NXT – December 26, 2023: Going Out With…Well Not A Bang But Good Enough

Date: December 26, 2023
Location: Capitol Wrestling Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Vic Joseph, Booker T.

We’re taped again here, as WWE thankfully gave the roster the holiday week off. The big story coming out of last week was Ilja Dragunov seemingly being injured in a match against Ridge Holland, which could change next week’s NXT Title match. Other than that, Chase U has a match to get rid of all of its debt. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Chase U vs. OTM

If Chase U wins, their debt is paid but if they lose, the have nothing. Chase dropkicks Price to start and hands it off to Hudson as Chase U gets to alternate on the arm. Price kicks his way to freedom and brings in Nima to stomp Chase down for two. A hard corner clothesline rocks Chase again but he fights out of the corner to bring Hudson back in to clean house. Chase comes back in but walks into a superkick, allowing an assisted spinebuster to give Nima the pin at 4:09.

Rating: C. This was quick and to the point with Chase screwing up again to get his school into even more trouble. That’s going to be a major problem going forward but for now he’ll have to come up with a new plan. It’s still really weird to have Chase go from the lovable goon to this loser who screwed everything up and I’m still not sure why this is a good idea. At the same time, OTM gets the biggest win of their career and maybe they’re on the way to something bigger.

Here are some NXT Year End Award winners:

Tag Team Of The Year: Creed Brothers
Female Superstar Of The Year: Tiffany Stratton
Male Superstar Of The Year: Ilja Dragunov

Creeds and Stratton make sense and Dragunov’s only competition was Carmelo Hayes so these all work.

Trick Williams is thinking about pushing his title match back due to Ilja Dragunov’s injury. Carmelo Hayes tells him no way and says take your shot, because its not Williams fault that Dragunov is hurt.

Heritage Cup: Josh Briggs vs. Noam Dar

Dar, with the Meta Four, is defending. Round One begins as the much taller Briggs taunts Dar with a test of strength offer before tossing Dar into the corner. Briggs slams him down and gets two off a splash before a running shoulder gets the same. A powerbomb is loaded up but time expires before Briggs can drop him as the round ends. Round Two begins with a Boss Man Slam giving Briggs two. Briggs powers out of a guillotine choke but gets caught in a triangle choke but that’s broken up as well. A hard clothesline gives Briggs the first fall at 1:15 of the round and 4:58 overall.

We take a break and come back with the two of them slugging it out on the apron. Briggs misses a big boot against the barricade though and Dar kicks him in the face as the round ends. Round Four begins with Dar kicking him in the face again and then does it a third time for two. Briggs is back with a chokeslam for two of his own but Dar goes after the knee. Some strikes to the face set up the kneebar but Briggs gets to the rope. Lash Legend hits Briggs with a bucket for two so Briggs grabs said bucket and hits Dar for the DQ at 2:47 of the round. By rule, Dar automatically retains at 12:48 overall.

Rating: C+. Well at least the ending was different. My biggest issue with these matches is they tend to go the same way so points for switching something up for once. That being said, Dar really needs to drop the Cup to someone else already, just to freshen things up a bit at least. Briggs wouldn’t really have fit as the conquering hero, but someone needs to get the thing off of Dar already.

Nathan Frazer and Axiom are in the back, with Frazer talking about how glad he is Bron Breakker isn’t Superstar of the Year. Frazer: “He’s behind me isn’t he?” That would be correct and a match is made for later.

Cora Jade vs. Karmen Petrovic

Jade stole Petrovic’s to set this up and whips Petrovic into the corner to start. Stomping and trash talking ensue but Petrovic kicks her way out of the corner. A spinning kick to the back of the head gets two but Jade is right back with the double arm DDT for the pin at 3:02.

Rating: C. Really short and to the point here, which is what it should have been. Petrovic is still really new around here and it wouldn’t make sense for her to beat Jade, who is back with a vengeance. Jade getting a push towards the title picture wouldn’t surprise me and this is a nice, albeit small, step in that direction.

Post match the beating almost continued but Gigi Dolin ran in for the save. Hopefully Jade can beat Dolin so we can move on from this for good.

Breakout Tournament Semifinals: Riley Osborne vs. Lexis King

Osborne works on the arm to start as Tre Bearhill comes out with a chair to stare at King. Back up and King takes over to work on the leg. A half crab is broken up so King kicks him in the face and hits a backbreaker. King takes him to the top but Bearhill offers a distraction, allowing Osborne to hit a shooting star press for the pin at 3:43.

Rating: C. Another match that didn’t have much time to go anywhere here, but King’s weird path in NXT continues. He came in with hype, got paired with one of the biggest stars in NXT and is now seemingly feuding with one of the rookies over a spot in the Breakout Tournament. King was still protected in defeat and Osborne seems to be a project around here, but this doesn’t bode well for King’s future as he isn’t off to the hottest start around here.

Post match Bearhill goes after King, who bails out to the floor.

More awards:

Match Of The Year: Ilja Dragunov vs. Carmelo Hayes – No Mercy
Moment Of The Year: The Undertaker In NXT

Ava says Ilja Dragunov gets to decide if he defends the title next week or not.

Nathan Frazer vs. Bron Breakker

Frazer’s headlock doesn’t work in the slightest and Breakker smiles at him a lot. Instead Frazer tries to run the ropes but gets flattened by a shoulder. A headlock takeover actually does work for Frazer, at least until Breakker launches him into the corner. Frazer slips out of a suplex though and hits a running kick to the chest as we take a break.

Back with Breakker hitting a gutbuster for two and starting in on the ribs. Frazer fights up again and kicks Breakker to the floor, setting up a heck of a suicide dive. Breakker is knocked into the steps but he’s fine enough to slam his way out of a high crossbody attempt. The spear is cut off by a spear so Breakker tries again, this time cutting Frazer in half for the pin at 11:44.

Rating: B-. I can always go for a power vs. speed match and that was on full display here, with both of them doing their parts rather well. Frazer looking desperate when he was going for covers sold how dangerous he knows Breakker to be, while Breakker continues to be a wrecking ball with all kinds of power. I know he’s practically main roster ready now, but giving him a bit more time in NXT to get in reps and be more and more seasoned is helping him so much.

Baron Corbin is watching in the back and seems impressed by Breakker.

The No Quarter Catch Crew wants the LWO next week.

Fallon Henley and Brooks Jensen give Josh Briggs a pep talk, with the team seemingly breaking up on good terms. That came a bit out of nowhere.

Arianna Grace talks to Ava about Roxanne Perez slapping her last week. As a result, Ava makes Perez vs. Grace for next week.

Lyra Valkyria and Blair Davenport have a face to face interview before next week’s title match. They accuse each other of hiding, with Valkyria saying she was beating Becky Lynch while Davenport was jumping people in the parking lot. Davenport has seen Valkyria’s rise but will be the reason for her fall. This was short but intense.

Breakout Tournament Semifinals: Oba Femi vs. Tavion Heights

The stronger Femi powers him down to start and drops a jumping knee for two. A backbreaker has Heights in more trouble and it’s time to work on Heights’ arm. Femi hits a running charge in the corner for two but Heights is right back with an AA into a suplex. Femi blasts him with a clothesline though and a pop up powerbomb finishes for Femi at 4:07.

Rating: C. That’s a bit of a surprise as Heights has been pushed rather hard on NXT LVL Up, though Femi is an absolute monster. Heights is going to have his day, but Femi being the one who wrecks everything in front of him makes sense. Femi vs. Osborne should be a heck of a showdown in the finals as it has the power vs. speed dynamic, but this feels like something of an upset.

Ilja Dragunov arrives and wants to talk to Trick Williams.

We look at Dragunov’s injury, with Ridge Holland apologizing on Twitter. More from Holland next week.

Joe Gacy vs. Joe Coffey

The rest of Gallus is at ringside. They start fast with Gacy being sent outside, where Coffey hits a suicide dive. The fans chant for JOE as Coffey drops an elbow for two back inside. Gacy fights out of the corner and hits some running forearms, followed by a big dive to the floor. Back in and a release Rock Bottom gives Gacy two as Hank Walker and Tank Ledger come out to brawl with Gallus. The distraction lets Gacy hit the Upside Down for the pin at 3:48.

Rating: C. NXT is going to pus Gacy no matter what and I can at least take this more than another cult deal. I’m still not sure what Gacy’s deal is at this point but they’re certainly trying something new with him. Beating Coffey feels like a big deal and as long as Gacy doesn’t build up followers, it could be a lot worse.

The LWO is ready for the No Quarter Catch Crew next week. Elektra Lopez and Lola Vice come in, with Lopez being happy to see her old friends while Vice seems totally uninterested.

We run down next week’s card.

Eddy Thorpe vs. Dijak

NXT Underground, meaning no ropes and a bunch of wrestlers around the ring. Anything goes but you can only win by knockout or submission. Thorpe goes for the arm to start but Dijak fights out, only to get caught in a triangle choke. That’s broken up as well and Dijak unloads with right hands. Dijak tosses him out to the floor and we take a break.

Back with Thorpe in big trouble and being sent back inside. Thorpe fights up and snaps off a German suplex, followed by a brainbuster. Dijak is still up so Thorpe grabs a choke, with Dijak dropping back onto him or the break. That’s broken up as well and Dijak scores with the spinning boot. Another such boot is broken up with Thorpe’s kick to the face before Thorpe suplexes him to the floor.

Dijak lands on his feet though and hits a quick Feast Your Eyes but Thorpe is still in it. Thorpe drops him ribs first onto the apron but Dijak grabs the leather strap. The big right hand is blocked though and Thorpe hits Manifest Destiny (DDT), which still isn’t enough for the win.

Thorpe grabs the strap and whips away before slapping on another choke. Dijak rams him into the post for the break but a powerbomb is countered into a hurricanrana to the floor. An elbow off the apron sets up another Manifest Destiny on the floor but Dijak is still in it. Another choke goes on but Dijak climbs the steps next to the announcers’ table, only to have Dijak Manifest Destiny him through the table for the win at 15:48.

Rating: B. The unique rules and setup take some getting used to but they had a hard hitting fight and that’s what it needed to be. This felt like the big ending to the feud as Thorpe gets a big boost. I’m not sure how long it is going to last but at least they had a good fight, with Dijak looking strong in defeat, as always.

We get a sitdown faceoff between Ilja Dragunov and Trick Williams. Trick won’t hold back at New Year’s Evil and signs, but says we can push the match back if Dragunov needs more time to recover. Dragunov says no one can stop him and takes off the neck brace before signing. An intense handshake ends the show.

Overall Rating: B-. This show covered a lot of stuff and the main event helped boost it up a lot. They were in a weird place here as there is only so much that you can make feel big with the major show coming next week. New Year’s Evil is looking very good/important and this show did a nice job of setting things up for next week. Another rather nice show this week, with a variety of stuff being covered in just over two hours.

OTM b. Chase U – Assisted spinebuster to Chase
Noam Dar b. Josh Briggs via DQ when Briggs used a bucket
Cora Jade b. Karmen Petrovic – Double arm DDT
Riley Osborne b. Lexis King – Shooting star press
Bron Breakker b. Nathan Frazer – Spear
Oba Femi b. Tavion Heights – Pop up powerbomb
Joe Gacy b. Joe Coffey – Upside Down
Eddy Thorpe b. Dijak – Manifest Destiny through the announcers’ table



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NXT – December 12, 2023: Looking To The Future

Date: December 12, 2023
Location: Capitol Wrestling Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Booker T., Vic Joseph

We’re done with Deadline and that means we have less than a month to go before New Year’s Evil. Thanks to Blair Davenport and Trick Williams winning the Iron Survivor Challenges, their title shots are set for the first show of the year. Other than that, Dragon Lee is the new North American Champion and we could be in for a hot ending to the year. Let’s get to it.

Here is Deadline if you need a recap.

Trick Williams and Carmelo Hayes arrive, with Williams bragging to reporters about how clutch he is. As he brags about getting ready for the NXT Title at New Year’s Evil, Hayes walks inside by himself.

Long Deadline recap.

Carmelo Hayes has been attacked and is clutching his knee.

Here is Cora Jade to say that the sun finally emerged from the clouds on Saturday because she is finally bad. Everyone has been tweeting her every day and wanting her back, and even though they hated her back then, they love her now. Now she is all anyone is talking about but here is Lyra Valkyria to interrupt. She knows Jade hasn’t changed in recent months but things around here have.

Valkyria isn’t the woman Jade used to mess with because she is now the Women’s Champion. Cue Blair Davenport to interrupt, saying she’s the Iron Survivor and the time is ticking on Valkyria’s reign. Cue Nikkita Lyons to say she remembers what Davenport did in the parking lot and the fight is on. That sounds tag teamish for later tonight.

We recap Meta Four and Fallon Henley/Brooks Jensen/Josh Briggs getting in a fight at Deadline.

Dragon Lee says the North American Title win hasn’t sunk in yet but it’s incredible. Unfortunately it came after an injury to Wes Lee so Dragon wishes him a speedy recovery. Tonight, the title is on the line and he’ll find out his challenger tonight.

Meta Four vs. Fallon Henley/Josh Briggs/Brooks Jensen

Jakara Jackson is here with Meta Four. The villains jump them to start and Jensen might have hurt something early on. We settle down to Henley shoving Legend and trying a choke, which is powered into the corner. Everything breaks down and the villains clear the ring as we take a break.

Back with Dar grabbing a chinlock on Jensen, who fights up but gets hit in the knee, which was banged up during the break. Jensen manages to get in a clothesline and the tag brings in Henley as everything breaks down. The women crash out to the floor but here is Tiffany Stratton to go after Henley. They fight to the back as Briggs comes in to clean house, including the always stupid big boot that makes your opponent DDT his partner. A hard lariat gives Briggs the pin on Dar at 11:00.

Rating: C+. That should set up Briggs for a Heritage Cup shot, where he will likely lose because Dar must hold that thing until the end of time. Other than that, we should be in for a good fight between Stratton and Henley, who at least didn’t take the fall here to keep Legend’s build going. Nice six person tag here, as we’re getting some fresh blood moving up the ladder a bit.

Carmelo Hayes’ knee seems to be ok and he’s medically cleared to compete on Smackdown. He thinks he knows who it is and he’ll call that person out in the ring. Trick Williams is ready to be at his side but first he has to take care of Ilja Dragunov. They’ll each handle their own business and everything is cool.

We meet the Men’s Breakout Tournament entrants….and here is Lexis King to jump Trey Bearhill with a chair.

Men’s Breakout Tournament First Round: Myles Borne vs. Oba Femi

Borne tries to pick up the pace on the much stronger Femi and hits a dropkick to the back. Some stomping gives Borne two but Femi power up with a running elbow in the corner. A powerslam gives Borne two out of nowhere but Femi puts him down on the apron. Back in and a pop up powerbomb finishes for Femi at 3:36.

Rating: C. There wasn’t much to this one but Femi had the power to make things interesting. He’s already in the final four and putting him in the finals seems like a possibility. For now though, the powerhouse with the great look gets to move forward and that should be enough to generate a bit of interest for him.

Nikkita Lyons comes in to see Lyra Valkyria before their tag match tonight and as usual, no one talks like this. Lyons opens Valkyria’s locker and finds a picture of Valkyria and Becky Lynch….with Tatum Paxley’s face taped over Becky’s. Seems to be news to Valkyria.

Tiffany Stratton is sick of Fallon Henley, who usually serves people like Stratton. Violence seems implied.

North American Title: Dragon Lee vs. ???

Lee is defending against…..Tyler Bate. They shake hands to start until Bate takes him down with a headlock. Stereo blocked kicks to the ribs and stereo dropkicks get them nowhere so it’s a double clothesline to send us to a break. Back with Bate knocking him to the floor setting up a big dive. They get back inside where Lee hits a superkick to put him outside again, meaning it’s a heck of a suicide dive.

Back in and the very extended airplane spin gives Bate two, followed by the rebound lariat for the same. Lee snaps off a rebound German suplex into the top rope double stomp but the powerbomb is countered. The Tyler Driver 97 is countered into a sunset flip to give Lee two, followed by Destino to retain at 10:50.

Rating: B-. That’s a good way to get Lee’s title reign going as Bate is someone who has enough of a reputation to give Lee a nice rub. Lee seems to be one of the next big things for WWE and it is smart to see him getting a few wins. They have a long way to go with him but at least they are off to a nice start.

Respect is shown post match.

Josh Briggs and Brooks Jensen are happy with their win but Fallon Henley wants to hurt Tiffany Stratton. Briggs thinks he’s up or the Heritage Cup but Jensen says that’s not Briggs’ style. Eh he’ll do it anyway.

Lexis King and Ava are outside Shawn Michaels’ office where they talk about how everyone in the tournament wants to hurt him. That’s cool with King, who is put into the tournament to replace Trey Bearhill. Works for him.

Dijak vs. Eddy Thorpe

The brawl is on in the aisle before the bell and they send each other into different things. The fight goes inside for the opening bell….and Dijak (who is bleeding from the side of the head) sends him into the corner so hard that the turnbuckle breaks. Dijak hits him with the turnbuckle for the DQ at 53 seconds.

Post match the beatdown is on, with Dijak unloading on Thorpe’s ribs.

We go to Chase U, where it’s time to see how much money they have made. The bake sale and car wash brought in a little over $300, with Duke Hudson pointing out how much the interest on the loan is on is own. Thea Hail is excited to see an upcoming match and is off to watch in the student section. With Hail and Jacy Jayne gone, Scrypts comes in with a briefcase and a proposition for Chase, who seems interested.

Cora Jade and Blair Davenport argue over who will win the Women’s Title but they’re ready to team together tonight.

Men’s Breakout Tournament First Round: Keanu Carver vs. Riley Osborne

Osborne is part of Chase U and Thea Hail/Jacy Jayne are in the student section. Osborne takes him down to start and hits a standing moonsault for two, with Carver sending him lying. A heck of a clothesline drops Osborne and a fall away slam sends him flying. The chinlock doesn’t last long and it’s Osborne fighting up (Hail approves)…until a Pounce drops him hard. Osborne knocks him off the top though and a shooting star press gives him the pin at 3:24.

Rating: C. Osborne is someone who has shown quite a bit of potential on NXT LVL Up and it doesn’t surprise me that he won here. Having Hail be interested in him makes things more interesting so they already have something for him. Nice enough match too, with Carver’s Pounce looking great.

Drew Gulak and company interrupt Dragon Lee in the back and since Lee is going to defend the title every week, they accept. Lee can find out which one he’ll face next week.

Thea Hail comes up to Riley Osborne and clearly has a thing for him. Jacy Jayne tries to coach her but he’s off to take a shower. Jayne isn’t sure how well she did but here are Kiana James and Izzi Dame to mock Hail’s lame efforts.

Nikkita Lyons/Lyra Valkyria vs. Cora Jade/Blair Davenport

Valkyria rolls Davenport up for two and it’s off to Jade, who gets taken down with a headlock takeover. Lyons comes in and gets to power Davenport around but Jade gets away. Davenport gets in a takedown of her own and grabs the chinlock as we take a break. Back with Jade handing it off to Davenport, who gets kicked away without much trouble. Valkyria comes back in to clean house…but here is Tatum Paxley to stare at Valkyria. The distraction means a high crossbody misses before Valkyria and Jade get sent into each other. Davenport knees Valkyria down and Jade steals the pin at 8:27.

Rating: C-. This was kind of a mess and it really didn’t work that well. Jade pinning Valkyria is fine, but Jade didn’t exactly steal the show and Lyons, with her weird genie looking gear, looked completely out of place. This needed a bit more Davenport, who might not be great but is at least more polished. Not great here and the weakest thing on the show so far.

Post match Paxley shoves Lyons down and awkwardly holds Valkyria. So we have a new stalker?

Hank Walker and Tank Ledger run into Gallus and say they have more heart than Gallus put together. Walker and Ledger leave, with Joe Gacy popping up as a forklift driver to talk about heart. This, believe or not, was dumb.

Here’s what’s coming on future shows. Of note: Drew Gulak and company are dubbed the No Quarter Catch Crew.

Here is Trick Williams for a chat. He talks about how Deadline was a movement and he nominates the Men’s Iron Survivor Challenge as the Match Of The Year. He’s ready to come through in the clutch again but here is NXT Champion Ilja Dragunov to interrupt. Dragunov praises him for snatching victory from the jaws of defeat and acknowledges Williams’ momentum. Williams is ready to win the NXT Title in three weeks but Dragunov isn’t so sure about that.

Dragunov is ready to do whatever it takes to retain the title but here is Carmelo Hayes to interrupt. Hayes says he knows who attacked Williams, because it’s the same person who attacked him earlier tonight. Dragunov goes to leave but gets a not so fast from Hayes….who says Dragunov is the attacker. Dragunov denies the allegations and Williams would like some proof too. Hayes wants to know who got more out of splitting up the team and lays out how well it has gone for Dragunov.

That earns him another denial from Dragunov, who suggests that Hayes might not have been attacked in the first place. Dragunov says Williams needs to talk to Hayes, who gets a bit more aggressive while saying Dragunov doesn’t deserve the title. Hayes goes to grab the title and winds up hitting Williams in the face. This is an interesting way to go as they’re cranking up the drama on the way to a title match which could go either way. Nice job.

Overall Rating: B-. This was a different kind of show but once again they had a focus. This time, that focus was on building things for the future and giving us something new. In this case, we have the Breakout tournament, Williams as the new big challenge for the title, Briggs and Henley getting some new pushes and Lee seemingly being set up for a weekly title match. That’s a nice way to get the ball rolling on the future, but now they need to actually make that happen, particularly at New Year’s Evil. Good show here, at least from a building for the future show.

Fallon Henley/Josh Briggs/Brooks Jensen b. Meta Four – Lariat to Dar
Oba Femi b. Myles Borne – Pop up powerbomb
Dragon Lee b. Tyler Bate – Destino
Eddy Thorpe b. Dijak via DQ when Dijak used the turnbuckle
Riley Osborne b. Keanu Carver – Shooting star press
Cora Jade/Blair Davenport b. Nikkita Lyons/Lyra Valkyria – Knee to Valkyria’s head



Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and head over to my Amazon author page with 30 different cheap wrestling books at:



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NXT – May 2, 2023: The Latest Finale

Date: May 2, 2023
Location: Capitol Wrestling Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Booker T., Vic Joseph

We are in for the final night before everything changes up next week. The NXT roster was gutted by the WWE Draft and now we get to see everyone have one last night around here. This is going to include multiple champions, so we could be in for some last minute title changes, which could be quite the shakeup. Or WWE will just do something stupid. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

We open with a recap of the NXT Draft picks.

North American Title: Wes Lee vs. Drew Gulak

Lee, with Tyler Bate (as evened out by Charlie Dempsey), is defending. An early dropkick puts Gulak on the floor but he’s back in with a sunset flip for two. Back up and Lee takes him to the top, only to get knocked to the mat for a top rope clothesline. Gulak cranks on both arms at once but Lee slips out and wins a slugout. A German suplex out of the corner is blocked and Gulak heads outside, where he is taken down by a dive. Dempsey’s interference is cut off by Bate and the Cardiac Kick retains the title at 5:23.

Rating: B-. They didn’t have a lot of time here but they crammed in what they could for a nice opener. Lee is a great choice to open the show as he can excite the fans rather easily no matter who he is in there against. Gulak is going to be around as long as he wants to as he can always be a trainer, plus actively wrestling on the side. Nice opener here and I could have gone for a longer version.

We look at Carmelo Hayes retaining the NXT Title last week against Carmelo Hayes. After the match, the challenge was thrown out to Bron Breakker, who then wrecked Hayes and Trick Williams.

Alba Fyre and Isla Dawn are ready to retain the NXT Women’s Tag Team Titles before they leave NXT for good after tonight. They’re leaving the place in darkness.

Here is Trick Williams for an angry chat. He has known Carmelo Hayes since high school and they have been friends for years. Last week he took a spear for Hayes and he would do it again in a heartbeat because it’s his instinct. Cue Bron Breakker to say Williams must be tougher than Hayes because he’s actually here. The match is on for Battleground, but Williams wants to face Breakker as well. Breakker does it on his time so they can fight next week.

JD McDonagh is ready to move up to Raw but Noam Dar comes in to tell him to take out Dragon Lee tonight. McDonagh says stay away from him or he’ll take the Heritage Cup with him to Raw.

Gigi Dolin vs. Jacy Jayne

Jayne knees her in the ribs to start and trips Dolin face first onto the apron. Back in and Dolin’s half nelson attempt is blocked and it’s a superkick to stagger her again. Dolin is back with a kick to the head though and an STO gets two on Jayne. They head outside again (where Dolin’s brother is watching in the crowd) and some Kawada kicks send Jayne’s head into the steps. They get back inside where Dolin is sent into the turnbuckle bar, allowing Jayne to hit a spinning kick to the face for the pin at 3:22.

Rating: C. Again they didn’t have much time here but this was about giving Jayne a pin over Dolin to even things up a bit. It was a quick beating and Dolin didn’t get in a ton of offense, but at least there were some shenanigans setting up the finish. There will probably be a rubber match at Battleground, but this feud has gone ice cold since Jayne got injured.

Post match Jayne keeps up the beating and even mocks Dolin’s brother for a bonus.

Axiom vs. Scrypts

Scrypts (no entrance) jumps Axiom to start but gets armdragged down. A northern lights suplex drops Scrypts again but he sends Axiom outside. The big dive drops Axiom and a top rope moonsault press gives Scrypts two back inside. Scrypts dropkicks him out of the air but Axiom knees him in the face for two. Axiom gets dropped again but he manages to superkick Scrypts out of the air as well. The Golden Ratio finishes Scrypts at 4:17.

Rating: C+. Now just move on to something else for Axiom already. He’s a talented guy who has been stuck in this weird/not interesting feud with Scrypts for a good while now. They did some nice things here with the flips and dives, but I’m still not sure what the point of Scrypts is supposed to be and I don’t know if NXT knows it either.

Post match Scrypts goes after Axiom and gets exposed as….well the fans chant Reggie but no name is given. This is up there with Doom’s reveal for non-surprises.

Earlier today, Brooks Jensen joined Josh Briggs and Fallon Henley at the bar and thanked them for dealing with him. They say he doesn’t need to apologize, but he did learn enough from Kiana James to help the bar make more money. Some women come up to hit on Jensen but he politely declines because he’s with his friends.

Dragon Lee vs. JD McDonagh

Lee works on the arm to start but gets driven into the corner. That doesn’t work for Lee, who hits some rapid fire dropkicks in the corner. Cue Noam Dar for a distraction though, allowing McDonagh to tie Lee up in the Tree of Woe. A charge misses Lee and sends McDonagh crotching himself into the post as we take a break.

Back with McDonagh holding a bodyscissors to keep Lee in trouble. Lee isn’t having that though and goes up top for a high crossbody, setting up the big flip dive to the floor. The top rope double stomp gives Lee two and they head to the apron, where McDonagh gets struck in the chest a lot.

They both crash down to the floor and beat the count, with Lee snapping off a fast German suplex. The poisonrana plants McDonagh again but he’s back with a hard clothesline as Noam Dar is here. Lee heads up but gets cut off by a super Spanish Fly. The brainbuster gives McDonagh two, only to have Lee Canadian Destroy him to the floor. Back in and the Devlin Side finishes Lee out of nowhere at 15:03.

Rating: B. These two got a lot more time and had a much better match, which shouldn’t be surprising given the talent involved. McDonagh gets a nice showcase on the way on the way out of NXT and onto Raw with some momentum. At the same time, Lee needs to win something around here and I’m not sure why he keeps losing so often. The talent is there, but those losses pile up.

Post match Lee and Dar brawl to the back.

Katana Chance and Kayden Carter are ready to win the Women’s Tag Team Titles because they’re a better team.

Joe Gacy is ready to sacrifice his body to Joe Coffey to get the Dyad a Tag Team Title match.

We look at various women being attacked in recent months.

Joe Gacy vs. Joe Coffey.

If Gacy wins, the Dyad gets a Tag Team Title shot against Gallus and the rest of Schism is here. Coffey knees him into the corner to start and stomps away but Gacy hits a knee to the face. The chinlock doesn’t last long as Coffey fights up and hits an elbow for two. Gacy’s belly to back gets the same but gets caught with All The Best For The Bells. The Dyad puts a foot on the rope though and Gacy hits the Upside Down for the pin at 3:21.

Rating: C-. Well Gacy wasn’t going to lose here, even if he should have. Putting the focus on the Dyad is a better idea than focusing on Gacy, though it wouldn’t surprise me to see that coming sooner rather than later. At the end of the day, Schism is still the same level of bad that they have been since they came in and I don’t see it getting any better anytime soon.

Sol Ruca (via phone), Tank Ledger and Hank Walker give Dani Palmer a pep talk. Oba Femi comes in to scare the guys.

Eddy Thorpe was training earlier when Damon Kemp came in to tell him to take out the trash. Kemp called him a young boy too, making a match seem imminent.

Dani Palmer vs. Tatum Paxley

Palmer flips around to start, including flipping out of a wristlock and into a rollup for two on Paxley. Back up and Paxley knocks her into the corner to take over, setting up a chinlock with a knee in the spine. Palmer slips out of an abdominal stretch attempt and avoids a splash, followed by something like a standing Sliced Bread to drop Paxley again. A frog splash gives Palmer the pin at 3:59.

Rating: C+. This was a showcase for Palmer and that’s what it needed to be. She has the athleticism and some charisma to go with it so there is certainly potential there. Paxley is far from a top star but she is someone who has been around long enough to have a bit of a reputation. That makes her perfect to put Palmer over to start and that is all it needed to be here.

Andre Chase is too banged up from facing Bron Breakker, meaning he can’t teach this week. Instead, Duke Hudson takes over the teaching and says we have no more pop quizzes. Hudson: “Duke University?”

Von Wagner and Mr. Stone are going through a photo album but Wagner doesn’t want to talk about one of the photos. Wagner leaves, and Stone sees a baby dealing with a lot of medical issues (presumably Wagner himself).

Women’s Tag Team Titles: Alba Fyre/Isla Dawn vs. Kayden Carter/Katana Chance

Carter/Chance are challenging and both teams are main roster bound. The champs jump them to start fast and the fight is on the floor before the bell. Chance dives onto both of them and we get the bell, allowing Chance to sunset flip Fyre for two. Carter clears the ring and hits a few kicks from the apron as we take a break.

Back with Chance snapping off a hurricanrana to Fyre, followed by a flipping legdrop to the back of the head for two. A springboard moonsault/legdrop combination gets two on Fyre but she kicks Chance into the corner. The Backstabber/Swanton combination gets two, with Carter having to make the save.

Everything breaks down and the 450/neckbreaker combination hits Dawn for two more and it’s time for the big double slugout. Dawn gets sent outside and a super Spanish Fly gets two on Fyre. A high crossbody hits Dawn but Fyre is back in with a Gory Bomb/Downward Spiral combination (that looked sweet) to retain at 9:14.

Rating: B-. Another fun match here, but they didn’t do it any favors with the break in the middle. It still gets very old having that cut out such a big chunk of the match but what we did get to see worked well. Now I’m curious to see what happens to the titles, though I could go with seeing them unified with the WWE Women’s Tag Team Titles.

Dijak blames Ilja Dragunov for the beating he received last week.

Apollo Crews runs into Trick Williams in the parking low and gives him a pep talk.

Here is Women’s Champion Indi Hartwell, with the fans telling her that SHE DESERVES IT (likely meaning the promotion to the main roster, not the walking boot and crutches). She talks about her path here and what it meant for her to become champion. Then she got hurt in a title defense, but the title reign wasn’t ending on the medical table. Now she is on the way to Raw, but the most important thing right now is NXT.

Starting next week, there will be a tournament to crown a new Women’s Champion, with the new champion being crowned at Battleground. Hartwell leaves the title in the ring….and Dexter Lumis pops out from underneath said ring. Dexter takes her away and Tiffany Stratton comes in to pick up the title. A bunch more women come in and the big brawl ends the show. Makes sense, as Hartwell doesn’t seem able to lose the title right now and you don’t want her getting beaten on the way to the main roster. It also gives a bunch of people something to do so this is the right way to go.

Overall Rating: B-. This was a very different kind of show, as NXT is finishing up a bunch of stars and there isn’t much that can be done with them as a result. Instead, you had some farewells and some things being set up for once everyone is gone. That doesn’t leave you with many options, but at least they got through the show with some good action and an important development in the end. The new NXT starts next week, but for now their latest finale went well.

Wes Lee b. Drew Gulak – Cardiac Kick
Jacy Jayne b. Gigi Dolin – Spinning kick to the face
Axiom b. Scrypts – Golden Ratio
JD McDonagh b. Dragon Lee – Devlin Side
Dani Palmer b. Tatum Paxley – Frog splash



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NXT – April 25, 2023: There’s A Ball Pit!

Date: April 25, 2023
Location: Capitol Wrestling Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Vic Joseph, Booker T.

It’s time for another special show with Spring Breakin, which features a pair of title matches. This time around we’ll see Indi Hartwell defend the Women’s Title against Roxanne Perez and Tiffany Stratton, plus Carmelo Hayes’ first NXT Title defense against Grayson Waller. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

We open with a look at the Spring Breakin picnic and yes, everyone is talking about tonight’s card instead of anything else. A good chunk of the roster is here doing picnicky things, including Javier Bernal acting like quite the moron.

Tony D’Angelo/Stacks vs. Pretty Deadly

Trunk match, meaning a casket match but with a car trunk, hence the name you see. The brawl starts on the floor with Pretty Deadly going for the weapons, as they probably should. They get inside where some knees to the face have Pretty Deadly in trouble, even going right back to the floor. The weapons don’t suit Pretty Deadly, who take the table to the back to get rid of it. The breather lets Stacks send them into a ball pit (because there’s a ball pit) as we take a break.

Back with the balls from said pit all over the floor and a football being kicked between Stacks’ legs. They get back inside with a roll of coins dropping Stacks and a chair hits D’Angelo in the back. Stacks gets dropped with Spilled Milk on the floor and taken to the back. With Stacks in the trunk, the other two go after D’Angelo, allowing Stacks to find a fire extinguisher for the big saving spray. A double slam through a table is enough for D’Angelo and Stacks to get the win at 12:40.

Rating: C+. Nice enough weapons match here and thankfully Pretty Deadly didn’t take another pin. That being said, it wouldn’t surprise me at all if this was it for them in NXT as they have nothing left to accomplish and the main roster could use a new team. Oh and the match had a ball pit, making it even better.

Tiffany Stratton is ready to win the Women’s Title.

Duke Hudson fires up Andre Chase to face Bron Breakker.

Andre Chase vs. Bron Breakker

Duke Hudson is here with Chase, who has to slip out of the gorilla press to start. That’s fine with Breakker, who sends him into the corner for the shoulders to the ribs. Breakker misses a charge into the post though and Chase gets in a few spelling stomps. The clothesline cuts Chase off rather quickly and the Recliner makes him tap at 2:18. Less of a squash than I was expecting but it did what it needed to do.

Video on Carmelo Hayes.

Dijak beats up Ilja Dragunov in the back, including crushing his ribs with a garage door.

Lyra Valkyria vs. Cora Jade

Valkyria takes her into the corner to start and we take a break less than a minute in. Back with Jade cranking on both arms but Valkyria fights up with some kicks to the face. A suplex drops Jade and Valkyria kicks her out to the floor. Jade snaps her throat across the top and grabs the stick. The referee takes that away, only to have Jade get in a cheap shot. The DDT finishes Valkyria at 8:20.

Rating: C. This was the weekly “a lot of the match was in the break” match and it’s still very annoying. They had about four and a half minutes and a screwy finish, meaning their backs were quite against the wall to start. The action was good enough and Jade feels like she could be one of the next big things in the division, but she needs a better showcase than this.

Tony D’Angelo and Stacks drive Pretty Deadly….somewhere.

NXT Title: Grayson Waller vs. Carmelo Hayes

Hayes, with Trick Williams, is defending. They trade rollups to start, with Hayes’ Crossface attempt sending Waller over to the rope. An early Fade Away attempt misses so Hayes tries another crossface, sending Waller to the ropes again. Waller gets in a chair shot to Williams on the floor though, with the distraction allowing him to drop Hayes.

We take a break and come back with Williams gone and Hayes having to escape a half crab. With that broken up, Hayes is able to hit the Fade Away but Waller knocks him down again. A double knockdown gives Waller two but Hayes is right back on Waller’s knee for a change. The springboard DDT gives Hayes two, though Waller bails to the corner to avoid Nothing But Net.

Back up and Waller blocks the Codebreaker, setting up a fireman’s carry sitout powerbomb for two. Waller Stuns him out of the air but Hayes rolls away before the cover. Instead, Waller takes him outside and puts him on the announcers’ table for a big drop through it and a near fall back inside. Back in and Hayes manages a quick Codebreaker, with Waller favoring his knee. A low superkick and Nothing But Net retains the title at 11:53.

Rating: B-. This was about what should have been expected, as Waller gave Hayes some trouble but Hayes picks up his first successful title defense. Waller is someone who has long since established himself as being able to bounce back from a loss without much trouble so he’ll be fine. Hayes has to be getting ready for the Breakker rematch though and this will boost him up for another match against the new big bad.

Post match Hayes grabs the mic and issues the challenge for the rematch with Bron Breakker at Battleground. Cue Breakker from behind to spear Hayes down. The returning Williams gets Reclined for a bonus. Another spear sends Hayes through part of the set, meaning a stretcher is needed.

Roxanne Perez has wanted to be a wrestler since she was a child so tonight, she wants the Women’s Title back. She’s doing this for every little girl who wants to feel safe.

We recap Brooks Jensen/Kiana James vs. Fallon Henley/Josh Briggs in the soap opera feud. This got a lot of time and was the majority of the feud.

Schism comes up to Joe Coffey to get the Dyad a Tag Team Title match. Joe Gacy will fight Coffey next week, with the title shot on the line.

Josh Briggs/Fallon Henley vs. Brooks Jensen/Kiana James,

Jensen doesn’t like Briggs powering him around to start and gets sent to the apron for his efforts. The fans want Fallon and that is who they get as James tags herself in. Henley hits a running clothesline but has to take out an interfering Jensen. James has to be saved by Jensen, who gets dropped by Briggs as we take a break.

Back with the guys forearming it out as Booker talks about pheromones. The women come back in with James running Henley over. It’s right back to Jensen, who can’t hit Henley, allowing Briggs to make a save. Briggs beats up Jensen until a spinwheel kick gets him out of trouble. A hard lariat to the back of Briggs’ head sets up a brainbuster for two so it’s time for the loaded bag. Jensen doesn’t want to use it and accidentally knocks James down, allowing Briggs to hit a lariat for the pin at 11:41.

Rating: C. I really could go for this being the end of the story as it doesn’t seem likely to have some big game changing ending. At the same time, the idea of Briggs vs. Jensen isn’t exactly thrilling so hopefully they just make up already. Henley falling for one of them wouldn’t be the biggest shock either, but for now they need to get on to something else.

Post match James walks out on Jensen, who puts his head on Briggs’ chest for quite the development.

Dragon Lee wants Noam Dar’s Heritage Cup.

Scrypts is ready to go after Axiom next week.

Oba Femi can throw things.

Video on Indi Hartwell, who is ready to show that she isn’t just a fluke.

Sol Ruca has been attacked by an unidentified assailant.

Oba Femi vs. Oro Mensah

Femi powers him into the corner to start and then throws him right back out. A right hand knocks Mensah off the top but he strikes away back inside. The springboard kick to the chest drops Femi for two and he blasts Mensah with a clothesline. A pop up powerbomb finishes Mensah at 3:37.

Rating: C. Rather effective debut here from Femi, who is going to be all about the power and it was on display. Femi is a big monster who can throw people around with relative each so putting him in there with a smaller guy like Mensah was the right way to go. I had fun with this and Femi could be treated as a force rather quickly if that’s what they want to try.

Gigi Dolin pops in on commentary and demands a match with Jacy Jayne. They can start it up again next week.

Drew Gulak is impressed with Wes Lee but is ready to take the North American Title from him next week.

Post break Tyler Bate offers to be in Wes Lee’s corner next week. Meditation is promised.

Women’s Title: Tiffany Stratton vs. Roxanne Perez vs. Indi Hartwell

Hartwell is defending. Stratton gets forearmed back and forth to start and we take a break about thirty seconds in (and yes, it’s still annoying). Back with Perez working on Stratton’s arm but having to kick Hartwell outside. Stratton escapes a headscissors without much trouble but gets slammed by Hartwell. Perez tries a springboard double wristdrag and….oh it goes badly, as Hartwell seems to forget to fall and Stratton kind of rolls over (it was like the other two forgot what they were doing, which should have just been a simple tumble).

They’re sent outside with Perez taking them down again, setting up a high crossbody for two on Hartwell back inside. Hartwell clotheslines Perez a few times but Stratton comes back in for the near fall. Stratton knocks them both outside for a Swanton onto the pair. We pause for Hartwell’s ankle to get checked so Stratton sends Perez into the corner. Stratton rolls through Perez’s high crossbody for two but Perez grabs a super hurricanrana for two of her own.

They slug it out until Perez grabs a Russian legsweep, only to have Hartwell come back in to drop both of them for two each. A spinebuster hits Stratton with Perez having to make the save. Stratton sends Hartwell outside and moonsaults Perez for two, with Hartwell making the save. Hartwell goes back in to hit the sliding forearm for the pin to retain at 15:18.

Rating: C. They were trying here but this was rough in spots, with Stratton and Perez having to work out something with Hartwell down and some not so smooth spots. Hartwell needed the win if she is going to be a longer term champion and pinning Perez is something that she had to do. Stratton and Perez will likely get the title back (assuming they don’t go to the main roster first) so boosting Hartwell now is fine enough.

Tony D’Angelo and Stacks…seem to murder Pretty Deadly by throwing them in a river. They want the Tag Team Titles to end the show. Well that’s depressing. The murder, not the title desires.

Overall Rating: C+. This was pretty all over the place but you can see a pretty firm divide between the levels of talent. People like Hayes, Breakker and Pretty Deadly (maybe one or two others) just felt more polished than the rest of the wrestlers here and there isn’t much of a way around that. The title match was good and the trunk match worked well enough, though the rest of the card was a bit weak. Nice enough show, but nothing you need to see.

Tony D’Angelo/Stacks b. Pretty Deadly – Pretty Deadly was thrown into the car trunk
Bron Breakker b. Andre Chase – Recliner
Carmelo Hayes b. Grayson Waller – Nothing But Net
Josh Briggs/Fallon Henley b. Brooks Jensen/Kiana James – Lariat to Jensen
Oba Femi b. Oro Mensah – Pop up powerbomb
Indi Hartwell b. Tiffany Stratton and Roxanne Perez – Sliding forearm to Perez



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NXT LVL Up – February 17, 2023: The Worst Thing For An NXT Star

Date: February 17, 2023
Location: Capitol Wrestling Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Blake Howard, Byron Saxton

Things have been picking up a bit around here in recent weeks as there has been a bit more in the way of star power. That is usually the best way to get the show going in the right direction, though as usual I have no reason to believe it is going to last. Maybe they can keep it up for another week though so let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Dante Chen vs. Eddy Thorpe

The debuting Thorpe is better known as Karl Fredericks in New Japan. Chen’s headscissors doesn’t get him very far and we have an early standoff. A cradle gives Chen two and he takes Thorpe down into an armbar. Back up and Thorpe hits a quick spinning crossbody and grabs a seated abdominal stretch, followed by the standing version for a bonus. Chen fights out and hits a running kick to the face, only to get caught with a running boot to the face. An implant DDT gives Thorpe the pin at 4:29.

Rating: C-. Not much to see here but the important thing is that Thorpe won. Far too often, NXT will debut a new star on this show and then have them lose to the “star”. Chen is still the resident jobber around here and it makes all the sense in the world to have Thorpe, who might become something in NXT, beat him in his debut. At least they have something logical with this one so they got off on the right foot.

Valentina Feroz has something to prove against Ivy Nile tonight but she isn’t worried about Elektra Lopez.

Xyon Quinn vs. Oba Femi

Femi powers him into the corner to start but Quinn slips out and mocks away. That earns Quinn a heck of a shot to the face as the power is serving Femi well so far. Quinn manages to dropkick him into the corner and the comeback (I think?) is on. Forearms to the back set up the chinlock and then the nerve hold. Femit fights up but misses the charge into the post, setting up Quinn’s running forearm for the pin at 5:12.

Rating: C. This was another meaningless win for Quinn, who has fallen so far down the ladder that almost nothing he does is going to matter. Femi continues to look like someone who could be a star if he is given the chance and a good bit more experience. That power is going to carry him a long way and we are still at the beginning of what could be a nice career.

Valentina Feroz vs. Ivy Nile

Tatum Paxley is here with Nile, who wrestles Feroz down without much trouble to start. Feroz escapes a few times and starts cranking on the leg before grabbing a rollup for two. A double arm crank has Nile in more trouble but she rolls through a crossbody. Nile fall away slams her for two before a wheelbarrow suplex gets the same.

The chinlock goes on for a bit until Feroz is up with the judo throws. Nile sends her into the corner for a running hip attack and a running powerslam gets two. Feroz manages a facebuster but cue Elektra Lopez for a distraction. That’s enough for Nile to grab the Diamond Chain Lock for the win at 6:35.

Rating: C. Feroz with her judo is enough to keep her busy for a bit and odds are she is coming up on at least a decent sized match against Lopez. On the other hand, you have Nile, who still feels like she should be ready to move up to the next level. For now, at least she isn’t losing and is being treated like a star around here.

Overall Rating: C. Another nothing show here, though the Thorpe debut was a nice thing to see. Quinn is rapidly becoming one of the normal faces in the crowd around here and that is one of the worst things that you can do to an NXT star. Nile feels like someone who is above everything around here yet she is on here more often than not. This was a bit of a downgrade, but they kept the matches moving and the debut was enough to carry it far enough.

Eddy Thorpe b. Dante Chen – Implant DDT
Xyon Quinn b. Oba Femi – Running forearm
Ivy Nile b. Valentina Feroz – Diamond Chain Lock



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NXT LVL Up – February 3, 2023: Her Best Ever

Date: February 3, 2023
Location: Capitol Wrestling Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Byron Saxton, Vic Joseph

We are back with this show again and odds are things are going to be about the same. That has been the case around here for a good while and it wouldn’t surprise me to see it take place again. Granted most of the time when I say that, something changes in a positive way so maybe that is the case this week. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Sol Ruca vs. Lash Legend

Legend has new red gear here instead of the traditional black, plus a haircut. Ruca powers her into the corner to start and grabs a headlock. A running shoulder drops Legend again and Ruca pulls her into an STF of all things. Legend makes the rope and big boots a leapfrogging Ruca for a big crash. Back in and Legend stands on her before a jumping splash gets two. The armbar goes on but a reverse chinlock is countered with an electric chair. Some running shoulders have Legend in trouble and a superkick sets up the Sol Snatcher to give Ruca the pin at 6:47.

Rating: C+. Given who was in there, this was actually a heck of a little match as they had Ruca doing all of her athletic stuff but Legend was holding her half up. The main thing here for Legend is that she felt a lot more focused and didn’t stop to talk a bunch of trash. At the same time, the change is look is a plus. Legend has not exactly been well received so far in NXT, so get her away from the look people associate with the poor results. I was very surprised here and Ruca continues to look like a star in the making.

Josh Briggs and Brooks Jensen are ready for the main event, but Briggs seems more interested in Kiana James.

Javier Bernal vs. Oba Femi

Bernal’s headlock doesn’t work as Femi powers him up into a gorilla press. This leaves commentary to talk about Bernal’s Christmas album and Cameos, even as Bernal goes to the leg and drops Femi with a clothesline. Femi makes the comeback with the power, only to get raked in the eyes and rolled up with trunks to give Bernal the pin at 4:39.

Rating: C. I’m starting to get into the Bernal heel stuff and this was a good example. When is the last time you saw someone just rake the eyes because they’re a villain? It’s one of the oldest tricks in the book and it still works to this day. Bernal had to cheat to deal with the big guy and commentary played up his delusions of grandeur at the same time. Nice enough deal here, and Femi continues to likely have a future based on his look alone.

Josh Briggs/Brooks Jensen vs. Bronco Nima/Xyon Quinn

Briggs and Nima start things off with the former being shoved hard into the corner. Nima runs him over but Briggs comes in off a blind tag. Quinn comes in as well and gets double shouldered down as the country boys take over. It’s back to Jensen, who gets sent into the corner so Quinn can grab a backbreaker. Nima’s running crotch attack to the back gets two and we hit the armbar. Jensen fights up and slides between the legs though, allowing the hot tag to Briggs. House is quickly cleaned and it’s an atomic drop into a big boot to finish Quinn at 5:39.

Rating: C. There was no drama to this one and there didn’t need to be, as Briggs and Jensen are an established team who shouldn’t have any trouble here. They didn’t break much of a sweat and didn’t even bother having Henley and James out there for this one. Nothing much to see, but the star power always helps.

Overall Rating: C+. The wrestling wasn’t exactly great but I had a good time with the show. You had Ruca and Legend having a surprisingly entertaining match, Bernal being goofy and Briggs/Jensen making it feel a bit more important. As usual there is no reason to think this will last, but it worked rather well for one week.

Sol Ruca b. Lash Legend – Sol Snatcher
Javier Bernal b. Oba Femi – Rollup with trunks
Josh Briggs/Brooks Jensen b. Bronco Nima/Xyon Quinn – Atomic drop/big boot combination to Quinn



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NXT LVL Up – January 13, 2023: The Horrors Of Dull

Date: January 13, 2023
Location: Capitol Wrestling Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Sudu Shaw, Byron Saxton

As usual, LVL Up has me wondering what in the world I should be expecting. It might be a boring show, it might be a show with some slightly bigger NXT names or it might be a show that winds up being rather entertaining. It really is a show that could go anywhere, but it would be nice to have some more consistency. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Von Wagner vs. Oba Femi

Mr. Stone is here with Wagner, who powers Femi into the corner to start. A running shoulder drops Femi but he’s back with a running shoulder of his own. Wagner cuts him off with a clothesline though and starts in on the back. A belly to back suplex and elbow to the face put Femi down again and we hit the chinlock. Femi fights up and hits a running clothesline in the corner, earning himself a big boot. The Death Valley Driver finishes Femi at 4:13.

Rating: C. Nothing special to this one but Femi getting to be in there against a bigger name might mean something for him. At the same time, there is only so much to be gotten out of Wagner, who has not shown much in the way of variety so far. Maybe Wagner being here means WWE is giving up on him at the moment, which might be for the best until he can find something different in the ring.

Jakara Jackson is a goal (yes goal) digger and she needs to check Isla Dawn off her list tonight.

Jakara Jackson vs. Isla Dawn

They go with the grappling to start and Dawn takes her to the mat with a headscissors. Back up and Jackson grabs a headlock before dropkicking Dawn into the corner. Dawn isn’t having that and goes after Jackson’s hand, setting up the chinlock. A Meteora gives Dawn two so she yells at the referee (whom she has hurt before). The distraction lets Jackson get two off a rollup and a knee in the corner gets the same. Dawn uses the rope to block a suplex though and a Nightmare On Helm Street finishes Jackson at 5:25.

Rating: C. Decent showing from Jackson here but Dawn is the one who is going to be presented as something more important going forward. Dawn is going to be the new supernatural force, but thankfully she doesn’t go in that direction all of the time. Thankfully they didn’t waste it on what should be an easy win for her, meaning this made better sense.

Duke Hudson vs. Damon Kemp

Chase U is here with Hudson. Kemp struts to start and mocks Chase U (uh oh) and it’s Hudson cranking on his arm to stand up for his school. A knee to the ribs cuts Hudson off though and a fireman’s carry sets up the armbar on the mat. Hudson can’t flip away but he can power up and hit a hiptoss. Kemp is back up with a flapjack and neckbreaker, setting up a slingshot seated senton to the back for two. The chinlock goes on before some shots to the face just annoy Hudson. A running shoulder lets Hudson hit some spelling jabs and a running elbow (the Big Elbowski) finishes Kemp at 6:31.

Rating: C. You know what you’re going to get from a Hudson match, though changing from the big boot to the elbow to the face seems to be a bit of a downgrade. Speaking of downgrades, you have Kemp, who is lucky to make it on this show anymore. I was digging him as the amateur wrestler who didn’t care about anything good, but yet here he is, seemingly in NXT jail.

Overall Rating: C. Well, it was back to run of the mill this week, but it was nice to see some slightly different names around here. LVL Up, is the hardest show to predict each week, despite it doing so many of the same things. This was a pretty in the middle show, though it isn’t like the high end is that much better around here.

Von Wagner b. Oba Femi – Death Valley Driver
Isla Dawn b. Jakara Jackson – Nightmare On Helm Street
Duke Hudson b. Damon Kemp – Big Elbowski



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NXT LVL Up – December 30, 2022: Egads What A Dull Show

Date: December 30, 2022
Location: Capitol Wrestling Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Sudu Shah, Byron Saxton

It’s time for the final WWE show of the year and I have no idea what to expect around here. The good thing is that the show has been a little more focused in recent weeks but there is no reason to believe that it is going to continue for any length of time. Maybe they have something planned, but I’m not getting my hopes up. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Thea Hail vs. Amari Miller

The rest of Chase U is here with Hail, who gets armbarred to start. That’s reversed into a headlock takeover and some armdrags have Miller in more trouble. A middle rope spinning splash misses for Hail though and we hit the chinlock. Hail fights up and hits a springboard backsplash, setting up the neckbreaker spun into a faceplant for the pin at 5:54.

Rating: C. Hail is such a ball of energy that it is almost impossible to not like her at least a bit. She is so all in on this Chase U stuff that she is going to be something if she can back it up even the slightest bit in the ring. Miler has that great personality and smile but she feels like she is in the same place she was a year ago, which is rarely a good sign.

Oro Mensah is ready to show Javier Bernal what he is all about.

Bronco Nima/Lucien Price vs. Bryson Montana/Oba Femi

Now this is interesting as you don’t have any star power involved. Nima and Montana fight over a lockup to start with neither being able to get very far. Price comes in to kick Montana in the face for two, meaning it’s off to Femi. A big spinebuster drops Price and we hit the chinlock. It’s already back to Montana to forearm away but a charge misses in the corner. The tag brings in Nima as everything breaks down, leaving Montana to get Codebreakered into a German suplex for the pin at 4:20.

Rating: C. This is the kind of match that this show needs to do more often, as they let one of the new teams actually win something. Nima and Price might not be the next stars called up but at least they did something different here and that is long overdue. There’s something to be said about having four big guys hit each other and that’s what you got here.

Oro Mensah vs. Javier Bernal

Mensah wrestles him to the mat to start as commentary compares Bernal to Conor McGregor and Zoolander. An armdrag into an armbar has Bernal in trouble but he drops Mensah ribs first onto the top rope to take over. We hit the seated abdominal stretch, followed by an over the shoulder backbreaker to stay on the ribs. With that broken up, Mensah makes the comeback and starts striking away, setting up a springboard missile dropkick. The running spinwheel kick in the corner finishes for Mensah at 6:20.

Rating: C. These are two guys who are in weird places. Mensah hasn’t done anything since he came over here and has dropped rather hard since being in that #1 contenders match. Then you have Bernal, who is doing his comedy stuff well on NXT but loses to someone like Mensah. That’s a strange way to go and it didn’t work well here.

Overall Rating: C-. Egads this was a pretty worthless show, though I did like Nima and Price getting a win. Hail beating Miller doesn’t feel like much but the energy picking up was nice. The problem here was the show feeling so boring and there isn’t much that could be done to fix it this week. Maybe it was due to the holiday season but there wasn’t much here in the way of effort in the matchmaking and it showed badly.



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NXT LVL Up – November 18, 2022: HIM???

Date: November 18, 2022
Location: Capitol Wrestling Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Sudu Shah, Byron Saxton

We are on the way to Survivor Series and for once there was something a little different here last week. Granted it was just a six man tag but after the months of the same formula, a little change was nice to see. There is no reason to believe that will stick this week, but at least they made things better once. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Thea Hail vs. Dani Palmer

The rest of Chase U is here with Hail and this is Palmer’s debut. Palmer even shakes hands with Chase U to start so she seems rather nice. They fight over arm control to start, with Hail getting the better of things off an armbar. A springboard wristdrag keeps Palmer in trouble before we get the armbar sequel. Back up and Palmer flips her over to set up a standoff in a bit of a surprise. Palmer manages to grab an abdominal stretch, which Hail breaks away from to start the comeback. A neckbreaker spun into a faceplant gives Hail the pin at 4:41.

Rating: C. This was a nice to meet you match from Palmer, who is another gymnast who can do her stuff well enough already but has nothing to suggest that she is ready as a wrestler whatsoever. That being said, a fair few WWE stars have started out as gymnasts and done well in wrestling, so maybe that is where we are going here. Granted there is no way of knowing where Palmer is after less than five minutes, so this is hardly the definitive note on her career.

Oba Femi, a rather large man from Nigeria and the University of Alabama is ready for his debut and wants to make his family proud.

Oba Femi vs. Dante Chen

Commentary talks about Femi’s power records at the Performance Center so he seems to have something behind him. Femi powers Chen to the ropes to start but can’t get out of a headlock. An uppercut drops Chen and Femi launches him into the corner, setting up a one armed sideslam for two.

The bearhug goes on, followed by another uppercut for another two, and a second bearhug as Femi doesn’t have the most varied offense so far. Chen manages to power out of the bearhug and Femi misses an elbow. A missed charge into the corner doesn’t do much for Chen, who is right back with a top rope chop to the head for two. The double chop finishes Femi at 5:33.

Rating: D. What the….IT’S DANTE CHEN! You have this guy who looks great, gets hyped up, has his power game praised, and DANTE CHEN beats him? Chen has languished for so long in the depths of NXT that I don’t think many people remember he works here. You can’t have Femi grab a bearhug or a powerslam and pin him? Femi doesn’t need to become the next Bobby Lashley right now, but what the heck was the point in having him lose?

Oro Mensah vs. Stacks

Tony D’Angelo is on commentary. Stacks takes him down by the arm to start but Mensah comes up and cranks away on the arm right back. Some armdrags have Stacks bailing to the floor, followed by a running crotch attack on the ropes. Back in and Stacks takes him down before going after the arm, including a Fujiwara armbar.

Mensah slips out so Stacks grabs another armbar. That one is broken up as well and Mensah strikes away, setting up a springboard missile dropkick. D’Angelo offers a distraction though, including a crutch shot to the neck. A running knee to the back of the head (basically a Stomp with the knee) finishes Mensah at 5:40.

Rating: C. I’m not sure what happened to Mensah but he came in hot and then went pretty cold a few weeks later, to the point where he is stuck on this show instead of doing anything else. Stacks is a bigger deal than Mensah and should have won, but it’s still weird seeing Mensah fall pretty quickly. If nothing else, D’Angelo should be healthy soon and that should open up some more doors for both of them.

Overall Rating: D+. Well this was incredibly frustrating and that is because of one match. NXT has a history of doing things like this with people who look great, even if it is on a show that has no meaning whatsoever. Anyway, the show was the usual style, though I do like having some NXT midcarders show up as the main event. It gives the show a bigger feeling, though apparently not at that DANTE CHEN level. Annoying show, and all because of one not so bright decision.

Thea Hail b. Dani Palmer – Neckbreaker into a faceplant
Dante Chen b. Oba Femi – Double chop
Stacks b. Oro Mensah – Running knee to the back of the head



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