Quick Live Thoughts From Takeover

The view from the upper deck.

I was sitting in the upper deck looking straight at the entrance. This is a bit annoying as I could barely see the far ring and the equipment was blocking the screen. That’s likely going to make the TV version a heck of a lot easier to watch.

The arena was mostly full with only a few tarped off rows rather than sections on the hard camera side. It was a very hot crowd, as you would expect.

I liked most of the women’s match (the heel turn was great and you could hear the THUD when Kai sent her into the cage around the arena) but it’s going to take a lot for me to buy Ripley and LeRae beating four women, including two champions, on their own.

The triple threat match was great and some of the false finishes were very good. This wasn’t supposed to be reinventing the wheel as you had two big guys who could move and a fighter in Dunne going at it for a prize. They did their thing and it was awesome.

I wasn’t feeling Balor vs. Riddle as much, but Riddle was CRAZY over, as was Balor. They have their work cut out for them getting Balor booed and Gargano is going to be in trouble when he gets back as far as keeping the crowd on his side.

The men’s WarGames was better and MY GOODNESS I haven’t felt so nervous on a spot since I saw Shane dive off the Cell live. That spot at the end was insane and one of the scariest things I can remember in wrestling. Owens being the big surprise was great as you knew he was going to get the superstar pop in NXT. Very good and violent match, which again is going to look better with the televised version.

Overall it was another great WarGames, but not on the top level. This one was really hurt by everything else going on and now we have about three months before….Portland? On a Sunday? I mean…..sure why not.

Takeover: WarGames Preview

IMG Credit: WWE

Back in 2017, NXT shocked a lot of wrestling fans by announcing the WarGames was making its WWE debut at the November Takeover, which happened to be called Takeover: WarGames. Then they had the match….and it wasn’t exactly WarGames with a weird three way format that only kind of worked. The problem was fixed the following year with a much more traditional format, but since WWE can’t keep things the same, we are up for a different format this year with TWO WarGames, including the first women’s WarGames match. The card is shorter than the usual Takeover, but that makes sense. Let’s get to it.

Pete Dunne vs. Killian Dain vs. Damien Priest

This, which was originally announced for this week’s TV, is now taking place here with the winner moving on to Survivor Series for a shot against NXT Champion Adam Cole. That could go multiple ways, but with Cole in WarGames and having wrestled in a ladder match on Wednesday, it would be a big stretch to have him lose to anyone (barring some form of interference from the Undisputed Era, which would be pretty lame).

I’ll take Dunne to win here and go on to become NXT Champion. Yeah that sounds like the easy way to go, but at the same time, Dunne is someone that could easily become a top guy. The Undisputed Era holding all four titles is not something that can last forever and after having them exposed to the main roster with so much success, how much longer can you really keep them together down in NXT? If Cole can beat Seth Rollins and Daniel Bryan, it’s a bit much to believe that he belongs in the third brand. So yeah, Dunne wins and becomes champion in my prediction almost guaranteed to go wrong.

Matt Riddle vs. Finn Balor

Riddle is taking the place of Johnny Gargano, who was injured at Balor’s hands. That’s such a major perk of NXT: they have the kind of roster where one star is out so they can just pop another one in like it’s nothing. That kind of thing is so valuable to them and almost no one can come close to doing that. There isn’t much of a personal issue here, but it’s Balor’s first major match since his heel turn and you know what that means.

On paper, this should be Balor’s all day, but you never know what you might get. My guess is Balor, but Riddle getting one of the biggest wins of his career isn’t out of the question either. I would go with Balor winning to establish him as something bigger though, especially with the big showdown with Gargano coming sooner or later. If you have Balor lose here, what is the point in having Gargano beat him later? Balor wins here, and likely by cheating to show how he’s fully evil now.

Women’s WarGames

So this is a first and we even have the lineups set in advance for this one (Rhea Ripley/Mia Yim/Tegan Nox/Candice LeRae vs. Shayna Baszler/Io Shirai/Bianca Belair/Kay Lee Ray). This match has been built up well enough, though I’m not sure how much sense it makes to put them inside of WarGames. It would seem more suited for something like a street fight, but I’ll take what I can get. Letting them have weapons would make sense, as Shirai can certainly swing a kendo stick. I’m curious to see how this goes, but I’m not sure how well it is going to work.

I’ll take Team Ripley to win as Ripley seems primed to be the next person to go after Baszler. She doesn’t have to beat Baszler herself, but that swinging Cloverleaf is one of the coolest looking finishers going today. Have her slap that on Belair for the win and then move on to FINALLY (and I do mean FINALLY) take the title off of Baszler. Just let everyone get some time to shine and everything should be fine.

Men’s WarGames

This one is about who will be the final member of Team Ciampa (Tommaso Ciampa/Keith Lee/Dominik Dijakovic/???) as they face the Undisputed Era. Triple H has hyped up the final member of the team being a big deal but I don’t think it’s going to be Triple H himself. The question now is who gets the big spot, which is more intriguing to me than who wins. I’m not sure who it is going to be, but that is the more fun part.

I’ll certainly take Team Ciampa to win as there is little point in having the all champions team go over here. That brings up the big question of the mystery partner and I’ll take….let’s go with Sami Zayn. It would be a surprise, the place would be rather pleased and it would fit well. Either him or Isaiah Scott, who has been treated as a big deal. Or maybe they have a fresh name coming in, though that isn’t something NXT does very often. And no, it won’t be CM Punk, even in Chicago.

Overall Thoughts

The car has one fewer match than usual but come on. It’s TWO WARGAMES matches, which has never actually happened before in any major company. They have title implications plus the question of the mystery entrant, which really could be quite a number of people. I’m excited to see the show and the fact that I’ll be in the arena has nothing to do with that, I assure you.

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:


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NXT – November 20, 2019: How To Save Raw And Smackdown

IMG Credit: WWE

Date: November 20, 2019
Location: Full Sail University, Winter Park, Florida
Commentators: Mauro Ranallo, Nigel McGuinness, Beth Phoenix

In a rare situation, this is the go home show for both Takeover: WarGames and Survivor Series. Takeover’s card seems to be set, but there are five spots each for both the men’s and women’s Survivor Series teams. There is a good chance that we will not know any of the members until Sunday, which could make for quite the show. As for tonight, HHH has said the doors are open so it’s guest stars time. Let’s get to it.

William Regal is in the back when Becky Lynch comes out of a locker room. With a nod of approval from Regal, Lynch goes to the ring with a microphone in her hand. Becky says it has been awhile since she has been here and all she can think about is champ vs. champ vs. champ on Sunday. First up you have Bayley, who has an old woman’s haircut and destroyed all of the Bayley Buddies, except the blue haired one that is holding her back.

Then Shayna Baszler showed up on Raw to introduce herself but Becky is here on Shayna’s show, so what is she going to do about it? Cue Rhea Ripley and that seems to get some attention. Rhea says Becky is the Man so let’s find out if she has a set of balls. Cue the referee and we’re starting big this week.

Rhea Ripley vs. Becky Lynch

Non-title. Becky starts fast with a running forearm to put Rhea on the floor but Rhea drops her face first onto the apron. Back from a break with Rhea sending her to the apron but missing a charge so Becky can kick her in the face. The slam off the top drops Becky as the fans are behind Rhea. A reverse DDT gets Becky out of trouble as the chant switches to NXT.

They forearm it out from their knees until Rhea hits a faceplant for two. An enziguri puts Rhea down and the middle rope legdrop gets two as the back and forth is on. The Disarm-Her goes on but Rhea rolls out and tries a powerbomb, which is reversed into a hurricanrana. Rhea catches her on top though and it’s a top rope superplex….and we’ve got the Horsewomen for the double DQ at 9:25.

Rating: B. They were rocking with the back and forth stuff here and Rhea looked she was on Becky’s level here. There is a very good chance that she is going to be on Team NXT on Sunday and that could be a heck of a showcase for her. Becky is the biggest star in the women’s division and Ripley is getting her star push at the moment. Just don’t mess it up.

Post match the beatdown is on but Ripley and Lynch clean house.

The Revival arrived earlier and were flanked by security, just in case.

Video on Kay Lee Ray.

Kona Reeves vs. Matt Riddle

Or not as Ricochet jumps Reeves and we have a replacement match.

Ricochet vs. Matt Riddle

Ricochet flips over him to start and snaps off an anklescissors into a dropkick. Riddle bails out to the floor and that’s just not a good idea against Ricochet, who hits a flipping suicide dive. Back in and the running shooting star is countered into a triangle choke but Ricochet powers out. Riddle takes him right back down and hits the Broton, followed by the exploder suplex for two.

Ricochet is right back with a northern lights suplex into a swinging neckbreaker. Now the running shooting star keeps Riddle down but Ricochet has to roll out of the Phoenix splash. Riddle isn’t having this defense thing and snaps off a German suplex but cue Cesaro and Shinsuke Nakamura. The two of them are knocked away but the distraction lets Riddle grab a rollup for the pin at 3:48.

Rating: C+. The distraction finish was the right call here as you can protect both guys while giving Riddle just enough of a win to make it feel important. The double interference helped a lot and gave the fans something else to cheer about. Ricochet is a near legend in NXT though and a win over him means more to Riddle than the opposite would have.

Post match Nakamura and Cesaro beat the two of them down, only for Riddle to hit a knee to send Cesaro outside. Ricochet’s springboard goes over the barricade for the crazy dive. Roderick Strong runs in to go after Nakamura but gets knocked outside, meaning it’s Finn Balor to come in and go after Riddle. That earns him a Final Flash as Riddle stands tall.

Video on Killian Dain vs. Damien Priest vs. Pete Dunne at Takeover for an NXT Title match the following night at Survivor Series.

Revival vs. Undisputed Era

Non-title. Dawson and O’Reilly start things off and it’s a quick staredown with the Era bailing to the floor. Wilder and Fish come in instead with Wilder being back into the corner. That’s fine with him as he strikes his way out, setting up another showdown. The brawl is on with all four falling out to the floor, including Wilder and O’Reilly suplexing each other over the top. Back from a break with Wilder down in the corner and a double suplex getting one.

Fish scores with a slingshot hilo and it’s O’Reilly coming in for some knees to the back. The bodyscissors and chinlock go on, followed by some kicks to the ribs to give O’Reilly two. Wilder grabs a small package and belly to back suplex for a breather, only to get dropkicked in the back to send him outside. Back from another break with Wilder grabbing a desperation powerslam and low bridging Fish to the floor.

A hurricanrana of all things allows the hot tag to Dawson as everything breaks down. There’s a running neckbreaker to Fish and Dawson goes up with the Swan Dive getting two. The TAG TEAM WRESTLING chant is on as Wilder gets in a cheap shot so Dawson can hit a brainbuster for two more. Dawson gets knocked off the rope and O’Reilly kicks away at Wilder on the apron. That’s reversed into a DDT onto the apron and it’s the PowerPlex for two on Fish. What looks to be a Doomsday Device is broken up with a kick to the leg to knock Dawson right back down.

A Samoan drop plants Dawson but Wilder breaks up the High/Low setting up the Shatter Machine for two (in a sweet one motion move) with O’Reilly making a last second save. O’Reilly hits a NASTY looking to rope knee to Dawson’s back for two but he’s fine enough with escaping a suplex. A DDT plants O’Reilly but Fish is back up with some kicks to the legs. The shots put Dawson down and with Wilder done on the floor, the High/Low finishes Dawson at 24:55.

Rating: A-. How was this not going to be great? These are two of the best teams in the world and they got the time needed here to deliver the great match that they needed to. I was rather impressed here and the champs winning is the right call. They had a nice mixture of the old school formula and fast paced mixture of spots here and that made for a great match, of course.

The Forgotten Sons and the Viking Raiders are about to brawl backstage.

Video on the women’s WarGames match.

Kay Lee Ray vs. Dakota Kai

Non-title. Kai starts fast with a headbutt though the running kick in the corner is countered into the Gory Bomb. That is countered into a sunset flip for two and now the kick to the face connects. Ray hits a few kicks to the back of the head but Kai gets in a rollup for a fast two. A gordbuster cuts her off for two more and the stomping is on for Ray.

It’s time to start on the knee but Kai sends her into the corner. The double stomp out of said corner gives Kai another breather and she snaps off the Kawada kicks. They head outside with Ray going into the steps and there’s the running boot to the face. Back in and Kai misses another kick, allowing Ray to nail her own superkick. The Gory Bomb finishes Kai at 5:44.

Rating: C. Kai is getting better and thankfully isn’t showing any major setbacks after her knee surgery. Ray needed a win like this to solidify herself on the main NXT roster and they did that just fine. It’s a good double showcase and you don’t get something like that every week. Now just get Ray to defend the title against the pretty good NXT UK women’s division and they have something.

Post match the Smackdown, Raw and NXT women run in for the MASSIVE brawl with Nikki Cross cleaning house with a trashcan lid.

Viking Raiders vs. Forgotten Sons

Non-title and Jaxson Ryker is out with the Sons. Erik dropkicks Cutler into the corner to start and it’s time to clean house, including Erik slamming Ivar onto Cutler. A powerslam into the Swan dive gets two with Blake making the save. That doesn’t get Cutler out of trouble though as it’s a missile dropkick/Downward Spiral combination for two. Cutler gets to choke on the ropes but runs into a forearm. A jump over Cutler in the corner lets Erik roll over for the hot tag. House is cleaned until Ryker distracts Ivar so Blake can get in a cheap shot.

Back from a break with the springboard clothesline/German suplex combination getting two, again thanks to Ryker. Cutler hits a Backstabber on Ivar and powerbombs him onto Blake’s knees for two more. Ivar powers out and brings Erik back in, only to have Ryker get in another cheap shot. A Death Valley Driver onto the apron gets two on Erik but Ryker is finally ejected.

That’s not good enough for Erik, who hits him with a suicide dive. Blake hurricanranas Ivar into the other two of them for a cool visual and everyone is down. The slugout is on with the Raiders getting the better of things, only to have it turn into an exchange of cartwheels. The double handspring elbow takes the Sons down and the Viking Experience finishes Cutler at 12:16.

Rating: C+. It was a good brawl with a wild feeling at times, though the Ryker stuff got annoying in a hurry. The Raiders are really getting into a groove with their stuff and having them dominate people is a good way to go. Just don’t leave them in there with the Sons for that long, as the team isn’t great in the first place and shouldn’t be doing this.

Video on Adam Cole.

Video on WarGames.

Adam Cole vs. Dominick Dijakovic

A whip into the ladder makes it even worse and the ladder falls onto Cole’s leg as he goes down (since he’s ok, it’s fine to say how cool it is when fluke situations like that happen). The first climb is cut off as Cole kicks the knee out and wraps it around the post. Back from a break with Dijakovic bridging a ladder in the corner but Cole hits the brainbuster onto another ladder in another corner. Dijakovic catches him climbing though and it’s a chokeslam onto the ladder in the corner.

Cole kicks him away and goes up, only to come down with the Panama Sunrise. That’s still not enough though as Dijakovic is right back with the power, including Feast Your Eyes. The knee gives out though and the climb is slow, allowing Cole to make the catch. A belt shot to the head knocks Dijakovic onto the bridged ladder and Cole gets the briefcase at 10:44.

Rating: C+. They were doing some big spots in there but after last week’s crazy violent match, it was a hard goal to reach. Couple that with we’re now doing a ladder match o set up WarGames and it’s a little weird. They didn’t need the ladders here, though Dijakovic’s incredible athleticism got a great showcase and he had Cole in trouble multiple times here.

Post match the Undisputed Era comes out for the celebration but the Raw and Smackdown roster cut them off. Drew McIntyre comes in but gets powerbombed by Keith Lee. Ivar gets in and it’s a double suicide dive to the pile. Seth Rollins runs in though and superkicks Cole, but here’s Tommaso Ciampa to break up the Stomp. He takes his time getting in before the big brawl with Rollins is on to end the show.

Overall Rating: A. And that’s how you do a show like this. The entire point of tonight was to have everyone on the roster on notice about the invaders and the stars were out from Raw and Smackdown. The wrestling and action were great but what mattered was how high the stakes felt. Raw and Smackdown were in NXT’s house tonight and it looked like a showdown was set up for Sunday. I really liked this show and it made me far more interested in Survivor Series than I was coming in. Outstanding stuff and a great primer for Survivor Series.


Rhea Ripley vs. Becky Lynch went to a double DQ when the Horsewomen interfered

Matt Riddle b. Ricochet – Rollup

Undisputed Era b. Revival – High/Low to Dawson

Kay Lee Ray b. Dakota Kai – Gory Bomb

Viking Raiders b. Forgotten Sons – Viking Experience to Cutler

Adam Cole b. Dominick Dijakovic – Cole pulled down the ladder

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:


And check out my Amazon author page with cheap wrestling books at:


New Column: They’re Fighting Over T-Shirts

How WWE has botched this three way invasion feud.


Slight Delay Tonight

A family situation came up and AEW/NXT are going to be delayed.  They’ll be up tomorrow at the latest.  I’m sorry for the last minute notice.



Monday Night Raw – November 18, 2019: The Return Of The Raw Special

IMG Credit: WWE

Monday Night Raw
Date: November 18, 2019
Location: TD Garden, Boston, Massachusetts
Commentators: Vic Joseph, Jerry Lawler

It’s the go home show for Survivor Series but I’m not sure what that is going to mean for the build to the show. Last week on Smackdown WWE felt the need to spend the first third of the show on Roman Reigns vs. King Corbin, which isn’t happening anytime soon. Hopefully we can get something out of the NXT invasion again this week, or maybe Smackdown and Raw can remember that they’re supposed to be fighting each other too. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Here’s Becky Lynch to get things open. She wastes no time and calls out Shayna Baszler and Bayley to come face her champion to champion. Becky doesn’t care about brand supremacy so come fight her right now. Instead she gets the IIconics, who can’t believe they’re not on Team Raw at Survivor Series. Becky cuts off the catchphrase and offers to fight right now but here’s Charlotte to interrupt. Charlotte doesn’t want to tag with Becky but the forces want them together. She has her own match at Survivor Series as she will be the Captain of Team Raw. This brings out…..Samoa Joe?

Becky Lynch/Charlotte vs. IIconics

The bell rings after a break with Joe on commentary, describing himself as a Brock Lesnar proof commentator. The IIconics jump them to start and Peyton spinkicks Charlotte in the face to give Billie an early two. A missed charge in the corner gives Billie two more but Charlotte is right back with a quick Figure Eight. Becky Bexplodes Peyton and Billie taps at 2:17.

Post match the Horsewomen come in and jump the IIconics, drawing Becky and Charlotte back for the fight. The numbers get the better of Becky and Charlotte but they’re fine enough to chase the three of them into the crowd. Becky punches out a security guard to a big reaction.

Here’s the OC for a match but first AJ Styles needs to explain that Karl Anderson is going to destroy Humberto Carrillo to make up for last week. Nothing was said here, but it was a nice way to set things up and make it clear that they’re heels. Yes the long term fans know that, but what about someone who is watching for the first time?

Karl Anderson vs. Humberto Carrillo

Carrillo takes him down in a hurry but Luke Gallows pulls Anderson to the floor before Carrillo can launch the moonsault. Cue the Street Profits to even things up and Carrillo flip dives onto the entire OC for the big knockdown. Back with Carrillo in trouble but fighting out of a chinlock, only to get pulled right back into it.

The second comeback works better with a running seated dropkick and a high crossbody for two. Carrillo’s springboard is countered into a spinebuster for two more but Carrillo is back with a springboard kick to the face. Styles offers a distraction so Gallows can snap Carrillo’s throat across the top, only to have Ford turn a small package over to give Carrillo the pin at 9:34.

Rating: C-. Carrillo can do all the athletic stuff he wants but he has the charisma of a bowling ball. The match was a nice change of pace though as you can throw a singles match between all of the pairings out there and get something different. I’ll certainly take it over the same tag matches over and over again.

Seth Rollins is ready to defend his spot on the Survivor Series team on the seven year anniversary of the Shield’s debut. We get some New England Patriots praise to get the fans on his side before Rollins talks about being ready for Andrade tonight.

Bobby Lashley vs. No Way Jose

Before the match Lana talks about how happy she is for filing for divorce this morning. She has even busted out the restraining order, meaning Rusev cannot come within ninety feet of him. Jose fires off some right hands but gets dropped with a shot to the face. The spinebuster drops him again and a full nelson finishes Jose at 1:25.

Post match, Lashley kisses Lana to the mat.

Seth Rollins vs. Andrade

The winner is on the Survivor Series team. Zelina Vega explains that Andrade is about to become the new Raw captain. Rollins takes him to the mat with a wristlock and then a headscissors but Andrade is back up both times. Rollins gets taken up against the rope but Vega grabs a boot so Rollins is pulled to the floor. Back with Rollins hitting a dive but getting sent into the corner for the running knees in the corner.

Rating: C+. This was getting better by the end and the rather weak ending, though it is better than having Andrade lose another big match. You can only do that so often before it just becomes a death sentence and Andrade is veering in that direction. This was a nice change of pace and I could go for more of it.

Post match Andrade and Rollins fight off the House Party because they’re all in this together.

Buddy Murphy knocks on Aleister Black’s door to pick a fight with him. After Murphy leaves, Black comes out and can’t see who said it. You know, because there are so many people with Australian accents running around.

HHH gets out of one of three black SUVs.

We look at CM Punk returning on Backstage.

Akira Tozawa vs. Buddy Murphy

Tozawa chops away to no avail but does manage to knock Buddy outside. The suicide dive is pulled out of the air into a suplex though and Tozawa is in trouble. Back in and we hit the abdominal stretch on Tozawa, who can’t spin out. Tozawa gets away and sends him outside, setting up a superkick back inside. The missile dropkick rocks Murphy again and a snap German suplex gives Tozawa two.

A Shining Wizard gets two more but Murphy ties him in the corner for the Cheeky Nandos kick. Tozawa jumps right back out with a reverse hurricanrana to send Murphy outside. The suicide headbutt rocks Murphy again and the top rope backsplash to Murphy’s back gets two more. Murphy scores with the jumping knee to the face though and Murphy’s Law finishes Tozawa at 6:40.

Rating: B-. Well that came out of absolutely nowhere. Tozawa is someone who can have a good match against anyone and he was given a change here. They had me thinking they might have gone with the big upset here and that is something I would not have expected coming into the match. Good stuff here and a rather nice surprise.

Rowan is playing with his unseen animal.

Murphy runs into Black and nothing is said.

Erick Rowan vs. Alex Malcolm

Before the bell, R-Truth chases the Singh Brothers to the ring but Rowan beats the Brothers up. Malcolm is thrown on top of them and the Iron Claw finishes Malcolm at 57 seconds.

Randy Orton says if the Viking Raiders want a fight, he’ll be in the ring later tonight with a partner of his choosing.

Kevin Owens vs. Drew McIntyre

Drew charges into an elbow in the corner to start and there’s a middle rope dropkick to put him down. A neckbreaker gets two on Owens and we hit the double arm crank. That’s broken up and Drew goes into the post, setting up the Cannonball. They head to the floor with Owens kicking him from the apron but getting slammed into the barricade as we take a break.

Back with McIntyre cranking on the arms again and snapping off an overhead belly to belly gets two. They fight to the floor with Owens sending him into the barricade but getting caught with an AA onto the apron. That’s good for a nine count so McIntyre immediately powerbombs him for two. A top rope superplex is broken up so Owens hits a heck of a frog splash for his own near fall.

McIntyre shrugs off a superkick but walks into a pop up sitout powerbomb for another two. The Swanton hits McIntyre’s raised knees and the Claymore gives McIntyre two thanks to a foot on the rope. The Futureshock is countered into the Stunner but it’s a very delayed cover, allowing McIntyre to get his own foot on the rope.

Futureshock connects this time and Owens kicks out again. McIntyre misses something off the top though and Owens hits another Stunner….as HHH is here. We come back from a break with the match just having ended, so we’ll say it was over when they went to a break at 17:25.

Rating: B. They were on their way to something awesome here but then the match just ends for the sake of the Survivor Series stuff. I get why they’re doing it but it’s a little annoying to get into a hot match and then just stop because we have storyline stuff to do. Again, they didn’t have someone take a fall here though and that’s a bonus.

Post break HHH is in the ring while the Forgotten Sons, Punishment Martinez and Dominick Dijakovic are guarding the entrance. HHH talks about his history here in and around Boston before moving on to Owens. Back in the day, HHH saw a lot in Owens and that’s why he brought him into NXT.

Owens turned his back on his best friend and became NXT Champion before coming here, powerbombing John Cena and standing on the US Title. HHH wants to know where Owens’ friends are to take care of Owens from the NXT guys. Cue some guys to take care of the guards but the Undisputed Era runs in to jump Owens. HHH isn’t happy but the OC runs in to chase the Era off.

Humberto Carrillo is excited about getting a United States Title shot next week.

Paul Heyman recaps Brock Lesnar’s issues with Rey Mysterio, including the Cain Velasquez situation. There is no truth to the rumors of Lesnar’s injuries but to make it more interesting, let’s make Sunday’s match No Holds Barred.

Mysterio tells Carrillo that he’s happy for his success. As for Lesnar, he accepts the No Holds Barred rules. He has a friend for Sunday in the form of a lead pipe. Whose advantage does Lesnar think it is? Rey is going to hunt Lesnar down and make him pay. Sunday is for Dominick.

Asuka vs. Natalya

Asuka rolls her up for an early two and kicks away an attempt at the discus lariat. A spinning elbow to the face gives Asuka two more and the Octopus hold goes on. That is broken up and Natalya hits her in the face to take over. Natalya’s clothesline gets two but she has to go after Kairi Sane, allowing Asuka to kick her head off for the pin at 4:38.

Rating: C-. Some of those strikes were very good with Asuka hitting her with some force. Asuka got her win back after that time a few weeks ago where Natalya made her tap that one time. The match was short but decent, even though it was the usual emotional vacuum that was a Natalya match.

Tag Team Titles: Randy Orton/??? vs. Viking Raiders

Orton and his mystery partner who isn’t a mystery if you are paying even the slightest bit of attention, Ricochet, are challenging. Ricochet chops away at Erik, who takes him down and plants him face first on the mat. A dropkick puts Erik on the floor and Orton tags himself in before the flip dive can launch. Ricochet tries a moonsault to the floor but gets kneed in the face.

Orton drops Erik onto the apron but we cut to the back where Dolph Ziggler and Robert Roode are beating up what looked like Eric Young and Cedric Alexander. Back from a break with Ricochet and Ivar trading flips until Ricochet is sent outside. Ivar hits his big dive and here’s Smackdown to jump Orton for the DQ at 8:23.

Rating: C. There is something amusing about WWE setting up Hawkins and Ryder as #1 contenders at a house show match in German but then having them taken out before they can even get to the ring. Anyway, the match was good enough until the finish, which fit in with a theme tonight. I don’t think the titles were ever in any real jeopardy and there were bigger things at stake here.

Orton, Ricochet and the Raiders clear the ring but here’s NXT for the brawl. NXT gets the better of it and here are even more of them, including the Undisputed Era. NXT comes in but I believe Steve Cutler walks into an RKO (which the camera misses). Everyone gets in at once but here’s Rollins with Raw for the big fight. We cut to the back with HHH saying that this is the beginning of the end. It’s over in six days when NXT shows that it is the A brand. On Wednesday, it is an open door to Raw and Smackdown to come to NXT and do whatever they want. Back in the arena, the brawl ends the show.

Overall Rating: C+. This was a strange one with some build towards the future in some nice pushes for fresh talent (Tozawa for one) and at the same time, a hard push towards Survivor Series. I refer to this kind of a show as the Raw Special, meaning a show that would have made a great two hour broadcast but the third (not specially 10-11pm but the extra time) dragged it down. I know it’s all gone next week, so I’ll certainly take what I can here.


Becky Lynch/Charlotte b. IIconics – Figure Eight to Kay

Humberto Carrillo b. Karl Anderson – Small package

Bobby Lashley b. No Way Jose – Full nelson

Seth Rollins b. Andrade via DQ when Lucha House Party interfered

Buddy Murphy b. Akira Tozawa – Murphy’s Law

Erick Murphy b. Alex Malcolm – Iron Claw

Kevin Owens vs. Drew McIntyre went to a no contest

Asuka b. Natalya – Kick to the head

Randy Orton/Ricochet b. Viking Raiders via DQ when Cesaro interfered

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:


And check out my Amazon author page with cheap wrestling books at:


NXT – November 13, 2019: The Riddle Of The Little Putz

IMG Credit: WWE

Date: November 13, 2019
Location: Full Sail University, Winter Park, Florida
Commentators: Nigel McGuinness, Mauro Ranallo, Beth Phoenix

We’re still on the way to Survivor Series and hopefully things can get back to where they were last week. At the same time though, things are starting to move towards Takeover, so we’re going to be seeing a ladder match for the advantage in the women’s WarGames. The lineups still need to be locked in though so let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening recap, which also seems to serve as the opening sequence.

Cruiserweight Title: Angel Garza vs. Lio Rush

Rush is defending. They start running the ropes in a hurry with neither being able to hit anything, meaning it’s a pair of flips to land on a knee each. Garza bails to the floor and goes into the crowd, where HE TAKES OFF HIS PANTS right in front of Rush’s family. That means the crazy fast suicide dive but another one is countered into a powerslam so Garza can smile as we take a break.

Back with Garza hitting a hard knee to the face but Rush is fine enough to escape the Wing Clipper. The springboard Stunner is blocked with a dropkick to the back to give Garza two more. Rush grabs a swinging neckbreaker for two of his own but gets caught on top. That means a super moonsault powerslam for a close two and the frustration makes Garza hammer away.

Rush counters a charge into Rush Hour before kicking Garza upside the head. Now the springboard Stunner can connect but Rush tries a second, only to get reversed into the Wing Clipper for two. Garza loads it up again but climbs up, allowing Rush to headbutt his way to freedom. Rush flips him down and hits the Final hour for a slightly delayed two. With nothing else working, Rush waits for Garza to start getting up and hits another Final Hour to retain at 12:55. Garza’s foot looked like it was in the ropes for a bit.

Rating: B. They didn’t bother wasting time with any slow paced stuff here and just went straight to a game of can you top this. Sometimes it’s nice to drop any pretense that you are doing anything but a spotfest and that is what they did here. It seems to be where they are both most comfortable though and the match was really entertaining while feeling half as long as it was.

Tegan Nox and Rhea Ripley have been attacked.

Video on Shayna Baszler invading the main roster.

Xia Li vs. Aliyah

Xia starts with the kicks so Aliyah gets in a neck snap across the top for a breather. A northern lights suplex gives Aliyah two and she kicks Xia in the back, only to get kicked in the chest. Xia hits a superkick and a cartwheel forearm in the corner, followed by a spinning kick to the face for the pin at 2:07.

Aliyah’s face is busted up and the medic comes in to check on her.

Video on Pete Dunne vs. Killian Dain. They meet tonight.

Here’s Finn Balor for a chat. He isn’t sure what happened around here because he was the heart and soul of this place. Now you have a bunch of people crying on social media and looking for sympathy when they get hurt. Since Johnny Gargano is out for Survivor Series weekend, he wants someone to come take Gargano’s place. Cue Matt Riddle to jump Balor and the fight is on until Balor bails. Riddle: “Come back here you little putz!”

Cue the Undisputed Era to surround the ring with Cole saying it’s the wrong place at the wrong time. Now it’s Tommaso Ciampa and Keith Lee coming out for the save. The Era talks about how they dominated Raw and Smackdown but Lee isn’t impressed. The challenge is on with Lee wanting to face Cole right now. Strong says he has this though.

Keith Lee vs. Roderick Strong

Non-title. Joined in progress with everyone else gone and Lee hitting a tossup faceplant for two. Some chops have Strong in even more trouble and he has to elbow his way out of a slam attempt. He can’t elbow enough though and Lee plants him with ease. Strong kicks at the legs for some more success and a running shoulder to a kneeling Lee. This goes badly for Strong, who bounces off of Lee a few times.

Lee gets up and smiles at him, setting up another big chop to cut Strong down. Strong comes back with a knee strike though and we take a break. Back with Lee getting dropkicked outside and a wrecking ball dropkick putting him down on the floor. The Sick Kick gives Strong two back inside and the reverse chinlock goes on. As usual, that just wakes Lee up and he shoves Strong around, followed by some elbows to the back for two.

Lee gets caught on top and, after some strikes, Strong manages a heck of a superplex for….one. The Stronghold isn’t happening so they slug it out until Lee turns him inside out with a clothesline. Cue the Era again though, followed by Ciampa and Riddle to cut them off. Finn Balor shows up with a Sling Blade to Riddle though, followed by a dropkick to send him into the steps. The distraction lets Strong hit an Angle Slam for two but Lee is right back up with the Supernova for the pin at 17:27.

Rating: B. Another solid match and the interference didn’t even cause the fall. I’m not a big fan of a champion losing like this but it isn’t done nearly as often around here, which means that it can be more forgivable. Lee is likely to get a title shot after Takeover and that is what you need to do with people like him.

Post match the beatdown is on but Dominick Dijakovic coming in for the save. With the Era dispatched, Dijakovic offers his services and Ciampa shakes his hand. Dijakovic runs into Lee, but it’s another handshake. Remember that Riddle is likely going to fight Balor so they still need another member.

Marina Shafir, Jessamyn Duke and Candice LeRae have been taken out. The yet to debut Scarlett Bordeaux is checking on LeRae.

Isaiah Scott vs. Bronson Reed

They trade short wristlocks to start until Reed runs him over with the size and power. There’s a headbutt to make it worse and a rather large headlock ensues. Reed goes with the simple style by sitting on Scott’s back and cannonballing down onto it before just throwing him outside. That earns him a posting though and we take a break. Back with Scott hitting a middle rope elbow to the back of the neck and getting two off a Flatliner.

One heck of a clothesline into a backsplash crushes Scott but the top rope splash is broken up. Scott goes up with him but has to fight out of a super Tombstone (geez), allowing him to hit a hanging DDT for two on Reed. Back up and Reed grabs a belly to back sitout piledriver for his own two. Scott gets to the apron and tries a slingshot hurricanrana but has to settle for a triangle choke. That’s broken up as well but Scott knocks him down and hits the House Call (Swerve Kick) for the pin at 11:57.

Rating: C+. Scott is someone I like more and more every time I see him. The good thing is that WWE seems to be getting the idea as well with a nice little winning streak. He can have a good match with anyone and that’s the kind of style that can keep you around for a long time. Reed is good too and makes the size work for him.

Respect is shown post match.

It isn’t clear who is behind the attacks, but we do know one thing for TakeOver: Balor vs. Riddle is confirmed and Dijakovic is taking Riddle’s place in WarGames, meaning Ciampa needs a fourth.

Video on the Forgotten Sons.

Killian Dain vs. Pete Dunne

Hang on though as Damien Priest jumps Dain on the ramp, meaning it’s Dunne running to the floor to get in on the fight. Everyone brawls and security breaks it up, only to have Priest powerbomb a guard over the top. He isn’t done yet as he adds a big running flip dive to take out Dunne and Dain again. Works for me as a triple threat at Takeover. No match here.

Mia Yim says if someone wants to come out them, it can be from any angle. Dakota Kai comes in and says there are no hard feelings after last week’s decision. She has Mia’s back tonight.

Next week: Cole vs. Dijakovic in a ladder match for the men’s WarGames advantage.

Mia Yim vs. Io Shirai

Ladder match for the advantage in the women’s WarGames match. They both want the ladder early but Shirai takes her down with a suicide dive instead. Mia is right back up and knocks her down, allowing the ladder to be thrown in. Shirai gets dropped onto a ladder, which is bridged between the apron and barricade. A superkick to the ladder knocks it into Mia’s face, though she’s fine enough to get in a ladder shot to Shirai’s hand.

Shirai uses the good hand to try a running ladder shot but only hits ring. Yim gets kicked away and they finally get back inside, only to fight over a suplex. It’s Shirai getting dropped back first onto the ladder and we take a break. Back with Shirai forearming away and hitting the 619, followed by a flapjack to keep Mia down. Mia isn’t about to let her climb though and it’s an overhead belly to belly into….well at least close to, the edge of the ladder.

That lets Mia set up the ladder but Shirai sends her into it and the ladder goes down again. Mia gets crushed in the ladder so Shirai pulls out a fresh one. That one has to be dropkicked into Mia so Shirai can climb, or at least she would if she has two good hands. Shirai takes too long going up and gets pulled down, though she’s right back up with a German suplex off the ladder. Shirai’s moonsault is broken up but she headbutts Mia to the floor.

Cue Dakota Kai to check on Mia but Shirai moonsaults onto both of them. Shirai goes up but Kai powerbombs her down, only to have NXT UK Women’s Champion Kay Lee Ray run in and shove the ladder down, sending Mia through the bridged ladder in a GREAT looking crash as I had forgotten about the other ladder. Ray helps Shirai up the ladder for the win at 19:58.

Rating: B+. This was very good stuff with the two of them beating the heck out of each other with some adult sized bumps. Ray as the fourth member of the team is interesting and could be the wild card that the match needs. I’m not a big Yim fan but she looked awesome here and they had a great match.

Post match Shirai, Ray and Bianca Belair pose in the ring as Shayna Baszler comes out, seemingly approving of the new team. It’s Bayley attacking her from behind though, presumably revealing herself as the attacking. Baszler gets planted face first onto the stage, drawing her team up to chase Bayley off to end the show.

Overall Rating: A-. This is the kind of NXT show that works well: good action up and down the card, a lot of stuff being set up for the future and a card that makes me want to see Takeover. They moved things forward here and helped advance their own card, which has almost been lost in the Survivor Series shuffle. We’re up to three (mostly complete) matches now and you can pretty much guess the fourth, though a card with no title matches is going to be rather weird. Anyway, very strong show this week as we get a good step towards Takeover.


Lio Rush b. Angel Garza – Final Hour

Xia Li b. Aliyah – Spinning kick to the face

Keith Lee b. Roderick Strong – Supernova

Isaiah Scott b. Bronson Reed – House Call

Io Shirai b. Mia Yim – Shirai pulled down the briefcase

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:


And check out my Amazon author page with cheap wrestling books at:


NXT – November 6, 2019: Cracking Good Fun

IMG Credit: WWE

Date: November 6, 2019
Location: Full Sail University, Winter Park, Florida
Commentators: Mauro Ranallo, Beth Phoenix, Nigel McGuinness

Things have changed in a hurry with this show as it is suddenly a show being treated like it belongs on the main roster. NXT has invaded Monday Night Raw and Smackdown and the question now is will those shows wind up here. It’s a nice feeling to not know what’s coming, though we also have to set up this month’s Takeover. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

We open in the back with the OC attacking the Undisputed Era.

The OC comes into the arena with AJ Styles not being so impressed with NXT. They’re taking over NXT tonight and that is undisputed. Cue Tommaso Ciampa (Fans: “DADDY’S HOME!”) to say he’s been asked about being promoted tot he main roster for years. Instead, he welcomes the OC to the main roster. Ciampa doesn’t like them being in his ring but AJ points out that he’s here all alone. Cue Matt Riddle and Keith Lee with the challenge being made and accepted. Nigel says we could have a cracking main event. Yes cracking.

Pete Dunne vs. Damian Priest

Rematch from two weeks ago when Priest cheated to win. Neither can hit their finisher or a kick to the face to start and we take a break. Back with Priest striking away and hitting a Falcon Arrow for two. The chinlock goes on for a bit until Dunne fights up with the X Plex. Dunne starts striking away including a dropkick to the knees but he can’t hit a German suplex.

Neither can Priest though as Dunne flips out and kicks him in the head. The moonsault to the floor hits Priest as well and they’re both down. Priest is back up with a chokeslam onto the apron, though Dunne is fine enough to hit a sitout powerbomb for two back inside. The Bitter End is broken up though and Priest kicks him in the head.

Dunne heads outside and it’s a big flip dive from Priest as we take another break. Back again with stereo kicks to the head giving us a double knockdown. South of Heaven is broken up so Priest settles for a Razor’s Edge toss powerbomb for two more. Dunne gets tired of getting beaten up though and cranks on the fingers, setting up a cross armbreaker with more finger cranking for the pin at 15:11.

Rating: B-. The two commercials hurt things a bit here though having both of them getting to show off made up for a lot of it. Dunne evens things up and there is a good chance that we’ll be seeing a third match. Priest has already gotten his big win out of the thing and that is what matters most here. Dunne is going to be a big deal so giving him the win to at least even it up for now gives me a good reason to believe his time is coming.

Post match Killian Dain runs out and beats up Dunne, including knocking Priest to the floor. Priest goes after Dain as well but gets sent into the steps, setting up the Cannonball to crush him again.

We look at the WarGames teams, with Rhea Ripley picking Tegan Nox and Candice LeRae and Shayna Baszler picking Bianca Belair and Io Shirai.

Dakota Kai is ready to stand up to Shayna Baszler tonight because she isn’t scared anymore. She’s going to prove why she belongs in WarGames.

Santana Garrett vs. Taynara

This is something of an audition for the final WarGames spots. Taynara takes her down by the arm to start but Garrett is right back with some armdrags into a Russian legsweep for two. A hard running knee to the face gives Taynara two and it’s time to kick Garrett in the face. Taynara starts cranking on the arm but Garrett gets up and hits a few forearms. Garrett misses the handspring moonsault and it’s a hard kick to the face to put her away at 4:07.

Rating: C-. This didn’t have time to go very far but it was the standard veteran gets to beat a plucky rookie, which is an acceptable way to go. Taynara is someone who has enough capital that you can buy her winning and it’s not like Garrett got squashed in any way. Good enough debut from Garrett here, who has the experience and look to keep her relevant for a long time.

Video on Tony Nese.

Video on Angel Garza.

Survivor Series rundown, which looks pretty decent.

Dakota Kai vs. Shayna Baszler

Non-title and the rest of the Horsewomen are here with Baszler. Kai shoves her in the face and teases a kick before stopping for a quick mocking. Now the kick to the face sets up an armdrag and a flying mare of all things. A running kick to the face puts Baszler outside but she catches a charge to send Kai crashing into the post.

Back in and Baszler starts in on the braced knee, including a bunch of stomps to send us to a break. We come back with Kai hitting a double stomp to the chest out for he corner but hurting her leg again. A pump kick rocks Baszler again and a running knee to the face gets two. Kai goes up top but gets gutwrench superplexed back down for a crash and near fall.

A headbutt rocks Baszler and the running kick in the corner puts them both down. The Kawada kicks put Baszler in more trouble but she’s fine enough to hit a good looking jumping knee to the face. The Kirifuda Clutch is broken up but the second attempt goes on and the arm is trapped to make Kai tap at 11:14.

Rating: B-. Kai looked completely different than her earlier matches with Baszler here and that’s what they were going for. The history here is something that played well into the rebuilt Kai, who I wanted to be the one to come back and take the title from Baszler. Either way, Kai has a good future going at this point and I’m looking forward to seeing what she does next.

Post match the Horsewomen are in for the beatdown but it’s Team Ripley for the save. Io Shirai cuts off Candice LeRae though and the rest of Team Baszler is down for the beatdown. Cue Mia Yim with the kendo stick for the save though, including some shots to Baszler.

We recap NXT invading Smackdown and Raw.

Tommaso Ciampa isn’t worried about finding a fourth member for his WarGames team (I don’t remember that being confirmed before) against the Undisputed Era. As for tonight, if anyone wants to come after them, the front door is open.

Video on Isaiah Swerve Scott, who says Swerve is confidence.

Tony Nese vs. Angel Garza

The winner gets a Cruiserweight Title shot at some point in the future. Garza goes after the arm to start but it’s an early standoff. With that not working it’s time to start on the leg but Nese manages to get on top for a fast two and it’s another standoff. This time Nese takes him down by the arm for all of a few seconds, meaning it’s Garza snapping off a running hurricanrana.

That means it’s time for GARZA TO TAKE….a chop to the chest to prevent his disrobing. Garza puts him on the top and hits an enziguri, only to have Nese try a sunset bomb. That’s blocked and NESE TAKES OFF GARZA’S PANTS! Garza gets in a kick to the face and we take a break. Back with Garza hitting another kick to set up the moonsault to the floor. Nigel: “A thing of beauty from the most beautiful man in the world!”

Nese’s sitout pumphandle powerslam gives him his own two but Garza is back up with a reverse Project Ciampa. It’s Nese’s turn to knock him down and this time it’s a 450 for two with Garza getting a foot on the rope. They chop it out again until Garza flips around into a sitout powerbomb for his own near fall. A double underhook drop down (think a Bubba Bomb but with Nese turned the other way and with a butterfly instead of a full nelson) called the Wing Clipper finishes Nese at 11:19.

Rating: C. Garza winning is the right call and it makes more sense to push the NXT guys over the 205 Live guys. Point blank, most of the people on 205 Live are there for a reason and while Nese is good, he doesn’t feel like someone who would be a star around here. I’m still not sure how much longer 205 Live can last, but I’ve been saying that for two years now so what do I know.

Post match Lio Rush comes out and Garza slaps him in the face. Their title match is next week.

Rhea Ripley picks Mia Yim for the fourth spot on her team. She tells Dakota Kai that she just didn’t make the cut. Kai walks away in near tears.

Takeover rundown, which is just WarGames at the moment. Both Baszler and Ciampa’s teams still need fourths, and that previous segment seems like a clue.

Dominick Dijakovic vs. Isaiah Scott

This could be interesting. Scott starts dodging early on but jumps into a fireman’s carry. It’s too early for Feast Your Eyes so Dijakovic hits some standing knees to the back before tossing him to the side. The toss suplex gets two on Scott and a backbreaker lets Dijakovic hit a falling middle rope splash for two more. Scott gets in a quick Downward Spiral and a Release German suplex offers a surprise power display.

A DDT out of the corner gives Scott his own two and it’s time to go up, only to have Dijakovic nail a superkick. Feast Your Eyes is broken up though and Scott hits an enziguri to a kneeling Dijakovic. The cyclone boot staggers Scott though and a chokebomb gets two. Scott is fine enough to come back with a reverse hurricanrana to send Dijakovic to the apron for the big top rope double stomp. A big kick to the face gives Scott two more so he tries the rolling cutter but Dijakovic counters into Feast Your Eyes for the pin at 7:16.

Rating: B. This was a heck of a match and a great way to showcase the different styles. Scott can work with anyone and Dijakovic is such a freak that he can as well, despite his huge size. Really good stuff here and Dijakovic seems ready to move up to the next level at any given time. Scott needs to win a bigger match at some point, but he’s far from losing steam otherwise.

Next week: the Cruiserweight Title match plus Yim vs. Shirai in a ladder match for the WarGames advantage.

OC vs. Tommaso Ciampa/Matt Riddle/Keith Lee

The brawl is on before the bell until it’s AJ vs. Ciampa to get us going. Ciampa is knocked outside early on and the slingshot forearm hits Riddle on the floor. Back in and Willow’s Bell gives Ciampa two and it’s off to Lee vs. Gallows. A hard shoulder rocks Gallows and a pretty slow motion Pounce puts him on the floor.

Back in and Gallows kicks him in the ribs, as does the now legal Anderson. Lee goes simple with a crossbody and we take a break. We come back to Ciampa in AJ’s chinlock and Gallows driving in elbows to the neck. Ciampa fights up but Gallows is smart enough to knock Lee off the apron in advance. Anderson dives into a jumping knee to the face and the hot tag brings in Riddle.

Jumping knees and shoulders abound, followed by the string of Brotons. The Final Flash into the Bro To Sleep into a bridging German suplex gets two with Anderson making the save. Ciampa breaks up the Magic Killer to Lee, who curls Gallows just to show off. AJ’s tornado DDT plants Lee (Mauro: “Like a palm tree!”) and a brainbuster gets two on Riddle. There’s the Pounce to AJ but it takes out the referee at the same time.

Riddle tries a running flip dive but gets caught in the ropes and nearly lands on the apron for a bad crash. Ciampa loads up the Fairy Tale Ending but here’s Finn Balor. That’s enough for AJ to hit the Pele on Ciampa and 1916 plants Riddle on the floor. AJ throws up Too Sweet to Balor, who points the finger guns back at him. Cue Adam Cole to break up the Styles Clash to Ciampa and hit the Last Shot on Ciampa. Cole stares Balor down to end the show, meaning we’ll say it was a no contest at 13:25.

Rating: B. I’m not sure where this is going but it was enough good action and more importantly, the NXT guys were going step for step with the WWE talent and no one took a fall at the end. The match was entertaining and they gave enough of an ending to make me want to watch next week. I’m not sure where they’re going with WarGames and that makes for an interesting ending, especially when you tie in the invasion stuff.

Overall Rating: B. Heck of a show here again as they set up/advanced the big matches at Takeover and tied in the Survivor Series invasion stuff at the same time. I’m not sure what else they are going to have for the rest of the card, but we could be in for a shorter show due to two matches taking up sixteen people. There is still room for a lot of stuff though and under the right circumstances, we could be in for another classic, depending on how the WarGames matches go.


Pete Dunne b. Damian Priest – Cross armbreaker

Taynara b. Santana Garrett – Kick to the face

Shayna Baszler b. Dakota Kai – Kirifuda Clutch

Angel Garza b. Tony Nese – Wing Clipper

Dominick Dijakovic b. Isaiah Scott – Feast Your Eyes

OC vs. Tommaso Ciampa/Keith Lee/Matt Riddle went to a no contest

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:


And check out my Amazon author page with cheap wrestling books at:


Smackdown – November 1, 2019: NXT Time

IMG Credit: WWE

Date: November 1, 2019
Location: Keybank Center, Buffalo, New York
Commentators: Aiden English, Renee Young, Tom Phillips

So, as anyone could have guessed could have been a problem, WWE wasn’t able to get their wrestlers halfway around the world in a single day so most of the talent is stuck in Saudi Arabia. Therefore, it’s going to be a show built around the wrestlers who didn’t go, Brock Lesnar and some surprises, likely from NXT. I’m sure FOX will be thrilled with this being their return on investment. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Here are Paul Heyman and Brock Lesnar to open things up. Heyman brags about Brock beating Cain Velasquez at Crown Jewel….and we see the match in full.

WWE Championship: Brock Lesnar vs. Cain Velasquez

Lesnar is defending and gets a monster pop. Rey Mysterio is here with Velasquez, who does look a little better in ring gear than he has recently (emphasis on a little). They start slowly as Lesnar has learned from what got him in trouble against Cain the first time. Lesnar takes him into the corner for some clinch fighting but Cain gets in a kick to the head to drop the champ. Ground and pound ensues but Brock grabs the Kimura for the win at 2:07.

Back in the arena, Heyman talks about Rey Mysterio coming after Lesnar and attacking him with a chair….which we see as well.

Post match Lesnar won’t let go so Rey hits him with a chair, earning himself a toss to the floor. Brock chairs Cain down and hits the F5 onto the chair. Rey comes back in with another chair and swings it quite well for someone with one good arm. Enough shots connect to send Lesnar outside and we would have a fresh challenge if the Brand Split didn’t exist. I mean, I’m sure that’s going to last of course, right?

Back in the arena, Heyman talks about how Lesnar wants Rey so he’ll be going to Raw to get him, because he doesn’t care about the contract situations. YOU MEAN THEY COULDN’T MAKE IT THREE WEEKS AFTER THE DRAFT??? Just to get around the contracts, Brock quits Smackdown for good.

Brock and Heyman are in the back and leave…..as HHH and Shawn Michaels look on.

Women’s Title: Bayley vs. Nikki Cross

Bayley is defending and Sasha Banks is at ringside too. Cross goes straight at her and knocks her to the floor, setting up a tornado DDT off the apron as we take a break. Back with Bayley getting two off a clothesline and sending Cross into the steps. Cross slugs away and hits a bulldog but Banks breaks up the Purge. Bayley kicks her down and hits the top rope elbow for two. The fans chant for Bayley as she breaks up a tornado DDT attempt. Bayley gets tied up in the ring skirt and pummeled again but Banks shoves Cross off the top. Something like a Stroke retains the title at 8:26.

Rating: C+. The wrestling was fine here and for something that was designed to be little more than a fill in match, it worked well enough. Cross was already the #1 contender so it’s not like this came out of nowhere. Bayley needs some fresh challengers and Cross was a good enough choice as a challenger who was going to be a serious threat.

Post match it’s Shayna Baszler of all people coming in to destroy Banks and Bayley to a big reaction. A knee to the face knocks Bayley cold.

Sami Zayn likes the idea of NXT showing up on Smackdown’s night but they better watch where they step. Keith Lee and Matt Riddle come up and Sami backs off a bit. He opens his jacket to reveal….a plain black shirt because he took the NXT one off to avoid getting his vinegar based dressing on it. Sami tries to leave but the chase is on. They wind up in the arena and, after some begging off, it’s a Bro Derek from Riddle and a middle rope moonsault from Lee.

Clips of Tyson Fury vs. Braun Strowman.

Here’s the Miz for MizTV. After sucking up to the Buffalo crowd, he talks about how he was going to be interviewing Bray Wyatt, who won the Universal Title last night. We see a package of the win but since Bray isn’t here, we’ll move on. Miz talks about all the NXT talents in the building tonight, with Riddle and Lee beating up Sami being his favorite.

Miz can’t wait to see what happens next….so here’s Tommaso Ciampa to a huge reaction. Ciampa talks about how Miz likes to pretend that he’s a star while Ciampa is literally breaking his neck for wrestling. Miz likes acting so while he’s acting the part, Ciampa is playing the part. That’s something Miz has heard for fifteen years and he’s so tired of hearing it that he’s ready to fight right now.

Miz vs. Tommaso Ciampa

Miz’s headlock doesn’t get him anywhere so he slides between Ciampa’s legs for a sunset flip. Ciampa gets sent outside but is fine enough to send Miz into various things, allowing him to sit on the apron and applaud himself. Back in and Miz’s Reality Check gets two but Ciampa beats him up again to take over.

The Fairy Tale Ending is broken up and Miz gets in a shot to the knee to cut Ciampa down. The shot DDT gives Miz two and it’s the Figure Four going on, only to have Ciampa glare at him and escape. Miz tries it again but gets small packaged for two. Ciampa’s half crab doesn’t get him very far as Miz hits the running corner clothesline. Miz gets kneed out of the air though and the Fairy Tale Ending finishes Miz at 7:41.

Rating: C. Ciampa is an interesting case as he is more than capable of hanging on the main WWE roster (if not thriving) but he seems tailor made to be an NXT lifer. Maybe it’s his size, age or history but he screams perfect for NXT and that’s all he needs to be. This was an important win for him, though I can’t imagine him being a big deal on the main roster, at least not one Vince controls.

Daniel Bryan asks HHH and Shawn why they’re here. HHH says NXT has been called out for Survivor Series and it’s like they were looking for a fight. Bryan finds that interesting because he’s looking for a fight. Maybe he and HHH should go fight right now. Shawn takes off his jacket as HHH says he knows someone who is looking for a fight. Shawn: “It’s cold in here!” And the jacket goes back on. HHH: “Champ!” Cue Adam Cole, who is willing to fight Bryan tonight. That’s cool with Bryan, as long as it’s for the NXT Title. HHH says it’s on.

Or not as Bianca Belair jumps Brooke and Carmella in the back. We have some substitutes though.

Sonya kicks Nox’s knee out on the floor and beats her up against the barricade. Nox fights back and sends her over the barricade though, with Renee taking a boot to the face. Rhea beats Mandy up inside, only to have Nox come in for the Shiniest Wizard. The standing Cloverleaf makes Mandy tap at 1:28. Ripley is a star and if Nox can stay healthy, she’s a mega star.

Stephanie McMahon comes out and introduces a package on Lacey Evans vs. Natalya from Crown Jewel.

NXT Title: Adam Cole vs. Daniel Bryan

Cole, with a still injured wrist, is defending with HHH and Shawn. Roderick Strong comes out with Cole but heads to the back before the match. Bryan starts fast with the kicks and stomps on the arm for a bonus. The surfboard dragon sleeper doesn’t last long as Cole slips out and tries a suplex to the floor, with both of them crashing over the top. Back from a break with Cole suplexing him down and dropping an elbow.

We hit the Figure Four necklock for a bit but Bryan fights up with shots to the face. Cole gets backdropped over the top and eats the knee off the apron. A missile dropkick puts Cole down again but he’s fine enough to cut off the running dropkick with a superkick for two of his own. Bryan knocks him to the floor for the suicide dive but the second one is cut off by a jumping enziguri as we take another break.

Back again with Cole getting crotched on top and belly to back superplexed back down. The Swan Dive misses though and the brainbuster to the knee gets two. The Last Shot is countered into a half crab into a legbar but Cole makes the rope. That’s fine with Bryan who goes with the LeBell Lock, only to let go and stomp away at Cole’s head.

The LeBell Lock on Cole’s bad wrist goes on again, with Bryan pulling back on the free arm for a bonus. Therefore it’s a foot on the rope for the break so Bryan kicks him in the head, only to charge into another superkick. The middle rope Canadian Destroyer sets up the Last Shot and Bryan is done at 20:07.

Rating: A-. Yeah this was great and you knew it would be. They didn’t have much of another choice here and they did the best thing that they could have done. Throw out NXT’s best guy and one of the best from Smackdown and see what you can do. It was a wrestling match with a clean ending and sometimes, that’s the best thing you can offer.

Post match the NXT crew hits the ring, including a bunch of people who didn’t appear yet. HHH gets in the ring and says if WWE wants a fight with NXT, it can be Raw and Smackdown vs. NXT. Tonight was the first shot from the NXT army and at Survivor Series, Raw and Smackdown will know that WE ARE NXT.

Overall Rating: B+. Oh yeah this worked and it was exactly the energized show that they’ve been needing. The wrestling was mostly good, the surprises made me want to keep watching and the angle at the end certainly teased WarGames at Survivor Series. On the other hand, this show explained how bad of an idea the Brand Split really is. With just one roster, you know who will and will not be there and that takes away so much from a show. Sometimes you need a twist and cutting the roster in half doesn’t make that the most likely situation. Anyway, this was great and I’m looking forward to the next few weeks if this is a preview.


Bayley b. Nikki Cross – Legsweep faceplant

Tommaso Ciampa b. Miz – Fairy Tale Ending

Adam Cole b. Daniel Bryan – Last Shot

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:


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NXT – October 30, 2019: Antebellum

IMG Credit: WWE

Date: October 30, 2019
Location: Full Sail University, Winter Park, Florida
Commentators: Nigel McGuinness, Beth Phoenix, Mauro Ranallo

Things changed in a big way last week as Finn Balor turned on Johnny Gargano, likely setting up a heck of a showdown in Chicago. Other than that, it’s time to start setting up Takeover, which means it’s time to start setting up WarGames. They have a lot of ways to get there and I’m curious to see which they pick. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Poppy performs live to open things up with a recap video from last week playing on the screen. As a bonus, they play Io Shirai to the ring.

Io Shirai vs. Candice LeRae

Candice knocks her outside to start but gets caught with a 619 on the apron. A heck of a suicide dive drops Candice but Io throws her in for the same dive from Candice. Back in and a hard clothesline gives Candice two but Shirai runs her over. The chinlock doesn’t last long so Candice snaps off a headscissors into a kick to the face. With her nose bleeding, Candice takes her to the apron to fight over a suplex attempt.

Shirai shoves her off the top and out to the floor as we take a break. Back with Candice hitting a tornado DDT to bang up Shirai’s neck. Ms. LeRae’s Wild Ride is broken up but Shirai’s moonsault hits raised knees. A headscissor choke goes on and Candice has to get a boot on the rope for the break. Shirai grabs a chair so Candice rolls her up for two and hits a full nelson swinging faceplant for two. Candice’s Lionsault hits chair though and Shirai gets the pin at 12:56.

Rating: C+. Evil Shirai is more than working and Candice is as easy of a face to cheer as there is outside of Team Fly Kicks. This should finish the story between the two of them though and there is nothing wrong with that, as Shirai is someone who can be even further established as a monster. Then you have Candice, who can smile her way through any loss you give her.

Finn Balor talks about how it felt good to kick Johnny Gargano in the head last week. This is the real Balor, who is glad to be back on NXT. Raw and Smackdown are Hollywood, where you can hide behind a bunch of things. NXT is Broadway, with no place to hide. The Prince is back.

Here’s Balor for a chat. Balor talks about how the hottest thing in the business is a guy who put a mask on but now he’s taken his mask off and now he’s the hottest thing in the business. Everyone has their opinions, including those tough guys on social media. The problem is there are so many fans in the locker room when they should be out there with the people. Balor does not watch the business because the business watches him. That brings him to Johnny Gargano, the so called heart and soul of NXT. Gargano is out of the hospital but if he comes after Balor, he’ll be Johnny Watches Wrestling, as he should be.

Video on the Kabuki Warriors and the two of them furthering their heel status by misting Paige on Raw.

Shane Thorne vs. Bronson Reed

Thorne dropkicks him into the corner at the bell but gets taken down by a clothesline. The running backsplash gives Reed two and it’s time to chop it out. A kick to the head sets up a belly to back suplex for two on Reed and it’s time to fire off the kicks. Reed is right back with some clotheslines and an over the back piledriver for two of his own. Thorne catches him on top and tries a super hurricanrana but gets shoved down. A top rope splash crushes Thorne for the pin at 4:21.

Rating: C+. Oh that worked, if nothing else for the splash alone. Thorne hit at Reed with everything he had but just couldn’t overcome the size and power advantages. They’re 1-1 now and even if it was just a short match that didn’t get a lot of time, I could go for a third one from them, which isn’t usually the case with a match like this.

Team Fly Kicks is ready to win the Women’s Tag Team Titles.

Video on Mia Yim.

Women’s Tag Team Titles: Kabuki Warriors vs. Team Fly Kicks

The Warriors are defending and Asuka gets a heck of a WELCOME BACK chant. Asuka goes straight for Nox’s knee to start so it’s off to Sane for a hard chop. Everything breaks down for a bit and the champs are dropkicked to the floor. That’s fine with them as they easily win a brawl as we take a break.

Back with Nox hitting the running backsplash in the corner and Kai snapmaring Asuka down for a kick to the chest. Asuka goes crazy evil with a dragon screw legwhip onto the ropes to crank Kai’s recently repaired knee. The leglock is on inside and they take turns kicking at each other in a painful looking exchange. Sane comes back in to Walk The Plank for a rather cocky near fall.

The Brock Lock has Nox in even more trouble and it’s Asuka coming back in for a leg trapped chinlock. Sane grabs a Figure Four neck lock, followed by a kick from Asuka for two. It’s back to the leglock and we take a second break. Back again with Kai still in trouble as Asuka puts on another leglock. Kai gets up and fights out of the corner before nailing a scorpion kick to knock Sane down. The hot tag brings in Nox so house can be cleaned, including a chokeslam to Sane and running elbows in the corner.

The Shiniest Wizard is blocked though and Asuka grabs a kneebar in the middle of the ring. Nox reverses into a cross armbreaker with Sane making the save this time around. A series of suplexes and kicks puts everyone down and the fans are pleased. Kai gets back in with the running kick to Asuka in the corner but walks into the mist. The Insane Elbow to the back finishes Kai (with Sane covering Kai’s face to avoids the DQ) to retain the titles at 24:06.

Rating: B. This was more long than great, though it was still quite the match. Kai and Nox are a rather awesome team (the matching gear helps a lot) and they’re going to be a big deal at some point in the future, either together or on their own. It’s great to see what can actually be done when these titles are given some time and a crowd that cares, which is so often the case around here.

Post match here are Shayna Baszler and the Horsewomen for what is likely to be painful. Nox tries to fight them off but the numbers get the better of her. Baszler loads up the arm but Rhea Ripley runs out for the save. Shirai jumps her from behind though and the fight is on outside. Bianca Belair runs out to beat down Ripley as well, which draws out Candice LeRae for a failed save attempt.

Rhea gets up and takes everyone out before staring Shayna back. The fight is on with everyone getting in the ring and I think you know where this is going. William Regal comes out and orders security to break it up and the WARGAMES chants are on. That’s exactly what Regal gives them too, though Rhea and company need a fifth. Rhea kicks a guard away and goes after Shayna again but gets held back.

Tyler Bate vs. Cameron Grimes

Bate goes for the leg to start and flips away from Grimes’ attempted escape. An armdrag into an arm crank has Grimes down and his nip up only keeps him out of trouble for a few moments. The airplane spin has Grimes in more trouble and a dropkick puts him on the floor. Back in and Grimes counters a charge into a spinning sitout Side Effect for two as we take a break.

We come back with Grimes hitting his crazy cool backflip into a German suplex for two more. Grimes cranks on the arm even more but Bate fights up and throws him down with a t-bone suplex. The running shooting star gives Bate two and he reverses Grimes’ powerbomb attempt into a hurricanrana for the same.

Bate can’t hit the Tyler Driver 97 so they hit each other in the face until Grimes hits the spinning powerslam for two more. Back up and the rebound lariat gives Bate two, setting up the rolling Liger kick to send Grimes outside. The big no hands dive crushes Grimes again but here’s Killian Dain to distract Bate, meaning it’s the Cave In to finish Bate at 13:11.

Rating: B. Bate is one of those guys who can do something good against anyone in there and that’s what he did here. Then again, Grimes is more than capable of holding his own and the Cave In is one of the better finishers at the moment. I could go for Bate/Dunne vs. Dain/Grimes soon and that appears to be where we’re going. If nothing else, watching Bate throwing Dain around could be awesome. But yeah, another rather good match here.

Post match Dain drives Bate into the steps and crushes him with the Cannonball against the steps.

Video on Angel Garza.

Shayna Baszler and Rhea Ripley are officially the team captains for WarGames.

Undisputed Era vs. Matt Riddle/Keith Lee

Non-title. The champs go after Lee to start and are easily pulled into each other, allowing Lee to leapfrog both of them at once, setting up a double crossbody to put them down again. The Era’s low bridge attempt is blocked as well and that means it’s time for a breather on the floor. Riddle isn’t cool with that and kicks them down as the dominance continues.

O’Reilly gets chopped to the floor and Riddle Jackhammers Fish for two. Back from a break with Riddle suplexing O’Reilly until Fish runs him over with a shoulder. We hit the chinlock for a bit but Riddle powers up without much trouble. O’Reilly kicks Fish in the face by mistake but is smart enough to grab Riddle in a leglock before he’s anywhere close to a tag. That’s broken up but Fish uses the delay to kick Lee off the apron.

Riddle kicks and knees both of them, only to get kicked right back. Chasing the Dragon is enough to bring Lee in for the save but he doesn’t drag Riddle to the corner. Riddle flips out of a suplex though and the hot tag brings in Lee for the big elbows to the face. Lee clotheslines and backdrops them down but a legsweep cuts him down.

O’Reilly goes for the triangle choke but Lee curls him up with ease to shot off even more. The powerbomb breaks it up though and it’s back to Riddle for the strikes and suplexes. Cue Strong and Cole for the distraction though, only to have Riddle send everyone to the floor for a springboard Floating Bro. Lee Pounces Cole into Strong but it’s the High Low to finish Riddle at 14:22.

Rating: B-. Another good match here that seems to be setting up something big for Takeover (I wonder what it could be) and that’s a good way to go. Having Riddle and Lee in the main event scene is a good idea and if you get someone else in there, say Ciampa and one other person, against the Era, should be a rather good idea. That’s almost a guarantee at this point and I can more than go for the idea.

Post match the beatdown is on but it’s Tommaso Ciampa running in for the save with the crutch. Cole is left alone with Ciampa but an O’Reilly distraction lets Cole escape. O’Reilly gets beaten down and Lee throws him onto the rest of the team. Ciampa grabs the mic and says hold on a bit Goldy, because Daddy is going to war.

Overall Rating: B+. Good wrestling, awesome promo from Balor and two WarGames matches being set up. This was a heck of a show and they picked up the steam for Takeover and that is what this show needed to do. You can see the card from here and it seems that this is going to be a show focusing on the feuds instead of the titles. Unless they tie the titles into WarGames, though I’m not sure how smart that would be. Anyway, rather good show here and NXT is back on a roll.


Io Shirai b. Candice LeRae – Lionsault to a chair

Bronson Reed b. Shane Thorne – Top rope splash

Kabuki Warriors b. Team Fly Kicks – Insane Elbow to Kai

Cameron Grimes b. Tyler Bate – Cave In

Undisputed Era b. Keith Lee/Matt Riddle – High/Low to Riddle

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:


And check out my Amazon author page with cheap wrestling books at:
