Monday Night Raw – June 25, 2007 (Chris Benoit Memorial Show): What Can You Say?

Monday Night Raw
Date: June 25, 2007
Location: American Bank Center, Corpus Christi, Texas
Commentators: Jim Ross, Jerry Lawler, John Bradshaw Layfield, Michael Cole, Joey Styles, Tazz

At some point over the last week, Chris Benoit murdered his wife and son before killing himself at his home. Their bodies were found on Monday, but the cause of death was not made clear by the time this show aired. As a result, there are no fans here and the original plans for the show, meaning Vince McMahon’s memorial service, were wiped out. Instead it’s a tribute to Benoit, as things had not yet changed for him. Let’s get to it.

For the sake of simplicity, I’ll be putting in the full versions of the matches rather than the clipped editions that aired.

In Memory of Chris Benoit.

Vince McMahon is in the ring to open the show and talks about how this week was supposed to be about the demise of the Mr. McMahon character. Earlier today, the bodies of Benoit, his son Daniel and his wife Nancy were found, so all they can do is offer condolences and pay tribute to one of the best wrestlers of all time.

We open with a music video on Benoit, set to One Thing by Finger Eleven.

We get a video on Benoit wanting to be a wrestler and coming back to home hometown as the World Champion, with his family talking about how great of a kid he was. I believe most of the footage on tonight’s show will be from the Hard Knocks DVD.

Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler are at the commentary table and talk about everything that happened before throwing us to the first match (or at least the end of it).

From Royal Rumble 2004.

Royal Rumble

JR and Tazz are on commentary, thankfully giving us a standard booth instead of the usual mess that these things have become. Tazz even has keys to victory: hide, stamina, get a high number. I’ve heard worse analysis so I’ll take what I can get. Chris Benoit is in at #1 and Randy Orton is in at #2 and we have ninety second intervals. Benoit gets aggressive to start (ignoring key to victory #2) and scores with a suplex but gets uppercutted into the corner.

Mark Henry is in at #3 and shoves Benoit down so he can choke Orton in the corner. The clock seems to get a little faster as Tajiri is in at #4 and gets suplexed down for his efforts. Henry throws Orton ribs first onto the top rope and everyone pounds away as Bradshaw is in at #5. Clotheslines abound until Benoit pulls him into the Crossface and gets him out in less than a minute. Well at least they’re keeping the ring at a manageable number. Rhyno is in at #6 and goes after Orton and Benoit as Tajiri kicks away at Henry.

Tajiri can’t get the Tarantula so Rhyno Gores Henry, eliminating Tajiri in the process. Benoit dumps Henry and we’re already down to three. They fight by the ropes and it’s Matt Hardy in at #7. There’s a Side Effect to Rhyno but Benoit knocks Matt to the apron. Matt gets back in and everyone pummels everyone until Scott Steiner is in at #8. Benoit rolls some German suplexes on Steiner as JR gives us the good stat of there being no former Rumble winners in this match.

Matt Morgan is in at #9 as the ring is starting to fill up. A helicopter bomb plants Benoit and there’s a big boot to Hardy. It’s back to the exchange of forearms around the ring with no one going for an elimination until Hurricane is in at #10. Before I can recap who is in the match, Morgan tosses Hurricane in short order, leaving us with Benoit, Orton, Rhyno, Hardy, Steiner and Morgan. Morgan throws Hardy to the apron but not out as Steiner lays on Orton in the middle of the ring.

Booker T. is in at #11 to a nice reaction but also to a really annoying song. An ax kick has Orton in trouble and Steiner is thrown out off camera (in his last match with the company) as Kane is in at #12. Benoit and Morgan both get chokeslams and the Gore and RKO are both blocked. Kane starts beating on Matt in the corner…..and a gong strikes at #13. As expected, Kane freaks out and the distraction lets Booker throw him out. It’s actually Spike Dudley in at #13 so Kane beats him up in the aisle, both for the gong and for Spike upsetting Kane on Monday. Things settle down and it’s Rikishi in at #14.

Benoit dumps Rhyno and Orton gets a Stinkface as the fans aren’t exactly interested, probably due to the gong taking some of their interest away. They’re certainly not burning up the pace for eliminations here but that’s not the worst thing in the world. Rene Dupree is in at #15 to get us to the halfway point. He dropkicks Hardy out but turns into a superkick from Rikishi to get eliminated as well.

A-Tran is in at #16 and goes after Rikishi as Benoit ducks Morgan’s charge to get rid of him. Orton dumps out Rikishi and Booker in the span of a few seconds, leaving us with Benoit, Orton and A-Train. Benoit eliminates A-Train as Shelton Benjamin is in at #17. Benjamin slugs away as JR completely missed A-Train’s elimination. How do you not notice the 6’8 350lb bald guy being gone? Orton dumps Shelton and we’re down to two again. To be fair, other than Kane and maybe Booker, none of the other entrants are worth anything so far. Lamont runs out to introduce Ernest Miller at #18 and Tazz loves the song.

Benoit tosses Lamont and Orton does the same to Miller so these two can keep slugging it out. Kurt Angle is in at #19 and now things can pick up a bit. Benoit and Angle go at it (of course) while Orton is smart enough to just chill in the corner. Angle has Benoit in trouble on the ropes but Orton makes a rather questionable save. Rico is in at #20 and goes after Orton, who dropkicks him almost immediately. A kick to the head rocks Orton though, leaving Benoit to roll some German suplexes on Angle. Orton dumps Rico with ease and it’s Test…..not in at #21.

We cut to the back where Test is unconscious. Austin sees who did it and makes that person #21 instead. In the arena, MICK FOLEY is #21 and Orton knows he’s about to die. Foley slugs him down in the corner, throws up a BANG BANG and hits the running knee in the corner. The Cactus Clothesline gives us a double elimination and it’s down to Benoit vs. Angle. Foley isn’t done with Orton and sends him into the steps as Christian is in at #22.

Orton gets in a few wicked chair shots to Foley and punches him down before slamming Foley’s head into the ramp. Some right hands get Foley out of trouble and it’s Mr. Socko but Foley has to give it to Nunzio, who comes in at #23. The distraction lets Orton get in a low blow and run off after a great angle that makes me want to see these two have a heck of a fight. Back in the ring, Christian can’t get rid of Angle or Benoit so Angle suplexes Benoit instead. Benoit is the only one standing as Big Show is in at #24.

Show starts fast with the overhand chops and throws some Canadians around until Chris Jericho is in at #25 to a very nice reaction. Jericho and Christian stomp on Angle in the corner until Show makes a save with a double noggin knocker. How old school of him. Everyone goes after Show so he shrugs them off and Charlie Haas is in at #26. Christian tries to turn on Jericho but gets dumped out instead, which just fits for Christian for some reason. Billy Gunn returns at #27 and hits some Fameassers but can’t get rid of anyone.

John Cena is in at #28 to a very nice reaction and you can feel the star power growing every night. Cena catches Nunzio sitting on the floor and throws him inside as the ring is starting to get too full. For some reason Nunzio goes after Show, earning himself that hard shot to the back. Rob Van Dam is in at #29 and can’t get rid of Show either. Cena gives Angle an FU and here’s Goldberg in at #30 to complete the field. I’m not going to bother saying who all is in there because we’re about to lose a bunch of them.

Goldberg wrecks everyone and tosses Haas, Gunn and Nunzio (after an insane spear). That leaves us with Benoit, Angle, Show, Jericho, Cena, Van Dam and Goldberg for a heck of a final group. Goldberg loads up the Jackhammer on Show but here’s Lesnar to jump him from behind, allowing Angle to dump Goldberg, who is busy seething at Lesnar. Show shrugs off the masses again but Angle chop blocks him, which isn’t the brightest idea. That means a Lionsault, a Five Star, a Shuffle and a Swan Dive but Show is unconscious on the mat. Real smart guys.

Show fights up and dumps Cena, who lands VERY awkwardly on his knee. Van Dam is gone too and we’re down to Jericho, Big Show, Angle and Benoit. Jericho goes after Show’s knee and bulldogs Show now, which has done so well against him already. The Walls make Show tap but Jericho lets him go. That’s not the brightest move in the world and Show makes him pay with a chokeslam over the top for an elimination. A regular chokeslam drops Benoit so Angle gets the Angle Slam on Show.

Benoit gets one as well and now it’s the ankle lock to make Show tap again. Show gets up and muscles Angle out as well, leaving us with two. With Show hanging over the top rope, Benoit hits the Swan Dive to the back of his head, accidentally bringing Show back in. The chokeslam is countered into the Crossface to make Show tap for the third time.

A side slam gets Show out of trouble as we hear about Benoit getting close to Ric Flair’s longevity record. Show loads up a gorilla press but Benoit pulls him down into a guillotine, even as Show puts him on the apron. Benoit pulls him down and slides back inside as Show goes out, giving Benoit the big win.

Rating: A. It’s one of the best Rumbles ever, mainly due to Benoit. There was some great storytelling near the end, with Jericho and Angle both making Show tap but then making some kind of a mistake to get eliminated while Benoit was smart/determined enough to make it work in the end. The same thing happens when the big groups try to get Show out and Benoit does it on his own, showing how technique and determination are better than brute strength. It kept you wondering if Benoit could finally win the big one and that’s what they managed to pull off in a great story throughout the whole match.

Other than that, they did a great job of not letting the ring get too full save for near the end, which Goldberg took care of in short order. Pacing is often such a problem in these things and it’s very nice to see them get it right. They had a big angle with Foley and Orton too, giving it something besides the winner to go off of from here. Finally, there were multiple possible winners, which always makes for a better match than having one or two people be the only ones who could win. Great Rumble, and one of the best of all time.

Steve Austin talks about how Benoit was one of the best he’s ever been in the ring with and how Benoit worked so hard. One of his favorite matches of his career was against Benoit in Edmonton, Benoit’s hometown and he wishes Benoit was still here.

Benoit talks about how he got into wrestling and the whole thing snowballed from there. He finally had to force himself to meet Dynamite Kid, which was the final step he needed.

Cole and JBL talk about how much Benoit loved his children and family. His kids were always in suits and respectful and Bradshaw sounds like he can barely keep it together.

John Cena says this is the most difficult thing he’s ever had to do and says his first instinct is to celebrate Benoit’s life. Benoit was the type of guy you would want to go to war with and if you meant business, he would look out for you. Benoit did everything for the fans and he was a man who loved the business. Cena respects that and Benoit made it clear when he cared about you. He never got the chance to tell Benoit how much he meant but Cena loves him.

Benoit talks about his time in ECW.

Joey Styles and Tazz are upset as well but were honored to call Benoit’s last match.

From ECW on Sci Fi, June 19, 2007.

Chris Benoit vs. Elijah Burke

The winner moves on to the ECW World Title match at Vengeance. Benoit takes him down by the arm to start but it’s too early for the Crossface. They go to a standoff but Benoit slaps him in the face, setting up another failed Crossface attempt. A whip into the corner gives Burke two and he hammers away at the ribs, setting up a seated abdominal stretch.

Benoit suplexes his way to freedom and cuts off a charging Burke with a kick to the face in the corner. A snap northern lights suplex gives Benoit two and it’s time to roll some German suplexes. There’s the Swan Dive but Benoit can’t follow up. Burke is back up with an STO but the Elijah Express hits the corner. The Sharpshooter sends Benoit to the title match.

Rating: C. Benoit was kind of the perfect choice to go to ECW as he was a veteran who could have a good match with anyone. At the same time, someone beating him would mean something as he had the resume to give a victory some impact. Burke’s time already seems to have come and gone though and he never felt like a real threat here.

CM Punk talks about how disappointed he was to not get to face Benoit last night and now he feels incredibly guilty. Benoit taught him a lot and he wants to pass that on without ever letting Benoit down.

We see Vince’s opening statement again.

JR and King talk about what happened and throw us back to WCW, against one of Benoit’s best friends.

From Hog Wild 1996.

Chris Benoit vs. Dean Malenko

Jimmy Hart tries to come out with Dean Malenko, who isn’t interested. Benoit on the other hand has Woman and Elizabeth with him. They jaw with each other a bit to start until Malenko takes him down and hammers away. Benoit kicks him in the ribs to take over but Malenko gets in some boots of his own. A suplex gets two and we hit an early chinlock as Heenan goes into some weird analogy about birds. Benoit fights up and chokes on the rope as Tony has to bring commentary back to the match from their NWO discussion.

A back elbow gives Benoit a few near falls and they go to the pinfall reversal sequence. Malenko wins the battle over a backslide for two as Woman screams a lot. The short armscissors has Benoit down but he muscles Malenko up and drops him down for the break. There’s the snap suplex for two as the fans do not exactly seem thrilled. An abdominal stretch goes on but Malenko grabs the foot to escapes and flips him over.

Commentary talks about how we are coming up on a new millennium and these two could be the future. Eh kind of with one of them. Back up and they hit stereo crossbodies for a double knockdown to get a breather. Malenko goes up but gets knocked out of the air, setting up another snap suplex. The Swan Dive gives Benoit a delayed two and it’s time to fight over a Tombstone until Malenko plants him for a few near falls.

Benoit charges into a boot in the corner but is fine enough to counter a Texas Cloverleaf attempt into a small package for two. They fall out to the floor in a double heap with Malenko blocking a posting by hitting one of his own and it’s time to go back inside. Benoit catches him on top with a heck of a superplex and they’re both down again. Malenko hits a release German suplex for two more as the fans (or more like people who happen to be here) just do not care.

A hard clothesline gives Malenko two as Heenan tries to figure out how many holds Malenko knows (Chris Jericho can be seen in the background taking notes). Benoit slams him down and grabs the Liontamer (Chris Jericho can be seen in the background furiously taking notes) but Malenko makes the rope. A victory roll gives Malenko two and another backslide gets another two. Benoit runs him over for two more but Malenko catches him on top for a superplex. There’s a powerbomb to Benoit but time expires at 20:00.

Actually hang on as we’re going to get a five minute overtime, which the bikers DO NOT like. Benoit jumps Malenko at the start of overtime and grabs the Cloverleaf in the middle of the ring. After over a minute, Benoit lets it go, which seems rather unlike him. Malenko’s leg is done so Benoit kicks away and cranks on said leg on the mat. Some Ric Flair Cannonballs onto the leg set up another hold but Malenko reverses into a cradle as overtime expires.

We get ANOTHER five minute overtime and the bikers boo this out the non-existent building. Malenko snaps off a dragon screw legwhip but Benoit is back up with the dragon suplex for two. Benoit misses a dropkick and gets Cloverleafed, with Malenko switching it into an STF. Woman tries to help Benoit make the rope so Malenko goes after her, allowing Benoit to grab a rollup for the pin at 28:13. The replay shows him grabbing the rope for a bonus, because he is in fact a Horseman.

Rating: B+. You can go a few different ways with the thinking here. On the one hand, it’s a great match with two guys going at it for the better part of half an hour in a pretty bad spot. On the other hands, the fans didn’t care and the wrestlers failed to get over. There might be something to the latter, but consider the situation these guys were in.

These bikers didn’t pay to see a wrestling show. They’re here to see Hulk Hogan and Randy Savage and people from the WWF ten years ago. Benoit and Malenko are small guys they’ve never seen before and don’t care about having a pretty long match. You’re supposed to make the fans happy, but I’m not sure if these people qualify as fans as much as they are just people watching the matches because they’re there. This match was great though so I’ll go with the “these bikers are pinheads” and move on.

Dean Malenko talks about his time knowing Benoit over the years, starting in Japan. They were always there for each other and supported each other. Benoit was always someone he could talk to, though Benoit would never open up. He was even nicknamed Houdini for his ability to sneak out of a conversation. As for working in the ring, Benoit knew how to help young talent and always made them better.

Malenko has now lost two of his best friends in two years and he is the last of the original Three Amigos. The greatest gift Malenko ever gave him was the Crippler Crossface and Benoit always thanked him for it. Malenko starts crying and talks about how his two best friends are together, and probably already arguing. This was a rough sit and you could feel how much Benoit meant to him.

JBL and Cole talk about how Benoit might not have been a great talker but it didn’t matter when you’re that good in the ring. Bradshaw even got the chance to have that big match with him.

From Smackdown, April 14, 2006. I’m a bit surprised that they didn’t go with the Wrestlemania match here but maybe this meant more to JBL.

US Title: Chris Benoit vs. John Bradshaw Layfield

JBL, with Jillian Hall, is defending in a match that was supposed to be a celebration. Before the match, cue Teddy Long to say we’re having a change. The title is going to be on the line in a steel cage, which just happens to be above the ring and no one seemed to notice it yet, aside from all of the times that it was shown earlier in the night. JBL begs the referee to not make this happen so Benoit hammers away to start, sending JBL from one corner to another.

An early JBL escape attempt doesn’t work as Benoit pulls him back down and onto the mat. JBL is back up with a belly to back superplex but Benoit chops him down without much trouble. It’s too early for the Sharpshooter as JBL kicks him away and drops some elbows. Benoit is back up with some knees and chops in the corner before catching JBL on top again.

They both come crashing back down though and it’s time for a quick breather. It’s JBL up first with Two Amigos but Benoit pulls him into another failed Sharpshooter attempt. The Crossface doesn’t work either so Benoit hits the full Three Amigos. The Swan Dive connects for no cover as Benoit would rather go up than cover or walk out the door. JBL is back up with a super Russian legsweep and we take a break.

Back with Benoit climbing the cage again and getting electric chaired back down for two. A sleeper has Benoit in more trouble but the arm stays up the third time. Another suplex drops JBL and it’s time to roll the German suplexes. Benoit can only get two though and JBL boots him in the face. JBL goes for the door but the confused Jillian accidentally slams it on Benoit’s head. The Crossface goes but there is no referee to see the tap. Instead JBL rolls him over for two before kicking Benoit low, which is enough to retain the title.

Rating: B-. This was rolling until the messier than necessary ending. The Jillian stuff didn’t need to be there and seemed to be more of an idea for the sake of having one. JBL shouldn’t be dropping the title yet anyway, and especially not to Benoit after a long reign. The match was good, but having it in a cage didn’t add much of a note.

Stephanie McMahon talks about how passionate of a wrestler that Benoit was, but people don’t know how passionate he was about family. Benoit was so happy that she married HHH and so happy when they found out she was pregnant. She will always know him as her friend.

Chavo Guerrero talks about how Benoit was his best friend and the first person he called when he found out Eddie Guerrero died. That was almost harder than finding out about Eddie in the first place, because Benoit sobbed. Chavo was with Eddie on his last night and he was with Benoit on one of his last nights. They almost missed their flights the next morning but Benoit was calling him to check on him later that day.

It hurts so much to lose someone else and they always left with a hug and an I Love You. That’s what he got with their final phone call and Benoit will always be part of their family. Benoit trusted him with his kids’ lives and Chavo would do the same with Benoit and his kids. Thank you and he’ll always miss Benoit.

We see the last few minutes of Benoit, as the Pegasus Kid, winning the IWGP Junior Heavyweight Title from Jushin Thunder Liger on August 19, 1990.

William Regal says he can tell us some great Benoit stories at a later date but for now he can say that Benoit was the best in the ring. Regal says that’s all he has to say at the moment and leaves. Over the years, there has been some speculation that Regal might not have been sure about what happened in Atlanta and he seemed very careful with his words here. It wouldn’t shock me at all if he was thinking something was a lot worse than it seemed.

We see Vince’s opening statement again.

JR and King talk about how Benoit idolized Dynamite Kid.

Benoit talks about finally getting to Stampede Wrestling and emulating Dynamite Kid as much as he could.

From Royal Rumble 2001.

Intercontinental Title: Chris Benoit vs. Chris Jericho

Benoit is defending in a ladder match and the fight is on in a hurry. The slugout leads to both guys trying their submission to no avail. Benoit sends him shoulder first into the post as Lawler picks Benoit to win in a blowout. A shoulder breaker stays on the shoulder and Jericho’s springboard dropkick is knocked out to the floor. They’re definitely going with the idea that Benoit knows Jericho very well to start.

The shoulder goes into the post and it’s already ladder time. It’s way too early to climb though as Jericho pulls him off in an electric chair. Jericho rams the ladder into Benoit’s ribs and puts said ladder in the corner. Now you know what’s going to happen and I know what’s going to happen, but since Jericho is a face here, he’s stupid enough to be whipped into the ladder and fall outside again.

Benoit’s dive through the ropes is blocked with a chair to the head (egads that’s tough to watch). A ladder shot to Benoit’s back only hits barricade and now it’s the ladder going off Jericho’s head. Jericho sends him into the ladder back inside before tying Benoit’s leg into the ladder. That means a super Russian legsweep to bring them both crashing down. Benoit goes into the ladder again and Jericho catapults the ladder into his face to make things even worse. These are some brutal, brutal shots here and they keep getting harder and harder.

Jericho starts going up the ladder so Benoit belly to back suplexes him over the top in a heap. They both head up the ladder this time though and Jericho gets the Walls ON TOP OF THE LADDER for one of the coolest and most painful looking spots you’ll ever see. Benoit falls off but manages to kick the ladder over, sending Jericho into the ropes. The Crossface makes Jericho tap (and goes back to the shoulder from earlier) but Jericho’s other arm is still good enough to send Benoit into the ladder.

The ladder is set up in the corner but Benoit knocks him off, setting up a HUGE Swan Dive….which only hits mat. Jericho puts the ladder on top of Benoit for a climb but Benoit shoves it forward, sending Jericho crashing into the top rope. Benoit goes up but Jericho makes the save with a chair to knock Benoit to the floor. That’s too much of a fall and Jericho wins the title.

Rating: A. This is one of my all time favorites as the match is nothing short of brutal and featured some unique spots in there. Sometimes you just need two people to beat the heck out of each other with reckless abandon and that’s exactly what you got here. There’s even some psychology with the arm work and that’s all you could ask for. This isn’t a match that needs a lot of analysis because you get everything you need out of just watching the thing.

JR and King talk about how great Benoit was.

Edge talks about how he had three people in this industry that he felt he could talk to and now two of them are gone. He was watching Stampede Wrestling when he was a kid and knew Benoit would be awesome. They fought a few times and it was like two Canadians fighting over the last beer. No one would ever have a bad thing to say about Benoit.

Two weeks ago, he got to face Benoit again and it was fun getting kicked in the head that hard. Seeing Benoit smile after a match was the biggest compliment. Edge would call Benoit after his neck surgery to make sure things were right. He remembers seeing Benoit with his kids and starts crying again, which he knows would get him heat with Benoit but he can’t help it.

JBL talks about Benoit throwing people out of the locker room because they didn’t belong there.

Another Benoit music video, set to Remember (I.O.U.) by Big Dismal.

HHH tries to come up with one thing that defines Benoit and it would be respect. A few years ago, a young wrestler disrespected Shawn Michaels so Benoit made him do 1000 squats. The next day, the wrestler couldn’t bend his legs so Benoit made him do 500 more. He will always remember Wrestlemania XX and the image of Benoit FINALLY winning the World Title. HHH will always respect Benoit because he earned it.

JR and King introduce the only thing that could wrap this up.

From Wrestlemania XX.

Raw World Title: HHH vs. Chris Benoit vs. Shawn Michaels

HHH is defending and wearing white boots for a really weird look. We don’t get Big Match Intros but we do have a weapons check. The fans are behind Benoit here, to the surprise of no one paying attention. Benoit goes after both of them to start but Shawn wants to beat on HHH. A way too early Crossface attempt doesn’t work on Shawn, who is sent into HHH to knock the champ outside. The second Crossface attempt is countered into a rollup for two but HHH is back in to clothesline Michaels.

Now it’s Benoit being sent outside so Shawn and HHH can have their big showdown. That doesn’t last long (you save the big stuff for later) as HHH goes outside to drive Benoit into the barricade. Shawn is right up with a moonsault onto the two of them for a big crash. Back in and HHH hits the facebuster on Shawn but Benoit breaks up the Pedigree. Shawn goes shoulder first into the post, again leaving us with two instead of the three.

Benoit can’t get a belly to back superplex as HHH pulls him down into the Tree of Woe and whips Shawn into him for a near fall of his own. HHH gets sent into him as well for the same two but Benoit gets free for the rolling German suplexes. Michaels is right there to break up the Swan dive though, only to eat a DDT from HHH. With Shawn on the floor, HHH pulls Benoit off the top and hammers away.

That’s reversed into a Crossface with Shawn diving in for a save. Shawn tries his own rolling German suplexes on Benoit and I’ll let you guess how that goes. After Shawn bounces off the mat from Benoit’s third straight German suplex, the Swan Dive connects for two. Shawn forearms Benoit to the floor and nips up for the fight against HHH. The champ gets knocked down for the top rope elbow and Sweet Chin Music connects.

Benoit is right there to pull HHH to the floor of course and he sends Shawn into the post. The busted open Shawn (it wouldn’t feel right otherwise) gets caught in the Crossface so HHH grabs his hand to prevent the tap out. Benoit beats up HHH on the floor but gets sent into the steps. HHH loads up the announcers’ table and Shawn joins him to double suplex Benoit through the table. NOW we get the big Shawn vs. HHH showdown and it lasts all of fifteen seconds with Shawn whipping HHH over the corner and back outside.

Back in and HHH (also bleeding) hits a quick Pedigree but can’t cover. Benoit dives in for a last second save and all three are down. A Pedigree to Benoit is reversed into a Sharpshooter in the middle of the ring so it’s Shawn coming back in with more Sweet Chin Music. That’s only good for two so Shawn tries it again, only to be sent to the floor. The Pedigree is countered into the Crossface and Benoit rolls him into the middle for the tap and the title.

Rating: A+. I never realized how much the Wrestlemania XXX match copied this one, down to the big double team through the table, the technical star who had worked forever to get here and winning with a very similar hold, plus other things I’m probably overlooking. Anyway, there isn’t much to say here as the match speaks for itself. It’s long in the right way, the near falls were great, the work and visuals were incredible and the right guy won. I’m sure you’ve seen this one at least once and if you haven’t, find the time to sit down and watch Benoit’s crowning achievement.

Benoit is in tears as Eddie comes out for the big celebration. Confetti falls (another Wrestlemania XXX scene) and JR has almost lost his voice shouting about how amazing this was. The ending is a spectacular visual and what should have been one of the most memorable moments ever.

One more Benoit graphic wraps us up.

Overall Rating: N/A. What else is there to say? Benoit is someone who is going to be remembered in two very distinct ways and this show was about the first one. No one really knew what had happened yet and it made sense for them to pay tribute to Benoit. This was an amazing tribute and set of matches to one of the most successful wrestlers ever. Benoit had an incredible career and while I can’t say it’s a shame that it won’t be featured ever again, there is so much greatness in there that it can be rather hard to ignore. This was the right show for the time, but it isn’t likely to see the light of day again.




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Monday Night Raw – November 22, 2021: Vince Can Help

Monday Night Raw
Date: November 22, 2021
Location: Barclays Center, New York City, New York
Commentators: Jimmy Smith, Corey Graves, Byron Saxton

We’re done with Survivor Series and Raw won the Battle For Brand Supremacy, which I don’t think was actually mentioned on the show. What was mentioned was Mr. McMahon’s egg, which is a prop from a movie that he thinks is worth millions of dollars. Then someone stole it and tonight we need to find out who did it. What a great way to start the holidays so let’s get to it.

Here is Survivor Series if you need a recap.

Vince McMahon is glaring at Adam Pearce and Sonya Deville over the missing egg.

We recap the case of the stolen egg.

Back in the office, Vince tells Pearce and Deville that they need to find out who did this. Deville has talked to everyone and the surveillance footage isn’t clear. Vince makes them an offer: if someone confesses, they can face Big E. for the WWE Title tonight. Now find it or be fired. Vince sounded really, really old here.

Randy Orton is ready to face Dolph Ziggler, who could get lost on the way to the ring. Riddle comes in with an Orton style goatee and his hair pulled back. He’s been busy doing Viper stuff and Riddle promises to give Ziggler a rude introduction. Riddle talks about everything Orton has done in his career (including the most PPV matches as of last night) and now he’s ready to take out Ziggler.

Riddle vs. Dolph Ziggler

Randy Orton is here with Riddle, who is even in Orton trunks. Feeling out process to start and they go with the grappling until Ziggler dropkicks him so hard that the mustache comes off. Ziggler pulls the goatee off (Graves: “It was Riddle all along! And he would have gotten away with it if it wasn’t for those meddling kids!”) but gets caught with the spinning gutwrench suplex.

Ziggler is sent outside so Riddle dives…right into a superkick and we take a break. Back with Riddle hitting an Orton powerslam but an RKO attempt is broken up. Ziggler rips at the face but Riddle knees him down. Now the RKO can finish Ziggler at 9:30 (with Orton looking rather pleased).

Rating: C. It wasn’t a great match or anything close but it was a goofy bit of fun with good enough action. Riddle does a great Orton impression and Orton getting sucked into the madness is a fun way to go. I’m not sure what the endgame is for the team, but the fact that we have gotten this far without a split is great to see for a change.

Post match Robert Roode goes after Riddle so Orton makes the save and lays him out with a Bro Derek (much to Riddle’s delight).

Everyone is going nuts in the back looking for the egg. R-Truth runs off…and accidentally goes into the women’s locker room. R-Truth: “IT AIN’T IN THERE!” Maybe they should try some different rooms?

Here is Becky Lynch for a chat. After a look at last night’s win over Charlotte, and a break, Becky soaks in some of the rather enthusiastic cheers. Becky talks about some of the great moments she has had in Brooklyn and how great last night really was. The fans loved everything and didn’t even care who won as long as they could beat each other up. She thinks the fans want something fresh and new and asks who they want to see.

The fans like some of her suggestions…but she has realized that whatever they say doesn’t matter. Last night she saw ten women breaking their backs but the fans were out there doing the wave and singing their songs and doing their chants. Now they want to see Liv Morgan get a chance because she has won one match in four years. It doesn’t matter because she has a death grip on this title and no one is taking it from her. Becky was feeling it here.

We look at Bianca Belair beating four women in a row to win last night.

Here is Belair for a chat to talk about how she was the sole survivor. Now hopefully Doudrop will cool it because she wasn’t even on the team. Maybe Doudrop can go find the egg instead of being after her. For now though, she’ll just beat up Tamina.

Bianca Belair vs. Tamina

Natalya is here with Tamina, who sends Belair into the corner. That’s fine with Belair, who moonsaults over her and manages a suplex. Tamina superkicks her into the Samoan drop for two and it’s time to hit the neck crank. Belair fights up again, hits Tamina a few times, and finishes with the KOD at 3:58.

Rating: D+. I’m not sure what else there was to expect here and it only worked so well. Belair overcomes the odds again by beating Tamina, which doesn’t exactly mean that much at this point. After beating four women in a row last night, it’s not the biggest surprise to have her beat Tamina, who hasn’t won anything on her own in a pretty long while.

Post match Natalya jumps Belair but gets kicked away. Cue Doudrop to crush Belair, while looking a bit more serious.

We look at Seth Rollins leading the men’s Raw Survivor Series team to victory.

Here is Rollins to brag about his win. It was a great victory and he did it all by himself. That’s right: it was all Rollins, because his partners either walked out, weren’t good enough or got pinned in the middle of the ring. Cue Finn Balor though and we’re ready to go with their scheduled match.

Seth Rollins vs. Finn Balor

Rollins jumps Balor during his entrances and the brawl is on before the bell. Balor scores with a flip dive but gets sent into the barricade and onto the announcers’ table. Rollins stomps away at Balor and blasts Balor in the face with the steps. The Stomp onto the steps and another one in the ring leave Balor laying with no match. Rollins goes to leave and gets jumped by a fan so we cut away in a hurry.

The egg hunt continues and looks a lot like the 24/7 Title chase.

Sami Zayn is in Vince McMahon’s office and says he knows who took the egg. Well, at least he’s like 95% sure. They’re not here yet, but when they get here, Sami will get his title shot.

Kevin Owens is looking for the egg but wasn’t listening to Seth Rollins. If he doesn’t find the egg, he’ll be looking forward to seeing who gets the title shot.

AJ Styles/Omos vs. Street Profits

The Profits are carrying a bag and give Graves his own red cup. Ford starts with Styles and takes him down in a hurry. That doesn’t go well for Styles, so he hands it off to Omos. The Profits need to think about this for a bit on the floor and we take a break. Back with Dawkins in trouble as AJ grabs a front facelock to keep him down. That’s broken up in a hurry though and it’s back to Ford to pick up the pace. Ford cleans house and backdrops his way out of a fast Styles Clash attempt…but it’s back to Omos again.

Ford’s crossbody bounces off of Omos so he tries some strikes, with only an enziguri staggering Omos. Unfortunately it’s only a stagger as a clothesline takes Ford’s head off. Dawkins breaks up the chokebomb but gets sent outside. That’s enough for Dawkins, who opens the bag and pulls out a fire extinguisher to blind Omos for the DQ at 8:15.

Rating: C-. That was a bit of a stretch for an ending as it isn’t like the Profits have anything that would make you think of a fire extinguisher. I get the idea of not wanting to face Omos empty handed but it did feel a bit out there. It doesn’t help that the match was the same thing you always see from Styles and Omos: Styles doing everything and then Omos coming in as the monster. The team doesn’t seem like it is going to be around for that long, but I’m not sure what Omos is going to be able to do on his own.

Zelina Vega/Carmella are ready to win the Women’s Tag Team Titles.

Veer Mahaan is still coming.

Women’s Tag Team Titles: Queen Zelina/Carmella vs. Nikki Ash/Rhea Ripley

Nikki and Ripley are defending. Hold on though as Carmella has to put on her mask, allowing Ripley to start things on the floor. Back in and Rhea keeps up the beating before it’s off to Zelina. That doesn’t go well for her either, as Ripley runs her over and blocks a hurricanrana attempt.

A tornado DDT does drop Ripley and we hit the chinlock, which is powered into the corner for the tag to Nikki. Carmella gets in a cheap shot so Ripley chases her around the ring, only to dive back in and break up a cover. Ripley gets sent outside and a superkick sends her head into the post. Back in and Vega jumps Nikki from behind, allowing Carmella to hit a low superkick. The Code Red gives Vega the pin and the titles at 4:49.

Rating: D+. This wasn’t great but the title change was the right way to go. It was clear that Nikki and Rhea didn’t have anything to do as champions so putting them on a semi regular team is the better way to go. If nothing else, this should free Rhea up from the tagging and that’s a good thing for the division as a whole.

Sonya Deville tells Vince McMahon that she has found the culprit. Post break, Sami Zayn, Adam Pearce and Deville are in the office as Austin Theory comes in with the egg. Vince takes it back and Theory says he was just here yesterday to take a selfie with it, but there was so much security that he took it back to the hotel. Theory shows him the picture and Vince is so happy with Theory’s honesty that Theory gets the title match instead! Sami loses it as Vince and Theory take another selfie together. Vince tells Sami to shut up because no one likes a snitch. I’ll take this over some bad comedy answer.

24/7 Title: Reggie vs. Cedric Alexander

Reggie is defending and tries a nip up to start, earning himself a heck of a right hand to the face. A hurricanrana gives Reggie two but Cedric knees him in the ribs. The Lumbar Check gives Cedric the pin and the title at 1:17.

Post match here is the usual gang of idiots (plus a lot more) to go after the title but it’s Dana Brooke hitting a Blockbuster for the pin and the title. All of the guys stop and let her pose.

We look at Bobby Lashley taking out the Mysterio to get on the Survivor Series team.

Rey Mysterio talks to Dominik about all of the giants he has faced over the years. Tonight though, he is honored to fight by his son’s side so let’s go give them a Mysterio whipping.

Dana Brooke is very happy with her title win. She created an opportunity and tries to live every day like a champion. Graves: “I give it until the end of the night.”

Rey Mysterio/Dominik Mysterio vs. Bobby Lashley

Before the match, MVP says he respects Rey as a wrestler, but not so much as a father. Did Rey ever teach Dominik that monsters are not real? Rey has never faced a monster like Lashley and Dominik is going to be in the Hurt Lock in just a few minutes. When Rey’s wife is tired of him being a horrible number, Rey can give her MVP’s number.

Dominik jumps on Lashley’s back to start and is quickly powered into the corner. Rey comes in and gets powerslammed in a hurry but Dominik breaks up the Hurt Lock. Lashley is sent outside but his dive is caught in the air. The posting is broken up by a Rey dive though and we take a break. Back with Lashley choking Dominik on the ropes and hitting the spinning Big Ending for two. Dominik gets posted again as Rey can’t do much other than watch the destruction.

Back in and Lashley tells Dominik to hit him, with Dominik actually managing to stagger him. The hot tag brings in Rey, who gets an assist to set up a tornado DDT for two. Dominik comes in without a tag (with commentary pointing it out) but it’s quickly back to Rey for a double 619. Back to back frog splashes and a double cover get two so Lashley spears Rey down. The Hurt Lock finishes Dominik at 10:56.

Rating: C. I don’t think the ending was exactly in doubt as Lashley is not someone who is going to lose outside of a big moment. The Mysterios are a good team, but it’s not like this is a loss that hurts them. Odds are they are heading to the split which has been teased for a little while, though I’m not sure how well Dominik is going to do on his own.

Big E. let a lot of people down last week but now he has to defend the WWE Title against Austin Theory. Now Theory is good and young, but Big E. is going to be feeling good when he leaves this beautiful building.

Liv Morgan is happy with the win last night but here is Becky Lynch to laugh about Liv coming up short. Becky says Liv will never hold the title, but Liv says she held it last week. That’s laughed off as well and Becky talks about how Liv has disappointed everyone. Liv looks near tears so she punches Becky in the face and walks away, leaving Becky looking shaken.

US Title: Damian Priest vs. Apollo Crews

Priest is defending in an open challenge. Before the match, Crews and Commander Azeez brag about how great Crews is, but Priest cuts him off to say they’re in New York. If Crews wants to fight, all he has to do is ask. Crews actually says no, so here is Sami Zayn instead. If Crews doesn’t want the title then he’ll take the shot.

US Title: Damian Priest vs. Sami Zayn

Priest is still defending and Sami bails outside to start. That’s fine with Priest, who follows him out but gets caught with an exploder. We take a break and come back with Priest fighting up, only to get caught in the Blue Thunder Bomb for two. Sami gets caught on top with a kick to the head but still manages a sunset bomb for two more.

Back up and Priest tries the Reckoning but gets reversed into a rollup. For some reason, Sami thinks it’s a good idea to go pick up the US Title, which sends Priest into his now trademark rage. A big beating has Sami rocked in the corner and the Reckoning retains the title at 8:49.

Rating: C. This was about all you would have expected it to be, with Sami doing what he could, going too far, and summoning the inner Priest monster. That was a good way to go as Sami can be just good enough to make you believe that he could pull off the upset but then take the beating. Priest is on his way up and that’s nice to see.

Austin Theory has had a good day and is ready to take a selfie with the WWE Title.

Raw World Title: Big E. vs. Austin Theory

Big E. is defending and here is Seth Rollins to watch as well. They start fast with Big E. running him over and hitting the apron splash. Cue Kevin Owens to distract Big E. though, allowing Theory to hit a dropkick to the floor. We take a break and come back with Big E. fighting out of trouble, including an overhead belly to belly.

Theory kicks him in the face and then blocks the spear through the ropes. Big E. runs him over again but Rollins gets in a cheap shot from the floor, allowing Theory to hit the rolling Blockbuster. Owens gets annoyed at Rollins and they yell at each other, distracting Theory in the process. Big E. uses said distraction to hit the Big Ending for the pin to retain at 9:13.

Rating: C. Much like some of the other matches tonight, there wasn’t a lot of drama to be found and that’s ok. After the loss to Reigns, this lets Big E. get back on the winning path over someone who is getting more over just getting to rub elbows with people on a higher level. Both of them can move on to something else, though I’m not sure what that is for Theory.

Post match Rollins goes after Big E. and gets laid out, leaving Big E. to yell at Owens and Rollins to end the show.

Overall Rating: C. Maybe it was the lack of dread from Survivor Series coming but this was a better Raw than usual. They did some logical things with some of the wrestlers and the whole egg deal set up a nice little main event. It’s far from perfect and the length is still one of the major underlying problems, but I didn’t get mad at anything on the show this week so that’s a pretty positive result.

Riddle b. Dolph Ziggler – RKO
Bianca Belair b. Tamina – KOD
AJ Styles/Omos b. Street Profits via DQ when Dawkins used a fire extinguisher
Queen Zelina/Carmella b. Nikki Ash/Rhea Ripley – Code Red to Ash
Cedric Alexander b. Reggie – Lumbar Check
Bobby Lashley b. Dominik Mysterio/Rey Mysterio – Hurt Lock to Dominik
Damian Priest b. Sami Zayn – Reckoning
Big E. b. Austin Theory – Big Ending



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Monday Night Raw – November 15, 2021: They Got Around To It

Monday Night Raw
Date: November 15, 2021
Location: Gainbridge Fieldhouse, Indianapolis, Indiana
Commentators: Jimmy Smith, Byron Saxton, Corey Graves

It’s the go home show for Survivor Series and that means we should be in for some build to the show. Granted that has been the case for a few weeks now and the focus has been on whatever comes after the show instead. Maybe we can talk about the show a bit more this week, as they don’t have much time left before the pay per view. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

We open with a recap of Kevin Owens trying to make people believe he had changed last week. Then he lost to Seth Rollins and beat up Big E. anyway.

Here is Big E. for a chat. He thanks the fans for their attention before moving on to Roman Reigns. The Usos attacked his friends and now it is time to beat Reigns like he stole something. There better be some empty beds in those Brooklyn hospitals for them because he is taking a piece of Reigns that can never come back. That’s for Sunday but this is Monday Night Raw, so he needs to talk to Kevin Owens.

Big E. wants Kevin Owens out here right now so here he is. Owens talks about how last week was his third loss in a row and of course he snapped. He talks about how he was pushed too far and now he is going to break bad on everyone in the locker room, including Big E. That’s enough for Big E., who wants to fight right now. Owens heads to the back and for once, Big E. actually follows his….with the Usos popping up to jump him from behind.

The beatdown is on, with the Usos promising that Reigns is taking him out at Survivor Series. Oh and RKBro? The Usos run Raw too. Cue Riddle to jump the Usos with Big E. getting up to help clear the ring. Sonya Deville comes out to match the tag match. Hold on though because here is Seth Rollins to join us. I could go for a lot more of it, but this was exactly what it needed to be: Big E. acknowledging Roman Reigns and making their match seem personal. I’m not sure why it took so long to do so, but it’s better than nothing.

Riddle/Big E. vs. Usos

Non-title and Seth Rollins is on commentary. Big E. takes Jey into the corner to start and hands it off to Riddle for some kicks to the ribs. It’s back to Big E. as Riddle is sent outside, leaving Big E. to beat up the Usos on his own. That’s enough for Rollins, who jumps Owens for the DQ at 2:57.

Post match the beatdown is on but here is Randy Orton for the save. So where was he five minutes ago? An RKO drops Jimmy and we take a break, unfortunately without the big neon sign saying the six man is next.

Usos/Seth Rollins vs. Big E./RKBro

Joined in progress with Rollins’ arm getting cranked so it’s off to Riddle. It’s off to Jimmy, who kicks Riddle down and grabs a chinlock. Jey gets kicked off the apron but the distraction lets Riddle kick Jey down. It’s off to Big E. to pick up the pace, including the Warrior Splash to Jimmy.

A kick to Big E. doesn’t do much good as he takes Jimmy to the apron for a bunch of forearms to the chest. The apron splash connects as we take a break. Back with Orton having to fight out of a nerve hold and getting over to Riddle to pick up the pace. House is cleaned with forearms, suplexes, knees and backsplashes before everything breaks down. We settle down to Rollins elbowing Riddle in the front and back of the head, setting up a rollup for the pin at 11:10.

Rating: C. Slightly tired formula for setting the match up aside, this worked well enough to set up a pair of matches at the same time. Rollins getting the pin is a bit odd as he is the one who is the least associated with everyone else, but at least he has something going on of his own. Now can we get someone to work on Orton’s run-in schedule? He needs to be a more thoughtful partner.

Post match the Usos go after Riddle but Orton makes the save with the RKO. Everyone else leaves and Big E. grabs Jimmy, telling him to tell daddy Roman that the message is received. He has a return message, and that’s a Big Ending.

We recap Doudrop costing Bianca Belair her shot at becoming #1 contender last week.

Bianca Belair isn’t happy with Doudrop but Tamina interrupts. Tamina says she’s Belair’s business tonight, which works for Belair.

Kevin Owens doesn’t appreciate being called a liar, but he was in fact lying because that’s what a bad guy does. Therefore, by saying he is a liar and then lying, he was telling the truth. Finn Balor pops up to say he doesn’t trust Owens but since he was supposed to face Seth Rollins, he’ll face Owens instead. Owens seems down.

Bianca Belair vs. Tamina

Tamina runs her over to start and we hit the chinlock as Doudrop is watching in the back. A running elbow drops Belair again but she’s back up with a dropkick into the corner. Belair hits a spinebuster for two but Tamina scores with a superkick. The Superfly Splash is broken up with a slam off the top so Belair tries a handspring moonsault. Tamina gets the knees up but Belair hits her in the face and grabs the KOD for the pin at 4:40.

Rating: D+. So that’s what happens when Belair faces Tamina, in case you were actually wondering how that would have gone. I’m not sure why you would have, but it was nice to see Belair get a win. It’s designed to set up Belair vs. Doudrop though, and that might not be the most interesting choice.

Post match here is Doudrop to say she is coming for Belair after Survivor Series.

Here is Becky Lynch for a chat and the fans didn’t seem to get the memo about needing to boo her. We see a clip of Charlotte talking about Becky on Smackdown and asking who Lynch even is. Becky says she used to be Charlotte’s best friend and the person who was always there for her. She was the person who was always there to offer Charlotte a shoulder to cry on, but the condition was Becky always had to be in the background. Then she dropped Charlotte and jumped into the stratosphere. Her success has made Charlotte so bitter and now she is going to make Charlotte face all of her demons.

Cue Liv Morgan to interrupt and say Becky just left her last week. Becky was expecting this and has a video ready, showing Morgan promising to become champion four months ago. Back in the arena, Becky says she has been back and won the title in 26 seconds, but Morgan has still done nothing. Morgan thinks Big Time Becks is a Big Time B**** and since that is the ONLY INSULT WOMEN IN WWE KNOW, the fight is on. The threat of the Manhandle Slam is countered into an armdrag and Becky leaves, allowing Morgan to hold up the title. Morgan was stepping up here, though it’s hard to imagine her having a real chance.

Randy Orton yells at Riddle for getting involved but Riddle just gets confused about being the enemy of your friend. Orton: “NOBODY SAYS THAT!” Orton only cares about this team and storms off, with the Street Profits popping up to say they like what Riddle did earlier. Riddle likes them too and they share a catchphrase.

Street Profits vs. Alpha Academy

Yeah they feuded on Smackdown over the summer but this is on Raw so it’s new and exciting. Dawkins flips over Gable to start and takes him down, allowing Ford to work on the arm. Ford’s dropkick drops Gable (with a kick) but Otis comes in to run Dawkins over. Dawkins avoids a charge in the corner though and Ford hits a big flip dive to take Gable down on the floor. Otis runs over both Profits and we take a break.

Back with Otis splashing Dawkins’ knee and handing it off to Gable for a dragon screw legwhip. The moonsault misses though and Dawkins hits the Silencer. That’s enough for the hot tag back to Ford, who strikes away at Otis. The kicks just seem to annoy Otis though, as he hits a pop up World’s Strongest Slam. Everything breaks down and Otis misses a charge into the barricade. Gable dives off the top onto Ford, who rolls through for the pin at 11:07.

Rating: C+. It’s no surprise that these teams worked well together because they have done it so often now. The Profits are a good team and the Academy has found their footing, so it would be nice to see them shifted towards the title picture. It’s not like RKBro is overflowing with challengers at the moment, so let’s see what these two could do.

We look back at Bobby Lashley beating Dominik Mysterio to take Dominik’s spot on the Survivor Series team.

Rey Mysterio comes in to see Adam Pearce about what happened with Dominik last week. Pearce doesn’t like Rey’s tone and gives him a match with Lashley tonight.

Nikki Ash vs. Queen Zelina

Rhea Ripley and Carmella are at ringside too. Nikki grabs a headlock to start before hitting a running crossbody. That earns her a toss to the apron so Nikki comes back in with a rollup for two. Vega gets caught in a fireman’s carry but fights out for a knee to the face. The chinlock goes on until Nikki fights up and kicks the knee out. A Carmella distraction lets Vega catch her on top though and Code Red gives Vega the pin at 2:45.

Post match Carmella yells at Rhea and a match seems ready.

Rhea Ripley vs. Carmella

Joined in progress with Ripley hitting a delayed vertical suplex and then tossing Carmella without much trouble. Carmella gets in a kick to the face for two and we hit the chinlock. Ripley fights up and grabs a northern lights suplex, earning herself a kick to the face. Back up and Ripley hits a headbutt into the Riptide for the pin at 4:10.

Rating: C-. This was quick enough and they didn’t do anything nuts like having Ripley lose. I’m not sure what the point is in having the Survivor Series team fight each other, but it’s not like the Women’s Tag Team Champions could do anything like defend their titles. That would suggest WWE cares about them and I think even they’re smart enough to know otherwise.

Post match, Vega says it doesn’t matter because Carmella is still going to lead the Raw women to victory at Survivor Series.

Big E. comes in to see Adam Pearce, who threatens to suspend him if he doesn’t play nice tonight.

Seth Rollins promises to lead Raw to the mountaintop, both before and after Survivor Series.

Finn Balor vs. Kevin Owens

Owens runs him over to start and hits an early backsplash for two. Balor rolls through a powerbomb though and scores with a basement dropkick. They head outside where the running apron kick is countered, allowing Owens to hit a swinging leg trap belly to back suplex for two. We hit the chinlock but Balor fights back and knocks Owens into the corner. Owens gets sent outside and that means the big flip dive to the floor as we take a break.

Back with Owens hitting a super Regal Roll for two and yelling at the fans a lot. A spinning side slam gives Owens two more and Balor charges into a superkick for the same. Balor rolls to the floor and hits the shotgun dropkick into the barricade. Back in and Owens hits the pop up sitout powerbomb for two but the Swanton hits knees. Balor gets caught going up top though and it’s a Stunner to give Owens the pin at 12:16.

Rating: B-. These two work well together and Owens needed the win to establish himself a bit better. Owens seems likely for a big Raw title match before his contract expires, though I can’t really picture him sticking around at this point. I’m not sure what is next for Balor, but dang I can’t remember the last time he won something important.

Here’s what happened at the Wrestlemania ticket on-sale party.

AJ Styles and Omos aren’t happy with Robert Roode and Dolph Ziggler. Styles isn’t worried though, because he has his own Omos.

Dolph Ziggler and Roberts Roode aren’t worried either and think Styles and Omos are like the movie Twins, with AJ being Danny DeVito.

Video on Damian Priest.

AJ Styles/Omos vs. Robert Roode/Dolph Ziggler

AJ allows Omos to start with Roode, who thinks twice about things. Roode gets thrown into the corner and clotheslined, meaning it’s off to Ziggler instead. Omos fireman’s carries Ziggler into a faceplant and it’s the Phenomenal Forearm to give AJ the pin at 3:16.

Rating: D+. So that was a total squash and I’m not quite sure why. Styles and Omos are established as a team so it’s not like they needed the boost. It was one of the more dominant looking performances from Omos though, who will work well as a monster if he can start getting a bit better in the ring.

Bobby Lashley is ready to run through Rey Mysterio tonight, just like he’ll do to Team Smackdown on Sunday.

Smackdown Rebound.

Survivor Series rundown.

Rey Mysterio vs. Bobby Lashley

Dominik Mysterio is here with Rey. Lashley starts with the power but Rey slips out to the apron for a top rope seated senton. Some right hands put Rey down so Dominik offers a distraction, allowing Rey to knock Lashley outside. Rey’s sliding armdrag is countered but he manages to send Lashley into the post. Something like the 619 grazes Lashley and the sliding splash to the floor hits him again. Back up and Lashley throws him into the barricade as we take a break.

We come back with Rey being powered into the corner as Adam Pearce watches backstage. Rey avoids a running clothesline but his springboard moonsault is countered into a spinning Big Ending. Lashley sends him outside for a loud posting, followed by the running shoulder to the ribs back inside. There’s a one armed delayed suplex to taunt Dominik a bit but Rey fights up again. This time it’s a 619 into the ribs, setting up the regular version to the face. The top rope splash connects but Lashley picks him up and grabs the Hurt Lock for the tap at 11:11.

Rating: C. If I never see another Rey Mysterio/Dominik match again, it’s going to be too soon. I’ve been a big Rey fan for a long time but this stuff is just not interesting and it’s dragging down almost everything they do. It would be nice to just get to the split already so they can stop this family stuff, as it stopped being interesting a good while ago. For now though, it was fun to see Lashley maul him like a bear being let loose in an aquarium.

Post match Lashley keeps the hold on but glares at Dominik, who is too scared to get in. Lashley lets go and we cut to Adam Pearce, who heads into the arena with a microphone. It is his job to give us the best competition at Survivor Series, so Rey is off the team for a replacement to be named later. Cue Austin Theory to take out Dominik and get a quick selfie. Pearce likes that, so Theory is on the team in Rey’s spot. So yeah, we now have two evil authority figures, as that’s an idea that was begging to be rehashed.

Overall Rating: C. This show was certainly a rushed build to Survivor Series, but it was nice to have a focus for once. That’s something Raw has been lacking, as it feels like they have been building to multiple things at once. They were doing it again here, though it was nowhere near as bad as in previous weeks, when Survivor Series felt like a total afterthought. Survivor Series still doesn’t feel important, but at least it feels like WWE remembers it’s happening.

Riddle/Big E. b. Usos via DQ when Seth Rollins interfered
Seth Rollins/Usos b. RKBro/Big E. – Rollup to Riddle
Bianca Belair b. Tamina – KOD
Street Profits b. Alpha Academy – Rollup to Gable
Queen Zelina b. Nikki Ash – Code Red
Rhea Ripley b. Carmella – Riptide
Kevin Owens b. Finn Balor – Stunner
AJ Styles/Omos b. Robert Roode/Dolph Ziggler – Phenomenal Forearm to Ziggler
Bobby Lashley b. Rey Mysterio – Hurt Lock


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Monday Night Raw – June 11, 2007 (Mr. McMahon Appreciation Night/2007 Draft): BOOM!

Monday Night Raw
Date: June 11, 2007
Location: Wachovia Arena, Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania
Commentators: Jim Ross, Jerry Lawler, Michael Cole, Tazz, John Bradshaw Layfield, Joey Styles

It’s time for a special three hour edition (like that has a future) as we have the annual Draft. This show will include all three brands, including ECW for a change. They have really hyped up the idea that ANYONE can be drafted to any show and that seems like they are primed for something interesting. These things can have quite the batch of surprises so maybe we can get that again this time. It’s also Mr. McMahon Appreciation Night, which I’m sure won’t go anywhere. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Vince McMahon reads us a prepared statement, saying that he is in full control of his mental faculties and tonight, you will hear uncensored comments on him from various people. Tonight will be the defining moment of his life.

Opening sequence.

All of the commentators welcome us to the show, saying that there will be interpromotional matches tonight, with the winning brand getting a Draft pick. I’ve heard worse ideas.

John Cena (Raw) vs. Edge (Smackdown)

Non-title. They lock up to start with Cena whipping him hard into the corner and getting one off a suplex. Edge is right back with a running forearm to the back of the head, followed by some shots to the jaw. A kick to the chest puts Cena on the apron and there’s a baseball slide to put him outside. Back in and Edge scores with a clothesline (JR: “Slobberknocker style.”) and a spinwheel kick gets two more.

Cena tries a quick FU but gets kicked in the face instead, setting up a chinlock as they’re certainly at a pretty fast pace early on. After powering up, Cena tries the STFU but Edge is straight into the ropes for another break. The Throwback has some more effect for Cena and now the real comeback is on. Edge misses what looked to be a spear and crashes out to the floor, where Cena loads up the super FU. Since that would cause quite the amount of damage, Edge rakes his eyes and dives in to beat the count for the win.

Rating: C. This was a televised version of a post show dark match they probably did about a hundred times, albeit with a countout instead of a DQ. They didn’t have much time to do anything here but there is nothing wrong with flying through a match when you have this kind of experience and chemistry with someone. It might not have been a classic, but it did what it needed to.

The Draft pick sends….Great Khali to Smackdown, meaning he has now been on all three brands since the beginning of the year. Cena smiles and Edge realizes he’s in trouble. Khali (with interpreter) comes to the stage and Edge panics.

We get a video on Vince McMahon’s introduction into wrestling (from the McMahon DVD, as will be the case with all of his clips tonight) and how he didn’t want people to know he owned the company for a long time. Other than a few quick notes, it wasn’t acknowledged very often on WWF TV until the late 90s.

Jesse Ventura says Vince hasn’t earned the title of Mr. just yet. This company is a dictatorship and Vince isn’t a benevolent dictator. Like the rest of them, Vince will fall one day.

Coach informs us that Vengeance will now be a Night Of Champions (we knew that already) and any former World Champion on the Raw roster at the end of the night can challenge for the WWE Title in the main event. Even if the WWE Title isn’t on Raw? Isn’t that kind of missing the point of the show?

CM Punk (ECW) vs. Carlito (Raw)

Punk knocks him down to start but Carlito manages to dropkick Punk out of the air to take over. A suplex and elbow stay on Punk’s bad ribs and it’s time to grab a bodyscissors. That’s broken up in a hurry and Punk grabs a bodyscissors to put him in trouble instead. The corner bulldog is broken up though and Carlito scores with the Backstabber to send Punk outside. Back in and Punk hits the GTS for the pin out of nowhere (it’s as sudden as it sounds).

Rating: C-. This came and went without much trouble as you can only get so far with a five minute match without that much drama. Punk isn’t going to lose to Carlito, as Carlito has fallen down pretty far in recent months. At the same time, Punk is rising up through the ranks and there was no reason to suggest he was in trouble here.

The Draft pick sends….the Boogeyman to ECW. That makes all the sense in the world actually. Joey: “Just what ECW needed: more freaks.”

Snoop Dogg likes Vince McMahon bringing in great wrestlers…who can beat Vince up.

Another McMahon clip looks at Vince tormenting various people over the years because he is a rather evil man.

Here is Mick Foley for a surprise chat. Normally he doesn’t like listening to Jonathan Coachman, but he heard something mentioned about former WWE Champions being allowed to take part in an open challenge match. Since he was rehired last year, he’s technically part of the Raw roster so he’ll be at Vengeance, assuming he isn’t drafted. As for Vince, he’s an arrogant, misogynistic and horrible person.

Sure Vince has money, but does he have any friends? Of course not! Foley reads off a list of people who won’t be participating tonight despite being asked: Hulk Hogan, HHH, Eric Bischoff, The Rock, Dick Ebersole, Shawn Michaels, Trish Stratus (Foley: “My unofficial fifth child.”) and Ted Turner, all because Vince isn’t worth their time. They don’t appreciate Vince, so should anyone else? The fans say no and Foley agrees, so have a nice day! My biggest take out of that: it’s weird to hear Foley talking about Hulk Hogan.

Umaga (Raw) vs. Balls Mahoney (ECW)

Samoan Spike in less than forty seconds.

The Draft pick sends…..King Booker to Raw. I had forgotten he was a thing. Booker, with Queen Sharmell, comes back to pose for a bit.

Steve-O from Jackass rhymes about Vince McMahon and seems to be a fan.

Bobby Lashley (Raw) vs. Chris Benoit (Smackdown)

Non-title. Lashley tries a spinebuster to start but Benoit grabs the arm and ties it up on the mat. The power can’t quite get Lashley out of trouble so Benoit gets up and chops away. That’s reversed so Lashley can kick away, which the fans don’t quite appreciate. A front facelock slows Benoit down but he is right back to strike away in the corner.

The snap suplex gets two on Lashley and an attempt at a Crossface gets quite the positive reaction. Lashley powers out of that and tries a gorilla press, which is countered into a Crossface (that’s good for a reaction). The rope is grabbed so Benoit takes him down again and grabs the Sharpshooter, which is broken up with straight power. Back up and Lashley tilt-a-whirls Benoit up into a running powerslam for the fast pin.

Rating: C. This is a match that could have been much better with more time and a better story, though what we got was a nice tease. Power vs. technical is a style that has worked for years and it worked well enough here. Not enough time to make it work here, but what we got worked out well enough.

The Draft pick sends….Chris Benoit to ECW. They could use someone like him.

Lashley and Benoit shake hands.

We recap the Draft picks so far.

Donald Trump doesn’t think much of Vince McMahon and talks about how awesome Wrestlemania was. Maybe he should have his own appreciation night.

Ashley Massaro joins us via satellite and thanks Vince for inventing the Diva Search. She does however bring up making Trish Stratus bark like a dog….so here are Fabulous Moolah and Mae Young to disrobe, get on all fours, and bark like dogs (complete with a dog house and food bowl). That’s one of those things that has been forgotten for all the right reasons.

Jimmy Snuka and Iron Sheik join us to thank Vince McMahon for everything he did, though Sheik goes into a rant about Donald Trump and racket ball.

MVP vs. Santino Marella

Non-title. MVP gutwrench suplexes him to start and a clothesline gets two. We hit the cravate to hold Santino in place for a bit, followed by an exchange of kicks to the ribs. Santino gets the worse of things and gets caught in the chinlock, only to fight up with the variety of offense you would expect from someone who has had about five minutes. A fireman’s carry face first drop gives MVP two and a running boot in the corner connects. The Playmaker finishes Santino in a hurry.

Rating: D+. This was little more than a squash, which might not be the best way to present the Intercontinental Title. Then again it does kind of make sense for Marella, who isn’t supposed to be the most polished star in the world. MVP is starting to come into his own and a win like this helps push him a bit further, though I’m not sure how much value Santino had in the first place.

The Draft pick sends….Torrie Wilson to Smackdown.

Bret Hart wants to punch Vince McMahon in the jaw. There’s a name you wouldn’t expect to see on the show and I can go with the surprise.

Miz (Smackdown) vs. Snitsky (ECW)

Snitsky throws him into the corner for the Tree of Woe to start as commentary wonders if Snitsky gets the concept of the Draft. A big boot finishes Miz in a hurry.

The Draft pick….actually goes to Smackdown, as Snitsky keeps stomping away and the decision is reversed.

The Draft pick sends…..Chris Masters to Smackdown. Dang that show is getting wrecked in this thing.

Bobby Heenan talks about everyone Vince has fired and tries to figure out what is up with that walk.

Here is Roddy Piper to introduce a bunch of embarrassing Vince McMahon clips. That’s what you bring in Roddy Piper to do?

Mark Cuban calls Vince McMahon a winner who is living the American dream.

Candice Michelle vs. Kristal

Kristal takes her down and kicks away at the legs but Candice snaps off a backbreaker. The Go Daddy dance gets two and there’s a triangle choke over the ropes to make things worse for Kristal. The spinwheel kick finishes Kristal in a hurry.

The Draft pick sends….Bobby Lashley to Raw. That’s a big one and you had to know Lashley was getting off of ECW one way or another.

Lashley comes out to pose but here is Coach to cut him off. Since Lashley is no longer on ECW, he can’t be the ECW World Champion. Lashley isn’t happy, but promises to be a champion again.

Bob Costas says he wanted to be a WWE broadcaster but Vince McMahon said no. We hear about their infamous interview together and Costas was glad to have a calmer person like Bobby Knight on next.

Jeff Hardy (Raw) vs. Elijah Burke (ECW) vs. Batista (Smackdown)

Burke bails straight to the floor to start but Hardy jumps him from behind. Back in and Batista fires off the shoulders to Hardy’s ribs in the corner, only to have Hardy slip out of the Batista Bomb. Hardy takes him down and hits the Swanton for a very early two with Burke making the save. Batista gets sent outside, leaving Hardy to hit Burke with the slingshot dropkick. Back in and Batista runs Hardy over, setting up the Batista Bomb to finish Burke.

Rating: C. This was more interesting than I would have expected and it was cool to see some people going at it that you wouldn’t usually see get together. If nothing else, it made me want to see Hardy vs. Batista, which somehow never happened in a singles match. You would think their paths would have crossed at some point somewhere over the years.

The Draft pick sends….Ric Flair to Smackdown. Flair could use the change of scenery.

John Cena was at a car race.

Captain Lou Albano talks about how great he is. Vince McMahon is ok too.

Here’s a recap of the Draft picks. There will also be a supplemental Draft on Wednesday.

Here is Dusty Rhodes to talk about Vince McMahon loving to say “perception is reality”. Dusty says that you might not like Vince, but look at the reality of what he has done. You have to respect him.

Gene Okerlund talks about Vince McMahon letting him become the new host of Tuesday Night Titans….while knowing it would be canceled. We also hear about a bunch of horrible things Vince has done, as Gene doesn’t seem to be a fan.

Battle Royal

Smackdown: Matt Hardy, William Regal, Chavo Guerrero, Mark Henry, Chris Masters,

ECW: Kevin Thorn, Matt Striker, Marcus Cor Von, Sandman, Tommy Dreamer

Raw: Johnny Nitro, Eugene, Kenny Dykstra, Randy Orton, Johnny Nitro

The winning brand gets two picks. It’s a brawl to start (as battle royals tend to do) and Striker is gone in a hurry. Sandman, Regal and Chavo are out as well, with Dreamer following them as the ring is clearing in a hurry. Thorn gets knocked out too and it’s time for Viscera and Henry to have the big showdown.

Henry can’t get him out but he can clothesline Viscera down, followed by the big elimination. We take a break and come back with Eugene and Dykstra gone to leave us with Henry, Cor Von, Orton, Nitro, Masters and Hardy. The Pounce is loaded up but Hardy low bridges Cor Von out to get rid of ECW.

Masters throws Nitro out but Hardy gets rid of him as well, leaving us with Henry, Hardy and Orton. Matt can’t get rid of Henry but it’s enough for Orton to come over and toss Henry out, leaving us with two. A Side Effect drops Orton but the backbreaker cuts Hardy down as well. Hardy is back with the middle rope elbow to the head but Orton tosses him out to give Raw the win anyway.

Rating: C-. You can only get so far with a battle royal where there are brands instead of individual winners, though they did a good job of having Orton get the win. It’s pretty clear that he is on his way to a huge showdown with John Cena so having him get a win here was a nice little boost. The rest of the match was your usual battle royal stuff, so it wasn’t quite the most thrilling part of the show.

The Draft picks send….Snitsky and Mr. Kennedy to Raw. One of those things is a little better than the others. I mean Snitsky for having no hair of course.

Here are the final Draft picks:

To Raw
King Booker w/Queen Sharmell
Bobby Lashley
Mr. Kennedy

To Smackdown
Great Khali
Torrie Wilson
Chris Masters
Ric Flair

Chris Benoit

Vince McMahon is in his office and seems a bit nuts.

Steve Austin laughs off the idea of Vince McMahon Appreciation Night and goes over some great moments of their rivalry. He doesn’t appreciate anything about Vince at all. Swearing ensues.

Since the rosters are now set (as we are already ignoring the supplemental draft), the main event of Vengeance will see Mick Foley, Bobby Lashley (still with the ECW World Title in the graphic), Randy Orton and King Booker challenging John Cena. That is some serious star power.

Here is Vince McMahon for the big closing. Vince, with his hand shaking, picks up the microphone and then drops it back down. Without saying anything, Vince slowly walks to the back, passing by the wrestlers (who are all standing in line for no logical reason). Coach pops in to say the limo is the other way so Vince turns around, passes more wrestlers, plus Pat Patterson and Gerald Brisco, before heading outside.

Vince hesitates to get into the limo, gets inside….and it blows up as the door closes. The limo burns to end the show. And now we have a rather big/hot top story. I remember watching this live and thinking it would blow up as he looked at it like that. No idea why, but it’s the kind of thing that WWE would do.

Overall Rating: C+. It certainly wasn’t a boring show and a lot of things did happen, but it also wasn’t exactly great. This wasn’t the kind of show where you should have expected anything great in the way of wrestling, but what we got was good enough to carry the night. The shakeups needed to happen, though Smackdown is looking more and more like the dumping ground for wrestlers with nothing else to do on Raw.

Then there is the Vince stuff, and again the story feels rushed. The testimonials from the people might not have been great, but some people did say nice things about Vince. That being said, it does make sense that he would be crushed when he wasn’t in his right mind to begin with. The whodunit story is on though, and I’m sure it will reach a satisfying conclusion.




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Monday Night Raw – November 8, 2021: I’m Thinking Travel Issues

Monday Night Raw
Date: November 8, 2021
Location: KFC Yum Center, Louisville, Kentucky
Commentators: Jimmy Smith, Corey Graves, Byron Saxton

We’re less than two weeks away from Survivor Series and now we have the men’s and women’s Survivor Series teams set up. That means we don’t get a month of qualifying matches, but we are likely to get two weeks of I AM THE CAPTAIN and arguing about their love of a brand they have been on for less than a month. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

We open with a recap of last week’s issues with Seth Rollins, Kevin Owens and Big E., as Big E. isn’t sure he can trust Owens.

Big E. and Kevin Owens are in the back, with Owens talking about how he cares about what Big E. thinks of him and wants people to know he turned over a new leaf. Big E. doesn’t really care though and has a match tonight. Owens says he cares what Big E. thinks.

Here is Seth Rollins, in some weird red and blue number, to welcome us to Monday Night Rollins. He is the face of Monday Night Raw and therefore he will lead the team to victory over those Smackdown bums at Survivor Series. The fans think Rollins looks stupid but what would they know about fashion.

Rollins talks about Kevin Owens, wondering if he is a hero or a snake. He has known Owens for a long time and there is one thing you can count on with Owens: he will stab you in the back at any chance he has. Owens is as low as he gets and cannot be trusted as far as he can be thrown, which isn’t far at all. Rollins is ready to turn Owens into the biggest loser in the world but here is a ticked off Owens to interrupt. The fight is on and Rollins has to escape the apron powerbomb. I’m kind of intrigued by this one.

We look back at Omos wrecking the tag team division last week.

RKBro is in the back, with Riddle worrying about turning into a robot and Orton worrying about the Street Profits. Cue the Street Profits, with Orton saying they’re on their own.

Omos/AJ Styles vs. Robert Roode/Dolph Ziggler vs. RKBro/Street Profits

Good to see AJ back. Ford dropkicks Roode down to start and mocks some dog poses. Dawkins comes in with a shoulder and suplexes Ford onto Roode for two. Ziggler comes in and gets punched down as well, allowing Orton to stomp away. The assisted Floating Bro gets two on Ziggler so it’s off to AJ, who gets kicked in the chest.

The Styles Clash is broken up and a triangle choke has Styles in more trouble. They fall over the top for the big crash to set up a huge staredown as we take a break. Back with Riddle fighting out of trouble and kicking Ziggler down. That’s enough for the hot tag to Orton but Roode has to save Ziggler from an RKO. Roode is sent into Omos to knock him off the apron, but he is able to catch a flying Styles.

We take a very sudden break and come back with Omos working on Ford before Ziggler comes back in for a boot rake to the eyes. A sunset flip gives Ziggler two but Ford is back up with an enziguri, which did not seem to come close to making contact. Either way, it’s enough for the hot tag off to Dawkins and house is cleaned in a hurry.

It’s back to Omos though and the wrecking is on in a hurry. Both Profits are taken down but Riddle’s knees to the chest do some damage. Granted it isn’t enough damage to avoid a double chokeslam to plant Riddle hard. Orton still teases getting in but blames Riddle for screwing up. Roode and Ziggler cut Orton off from getting in but Roode and Styles get in a fight on the floor. Omos deals with Roode, leaving Ziggler to pin Riddle at 22:51.

Rating: C. I was stunned when I looked at the clock as that was one of the fastest 20+ minute matches I can remember. The wrestling itself was fine, as everyone did their thing, though Riddle being down for so long off a single chokeslam was a bit much. Not bad though, and it’s certainly nice to see AJ back after whatever was wrong with him.

Post match it’s an RKO to leave Ziggler laying. Orton tells Riddle that he has to listen if they want to keep the titles.

Kevin Owens tries to convince Rey Mysterio to believe him but Rey has to do something.

Veer Mahaan is coming.

Here is Adam Pearce for a chat with the Mysterios. Pearce talks about Survivor Series, which has had some great debuts over the years and is the ONLY NIGHT OF THE YEAR where the two shows face off (there is something hilarious about them pushing this idea every year). That means this year’s Raw needs to live up to last year’s as Raw swept the night. It makes him think that he might have made a mistake by putting Dominik on the team, because every other member is a former WWE Champion. Dominik can keep his spot if he wins the following match.

Dominik Mysterio vs. Bobby Lashley

MVP is back and in Lashley’s corner and the winner is on the Raw Survivor Series team. Lashley starts fast with a suplex but Dominik knees his way out of trouble. A high crossbody doesn’t work for Dominik but he low bridges Lashley to the floor. Another dive is pulled out of the air though and Lashley drives him into the post.

Back in and a Downward Spiral drops Dominik again. The Hurt Lock goes on but Lashley won’t let Dominik tap, instead throwing him outside. Rey Mysterio tries to intervene and gets kicked in the chest, allowing Lashley to post Dominik again. An awesome spear sets up the Hurt Lock to end Dominik at 5:11.

Rating: C-. Total squash here, as it should have been. It makes me wonder why they had Dominik on the team in the first place, but it also has me worried that Pearce is going to be the latest evil authority figure. WWE has gotten away from that lame trope for a long time now and I really don’t need to see it happen again. Though he did get rid of Dominik so how evil can he be?

We look back at the Alpha Academy failing to recruit Big E. last week.

Seth Rollins comes up to the Alpha Academy to ask about Kevin Owens. Chad Gable talks about his recent graduation and says Owens is a horrible liar, just like Green Bay Packers quarterback Aaron Rogers. Tonight, he’ll prove that Big E. can’t be the face of Raw.

Big E. vs. Chad Gable

Non-title and Otis is in Gable’s corner. Big E. takes him down by the arm to start and uses the power to run Gable over. The apron splash connects but Gable is back with some knee cranking. That’s enough to set up a belly to belly into a moonsault for two, followed by rolling Chaos Theory. Big E. is back with a Rock Bottom out of the corner and the Big Ending finishes Gable at 4:55.

Rating: C+. They packed a good amount into that short amount of time as WWE has been on a roll with these shorter matches as of late. I’m glad to see Gable getting in the ring more often in recent weeks as he really is that good. At the same time, it’s not like losing to Big E. is going to hurt him at this point.

Post match, Big E. and Otis have a staredown.

Kevin Owens tries to get R-Truth to believe in him. R-Truth believes in him, but he also believes in Bigfoot, the Loch Ness Monster, that the Earth is flat (“But it’s round in certain places.”) and the Thanksgiving Man, among other things. Owens walks off.

Sonya Deville and Adam Pearce are with the Raw women’s Survivor Series team to announce a fatal five way tonight for a shot at Becky Lynch. Doudrop isn’t sure why Bianca Belair is getting another chance at another shot. Dana Brooke wants some respect, including from Liv Morgan. An argument breaks out.

We look at Wrestlemania XXXII to get us ready for tickets going on sale this Friday. I’m not sure how much I’d brag about that show.

We look at Bobby Lashley taking Dominik Mysterio’s spot.

Rey Mysterio says Dominik has a neck strain and goes on a rant against Adam Pearce. Austin Theory pops in for an unnoticed selfie as Rey holds ice on Dominik’s neck.

24/7 Title: Drake Maverick vs. Reggie

Reggie is defending and takes Maverick down in a hurry to start and it’s a running flip clothesline to take Maverick down in the corner. Cue R-Truth with a referee but the Hurt Business jumps him from behind. The distraction lets Maverick steal the pin and the title at 1:28 (ending Reggie’s record long reign).

Then Akira Tozawa wins the title.

Then Corey Graves wins the title.

Then Byron Saxton wins the title.

Then Maverick wins the title (with a handful of pants).

Then Reggie wins the title back and runs off. Graves: “SAXTON YOU RUIN EVERYTHING!!!”

Bianca Belair vs. Carmella vs. Liv Morgan vs. Rhea Ripley vs. Queen Zelina

One fall to a finish and the winner gets a title shot against Becky Lynch, who is on commentary. In the back, Doudrop still isn’t happy with Belair getting the chance. Bianca gets in an argument with Lynch and it’s a big brawl on the floor with everyone getting involved. We take a break before the bell and come back with the match officially beginning, as Belair and Ripley are left alone. That’s broken up before anything can happen but the two of them are right back in for the showdown again.

They grapple around a bit with neither being able to get anywhere. Belair flips over Ripley but gets pulled outside so Carmella and Vega send her into the barricade. Back in and Ripley takes down Vega and Carmella without much effort. The numbers game gets the better of Ripley though and a low superkick gives Carmella two, with Vega breaking it up. Morgan gets knocked off the apron but Carmella has to break up Vega’s cover.

Ripley is back up and gets taken down by Carmella, setting up the stomping/choking in the corner. Morgan gets back in and cleans house but gets sent outside by Vega. Now it’s Ripley tossing Vega around as Becky declares herself as Becky From The Block. Vega tornado DDTs Ripley for two but Belair throws Vega onto everyone and we take a break. Back with Belair powerbombing Vega and Morgan down but getting missile dropkicked by Ripley.

Carmella superkicks Ripley and covers everyone else for two each. Belair sends Vega into the announcers’ table before heading back in for a showdown with Ripley. Both escape finishers until Ripley kicks Belair out of the air. Riptide connects but Morgan makes the save. Oblivion hits Ripley but Vega makes the save this time. Back up and Belair hits the KOD, drawing in Doudrop to pull Belair out. Morgan rolls Carmella up for the pin and the title shot at 16:28.

Rating: C-. I don’t think this was exactly a big surprise as Morgan vs. Lynch was teased last week. They could have an interesting match and it does open the door for a possible (though unlikely) change before we get to Survivor Series. There was a lot of action in the match, though it didn’t need that much time. At least we’re getting a more appealing title match, which isn’t WWE’s strong suit.

Seth Rollins asks Big E. about Kevin Owens but Big E. doesn’t trust either of them. He’ll be at ringside though.

Smackdown Rebound.

Seth Rollins vs. Kevin Owens

Big E. is on commentary but here is Austin Theory before the match to take some pictures. The phone is swatted away by Big E. though and Theory skedaddles. Also before the match, Seth grabs the mic to say that he and Owens had a plan to jump Big E. last week and it went badly. Cue Owens to cut him off though and the chase sends Rollins into the crowd as we take a break.

Back (after a This Week In WWE History, looking at the Montreal Screwjob) with the bell ringing and Owens hammering away on Rollins, who bails out to the floor in a hurry. Owens gives chase and hits a backsplash on the floor to crush Rollins. The Cannonball against the barricade does it again, followed by a stomping inside. Rollins gets knocked outside again so Owens hits another splash. That earns him a whip into the announcers’ table though and we take a break.

Back with Rollins stomping away at the ribs but getting pulled down so Owens can hammer away. Rollins goes right back to the ribs with a bunch of stomps to keep Owens in trouble. A snap suplex gives Rollins two but he misses the frog splash. Owens’ frog splash connects for two though and we take a break.

Back with Rollins charging into a superkick in the corner, followed by Owens hitting a heck of a running clothesline. Owens goes up but gets caught by Rollins, who gets planted with the spinning fisherman’s superplex. Rollins is right back with a Pedigree for two but Owens catches him with a Pop Up sitout Powerbomb for two. A shot to the bad ribs breaks up Owens’ Stunner and knocks him outside. Rollins tries to send Owens into Big E. but he dodges out of the way. The delay is enough to keep Owens from beating the count at 24:09.

Rating: B-. This was a long match which saw both guys looking good, though the ending left something to be desired. I know it’s the right way to go to keep the story going as Owens is going to be frustrated, but there isn’t much to be had from a countout after such a long match. It might make sense, but it doesn’t mean it’s satisfying.

Post match Rollins leaves but Owens snaps, beating the fire out of Big E. Referees try to break it up but Owens comes back over for another stomp to the head. Owens screams a lot to end the show.

Overall Rating: C-. I’m going to assume that a lot of this show was due to the UK tour, as you never see so many long matches on a show. What we got wasn’t great, but it’s kind of hard to build to a show like Survivor Series anymore. What you’re seeing is a bunch of stuff being set up that won’t be taking place at the next pay per view, so why should I get interested so soon? I’m sure some of this stuff will be blown off either in December or at Day One in January, but that makes for some fairly weak television the way there. There was some ok stuff on here, but a lot of it felt like filler and that makes for a dull night.

Omos/AJ Styles/Dolph Ziggler/Robert Roode b. RKBro/Street Profits – Chokeslam to Riddle
Bobby Lashley b. Dominik Mysterio – Hurt Lock
Big E. b. Chad Gable – Big Ending
Drake Maverick b. Reggie – Rollup
Liv Morgan b. Carmella, Bianca Belair, Rhea Ripley and Queen Zelina – Crucifix to Carmella
Seth Rollins b. Kevin Owens via countout

WWE, 2021, Monday Night Raw, Omos, AJ Styles, Dolph Ziggler, Robert Roode, RKBro, Street Profits, Bobby Lashley, Rey Mysterio, Adam Pearce, Dominik Mysterio, Big E., Chad Gable, Drake Maverick, Otis, Liv Morgan, Carmella, Bianca Belair, Rhea Ripley, Queen Zelina, Seth Rollins, Kevin Owens, Austin Theory



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Monday Night Raw – February 15, 1993: It’s A Smash

Monday Night Raw
Date: February 15, 1993
Location: Manhattan Center, New York City, New York
Attendance: 1,000
Commentators: Vince McMahon, Rob Bartlett, Randy Savage

We’re back after a week off and the big story is Brutus Beefcake returning to the ring after nearly three years away due to a horrible injury. That seems like it should be setting up something for Wrestlemania, though I’m almost worried about what else we might be seeing on here. Let’s get to it.

Here are the most recent show’s results if you need a recap.

Brutus Beefcake is ready to get back in the ring against Ted DiBiase.

Ted DiBiase is ready to crush Brutus Beefcake’s face again, though Jimmy Hart thinks that’s a bit too far. Jimmy showing humanity still feels wrong.

Opening sequence.

Commentary welcomes us to the show, with Randy Savage saying God and Hulk Hogan are a great tag team and they have Brutus Beefcake’s back. That might be a bit much.

Steiner Brothers vs. Bobby Who/Glen Ruth

Thankfully Vince mostly ignores Bartlett’s Who’s On First jokes but can’t ignore Savage’s issues, as he can barely be heard. Scott suplexes Ruth down in a hurry to a big reaction, allowing the tag off to Rick to drive him into the corner. There’s an overhead belly to belly to Who as Savage is demanding a producer get out here and fix his microphone. Scott loads Who up in a powerbomb with Rick coming off the top with an elbow for a huge crash. Bartlett: “Does that hurt?” Rick grabs the chinlock as Bartlett talks about having a bad Valentine’s Day. Scott plants Who with a tiger bomb and the Steiner Bulldog finishes at 3:33.

Rating: C. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: I could watch the Steiners throw goons around for hours on end. That’s what we got here, and it was slightly more entertaining because of the Savage audio issues. Sometimes you need an entertaining squash and the Steiners suplexing people out of their shoes is always worth a look.

It’s time for the Wrestlemania Report, with Gene Okerlund being very excited about the show being in Las Vegas. We even have some matches, with Bret Hart defending the WWF Title against Yokozuna, Crush vs. Doink the Clown and Undertaker vs. Giant Gonzalez. Doink and Giant Gonzalez are the second and third matches announced for Wrestlemania. I think you can see why the show was in trouble.

Yokozuna vs. Ross Greenberg

Savage is still losing it over the microphone and sounds like he is calling in to the show. Yokozuna stands by for about a minute to start and then runs Greenberg over like he isn’t even there. Greenberg gets crushed again and there’s the running splash in the corner. The Banzai Drop finishes for Yokozuna at 2:01 in true squash fashion.

Post match Savage steals Bartlett’s microphone, which makes me think we’re in the middle of a bad bit.

We get a Special Report, brought to you by the WWF Poster Magazine (oh the memories). This week it’s a clip from Superstars, with Jim Duggan getting beaten up by Yokozuna but actually managing to with a running shoulder. That’s a cool moment, and Yokozuna’s selling as he tries to keep his balance is great, as he really was a lot more awesome than he was given credit for. Then Yokozuna mauled Duggan and left the American flag laying as Duggan did a stretcher job.

Yokozuna and Mr. Fuji are happy with what happened to Duggan.

Giant Gonzalez wanted in tonight’s battle royal but everyone else said they were out if he was in. We see a clip from Superstars with Gonzalez beating up three jobbers, including Louis Spicolli, at once.

Battle Royal

Bob Backlund, Koko B. Ware, Typhoon, Kamala, Tito Santana, Razor Ramon, Shawn Michaels, Owen Hart, Kim Chee, Berzerker, Kamala, Skinner, Damien Demento, Iron Mike Sharpe, Terry Taylor, Tatanka

This aired on the Invasion of the Bodyslammers VHS tape (with some different commentary) so I’ve seen this about thirty times but have only heard it once for a weird situation. Everyone slides in from the floor to start for a bit of a change and it’s Kamala chasing Kim Cheer early on. Backlund tosses Sharpe and Michaels gets rid of Ware to clear the ring out a bit. Skinner is caught in between the top and middle ropes but gets loose, only to be clotheslined out by Typhoon.

Santana sends Ramon into the turnbuckle over and over, possibly as repayment for coming up with the Ramon name (true story). Demento is tossed and Berzerker does the same thing to Owen. Berzerker is out as well, followed by Kim Chee and Typhoon getting rid of Kamala. That is not acceptable to Kamala, who goes after Kim Chee and tosses him out, meaning the chase is on through the crowd. We take a break and come back with Tatanka, Taylor, Typhoon, Michaels, Backlund, Ramon and Santana but we pause to look at Kamala chasing Kim Chee through the balcony.

We come back to the arena with Taylor and Backlund gone and Michaels tossing out Typhoon. Shawn and Razor team up against Santana and Tatanka, which could be a heck of a tag match if they had the chance. Razor knocks Santana down and Tatanka hammers away on Shawn in the corner. Santana comes back with the flying forearm and Shawn dropkicks Tatanka as the pairs switch off.

The good guys get together to send Shawn into the buckles over and over before tossing him out to get us down to three. Santana and Tatanka go after Razor…and here is Giant Gonzalez to throw both of them out. Gonzalez leaves and the bell rings at 16:10 because Ramon was smart enough to roll outside, meaning he’s the only one left to win.

Rating: C-. This was kind of a lame battle royal but it was definitely a clever ending. It’s also the kind of thing that Ramon would brag about so everything fits well here. Kamala chasing Kamala around was hilarious and I got into the final four part, so this was about as much fun as you could have in such a random battle royal.

Brutus Beefcake vs. Ted DiBiase

Jimmy Hart is here with DiBiase and doesn’t seem happy with the match taking place. Beefcake struts away from a lockup to start and frustration sets in early. It works so well that Beefcake does it again, this time before sidestepping DiBiase into the corner. They finally go with a regular lockup as Hart isn’t thrilled with how things have gone so far. Beefcake slugs away and DiBiase is knocked outside in a hurry.

Back in and Beefcake works on a headlock before punching DiBiase outside again. Back in again and DiBiase tries to send him face first into the buckle but Beefcake counters that into a headlock in a hurry. Cue IRS with the briefcase, though Hart doesn’t seem to want him around. The headlock is broken up so IRS hits Beefcake in the back with the briefcase for the DQ at 4:27.

Rating: D+. I’m not sure what to say on this one as it was a bunch of punching and headlocking before the storyline ending. Beefcake was in good shape, but how can you tell how well he is doing when most of his old offense was hitting someone in the face? This is going to be a bigger deal soon, but for now it’s just a short match built around about two moves.

Post match IRS loads up the briefcase but Hart won’t let him hit Beefcake in the face. IRS finally shoves Hart down and blasts Beefcake in the face with the case. Thrashing and gyrating on the mat ensue so DiBiase tries to do it again but Hart covers Beefcake up. Money Inc. leaves and Beefcake is taken out on a stretcher while holding his face.

That was so brutal so we’ll look at it in slow motion! And then in real time!

Back from a break and apparently Beefcake is on his feet. Vince is so upset that he thinks HULK HOGAN could be here next week.

Overall Rating: C-. The throwing stuff at the wall approach continues as there is only so much that can be done at this point. We are about a month and a half away from Wrestlemania and you can pretty easily guess the other big match on the card. Maybe the rest of the TV will be better, but Raw is so new at this point, how can you really tell? Not a horrible show this week, but the Beefcake deal was the only part that felt important.

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Monday Night Raw – February 1, 1993: The Heavy Stuff

Monday Night Raw
Date: February 1, 1993
Location: Manhattan Center, New York City, New York
Attendance: 1,000
Commentators: Vince McMahon, Randy Savage, Rob Bartlett

We’re on to the second month and that means we are slowly making our way to Wrestlemania. This week will be the first show taped after the Royal Rumble so we should be able to focus on the fallout quite a bit more. Other than that, we could be in for anything in the early days of the show. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Tatanka vs. Damien Demento

Tatanka starts fast with a small package and some slams, setting up a clothesline to the floor. Demento yells at no one in particular and gets chopped some more, both on the outside and in the corner back inside. A clothesline gets Demento out of trouble so he can talk to the ceiling some more, setting up an elbow for two. We hit the chinlock as Bartlett says he used to have Tatanka Trucks as a kid. The fans aren’t thrilled so we get a WE WANT FLAIR chant, but they’ll have to settle with Tatanka fighting up. It’s time to go on the war path and the Papoose To Go finishes Demento at 4:10.

Rating: C-. Not much to see here, but it’s not like they know what to do with Raw so far. Tatanka was still a solid midcarder if not upper midcarder at this point and still had the undefeated streak. Demento was such an odd guy that it made sense to keep putting him out there in spots like this. Not a great match, but it could have been worse.

We see Bret Hart presenting the Red Cross with a $100,000 check at the Headlock On Hunger show over the weekend. It’s weird to see the wrestlers around the ring.

Here is Brutus Beefcake, who has been out of action for over two years after a horrible parasailing accident. He wants to make a comeback, because it has been a long time away. Right before the accident, Beefcake had to bury his mother and father, then his wife left him. THEN he got hit in the knees by a woman parasailing, and his entire face was crushed. The next thing he remembered was being in the hospital and they weren’t giving him much of a chance. He couldn’t even have an aspirin for an hour and was ready to put himself in God’s hands.

Beefcake reached out his hand and it touched the hand of Hulk Hogan. It was Hulk who was there for him after he came out of surgery with his face barely held together. The red and yellow were the first things he saw when the bandages came off and now he has nothing left. That’s why he went to Hogan again and was told to go for it one more time. Beefcake is back and ready to go for it again. This was a heck of a speech and a lot more emotional than you would have expected from Beefcake.

High Energy vs. Von Krus/Iron Mike Sharpe

High Energy is Owen Hart/Koko B. Ware and Von We recap Doink the Clown attacking Crush a few weeks ago.

Doink the Clown vs. Typhoon

Doink takes him down by the leg without much trouble to start before grabbing a front facelock. Typhoon powers up and shoves him away without much effort, only to be taken down in another hurry. The reverse chinlock goes on as Vince no sells Bartlett’s (very long and detailed) Clowns Anonymous jokes about Doink. Doink rides him to the mat again but Typhoon Hulks Up and hits a powerslam. Typhoon misses a charge in the corner though and Doink hits a middle rope clothesline for the pin (with tights) for the pin at 3:13.

Rating: D. I had forgotten just how bad Typhoon could be when he was asked to do much of anything on his own. It seemed like all he had was the ability to hit a splash, but that doesn’t mean much when Doink is taking you down without any effort. Doink was far more interesting here as he actually had something to do, but egads this was rough and most of it was due to Typhoon not doing much of anything.

Here’s what’s coming on WWF Mania, including GIANT GONZALEZ!

We get a special tribute, including the ten bell salute, to Andre the Giant, who passed away last week. That’s one of the all time important ones.

Yokozuna vs. Bobby DeVito

The bell rings and Bartlett is complaining about not having his own action figure. Yokozuna runs him over to start as we get a phone call from Jim Duggan, who knows he can knock “Yakazuma” off his feet. The running splash in the corner sets up the Banzai Drop to finish DeVito at 2:03 as Duggan praises America as much as he can in such a short amount of time.

Here is Money Inc. for a chat. Ted DiBiase talks about Humpty Dumpty, who crashed just like Brutus Beefcake’s face. That was such a sad story but now Beefcake wants to get back in the ring. He can come back and face a champion, so we’ll flip a coin to decide if it’s Ted DiBiase or IRS. Cue manager Jimmy Hart to say this is a waste of time because if one of them gets hurt, the team is over. DiBiase says it’s just a workout and neither of them are getting hurt. IRS talks about how Beefcake is VERY LATE ON HIS TAXES but Hart says we have business to tend to.

Lex Luger vs. Jason Knight

This is Luger’s in-ring debut and he has a mirror in the ring to admire himself. Cue a ring card girl who is rather large in her own right, much to Luger’s annoyance. Hold on though as we need to see Mr. Perfect throwing passes to a Minnesota Vikings tight end. That’s good enough, but Perfect makes it even better by passing the ball….and catching it himself. With that theme song behind him, I’d believe he can do it. Vince isn’t sure what to make of that but he certainly knows what to make of Luger. An armdrag takes Knight down and Luger gets the chance to pose. Knight manages to send him into the corner but charges into a boot to the face, setting up a heck of a clothesline. There’s the powerslam and the forearm finishes Knight at 2:39.

Post match Luger goes old school with a giant swing of all things.

Vince lets us know that the show is pre-empted by the Westminster Dog Show next week so we’re back on February 15.

Overall Rating: C-. This was much more of a storyline based show than a wrestling one as the Beefcake/Money Inc. deal was by far the biggest part. That worked out well, as Beefcake had a rather emotional story and I could go for seeing if he can do anything in the ring to back it up. Unfortunately there wasn’t much else on the show worth seeing, but at least they seem to have a big story in place at the moment.

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Monday Night Raw – June 4, 2007: Double Giants

Monday Night Raw
Date: June 4, 2007
Location: St. Pete Times Forum, Tampa, Florida
Attendance: 10,000
Commentators: Jim Ross, Jerry Lawler

We’re done with One Night Stand and on the way to the Draft, followed by Vengeance. That could make for an interesting few weeks, but I don’t think it’s going to make for a great time this week. This very well could be a lame duck show, which is not something WWE tends to do well. Let’s get to it.

Here is One Night Stand if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Here’s John Cena to get things going. Cena listens to the mixed reaction and says this is what he loves about WWE. He thanks everyone who came to the show tonight, from the fat guy booing up there to the hot chick in the top two sizes too small (Cena: “THANK YOU FOR COMING TONIGHT!”). Cena thinks it’s a little bit louder this week though because after six weeks of getting beaten up, the 7’5 giant has been told FU.

It’s more of the same around here, because he thinks he’s in the clear and now they’re springing the Draft on him. He has been drafted before so this might be the last time he is in the ring as part of Raw. If that’s the case, then he’s going to take all of this in one more time and say THE CHAMP IS….being cut off by Vince McMahon, who is rather banged up.

Vince can barely stand up or talk but he thinks Cena is out here to embarrass him for no longer being a World Champion. That’s not going to happen because Vince isn’t going to bend, bow or break. His name is Vincent Kennedy….and Cena turns his back on him. Cena says he’s going to tell himself that Vince is just beat up and delusional. Vince tries to say his name again but Cena turns his back again, saying the only thing keeping Vince alive is his patience.

Cena tells Vince to get it out of his system because he is out of his frigging mind. Vince: “YOU’RE A LIAR!” He explains that he hasn’t lost a thing…except for a World Title. That’s what Cena is going to do tonight when he defends the title against Umaga and Great Khali. Cena looks crushed as Vince is nearly beaming. This was a weird segment as Vince went fully nuts almost overnight and Cena got fed up with him in a hurry. It feels like something that should have come after a few weeks, not a day after Vince lost the title.

Candice Michelle/Cryme Tyme vs. Johnny Nitro/Kenny Dykstra/Melina

Michelle is in full Cryme Tyme gear and Lawler isn’t sure what to think about this one. Dykstra is now carrying a mirror but Melina seems to get more use out of it. The women almost get in a fight before the bell but it’s JTG punching Dykstra in the face to start. Nitro gets in a shot so Dykstra can take over, allowing Nitro to flip JTG into the corner for two. The chinlock goes on for a bit but JTG fights up and brings in Shad to clean house. Everything breaks down and the G9 finishes Nitro.

Rating: D+. Pretty standard six person tag here, which seemed to be more about getting Candice in a different outfit. I’m glad to see Cryme Tyme getting another chance though as they definitely stand out and their push just stopped a few months ago. The division needs some fresh blood so maybe they can get another shot.

Maria likes the Intercontinental Title, because it’s shiny like her dress. Vince McMahon (still smiling weirdly) comes up and says he used to have one of those titles. Maria starts to say something but gets told to shut up. Santino says you can’t talk to a woman like that so Vince makes a title match right now. He throws in a slap to the face and tells Santino to “get” about ten times.

Intercontinental Title: Santino Marella vs. Chris Masters

Santino is defending and kicks at the leg to start. Masters grabs the rope to avoid a dropkick though and it’s time to talk about the Draft. A running leg shot to the back of the neck against the ropes vies Masters two and we hit the neck crank. That’s broken up and an STO gives Marella two. The Masterlock is blocked and Santino flips him over, setting up something close to an Oklahoma roll for the pin.

Rating: D+. These two have fought a few times now and I don’t know why there is no one else for Santino to face. The matches aren’t exactly good, but that is partially because every Masters match is about trying the Masterlock and nothing else. Nothing to see here, but at least they kept it short.

The Hardys are banged up when Lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch come in to ask for a title shot, albeit when the Hardys are healthy. That’s cool with the Hardys, but Vince McMahon comes up, mocks them for being southern, and makes the title match for tonight. Cade and Murdoch don’t look happy with the news.

Vince keeps walking and runs into Ric Flair and Torrie Wilson. Torrie looks scared, so Vince says he can’t stand a degenerate hanging out with a woman half his age. For some reason, Torrie thinks it’s a good time to bring up the time Linda McMahon caught Vince with Torrie and his pants around his ankles. That earns Torrie a match with Carlito. Torrie leaves and Flair tells Vince to get over a single loss. Vince is sick of hearing the WOOing, but it makes Flair a legend, so he can face the Legend Killer Randy Orton. This was much more deranged crazy Vince and that’s a good thing.

Randy Orton vs. Ric Flair

Flair (in the weird black boots/red trunks combination) strikes away to start and unloads with right hands in the corner. Orton is back with a powerslam and loads up the RKO but we take a break. Back with Flair putting on the Figure Four but Orton makes the rope in a hurry. The backbreaker drops Flair and Orton gets in the circle stomp. Orton drops the knee but it bangs up his knee again so we hit the chinlock to let him rest it a bit. The comeback doesn’t last long as Flair walks into a dropkick.

We hit the chinlock again but this time Flair suplexes his way to freedom. Apparently Orton doesn’t like being suplexed so he punches Flair down in the corner, earning a poke to the eye. Orton hits a running corner clothesline to give us a Flair Flop but Flair is back up with an elbow to the face. A suplex drops Flair on the floor this time and JR quotes Foreigner to talk about how cold Orton is. Back in and Orton hits the Punt but Flair pulls himself up again…so the RKO can finish him off.

Rating: B-. If you want to get a villain over, there are few better choices that having him destroy Flair. Orton is feeling more and more like a predator every time he is in the ring as of late and adding another body to the list is going to make things even better. You can feel the huge match with Cena coming and they’re making Orton feel special on the way there.

Post match Orton loads up another Punk but the referee threatens him away.

Carlito vs. Torrie Wilson

Torrie has a bad leg so Carlito offers to let her walk away. Torrie tries and gets caught with the Backstabber for the pin in less than a minute. That’s all it needed to be.

Tag Team Titles: Hardys vs. Lance Cade/Trevor Murdoch

The banged up Hardys are defending and we get a handshake to start. Matt and Cade go to the mat to start for an exchange of arm cranking. Cade elbows him in the face for two and it’s off to Murdoch to stay on the arm. Matt gets over for the tag to Jeff to pick up the pace, including Poetry In Motion with Cade having to make the save. Jeff dives over the top onto Murdoch but bangs up his knee in the process.

We take a break and come back with Cade slamming Matt down and dropping a knee to the back. The sitout spinebuster gives Cade two more and it’s Murdoch grabbing a waistlock. Somehow Matt twists that around and grabs a reverse DDT, allowing the tag off to Jeff, who can barely walk. Jeff cleans house anyway but gets caught going up top. Matt catches Cade with the Twist of Fate but Jeff misses the Swanton, allowing Cade to get the pin. Ignore Murdoch shoving Jeff’s foot off the rope.

Rating: C+. The ending leaves a door open for later if that’s where they want to go, but at least they finally changed the titles. There wasn’t much left for these guys to do and they have an out with the Hardys being injured. Cade and Murdoch getting another run with the belts is not a bad thing either, as the Hardys never felt like anything more than transitional champions.

Post match Matt asks if Cade saw the foot on the ropes….and the Hardys get laid out with belt shots to the face. As they should have.

Coach is in Vince McMahon’s office but Vince isn’t happy. Vince has an ominous feeling, but he also has an idea for next week. Coach seems to already know what that is and Vince tells him to go inform the people.

Post break here is Coach to say that next week will be the Draft, but also Vince McMahon Appreciation Night.

Raw World Title: John Cena vs. Umaga vs. Great Khali

Cena is defending and charges right into a clothesline from Khali. Umaga heads outside to grab a chair as Khali chokes Cena in the corner and kicks him to the floor. A hard whip sends Cena into the steps but Umaga throws the steps at Khali’s face (DANG) for a knockdown. Back in and Umaga blasts Cena with a clothesline of his own but Cena avoids a sitdown splash.

Umaga knocks him down again and hits a springboard sitdown splash to the chest. Another only lands on raised knees but Umaga is fine enough to plant Cena again. Khali comes back in though and we get the battle of the monsters for quite the visual. I’m not sure what quite, but quite.

They slug it out until Khali hits something resembling a spinning kick to the face and then elbows Cena as he tries to come back in. There’s the legdrop for two on Cena and the big chop follows but Umaga breaks up the double arm chokeslam. Khali loads up the chokeslam on Umaga but gets Samoan Spiked. Cena manages to knock Umaga outside and hit the FU on Khali to retain out of nowhere.

Rating: C. They did what they could here but this was all about having Cena survive against impossible odds. That’s kind of what Cena does every time, though you don’t often see Khali have steps thrown at his face. That alone was good enough to catch your attention and the rest of the match went as well as it could have gone given the circumstances.

Cena poses to end the show, though commentary knows that Vince is going to be angry.

Overall Rating: C. I liked the show well enough, even with how fast Vince went nuts over losing the title. It seemed like a vanity deal for him and now he’s acting like it meant more than the World Title did to HHH five years ago. The good thing is that tied the show together and what we got worked out fairly well. The show takes awhile to get going but it took off a lot more by the end. Now forget about almost all of that, because it’s time for the Draft.




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Monday Night Raw – November 1, 2021: I Liked It

Monday Night Raw
Date: November 1, 2021
Location: Dunkin Donuts Center, Providence, Rhode Island
Commentators: Jimmy Smith, Corey Graves, Byron Saxton

It’s time to start the final two months of the year and we are getting them going in a big way with Becky Lynch defending the Raw Women’s Title against Bianca Belair. There is always the chance of a title change around Survivor Series time, as WWE might need to make sure that a champion doesn’t lose at Survivor Series by having them lose earlier. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

The opening video looks at Becky Lynch vs. Bianca Belair to set up the title match.

Belair talks about how we got here and recaps her feud with Lynch. Her failures are opportunities to get better and now Becky is going to see what she can do.

Lynch talks about how hard it is to be here and she might have even heard some booing. All that is going to do is inspire her.

Women’s Title: Becky Lynch vs. Bianca Belair

Lynch is defending and the trash talk is on in a hurry. Belair powers her down with a waistlock, setting up the handspring moonsault. Lynch bails out to the floor and catches Belair with a jawbreaker outside. The hair is pulled but Belair uses it to pull Lynch into the post, setting up a suplex.

We take a break and come back with Becky tripping her down but a suplex is countered into a small package. Some dropkicks give Belair a breather and it’s time for an exchange of rollups. Lynch gets most of the Disarm-Her but Belair powers up and they crash out to the floor as we take another break.

Back again with Lynch grabbing a triangle choke but Belair powerbombs her way to freedom. Lynch stops a charge with a boot and goes up, only to get caught in a gorilla press. That’s countered into the Manhandle Slam for two and they head outside. This time Belair plants her face first onto the announcers’ table and hits the Glam Slam for two back inside. Lynch goes up top but gets caught in the KOD. That’s big trouble so Lynch grabs the turnbuckle pad and pulls it off to escape. Belair is sent into the exposed buckle and a rollup with tights retains Lynch’s title at 18:29.

Rating: B. This felt similar to the Sasha Banks vs. Belair match from Wrestlemania, as Belair was relying on straight power and athleticism while Lynch did what she could to survive.. I was a bit surprised by the ending as I was expecting a title change more than once in there. I’m not sure how long Lynch is going to hold the title, but whoever takes the title from her is going to look like a big deal.

Rey Mysterio, with Dominik Mysterio, says Austin Theory is great at what he does…and here is Theory to interrupt. Theory says he’s going to do to Rey what he did to Dominik, but Rey is ready to show what the Mysterio name means.

Rey Mysterio vs. Austin Theory

Dominik Mysterio is here with Rey and we see the picture Theory took of them backstage before the match (what a great touch). They start fast with Rey hitting a hurricanrana into the corner. Theory is right back up with a suplex for two and it’s off to something like a torture rack to plant Rey again. The rolling dropkick has Rey in more trouble but he sends Theory outside to change momentum. A DDT on the floor keeps Theory down and we take a break.

Back with Rey having to fight out of a bearhug so Theory goes up top. That’s broken up and Theory is sent hard into the corner off a hurricanrana. An exchange of dropkicks keeps Theory down but he takes Dominik down like a villain should. Rey knocks him into 619 position but Dominik slaps Theory in the face. The 619 and splash hit but the referee calls for the DQ off the slap.

Rating: C. This accomplished two things at once, as Theory gets another win so he can keep bragging, while also furthering the Mysterio split. That’s a nice piece of booking, as Theory continues to be one of the better pushed guys on the show in a long time. It’s rather refreshing, as Theory really is that good and was somewhat wasted down in NXT (where he was fun, but not so good).

Rey isn’t happy with Dominik but it doesn’t stop Theory’s photo.

We recap Seth Rollins winning last week’s ladder match to become #1 contender.

Here is Rollins, with his contract, for a chat and he is on top of the world. Last week, he won a grueling ladder match to become the new #1 contender. It feels good to be where he belongs because he came here to be the biggest star on Raw. Now we can look at the fine print, but here is Big E. to interrupt. Big E. talks about Rollins refusing his handshake last week but Big E.’s aunt told him to not think a thing of it.

Rollins talks about how he lost respect last week when Big E. turned down the handshake. We hear about some of Big E.’s most important wins bug Rollins knows Big E. isn’t on his level. They can have their title match and Rollins can take that from him so Big E. can go back and be a joke with his friends. Big E. doesn’t like Rollins making fun of King Xavier and he REALLY doesn’t like him making fun of Kofimania. The challenge for the title match is on for tonight but hold on a second, because Rollins isn’t 100%. They’ll do this on his terms, but here is Kevin Owens to interrupt.

Owens doesn’t want to hear it from Rollins, especially because of that suit. He has heard a bunch of people calling themselves the face of Raw but they are forgetting THIS FACE RIGHT HERE. Last week Rollins won the ladder match, but people were talking about Owens’ performance in the match instead.

Owens promises to give everything he has every week and to always keep fighting. It might be for three more months or three more years (oh my) but he’ll give the fans something to remember. Since Rollins isn’t going tonight, how about Owens faces Big E. for the first time ever tonight? Rollins likes the idea but both of them tell him to shut up. Big E. is down for a first time ever match with Owens. Rollins is a wildcard here and a title change wouldn’t stun me. I’m not sure if it’s a good idea, but it seems to be on the table.

Earlier today, Carmella and Zelina Vega talked about how amazing they were. They didn’t realize that Nikki Ash and Rhea Ripley were right next to them and Zelina says Nikki’s mask compliments her before talking trash about it as they walk off. Ripley comes up and says they heard that so the challenge is on for later. The depth of stories involving women in WWE is remarkable.

Rhea Ripley/Nikki Ash vs. Carmella/Zelina Vega

Non-title because the Women’s Tag Team Titles are quite the waste of time. Carmella gets masked up so Vega yells at Ripley to start, earning herself a big running shoulder. It’s off to Carmella, who gets knocked down as well, setting up a dropkick from Ripley. We see a bunch of the other women in the back as Ripley picks Carmella up and hands it off to Ash for a dropkick to the knee.

Nikki hits a crossbody off the apron to take both of them down and we take a break. Back with Carmella chinlocking Ripley and handing it off to Vega for the same. That’s broken up as well and it’s quickly off to Ash. A fisherman’s neckbreaker plants Vega for two and Carmella posts Ripley. Carmella distracts Ash and it’s the Code Red to give Vega the pin at 8:17.

Rating: C-. This was another match where they were trying to make it work but the Women’s Tag Team Titles are so devalued that it is hard to care about the results. I do like Vega getting a pin to keep her momentum going and I can’t even get annoyed at the champs losing this time. I’m sure the title match will be an epic showdown though, because that makes up for everything else.

The Alpha Academy comes up to Big E., who just happens to be standing in the right place. Chad Gable offers to help Big E. from this place turning into Monday Night Rollins again. We hear about how Gable just earned his Masters from Full Sail as the valedictorian with a 4.0. Just look at what Gable did with Otis and imagine what he could have done with Big E. as Gable beats up Finn Balor.

Video on Veer. Maybe he can win a match next time.

Chad Gable vs. Finn Balor

Otis (who is looking jacked) is here with Gable. Balor gets taken down to start but is right back with a wristlock. The basement dropkick rocks Gable and Balor snaps off some armdrags. Gable grabs an abdominal stretch but Balor hiptosses his way to freedom and double stomps Gable’s chest.

The shotgun dropkick misses though and Gable grabs the ankle lock but the attempt at a grapevine is countered into a cross armbreaker. That’s reversed into the ankle lock again but this time Balor rolls through and hits another double stomp. Gable German suplexes him for two and goes up, where the moonsault hits raised knees. Balor takes WAY too long setting up the Coup de Grace and gets superplexed back down, only to tie the legs up for the small package to pin Gable at 5:43.

Rating: B-. They were working hard in a short match here and packed in a lot. What matters here is that they didn’t waste time and Gable looked like a real threat to Balor. It takes a lot to make someone seem like they escaped instead of winning and they pulled it off here. Good stuff here and it was much better than I was expecting.

We look back at RKBro retaining the Tag Team Titles over Dolph Ziggler/Robert Roode last week.

Riddle runs into Ziggler and Roode and talks about dogs. Ziggler cuts him off and says pay attention while RKBro is on commentary because tonight is a preview of the rematch.

We see a video on Titus O’Neil having a school named after him for his work in the community. That’s pretty incredible and he deserves all kinds of credit for what he has done.

Street Profits vs. Dolph Ziggler/Robert Roode

RKBro is on commentary, which is treated as a big deal. They also seem to have a remixed version of their themes, which is an even bigger deal. Roode headlocks Ford to start and we get a LOUD Randy chant. Ford hiptosses Roode down and Dawkins comes in to suplex Ford onto him for two. Back up and Roode takes Dawkins into the corner for the tag to Ziggler.

That doesn’t last long as Roode is back in, only to get splashed in the corner. Roode tries a hanging DDT of his own but gets backdropped to the floor, much to RKBro’s delight. The Profits take Roode and Ziggler down but stop to stare at RKBro as we take a break. Back with Dawkins still in trouble as Roode and Ziggler take their turns on him. Dawkins manages a quick Silencer on Ziggler and a suplex on Roode, allowing the hot tag to Ford.

The pace picks way up, including a high crossbody and Blockbuster to give Ford two. Roode rolls him up for two but Ford gets the same off of a crucifix. A catapult sends Ford into a DDT for two and everything breaks down. Ford busts out the huge flip dive onto the floor (which even draws RKBro to their feet) but here is Omos for a distraction, allowing Ziggler to slam Ford down for the pin at 11:15.

Rating: C+. Good action here and RKBro being impressed by the Street Profits made it look more impressive. The Profits are the kind of addition to any division that is going to boost things up automatically as they can have an exciting match with anyone and that is more than what they did here. Granted it helps having Roode and Ziggler as opponents. Throw in Omos as a monster and this was a nice way to go.

Post match Omos takes out the Profits and Riddle without much effort. Orton is fired up but isn’t crazy enough to go after Omos.

We look at Damian Priest going nuts and beating T-Bar into oblivion last week.

Priest says that side of him has always been there but he doesn’t like letting it out. If T-Bar wants to throw a chair at him, he is going to a dark place and taking people with him. Tonight, T-Bar has a chance to get very acquainted with the Damian in him.

Damian Priest vs. T-Bar

Non-title and No DQ. Graves describes Priest as “the walking embodiment of the eternal battle between good and evil.” Remember when wrestlers were just called things like “big” or “bad”? They go straight to the floor with Priest sending him into the barricade. It’s already time for the table but the delay lets T-Bar kick him in the face. The table is set up at ringside but T-Bar has to escape a chokeslam. Priest gets posted but is fine enough to kick T-Bar in the face. T-Bar crotches him on top though and it’s a super Samoan drop to send us to a break.

Back with Priest slugging away to get out of trouble, including a jumping enziguri. The spinwheel kick connects and the Broken Arrow gets two. Priest goes up top but gets pulled back down with a chokebreaker for a very near fall. Priest gets his arms tied in the ropes and T-Bar pulls out a kendo stick, because the chair is just too basic.

T-Bar breaks the stick over Priest’s chest and ribs, leaving a bunch of welts. Priest cuts off a charge with the broken stick and hits a heck of a clothesline. Now it’s time for the chair, with Priest looking all nutty. A bunch of chair shots rock T-Bar and the chokeslam puts T-Bar through the table (which exploded) at ringside. Back in and the Reckoning finishes what used to be T-Bar at 12:57.

Rating: B. This was all about showcasing Priest, but T-Bar was FAR more like the Dijakovic days and that is long overdue. Priest looked like a killer here though and that is something we have only seen glimpses of for the last several months. I could go for more of this and I think WWE realizes they have something with him being this kind of a monster.

Post match Apollo Crews and Commander Azeez come out to say they are here to breathe new life into Raw. Crews says Priest will have the chance to meet him in combat and lose the US Title. I was hoping the green lights were Keith Lee but this is better than nothing.

Reggie asks John Morrison about his meditating but has to escape the goons, because THIS is what needs to be on both shows. After Reggie escapes, the goons all yell at each other.

Smackdown Breakdown.

We look back at Becky Lynch cheating to retain the title.

Lynch says she didn’t cheat to win but half of the audience booed her. Those people are fickle because they were the same people cheering her on the way up. It’s time for Bianca Belair to go to the back of the line so someone else can step up. Cue Liv Morgan for the staredown.

Seth Rollins comes up to Kevin Owens and says they might not like each other but maybe they can scratch each others’ backs. Maybe he can help Owens win tonight and slow Big E. down and then Owens can get the first title shot. Owens is thrilled but threatens violence if Rollins gets involved.

Big E. vs. Kevin Owens

Non-title. Owens takes him straight down into an early chinlock, which is reversed into a headlock for a change. With that broken up, Owens hits a hard elbow to the face, which only seems to annoy Big E. The Big Ending is reversed into a reverse DDT for two, setting up a middle rope dropkick.

Big E. is back up and tosses Owens around without much effort. The apron splash misses though and Owens hits the Cannonball off the apron. Cue Seth Rollins to join them at ringside though and we take a break. Back with Owens hitting a superplex for two but his clotheslines just fire Big E. back up. They slug it out until Owens’ Stunner is blocked, allowing Big E. to hit the belly to belly.

Owens sends him into the corner for the Cannonball and the Swanton connects for two. The Rock Bottom out of the corner gives Big E. two of his own but Big E. gets shoved off the top. Another Swanton hits knees so Big E. spears him through the ropes. Rollins hits Big E. with a cheap shot though (which Owens clearly saw) so Owens covers for two, only to get reversed into a crucifix to give Big E. the pin at 12:46.

Rating: B-. This was the near hoss fight and that’s what you would have wanted from these two. Rollins being the X factor here was hardly a surprise but it makes a lot of sense. I know it isn’t likely to last but I’m digging the false hope that we might not have to sit through champions vs. champions again at Survivor Series. I’m not sure what Owen is going to be doing either, but I can go for seeing more of him if WWE is trying to keep him around.

Post match, Big E. sees the replay and asks why Owens tried to cover him after Rollins cheated. Owens swears he didn’t know what happened because he was half knocked out. Instead he blames Rollins for what happened and issues the challenge for next week. Owens apologizes to Big E. again and gets the Big Ending to end the show.

Overall Rating: B-. This was a heck of a show with the only thing resembling bad being the never ending 24/7 antics and the not so great women’s tag match. Other than that, there wasn’t a bad thing to be found on the card, at least wrestling wise. There were some issues with people doing dumb things or acting like they have no memory beyond the last few weeks, but WWE is long past the point where continuity is going to be a thing. Maybe it’s due to the TV being so badly lately, but I had a good time with this and the show flew by. Good stuff here, though actually doing something for Survivor Series would be nice.

Becky Lynch b. Bianca Belair – Rollup with tights
Austin Theory b. Rey Mysterio via DQ when Dominik Mysterio interfered
Carmella/Zelina Vega b. Nikki Ash/Rhea Ripley – Code Red to Ash
Finn Balor b. Chad Gable – Small package
Dolph Ziggler/Robert Roode b. Street Profits – Slam off the top to Ford
Damian Priest b. T-Bar – Reckoning
Big E. b. Kevin Owens – Crucifix


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Monday Night Raw – May 28, 2007: Prom Monsters?

Monday Night Raw
Date: May 28, 2007
Location: Air Canada Centre, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Attendance: 16,176
Commentators: Jim Ross, Jerry Lawler

It’s the start of a big week in WWE as we have the three regular TV shows, plus a special Saturday Night’s Main Event and One Night Stand this weekend. That makes this show week the go home show for Sunday, which doesn’t need a lot more set up but maybe they have something good planned. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

It’s Memorial Day, so we get the tribute to the fallen soldiers, including Taps.

Opening sequence.

Battle Royal

Candice Michelle, Mickie James, Maria, Jillian Hall, Layla, Brooke, Kelly Kelly, Michelle McCool, Kristal, Melina

Non-title and it’s a Bikini Beach Blast battle royal, meaning they’re all in bikinis with water guns and pool toys. Melina gets attacked (with the water guns and pool toys) to start and then the water balloons are brought out. Kelly seems to have to adjust her top as the fans want puppies. Kristal is thrown out (through the ropes, because over the top is too much for this kind of match) and there goes Brooke as we slow down for various “weapon” shots. There goes Maria and it’s time to weakly hit each other with pool noodles. Layla is tossed as Lawler says he can’t stand up at the moment.

McCool pours a bucket of water over Kelly, who seems to like it, and then tosses her out. Melina and Jillian go after Mickie and hit her with a water gun for the elimination. Jillian dumps Candice and we’re down to Jillian, Melina and McCool. The villains put McCool on the mat and stretch her by the limbs but she gets back up and clotheslines them down (JR: “Now that’ll knock the barbecue sauce right off of you!”). McCool throws Jillian out and hits a dropkick, but since Melina can’t fall through the ropes, she drops down and rolls out to give McCool the win.

Rating: D. I get it, but my goodness this stuff is cringe. This match actually got about six minutes so Lawler could lose his mind about a thousand times, which got as annoying as you would imagine. There are obvious reasons to put this stuff on TV but egads it does not exactly hold up well.

Here is Shane McMahon to announce that this is the unofficial start of summer. That put some excitement in the air and that is the case in WWE as well. In two weeks, we will be having the first ever tri-branded WWE Draft, featuring Raw, Smackdown and ECW. Any superstar, champion, legend and even leprechaun can be drafted to any show.

Change is inevitable, save for the case of Vince McMahon. At One Night Stand, Vince is going to beat Bobby Lashley, so tonight Shane is going to do the same, as Lashley teams with John Cena against Shane, Umaga and the Great Khali. Tonight, Lashley is finding out what they call Shane the Money. Dancing ensues.

Hardys/Lance Cade/Trevor Murdoch vs. World’s Greatest Tag Team/Johnny Nitro/Kenny Dykstra

Nitro and Cade start things off with Cade elbowing him in the face to take over early. It’s off to Matt to take Shelton into the corner so Jeff can come in for the first cover. A dropkick to the back of the seated Benjamin lets Matt come back in for the middle rope elbow as this is one sided so far. Haas comes in for a change and gets thrown into the corner for some elbows from Cade and Murdoch.

As JR suggests that the Hardys, as in the champions, are the real World’s Greatest Tag Team, Haas and Benjamin are sent outside for a huge dive from Murdoch to blow Lawler’s mind (Lawler: “IT WAS LIKE A FLYING COW!”). We take a break and come back with Jeff hitting the Whisper in the Wind to Dykstra but Benjamin gets in a kick to the head to take over. Dykstra hits a heck of a clothesline for two, setting up a backbreaker. Nitro adds a slingshot elbow and Matt has to come in for the save.

Benjamin kicks Jeff in the face for two and we hit the chinlock with a bodyscissors. It’s back to Haas for a belly to belly suplex and a chinlock as we hear that One Night Stand will be all extreme rules matches. Dykstra grabs his own chinlock and bites Jeff in the head for a bonus. That’s enough to get Jeff to jawbreak his way to freedom and the diving tag brings Matt back in. A double DDT (one regular, one reverse) plants Nitro and Dykstra as everything breaks down. The Twist of Fate into the Swanton finishes Dykstra as Lawler can’t believe Cade and Murdoch didn’t turn on the Hardys.

Rating: B-. This was one of those matches that helps move things forward while keeping things fresh. You have so many people in the match that you can have a few pairings you don’t usually get while also solidifying Cade and Murdoch’s face turn (or at least what feels like one for the time being). Good stuff here, which shouldn’t be a surprise given the talent involved.

Post match Benjamin says the Hardys didn’t pin he and Haas, so the challenge is on for One Night Stand. Matt says it’s on, and we’ll make it a ladder match, because of course they will.

Wrestlemania is coming to Orlando.

John Cena reiterates that he is not scared of the Great Khali and would say…..some weird noises to the Punjabi Frankenstein. That’s translated to Cena still not being afraid but he is neither deaf nor invincible. While he isn’t scared, he isn’t sure if he can do the impossible. Yes he made Khali tap, but there was doubt over whether he won or lost.

You can throw out the submissions at One Night Stand because Cena is going to have to put Great Khali on his shoulders and throw him down for the three seconds. Cena isn’t sure if he can do that but he takes great pride in silencing his critics. At One Night Stand, Cena can and he will. This was classic Cena, as he mocked Khali at first, then told the story of the match and brought the fired up promo.

Santino Marella is excited for the Draft and Maria laughs at his accent, which yes, is Italian. He asks if Maria is ok from the battle royal and they seem interested in each other. With Santino gone, Randy Orton pops up to talk about Rob Van Dam. It seems that Van Dam is not happy with Orton injuring Shawn Michaels, but that was one of the highlights of Orton’s career. He felt bad about injuring Shawn, but he won’t about hurting Van Dam.

Randy Orton vs. Rob Van Dam

They go with the grappling to start as Orton grabs a headlock and blocks a top wristlock attempt. An armdrag frustrates Orton and Van Dam uses his legs to grab a rollup for two. A monkey flip sends Orton flying and there’s a kick to the head. They head outside with Orton getting the better of a slugout, setting up the big dropkick off the top and into the barricade.

We take a break and come back with Orton working on the chinlock. Orton pulls him down by the hair to cut off a comeback attempt and it’s time for the circle stomp. Another chinlock is broken up again and Van Dam hits the springboard kick to the face for the double knockdown. Van Dam is up first and kicks him down again, setting up Rolling Thunder.

Orton’s poke to the eye just earns him a step over kick to the face but Van Dam is a little shaky as he goes up top. Van Dam kicks him off the apron but comes back in with the hanging DDT for two. The referee stops to check on Van Dam, who can’t get up to his feet and looks gone. The Punt connects and the referee calls the match as Van Dam is out of it.

Rating: C+. This is the kind of violent Orton that can make for some good stuff as he can be absolutely lethal when he is given the chance. Taking out Michaels and Van Dam in short succession is pretty impressive and should set him up for something else later. Having Van Dam’s facials make it seem like he had been hit in the head with a boulder made this even better.

Post match Orton hits the RKO to make it worse.

Ric Flair/Torrie Wilson vs. Carlito/Victoria

Leave it to Flair to wind up with Torrie out of the whole thing. Flair takes Carlito into the corner to start the chopping but it’s off to Victoria to slap Flair in the face. Lawler: “Lay it on her! She wants it!” Flair takes her down and tries the Figure Four, with Carlito having to make the save. It’s back to Carlito to stomp away at the head and leg, setting up the half crab. Victoria hits Carlito by mistake though and Torrie gets to come in and take over. An X Factor gets two with Carlito making the save. Carlito comes in, kisses Torrie, and hits the Backstabber for the pin (JR: “I KNOW IT’S LEGAL BUT I DON’T LIKE IT!”).

Rating: D+. This feud is running out of gas in a hurry as Carlito has yet to make me believe he is a real threat to Flair. They have fought each other a few times now and it has yet to be anything better than just ok. Both guys need to move on already, as Flair can find something better to do and Carlito can find a good haircut.

Shane McMahon has to break up an argument between Great Khali and Umaga. Shane: “Worst prom couple ever.” He tells them to take out John Cena and Bobby Lashley, but make sure he gets the pin.

One Night Stand/Saturday Night’s Main Event rundowns, edited off of Peacock due to Puddle of Mud.

It’s time for the Kiss Cam with Maria but Chris Masters interrupts. He wants Santino Marella to take the Masterlock Challenge. Masters threatens Maria so cue Marella for the brawl, which ends in the Masterlock. This has been a very Maria frequent show.

Shane McMahon/Umaga/Great Khali vs. John Cena/Bobby Lashley

Umaga sends Cena into the corner to start but misses a charge. Cena scores with the Throwback for a fast two but he gets thrown into the corner to start the hammering. There are the LET’S GO CENA/CENA SUCKS chants as Khali kicks Cena in the head. Shane comes in to stomp away and it’s Umaga getting in some right hands. The Samoan drop gives Umaga a delayed two and Khali drops a leg.

Now Shane is willing to stick around for the bodyscissors and shots to the back of Cena’s head to make things worse. That’s broken up with the ProtoBomb and it’s Lashley coming in to pick up the pace. Lashley runs Umaga over but can’t slam Khali as everything breaks down. The Samoan Spike puts Cena down on the floor and there’s the chokeslam to Lashley. Shane’s top rope elbow hits Lashley for the pin.

Rating: C. Just a quick way to bring in as many people as you can for the main event, which went well enough. Shane getting to gloat works well, as Lashley can shut up either Shane or Vince McMahon to even things up. The match was pretty immaterial, but it isn’t like losing to Umaga and Khali is a big defeat. Lashley didn’t do much until the end but it worked out fine.

Vince McMahon comes out to celebrate with the villains to end the show.

Overall Rating: C. It was better than last week but not by much. This did a good enough job of making me want to see the Raw half of One Night Stand, as they are betting on the gimmicks and stipulations to make the show work. That’s about all you can do at this point in the cycle of feuds so at least they’re going with the smartest route possible.



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