Tagged: Miscellaneous

WrestleCon 2018 (With Photos) 5

WrestleCon 2018 (With Photos)

Odds are you’ve heard of Axxess. It’s the big fan festival put on by WWE every year over Wrestlemania weekend where you can see memorabilia and meet wrestlers etc. However, there’s another version run...

Will the Real Fabulous Moolah Please Stand Up? 0

Will the Real Fabulous Moolah Please Stand Up?

My boss at Wrestlingrumors.net and I put this together and it’s not half bad if I do type so myself. https://wrestlingrumors.net/will-real-fabulous-moolah-please-stand-2/ Check it out, like the Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/wrestlingrumors/ And use Wrestlingrumors.net as your...

Wrestle Kingdom XII: Aww Here It Goes 18

Wrestle Kingdom XII: Aww Here It Goes

Wrestle Kingdom XII Date: January 4, 2018 Location: Tokyo Dome, Tokyo, Japan Attendance: 34,995 Commentators: Kevin Kelly, Don Callis It’s that that day of the year (not even time for this show) as we’re...