New Column: The Pancake Or The Developmental

It’s been one of those weeks.

NXT – February 20, 2019: Choose Your Own Ending

IMG Credit: WWE

Date: February 20, 2019
Location: Full Sail University, Winter Park, Florida
Commentators: Nigel McGuinness, Mauro Ranallo, Percy Watson

I’m not sure what to think about this show as it could go in two very different directions. The major announced match is Johnny Gargano defending the North American Title against Velveteen Dream with two endings having been taped. On the other side though, WWE has promised a major announcement, which doesn’t bode well since the four biggest names from the show have appeared on this week’s Raw and Smackdown. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

The opening video looks at Gargano vs. Dream, which should be a big match.

Opening sequence.

Aleister Black vs. Roderick Strong

Fallout from last week when the Undisputed Era beat down Black and Ricochet. Strong takes him down with a single leg to start and grabs an armbar, which lasts as long as an armbar is about to go. Black’s German suplex gets two but Strong sends him outside for a dropkick through the ropes. A drop onto the steps sets up a reverse chinlock with a knee in the back as Strong keeps it on the mat, where it’s hard for Black to kick very well.

Back up and Strong puts him on top, only to have Black slip out of a top rope superplex. His powerbomb doesn’t work though as it’s the first backbreaker to put Strong in control again. You would think he’d have gone there earlier. Black knees his way out of a suplex attempt and the strikes are on in a hurry. A running kick to the face sets up the brainbuster for two and Strong is in trouble. Black knees him to the face but Strong is right back with a torture rack backbreaker on the apron. The belly to back faceplant has Black in trouble but he snaps off Black Mass for the pin at 8:28.

Rating: B. I could watch these two trade backbreakers and kicks to the face for a long time and that’s what they did here. Black is someone who can beat anyone with that kick to the face and it’s not like Strong is going to lose much by getting beaten by someone as good as him. Very nice match here, which is going to be the case with any combination of the people involved.

Post match Kyle O’Reilly and Bobby Fish run in for the beatdown, drawing in Ricochet for the save.

We see Shayna Baszler, Marina Shafir and Jessamyn Duke invading the women’s locker room last week and nearly starting a brawl.

Bianca Belair says 2018 was her year and it was the referee’s fault that she lost at Takeover: Phoenix. Now Io Shirai and Kairi Sane are trying to get in on her title shot and that’s not cool. You know what else isn’t cool? Belair.

We look at the four NXT main roster debuts.

In two weeks: the Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic is back with the winners getting a title shot at the War Raiders at Takeover: New York. Four teams have been announced so far: the Undisputed Era, Fabian Aichner/Marcel Barthel, Forgotten Songs and the Street Profits. The other four will be announced next week.

Mia Yim vs. Xia Li

We get a handshake to start and they lock up to the mat with neither getting an advantage. Mia backs up in a hurry from the threat of a bunch of kicks, only to get rolled up for two instead. Now the big kick to the chest connects and even more kicks put Yim down again. Li jumps into a shot to the face though and Protect Your Neck gives Mia the pin at 3:56.

Rating: D+. I wasn’t feeling this one for the most part, though it could have been worse. The problem here was Yim getting beaten up until the very end and then hitting her pretty lame finisher. Li’s kicks looked good and those are going to get her somewhere. Throw in the cool fan entrance and she’s going to be fine.

Post match Baszler, Shafir and Duke run in for the beatdown until the unnamed rookies run in for the failed save.

Gargano is warming up when Candice LeRae comes in to ask how he’s doing. He’s fine, but Tommaso Ciampa pops in. Gargano says he needs her instead of him, but Ciampa will be watching tonight. Well until the main roster gets involved that is.

We get a sitdown interview with Jeremy Borash talking to Matt Riddle. Matt isn’t going to change who he is with the hat and flip flops because he was told a long time ago to tune himself up instead of down. Riddle wants a title and it doesn’t matter which one.

Next week: Yim vs. Baszler.

North American Title: Velveteen Dream vs. Johnny Gargano

Dream is challenging as he cashes in his Worlds Collide tournament win. They go to the mat to start with Dream getting an armbar. Gargano spins out as we see Ciampa watching from the rafters. One heck of a slap sends Gargano to the floor for a bit as frustration is setting in. The champ comes back inside but Dream slides in front of him for an OOO from the crowd.

Another slap has Gargano rocked and Dream nails a top rope ax handle. Dream takes too much time going up though and gets pulled down so Gargano can take over for the first time. Some knees have Dream in trouble and a neckbreaker gets two. The arm work continues with Gargano bending it around the rope, only to have Dream swing away anyway. Gargano sends him outside though and more shots to the face keep Dream in trouble.

Dream finally gets in a clothesline and of course things are instantly even again. A running clothesline sends Gargano outside and that’s enough for a top rope ax handle. Back in and Dream takes him up top but gets crotched instead, setting up a spinning Downward Spiral for two. They bang heads and go to the apron, with Gargano hitting a superkick. The slingshot DDT is cut off but so is the Dream Valley Driver on the apron. Gargano hits the suicide dive, only to walk into wind up DDT.

Dream misses the Purple Rainmaker though and Gargano goes up. This time it’s Dream catching him though and a super Dream Valley Driver gets a VERY close two. Gargano bails outside and superkicks a diving Dream out of the air for a big crash. The slingshot DDT gets two more, earning a standing ovation. Gargano is up first and hits a superkick but a running tornado DDT is countered into the Dream Valley Driver. A second Driver sets up the Purple Rainmaker to make Dream champion at 20:30.

Rating: A-. Well that worked. These two know how to make anything work well and they did just that here, with an awesome back and forth match as Dream FINALLY wins the big one. It also helps set things up with Gargano choking in his first title defense, which should give him even more issues with Ciampa going forward. Great match with better storytelling, as things are starting to to roll towards New York.

So I guess the Dusty Classic was the big announcement? That’s a relief, but also kind of a letdown.

Overall Rating: A. Yeah I’d say they’re still good, though with all of the main roster stuff looming, I’m more than a little nervous. The best part about NXT has been that they don’t have to deal with everything that goes on from the main roster and I’m worried that WWE is going to need to “fix” things down here, which is the last thing they need right now. At least we had another great show here, and there’s a chance that nothing will change in the near future.


Aleister Black b. Roderick Strong – Black Mass

Mia Yim b. Xia Li – Protect Your Neck

Velveteen Dream b. Johnny Gargano – Purple Rainmaker

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 1997 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:

And check out my Amazon author page with cheap wrestling books at:

NXT UK – February 20, 2019: Like Their American Cousin

IMG Credit: WWE

Date: February 20, 2019
Location: Phoenix Convention Center, Phoenix, Arizona
Commentators: Nigel McGuinness, Vic Joseph

It’s the second week in Phoenix and last week got things off to a good start. The different venue and crowd offer a nice change of pace and that can help freshen things up a little bit. We’re still on the way towards Walter vs. Pete Dunne for the UK Title and with the right build, it could be a classic. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

We open with a recap of Toni Storm beating Rhea Ripley to become Women’s Champion last month and Ripley not handling the loss well. The rematch is tonight.

Opening sequence.

Mark Andrews/Flash Morgan Webster vs. Coffey Brothers

For the sake of sanity, I’ll only refer to Mark Coffey as Mark and Mark Andrews as Andrews. Mark literally throws Flash around to start and it’s off to Joe for some stomps to the ribs. A quick dropkick gets Flash out of trouble and it’s off to Andrews as the pace picks up in a hurry. That’s a good thing for Andrews, though a blind tag lets the Brothers hit a pop up uppercut to take over again. You can’t beat the brotherly thinking. A double chop keeps Andrews in trouble and they take turns on full nelsons.

Joe switches to a double underhook but a buckle bomb attempt is countered and the hot tag brings in Flash. The standing Lionsault sets up a hurricanrana from the apron to the floor to keep Mark down. A jumping knee to the face into an assisted moonsault gets two on Joe. We settle back down with Joe slugging away at Andrews until Flash tags himself in to help on a tornado DDT. Stereo flip dives to the floor drop the Brothers and there’s a Stundog Millionaire to Joe. Mark suplexes Andrews onto the apron though and All The Best For The Bells finishes Flash at 8:29.

Rating: B-. This was a good sign on multiple fronts, starting with the fact that it was a rather nice match. As usual, power vs. speed is something that is always going to work and that was the case here. Other than that, it makes the Coffey Brothers they should have been all along. Joe vs. Pete Dunne was good, but when you have your brother right there, why is he teaming with another guy like Wolfgang? It never made sense, though Joe vs. Dunne was a better idea than Dunne vs. Wolfgang any day.

Video on Nina Samuels, who seems to like the spotlight.

Jordan Devlin is back in Ireland and promises to be the best, as always.

Video on Kay Lee Ray, who is awesomely Scottish and coming to the women’s division.

Trent Seven vs. Shane Thorne

Shane is making the rounds as of late and this makes as much sense as anything else for him. Feeling out process to start with Seven’s wristlock giving Thorne some early problems. Thorne’s shoulder doesn’t get him very far so he snaps Seven’s arm across the top rope. The shoulder gets wrapped around the post and it’s off to an armbar. Seven is right back up with a suplex into a slam for two and it’s off to a rather quick Figure Four.

The hold is turned over and they fall to the floor with both guys banging up their knees. Back in and Thorne gets slammed off the top but manages to block the Figure Four. A hard belly to back suplex puts Seven down for two and a kind of chickenwing hold is right back on the arm. Not that it matters as Seven shoves him away and hits the Seven Star Lariat for the pin at 8:59.

Rating: C. I know the Mighty wasn’t the most popular team in the world but Thorne is carving out a very nice place for himself as someone who can have a watchable match with just about anyone. That’s going to keep him around for a long time and we had a nice match here. Seven sells limb injuries well and this was no exception.

Jack Gallagher wants to wrestle in NXT UK and will talk to Johnny Saint about it over a cup of tea.

Here are the Grizzled Young Veterans for a chat. The heat isn’t as strong on Zack Gibson here as he talks about how hard the two of them have worked to get here. He doesn’t like being here instead of back home in Liverpool having a cup of tea, but he’s here to explain why British wrestling is the best in the world. They can’t have the best competition because they are the best competition.

The challengers can be from 205 Live, NXT or NXT UK because it won’t matter. Oney Lorcan and Danny Burch can come for their shot whenever. Here are Burch and Lorcan in person with Burch telling Gibson to shut up. Burch is proud to be British but he’s more proud to represent these fans. The match is next week but Burch and Lorcan chase them off now.

Next week: Gallagher vs. Tyler Bate.

Also next week: Walter vs. Kassius Ohno. That’s a stacked show.

Women’s Title: Toni Storm vs. Rhea Ripley

Storm is defending and the fight starts before the bell with Ripley throwing her into the corner. The bell rings and Ripley stomps away before forearming the champ against the ropes. Ripley starts in on the back with a backbreaker getting two as the pace slows a bit. The bodyscissors goes on for a bit until Storm is up with some right hands.

Those just earn her a dropkick for two, which is quite the visual from the rather big Ripley. The standing Cloverleaf has Storm in even more trouble but she rolls Ripley outside. That means a suicide dive to start the real comeback and a running hip attack in the corner makes things worse for Ripley. The back is too banged up for Storm Zero so it’s a Backstabber instead, which works well enough.

Storm takes some time following up though and it’s a slugout from their knees. The champ gets the better of it but gets caught on top, allowing Ripley to grab a superplex for two. Ripley misses a charge into the post though and a quick Storm Zero retains the title at 11:00. That was a very fast finish and it felt like they had another minute or two in there.

Rating: B-. It wasn’t anything great but it was high enough quality to work just fine. Storm retaining wasn’t exactly a surprise and that’s ok for a pretty big TV main event. Both of them looked polished and the women’s division is getting some depth, meaning that it doesn’t have to be these two over and over. Ripley can go rebuild for a bit and she’s going to be fine in the long run.

Overall Rating: B-. This show worked well as it felt more like a regular NXT show: one feature match and enough other stuff to keep the whole thing entertaining. They moved around enough from one story to another and all of those things feel fresh. Also, and again just like NXT, they don’t have the same people on every week and it keeps the shows from being repetitive. They’re getting the formula right and that’s a very positive sign.


Coffey Brothers b. Flash Morgan Webster/Mark Andrews – All The Best For The Bells to Webster

Trent Seven b. Shane Thorne – Seven Star Lariat

Toni Storm b. Rhea Ripley – Storm Zero

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 1997 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:

And check out my Amazon author page with cheap wrestling books at:

Monday Night Raw – February 18, 2019: The Invasion…But Good

IMG Credit: WWE

Monday Night Raw
Date: February 18, 2019
Location: Cajundome, Lafayette, Louisiana
Commentators: Michael Cole, Corey Graves, Renee Young

We’re done with Elimination Chamber but since March is a work month, we have less than three weeks before Fastlane. I have no idea what they’re supposed to do to headline Fastlane if Becky Lynch is currently suspended and Seth Rollins is being held out of the ring, but there’s a good chance they could drop the suspension so she can face Charlotte. They’ve done faster turnarounds before. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

In Memory Of Pedro Morales.

Here’s HHH top open things up. HHH says it’s that time of year and we’re on the Road to Wrestlemania. The last twenty four hours should be proof of how important this time is with stuff like Sasha Banks and Bayley becoming the first ever WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions. Or Finn Balor winning the Intercontinental Title. Or Kofi Kingston getting that close to winning the WWE Championship. The fans like that more than anything else, with a KOFI chant getting a little time.

That brings HHH to Becky, who showed us that nothing is stopping her from getting to Charlotte or Ronda Rousey. Now professionally, he has to say that if she does that again, she’ll be suspended. On a personal level though, that was pretty cool. Speaking of cool, it was announced on ESPN this morning that D-Generation X is going into the Hall of Fame this year.

HHH also oversees the third global touring brand with NXT, so here are some people making their debut tonight on Raw. That would be Ricochet, Aleister Black, North American Champion Johnny Gargano and NXT Champion Tommaso Ciampa. They’re in a tag match tonight, though it’s not clear if this is a permanent callup or just a one off appearance. We’re not done yet though as there are a bunch of tables sitting on the stage for a very good reason.

Braun Strowman vs. Baron Corbin

Tables match and Strowman has bad ribs coming in. Strowman knocks him around to start but a shot to the ribs cuts him down. Corbin drives him into the barricade but Strowman whips him into it even harder to take over. It’s already time for a table, though Strowman’s ribs slow him down. Some kicks to the ribs keep Strowman in trouble but Corbin can’t suplex him on the ramp.

Strowman can certainly do it to him though and Corbin is screaming a lot. They head up to the stage where some tables are set up, though Strowman prefers the announcers’ table. Corbin knocks him off the stage though and we take a break. Back with Corbin knocking Strowman out of the ring and swinging a kendo stick at the bad ribs. Strowman knocks him out of the air with some steps though and the running powerslam puts Corbin through a table in the corner for the win at 14:35.

Rating: D. Well that’s very nice for Strowman as he gets to beat up the least interesting and intimidating heel in recent memory to get back a win that he didn’t need to give up in the first place. This feud has been going for months now and I’m still waiting for it to get interesting in the first place. I’m not sure what the endgame is supposed to be, but it seems like something we should have reached a long time ago.

As Strowman is leaving, Paul Heyman comes out and tells him to go to the back. Strowman grabs him by the neck before letting him go. Oh please tell me we’re not getting ready for another Strowman vs. Lesnar match. After a break, Heyman introduces us to a video on Lesnar’s path to the top of the company. This includes a mini biography of Lesnar’s career, both in WWE and the UFC. It wraps up with Lesnar breaking the Streak and we’ll be back to this later. Back in the arena, Heyman takes a quick audience poll on how much of a chance Rollins has.

This brings out Finn Balor for some reason and after a break, Heyman is gone (it was pretty clear he wasn’t done). Balor talks about not having a title for a long time and how he grew up watching some of the great Intercontinental Champions. This brings out a subdued Lio Rush, who says Bobby Lashley deserves to be champion. Cue Lashley from behind to lay Balor out. Rush joins Lashley in the ring for the double team as their issues seem to have already been forgotten. Rush hits the Final Hour but here’s Ricochet for the save. Time for a tag match.

Bobby Lashley/Lio Rush vs. Ricochet/Finn Balor

Ricochet and Rush start things off as the commentary make it sound like this is a lot more than a one off appearance. Ricochet flips around to start and snaps off the perfect dropkick to send Rush into the corner. Lashley comes in and gets kicked to the floor, leaving Ricochet to handspring into his signature pose, leaving Lashley and Rush a bit flummoxed. Balor comes in to face Lashley, who takes him into the corner for a knee to the ribs.

The chinlock goes on, followed by a quick Downward Spiral for two. It’s back to Rush, who quickly gets taken down with a basement dropkick. The Sling Blade drops Rush again and a shotgun dropkick looks to set up the Coup de Grace. Lashley offers a distraction though, allowing Rush to chop block the knee. That’s not a commercial for a change as Lashley brings him back inside for a chinlock.

Lashley slams him down and now we take the break. Back with Lashley holding the chinlock (I think my head would explode if it was action when we came back, but that might make you think you need to stick around so you don’t miss anything and that’s not how WWE rolls.) and driving him hard into the corner. Rush comes in and slaps Balor in the face, earning himself an Eye of the Hurricane.

Balor does the worst “sit there six inches from the hot tag instead of moving slightly forward” that I can remember, followed by the hot tag going through a few seconds later. Egads come up with a better structure. Ricochet comes back in and hits the big flip dive to the floor to take out Rush, followed by a moonsault off the barricade over Lashley, who gets dropkicked down by Balor. Back in and the 630 finishes Rush at 18:03.

Rating: C. This is a match that went about twice as long as it needed to with the heat segment on Balor going on far too long. Ricochet’s stuff at the end was exactly what it should have been, but this felt like an attempt at combining two stories and making things drag on too long. Let Ricochet clean house to start, do a short heat segment on Balor, and then do the same finish and this is way better.

Balor gives Ricochet the ring in a nice moment.

HHH is talking to Natalya when Drew McIntyre comes in. Drew wants Seth Rollins tonight because he wants to go to Wrestlemania. Dean Ambrose comes in to say he’ll fight Drew tonight and slaps him in the face. HHH: “You still want Seth or do you want me to change that over?” Drew will take Dean.

Here’s the Lucha House Party and let’s stop to look at Becky Lynch getting suspended last week, the attack at a house show on Saturday, and her attacking Charlotte and Ronda Rousey last night. I have no idea why they’re doing these entrances before going somewhere else but it’s rather annoying.

Lucha House Party vs. Zack Ryder/Curt Hawkins

Hawkins and Ryder take over on Metalik to start but it’s off to Dorado for chops and dropkicks. Ryder neckbreakers his way out of a double suplex attempt and it’s back to Hawkins as the announcers talk about the New York Mets roster. A Michinoku Driver gets two on Metalik and Ryder clotheslines him outside. Hawkins goes after Metalik and Dorado snaps off a hurricanrana for the pin at 3:38.

Rating: D. This would be another moment where the story doesn’t exactly advance and nothing changes. Hawkins almost has to win something at some point, though I’m not sure where he goes from there. The losses don’t mean anything anymore and this story has been going on for years now.

Heavy Machinery comes out to the stage for a chat. They’re all about steaks and weights and want to fight anyone around here. Lacey Evans comes out, walks down the ramp, and comes up to stand behind the two of them. They walk down the ramp, do the Bushwhackers walk, and then come back up. Lacey seems pleased.

Gargano and Ciampa are in the back when Bobby Roode and Chad Gable come in. They both want the shot at the Revival, who come in to say they have some history with both teams. Ciampa says they’re here to make an impact but Revival doesn’t need their respect.

Revival vs. Johnny Gargano/Tommaso Ciampa

Non-title. Wilder grabs a wristlock on Gargano to start but Johnny takes him down into a front facelock. Ciampa comes in and the old DIY magic is rolling in a hurry. Dawson chops Gargano in the corner but gets sent outside, leaving Gargano to hit the suicide dive. A whip into the steps sends us to a break with DIY in control. Back with Gargano in trouble until the tornado DDT/jumping kick to the chest is enough to put Revival down.

Ciampa comes back in for some rolling German suplexes on Dawson, plus a running knee to the head for two. Wilder gets back up though and it’s a middle rope elbow to Ciampa with Dawson hitting his own German suplex for two more. The Shatter Machine is broken up (I think Gargano missed what was supposed to be a trip) and Gargano hits the slingshot DDT for two on Wilder.

Gargano’s rolling kick to the head sends Dawson outside and a small package to Wilder gets two more. The slingshot spear is blocked and a Steiner Bulldog is good for another near fall as Ciampa dives in for the save. Wilder and Gargano are sent outside and Gargano starts firing off the kicks. The slingshot spear hits Dawson and it’s Meet in the Middle for the pin 11:21.

Rating: B. One. Week. It lasted ONE WEEK. They couldn’t go a single week without jobbing the Revival out. You could do this against Roode/Gable if you’re setting up a title match at Fastlane (remember: no guaranteed title rematches) but instead, the solution is to have them lose clean here. It was a good match and DIY (because they’re back with their NXT feud being mostly ignored) winning their big debut is the right idea, but this made my head hurt all over again.

Balor welcomes Ricochet to Raw and walks away, leaving Ricochet to talk about how he can’t believe he got here. This is better than anything ever imagined and you haven’t seen the last of him.

Kevin Owens is seeing a movie with his son and doesn’t know where the change went from the popcorn and soda. Anyway, he remembers why he started fighting in the first place and can’t wait to do it again. You have one of the best talkers in the company and you make him a typical dad. How uh, inspiring.

Here are Bayley and Sasha Banks for their first time as champions. They’ve been together for years now and it’s finally paid off after everything they’ve done. They were born to do this and they’ll be holding these titles for a long time. Anyone from the past presence or future or from Raw, Smackdown and NXT can come after the titles. As they’re ready to go, here are Nia Jax and Tamina for the interruption you could see coming the second Bayley and Banks won the titles. Nia talks about how Banks always loses in her first defense and it sounds like we have a title match in the future. A quick brawl breaks out and the Samoans leave.

D-Generation X Hall of Fame video. That’s very cool, though an In Memorial video on one of the biggest stars you’ve ever had would be appreciated.

Dean Ambrose vs. Drew McIntyre

An early headbutt drops Dean and some chops have him in even more trouble. Dean takes it to the floor for a suicide dive but walks into the Claymore back inside. A second one finishes Dean at 1:56. Basically a squash.

We get more of the Lesnar video, starting with the destruction of John Cena at Summerslam 2014. With that out of the way, we jump forward and out of order to look at everyone else Lesnar has destroyed over the years. Rollins was beaten down over and over but kept getting up so Lesnar is going to put him down at Wrestlemania. That’s neither a prediction nor a spoiler. It’s the end of the story of a man named Seth Rollins.

Rollins says Lesnar has to accept his fate: it’s all over at Wrestlemania. As for Seth’s fate, he can leave on his feet or on a stretcher, but he’s leaving as champion. Ambrose comes in to ask where Seth was out there. Seth: “Have you completely lost your mind?” Dean stares at him, shrugs and says “eh”, and walks away.

Here’s Elias for a song but he’d rather talk about how fed up he is with his treatment around here. He is the most talented and charismatic star to be around here in a long time. He’s also the most hygienic person this town has ever seen. As for tonight, he knows everyone is excited for the NXT stars debuting. The song begins but gets cut off by another one.

Aleister Black vs. Elias

Thankfully we have the candles and riser for Black’s entrance. Before the match, Black offers Elias help in finding silence in deep sleep. Tonight, he will fade to black. Elias tries to whip him in but Black just stops, setting up the moonsault into the sit as we take a break. Back with Black in trouble as Elias pulls him neck first into the top rope. Black fights out of a chinlock and hits a sliding knee, followed by the standing Lionsault for two. Elias gets in a shot to the face but Black has had it and Black Mass is good for the pin at 7:59.

Rating: C-. This was an exercise in waiting for Black Mass and they did the right thing by not having us spend too much time before we got to the big finish. Black is a versatile performer but the strikes are what’s going to carry him, meaning Black Mass is what matters most. Good shot too, as he kicked Elias’ head off.

Raw Women’s Title: Ronda Rousey vs. Ruby Riott

Rousey is defending and starts fast with the judo throws. Some right hands in the corner have Riott in more trouble but she comes back with something like an STO. A test of strength is countered into a near triangle to send Riott outside and us to a break. Back with Rousey caught in an armbar but suplexing her way to freedom. Riott gets her to offer chase back inside so it’s a heck of a spear for two. The chinlock goes on and we hit the WE WANT BECKY chants.

Back up and Rousey seems to whiff on a right hand but Riott goes down anyway. A big running right hand in the corner has Riott in trouble but she hits a Downward Spiral into the turnbuckle. Riott falls off the middle rope (intentionally) into a backsplash for two more and the Riott Kick connects for a close two, with very little reaction from the crowd (fair enough).

Ronda gets in a gutwrench slam and heads up top, only to have the Riott Squad offer a distraction. Another Riott Kick gives Ruby two more so she heads up, only to jump into the armbar (with a great scared face from Riott). The Squad pulls her to the floor for the break so Rousey dives off the top (slipping off the top and seemingly crashing instead of landing) to take them out. After checking on Logan, it’s the armbar to make Riott tap at 10:32.

Rating: C. This is the match they should have had last night, though it’s not like it was exactly pay per view worthy. I don’t think anyone was buying even the slightest chance of a title match either last night or tonight, but at least we got some good action and even a nice near fall or two. Riott got some heat back, which she really needed after last night. Good enough here, though nothing worth seeing.

Post match Rousey beats up the Squad to end the show.

Overall Rating: C-. I have no idea what to go with here, as the wrestling was mostly bad and forgettable, though there was a point to the show and it never once felt like it was running long. That’s a lot better than what they usually do around here and I’ll take it over what we’ve been getting. There wasn’t exactly much fallout from last night to deal with other than Bayley and Sasha, but at least what we got was acceptable enough.

At the same time though, you have to wonder why we got nothing about Fastlane tonight. With six TV shows between the pay per views, burning one of them off might not be the best idea in the world. It’s a better show than last week, especially due to the fresh talent. I have little faith in the main roster to not waste them, but for a one off show, it was very nice to see. The main thing is keeping the show from being boring, because until that’s changed, not much else matters. They did that tonight, though it’s not going to work that way every week.


Braun Strowman b. Baron Corbin – Running powerslam through a table

Lucha House Party b. Zack Ryder/Curt Hawkins – Hurricanrana to Hawkins

Ricochet/Finn Balor b. Bobby Lashley/Lio Rush – 630 to Rush

Johnny Gargano/Tommaso Ciampa b. Revival – Meet in the Middle to Dawson

Drew McIntyre b. Dean Ambrose – Claymore

Aleister Black b. Elias – Black Mass

Ronda Rousey b. Ruby Riott – Armbar

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 1997 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:

And check out my Amazon author page with cheap wrestling books at:

NXT UK – February 13, 2019: The UK Invasion

IMG Credit: WWE

Date: February 13, 2019
Location: Phoenix Convention Center, Phoenix, Arizona
Commentators: Nigel McGuinness, Vic Joseph

Things are getting more interesting around here as Walter continues to be the biggest thing to be added to the show since its inception (all those months ago). For now though, we’re in Phoenix for some shows taped at the Royal Rumble Axxess. We should be in for some fun shows around here and some guest stars aren’t out of the question. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

In Memory of Pedro Morales.

Opening sequence.

Here’s Toni Storm to open things up. She won the Mae Young Classic and then it was Toni Time at Takeover: Blackpool. Toni knew that Rhea Ripley would be coming to get her title back though because Storm is a bully. She’s beaten Ripley before though and she can do it again. This brings out Rhea, who now has what sounds like THIS IS MY BRUTALITY before her theme music. She’s the first ever NXT UK Women’s Champion and she’s sick of hearing the comparisons to Storm. The rematch is brought up and Storm says “that’s nice”. The fight is on with Rhea quickly bailing.

Noam Dar vs. Jordan Devlin

Devlin’s wristlock is countered into a headlock, followed by some arm cranking on Devlin’s arm for a change. That just earns him a release Rock Bottom into a standing moonsault but the fans think he still sucks. We hit the double arm crank on Dar for a bit before he fights up and kicks Devlin off the ropes.

An exchange of kicks puts both guys down and Dar slaps on the ankle lock. That’s escaped as well and the Irish Ace Cutter gives Devlin two. They head outside with Devlin loading up a whip into the steps, only to have Travis Banks come out to yell. Dar’s ankle goes into the steps but Devlin stops to fight Banks, allowing Dar to grab a rollup for the surprise pin at 10:20.

Rating: C. I’m not big on either guy (though I’m much higher up than I used to be) and this was a completely middle of the road match. Neither does much that grabs your attention and while this was little more than a way to advance Devlin vs. Banks, it wasn’t exactly thrilling. Then again nor was it bad, so we’ll go with right in the middle.

Post match Devlin stays on Dar, drawing Banks in for the big fight.

Next week: Ripley vs. Storm for the title.

Two weeks from now: Walter vs. Kassius Ohno.

Jinny vs. Mia Yim

Jinny takes her straight down into a front facelock until Mia reverses into one of her own. An armbar is broken up just as fast and Mia grabs a rollup for two. The running hurricanrana doesn’t work either as Mia cartwheels her way out and takes Jinny down for some slaps to the arms. With none of the holds working, Jinny goes with blunt force trauma in the form of a Downward Spiral into the middle rope. A slap to the face gives Jinny two and she pulls on Mia’s arms for good measure.

That’s broken up and Mia slaps on a Tarantula of her own. Mia adds a neckbreaker for the double knockdown before firing off some shots to the face. A Cannonball connects as you can see the Axxess venue in the background. It’s not a bad thing but it’s just so odd to see. Jinny misses a charge and gets German suplexed into the corner, sending herself outside for a much needed breather. Back in and Jinny scores with a kick to the head, allowing her to throw her feet on the ropes for the pin at 7:55.

Rating: C-. Jinny is someone who seems like she would gain a lot from some talking segments that get to showcase herself outside the ring a bit more. Her work is fine enough, but the only things I know about her is she’s mean and cares about fashion. I need a lot more than that, and it would be nice if they let us have something.

Wolfgang vs. Pete Dunne

Non-title and no seconds here, oddly enough. Wolfgang goes for the arm to start so Dunne spins out and takes Wolfgang down with a total of no effort. Another grab of the wrist sends Wolfgang out to the floor and it’s time for a breather. Back in and a referee distraction (stop telling Dunne the rules) lets Wolfgang get in a forearm, setting up the required chinlock.

Dunne fights out of that as quickly as anyone fights out of a chinlock and nails a middle rope dropkick to the knee. An ankle lock sends Wolfgang bailing to the ropes, followed by sending Dunne face first into the apron. Back in and Dunne stomps on the arm as Nigel talks about Wolfgang having a SUBURBAN COMMANDO tattoo on his forearm. Well I’m a fan for life.

Wolfgang drops him ribs first across the top rope to bang Dunne up but Dunne avoids a charge and is right back with a bunch of slaps in the corner. Dunne flips out of a release German suplex and nails the X Plex for two. It’s time to bend the fingers back, followed by the stomping to Wolfgang’s head. Dunne pulls him into a triangle until a buckle bomb breaks things up.

The spinning release fisherman’s suplex gets two but Dunne nips up before the Howling. There’s a stomp to the fingers but Wolfgang is right back with a hard clothesline. Darren Young’s Gut Check gives Wolfgang a very delayed two as Wolfgang grabs his knee. He gets up limping, prompting Nigel to say he thinks Wolfgang has a bad knee. That kind of line sounds so out of place from him. Anyway the Howling is countered into the finger bending to make Wolfgang tap at 10:43.

Rating: B-. Leave it to Wolfgang to give Dunne one of his worst matches ever and leave it to Dunne to still make it entertaining. That’s not fair to Wolfgang as he was pretty good here, but the problem is having him get in on the same ground floor as Bate, Dunne and Seven. That’s being the other rookies in 2002 and it just doesn’t work. Walter is the end game for Dunne anyway, so keeping him strong like this is the only way to go.

Overall Rating: C+. Perfectly watchable show here which felt like a combination of a regular show and a special. The whole show feels like it’s on hold until Walter vs. Dunne is set up and that’s fine, though it can’t last forever. I can imagine that one taking place in April over Wrestlemania weekend and if it just happens to be in New York, so be it. Anyway, it should be a blast whenever it happens because they’re putting in the effort to build the characters, which is what matters most.


Noam Dar b. Jordan Devlin – Rollup

Jinny b. Mia Yim – Kick to the head

Pete Dunne b. Wolfgang – Dunne bent his finger back

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 1997 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:

And check out my Amazon author page with cheap wrestling books at:

NXT – February 13, 2019: When The Stars Are Away, It’s Still A Great Show (I’m Bad At Rhyming)

IMG Credit: WWE

Date: February 13, 2019
Location: Full Sail University, Winter Park, Florida
Commentators: Mauro Ranallo, Nigel McGuinness, Percy Watson

We’re coming up on the build towards New York and that’s going to be a big night, with some of the card starting to come into focus. The big story continues to be Johnny Gargano vs. Tommaso Ciampa, but Velveteen Dream is getting involved as well, which could make for some very interesting curves. He does certainly know how to shake things up. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Dominik Dijakovic vs. Shane Thorne

Thorne gets smart by going after the arm to start, including wrapping it around the ropes and kicking away a bit, followed by a dropkick to the side of the head. Dijakovic shrugs it off with some power but Thorne stays smart by wrenching the arm some more. A belly to back suplex puts Dijakovic down but he superkicks Thorne off the top for a big crash. Dijakovic, who stands 6’7, nails a big springboard spinning ax handle to the floor (Fans: “FEAST YOUR EYES!”), setting up Feast Your Eyes for the pin at 4:22.

Rating: C. I still don’t know why his name isn’t just Dominic Dijak but at least he got a win here and looked fine doing so. Thorne has nowhere to go but up as he’s starting from scratch and looked good here. I hope he gets at least a chance and in NXT, they might be willing to actually give him a chance. Nice little match here that actually had me wondering for a bit.

The Undisputed Era says they’re having a down start to their year but losing the Tag Team Titles mean they’re all free to go for singles gold. Tonight, Adam Cole is starting with Ricochet.

We look back at the end of last week’s show with Io Shirai pinning Shayna Baszler.

Shirai wants the title but Bianca Belair isn’t sure about that.

Humberto Carrillo and Stacy Ervin Jr. are here for a tag match (with Mauro doing their introduction via voiceover for some reason) but Kassius Ohno interrupts. He knows how the crowd is around here but he won’t be around much longer. Instead he’s going somewhere to be appreciated….and here’s Keith Lee to knock him out with one shot to the face. Lee says he could have hit Ohno in the “dangly bits” like Ohno did to him and apologizes for the interruption.

Humberto Carrillo/Stacy Ervin Jr. vs. Street Profits

The Profits mock Ohno, who is still out as they walked past. Carrillo and Ford start things off with some fast paced counters, capped off by stereo missed dropkicks. A whip into the corner just lets Carrillo flip around a bit, followed by some rather nice armdrags into an armbar. Dawkins comes in with a heavy shoulder but Carrillo is right back up with a spinning kick to the face. A running shooting star gets two on Dawkins but Ervin walks into a rather fast spear to put him in trouble.

The chinlock doesn’t last long so Ford hits a SCARY belly to back, dropping Ervin on the back of his head so hard that the referee immediately slides over to check on him. Ervin is right back up and rolls over for the tag to Carrillo so house can be cleaned. A handspring elbow drops Dawkins and a big dive into an armdrag sends Ford outside. Everything breaks down and a very high moonsault gets two on Dawkins. Back up and Ervin gets caught in an electric chair, setting up the Doomsday Blockbuster to give Ford the pin at 6:15.

Rating: C+. Some of those dives and flips looked great and I could go for more of either team. I’ve liked the Profits for a long time now and having them get into the title picture would be fine. The same is true for Ervin and Carrillo, even though the latter is already up on the main roster, as he should be.

Post match the Profits say they want in on the title picture because they’re ready to go to war at any time, even with the War Raiders. This brings out Fabian Aichner and Marcel Barthel to say they should get the shot. Cue Oney Lorcan and Danny Burch power walking to the ring for a three way argument but the War Raiders come out to request more fighting over the titles. The Undisputed Era comes in from behind but the Raiders clear the ring without much trouble.

Johnny Gargano says 2018 was an up and down year but he knows his endgame. Now he knows what he wants to do and is ready to show the locker room. Johnny Wrestling is back.

Next week: Gargano defends the North American Title against Velveteen Dream.

Taynara Conti vs. Aliyah

Aliyah’s gear is designed by Versace. Conti wastes no time in trying an armbar but Aliyah is right back up with a faceplant as Vanessa Borne is out at ringside. Aliyah kicks her in the back a few times but gets sent face first into the middle buckle. Some throws by the arm have Aliyah in more trouble and a kick to the face makes it even worse. The armbar over the ropes stays on the arm but Borne grabs Conti’s leg, allowing Aliyah to slam her off the top. A series of kicks to the back of the head makes Conti tap at 2:52.

Post match Borne raises her head but here’s an angry Shayna Baszler to chase them off. Jessamyn Duke and Marina Shafir come in from behind though and it’s a big beatdown to all three. Shayna says this is the new reality.

Video on Velveteen Dream winning the Worlds Collide tournament and getting the North American Title shot.

Adam Cole vs. Ricochet

Cole starts fast with right hands in the corner before going after the leg. The knee is wrapped around the post and then around the rope back inside as Cole certainly has a focus. Ricochet gets in an enziguri for a breather but Cole is right back on him with more shots to the knee.

A knee crusher keeps Ricochet in trouble but he’s right back with a hard clothesline off the good leg. Somehow he’s fine enough to hit a standing moonsault for two so Cole goes right back to the knee. The fireman’s carry backbreaker gives Cole two of his own but he misses an enziguri. Ricochet grabs a suplex, only to get caught in the brainbuster onto the knee. That’s only two as well so Ricochet is right back up with a reverse hurricanrana.

Ricochet gets to the top but seems to slip/have his knee give out on what looked like a Swanton attempt. They forearm it out with Cole getting the better of things but taking too long going up top. Ricochet’s elbows don’t work as Cole knocks him down, only to have Ricochet pop back up. Some rolling suplexes set up Vertigo (Samoan driver) to finish Cole at 15:15.

Rating: B+. This was a heck of a match with a different side of Ricochet coming out. It’s cool that he got to do some stuff other than the flips for a change and having something like Vertigo as a more traditional finisher can help keep the big spots fresh. Cole was working hard too and they had a good story with the knee. I liked this more than I thought I would and it was a great main event.

Post match the Undisputed Era runs in to beat down Ricochet. Aleister Black tries to come in for the save and gets taken out as well to end the show.

Overall Rating: B. I know the Gargano vs. Ciampa feud is becoming an all time classic, but it’s a good sign that they can go almost completely away from it for a week and have a rather solid show. Other than Gargano’s promo, there was nothing about them on here and it was nice for a change. That’s a very good sign for the future and hopefully something they keep up. I say hopefully with a bit of a smile as they’ve done it for years now. Anyway, very good show, as you probably knew in advance.


Dominik Dijakovic b. Shane Thorne – Feast Your Eyes

Street Profits b. Humberto Carrillo/Stacy Ervin Jr. – Doomsday Blockbuster to Ervin

Aliyah b. Taynara Conti – Kicks to the head

Ricochet b. Adam Cole – Vertigo

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 1997 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:

And check out my Amazon author page with cheap wrestling books at:

You Can Bugenhagen

I…..yep.  This was great.

NXT – February 6, 2019: The New Blue Pants

IMG Credit: WWE

Date: February 6, 2019
Location: Full Sail University, Winter Park, Florida
Commentators: Nigel McGuinness, Mauro Ranallo, Percy Watson

We’re back to the regular shows and it’s just in time too as we’re about two months away from Takeover: New York. That could mean some matches being set up in a hurry, though it’s not clear what some of those could be. The big draw this week is Johnny Gargano appearing as North American Champion for the first time, which could be rather interesting. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Here’s Gargano to open things up and he’s very proud of his new title. The fans give him a JOHNNY CHAMPION chant and Johnny says we deserve it. He doesn’t say which we he’s talking about but here’s Tommaso Ciampa to cut him off. Ciampa says they do deserve it and that Johnny showed that he can follow the champ’s lead. Now they’re both champions and WE own NXT. There is nothing that can stop them because this is their home. Johnny: “No.”

There is no “our moment” because he only came out at the end of Takeover: Phoenix to show that he’ll never need Tommaso Ciampa. This brings out Velveteen Dream to say tonight isn’t about any of them. Tonight is about the moment and the man that stole Takeover: Phoenix. He took everything over just by showing up and while they were putting the finishing touches on their fairy tale ending, Dream was winning the Worlds Collide tournament.

That gives him a title shot of his choice so Ciampa stares him down. Dream doesn’t want him to steal the spotlight, because he’s more interested in Gargano. Johnny says he was putting on another Match of the Year and winning the title before representing the NXT Universe in the Royal Rumble. If this is what Dream wants, then go for it because Johnny wins. Dream is cool with that, but wants to know if he’s facing Johnny Champion or Johnny Jack***. The staredown is on and the fans are rather pleased.

This worked very well, as the story continues to go on and on without dropping steam. I know the end goal of all of this is Gargano taking the title from Ciampa once and for all, but that moment isn’t set in stone somewhere. We’re not counting down to some predetermined moment (Such as EVERYTHING HAS TO HAPPEN AT WRESTLEMANIA OR SUMMERSLAM!!!) and the story is getting to grow on its own. That would make a huge difference on the main roster, but for some reason it’s completely against the rules. That’s a very different way of storytelling and it works quite well.

Jaxson Ryker vs. Mansoor

Mansoor is from the Saudi Arabian tryouts. Ryker takes him into the corner and ties Mansoor into the Tree of Woe for some kicks to the ribs. Mansoor gets in a few shots but Ryker spears him out of the air, setting up a sitout chokeslam (almost more of a spinebuster) for the pin at 1:32. Just a squash.

Post match Ryker chokebusters him again.

Adam Cole cuts off an interviewer before Ricochet can be brought in. Cole says he’s championship material unlike the one trick pony Ricochet. This brings in Ricochet to say he must have knocked Cole’s screws loose when he beat him for the North American Title. A match is made for next week.

In two weeks, Gargano defends against Dream.

Drew Gulak vs. Eric Bugenhagen

Eric, with a sweet 1970s mustache, plays the air guitar on the way to the ring to a rather confused reception. He even throws out a guitar pick, which the camera tracks down. I’m sure you can imagine Nigel and Drew’s reactions to this. The fans DEMAND an encore as Bugenhagen stops so the match can begin. A very high pitched scream ensues as Gulak stomps him down, earning a BU-GEN-HA-GEN chant.

Gulak snap suplexes him for two and we hit the chinlock. Eric fights up and slaps on an abdominal stretch, which of course turns into more air guitaring (Eric: “YOU WANNA ROCK???? LET’S ROCK!!!!”). Drew has had it and suplexes him down, setting up the Gulock for the tap at 2:34. We might have the next Blue Pants here.

Post match Gulak isn’t pleased with fighting “Ben Stiller from Dodgeball” because he’s the best submission wrestler in the world. Is this the best NXT has to offer? The open challenge is on and we have a very quick answer.

Drew Gulak vs. Matt Riddle

They grapple against the ropes to start until Riddle takes him straight to the mat in an armbar. A pull of the hair gets Gulak out of trouble so Riddle slams him right back down to take over again. More grappling goes nowhere until Gulak takes him down into a headscissors. One heck of a kick drops Drew though and a backsplash makes things even worse. Back up and Drew stops a charge with a hard boot to the jaw, followed by a dropkick to put Riddle on the floor.

Gulak slaps on a headlock to keep things slow before switching into a double arm crank with Riddle face down on the mat. Riddle finally fights up and hits a fisherman’s buster for the break and a double knockdown. A dragon screw legwhip takes Riddle right back down and it’s off to a Fujiwara armbar. Riddle has had it with Gulak and powerbombs the heck out of him, setting up a knee to the face for a crazy close two. The Bromission makes Gulak tap at 9:25.

Rating: B+. This was a blast with both guys doing everything they could think of to each other, making for a heck of a performance. Gulak showing up is a nice touch as he’s one of the more talented people around and can wrestle with anyone. It gave Riddle a sweat and beating a main roster talent, even a lower level one like Gulak, means something. Very nice match.

Post match they do the Catch Point (stable from Evolve) handshake.

Sky Pirates/Bianca Belair vs. Shayna Baszler/Marina Shafir/Jessamyn Duke

Baszler works on Belair’s arm to start until Belair does the same. Shafir and Duke take their turns and get slammed down without much effort. Belair presses Sane up for a drop onto Duke but Shafir takes over in the corner to take over. Sane isn’t having that and unloads with strikes to Shafir, including a hard kick to the back. Shafir gets headbutted down as the fans chant PLEASE TAG SHAYNA. Geez that’s harsh.

The fans get their wish a few seconds later as Shayna comes in and takes over on Sane, including a few shots in the corner. It’s back to Shafir for a hard headbutt before Shayna comes back in to kick at Sane. Shayna cranks on the leg to make Sane scream and Duke coming in, earning herself a YOU CAN’T WRESTLE chant. Sane finally sends Duke outside and rolls over for the tag to Sane as the pace picks way up.

Running knees to Duke in the corner set up a 619 and a springboard missile dropkick to Baszler. It’s already back to Sane for the Insane Elbow and another near fall as Shafir makes the save. Belair tags herself in (fair enough as Sane was going to tag Shirai in again) and hits the KOD but Baszler makes the save. Everything breaks down and Sane dives onto Shafir and Duke, leaving Shirai to hit a moonsault for the fast pin on Baszler at 9:28.

Rating: C+. Shafir and Duke are pretty clearly not ready for this level and need more time, but I heartily approve of Shirai going after the title. High flier vs. submission wrestler can make for some great matches and the fans are going to be behind Shirai no matter what she does. I had a lot of fun with this, though the NXT fans ripping on Duke and Shafir isn’t the best sign for their futures.

Belair doesn’t seem happy that she didn’t get the pin to end the show.

Overall Rating: B+. What didn’t this show have? You had an awesome match from Riddle and Gulak, a move forward in the women’s division, some major developments at the start of the show, and the Bugenhagen wackiness. As can be the case, NXT knows how to do a lot of things on one show and mix things up like no other show. This was an incredibly entertaining hour with so many different things running around that it’s almost impossible to get tired of any of them. Check this one out, especially Riddle vs. Gulak.


Jaxson Ryker b. Mansoor – Chokebomb

Drew Gulak b. Eric Bugenhagen – Gulock

Matt Riddle b. Drew Gulak – Bromission

Sky Pirates/Bianca Belair b. Marina Shafir/Jessamyn Duke/Shayna Baszler – Moonsault to Baszler

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 1997 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:

And check out my Amazon author page with cheap wrestling books at:

NXT UK – February 6, 2019: The Sequel Is Better

IMG Credit: WWE

Date: February 6, 2019
Location: Empress Ballroom, Blackpool, England
Commentators: Vic Joseph, Nigel McGuinness

Last week saw the rise of Walter, who is clearly going to be a major star around here in short order. The man is a monster who is going to run over everyone in his path, possibly including UK Champion Pete Dunne. Tonight he’s in action again against Mark Coffey, which makes it clear that they know they have something here. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Mark Andrews vs. Ligero

They shake hands to start because British people are just more polite. Feeling out process to start with Andrews getting a very limited advantage off a hammerlock. A run of the ropes suits them a bit better until Ligero gets two off a rollup. The pinfall reversal sequence gives us a bunch of one counts, capped off by a nice round of applause (more British politeness). Ligero sends him outside but misses a dive, instead settling for a headscissors. Andrews cartwheels out of it though as we’re still waiting on the first major offense.

A flip dive off the barricade finally puts Andrews down and a Stunner gives Ligero two back inside. Some forearms keep Andrews in trouble but he rolls Ligero down and hits a jumping double stomp to the ribs. The standing corkscrew moonsault gets two and it’s off to an exchange of strikes. Ligero’s suplex is countered into the Stundog Millionaire but can’t follow up. Instead it’s Ligero hitting a pumphandle faceplant for two of his own but the C4L is broken up. Andrews is right back with a reverse hurricanrana for two, only to have Fall to Pieces hit knees. Now C4L connects to give Ligero the pin at 9:05.

Rating: B-. This was a lot of fun and the ending was a bit of a surprise. They’re actually pushing Ligero as something around here and while I don’t know how high he can actually go, it’s cool to see someone getting a push like this. Andrews is still good in the ring, though I would have thought he had a bit more potential than Ligero, at least coming in.

Post match we get another handshake.

We look back at Sid Scala announcing Danny Burch/Oney Lorcan as the first challengers to the Grizzled Young Veterans.

Lorcan and Burch are happy and have little more to say.

Pete Dunne is impressed by Walter but doesn’t fear anyone.

Xia Brookside vs. Candy Floss

Brookside is being treated as a big deal here, which is a good sign for her future. We get another handshake to continue proper British tradition. Brookside jumps out of a headscissors and we hit the pinfall reversal sequence into a standoff. Back up and Candy goes technical with a full nelson until Xia rolls into an armbar. Xia’s offense isn’t exactly inspired so far. Floss reverses into a hammerlock before slamming the arm into the mat. With that not going anywhere, Xia is back up with a running bulldog and the Brooksie Bomb (Iconoclasm into a bridging pin) finishes Floss at 4:32. That’s Brookside’s first win on the show.

Rating: D+. Brookside has a great smile and a unique look, but she’s going to need some more ring time. To be fair though, she’s twenty years old and needs a lot more ring time. She’s going to need some more experience to get the finer points down, but she has a good base to build from so far.

Post match Brookside checks on Floss but here’s Rhea Ripley to beat them both down, including a standing swinging Texas Cloverleaf (awesome) to Brookside. Toni Storm runs in for the save but headbutts Brookside by mistake, allowing Ripley to hit the Riptide on Storm.

Jordan Devlin doesn’t like Noam Dar and wants to beat him up in Phoenix.

Mike Hitchman vs. Joseph Conners

Conners is billing himself as an NXT UK original. The show isn’t even four months old and we have originals? Conners hammers away to start but a headbutt to the elbow (yes to the elbow) takes him down. Hitchman nails the backsplash to the back but Conners snaps Mike’s throat across the top. A belly to back faceplant gets two on Hitchman and we hit the neck crank. Conners shots that Mike isn’t taking it away. What the heck did Conners have in the first place? Hitchman doesn’t like being called a thief so he fights up and sends Conners outside, setting up a frog splash off the apron.

Back in and Conners gets two off the slingshot DDT (stolen from Johnny Gargano, as Conners is a hypocrite). Conners: “YOU ARE A PUSSYCAT! YOU ARE NOTHING!” So cats are nothing? I guess Conners is a dog guy. Hitchman grabs a pop up powerbomb but Conners one ups him off a sunset bomb. Don’t Look Down finishes Hitchman at 5:29.

Rating: D+. The wrestling was ok but Conners is officially that guy on the roster who just shows up, rants about how unfair everything is, and makes no impact whatsoever. It’s a character that shows up every now and then in almost every promotion but it very rarely gets interesting. Conners is someone who doesn’t stand out and with a gimmick that has been done so many times, it’s not exactly going anywhere for him.

Gallus is ready to keep their kingdom.

Video on Jinny.

Jinny tells Ragsy that he’s ugly and says of course she won because she’s amazing. She’s coming for Toni Storm. Makes sense.

Joe Coffey vs. Ashton Smith

Smith grabs a headlock to start in what might be his biggest offense of the match. Coffey isn’t having that and Pounces him down without much trouble. It’s off to the chinlock into a cobra clutch, followed by some hard forearms to the back. We hit the bearhug as you can’t fault Coffey’s psychology here. Coffey suplexes him down and nails a pop up uppercut (ala Cesaro’s Swiss Death) but Smith scores with right hands. A dropkick sets up a nice superkick but Smith jumps into a German suplex. All The Best For The Bells finishes Smith at 6:17.

Rating: D+. Just a squash here though Smith’s very limited offense looked good. There’s nothing wrong with bringing someone like Coffey back up from the loss and he’s still someone who can be a threat going forward. I’m still not sure why the Coffey Brothers haven’t been in the tag division, as you would think that would be as easy of a layup as you could have around here. Joe is good as a singles guy though so what they’re doing is far from bad.

Post match Gallus comes out to celebrate with Joe.

Mark Coffey vs. Walter

Coffey makes the mistake of throwing a chop as Walter shows him how it’s really done. They head outside with Walter being driven into the barricade as the fans stay behind him. Back in and it’s a double arm crank to stretch out Walter’s chest but he reverses into one of his own. Walter shrugs off a clothesline and tells Coffey to bring it before snapping off a big German suplex. The beating continues with Walter taking him outside for more shots to the chest. Coffey gets in a dropkick for a quick near fall but Walter isn’t having that. The powerbomb finishes Coffey at 6:30.

Rating: C+. That’s the Walter I’ve been hearing about as he looked like a monster who could move out there, with the powerbomb looking great to go with the signature chops. They’ve already got me wanting to see Walter vs. Dunne, which should have taken some time to set up. Let it take place at a major show, say over Wrestlemania weekend, and you have a Match of the Year candidate on hype alone.

Overall Rating: C+. This was the no nonsense version of the show and I really liked what we got. The wrestling wasn’t great up and down and nothing was exactly a show stealing classic, but what we had was a well put together show that did everything it needed to. Stories were advanced and Walter looks like the final boss for Dunne’s title reign. I’m in for this stuff now, mainly because I’m not sick of it after two hours a week. Very well put together show, which is what matters here.


Ligero b. Mark Andrews – C4L

Xia Brookside b. Candy Floss – Brooksie Bomb

Joseph Conners b. Mike Hitchman – Don’t Look Down

Joe Coffey b. Ashton Smith – All The Best For The Bells

Walter b. Mark Coffey – Powerbomb

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 1997 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:

And check out my Amazon author page with cheap wrestling books at:

NXT – January 30, 2019: Arg Indeed

IMG Credit: WWE

Date: January 30, 2019
Location: Talking Stick Resort Arena, Phoenix, Arizona
Commentators: Nigel McGuinness, Mauro Ranallo, Percy Watson

We’re still in Phoenix for the followup that came before the big show. This should be a much more laid back night with just the dark matches from Saturday’s Takeover, which should be a good bit of fun. The ton of recaps should help speed things up a bit too. Let’s get to it.

Here’s Takeover if you need a recap.

We open with the customary long recap of Takeover. Not everything gets attention here though, including the lack of anything on the Tag Team Titles.

Opening sequence.

Io Shirai/Kairi Sane vs. Marina Shafir/Jessamyn Duke

Mauro dubs the nice team the Sky Pirates, thereby winning the world. Shafir, in what looks like a protective face mask, gets taken down by Shirai to start. It’s off to Kairi (to a BIG reaction) to face the much taller Duke, who wants a test of strength. Things turn into a bit of scrapping with Sane getting the better of it and bringing Shirai back in for a double dropkick to the back of the head. Shafir offers a distraction though and Duke kicks Shirai’s knee out to take over.

The double teaming begins with Shafir flipping Duke over into a kick to the ribs. A butterfly stretch keeps Shirai in trouble and a butterfly suplex gets two. Shafir grabs a guillotine choke so Shirai climbs the ropes into something like Sliced Bread for the break. That’s enough for the hot tag to Sane as the pace picks up in a hurry. The Interceptor cuts Shafir off and the sliding forearm in the corner keeps her in trouble. A pop up elbow hits Shafir and the Insane Elbow is good for the pin at 6:40.

Rating: C+. Duke and Shafir are still very green and need a lot of ring time (totally understandable as they’re still really new) but WOW the Pirates looked awesome here. They work so well together, have a cool name and gimmick, and looked dominant in their win. Push the heck out of these two.

Video on Ricochet vs. Johnny Gargano.

Johnny promised a Match of the Year and a win, both of which he delivered. Winning feels great.

Video on Bianca Belair vs. Shayna Baszler.

Belair says being un-de-fea-ted is a mindset instead of wins and losses. Oh good grief we still have to hear that line? As for Sam Roberts saying Belair didn’t deserve to be in the match, Belair pushed Shayna to the limit.

Video on the War Raiders vs. the Undisputed Era.

The Raiders say the Era earned their respect but the era is over. Their reign starts now.

Video on Matt Riddle vs. Kassius Ohno.

Riddle says the win wasn’t the point here. This was about making a mark by beating Riddle until he gave up. Ohno was broken tonight and that’s going to happen to anyone who tests him.

Video on Tommaso Ciampa vs. Aleister Black, including the pose with Johnny Gargano after the match.

Paul Heyman praised Ciampa on Twitter.

After the show ended, Velveteen Dream, Ricochet and Adam Cole got involved to turn it into a big six man brawl which spread backstage. This set up Halftime Heat’s six man tag.

Video on NXT names in the Royal Rumbles.

Forgotten Sons vs. Street Profits

Cutler and Blake for the Sons here and the Profits have some Harlem Heat inspired gear for a cool touch. Dawkins and Blake start things off but everything breaks down in a hurry with Blake being backdropped onto Cutler on the floor. Back in and Cutler gets flapjacked onto Blake as it’s all Profits so far. Cutler finally grabs a backbreaker on Ford, followed by a belly to back for two. Blake drops a knee to the back and a buckle bomb into raised knees stays on the back.

Another backbreaker draws Dawkins in for the save, allowing Ford to send both of them outside. A missed top rope splash sends Blake into the mat and there’s the hot tag to Dawkins. Everything breaks down as Dawkins cleans house, including Ford hitting a crazy high flip dive onto Blake. Ford gets serious with a sip from the cup, setting up a Doomsday Blockbuster for two as Blake makes a very good save. Jaxson Ryker makes a save of his own so Dawkins stares him down, allowing Blake to hit his own dive. Back in and the Memory Remains (reverse DDT/double stomp) combination finishes Dawkins at 7:18.

Rating: C. I still dig the Street Profits but I’m not sure how much value the Sons have. Granted winning some matches means a lot more down in NXT so just having them win a few matches here and there could do some good. The Raiders are going to need some challengers so the Sons could be fine for a one off. Nice energetic match here, though I could have gone with a different result.

Overall Rating: C. Obviously the wrestling didn’t matter than much here but this isn’t your normal NXT. We’ll get back to the regular kind of shows next week with some of the bigger names coming back and the road to New York beginning. The wrestling here was fine with the Sky Pirates being a great addition, though I’m not sure who they can fight. Anyway nothing show here, but that’s to be expected.


Io Shirai/Kairi Sane b. Marina Shafir/Jessamyn Duke – Insane Elbow to Shafir

Forgotten Sons b. Street Profits – Memory Remains to Dawkins

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