Rampage – August 19, 2022: Here They Are!

Date: August 19, 2022
Location: North Charleston Coliseum, Charleston, West Virginia
Commentators: Tony Schiavone, Excalibur, Jim Ross, Chris Jericho

Things have gotten all the more interesting around here in the last few days as we are now getting ready for one of the biggest matches in Dynamite history. Forget that for now though, because we have something far more important this week. That could only be one thing and say it with me: the Trustbusters are here! Let’s get to it.

Here is Dynamite if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Here is Claudio Castagnoli, with Wheeler Yuta, to get things going. After praising Ricky Steamboat (in the front row), Claudio gets to the point: an open challenge for a future Ring Of Honor World Title shot. Cue Dustin Rhodes to say he has wanted to hold the World Title for thirty four years and until recently, they both had people saying they should be World Champion. Castagnoli knows the feeling Dustin has and sees the fire in his eyes. The challenge is accepted for next week, with Castagnoli wanting the best Dustin has. Respect is shown. I could go for this.

Ruby Soho and Ortiz want to fight Sammy Guevara and Tay Conti next week.

Tag Team Titles: Keith Lee/Swerve Strickland vs. Private Party

Private Party is challenging. Kassidy punches away at Lee to start and it’s off to Swerve, who can’t hit a suplex. He can however duck a Quen springboard crossbody but gets hurricanranaed to the floor by Kassidy. A corkscrew dive takes Swerve down and we take a break. Back with Kassidy posing at Lee, with the delay allowing Swerve to hit a middle rope stomp on Quen. That’s enough for the hot tag to Lee so house can be cleaned. Kassidy gets Pounced into the ropes and Swerve adds the running kick to the back of the head for two. Swerve doesn’t like that kickout so it’s the JML Driver to retain the titles at 7:58.

Rating: C+. Lee and Swerve didn’t exactly feel like they were in a ton of danger here and that really is how things should have gone. Private Party had that one big win over the Young Bucks and then have done almost nothing of note since them. That isn’t enough to make them threats to the titles here, but their athleticism is still worth at least a glance.

Powerhouse Hobbs interrupts the Factory’s card/dominoes game, asking why they didn’t take care of Ricky Starks. QT Marshall promises they’ll get it done.

FTW Title: Hook vs. Zack Clayton

Clayton (formerly of some Jersey Shore spinoff) is challenging and brags about his star power and promises to take it back to a state people actually like in New Jersey. Redrum retains the title in 12 seconds.

Angelo Parker and Matt Menard don’t like Hook having the FTW Title and think it should be around the waist of a sports entertainer.

Billy Gunn isn’t happy with the Gunn Club and is bringing the Acclaimed to deal with them next week.

We look at La Faccion Ingobernable turning on Dragon Lee and kicking him out of the team.

Buddy Matthews vs. Serpentico

This is billed as a standby match because Hook’s match was so fast in a nice touch. Julia Hart is here with Murphy, who knocks him to the corner to start. A buckle bomb sets up what used to be known as Murphy’s Law for the pin on Serpentico at 1:10.

Post match Miro comes out, holding Malakai Black’s mask. Miro brawls with Matthews and beats him down.

Britt Baker (in a KISS shirt), Rebel and Jamie Hayter aren’t happy that they’re not in the title match at All Out. They do want to see Toni Storm and Thunder Rosa implode though. It’s not like either of them can win anyway.

Penelope Ford vs. Athena

Athena armdrags her into an armbar to start but gets driven into the corner. A jumping knee cuts Ford off but she rolls Athena throat first into the middle rope as we see the guy with a box in his head. Commentary confirms that it’s Kip Sabian as Ford hits a slingshot elbow and we take a break. Back with Ford being sent into the barricade, setting up the O Face to finish Ford at 5:20. Not enough shown to rate but it’s nice to have Ford back.

Post match the Baddies run in to beat down Athena. Jade Cargill and Stokely Hathaway come out and destroy Athena’s wings with a sledgehammer. Cargill sledgehammers Athena down too. Can we GET TO THE MATCH ALREADY? This has been going on for months already.

We recap Jon Moxley and CM Punk on Dynamite.

Video on Powerhouse Hobbs vs. Ricky Starks. Hobbs was hired to keep the FTW Title on Starks but Starks couldn’t keep up his end. More from Starks on Dynamite.

Here’s what’s coming on various shows.

The Best Friends and Orange Cassidy are ready for the main event.

Trios Titles Tournament First Round: Trustbusters vs. Best Friends/Orange Cassidy

Sonny Kiss is with the Trustbusters. Slim J drives Trent into the corner with Jericho comparing Slim J to a ferret. Chuck makes the save and tosses him into a sitout powerbomb from Trent. Some house is cleaned but Boudreaux comes in to wreck people without much effort. Everything breaks down and we take a break with the Best Friends in trouble.

Back with Trent getting in a forearm but Daivari brings in Slim J, who knocks Chuck off the apron. Cassidy’s staredown distracts Slim J though and Trent gets in a suplex. That’s enough for the tag to Cassidy so the pace picks up, including a high crossbody to Slim Jr and the satellite DDT to Daivari. Now Cassidy wants Boudreaux (and seems to talk some trash). Boudreaux wrecks the good guys, at least until he gets knocked into the corner for a triple dropkick.

Slim J takes the Best Friends down with a top rope corkscrew dive, followed by something like a Whisper in the Wind to Cassidy. Daivari’s frog splash gets two as everything breaks down again. A series of shots send Boudreaux over the barricade but Kiss crotches Cassidy. Slim J’s top rope elbow gets two on Cassidy but here is Danhausen to curse him. That’s enough for the Best Friends to hit a double chokeslam, setting up an assisted splash (with the Best Friends holding Slim J up and Cassidy diving off of their shoulders at the same time) to give Cassidy the pin at 10:32.

Rating: C+. The finish was rather cool and they had the right team win, but it’s still trying to make me interested in the Trustbusters. Good luck with that, as I’ve yet to see something from either Daivari or Boudreaux that will draw my interest. They are getting it much more right with Cassidy though, as he is filling hie role as the guy who is better than the lower card and a possible spoiler for bigger spots perfectly.

Danhausen poses with the winners to end the show.

Overall Rating: C+. Better than last week’s as it felt like some interesting things took place here, but still not a must see show. Rampage has been around for just over a year now and the show hasn’t felt important in a long time. You might get one somewhat important thing a week and the rest of the show feels like they are just filling in their hour. Not a bad show whatsoever, but nothing you would need to watch, as has been the case with most recent editions.




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Dynamite – June 29, 2022: They Got Violent

Date: June 29, 2022
Location: Little Caesars Arena, Detroit, Michigan
Commentators: Excalibur, Taz, Tony Schiavone

It’s another major show here as we go from Forbidden Door on Sunday to Blood & Guts tonight. That would be AEW’s version of WarGames, albeit with twelve people this time as the match needs to be bigger, but it does look good on paper. Other than that, I’m not sure what else we have as so much has been put into the New Japan stuff for the last few weeks. Let’s get to it.

Here is Forbidden Door if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Dig that double ring setup.

Ethan Page vs. Orange Cassidy

Before the match, Dan Lambert complains about the Best Friends being here because they aren’t official managers and we have regulations in his state. Oh and Cassidy is skinny and has no muscles whatsoever. Page starts fast and knocks him down but Cassidy nips up and grabs an armdrag to the floor. There’s the suicide dive, followed by the high crossbody for one back inside. Page is back up with some shots of his own and Cassidy gets knocked into the corner as we take an early break.

Back with Cassidy escaping a Razor’s Edge and then countering another into a hurricanrana. A powerslam cuts Cassidy off but he grabs a Stundog Millionaire and hits the tornado DDT for two. The Orange Punch is loaded up but Lambert, with orange juice, offers a distraction. Cassidy hits some very soft punches and takes the juice, setting up the Orange Punch. The juice is spat in Lambert’s eyes and another Orange Punch sets up the slam (third try) for the pin on Page at 10:57.

Rating: C+. The slam bit was fun and gave the fans something to cheer about, as Cassidy continues his slight rise back up the card. Page is someone with enough name value but nothing going on at the moment so the loss doesn’t really hurt him. Not exactly a great match but it was fun enough to work with a bit of a house show feeling.

Here is Christian Cage for a chat. He has heard a lot of things about saying Jungle Boy’s father was dead last week. Christian hasn’t apologized for many things, but he’s sorry that Jungle Boy’s entire family isn’t dead. Christian: “Well, except for your mom.” Who should call him. As for tonight, he has requested a match, but he never said it was for him. Cue Luchasaurus, with a rather intense new entrance.

Luchasaurus vs. Serpentico

The Snare Trap with a nerve hold finishes Serpentico at 49 seconds. That worked.

Post match Luchasaurus hits a chokeslam on the floor to leave Serpentico laying.

Wardlow and Scorpio Sky have a staredown in the back with Sky saying he beat Wardlow last time. Wardlow says bring every member of American Top Team and the title match is made for next week. We’ll make it a street fight.

Max Caster/Gunn Club vs. Danhausen/???/???

Caster’s rap makes various Michigan references but he won’t let the Club say the city names. Danhausen comes out and he does have some partners.

Max Caster/Gunn Club vs. Danhausen/FTR

Wheeler takes Austin down to start and hits a slam for a bonus. A spank to Austin brings Harwood in to chop away in the corner. Danhausen comes in and gets blasted by Colten as we take a break. Back with Harwood having to save Danhausen and everything breaks down. FTR rolls some German suplexes on the Club until Austin grabs most of the Quick Draw on Harwood for a breather. Danhausen comes back in and tries a GTS on Austin, but Anthony Bowens pops up to his feet (out of a wheelchair). The crutch shot hits Austin by mistake though and Danhausen steals the pin at 9:31.

Rating: C. Well you knew that was coming one day. The Acclaimed vs. the Gunn Club has the potential to be a rather fun mini feud and that is what we are probably going to be getting here. Danhausen getting the pin is going to work almost every chance he gets, as it isn’t like he did anything to earn it. At the same time though, did Caster do anything at all here?

Post match the Gunns and Acclaimed yell at each other but Billy sides with his not-sons.

Sonjay Dutt and Jay Lethal still want Samoa Joe to give him a Ring Of Honor TV Title match at Death Before Dishonor.

TBS Title: Jade Cargill vs. Leila Grey

Cargill, with Stokely Hathaway and Kiera Hogan, is defending and throws Grey down with no effort. Leila’s forearms have no effect and it’s Jaded to retain the title at 1:55. Total dominance.

Post match Cargill says she wants better competition. Stokely says this woman got a chance after the open challenge was on last night at 11:40. So Athena and Kris Statlander are just lazy for not being in the ring here. Cue Athena and Kris to go after Jade but Leila makes the save. The villains stand tall but Leila isn’t getting a handshake.

Grand Slam is back in September.

The Young Bucks talks about how all of their friends are hurt and they have no one here. The only thing they have left are the Tag Team Titles but they have no competition. On Friday though, they can keep the Forbidden Door open a bit, with Hirooki Goto and Yoshi-Hashi getting a shot at the titles.

Jim Ross comes out for commentary on Blood And Guts.

The cage is lowered.

We recap the Jericho Appreciation Society vs. Eddie Kingston/Blackpool Combat Club. The idea is that Kingston doesn’t trust his partners but he needs to take out Jericho and company.

Jericho Appreciation Society vs. Eddie Kingston/Santana/Ortiz/Blackpool Combat Club

Chris Jericho, Sammy Guevara, Matt Menard, Jake Hager, Daniel Garcia, Angelo Parker
Eddie Kingston, Santana, Ortiz, Wheeler Yuta, Jon Moxley, Claudio Castagnoli

It’s WarGames with the opening period lasting four minutes. Then the Society will get the one man advantage for three minutes before they start alternating entrances. After everyone is in, it’s submission or surrender only. Claudio Castagnoli starts for the Club and throws Sammy Guevara over the ropes into the other ring. The running uppercut rocks Sammy, who tries to climb out and gets in a chase around the side of the cage.

Multiple springboards lets Sammy get away to the other ring before they fight between the rings for a change. Back in and the pop up uppercut is countered into a cutter to drop Castagnoli but we pause for a kiss from Tay Conti. Castagnoli loads up the Swing but Daniel Garcia comes in to make the save as we take an early break. Back with Wheeler Yuta evening things up to give Castagnoli a needed breather. A running uppercut/German suplex combination drops Guevara and the Club sends the two of them into some cages.

Jake Hager comes in to make it 3-2 and cleans some house, setting up the battle of the former Real Americans. The springboard corkscrew elbow drops Hager but Garcia is back up to take Castagnoli down. Yuta is back to make a save of his own but the numbers game takes him down. Jon Moxley is in to even things up again, complete with a chair, to start cleaning house again. What looks to be a fork is driven into Garcia’s head to give us the first blood. A Hart Attack of all things drops Garcia and a gorilla press into a cutter drops Guevara.

The Club set up the stereo hammer and anvil elbows (with Moxley’s elbows to Hager looking particularly terrible). Angelo Parker comes in and knows he’s in trouble so he tries to run away as well as he can. That works for all of ten seconds before the Club catches him and starts the big beatdown. The numbers game gets the Society out of trouble but it’s Ortiz coming in to clean house.

We take another break and come back with Menard coming in with a chair of his own to wreck a bunch of people. During the break, Moxley piledrove someone onto broken glass, because that’s what you do during a break. Things even up a bit and it’s Santana coming in with a table and a barbed wire bat to make things even bigger. The blood starts flowing even more, with Moxley pulling out some skewers to stab Menard in the head. Yuta and Garcia stand between the rings and slap each other a bunch until Jericho comes in with Floyd to clean house.

Jericho takes over until it’s Kingston coming in with the kendo stick to complete the field. Kingston walks through the Society with little trouble until Jericho is all that is left. The beating is on so Kingston pulls out rubbing alcohol, which is broken up for the sake of a lack of extreme pain. Conti slips the rubbing alcohol to Jericho as the table is set up between the rings. Hager goes through the table (JR: “SOMEBODY GET THE TABLES!”) and it’s time for the tacks.

Menard is dropped into the tacks as the mat is being ripped off of the ring. Garcia, COVERED in blood, is somehow hanging from the cage outside of the ring as we take another break. Back again with Jericho dragging Moxley through the tacks and then putting on the Walls. Kingston makes the save and gets to beat on Jericho, who is sent into the cage. Jericho finds a fire extinguisher to spray Kingston as Tay grabs the key from the referee.

Cue Ruby Riott to go after Tay and the brawl is on. The women are gone so Jericho goes up top of the cage, with Kingston following close behind. Regal: “This is the one thing I couldn’t strategize with anyone about. I’ve never even been on the top rope.” Kingston hits the backfist on top but Guevara joins them on top. A low blow cuts Guevara down and Eddie throws him through the well placed announcers’ table at ringside.

We take another break and come back again with Jericho getting Kingston in the Walls on top of the cage as Claudio climbs up as well. The Walls are broken up Claudio Swings Jericho. Menard comes up for the save but it’s the Stretch Plum to Jericho and the Sharpshooter to Menard for the tap and the win at 46:45.

Rating: A-. This might be the best example of “your mileage may vary” that you’ll see for a very long time as Blood & Guts is one of the most unique matches you’ll find. They had the blood and the violence and it didn’t feel too cluttered (the double ring thing gives it SO much more breathing room than NXT), though the ending wasn’t exactly amazing. What mattered here was having the teams beat the heck out of each other with a bunch of blood (Garcia was COVERED) and violence, as Claudio vs. Eddie continues. Heck of a match, though I’m still not sure if we need weapons in a WarGames match. Just seems like overkill.

Post match Kingston is mad at Claudio for being the one to get the tap. Respect is shown, but Kingston keeps running his mouth. The winners (minus Santana, who was apparently hurt during the match) all get on top to celebrate, for a rather good while, to end the show.

Overall Rating: B+. This is one of the harder shows to rate as it’s pretty much ALL about the main event. Everything else was good enough, but the second half of the show was focused on one match and that worked out pretty well. It’s a bit weird to have it be so sudden after Forbidden Door, but the match had been set up for weeks so it isn’t out of nowhere. Very good show, though as far as what the focus was on, it’s a one match episode.

Orange Cassidy b. Ethan Page – Slam
Luchasaurus b. Serpentico – Snare Trap with a nerve hold
Danhausen/FTR b. Max Caster/Gunn Club
Jade Cargill b. Leila Grey – Jaded
Eddie Kingston/Santana/Ortiz/Blackpool Combat Club b. Jericho Appreciation Society – Sharpshooter to Menard




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