Takeover: XXV – Can They Be Bad Just Once?

IMG Credit: WWE

Takeover: XXV
Date: June 1, 2019
Location: Webster Bank Arena, Bridgeport, Connecticut
Commentators: Beth Phoenix, Nigel McGuinness, Mauro Ranallo

We’re at the latest big show, even without as much time as it seems that we usually get for these things. The big story here is Johnny Gargano vs. Adam Cole in a rematch for the NXT Title after Cole defeated him in the first fall of a 2/3 falls match. The card doesn’t feel as strong as others but that’s never stopped them from having a great show before. Let’s get to it.

The opening video looks at the history of Takeover with some of the biggest moments the show has ever seen. There are certainly some great ones in there, plus a shot of all twenty five logos the show has ever had. We move into the regular video on the five matches tonight, including Cole vs. Gargano.

Roderick Strong vs. Matt Riddle

Riddle has been dealing with the entire Undisputed Era and it’s time to go after them one at a time. Strong can’t get anywhere on the mat to start and gets taken down with ease. The early Bromission attempt is broken up and it’s an early standoff. Some shoulders in the corner work better for Strong but Riddle is right back with some rolling gutwrench suplexes. Strong bails to the floor and gets forearmed off the steps for his efforts.

They forearm it out on the apron and Strong hits the first backbreaker to take over. A Rock Bottom backbreaker gets two and it’s time to go outside again with Riddle going ribs first into the post. Back in and some right hands give Strong two, followed by the Olympic Slam for the same. A very quick Bromission attempt is broken up so Riddle grabs a fisherman’s buster for a breather instead.

The rapid fire strikes give Riddle some more momentum and an exploder suplex makes it even better. The Broton into the running kick to the chest gets two and Riddle is spent. Some YES Kicks drop Strong again and a GTS into the German suplex gets two more. Strong enziguris him in the corner though and a top rope superplex gets a rather near fall. They slug it out again with Riddle’s back flaring up again, allowing Strong to tee off on him with a series of shots to the face.

The belly to back faceplant gets a VERY close two and Strong is stunned. The Stronghold is broken up and Riddle is back with a ripcord knee (the ripcord V Trigger according to Mauro) into a powerbomb. Riddle hits the Final Flash for two but Strong blocks a top rope twisting Broton with raised knees.

A tiger driver and a gutbuster get two and it’s straight into the Stronghold. That’s switched into a Liontamer but Riddle powers out of that as well, this time switching into the Bromission. The back gives out again though so Riddle elbows him in the face, setting up a reverse Neutralizer (the Bro Derrick, or at least that’s what it sounded like) to give Riddle the pin at 14:41.

Rating: A-. This was a match where you knew the end result but they managed to make me care about how we got there. Riddle survived a bunch in there and managed to win in the end, which was a good test for him. It’s clear that he’s (or Velveteen Dream) is going to get the rocket push soon enough and this was a great performance on the way there.

Shawn Michaels and Road Dogg are here.

We recap the Tag Team Titles, which were vacated by the Viking Raiders to head up to Raw (where they have been so well used). Therefore the titles are vacant and are hanging above the ring in a ladder match with four teams coming for them.

Tag Team Titles: Forgotten Sons vs. Oney Lorcan/Danny Burch vs. Street Profits vs. Undisputed Era

Ladder match for the vacant titles and there are no seconds. It’s a brawl to start as you had to see coming with the Era taking over early on. Blake gets low bridged to the floor and it’s time for a showdown with Lorcan and Burch. Lorcan chops away but Burch gets knocked down and the Era takes over again. It’s time for the first ladder but Blake suicide dives down to take the Era out. A bunch of people wind up brawling in front of the ring so Dawkins can dive onto all of them.

The Profits climb a ladder at the same time, allowing the Era to come back in for the save. Blake knocks the Era down again with O’Reilly landing back first on the ladder. The Sons put the ladder around their heads to clean house until Burch and Lorcan hit stereo release German suplexes, sending the ladder flying in a spot that could have gone a lot worse. The Profits are back in to take down Lorcan and Burch, with Ford hitting a heck of a frog splash.

O’Reilly is back in with a missile dropkick to break up a climb attempt but he bangs up his back even worse. It’s the Era loading up the ladder with Fish going up, only to have Blake toss powerbomb O’Reilly into the ladder for the huge crash, with Fish thankfully landing on O’Reilly. The big ladder is brought in and Cutler goes up….but stops to stomp onto Fish as Cutler hits a reverse DDT. There was absolutely nothing stopping him from getting the belts there.

Now the Sons go up again but Burch and Dawkins make the save with a Doomsday elbow/Doomsday Blockbuster each. O’Reilly starts going up but here’s Jaxson Ryker to buckle bomb him into a ladder. Ryker shoves Dawkins down and crushes him with a ladder in the corner over and over. Lorcan charges at Ryker and gets backdropped onto the edge of the ladder for a scary spot. Fans to Ryker: “WE DON’T LIKE YOU!”

Everyone gets together to beat down Ryker, who I don’t think got over as well as NXT would have liked him to here. About eight ladder shots to the back crush him for good and it’s back to “regularly scheduled hostilities.” Ryker is getting back up as the Era loads up a ladder so they hit him in the face with it instead. Ford adds a big running flip dive and it’s time for Burch and Lorcan to beat everyone up with the ladders.

They throw the ladder at the Forgotten Sons and go up the big ladder with the Era making the save. The four of them wind up on a pair of ladders but the Sons shove all of them over. The Profits come back in though with Dawkins spearing Cutler down and Ford springboarding onto the ladder to knock Blake off. Ford pulls down the titles at 21:19.

Rating: B. Ryker getting this much attention hurt things a bit as he almost had his own section in the middle of the match. What matters here though is they pulled the trigger on someone new and paid off their chase over the last few months. They were the right choice and they have a bunch of matches waiting on them, which is a great future.

Candice LeRae says she has Io Shirai’s back.

We recap Tyler Breeze vs. Velveteen Dream. Breeze has gone up to the main roster without the greatest success while Dream has taken over NXT. Now Breeze is back and wanting to reclaim his spot, but Dream says there is only room for one spotlight and it belongs to him. Breeze hit him with his phone and the match was set.

North American Title: Tyler Breeze vs. Velveteen Dream

Dream is defending and has some fans (as in the kind you wave in your face) for his entrance, which isn’t quite as big as I was expecting. He even throws a glove at Breeze and the fans are split to start. They fight over arm control to start and Dream bails from an early Unprettier attempt, allowing Breeze to lay on the ropes and wave a foot at Dream. A modified Backstabber gives Breeze one and he sends Dream to the floor.

The suicide dive hits forearm and it’s Dream coming back in with a double ax handle. Breeze is right back and wraps the knee around the post to take over. Dream punches him out of the air on the floor for a breather but the Dream Valley Driver is broken up. The half crab has Dream in more trouble and Breeze dropkicks him out to the floor. Breeze follows and eats a superkick, followed by some face first rams into the announcers’ table.

With Breeze down, Dream grabs a phone and the title, demanding that Breeze say cheese for a selfie. The distraction lets Breeze get in the Supermodel Kick but Dream snaps off a Dream Valley Driver. It’s too early for the Purple Rainmaker though as Breeze gets in an enziguri but Breeze’s high crossbody is rolled through for two. The DreamDT is blocked as well and Breeze’s second Supermodel Kick gets two more.

Dream blocks the Unprettier again and plants him with the DreamDT for another near fall. It’s time to go up again and this time Dream gets crotched but he’s fine enough for a hard knee to the face. They fight over a Tombstone of all things until Dream hits his own Unprettier for two.

The Purple Rainmaker hits raised knees (still don’t get how that doesn’t hurt the knee even more) and it’s the Supermodel Kick into the Unprettier to give Breeze his own crazy near fall. The Beauty Shot out of nowhere sends Dream outside and you can see the frustration setting in for Breeze. That’s nearly enough for the countout but Dream has the title, which is thrown to the referee. Now it’s the Dream Valley Driver into the Purple Rainmaker to retain at 16:47.

Rating: B+. That was teasing a heel turn at the end there but Dream didn’t actually cheat so we can chalk it up to mind games. Turning Dream isn’t going to work anyway as the fans just are not going to boo the guy so I don’t see the point. It’s another very good match and that’s all you would have expected from these two on this stage.

Post match they do take the selfie together and everything seems cool.

Damian Priest (Punishment Martinez) is coming.

We recap Io Shirai vs. Shayna Baszler. Shirai is the best talent from Japan and wants to prove that she can do it here too. Baszler says no one has been able to beat her and everyone who has tried has been run out of NXT.

Women’s Title: Io Shirai vs. Shayna Baszler

Baszler is defending. Shirai charges straight at her but gets taken down so Baszler can load up the arm stomp. That doesn’t quite work though and Shirai slaps her in the face. The champ gets sent outside and the baseball slide her has in trouble. Back in and the arm stomp works the second time around as Shirai is down for the first time.

Baszler starts in on the arm with stomps and pulling but Shirai gets in a German suplex for a breather. A 619 gives Shirai two more and she pulls Baszler down into a Crossface. That’s reversed into a side slam and they head up top with Shirai dropkicking him down to the floor. Shirai hits the big moonsault, followed by some running double knees back inside. Cue Jessamyn Duke and Marina Shafir but LeRae makes the save with the kendo stick.

The distraction lets Baszler get in a failed Kirifuda Clutch attempt as Shirai slips out in a hurry. Shirai’s moonsault misses but she backflips out of another Clutch for two. Shirai tries to bridge back into a cover but gets caught in the full Clutch. The hold stays on for a very long time until Shirai finally taps at 12:12.

Rating: B. Another rather good match here as Baszler cleans out a little more of the division. Candice is pretty much the only one left and that should be a rather good match. If nothing else the moment will work very well with the fans being rather pleased. Baszler staying in NXT as long as she can is the right call though as she is going to be buried horribly on the main roster.

Post match Shirai snaps and destroys Baszler with the kendo stick, plus hitting a moonsault while holding a chair. That almost has to be a heel turn after Shirai lost completely clean.

Stephanie McMahon is here.

We recap the main event. Cole beat Gargano in the first fall of a 2/3 falls match and has claimed that he deserves a rematch since. The Undisputed Era and Matt Riddle have been brought in since and this is the big rematch.

NXT Title: Johnny Gargano vs. Adam Cole

Cole is challenging and gets rapped to the ring. Gargano on the other hand has Captain Marvel inspired gear. Cole wastes no time in trying for the Last Shot but heads outside when Gargano glares at him. Back in and it’s time to fight over wrist control as the fans are split again. The Gargano Escape attempt earns Johnny a forearm to the face so he hurricanranas Cole to the floor.

The running flip dive from the apron has Cole down again and Gargano seems a bit stiff off the landing. Gargano starts in on the arm as the technical side continues. With the armbar broken up, Cole superkicks the leg to go after a limb of his own. Cole wraps the knee around the ropes and tries to bend it forward for a bit. Gargano comes back with a small package and a middle rope….something is countered into a powerbomb to give Gargano two.

There’s an overhead belly to belly and the rolling kick to Cole’s head makes it even worse. A middle rope Downward Spiral gets two and the slingshot spear gives Gargano the same. Gargano goes up and has to fight out of a sunset bomb, only to dive into a Backstabber for two more. The jumping enziguri rocks the champ and it’s a reverse fireman’s carry facebuster to bang up Johnny’s face again. Cole hits a superkick but dives into one from Gargano so they head to the floor for an exchange of superkicks and a double knockdown.

Cole gets back in first, allowing Gargano to hit the slingshot DDT for the very near fall. With Cole on the floor, Gargano wants the suicide dive but the leg is too hurt, allowing Cole to kick him in the head. The fireman’s carry backbreaker gets two more on Gargano and they’re both winded. Gargano throws him off the ropes so Cole lands on the bad arm, setting up the Gargano Escape. There is indeed an escape though and Cole gets in a Figure Four to go back to the leg.

Gargano gets smart by grabbing the arm to make Cole scream, setting up the turnover and the escape. That’s enough for Cole as he snaps and stomps away at the knee even more, setting up a JOHNNY DEFENSE chant. Johnny kicks away another Figure Four attempt and hits the slingshot DDT, which sends Cole to the floor again. The suicide dive is superkicked out of the air and a Canadian Destroyer off the apron knocks Gargano silly….for two. Cole tells Johnny that it’s over but the Last Shot misses.

Gargano can’t get the Gargano Escape as Cole reverses into one of his own, which is escaped as well. Now it’s Gargano hitting his own Last Shot for two, meaning we need a strike off. They trade even more superkicks until Gargano grabs a reverse hurricanrana. Cole pops up for the Last Shot and the very near fall so it’s time for a chair. Gargano doesn’t care and it’s a suicide dive….which hits the referee. With the referee down, Cole signals for someone from the back so Gargano grabs the chair, allowing Cole to hit a hanging piledriver for the next very near fall.

Gargano collapses to prevent the Last Shot from hitting again, which suckers Cole in for the Gargano Escape with Gargano crossing his legs to prevent Cole from hitting him. Cole rolls over and elbows the knee to get out though and some more kicks to the knee look to set up another Destroyer. Gargano sits down on it for two but Cole kicks him in the face again. Now the Destroyer into the Last Shot finishes Gargano at 31:47.

Rating: A-. I liked this one better than the previous match and the ending was the right call. Cole had to win the title at some point and beating Gargano clean here was the right way to go. Gargano is the kind of guy who can bounce back from a loss in a hurry and is better off as the guy who loses and has to fight back. This was rather great, though I was getting a little tired of the same moves over and over at the end.

The Undisputed Era comes in to celebrate (with Fish’s arm in a sling) to end the show.

Overall Rating: A. Just once, just once, I’d like to see NXT have a bad match (let alone a bad show) to see how the reaction went. The worst match they had here would have been one of the best matches on almost any other show, which just isn’t normal. It’s another great show with nothing even close to bad, though somehow it pales in comparison to how incredible New York was. Two title changes made it feel important though and Breeze being there tied it into the past. It’s worth seeing (of course) and now we can move on to Toronto with a proper build.

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NXT Takeover XXV Preview

IMG Credit: WWE

It might not feel like that much time has passed since the last Takeover special and really….it kind of hasn’t. We’re less than two months removed from Takeover: New York and therefore things are a bit rushed, mainly due to the Saudi Arabian show moving things up. The card looks rather good for the most part, but things aren’t feeling as exciting as they usually are. That’s never stopped them before though so hopefully everything goes well. Let’s get to it.

Matt Riddle vs. Roderick Strong

It’s pretty rare to have a Takeover match that is this obvious but that doesn’t mean it’s going to be boring. Riddle is one of the few people in wrestling that is close to an actual prodigy so it makes sense to feature him on these Takeover shows. Strong is no slouch though and it’s a good idea to have someone in there with this much experience to help make Riddle look great.

So yeah of course it’s going to be Riddle here, who is pretty clearly going to be challenging for the title at the next major Takeover. We’ll get to who he faces later, but this is going to be Riddle getting tested with a bunch of backbreakers and the Stronghold before making Strong tap while saying BRO a lot. That’s all it should be but they’ll give us a fun ride before we get to the obvious ending.

Women’s Title: Shayna Baszler(c) vs. Io Shirai

Aside from the main event, I try to go in order of how confident I am in order of the matches but with this show (as tends to be the case with Takeover) it’s just a random order because you could go with every option in almost any match. That’s the case here as Shirai seems ready to get the big win….but that would mean Baszler loses and that’s almost hard to imagine.

I’ll go with Shirai winning, though I’m scared of the idea of Baszler going up to the main roster. That’s been such a plague as of late (by that I mean years) and Baszler is someone they could screw up in a hurry. Shirai could be the face of the division, though I’m not sure I can imagine Baszler losing. She has to at some point though and I’ll go with Shirai taking the title.

Tag Team Titles: Undisputed Era vs. Oney Lorcan/Danny Burch vs. Street Profits vs. Forgotten Sons

The titles are vacant coming in and this is a ladder match as the Viking Raiders vacated the belts to move up to the main roster. You know, because THAT has gone so well (hence my fear about Baszler) and they couldn’t be put in here and lose the titles before moving up. Anyway, this is really a battle between two teams, though you can never guarantee what is going on.

There are two main options here but I’ll go with them making the smart choice and going with the Street Profits. The fans want to see them getting the titles and they gave the Viking Raiders a run for their money, though NXT certainly likes the Forgotten Sons as well. Lorcan and Burch and the Era feel like they’re there to add in more bodies, even if the Era winning isn’t out of the question. I’ll take the Profits, though the Sons are a strong option as well.

North American Title: Velveteen Dream(c) vs. Tyler Breeze

The battle of the entrances alone is going to be amazing. This is a heck of a story between the only two people who could really pull it off, but what makes this work so well is that I’m not sure who is going to win. Breeze could be back in NXT full time and he has never won the big one, but Dream seems ready to be the biggest breakout star in forever and having him lose here wouldn’t be the best idea in the world.

The more I think about it though, the more I think it makes sense to keep the title on Dream. He has everything you could want in a star but I’m completely terrified of WWE trying to “fix” him. This has the show stealing potential as Breeze is going to want to use his opportunity to get noticed and Dream is Dream. I’m looking forward to this though and it should be awesome.

NXT Title: Johnny Gargano(c) vs. Adam Cole

This is a rematch from April at Takeover: New York where Gargano won the title in a pretty polarizing 2/3 falls match. Cole won the first fall and got the rematch though, which makes quite a bit of sense. That’s also been his big sticking point in the promos leading up to it and that’s about all he can talk about it coming in as well. There’s going to be some screwiness in the match with all the people involved on the floor (Riddle is all but guaranteed to be involved) and this one depends on where things are going from here.

I’ll take Cole to win the title, though it’s another match where I have next to no confidence in the pick. Cole has been chasing the title for a long time now and at some point he needs to win the thing. Either way, I can’t imagine anyone but Riddle walking out of Toronto as champion so the winner is just keeping the title warm until then. I’m looking forward to the match, and it could be better than the previous version.

Overall Thoughts

This should be a blast for the most part, though coming off an all time show like Takeover: New York, there are only so many things they can do. The show feels like it’s being added into the calendar because it has to be, but I’ve long since had enough faith in NXT to make anything work. I’m sure it’s going to be awesome, and that’s still leaving it so much higher than anything else at the moment that it’s hard to truly be worried.



Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s History Of In Your House (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:


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NXT – May 29, 2019: I’m Not Sure About This One

IMG Credit: WWE

Date: May 29, 2019
Location: Full Sail University, Winter Park, Florida
Commentators: Nigel McGuinness, Beth Phoenix, Mauro Ranallo

It’s the go home show for Takeover and that means we should be in for some nice final push segments towards the show. The card feels a little thrown together but that has never stopped NXT from making these things work before. If they do things right, we could be in for another classic. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Bianca Belair vs. Mia Yim

Rematch from three weeks ago where Belair won. Mia dropkicks her to the floor early on and Bianca isn’t sure what to do. Back in and Bianca takes her down with a double leg but gets reversed so Mia can hammer away even more. A Cannonball in the corner keeps Bianca in trouble but she comes back with a kick to the face for two.

It’s off to a double chickenwing to keep Yim down, followed by a delayed vertical suplex (with squats) to show off Belair’s power. Mia is right back with a Tarantula and an SOS for two so an annoyed Belair dropkicks her in the face. The cocky cover gets one but what looks like a Glam Slam is countered into a rollup to give Mia two. Belair forearms the heck out of her for one and it’s back to the double chickenwing.

That’s broken up as well and a shot to the face gives us a double knockdown. Code Red (that’s becoming WAY too popular of a move these days) gives Mia two more and Eat Defeat sends Belair outside. They chop it out on the ramp and dive back in at nine with Belair taking over again. Yim pulls the hair to get out of a powerbomb though and Protect Yo Neck finishes Belair at 10:08.

Rating: C+. I’m not wild on either of them but the match was a good one with Belair thinking she was better than Yim due to being so much better of a pure athlete. Yim is the kind of person who is going to fight no matter what and that’s what she did here, which made for a good story being told. Belair continues to be really annoying, so at least she has the heel stuff down.

Long video on Tyler Breeze vs. Velveteen Dream, with Dream talking about how Breeze went to NXT and was overwhelmed so he’s back here to recapture his former glory. There is only room for one person to steal the spotlight here and that’s what Dream does. That’s a good story between two people who are rather similar at their cores.

We look back at Io Shirai saving Candice LeRae from the Horsewomen last week.

Shayna Baszler and the Horsewomen aren’t worried about Shirai because Shirai can’t bring weapons to Takeover. Baszler’s weapons, as in the Horsewomen, are right here.

Drew Gulak vs. Kushida

One fan tries to start a GULAK chant and thankfully gives up in short order. Gulak’s wristlock doesn’t last long as Kushida takes him down, only to get reversed into a hammerlock. Kushida rolls away from that as well and it’s a standoff. A grab of the leg sets up a half crab on Kushida, which is broken up in a hurry. Kushida switches to a triangle and Gulak slaps his leg, which looked a lot like a tap but doesn’t count here.

The hold is broken up again and it’s off to an also quickly broken Crossface. Kushida can’t keep an Octopus hold on either and neither can hit a hiptoss. Instead Kushida gets sent to the apron and snaps the arm over the top rope. Back in and Gulak’s arm is fine enough for a gutbuster, followed by something like an Octopus hold on the mat. That’s broken up as well and Kushida gets the hiptoss, this time into an armbreaker.

Since a hold can’t stay on for more than a few seconds, Gulak gets up and grabs an ankle lock. That’s reversed into another armbreaker which is reversed into another ankle lock. Kushida scores with an enziguri into the corner and the Hoverboard Lock goes on. Gulak rolls away but gets caught in a Downward Spiral. What looks to be a camel clutch is rolled into a rollup to pin Gulak at 8:15.

Rating: B. This was the human chess match which can be so fun to watch. These two were countering everything the other had and it was really entertaining to see where they were going from move to move. The ending felt like a clean version of Kurt Angle vs. Chris Benoit at Wrestlemania XVII with all those submission holds (they even had a Crossface and ankle locks) until someone got caught in a pin.

Post match Gulak yells but Kushida holds up three fingers.

Io Shirai isn’t worried about the Horsewomen but Candice LeRae comes up to say she has her back at Takeover.

Takeover rundown.

Video on Johnny Gargano vs. Adam Cole. Johnny has worked hard to get here but Cole thinks that he deserves the title because of how great he is. Oh and pinning Gargano in the first fall in New York.

Oney Lorcan/Danny Burch vs. Forgotten Sons

Burch armbars Blake to start but a blind tag lets Cutler come in for a double back elbow. A double backbreaker gives Blake two but it’s quickly off to Lorcan for the chops. Jaxson Ryker offers a distraction though, allowing Blake to hit a clothesline. Ryker gets ejected (Mauro: “IT’S ABOUT TIME!” We’re not even two minutes into the match.) and here are the Street Profits to jump him. The Profits come in for the double DQ at 2:11.

Post match, with the fans chanting THANK YOU PROFITS, the fight is on with the Sons bringing in chairs. Cue the full Undisputed Era to beat everyone down and hit the pose. Cole grabs a ladder and the Era drives it into Ryker’s face. The ladder is set up on the stage and Cole sits on top of it, promising Johnny Gargano and Matt Riddle that Takeover will be Undisputed to end the show.

Overall Rating: B. I don’t know if it’s the fast turnaround or that we’re coming off the previous awesome Takeover, but this one isn’t feeling like the biggest show in the world. I’m sure it’s going to be very good, but that’s not exactly the kind of level that you expect from NXT. This was a strong enough go home show, though I’m not exactly sold on the entire card.


Mia Yim b. Bianca Belair – Protect Yo Neck

Kushida b. Drew Gulak – Rollup

Oney Lorcan/Danny Burch vs. Forgotten Sons went to a double DQ when the Street Profits interfered

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2000 Monday Nitro and Thunder Reviews Part 1 (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:


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NXT – May 22, 2019: Well Of Course The Can

IMG Credit: WWE

Date: May 22, 2019
Location: Full Sail University, Winter Park, Florida
Commentators: Beth Phoenix, Mauro Ranallo, Nigel McGuinness

We’re somehow less than two weeks away from the next Takeover (thanks Saudis) so things need to hurry and get ready now. Last week saw the NXT Title and Women’s Title matches being set up, along with what seems to be the Tag Team Title match being set up. That leaves a few things needing to be done, which should be taken care of tonight. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

We open with a recap of the Viking Raiders dominating the tag team division but then vacating the Tag Team Titles to go up to the main roster. They faced the Street Profits last week until the Forgotten Sons interfered, setting up a huge brawl with other teams getting involved.

William Regal announces the Street Profits vs. the Forgotten Sons vs. Danny Burch/Oney Lorcan vs. Kyle O’Reilly/Bobby Fish in a ladder match for the vacant titles.

Opening sequence.

Here’s the Undisputed Era for a chat. Adam Cole talks about how the team is going nowhere and everyone’s contract may say NXT, but the Undisputed Era owns them. They’re taking over, and that begins next Friday when O’Reilly and Fish take the Tag Team Titles. Cole will be busy that night too as he gets the NXT Title that has been him all along.

This brings out Johnny Gargano, who knows that Cole is obsessed with winning the title. Cole brings up winning the first fall in New York, though Gargano explains the math in a 2/3 falls match. The fight is teased but here’s Matt Riddle to go after the Era first, with Johnny joining in to clear the Era out. Riddle vs. Strong at Takeover wouldn’t surprise me.

Sean Maluta vs. Mansoor

Mansoor starts fast with a headscissors into a high dropkick but Sean gets in a Samoan drop for a breather. A middle rope Codebreaker gives Maluta two and we hit the neck crank. That’s broken up in a hurry and Mansoor hits a slingshot reverse neckbreaker. A lifting reverse suplex into a swinging neckbreaker Maluta at 2:50. Mansoor looked good, as always.

Regal yells at the Undisputed Era and makes Riddle vs. Strong for Takeover (I can call those obvious ones.). Tonight, it’s O’Reilly and Fish against Riddle and Gargano.

Here’s Velveteen Dream to say that everyone wants to feel him and hold him but he’s too big to hold. When you say his name, you better say it correctly….and here’s Tyler Breeze. The fans are very happy to see him but Dream doesn’t like someone else being called gorgeous. Breeze is glad to be home and knows what it’s like to have everyone talking about him.

Ever since the fashion left NXT though, it’s been a little dull around here. There are wannabe impersonators and cheap knockoffs, but as flattering as that is (Breeze: “And believe me Dream, it’s flattering.”), there is only one Prince Pretty. Dream welcomes him home to the Dream’s NXT but things are a little different around here. NXT wants a man instead of a boy, especially not a boy who plays cops and robbers. Just because Breeze couldn’t cut it on Monday and Tuesday, he can’t come back here and demand the spotlight.

Breeze says the title inspires him and an inspired Tyler Breeze is too much for Dream to handle. Dream calls him a dollar store detective who has forgotten how things work while he’s sitting in catering on Monday and Tuesday. To make sure everything is cool though, Dream offers a selfie with the champ. Breeze goes for it but has one more bit of advice: when you write your number on your trunks but no one calls, no one is interested. A phone shot knocks Dream down and Breeze leaves. Just the battle of the entrances alone will be worth seeing.

Post break Breeze says he wanted to introduce Dream to an inspired Prince Pretty.

Candice LeRae vs. Reina Gonzalez

Candice’s early rollup attempt is easily blocked and Reina powers her down into an arm crank. Back up and Candice spins around into a rollup to the floor, followed by a drive into the steps with Reina’s arm hitting first. Back in and Candice’s top rope hurricanrana sends Reina into the corner and the Lionsault gives Candice the pin at 3:15.

Rating: D+. Well that was quick. I’m rather surprised that Reina got beaten so fast as she’s a near giant in the division and loses in just over three minutes. Candice is a bigger star than most though and her winning makes sense, but I was expecting a little more of a competitive match.

Post match the Horsewomen hit the ring to go after Candice but Io Shirai makes the save with a kendo stick.

Dream will defend the North American Title against Breeze at Takeover. That should finish the card.

Kyle O’Reilly/Bobby Fish vs. Johnny Gargano/Matt Riddle

Riddle has taped up ribs. No Cole and Strong here with the Era. Gargano and O’Reilly go to the mat to start for an early standoff. O’Reilly tries to pull him into a triangle choke so Gargano rolls out into a failed Gargano Escape attempt. Gargano gets taken into the corner but is fine enough to kick Fish in the face, allowing the tag off to Riddle. That means the palm strikes and kicks to the chest, followed by an exploder suplex.

Some rolling gutwrench suplexes have Fish in more trouble so O’Reilly comes in without a tag, earning himself his own rolling suplexes. That’s enough for Fish to get in a cheap shot so Riddle can finally be put in trouble in the corner. A sliding knee to the bad ribs keeps Riddle in trouble, setting up a slingshot hilo to give Fish two. With the rib work not being so successful, O’Reilly strikes away at the chest, earning himself a knee to the face. It’s back to Gargano who tries an O’Connor roll on O’Reilly but Fish tags himself in.

Chasing the Dragon gets two but Gargano breaks up High/Low. Riddle comes back in and no sells a German suplex, setting up a Penalty Kick to O’Reilly to put all four down. The Broton into the Floating Bro gets two on Fish with O’Reilly making the save. Riddle and Fish slug it out until Riddle hits a powerbomb into a knee to the face. O’Reilly makes another save but here’s Cole, who gets taken out with a suicide dive from Gargano. Now it’s Strong to suplex Riddle onto the apron, setting up High/Low to finish Riddle at 13:29.

Rating: B. Strong main event here as the Era wins a match they should have won. The interference keeps Riddle protected and gives him a reason to want to take care of Strong even more. It wouldn’t shock me to see Riddle getting the title shot over Summerslam weekend and going through the Era to get there is a great start.

Post match the Era beats down both guys to end the show.

Overall Rating: B+. Every time I watch this show do things so fast, I’m impressed that much more. They threw together three matches, all of which make sense, in the span of an hour. That’s really hard to do with this kind of efficiency, while also showcasing the other matches for Takeover. While this might not be the best looking Takeover in the world, you can feel how good it’s going to be because that’s what they do. It’s another good show, but more importantly it shows how these people can turn on the jets, which is even more impressive.


Mansoor b. Sean Maluta – Lifting reverse swinging neckbreaker

Candice LeRae b. Reina Gonzalez – Lionsault

Kyle O’Reilly/Bobby Fish b. Matt Riddle/Johnny Gargano – High/Low to Riddle

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2000 Monday Nitro and Thunder Reviews Part 1 (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:


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NXT – May 15, 2019: Get It, Got It, Good

IMG Credit: WWE

Date: May 15, 2019
Location: Full Sail University, Winter Park, Florida
Commentators: Mauro Ranallo, Beth Phoenix, Nigel McGuinness

It’s time for a fresh taping cycle and that means a few fresh things around here. First of all we have to deal with the Tag Team Titles, as the Viking Raiders are now on the main roster, meaning they aren’t likely to be able to defend the titles around here. Oh and Takeover is in two and a half weeks so we need some matches. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Mauro and Nigel talk about Percy Watson leaving and wish him well. Beth Phoenix is introduced onto the team.

Here are the Viking Raiders, with Mauro giving a quick explanation about the name change which we really didn’t need. They talk about raiding Raw recently and promise to raid again in the future. For right now though, they want William Regal out here for an announcement.

This brings out the boss and the Raiders make it quick: they’re relinquishing the titles effective immediately. Cue the Street Profits, who think the Raiders are running from them. They know they can beat the Raiders, with Dawkins making a joke about the Raiders not using their real names. The Profits want one more match for the titles and Regal says it’s on. As usual around here: the problem comes up and NXT has a solution to it in a hurry.

We look at the end of last week’s show, with Roderick Strong costing Adam Cole the match against Matt Riddle. Cole wasn’t happy and the argument continued after the show went off the air. A fight nearly broke out and Cole thought Strong didn’t deserve to be on the team.

The Undisputed Era, minus Strong, talk about who the leader of the team is but something is going on behind them. With all of them trying to see what’s happening, here’s Strong to say that he thought about what happened last week. The Matt Riddle problem has been taken care of, and Strong hands Cole a flip flop. That’s quite the abrupt shift in storyline so there might be something bigger afoot.

Cezar Bononi vs. Keith Lee

Lee leapfrogs over him to start and runs the big Bononi over with a shoulder. A drop toehold sends Lee throat first into the rope but Bononi’s shoulders have little effect. Lee blocks a whip and hits a running forearm in the corner, followed by a heck of a Pounce. The Spirit Bomb finishes Bononi at 2:30.

We look back at Io Shirai jumping Shayna Baszler last week at the Performance Center.

Official for Takeover: Baszler defends against Shirai.

The Forgotten Sons don’t like the Street Profits being handed another title shot. They won’t let Regal forget them again.

Kona Reeves vs. Kushida

Kushida taps his watch to make the lights change for a nice touch. They go straight to the mat with Kushida getting a front facelock and riding Reeves all the way to frustration. A hammerlock keeps Reeves down but here’s Drew Gulak of all people to watch from the stage. Reeves fights up and slams him into the corner, followed by some right hands to the head. The chinlock goes on but Kushida is up in a hurry, this time with a series of kicks for two. The Hoverboard Lock is countered so Kushida kicks him to the floor and hits a top rope flip dive. Back in and the Hoverboard Lock makes Reeves tap at 5:05.

Rating: C. This was a strong showcase for Kushida with Reeves only getting in a few shots here and there. Kushida vs. Gulak could be rather interesting for a technical showcase and the popular Kushida shutting up the annoying Gulak is a good idea. I’m liking how Kushida is being presented so far and he could be a big success around here.

Bianca Belair doesn’t like Mia Yim talking to Regal about stealing her title shot but Yim was talking about a rematch with Belair. That doesn’t work either so Belair goes into Regal’s office.

Riddle has taped up ribs and talks to Johnny Gargano about something.

Gargano isn’t worried about the Undisputed Era being back so strong. That’s why he’s defending against Cole at Takeover.

Vanessa Borne vs. Jessie

Jessie is from the Mae Young Classic. Borne runs the rather tall Jessie over to start and hooks a drop toehold for good measure. Some stomping makes it even worse and stomping in the corner makes it much worse, but in a corner. Aliyah adds a slap to Jessie’s face but she comes back with a spinwheel kick to Borne. That’s it from Jessie as Borne snaps off a running swinging neckbreaker for the pin at 2:50.

Tag Team Titles: Street Profits vs. Viking Raiders

The Raiders are defending. It’s a brawl to start with the Raiders taking over but the Viking Experience is broken up with a spear from Dawkins. Ivar and Dawkins trade cartwheels and Dawkins takes him down again, setting up the frog splash from Ford for two. We get down to a regular match and it’s the Forgotten Sons coming in to jump Ivar for the DQ at 2:15.

Post match the brawl is on, with Oney Lorcan and Danny Burch joining the fun. The Profits take Erik down and count their own two before running away. The Vikings aren’t happy and it’s a springboard clothesline/German suplex combination to Burch. Lorcan gets thrown over the top and onto a pile of people, followed by the Viking Experience to Blake. The Raiders hold the titles to end the show.

Overall Rating: C+. This show was flying by with a bunch of matches that didn’t get a lot of time. However, they also got a lot of stuff done with the Tag Team Title situation being addressed (more on that next week I’m sure), the issues with the Undisputed Era getting fixed up (for the time being) and two title matches being set up for Takeover. As usual they know how to get things done when they need to and that’s what happened here.


Keith Lee b. Cezar Bononi – Spirit Bomb

Kushida b. Kona Reeves – Hoverboard Lock

Vanessa Borne b. Jessie – Running swinging neckbreaker

Viking Raiders b. Street Profits via DQ when the Forgotten Sons interfered

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2000 Monday Nitro and Thunder Reviews Part 1 (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:


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NXT – May 8, 2019: There’s Certainly A Dispute

IMG Credit: WWE

Date: May 8, 2019
Location: Full Sail University, Winter Park, Florida
Commentators: Percy Watson, Nigel McGuinness, Mauro Ranallo

We’re suddenly racing towards Takeover, which is less than a month away thanks to the schedule changes. In this case we’ll be seeing Matt Riddle vs. Adam Cole as part of the ongoing Johnny Gargano/Riddle vs. Undisputed Era issues. The Takeover card needs to start filling in but NXT knows how to do this in a hurry. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need them.

We get a quick main event preview.

Opening sequence.

Mia Yim vs. Bianca Belair

The fans are behind Mia here, as expected. They trade armdrags to start and then block each others’ armdrag attempts, causing them to say they see each other. Belair knocks her down and tries that UN-DE-FEA-TED line until Mia kicks her in the head. A ram into the corner puts Mia down and it’s off to a cravate to keep her down.

Belair’s forearm to the back sets up an Alley Oop onto the top turnbuckle for two and she does that dance of hers. Mia doesn’t like being mocked so Belair slams her down again and grabs another cravate. A splash hits knees though and Yim dropkicks her into the corner. Mia tries a sunset flip but Belair sits down on it and wraps her hair around the ropes for the pin at 7:37.

Rating: C-. She’s an athletic freak but there is something missing about Belair and it shows in every match she has. It was missing again here and I still can’t put my finger on what it is. The cockiness makes perfect sense with how she’s dominated athletics for so long so that checks out. It might just be her rather weak talking abilities, as she rarely says anything memorable aside from the UN-DE-FEA-TED line.

The Forgotten Sons attacked the Viking Raiders at the Performance Center.

Shayna Baszler was coaching Jessamyn Duke and Marina Shafir at the Performance Center when Io Shirai ran in to attack her. A bunch of trainees broke it up.

Raul Mendoza vs. Riddick Moss

This is Moss’ return match after tearing his Achilles last year. He now follows the Riddick Regimen, which seems to be a workout plan. Moss powers him into the corner to start but Mendoza pushes him away, meaning it’s time for the posedown. Hang on though as Moss pulls out a massager and works on his shoulder for a second.

Mendoza handspring backflips over him and hits a springboard hurricanrana, setting up a running shooting star for two. Back up and Moss plants him down but hang on as we need some hydration. Moss charged into a dropkick to the knee to send him into the buckle and a headscissors does it again. A springboard corkscrew splash gives Mendoza the upset win at 4:40.

Rating: C. I liked the Regimen thing as it’s something that has been done before but Moss having various things to pull out made it better. That being said, Mendoza had to win a match at some point as he loses nearly every time he’s in the ring. He’s probably not going to be a top star but he’s a heck of a hand in the ring and needed something to keep him going.

We look back at Kushida’s debut last week. He’s in action again next week.

Matt Riddle vs. Adam Cole

Riddle easily wrestles him down but Cole bails to the floor before the Bromission. Back in and Cole isn’t sure what to do here so he grabs a headlock, which is reversed into one from Riddle. A backsplash to Cole’s back gets two and some rolling gutwrench suplexes make it even worse. The fans aren’t sure who to cheer for as Cole takes him down again for some knees to the back into a figure four necklock.

Back up and an elbow to the face drops Riddle so Cole calls him a joke and nothing. Riddle strikes away until a jumping enziguri staggers him, only to snap off a German suplex to put Cole down as well. It’s Riddle getting the better of things with running forearms in the corner and an exploder suplex, setting up a running kick to the chest for two. The deadlift German suplex gives Riddle two more but Cole is right back with a fireman’s carry backbreaker.

Riddle throws him up into a fireman’s carry but Cole spins out into a Backstabber. A strike off goes to Riddle and he takes Cole down for the Bromission, which is reversed into a fisherman’s buster. Cole is right back up with the brainbuster onto the knee but the middle rope Canadian Destroyer is blocked.

Instead he hits the Last Shot for two on Riddle and Cole can’t believe the kickout. Riddle is right back with a knee to the face and a GTS, followed by another knee to send Cole outside. Cue Roderick Strong, who gets kicked in the face as well, but the distraction lets Cole superkick Riddle’s head off. That’s good for two, but the kickout pulls Cole into the Bromission for the tap at 13:45.

Rating: B. They had a good story here with Cole not being sure what to do to beat Riddle but managing to survive the athleticism and get in some offense to break him down. The ending was a good way to advance the stories going forward and with the Undisputed Era showing some cracks, Riddle could be moving up the ladder fairly soon.

Cole and Strong are about to come to blows with Bobby Fish and Kyle O’Reilly playing peacekeepers. Cole and O’Reilly leave with Cole ranting about how he wins things by himself but Strong screws everything up to end the show.

Overall Rating: B-. It wasn’t the most in depth show they’ve done but what we got was entertaining enough and should set up some more stuff going forward. That being said, they need to start getting ready for Takeover as the show is in less than a month and there hasn’t been a single match set up for it. I trust NXT to pull it off though as setting up five matches isn’t the hardest thing in the world.


Bianca Belair b. Mia Yim – Sunset flip with a grab of the ropes

Raul Mendoza b. Riddick Moss – Springboard corkscrew splash

Matt Riddle b. Adam Cole – Bromission

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2000 Monday Nitro and Thunder Reviews Part 1 (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:


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787 Talk: Why Make Them Stay?

We’ve heard a lot about many WWE guys and gals being unhappy in WWE, especially as of late. The Revival, Sasha Banks, Luke Harper, Bayley, The Usos & Alexander Wolfe are reported cases just in these past 4 months. In a sense, that’s crazy. But when you think about it, it really shouldn’t be too shocking.

Boasting nearly 200 wrestlers in total between Raw, Smackdown, NXT, NXT UK & 205 Live plus trainees in the US and UK Performance Centers, finding your place in this utter ocean of talent is not easy. Even with 5 different brands, tons of talent gets lost in the shuffle. Add to that very questionable booking on Raw & Smackdown just adding to the frustration. Breaking through is next to imposible between so many people and so much confusion.

Many fans are highly critical of these unsatisfied talents. Which surprises me. I can understand disliking Sasha Banks who has shown very poor behavior over the years. But at the same time, the idea that an entire year was spent fumbling a feud between her and Bayley all so Tag Team titles could be made for them and they would cross Raw, Smackdown and NXT, something that was in face presented on TV, axed out of nowhere for no real reason. Who wouldn’t be mad? It’s very akin to working hard for a year for a promotion. Only for someone far less qualified to get it and the only explination offered is “because”. Sure, you could say you should just do as your told. That’s understandable given you’ve signed a contract yielding yourself to do as told despite any opinion otherwise. That still doesn’t stop rising frustration though, eventully rising tensions will spill over and that’s what we’re witnessing today.

That’s just looking at it as a job. To many, this is also an artform. Wrestling is theater after all. Imagine being an artist. Having all these great ideas you want to explore. But despite having this gigantic outlet to express yourself, you’re never really given an opportunity to do so. That would be very frustrating. Look at a Luke Harper. Shown to be extremely talented in the ring, a singles run is cut short in no time. When he’s given a push as a tag team wrestler, it’s stopped because of injury. At 39 years old, he’s a family man as well and despite the good pay, he’s creatively stiffled. His best years are falling behind him being unable to do anything. He was between no form of expression for good pay to expressing himself again in the independent scene which has grown to the point that would likely still pay very well. At which point, why stay? As the independent scene grows, the idea of staying in WWE for the money seems to just be less and less appealing. As many start to see that being outside WWE actually grants more freedom and while the money may not be as good, it’s good enough. If WWE won’t listen, why stress yourself and stay?

WWE placed itself in this awkward position little by little mostly due to paranoia. Signing any and all independent wrestler that had just enough buzz. Something that started in the early days of NXT as guys like Tyler Black (Seth Rollins), Jon Moxley (Dean Ambrose), Prince Devitt (Finn Balor) to more modern guys like Ricochet, Tommy End (Aleister Black), Keith Lee and Matt Riddle. The names pile on, graduating from NXT to Raw/Smackdown but despite more and more talents came up, none were filtered out. WWE used to be famous for it’s “Spring Cleaning”, releasing unused talent by the dozen each year but that has stopped in the past 7 years. As such, we’ve seen a massive glut of talent gathered at the top that just keeps growing. As such, it becomes harder and harder for anyone to stand out. Not just as a top star of WWE, but even as midcard talent.

Solving the issue really boils down to WWE being more open to allowing people out of their contracts as shuffling talent from Raw/SD to NXT/NXTUK becomes problematic due to the gap in pay for talent. WWE seems to be leaning that way MOSTLY though there are still some very blatant cases of WWE burying anyone with a negative mentality. The recent run of The Revival as Tag Team Champions is a very blatant case of WWE punishing talent for wanting out. If you’re trying to present yourself as a fair company, this just does not do good. Presenting yourself in a very negative light not just to your locker room but to anyone outside. If there is no reason to keep a talent. Why do so and in a manner that can come off so poorly?

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Worlds Collide: Battle Royals: All Those People In Search Of Something To Do

IMG Credit: WWE

Worlds Collide: Battle Royals
Date: May 1, 2019
Location: Pier 12, New York City, New York
Commentators: Vic Joseph, Percy Watson

Yes it’s a fourth one of these things and no I don’t get it either. As the name suggests, we’re looking at a pair of battle royals here (one for the men and one for the women) with almost everyone from the previous three shows plus a few bonus entrants. Your guess is as good as mine as to why we need to see this nearly a month after Wrestlemania. Let’s get to it.

The audio commentary is really low here for some reason.

Women’s Battle Royal

Bianca Belair, Taynara Conti, Kacy Catanzaro, Deonna Purrazzo, Io Shirai, Marina Shafir, Jessamyn Duke, Jesse, Lacey Lane, Xia Li, Kavita Devi, Kay Lee Ray, Mia Yim, Piper Niven, Reina Gonzalez, Vanessa Borne, Aliyah, Toni Storm

Everyone gets an entrance, which I’ll certainly take over having to go through all the entrance in a big group shot. We start the same way most battle royals start, with a variety of teased eliminations and people saving themselves. Lane tries a double springboard due to reasons of not seeming that bright and gets kicked out, as she should be. Shafir and Duke get together again to eliminate Jesse and it’s back to more brawling on the ropes.

Niven dumps Ray, who seems to swear revenge. Conti gets knocked off the top but hangs onto the post and gets back in for this match’s Kofi Kingston save. Purrazzo gets rid of Li and Kacy does a crazy handstand on the top into a headscissors on Reina, who forearms her out a second later. Shirai tosses Purrazzo as the ring is starting to clear a lot. Gonzalez and Storm slug it out as Niven drops Conti with a hard forearm.

Devi and Gonzalez do the hoss fight with Devi getting kicked out. Almost everyone but Gonzalez is down for a bit until Niven and Storm get together, only to fail to eliminated Conti. Shafir accidentally knocks Duke out and then intentionally tosses Yim. Shirai sends Conti to the apron and dropkicks her out as the field is clearing out a lot. Belair forearms Shafir out and we’re down to Belair, Storm, Shirai, Aliyah, Niven, Gonzalez and Borne.

Niven Hulks Up on Borne and Aliyah but misses a charge and gets tossed. Excessive celebration lets Shirai and Storm get rid of Borne and Aliyah and we’re down to four. Niven chases the two of them out as Belair and Gonzalez’s alliance lasts all of fourteen seconds. Gonzalez sends Belair and Storm into the same corner for shoulders to the ribs. Shirai sends Gonzalez to the apron and forearms her out to get us down to three.

Belair fireman’s carries Storm and swings her into Shirai before dumping her out. We’re down to Belair vs. Shirai with a hard forearm knocking Shirai down. A headscissors sends both of them to the apron but Belair slides back in and avoids a springboard dropkick. The gorilla press toss eliminates Shirai to give Belair the win at 18:27.

Rating: D+. Well that was long. Belair winning is fine, though it doesn’t make her any better or fix any of the problems that have held her back so far. There isn’t much to say about something like this because it’s a bunch of standing around until the finish, which is always the case in battle royals. Gonzalez and Conti looked good here, but they’re more people who aren’t getting much of a chance anywhere.

Men’s Battle Royal

Ariya Daivari, Brian Kendrick, Dave Mastiff, Drew Gulak, Fabian Aichner, Eric Bugenhagen, Humberto Carrillo, Joe Coffey, Mark Coffey, Dominik Dijakovic, Ligero, Matt Riddle, Rinku Singh, Saurav Gurjar, Roderick Strong, Wesley Blake, Steve Cutler, Akira Tozawa, Travis Banks, Tyler Bate

It’s a brawl to start with Bugenhagen and Riddle heading outside for a jam sessions which makes way more sense than it should. Back in and it’s another standard battle royal opening as we wait on the ring to clear out a bit. Dijakovic sends Aichner to the apron and superkicks him out, followed by a toss to get rid of Tozawa. High levels of confidence allow Dijakovic to stop and pose, meaning it’s a group beatdown but so many split off that Dijakovic is able to shove everyone else away.

The cyclone boot eliminates Carrillo and Bugenhagen tosses Daivari for excessive jamming. Gurjar dumps Bugenhagen and you can feel the energy go out of the arena. The Forgotten Sons gets together to eliminate Ligero and Kendrick saves Gulak for no logical reason. There goes Banks as the ring is still rather full. Gulak and Riddle grapple on the mat and wind up on the apron but come back in after realizing they’re wasting their time. Mark Coffey is out and Riddle gives Dijakovic a GTS for another elimination.

Mastiff eliminates Gulak and Cutler but Kendrick (still in the leather jacket) saves himself. Riddle and Mastiff chop it out and Gurjar gets rid of Singh. Kendrick eliminates Blake but tries Sliced Bread on Coffey, earning himself his own elimination. We’re down to Riddle, Joe Coffey, Mastiff, Strong, Bate and Gurjar. Riddle unloads on Mastiff in the corner and knees him out but the backsplash hits Coffey’s knees.

Bate hits the rebound lariat to get rid of Coffey and it’s a four way staredown. Gurjar fights off all three of them with a good side slam planting Riddle. That’s enough to send Riddle to the apron and a big boot gets rid of him in a heck of an upset. Bate uses raw strength to get rid of Gurjar and the fans are very appreciative. Strong and Bate slug it out with Bate hitting an exploder suplex into the nip up. The Tyler Driver 97 is countered into a jumping knee to the face so Bate comes right back with the airplane spin.

Rating: C+. The ending sequence alone made it better than the first match but this was another example of a long match with very little going on until we got to the finish. There were so many people in there until the ending and while the final grouping was pretty strong, there is only so much you can get out of waiting around to get there for half of the match.

Overall Rating: C-. The show was fine, though spending the better part of twenty minutes on entrances alone was kind of a stretch. The biggest thing I got from this was how many people WWE has down in developmental who aren’t likely to get a major push ever. Can you picture the Coffeys on the main roster? Or Xia Li?

They’re talented, but WWE would pick a lot of others before them and it’s just bloating the roster more and more. NXT UK has helped, but there are so many people under the WWE banner that they can run shows like this and still have a ton of roster members left over. That’s probably not good, but neither is running these four shows for the sake of adding content to the Network. We can have this but not Legends With JBL or Royal Rumble Rewind or more round table shows? Anyway, not bad, but really don’t waste your time.

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2000 Monday Nitro and Thunder Reviews Part 1 (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:


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NXT – May 1, 2019: Nice To See You Japanese Favorite/The Velveteen Dreamiest

IMG Credit: WWE

Date: May 1, 2019
Location: Full Sail University, Winter Park, Florida
Commentators: Mauro Ranallo, Percy Watson, Nigel McGuinness

Things are staying interesting around here and tonight we have the latest import in the form of Kushida, who makes his in-ring debut. As usual he gets to face Kassius Ohno, which should work out well for everyone involved. Throw in the Undisputed Era having some issues and we could be in for a good night. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

We open with a quick video on Kushida and how important he is.

Opening sequence.

Forgotten Sons vs. Danny Burch/Oney Lorcan/Humberto Carrillo

Fallout from last week’s brawl. Cutler and Lorcan strike it out to start until a running Blockbuster takes Cutler down. Blake comes in instead and gets uppercutted out to the floor. That means the big dive onto all three Sons and it’s off to Carrillo for a standing moonsault to the legs. The sky high springboard armdrag sends Cutler outside but it’s Ryker coming in off a blind tag to unload on Carrillo. The Sons take turns on Carrillo in the corner with various combinations of stomping.

Ryker’s cobra clutch doesn’t last long and a missed headbutt allows the tag off to Burch. Cutler gets pulled down into the Crossface with Ryker making a save. Everything breaks down and Carrillo’s suicide dive hits Lorcan by mistake. That leaves Burch on his own against all three Sons, which works as well as you would expect. A Polish Hammer drops Burch and Carrillo gets buckle bombed into Cutler’s raised knees. Ryder holds both Carrillo and Burch in a double reverse DDT for top rope knees to the chest (with Ryker dropping them instead of DDTing them) for the pin at 7:33.

Rating: C. Here’s where NXT is so many steps ahead of Raw and Smackdown: the Forgotten Sons weren’t working as they were, so NXT changed things up a bit and turned them into something that did work. They actually fixed the characters instead of throwing up their hands because their first half baked not completely developed idea wasn’t a runaway success. That’s how wrestling is supposed to work, but the biggest wrestling shows don’t get that.

Shanyna Baszler and company don’t like being asked about Io Shirai pinning Baszler so the microphone is slapped away.

Earlier this week, Bianca Belair and Mia Yim yelled at each other at the Performance Center. They’ll fight next week.

Mansoor vs. Dominik Dijakovic

Mansoor is smart enough to duck the cyclone boot and hurricanranas Dijakovic into the corner. A high crossbody is countered into the standing backbreaker and Mansoor is tossed outside, thankfully not breaking his leg as it awkwardly crashes into the barricade. Dijakovic gets two off a splash but Mansoor is right back with a sleeper. That doesn’t work very well so Mansoor goes with a kick to the head. With Dijakovic kneeling, Mansoor jumps onto the leg and uses it as a springboard for another kick. Dijakovic has had it and knocks Mansoor silly, setting up Feast Your Eyes for the pin at 5:12.

Rating: C+. This was a lot better than I was expecting and Mansoor looked good here with a lot of offense. Much like the Sons though, Dijakovic has gotten far better as he’s now just an athletic monster who has said what he wants. You don’t need to go into some huge development. Just feature them and give them impressive wins so people think something of him. It worked with Dijakovic and it would work with pretty much anyone else.

Post match here’s Velveteen Dream on a purple couch, accompanied by some good looking women. He’s heard that Dijakovic had words for him, so Dream has his own….in the form of a personalized version of the Star Spangled Banner, promising to steal the show like he does with his big elbow. Of all the Velveteen Dream things, this was the Velveteen Dreamiest.

We look back at the end of last week’s show with Matt Riddle helping Johnny Gargano against the Undisputed Era.

The Undisputed Era promise to take care of Riddle but bring up Strong’s loss last week. Strong walks away and Bobby Fish follows him, saying Cole’s timing was terrible.

Kassius Ohno vs. Kushida

Kushida gets the big debut entrance and looks just like he did in New Japan, which is a good move as the Back to the Future look is a signature for him. Ohno kicks away a handshake offer and throws the much smaller Kushida into the corner. Kushida’s wristlock is countered into a quickly broken chinlock as the fans are firmly on Kushida’s side. A takedown goes to Kushida, who rides Ohno’s back to mess with him a little bit.

The cartwheel into a basement dropkick rocks Ohno again but he’s right back with the cravate. That’s reversed as well and we have a standoff. The wrestling isn’t working so Ohno kicks him in the face but Kushida is fine enough to come back with a springboard missile dropkick. Ohno’s sitout facebuster gets two and Kushida’s nose is busted open.

The bloody nose doesn’t stop Kushida from coming right back up with a springboard hurricanrana for two. The handspring elbow is cut off with a hard forearm to the back of the head to give Ohno two more. There’s the pump kick to Kushida, who is right back with a running shot to the face. With Ohno rocked, Kushida grabs the Hoverboard Lock (not named) for the tap at 8:07.

Rating: B. Given that Kushida was my favorite New Japan name, I was kind of expecting to like this one and then it lived up to the hype. It was a very good, hard hitting match with Kushida taking everything Ohno could throw at him at and winning in the end. He’s going to be just fine around here and he looked great in his first performance.

Overall Rating: B-. A strong debut, stuff set for next week, no bad matches and angle advancement make the show the usual awesome evening. After watching two mostly bad major TV’s this week, NXT continues to be the big saving grace that fixes so many of my problems in about forty five minutes. Another good show here, and I would expect nothing less.


Forgotten Sons b. Humberto Carrillo/Danny Burch/Oney Lorcan – Top rope knee to Burch

Dominik Dijakovic b. Mansoor – Feast Your Eyes

Kushida b. Kassius Ohno – Hoverboard Lock

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2000 Monday Nitro and Thunder Reviews Part 1 (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:


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NXT – April 24, 2019: Keep Planning Ahead

IMG Credit: WWE

Date: April 24, 2019
Location: Full Sail University, Winter Park, Florida
Commentators: Mauro Ranallo, Nigel McGuinness, Percy Watson

Things are getting interesting around here as Johnny Gargano is still dealing with the Undisputed Era. That could make for some fun matches going forward and we’re starting those tonight with Roderick Strong getting a non-title shot at the champ. Other than that, we could be in for the first steps towards Velveteen Dream vs. Dominik Dijakovic for the North American Title. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

We open with a quick recap of Gargano vs. Strong.

Opening sequence.

Jaxson Ryker vs. Humberto Carrillo

Ryker powers him into the corner to start but Carrillo flips out of a belly to back suplex. A springboard kick to the face gets two and there’s a headscissors to take Ryker down again. The standing moonsault is good for two more but Ryker gets all serious and hiptosses Carrillo into the corner. The Widowmaker sends Carrillo outside but Ryker follows and sends him into the barricade a few times. They head over the barricade with Ryker kneeing him in the head against another barricade for….I guess the double countout at 2:59.

Post match the beating continues until Danny Burch and Oney Lorcan come out for the save.

Adam Cole doesn’t want to hear about Strong getting a match with the cowardly Gargano. It doesn’t matter though because Strong will get the job done. Matt Riddle pops up to laugh at Cole being so jealous. Cole leaves and Riddle does his photo shoot with the goofy poses that feel more natural for him than talking.

Vanessa Borne/Aliyah vs. Candice LeRae/Kacy Catanzaro

Aliyah takes Catanzaro down to start and drops a knee with a flip forward for a bonus. Catanzaro is right back up with a flipping kick to the back so Aliyah pulls her down by the hair. Borne comes in to forearm her in the back and it’s Aliyah working on something like a surfboard. A double neckbreaker gets Catanzaro out of trouble and it’s off to Candice to pick things up a bit. The missile dropkick sets up a springboard jawbreaker (Nigel: “NOT TO THE FACE! NOT TO THE FACE!”) to Borne and the Lionsault is good for the pin at 4:26.

Rating: D+. Candice is clearly miles ahead of the other three, which for Kacy is just due to inexperience. Aliyah and Borne can get by without embarrassing themselves but Aliyah should have gotten better just due to time spent around here. The match wasn’t bad, but Candice was the only thing worth seeing.

We look back at Io Shirai being forced to watch Kairi Sane having her arm crushed last week.

Shirai promises to get Shayna Baszler but Marina Shafir and Jessamyn Duke beat her down.

Video on Kushida, who debuts next week.

William Regal is excited to see Kushida debut and like clockwork, here’s Kassius Ohno to interrupt. They exchange pleasantries and Ohno offers to be Kushida’s first opponent. Regal thinks that’s an excellent idea and the match is made.

Street Profits vs. War Raiders

Non-title. How often do you see NXT’s continuity behind WWE? Ford hits a big flip dive over the top to take the champs down and it’s a spinebuster into the frog splash for a VERY close two on Rowe. A Doomsday Device is escaped and Hanson is in to hammer on Dawkins. The running seated crossbody drops Dawkins and a heck of a clothesline puts Ford down. We settle down to a regular match with Hanson slamming Rowe onto Dawkins, who is right back with a right hand to the jaw.

Ford’s running forearms stagger Hanson, who kicks him in the face. Ford is right back with a delayed belly to back suplex and Rowe gets knocked to the floor. Some spinning splashes in the corner get two on Hanson but the handspring double elbow takes the Profits down. Rowe comes back in for the knee to Dawkins’ head, setting up the springboard clothesline/German suplex combination to Dawkins. Thor’s Hammer finishes Ford at 5:48.

Rating: B. That was a lot of fun with the only lower point being the part where they were actually doing a regular tag match. The Profits can go and with the Raiders heading up to the main roster (under whatever name they’re called this week), someone is going to have to take the titles. I don’t think the Profits will be the team to take them, but they had a very good match here.

Mia Yim doesn’t like Bianca Belair calling herself undefeated because she’s been defeated. Yim should be getting the next title shot and she’s going to prove it.

Roderick Strong vs. Johnny Gargano

Non-title. Strong front facelocks him to start but has to roll his way out of an early Gargano Escape attempt. Gargano knocks him outside for a kick to the face from the apron. A half nelson backbreaker onto the apron puts Gargano in more trouble and a gutbuster gives Strong two. He cranks on Gargano’s arm for a bit before chopping him on the mat and yelling at Gargano to stay down.

The Gory Stretch makes things even worse for Gargano and he rolls outside. This time the half nelson backbreaker is countered into a whip into the steps to put Strong in trouble for a change. Back in and the slingshot spear gives Johnny two. The rolling kick to the head sends Strong outside again for the Cannonball from the apron. They head inside again with the low superkick giving Gargano two but the Lawn Dart is countered.

Strong gets a butterfly suplex into a backbreaker for two, followed by another backbreaker and the belly to back faceplant for two. Johnny pulls him down into the Gargano Escape but here’s Adam Cole for the distraction. A rollup gives Strong two as the rest of the Era comes out. Cue Matt Riddle for the save and the distracted Cole kicks Strong in the head by mistake. That sets up the slingshot DDT to give Gargano the pin at 13:38.

Rating: B-. This was all about the ending but it was nice to have Gargano get a victory over someone with some credibility after the title win. I’m hoping the Era isn’t about to split as they never quite made it all the way to the top of the promotion. Cole as NXT Champion with his minions around him could have made for a good story, but the team has been together for a long time now and I can see why they might want to move on.

The Era argues to end the show.

Overall Rating: B+. It’s another show where they just do everything right, including good wrestling and storyline advancement that the show thrives on. I can’t emphasize enough how great it is to have things built up for next week. When Raw and Smackdown are seemingly written the day of the show, it’s so nice to have some structure instead of setting everything up the night of the show. Do more of that and things will get a little better.


Jaxson Ryker vs. Humberto Carrillo went to a double countout

Kacy Catanzaro/Candice LeRae b. Aliyah/Vanessa Borne – Lionsault to Borne

War Raiders b. Street Profits – Thor’s Hammer to Ford

Johnny Gargano b. Roderick Strong – Slingshot DDT

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2000 Monday Nitro and Thunder Reviews Part 1 (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:


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