Fixed Some Issues

There is now a search bar on the right hand column and all of the sub sections on the All Reviews page will now be in the red bar on the mobile version.


Please let me know if there are any other issues that need to be/you would like to be changed with the layout.  I’m not a tech guy by any means but I can see what I can do with them.  I can’t promise I’ll change them but if something needs to be done I’ll do what I can.



The Tinkering Continues (Mobile Version)

I’ve added a menu to the mobile version of the site.  Now you should see a red bar at the top of any page on mobile with a drop down menu option.  This will give you options for things like the home page, All Reviews, Ask KB and more.  I’ll probably be making some more changes in the future too.  Let me know if there’s something that you think would help/would like and if it’s something I can/want to put in, I’ll see what I can do.