NXT – November 23, 2021: A Glimmer Of Something

Date: November 23, 2021
Location: Capitol Wrestling Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Beth Phoenix, Vic Joseph, Wade Barrett

It’s title time as we have a pretty big main event with North American Champion Carmelo Hayes defending against Johnny Gargano and Pete Dunne. NXT has a good history of setting up these title matches and then making them work, so hopefully they remember how to make it work. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

We open with Grayson Waller in the ring, talking about how great of an NXT Champion Tommaso Ciampa really is. Waller goes on about the fans booing everyone, including John Cena and Roman Reigns, but those two are at the top of the game. It’s like people with 80,000 tweets and 3 followers don’t matter! Cue Ciampa to cut Waller off and we’re ready to go.

Tommaso Ciampa vs. Grayson Waller

Non-title. Ciampa isn’t having this and stomps away in the corner. A running knee puts Waller on the floor but he comes back in with a jumping neckbreaker. Now it’s Waller stomping away in the corner until Ciampa is back up with a boot out of the corner. Waller grabs a spinebuster into a modified People’s Elbow, which only hits mat. A clothesline puts Waller on the floor and there’s the throw over the announcers’ table so Ciampa can applaud himself.

We take a break and come back with Ciampa kneeing Waller out of the air, followed by a DDT for two. Waller grabs a spinebuster for two but Ciampa catches him on top. A super Air Raid Crash gets two but Waller catches him with a spinebuster for two. Ciampa is sent outside for the big flip dive but he catches Waller with the Willow’s Bell on the way back in. The Fairy Tale Ending finishes Waller at 13:37.

Rating: C+. This was a good showing from both guys and Ciampa still feels like he’s a few miles ahead of just about everyone else in NXT. He comes off as polished and knowing what he’s doing, while so many others seem to be figuring it out as they go. Speaking of figuring it out, it would be nice if NXT could figure out what Waller is supposed to be and stick with it for more than two weeks at a time.

LA Knight doesn’t think much of Grayson Waller, because the fans were chanting WALLER SUCKS. That’s not an insult, but just a fact of life. Joe Gacy comes in to talk about how bad that is so they agree to meet in the safe space. Knight: “You make it sound like such a perverted thing, you freak.” The match is on for later.

We recap last week’s poker showdown.

Toxic Attraction isn’t looking forward to having to face Cora Jade. Dakota Kai comes up next to them and seems to be a bit crazy. Mandy Rose: “At least she’s on our team.” They find a bunch of destroyed stuff but keep walking, with Kai breaking another glass. Kay Lee Ray pops up with a baseball bat, apparently having smashed everything.

Here is a depressed Cameron Grimes, still with the shorter hair. Grimes talks about growing up in a very small town in North Carolina. Every day, he would have people push him down and tell him he wasn’t good enough. Grimes kept fighting and coming up because he would never quit and now he has made it. The entire time, he kept his hair and beard to remind himself of what he went through. Duke Hudson took all of that away last week and embarrassed him.

Hudson messed up though because he made Grimes angry. He wants Hudson down here right now because the talking is done. Hudson, in a barber’s chair, pops up on screen to ask why Grimes should be mad at him. Last week, Grimes took a lot of money from him and got a free haircut. All Hudson is trying to do is make Grimes a decent human being, so Grimes says come down here and let’s finish this. That’s not happening, so Grimes makes a better offer: let’s go all in, with hair vs. hair at WarGames. Hudson is in, and holds up Grimes’ hair in a bag.

This was a wrestling promo and a classic wrestling setup. Ignoring the poker nonsense, this was someone who has been wronged giving a serious speech about wanting revenge and setting up a big match with some high stakes. That’s how this stuff can work and this was good stuff.

Pete Dunne is ready to win the North American Title tonight.

Indi Hartwell says Dexter Lumis has a broken hand and is out for a month. He can’t even draw, but she’s still ready to have her tag match tonight. This one is for Dexter, but Persia Pirotta pulls her to the ring.

Tiffany Stratton, a rich blonde girl who plays tennis, is coming. I saw her on 205 Live and that’s not a great thing.

Persia Pirotta/Indi Hartwell vs. Kayden Carter/Kacy Catanzaro

Carter and Catanzaro come through the crowd for their energized entrance. Persia shrugs Carter off to start and hands it off to Hartwell, who seems a little distracted. Hartwell shoves her way out of the corner but gets taken down by Carter in a hurry. Catanzaro comes in off a blind tag and is suplexed into a moonsault for two on Hartwell.

It’s back to Pirotta to drop Catanzaro face first on the top, setting up a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. Hartwell stops to look at her ring finger before hitting Carter with a side slam. That means another look at the ring finger, allowing Carter to grab a crucifix for two of her own. Carter splashes the distracted Hartwell for the fast pin at 3:35.

Rating: C. Hartwell being distracted because of Dexter is a way to go for her, as the team with Pirotta seems ready to split. To be fair, they have been a team for all of a few months now and that is a long shelf life around here. Carter and Catanzaro seem primed for a Women’s Tag Team Title match and that should be a good thing whenever we get there.

Andre Chase gives his students a tour of Chase University facilities when they run into Cameron Grimes. Chase calls him a teachable moment and Grimes doesn’t seem pleased.

Malik Blade vs. Santos Escobar

Escobar takes him to the mat to start but Blade slips out of a suplex. Blade grabs a sunset flip for two, earning himself a forearm to the face. Back up and Escobar sends him into the corner, setting up the Phantom Driver for the pin at 2:27.

Post match Legado del Fantasma gets in the ring, where Elektra Lopez says Xyon Quinn turned them down. They never needed him anyway, but here are Von Wagner and Kyle O’Reilly to interrupt. They’re here for the same reason: they want the Tag Team Titles (which Legado never mentioned) and Wagner’s foot was on the rope in their match. Imperium pops up to shout about how the little children are fighting among themselves. Imperium announces a #1 contenders match and the winners can get a shot at WarGames.

Raquel Gonzalez barges into the women’s locker room and nearly gets in a fight. Cora Jade tells them to get it together for WarGames, but they need a fourth to go along with Io Shirai. They can figure that out while she goes to fight Mandy Rose.

Tony D’Angelo’s money is on Carmelo Hayes tonight and suggests putting some bets on the match.

Mandy Rose vs. Cora Jade

Non-title. They fight over a lockup to start with Jade grabbing a quick rollup for two. A running knee in the corner is countered into a spinebuster to give Rose her own two though and she plants Jade again for a bonus. Back up and Jade snaps off a running hurricanrana for two, only to miss a middle rope dropkick. Cue Kay Lee Ray with her baseball bat, which is smashed into a variety of things. The distraction lets Jade grab a rollup for the pin at 4:02.

Rating: D+. As soon as Rose told Toxic Attraction to stay in the back and this was non-title, Rose was in big trouble. Those are some nearly guaranteed signs that the champ is in trouble, though what might be a bigger problem is how obvious those signs were. Work on those things a bit, because it makes your booking pretty easy to guess.

Carmelo Hayes and Trick Williams are ready for the triple threat. Johnny Gargano and Pete Dunne are chasing him and he won’t miss.

Joe Gacy is ready to make the ring a safe space. Harland puts his hand on Gacy’s shoulder.

Kay Lee Ray comes up to Cora Jade, Raquel Gonzalez and Io Shirai. Ray will be their fourth member at WarGames, and she’ll be in the advantage ladder match next week too. It has been a full month since a ladder match so at least they’re not wasting any more time.

Joe Gacy vs. LA Knight

Cue Grayson Waller to jump Knight from behind and they fight to the back. No match.

Gacy talks about anger management but here is the Diamond Mine to interrupt. That sends Gacy into a rant about weight shaming with the Cruiserweight Title but Roderick Strong says he’ll face Gacy anyway. Malcolm Bivens says the match will be made, but here is Harland to scare Diamond Mine off. Well at least….actually no, as I can’t think of anything positive in this segment.

MSK continues on their quest but get pulled over for driving seven miles an hour. They’re worried about the contents of their bag but are allowed to go.

Ivy Nile vs. Yulisa Leon

Nile takes her down and does pushups on Leon’s back. Leon fights up and works on the arm but Nile is back with a heck of a clothesline. A triangle choke is eventually broken up so Leon tries a rollup, only to get reversed into a dragon sleeper for the tap at 2:44.

Solo Sikoa talks about everything he has done to get here and he has done it on his own.

The Grizzled Young Veterans are planning something but get broken up by an LA Knight/Grayson Waller brawl.

Boa can’t control his evil but once he does, you will fear him.

Josh Briggs/Brooks Jensen vs. Grizzled Young Veterans

Drake gets sent throat first into the middle rope for a pair of right hands to start. There’s a big left hand to put him down again but Zack Gibson asks for some time before a right hand. A blind tag brings in Gibson to jump Jensen from behind and we hit the chinlock. We cut to LA Knight and Grayson Waller STILL fighting in the back as Gibson cuts off Jensen’s tag attempt.

That lasts all of a few seconds as it’s off to Briggs to clean house in a hurry. Drake gets backdropped and claims a knee injury but Briggs has to go after Gibson. Drake’s knee is fine enough to try a kick to the ribs, which is easily caught. Briggs and Jensen go high/low to finish Drake at 4:26.

Rating: C. Briggs and Jensen get to pick up a win and that’s a good thing for them. They have the potential to be a nice tag team but you’re only going to get so far without ever beating anyone. Granted you could say the same thing about the Veterans and in a much bigger way, but the solution for them is to be goofy con artists for some reason.

WarGames rundown.

North American Title: Johnny Gargano vs. Pete Dunne vs. Carmelo Hayes

Hayes is defending. Dunne gets dropkicked to the floor start, leaving Gargano to dropkicks Hayes. Back in and Dunne runs Hayes over, with Gargano taking Dunne’s place. Everyone is back inside so Dunne can half crab them both. That’s broken up as well so Hayes springboard body blocks Dunne for two before hammering on Gargano. Johnny fights out of the corner and this a bulldog/running clothesline combination to take both of them down. Gargano hits a dive each onto Dunne and Hayes, setting up a running hurricane to Dunne.

We take a break and come back with a circle slugout until Hayes gets knocked into the corner. Hayes gets the better of things and sends Gargano to the apron, where scores with the slingshot spear. The Patter End is countered into a DDT for two on Dunne. Stereo kicks to the head rock Hayes but he’s back up to suplex Dunne onto Gargano. Back up and Gargano runs both of them over, setting up the Lawn Dart to Hayes. Dunne comes back in and hits the Bitter End, but here Tony D’Angelo to break up the cover. D’Angelo sends Dunne into the steps and the top rope ax kick gives Hayes the retaining pin at 11:23.

Rating: B-. They had me wondering who was leaving with the title here and Hayes continues to look like a star, so they’re certainly doing something well. Hayes is one of the brighter young stars around and the other two have been made men for a longtime. I liked the match and the ending probably sets up something for WarGames, so they took care of a few things at once.

Post match the big beatdown is on with LA Knight and Grayson Waller joining in. The villains get the better of things and Gargano’s hand is loaded up for the Pillmanization. Cue Tommaso Ciampa with the chair to break everything up. The fans want the DIY reunion and the fans chant for WarGames….but here is Bron Breakker to join the villains. Breakker: “WARGAMES!!!” The brawl is on again as the sirens go off to end the show. I’m really not sure if this should be a WarGames match, but the more appropriate Survivor Series has already passed so this is as good as we’re getting.

Overall Rating: C+. The wrestling wasn’t great here, but this felt like a show where they had a plan and were starting to execute it. A lot of the random, throwing stuff at the wall feeling was gone and a lot of that probably has to do with having a shot to build towards. This was a glimmer of hope and if NXT is more like this going forward, they have a chance. There is still a lot of fine tuning to go, but at least they got it a lot closer to right this week.

Tommaso Ciampa b. Grayson Waller – Fairy Tale Ending
Kacy Catanzaro/Kayden Carter b. Indi Hartwell/Persia Pirotta – Splash to Hartwell
Santos Escobar b. Malik Blade – Phantom Driver
Cora Jade b. Mandy Rose – Rollup
Ivy Nile b. Yulisa Leon – Dragon sleeper
Josh Briggs/Brooks Jensen b. Grizzled Young Veterans – High/Low to Drake
Carmelo Hayes b. Pete Dunne and Johnny Gargano – Top rope ax kick to Dunne



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NXT- November 16, 2021: A Downright Bizarre Experience

Date: November 16, 2021
Location: Capitol Wrestling Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Beth Phoenix, Vic Joseph, Wade Barrett

We’re back to whatever NXT has become but this time it’s all about WarGames. Somehow NXT thinks they have a matchup that will work there, though I’m almost scared to know who is going to be included. Maybe we find that out tonight, plus get what should be an obvious setup for Breakker vs. Ciampa II. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Tony D’Angelo vs. Dexter Lumis

Fallout from D’Angelo suggesting Lumis was about to get whacked. Lumis has a drawing for D’Angelo, showing him asleep in a school of fish. D’Angelo bails away to start and gets caught with a Thesz press. Back up and D’Angelo gets in a few shots of his own to take over and we hit the chinlock. Lumis fights up again but D’Angelo snaps his throat across the top. With Lumis staggered, D’Angelo grabs the easel the drawing is sitting on, which is quickly taken away. That’s all D’Angelo needs as he pokes Lumis in the eye behind the referee’s back. The fisherman’s neckbreaker finishes Lumis at 3:05.

Rating: D+. I’m trying to get into D’Angelo but he’s so straight out of central casting that it’s almost impossible. He feels completely out of place around here and it’s a really jarring thing to see. Having him pin Lumis is a way to go, but egads I’m really not sure how much of a future there is in someone doing the corniest mobster deal imaginable.

Post match here are Trick Williams and Carmelo Hayes to go after Lumis. They throw in a Pillmanizing to the hand, with Johnny Gargano getting in for the save a moment too late.

Post break, Gargano says we don’t need to see any replays. He wants Hayes out here right now but gets Pete Dunne instead. Before that can go anywhere, here are Hayes and Williams in the balcony to interrupt. Williams talks trash about Gargano but Dunne wants to know who these people are. Dunne says he’s the same age as Hayes with ten years more experience, plus with a win over him. Hayes doesn’t like this so let’s make it a triple threat match for the title next week. Hayes loads up the Melo Don’t Miss catchphrase but gets cut off by telling him how much he does miss. Gargano says you don’t want to miss the title match.

The Diamond Mine is warming up when Joe Gacy comes in. He likes the idea of a leader and seems to be interested in joining. Malcolm Bivens says the tryout is in a few weeks and that’s going to be 837 dollars. Gacy does at least get a business card.

LA Knight talks about how he has all kinds of things but he’s still the same person without them. He was ready for the NXT Title but then Grayson Waller came in to get in his way. Waller can talk all he wants, but there is one superstar around here and it isn’t him.

Diamond Mine vs. Odyssey Jones/Jacket Time

Strong and Kushida start things off, with Strong hitting Jones in the face on the apron. That’s enough to bring Jones in but it’s off to Julius Creed, who jumps on his back. Jones breaks that up so Brutus comes in and gets flipped over for his efforts. Jiro comes in to start on the arm but it’s off to Strong, who gets to face Kushida

The basement dropkick rocks Strong and Kushida takes out the Brothers for a bonus. A cheap shot from Strong takes Kushida down though and we take a break. Back with Julius working over Jiro and handing it off to Brutus to hammer away. That’s broken up and it’s back to Jones, who gets Olympic Slammed to give Strong two. Everything breaks down and Jones splashes Strong for the pin at 8:39.

Rating: C. I’m still not sure what the point is in having Jones feud with Strong, but at least it is something for both of them to do. Bringing Jacket Time (because their name really is Jacket time) is a good thing, but you’re only going to get so far with these three against a pushed team like the Diamond Mine. The match was fine though, which shouldn’t be a surprise.

The Grizzled Young Veterans have stolen the NXT Women’s Tag Team Titles but call Gibson’s grandmother to brag. She’s proud of their win, which should be enough to get him the lion’s share of the inheritance. They even have a board labeled Nana Con. I have no idea why the team needs a gimmick like this, but I don’t get a lot of this NXT.

MSK get to the airport but get caught with, ahem, supplies. Then they take separate flights to meet the Shaman, whoever that is. They get wherever they’re going and are off to find him.

Xyon Quinn vs. Andre Chase

Chase takes him down to start and grabs a running neckbreaker for two. The chinlock goes on but Quinn powers up and throws Chase down with ease. The Jackhammer finishes Chase in a hurry at 3:08.

Rating: D+. This was what it should have been as there was no reason to have Chase be a threat to a monster like Quinn. They have something with Quinn and having him dispatch Chase (with an upgraded finisher) is a good sign for what he’s doing. Now just get Quinn something more serious to do and see what you have with him.

Post match Raul Mendoza and Joaquin Wilde jump Quinn from behind. Quinn fights them off but Santos Escobar comes in to jump him from behind. Cue Elektra Lopez to say no one say no to Elektra Lopez (But didn’t she just say it?). Quinn gets planted on the ramp.

Raquel Gonzalez talks about how much she loved being champion but one shovel to the back took all of that away. Now she has to look at Mandy Rose holding her title, but tonight she’s burying Dakota Kai with that shovel.

It’s time for the Poker Showdown between Duke Hudson and Cameron Grimes. We actually go over the rules for the game and Hudson talks about how luck is for losers. Grimes says he played Hudson and now it’s time for poker. They play out the hand, with the pot getting to nearly $20,000. Hudson requests that the fans be quiet before calling.

The final card is dealt and Grimes goes all in, with Hudson being scared despite having the best hand. Hudson loses it and thinks that Grimes has him beat and folds, with Hudson grabbing the cards to find out he was bluffed (you don’t do that in poker). Grimes thinks it’s hilarious and gets kicked in the head, setting up a powerbomb through the table. Hudson grabs some scissors and cuts Grimes’ beard and hair. This was long but the ending was a step forward for the story.

Kyle O’Reilly doesn’t seem happy with Von Wagner appearing on Smackdown but they’re cool for tonight.

Josh Briggs/Brooks Jensen vs. Kyle O’Reilly/Von Wagner

O’Reilly ducks Jensen’s clothesline and kicks away before grabbing a headlock. Briggs tags himself in though and it’s a double shoulder to take him down. We see Imperium watching in the back as O’Reilly gets over for the tag to Wagner. That means the power standoff with Briggs, who can’t shoulder Wagner down. Wagner powers him into the corner so O’Reilly can come back in for the kicks. That earns him a bearhug but O’Reilly slips out, allowing the tag back to Wagner. Everything breaks down and O’Reilly takes Briggs down on the floor. That leaves Wagner to hit a double underhook swinging slam on Jensen for the pin at 4:58.

Rating: C. I was really hoping that O’Reilly and Wagner could be done but NXT sees something in them. I’m not sure what that is, but it seems to be continuing. Jensen and Briggs continue to be the easiest team in the world to set up, yet they have almost no success at all. Is Wagner really that great of a prospect?

Imperium is impressed, but not that impressed.

Indi Hartwell is worried about Dexter Lumis’ hand. Persia Pirotta will wrestle on her own, but she doesn’t seem happy.

It’s time for Lashing Out with Lash Legend (dang it I hoped they had dropped this stupid thing) and this week she doesn’t like Kay Lee Ray. Grayson Waller pops up to be the guest and talks about all of the veterans who have made it this far. Then Waller was a success on reality TV and made a video to get on here. The business has changed because it’s no longer about how many stars you get but how many followers. Lash: “The tea has just been spilled!” This continues to be the dumbest thing on a show full of dumb things.

Persia Pirotta vs. Gabby Stephens/Jenna Levy

Persia cleans house to start as Robert Stone is in the aisle. The jobbers are cleaned out and Pirotta puts them both on her shoulders for a double Samoan drop. A sitout F5 finishes Leavy at 1:49. Total domination.

Stone is impressed.

Dakota Kai seems a bit off but says she needs to purge Raquel Gonzalez. Toxic Attraction pops up to scare her off but here are the Grizzled Young Veterans to give them their titles back.

Tommaso Ciampa is ready to face anyone….and he’ll just address them in the ring.

Kayden Carter and Kacy Catanzaro went to a music festival and danced a lot. They want to bring the party to everyone. More vignettes like this, just to give us an idea of who these people are, even if they’ve been around.

Here is Tommaso Ciampa for a chat. He doesn’t like a lot of these new people, including Grayson Waller mocking old wrestlers working the indies for a hot dog and a handshake. Cue Bron Breakker to cut him off to say Ciampa must be upset over these new talents popping up. Ciampa reminds him of the loss at Halloween Havoc and we even see a clip. Ciampa says Breakker has less than a 33 1/3% chance of taking the title, because he is just a puppy instead of the champ.

Raquel Gonzalez vs. Dakota Kai

Before the match, Gonzalez points to Olympic gold medal winning gymnast Tamyra Mensah-Stock in the front row. The beating continues in the corner, with Kai smiling while Gonzalez unloads on her. An over the shoulder backbreaker makes it worse until Gonzalez sends her outside. This time Kai gets in a shot of her own and we take a break.

Back with Kai hitting a running boot against the ropes for two. Kai goes up and shoves Gonzalez off for daring to try a superplex. Another kick to the head keeps Gonzalez in trouble but she fights back, albeit with a bottom turnbuckle being pulled off. A Vader Bomb gives Gonzalez two but Kai breaks up the Chingona Bomb.

Instead, Gonzalez grabs a stretch muffler and spins Kai around for a crash. Kai is able to send her face first into the exposed buckle though and now it’s time for the shovel from Halloween Havoc. Gonzalez takes it away without too much effort…and here is Toxic Attraction to jump Gonzalez for the DQ at 11:45.

Rating: C+. This was pretty easily the best match on the show and I think you know where the ending is taking us. How Gonzalez isn’t on the main roster yet is beyond me, but it wouldn’t surprise me at all to see WarGames as her big NXT finale. Kai’s new character is certainly weird and I’m not quite sure what they’re doing with her. This was pretty good action for a bit though and that’s better than most of this show.

Post match the beatdown is on but Cora Jade makes the save with her skateboard. Mandy Rose cuts that off though and Jade gets beaten down. Cue Zoey Stark, with her leg in a cast, but Io Shirai runs out and grabs the crutch to clear the ring. The big brawl continues as fans chant for WARGAMES as Gonzalez and company clear the ring. Shirai issues the WarGames challenge to end the show, because Toxic Attraction needs to be in ANOTHER dangerous match.

Overall Rating: C-. I wasn’t feeling a lot of this show and that shouldn’t be a surprise. They have certainly settled down, but nothing feels overly big and Toxic Attraction does not feel like they belong in a WarGames match. This show is a bad mixture of goofy and people who aren’t ready yet. That works fine on local TV where you can get away with more, but at two hours a week on the same channel as Raw, it makes for a downright bizarre experience.

Tony D’Angelo b. Dexter Lumis – Fisherman’s neckbreaker
Odyssey Jones/Jacket Time b. Diamond Mine – Splash to Strong
Xyon Quinn b. Andre Chase – Jackhammer
Kyle O’Reilly/Von Wagner b. Brooks Jensen/Josh Briggs – Double underhook swinging slam to Jensen
Persia Pirotta b. Gabby Stephens/Jenna Levy – Sitout F5 to Leavy
Raquel Gonzalez b. Dakota Kai via DQ when Toxic Attraction interfered




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NXT – November 9, 2021: Seesaw Show, Back And Forth

Date: November 9, 2021
Location: Capitol Wrestling Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Beth Phoenix, Wade Barrett, Vic Joseph

We’re back with more of this show and I’m not exactly sure what that means. Odds are it means more Toxic Attraction though, as the trio has been all over the show almost every single week as of late. Throw in more of the usual suspects and this hasn’t been the most thrilling time in NXT in recent memory. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Kayden Carter/Io Shirai/Kacy Catanzaro vs. Toxic Attraction

They’re starting fast this time. Rose hammers on Carter to start and it’s quickly off to Dolin for more of the same. Carter fights up and brings in Shirai to take Jayne down by the leg. Catanzaro’s sliding trip takes Jayne down and a slingshot flip dive gets two. Jayne takes her into the corner though and it’s Rose coming back in, only to be sent outside for a slingshot corkscrew dive. Carter dives onto Rose and Dolin but Rose cuts off Shirai’s dive.

We take a break and come back with Rose chinlocking Catanzaro while holding a bodyscissors. That’s broken up and the tag brings in Shirai, who gets to take over for a bit. The Moon Over Moonsault connects on Rose as everything breaks down. Carter comes in as well and everything breaks down, with a brawl breaking out on the floor. The distraction lets Dolin pull Carter off the top and grab an abdominal stretch rollup for the pin at 12:05.

Rating: C. This could have been a lot worse and the fans were into it. That’s more than you can say for a lot of things around here so maybe they are making some progress. I’m not sure who is next for Toxic Attraction, but it is pretty clear that they are going to be a thing for a good while on this show.

Pete Dunne doesn’t think much of Tony D’Angelo and he can come get a fight if he wants one. Trick Williams and Carmelo Hayes come in, with Williams saying a bunch of stuff that Dunne doesn’t understand. The result seems to be Dunne vs. Hayes for tonight.

MSK is walking to find whoever they’re looking for and finally get there….but the person has moved. They look up the new address, which is 420 miles away. First, they need a change of clothes and a shower, but they’re flying, with references to the Mile High Club. I’m assuming this is just a way to get the team away from the rather annoying NXT fans, which is rather sad if that’s the case.

Kay Lee Ray vs. Sarray

Ray walks through Toxic Attraction, who are still here for some reason. Ray knocks her down to start and hits a big forearm to the face. Sarray reverses a whip into the corner but misses a charge. Back up and Sarray pulls her to the mat for a nasty pull on the leg, only to have Ray make the rope. A fisherman’s suplex gives Sarray two but she misses the running dropkick in the ropes. They head outside with Ray hitting the KLR Bomb onto the announcers’ table. Back in and another KLR Bomb gives Ray the pin at 4:50.

Rating: C-. Pretty quick match here but the main idea was to get Ray back in the ring and winning a match. Ray has all of the potential in the world and it would be great to see her getting to do something more important around here. As for Sarray…I’m still not sure what went wrong but she isn’t looking to be the next big thing around here anytime soon.

Joe Gacy has requested a match with Boa to help him, because he sees the shame Boa carries. He also wants Harland to reach out his hand because he’s doing this for the two of them.

We see some clips of Bron Breakker on the UK tour, where he learned a lot and is ready to take the NXT Title.

Boa vs. Joe Gacy

Gacy knocks him down to start and scores with some shots to the face, setting up a suplex for two. Boa gets a boot up in the corner though….and we’ve got some flickering lights. They seem to recharge Boa, who cokes Gacy into the ropes and that’s a DQ at 3:27.

Rating: D+. So the guy who is subject to a thousand year old witch just got recharged by a red light and choked the woke guy for a DQ. This is one of those situations where you can see just how screwy the whole NXT 2.0 is, but at least the match was short. Nothing to see here, but the Boa attempts continue.

We look at the formation of Jacket Time (Ikemen Jiro/Kushida), which has the Diamond Mine annoyed. It’s time to dominate.

Grayson Waller interrupts Solo Sikoa’s interview but here is LA Knight to annoy both of them. Sikoa wants this settled tonight.

Jacket Time vs. Creed Brothers

Barrett: “Jacket Time is the worst tag team name I have ever heard.” Joseph: “Worse than the Corre with two r’s?” Barrett mutters. Brutus takes Jiro down to start and Jiro’s running shoulder doesn’t make much different. Kushida comes in and is quickly powerslammed and suplexed, but he comes back with a double handspring elbow.

Back with Kushida coming in off the hot tag (see how easy it can be to come back with energy) and house being cleaned. Jiro comes back in with a Swanton for two on Julius but the Ikemen Slice misses. Julius rips off Jiro’s jacket, allowing Roderick Strong to pull Jiro outside. Back in and Julius hits a gutwrench powerbomb for the pin on Jiro at 7:45.

Rating: C. I can’t get my head around the name Jacket Time, but at least the match went as it should have. The Creed Brothers could be something special and that means they shouldn’t be losing a match like this. Thankfully NXT seems to know they have something there and if that’s the case then everything should work out for them.

Post match, Odyssey Jones runs in and helps clean house.

Toxic Attraction isn’t losing their titles anytime soon. Raquel Gonzalez rides up on a motorcycle and says keep her title warm for her.

Gonzalez rides into the arena and says she wants Dakota Kai out here right now. Cue a kind of unhinged Kai to say it felt good to hit her with a shovel, but here is Cora Jade for the pull apart brawl.

Andre Chase’s lesson of the day is Mental Toughness. One student asks about Chase messing up last week so another defends him, with Chase yelling a lot.

The Grizzled Young Veterans distract a food delivery driver and steal his meals, saying they can use this to distract a referee too. Remember when they were loudmouthed heels who were good in the ring and could get crowd hating them after about thirty seconds on a microphone? That’s not good enough around here apparently.

Cameron Grimes vs. Ru Feng

Feng goes right after Grimes to start and stomps away. Cue Duke Hudson to watch as Grimes fights back and knocks Feng into the corner. The Cave In finishes for Grimes at 1:40.

Post match Hudson gets in the ring and demands to know how Grimes was so good last week. Grimes says he won and thinks it’s funny but Grimes calls him an ugly hick who lives under a bridge. That doesn’t seem to bother Grimes, who says he holds it down everywhere. Hudson doesn’t accept that and the challenge is on for next week…in a poker showdown. Deal.

Solo Sikoa vs. LA Knight vs. Grayson Waller

Sikoa punches Knight into the corner to start but some double teaming puts him in trouble. That doesn’t last long as Sikoa clotheslines both of them but gets punched in the face by Waller. Knight gets sent outside, only to come back in and breaks up Sikoa’s suplex on Waller. A double suplex puts Sikoa down but he counters a double superplex attempt into a double powerbomb. Sikoa hits a running hip attack in the corner on Waller but misses one on Knight. Waller is sent outside but runs back in for the Stunner on Knight. Sikoa sends him outside though and the Superfly Splash finishes Knight at 5:05.

Rating: C. I’m not big on this kind of match as they had three people hitting each other until the right one won. Sikoa is someone who is going to wind up as a force around here and I’m curious to see where he goes. Knight still has star power and I don’t think a loss like this is going to hut him all that much.

Indi Hartwell and Persia Pirrotta are annoyed at not winning the Women’s Tag Team Titles. This sends Hartwell into another speech about how much she loves her husband but Tony D’Angelo interrupts. He’ll see Dexter next week but for now, he hands Indi a dead fish and Persia gets some money.

Tommaso Ciampa was on the UK tour as well and is ready to beat Bron Breakker again.

Elektra Lopez vs. Erica Yan

Lopez runs her over to start and hits a snap suplex, followed by a sitout powerbomb for the pin at 1:24. Total squash.

Post match Legado del Fantasma calls out Xyon Quinn, who is right here to join the festivities. Lopez says Quinn turned a lot of heads last week so the offer to join is tossed out. Quinn thinks she is amazing but he isn’t down with the team. Legado goes after him and gets tossed outside in a hurry. Lopez’s slaps are blocked and Quinn pulls her to him, which she doesn’t seem to mind. The intrigued staredown ensues and Lopez holds Legado back.

Takeover WarGames is on December 5. And who in the world is supposed to be in that???

Kyle O’Reilly isn’t sure what to do with his future, but he thinks he and Von Wagner are a special team (no, they aren’t) and they should go after the Tag Team Titles. Imperium pops up but so does Wagner for the showdown.

Pete Dunne vs. Carmelo Hayes

Non-title and Trick Williams is here with Hayes. Dunne jumps Hayes in the corner to start and stomps away in a hurry. It’s already time to work on Hayes’ fingers but he flips over Dunne and hits a springboard clothesline. Dunne sends him outside and slingshots out to grab Hayes’ arm, setting up the X Plex onto the apron. Cue Dexter Lumis to grab a headset and stare Williams down as we take a break.

Back with Dunne fighting out of an armbar but walking into a Codebreaker (for a big flipping bump) and a near fall. Dunne is back with a quick forearm to knock Hayes out of the air but what looks to be the X Plex is reversed into a twisting suplex. Hayes gets creative by trying the Gargano Escape but Dunne escapes that as well. Hold on though as Williams tries some interference, only to be taken out by Lumis. The distraction lets a gloved hand grab Hayes’ foot. That’s enough for the Bitter End to finish Hayes at 12:35.

Rating: C+. Thank goodness we’re starting to get champions losing in non-title matches around here as that was one of the main roster tropes that hadn’t made its way down here yet. Dunne vs. Hayes could be good on Takeover, but I don’t needs more of this 50/50 stuff. Or the “mysterious” hand popping up for that matter.

It was Johnny Gargano, in Dexter Lumis gear.

Overall Rating: C. The main word I would use to describe tonight is indifferent. The show had its up and down moments, but the biggest problem was that when things would get going, some goofy concept would come up and suck the energy out of the whole thing. As a result, the whole show felt like it was just kind of there all night, with little reason to get invested into almost anything they were doing. Takeover seems to be a stretch at this point, with WarGames (especially minus William Regal to announce it) being even harder to reach. The show could work, but that’s a far cry from what used to be a layup around here.

Toxic Attraction b. Kacy Catanzaro/Kayden Carter/Io Shirai – Abdominal stretch cradle to Carter
Kay Lee Ray b. Sarray – KLR Bomb
Joe Gacy b. Boa via DQ when Boa choked in the ropes
Creed Brothers b. Jacket Time – Gutwrench sitout powerbomb
Cameron Grimes b. Ru Feng – Cave In
Solo Sikoa b. LA Knight and Grayson Waller – Superfly Splash to Knight
Elektra Lopez b. Erica Yan – Sitout powerbomb
Pete Dunne b. Carmelo Hayes – Bitter End




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NXT – October 12, 2021: Stuff Happens

Date: October 12, 2021
Location: Capitol Wrestling Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Beth Phoenix, Wade Barrett, Vic Joseph

It’s another big night this time around as we have Santos Escobar challenging Isaiah Scott for the North American Title. Given that Scott and company have been Drafted to SmackDown, there might not be the most drama on this one. Maybe they have a curve ball for us, but that might not be a good idea. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Earlier today, Legado del Fantasma jumped Hit Row and kidnapped everyone but Isaiah Scott.

Opening sequence.

Joe Gacy is in the ring and says that Tommaso Ciampa holding the NXT Title means untold unbalance. Tonight, Gacy will beat the walking example of toxic masculinity and championship privilege. He represents all of his Snowflakes and is ready to inject himself into the championship match at Halloween Havoc.

Tommaso Ciampa vs. Joe Gacy

Non-title but if Gacy wins, he is added to the NXT Title match in two weeks. Ciampa knocks him around to start but Gacy hits a shoulder for two. The chinlock doesn’t last long but here is Harland (the man who looked at Gacy last week, better known as Parker Boudreaux) for a distraction.

Ciampa is back with a running knee in the corner and they head to the floor, with Gacy bouncing off of the announcers’ table. Back in and Ciampa hits him in the nose, only to get taken outside again. This time it’s a drop onto the apron to put Gacy in control as we take a break. Back with Ciampa running him over again but what looked to be White Noise is escaped. Instead they slug it out with Gacy getting the better of things, only to have Ciampa come back with the Fairy Tale Ending and the pin at 9:49.

Rating: C. The match was fine but what were you expecting here? I know NXT has gone a bit nuts but they aren’t going to put Gacy in a spot like that. Ciampa beating him up was nice to see, but it wasn’t like there was any real doubt about the winner. Now we sit back and wait for Bron Breakker to win the title and hopefully one day remember that he is a Steiner and really get into the new era of NXT.

Post match Harland jumps Ciampa and then chokes Gacy (Fans: “WHO ARE YOU???”), who rubs Harland’s face to get him to let go.

Here is Toxic Attraction for a chat. They want all the titles and they left last week very unsatisfied. They aren’t going to play by the rules and they get what they want. The three of them are getting their title shots at Halloween Havoc and leaving with all of the titles. Mandy Rose doesn’t care what color her hair is, because she is always the baddest b**** in the business. The fact that the team lost their first title shot and the fact that it’s Mandy Rose trying to sound tough makes this kind of hard to take seriously.

Someone is at a graveside and starts shoveling dirt, saying he will bury the past to start anew, apparently at Halloween Havoc.

Xyon Quin vs. Malik Blade

Toxic Attraction seems impressed by Quin during his entrance. Quin powers Blade around to start and whips him hard into the corner for two. Blade gets thrown around again and plants with a spinebuster. The running elbow to the face finishes for Quin at 2:48. The more I see of Quin, the more I like him.

Tommaso Ciampa is ready for Bron Breakker in two weeks, but here are the Grizzled Young Veterans. They are ready to see him lose, but here is Breakker to say he’s ready to fight right now. Breakker will have Ciampa’s back until Halloween Havoc because he wants Ciampa at his best. Worked for John Cena and Shawn Michaels in 2007.

Isaiah Scott says his friends are warriors and if Santos Escobar wanted to bring out the evil spirits in him, IT WORKED. He is taking this North American Title to Smackdown and there is nothing Escobar can do about it.

Ivy Nile vs. Valentina Feroz

The rest of the Diamond Mine is here with Nile, who is the first female champion of the Titan Games. Nile catches Feroz’s crossbody and muscles her up into a delayed vertical suplex. Some kicks in the corner have Feroz in trouble as Barrett says he is getting Glamazon vibes from Nile, which he means as a compliment. As Beth tries to get her head around that, Nile muscles her up into a torture rack and does a squat to make it even worse. Feroz (eventually) taps at 2:43. Nile is an athletic machine, but you can tell she is just doing power/athletic stuff rather than knowing how to string a lot of this together (fair enough).

Post match Malcolm Bivens praises the Diamond Mine, but here is Ikemen Jiro to cut Roderick Strong off. Julius Creed cuts him off but Jiro hits him in the face.

Ikemen Jiro vs. Julius Creed

Creed throws him around to start and scores with a powerslam to plant Jiro again. There’s another suplex to send Jiro flying again as this is a total squash so far. Jiro fights up and kicks him down, setting up a delayed splash off the top. A Lionsault to the floor drops Julius but he pulls Jiro out of the air and plants him down again. The basement clothesline finishes Jiro at 3:30.

Rating: C. This was just beneath a total squash and Creed looked impressive. His gear needs more than a few upgrades, but wins like this will get him noticed. The fans like Jiro, but I can’t imagine he goes much further beyond where he is not. There is nothing wrong with being a low level, less than serious guy, and that’s about all he’s going to be for a good while.

Post match the beatdown is on but here is Kushida to make the save. It doesn’t work and he is beaten down as well, but at least he tried.

Raquel Gonzalez talks about how great her title reign has been and is down to face Mandy Rose. Let’s just make it Spin The Wheel, Make The Deal.

It’s time for Lashing Out With Lash Legend. She liked the Draft, misses Hit Row, and didn’t have time for Tony D’Angelo.

Kyle O’Reilly/Von Wagner vs. Pete Dunne/Ridge Holland

Holland and Dunne didn’t get an entrance, but Lash Legend needed the time more. Wagner jumps Dunne to start and muscles him up for a vertical suplex. It’s off to O’Reilly, who kicks Dunne over to the corner a tag to Holland. That goes a bit better for the Brits, as some knees to the back have O’Reilly in trouble. An overhead belly to belly takes O’Reilly down again and Dunne gets in his own shots.

Holland uppercuts him down to set up an arm trap chinlock, followed by a hard clothesline. O’Reilly manages to knock Dunne away and brings Wagner back in to clean house, including sending Holland into the steps on the floor. We take a break and come back with Holland holding O’Reilly in a chinlock as the fans give him a YOU DON’T GO HERE chant. Dunne comes back in to work over O’Reilly as Holland takes Wagner down off the apron.

Everything breaks down and Wagner takes out both villains on the floor. O’Reilly brings Wagner back in off the hot tag to clean house, including a jumping knee and an Angle Slam. Dunne gets dropped by a running knee from O’Reilly and Wagner hits a double underhook spinning slam to finish Holland at 12:42.

Rating: C+. This is a good example of one of the biggest problems with NXT right now: we haven’t gotten an explanation of who Wagner is and now we likely won’t, because he is a regular around here. It’s more lazy writing from NXT and that is not something I’m used to seeing. The match was fine, but I have little reason to care because I have no connection to Wagner. I’m sure it won’t be a problem though, because it’s not like he is one of about half a dozen characters with that problem.

Andre Chase points out how Odyssey Jones should have had his foot over the rope instead of underneath it last week, but hit low ring awareness prevented it. One of the Chase University students asks if that was illegal and gets thrown out by Chase. Several F bombs ensue.

Tony D’Angelo is proud of his win last week but isn’t happy that he was bumped from Lashing Out With Lash Legend. It seems that D’Angelo has kidnapped Legend’s producer.

Grayson Waller vs. Duke Hudson

Waller talks about being a former Golden Gloves boxer and since he’s facing a poker player, he’s all in. Waller goes right after him but charges into a suplex, setting up a waistlock. The fans chant for “Dukie” as Waller makes a comeback, including snapping Hudson throat first across the ropes. A running Stunner gives Waller two but Hudson rolls him up with tights for the pin at 2:38.

Santos Escobar promises that Legado del Fantasma will stay in the back for tonight’s title match.

Imperium doesn’t like MSK and want the Tag Team Titles.

Indi Hartwell/Persia Pirotta vs. Sarray/Amari Miller

Commentary talks about the Queen’s Crown and Beth actually brings up the fan complaints about the matches being short. Sarray kicks Hartwell down to start so it’s off to Miller, who gets run over by Pirotta. Miller gets kicked into the corner, setting up a sitout F5. Hartwell drops Pretty Savage (rope walk elbow) for the pin at 2:26.

Post match Pirotta says she wants the Women’s Tag Team Titles, but here are Io Shirai and Zoey Stark to interrupt (WAY too fast, as the music hit maybe half a second after Pirotta mentioned the titles). Before they can agree that they don’t like each other, here is Toxic Attraction to say they want the titles too. The brawl is on with the champs clearing the ring.

Grayson Waller hits on a woman but Cameron Grimes interrupts. He’s impressed by how Waller did despite losing, but Waller says it’s just the accept. Waller shows Grimes a dating app and has Grimes’ attention.

Solo Sikoa: coming soon.

North American Title: Isaiah Scott vs. Santos Escobar

Escobar is challenging but gets jumped in the aisle as Scott gets going fast. Scott runs him over at ringside and hits the big running flip dive to take him out again. They get inside where Escobar has to block the JML Driver and knocks Scott back to the floor. There’s a suicide dive to send Scott over the announcers’ table and we take a break.

Back with Scott fighting out of a double arm crank and blasting Escobar with a clothesline. Scott’s rolling cutter is countered into a Downward Spiral to give Escobar two and a frog splash gets the same. Scott catches him on top though and a Death Valley Driver onto the apron plants Escobar again. The 450 hits knees though and Escobar rolls him up for a very near fall. Cue Legado del Fantasma for a distraction but Trick Williams and Carmelo Hayes come in to take them out. Escobar gets dropped into the corner and the JML Driver gives Scott the pin to retain at 11:15.

Rating: B-. Scott is a heck of a star and the more I see of him, the more sure of that I am. There is something to him that makes you want to keep watching and in a way, it’s a shame that he is in Hit Row. Good main event here and the match of the night, though something seems up with a certain pair of interfering people.

Post match, Hayes jumps Scott and it’s time for another title match, via Breakout Tournament cash in.

North American Title: Carmelo Hayes vs. Isaiah Scott

Hayes is challenging and gets in a springboard clothesline for a close two. The top rope Fameasser gives Hayes the pin and the title at 1:14.

Celebrating ends the show.

Overall Rating: C-. This is a good example of a show where all of the problems are in the presentation. There are talented people and some of the wrestling is high quality, but the way the material is being presented is killing the show. Above all, there is WAY too much going on here. For two hours, this is a show that is just throwing stuff on the screen, hoping that it catches your attention, and then moving on. Nothing has a chance to develop, nothing has a chance to make an impact and nothing has a chance to stay in your mind, because it’s all about getting the next act out there.

It also doesn’t help that some of the stuff on here just isn’t good. Gacy is a way for some of the writers to poke fun at people they don’t like, Hudson is suddenly a poker guy, Grimes just kind of hangs out backstage looking for women, Toxic Attraction is supposed to be taken seriously, and Von Wagner just…kind of is. What “is” you might ask? Just is, period.

NXT took a long time to define itself and it turned into its own thing. Suddenly deciding that everything that once was is now gone and replacing a bunch of the wrestlers with new ones (Why? Just go with it.), while some (certainly not all) of them wrap up their stories is going to be really jarring. This show is NXT in name only and that is becoming more and more obvious every week. It might be good, but don’t expect me to just drop everything that I cared about and suddenly love a bunch of new gimmicks and characters who we are learning about on the fly. That’s insulting to the fans, but I doubt WWE really cares at this point.

Tommaso Ciampa b. Joe Gacy – Fairy Tale Ending
Xyon Quin b. Malik Blade – Running elbow
Ivy Nile b. Valentina Feroz – Torture rack
Julius Creed b. Ikemen Jiro – Basement clothesline
Kyle O’Reilly/Von Wagner b. Pete Dunne/Ridge Holland – Double underhook spinning slam to Holland
Duke Hudson b. Grayson Waller – Rollup with tights
Indi Hartwell/Persia Pirotta b. Sarray/Amari Miller – Pretty Savage to Miller
Isaiah Scott b. Santos Escobar – JML Driver
Carmelo Hayes b. Isaiah Scott – Top rope Fameasser


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NXT – October 5, 2021: Fighting With The Fans

Date: October 5, 2021
Location: Capitol Wrestling Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Wade Barrett, Beth Phoenix, Vic Joseph

Things are starting to come together around here and that’s a good thing. Now, instead of bringing in a bunch of new people, we’re seeing those wrestlers getting to do something. The pieces that have been introduced are now being put into some stories and that’s a positive sign. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

The opening video looks at the Tag Team Title situation. Tonight’s scheduled eight man tag has been changed into a four way for the titles.

Mandy Rose vs. Ember Moon

The rest of Toxic Attraction is here with Mandy. Moon takes her down to start and Mandy bails to the floor, meaning it’s a suicide dive to take the team out. Back in and Mandy kicks away in the corner, setting up a bodyscissors. Moon fights up and slugs away, including a heck of a discus forearm. A middle rope Codebreaker drops Mandy again but Moon has to bail out of an Eclipse attempt. Mandy’s running knee finishes Moon at 4:35.

Rating: C-. If they want to make Mandy into the next big thing, this is how you go about doing it: short matches where she can pick up wins, including over someone like Moon. While she has fallen a long way, Moon still has some name value and it is a good move to have Rose go over her. Mandy plays her part well, and keeping the match short made it even better.

Legado de Fantasma isn’t done with Hit Row and Santos Escobar wants Isaiah Scott’s North American Title.

Odyssey Jones vs. LA Knight

Jones throws him around to start, including one heck of a toss into the corner. Knight needs a breather on the floor before Jones runs him over back inside. Knight manages to get in a shot of his own but a cover only gets one. For some reason Knight tries a slam, which goes as well for him as you would expect. Cue Andre Chase for a distraction though and Knight scores with a jumping neckbreaker for the pin at 4:02.

Rating: C. Another short match and again, that is probably the right idea. Jones is a huge guy and it should be a case of less is more. Don’t let the fans get worn out on a guy that size who can move like that. Let him get the crowd’s attention and then leave, as now they want to see him pummel Chase, as is the plan.

Cameron Grimes says love is in the air around here and wants to find a lucky lady of her own. Pete Dunne and Ridge Holland come up with Dunne throwing out a challenge for tonight. Grimes heads off to hit on some women instead.

Kyle O’Reilly asks Von Wagner why he has been helping him. Wagner says he respects O’Reilly but Kyle doesn’t trust anyone. O’Reilly appreciates it but wants Wagner to leave him alone. Wagner is going to need some help with the talking.

Here is Tommaso Ciampa for a chat. Halloween Havoc is back on October 26 and the champ needs a challenger. He knows that Bron Breakker has been circling around but who has the guts to come out here and face him? Cue Bron Breakker, who says he doesn’t care how long he has been here because he wants the NXT Title. Ciampa says Breakker wants the title but Ciampa needs it. Breakker sees it as a stepping stone to something bigger and better, but to Ciampa, it is something bigger and better. That leaves Breakker with three weeks to get ready, because challenge accepted. Breakker’s Steiner was showing here again.

Joe Gacy talks about how he wasn’t worried when social media crashed yesterday. Tonight, the ring is his safe space.

Persia Pirotta is here with Indi Hartwell and talking about how great the honeymoon was. Indi wore Dexter Lumis out by going through two packs. After saying Lumis is 9.5, they find a door with smoke coming out from underneath and find….Tian Sha, who throws them out.

Joe Gacy vs. Ikemen Jiro

Jiro shoulders him to start and Gacy encourages him to do it again. That earns him a running armdrag and a hurricanrana, meaning Gacy wants a breather. Gacy runs him over but Jiro slips out of a slam. Jiro tosses him down again but misses the Ikemen Slash. The handspring clothesline finishes for Gacy at 3:08.

Rating: D+. I don’t remember the last time I’ve seen a gimmick that beat you over the head as hard as Gacy. There might as well be a big sign over his head explaining the joke every time for how subtle the whole thing is. It isn’t funny and the matches aren’t exactly great, but I’m sure the people writing it are having a great time so we aren’t getting away from it anytime soon.

Post match, Gacy picks him up for a bit of an awkward hug. As Gacy leaves, a guy stares down at him from the stands and Gacy smiles back up at him.

Cora Jade likes to skateboard.

Duke Hudson is a wrestler and a professional poker player with his own Duke’s Poker Room. He’ll take your belt or your money. Or your Swinger’s Palace.

Cora Jade vs. Virginia Ferry

Hold on though as here is Frankie Monet to jump Ferry and take her place.

Cora Jade vs. Frankie Monet

Monet hits the running knees in the corner to start so here is Trey Baxter to cheer Jade on. A stomp has Jade in more trouble and a spear cuts her in half. Not that it matters as Jade rolls her up for the pin at 2:04.

The Grizzled Young Veterans come up to MSK in the back. Let’s just make the title match elimination rules? Josh Briggs/Brooks Jensen and Trick Williams/Carmelo Hayes come in for the brawl.

Tommaso Ciampa is ready for Bron Breakker but Joe Gacy comes in. Gacy thinks Ciampa is putting forth his privilege as champion and would like a shot of his own. Ciampa says if Gacy can beat him next week, Halloween Havoc can be a three way. Just remember that the ring isn’t going to be a safe space for Gacy.

Pete Dunne vs. Cameron Grimes

Ridge Holland is here with Dunne. They trade wristlocks to start with Dunne getting the better of things. Back up and a running hurricanrana gets Grimes out of trouble, setting up an armdrag into an armbar. Dunne kicks him down again but misses a charge in the corner, allowing Grimes to hit a good high crossbody for two. A double stomp to the hands slows Grimes back down but he is back up with a bridging German suplex for two more. Holland goes for the distraction, drawing out Kyle O’Reilly for the save. The distraction lets Dunne hit the Bitter End for the pin at 5:40.

Rating: C+. I could have gone for more of this as these two had some chemistry. It’s always nice to see some of the people who can have a good match getting the chance to do so and it worked out well enough here. Dunne winning off the distraction is fine as Grimes saves some face, but he’s over enough that a loss to a more established star isn’t going to hurt him.

Post match Dunne and Holland lay out O’Reilly.

Hit Row isn’t running from NXT but running to the money. Smackdown wanted them and that’s where they’re going. They’re ready to finish things with Legado del Fantasma and Santos Escobar can have his title shot.

During the break, Von Wagner helped Kyle O’Reilly up.

Tony D’Angelo vs. Malik Blade

The fans go nuts for D’Angelo, who talks a lot and grabs a headlock to start. A running shoulder sets up another headlock as commentary talks about D’Angelo’s, ahem, businesses, with all the subtly of a pair of concrete shoes. Blade manages to get in a shot and head outside, only to walk into a spear. A waistlock sets up an abdominal stretch but Blade fights up and hits a high crossbody. Some rolling suplexes set up a fisherman’s neckbreaker to finish Blade at 4:44.

Rating: C. Oh man this has potential. The fans were loving D’Angelo and it certainly felt like a case where they’re in on the joke of how bad he really is. D’Angelo looks like an athlete but there were a lot of instances of pausing for holds here as it didn’t seem like they were ready. The fans were absolutely loving it though and it is a rare case where they were able to bring this WAY higher than it would have been otherwise.

Carmelo Hayes and Trick Williams are bout it and ready to win the Tag Team Titles without using Hayes’ contract.

Indi Hartwell vs. Mei Ying

Persia Pirotta is here with Hartwell and Boa is with Ying. We get a MRS. LUMIS chant as Ying hammers away to start and grabs the nerve hold. The Tongan Death Grip has Indi on the floor but Ying lets go and kicks Persia in the face by mistake. Indi posts Ying and hits a springboard clothesline for the surprise pin at 2:52.

Lash Legend is talking about how great her show will be next week. Tony D’Angelo comes in and wants to be her guest, which works for Legend. She takes credit for shutting down Facebook and Instagram yesterday because her show was so hot.

Malcolm Bivens introduces the Diamond Mine and gives us a quick bio of every member. More stuff like this please, as you need to get to know these people.

Raquel Gonzalez thinks Mandy Rose’s hair dye has gotten into her brain because Mandy doesn’t know who she is messing with. Touch her title again and Mandy can start posing for a body cast. Cue Toxic Attraction to say Raquel is coming off desperate. The three of them talk about how great they are but Gonzalez says she can only look at the staples in Gigi Dolin’s head from when Gonzalez hit her with the belt. Jacy Jayne says they’ll hold all of the gold soon because they’re THE attraction. Gonzalez is surrounded but Zoey Stark and Io Shirai run in for the save.

Von Wagner comes in to tell Kyle O’Reilly that they’re facing Pete Dunne and Ridge Holland. O’Reilly isn’t happy.

Raquel Gonzalez, Io Shirai and Zoey Stark are ready for Toxic Attraction but Indi Hartwell and Persia Pirotta come in to say they’re coming for the titles. Shirai said the only gold they’re wearing is in their ears.

Tag Team Titles: Grizzled Young Veterans vs. Josh Briggs/Brooks Jensen vs. Trick Williams/Carmelo Hayes vs. MSK

MSK is defending and it’s elimination rules. Wes Lee rolls Zack Gibson up for two to start and it’s off to Nash Carter for the rapid fire kicks to the chest. That’s enough to send Gibson over for the tag to Hayes, who drops Lee in a hurry. Williams comes in and clotheslines Jensen, who cuts Hayes off with an atomic drop. A double shoulders sends Hayes over to Williams, who gets booted in the face. Lee comes back in and sends Williams outside for a suicide dive. Back in and the Hart Attack Blockbuster pins Williams at 3:55.

We take a break and come back with the Veterans working over Lee, including some choking on the ropes. Lee gets away and brings Carter back in though, allowing house to be cleaned. A moonsault to the floor drops the Veterans but Gibson drops Lee. Briggs makes a blind tag though and a double powerbomb finishes Gibson to get rid of the Veterans at 10:30. Briggs’ running boot into a Russian legsweep from Jensen gets two on Lee. There’s a huge double spinebuster to plant Lee again but Carter breaks up the double powerbomb. Lee hurricanranas Jensen to retain at 12:32.

Rating: C+. I like the elimination rules, but MSK needs to drop the titles pretty soon. That being said, outside of the Veterans, who are they supposed to drop them to? The country boys? Hayes and the new guy who shouts bout it all the time? I’m sure the Veterans aren’t gimmicky enough for this NXT though and that shouldn’t be a big surprise. Nice match, but they need to shake up the titles sooner than later.

Post match Briggs and Jensen pick up the titles….and hand them to MSK. The fans want Melo but get Imperium jumping MSK instead. Briggs and Jensen run in for a late save. Fans: “THANK YOU IMPERIUM!” This really didn’t do the division or the titles any favors, but there is in fact a division there now, which is more than you can say about the main roster.

Overall Rating: C. This was a big step back for NXT and I’m scared that it’s a sign of things to come. A lot of this show felt like WWE saying “this is what you’re getting and we don’t care if you like it”. Maybe the live fans were complaining for the sake of complaining, but it was pretty clear that they weren’t happy with a good bit of this.

Between Toxic Attraction doing their best Beautiful People impression to Duke Hudson suddenly copying Johnny Swinger to that wacky Joe Gacy to Imperium vs. MSK, there wasn’t much to get excited about around here. That seems to be NXT in a nutshell, but at least Vince’s lovable gang of goons have their jobs instead of HHH right?

Mandy Rose b. Ember Moon – Running knee
LA Knight b. Odyssey Jones – Jumping neckbreaker
Joe Gacy b. Ikemen Jiro – Handspring lariat
Cora Jade b. Frankie Monet – Victory roll
Pete Dunne b. Cameron Grimes – Bitter End
Tony D’Angelo b. Malik Blade – Fisherman’s neckbreaker
Indi Hartwell b. Mei Ying – Springfield clothesline
MSK b. Grizzled Young Veterans, Josh Briggs/Brooks Jensen and Carmelo Hayes/Trick Williams last eliminating Briggs/Brooks Jensen



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NXT – September 14, 2021: New And….That’s All I’ve Got

Date: September 14, 2021
Location: Capitol Wrestling Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Beth Phoenix, Vic Joseph, Wade Barrett

We have arrived as it is time for the all new NXT, featuring a lot of the same people and whatever angles need to be wrapped up. I’m almost terrified of what this is going to include as the usual suspects from Raw are in charge. We have a wedding and a vacant World Title to fill though so let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

We open with a quick recap of Samoa Joe vacating the NXT Title and the setup of the four way for the vacant championship.

Tommaso Ciampa doesn’t care which NXT it is because he’ll be champion.

Pete Dunne thinks it is time for a Bruiserweight Champion.

Kyle O’Reilly is ready to achieve a goal sixteen years in the making.

LA Knight knows Samoa Joe was scared of him and now three men are stuck in the same spot. Someone named Bron Breaker (better known as Bronson Rechsteiner) comes up to Knight and says he wants a chance to prove himself. Knight tells him to go out there and take a beating in a few minutes.

The arena and set are far brighter and the setup makes it look FAR bigger. The seats wrap around the ring for a unique look. It’s actually quite the improvement.

LA Knight vs. Bron Breaker

Breaker shoulders and clotheslines Knight down and some suplexes have Knight in the corner. Commentary says Breaker has a Dog Faced Gremlin mentality for the first Steiner reference. Knight is back with a clothesline and the jumping neckbreaker out of the corner puts Breaker in more trouble. Some running shoulders have Knight back in trouble as we hear about Breaker’s resume. Not his family history or anything, but he did play football. Knight gets gorilla pressed into a powerslam for the clean pin at 3:42.

Rating: C-. So I guess they’re starting with the rapid fire changes, as Breaker is suddenly thrown right into the spotlight. I’m still stunned that they didn’t directly say he’s a Steiner, but I guess that might be too much pressure? Either way, quite the surprise for the first match, but it doesn’t do Knight much good.

Post break, Breaker gets congratulated by a bunch of unnamed wrestlers.

Imperium vs. Brooks Jensen/Josh Briggs

Jensen powerslams Aichner to start so it’s off to Barthel, who grabs an armbar on Briggs. That’s fine with Briggs, who powers his way out in a hurry. Barthel strikes away but can’t get in a suplex. Instead he hits a running kick to the chest but Briggs tosses him away without much effort. It’s back to Jensen to clean house but Briggs gets knocked outside. The Imperial Bomb finishes Jensen at 3:18.

Rating: C. I can go for some new names being showcased, but I could go for less of Imperium. They have every bit of the in-ring acumen but egads they are incredibly dry. I know that’s kind of the point, though it doesn’t make things much better. Briggs continues to have something there, but it hasn’t quite broken out yet.

Hit Row talks about how fabulous B Fab really is. She has trained with the best and now she is ready for her win.

B Fab vs. Katrina Cortez

Fab kicks her away and shrugs off Cortez’s comeback. A big kick to the face in the corner rocks Cortez and it’s a neckbreaker for the pin at 1:14. They weren’t out there very long and didn’t look great while they were.

B Fab doesn’t think much of Elektra Lopez getting involved in their business so here is Legado del Fantasma to interrupt. Lopez and B Fab insult each other with various threats…and we’re just done with that.

Odyssey Jones and Cameron Grimes are trying to cheer up Johnny Gargano when Austin Theory returns. He even has a surprise: you can’t have a wedding without a priest, so here is DAMIAN Priest to say the bar must be open. Grimes has the drinks covered and Theory and Gargano hug. The matching Dexter Lumis costumes help a lot.

Here is Carmelo Hayes, with Trick Williams (whoever that is) for a chat. After a break, Hayes talks about winning the Breakout Tournament three weeks ago. You aren’t going to catch him off guard again so he called Williams, who insisted he was bout it bout it. Now Williams is going to be everywhere Hayes goes because he has the gift of the gab and the gift of the jab. Hayes is great, but Williams has a bone to pick with him. Williams describes being bout it bout it and Hayes says it is hard to be good and humble. When he shoots he doesn’t miss, but if he chooses to pass, Williams will see it.

Duke Hudson comes out for his match and says Hayes got lucky in the Breakout Tournament. Williams comes in and hits a cyclone boot to Hudson’s face. The beating is on and Hayes joins in. Some double teaming leaves Hudson laying. I have no idea what they said or what this was supposed to be.

Gigi Dolin and Jayce Jane compliment the NEW Mandy Rose, whose face we don’t see.

Kayden Carter/Kacy Catanzaro vs. Gigi Dolin/Jayce Jane

It’s a brawl to start with Catanzaro dropkicking Jane to the floor so Carter can run Dolin over. A double arm crank has Dolin in trouble as we go split screen to see Pete Dunne and Ridge Holland taking out Kyle O’Reilly. Dolin gets armdragged into the corner for the tag to Jane. That’s fine with Carter, who hits her in the face from the apron. The 450/neckbreaker combination is loaded up but Mandy Rose, in a hoodie, comes in for the DQ at 1:57.

Post match the beatdown is on and Mandy is….a brunette. Sarray comes in for the save and clears the ring in a hurry.

Sarray/Kayden Carter/Kacy Catanzaro vs. Gigi Dolin/Jayce Jane/Mandy Rose

We’re joined in progress with Sarray hitting a missile dropkick on Dolin and a fisherman’s suplex gets two. It’s off to Carter for a dropkick into a backsplash and Catanzaro comes in, only to fall for a distractions o she gets caught in the wrong corner. Mandy forearms her in the back and hits a slam for two.

A bodyscissors sets up a suplex for two and it’s back to Jane to keep Kacy in trouble. Not that it matters as Kacy slips through some legs and brings in Carter to clean house. The basement superkicks drops Jane and everything breaks down. That means the Rose vs. Sarray showdown until Carter superkicks Mandy for two. Rose is back up with a jumping knee to Carter’s face for the pin at 6:12.

Rating: C-. So that happened, as Blonde Bombshell Mandy Rose is now Evil Brunette Bombshell Mandy Rose. I don’t know how much of a difference that makes but I’m kind of digging the heel trio. There is something there, though it might need a bit more of an explanation of what it actually is.

The bridal party is getting ready.

William Regal announces that O’Reilly is out of the way and…..Von Wagoner will take his place. You’re not supposed to know who that is.

Ridge Holland vs. Drake Maverick

Holland throws him around to start and runs him over with ease. Some forearms across the face keep Maverick down and more forearms keep up the pain. Northern Grit finishes Maverick at 1:48. Total squash.

Tommaso Ciampa talks about how everyone is coming for the title and that is why we are here. It has been 908 days since he held Goldie and tonight he gets his redemption.

Tony Dangerfield is a former All American Greco Roman wrestler and he’s coming to nXT.

Creed Brothers vs. ???//???

Brutus starts fast and shoves one of them over the top and out to the floor. Back in and Brutus drives them into the corner and Julius comes in sans tag. After the double teaming, Brutus plants the first one again before a slap brings Julius back in for a suplex. Julius makes one opponent tag the other and a dropkick just fires Julius up. A spinebuster plants the first one and a basement clothesline is good for the pin at 2:50. Total dominance and they have something with the Creed Brothers.

Post match Malcolm Bivens brags about the Diamond Mine’s success and introduces the newest member of the team: Ivy Nile. She’s in great shape and hasn’t had a carb in sixteen years. Cue Kushida to say he is ready for Roderick Strong and the Cruiserweight Title match is set for next week.

NXT Title: Von Wagoner vs. Pete Dunne vs. LA Knight vs. Tommaso Ciampa

One fall for the vacant title. It’s a big brawl to star with Wagoner clearing most of the ring until Knight gets to clean house. Dunne is back in to work on Wagoner’s arm and it’s time for the showdown with Ciampa. That means an armbar into a stomp to Ciampa’s arm until Knight breaks that up. A clothesline sends Knight outside though and the brawl is on again. Wagoner comes in and cleans house as we take a break.

Back with the brawling continuing with Ciampa hitting the running strikes in the corner. The double clothesline takes down Dunne and Knight but Wagoner blocks the Fairy Tale Ending. Knight scores with Blunt Force Trauma for two. Another one sends Dunne outside but Ciampa scores with Willow’s Bell for two, as Dunne makes another save. Ciampa hits the running corkscrew dive onto everyone else and is the only one left standing. Back in and Dunne snaps Ciampa’s fingers, setting up the Bitter End. Knight tries to steal the pin but Wagoner cuts him off with an Angle Slam for a very close two.

Dunne and Ciampa take Wagoner and Knight out and the big slugout is on. A German suplex sends Ciampa outside and Dunne goes up top, only to have Knight grab a top rope superplex to bring him back down. Wagoner hits a double underhook slam for two on Knight with Ciampa making the save. The Fairy Tale Ending to Knight gives Ciampa the title back at 10:36.

Rating: B. This was all action and that’s what you need for the title match. It didn’t feel like an epic title win, but Ciampa is about as solid of a choice for the title as you can have. I was convinced that Wagoner was actually going to get the title, but at least they went with something that made sense. There are all kinds of ways to go for the first title feud too so this is a safe and smart choice.

Ciampa is rather happy to have won the title.

Video on Indi Hartwell and Dexter Lumis’ road to the altar.

It’s time for the wedding, with wrestlers in the wedding party. Indi Hartwell comes to the ring and Johnny Gargano gives her away, though only after he lists off his resume. Gargano asks if Austin Theory has the rings, with Theory saying they’re in a ring. Ikemen Jiro has rings, inside his jacket of course. We get up to “speak now” and Dexter threatens anyone who says something with an ax.

Indi reads her vows to Dexter, whose middle name is Gaylord. She says he is misunderstood and is glad that he’s a freak. Lumis has to cut her off from a story about sneaking into her bed one night, with Gargano and Candice LeRae freaking out. Indi: “Dexter, you never lose a staring contest.” Lumis’ vow is a thumbs up, with the minister being confused about what is going on. That earns the minister a Silencer so there is no one to finish this.

The fans want William Regal….but Beth Phoenix jumps in the ring because she knew this would happen. That’s why she became an ordained minister last night so she can handle things. Beth wants to cut to the chase, which draws up Andre Chase….who is taken out by Odyssey Jones. With that out of the way, Beth says her thing, making sure to say that any death doing them parting is hopefully not ax related. Indi says she does and Dexter….actually says I DO (Candice’s shocked face is great). After the kiss, they pose together and no major shenanigans ensue.

Tommaso Ciampa is watching in the back when Bron Breaker comes up to say congratulations. A tense staredown ends the show.

Overall Rating: C-. I have no idea what to think of this show and I don’t think NXT knows what they were thinking with it either. We’ll start with the good: the new look makes it feel like a much better show as they leave behind the cramped atmosphere. There were also fresh faces, which makes things seem like it is a brand new production. The wrestling wasn’t bad either, with the title match being well put together.

The problem comes in two parts: who are these people and why are they here? There was no explanation from William Regal, no storyline explanation and really nothing at all about WHY this was the new NXT. We know that it is because they kept talking about it, but we were never told why it was happening. There are all of these new faces running around too, making for a rather confusing show at times. It isn’t bad and it was the start, but dang I do not have any confidence in this show at the moment.

Bron Breaker b. LA Knight – Gorilla press powerslam
Imperium b. Brooks Jensen/Josh Briggs – Imperium Bomb to Jensen
B Fab b. Katrina Cortez – Neckbreaker
Kacy Catanzaro/Kayden Carter b. Jayce Jane/Gigi Dolin via DQ when Mandy Rose interfered
Mandy Rose/Gigi Dolin/Jayce Jane b. Kacy Catanzaro/Kayden Carter/Sarray – Running knee to Carter
Ridge Holland b. Drake Maverick – Northern Grit
Creed Brothers b. ???/??? – Basement clothesline to ???
Tommaso Ciampa b. LA Knight, Pete Dunne and Von Wagoner – Fairy Tale Ending to Knight



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NXT – August 31, 2021: They Need To Go Big

Date: August 31, 2021
Location: Capitol Wrestling Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Beth Phoenix, Wade Barrett, Vic Joseph

The changes continue around here as we are marching towards the new version of NXT. I still have no idea what that means and I’m not sure I want to. Then again it might be for the best, as NXT has not exactly been at its most thrilling for a long time now. There are a few matches set in advance this week so let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Mandy Rose vs. Sarray

Gigi Dolin and Jacy Jayne are here with Rose. Mandy takes her down to start and rubs her face in the mat, setting up some pushups on Sarray’s back. Sarray is back up with a dropkick and a kind of nasty looking fisherman’s suplex for two. A top rope twisting splash misses for Sarray and we hit the quickly broken chinlock.

Rose grabs a fall away slam into a nip up and it’s off to something like an abdominal stretch. That’s broken up as well and Sarray starts the striking. The running dropkick sets up the running dropkick in the ropes to send Mandy outside. Jayne and Dolin immediately cover her face up and get her to the back for the countout at 7:39.

Rating: C. This was completely acceptable as Mandy is doing a much more old school heel thing in the ring. There is no point in trying to have her be some kind of a moves person and thankfully NXT gets that. Let her go out there, be the heel she can be so easily and use some old school tactics to get heat. It works well for her, and in a place where everything is about going a hundred miles an hour, it makes her stand out that much more.

Tommaso Ciampa is ready to hurt Pete Dunne and Ridge Holland. He isn’t going to cry over spilled milk and a motivated Ciampa is a scary Ciampa.

Duke Hudson vs. Kyle O’Reilly

O’Reilly’s ribs are heavily taped so Hudson goes after the obvious target in a hurry. A heel hook is blocked and Hudson blasts him with a right hand to the ribs. O’Reilly can’t grab an abdominal stretch and it’s a hiptoss to take him down. Hudson even mocks the air guitar, which is a bit better than Hogan’s. A fireman’s carry gutbuster drops O’Reilly and we take a break.

Back with Hudson staying on the ribs and cutting off an O’Reilly comeback attempt. O’Reilly gets smart by kicking at the legs before spinning into a guillotine choke to put Hudson in trouble. It’s broken up with straight power, so O’Reilly grabs a hanging dragon screw legwhip. The top rope knee to Hudson’s knee sets up the heel hook for the tap at 11:52.

Rating: B-. They had a good, back and forth match here but the key was to not have things get too complicated. Hudson is still very much a work in progress so it was a smart move to let him get in there with someone who can walk him through a match. O’Reilly gets a come from behind win, Hudson gets his feet wet against better competition and we move on after a good use of both guys.

We look at Dexter Lumis and Indi Hartwell’s engagement.

Beth Phoenix is VERY excited about the wedding but Wade Barrett throws away his In-Dex shirt.

Here is the very banged up and limping Ilja Dragunov to talk about how he went through a war with Walter. He survived against the Ring General and is ready for whatever comes at him. The fans don’t want him to go and wants to know who is willing to come after the title. Long live the Czar.

Kay Lee Ray says the NXT women’s division needs a boost and that is why William Regal…..and the interviewer cuts her off to ask about various women in NXT. Ray isn’t worried about Io Shirai or Ember Moon and she is coming to take over the division.

Carmelo Hayes is considering his options for the title match but Elektra Lopez comes in to say the North American Title is for Santos Escobar. Cue Legado del Fantasma to seemingly offer some threats.

Imperium vs. Grayson Waller/Drake Maverick

Before the match, Maverick looks worried but Waller says Imperium is just annoyed at having to carry Walter’s bags. Waller is taken into the corner to start and it’s time to hammer away. Barthel adds some loud kicks to the chest but Waller gets over to Maverick for the hot tag. Maverick loads up what looks to be a charge but Waller tags himself back in, leaving Maverick to be knocked outside. Maverick is sent into the lighting rig and Waller is kicked in the face. The Imperial Bomb finishes Waller at 3:04.

Rating: C-. More of the same from Imperium, meaning they had a competent squash which wasn’t going to hold my interest. These two are not exactly inspiring but do have all of the technical stuff down. It’s kind of a Dean Malenko vibe, but without the occasional big spots to spice it up a bit.

Indi Hartwell asks Johnny Gargano to give Dexter Lumis a chance. Lumis is standing near Gargano and gets to go to the ring with him.

Pete Dunne, Ridge Holland, Oney Lorcan and Danny Burch are ready to hurt Tommaso Ciampa.

Gigi Dolin and Jacy Jayne have attacked Sarray.

Johnny Gargano vs. LA Knight

Indi Hartwell and Dexter Lumis are here with Gargano. The fans are behind Gargano, Lumis and Hartwell here as Gargano and Knight fight for control on the mat. It’s too early for the Gargano Escape so Knight starts in on the arm and then elbows him in the face. Gargano sends him outside though and hits a suicide dive. Knight runs him over again though and, after some mocking of Lumis and Hartwell, drops Gargano to send us to a break.

Back with Knight missing a knee drop, allowing Gargano to hit a middle rope Downward Spiral. The slingshot spear drops Knight again but he’s back up with a pop up powerslam dropped backwards instead of forwards. Gargano doesn’t mind as he tries the Gargano Escape, which is quickly escaped. The One Final Beat is countered as well but Gargano lands on Lumis, who then moves him away from a charging Drake. Back in and Gargano reaches for Lumis, but walks into the BFT for the pin at 14:02.

Rating: C+. This was much more about the interactions and the character stuff with Gargano, as the fans’ reactions are getting interesting. Gargano is still popular, but all he has to do is give Lumis and Hartwell a sideways glare and fans can’t stand him all over again. The wedding actually has me curious and I would not have bet on that just a few weeks ago so nice job on setting things up.

Lumis knows he screwed up.

MSK goes in to see William Regal and wants Oney Lorcan/Danny Burch to have a Tag Team Title shot. Burch and Lorcan were stripped of the titles so Regal makes the match for next week.

Next week: Mei Ying’s in-ring debut.

Raquel Gonzalez vs. Jessi Kamea

Non-title and Robert Stone and Frankie Monet are here too. Kamea slips out of a suplex to start and manages to snap the leg over the top rope. A missed basement spinwheel kick lets Gonzalez dropkick her into the corner, setting up a powerbomb hot shot. The Chingona Bomb finishes Kamea at 2:42.

Ember Moon doesn’t like what Kay Lee Ray said and would be glad to face her next week.

We get a sitdown interview with Samoa Joe, who knows what it means to be champion. He hasn’t had time to rest because he has been in Las Vegas scouting NXT talent. Then he took a red eye flight back here because he needed to win the NXT Title. The precedent had to be set and now it is time to defend his title. If anyone wants something, come try and take it from him.

Roderick Strong vs. Ikemen Jiro

The Creed Brothers are now part of the Diamond Mine. Jiro is accepting an open challenge on Kushida’s behalf because Kushida is his hero. Strong starts strong by kicking Jiro down and sending him outside. A hiptoss sends Jiro into the steps and we hit the chinlock back inside. The seated abdominal stretch keeps Jiro in trouble but he fights up for some shots to the face. The slingshot springboard moonsault gives Jiro two but Strong knees him in the face. Back to back End of Heartaches finishes for Strong at 5:02.

Rating: C-. Total squash here and there is nothing wrong with that. Strong is in a holding pattern until Kushida gets back from whatever is wrong with him. Until then, just keep building Strong up and making him feel like the ultimate challenger. They can do a lot of work on the way to the title match and that seems to be the case.

Zoey Stark and Io Shirai are ready to defend their Tag Team Titles against Kayden Carter and Kacy Catanzaro. The champs aren’t really friends outside of the ring and it is going to catch up with them. Stark and Shirai don’t have much of a rebuttal.

Cameron Grimes, looking like his old self again, talks about how great it is to receive the Million Dollar Legacy. Cue the Grizzled Young Veterans to say that Grimes is the champion with a fake title, just like the one they have. Maybe next week he can be Universal Champion once he hits WWEshop.com. Grimes is impressed by the replica belt…and drops it on Zack Gibson’s foot. He throws in some money on his way to the moon.

Tommaso Ciampa vs. Ridge Holland

Oney Lorcan, Danny Burch and Pete Dunne are with Holland while Ciampa is alone. Ciampa headlocks him down but gets caught in a northern lights suplex. Not that it matters as Ciampa is back up with a running knee in the corner. Holland is taken outside for a ram into the barricade and a posting. A running knee to the face lets Ciampa pat himself on the back but Holland goes for the knee to send us to a break.

Back with Holland grabbing a chinlock to keep Ciampa in trouble. Ciampa fights up with a clothesline and a jumping knee to the face. More corner clotheslines look to set up the Fairy Tale Ending but Holland reverses into an Alabama Slam to drop Ciampa hard. After a check from the referee, Ciampa fights up with some shots to the face to knock Holland down against the ropes. An Air Raid Crash drops Holland again but he headbutts Ciampa out to the floor. Holland powerslams him into the barricade but Ciampa is back with some knees to the face. Willow’s Bell is good for the pin on Holland at 12:05.

Rating: C+. I’m not sure what it is but there is something about this feud that is making it hard for me to care. What you’re getting is mostly good stuff and I can go for seeing more of Ciampa, but it feels more like a way to get us towards WarGames rather than a match or feud that I want to see. Good match, though I didn’t really get inspired by what I was seeing.

Post match the beatdown is on but MSK comes out for the save.

Overall Rating: C+. The biggest problem with NXT right now is the lack of a top story. What is the main angle going on in NXT right now? Samoa Joe doesn’t have a challenger. The Way is waiting around to get to the wedding. Ciampa vs. Holland N Pals feels like an upper midcard feud at most. What on here feels like a top level story? I know it will change, but that has been seriously lacking from NXT.

The NXT Title hasn’t felt important in months, Raquel Gonzalez vs. Frankie Monet still seems like it’s a few weeks away at most and the North American Champion is part of a faction war. What does that leave? Io Shirai/Zoey Stark and MSK? There just isn’t much going on right now that feels must see and nothing is standing above the rest. That’s a problem and until it is fixed, NXT isn’t going to feel all that important.

Sarray b. Mandy Rose via countout
Kyle O’Reilly b. Duke Hudson – Heel hook
Imperium b. Grayson Waller/Drake Maverick – Imperial Bomb to Waller
LA Knight b. Johnny Gargano – BFT
Raquel Gonzalez b. Jessi Kamea – Chingona Bomb
Roderick Strong b. Ikemen Jiro – End of Heartache
Tommaso Ciampa b. Ridge Holland – Willow’s Bell



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NXT – August 24, 2021: On Borrowed Time

Date: August 24, 2021
Location: Capitol Wrestling Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Beth Phoenix, Wade Barrett, Vic Joseph

Takeover has come and gone and I have no idea what to expect next. Everything is about to be turned upside down around here and there is a good chance that we are going to be seeing something completely different going forward. That might be a good thing, but it is certainly going to be an eventful thing. Let’s get to it.

Here is Takeover if you need a recap.

Ted DiBiase and Cameron Grimes arrive and we follow them into the ring. DiBiase talks about how people have wanted to see what he wanted around here. He is here because he saw something in Grimes, who kept getting back up. That is why he is now the Million Dollar Champion, which the fans seem to like. Grimes talks about how DiBiase drove him nuts when he got here, which DiBiase says was a test.

Instead of learning, Grimes got distracted by the money and the stuff, and now he has the accomplishment to back it up. At Takeover, the two of them took care of LA Knight and now he has the title to prove it. Now though, it is time to go TO THE MOON, and Cameron Grimes Bucks are launched at the crowd. Beth to Barrett: “You can buy a new gavel!”

We get the long Takeover recap video.

Ridge Holland vs. Timothy Thatcher

Pete Dunne and Tommaso Ciampa are here too. An exchange of shoulders doesn’t get them anywhere so Holland goes with the slam to send Thatcher’s legs into the ropes. Back up and a running elbow gives Holland two but a belly to belly gives Thatcher a breather. A knee to the ribs cuts Holland down again and it’s time to work on the arm.

Holland grabs Thatcher’s arm and grabs a clothesline though and we take a break with Thatcher on the floor. Back with Thatcher winning a slugout and hitting his own slam to send the legs into the ropes. The half crab goes on but a rope is grabbed in a hurry. Holland knocks a jumping enziguri out of the air and Northern Grit finishes Thatcher at 10:36.

Rating: C+. I can go for watching these two beat each other up as they know how to make things look physical. Holland is a good power guy and Thatcher is someone who can work well with anyone. You could mix these things up into various combinations and that is the way to keep a story moving for a long time to come.

Post match Ciampa comes in to save Thatcher but Oney Lorcan and the returning Danny Burch runs in for the big beatdown. Holland hits Thatcher in the arm with his club and gets in a shot to the throat as well. This is feeling like the groundwork to WarGames.

Carmelo Hayes is used to facing bigger people but he dubs himself the overdog instead of the underdog. This is a long time coming and he has put in the work to get here. If he wins tonight, it is still one match at a time and he will wind up with gold. Hayes sounds confident on the mic and if he can back it up in the ring with some personality, he should be fine.

Indi Hartwell and Dexter Lumis are ready to get married and have been making sandcastles on the beach. Lumis pulls out a wedding invitation with the wedding set for September 14. Beth: “WE HAVE A DATE!”

Kayden Carter/Kacy Catanzaro vs. Jacy Jayne/Gigi Dolin

Dolin rolls Carter up for two start but gets kicked in the head. Catanzaro and Carter tease double dives to the floor but bounce back in for some dancing. Dolin takes Catanzaro into the corner though and the beatdown is on, with Jayne calling her a little girl. Another shot to the face gets two on Catanzaro but she manages to get over to Carter for the hot tag. House is cleaned for a bit until Carter takes Jayne over to the corner for the neckbreaker/450 combination for the pin at 4:18.

Rating: C-. This was another fine win for Catanzaro and Carter, though calling them the Tik Tok Tag Team and showing their Tik Tok videos before the match doesn’t give me the most hope. They have turned into a pretty nice team over the last few months though and I’m curious to see how their eventual Tag Team Title shot goes.

Raquel Gonzalez knows it isn’t over with Dakota Kai because Kai is that tough. She has been waiting for Kay Lee Ray too and she can bring it. Cue Frankie Monet and company to say she doesn’t wait in line. She’s coming for the shine and the title.

Video on Kay Lee Ray.

We get a sitdown interview with Odyssey Jones, who knew he would get here one day. He just didn’t know how well it would go once he got here. Taking off the football helmet is a big change and his name comes from his energy. He isn’t thinking beyond tonight’s title match because he can’t look beyond Hayes.

Kay Lee Ray vs. Valentina Feroz

Ray goes after the arm to start and lifts Feroz off the mat with the arm cranking. Some forearms have no effect and it’s a gordbuster to drop Feroz again. Ray beats on her in the corner and Feroz’s feathers are falling off. A dropkick slows Ray down but she is right back with a superkick. The Gory Bomb finishes for Ray at 2:53. As it should have been.

Mandy Rose offers Gigi Dolin and Jayce Jane some advance. They shrug and follow her.

Here is new NXT Champion Samoa Joe for a chat. Joe talks about facing the most dominant NXT Champion of all time and taking him down at Takeover. Now he is the first ever three time NXT Champion but he is here to fight instead of celebrating. Someone needs to come out here and face him, so here is Pete Dunne to say he wants the next title match. Go get William Regal and have the match made.

Cue LA Knight to say Joe is running from the only megatstar in NXT and it would have taken him 43 seconds to dust Karrion Kross. He wants to be the first challenger and that means he will be the last challenger. Dunne to Knight: “Take one more step and I swear I’ll break every one of your fingers.”

Now it’s Kyle O’Reilly to say that Samoa Joseph, Peter Dunne and La (pronounced as one word, not two letters) Knight aren’t here to get a title shot. He mentions winning the Undisputed Finale but here is Ridge Holland to jump him from behind. Dunne and Joe are about to fight but Tommaso Ciampa runs in to go after Dunne, though Joe grabs the belt first. Holland comes in to headbutt Ciampa and Joe takes out Knight. I could go for a lot of this.

Cameron Grimes and Ted DiBiase are leaving when Grimes tries to give him the title back. DiBiase says it belongs to Grimes and hands it back…..but he switched it out for a replica and is keeping the real thing as he drives off. Grimes, with a smile: “That Ted DiBiase.” That’s a pretty perfect ending and hopefully they don’t keep the title around now that Grimes has gotten everything he needs out of it.

Duke Hudson jumps Kyle O’Reilly in the back but O’Reilly fights back and they have to be separated.

Breakout Tournament Finals: Carmelo Hayes vs. Odyssey Jones

William Regal is at ringside. The much smaller Hayes gets driven into the corner and sat on top for a bat on the chest. Hayes tries running the ropes but stops when he realizes what is waiting on him. Jones powers him into the corner again and a big toss sends him flying and then rolling out to the floor. Back in and Hayes scores with an enziguri but his springboard is knocked out of the air.

We take a break and come back with Hayes working on the leg in the corner. Jones misses a charge and gets caught in a sleeper to slow the big guy down. The fans are split as Hayes scores with a pump kick and a springboard clothesline but can’t put the big man down. An ax kick gets two on Jones but he is right back with a shoulder breaker. Jones misses a charge into the post though and a top rope ax kick puts him down again. Hayes can’t hit it twice in a row and gets crushed with the splash. That’s not quite enough though as Hayes grabs a crucifix for the pin at 10:32.

Rating: B-. Good showing here from Hayes, who looks very polished every time he is in there. Jones is going to be fine as he can go be an enforcer for just about anyone and make them look better. There wasn’t a bad choice here and both of them will likely be around for a good while to come. NXT needs some fresh talent too so this is something they should be doing.

Post match Regal hands Hayes his contract for a future title shot. Hayes says Jones is no joke but he isn’t sure who he is going to face first. He called his shot here and when he calls his shot, he doesn’t miss.

Pete Dunne, Ridge Holland, Oney Lorcan and Danny Burch are ready to hurt Timothy Thatcher and Tommaso Ciampa.

Boa vs. Xyon Quinn

Boa kicks away in the corner to start but stops to look up at Mei Ying. The distraction lets Quinn hit a forearm for the upset pin at 1:13.

Quinn is smart enough to leave through the crowd instead of walking near Ying.

Johnny Gargano is in William Regal’s office and asks for a favor: stop the Dexter Lumis/Indi Hartwell wedding. They get in an argument over Gargano going nuts and how to pronounce bananas. LA Knight comes in to yell a lot and Regal throws both of them out. Regal: “Buffoons.”

Malcolm Bivens is overseeing a training session with Diamond Mine and the Creed Brothers. Next week, Roderick Strong is issuing another open challenge and he hopes Kushida is watching.

Hit Row vs. Legado del Fantasma

Legado starts the brawl before the bell and Top Dolla is triple teamed until B Fab makes a save. Ashante Adonis and Swerve pull Raul Mendoza and Joaquin Wilde outside and the brawl is on. We settle down to Adonis hitting back to back monkey flips with Mendoza and Wilde being sent outside. A dropkick (which seems to miss) sends Wilde outside and it’s a flapjack on the floor to make it worse.

Legado needs a breather on the floor and we take a break. Back with Swerve caught in the Legado corner for a series of running clotheslines. A suplex drops Scott again and something like the old McGillicutter gets two. Scott counters a sunset flip and gets in a stomp to the chest, allowing the hot tag off to Dolla. Everything breaks down and Dolla carries ALL THREE members of Legado around at the same time (e pluribus gads), setting up a World’s Strongest Wasteland.

Adonis comes back in and gets caught with a double basement dropkick for two. Swerve and Escobar drawl in the ring as Dolla flip dives onto the rest of Legado. That leaves Swerve to 450 Escobar for two but Legado is sent outside. B Fab gets in a slap but here is Electra Lopez to hit B Fab with a pipe. Lopez throws the pipe to Swerve, but it’s a swerve so Escobar can roll him up with tights for the pin at 13:57.

Rating: B. Some of that is for Top Dolla carrying around three grown men at the same time. The action was good throughout and they evened the numbers in the end too. These teams are getting a nice feud going and they could be in for a pretty major match down the line. Keep this thing going, probably including the eventual title showdown with Escobar vs. Swerve.

Overall Rating: B-. This was still the traditional NXT, but there are some new faces showing up. That isn’t a bad thing as NXT has really been needing a freshening up, but they need to get the transitional period down. Overall, a rather fun show with a mixture of stuff to make the two hours and change go by pretty quickly. They have the talent to make this work, but they are going to need to execute it really well over the next few weeks.

Ridge Holland b. Timothy Thatcher – Northern Grit
Kacy Catanzaro/Kayden Carter b. Gigi Dolin/Jacy Jayne – 450/neckbreaker combination to Jayne
Kay Lee Ray b. Valentina Feroz – Gory Bomb
Carmelo Hayes b. Odyssey Jones – Crucifix
Xyon Quinn b. Boa – Forearm
Legado del Fantasma b. Hit Row – Rollup with tights to Scott


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NXT – August 10, 2021: Enjoy It (A Lot) While You Can

Date: August 10, 2021
Location: Capitol Wrestling Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Nigel McGuinness, Vic Joseph

NXT has been the hot topic in wrestling as of late and that very well may be the case again tonight. There are several major changes rumored, but I don’t think we’re going to be seeing them right away. There is a chance something could be shaken up, but I would bet on it being either more gradual or at least after Takeover. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Ember Moon has not been medically cleared tonight so we have a replacement for her scheduled match against Sarray.

Sarray vs. Dakota Kai

Kai promises to make an example out of Sarray on her way to Takeover. They trade arm cranks to start with Sarray getting the better of things. Kai gets taken to the mat for a quickly broken Muta Lock so she fires off some kicks to Sarray’s back to take over. A suplex gives Kai two but she gets pulled into some kind of really cranked half crab. The slow crawl to the rope gets Kai out of trouble so Sarray grabs a fisherman’s suplex for two.

We take a break and come back with Sarray snapping off a German suplex for two more. Another bridging German suplex gets two more and it’s time to scream a lot on the kickout. Kai avoids a charge and hits a running boot in the corner for two. Joseph: “Kai starting to lose her composure.” The composure she had from being on offense for eight seconds?

Kai hits a Scorpion kick but Sarray is right back with the dropkick. The decapitating dropkick in the ropes rocks Kai again but she avoids a second edition. We see Raquel Gonzalez arriving as Sarray gets some rollups for two each. Kai has had enough of this and hits the running kick to the face finishes Sarray at 11:08.

Rating: B-. Good match, though Sarray continues to just exist on the roster. It is way too early to make a determination on her yet, but until she has a feud of some kind, we aren’t going to know what she can do yet. Kai winning makes sense for the title shot though and I’m curious to see how the Takeover match goes.

Post match Kai loads up another kick but Raquel Gonzalez sprints in to chase her off. Gonzalez grabs the mic to say if Kai wanted a shot, all she had to do is ask. She’ll get the shot at Takeover but Gonzalez is going to tear her apart. That was to the point and it worked.

We look back at Dexter Lumis and Indi Hartwell finally getting together last week.

We go to House Gargano, where Johnny Gargano and Candice LeRae are not happy. They have done everything for the Way, even buying this house so they could have their own rooms. The doorbell rings and here is Dexter, with flowers, and without saying a word. As Indi keeps putting on her makeup, Gargano orders Lumis to take her to a nice restaurant and have her back by 10pm. Indi and Dexter leave, with Gargano and LeRae following. Hijinks to follow.

Hit Row isn’t happy with Legado del Fantasma and burn a mask to prove their point.

Here is Ilja Dragunov for the first time in NXT. He talks about putting his rage into everything he has, including his fists. At Takeover, he will make the impossible happen and you will see violence and rage. An unbeatable kingdom will fall and Walter will be defeated for the United Kingdom Champion. Cue Pete Dunne to interrupt and talk about how he carried the UK wrestling scene on his back. He is the real star, but Dragunov says Dunne never could beat Walter. Dragunov will do that at Takeover, but that’s in twelve days. How about tonight, he show Dunne what this is all about? Dunne says Dragunov isn’t making Takeover.

LA Knight doesn’t want to hear about the butler getting attention because Knight is the real star around here. Now put the title on his shoulder already. Cameron Grimes’ spirit dies just a bit more.

LA Knight vs. Andre Chase

Blunt Force Trauma (headlock driver) finishes Chase at 30 seconds.

Post match, Grimes has to wipe Knight down but here is Ted DiBiase to interrupt. DiBiase says that Grimes can do all kinds of things better than being a butler. He believes in Grimes, just like all of these people here. Knight asks what the point here is, but DiBiase thinks Knight needs to put the title on the line one more time. That doesn’t sound good for Knight, but he’ll finally put it on the line, with one condition: if Knight wins, DiBiase is his new butler. Despite Grimes saying no way, DiBiase says that he has a lot of money, and he’s putting it on Grimes.

Gigi Dolin is ready to destroy Io Shirai and drops a rose.

Gigi Dolin vs. Amari Miller

Jacee Jane is here with Dolin, who takes Amari straight into the ropes. A few forearms set up an abdominal stretch….which Dolin snaps down into something like a crucifix bomb for the pin at 2:12. That was a new one.

Dexter Lumis and Indi Hartwell are at the restaurant, where Indi orders half of the menu for appetizers. Then she overhears Candice LeRae on a walkie talkie and throws out LeRae and Johnny Gargano.

Here is William Regal for the face to face between Kyle O’Reilly and Adam Cole (the Undisputed Finale). O’Reilly and Cole come out with security (including Parker Boudreaux) standing guard. Regal says the match is going to be 2/3 falls and they both get to pick a stipulation each.

O’Reilly picks one fall to a finish with only pin or submission, because losing that way would hurt Cole more than anything. Cole picks a street fight, because he needs to hurt O’Reilly. They don’t need to know the third fall because we aren’t getting there. O’Reilly talks about how he learned to go after people from Cole, who doesn’t think O’Reilly has the killer instinct. The brawl is on and Regal says he knew this would happen, so the third fall will be inside a steel cage. As usual with Cole, this took WAY longer than it needed, just like the match will.

Tommaso Ciampa and Timothy Thatcher don’t like Oney Lorcan and Ridge Holland trying to be them. Holland and Lorcan aren’t the two of them but they’ll learn a lesson. School is in session.

MSK interrupts Imperium and mocks their serious style. If Imperium wants the Tag Team Titles, come get them.

Breakout Tournament Semifinals: Odyssey Jones vs. Trey Baxter

The fans are behind Jones here as he throws the smaller Baxter around to start. Baxter gets a foot up in the air but Jones throws him off the top hard. A choke gets Baxter out of trouble for a bit and he nails a spinning kick to the face. Jones avoids a dive off the top though and hits a corner splash. Jones picks him up and spins him into a slam for the pin at 2:53. They kept this quick and more effective here.

Post match, Jones is fired up about his win.

Boa is ready to hurt someone.

William Regal announces some title matches next week: MSK defends the Tag Team Titles against Imperium and Roderick Strong challenges Kushida for the Cruiserweight Title.

Boa vs. Drake Maverick

Mei Ying rises up out of the stage. Boa strikes away to start but Maverick manages a quick hurricanrana in the corner. Back up and Maverick hits a running basement dropkick while seeming to favor his left arm. A big flip dive to the floor drops Boa again but Ying mists Maverick behind the referee’s back. Boa kicks Maverick in the head for the pin at 2:59.

Back to the restaurant, where Dexter has Indi laughing and now it’s time for dessert. Cue Gargano as a waiter in a wig and mustache (Indi doesn’t buy it) to insist that Dexter pay for dinner. The cake goes into Dexter’s face by mistake and Gargano (“See you at home!”) bails. Hartwell eats some icing off of Dexter’s face and covers the camera before the kiss.

Video on Samoa Joe vs. Karrion Kross. Joe wants to end the chaos, which Kross says is Joe wanting to control everything. Kross talks about Joe getting his second chance, but he is ending NXT’s past. Everyone pays the toll. Tick tock.

Pete Dunne vs. Ilja Dragunov

Feeling out process to start with Dragunov going for the grappling but getting his fingers bent back. Dragunov kicks him down and hits a top roe knee for two but Dunne gets in a shot on top. We take a break and come back with Dunne working on the arm. Dunne kicks said arm away but Dragunov strikes away. A suplex is countered into an armbar but Dragunov elbows him in the head, setting up a suplex for two. Dragunov hits a backsplash, followed by more elbows to the head.

Dunne pulls him into a triangle, which is countered into a powerbomb for two. Back up and Dragunov spins out of the finger splitting but the 61Line fails because of the hand. Another suplex is countered into Dunne’s cross armbreaker, which is countered into a bridging suplex for two. The top rope backsplash connects….and here’s Walter. Dunne can’t get the Bitter End but he can counter Torpedo Moscow. Now the Bitter End can finish Dragunov at 14:30.

Rating: B. Oh like this wasn’t going to be good. These guys could have a hard hitting match int heir sleep and be more entertaining than almost anyone else in WWE today and that’s more or less what happened here. The ending was a bit odd as you would have expected Dragunov to get the win but at least it wasn’t a clean loss or something insane like that on the way to a title match, because that would just be stupid.

Post match Walter goes after Dragunov but gets caught with Torpedo Moscow to send him outside. Dragunov holds up the title to end the show.

Overall Rating: B. This felt like an old school NXT and I certainly approve. What mattered here was keeping things moving, which is not something you get to see most of the time around here. The important things, or at least the things in the right spots, got some extra time but a lot of this show was about getting in and out while doing what needed to be done. Very good show this week, but it’s more or less a holding pattern until after Takeover.

Dakota Kai b. Sarray – Running kick in the corner
LA Knight b. Andre Chase – Blunt Force Trauma
Gigi Dolin b. Amari Miller – Abdominal stretch bomb
Odyssey Jones b. Trey Baxter – Spinning slam
Boa b. Drake Maverick – Kick to the head
Pete Dunne b. Ilja Dragunov – Bitter End

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NXT – August 3, 2021: Effectively Logical

Date: August 3, 2021
Location: Capitol Wrestling Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Wade Barrett, Vic Joseph, Beth Phoenix.

We are less than three weeks away from Takeover and after last week, we have a new main event for the show as Samoa Joe will challenge Karrion Kross for the NXT Title. Granted Kross might not mean as much after how things have gone on Monday Night Raw, I’m not sure how much that is going to be worth. Other than that, more things will be happening. Let’s get to it.

Here are last week’s results if you need a recap.

Opening recap.

Legado del Fantasma vs. Hit Row

Santos Escobar and the rest of Hit Row is at ringside. It’s a brawl to start with Legado being knocked outside until Mendoza and Adonis slug it out inside. A whip into the corner takes Mendoza down and a neckbreaker makes it worse. Top Dolla comes in to throw people around, including running both of them over. Hold on though as Escobar gets up for a distraction, allowing Mendoza to low bridge Adonis to the floor.

We take a break and come back with Adonis getting planted with a double spinebuster into a chinlock. Back up and some running clotheslines in the corner set up a moonsault for two. Mendoza’s chinlock doesn’t last long either as Adonis gets up for a dropkick. That’s enough for the hot tag off to Dolla to clean house. Legado is rocked but Escobar hits Dolla in the back with a chair for the DQ at 10:52.

Rating: C+. It was nice while it lasted but they were smart to not have a definitive ending here. This is all but guaranteed to have some kind of a big match at Takeover (or maybe even two of them) so there was zero reason to have a clean fall here. Hit Row shouldn’t be losing, but you also don’t want Legado taking another loss until it’s on a big stage. The ending might be annoying, but it was the right call.

Post match the beatdown is on with Escobar stealing Swerve’s grill. The Pillmanizing of the neck is broken up though and Dolla sends Legado running. Escobar still has the grill.

William Regal tells Samoa Joe to not get physical until Takeover.

We look back at the return of Ridge Holland last week to wreck Tommaso Ciampa and Timothy Thatcher.

Dexter Lumis is drawing INDEX over and over.

Ridge Holland vs. Ikemen Jiro

Pete Dunne and Oney Lorcan are here too. An uppercut drops Jiro in a hurry and we’re already off to a chinlock. Jiro fights up but gets knocked outside in a hurry. The big tackle sends Jiro hard into the barricade, allowing Holland to take off the jacket, which is high treason against Jiro. A headbutt into Northern Grit finishes Jiro at 3:12.

Rating: C. This was all it needed to be as Holland destroyed someone with a minor name. Holland is going to need ring time after being gone for so long (and not being around that long before he was put on the shelf). Holland is a monster who can wreck people for a good while while he develops and that should work fine for the time being.

Post match Pete Dunne says they’re ready to destroy Timothy Thatcher and Tommaso Ciampa, because Holland is a real man.

Frankie Monet blames Robert Stone for her loss last week. The Robert Stone Brand is used to losing but that is not what she does. Stone seems to accept responsibility as Monet and Jessi Kamea leave.

Video on Roderick Strong vs. Bobby Fish.

Video on Trey Baxter, who is All Heart.

Roderick Strong vs. Bobby Fish

The rest of the Diamond Mine is here too. They go technical to start with Fish grabbing a headlock into a suplex to take Strong down. The grappling on the mat goes to Strong until he lands a kick to the chest. Fish is fine enough to take him into the corner as Malcolm Bivens is looking worried on the floor. Strong gets knocked to the apron and we take a break.

Back with Strong taking him down for another chinlock but Fish fights up again. A fish hook gives Fish a breather and it’s time to strike away at Strong. Some chops stagger Fish and a belly to back faceplant puts him down again. Fish is back with a rollup for two but Strong knees him in the face. End of Heartache finishes Fish at 12:45.

Rating: C+. Only way this one could have gone as Fish isn’t going to win any important match right now. Strong seems to be on the rise and a Cruiserweight Title match against Kushida at Takeover would make sense. You almost have to get the Fish match out of the way though and it gives Strong a nice win on the way there.

Cameron Grimes is ready for the tag match tonight but LA Knight wants him to be more serious. Grimes promises to be there for him and Knight will have his back too. For now though, Grimes has a boot to polish.

Grizzled Young Veterans vs. Cameron Grimes/LA Knight

Grimes is still in his tuxedo. Before the match, the Veterans say they don’t like Grimes and Knight and want them out of their way. Grimes and Gibson start things off but it’s quickly off to Knight, who gets caught with a clothesline. Drake comes in to forearm away but a neckbreaker gets Knight out of trouble. It’s back to Grimes, who gets distracted by Knight and taken into the wrong corner.

Grimes manages to backdrop his way out of trouble but Knight walks off, saying Grimes can do this on his own. That’s fine with Grimes, who takes off the gloves and sends the Veterans into each other. A double hurricanrana puts the Veterans on the floor and Grimes snaps off the flipping powerslam for two on Drake. Gibson comes back in though and it’s the Ticket To Mayhem for the pin at 4:42.

Rating: C. This was angle advancement and that’s fine. The big blowoff match is coming at Takeover and that is the right way to go for Grimes and Knight. Grimes needs to get the big win and probably will, which will be even better now that they have put in the effort like this. The Veterans even got to win something for a bonus too!

Post match Ted DiBiase comes out to say that Grimes is a man of his word, but he needs to find a way out of this.

Video on Samoa Joe.

We look back at Dakota Kai turning on Raquel Gonzalez last week.

Dakota Kai talks about how she found Raquel Gonzalez and helped bring her up. They were friends and partners, but it was all Kai’s doing. Then Io Shirai gave Gonzalez the Women’s Title shot at Takeover: Stand & Deliver and won the title. That should have been Kai’s, because she plucked Gonzalez out of security. Kai is more than Gonzalez’s sidekick and the only opportunity should be hers. How does it feel knowing that the person standing next to you is about to kick your head off? Kai brought her into this world and now she is going to take her out of it by winning the Women’s Title. Logical explanation.

Johnny Gargano and Candice LeRae are sick of Dexter Lumis messing with the Way. Tonight, Gargano is ending InDex for good.

Joe Gacy won’t be controlled until he wins the Breakout Tournament. After that, sure why not.

Adam Cole has a neck injury after last week’s attack at the hands of Kyle O’Reilly. We look at the attack again.

Breakout Tournament First Round: Trey Baxter vs. Joe Gacy

The smaller Baxter tries a waistlock to start but gets thrown into the corner for his efforts. A dropkick puts Gacy on the floor but he catches a dive by sending Baxter into the ropes. That lets Gacy knock Baxter silly again and we hit the neck crank back inside. Baxter reverses into a quickly broken choke and Gacy suplexes him down for two. The neck crank is on again but Baxter escapes just as quickly.

A missile dropkick sends Gacy outside and this time the suicide dive works. Back in and a slingshot splash gets two but Gacy sends him into the corner for a Cannonball. Gacy takes him up but Baxter slips off and sends him into the ropes. Baxter hits a quick middle rope 450 stomp (or maybe he just didn’t rotate properly) for the pin at 5:11.

Rating: C+. I liked what we got here but Baxter needs to either pick a 450 or a stomp because it was messy enough that I couldn’t really tell what he was trying. At the same time, Gacy winning would have been nice as the roster could use someone built like him rather than another cruiserweight style guy. Baxter was good though and will be fine as an appetizer for Odyssey Jones in the semifinals.

Zoey Stark and Io Shirai get sushi and Stark is rather confused/disgusted. Food is thrown away when Shirai isn’t looking and Stark gets stuck with the bill. Shirai hugs the waitress, who says they don’t know each other but speak the same language. The two of them leave and Stark is somewhere between annoyed and disgusted by the food.

Indi Hartwell wishes the Way would give Dexter Lumis a chance because he isn’t a bad guy. Tonight, we’ll see how much he cares.

Commentary talks about Johnny Gargano vs. Dexter Lumis but Karrion Kross interrupts to stand on the announcers’ table and call out Samoa Joe. Cue Joe, who fights through security and chokes one of them out but Kross has escaped. Joe shouts a lot.

We get the Prime Target video on Ilja Dragunov vs. Walter II. They beat each other so horribly in the first match and everyone is talking about it. Dragunov talks about how angry and aggressive he has been since the first match because he knows something was missing. The rematch will take place at Takeover, and Walter says he is unbeatable on his best day. Dragunov says he has the stamina and mental toughness, which is why he can take the title. We see clips from the press conference with Dragunov getting in Walter’s head as he’s smarter this time around. This is going to be awesome.

Kushida says of course Roderick Strong can have a Cruiserweight Title shot.

Dexter Lumis vs. Johnny Gargano

Love Her Or Leave Her, which technically means the winner gets Indi Hartwell. Gargano shouts about how Lumis has to go through him to get her and starts in on the arm. Lumis is back up with a dropkick but gets sent outside as Hartwell comes out. The distraction lets Lumis get in a Thesz press back inside to hammer away and slowly stalk Gargano in the corner. Gargano is back up to knock Lumis outside, with Lumis going under the ring. Hartwell goes after him so here is Candice LeRae to help pull her out….with her hands interlocked with Lumis’.

We take a break and come back with Gargano winning a slugout but getting caught in a spinebuster. The Silence is broken up with Lumis being elbowed to the floor. Gargano hits his suicide dive and yells at Beth Phoenix, with the distraction allowing Lumis to block the slingshot spear. A slingshot Falcon Arrow gives Lumis two but Gargano’s superkick gets the same. Lumis runs him over again but misses the springboard elbow. The Gargano Escape goes on until Lumis reaches out to Hartwell/the rope for the break. Lumis’ rollup gets two and the kickout sends him into Hartwell. One Final Beat finishes Lumis at 12:53.

Rating: C. I was getting into the love conquers all story and you know this isn’t going to be the end of the thing. It’s a fine enough story, but Lumis is still not doing anything for me for the most part. This isn’t exactly the most thrilling stuff, but Beth being so into the romance thing and Hartwell in general are making it work well enough. Just…please find something to make Lumis more interesting somehow.

Post match Hartwell goes to leave with the Way but then runs back and dives on Lumis for the big kiss as Beth Phoenix screams about InDex to end the show. Makes enough sense (while not doing much for the stipulation), as Hartwell never said she was leaving anyone.

Overall Rating: C+. Nothing really jumped off the page here but it was an easy to swallow use of two hours. The good thing is you can see almost all of (if not all of) Takeover from here. NXT knows how to set up a card and then make it come into reality. That’s what they did a lot of here, making it more efficient/important than good.

It’s also nice to see how logical things are around here. There might be some things that don’t make a ton of sense at first, but NXT knows how to tie them together. It is such a jarring change of pace from Raw, where things seem like they are happening at random and if they can be made somewhat coherent later, so be it then. NXT feels like they have this planned out and that can make all kinds of difference.

Hit Row b. Legado del Fantasma via DQ when Santos Escobar interfered
Ridge Holland b. Ikemen Jiro – Northern Grit
Roderick Strong b. Bobby Fish – End of Heartache
Grizzled Young Veterans b. Cameron Grimes/LA Knight – Ticket to Mayhem to Grimes
Trey Baxter b. Joe Gacy – Middle rope 450 stomp
Johnny Gargano b. Dexter Lumis – One Final Beat




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