Collision – March 29, 2025: What An Odd Choice
Date: March 29, 2025
Location: UW-Milwaukee Panthers Arena, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Commentators: Tony Schiavone, Nigel McGuinness
We’re just over a week away from Dynasty and in this case, we have a title match preview before the pay per view title match. This week, Wheeler Yuta is facing Dax Harwood, which doesn’t quite feel like the biggest match in the world. Other than that, we’ll likely get some push towards the pay per view so let’s get to it.
Here is Dynamite if you need a recap.
Opening sequence.
Here is Toni Storm to get things going. She calls out Megan Bayne, who doesn’t show up. Storm isn’t sure what happened, as Bayne laid Storm on her back like she had just bought Storm a steak dinner. After the match, she went to her hotel, laid down (as she does on the mat here), got up, stubbed her toe, hit her head on the sink….and then got up to remember who she was.
Violence is promised at Dynasty but Penelope Ford comes through the darkness to kick Storm in the face (very nice job there as she came out of nowhere). Storm fights back but Bayne comes in and hits Fate’s Descent. Bayne tells her to bow down and throws the out cold Storm to the mat. At this point, Bayne almost has to win the title as she has dominated Storm throughout their story. If she loses, it’s going to kill her momentum.
The Death Riders aren’t happy with Cope and Claudio Castagnoli wants to take him out on Dynamite. Jon Moxley says he fears three people in his life: his mother, his sister and his wife. Then he met Marina Shafir, who promises to feed Willow Nightingale her own liver. As usual, the less talking from Moxley, the better.
Jay White vs. Kevin Knight
They wrestle around a bit and that’s good for an early standoff. Knight flips out of a wristlock to take White down but White is back up to win a battle of shoulder blocks. A hurricanrana drops White again and Knight fires off the uppercuts. White’s brainbuster gets a quick two and we take a break.
Back with White chopping him out to the floor but Knight makes the clothesline comeback. A running frog splash (that’s a new one) gives Knight two and White’s Rock Bottom is countered into a rollup for two more. White manages a German suplex to get out of trouble and the Blade Runner finishes Knight at 10:38.
Rating: B-. Nice performance from Knight here, who has done some good stuff in various places and is now getting a chance on a bigger stage. White is on his way to the Owen Hart Tournament but got to make Knight look nice enough in a win. That’s not a bad way to go and it made for a fine TV match.
Post match White shows respect and Knight gets a nice ovation. With Knight gone, White talks about how he needs the World Title shot at All In because he is a variety of nicknames. At All In, he gets to show us that it is still the Switchblade Era.
MJF threw out the first pitch at the Texas Rangers’ home opener. He points out that Bobby Lashley lives in Texas but the Rangers asked for him instead.
Athena was outside of Mercedes Mone’s dressing room earlier. That’s intriguing.
Mercedes Mone vs. Robyn Renegade
Non-title. They grapple to start until Renegade hits a quick dropkick. A running boot in the corner hits Mone and Renegade rolls through a middle rope high crossbody. Mone is back with a Backstabber for two but Renegade kicks her down. The moonsault misses though and Mone hits the Mone Maker into the Bank Statement for the win at 3:10.
Rating: C. Renegade has shown herself to be a reliable jobber to the stars and that was the case again here. She got in a bit of offense on Mone before Mone wrapped things up, which is about how this should have gone. It might not have been a great match or anything, but it was nice to have Mone get in the ring for a quick match for a change.
Post match Mone is happy with her win and her recent success but now she wants in the Women’s Owen Hart Tournament to take the Women’s Title at All In. Tony Schiavone says Billie Starkz is in the tournament as well, but Mone says Starkz’s trainer is terrible. Cue Athena (Starkz’s trainer, or at least mentor), who drops Mone with a Forearm and loads up the O Face (top rope Stunner), which hits Renegade by mistake. I don’t buy that Athena is going to get the push that she deserves in AEW, but it’s nice to have her facing bigger competition for a change.
Queen Aminata is injured and can’t wrestle tonight but Serena Deeb comes in, mocking her for getting injured due to not listening to Deeb. Aminata isn’t going to listen to Deeb, who tells her to use the time off to think about it.
Learning Tree vs. Top Flight
Bill stares Darius down to start so it’s quickly off to Dante vs. Keith. Dante grabs an armdrag and hits a dropkick before Darius comes in to strike away in the corner. Bill comes back in for the far bigger chops to put him on the floor as we take a break. Back with Darius getting over for the tag to Dante, who is immediately dropped by Bill.
A Boss Man Slam puts Darius down but Bill’s Stinger Splash hits Keith by mistake. The string of kicks to the face into a springboard Downward Spiral drops Bill and something like a Shell Shock gets two on Keith. Bill comes back in and splashes Dante in the corner. Keith’s running knee sets up Bill’s huge chokeslam for the pin at 9:38 (with Bill’s bugged out eyes looking rather nutty).
Rating: B-. Another nice match here with Bill continuing to look like an absolute star. He’s turned into something of value as he has the intensity to back up his giant power stuff. I’m not sure I can imagine the Learning Tree getting the Tag Team Titles, but Bill being involved in a higher profile match is a good thing. It seems that Top Flight is right where they’re going to be, making them one of the more disappointing “what if’s” in AEW thus far.
Post match Cru teases coming in for the beatdown but AR Fox runs out to save Top Flight. Anytime this feud wants to end, I’d be fine with it.
Jamie Hayter is glad to be back to face Billie Starkz tonight, in the show’s main event (that’s certainly a choice). Oh and she’ll be in the Women’s Owen Hart Cup too.
Here is Adam Cole, with the Undisputed Kingdom, for a chat with Daniel Garcia, who comes complete with Matt Menard. Cole praises Garcia for their recent matches, saying they were the toughest of Cole’s AEW career. That shouldn’t work for Garcia though, as he should be bothered that he couldn’t beat Cole. They need to finish this fight and Garcia agrees, but Menard asks how many shots Cole is going to get.
Cole couldn’t beat him and Garcia doesn’t have to do this, but Garcia wants to. Garcia issues a challenge for a rematch, but the seconds get in an argument. Garcia cuts it off, saying it’s no time limit, no outside interference. That’s a weird way to go, as Garcia was acting like it was a fresh challenge, but Schiavone mentioned the match before they got out here. That’s either a really badly worded promo or Schiavone jumped the gun.
Athena, with Billie Starkz, is ready to knock Mercedes Mone out again. She’s in the Women’s Owen Hart Tournament too. As for tonight, she’ll be watching Starkz’s match VERY closely, and yes that sounds like a threat.
Dax Harwood vs. Wheeler Yuta
They fight over wrist control to start and go to the mat with Yuta getting the better of things with a headlock. That’s broken up and Yuta has to bail from the threat of a Sharpshooter. A northern lights suplex gives Harwood two and they head outside, where Harwood is sent into the steps. Yuta stomps on the arm, with Nigel using the HE HAS TILL FIVE, which he thinks is a great catchphrase. Harwood is planted with a superplex and we take a break.
Back with Harwood on the other side of the barricade but fighting out with the good arm. They get back inside with Harwood working on the leg, including wrapping it around the post. The Hartbreaker around the post has Yuta in more trouble but he breaks up a traditional Figure Four.
Harwood is right back with a belly to back superplex for two but they both need a breather. Yuta’s Cattle Mutilation sends Harwood to the ropes for a change so Yuta puts it on again. Harwood breaks it up a second time and gets the Sharpshooter but the rope is grabbed again. Back up and Yuta grabs the seatbelt for the clean win at 12:24.
Rating: B. Better match than I was expecting, but egads Yuta is just not interesting. He feels like the most generic wrestler you could have today and nothing he did here made him stand out. Harwood is the guy who can work well with anyone on his own, but seeing him lose time after time has turned these matches into instances of waiting for the inevitable. That’s a weird way with the title match coming next week.
Post match Harwood is annoyed at the loss, claiming that it was only a two count. He grabs the referee so security comes in. Cash Wheeler comes in as well and gets shoved down, though Harwood might not have known who he was. They go face to face but Wheeler walks away.
Cru asks the Patriarchy what is up with AR Fox, but Nick Wayne thinks it’s the team asking him for help. They imply that he’s right, but nothing is confirmed.
Hologram vs. Blake Christian
Lee Johnson is here with Christian. They trade flips to start and both of them try dropkicks to give us a standoff. Christian offers some mocking applaud before slapping Hologram in the mask. They wind up on the floor, where Christian misses a moonsault but is able to send a charging Hologram into the steps.
We take a break and come back with Hologram flipping him into a northern lights suplex for two. Hologram loads up a dive but takes out Johnson by mistake, followed by a hurricanrana to bring Christian off the barricade. Back in and Christian puts him down, setting up a springboard 450 for two. Christian hits a powerslam but misses a Lionsault, allowing Hologram to plant him down again. The very spinning torture rack bomb puts Christian away at 8:47.
Rating: B-. So you know all those matches where Hologram has looked good and commentary talks about how awesome he is but he never seems to move up the ladder or do anything important? Of all of them that I’ve seen so far, this is the latest one. The match was entertaining as usual, but Hologram needs to do something new already.
Thunder Rosa and Kris Statlander are both in the Women’s Owen Hart Tournament and they’re both ready to win, even if it means facing each other.
Jamie Hayter vs. Billie Starkz
Hayter powers her into the corner to start and then runs her over with some shoulders. Starkz gets a sloppy sunset flip for two and a kick to the head out of the corner does a bit better. Hayter takes over again and we take a break, coming back with Starkz having to go to the rope to escape a half crab. A basement superkick sends Hayter outside for a suicide dive and Starkz drops her Swanton for two.
Hayter is back up with a dropkick into the corner and we need a double breather. A brainbuster onto the knee gives Starkz two but Hayter knocks her down for the basement lariat. The Hayterade misses so Hayter kicks her in the face and grabs a German suplex for two. Hayterade is blocked again but this time Hayter goes big with a springboard Hayterade for the pin at 10:00.
Rating: C. What a weird choice for a main event. I’m guessing this was going with the idea of “it’s 10:00pm on a Saturday night and this is against March Madness” so they completely punted on this match. It wasn’t exactly great stuff either, as Hayter needed a win to get back after her absence but Starkz isn’t quite a top level opponent.
Athena comes out to stare down Hayter to end the show.
Overall Rating: C+. This show ran out of steam near the end as it felt like they just stopped putting on important stuff. The first half or so is good and the action worked, but the weird main event and Hologram having the latest in his long list of interchangeable matches didn’t help. This wasn’t their best show as it might have been decent, but it only felt somewhat important throughout, which makes for a bit of a testy two hours.
Jay White b. Kevin Knight – Blade Runner
Mercedes Mone b. Robyn Renegade – Bank Statement
Learning Tree b. Top Flight – Chokeslam to Dante
Wheeler Yuta b. Dax Harwood – Seatbelt
Hologram b. Blake Christian – Spinning torture rack bomb
Jamie Hayter b. Billie Starkz – Springboard Hayterade
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