+. I kept wondering what it was going to take to beat Slater and it just never happened so points for doing the logical thing before Slater’s match with Kazarian. Slater isn’t reinventing the wheel out there but he can do some nice high flying stuff and the fans seem into him. Nice opener here, with Slater continuing to look pretty good.

Post match Kazarian teases jumping him but stops just in time.

Video on Joe Hendry, who is ready to get to the top of the mountain after coming short at Bound For Glory.

Here is the Personal Concierge for the pre-championship celebration for Ash/Heather By Elegance. We get the reveal of some cardboard cutouts with the two of them as champions and Ash is happy to win the titles. Well this weekend that is. We get some tearful thank you’s before the fans are not happy with Heather. She’s ready to win as well but here is Spitfire to interrupt. Bickering ensues and By Elegance is sent outside, leaving the cardboard to be destroyed.

Sami Callihan and PCO are ready to beat the Hardys and get into the Tag Team Title match at Genesis.

First Class vs. Eric Young/Steve Maclin

Navarro slaps Young to start and is quickly beaten into the corner to cut that off. Maclin comes in to hammer away in the corner but gets sent outside by Francis as the villains get to take over. Francis gets in a shoving match with….someone famous at ringside, which is enough of a distraction for Maclin to get in an Angle Slam. Everything breaks down and Young’s top rope elbow finishes Navarro at 6:35.

Rating: C. Not much to this one but Navarro is pretty much just there to take the fall while Francis gets to be the star. That being said, there isn’t much shame in losing to a pair of former World Champions who have had some success as a team. First Class is likely going to be something at some point this year so this feels like something of a roadblock on the way towards inevitability.

Post match the System comes out for the staredown.

We look at Cora Jade and Masha Slamovich on NXT.

Rosemary is ready for violence with Slamovich.

We look at the Northern Armory destroying Mike Santana at a recent independent show.

Here is the Northern Armory to brag about taking out Santana…and Santana pops up to say he won’t quit. That’s why at Genesis, their match should be an I Quit match. Works for Alexander, who threatens a lot of violence and pain. Alexander promises to show that Santana is a middle of the road star, with Santana promising to become the new standard of TNA. Santana was fired up here and it showed.

Jake Something vs. Laredo Kid

Kid tries to start fast but is quickly sent outside without much trouble. Back in and Something hits a corner clothesline before knocking a diving Kid out of the air. Kid knocks him down though and avoids a charge into the corner, setting up some enziguris. A flipping DDT gives Kid two but Something catches him on top, meaning it’s a super sitout powerbomb (that looked good) for the pin at 5:17.

Rating: C+. Power vs. speed works pretty much every time in wrestling, but, as usual, none of this means a thing if Something doesn’t win a match that matters. We’ve seen him get built up so many times and it goes nowhere, which makes me hesitant to buy into it here. For now though, I’ll take a pretty awesome looking finisher like that powerbomb as Kid was done.

Video on Ace Austin, who wants the X-Division Title back and is only thinking about doing this for Chris Bey. He talks about what the X-Division means and how far he has gone in it over the years, which is why he’s going back to his roots. This was good stuff and it would be a heck of an awesome moment if he won the title.

PCO/Sami Callihan vs. Hardys

Non-title. Callihan knocks Jeff into the corner to start and it’s a four way slugout early on as we take a break. Back with Poetry In Motion hitting Callihan for two but Callihan takes over on Matt. PCO comes in for some clotheslines but a double DDT gets Matt out of trouble. Everything breaks down and Jeff comes in for the Whisper In The Wind. The Twist of Fate into the Swanton finishes Callihan at 10:03.

Rating: C. Well that was uneventful. I’m not sure what was supposed to be interesting here as they were teasing making the title match a triple threat and then the Hardys just beat them clean. Callihan and PCO never felt like a big time team but this should be it for them for good without much doubt.

Genesis rundown.

Jordynne Grace pops up on commentary to say that Tessa Blanchard hasn’t signed for their match. Grace has signed and leaves the contract behind.

Here is Joe Hendry for his showdown with Nic Nemeth. Hendry says he has to win the title because it is time for him to start a new era by holding up that championship. Nemeth says he understands what Hendry has to do but Hendry doesn’t know what it’s like to be champion.

We see a clip of John Layfield interfering at Bound For Glory and Nemeth says he didn’t see it live. All Nemeth saw was Layfield attacking his brother, who comes out to interrupt. Ryan comes in and goes after Hendry, allowing Nic to make the save with a superkick. The Nemeths leave and Hendry is shaken up. Hendry has to win. I just don’t know that he will.

Tessa Blanchard runs in to sign the contract, with Jordynne Grace appearing for the brawl. The Juggernaut Driver leaves Blanchard laying to end the show.

Overall Rating: C+. This was very much a TNA go home show, as the card for the pay per view was pretty much set and all they had to do was sharpen the edges a bit. Genesis is going to depend on how Hendry does in his next World Title shot, because that’s by far the biggest thing on the show. The rest of the card is good enough, but it’s all about the main event because Hendry is long past the point of needing to win the title. This show worked well enough, but it’s pretty much just a big preview for Genesis.

Leon Slater b. Trent Seven – Swanton 450
Eric Young/Steve Maclin b. First class – Top rope elbow to Navarro
Jake Something b. Laredo Kid – Super sitout powerbomb
Hardys b. PCO/Sami Callihan – Swanton to Callihan



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