Smackdown – November 6, 2020: See? It Can Be Done.

IMG Credit: WWE

Date: November 6, 2020
Location: Amway Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Michael Cole, Corey Graves

Survivor Series is coming up and since that is all about brand vs. brand, this show and its major stories are almost going to exist in a vacuum for the time being. We do however have a big title match as Sasha Banks is getting to defend her Women’s Title against Bayley in a match that could be interesting. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

We open with a long and rather nice package on Bayley vs. Sasha Banks, chronicling their team, split and the title change. Nice job on making this feel pretty big.

Bayley hopes Sasha got her photo shoots in because she’s losing her title tonight, like she always does. Tonight, this ends like it began, with Banks crippled in the ring.

Women’s Title: Bayley vs. Sasha Banks

Banks is defending and drives Bayley into the corner to start. A forearm to the face sets up the rope walk wristdrag to take Bayley down but it’s too early for the Bank Statement. Back from a break with Banks hitting the running knees in the corner and Bayley heading to the apron. Banks gets a running charge so Bayley tries to use her legs to send Banks into the post…but leaves her over a foot short, meaning Banks falls onto Bayley/the apron instead in a nasty fall. Thankfully Banks is able to get back in for two and we hit the chinlock.

Banks gets back up and uses her legs to pull Bayley into the corner for a breather. The middle rope Meteora (almost more of a Thesz press this time) puts Bayley down but Banks can’t follow up. Instead Bayley rolls to the floor and it’s a crossbody off the apron to take her down again. We come back from another break with Bayley catching her on top but Banks takes it to the floor. Bayley counters a powerbomb with a hurricanrana into the announcers’ table but Banks breaks up the top rope elbow.

A running elbow on the apron sets up Banks’ frog splash for two but the Bank Statement is blocked. Bayley kicks her from the apron into the barricade…and it’s kendo stick time. The referee stops that so Bayley brings in a chair, but Banks throws it away. The distraction lets Bayley hit a Backstabber into the Bayley to Belly for a rather hot near fall.

Bayley’s top rope elbow gets two, mainly because it didn’t come close to making serious contact. A belly to back suplex gives Bayley two so she grabs the Bank Statement on Banks. That’s reversed into a cradle for the break and they head to the apron again. Bayley’s charge hits the post and now it’s the Bank Statement to retain Banks’ title at 18:24.

Rating: B-. Some of those moves either not connecting or just not working well hurt this a good bit though they never felt like they were going long and that’s a great thing. Above all else though, they made it feel like Banks FINALLY defending a title was a big deal and that’s what mattered the most. Good match, though it needed to be a little sharper to really work.

Post match Banks celebrates but Carmella pops up on stage with a superkick into an X Factor. Well to be fair Banks needed a fresh challenger and Carmella is far from the worst choice.

Kevin Owens comes up to Jey Uso at the coffee table and asks why Jey is getting Roman Reigns’ coffee. Jey doesn’t like that but it was just a joke. Owens talks about the Survivor Series team instead because they’re partners. It seems that Jey has a lot on his mind though so Owens leaves him alone. Jey’s emotional stuff has been very sharp this whole time and it’s making the story.

Survivor Series will be the Undertaker’s Final Farewell. Cool idea, if you believe it’s his final anything.

Jey Uso looks at a long video on his aggression against Daniel Bryan last week, which did come with a win. He doesn’t like the suggestion that he has to do everything Roman says but here’s Paul Heyman to ask if Reigns authorized this interview. Roman needs to talk to Jey and he shouldn’t be kept waiting.

Rey Mysterio can’t find Aalyah or get her on the phone when Dominick comes in to say his match is now. Rey tells him to go find his gear but here’s King Corbin, Mysterio’s opponent, to jump him from behind.

Heyman says he respects Jey but he has to run things like this by Roman. Jey: “I have to run an interview on TV by my cousin???” Heyman: “I’m glad you understand.” Jey has to stay outside while Heyman goes to get Reigns, who isn’t happy with the interview. Reigns doesn’t like what Kevin Owens was saying because if Owens disrespects one of them, he disrespects the entire bloodline. Is that what Jey is going to allow? Jey says he’s going to handle it and leaves.

Reigns asks Heyman if he knew about this and Heyman seems nervous. Reigns says Heyman is supposed to handle things so Reigns doesn’t have to. He tells Heyman to go find Adam Pearce so we can solve this Owens problem tonight. Heyman looking terrified of angering Reigns is great and can build up to a lot more things later.

Survivor Series Qualifying Match: Rey Mysterio vs. King Corbin

Rey is banged up but has Dominick in his corner. Corbin snaps off a spinebuster for an early two as Rey isn’t even in his gear. A few more shots keep Rey down and Corbin stands on his head for a bonus. They head outside with Corbin missing a charge into the steps but he’s right back with an elbow to the face back inside. Rey starts fighting back again but here’s Seth Rollins for a distraction.

We take a break and come back with Rey hitting a springboard splash but getting launched into the corner. An over the shoulder spinning faceplant drops Rey again and Corbin hammers away at the back. Rey knocks him off the top and tries a dive but gets caught in a series of backbreakers. The World’s Strongest Slam gives Corbin two so Mysterio rolls out to the floor. Corbin is right out there with him for some rams into the apron and the bearhug goes on.

Rey fights out of that because it’s a bearhug and some kicks put Corbin down. The springboard seated senton gets two but Corbin ducks to the floor to avoid the 619. Corbin decks Dominick from behind, which earns him a slingshot dive from Rey. Now the 619 connects but Rollins jumps Dominick this time around. Rey breaks that up but now it’s Murphy and Aalyah (who is having some issues keeping her dress up) coming down as well. Rey yells at them and walks into End of Days for the pin at 14:03.

Rating: C-. It didn’t feel overly long but at the same time there were a few too many things going on in there near the end. I can live with Corbin going to Survivor Series (you knew it was coming) but at the same time, how much longer can they actually drag out Mysterio vs. Rollins? We’ll be at six months next week and it actually seems to be extending out even longer. Lucky us.

Survivor Series Qualifying Match: Natalya vs. Zelina Vega vs. Ruby Riott

Ruby has gotten a heck of a haircut and her remaining hair is dyed green. Vega is knocked outside early on and it’s Natalya slamming Riott down for two. They had to the corner but Vega is back in to knock Natalya outside and hit a hurricanrana driver for two on Riott. Natalya comes back in and gets Vega into the Sharpshooter. Riott adds in an armbar but Natalya lets go, leaving Vega to tap to Riott at 3:08. That was unique.

Rating: C-. The match didn’t have time to go anywhere but that was a creative finish and I can go for more of Riott in a bigger spot. She comes off as more of a natural around here and is certainly unique looking, so at least they have something a little different with her. It’s better than Natalya at least.

Big E. is in the back hustling people at Trivial Pursuit when the Street Profits come in to offer him a spot in the champions’ lounge. He appreciated the offer but thinks they’re just trying to get some information on New Day. Big E. has a tip for them: lay down in the ring and New Day won’t beat them up so badly. Maniacal laughter ensues and Big E. leaves, with Billie Kay coming in to replace him. She offers them her head shot/resume and says she has some inside information on the red brand. Dawkins: “Billie, we were on Raw at the same time as you.” Billie is stunned as they leave.

We get another video on the recent Murphy vs. Rollins vs. Mysterios drama.

Survivor Series Qualifying Match: Seth Rollins vs. Otis

Rollins knocks him down to start but has some issues with the power of giggling. Cue Murphy for a distraction as we see the Mysterios watching in the back. So much for those issues I guess. A backdrop puts Rollins in front of Murphy and the distraction lets Otis run him over. Otis looks at Murphy but walks into a Sling Blade on the way back inside.

For some reason Rollins tries a shoulder to the stomach, which works as well as you would expect. Shaking and gyrating ensue and Otis runs him over a few times. Rollins gets a boot up in the corner but he dives into a fall away slam. There’s the running splash in the corner but Murphy gets on the apron to distract Murphy. The superkick into the Stomp sends Rollins to Survivor Series at 4:34.

Rating: D+. You’re only going to get so far with Otis in a singles match and thankfully they didn’t go with a rather ridiculous move by having him beat Rollins. I’m not all that interested in seeing more from Rollins/Murphy but we’re way past the point where that is going to matter. Otis’ push seems to be done though and while I can’t say I’m complaining, I do feel sorry that he had everything pulled out from under his feet thanks to the pandemic.

Murphy leaves almost immediately as Rollins seems both pleased and confused.

Post break Rollins catches up to Murphy (he must be a slow walker) and thinks he knows what he saw out there tonight. Rollins nearly begs Murphy to tell him that he’s right. Murphy points to Rollins and calls him messiah, then points to himself and says disciple. That’s what Rollins wanted to hear and he’s rather pleased as he walks off. Aalyah comes in and yells at Murphy, who tells her to calm down because he knows what he is doing. This is for the greater good.

Earlier today, Michael Cole sat down with Lars Sullivan, who reiterated his hatred of bullies because he has been bullied his entire life. People have gotten on him for the way he looks, dresses and talks. Those bullies would shoves him down, steal his lunch and call him freak. When he was thirteen years old, he started lifting weights and gained 50lbs of muscle in eighteen months.

That stopped the bullying and he became the bully. He would bully the kids who laughed at him because they deserved it and he could bully whomever he wanted. Sullivan could make them say or eat whatever he wanted, like bugs. Or he could do this, and he screams. That’s intimidation and bullying and he loves it. These interviews are oddly working for me.

Kevin Owens is ready for his match and says he is going to have to fight his Survivor Series partner. Sometimes he has a bad habit of speaking his mind and it can get him in trouble. If what he said earlier got him in trouble, then so be it. Last week, Jey got out of hand with Daniel Bryan but Owens can’t talk much as he has done some questionable things. The difference is that he did them himself because he is his own man, unlike Jey. The beating Jey has coming is 100% from Owens.

Kevin Owens vs. Jey Uso

Owens grabs a headlock as Reigns and Heyman are watching in the back. Jey sends him to the apron though and snaps the throat across the top. The suicide dive is left a bit short, so Owens catches him for a toss into the barricade. The frog splash off the apron crushes Jey and sends us to a break. Back with Owens hitting a DDT and going up top but here’s Heyman for a distraction. Uso is not one to look a gift Heyman in the mouth and superkicks Owens to the floor for a ram into the steps.

Jey’s chinlock doesn’t last long as Owens is right back up with a superkick. Another superkick sets up the Cannonball and the Swanton gets two. Uso is back with a neckbreaker for two of his own but Owens is right back with the Pop Up Powerbomb for two as Uso gets his foot on the rope. Reigns’ music comes on though and Jey hits a low blow into a low superkick. The Superfly (not frog Cole) Splash gives Jey the pin at 11:27.

Rating: C. This was another storyline development win and it’s not like Owens lost clean. That being said, even though he is just Reigns’ minion at this point, Jey has now beaten AJ Styles, Daniel Bryan and Kevin Owens in a little over a month. That’s a good run for anyone and the match was pretty watchable. Well done on making a new star and having a great story to boot. See? It can be done.

Post match Jey poses with Reigns and Heyman to end the show.

Overall Rating: C+. They had three distinct parts to this show with the title match taking up the first fourth, then a bunch of Survivor Series qualifying matches (with the Rollins/Mysterios stuff tied into the men’s) and then the Uso/Reigns/Owens stuff. That makes for a packed but also entertaining show, which flew by as it tends to do. I’m liking this show a lot more than I used to and so much of that goes to Reigns and company, because they are having one of the most interesting stories of the year. Good show here, even though it isn’t like to get much attention given the election coverage.


Sasha Banks b. Bayley – Bank Statement

King Corbin b. Rey Mysterio – End of Days

Ruby Riott b. Zelina Vega and Natalya – Armbar to Vega

Seth Rollins b. Otis – Stomp

Jey Uso b. Kevin Owens – Superfly Splash



Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:

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Monday Night Raw – May 29, 2006: There Goes The Streak

IMG Credit: WWE

Monday Night Raw
Date: May 29, 2006
Location: Tacoma Dome, Tacoma, Washington
Commentators: Jim Ross, Jerry Lawler

We’re on the way to One Night Stand and the top of the show is starting to take place. Given that it isn’t a traditional show, there is a good chance that we won’t be seeing much more than just the two main matches. I’m not sure what we’re going to see on the way there, but Rob Van Dam vs. John Cena needs some build. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

We open with the traditional Memorial Day video. That’s always nice to see.

Here’s Vince McMahon to get things going. He gets to the point by saying that losing HHH was like losing one of his own (maybe not the best illustration on Memorial Day) and we see HHH hitting Shane McMahon with the sledgehammer two weeks ago. Shane is still recovering but he has a lot of headaches. As for everything else, Shawn Michaels is no more because of what the Spirit Squad did to him last week.

After looking at Shawn’s knee being destroyed, Vince talks to Shawn at home, suggesting that the fans are chanting various insults at him. There is always a place for Shawn in WWE though. Maybe he could set the ring up or be a timekeeper or something like that. We also look at HHH turning on the Spirit Squad last week, which has Vince flabbergasted. Vince is ready to see HHH’s true colors tonight, as he faces Kenny.

Other than that though, Vince needs to announce a new General Manager, but there is no one who fits the requirements. Instead, here’s his new Executive Assistant: Jonathan Coachman. Coach comes out to announce some matches tonight, including John Cena vs. someone he has never faced before, Edge vs. Big Show, with the winner getting a WWE Title shot at Vengeance, and Shelton Benjamin defending the Intercontinental Title against Kane. Coach thanks Vince for the chance but Vince orders him to get HHH in his office right now.

Intercontinental Title: Kane vs. Shelton Benjamin

Kane is challenging and knocks Shelton down before the bell to start fast. Shelton slips out of a suplex to start and hammers away, which earns him a big boot to the floor. We take a break and come back with Shelton holding a chinlock, thanks to posting Kane while we were away. Shelton kicks him in the head but Kane sits up and hits another big boot. There’s the side slam into the top rope clothesline.

The chokeslam is countered into a rollup but even the feet on the ropes isn’t enough to keep the title. The Dragon Whip is countered as well but the counter is countered into a spinning DDT. Shelton’s Stinger Splash hits Kane’s back so Shelton tries one to his face, which is countered into a chokeslam. That should be it, but here’s Kane’s old music and….a guy in a really bad Kane Halloween costume, complete with the old mask. The real Kane is even more confused and gets chokeslammed as the match was thrown out somewhere in there.

Rating: D+. What we got wasn’t too bad but I don’t see this Kane vs. Kane story going very well. The Undertaker vs. Undertaker idea didn’t work twelve years before this and something tells me that the modern version isn’t going to be better. If nothing else, at least find a better costume. Like the inverted red and black one which always looked great.

Post break, here’s what you saw pre-break, which might not be the best thing to remind the fans about.

Coach is looking for HHH but runs into Armando Alejandro Estrada, who offers Vince his services instead. With Coach gone, Viscera pins Estrada face first against the wall and swears vengeance on Umaga as I try not to imagine various thrusting motions.

HHH comes in to see Vince and tries to calm things down. Vince makes tonight’s main event a Spirit Jack match, with a Spirit Squad member in each corner. HHH: “You would do that for me?” He promises to bring a friend of his own, and happens to have his sledgehammer.

Umaga vs. Viscera

Umaga jumps him before the bell and sends Viscera face first into the ramp. They get in and the Samoan Spike finishes in thirty seconds. They kept cutting to Lilian Garcia because she and Viscera are still a thing.

More See No Evil stuff.

Torrie Wilson/Beth Phoenix vs. Victoria/Candice Michelle

Trish Stratus and Mickie James are the thirds. Beth and Victoria slug it out to start, with Lawler making “trading licks” jokes. Torrie comes in to help Beth with a double chop, followed by the Stink Face. Victoria slams her down and hands it off to Candice for a Vader Bomb. A dancing elbow gets two but another misses, allowing the hot tag to Beth to clean house. Beth knocks Victoria into Mickie and finishes Candice with a Michinoku Driver.

Rating: D. They did what they were trying to do here by introducing Beth and letting her get a win, though you can only get so far with Torrie and Candice working a good chunk of the match. They’re trying to do something new though and just adding Beth and Mickie is a great breath of fresh air. The division has needed that for years so maybe this can help.

Back from a break with Lawler ranting about how bad ECW, including several shots at Tazz, but here’s Rob Van Dam to interrupt. Van Dam doesn’t hit Lawler but does sit in on commentary, suggesting that Lawler hang up his boots like Tazz did. Wouldn’t that be just the same situation that Lawler is in now? Think this stuff through Rob.

John Cena vs. Johnny Nitro

Non-title and the Nitro, with Melina, push begins. That entrance really does make them seem like some of the biggest stars around. Melina gives Nitro a kiss on the cheek to start but Cena punches him in the face to get things going in a hurry. Nitro kicks him down and drops the breakdancing legdrop before hammering away in the corner. Lawler and Van Dam argue about ECW on commentary (you can tell Lawler really didn’t like it and that helps a lot) as Cena makes the comeback (about two minutes into the match), hits all of his signature stuff, and finishes clean with the STFU in a hurry.

Rating: D+. Well ok then. I understand that Nitro, a career tag guy so far, shouldn’t be beating or realistically even hanging with Cena, but maybe they shouldn’t put him against Cena in his singles debut. Aside from the legdrop and a few right hands, this was all Cena, who barely looked like he broke a sweat. I’m not sure I get this, as someone like Chris Masters or any other midcard heel would have been far more expendable and been able to do the same thing.

Cena and Van Dam have a staredown post match until Nitro sidesteps a charging Nitro to send him into Rob.

Here are Mick Foley, with the Hardcore Title, and Paul Heyman, at face to face podiums for a chat. Foley talks about Heyman calling him a prostitute last week and yeah Foley is guilty. If you’re here to see men of principles taking a stand, you’re in the wrong place. The only difference between ECW Mick Foley and WWE Mick Foley is Mick has traded up for a billion dollar pimp in Vince McMahon.

That brings him to One Night Stand, which is where Foley gets upset. How can ECW claim to be hardcore after he and Edge tore the house down at Wrestlemania? Either way, Foley wishes Heyman and his porn addicted, pot smoking band of Mick Foley wannabes with their show. Heyman says that would mean more if it didn’t come from a Terry Funk knockoff. Foley admits that Funk is the greatest wrestler he has ever seen and Dreamer was tough but they couldn’t do what he did. Heyman: “Pull a sock out of their crotch, put it on his hand and entertain Vince McMahon while he was in the hospital?”

Foley says Funk and Dreamer had “Bingo Hall Balls” because they would never venture to WWE (uh…..) and do what Foley did. Foley goes around to Heyman’s side and says you either left ECW as a drunk, a drug addict, a criminal or a corpse. Heyman just resents Foley for becoming the biggest star the industry has ever seen. That’s not true actually, as Heyman’s issue is that Foley is a w****.

However, Heyman wants Foley to understand the new vision for ECW. It isn’t just going to be about flaming tables and piledriving women (Heyman: “We’ll still have some of that.”) but as Foley knows, ECW is coming back full time (if that had been mentioned before, it was completely in passing). Anyone from Raw or Smackdown is welcome to jump over, but Vince has also given him two Draft picks, one from each show.

Foley says the Raw pick is going to be Rob Van Dam, because Rob really was, ahem, a high flier. Heyman: “The Kool-Aid comes in many forms Mick.” As for the Smackdown pick….Foley cuts him off, suggesting that it is going to be a scarred up Mick Foley ripoff. Actually it’s someone ECW has been wanting for some time and he’s here tonight: KURT ANGLE. Foley is ready to fight and is taken down in a heartbeat, setting up the Angle Slam to send Foley leaving.

There’s a lot to unpack here, and that’s a good thing. First of all, these two were the perfect picks for this argument as they are two of the best talkers ever and Foley can easily keep up with Heyman when he’s on. Heyman can get away with calling out Foley’s hypocrisy and make you believe every bit of it, which isn’t something everyone can do.

Then there’s the ECW relaunch, which is a pretty big deal of its own. Having big names come over will help it, but the one thing I always got out of it was that it wasn’t WCW, the AWA, WCCW or something else coming back or some new show. It was ECW, which does say something about the impact that it had. At the very least there was a nostalgia for it, which says a lot about a company that wasn’t really around that long. It’s cool to see it coming back, though I don’t know how much faith you could have put into WWE to do it right, even from here.

This Week In Wrestling History: Andre the Giant debuts, June 1, 1971. Dang it why can’t these clips be on the Network?

Edge vs. Big Show

Lita is here with Edge and the winner gets a World Title shot at Vengeance. JR: “This is a Wrestlemania like environment.” I don’t remember many #1 contenders matches at Wrestlemania. Edge ducks a chop in the corner to start and slugs away but the second chop attempt works rather well. Another chop puts Edge down but Lita grabs Show’s foot so Edge can slug away to no avail.

Show hits Snake Eyes but Edge manages to snap him throat first off the top. The charge sends Show head first into the buckle and Edge manages an Impaler. The spear is countered into a chokeslam attempt so Edge throws the referee down. Edge is sent outside and grabs a chair, which is swatted away. Lita gets in a low blow so now it’s a chair, setting up the spear to finish Show.

Rating: D+. We haven’t been having very good matches tonight but they are accomplishing their goals, which is much more important. Edge cheated over and over here but gets a title match out of it, which I’ll take over them just announcing his shot at Vengeance. This did what it was supposed to do and that is what matters most.

Yet another See No Evil video.

Smackdown Rebound.

HHH, with sledgehammer, runs into Vince, who takes the hammer away and says not tonight.

Kenny vs. HHH

The Spirit Squad is here too. HHH punches him down to start so Kenny bails to the floor. A neck snap across the top rope lets Kenny take over for all of a second before HHH runs him over again. The jumping knee to the arm region looks to set up the Pedigree but Mitch grabs the leg. Mitch is sent hard into the steps and some more of the Squad is knocked down as we take a break.

Back with Kenny still in trouble and HHH beating up the Squad for trying to help him up. The triple teaming puts HHH down for a change and Kenny gets two. A right hand into some choking from the floor sets up another right hand but Kenny is sent shoulder first into the post. More interference lets Johnny kick HHH in the face to give Kenny two and the group stomping is on again.

Back in and Kenny Tunes Up The Band but HHH counters (he’s seen it enough) with a DDT. A low blow cuts HHH down again though and it’s time to wrap the knee around the post a few times. Kenny starts pulling on the knee and drops some elbow but HHH kicks Mikey into the ropes to crotch Kenny down. The facebuster starts the comeback and HHH pounds away in the corner. There’s the spinebuster but the Pedigree attempt is broken up by more distractions. The next attempt is enough to finish Kenny off.

Rating: C-. While it was better than the rest of the matches on the show (the time helped a lot), this was a little bit too much HHH, as not only did he survive the 5-1 beatdown, but he won the match as clean as can be expected. It wasn’t the worst match, but HHH winning over these odds is kind of a lot to take.

Post match the beatdown is still on but HHH whips out a spare sledgehammer. HHH cleans house but here’s Vince to say next week, HHH joins his special club.

Overall Rating: D+. And there goes the hot streak, as they did advance stories in a logical way but it also included so many bad to very bad matches that the storyline stuff was overwhelmed. Throw in the double Kane thing and there was only so much that could be done. The Heyman/Foley showdown was rather good (as you might have guessed), but there were so many things that felt either shortsighted or just dumb that it was knocked backwards. Bad show, and hopefully not the start of a trend.

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:

And check out my Amazon author page with cheap wrestling books at:

Monday Night Raw – May 22, 2006: What More Could You Ask For?

IMG Credit: WWE

Monday Night Raw
Date: May 22, 2006
Location: Thomas And Mack Center, Las Vegas, Nevada
Commentators: Jim Ross, Jerry Lawler

Smackdown has gotten through its pay per view now so it’s time for Raw to get ready for something of its own. In theory at least, as the next show is ECW One Night Stand, which could go in a lot of directions. This show has been a lot better than Smackdown as of late though so hopefully they keep it up here. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

We open with a recap of the end of last week’s show with HHH accidentally hitting Shane McMahon in the face with a sledgehammer.

Vince McMahon is looking rather serious and says Shane only survived because of superior conditioning and genetics. Tonight, HHH is apologizing and if it is anything less than severe, HHH will incur his wrath.

Here’s Mick Foley, in a suit, to open things up with something covered up in the ring. Mick thanks the fans for their support in light of the strange circumstances over the last few weeks. Contrary to popular belief, he is not a bad guy. He’s the guy who sticks his thumb and says how great it is to be right here in Las Vegas. Except it isn’t, because he doesn’t like a city where you can change your life on a gamble.

People should earn it like he did, because he didn’t become a three time WWE Champion with a roll of a dice. Foley is like this man, so here are Edge and Lita. After kissing Lita’s hand again and is blown away by her lack of a shirt. Anyway, Foley talks about how great of a hardcore match they had and they embody the entire hardcore style instead of what ECW did. That’s why he is giving Edge his Hardcore Title, which was given to him in his retirement ceremony. Edge puts the belt on his shoulder but says he can’t accept it….because he has the hottest girl in Vegas going to bed with him tonight.

Edge talks about everything Foley did for hardcore wrestling and knows Foley should be champion. Foley takes a shot at Ric Flair for calling him a glorified stuntman and earning a Wrestlemania paycheck by not dying in a ladder match. With that out of the way, Foley suggests one more hardcore match tonight to crown the real champion. Edge has a better idea and has Lilian Garcia announce them as co-champions.

Cue Paul Heyman to say he knows it’s legal here, but he’s looking at live prostitution in the ring. He actually doesn’t mean Lita because Mick Foley is prostituting his legacy for Edge and Lita. Foley has prostituted his name and legacy but he isn’t prostituting the name of hardcore. Instead, Foley can tell us what it means to look in the mirror and see a shell of yourself. Foley says he sees a co-holder of the Hardcore Title and a living legend. He finds it ironic that Heyman is talking about someone being a shell of himself because Heyman has nothing.

Heyman says he has no power, but he can make a challenge for One Night Stand: Edge/Mick Foley vs. any two ECW guys Heyman can drag up. Foley tells him to get out so Heyman says Lita is the only one in the ring with any testicles. Lita grabs her crotch but Edge says the match is on. The two of them go after Heyman so here are the opponents for the save: Tommy Dreamer and Terry Funk.

The fight is on and the villains run off from the threat of violence. We get the ECW theme to make it even better, after another step in a perfectly well done story. Dreamer fits in really well here (yeah I said it) and Funk is always game, so this has a lot of potential. The promos have been great too, with Heyman being the only person who could say those things and hang with Foley.

The Diva Search is back. Does it have to be?

Intercontinental Title: Rob Van Dam vs. Shelton Benjamin

Van Dam is challenging and shoulders Benjamin down to start. A floatover suplex gives Rob two but Shelton elbows him in the face. The stepover kick to the face looks to set up Rolling Thunder but Shelton rolls to the floor and we take a break. Back with Van Dam fighting out of a chinlock but Rob fights up and gets two off a sunset flip. Shelton’s neckbreaker gets the same and we’re back in the chinlock with a bodyscissors.

Rating: C+. They were having a nice match and the ending keeps Van Dam hot while keeping the title on Benjamin. That’s as logical of a move as they could have had and I’ll take that over Van Dam losing via cheating. That briefcase seems ready to go and it would make a lot of sense for an ECW wrestler to use that at an ECW show.

Post match Rob gives Shelton a Five Star to make the fans smile.

Vince McMahon is with ZZ Top when Candice Michelle comes in. They seem impressed with her homemade pearl necklace.

We see the same video that opened the show.

Here’s Vince McMahon for a chat. He wastes no time in demanding that HHH get out here right now for the apology. After a few moments, here’s a serious looking HHH. Vince reminds HHH of what Shawn Michaels said to him a few months back, when Shawn told him to move on. HHH might want to remember what happened to Shawn since then before he gets to his apology.

Vince wants him to say two words, so HHH has two words for him: I’m sorry. Those are the right words, but there’s one more thing: HHH has to crush Shawn’s skull with a sledgehammer after the Spirit Squad beats Shawn tonight. HHH shakes his hand and says they have an understanding. Sounds shenanigansy.

Another look at See No Evil. At least it’s in theaters now so we can start getting away from these videos.

Kane says May 19 was the date that his family was killed in a fire but now he can no longer block all the pain. Now he has a movie out where he kills a lot of people and now he gets to let out some anger tonight. He’s never been better.

John Cena vs. Chris Masters

Non-title. Masters punches away to start but gets slammed and elbowed for two. It’s too early for the FU and Masters blasts him with a clothesline to the floor. Back in and the delayed suplex gets two as we have some pro Cena chants. Cena blocks the Masterlock attempt and they crash out to the floor as we take a break. Back with Cena slugging away and hitting some clotheslines. The STFU makes Master tap in a hurry, with the post break stuff barely lasting thirty seconds.

Rating: D+. They didn’t have time to do much here but was anyone doubting Cena’s chances against Masters? There is only so much you can get out of Masters in a main event roll because he is a one move wrestler. Cena barely broke a sweat here and that’s how it was supposed to go.

Post match here’s Rob Van Dam to say sup champ. He forced his way into this spot so now he wants his title shot in a place where he isn’t likely to get screwed. Like at One Night Stand. Cena is stunned by this for some reason and the fight is on. Masters tries to jump Cena and is quickly dispatched, allowing Van Dam to use the briefcase for a Van Daminator.

Carlito tries to get Maria to help him cheat in poker. They run into Snitsky, who is trying to hook up with a Las Vegas showgirl. He goes over to talk about her feet and offers her Chinese food and See No Evil. It’s Goldust for your gag of the night, which Carlito dubs “not cool”.

Shawn Michaels wants to know what HHH is thinking. He always respected HHH (oh here we go) but HHH sold his soul to the devil out there. Glaring ensues.

Trevor Murdoch thinks Tom Hanks will get an Oscar nomination over Kane. I think you know where this is going.

Kane vs. Trevor Murdoch

Chokeslam finishes in less than a minute.

The fans request and receive another chokeslam, with Kane adding a third for fun. The fire comes out of the posts….and Kane’s mask is on the screen. In what shouldn’t be a shock, the mask starts talking, saying this started on May 19 and will never be over.

This Week In Wrestling History: Scott Hall jumps the barricade. Again, not on the Network for some reason.

Torrie Wilson vs. Mickie James

Non-title and Torrie has new music. Mickie drives her into the corner to start but Torrie is back with a rollup. The swinging neckbreaker gets two on Mickie and they mistime a hot shot. Mickie hammers away and finishes with the MickieDT before it can get worse.

Post match here’s Trish Stratus to say Beth Phoenix is now part of the roster. Beth jumps Mickie at ringside and the chase is on through the crowd.

Here’s Viscera to say it’s time to settle down….with Lilian Garcia. Lilian gets in the ring and cuts Viscera off, saying he dumped her for Godfather’s ladies the last time they were in Vegas. Viscera has something for her here though: a cheeseburger. See, if they get married in a chapel tonight, she can cook for him every day so he doesn’t have to eat cheeseburgers every day. He drops to a knee but here’s Armando Alejandro Estrada to interrupt. Viscera has a little problem, so here’s Umaga for the brawl, with Viscera being crushed against the post. The beating continues until the Samoan Spike leaves Viscera laying.

Another See No Evil video.

The Spirit Squad tells HHH to stay in the back until they give him a signal. Those are Vince’s orders, and HHH doesn’t seem thrilled.


Shawn Michaels vs. Spirit Squad

Non-title and it’s a big pop for Shawn, who comes to the ring with a chair. Hang on though as here’s Vince to say we won’t need a referee or that chair either. The referee takes it away and leaves as the Squad comes in to start the fight in a hurry. The Upsa Daisy plants Shawn and the series of moonsaults has Vince rather pleased on the stage.

There’s a double suplex and a lot of stomping, plus a big running clothesline in the corner (with the Squad providing a double step up). Hold on though as Shawn gets in a few shots before grabbing the chair to even things up a bit. The top rope elbow connects on Mikey and there’s Sweet Chin Music to make it worse. Nicky chairs Shawn’s knee out though and they rip the gear off of his leg.

The fans chant for HHH as the knee brace is taken off. Kenny Pillmanizes the leg with a top rope legdrop so NOW Vince calls HHH down to the ring. Cue HHH with the sledgehammer but Kenny takes it away because he wants to do it. HHH steps in front of him and beats the Squad down himself as we have a face turn (or at least most of one) to end the show.

Rating: D. There wasn’t a ref and there wasn’t an ending so I don’t think you can really call this a match, but the bell did ring. This was more of the same with Vince stacking the deck but this time they changed it up a bit, which is a good way to mix it up. The wrestling wasn’t the point here and it was only a match in the loosest sense of the word anyway.

Overall Rating: B. This show is nailing it as of late as they are doing almost everything you could want in two hours. There are new people being introduced and developed, an interesting main event, some good action and One Night Stand is looking promising. The biggest issue is having too much See No Evil stuff, but I can forgive that well enough. Rather good show here as Raw’s roll continues.




Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:

And check out my Amazon author page with cheap wrestling books at:

Smackdown – October 2, 2020: They Know What They’re Doing

IMG Credit: WWE

Date: October 2, 2020
Location: Amway Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Michael Cole, Corey Graves

We are past Clash Of Champions and the pretty amazing moment between Roman Reigns and Jey Uso in the main event. Reigns wants to be acknowledged as the Tribal Chief of the Anoa’i Family and beat his family to get what he wanted. Even Paul Heyman seems scared of what he has done and now we will get to see where things are going. Let’s get to it.

Here is Clash Of Champions if you need a recap.

We open with a recap of Reigns destroying Jey until Jimmy Uso came down to throw in the towel.

Here are Heyman and Reigns for Reigns to be officially crowned Tribal Chief. Heyman, sounding shaken, says it’s time for the crowning, but Reigns says he wants to hear Jey Uso acknowledge him. Cue Jey to say he doesn’t know Reigns, who showed his true colors on Sunday. Jey did as well though, because Reigns beat him up. Reigns won’t break his spirit though, and if Jimmy didn’t throw in the towel, Jey would be champion.

Reigns says if Jey wasn’t proud of what he did, Clash was the worst night of his career, both professionally and personally. That’s not what he wanted to do going into that match because he was trying to help Jey. All he wanted to do was put his name in the main event for once. He loves Jey more than Jimmy does and all Jey had to do was acknowledge him as the Tribal Chief.

All he wanted was to represent the family to the fullest, but Jey disrespected him. Jey broke his heart and even now, Jey can’t look him in his eyes. If Jey wants another shot, sure he can have it. We’ll do it at Hell In A Cell, but it will have the highest stakes in WWE history. Reigns hugs him and whispers something in his ear that the microphone doesn’t entirely pick up and walks off with Heyman.

Jey cuts him off though and says whatever the stakes are, Reigns is on. Cole implies that the match is going to be inside the Cell but neither Jey nor Reigns said that. With Reigns and Heyman gone, here is AJ Styles to say it doesn’t matter who gets the most chicken bones at the end of the table. AJ says Jimmy is the better athlete anyway and Jey is just the runt. Jey knocks him outside and hits a dive off the announcers’ table.

Jey Uso vs. AJ Styles

AJ starts with the trash talk (in the loudly mic’d up ring) but gets kicked down. A headbutt to the chest connects but AJ avoids a charge in the corner. Some kicks to the back and chest set up the jumping knee to Uso for an early two. Uso gets catapulted throat first into the bottom rope but he’s fine enough to counter the Styles Clash. AJ gets sent outside again but he’s fine enough to cut off a dive with a kick to the head. There’s a suplex to put Jey onto the announcers’ table and we take a break.

Back with Jey fighting out of a chinlock and grabbing a neckbreaker for two. The superkick is cut off though and AJ grabs the fireman’s carry backbreaker for his own two. Uso kicks him to the floor and hits the big dive but the Superfly Splash hits knees. Jey breaks up the Phenomenal Forearm though and hits a low superkick to set up the Superfly Splash for the upset pin at 10:46.

Rating: B-. This is a heck of an upset win for Jey but it isn’t the biggest stretch in the world and that’s one of the better things about being such a successful tag wrestler. No Jey hasn’t done these things on his own, but he has had success elsewhere so this isn’t coming completely out of nowhere. Good match too, which shouldn’t be a surprise given who was in there.

Post match Jey looks serious and keeps saying “I’m gonna get him.”

We look at Sami Zayn winning the ladder match.

Sami as both Intercontinental Titles and says he knows people are expecting him to gloat. Tonight is a whirlwind of emotions though and at the top of that list is resentment and anger. Initially his anger was against the fans because no one said a word when he was stripped of the titles. When AJ won the fraudulent title the fans cheered and then they just accepted it when he lost it to Jeff Hardy. As the only one around here with any principles, Sami throws the new title in the trash.

We recap Miz and Morrison trying to get Otis to hand over the Money in the Bank briefcase.

Next week: Otis defends himself in court. Oh sweet goodness.

Otis vs. John Morrison

Otis slugs him down to start and runs him over with a clothesline for a bonus. A pop up faceplant drops Morrison again and Otis throws him down with a suplex. The Caterpillar into the Vader Bomb finishes Morrison at 1:39. Well that was efficient.

Big E. says that with the Draft looming, he wants to face Sheamus in a Falls Count Anywhere match next week.

Sheamus vs. Shorty G.

Shorty sends him into the post and gets two off a German suplex to start. The moonsault misses though and the Brogue Kick drops Shorty. Another finishes him at 53 seconds. Of all the people being treated as stupid jobbers, Gable very well might be the most frustrating one I’ve seen in years.

Here’s Raw’s Kevin Owens (in a Street Profits shirt) for the Kevin Owens Show. Since this might be his new home after the Draft, he thought he should get used to this place so he’s here to talk to Alexa Bliss. Owens talks about how he has seen this change in Bliss’ attitude and anger, which reminds him of what he sees in Aleister Black. Bliss doesn’t know what he means and asks about Owens changing as well.

Owens says this is about her changing and asks to understand about the darkness taking over her. In a rather out there voice, Bliss talks about being in his (the Fiend’s) presence and how you feel like you’re on pins and needles. When he looks at you, it’s like you can’t look away. Owens would not know what that is like though, as Owens says we’re not talking about Black anymore. He says it’s like Bliss is brainwashed, and she says that’s true.

All of the lies have been washed away and she has been cleansed by him. Owens: “He’s here isn’t he?” Bliss: “He’s everywhere. I can hear him now. Let him in.” The lights go out and here’s the Fiend for the Mandible Claw to Owens as Bliss looks on. Fiend reaches his hand out to Bliss, who slowly takes it in a pretty creepy moment.

King Corbin/Cesaro/Shinsuke Nakamura vs. Matt Riddle/Lucha House Party

Before the match, Riddle talks about how this might be his last chance to team with his Lucha Bros. Kalisto isn’t there, though the rest of the House Party doesn’t seem to mind. Nakamura strikes away at Dorado to start but gets caught with a dropkick. Cue Kalisto though and we take a break. Back with Metalik being stomped down in the corner and Cesaro coming in for the delayed suplex.

Nakamura grabs a front facelock but Metalik hits a tornado DDT, allowing the hot tag to Riddle to forearm away at Corbin. There’s a t-bone suplex to Corbin into the Broton. The running kick to the chest gets two with Nakamura making the save. The Golden Rewind hits Nakamura but Cesaro comes in to uppercut Riddle for two. Metalik nails the big running flip dive to Cesaro but Kalisto kicks Dorado in the head by mistake. Riddle is right back up with a Final Flash to Cesaro, setting up the Bro Derek for the pin at 6:43.

Rating: C. That was a bit of a weird ending as they did the Kalisto miscommunication and then Riddle just pinned Cesaro a few seconds later. I guess we need to save him pinning Corbin for the epic trilogy match, or maybe they want to just keep Corbin looking strong because….he’s Corbin I guess. At least Riddle got the pin though.

Long recap on the fallout from Bayley attacking Sasha Banks.

The mystery woman is Carmella, who says she danced around forever and it didn’t get her anywhere. Now she is the princess and untouchable, unless she doesn’t want to be.

Here’s Sasha Banks for a chat. Banks talks about how she thought Bayley would have grown a backbone over the years but that hasn’t happened. Next week, it’s Bayley vs. Banks for the Women’s Title and Bayley knows what happens when there is no one there to save her. The neck brace comes off and Banks says Bayley doesn’t stand a chance, b****. I’d like to think that’s going to be shenaniganzy.

Next week: the Draft, Bayley vs. Banks for the title, Sheamus vs. Big E. in a falls count anywhere match and Owens vs. Fiend.

Intercontinental Title: Sami Zayn vs. Jeff Hardy

Sami is defending and has taped up ribs. Jeff gets knocked into the corner to start and Sami stomps away, only to have Jeff get in a kick tot he ribs. The turnbuckle pad got ripped off somewhere in there but Jeff avoids being sent into the steel. There’s a backdrop to Sami to send him outside and a baseball slide sends him into the announcers’ table. Jeff misses Poetry In Motion against the barricade though and we take a break.

Back with Sami putting on a chinlock and shouting about Jeff’s title reign being a fraud. Sami heads to the middle rope for an elbow to the back of the head for two as frustration is starting to set in. With Sami going up again, Jeff follows him up and grabs a top rope superplex for the double knockdown. The Twist of Fate is countered into a backslide for two and the Blue Thunder Bomb is countered into a sunset flip for a near fall.

Sami suplexes him into the corner and now the Blue Thunder Bomb connects for two. Jeff knocks him down again but the Swanton hits knees (with one possibly hitting Jeff in the head). The Helluva Kick misses and Jeff loads up the Whisper in the Wind but Sami pulls him down, sending Jeff face first into the exposed steel for the pin at 14:11.

Rating: B. This is the kind of thing that people forget WWE can offer. They have an insanely deep talent pool, and when they cut away all of the nonsense and bad writing and angles and just let their really good wrestlers have a pretty long TV match, you get good results. It was a very nice wrestling showing between two people who know exactly how to have this kind of a match and I had a good time with the whole thing. Nicely done, and do it more often.

Overall Rating: B-. There were some parts on here which weren’t the best, but those matches were kept very short, leaving us with a pretty solid show. You had two good matches and some stuff was set up both for next week and at the pay per view. This was an efficient use of two hours which even expanded up to downright entertaining at times. Just like the main event, the show felt like it stripped away so much of the boring and downright stupid stuff that you get on Raw, leaving more or a wrestling show. WWE can still do these things rather well and if they just went that way, we would all be much happier.


Jey Uso b. AJ Styles – Superfly Splash

Otis b. John Morrison – Vader Bomb

Sheamus b. Shorty G. – Brogue Kick

Matt Riddle/Lucha House Party b. Cesaro/Shinsuke Nakamura/King Corbin – Bro Derek to Cesaro

Sami Zayn b. Jeff Hardy – Hardy fell onto the exposed turnbuckle



Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:

And check out my Amazon author page with cheap wrestling books at:

Main Event – September 10, 2020: They’re Almost Onto Something

IMG Credit: WWE

Main Event
Date: September 10, 2020
Location: Amway Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Samoa Joe, Byron Saxton

Things have been getting a little bit better around WWE as of late and maybe we can see something better on this show as a result. Last week’s was pretty good and I’m curious to see what they can put together again. I have no reason for it to go anywhere, but maybe I can have a little hope. Let’s get to it.

Opening sequence.

Mustafa Ali vs. Akira Tozawa

Ali gets knocked down to set up the chinlock and a neckbreaker gets two. Some elbows to the neck set up an abdominal stretch and Ali is sent into the corner. The ninja shouting earns Tozawa a DDT and there’s the rolling X Factor. The Ninjas offer a distraction to break up the 450 so Ali superkicks Tozawa down and hits a Michinoku Driver for the pin at 5:36.

Rating: C. I can always go for someone mixing up their finishers a bit, especially when they are mainly a high flier. You need to keep those things fresh and there is only so much that can be done when they are used time after time. As for the rest of the match, I can appreciate them trying to do something a little different with the Ninjas, because having the same match over and over again is going to get boring in a hurry.

We look at Roman Reigns joining forces with Paul Heyman and winning the Universal Title.

From Smackdown.

Here are Reigns and Heyman to get things going. Heyman says as soon as you thought he was out, Reigns pulled him back in. Reigns is the one corrupting him and pulled Heyman back in from the ocean of obscurity. Now he is back on the island of relevancy because they did the same thing to Heyman that they did to Reigns. What happened to the thank yous and the appreciation?

Reigns over delivered during his life threatening illness and no one offered him any thanks. When Reigns needed some time off, they made him give up his title. A Fiend or a monster isn’t born to reign. Imagine turning on Fox News and seeing an interview with a growling man as champion. Roman’s reign as your champion has always been defined as what WWE wants you to like: family, tradition and legacy. Tonight there is a four way to crown a new sacrificial lamb.

Heyman isn’t going to say their names because he’ll let Anderson Cooper and Carmella’s latest boyfriend handle that. Heyman is outside council to your Undisputed Universal Champion, Roman Reigns. Roman says he is a man of his word and did exactly what he said he was going to do: he signed the contract, wrecked the other two and left as Universal Heavyweight Champion. He’ll face whoever wins tonight and all he has to do is show up and win. Really, really good stuff here as Heyman sounded ticked off and Reigns sounded like the serious monster that he has needed to be for years now.

From Smackdown.

Matt Riddle vs. King Corbin vs. Sheamus vs. Jey Uso

For the shot at Clash and we’re finally ready to go about ten minutes after Riddle’s entrance. It’s a brawl to start with Jey superkicking Corbin to the floor and Sheamus hitting a backbreaker on Riddle. Jey comes back in for the save but gets knocked down, leaving the big guys to brawl. Riddle gets in as well and it’s a double charge in the corner to Sheamus and Corbin.

They come back with the Irish Curse and Deep Six for a double two, followed by Sheamus running Corbin over. We take a break and come back with Sheamus hitting the forearms to Jey’s chest but Riddle is back up with strikes of his own. An exploder suplex into the Broton has Sheamus in trouble but he pulls Riddle into the Cloverleaf. Jey makes the save and hits some running Umaga Attacks to both of them in the corner.

Corbin gets in a cheap shot on Jey but Riddle and Sheamus throw Corbin over the barricade. Jey dives onto Sheamus and Riddle for the double knockdown but Corbin is back up to throw Uso into the video screens. The other three get back in and Sheamus Brogue Kicks Corbin. The Bro To Sleep sends Sheamus outside and it’s the Floating Bro to Corbin. Jey comes back in with the Superfly Splash to Riddle for the pin at 13:18.

Rating: C. Well it wasn’t expected. I’m not exactly going to believe that Jey Uso is actually getting the title shot until I hear the bell ring and I’m also not sure that the match is going to last more than about fifteen seconds if it does take place. The match was good enough and the ending was a surprise, though I’m not entirely convinced that it’s lasting, which is fine too. That being said, you have Riddle, Sheamus and Corbin in there and Riddle takes the fall?

Post match Jey says he made the family proud too and is ready to take Roman to the Uso Penitentiary.

From Raw.

From Raw.

Keith Lee vs. Randy Orton

Orton stalls on the floor to start and holds his jaw from the Claymore earlier tonight. Lee gets tired of waiting but gets his throat snapped across the top rope. Back in and Orton goes to the eye but Lee calmly blocks the RKO with straight power. Orton isn’t sure what to do so he goes outside and sends Lee into the steps. Back in and Orton grabs the chinlock, complete with a bodyscissors this time. Lee fights up again and shoves off another RKO attempt, setting up a powerslam for two. The powerbomb is loaded up but Orton slips out and hits the RKO…but turns into the Claymore from Drew McIntyre for the DQ at 6:24.

Rating: C. Lee got in some spots here but you could feel a lot of the energy going away, mainly because he felt like an obstacle for Orton rather than someone doing something for himself. However, an important note to this (though it might have been unintentional): Lee rolled to the ropes after the RKO instead of just laying there, giving them a small out to make it look a little unclear if he would have been pinned. That’s better than some people get, even if it might have been just so McIntyre could have somewhere to land.

From Raw.

Orton is very slowly leaving as he holds his jaw. Cue McIntyre to jump him again and send him into the spare ring backstage. The third Claymore leaves Orton laying one more time.

Humberto Carrillo vs. Riddick Moss

They go for the grappling to start with Moss using the power to get the better of things. Carrillo switches to the wristlock but Moss headlocks him over. That takes us to a standoff and trash talk until Carrillo works on the arm some more. A drop toehold into the springboard wristdrag sends Moss outside and the triangle dropkick puts him down again. We take a break and come back with Moss hitting a suplex and unloading in the corner.

Moss muscles him out of the corner and plants Carrillo for two more. The chinlock with a knee in the back goes on, followed by some hard right hands to the head. We hit the abdominal stretch (Joe: “Nothing like an abdominal stretch.”) and Carrillo’s back is too banged up to hiptoss his way to freedom.

Moss shouts to Joe that Carrillo doesn’t have what he has but Carrillo is back up with a springboard elbow to the face. There’s a spinning kick to the head for two on Moss but he rolls away before the moonsault can launch. Moss forearms him on the apron and drops him throat first onto the rope. The neckbreaker finishes Carrillo at 8:04.

Rating: C. Power vs. speed is the classic wrestling formula and it worked out well enough here. For the life of me though I don’t get why they aren’t putting Moss on regular Raw again. He was there before everything went nuts and now the best he can do is get an appearance on Raw Underground. They see something in him, so why just leave him on the nothing shows like this?

From Smackdown, after Nia Jax and Shayna Baszler retained the Women’s Tag Team Titles over Bayley and Sasha Banks.

From Raw.

Murphy vs. Dominik Mysterio

The rest of the Mysterios are at ringside and it’s a street fight so Dominik has a kendo stick. Murphy knees him in the face to start though and Dominik is in trouble early. They head outside with Dominik getting in some shots to the face and they head up near the stage. Dominik climbs onto the video screens and hits a big dive to take Murphy down as we take a break.

Back with Dominik slugging away until they brawl up towards the stage. That goes nowhere so they wind up back at ringside with Murphy ramming Dominik head first into the ramp. Dominik is fine enough to block the eye into the steps but gets dropped ribs first onto the barricade. Some chairs to the back have Dominik in more trouble and we hit the seated abdominal stretch.

That’s broken up with a hiptoss to the floor but Murphy is right back in to tie Dominik in the ropes. It’s time for the kendo stick but Rey pulls it away. Angie and Aliyah get Dominik free and he hits a sunset bomb through a table at ringside. Now it’s Murphy being tied up in the ropes and all four of the Mysterios beat on him with the kendo sticks until Murphy quits at 14:12.

Rating: D+. They were having a pretty watchable match but then they had to get into the Mysterio Family stuff again and it’s really hard to care that much. This feud has been going on for about four months now and there have been multiple times where it could have been blown off. Somehow it’s still going though, and while it might be shifting towards Murphy vs. Rollins, seeing these Mysterio Family Values moments doesn’t exactly inspire me. Four people just beat up one guy. What a great moment that makes me want to cheer for all of them.

Post match the beating continues to end the show. Your heroes everyone.

Overall Rating: C-. It’s kind of amazing how much better Smackdown is than Raw at the moment. Their stories are better and it feels like they are taking some chances instead of staying in the holding pattern that has dominated the summer. The original stuff here was fine by Main Event standards, but stay away from the Raw stuff for your own sanity. As usual.

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:

And check out my Amazon author page with cheap wrestling books at:

Smackdown – September 4, 2020: It Gave Me A Good Feeling

IMG Credit: WWE

Date: September 4, 2020
Location: Amway Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Michael Cole, Corey Graves

It’s the show after Summerslam and we get two big deals in one tonight. First of all, Roman Reigns and Paul Heyman are making their first comments since the revealed their alliance last week. In addition to that we have a four way match to determine the #1 contender for Reigns’ Clash Of Champions title defense. Let’s get to it.

Here is Payback if you need a recap.

Here are Reigns and Heyman to get things going. Heyman says as soon as you thought he was out, Reigns pulled him back in. Reigns is the one corrupting him and pulled Heyman back in from the ocean of obscurity. Now he is back on the island of relevancy because they did the same thing to Heyman that they did to Reigns. What happened to the thank yous and the appreciation?

Reigns over delivered during his life threatening illness and no one offered him any thanks. When Reigns needed some time off, they made him give up his title. A Fiend or a monster isn’t born to reign. Imagine turning on Fox News and seeing an interview with a growling man as champion. Roman’s reign as your champion has always been defined as what WWE wants you to like: family, tradition and legacy. Tonight there is a four way to crown a new sacrificial lamb.

Heyman isn’t going to say their names because he’ll let Anderson Cooper and Carmella’s latest boyfriend handle that. Heyman is outside council to your Undisputed Universal Champion, Roman Reigns. Roman says he is a man of his word and did exactly what he said he was going to do: he signed the contract, wrecked the other two and left as Universal Heavyweight Champion. He’ll face whoever wins tonight and all he has to do is show up and win. Really, really good stuff here as Heyman sounded ticked off and Reigns sounded like the serious monster that he has needed to be for years now.

Post break Jey Uso comes up to Reigns in the back and congratulates him. Heyman leaves and Jey asks what the deal is with Heyman and Reigns. Roman says he’s got this and Jey accepts, even saying he’s got Reigns’ back if he ever needs it. Reigns leaves and seems rather distant, which Jey notices.

Miz/John Morrison vs. Heavy Machinery

Otis runs Miz over to start and Tucker comes in for the standing double splash. Miz and Morrison are knocked to the floor and we take a break. Back with Tucker diving over both of them and making the tag off to Otis. House is cleaned but the Flying Chuck hits Otis to take him down. Morrison hits the Moonlight Drive on Tucker on the floor but Otis starts gyrating off Miz’s kicks. Miz is knocked down to set up the Caterpillar and a Vader Bomb (that’s better as he needed a new finisher) finishes Miz at 8:06.

Rating: D+. It’s kind of amazing how far Otis has fallen in the last few months and so much of that has to do with the crowd. It isn’t all from the crowd though, as some of it is over him not exactly feeling like a threat to the World Title. Can you imagine him cashing in the briefcase and actually being a real World Title contender at this point? Granted there very well could be some shenanigans to get it to someone else, and really, there almost has to be.

Post match, Morrison steals the Money in the Bank briefcase and celebrates with it.

Big E. and Drew Gulak are having a birthday party for the returning Xavier Woods and tell Lucha House Party to stay away from the cake. Big E. is ready to become #1 contender but someone comes up to say Woods has arrived. With the cake in hand, Big E. goes out to find him but gets jumped by Sheamus, who takes him down with a Brogue Kick. White Noise onto the windshield of a car likely writes Big E. out of the #1 contenders match.

Post break Big E. is injured and has to go to a local medical facility. Sheamus comes in and says that is tough to watch but he can’t take his eyes off of it. With Big E. being loaded up on the stretcher in the background, Kayla Braxton asks if Sheamus set this up because of the Payback loss. Sheamus claims self defense and thinks Big E. just got distracted by the idea of seeing Woods again. If you want to be Universal Champion, you need to be focused at all time. Now Sheamus has to go because he has a triple threat to get ready for.

Bayley and Sasha Banks are ready to win the Women’s Tag Team Titles back but Banks doesn’t like Bayley being asked about tapping out twice in a row. Banks talks about how great Bayley is and promises to get the titles back.

Adam Pearce says the four way is still on and the replacement will be named tonight. Heyman comes up and wants to talk to Pearce about something.

Women’s Tag Team Titles: Sasha Banks/Bayley vs. Nia Jax/Shayna Baszler

Jax and Baszler are defending and we get an inset promo from Shinsuke Nakamura and Cesaro, talking about how this is going to be a car crash. Cesaro calls out Nakamura for being insensitive after what happened to Big E. They raise a toast anyway. The champs are sent outside for double baseball slides but Bayley and Banks get caught. Despite them locking hands, the champs swing them into the barricade a few times as we take a break.

Back with Bayley in trouble as Banks seems rather concerned. Jax grabs a chinlock before it’s off to Baszler to crank Bayley’s arm back for a nasty visual. Bayley gets over for the tag to Banks and it’s a Backstabber into the running knees in the corner to Jax. The top rope Meteora gets two and everything breaks down. Jax is sent to the apron where Bayley hits a Stunner onto the middle rope so Bayley can hit a powerbomb to the floor. Bayley suplexes her way out of the Kirifuda Clutch and it’s time to beat on Jax in the corner.

The Backstabber hits Baszler and Bayley starts going up but Banks covers for two instead. Now Bayley can hit the elbow for two more but Banks’ running knees only hit the post. Back in and Baszler takes out the bad knee. A spinning toehold is countered into a small package for two but Baszler is right back up with a shot to knock Bayley off the apron. Baszler stomps at the knee and tries a Muta Lock, only to have Bayley come back in for the Bayley to Belly for the save.

Banks grabs the Bank Statement instead of tagging and it’s Jax coming in to break things up. Jax gets the tag and tries a Stretch Muffler but Banks reverses into a sunset flip for two. Bayley saves Sasha from a super Samoan drop and a double powerbomb hits Baszler. Jax hits a middle rope crossbody for the double pin to retain at 15:38.

Rating: B-. They did a really good job here of making you think that the match was over and then finding a way to keep it going. The action was intense here too and the knee injury was a fine way to keep things going. I’m not wild on Jax and Baszler as champions but they had a rather solid match here so fair enough for one night.

Post break Banks is taken away in an ambulance.

Here’s Sami Zayn for a chat. Sami does not like not being mentioned as Intercontinental Champion. He hijacks the headset and talks to the production truck for not including the fact that he is Intercontinental Champion. Apparently it wasn’t in their notes, but here’s Jeff Hardy to interrupt.

Hardy says all Sami had to do was ask for a title shot but Sami says it should have been Sami who was asking. Cue AJ Styles to say he’s back and healthy so Jeff says he’s ready to defend. AJ jumps Hardy and the fight is on with Sami joining in. AJ hits Hardy as well but Hardy gets back up, with AJ being sent outside. The Helluva Kick hits Hardy and Sami bails.

Jey Uso is replacing Big E. in the #1 contenders match.

Tucker can’t find Miz and Morrison to get the briefcase back. Otis is cool with it because he keeps the Money in the Bank contract in his mini lunch box. Tucker is happy but want to know what’s in the briefcase. As luck would have it, Morrison is ready to open the briefcase at that time and finds….a stapler, some Q-Tips and a sandwich.

Jey Uso thanks Roman for getting him in the match but Roman says it was Heyman’s doing. Reigns wants Jey to win one on his own and wishes him luck.

Riddle comes out for the main event and charges at Corbin’s throne on the stage to start the fight early. Sheamus and Jey come down and the brawl is on in the ring and on the floor. We take a break before the bell rings and come back with….the Firefly Fun House.

Bray knows that you are down in the dumps just like He is because He lost his favorite toy again. It’s cool though because next week a brand new friend is coming to the Fun House. BYE!

Alexa Bliss comes up to Nikki Cross in the back and doesn’t know what came over him. With Ramblin Rabbit in the background, Bliss hugs her and walks off.

Matt Riddle vs. King Corbin vs. Sheamus vs. Jey Uso

For the shot at Clash and we’re finally ready to go about ten minutes after Riddle’s entrance. It’s a brawl to start with Jey superkicking Corbin to the floor and Sheamus hitting a backbreaker on Riddle. Jey comes back in for the save but gets knocked down, leaving the big guys to brawl. Riddle gets in as well and it’s a double charge in the corner to Sheamus and Corbin.

They come back with the Irish Curse and Deep Six for a double two, followed by Sheamus running Corbin over. We take a break and come back with Sheamus hitting the forearms to Jey’s chest but Riddle is back up with strikes of his own. An exploder suplex into the Broton has Sheamus in trouble but he pulls Riddle into the Cloverleaf. Jey makes the save and hits some running Umaga Attacks to both of them in the corner.

Corbin gets in a cheap shot on Jey but Riddle and Sheamus throw Corbin over the barricade. Jey dives onto Sheamus and Riddle for the double knockdown but Corbin is back up to throw Uso into the video screens. The other three get back in and Sheamus Brogue Kicks Corbin. The Bro To Sleep sends Sheamus outside and it’s the Floating Bro to Corbin. Jey comes back in with the Superfly Splash to Riddle for the pin at 13:18.

Rating: C. Well it wasn’t expected. I’m not exactly going to believe that Jey Uso is actually getting the title shot until I hear the bell ring and I’m also not sure that the match is going to last more than about fifteen seconds if it does take place. The match was good enough and the ending was a surprise, though I’m not entirely convinced that it’s lasting, which is fine too. That being said, you have Riddle, Sheamus and Corbin in there and Riddle takes the fall?

Post match Jey says he made the family proud too and is ready to take Roman to the Uso Penitentiary.

Overall Rating: B-. The word here is energy, as the show felt like it was doing a lot of stuff that mattered (not everything mind you, but a good deal of it). Heyman and Reigns had a good promo to start, the Bayley/Banks angle was good and they threw in a big curve ball at the end. I liked the show more than I have liked Smackdown in a long time and that’s a nice thing to be able to say. Good start to the Evil Reigns era and now we get to wait and see what comes next. The fact that I want to see what that is makes this a success.


Heavy Machinery b. John Morrison/The Miz – Vader Bomb to Miz

Shayna Baszler/Nia Jax b. Bayley/Sasha Banks – Double middle rope crossbody

Jey Uso b. Matt Riddle, King Corbin and Sheamus – Superfly Splash to Riddle


Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:

And check out my Amazon author page with cheap wrestling books at:

Monday Night Raw – March 30, 2020: These Are Still The Good Ones

IMG Credit: WWE

Monday Night Raw
Date: March 30, 2020
Location: WWE Performance Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Tom Phillips, Byron Saxton

It’s the go home Raw for Wrestlemania, which happens to have already taken place. This is one of the weirdest situations in history and I have no idea what to expect from almost anything involved. There are some changed that need to be announced and hopefully those announcements take place tonight. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

We open with a long video on AJ Styles vs. Undertaker.

Undertaker says that Allen Jones’ (AJ Styles’ real name) mouth is writing checks he can’t cash. AJ has been a big fish in a small pond for most of his career and now he’s saying that fifteen years ago, he wouldn’t have done this. Undertaker lists off a lot of legends from around that time and thinks it was smart of Allen to wait for them to be gone, except for him.

He gets what AJ is doing, but mentioning Michelle McCool is crossing the line. Is it because the Faithbreaker is better than the Styles Clash? Undertaker: “She got it over.” They’ll be in the bone yard and AJ should try him because Undertaker will make him famous. Anderson and Gallows can come too because they can all get hurt and rest in peace. The camera pans back to show an AJ tombstone. Good promo, with Undertaker showing some fire.

We look at Becky Lynch attacking Shayna Baszler last week.

Here’s Becky for a chat. She beat two champions last year at Wrestlemania and walked out with two titles. Ever since then she has walked a razor blade lifestyle….and here’s last year’s Wrestlemania main event.

Raw Women’s Title/Smackdown Women’s Title: Ronda Rousey vs. Charlotte vs. Becky Lynch

Ronda is Raw Women’s Champion and Charlotte is Smackdown Women’s Champion….and she comes in via helicopter and lands in the parking lot, where a red carpet is rolled out for her in a Horseman homage. Since she has to walk a good ways into the stadium, here are Joan Jett and the Blackhearts to play Ronda to the ring. The bell rings at 12:01am and Becky goes straight for the Disarm-Her on Ronda but gets shoved away so they can all head outside.

That means a Piper’s Pit for both of them and Ronda starts the trash talk. Charlotte gets up and sends Rousey into the barricade, setting up a showdown with Charlotte inside. The Disarm-Her to Becky is broken up and it’s Ronda coming back in to kick Becky in the face. A double powerbomb over the top is countered into a double armbar on Becky and Charlotte. Becky escapes and dropkicks Ronda to the floor for a NASTY crash on her back. Charlotte Downward Spirals Becky into the buckle for two as we look at Rousey landing square on her back again.

Becky is right back with the Disarm-Her but Ronda comes back to life and makes the save. A running knee breaks up the armbar on Becky and Charlotte hits a double Natural Selection for two each. Becky gets sent outside so Charlotte chops Ronda, who tells her to bring it. That’s just what Charlotte does with a backhand to the face so Ronda hits a jumping knee, which is countered into a Liontamer. Becky breaks it up with a bulldog and hits a double DDT for two each.

A super Bexploder gets two on Charlotte, setting up a double high crossbody from Rousey. The double armbar is countered with a double powerbomb Ronda is done for the moment. Becky calls Charlotte to her and avoids a charge, letting Becky kick her to the floor. The Disarm-Her goes on and Rousey uses the ropes to stand up for the break. A missed charge lets Becky get the Disarm-Her in the corner until Charlotte’s big boot breaks it up.

Charlotte starts in on Rousey’s knee and gets the Figure Four but Becky comes off the top with a legdrop for the save. And now, a table because that’s what this match was calling for. Rousey breaks up a powerbomb through the table and turns the table over, saying tables are for b****** (at least the third time she’s used that word so far). Charlotte comes back in for a double spear as Cole’s voice is almost gone.

The table is set up in the corner and Charlotte gets two off a spear to Becky. Rousey gets back up and helps Becky drive Charlotte somewhat through the table to knock her outside. The fight is on and Rousey goes with a Shining Wizard and tries Piper’s Pit….but gets reversed into a crucifix to give Becky the pin and the titles at 22:27!

Rating: B. The ending was straight out of Angle vs. Benoit at Wrestlemania XVII with the submission attempts all match until the quick pinfall. What matters here is Becky defeated Rousey to win the titles as she should have. That was how this show needed to end and it did, even if the ending could have been a bit smoother. Charlotte will be fine and I’m curious to see who goes after Becky as the first victim.

Replays show Rousey’s shoulders were WAY up so there’s your story going forward (if Rousey sticks around). Cole: “Tonight will forever be known as WrestleMANia!” Oh just stop dude. Pyro and posing takes us out.

Back in the arena, where Becky has apparently been standing for 45 minutes, and Becky talks about how she doesn’t know who she is if she loses the title. She knows she’s getting in Shayna’s head too though. Shayna has always wanted to be out of Ronda’s shadow and if she wins at Wrestlemania, she can get out of that shadow forever. If she loses though, she’s right back in there for good. Cue Shayna to choke Becky out and then swing her hard into the announcers’ table.

Aleister Black vs. Jason Cade

Cade was a midcarder in MLW for a bit. Black trips him down, shrugs off an enziguri, and finishes with Black Mass at 49 seconds.

We look back at last week’s Seth Rollins/Kevin Owens segment.

Seth Rollins/Andrade/Angel Garza vs. Kevin Owens/Street Profits

Hold on though as Zelina Vega says that Andrade is injured and can’t wrestle. She has access to a lot of talent though, so here is his replacement.

Seth Rollins/Austin Theory/Angel Garza vs. Kevin Owens/Street Profits

Owens takes Theory into the corner to start and hammers away, allowing the Profits to come in and beat on Theory even more. Ford hits the big running flip dive and we take early break. Back with Garza dropkicking Ford down and TAKING OFF HIS PANTS. Theory comes in for a quickly broken chinlock before Ford flips out of a belly to back suplex. The diving tag brings in Dawkins to clean house until Theory sends him outside. Back in and Rollins superkicks Dawkins down, meaning it’s time for the staredown with Owens.

The chinlock goes on to keep Dawkins in trouble and Garza makes it worse with a camel clutch, including some fish hooks to the jaw. Dawkins rolls Rollins up for two but gets taken right back down with the Sling Blade. A right hand allows the hot tag to Owens so house can be cleaned, including the Swanton for two on Garza. Everything breaks down and Ford misses a big running flip dive, landing HARD on his back with no one to catch him. Back in and the Stunner finishes Garza at 13:24.

Rating: C. Pretty standard main event style tag here and you can see how the AOP would have fit in there if not for the injury. I can get not putting Akam in there on his own, though a big power guy could always fit in somehow. What we got was fine enough though and it’s nice to see Theory getting such a big spot while he can.

Post break, Rollins gives Owens a Stomp.

Here’s a look at the Big Show Show, debuting on Netflix next week.

Post break, Owens is still in the ring and has something to say to Rollins. Last week, Rollins took credit for building the Performance Center because he gave everything he had to make it work. Owens has heard otherwise though, because Rollins was a nightmare who knew everything about everything when he got to Tampa in the first place. Rollins has talked about all those Wrestlemania moments that he has had but Owens can claim a lot of the same accolades that Rollins has.

Owens has won a lot of titles of his own, including the Universal Title before Rollins ever got his. The difference is that he had someone watching his back or helping him every time. So did Rollins though because those Wrestlemania moments all came with help or some underhanded assist. Rollins accomplished things but he needs to think about how he got here. At Wrestlemania, he is going to prove that Rollins is nothing more than a fraud.

We get a long video on Edge vs. Randy Orton, showcasing their entire feud.

Edge talks about how he loves every bit of this. Orton has called him a junkie for this and he’s right. Edge always has been a junkie and everyone else who does this is too. He was sitting in the 11th row at Wrestlemania VI and that was a rush for him. Orton has been talking about grit and that means different things to the two of them. Maybe it means being handpicked by Evolution and doing ok for the rest of his career. Now that has given Orton a Hall of Fame career but Edge has done something else.

To him, grit means saying no to Evolution because he didn’t want to be a lackey. Grit is doing everything you can to get back here for nine years and now he understands something. Orton isn’t jealous of Edge himself, but he’s jealous of Edge’s passion. The only time Orton shows that kind of fire is when Edge is around because Edge makes him better. Orton hasn’t been this good since Edge left in the first place and he knows it.

Edge knows Orton listens to the voices in his head and he almost had Edge believing that the Royal Rumble was enough. Then Orton attacked his wife and mentioned Edge’s daughters. He accepted a Last Man Standing match with a man who will dive through a flaming table. Orton has gone into a hole and this time, Edge isn’t pulling him out. Instead he’s going to push Orton so far in that he is never getting out. Edge was feeling it here.

Asuka vs. Kayden Carter

Much like last week, this is a Main Event rematch. Asuka rants in Japanese before the bell so Carter kicks her down. A bottom rope springboard dropkick gets two on Asuka but she’s right back with an ankle lock. The German suplex drops Carter and there’s a hard kick to the head. The Asuka lock finishes Carter at 1:04.

Earlier today, Charlotte attacked Rhea Ripley outside. Charlotte said she’ll see Rhea at Wrestlemania. Rhea: “Yeah. You will.”

From Survivor Series 2019.

Raw World Title: Rey Mysterio vs. Brock Lesnar

Lesnar is defending and anything goes. Rey is dressed as the Joker (again) and that might not be the best visual for a match that is supposed to be rather serious. Paul Heyman introduces Brock as weighing about two and a half Rey Mysterios for his funny line of the night. Rey goes straight to the floor and pulls out the pipe so Lesnar bails to the floor in a smart move.

Brock gets Rey to chase him and the big clothesline makes him drop the pipe. The beating begins as Rey is sent outside and over the announcers’ table in a crash. The announcers’ table is loaded up and Brock throws him into the cover. Rey is beaten down so badly that Brock can even stop to tie his boot. It takes so long that Rey can get in a posting but Brock won’t let him grab the pipe. A release German suplex drops Rey onto the pipe (geez) and another (no pipe) makes it even worse.

There’s a third suplex so here’s Dominick with a towel. Brock takes that away and throws it out (maybe in a shot at the ending to Cody vs. Chris Jericho at Full Gear). Brock grabs Dominick so Rey hits him low and even Dominick gets in his own shot. Some pipe shots set up a double 619 (sweet) and Dominick adds a frog splash (in a nice tribute to his dad). Rey adds his own frog splash for two and the fans know it isn’t happening. Dominick gets suplexed down and the F5 retains the title at 6:54.

Wrestlemania rundown. Goldberg vs. Roman Reigns is still listed.

Paul Heyman and Brock Lesnar are in the ring for a chat. Heyman talks about how this is the go home segment on the go home Raw for Wrestlemania. For the better part of twenty years, it has been Brock Lesnar int his spot and that is because he is the beast to slay. This year, Drew McIntyre has stepped up and compared to most people, he is special. Compared to most wrestlers in that locker room, Drew McIntyre is special. So were the Rock, Hulk Hogan, Shane Carwin, Randy Couture and the Undertaker and they all went from special to Brock’s b****.

The Claymore Kick is good but so were the Rock Bottom, the legdrop, the Tombstone and the Attitude Adjustment, because none of them mattered against Brock when it mattered. At Wrestlemania, Brock will survive the Claymore Kick and then next year, Brock will be standing here with the title again because Drew is the latest great story to tell. This year, Drew walks in special and then walks out just like everyone else.

Overall Rating: C-. I liked the promos a lot and I want to see some of this weekend’s matches but EGADS these things are a nightmare to watch anymore. I don’t even want to imagine what it would be like without the hour break between the two matches (including the seven minute match that they stretched to three segments). Things are going to have to be different after Wrestlemania and I have a grand total of no confidence that they will be. This is what they do when they have a target in sight. What in the world are they going to be when they’re directionless?


Aleister Black b. Jason Cade – Black Mass

Kevin Owens/Street Profits b. Seth Rollins/Austin Theory/Angel Garza – Stunner to Garza

Asuka b. Kayden Carter – Asuka Lock

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:

And check out my Amazon author page with cheap wrestling books at:

Main Event – March 26, 2020: What I Asked For

IMG Credit: WWE

Main Event
Date: March 26, 2020
Location: WWE Performance Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Byron Saxton, Tom Phillips

This was a bit more interesting than usual last week so maybe that can continue this time around. Granted I’ve said that more times than I can count about this show and it never sticks. The empty arena shows have long since lost their charm so I’m not sure how much good this one is going to do. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

Asuka vs. Kayden Carter

Asuka sends her face first into the mat to start and hits the early dance. That earns her a dropkick and they shout at each other a lot, setting up Carter’s multiple springboard wristdrag. Asuka gets in a kick though and more dancing on the floor ensues. Back in and Asuka stomps away before grabbing the armbar. That’s broken up so Asuka kicks her in the head and grabs the Asuka Lock for the tap at 5:12.

Rating: D+. I like Carter but this was just a step above a squash. There’s no reason for it to be anything else though as Asuka is a far bigger star than almost anyone else on the roster and having her run through someone on Main Event is a fine enough way to have her get something out of the show.

From Smackdown.

Michael Cole is in the ring to introduce Rob Gronkowski, the host of this year’s Wrestlemania. After a video on Gronkowski, Mojo Rawley comes in to say that’s not hyped enough and handles the real introduction. Gronkowski comes out and dances to the ring, saying he’s ready for the party even in front of no fans. Rawley promises to have his back and front but here’s King Corbin to interrupt. Corbin talks about how we don’t have pads around here but he knows what it’s like to be in the NFL.

Cue Elias to say he wants to sing a song about Corbin, who finally agrees to listen to it. Elias sings while Rawley and Gronkowski dance behind Corbin. With the song over, Corbin gets in Gronkowski’s face but Rawley gets behind him and shoves Corbin over, allowing Elias to throw him over the top. Gronkowski says he can’t make matches, but he thinks Elias should face Corbin at Wrestlemania. I already can’t stand Gronkowski and I don’t see that changing anytime soon.

From Smackdown again.

Here are Roman Reigns and Goldberg to sign the Wrestlemania contract. Cole recaps the events setting up the match and asks Reigns why he challenged Goldberg. Reigns says the greats have challenged him and they’ve all lost, so Goldberg will be the same. Cole brings up a tweet from January when Reigns said it was stupid to headbutt a locker before a match. Reigns says that’s stupid and he took a shot because it made sense. He’s taking the title at Wrestlemania and signs.

Goldberg says he’s been headbutting doors around the world for years and he’ll beat Reigns at Wrestlemania. The contract is signed and the table is turned over, meaning the staredown can end the show. That tweet made this feel less intense and I don’t really buy that these two don’t like each other. Not that it matters though as Reigns is likely holding up the title to end Wrestlemania anyway.

From Raw.

Heyman and Lesnar are in the ring (with the camera now looking at the Titantron for a change), with Heyman talking about how McIntyre can train all he wants. He can get in great shape and spar with mixed martial artists, but he can’t beat Lesnar at Wrestlemania. McIntyre can pray all he wants but God is going to give him a busy signal on this one. Instead, Lesnar will answer his prayers to make it quick, but not painless. At Wrestlemania, McIntyre is another victim, just like everyone else.

Video on AJ Styles vs. Undertaker.

Wrestlemania rundown.

Humberto Carrillo vs. Danny Burch

Well you can’t say it’s an old match. They fight over arm control to start and that means an early standoff. Carrillo rolls over and grabs the ankle, only to get reversed into an armbar. A headscissors gets Carrillo out of trouble and it’s the standoff sequel. Back up and the high angle springboard crossbody gives Carrillo two and the top rope missile dropkick sends Burch outside.

We come back from a break with Burch uppercutting away and hitting a snap suplex for two. The chinlock goes on for a few seconds but Carrillo is up in a hurry with an enziguri. Burch’s German suplex gets two but Carrillo dropkicks him down. The moonsault finishes Burch at 7:45.

Rating: C. Bit of a styles clash here but the match worked out well enough. If nothing else, this is the kind of thing that I’ve been wanting to see around here for years: fresh matches instead of the same people over and over again. This may not have been a good match or anything, but it’s better than another combination of Curt Hawkins/Cedric Alexander/Mojo Rawley/Shelton Benjamin.

We recap Edge challenging Randy Orton to a Last Man Standing match at Wrestlemania.

From Raw.

Here’s Randy Orton to answer Edge’s challenge. A few weeks ago he told Beth Phoenix that her husband is an adrenaline junkie. That’s all Edge is and that’s why he’s still here. About eighteen years ago, Orton debuted on the main roster and won the Intercontinental Title. Then he took the torch from Mick Foley at Backlash 2004. Was any of that handed to him? He has become the most dangerous name in wrestling and now Edge is questioning his grit.

Orton doesn’t think grit is sitting on your couch for nine years. Instead, grit is longevity and becoming the one constant in WWE for all those years. Orton has heard Edge’s challenge for a Last Man Standing match and at Wrestlemania, he is ending Edge’s story. He accepts to end the show.

Overall Rating: C-. This was your usual Main Event match, with little that you need to see but there was at least a breath of fresh air included for a change. That help things out as well as anything else is going to so maybe this show isn’t as bad as it seemed before. The weekly shows still aren’t exactly bouncing with life, but at least we had something passable enough here.

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:

And check out my Amazon author page with cheap wrestling books at:

Monday Night Raw – March 23, 2020: Change Of Scenery

IMG Credit: WWE

Monday Night Raw
Date: March 23, 2020
Location: WWE Performance Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Byron Saxton, Tom Phillips

We’re almost to Wrestlemania, assuming the whole city of Orlando isn’t shut down in the first place. We have a lot of the Wrestlemania card already set, including two bonus matches with the Street Profits defending against Andrade and Angel Garza, plus Aleister Black vs. Bobby Lashley. Yeah I don’t get it either. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Paul Heyman joins us to start, talking about how Brock Lesnar has run through everyone he has fought over the years. We see clips of Drew McIntyre’s rise since winning the Royal Rumble, with promises to become the reigning, defending, undisputed WWE Champion.

Heyman and Lesnar are in the ring (with the camera now looking at the Titantron for a change), with Heyman talking about how McIntyre can train all he wants. He can get in great shape and spar with mixed martial artists, but he can’t beat Lesnar at Wrestlemania. McIntyre can pray all he wants but God is going to give him a busy signal on this one. Instead, Lesnar will answer his prayers to make it quick, but not painless. At Wrestlemania, McIntyre is another victim, just like everyone else.

We look back at last week’s Undertaker/AJ Styles contract signing.

From Royal Rumble 2015.

WWE World Title: John Cena vs. Seth Rollins vs. Brock Lesnar

Rating: A. Good grief what a battle. This was the night where Rollins became a star and people knew that he was going to be champion soon. Cena put in his normal amazing performance here as well, but good night Brock looked like a monster. This is the beast that WWE wanted to build up for someone to take down and it worked perfectly here. Just outstanding action here with all three looking like they had been through a war. This was the instant match of the year leader and it would take something special to knock it off.

We look at Undertaker vs. AJ Styles again.

Post break, we look at it for a third time. I think we get the concept now.

Here are AJ and the OC for a chat. The show has grown so much that it needs another night, just like Michelle McCool has gotten out of control. Last week, Undertaker came out here in those stretchy pants that you wear when you’re pregnant. It was like this Gothic version of the Tiger King (AJ: “That’s a sweet burn! Trust me on that one!”). AJ talks about Undertaker being on Twitter and shows us his PSA with Michelle McCool about saving tigers, with the two of them in a pool behind a tiger.

Styles wanted to take Undertaker’s soul but it looks like Michelle already did that. When they get to Wrestlemania, AJ wants the old Undertaker but he’s nowhere to be found. Old humble Styles is going to give the WWE what they want though because he’s bringing back the Dead Man. Let’s make it a Bone Yard match. After the match is over, AJ can bury Undertaker then and there, and it happens to be the same plot that Michelle already buried Undertaker in.

Zelina Vega, Andrade and Angel Garza make fun of Charly Caruso and promise to win the Raw Tag Team Titles. The three of them leave but Garza comes back to flirt with Charly, who seems to approve.

We look at Edge’s challenge to Randy Orton from last week.

Andrade/Angel Garza vs. Ricochet/Cedric Alexander

Andrade and Garza try to jump Ricochet before Cedric shows up but he fights them off long enough for Cedric to get out here. Andrade kicks Ricochet to start but Ricochet picks up the pace, only to get shoved off the top. Cue the Street Profits and we take a break. Back with the Profits on commentary and Andrade working on Ricochet’s arm. A toss into a kick to the ribs gives Garza two, allowing Garza to TAKE OFF HIS PANTS and kick Ricochet in the back.

Ricochet tries a rollup and gets dropkicked into the corner for his efforts. A hurricanrana out of the corner gives Ricochet a breather though and it’s off to Alexander, with the Profits going NUTS on commentary. The Downward Spiral gets two on Garza and everything breaks down. Ricochet’s running shooting star press gets two and stereo superkicks drop Andrade.

We take another break and come back with Andrade hitting running knees in the corner to Alexander. Garza adds a reverse slingshot suplex for two and a double powerbomb is good for the same. The Lionsault looks more like a headbutt but gives Garza two more anyway. Ricochet comes in for a big running flip dive onto Garza, leaving Andrade to take a heck of a Michinoku Driver for two. Andrade’s spinning elbow knocks Alexander silly for….well eventually a three as the referee stopped counting at two, seemingly waiting for Alexander to get up, before finishing the pin at 20:12. Something was botched BAD there.

Rating: C. Nice tag match here, even though it was being stretched out to fill in time. That ending didn’t help things either but it’s hard to imagine that the match was supposed to end much later than it did. It’s nice to have the #1 contenders get their first win as a team at least on the way to Wrestlemania, but it’s not like there is anything else for them to do at the moment. It’s certainly not like one of them is United States Champion or anything.

Post match trash is talked so the Profits come in and beat the challengers out of the ring.

Street Profits vs. Shane Thorn/Brendan Vink

Dawkins shoulders Thorn down to start but it’s off to Brendan (a pretty big guy) to stomp Ford in the corner. A rather loud chop has Ford in more trouble and Thorn hits a Cannonball in the corner for two. Ford gets over to Dawkins in a hurry though and it’s time for a bunch of corner splashes. The Cash Out finishes Thorn at 4:07.

Rating: C-. This was better than I would have bet on and the Profits gave the NXT guys a good bit. What matters here though is they set up a little something between the teams in the Wrestlemania match, even if that is as tacked on of a match as you can get. If nothing else though, it makes a lot of sense to bring in some NXT names. You have them under contract so use them for something like this. This wasn’t a squash but it did what it was supposed to do, especially since Ford can actually energize an empty room with his pure charisma.

We look at R-Truth winning the 24/7 Title from Riddick Moss in Moss’ neighborhood over the weekend.

Wrestlemania rundown, with Elias vs. King Corbin confirmed.

Here’s Shayna Baszler for a sitdown interview with Charly Caruso. Charly talks about Shayna’s dominance and asks her how she will conduct herself as champion. Shayna doesn’t say anything so Charly asks again, until Baszler says Charly looks nervous. Shayna: “Are you scared I’m going to…..bite?” Charly asks if Becky should expect that kind of brutality at Wrestlemania, but Shayna says Becky should expect to lose.

Shayna gets rather angry and asks why Charly loves to destroy and starts leaning closer to her. She takes over for Charly’s questions, asking herself why she wants to win the title so much. Shayna has showed everyone who she is from the day she debuted and that’s what they’ll get at Wrestlemania. Charly brings up Survivor Series….and Shayna gets whacked from behind with a chair. The lights come up and Becky Lynch hits her with the chair again to leave Shayna laying.

Aleister Black vs. Leon Ruff

Black sits down, gets up, and hits Black Mass for the pin at 1:01. This is interesting in a way as they had the same match on Main Event last week, and I mean the same movements, mannerisms and finish. It was so close that I pulled up the Main Event match and watched them at the same time to see if it was even a different match. How weird.

Here’s Kevin Owens to hear a response from Seth Rollins. Cue Rollins to say this place was nice. Both of them have succeeded because they had to, but Rollins has had to rebuild the system in NXT and now on Raw. Owens keeps getting in the way though and he just refuses to fall in line. Without Rollins, there is no Gargano, Ciampa, Undisputed Era, Takeover or Women’s Revolution. Most importantly though, with no Rollins, there is no Owens.

Rollins cuts Owens off and asks if he can finish as he goes up the ramp. He needs to know why Owens picked Wrestlemania of all places because Rollins has a track record at Wrestlemania. Owens’ Wrestlemania track record is failure after failure after failure, including failure.

Last year he wasn’t even good enough to get onto Wrestlemania. Owens can’t be Rollins on his worst day, but Wrestlemania is never his worst day. Owens should just give up now, because he can’t win. WWE history continues to evolve as apparently we’ve erased Owens winning the US Title at Wrestlemania and never losing a singles match at the show.

From Wrestlemania XXXIV.

Smackdown Women’s Title: Charlotte vs. Asuka

Charlotte is defending and gets the full Ric Flair theme song, complete with a HHH from Wrestlemania XXX inspired entrance, meaning soldiers to help her off a throne and take her robe. Asuka on the other hand gets the CGI masks with rainbow colored lines surrounding them, which look cool on screen but live….not so much. They lock up to start and take turns flipping out of wristlocks for an early standoff.

Charlotte loads up a monkey flip but instead trips the leg for a failed Figure Eight attempt. You can feel the intensity here and it’s working well so far. Some chops to the chest (and one to the face) have Asuka in trouble but she’s right back with a hip attack to knock Charlotte outside. Back in and it’s time to start in on the arm but Charlotte gets in a backbreaker into an STO. Charlotte uses a Backpack Stunner to get out of a sleeper and a knee to the back of the head keeps Asuka in trouble.

It’s enough trouble for Charlotte to go up top for the moonsault….which is countered into a triangle for a sweet escape. Charlotte reverses into a Boston crab until Asuka makes the rope. A sliding kick to the face knocks Charlotte backwards and it’s back to the arm as Asuka continues to follow her game plan. They head to the apron with Asuka suplexing her out to the floor in a good looking crash. Sometimes you need to just go with a big spot like that and it worked very well.

Back in and they stare each other down until Asuka just erupts with strikes to the face. A missile dropkick gets two and Asuka stomps on the back. Charlotte is fine enough for the chops to catch Asuka on top and it’s a super Spanish Fly for two with the fans getting much more into things in a hurry. Natural Selection is countered into something like an Octopus Hold from Asuka’s back for a cool change of pace.

Charlotte tries to flip out and into the Figure Eight but Asuka kicks her in the head for a block. Well that’s certainly to the point. The Asuka Lock is blocked and Charlotte hits a very good spear for two more as the fans are WAY into this. With nothing else working, Charlotte goes to the Figure Eight and bridges up with one arm….and Asuka taps at 13:05 in a shocker.

Rating: A-. I don’t get shocked by results very often but I was actually stunned to see how this went. I would have bet money on Asuka walking out as champion here but Charlotte winning was far from a ridiculous result. Now the problem is what this did to Asuka, as she only started to recover from the loss nearly a year later. Charlotte would lose the title to Carmella two days later, bringing some dark days to the belt. This however was anything but dark, with an outstanding match between two stars.

Post match Asuka gets the mic and says Charlotte was ready for her in the ultimate sign of respect.

Charlotte talks about all of her Wrestlemania success and is ready to do it again at Wrestlemania. Woo.

Here’s Randy Orton to answer Edge’s challenge. A few weeks ago he told Beth Phoenix that her husband is an adrenaline junkie. That’s all Edge is and that’s why he’s still here. About eighteen years ago, Orton debuted on the main roster and won the Intercontinental Title. Then he took the torch from Mick Foley at Backlash 2004. Was any of that handed to him? He has become the most dangerous name in wrestling and now Edge is questioning his grit.

Orton doesn’t think grit is sitting on your couch for nine years. Instead, grit is longevity and becoming the one constant in WWE for all those years. Orton has heard Edge’s challenge for a Last Man Standing match and at Wrestlemania, he is ending Edge’s story. He accepts to end the show.

Overall Rating: C+. First and foremost, the change in visuals helped a lot here as not seeing the empty seats for most of the show was a big improvement. Other than that, featuring the two great matches from years past helped a lot too, though it offered further evidence that Raw doesn’t need to be three hours. What we got here was good enough, but my goodness Wrestlemania is going to be approaching twenty matches at this rate (if it isn’t there already). These shows are getting marginally better though and that’s a good sign for how long we might be seeing them.


Andrade/Angel Garza b. Ricochet/Cedric Alexander – Spinning elbow to Alexander

Street Profits b. Shane Thorn/Brendan Vink – Cash Out to Thorn

Aleister Black b. Leon Ruff – Black Mass

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:

And check out my Amazon author page with cheap wrestling books at:

Main Event – November 7, 2019: The Flashback Show

IMG Credit: WWE

Main Event
Date: November 7, 2019
Location: Nassau Coliseum, New York City, New York
Commentators: Vic Joseph, Mickie James

It’s more of the weekly recap and I really am running out of ways to say I don’t know what is coming. Raw and Smackdown are such swings and misses most of the time anymore and I’m not sure how much better it is going to be in a short form version. At least this is before we went to the UK as the international slog continues. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening sequence.

No Way Jose vs. Shelton Benjamin

Jose dances out of an early wristlock and dances again to put on a headlock. That means more dancing as we might be seeing a one note character here. Shelton catches him with a kick to the face in the corner and we hit the chinlock. Jose shakes his way up (I’ll call that dancing) and the clotheslines connect. The Dragon Whip misses and Jose hits a Backstabber. The pop up right hand is blocked and it’s Paydirt to finish Jose at 5:11.

Rating: D+. Standard Main Event match here as Shelton has joined its ranks, meaning his main roster career is either over or he’ll be WWE Champion in a month. Jose on the other hand is doomed to walk the airports forever as he goes to Main Event after Main Event, likely answering questions about the NWO along the way.

Video on the NXT invasion.

From Smackdown.

Here’s the Miz for MizTV. After sucking up to the Buffalo crowd, he talks about how he was going to be interviewing Bray Wyatt, who won the Universal Title last night. We see a package of the win but since Bray isn’t here, we’ll move on. Miz talks about all the NXT talents in the building tonight, with Riddle and Lee beating up Sami being his favorite.

Miz can’t wait to see what happens next….so here’s Tommaso Ciampa to a huge reaction. Ciampa talks about how Miz likes to pretend that he’s a star while Ciampa is literally breaking his neck for wrestling. Miz likes acting so while he’s acting the part, Ciampa is playing the part. That’s something Miz has heard for fifteen years and he’s so tired of hearing it that he’s ready to fight right now.

Miz vs. Tommaso Ciampa

Miz’s headlock doesn’t get him anywhere so he slides between Ciampa’s legs for a sunset flip. Ciampa gets sent outside but is fine enough to send Miz into various things, allowing him to sit on the apron and applaud himself. Back in and Miz’s Reality Check gets two but Ciampa beats him up again to take over.

The Fairy Tale Ending is broken up and Miz gets in a shot to the knee to cut Ciampa down. The shot DDT gives Miz two and it’s the Figure Four going on, only to have Ciampa glare at him and escape. Miz tries it again but gets small packaged for two. Ciampa’s half crab doesn’t get him very far as Miz hits the running corner clothesline. Miz gets kneed out of the air though and the Fairy Tale Ending finishes Miz at 7:41.

Rating: C. Ciampa is an interesting case as he is more than capable of hanging on the main WWE roster (if not thriving) but he seems tailor made to be an NXT lifer. Maybe it’s his size, age or history but he screams perfect for NXT and that’s all he needs to be. This was an important win for him, though I can’t imagine him being a big deal on the main roster, at least not one Vince controls.

Video on Rey Mysterio vs. Brock Lesnar.

From Raw.

Here are an annoyed looking Lesnar and Heyman to open the ring. Heyman explains Lesnar quitting and THEY’RE ACTUALLY EXPLAINING THE WAY OUT. The week of the Draft, Alexa Bliss and Nikki Cross were sent to Smackdown for future considerations and here’s Lesnar as those future considerations. Heyman makes it clear that Lesnar is better than everyone here and wants to know where Mysterio is so either get out here or Brock will go slap everyone in this audience. Tonight, someone is going to say where Mysterio is so Lesnar can destroy him. Heyman gives Rey’s career the last rites and they’re out.

In the back, Brock looks for Rey and beats up a backstage worker for not answering fast enough. Post break another backstage guy says Rey is in that car over there so Brock breaks into a car to find….not Rey. Brock breaks the door to vent some frustration.

Immediately after the match, Lesnar and Heyman come out to demand Mysterio’s whereabouts from commentary. Heyman says Lawler knows everything going around here so either say where Mysterio is or Lesnar will kill him and there will be no bringing him back to life this time. Maddin gets up and stares Lesnar down, earning himself an F5 through the table. Cue Mysterio with a pipe to whack Lesnar in the knees over and over. A running belt shot leaves Brock laying.

During the break, Lesnar couldn’t stand and nearly crawled to the back.

Rey says he’s fighting fire with fire and coming for the WWE Championship. The challenge is on for Survivor Series.

Zack Ryder/Curt Hawkins vs. Eric Young/Erick Rowan

Rowan? Really? Young hammers on Ryder to start so Ryder makes the comeback with some clotheslines. Hawkins comes in to work on the wristlock as the actual team takes over. A toss to the floor lets the villains take over and we go to a break. Back with Ryder slugging away in the corner but getting sent over to Rowan to cut that off in a hurry. A pumphandle backbreaker keeps Ryder down and we hit the neck crank. Rowan’s charge hits boots though and that’s enough for the tag off to Hawkins. Everything breaks down as Hawkins cleans house, setting up a rollup to finish Young at 9:38.

Rating: C-. I’m almost stunned here, but at least they let the hometown guys win a match, even if it doesn’t matter whatsoever. Hawkins and Ryder are the kind of guys who seem like they’re both trying and having fun out there at the same time and what more can you ask for than that? I can always appreciate something like that and that is more than the case here.

Video on Adam Cole.

From Raw.

NXT Title: Adam Cole vs. Seth Rollins

Rollins is defending and Cole is out with HHH. Cole gets driven into the corner and knocked to the floor to start, allowing Rollins to hit the slingshot dive. A few rams into the barricade take us to a break and we come back with Cole kicking him in the face. An enziguri staggers Rollins but he’s right back with the low superkick for two. Rollins goes up top but dives into a heck of a superkick for two more.

Rating: B. You could feel the interference here but that’s the logical way to go here as you have stable mates for just such a situation. The match was as entertaining as you would have expected from these two and it makes sense to not have Rollins take the title here. If nothing else, Cole hung with Rollins for a match that got a little time, which is how you make someone look good in an invasion like this.

Post match the NXT and Raw locker rooms come out for the huge brawl with NXT getting the better of it due to the numbers advantage. Ricochet hits the big springboard shooting star onto the pile and everyone is down. Keith Lee one ups Ricochet with the huge flip dive to end the show.

Overall Rating: C. Maybe it was the England shows but I had a good time watching this one and looking back at the pretty awesome NXT invasion. They’ve got something with that and while it has all but died due to the NXT talent not being in England, it was something fun for a week and I could go for more of that. Just anything with a spark please, which has been lacking from WWE for a long time now.

Remember to follow me on Twitter @kbreviews and pick up the paperback edition of KB’s Complete 2004 Monday Night Raw Reviews (also available as an e-book) from Amazon. Check out the information here:

And check out my Amazon author page with cheap wrestling books at: