Impact Wrestling – May 16, 2024: Everyone vs. Everyone Else

Impact Wrestling
Date: May 16, 2024
Location: Albany Armory, Albany, New York
Commentators: Matthew Rehwoldt, Tom Hannifan

So instead of doing a bunch of stuff on one show, this week is all about a SIXTEEN PERSON tag match, with all of the champions against a bunch of all stars and Ryan Nemeth. That’s going to eat up a good chunk of the show and should set up quite a bit for the next few major events. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening recap.

Opening sequence.

Ash By Elegance vs. Xia Brookside

If Ash wins, she gets her bedazzled knuckles back. Hold on as Ash By Elegance’s handler has a referee shirt under his jacket…but he isn’t going to be the referee. Ok then. Ash talks a lot of trash to start and gets rolled up for an early two. They go to the mat and hammer away at each other before heading outside. Ash takes over on the floor, only to have Xia get in a Thesz press and right hands of her own back inside. The fight heads to the floor again, this time with Xia managing a quick suplex. The handler offers a distraction though and Ash grabs a hanging Stunner. Rarefied Air gives Ash the pin at 4:02.

Rating: C. Everything about Ash makes her feel like a star, except for her in-ring work. What she does in the ring isn’t bad, but it’s very basic save for a nice enough looking Swanton. She feels like someone who could turn into something great and the By Elegance deal works well enough, but she needs to get above average in the ring on her best day.

Post match the handler tells Xia to present Ash with the jewelry….which she does as part of a right hand.

Rosemary is upset that Havok is gone and says there comes a time in the lives of everyone meant for greatness that you have to give up attachments. She mentions people like the Bunny and Taya Valkyrie, but now she is ready for anything.

Santino Marella talks to Kushida, who says he is sick after facing Jonathan Gresham. He’ll be ready for his match on Xplosion.

Alan Angels vs. Leon Slater

Slater runs him over with a shoulder to start and they trade rollups for two each. Back up and Slater hits a handspring elbow to send Angels outside, followed by the required dive. Hold on though as the referee starts spitting up black goo (after he refereed a Jonathan Gresham match last week) so here’s a replacement. Slater kicks Angels in the face for two but Angels snaps off a series of half and half suplexes. Back up and Slater kicks him in the face, setting up the Swanton 450 for the pin at 4:31.

Rating: C+. Slater is someone who does his stuff rather well, with that Swanton 450 being a thing of beauty. While beating Slater isn’t going to launch him up the ladder but it’s a step in the right direction. Other than that, this is likely going to be about the referee and egads this is already feeling stupid.

Post match here is Kon to go after Angels. Slater doesn’t like it and manages to knock Kon outside. Kon snaps a security guard’s neck to blow off some steam.

Here is Jake Something for a chat. He talks about starting from nothing and becoming something, with the interviewer sounding like she is mocking him. That isn’t cool with Something, who blames Deaner for the loss last week. Cue Deaner, who says he and Something are cousins and Something is absolutely right about rising up from nothing. Deaner is with him, but Something brings up leaving him to join Violent By Design years ago. Deaner apologizes for being on a dark path and worries that Something is going to do the same thing. Then Something blasts him with a clothesline and leaves.

We look at Speedball Mountain beating ABC to earn a singles shot for an X-Division Title shot.

Speedball Mountain say they’re friends but they’re at a crossroads. May the best man win, and they seem cool.

Frankie Kazarian vs. Steve Maclin

The bell rings but we pause as Kazarian insists on being called the true king of TNA. Maclin uses the delay to clothesline him to the floor and we take a break. Back with Maclin in trouble in the corner but Maclin slugs his way back into it. Maclin knocks him to the floor for the Scud but Kazarian is ready for the spear in the Tree Of Woe. They fight to the apron but neither can hit their finisher, with Kazarian settling for a backdrop to the floor.

That’s good for a nine as Maclin beats the count and hits a running knee. The Jar Headbutt gets two but Kazarian grabs a quickly broken chickenwing. Another attempt works much better, with Maclin eventually having to backflip out for the break. They go up top with Kazarian trying the Flux Capacitor, only to have Maclin tie him into the Tree Of Woe. The spear is loaded up but cue Trey Miguel for a distraction, allowing Zachary Wentz to come in for a cheap shot. Kazarian hits Fade To Black for the pin at 11:13.

Rating: B-. Kazarian’s star continues to rise and it wouldn’t stun me to see him get a World Title shot once Moose loses the title. For now though, he’s piling up wins over former World Champions and that could take him a long way. Maclin vs. the Rascalz is a bit weird as he’ll need a partner, which could go in a few different directions.

Gail Kim is at some retreat with Gisele Shaw, who says she hasn’t quit after one loss. Kim is here to guide her back home, with Shaw seeming to think about it.

We get the second half of a sitdown interview with Mike Santana. He spent years working on the problems of others rather than himself, which is what started to take him down. Then he went to rehab, with his daughter asking for him to be better for Christmas. He was ashamed that he was giving her the life that he swore he would never give her and that was enough to wake him up.

Now he’s sober and back in TNA, where he is ready to fight for every thing he has. He respects Steve Maclin after their match at Rebellion because he’s looking for a fight. Maclin put a target on his back but Santana is putting a target on everyone’s back. These have been really good and made me care about Santana that much more.

First Class is in a box to watch the champions vs. all-stars match. They’re scouting for gold.

Champions vs. All-Stars

Champions: Moose, Jordynne Grace, Laredo Kid, Masha Slamovich, Mustafa Ali, Alisha Edwards, Brian Myers, Eddie Edwards

All-Stars: Broken Matt Hardy, Ryan Nemeth, Eric Young, Spitfire, Sami Callihan, Joe Hendry, Steph de Lander

Before the match, Hendry says all of this feels like a place for a major outbreak of Hendrymania. Worry not though, because the cure is to chant WE BELIEVE. Young chops Myers down to start and we get the big sixteen way staredown. The brawl is on and we take an early break. Back with Grace and Luna trading forearms until Grace shoulders her down for two. Kid comes in and gets suplexed by Luna but de Lander tags herself in.

That goes nowhere so it’s Slamovich and Threat coming in, with the latter grabbing an exploder suplex. Alisha comes in for a running basement crossbody in the corner. Threat is back up with running knees to the back and a German suplex for two of her own. A delayed toss suplex sends Alisha into the corner and she brings Slamovich in. Eddie and Myers come in for a cheap shot and we take another break.

Back again with Nemeth coming in to clean house, including a dropkick to Ali. Eddie offers a quick distraction though and Ali’s neckbreaker lets Moose come in. Nemeth gets sent hard into the corner and Eddie’s clothesline gets two. Ali isn’t happy with not getting a tag and walks away, saying he is officially withdrawing from the match. Myers grabs a chinlock with a knee in the back but Nemeth fights up and hits a quick Danger Zone. Matt comes in to slug away on Moose and the Side Effect gets two.

Alisha makes a save so Matt takes Eddie down again, allowing Callihan to come in and clean house. The Cactus Driver 97 is broken up so Callihan takes out Eddie and Myers at the same time. Hendry gets the tag and the fans are WAY into this. Everything breaks down (I’m stunned it took this long) and Grace elbows Callihan to the floor, setting up the big suicide dive. The parade of dives is on until Myers spears Hendry down for two. Back up and the Standing Ovation gives Hendry the pin on Myers at 28:28.

Rating: B-. When there has to be a rule that only two members of a team can be on the apron at a time, you might have quite a few people in a match. This was the insanity that you would expect, but the big perks are A, Hendry won and B, they had a bunch of combinations to pick from to keep things from getting dull. At this rate, I could certainly go for seeing what Hendry could do in the main event. The company could use some fresh blood and the fans are reacting to Hendry, so why not see how it would go?

Post match PCO is wheeled out and shocked to live, allowing him to come to the ring while carrying a black bag. He pulls out some random stuff (like a teacup) before finding….a black rose for de Lander? She takes it while looking scared/confused to end the show.

Overall Rating: B-. This was a show that was pretty much all about one match as almost every big name in the promotion was involved in that one match. The good thing is that the match worked, though it didn’t leave much else going on. I’m curious to see where that main event takes us though, as PCO is going to be doing something weird with de Lander and Hendry has to be in line for some kind of a title shot. I could go for that being against Moose at Slammiversary, but odds are it’s one of the old guard again, as Matt Hardy needs another shot I’m sure. Overall it’s a good show, with the focus being on one match as advertised.

Ash By Elegance b. Xia Brookside – Rarefied Air
Leon Slater b. Alan Angels – Swanton 450
Frankie Kazarian b. Steve Maclin – Fade To Black
All-Stars b. Champions – Standing Ovation to Myers


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Impact Wrestling – May 9, 2024: That’s Interesting

Impact Wrestling
Date: May 9, 2024
Location: Albany Armory, Albany, New York
Commentators: Matthew Rehwoldt, Tom Hannifan

We’re done with Under Siege and it wasn’t the most eventful show in the world. The System came out on top in the main event but it still seems that we’ll be seeing Broken Matt Hardy challenging for the World Title at some point. Other than that, we need to start the build towards Slammiversary in July. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

We open with a long Under Siege recap.

Opening sequence.

Here is the System for their big championship celebration. Everyone comes out with their titles, with the local Arena Football League cheerleaders welcoming them to the ring. Brian Myers brags about everyone on the team being a champion and says they don’t have enough time in the show to list off all of their accomplishments. Moose talks about being better than the 90s Bulls before Eddie Edwards praises Alisha Edwards for her greatness.

Alisha has a video on the team…but Broken Matt Hardy breaks things up. He is here to break the System but now he understands them a bit better. This is not over because it is just the beginning. Hardy wants to see Moose’s Super Bowl ring and calls Alisha a snow witch. The brawl is on and Matt fights them off with a chair, at least until the numbers get the better of him. Ryan (not Nic) Nemeth of all people comes in to make the save with a kendo stick. The cheerleaders do the DELETE pose. This was good, save for everything involving Matt Hardy.

We look at Mustafa Ali beating Ace Austin to retain the X-Division Title at Under Siege.

The ABC is ready to face Speedball Mountain, with the winners facing each other for a future X-Division Title shot. There’s no tension between them…or at least so they say.

The System yells at Santino Marella about what just happened but he has an announcement that is going to help them. Stay tuned.

FBI vs. First Class

Little Guido is here with the FBI. Clayton suplexes Swann down to start and scores with a t-bone suplex to send him flying again. Francis comes in to run some people over, allowing him to choke Clayton on the ropes. A double clothesline puts them both down and the double tag brings in Jaz and Swann, with the former cleaning house. Everything breaks down and Francis chokeslams Jaz, setting up a frog splash to give Swann the pin at 3:35.

Rating: C. It’s a heck of a lot better to see the new version of the FBI instead of trotting out the old guys for one more hurrah. Having Guido out there to tie the generations together is a nice touch and the team isn’t all that bad. Francis continues to reinvent himself after leaving WWE and he’s doing pretty well at it. Swann took a heck of a beating here before picking up the win, which was a bit of a surprise.

Jake Something and the Rascalz both complain to Santino Marella about various things. Marella makes a tag match, with Deaner coming in to be Something’s partner.

Alan Angels is back with Sound Check with Kon and Steph de Lander as his guests. Angels thinks de Lander and Kon are dating but that’s not true. When Angels is told no, he hits on de Lander, meaning it’s time for Kon to beat up security. And that’s that.

Rascalz vs. Jake Something/Deaner

Hold on though as Deaner has some options from Santino Marella. We can keep this as a regular tag match or maybe make it an Albany Tornado match. The people vote and tornado it is. It’s a brawl to start (as it’s supposed to be) with Something slamming both of them next to each other. The Rascalz are sent to the floor and we take an early break. Back with Something on the floor and Deaner getting double teamed. Something gets rammed into the post, leaving Wentz to hit a running shooting star press for two on Deaner.

That takes enough time for Something to fight up and clean house, including tossing Wentz at Miguel to cut off a suicide dive (that was great). A sitout powerbomb gets two on Miguel but he’s back up with a poisonrana. Stereo covers get stereo near falls as the fans voice their approval. Miguel and Something head outside, where Miguel blinds him with the spray paint. That leaves Deaner to get caught with a backbreaker/double stomp combination for the pin at 9:45.

Rating: B-. This was a back and forth match which was a good bit better than I was expecting. Something is feeling like…well something actually, as he has the look and power to feel like a monster. He just needs to win, pardon the expression, something already or none of that potential matters. Deaner is going to be fine with the People’s Choice stuff, as it’s tailor made to get him cheered.

Post match Steve Maclin runs in to wreck the Rascalz.

Maclin goes to the back and gets in an argument with Frankie Kazarian, suggesting that a deal they had fell through.

We get a sitdown interview with Mike Santana, who is very happy with his return at Rebellion. Yes he is most known for his time with LAX and he is very happy with what happened back then. Then he was away for five years and lost his dad just before the pandemic hit. He needed to save his own life and….more on this later. They’re treating Santana like a big deal and that is a good thing.

Here is Gabby LaSpisa, a wrestling podcast host, to bring out Ash By Elegance for a chat. After Ash’s handler comes out for the big introduction, Gabby asks about….Ash’s last name, but apparently Elegance is a lifestyle brand. Gabby has never heard of it and doesn’t like being insulted so we look at Ash attacking Havok with a chair after their match at Under Siege. Maybe Ash is mad because Xia Brookside beat her a few weeks back. Handler: “WHERE DID YOU GET THAT FOOTAGE???” Gabby: “From the TNA+ app.” Cue Brookside to issue a challenge for a rematch for Ash’s rings. Deal. This was really not very good as talking isn’t Ash’s strong point and Gabby wasn’t much better.

We look at Joe Hendry being interviewed about his theme song climbing the UK charts.

Santino Marella has his big announcement: the Champions Challenge, a 16 person tag next week, featuring Moose/Jordynne Grace/Mustafa Ali/Brian Myers/Eddie Edwards/Masha Slamovich/Alisha Edwards/Laredo Kid vs. Matt Hardy/Steph de Lander/Sami Callihan/Eric Young/Ryan Nemeth/Jody Threat/Dani Luna/Joe Hendry. That’s up next week, with Josh Alexander being replaced by….I’m assuming Nemeth due to injury. That’s quite the match, though egads it’s going to be chaos.

Jonathan Gresham vs. Will Ferrara

Gresham, wrestling in a mask, starts fast with a dropkick and ties up the arm as commentary talks about Gresham spitting up ink during his match with Kushida at Under Siege. Ferrara sends him into the corner but gets taken down with a springboard moonsault. Gresham rams the knee into the mat a few times before rubbing the ink into Ferrara’s face. A Mandible Claw finishes Ferrara at 3:31.

Rating: C. Something tells me Gresham’s poison/evil ink deal is going to get annoying rather quickly. Gresham is someone who doesn’t need much to make him work as he’s that good in the ring (and is looking in the best shape of his career). Putting something goofy on him like this could make things a lot more complicated than it needs to be and unfortunately that’s where we are now.

Gail Kim drives to a mountain retreat and finds a meditating Gisele Shaw, saying they need to talk.

Speedball Mountain vs. ABC

The winners face off in a singles match for a future X-Division Title shot against Mustafa Ali, who is on commentary. Bailey takes Bey down to start and it’s off to Seven for an assisted twisting moonsault. It’s back to Bailey, who gets elbowed in the face to cut him off rather quickly. Austin comes in and stomps on Bailey in the corner, setting up Bey’s kicks to the back. Bailey is back up with a middle rope dropkick to Austin, meaning Seven can grab a DDT. Seven’s swinging slam gets two on Bey but it’s way too early for Bailey’s shooting star press. The crash leaves everyone down and we take a break.

Back with Seven and Bey coming in off the double tag and an exchange of shoulders. Bey’s DDT is countered into a suplex but said suplex is countered with a knee to the head. Everything breaks down again and all four are knocked down in a hurry. ABC stomps away to take over but Bailey superkicks Bey to the floor. Seven drops Austin for two but Bey knocks Bailey into the cover for the save.

ABC is sent outside and Mountain hits a pair of dives to drop both of them. Back in and Bailey hits Bey with the tornado kick but gets sent outside. Austin hits the big flip dive to take Mountain out at the same time. We pause for Austin to yell at Ali, leaving Bailey to kick Bey into a dragon suplex from Seven. Austin gets Birminghammered into the Ultimate Weapon for the pin at 17:00.

Rating: B. Fast paced back and forth match here and the stipulation made things all the more interesting. TNA is doing some good work with figuring out some unique ways to set up title matches. Mountain isn’t exactly a great team but they are a thrown together pairing who are doing well enough. ABC isn’t doing much these days, but there isn’t much else for them to do as a team anyway. Maybe we’ll get another singles run from both of them, though almost anything they do is likely to work out.

Overall Rating: B-. This show was in a weird place as there wasn’t much at Under Siege and yet they needed to get things going for the next show. The big tag match next week should be good and I’m curious to see where it goes. Other than that, we had enough good action to get by, though it was more a show designed to get us to the bigger stuff than anything else.

First Class b. FBI – Frog splash to Jaz
Rascalz b. Jake Something/Deaner – Backbreaker/double stomp combination to Deaner
Jonathan Gresham b. Will Ferrara – Mandible Claw
Speedball Mountain b. ABC – Ultimate Weapon to Austin



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Impact Wrestling – April 25, 2024: Letting Good Wrestlers Wrestle

Impact Wrestling
Date: April 25, 2024
Location: Palms Casino Resort, Paradise, Nevada
Commentators: Matthew Rehwoldt, Tom Hannifan

We’re done with Rebellion and now it is time to start the fallout. The big story was the return of Broken Matt Hardy, who seems to want the World Title back. I’m not sure how well that is going to go but it seems like we have at least a general direction for Under Siege next month. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Long Rebellion recap.

Opening sequence.

Here is Nic Nemeth to get things going. He appreciates the welcome but thought he would be here as World Champion. There are no excuses because he left it out there in the ring and he failed. His family was right there in the front row and he let them down. Right now he doesn’t know what to do next and he feels broken inside…which brings out Broken Matt Hardy to interrupt.

Matt had a pre-mo-neetion that he would be in the ring with the World Champion at the end of Rebellion, which he was hoping would be Nemeth. We look at the end of the match, where Nemeth’s shoulder was clearly up. Hardy wants the World Title and says Nemeth can have a shot down the line, but here is the System, including World Champion Moose, to interrupt.

Moose says Hardy thinks he is the coach of the Las Vegas Raiders, which is why the team is so bad. You can’t challenge a play in wrestling but Nemeth says come say this to their faces. Eddie Edwards says Nemeth is here to be the next Kurt Angle but he might not even be Eric Angle. Nemeth challenges Edwards for tonight. This was shorter than I thought and set up a main event, plus pointed us in the direction for some other stuff. That’s not too bad, unlike Hardy, who is rather bad.

Santino Marella oversees the ballot box for crowning a new #1 contender to the X-Division Title. Jordynne Grace comes in for some glaring.

We look at some of the insanity in the Knockouts Title match at Rebellion, with PCO interfering and Sami Callihan returning before Jordynne Grace retained over Steph de Lander.

Grace is glad she had PCO on standby but didn’t know Callihan was coming. Next week, the title is on the line again Miyu Yamashita, who comes in to say she’s winning the title.

Mike Santana vs. Myron Reed

The Rascalz are here with Reed and offer an early distraction so Reed can jump him to start. A slingshot Codebreaker gives Reed two but Santana is back up with some chops. Santana is knocked to the ramp but manages to block the jumping cutter. The Buck Fifty drops Reed and a running Blockbuster takes out the Rascalz for a bonus. Back in and Spin The Block finishes for Santana at 2:57. They packed a lot in there and Santana continues to look good.

Post match here is Steve Maclin (who Santana beat in his return at Rebellion) to ask the Rascalz to go after Santana. That’s a negative, so Maclin tries it alone and has to run from a Spin The Block attempt.

Steph de Lander and Kon issue the challenge to Jordynne Grace and PCO for Under Siege.

Here is Josh Alexander for a chat. He declares it a good day because he is in a TNA ring. At Rebellion, he showed what this place meant to him and you can call him the gatekeeper around here. The one thing he hasn’t been called around here in far too long is World Champion, but here is Frankie Kazarian to interrupt.

Kazarian won at Rebellion too so he should be getting that World Title shot. Alexander is down for a #1 contenders match but Kazarian says he’s too banged up after Rebellion. That’s fine with Alexander, who is cool with being #1 contender without a match. That doesn’t work for Kazarian (yes he says brother) so the match is on…right now.

Frankie Kazarian vs. Josh Alexander

For a future World Title shot, with Kazarian in street clothes and Alexander in a track suit. Kazarian throws a jacket at him to start and chokes in the corner but Alexander makes the clothesline comeback. We take a break and come back with commentary saying this is NOT a #1 contenders match, despite it being kind of perfect to be one.

Alexander misses the running crossbody on the apron and Kazarian hits a slingshot legdrop for two. A running Russian legsweep gives Kazarian two more and a fisherman’s suplex is good for the same. Alexander fights back and hits a Regal Roll for two of his own but Kazarian pulls him into the chickenwing. That’s reversed into the ankle lock but Kazarian slips out and hits the apron Fameasser.

Fade To Black and the C4 Spike are both blocked so Alexander goes with the ankle lock again. With that broken up, Alexander snaps off a German suplex for two more. Frustration is setting in so Kazarian sends him to the apron for a slingshot cutter. Kazarian brings in a chair and a chain, with the former being taken away so he grabs the latter. Cue Eric Young to take the chain away, allowing Alexander to grab the ankle lock for the tap at 12:52.

Rating: B-. This was the weekly “let two good wrestlers have a wrestling match” match and as usual, it went pretty well. Alexander getting back into the title hunt is a good thing, but egads Young vs. Kazarian needs to either be over or take a long break. They just had a big bloody match over the weekend and they’re already back at it? That’s a bit much.

Santino Marella says Jake Something can’t have another X-Division Title shot. Hammerstone comes in and wants to talk about Rebellion, but gets in Something’s face instead. Santino makes the match at Under Siege.

Here is First Class, with hip hop legend Bun B, for a chat. AJ Francis tells the fans to make some noise for B before telling them to shut up. B praises the first class accommodations with First Class before Rich Swann brags about beating Joe Hendry. Cue Hendry, to say he suffered an injury after the match but he knows he owes Francis an apology. That comes next week.

Ash By Elegance vs. Xia Brookside

They glare at each other to start before slugging it out, with Ash getting the better of things. Ash stomps away in the corner and gets two off a suplex. They go to the ramp where Ash drops her again, setting up a chinlock back inside. Brookside fights up and sends her into the corner for some running knees to the back. A high crossbody gives Brookside two but Ash sends her crashing out to the floor. Back in and Ash loads up a foreign object, which is quickly taken away, allowing Brookside to roll her up for the pin at 6:59.

Rating: C. That one surprised me as I wouldn’t have bet on Ash losing anytime soon. The good thing here is it was presented like Brookside catching her rather than flat out beating her which leaves Ash looking a bit stronger. You can pretty much guarantee a rematch, maybe as soon as Under Siege, but for now, it was an intriguing enough twist.

Trey Miguel has won the election for an X-Division Title shot but there are allegations of BALLOT BOX STUFFING! Mustafa Ali says he shouldn’t defend the title at all, but Santino Marella says we can have a run off, in the form of a #1 contenders match next week.

Here are the Good Hands to complain about Sami Callihan attacking them at Rebellion. They wanted a match with Callihan, who wants to fight both of them.

Sami Callihan vs. Good Hands

Sami jumps them to start and uses a picture of PCO to paper cut their fingers. Skyler manages a quick spear off the apron and Hotch adds a moonsault off the apron. Back in and Callihan knocks Hotch out of the air, setting up the Cactus Driver 97 for the pin at 2:40.

Steve Maclin offers an alliance with Frankie Kazarian so they can deal with Eric Young and Mike Santana. Kazarian seems to be pondering.

Here’s what’s coming at Under Siege.

Eddie Edwards vs. Nic Nemeth

Alisha Edwards and Brian Myers are here with Eddie while Nic’s brother Ryan is in the front row. They go to the mat to start with Nic getting a headscissors into a headlock. Eddie reverses into a headlock of his own but Nic slips out. The superkick is cut off by an Alisha distraction though and Eddie hammers away on the ropes.

Eddie whips him chest first into the chest for two, followed by a snap suplex into a knee drop for the same. Nic fights up and hammers away but Myers offers a distraction so Eddie can knock him out to the floor. We take a break and come back with Eddie kneeing him in the ribs for two, setting up the chinlock. Nic fights up and hits a neckbreaker out of the corner, setting up the rapid fire elbows.

The running DDT gives Nic two but Eddie rolls outside to avoid the superkick. Back in and Nic gets crotched on top, setting up a superplex into a tiger driver for two. Eddie takes too long setting up his own superkick, allowing Nic to superkick him into an Angle Slam. They slug it out until a double clothesline leaves both of them down. The referee has to yell at Ryan and Myers for fighting on the floor, allowing Moose to run in with a belt shot. The Boston Knee Party finishes for Eddie at 16:30.

Rating: B-. Much like the other long match, you know you’re going to get at least pretty good stuff out of these two because they’re both polished veterans. They had a good match here and the ending should set up something at Under Siege. It’s not a classic, but it worked well for a first time TV main event.

Post match Moose wraps a chair around Nic’s neck and smashes it with another chair. Speedball Mountain runs in to chase the System off to end the show.

Overall Rating: B. This was the kind of show that the company needed with only eight days to go before Under Siege. They set up a bunch of the show’s matches in a hurry while giving us a pair of rather good one off matches here. As usual, TNA knows how to get things done when they need to and they did just that right here.

Mike Santana b. Myron Reed – Spin The Block
Josh Alexander b. Frankie Kazarian – Ankle lock
Ash By Elegance b. Xia Brookside – Rollup
Sami Callihan b. Good Hands – Cactus Driver 97 to Hotch
Eddie Edwards b. Nic Nemeth – Boston Knee Party



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Rampage – October 27, 2023: That’s A Good Fight

Date: October 27, 2023
Location: Liacouras Center, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Commentators: Excalibur, Ian Riccaboni, Tony Schiavone

The countdown to Full Gear continue and hopefully so does the string of good Rampages. In this case, we have the showdown between Ortiz and Mike Santana, which has been brewing for the last few weeks. Other than that, we get more of a build towards MJF vs. Kenny Omega tomorrow night. Let’s get to it.

Here is Dynamite if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Mike Santana vs. Ortiz

Street Fight. They stare at each other to start with Ortiz sending him outside for the running flip dive. Various weapon shots keep Santana in more trouble but Ortiz takes too much time to set up a table. Santana fights up and manages a suplex back inside…with Ortiz rolling right back to the floor. An Asai moonsault hits Ortiz and the table is set up against the barricade. Ortiz is back up with a heck of a powerbomb through said table for two back inside. Santana suplexes him off the apron for a big crash to the floor as we take a break.

Back with the slugout from their knees until Ortiz fights up. They trade kicks to the head until Santana grabs a rolling cutter for two. Ortiz’s powerslam gets two and they both need a breather. A discus lariat hits Ortiz and a Cannonball makes it worse, followed by a torture rack powerbomb for the pin at 10:36.

Rating: B. This was a match that felt like a hard hitting fight and that’s what it needed to be. At the same time, it was nice to have them cut out the weapons later in the match and just hit each other a bunch of times. Santana’s finisher looked good too and he should move forward to something more important. Pretty sweet fight here and Santana gets a nice rub.

Post match Santana talks some trash to Ortiz and leaves. Cue Sonjay Dutt to talk to Ortiz.

Video on MJF vs. Kenny Omega for the World Title tomorrow night on Collision. MJF talks about his rise to the top, as well as seeing Omega watch him at any indy show and being amazed. Now if he can get the win over Omega, he will be happy. On the other hand, Omega is not what he once was but he is ready to show that he is still great. This is also Omega’s last chance to prevent MJF from breaking his record for longer title reign. Hold on though as Jay White interrupts Omega and says he’ll be waiting for him at Full Gear.

We cut to Don Callis, who offers MJF a spot in the Don Callis Family. MJF thinks it might be a great idea…except he’s already World Champion so he doesn’t need Callis.

Kris Statlander talks to Willow Nightingale and Skye Blue, both of whom have gotten more evil since being misted. Blue says she’s fine but Nightingale doesn’t get it. Nightingale realizes this isn’t who they are, but Blue tells her to be ready for tonight. Statlander isn’t sure what to say.

Here is Kip Sabian, with Penelope Ford, to mock Philadelphia sports. He knows the Phillies are going to come back in the next game and win the Super Bowl! Ford whispers to him so Sabian corrects himself before saying bet on James Harden (Philadelphia 76 who isn’t exactly happy with being on the team). Cue the returning Mark Briscoe who, after hearing one more Philadelphia sports joke, beats up Sabian without much effort.

The former Jericho Appreciation Society is ready for Anna Jay to become #1 contender to the Women’s Title. Don Callis comes in to recruit Jake Hager but Matt Menard isn’t pleased. Callis offers them help if they take out Chris Jericho and Kenny Omega before walking off. Anna tells them to calm down. Everyone but Parker leaves and Ruby Soho pops in to return Parker’s lost comb. They seem to be flirting a bit.

Willow Nightingale vs. Abadon vs. Anna Jay vs. Skye Blue

For a future Women’s Title shot. Anna runs off to start so Abadon sends the other two into each other. Abadon German suplexes Anna and hits a Codebreaker on Nightingale and Blue. Cue Toni Storm to watch as we take a break. Back with Nightingale running over Abadon and Blue, setting up some running shots in the corner. Anna comes back in and gets Pounced but everyone gets together to put Nightingale on the floor. Abadon slugs away at Anna, who is back with the Queenslayer. That’s broken up and Abadon hits something like a DDT to pin Jay at 8:21.

Rating: C. So since it’s near Halloween, Abadon wrestles her first televised match since November and gets a title shot. This could have been solved by having her win a few matches over the last few weeks but that would be too much effort. Other than that, at least Nightingale didn’t lose the fall.

Max Caster offers MJF an invitation to National 69 Day (yes seriously, as it’ll be that day in their reign) but Anthony Bowens tells him to cool it.

We see a clip of the AEW International Championship press conference with Orange Cassidy proving he can wear a suit better than Claudio Castagnoli.

Konosuke Takeshita vs. Kyle Fletcher

Don Callis, with powerhouse Hobbs, is on commentary. Takeshita grabs an armdrag to start but Fletcher slams him and they go out to the floor. Fletcher sends him over the barricade but Takeshita is back with a Blue Thunder Bomb for two as we take a break. Back with Fletcher charging into an elbow but managing to send Takeshita outside.

There’s a suicide dive, followed by a high crossbody for two back inside. Takeshita snaps off a poisonrana but Fletcher is right back with a brainbuster for two. Fletcher goes up but caught in something like a kneeling middle rope Tombstone for another near fall (because a middle rope piledriver is a near fall). A nasty wheelbarrow suplex wakes Fletcher up for some reason and they strike it out until a knee to the face finishes Fletcher at 11:15.

Rating: B-. These two know how to do a rather AEW style match and it went well enough for the C show main event. At the very least, it was nice to see Callis and company on this show rather than Dynamite as it lets them stay a bit more fresh. Good match as you would expect from these two, though I could go with less Fletcher for a bit. His matches work, but he’s just not that interesting.

Post match Fletcher comes back in with a chair to Hobbs. That’s broken up and Callis says that’s the hate they want. He seems to offer Fletcher a spot no the team, with Fletcher being a bit non-committal to end the show.

Overall Rating: B-. I’m not sure what it was on here but this was a more entertaining edition of Rampage than most. The story of Callis looking for a new member of his Family made things a bit more interesting by giving it a mostly show-long story. Other than that, Santana vs. Ortiz was a good fight and they set up a title shot for Collision. I liked this, mainly because it felt like a show that mattered a bit more than usual.

Mike Santana b. Ortiz – Torture rack powerbomb
Abadon b. Anna Jay, Willow Nightingale and Skye Blue – DDT to Jay
Konosuke Takeshita b. Kyle Fletcher – Knee to the face



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Rampage – October 20, 2023: Load Up The Munsters

Date: October 20, 2023
Location: Fort Bend Epicenter, Rosenberg, Texas
Commentators: Tony Schiavone, Excalibur

We are less than a month away from Full Gear and the card is starting to come together. This week is all about CMLL’s Mistico star though, as he will be facing Rocky Romero in a match for the (unofficial) Pound For Pound Title of Mexico. That alone should be enough to carry the show so let’s get to it.

Here is Dynamite if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Rocky Romero vs. Mistico

Neither Romero’s CMLL World Historic Welterweight Title or Mistico’s CMLL World Middleweight Title is on the line and this is 2/3 falls. They fight over a lockup to start as commentary talks about an NFL game. Romero takes him up against the ropes to start and they trade Eddie Guerrero dances. A running shoulder puts Mistico down but he’s back up with a Tajiri handspring elbow out to the floor. The big corkscrew dive takes Romero down again and the fans are rather pleased with Mistico. Back in and Mistico ties him up in something like an Octopus on the mat for the fast tap at 2:42.

The second all starts fast as Romero takes him outside for a ram into the steps as Excalibur lists off previous holders of their titles. Back in and Romero goes after Mistico’s mask and we take a break. We come back with Romero hitting some running clotheslines before grabbing a one armed camel clutch. Mistico is back up and snaps off a headscissors before running the corner for an armdrag to the floor.

They slug it out on the apron until Romero snaps off a suplex to take over. The suicide dive sends Mistico sprawling up the ramp and a superplex brings him back inside for two. The two arm camel clutch goes on but Mistico slips out, earning himself a stomp to the back. Sliced Bread gives Romero the pin to tie it up at 9:52 total.

We take another break and come back again with Mistico kicking him to the floor, setting up a big dive off the top. Back in and a springboard spinning crossbody gives Mistico two. A moonsault hits Romero’s raised boots but Mistico snaps off a powerslam for two. Romero is placed on top but he comes back with a super Sliced Bread for a rather near fall. Romero goes up top again, only to get pulled down with a super Spanish Fly for two more. One heck of a running Canadian Destroyer plants Romero and La Mistica makes Romero tap for the win at 18:35.

Rating: B. It was a good match and it did feel special, as commentary was making Mistico seem like one of the biggest stars around. His high flying did look good and at times he came off like a superhero, which seems like something they’re shooting for. On the other hand you have Romero, who can wrestle a good match with anyone and its into these spots when he’s working in the right spot, which was the case here.

We get a face to face talk between Jay Lethal and Eddie Kingston. Lethal pitches his case for a Ring Of Honor World Title shot but Kingston doesn’t say anything. Jeff Jarrett calls him the Bronx B**** but ROH boss Stokely Hathaway (oh yeah that’s a thing) makes Jarrett vs. Kingston. If Jarrett wins, Lethal gets a title match. Works for Kingston, who gets in Jarrrett’s face and talks about how much he knows about Memphis wrestling. He’ll eat Jarrett alive.

John Silver vs. Kip Sabian vs. Brother Zay

For an International Title shot at Battle Of The Belts and there are a bunch of people at ringside. Silver gets knocked outside to start leaving Sabian to get armdragged by Zay. Some right hands in the corner are broken up by Silver, who gets caught by Zay’s dropkick. Zay dives onto Silver but Sabian breaks up another one with a kick to the head. We take a break and come back with Zay firing off some kicks, setting up an Asai moonsault onto Silver.

A springboard flipping Stunner gives Zay two on Sabian but a Twist of Fate is broken up. Silver German suplexes Sabian for two but misses a charge and falls outside. That lets Sabian hit an Arabian moonsault but the seconds get in a fight, allowing Zay to hit a springboard dive. Back in and Zay hits a Swanton on Sabian, only to have Silver kick Zay in the face for the pin at 8:08.

Rating: B-. Good match here with Silver getting the kind of surprising win. It’s a bit hard to imagine Silver being a serious challenger to a singles title but he’s the best choice of these three. They kept the action going here though and it was another entertaining match, thankfully with the seconds not doing much to screw things up.

Video on Mike Santana vs. Ortiz, which will take place next week.

Wheeler Yuta/Claudio Castagnoli vs. Exodus Prime/Bryan Keith

Keith knocks Yuta into the corner to start and unloads with forearms. Yuta isn’t having that and snaps off a German suplex, meaning it’s Castagnoli coming in to clean house. Prime gets gorilla press dropped before Castagnoli goes outside for a running uppercut to Keith. The Swing into the dropkick sets up the Fastball Special to finish Prime at 1:44. Nearly a squash here, though Keith continues to feel like trying more than most people.

The former Jericho Appreciation Society argues again, with Jake Hager storming off. Anna Jay tells them to get it together because they can win the Trios Titles.

The Young Bucks and Hangman Page say they’re the Ring Of Honor Trios Titles (not Six Man, despite the words that can be seen on the belts) and issue an open challenge for Dynamite.

Here’s what’s coming on various shows, including a “dream match” between Andrade El Idolo vs. Bryan Danielson on Collision.

Video on Skye Blue vs. Ruby Soho.

Skye Blue vs. Ruby Soho

Saraya is here with Soho, who takes her into the corner for some chops. Blue gets annoyed and tells her to keep chopping before firing off her own chops. Soho sweeps the leg to put her down and then hits a standing clothesline. Back up and Blue kicks her into the corner, only to charge into an elbow. They fight to the apron where Blue faceplants her down. A knee to Saraya distracts Blue enough for Soho to hit a kick from the apron though and we take a break.

Back with a double clothesline putting them both down, setting up the exchange of forearms. Blue is back up with some running clotheslines and a running knee against the ropes has Soho in more trouble. A kick to the head and a swinging neckbreaker give Blue two each but Saraya grabs the leg for a distraction. Blue has to deal with Saraya and walks into No Future for two. Another No Future is blocked but Saraya hits her with the spray paint can, allowing Soho to get a rollup pin at 10:03.

Rating: C. This wasn’t much to see as Blue’s matches are only so good in the first place and then it didn’t get much better. The ending here was lame as it was just a can to the head rather than a spray. It’s also hard to imagine Soho actually getting anywhere after another win as she never seems to get to the next level, but at least she didn’t lose here.

Post match the beatdown is on but Kris Statlander makes the save but Blue doesn’t want the help to end the show.

Overall Rating: B-. This started good but then went down in pretty quick fashion. There is only so much you can get out of a bunch of matches that don’t seem to have much to do with major storylines at the moment. Silver getting an International Title shot is the biggest story going here, though the Mistico vs. Romero match was quite good. Check out the first two matches, but then move on to some Munsters or Welcome Back Kotter.

Mistico b. Rocky Romero 2-1
John Silver b. Kip Sabian and Brother Zay – Kick to Zay
Wheeler Yuta/Claudio Castagnoli b. Exodus Prime/Bryan Keith – Fastball Special to Prime
Ruby Soho b. Skye Blue – Rollup



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Rampage – October 13, 2023: It’s Still Rampage

Date: October 13, 2023
Location: Cable Dahmer Arena, Independence, Missouri
Commentators: Paul Wight, Excalibur, Tony Schiavone

We’re back to the normal schedule after a pretty stacked Dynamite and this time we’re on the way to Full Gear. The show still has a little over a month to go and that means there is a lot of time to get things set up for next month. We aren’t likely to get much about that this week but maybe the matches will be good. Let’s get to it.

Here is Dynamite if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Hardys/Brother Zay vs. Daniel Garcia/Matt Menard/Angelo Parker

Jake Hager is here with the latter and Zay works on Garcia’s wrist to start. We pause for Garcia to dance, allowing Zay to snap off an armdrag. Matt Hardy comes in with a middle rope elbow to the back before Jeff drops a middle rope splash for two. It’s back to Zay, who gets taken into the corner for some shoulders to the ribs.

Parker’s elbow to the back gives Garcia two but Zay slips away and makes the diving tag. Matt Hardy gets to come in and clean house again, including a sitout powerbomb out of the corner for two on Parker. Garcia loads up the dance again but this time Menard tags himself in to stay on offense. Everything breaks down and the villains need a breather on the floor as we take a break.

Back with Matt Hardy hitting a clothesline on Menard and bringing Jeff in to pick up the pace. Everything breaks down and Zay dropkicks Garcia, who is right back up with a belly to back suplex. The Hardys take over on Parker and Zay adds a splash in the corner. The Twist of Fate looks to set up the Swanton but Hager crotches Jeff down. Zay is right back with a step up dive onto Menard and Hager, only to have Garcia knock Zay down back inside. Garcia gets to do his dance and an elevated gutbuster finishes Zay at 9:36.

Rating: C+. I was a bit surprised by the result but it’s the right call. The Hardys don’t win anything important and Garcia’s dance is one of the most popular things in AEW at the moment. Give the former Society a win as they try to find a new boss, as they could be valuable lackeys to someone else if that’s the direction they take.

Post match the winners argue over Garcia’s dancing.

At Dynamite, Bullet Club Gold interrupted an interview with Penta El Zero Miedo and mock him and Rey Fenix for not having titles. Penta says Fenix won his title and calls Jay White a thief. Arguing ensues and Penta seems interested in the stolen AEW World Title belt.

Matt Menard doesn’t like Daniel Garcia’s dancing but Angelo Parker says they just won. Jake Hager doesn’t want to hear this arguing and says squash this. Menard says everyone needs to squash it and walks off.

Jay Lethal vs. Trent Beretta

All of Lethal’s cronies and Chuck Taylor are here too. Lethal chokes in the corner and calls out Eddie Kingston for the Ring Of Honor World Title. Trent fights up and gets in a few shots, only to be sent into the corner. Lethal can’t get a Figure Four but a standing hurricanrana can give Trent two. Back up and Trent’s running crossbody only hits ropes and he crashes to the floor in a nasty landing. Taylor grabs a chair to keep things as even as possible but Lethal is right there to post Trent.

Back with Trent hitting a slingshot dive and getting two off a backslide. Some rolling German suplexes put Lethal down and a half and half suplex gives Trent two. Lethal is right back with the Figure Four but Trent reverses into a small package for two. A superkick to the bad knee sets up the Lethal Injection to give Jay the clean pin at 10:16.

Rating: C+. So Lethal seems to be the next important challenger for the Ring Of Honor World Title, which is better than nothing as he at least has a history with the title, though it would be nice to not have that on an AEW show. Trent is a good opponent for Lethal as he can make most people look better, and it’s nice to see Lethal used on his own a bit more.

Ortiz talks about Mike Santana believing in him when he didn’t believe in himself. Santana was just next to him though instead of being with him. Cue Santana to ask where Ortiz was when he was out. They ask where each other was the whole time. A challenge is issues and they talk a lot of trash to each other. Santana says it wasn’t karma that took out his knee, but carrying Ortiz.

Emi Sakura vs. Skye Blue

Sakura blocks a rollup to start and they trade chops until Blue misses a charge. Blue gets dumped out to the floor and a hard running crossbody crushes her against the steps. Back in and the surfboard has Blue in more trouble but she leans back for two and a break. Blue gets a boot up in the corner and a DDT gets two. Skyfall is broken up and Sakura hits a very delayed butterfly backbreaker for two of her own. Back up and Blue hits a superkick and grabs Code Blue for the pin at 4:26.

Rating: C. Blue’s presence continues to exist around here and while she’s better than she was before, she’s still not exactly a top level star. It would be nice to have her do something more than show up, do ok and win with the Code Blue. Sakura is still about the same as she always has been, in that she’s fine at what she does but isn’t likely to move up the ladder anytime soon.

We look back at Dynamite.

Here’s what’s coming on various shows.

Video on the Gates of Agony vs. the Blackpool Combat Club.

Gates of Agony vs. Blackpool Combat Club

It’s Claudio Castagnoli/Wheeler Yuta for the Club and Prince Nana is here with the Gates. Kaun and Yuta start things off with Kaun taking him down into a headlock. Back up and Kaun powers him into the corner but Yuta slams him down and drops a backsplash for two. Castagnoli comes in for a stomp to the ribs but it’s too early for the Swing. It’s back to Yuta, who is sent outside and nailed with another shot to the ribs.

A hard whip into the apron keeps Yuta in trouble and Kaun runs him over to make it even worse. We take a break and come back with Yuta snapping off a German suplex. The tag brings Castagnoli back in for the parade of uppercuts. The hard clotheslines in the corner have Toa in more trouble but the Neutralizer is blocked.

Toa blocks the Swing as well and Kaun is back in with a gutbuster to Castagnoli. That’s finally enough for Castagnoli, who swings Toa into Yuta’s dropkick but Kaun makes the save. Castagnoli chases the interfering Prince Nana to the back, leaving Yuta to get facebustered for two. The double standing clothesline and the double spinebuster gets two on Yuta but here is Castagnoli again. Yuta hits an Angle Slam on Kaun and the Fastball Special finishes him off at 12:15.

Rating: B-. Castagnoli leaving at the end had me wondering if they might go with the surprise result here but ultimately sanity prevailed. It’s hard to fathom the Gates actually winning an important match so they went with what made sense has as the Club wins. I’m sure they’ll be off to something bigger in the future and that’s what they should be doing sooner than later.

Overall Rating: C+. As usual, the wrestling was completely fine but it feels like this show exists to fill in time until we can get back to Dynamite, where things actually happen. It feels like a comic book miniseries to fill in gaps that the main series doesn’t have time to talk about. The show is far from terrible and isn’t a nightmare at just an hour, but it feels like absolutely nothing of note would be lost if it was dropped. Completely watchable show, but don’t waste your time.

Daniel Garcia/Matt Menard/Angelo Parker b. Hardys/Brother Zay – Elevated gutbuster to Zay
Jay Lethal b. Trent Beretta – Lethal Injection
Skye Blue b. Emi Sakura – Code Blue
Blackpool Combat Club b. Gates of Agony – Fastball Special to Kaun



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Rampage – September 22, 2023: Double Shot

Date: September 22, 2023
Location: Arthur Ashe Stadium, New York City, New York
Commentators: Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, Ian Riccaboni

It’s a special two hour edition of the show and hopefully that means it gets a bit more attention this week. Rampage has a tendency to have one match of note and then a bunch of other things but maybe the big stage will change that. The ROH Six Man Tag Team Titles are on the line as the Elite get a shot, so we could be in for some fireworks. Let’s get to it.

Here is Dynamite if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Luchasaurus/Christian Cage vs. Darby Allin/Sting

Nick Wayne is here with Allin and Sting. It’s a brawl before the match and Luchasaurus is knocked outside. Sting sends Cage into the steps but Luchasaurus sends Allin into the post in a huge crash out to the floor. We settle down to Cage choking Allin inside and Luchasaurus whipping him hard into the corner. Luchasaurus cuts off a tag attempt and we take a break.

Back with Luchasaurus hitting a chokeslam on Allin to keep him in trouble. Allin manages to slip away from Christian though and it’s off to Sting. House is cleaned, including a spinebuster to Christian and a double Stinger Splash. A Scorpion Death Coffin Drop (cool) hits Luchasaurus but Christian pokes Allin in the eye. Wayne offers a distraction though and Allin gets a jackknife rollup for the pin at 7:40.

Rating: B-. This was a good way to get things going towards the TNT Title match on Collision while also not pinning the champion. The more interesting story here though was Sting, who looks phenomenal for just about anyone, let alone someone in their 60s. Hot opener here, with the Scorpion Death Coffin Drop being a great team finisher for Sting and Allin.

Kris Statlander/Orange Cassidy/Hook vs. Anna Jay/Angelo Parker/Matt Menard

Jake Hager is here with the villains. Hook and Menard start things off but the latter keeps tagging in and out with Parker. Hook beats them both up but Menard tags Jay in to escape Redrum. A running spinwheel kick hits Statlander in the corner but she’s right back with a delayed suplex. Hager jumps Cassidy though and the distraction lets Jay hit a superkick. A distracted Hook is taken out as well and it’s a belly to back suplex back inside.

We take a break and come back with Hook hitting a double clothesline and handing it off to Cassidy for a dropkick to Menard and Parker. Everything breaks down and the heroes hit a triple suplex. A jumping elbow to the back hits Cassidy and Hager gets in a cheap shot to Hook. Jay grabs the Queenslayer on Cassidy but Statlander breaks it up with a faceplant. Cassidy Orange Punches Parker for the pin at 9:26.

Rating: C+. While not quite as big on star power as the opener, this was another match where they kept things simple and let the fans cheer for people they liked. Cassidy and Hook have a weird thing going on and it wouldn’t shock me to see them face off in what could be one of the stranger matches in AEW. Jay doesn’t feel like much of a threat to Statlander, but it’s not like there are many people coming after the title at the moment.

QTV shows us some footage of QT Marshall winning a match in Montreal. Marshall sends in a text, saying he wants a partner for next week. Aaron Solo and Johnny TV think it should be them and Solo is disappointed when it’s not him.

Here are Don Callis and Konosuke Takeshita to explain Sammy Guevara’s actions. Callis talks about how everyone was enthralled with him going after Chris Jericho a few weeks ago. Now though, here is the newest member of the Don Callis Family: Sammy Guevara. Cue Sammy, in a flowered shirt and white pants, to say he hated Callis at first, but Guevara was only showing him that he never had a family in the first place.

Guevara is sick of the fans and Chris Jericho, so here is Jericho to go after him. Takeshita makes the save with a bunch of chair shots and Callis busts out the screwdriver. Cue Kenny Omega for the save with a pipe. With the villains gone, Omega and Jericho tease fighting but it’s ok. I can go for combining these feuds into one, just for the sake of less Callis TV time.

Post break Omega says that was about going after Callis and company rather than saving Jericho. Cue Jericho to say AEW was build on their feud but now they should team up to face Callis’ family at WrestleDream. Oh and Kota Ibushi will team with them so Callis needs to find a third.

Best Friends vs. Hardys vs. Righteous vs. The Kingdom

For a Ring Of Honor Tag Team Title shot, with the Hardys having the same chance as the Righteous despite losing to the Righteous last week. It’s a brawl to start until the Hardys and Beat Friends have a staredown. The four way hug is broken up though and a bunch of them head outside for the Flight of the Conqueror from Taven. Back in and the Best Friends hug, followed by stereo running flip dives.

We take a break and come back with Matt Side Effecting Vincent for two, setting up Jeff’s splash for the same. Everything breaks down and the Righteous clean house but the Best Friends grab some suplexes. Chuck superkicks Taven but Soul Food is broken up. Bennett hits Taylor low and the Hail Mary (spike piledriver) gets two as Beretta makes the save. Jeff tags himself in for the Swanton but Vincent tags himself in and hits his own Swanton for the pin on Taylor at 9:30.

Rating: C. Well at least it wasn’t a tournament. The Righteous haven’t done much in ROH but here they beat three apparently AEW teams to get a shot at the titles. I can go for some fresh blood, but at the end of the day, all signs point to the Kingdom taking the titles from Adam Cole and MJF anyway.

Post match the Kingdom takes out the Best Friends with some chairs.

Mike Santana is ready to wonder where his life went. Now he’s back so don’t get in between him and his family. If you don’t like it, fight him or fire him.

Trios Titles: Dark Order vs. Billy Gunn/Acclaimed

Gunn/Acclaimed are defending and points for the “Scissor Me Daddy Ashe” sign. Caster chops Reynolds to start and armdrags him into an armbar. Back up and Caster is taken into the corner for some clubberin but he easily drives Silver into the champs’ corner. It’s off to Bowens for some fired up right hands before Gunn comes in for a scissoring double elbow. Scissor Me Timbers is broken up by Reynolds though and Silver’s bridging German suplex gets two on Bowens.

The Order mocks the scissoring and we take a break. Back with Reynolds hitting a running corner clothesline for two on Caster. The beating doesn’t last long as Caster gets over to Gunn for the hot tag without much effort. Gunn drops Silver and hands it off to Bowens, who is quickly small packaged for two. Back up and Bowens hits a superkick, setting up the Arrival and Mic Drop. Silver makes the save and Uno belts Caster in the head for two. Bowens is back in so an assisted Iconoclasm can retain the titles at 10:38.

Rating: C+. As usual, the match was ok but the Dark Order feel like bigger and bigger losers every time they’re out there. Granted I’m not sure who else is supposed to challenge for these titles as the trios division is basically one or two teams plus the champions at any given time. The fans were digging the Acclaimed as usual, but it was just another match.

Julia Hart vs. Skye Blue

Brody King is here with Hart, who has won TWENTY FOUR singles matches in a row. We get the big removal of the hats until Hart offers a left handshake, only to pull Blue in for a whisper. Blue gets slapped so she forearms away and hits a knee to Hart’s face. A suplex gives Blue two but Hart sends her into the corner and hammers away. We take a break and come back with Blue kicking her in the head for two more. Hart catches her on top and hits a superplex but manages to hang onto the ropes and look upside down at her for a bit. Hartless and Skyfall are both blocked but the second Hartless attempt makes Blue tap at 8:14.

Rating: C. Hart is starting to get somewhere and it is nice to see her develop. At the same time though, she needs to move up and face some better competition. Blue is an upgrade, but there are better stars out there that could help Hart improve a lot faster. At the same time, Blue continues to just be there and has cooled off tremendously in recent weeks.

Post match Hart grabs Hartless again but Willow Nightingale makes the save (the fans are rather into the clapping with the music).

Bullet Club Gold practice their Spanish before Jay White faces Andrade El Idolo on Collision. White is ready for him, as you might expect.

Mike Santana vs. Bronson

Bronson starts fast and hammers away in the corner but Santana is back with a rolling cutter. A discus lariat into a Cannonball sets up a double underhook Codebreaker for the pin at 2:26. Santana looked pretty good, or at least as good as you can get in a match with so little time.

Post match Ortiz comes out for the staredown and trash talking ensues.

Video on Hangman Page vs. Swerve Strickland and then Page/the Young Bucks vs. the Mogul Embassy for the ROH Six Man Tag Team Titles.

Here’s what’s coming on various shows.

Ring Of Honor Six Man Tag Team Titles: Hangman Page/Young Bucks vs. Mogul Embassy

The Embassy, with Prince Nana, is defending. It’s a brawl to start with the Bucks and Gates going to the floor, leaving Page to hammer on Cage. The Bucks help take Cage down and Kaun is held on the apron for Page’s running shooting star. Back in and a 450 hits Cage but cue Swerve Strickland to cut off the triple knee. Thankfully this means Nana gets to dance as Page stares Swerve down.

The distraction lets the Gates toss Matt into a sitout powerbomb, with Page having to make the save. Page is sent hard into the corner and we take a break. Back with Matt diving off the top to take out the Gates. The hot tag brings in Page to hammer on Cage, including a big boot. Cage gets two off a powerbomb and the champs all grab fireman’s carries. An F5, Samoan drop and White Noise drop Page and the Bucks for two on Page, followed by the running shots in the corner.

The middle rope splash/powerbomb combination gets two on Page with Nick making the save. Page is back with the Deadeye for two on Cage so Strickland comes down for a closer look. The Buckshot lariat misses though and Page is distracted by Swerve, allowing Cage to hit a discus lariat. The Drill Claw is loaded up but Page reverses into a rollup for the pin (despite Cage’s shoulder being WAY off the mat) and the titles at 11:58.

Rating: B. Best match of the show here and the title change does mean something after the Embassy has dominated the division for so long. That being said, having the Bucks and Page win even more titles isn’t the most thrilling story. The Elite winning titles feels like a regular tradition no matter what and it’s hart to get interested in it again. It might help ROH if they appear on the show, but for now, it’s just another item on an already very long resume.

Overall Rating: C+. The show was good enough and not boring but my goodness please keep it at an hour. As tends to be the case on a lot of AEW shows, it felt like they had a few big stories but a lot of stuff sprinkled in to fill time between them. The main event is good and the opener was good enough along with Jericho and Omega uniting, but that’s not quite eough to fill in a two hour show.

Sting/Darby Allin b. Christian Cage/Luchasaurus – Rollup to Cage
Orange Cassidy/Hook/Kris Statlander b. Matt Menard/Angelo Parker/Anna Jay – Orange Punch to Parker
Righteous b. Hardys, the Kingdom and Best Friends – Swanton to Taylor
Billy Gunn/Acclaimed b. Dark Order – Assisted Iconoclasm to Reynolds
Julia Hart b. Skye Blue – Hartless
Mike Santana b. Bronson – Double underhook Codebreaker
Hangman Page/Young Bucks b. Mogul Embassy – Rollup to Cage



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Rampage – September 8, 2023: He’s Still Got It

Date: September 8, 2023
Location: Indiana Farmers Coliseum, Indianapolis, Indiana
Commentators: Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, Chris Jericho

We actually have a pretty stacked show this week as the #1 contenders tournament continues here. There are two first round matches here as things are starting to feel a lot bigger in a hurry. Grand Slam is in less than a month and AEW is going to have to start setting things up for the show. Let’s get to it.

Here is Dynamite if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Grand Slam #1 Contenders Tournament First Round: Jay Lethal vs. Penta El Zero Miedo

Alex Abrahantes and all of Lethal’s associates are at ringside. Feeling out process to start with Lethal offering a handshake but opting for a strut instead. Penta hits him in the face and struts a bit as well, setting up the exchange of chops. Penta chops him in the corner and a double stomp gets one. More strutting ensues so Jeff Jarrett goes for Penta’s foot. That just earns him a stomp onto the hand and Penta teases a dive onto Lethal.

Instead he superkicks Lethal to the floor but the numbers game catches up to Penta. Karen ties the mask to the ropes, which is described as genius, assuming you ignore that Lethal can’t win if Penta is in the ropes. Everyone but Abrahantes gets ejected and we take a break. Back with Penta hitting a big flip dive tot he floor, setting up his third strut. The top rope double stomp gets two on Lethal but he’s back with a knockdown of his own. Lethal goes for the guitar but Abrahantes pulls it away. The Lethal Injection is countered into a Backstabber and Penta snaps the arm. The Fear Factor finishes Lethal at 11:37.

Rating: B-. I can go for more of Penta on his own as he has never really had the chance to shine without his brother in AEW. There is a grand total of no chance of him winning the tournament but getting a win before he gets to lose in the second round works well for him. Lethal is the definition of a good hand and he can do his thing even better without all of the interference going on. Nice opener with some stakes here.

We look at the issues between Chris Jericho and Sammy Guevara from Dynamite.

Here is Sammy to interrupt Jericho talking at the commentary desk. They know they’re getting on each other’s nerves and now they want to hit each other in the face. They’re on the way to being Tag Team Champions but they need to get this out of their systems. They’ll do that at Grand Slam.

Video on Samoa Joe/MJF from Dynamite.

The Bunny/Anna Jay/Taya Valkyrie vs. Hikaru Shida/Skye Blue/Britt Baker

Penelope Ford is here with the villains. Bunny and Blue start things off with the former blocking an armdrag. Blue rolls her up for two and waves before it’s off to Taya for a change. Taya gets in a heck of a forearm to take over and we take a break. Back with Shida coming in to forearm away at Anna but Taya breaks up the torture rack drop. Everything breaks down and Baker clears the ring but Shida misses a top rope double stomp. Baker and Shida are sent into each other, leaving Bunny to hit a running knee lift for two. Not that it matters as Baker pulls her into Lockjaw for the tap at 7:31.

Rating: C. This was the latest “here’s a bunch of the women’s division in a nothing tag match” of the week. Things have picked up a bit in the title pictures but the rest of the division is one random match after another. It wasn’t a bad match or anything, but you had six women in about seven and a half minutes with a break included. What were they supposed to get out of this?

Post match Baker and Shida argue over the collision but things seem cool.

Video on Hook.

Young Bucks vs. Matt Menard/Angelo Parker

For the sake of simplicity, I’ll only call Matt Jackson “Matt” and Matt Menard will be “Menard”. Jake Hager is here with Menard and Parker. Nick and Parker start things off but the Bucks quickly start the double teaming and clean house. We settle down to the Bucks working on Parker’s arm but a quick trip from the floor puts Matt in trouble. Menard comes in for a snap suplex and the villains get to take turns with the beating. Matt fights out of the corner and then does it again, allowing the tag off to Nick. Everything breaks down and superkicks abound, setting up the BTE Trigger to finish Menard at 5:07.

Rating: C+. This was a good use of the Bucks, as the team knows how to do this match like few others today. Sometimes you need a quick showcase for a team and it’s not like there was much doubt over who was winning here. The fans still respond to them so giving them five minutes out there is a smart way to go.

Mike Santana talks about how he came to a fork in the world. People have been asking questions and now they’ll get answers. He has to travel on his own though and he’s here to be the guy. Deal with it.

Here’s what’s coming on various shows.

Video on Samoa Joe vs. Jeff Hardy.

Grand Slam #1 Contenders Tournament First Round: Jeff Hardy vs. Samoa Joe

Joe’s ROH TV Title isn’t on the line. Jeff kicks the leg out to start and adds a basement dropkick to the back. A middle rope clothesline gets two but Joe goes basic by biting Jeff’s head. We take a break and come back with Jeff jawbreaking his way to freedom to leave them both down for a bit. Joe snaps off the jabs in the corner but Jeff manages a quick Whisper In The Wind. Jeff makes the comeback with his usual sequence but the Twist of Fate is pulled into the Koquina Clutch to knock him out at 8:33.

Rating: B-. You can point out all of the issues that Hardy has but dang he has more charisma than he knows what to do with a lot of the time. He just has that presence to him and it feels like you’re watching something special when he’s out there. That being said, Joe is going to the finals at least and they didn’t really hide it after showing that video on him vs. MJF. Still though, this felt like a match between two legends and that’s why it was taking place.

Overall Rating: B. The important thing here is that it felt like there were some stakes to this. You had the two tournament matches plus the Bucks making a short cameo, which makes for a pretty big edition of Rampage. I still don’t see much for the future of this show, but it’s nice to have something feel like it matters for a change around here.

Penta El Zero Miedo b. Jay Lethal – Fear Factor
Britt Baker/Skye Blue/Hikaru Shida b. The Bunny/Anna Jay/Taya Valkyrie – Lockjaw to Bunny
Young Bucks b. Matt Menard/Angelo Parker – BTE Trigger to Menard
Samoa Joe b. Jeff Hardy – Koquina Clutch



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Rampage – September 1, 2023: There Are Worse Choices

Date: September 1, 2023
Location: Now Arena, Chicago, Illinois
Commentators: Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, Chris Jericho

It’s the go home Rampage before All Out and since this is AEW, it’s time for a tag team battle royal because they love those things around here. In this case we need to crown new #1 contenders for the Ring Of Honor Tag Team Titles as MJF and Adam Cole need first challengers. Let’s get to it.

Opening sequence.

Tag Team Battle Royal

Aussie Open, Butcher and the Blade, Outrunners, Best Friends, The Righteous, Dark Order, Gates Of Agony, Hardys, Wingmen, Darius Martin/Action Andretti

Both members have to be eliminated and the winners get an ROH Tag Team Title shot at All Out. The Aussies chill on the floor to start and Butcher double clotheslines the Outrunners. Said Outrunners are out in a hurry and we get the hoss fight between Butcher and the Blade and the Gates. Andretti is sent outside (doesn’t seem to be out) and gets sent into the barricade by the Aussies. Kaun (not out either) gets the same treatment and Chuck Taylor tosses Ryan Nemeth.

Peter Avalon gets beaten up by a bunch of people and then tossed to eliminated the Wingmen as well. The Friends get into a Hug/DELETE off with the Hardys and the rest of the battle royal stops to watch. Thankfully they go after all four of them as people go to the floor to keep up the fight outside. The Aussies get inside and toss Kaun but Toa gets Blade out. Fletcher kicks Toa out to eliminate the Gates and we take a break.

Back with Butcher firing of shots to the Righteous but getting kicked in the head but Andretti. The Righteous double team Butcher out as another team is gone. Jeff dives at Vincent for an elimination but Vincent helps get rid of Matt. The Dark Order toss Jeff (that’s an upset) and the Hardys are gone. Dutch gets kicked out to eliminate the Righteous as the ring is clearing out.

We’re down to the Best Friends, the Order, the Aussies and Andretti/Martin. The Aussies knock Andretti off the top for a NASTY crash into the barricade to get rid of him and Reynolds is tossed too (and comes up holding his knee). Taylor is tossed as well, leaving us with Silver, Beretta, and the Aussies. Silver is fine with standing back and letting Beretta go after both of them before adding a superkick to put Beretta down as well.

Beretta breaks up the Aussie Arrow though and low bridges Fletcher out to get us down to three (as Reynolds is still at ringside, holding his knee). Silver is sent to the apron and Reynolds makes a save (knee seems fine), leaving Beretta to pull Reynolds out. That leaves Silver to run in and knock Beretta out for the win at 11:39.

Rating: C. This was kind of a weird match as the Order came out of nowhere to win, with only the Aussies (and maybe the Best Friends) feeling like viable options at the end. The Kingdom feels like the next real opponents for MJF and Cole so not having them in here makes a bit more sense, especially if they weren’t getting the All Out title shot. Not a terrible match, but the final options weren’t the most inspiring choices.

Post break commentary talks about the match but here are the Aussies to get in a fight with Jericho. Sammy Guevara (with baseball bat) comes out for the save.

We get a video on Mike Santana, starting back with his debut along with Ortiz years ago. Shortly after his debut, his father passed away and everything started crashing down in front of him. Two and a half years later, he got into the Blood And Guts match and wrecked his knee, putting him on the shelf for over a year. Now he has a story to tell. No significant reference to Ortiz here so the team might be over again.

Nick Wayne/El Hijo del Vikingo vs. Kip Sabian/Gringo Loco

Penelope Ford is here with Sabian and Loco. Vikingo and Loco go to the mat to start before coming to their senses and popping up for the flips. Vikingo kicks him in the ribs and popping up for an anklescissors. Loco sticks the landing so Vikingo kicks him in the back of the knee and hands it off to Wayne. Sabian is in as well and gets caught with a jumping elbow but Ford offers a quick distraction. That lets Sabian take Wayne outside for an Arabian moonsault as we take a break.

Back with Loco’s springboard moonsault hitting raised knees, allowing Vikingo to come back in and clean house. With Loco in the corner, Vikingo jumps from an opposite post to the rope in between them into a dropkick to the back (geez). Vikingo pulls Loco up top for a springboard poisonrana and Wayne’s World hits Sabian. That leaves Vikingo to hit the 630 on Loco for the pin at 8:25.

Rating: B-. This was a way to get Vikingo out there to do his flips while giving Wayne a win. That worked out just fine, even if it was against one of the most random teams you’re going to find. Wayne knows how to do the gymnastics and the flips, but if that’s all he can do, he’s going to get lost in the shuffle around here very quickly.

QTV is now minus QT Marshall, who is defending the AAA Latin American Title but has let Johnny TV in charge. We see Marshall with the title before they talk various All In related news. Then TV throws his coffee at Harley Cameron by mistake before promising big changes around here. QTV minus QT could be a lot better.

Hangman Page vs. Bryan Keith

Keith is a bounty hunter, though I wasn’t aware there was a bounty on Page’s head. Page starts fast and knocks him into the corner, setting up a running elbow. Keith gets in an elbow of his own but Page blasts him with a clothesline. Back up and Keith hits a suplex but Page drops him again with the fall away slam. Page takes a bit too long to throw out his elbow pad so Keith gets in a shot to the face. Not that it matters as the Buckshot Lariat finishes for Page at 3:41.

Rating: C. Just a step above a squash here but it’s nice to see Page doing something. Even though he was at All In with a pretty prominent match, he doesn’t feel like someone who has been doing much of anything special recently. Beating Keith isn’t going to turn everything around, but it’s better than sitting around doing nothing.

Angelo Parker, Matt Menard and Daniel Garcia are fired up about their Trios Titles shot and Garcia starts dancing at Renee Paquette, who absolutely cannot keep a straight face.

We get a sitdown interview with Roderick Strong who won’t explain what Adam Cole did to start all of this. He’ll tell his own story on his own time on his own day. Then he walks out, with the Kingdom joining him.

Here’s what’s coming on various shows.

Skye Blue/Willow Nightingale vs. Anna Jay/Taya Valkyrie

The hometown Blue is in Chicago flag inspired gear. Anna ducks Nightingale to start but gets kicked in the face and chopped in the chest. That’s enough to bring Taya in, with Nightingale quickly grabbing a suplex. Blue comes in for a double snapmare and a double kick to the head for two. A Backstabber cuts Nightingale off though and we take a break.

Back with Nightingale and Taya trading kicks to the head, allowing the double tag. Blue hits a running knee against the ropes to drop Jay and a kick to the head makes it worse. Taya spears Blue down but gets Pounced by Nightingale. A superkick sends Nightingale to the floor but Anna superkicks Taya by mistake. Code Blue finishes Anna at 8:32.

Rating: C+. This match actually got a bit of time, even if some of it was spent in the break, as usual. Putting Blue out there looking like the Chicago flag is about as good of a way to get the crowd cheering her as there is and it was a fine way to have a main event. Nightingale not losing again makes things even better.

Post match Taya jumps Blue but Nightingale chases her off to end the show.

Overall Rating: C+. This show continues to be watchable at worst and mostly unnecessary viewing more often than not. The Dark Order earning a title shot at the secondary titles is the big drawing card of this show and that’s not exactly enough to make me want to see it most weeks. Collision has made this show a lot less important, but for an hour of wrestling television, there are worse options you could choose.

Dark Order won a tag team battle royal last eliminating the Best Friends
El Hijo del Vikingo/Nick Wayne b. Kip Sabian/Gringo Loco – 630 to Loco
Hangman Page b. Brian Keith – Buckshot Lariat
Willow Nightingale/Skye Blue b. Anna Jay/Taya Valkyrie – Code Blue to Jay


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