NXT UK – November 28, 2018: From Awesome To OOOO

IMG Credit: WWE

Date: November 28, 2018
Location: NEC Arena, Birmingham, England
Commentators: Vic Joseph, Nigel McGuinness

It’s time for a title match as Jordan Devlin has challenged Pete Dunne for the NXT UK Title and gets his shot here. It’s not like there is anyone else to get the shot at the moment so they might as well go with Devlin. Other than that we’re likely going to get some build towards the first ever Women’s Title match, which should be taking place next week. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

The announcers hype up the upcoming title matches.

Xia Brookside/Millie McKenzie vs. Charlie Morgan/Killer Kelly

Xia grabs a top wristlock on the very tall Morgan to start things off. A headstand lets Morgan reverse into a regular wristlock so Brookside grabs a hurricanrana to get out of trouble. The rather popular Millie comes in for a swinging neckbreaker and it’s time to start in on the armbar. That goes nowhere so it’s off to Kelly, who gets armbarred as well, this time with the shoulder at a really painful looking angle.

Kelly finally sends her into the corner for the break and, with her arm apparently not wrecked, hammers away on the mat. Millie pops up for a hard release German suplex (Fans: “SUPLEX MILLIE!”) and it’s back to Xia to pick up the pace. That’s cut off with a toss into the post but Millie is right back with a spear to Morgan, giving Xia the jackknife rollup pin at 5:14.

Rating: C. Millie definitely has star power and Xia’s look alone will keep her in a good place for a long time. Being the daughter of a big time WWE trainer won’t hurt either. I still haven’t gotten much out of Kelly, but I’ve heard good things about her stuff from outside NXT UK. That’s not exactly unheard of so maybe she’s better than I’ve given her credit for.

Ashton Smith vs. Eddie Dennis

Smith, who isn’t the taller one for a change, spins out of a wristlock to start but bounces off a shoulder block attempt. A dropkick staggers Dennis and a leg lariat puts him on the floor. The suicide dive just isn’t working though as Dennis drives him back first into the apron instead. Back in and Dennis gets into his cocky mode before hitting a judo throw for two.

The cravate goes on for a bit, until Smith fights up with a quick backbreaker. A springboard dropkick puts Dennis on the floor for a big flip dive (no hands of course) and a top rope leg lariat gets two. Dennis gets some boots up in the corner and goes up, only to get staggered with a dropkick. The superplex is countered into the Severn Bridge though and the reverse implant DDT gives Dennis the pin at 6:02.

Rating: C. Smith’s offense looks good as he’s a big guy with some great athleticism. That’s the kind of style that makes him a valuable commodity, but there’s something so interesting about Dennis. It’s kind of a mysterious aura and that’s much more important than the athleticism. Anyone can show off in the ring, but being someone who gets your attention is what matters.

We recap Saxon Huxley and Joseph Conners splitting last week.

Joseph Conners vs. Saxon Huxley

They go right at each other to start with Huxley uppercutting him into the corner. Some right hands have Conners in trouble until some knees to the ribs cut Huxley off. A hard clothesline lets Conners hammer away on the mat as the fans call him Judas. Things slow down a bit as we hit the chinlock. Since Conners doesn’t like the JUDAS SUCKS chants, he puts Huxley on the top for some forearms to the back. Huxley makes the comeback with a running knee and a dropkick, only to miss a charge. A sitout Rock Bottom spinebuster gives Conners two, followed by Don’t Look Down for the pin at 5:15.

Rating: D+. The brawling was fun but neither of these guys do anything for me. They’re just generic brawlers who don’t stand out in any way. I mean, other than Huxley’s look of course. Neither has any kind of a character to be seen and the story was started last week and blown off a week later. That doesn’t do them any favors and it’s a problem on a lot of the roster.

Video on Toni Storm, who wants to make history. She doesn’t just want to win because she needs to win. Ripley isn’t getting the title because it’s Toni time.

Video on Rhea Ripley, who tried being nice last year in the Mae Young Classic but would rather be ruthless and get what she wants. She’s not worried about Toni Storm because Toni isn’t Rhea Ripley.

United Kingdom Title: Pete Dunne vs. Jordan Devlin

Devlin is challenging and gets taken down by the wrist. That’s reversed into a headscissors but it turns into a slap off with Dunne getting the better of things. Devlin takes him down by the wrist to little avail as Dunne monkey flips his way to freedom. One heck of a forearm drops Dunne but he pops back up with a heck of a clothesline. It’s time to bend Devlin’s fingers back before Dunne just stomps on Devlin’s head. You can’t say he doesn’t vary up his offense.

Devlin avoids a charge though and kicks at the back before going with some more slaps to the face. A standing moonsault hits Dunne’s legs for two but he’s up with a glare and a hard forearm. This time it’s Devlin getting dropped so Dunne hits a running forearm in the corner. The snap German suplex sets up the X Plex into a cross armbreaker but Devlin rolls onto him for two and a break. Dunne tries a charge but runs into a backdrop driver for a closer two than you might expect.

A standing moonsault misses though and Dunne unloads with stomps on the fingers. The Spanish Fly plants Dunne but he’s right back with a Koji Clutch. With that broken up, Dunne tries a stomp to the hand on the steps but gets shoved off, sending him face first into the steps. Devlin isn’t done and hits a Spanish Fly off the steps. That’s enough for a dueling MAMA MIA/HOLY S*** chant, with the fans not quite in sync.

Both guys have to dive back in to break the count, with Devlin grabbing a reverse hurricanrana for two more. The fans accurately declare this awesome but switch to oooo as Dunne punches him in the face to block a standing Lionsault. Dunne back’s is killing him though and he can’t follow up, allowing Devlin to roll to the apron.

Devlin sends him back first into the post and a super Spanish Fly (dude learn a new move) gets two more. That’s good for a standing ovation and Devlin follows up by removing Dunne’s mouthpiece and hitting a superkick. Devlin’s moonsault is countered into a triangle choke and Dunne breaks the fingers to make Devlin tap at 15:10.

Rating: A-. Devlin had been growing on me for a bit and this was the big match that he had been needing. These guys beat the heck out of each other with Dunne’s back injury slowing him down just enough to keep Devlin in there. Dunne, the hometown boy, was being outwrestled by the talented Devlin but took over when Devlin tried to go a little too high. The brawling worked well for Dunne too, including the whole breaking fingers thing. Great match here, as tends to be the case with Dunne.

Overall Rating: B+. That main event alone is enough to make the show work as the top stars around here carry things as far as they need to go. They’re got a star on their hands whenever someone takes the title from Dunne, which almost has to be coming sooner rather than later. The rest of the show was entertaining as well with all but the Conners vs. Huxley match exceeding expectations. Just get some better character development and everything will be great.


Xia Brookside/Millie McKenzie b. Charlie Morgan/Killer Kelly – Spear to Morgan

Eddie Dennis b. Ashton Smith – Reverse implant DDT

Joseph Conners b. Saxon Huxley – Don’t Look Down

Pete Dunne b. Jordan Devlin – Dunne snapped Devlin’s fingers

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 1997 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:


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NXT UK – November 14, 2018 (Second Episode): Once More Up The Mountain

IMG Credit: WWE

Date: November 14, 2018
Location: NEC Arena, Birmingham, England
Commentators: Vic Joseph, Nigel McGuinness

It’s tournament time as last week’s big announcement saw the creation of the NXT UK Women’s Title, which we do actually need around here for the sake of keeping things a little more interesting. We’re getting two tournament matches tonight so they’re certainly hitting the ground running. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

We open with a look at the tournament and the women involved.

Opening sequence.

NXT UK Women’s Title Tournament First Round: Dakota Kai vs. Nina Samuels

Kai kicks her down to start and gets two off an early double stomp. Samuels kicks her leg off the middle rope though and a running knee to the back gets two. A tilt-a-whirl backbreaker is good for the same as Samuels is certainly staying focused. We hit the Gory Special until Kai reverses into a sunset flip for two of her own. Kai starts in with the kicks and it’s the Facewash in the corner. The Kairopractor is good for the pin on Samuels at 4:40.

Rating: D+. Was anyone expecting anything else? Samuels got to do a little bit here but Kai is one of the more popular names in the division and it would make no sense to have her lose in the first round. I doubt she wins the title, but at least whoever beats her will get a nice rub out of it.

Mark Andrews wants some gold. Flash Morgan Webster comes in and says he does too so a team is suggested. Webster is really bad at reading from a script. Andrews seems interested.

Ashton Smith isn’t going to be broken by his loss last week. Eddie Dennis comes in to mock him and a match seems to be set for next week.

Jake Constantino vs. Tyson T-Bone

Constantino doesn’t get an entrance but seems to be an amateur wrestler. T-Bone wants to prove he’s tough. Jake (must be related to Rico) gets shoved away to start and T-Bone splashes him from behind. A big running elbow gets two and the neck crank goes on. Constantino tries to fight up but gets punched in the face to cut him down. T-Bone finishes him with a lariat at 2:04.

Post match T-Bone asks if that’s the best this place has to offer. That was a joke. As he leaves, Dave Mastiff comes out for his match and staring ensues.

Dave Mastiff vs. Dan Moloney

Dan tries slugging away to start but makes the mistake of trying an Irish whip. That earns him a big dropkick from Mastiff as T-Bone is still watching. Mastiff hits a dead lift German suplex, followed by the Cannonball for the pin at 1:20. Total squash.

Sid Scala knows he needs to go back to the drawing board but wants one more opportunity. He’s going to ask Johnny Saint for that chance.

NXT UK Women’s Title Tournament First Round: Jinny vs. Millie McKenzie

The fans seem to be behind McKenzie as she works on Jinny’s arm, earning herself a slap from the free arm. A running back elbow drops Jinny, who backs up into the corner. That’s just a ruse though (what a villain) for a Downward Spiral into the middle buckle. The fans call Jinny a Primark (an inexpensive clothing store) Princess as the chinlock goes on.

Back up and Jinny gets a quick rollup into a surfboard (cool), sending Millie bailing to the ropes Millie fights up and hits a heck of a spear, followed by a better looking German suplex. Jinny is right back up with a Japanese armdrag, followed by a windup rolling Liger kick for the pin at 4:52.

Rating: C. Jinny has charisma and I could see her being a big star with the right vignettes. The fashionista thing isn’t going to work very well and given that she’s facing Toni Storm in the second round, I don’t expect to see her going very far. McKenzie wasn’t great but she definitely has potential and the fans reacted to her. That’s more than some people can get so she’s off to a good start.

We look back at Jordan Devlin calling out Ligero.

Video on Ligero.

Next week: Devlin vs. Ligero.

Zack Gibson vs. Trent Seven

Before the match, Gibson says he’ll be NXT UK’s number one soon. Gibson takes him down by the wrist as the fans has managed to get the fans to take their shoes off again. That’s switched off to an ankle twist as the fans are shouting something else now. Trent gets up and chops him to the floor with Gibson thinking about walking. Tyler Bate comes out to keep things in the arena, sending Gibson back inside for an uppercut to Seven.

A few more shots to the arm and face put Seven in trouble again, followed by a backdrop driver for two. Gibson suplexes him down by the arm but Seven starts getting up. Seven knocks him to the floor for a suicide dive, followed by a powerbomb for two back inside. Gibson fights out of a half crab but can’t reverse it into the Shankley Gates. Instead he settles for two off a belly to back suplex and it’s time to slug it out.

That goes to Seven, who catches Gibson with a swinging sitout slam for two. Gibson is right back with the middle rope Codebreaker for two of his own, followed by the Shankley Gates. Seven finally makes the rope, causing Gibson to yell at Bate. The Seven Star Lariat gives Trent two but here’s James Drake to jump Bate. The distraction lets Gibson grab a small package (with Drake offering some extra leverage) for the pin at 12:59.

Rating: B. Seven has grown on me more than almost anyone else on the show as he’s gone from someone I really didn’t like back in the day to one of the more reliable acts around. Having Gibson beat him is the right call as they have to build some people up and Gibson is most of the way there already. He could very easily be the top heel and is almost there already. Good match.

Post match Wolfgang and the Coffey Brothers come in and beat down Moustache Mountain to end the show.

Overall Rating: C+. Definitely the better of the two shows this week thanks to a strong main event. They did a better job of getting people on the show this time and that’s a good idea as they still don’t have very many big names set up yet. Gibson is pretty much set, but they need to find a way to set people up other than having them face Moustache Mountain. The tournament starting is a good sign as well and thankfully it seems to be a short one. Things are starting to roll around here, even if the two hours a week is still a bad idea.


Dakota Kai b. Nina Samuels – Kairopractor

Tyson T-Bone b. Jake Constantino – Lariat

Dave Mastiff b. Dan Moloney – Cannonball

Jinny b. Millie McKenzie – Wind-up Liger kick

Zack Gibson b. Trent Seven – Small package

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2003 Smackdown Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:


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